University of South Carolina Libraries
^HH^^HHH^I^^P^ptAl^^eh, lit Bruihy ^^^ HjHBMHjUHHHMynr of hie age, and ^ HBM^9ppnB!)?H|^K'f>h>fM*,bn b? made.? BflHHHHKlwei^'V of bit country ; h% . UuU--"i jd fo the Ifllh South Carolina ii^WiB'Wiloi a'y "'BPwff W*' *? ever7 battle that hia ^WjawMMaawgagod in, until June, 1894; iK^AfMPoh picket, near Atlanta, he reHHHp HKRNround from a minute ball, entering BbWk- Ilia right are, pawing under it BSSBrc iMWgBr ,fc Out, lodging in the top of hia KySllid,bulging hia skull considerably. He flniP^': * nf4quently complained of hia head, but kept K> until the day of his death, looking to oe 7 jE perfect health; be woe confined to his gstipved only a fear hours before his death, no pap-ii-i* W?. -?doubi died from the wound, as the ball had ^HMHnMHM|^ably in hie head. Hi. iearea a Bp, ' Smte* wlto~-heving been married only four J fnoatns?and afflicted parents, having lost '^0' two sous mod one son in-law in the army, St*-"- brother*, sisters, end nuroerona friend* and |/f: Jp"- relational* nvoura their loea; but, no doubt, K, ?,ei >r Iota la bis gain, as he was an obedieol child, a good neighbor, Christian, and a PTbe writer of thla article witnessed Ms twrlal at Rocky Creek Ohnreh, whioh was Attended by a Urge conoouree of people, n wad be never saw more solemnity prcvade tn any congregation, for every eye seemed to drop a tear; but he'rests from hie labors tfd hie works will follow him. < H. M. S. . Religion* Services, Sunday, 17th M&roh. Baptist Choreh.?Rev, Mr. Thomas. Methodist " M " IIvmrkrt. Episcopal " ?' " Cjpkb*. 1'resbyterlsn " ?* . Buist. Prayer Meetings ' held' in the Baptist Ohurcn* every Thurs lay, 7, P. M.; Metho. diet Church, every Wednesday, 7. I*. M.; Presbyterian Church, every Wednesday, 4, P. M. GREENVILLE rRICES CURRENT. *\ corrkctki) wkkklt, bt GRADY, FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE, S. C., MAROM 13, 1807. ^ APPLES, Dried, bushel, $2 00 BACON, ? U It ? 1? r. BALE ROPE, lb. 3ft e. BLUE STONE, & lb - 20 r. BAOGINO, Gunny, Tft yard, 45 o. BUTTER, ^ lt> 20 ? 2ft e. BEESWAX, lb..... 20 c. BRANDY, Peach, gallon, _..$t 00 OHICKEN8, bead,..., 20 ? 2ft c. COTTON, ? lo.,...... 22 n. COKFKK. A n. Rtn at ?? - " "* 44 Java -(We. CORN, ? bash el, fl.HO > " - CANDLES, ft lb., Adamantine, HO <. >'? " " Sperm, 60 e. ? 44 ? Tallow .......... 30 e. - . .? COPPBRA8, ft lb., English 10 c* " " " North Carolina, none. EOQS, ? daien, 12} c. FLOUR, ft barrel, fl? 00 (g $18 00 ?} GOLD ? fl 35 UIN11ER, ft lb......-,*. 60 c. (RON, Sweed, ft lb 121 e. *. Country, ^ lb'.,. 8 e. . .. " Horse Shoe, ^ lb.. ?,... 10 r. WWOO, feontli Carolina, ft lb $2 00 ? . Spanish Float, " ? 2 25 ? JilJMRKe, Pine, 100 feet,....fl 50 ($ $2 00 *. LEAD, ft lb 20 <. LEATHER, Solo, ft lb 50 r. * Upper, " CO @ 70 e. - MADDER, V #> 25 r. MOLASSES, West India, %Vgal $100 ' NAILS, ft Th. Parker Mill 12ic. 44 Horse, R lb, 50 e, OATS, ft bustaol,., .s. 80 c. - r- , PEAS, - 44 ...fl 50 PORK, 1$ ?, net, 10 ?. : -POWDER,# th " 75 c. TOPPER, ?Uefc, ft ft 50 < . PEACHES, Dried, ft bushel t $2 00 POTATOES, Sweet, ft buehel,.? 41 00 44 Irish, 44 44 1 00 BTCE, ft lb 20 e. STKKL, Cast, ft lb , ; 35 c. SALT, Liverpool/# sack,-.- f5 00 " ' bushel,. f I 50 ' ' BUOAIt, Brown,T& lb ?1? @ 20 c. 44 -Clarified, ft lb- - 05 r. SHOT, ft lb - 20 e. ^ SODA, ft tb........ 20 e. .r STARCH, ft tb - 20 c. SPICE, ^ lb?s - ?i ... 