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HB^BBsffi^^ "' ^S&^ffiiiilMrthv^^^^retatee District HM^bSE^^F. <9anfeA? wisk ^ttria^HE^a mm ol bank^rl^^^^HpKCnvrff the Unit *J^^^^R^MP,'rlnttM)?ne? and jufc&$j?i&"* - fauthorizes ^fcem to mat as ? ' ^aB^^^Provlfdes for tb? appointment by * dlrtrint eourta of one or mora registers J In bankruptcy in each congressional district. to assist the judge. Sea. 4. Defines the powers of the register la bankruptcy to make adjudication of bankruptcy, to secure the surrender of any bankrupt, to administer oaths, take proof of dsbte, etc. 1 Sec. 5. Authorises the judges of the district courts to dtreet ths attendance of the register at such placee as they may deem proper, and empowers the judges to remove the register and fill vacancies. See. 6. Authorizes suitors to appeal from the registers to the judges in eases of d!s- . pate as to the law. 8ec. 7. Provides for compulsory attetd nee of ptrtitt and witnesses. Sees. 8, o and 10. Provide for appeals and proscribe rules of praotice. 1 See. 11. Prescribes the method of availing of the act. Any debtor whose debts, provable under this act, amount to over three hun red dol- 1 lare, may petition the district judge of his diatriet, stating his insolvency, his willingness to surrender his estste and a schedule under oath of his debts and his creditor*, with the nature of the debt in full, and an Inventory, also under oath, of his assets.? ' Such petition shall be an act of bankrupt- ' ey, and the petitioner be adjudged a bank- ' rupt. The judge shall thereupon issue a J warrant, (or the register if there be no opposing party,) directed to tbe United States ' marshall ot said district, authorizing him to < publish the necessary notices, to wit : 1. That a warrant in bat.kiuptcy has been 1 issued. 2. That all navmei ts of debts to ' such debtors are forbidden. S. That a f meeting of the creditors to prove debts and ' ( choose assignees, will be held in a court of 1 bankruptcy, not less than ten nor more than j ' ninety days after issuing of the warrant. ' These notices are to he published in a ewapap-r and served on each creditor. Bee. 12. Provides for a meeting of credi ' tora, at which a register shn 1 preside. * See. 1st. Prescribes that the majority in j ) interest of tha creditors shall choose one or j ' more assignees, who, if approved by the 1 jndge, shall be qualified on giving bond. See. 14. Directs that the judge (or if there 1 ' U no opposing interest the register) shall ^ convey to the assignee or as-igneea the en 1 tire real and personal estate of the bankrupt, but from this assignment are excepted household and kitchen furniture, and such . other article!* as the assignee may indicate, net exceeding five hundred dollars In value. ! r the wearing apparel of the bankrupt and I hi* family, ni's uniform and arms, and any e ether property hereafter exempt- from at lachment or levy by United States laws. n Soea. 15, 16, 17, 18. Pr. sent the duties and powers aud the methods of proceeding r of the assignee*. ' 0 See. 19. Authorize* creditors to assert and pro** any contingent claim ih?*y may e have against the Oankrupt as drawer, eudorsor, surety, bail or guarantor, or us ten- J ant. } Sec. 20. Provides for s< t ofTs in all cases n of probable claims. - . See. 21. Prohibits any cre'itors of the 0 bankrupt from sueiug him after lie avails t himself ot the net. r Sre. 22. Provides tho method of p-otrlng alatms?that i* by producing legal evidence ! r before any register in his district, or. if the 1 creditor is a non resident, before a United a States Commissioner. f 8ecti?fns 23, 24, and 25. Respects details of practice in the presentation and proof of ri claims. | * See. 26 Authorizes the examination of! " the bankrupt on oath by tho court.