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upon ^wfei,*44aii ''BSfflfiif P*1* .* " bU era* Ktoiiptb C^Hra* salute, French : ^"^^iflPifc-morrow evening "v '<64- gt*y.\j$?W6 Duchess of SmherVlvier looked steadily at the nobl jman, and said, with a significant ges* tare: 44 Take off yonr hat l" 44 What 1" asked the visitor. 44 Take off your hat lw 44 Ah t?in England we hsve the custom of keeping our hats on." 44 Take oft your hat I" Yielding to the pertinacity of these three words whioh the artist would have gone on repeating thirty times if it had been nectary, the noblemsn took off bis hut, and said once more : 44 You rausl come to-morrow evening, , and play for -tbo Duchess of Sulher land r | 44 You spoak French very badly," replied the artist. 41 Instead of that .impolite phrase, you should have said :? "The Duohessof Sutherland wishes very much to^hear you play,-and she has reJuesteJ me to iuquire whether you will ( o her the pleasure of coming to the party which she proposes to give to j morrow evening." 4' Ah ! but in Eugland we express it the other way." 44 Very possibly?but unless you express it in the better way I have de- , scribed to you, I shall take no notice of ' the invitation." The Englishman, evidently very an- . gry, repeated the invitation as directed, i 441 ain happy to acoept the invitation , of the Dutchess," said the artist. 44 They will give ten pounds," added the nobleman. 44 There, again, is an ill bred manner of treating a delicate subject," said Vitrier, 14 I should have made no bargain iu advance, and should have left it to the discretion of the Dutchess ; but, since you have so unceremoniously overstepped the barrier, permit me to say that 4 ten pounds r is not enough." 44 Ah, but in England we only give ten pounds to an instrumentist. To ringers, like Giisi or Matio, we gve fifteen." 44 I shall not play for any price less than ?25 sterling. 44 Do you know," said the Engthhmin u:- i u ? - uifii| ttiinuii^ mo uiuw, iwt'iuy-iivu pounds are six hundred and thirty-five , franca of your money f" " My price, notwithstanding." " Well, you shall have it. But do ' your best, and be punctual.'* 44 I shall be ready when the Duchess' 1 carriage calls for me," said Vivier. * ' Eh f do you expect a carriage to be ( sent for you f It is not the custom in ! England." - u I am very sorry?but I do not ride In hackney coaches, and if Madam, the Duchess, does not choose to send her own carriage for me, I shall not go." 1 " Very well," said the Englishman, looking perfectly amazed, but submit* ' l'ng. epite of himself, to the tone of authority and dignified manners which the 1 artist assumed ; M the carriage shall be 1 sent for you." At nine the next evening, punctual ' ly, drove up the Duchesa' chariot wi.h 1 its footman in livery, and Vivier was received with very unusual politeness? 1 a result, evidently, of the description of liis manners given by her Grace's en- 1 voy. Front that time the eccentric ' horn-player became triumphant. Eccentric Divine. The t Kev. Zeb. Twitchel . was the most noted Methodist preacher in Vermont for shrewed and laughable sayings... In the pulpit he maintained a suitable gravity of manner and expres eion, hot out of tbe pulpit he overflow- < ed with fun^ Occasionally he would, if eruergeucy seemed to require, intioduce something queer in a sermon for the take of arousing the flagging Attention of his hearer*. Seeing that his audience was getting sleepy, be paused in his discourse, and discoursed as follows : ** lirethren, von haven't any Idea of the sufferings of our missionaries in the new settlements on account of the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes in some of th?