50 c. oniii(in<?, T* y<1? 25 <*. . v : TURKIES, Vt bead,.,?...75 a. <& $1 00 TOBACCO, Manufactured, lb, 60c. (a, $2 00 TALLOW, ^ lb _!.. 10 c. TEA, Gunpowder, ^ $2 25 M Hyson, " *? $2 25 - Black,' " " $2 00 <& $2 50 WHBAT, ? bushel,..'. 00 WHISKY, gallon $3 00 YARN, Factory, ^ l.unch, $2 50 (,,, $2 75 I1BI All Ifll-EXPLOSIVB KEROSENE OIL. JITST RECEIVED and fof sale at WALTER A WESTMORELAND'S, liar 14 43 tt Notico . / A LL Persona having Annual or Mortthly - RETURNS to mako to the Assistant Assessor ot the 24th Division, Lower Regiment, 8d Collection I)ietriot,S. 0., will call . *- at the Geodlett House, room immediately over the Post Office, whither the Office has recently been removod. J 21). HUDSON 8MITII, ' , 'yAes't Ass'r, 24th Dir., ltd Col. DieL Creenvllu, S-.O-i Wareh 8th, 1867. " 4* _ _ "OAVJD & 8TBA2r.BT> . . fORWARDING AND eOMM|S?:W MERCHANTS, j ~ *** _ Dealcri in Grooerfes and Provisions. I 'P IN DL R T 0 N STREET, ? XJBAB TBI DEPOT. ? Msrl-t - .4% tf | STATS or SOUTH CAROLINA. URft^TftUlfDlSl'ltlCT. ? WriVef Fieri Fa- I lV '<"<!? to mo SNeltiLI n8t soil, at the reaidenee or Mn. JAlllfc 8.-PKDKN, near Fairriew, on Tuesday aftw aaleaJlaji Ift April, at (he hour of 12 o'clock, M* the following Paraonal Proporty, to wit.: ' I Mora# Power, 1 T.og Chain, 1 largo Tnol Chert, 4 Shot Oona, 4 Rifle#, 1 Musket, S Plitola, 13 panel* Iron-Fencing and 21 P(M>ta,i lot Round Iron, 1 Mortar, 1 Half-buahel ineaanro, l?lPaoh Pot, 1 Or?v crop of growing j * . , Wheat about ten acre a, .1 Window Curtains, I \ Wheat Fan, 1 Dairy, 3 Jug*, lot iron fencing Knob*, 1 pair Hand CufTa, Lorled on aa the property of Darid Boyd, at tho ault of Jamea f\ I'odeo, deceaaed. W. t SHUMATE, S. O. D. ShrriiTa OUJec, March 14th, * ' Ji?r M .. ? v 3 ?.N r-i"." .. ? # h> Z *. -. . . . * ;; * > jjjp* g ' - -" - 'y '*"1^ -"As *" ^y/ytlttligrM^fvr^fi& "'* ?x8" in* ?*t, ^ . "*'"?- " ',, L PHOTOGRAHIS. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIM&3.. i? hl :r a uu m n wi ?i>*. *s< sr? ?a * H TAKES pleasure in Announcing to his patron*, and the public in general, that he has established toe following Kates for his PHOTOGRAPHS and AMBKOTYPES, via.t Cards or Viffnettei, (Ordinary Siae.) For a Single Picture, |l 00 , a - * 1 60 ? J dox. " 2 60 "1 " " 4 60 The above HANDSOMELY COLORED, if desired. . ." AMBROTYPES, In every variety of style; or inserted in MEDALLIONS, from 60 cts t? fl 60. The abhve Picture* wAsrauted not to fade, hnd-superior to any pictures taken in Greenville. Specimens msy be seen at Dr*. Waltkr A Wkstmoneland's Store, and at niv ROOMS, opposite tlio Mansion House, and adjoining Mr. Julius C. Smith's Auction Rooms. Mar 14 - 43 2eow ' ~ s. S . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. T")Y VIRTUE of a Decretal Order from JL J the Court of Ordinary, for Greenville District, I will expose for sale, at public ont.