*, as to I * his debts and assets, and requires bis wife ' to attend and give evidence if necessary. See. 27. Prescribes that all creditors " who prove their debts shall share alike, ex epttliat wages, to an amount n??t exceed- ' I_.. CO.. J H / !? / J - I mg mii j uuiiii?, iur nriTiet* |H'ri??nii"u in < the preceding six months, shall pe paid in | full. I See. 28. Prevents the priority of d-b's \ See. 28. Allows the, sftor six j months from the adjudication of bankruptcy, or if no debts or assets within sixty j days, to apply for his discharge, which the ourt, after due notice, shall giant. If the bankrupt has honestly exhibited hie condition. ! hee. 30. Prohibits a second bankruptcy, | unless by consent of creditors, except where I the assets amount to seventy percent, of. the debts, | Sees. SI to 35. Concert d tails, pronounce against frauds, and the like.. See. 36. Provides for involuntary hankfOptey, declining that an absconding debt- ' er, a debtor who makes ns ignments to de- j * fraud, against whom an unsatisfied cxec.i-! tion for over one hundred dollars stand, j who makes an assignment to give preference to special creditors, or who has suspended for fourteen days the payment of h'a commercial paper, shall, on the petition of any creditor, be adjudged a bankrupt. The remaining sections. eleven in num- j ber, prescribe the proceedings iu such ca?e j and lbs various fees and costs. Tmk advocates of" masterly inaclivi tf n ntay not be aware of the danger lb vrlicy would expose them to, and w, .omtnend them to "put in their pipea and smoke " the following extract j ? from the New York Times, a paper not j, at all Radical, but what is called Cower v vative in its course: e It may be well enough to state that d * these-apprehensions are not w holly without foundation. It is very well under- e stood (bat bills are in course of prepara f v-4" tjon for early introduction into the next! 11 (^ongre**, providing for a awceping con r Jiacution of rebel property in the South*, trn Stntea, and for it* distribution it nmong the enfranchised cla ve*, for paying 11 claim* of loyal men for property destroyr ed during the war, and for giving farm* to Northern soldiers who will set tie in Ihe South. Mr. Steven* ha* declared hi* purport, " God willing and he living" to pre** such a measure a* this tip- v 0 on Congress, and Gen. Bank* in debate differed himself in favor of ruch distribution of Southern farm* among North 8 ern aoldier* A* the only effectual mode 6f reeon?triM?iing Southern society. It t, pray safelv be a*?umed that the whole ti ttfvly of Hadfe'ais in Congress will go for I s atieh A ma**tira, and it is confidently I u ex pec led thai the rejection by the South|u tSfuffli wbaglduT th Worth. tB IBBlBfllffhas element, of allraolHEH For many cIamcs, and is ?xp*cted tM0Ji :ure the support of the soldiers iu xxljr. Who are Affeoted by the Amendment. '> It is b?li?TM] our people do not general* V understand who are affected t>y the cooititutionnl amendment and excluded from >ffioe end from the ballot box by the late sill. , The following persons are excluded: 1st. All persons who, before the late war, rere members of dongrees or officers of the United States, and took an oath to support die Constitution of ths United Stale*, and tfUrwards engaged- in the rebellion. ad All persons who, prior to the war, were executive, legislative, or Judicial officers of the 8late, and took tne like oath, and engaged in the rebellion. tins emnraces governors, memoers oi IU?? legislature, and judicial officer*; from a judge of (he supreme court down to a juslice of the peace, who, at any time, held the office and tcok the oath, and afterwards engaged in the rebellion. who, then, sre not excluded? let. No one is excluded because he held an office under the Confederate States, from President down, if he does not foil within one of the excluded classes above specified. The Bimple fact, that he was a Confederate sena tor, or a Confederate general, or that he to< k an oath to support the constitution of the Confederate States, does not exclude liim., 2d. No State or ennnty officer is excluded on account of his having held the office and taken the onth and engaged in the rebellion if he were not an executive, legiala ive, or judicial officer; therefore, neither n awycr, sheriff, clerk, tax collector, reeeiv >r, county treasurer, Coroner, surveyor, sonstalde, or road con tnWioner is excluded. 3d. As uo under 21 years of age, vlien the war liegan, held any such office is disqualifies, and nine of them look the mth to support the Constitution of the Unitrd 5/a/e* during the war; and, as the vnr comtnehcetj nearly six years ago, no nan in tleorgia under 27 years ot age can >e excluded. 1th. Militia officer* arc not excluded, ftth. 'fhe whole inas? of our people who all vsithiu none of the excluded classes ibove mentioned, are free from the disqnalfication, and tnay vote and hold any office n tho Stn'c without regard to the part they ook in the war. ATLANTA. [The above faets have been prepared for he E' a by one of the first legal minds in the roiith, and wc accept its sta'omeiits ne ciitcally corr?ct. ? Editor of Era ] <K?I- ? ?