*e regions are enoi mous. A great n.any of thein would weigh a pound, and ihey *>H get on logs andbark when the missionaries ar? going along." Hy this limo all ems and eyes were open, and he proceeded to finish his discourse. The nex' day one of his hearers called him to account for telling lies in the pulpit. " There never was a mosquito that weighed a pound," he said. # Hast I stasias'# SOI) /trtn r>f aaasvsstrl weigh a pound ; I eaid * gffst many, and I think a million of them would." " But you raid tbey burked at tbe miaeionanett." , * No, ho, brother ; I said they would got on log' aiid bark." Nkw Rati.aoao Switch.?A new railroad switch baa been in ten ted. By ?i triple arrangement, an electric current ringa a bell continuous!? whenever the ftwitch b moved from connection with the main line, warning n*?t dhly the awiicbuiau, but all with in bear I,?8* \ " waste in them tor. . --S^w Even their tails can be Worked op into whissels. Bogs are good, quiet boarders ; tbej alwos eat what is set before them, and don't ask eny foolish questions. The never bey eny disease but the measels, and they never he? that but once ; once seems to satisfy them. There is a great menny breeds among them. Some are a close corporation breed, and some are bill more apart, like a hemlock slab. Tliav n.*> 1- 1 Tj*^ - ? ?v UV? N V(?CU HI A1VW JUU* gland a few year* ago, which they call ed (ba striped hog breed ; .this breed was in great repute among the lands lords; almost every tavern keeper had one, which be used tew show lew travelers and brag on him. Some are full in the face, like a town olock, and some are as long and lean as a cow catcher with a steel pinted nose on them. ,? They can all rule well; a hog that kantrute well haz been made in vain. They are short-lived animals, and generally din an soon as they gel fatt. The hog can bo lenrnt a great menny running things, such as histing the front gate off the hinges, tipping over the twill barrels, and finding a hole in the fence tew git into a corn field ; but there lin't enny length to their memory ; it iz awful hard for them tew tiud the tame hole tew git out at, especially if pou are at all anxious they should. Hogs are very contrary, and seldom Irive well the same way yu are going ; hey drive roost the other way ; this liae never bin fully explaiued, but speaks rolumes for the hog. Definitions of Character. Fine Fellow?Tho inan who adver. ises in our paper ; the man who never refuses to lend you money, and the rich "ellow who is courting your sUter. Genteel Feoplo?The young lady sho lets her mother do the ironing for ear of spoiling her hands, the miss who wears thin thoes on a'rainy day, and he young gentleman who is ashamed o be seen walking with his father. Industrious People? The young ladv sho reads romances in bed, the fiieml S'llO is nlwnra pn<r?<r?