-cry, to the highest bMdor,' on the firnt Monthly tn April next, the follow lug TK ACT of LAND, viz.: * Allfhat pieoe, parcel nnd Tract of Land situated in Greenville District,h>n waters of branches of North and South Pncolel Riv ere. bontvded by Innda of Mot'lne, Earle, O'Bhielday nnd others, and containing two hundred and sixty-three acre*, more or less, sold as the property of JAMES MOSS, deceased, for partition among the Heirs. Ticbms.?A credit of twelve months, witb' i Interest from day of sale; for nil, except so much as will pay the costs, which will be rt quired in cash. I'urchusers to give Bond with ?ood security, and a mortgage of the premises, if deetncd necessary to the Ordinary, to seeurs the payment of (he purchase money. Purchasers to pay for titles. W. t. SHUMATE, a g.d. Sheriff's Office, 11th March, 1807 _ Mar 14 42 , 8 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. D0UT1II1\ Etquire, Ordinary of said District. "1T|7 HERE AS, JAMES P. MOORE has 1 f filed a Petition iu my Office, praying that Le.tters of Administration on all and singular.the goods and chattels, rights and credi'8 of CHARLES SCYON, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to hiro. l"hrxe are, therefore, to eile and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to he holden at Greenville Court Ilohse, &n the 2id day of April next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. a j. DouxniT, o. g. d. Ordinary's Office, 12'h March, 1807. Mar 14 - 42 G v STATE OF 80TJTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By 8. J. DOUTJIIT, 'Enquire, Ordinary of *ai(i Divtrict. WII EREAS, Jas. P. Moore, O.E.G.D., has filed a Petition lr? my Office, praying that Letters of Administration*on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of THOMAS J. AUSTIN, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. , . ' "" v" Three are, therefore, to cits nn?l admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear In the-Court of Ordinary for said District, to he holden at Greenville .Ooijrt. House, on the 21d day of A pril next to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. 8. J. D0UTH1T, O. O.-D. Ordlnarv's Office, 12lh March, 1867,"^ Mar 14 ' . 42 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CfRBENVtLLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTIHT, fyqnire, Ordinary of ' naid Dietriet. s . WHEREAS, Robert League has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all and eingu lar the goods an^ chattels, rights an I credits of U ILLIAM J. CO.\, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. Three are, therefore., to eito and admonish all ?nd singular the kindred and creditors of tho said deceased, to bo and appear in at- r* ? * - -* * " me vyoori oi uruinary for said District, to be hnhlen at Greenville Court JI?n?e, on |be' lfl/A day of Afnrch in ft., to show onnise, if aajV^hy the said Administration should not be g? aC'cd. ; S, J D0UTI1IT, O. O. ix Orni^ary's Ofticv", 3*' March, 1807. March 7 , i' v * state of south carolina, GHERS ?'//. LE DI&THWT. By S. J. rSO I'Til IT, Ksquirt, Ordinary of , Mid District. WHEREAS, F, P. KEWBY has filed ? Fetillon iir pyt office, praying thnt I*eftera of A\Jmint*traiiin on all ami singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Wll.MAlf NJBWRY, late of the Dlrirld aforesaid, deceased, should be 'granted to him". Tht*e1tre, thertforr, to cite and admonish all and singular tha kindred and creditors | of the eabldeceased, to be and appear in the Court Of Or?U?*rV (or anio /District, t?? he holden at Greenville Coutt House, on the 1 Hth day of March, fas/.