~ The Atlanta Meeting's. Atlanta has been the fir.-t community to nove with regard t<? the military I iw, anil ias hail two meetings?one in favor of, ami in* against the aeeoptance thereof. We tibjoin the. resolutions ad"p:ed each neeting: Resolved, 1 That in the opinion of this I neeting, the dearest.and most vital interests if each and every citizen of tieoigia reiiiires that restoration he no longer nnuees-arilv postponed. Resolved, 2. That indiscretion has already li-layed the work of restoration, until the ntoris's of the entire people of (ieorgia re bleeding at every pore, and that all j inesion ami prejudice should he forthwith ast aside, and reason once more permitted o aseend the throne, or we will yet lose ights and interests which we now enjoy. Resolved, .1. That it is the sense of litis neeting that the people of Georgia should irompllv, and without the least hesitation, ccept the plan of restoration recently pro>osed hy Congress. Resolved, 4. That in the opinion of this Reeling, thcio are persons in eath and very County within this State, sufficient in mmher, and of suflie'cnt integrity niid hillty, who at? n*?t debarred from voting md holding office by- the provisions of this aw, to perform all the functions of tioverunent. Tltose opposed to the voluntary acceptince of the meoMire adopted the following, ] itnotig other resolutions: Resoived, That in view of the present rendition of tlie Southern States, and the >a--sage of the Military Bill hy the House >f Representatives over the President's veto, t is, we think, the duty and the policy of lie people of tieorgia to remain quiet, and .hei-ehy preserve ll ?ir self-respect, their i?itiiiiwini Him inrir minor. Res->1ved, That in ?li#? event said hill hna i lfoome a law, we trust that Gov. Jenkins. | uih-r alone or in conjunction with the | Jovernors of other Southern State.*, will, | it orce, take the necessary steps to have | he con-tilutionality of said law Letlcd heore the Supreme Court of the United I Itates. R solved. That we, the citizens of Pulton i Jounty, tender to his Excellency President lohnson our heart-fell thanks f?-r his pat ri ! ?tie efforts to protect the Constitution of the j Jnifed Slat-a, and save the liberties of the 1 >eople, r,ukl8ttsiknt COMMUTED. -Perry Dur I tain, wlio lias been under the sentence i >f death for the murder of Col. Tlioma? | filler, has had his punishment com ! iiutpd by Governor Orr to imprison i OtRit in the reni entiary for life. [ Pickens Courier. CiiATnxonOA, March "7, There has been a to T days' rain. The onntry Is flooded, ard b:''dge* washed, lommuntention is interrupted with the forth and East. BishopSoule died ?' Nashille. on the Slh. lie was eighty yea'sight years old, and was the oldeat Mctln. ist Bishop in the (Juited States. Rev. Thomas OcTnnJB Is eoming tn this | onnlry in April as one of the dehutatinn rum the Fr?? Presbyterian .Church of Se.ot?nd to the Presbyterian churches of Ante-) ic?. i Trx Tnid'tAND lal^irers arekrpt employed ! ii (.uiiBwiiruiiK mi': ikciiic umironn in fornin, el^ht thousand nf whom are Chiese, who work for thirty dollar* por month nd board tltemselve*. ? Aid rao* "tiik Ilea."?-The contributions ? Boston to lb* Soul hern Relief and Fund, moor ted on the ultimo to $14,722.26. Villnrn Gray, Nathaniel Thayer, Francis klnner ?fc Co., and Jordan, Murth A Co., Ire $1,000 each. "a ArflicaTtr k'S for passage to-Liberia hare een received, by the American Colonizaion Society,--from 642 colored people in oufh * Carolina ; and other companies are nowh to b?,forming, who will awell the st to upward of 1,200. j The Military HKn^ WhML^,$3 (Southern Btatea to #57^5 t. The Googreee of the Uoltad SuumIH f termined, it eeeme from * rote in the RmIIH| of Representatives, to mt? the Governors end Legislatures, end ell people of the eev- J erel Southern States, from *Yery responsibility of deeidiag what to do. From indications now apparent, we are satisfied that Congreea will adopt some compulsory method of putting the law into operations in It# military as well as civil hearings. We had last week heard that Got. Okr waa t seriously deliberating oa the question of ' calling the Legislature together at one*, to