/l tvlion itnn ? ?!! ?J?nd the correspondent who can never Ind time to answer your lotters. Unpopular - People?The fat man in ?n omnibus, a tall man in a crowd, and ? short man on a parade. Timid People?A lover about to pop he question, a man who doe* not like o be shot at, and a steamboat company wiih a case of cholera on hoard. Dignified Men?A midshipman on quarter deck, a chit in a country town, ichool committee on examination day, drv goods clerk-*, and beginners in law. Persecuted People?Woman, by tbat lyrant, man, boys by tbeir parents and '.eachers, and all poor people by society U large. Unhappy People?Old bachelors and )ld maids. . > Ambitious Chaps?The writer who pays the magazine for inserting his com tnunication ; the politician who quits his party because he cftnnot get into ofiice, and the boy who expects to be President. Humble Persons?The husband who does his wife's churning, the wife who blacks her husband's boots, and the man who thinks you do him much honor. Mean People?-The man who kicks people when they are down, and the subscriber who refuses to pay for his pa per. Sensible People?You and I. An Ixdkpkndkvt Paupkr.?An old fellow in a town in Essex County, Mass, once respectable, who, through looking upon the wine when it was red, and Shi id* of other colors, was reduced to the condition of a pauper, was allowed, occasionally, liberty beyond the poorhou<e walls, which he improved by calling on a dear friend who clandestine ly sold the creature. On his last visit he imbibed a glass or two, and received, besides, a couple of glasses in a bottle, forlitied with which he sallied forth to fall in the arms of a constable, who had watched him-through the window ; the result was, the friend was prosecuted and the pauper summoned as a witness. When placed upon the stand he was asked if ha knew the prisoner. Cer tainly, he had known him many years. - Did you ever go there!" M Yes; always, when he went to town." , < ' And now," aaid the magistrate, " did you ever buy any liquor there"!" 44 Which !H said the old fellow, suddenly hard of bearing. M Did you ever buy anv liquor there!" " I decline to answer!" said the wit new. % " Vou mo?t answer, or be committed for contempt," raid the judge. sternly. " Well," repined the old, fellow, after few moments' pau?e, u what will b? the extent of the penally F ** Imprisonment in the Salem Jail/ responded the judge. " Indeed! Well, a* I think that ar improvement on the poor-house, I aban'i And . lie didn't; thereby saving hh ftieud. pgH^H|9j^n| man in the etomach, uiwM'ra it M recalcitrated him in the abdcinei TO THE PUBLia The Pavilion Hotel CHARLESTON, S. O., . 80 LONG and ably * dncted by the late IL flZiBSa ni/TTKRElELD, -will s VSBHBr-be kept opeo for the aeeo modation of the traveling-public. -And former fHeada and patrons will find t usual accommodations and att?ntiona 1 stored on'them as formerly, and the pnb favors, already so ^rell established as TI IIOTEL of the TRAVELING MERCHAN of the Sbnth, will, by earnest efforts, faithfully preserved. Oct '46 22 ti SCHEDULE OVERS. C.R.] flTOy ^BiSt GENERAL 8UPT*S OFFICE. CUABI.18HTBS C.. Nov- a. istwt. ON and after WEDNEBDA, November 1306, tho PASSENGER TRAINS a run a# follows, via. s I-envo Charleston <...3.00 A. M. Arrive at Colombia. 6.20 P. M, Leave Columbin.... 6.60 A. M, Arrive at Charleston ..4.00 P. M. A f rnnoeeii mailtkair. Leave Augusta/, ,.1.5.50 P. M. Arrive at Kingsvlllo 1.05 A. M. Arrive at Columbia....A- 8.00 A. M. Leave Columbin......................2.00 P. M< Arrive at KinjtHvillo ,8.40 P. M. Arrive at Augusta 12.00 nigl T II. T. PKAKE. General Superintendent. Nov 15 . ; 25 : . U Greenville & Columbia ? R. GENERAL SUl'TS OFFICE, Coli'mbia. Sept, 21, I860; PASSENGER TRAINS will run dnil . (Sundays excepted) n? follows : Leave Columbia at 7.16A.M. " Alston at........ . .. Sb05 M ? Newberry as 10.36 ** Arrive at Abbeville nt 3.J 8 P. M " at Anderson at..''