-, to show eayise, if any, why the said A Jministmih.n should not he granted. 8 j. DouTrfrr. p.o. P. * Odinary'a Office, 4th Maroh, 1807 MarcO 7 a Jl 'J ? . / - ' ' . ; i t ' ? vHcAi AT T. B BESTS' BttlCT: ifSSs T HAVE on html, end |0T be receiving JL every week Additions to my st >ek, the following GOODS, lo wlF.: Lad lee'. Gentlemen's, Wipes', Boys' and Children's SHOES Shoe LAt'ETS, linen and cotton . Nole end Letter PAPKft. fine v fy Fine -White ENVELOPES OOFPEE. HUGAR, TEA, SODA V PEPPER, SFtOE, GINGER ^ ^ ** \ vurrDROjii iiir^Aju r^Ai.ia ? TOBACCO. CORN. BACON on Veuiaon HAMS, Km. Coffee th, Tine ClUAKH. de Buttons, hooks and eyes, iiai* tins 0? Sr-ed Irieh POTATOES, APPLES at COTTON YAUN. by In a few days I elinll be receiving addi- |H< tions to my present Stock. Persons wishing any of tbe above articles, wilt do well pj| to call and examine before buying, for bur- *ei gains can b* bought nt this place. be nr I will baiter for Corn, Bacon, But- w) ter, Eggs, Lard, Chickens, Ac. *tn K. L. BURN. ci Ma rob 7 th, 1867. 41-tf Cc CAUBLE & MJTESJ First Door A bovo Cauble's Shop, main street, th HAVE juat opened a splendid Assortmentof T " re NEW GaQDS, : : ? Which the public are respectfully Invited G< to call and exuuiine. The STOCK com- ot prises k .* re dry goods, s: -GROCERIES, Hardware, ? Crockery, !!; Glassware, Z Cutlery, ,n C fa31ily medic1ne8.&c or The highest market prieo paid for I COUNTRY PRODUCE, in Cash or Barter. . Mar 7 41 tf Notes and Accounts of Brooks. Scruggs & Gibson, Assigned to Jas. t<S. Brook*. ~ . n r 'T* IIaVE just received f??r Collection u A these NOTES and ACCOUNTS, ami re- yf quest nil persona indebted to the Firm, to t? call, without delay, to make settlemeuta and payuivnti*. 0. K. TOW NFS. Alloruey at March Cth. 1867.' 41-tf To Hire at. Low Pricos. C A TtVO HORSF. WAGON and TEAM, _ with drix-or, l>y tbo day, j?b, or week. . J NO. I>. ASHMOi'H. * Meruit 5th, !?67. V Mar 7-41 REMOVAL. I HAVE removed from Roberta' New Brick Store, to Col. DAVID HOKE'S old atnnd, one door South of the new Court < HotfSe, where I keep constantly on hand t the following, with many other article?, to wit f hi ON HAND: . ^ ?. Fre>h Kuiaina Soda Ct ackers Citron, Soda , J, Guh Powder, F. F. F., Shot Kaco Ginger, cheap _ A largo variety of Sugars, from 10 to 23 eta per ponnd Fine Assortment of Tablo Teaa / Cutlery, a variety * Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under ag Shirts . Linens, Diapers, and Cassimerea or Towelling, Spelling Books, Slates Collins' Axes Wood Screws Soda nnd Hotter Crackers * ~ Pockets, Pail^ Brooms, Brushes, Ilair Bru-hes, Blacking Brushes Spades, ShoVelt . N irv ltallimore Sugar Cored Hams Vi Copera*, Candles, Ginger, Indigo ^'r Lead, Madder, Nails Iiice, Slarcli Tobacco, Factory Yarn. th Allspice, cheap ty Lick let, assorted. 60 cla h,J Smoking Tobacco J'' Currants Black Pepper . . - hr 0 Boxes Cl?ee?fl - gr English Dairy Chee?e Oysters, 60 cts per box ^ Candy, 60 cfs per lb . , . 