aot on the subject of oalliug a Convention of the State, hut presume, now that Con*, gross is about to appoint tbo mode of call ing It, ho will abandon whatever purpose he may have entertained on the aubject. We shall soon know concluatvely the action of Congress as to the mode they intend to deal with the Military Bill, tha Ranlrrllnl a?f i We publish * synopsis of the Bankrupt t Act. It is too voluminous to appear in full i in our paper, and would not be, perhaps, any better understood by the general reader The provisions of the Bill are exceedingly stringent, and if all were to take the ' benefit voluntarily who could do 8", or all c were forced who could be mode involunta- ^ ry bankrupts, the number of eases would ' be multitudinous indeed. But In very J many cases the advantages of the Bankrupt Act. cither to debtors or creditors, are so ' mixed with disadvantages, thst there will j ' be fewer cases brought forward, probably, i ' than people at first supposed. .. *' The Court.' The Court at Abbeville was held last / woek. Judge Clover pr?siding. . The preaout week the Court holds at Anderson.? We learn that no new qiuations of law ( were decided at Abbeville, nnd we suppose j Bone will be at Anderson. At the latter f place the busin ss of the Court to be held, ( is less important than at some other Court , Houses, from the fact that most of it has J been continued for '.his t? rrn. ( The Greenville at d Columbia Ball road , obtained a verdict nt Abbeville C. II., last j week against 1'art low, for ?S500j damages, for isjuiies to the road, occasioned 1 | by the di fcndniit placing ob?t ruc'ions ou j the track. Such conduct, when willul and j , malicious, is now by Act of the Legislator?, punished with death, and it is to be hoped ( in future tliat such occurieucce will t>e rare. , Who will bo Military Commander of j' North and South Carolina P Tlie rumor is either don. or (lew. j SitrnvAX. The five ftencrnls suggested for! the Southern military Uistric's, arc the two just named, McDowk.., Haxcock, nnd Srnn?\ kiki n; but there tony be n mistake ns to tlio mutter. We presume the official suwouiteemcnt will sooa be made, unless the President concludes to first hnvo the act tcstoil in the ' Supremo Court. Suchr Uowovor, is not the j general belief. Washington News of tho 12th. The Hill appropriating one million of dollars fur the destitute of tho South, was referred to Committee of the whole House, on Tuesday, but no,further action taken ns ret. The New York Hrrald saya that (Icneral OnA.tT hns been consulted by the President, ns to the appoiument of the military commanders over tho South under the new Bill ; and thnt it was doubted whether Genernl Su'KtiKS was qualified by rnuk, to ho appointed ; ho not heiug u Brigadier in tho Regular Array. W. B. Eeary, Esq. One of Oreenvil'.e'a former nnd best cifi tens, has returned to Iter midst. Mr. Lkart first enme here thirty five years ago, but within the Inst few y a is lias been teaching | in other places. For a number of years be : r,.... 11 .5 ???t ll..? tu.etl.Ai. r h.,!u-i..?I ?* 1- - ' Greenville Mule Acudlmr, in wliieli he huilt' a lusting refutation At teacher of the clastic* nnii mathematics lie is, we lake pleasure in observing, enjoying good health and i? in excellent spirits, although his lock* are quite silvered over. It is prnl*Me that he will open m school in no great while. Assistant Assessor 24th Division, 3d Col. lection District. | Mr. En. llt'Dsoa 8wiih has been Appoint-1 ed As?i?tivnt Assessor of the 24th Division, | l^ower Regin-ent 3d Collection Di-trict, Mr. P. D. CiRKTox, the recent - incum bent, retiring. Ilis office is located jn the j Ooodlelt Ilonse, same entrance as to the j | Post Office. Persons having business in j I the offics should hear in mind its proseut ; location. . , Religious Notice. We have been requested to stats that the next Union Meeting for Distrht No. 8, Tyger Riw IJaptist Association, will be held with the Rottky Creek Church, eight miles south of Orecn*iMe Court House, com me no c.,.. , ? s 1 cfil q j. -j inn on oaiumay nni;.r? trie ?inii onnnny in March Inst. R?'?. Pnfcai' ITawki: g ' to' . preach the intinriuctory sermon; H?