.*.?*< 6.10'- " u nt Greenville nt.6.40 " Leave Greenville nt. 6.00 A.M. " Anderson at 6.30 " * Abbeville at, 8.85 " . Newberi'y at... 1.20 I*. M. Arrive at Alston at.... 2 45 " " at Columbia at 4.40 " - , J. It. LarSALLE, General Superintendent. Nov 15 - 25 II SWAIN'S pft 53 ."'OR the ?urc ami speedy cure of Scrofi 1 or King's Kvil, White Hwellinp, Ule ous Sores, Rheumatism, Wcnerul Debility, a nil diseases arising from impure blood. Tl Medicine has acquired a vefy extended n established celebrity In tnost parts of l world, both in hospitals and private praeti which its efficacy alono has sustained nearly thirty year*. m aif. ^ftJ-Ridd by walter a westmoreland, MAXS10X HOUSE BUILDIXQ January 3 32 tl WOOD'S Hair Restorative For sale by walter a westmoreland, HA NS/OX HOUSE U VI LB ISO ' January 3 32 tl MRS. ALLEH"S flaIR BESTOREB Mr&allexi* zylobalsam. For sale by - Walter a Westmoreland, HAXSIOX HOUSE BUILD ISO V January 3 32 _ tf Di!D]\irnYr?o rnrn i inn Dllli\M 1 8 LUMJMLIJ FOR THE HAIR. 1 'or aalo by WALTER ft WESTMORELAND, . MA SSI OS HOUSE DULLVISn January 2 ' 32 tf BAKIIV'H TRICOPHEROUS LYON'S KATIIATRON. ' For rale by . . WALTER A WESTMORELANI it A SSI OS 110 USE D U1L visa January 3 ? - . 32 ' tf I HO G AJjS. SnylUb- I.inaecd OIL A V/Y/ too Ual*. No. 1 Tttuncra' OIL 5 Ilbla. Kcroaenc OIL 100 Uals. No. I Lubricating OIL. AMOl. A large itnek of Window and Sbow-ci ULtSd, of ail (itca. Juat received and for jiaio low, at WilLVJBR ft WWSTMORKLAND'f, jr A SSI OS HOUSE BUILl) ISO January 3 '* ,??' . St tf DDbb t t ft uf- nrrnnt OR . Jkerosene;oil. UST RELIEVED mihI ALWAYS to ifounA at WALTER A WESTMORELAND'S, ! Mansion Llouae Building Deo 20 80 I Notice. WH rripeotRiNy tnwttd all persons ow us, to cotnw forward and pay up. I word to tKe wise is sufficient t? sere sosti Wo can he found at tbe <d<l Ho Come end cuttle soon, or you will )>av? e< to psy. I A. J. TANDERORIFT A C( Jau 3 - ?3 I " n I* 12 nT iff fu x n II IK I w if'rti J!' oomsostiimq ? oiLK8 J? POPLINS lie IE MOHAIR A SCOTCH PLAIDS E2 ALPACCAS, Striped & Plain f ' ' PRINTED DELAINS i GINGHAMS . CALICOES BOMBAZINES TA<s afcwd Article toe can fum 7, PERFUMERIES ill HAIR OILS * SOAPS TOOTH BRUSHES -. EDGINGS & INSERTINGS i ' - CRAVATS ' . , - v COLLARS Gents Buck GLOVES Ladies QLOVES RICE ht- Brown and Crushed SUGARS MADDER v f INDIGO SULPHUR , COPERAS { STAUCII ly, Colgate's No. 1 SOAP JtW Give them a call before inakinj bo determined to please ycu. GRADY, F Greenville, S. C., Nov. 15, 1800. andSMNW rJ"MIE subscriber has received anj keeps A constantly on hand, th? above.' TOGKTIIKR WITH A TAR1RD rrfK'K OF - . Fancy Articles, Among which mny be found, COLD PENS, Pencils and Points 1 WINES?Sherry, Maderia and Sweet ^ Fine quality of FRENCH BRANDY ,1? Linseed Oil, Train Oil Kerosene Oil?both Burning and Lu tils bricating n<l Sweet Oil '? SPIRITS TURPENTINE fur White Lead PAINTS?All colors, dry and in Oil CONGRESS WATER MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS and P'uTTY BRUSHES, of all kinds L COMBS, POCKET BOOKS LOOKING GLASS PLATES Ladies1 Purses, of finest styles KEROSENE LAMP3, with Chimneys and extra Burners Mustard. Cayenne Pepper TOBACCO, of superior qualities j. Spice, Fancy Soaps Transparent Slates, for Drawing * FISH HOOKS, Fiddle Strings PERFUMERY INK . Superior article of Ladies1 Traveling - VALISES Pocket Flasks, various sizes LAUNDRESS1 SOAP, superior article - Fine SPONGES. | PATENT'MEDICINES of all kinds J) All of the ?l>ore Articles can be had at I low down rites for cash. Give m* > call at my ojd atand, , ' 19' Persona sending Orders, fnnst send the money ? CREDIT CAXNOT BE OIVJUT. . - 31. B. EARLEi . Dee 6 28 .. tf ' NEW-BOOKSTORE , MASON & JONES, iVInln St.