8hi Lagoy ra and Rio Coffees. lai JUST ARRIVED. ^ " ' Z Fancy Trints - r Bareges v " 1 Dress Trimmings ; \ ] Flannels, lied and White Spool Cotton, rfrssorled - Heavy Brown and Bleached Shirt inrja and sheetings q0 Braids Linen C. Ilunkerchiefa ^ Il'-ul Netts 1 Ladies and Oents gloves ' ag Morocco Belt* \ % > Brown and Bleached Drills ^ - Button#, assorted wh Scovell'a Steel Iloes, assorted sizes 1 and qualities < Id* Knives mtd Foiks t v # ( l'ocfcel Knives, splendid assort- *?? metii, cheap 't i 1 Wire Seives The above ^oods are *?ld at (lie lowest ' possible profit* for cash, or country nro- ? sn?t T am receiving, every week, from Baltimore, Near York, and other markets, fresh-supplies, which I Intend tpa?.H at prices A to suit time*. My Ooodj arc bought en- 11 tlrely for nett cash, and can. consequently, '|tr be sold at lpwer figure* than those that are ''l" .time, ho "rarer *host, JOHN D. ASJUfOllK. ] vTebJft . *! ] A * * * ' Mt/^A) W* *' hi J? HW ^lL n ^ - ? nit r.xctllency, JAMAH Jj. VKK, (Joternor of South Carotina. VHEREA8, informatior has bsen winntonicaled to this Department that cries ol outrages have been perpetrated sundry person*, whit* and colored, in s Districts of Laurens, OreeuvHIe, An-r?o.i and Abbeville, by three desperate tlsws, to wit: ? Brown, known as TexBrown, by ? Snblvan, ot Lauren*, and ? Burkett, alias Burkhend, alias Walso, wherein the livcaof many person* have en threatened and the property of others llnged; nnd whereas it1 has been reproiiled that Elias Brown, a freedman, has en murdered by the two former ; and lereas the arid Brown committed nn as nit and battery on'the "p^r^n of Lewis ark. a freedman, with intent to kill, nt kesbnry, fl. C. J and whereas the said own, Sullivan and Burkett, alias Wal:e, perpetrated a daring robbery upon ?sie French, a citizen of Greenville, S. C.; d whereas the sa'ul Brown and Burkett vaulted, with intent to kill, sundry chins of Anderson District; and whereas ete desperate outlaws have committed lier acts of rapine, plunder and outrage, d have thus far eluded and avoided arst by the civil ahthorities for their mani Id crimes : Now, know ye, that I, JAMES L. ORB. mrnor and Commander in-Chief in and er the State aforesaid, do hereby offer n ward of NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS r the arrest and safe delivery of the snid rown, Sullivan and Burkett in any jail in is State, or THREE HUNDRED DOL\RS for either of iham. All Sheriffs, Constables, Mn;;i*trates nnd 1 other officer* of the State, civil and miltry, are herehv commanded and required use every exertion to secure the arrest of e parties aforesaid, to the end that the ws of this State may be maintained and ese outlaws brought to condign punishBnt. witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the seal of the State to be affixed, nt the U s.]city of Columbia, iliis twenty second day -of February, A. 1)., 18G7, nnd in the ninety first year of the inde1 pendence of the United Stales ol America. JAMES L. ORR. Governor. Eu.tsox Cai-kus, Secretary of State. Feb 28 * 40 ~ - 3 53T Kdg field Advertiser. Anderson Inhigenccr. Abbeville Press and Banner, iekens Courier. Greenville Mountaineei id Enterprise, Newberry Herald, Isnrem erald, and tbo Augn*ta Chronicle and T.iinrl, copy three times and forward bill) Executive office. c NORTH CAROLINA 'ABBAGE SEED, 7* ROM BUNCOMBE, warranted FURI ? and FRESH. D.vVlD A- ST RAT) LEY, Opposite Depot. Feb T4 33 lin I)U. ANDERSON JgTTSfc RESPECTFULLY inform fy<S^aSy the cititcns of Grcenriile am ^LT_t_T_T vicinity, that since the fire h< u> opened his OFFICE next door to his rcsi nee, just in