*r. i- A. Bn^AMU to writa tl>* easaj-; Reir. W. D. Thomas to preach the missionary rcrnion. ! ?. . .?.? - - ' I This EcclkSiastical Coowit, lately held in fireenville, has marie its decision upon the rase nnrier consideration, it is understood,' on the day after the close of tho argument; hot | inasmuch as the case is Arat submitted to the Bishop before publicity can bo giren to the finding of the Court, no Informatiun is yet j obtained as to the result. The Rain. Tbe rein has continued w iih slight Inter-, missions, dnrifig the whole of the peat week, much to the hindranre of all farm work.?* 1 The wheat fields, howeeer, sceui to he i Juioing iu tbe propitious growing season. t i : I 0. * " ^ ,f ' /* \ 4 w v . * * c iLajt' Ml | , itoxw * I jtjtttlBia^iMl1' than llia Sotl? MaaSnb^l* 1 RNhhv^i- tho Wat crop, boiBIBBfflmes [bey will do well planted in AmwUiy. Wwbeileve thai the month of March i? the rery beat fur, that crop in the npper Dlerlela of Booth parolina, frost* are 7 We hope our reader* will bear in mina ' be ezoellent advice given laat week, by a . lontributor to the Enterprise, in regard to airing garden eeede lor mat ket; many a ami)}* could almost make a living by atenliou to saed business. It ia not too late to plant peach tree*, nd if negleoled hitherto, something can be lone. Thie ie a good country for peaches, nil nllKftWiek oof a<v "^"'1 ? * resh truit, yet our farmer# could wake a 1 [rent deal by drying them. Eight dollar* < >er bushel is sometimes the New York 1 >riee, and our merchants here would buy >nd ship such things to that city, if the >eople in the country will produce them. 1 fc'e hare not yet learned the value of farmng In this oountry; there are many w.iys intriod in which small farmers may thrive 1 n our fine, healthy climate. More Aid from Misaouri. As will be seen from the following letter, > lev. T. D. Gwix has received five hundred lollars more from the Missouri Southern lelief Association, in aid of the indigent amilies of deceased Confederate poldiers.? Ml lioil to the good people of Missouri. The time for distributing these funds hat >een fixed for the first Monday'in April lext, application to be made at the Court douse. Missoinu Sovtiikrn Rr.urr Association, > t>t. Tshus,'March, 2H 1867. S Rkv. T. D. Gwts, Greeuviile, South (7nro? ina, Dear Sir : Your letter and the South>rn Enterprise newspaper, with your report >f the dhtrlbulinn of the first appr priation nade for the relief of the destitute of your neighborhood, was duly iceeived, and preleuted to the Distributing Committee of this Association, who desire me, to express to you, their thanks for your fidelity and judl :i?>tis distribution of the same. The great, imount of good to the suffering people; in ronr midst. Ihroueh vour irooJ manairo ment, has induced thorn to mrke a further apprnprint i? n of five hundred dollars, for Lhe same charitable purpose through your good instrumentality. You will then fine, plea?e find I eresrith, the Sight Draft of Anil, Pollark .k Rerick, Bunkers, No fliM, on Cheinievl National liatik, New York, of. this date for five hundred dollars to your order, to he used in the san o way. l'lease acknowledge its receipt. We have n'so suit for distribution in S.uith Carolina, to Dr. Adger and Gen. Hampton, Columbia, $7.S00, and to Gen. Kershaw Cainden, tl.f CO. Your obedient servant, ANDREW PARK, Secretary, '21ft, No. it St., St. Loula. Justice to the Negro?HisShoes givon up. Whilst some of the radicals are solemnly proclaiming that law and justice is denied the negroes in this State, wo who know bettor and arc conscious of the gross misrepresentations on the subject, might laugh at all the Mans chauscn tales of travelers and correspondents of radical papers, were it not for the grave consequences following tho false statements. There was an amusing occurrence tho other day, in tho Court of Sessions before Judge Dau'risr, at Columbia. A negro was trlod for arson, a capital offence. The evidence was strong, hot circumstantial; and, in tbe opinion of the Judge, leaving (itch doubts as required acquittal?he so instructed the Jury. The strongest oirccmstnneo that had been testified to was the trtiok of a pair of shoos, found near the house that was burned, and whieb fitted the negro,and as to his ownership, of whieh there was some, bnt. not conclusive proof.? And the negroes life depended on the part of tiie testimony. The Judge having given his learped and humane charge to the jury. Ahsy retired a few moments, and brought In a verdict of not guilty. ThefheriT, as in duty bound, told the prisoner ho cutld go Iree. The negro did. not seem inclined to leave very suddenly, under this permisrion. nnd remained, after being repeatedly a?* sttred of his nequilal ; his hesitation puzzled the Sheriff, but tlie d ffieully was soon s >lved by his speaking out loud enongh for i his Honor aud <he whole Court to hear, " Jus gim me buck my shoes, den I leave." The sheriff handed htm the shoes sure enough, and he left mid the laughter of all present, it is said, except the Judge. The fun loving and miselrovnus wits of the bar, will, no doubt, refer to this case in many future encounters with Ihe Judge, when off the llcnch. Kerosene Oil. If you want a good article uf Ke'osene Oil, give Missis. Waitkb <fc Wcvtmorklamd a call; they always have good articles for ssle. Their stock of Drugs and Medicines is full. '* . '' ' Ireland. There ha* late); been a general alnrro of a riling of tbe Fenians all over Ireland, but the 1 English papers report all a* now quiet; tbe Fenian* dispersed at every point. The British have taken many prisoner#,- and will try them by a special commission. Wew Advertisement#. The following are the beamings of new Advertisement*. Read them. R. J. Pourair?Two Citation Notioes. W. T. 8nt;nATK?RberitTs Sale*. Photograph*?c. It. I.a<i*kao. Found?David A SrnAni,*:r. Commission Merchant*?D Attn AStimoi sr. Notice?Kt>. lltioson Assistant Assessor. Kerosene Oil? A Waaruoaai.Aas. A Br.Atmrvi. tunnel was discovered not long sine* under a river in the interior o{ I'eru, lira work of the oM Inea Indians, and 1 t lasting yroof of their ciri)k?*Uup. ; * I m t j . 4 ~ , * r >i r # 0 ' ' ^peaio* W?rd M|, 6i tb? 6(h io??n MM&. tlfijrd that thick ?hoa^lfljSj| th|$eaUh of women PrMiJent hnc Issued * prooUtacU^j^MB [bythe admission of Nebraska an Lb* Um'oc. The editor of tb? "O^HBp don " of Mod rid, ha* just born scotenewl iifll death for article* which ha had published. Th# members of the Virgluia legislature. before adjourning, i educated Go*. Picrront to call an extra session of the ! [eg1iktur*. .V:.. Aa eaehenge save It is uat *->ntib)e a mora to undertake to get narrted without courtship aa to attempt iny business without aJverlisir-g; both of-- ! ten prove ftl orlive. .... Jeff. Thompson, the < ex-Confederate General, mads a epoch aud assisted in ilogtng the u Star Spangled Banner" at n recent banquet In St. Louia. .... Itj|| la said that General Grant and General Sherman and Secretary Stanton will ao manage the Military Government that it shall be ne mild as possible Four hundred and forty dollar* were forwarded from Nowbcrn, N. C., for the relief of the family of Jefferson Davia This aum waa raised by tli? exertion* of two Newbern ladie*?Mr*. F. 0. Roberta and Mia* Harriet Lane. '... Hon. Robert Toombs haa arrived homo in' Qeorgia from Europe Our oxchsnges through the Middle and Weatern States,' give very favorable report* of the wheat crop. The prospect at this season of the year waa never better The New Yoik Times says that advices from Rio Janeiro state that a disturbance had occured be. tweon tlio emigrant* in from the United States. A party of Northerners at- . tacked and attempted to burn a saw mill belonging to the Southerners. .... Solomon Johnson, the negro .recently appointed a Treasury clerk at Washington, was once Gen. Howell CobbV coachman. We remem- ' her liiin well?a very stalely, dignified darkey?but as block as Beast Butler's record.. The Maine Senate has passed a bill au-. ' thorizing marriage between whiles and blacks, but the lower House refuses concurrence?to the -great scandal of universal equality Washington dispatches announces that the President is about to make an ent ire change in his Cabinet, retaining only Mr.. McCullocli as Secretary of the Treasury, in the new programme, Hon. A. II. Stephens, cf Georgia, appears as At torney-Cienctal We regret to learn ihat- the well known publishing house of W. B. Smith A Co , Raleigh, have failed.? Their-liabilties arc heavy. They were the publishers of the Southern Field and Fireside, and other literaly papers and periodcals It is said that the Postmaster. General, Mr Randall, wishes to retire from his office, and that the President has offer* ed the plaoe to llorncc Oreeley. For lomt reason tho President, has, it teems become morf radical of late in his appointments ? He found no po'itical strength in any dis tribution of patronage. T... The House of Representative* has passed a bill abolishing the 3 coots per pound tax on cotton after the 1st of September, 1867, making it 24 cents .... Flections will 1,0 held in New llantphsire, on tiie 2d Tuesday in March ; Connecticut, 1st Monday in April ; and Rhode Island, let Wednesday In April, for Governor and members of Congress. . We Kara from our Georgia exchanges thai the \Te?