the rear of Messrs. David J TMllcy, where bo is prepared to praetici DENTAL SURGERY both its branches, operative und mcebuni 1. for the VAU/I only. Feb U 83 tf Notice. VLL parties indebted to the Estate of Mrs CHRISTIANA 11. TALBIR1), wil akc payment: and all parties having claim; [ainst the Estate, will present thein properly tested, wlthiu three month?, to the Executor ItANKLlN TAL11IRD, nt Beaufort, S. C. to us at Greenville, S. C. GO0DLETT A THOMAS, Attorneys ) l.iir January 1st, ISA*. - 32 Sua Notice. 5 hereby given that, in future nn persons, black or white, Vill he permitted to be lerrcd iu tlie giave yard near Greentille llagn, known as the negro burying on rid, now owned by myself, and others, 1 whom I nm authorised to act. All persons tire notified that in future ay will not be allowed, under the penal of the law, to enter upon, and go through, f premises, lying on Reedy River and chland Creek, near Greenville Village, r fishing, hunting, or any other purpose. 1 have understood that persons have en purchasing fire wood from certain nenes arid hauling it from lands under my nrge. This is to notify them and all otht, ihat I have no negro agents for selling iod, and that in future if any persons all purchase and haul wood from said id, I will hold them responsible as I reassert, unless they purchase the same from For any violation of the foregoing notice, ball enforce the law. M'if. CIIOICR. 14'- , 89 tf MILL'S HOUSE. rner of Meeting and Queen Streets. CHARLESTON, 8. C. Ala Tins well known FTP ST CLASS HOTEL hn* jviHt ?rnSL been thoroughly repaired, rce'l mid re-furnished, nnil is now ready for aeeoniraodation of the travelling public, ?>so patronage is respectfully solicited, defchants visiting the city, nre respectfully Itcdj 1-1 very accommodation will be offerthem. . Joaclios always in readiness toeonvey passers td and from tho Jlotol. foe Proprietor promises to do all in bis powtor tho comfort of hi* guests. JOSKriI PFKOELt, Proprietor. 7eb 21 3f? A - > . tf Fair Notice.tjtj P.VJlTtKH indebted to the Estate of It. JOHN L. fll'I'SOJJ, deceased, are re mted to make Immediate payment, as no ger indulgence will be given. W. A. 11CIMON, Admistrator.FYbrnary 2ff, 1??7^ i!'whdW?* * 40 3 A TTENTI05 i( o?Hed to the entirely HBW 1^ J\_ end deairableSTOCK ol FAMILY QRO. t'ERIKS and DRY GOODS, now to bo found at ^ THOMAS STEEN'S j NEW STORE, FORM Kit LT OWCPIKD BT MCDAVID 4 DUXOAX, g Kaix Stout, ORF.B.t vin.B, . o. \ This STOCK U well selected, and comprises all the best, and most desirablo goods o mi ally loqnd In a first claxr GROCERY and PROVISION STORE. Also, a good variety of ~ DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CA8S1MEKKS, HATS, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Jan 81 ^ 38 if ... 1 T)KOWN sugars 1) Crushed SUGAR Pulverised SUGARS - ' r Pine Trinidad MOLASSES Fine 8ngar House SYRUPY ' * For Sale by TII0MA8 RTEEN, At the old stand of.McDavid A Duncan. Jsn 31 SO tf Coffee. *' 1 10, by tbo Sack or by the ponnd XL JAVA, fine old Government . LAGLYRA pSS" For sale at the lowest cash prices by TTIOMA8 StEKN, \ At tbo old stand of McDarid A Duncan. Jan 81 38 tf Tea?Green and Black. Touxa IIYSON MOYUNE GUNPOWDER Superior OOLONG , i English 1JRKAKFAST All of which' arc verv finc,"*nnd for salo by THOMAS STERN, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 .80 * tf Cheese. TENGLISH DAIRY GOSHEN FACTORY ? For snlo by THOMAS STEEX, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 3t 38 tf Dress Goods. j Wf 0R8TKD PLAIDS . ' ] >V DK LANES ] CRBTOUNS CIIALLTS LUSTRES All Wool DEL AXES, Ac. ( Optra FLANNELS, Fancy COLORS lle?l and Whit? Weigh FLANNEL Spotted FLANNELS For sale by 11 THOMAS STF.F.N, i J At tho old stand of Me David A Duncan. 