*ern <t Atlanlie Railroad, under tho efficient management of M?j. Wallace, hie paid into tho State Treasury the snug little sum of |5u,u0u, net earnings for January. FOtl TllK ftUL'TUERS KM KBIT WW. Carrots and Parsnips as Artioles of Food for Cattle and Hogs. From tho wild carrot which grows spontaneously on the chalky hills of England, and in other portions of Europe, many of our gnrdon varieties are dhtained. The It. land of Crete, however, is supposed to fnr ni?lt the finest. In England, France, Oermany, ?n?l in thu Eastern portion of the United States, it is a crop which is becoming more and more cultivated, both on account of jl* intrinsic value, and its adaptation to soils in other respects less productive. ? . Johnson's Encyclopaedia on agricultnre, a valuable English Woi k tlint should have a place in every farmer's library, states that j 000 bushels of carrots may be made to the ] acre, at a cost of fli5 t'O for the labor of j planting and saving them. English ns well as American experimentalists declare, that i after two and three years experience, It ! , an e?tabli*hedfat.l, that where f^in eight to te., pounds of oats are gjv^n ? one tiroe ? food^or a ho^sf( from four to five pounds may be '.aUeu out, and Us place supplied wl'.h the same weight of carrots; and that horses thus fed arc fully as healthy, strong and lively, as those fed on oata alone.? Wher. boiled, they are equally good for fattening swins. According to Sir Humphrey l>avy, one tenth -f th? o..rrot is nutritive; consequently, a hall hualiel of sliced carrots, mixed with a due proportion of chaff, or cut straw; is considered as sufficient for a nurse for one day. Inasmuch as the carrot contains a large quantity of Piotorl Aeil, it neoesearily finds a vuliialde place at the table from its peculiar tendency to gelctanise all flulla with which it ia mixed; and, therefore, a valuable contribution to soups. Cultivation.?A light, loose, fertile, sandy soil, anits Iho.earrot be?t. Prepare the bed, if possible, during the fall before the plant ing seas'-,n. A part of this preparation, which ia indispensable, is to break up the ground from 14 to 18 inches deep. Double depth spading ia required for the gdrdea, and suhsoU ploughing, which require two or more horaaa ?i oxen to perform for thai Hold. T he English estimate for'manuring. ia 40 cu bie yards -per acre of good fae?nJrerd'V.a outre. A e| e.-iol and moat valuable fhanure f< r raising tbis plant, la tlie esme'n umber of coMr yarda of good laaf soil (cute the foreat, or fkh a vamp mutfc, incorporated with - f rots Lemled for from the trill bo Nrl; iipH|^R9HHHHH^fl Plnntlng.? fowl boure minWC^ 'INWfl^HHHHHH ind rhould bo fhe long oronge to saparate in drilling They ho$9^ILnh " be mora freely mixed with aand andplled ~1H in exicli an atmosphere with jnet ao ff inoiatara a* will enable them to gerrainatl^*" & 10 tome extent, before planting. X The bade, either in the garden or 'w honld be only fonr feet wide, so aa to ens ' i, able the laborer to pas) from end to end; and reach over them. Sow in drills one foot apart. Cover the seed a half inch deep by turning the soil over them, ae raking does not answer Wei). A few radishes to - ' mark the rows be'ora the crrrots come up, will design ntd them sufficiently to enable the safe removal of grass and weeds Irom their proximity. When they are throo or four inched high, thin them to fonr indie* I apart, and when larger, again thin out everv. other plant tor the tnhle, or for cattle, leaving the standing crop from eight to ten, or .even twelve inches apart. If they tend to see. 1, mow them down andsaVe the tops for fodder. In November, " whan tfie leaves change color, and on a dry ! day, dig !Hem tip, and in alternate lnyera (the tops being cut off and fed to the cattle) place th?m oil dry annd, covering with the same, in a dry out house for use. To aavo seeda?-Either let some good plants %tand where they grew, (which in ? mnch the beet,) or remove thfem, on taking lip the winter crop, to!|the place desired, A planting them two bet apart, protecting them with litter and brush ^uring the frosu of- winter and spring. Aa the seed ripen in August, gather them as soon as (he nmhela * turn brown, not waiting for the whofa plant to ripen. Sun and air dry them thoroughly. Seeds over two years old will not vegatate. * South Carolina Railroad Forward* ing Department This is a new feature in (he Rnilrdad business tbat lias increased largely since its adoption. Formerly it was conducted by the different merchants and factors, but si net the war the Railroad authorities determined to transact this branch of their miriness ineiwseives, ana eerauiiehet! nn office especially for that purpose. It has proved to be a complete ?ueee?e. end not only increaaes the revenue of the road, but ie of great service to the shippers. A new through freight tariff lies been reCent ly ettahlbhad, which materially reduce* the rates; end inducement! ere now offered to merchente and shippers that ha va never been equaled. Kreigh's ere now taken from Charleston to the different points West end South, communicating with the different railroads and steamers on the route. These goods are ell shipped with the magi, eel lettere 0. O. D.-?Collect On Dell^ry? end no expense is entailed on the parties making the shipments. This chang* has been due to the liherel management of the President, W. J. Megreth, Esq.; end the Forwarding Depar tment, under the control of Mr. K. S. Fuller, has gained s large patronage. . . Heavy shipments of corn are daily sent to the up country and Georgia, and drays are constantly arriving loaded with guano and merchandise of every description. The drib-rent depots are crowded with goods, and show elmering signs of activity that are sufficient to drive away the asure demons generated by the lightness of the times.? The South Carolina Railroad has been otnligneJ for its slowness, but the activity that Is now vint.Ie 'n every department is a sufficient proof itint this has passed away, and the new era bids fair to be oue of life ai d entrgy. [ Charlcton Arret, March 9th. ? ? <i Beconstuction in Alabama. The Virginia and Georgia papers are filled with tliseuasion* on rti? Mill ??? ? nut and wbh accounts of public meeting* Held to consider the sant*. North Carolina also seems to he stirring, and even Alatmma la now being heard of. For the information of our readers wc copy the following from , the Moiit<?sna?r?- ,\dY?!rll*<T * Iv will be seeuaby reference to oor die* patches that, notwithstanding the bold audi powerful veto message ol the President, both Houses of Congress have passed the Military Hill by the rc*n,*H? two-thirds majority for tlfe mcsMt-e to beootne ? I1*' This action puts an entirely naw faoe upon aff drs, requiring the calmest consider* Aon and wisest a< ,ioo on the part of the Southern people to avert e'ven Worse calamities lhati tha passage of this bill wonld indicate. The responsibility for a measure so fraught with evil to the ennntry does not lie at oar doors, and We should be eareful that we de all in our power to pluck tha flower safety from the nettle danger. There is hope, and barely a hope, that the Supreme. Gouit of the United S'at*s may declare tha law ntrll and void before lie perntoioua prinoiplea beootne engrafted upon the body polllie?and ao mesne should be left tin* tiled to h*Ve it so decided-?but1st us not forget that it is now a law of the land, and that if we eapect the protection wbtoh tha law itself gnnranteee it is our Imperative duly to yield it graceful if not cheerful obe. i dienee to tie provisions until repealed or set aside by wompetont legal authority.? i to submit wish tks k#?l m-SM ?? ? ? ?* what we cannot b'1p and make the moil of circum?taoe?f " which hre cannot ovoid, ;h, it xinni to *>, Uio only alternative left ua; and, aa anlnUiatory movement in tbo right direction, we anggeat that Oovernor Pal ton at enee call the Legislature together to uk? such net ion aa urn oeeaiion demands. ' Vo'm that the bill ia n law, and will, la all iiiman probability, ba put into operatioj with or without our oo operation, It would look lika aheer madneea lor the trua people ol the Stat* to aland back and iai their plaooa l>? usurped by thoaaunfriandly to them. Prompt Mc>i?n of tha regular authorivioa of the State may preveul wuvb couftiaioxt and do great .good. |v .... .. vT . *'U ' L ^ ' ijjK