1 J an 31 3(1 tf Domestics. SHIRTINGS, Brown and Blenched BdEETINdS, Brown and Bleached For sale by THOMAS STEEN, At tho old stand of McDnvid A Duuenn. I Jun 31 > 3(1 tf Linens. TABLE LINENS. 7-R quarter# Kino Irish LINEN Itoeknback DIAPER Birds' Eye DIAPER For galo by THOMA3 8TEEN. At the old stand of MeDavid A Duncan, g Jan 31 36 tf Shoos. t TTTOMENS PEGGED BOOTEES s YV Ladies Pegged and Sowed BALMORALS Misses Pegged BOOTEES . Boys nnd Children* SHOES Mens BltOGANS,South Carolina Miuto VAt.. For gale by THOMAS STEEN. At the old stand of MeDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 86 tf ONE FINK One horse CARRIAGE. For sale by ? ' THOMAS STEEN, J At the old stand of MeDavid A Duncan. ONE FINE BUGGY, without top. lo complete order tW For sale By THOMAS STEEN, /vi inc tnu siami 01 .vicj ?nvl?J Urnoan. Hoes. "O HADE'S 10 2 HO HOES .1.) Hrndt's Cfown IIOES El well's Tlright (T. S. HOES El well'* 1 0 2 00 DOES A nd other knida at the lowrtt priret. ' Ci?~ For sale I>y THOMAS STEEN, 1 At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Cotton Cards. SARGENT'S WWTTEMOItE, No. 10, , _ and other Mamifacluters. i tar For sale by THOMAS STEEN, i At the old stand of McDavid A Dunein. | TfXTRA NEW-niJLEED 1IUCK- ! jL^J WHEAT, in quantities to suit pui- I chasers. , For sale by i Thomas stfen, < At. the old stand of McDavid <fc Duncan. ( Nails. A SPORTED SIZES, by the KEfl or PolJNI>, at THOMAS RTEKN'S, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan M 38 If Orindstonos. TTUXK NOVA SCOTIA OR it 1 For sale by THOMAS STEEN, ? At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. < Jon 81 a? tf ? Mill SpindloONE SET MILL IKONS For salo by . Thomas stken, At the old sland of McDavid A Duuoan. f.,? AI - - ui .-to *J Blacksmiths' Vices. , "i70r sale uy X \ THOMAS STEEN, Al tho old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 J * * * <38 tf IT PS MY DESIGN to keep the eery best 1 GOODfl that ean he obtained, and by fair dealing and short profits, merit a share I ol the puhlio patronage. 1 hope to be at.le I to supply the ttauta of my customers at all times. / TlfOMAtJ STEEN, At the eld stand itf a Duncan. Jr'atf 1-1 W 88 . . , U ( t ? 4 ? , M own*, Jan 10 " SI solicitor tst Eaunwtt M "AFFICK At the tame trail ding iPij|H 9fl J New Court House, formerly oeoapfed bjrw iw!fKt k CiMriEM., before dissolution of le Arm. Greenville, 8. 0. Jm Sl-M \V IfTcAMPBELLr (District Judge.). 13 ('17ILL PRACTICE In tha Superior Xff t T Court* of Law and Equity. ?3j Ijf" Office in the New Court Houh, H Ireepvllle, S. 0. fl| oet 4 tr^ an To Rent. U . THE DWELLING HOUSE S s oppoelte the Baptist Church, H for the present year; also, |H B45yH5y3Brthe HOUSE on the aorner of HK ante lot. Apply to THOS. B. THURSTON. WA Jan 10 88 tf Ifl Fhe London Hair Color Res- ?9 torcr and Dressing. ?1 For sale by b walter a westmoreland, 'js MANSION HOUSE BUILDING. ItM .January 3 82 If jgj?| CLOCK'S M EXCELSOIR flAIR RESTORER. I For sale by WALTER A WESTMORELAND. W MANSION HOUSE BUILDING. January 3 32 tf tt. L. BRYAN, with JAMES J. McCARTER, oi'l'OBltK col.umbia court house, s. c. DEALER lit School, Law, Medical, and Miscellaneous BOOKS, Writing PAPERS, Blank BOOKS. STATIONERY for SCHOOLS and OFfTCKS. Wholesale and Retail. A Good assortment of SCHOOL ROOKS on hand. . Feu r - ar & Guardians, Trustees and Receivers* Are required to make their Returns to this Office by the Jirtt day of Junt next. All failing to make their return by Lhat time, will be reported to the Court, JaS. P, MOORE. O E. Q. D. Commissioner's Office, January 28, 1867. Jan 24 85 tf Dissolution* I nnne rirm cf rarksdale, perry i A Co., is dissolved. Parties to whom the same is indebted, will present their Claims at the Factory or to me at Greenville, S. C. W. M. THOMAS. January 1, 1867. Jan 24 85 tf REMOVAL. williamThisnant, i Merchant Tailor. Jtim 11 RESPECTFULLY Inform? ^5 ,*ie community of Greenville, J&w?er^^*that he has REMOVED to the tAffiBttsigS|8tore on Main Street, three doors above Washington, and next to Mc- H PllERSON'S Bakery,, where he Will CUT A MAKE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLE, GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. just received a full supply of TRIM* MINGS, of the best quality*, which will be disposed of on very reasonable TERMS FOR CASH. Jau IT 84 tf STATE OF SOTJTR CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ia the Court of Ordinary. WILSON HAWKINS, AdmitsIstrator, applicant against the heiraat-law of J. D. HAWKINS, whore namea are unknown, Warren Hawkins, and other*, Defendants. Citation for revision of Sale Hill and final scit'emetft of Estate. It appearing that the heirs-at>law of J. B. Hawkins, and Warren Hawkins reside beyond thi* State. It is ordered that they do appesr at a Court of Ordinary, to he holden at. Greenville Cotart House, on Wednesday, the 8th day of Afay anrt, at 10 o'clock, A. J/., to show Cause, If any they can, why the Sale Bill of the Estate of MARTHA HAWKINS, deceased, should not be revised, by introducing for that pur pose, to ascertain the trtie valne of the articles sold, and R final settlement of the !nid Estate be m*de On that day; and on failure ot parties to appear in person or by tttorney, their consent*, will ue taken aa roofesaed. 3iven uhder my hand, at tSreenville Conrt House, this 6th day of February, A. D.f 1867. s. j. DouTiirr, o. o. t>. Feb 7 87 8in Agents Wanted IN EVERY COtTXTt of Korth and South Carolina, to canvas* and sell Lloyd's New Double Map if North America on the fiioe, and* COUNTY MAR of tho United States on the back?corring 14 Square Feet of lllasllnt Wii 3P3C laOlfciMSIRS, Other Agencies can be given If desired.? Agent* make frotn $0 to $20 per day. Address. WARRteN R. MARSHAT.T/, General Agent Lloyd's Map. Columbia, 8. C. All Carolina papers inserting this notice to he amotint of $8 will receive a copy of the Vfap in paymeht. I Feb 14 ./ ; 88 I Fair Notice- v AI L rftR^ONfl lobbied to ?b? ?* <* of JOHN COOK, doceawd, ?? li**cl fo vail ami trifle without delay^m Iw^jer mdu1g?toce OHiinol br irivn. WILLIAM COX, V Adi?inUlr*t??, ' F'brii?py 23, 1867. j Feb J* iO I