* If car lli? Post Office, Columbia, S. C ? nAVK ON HAND A FINK STOCK OF SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL ASD MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, ENVELOPES, WRITING MA PER, BOLD PENS, AND MC "* OTHER STATIONERY, Pocket Cutlery and Fancy Articles 5 ALSO BIBLES, IIWN BOOKS, PDA YER BOOKS, MUSIC, ?r * " # ? / v. - AT LOW PRICES. 0 All Order* Promptly Attended to. . S?pt 27 J ? 17 t - . 0|n U LAW OARD. GOODLETT & THOMAS, f _ ' . Attorney* at Law, , A HP inR SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, TT AVK thin, day formed- a Cofmrtner lfu. Jll ahlp in the prActio* of LAW nod ?.u EQUITT 9n Jh? Wwtern Circuit. . . Office in the old Coort lloitre Building, >. * ?. ooonutfR vv. x tuo* \? if" Dec to " * 80 * V * * BEjrgi^e^ fg ?2 M J|?^'lfll * *1rliTJ,vl,li' v r - . *v. ^ y-"'\ ' ^RjHHHHpTtfi , m pXST;OF BROADCLOTHS CASSIMERE8 SATINETS SHAKER FLANNEL OPERA FLANNEL CANTON FLANNEL , * 4 4 SHEETINGS ? * RTITRTfMfig ish in Variety and in Quantities. RIBBONS BELTS , 7 BUTTONS THREAD HOSIERY CORSETS . CREWEL Cotton A Silk HAND KERCniEFS, AC,, AC. FIG BLUE Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Carolina Boll SNUFF PEPPER GINGER.-, sncE NUTMEGS CLOVES, AC. 5 your purchases elsewhere, and they will ERGUSON 8L MILLER. 25-tf Assistant Assessor's Office. United States Internal Revenue, ) Greenville, S. C. Nov. 27, 1866. J I^TOTIOK is hereby given that I have JL w opened my books, ready to receive Rtluma. Parties must make their re'urns promptly, or they will be dealt with in accordance with the law. P. D. CURETON, Asa't Ase'or, 3d Regiment, Including Town, Nov 29 / 27 t! Internal Revenue Notice. ASSISTANT A uatNiUrHJNJ nCPim> -v United States Internal Rkvkxlk, > Gxkkkville, S. C-, Oct. 22, 1866. ) THE undersigned, as Assistant Assessor of Division No. 24, (which Division extends to all the territory within the limits of the Third Regiment, together with the Town of Greenville,) hereby gives notice that he has opened his office over the store occupied by Cureton ?t Brother, opposite to Williams & Whitmire's store. Merchants, Manufacturers, Distillers, Retail Dealers, Peddlers, Auctioneers, persons following Professional Employments, and all others who are required to take out License by the Excise Laws of the Tfnlted States, are hereby notified to make application at once tor said License, or they will be held liable to all the penalties for a violation of the Internal Revenue Laws. , P. D. CURETON, Aaa't Ass'orDivision No. 24, 3d Collection District, a c. Nov 16 ' - 26 * tf Internal Revenue Notice. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, ) United States Internal Revenue, Divisk n No. 24. 3d Regiment, > . Greenville, a C., Nov. 6, 1866. ' NOTICE is hereby given that WHISKEY mnst not be removed from the Die triot until the Tax on the same required hy the U.S. Internal Revenue Laws lias been paid. - Any person found violating this provision of the law will be rigidly dealt with. , . * - ...? P. D. CITRETON. Aaslstant Asaesaor. Division No. 24, 3d Regiment. Nov 15 '25 If J. & T. R. AGNBW, IMPORTERS and dealers lit Hardware, Cutlery, GUNS, PISTOLS, IRQ Hp STEEL POT WARE? GROCERIES, ; PAINTS..OILS, WH WIDOW (B&ASS dbo? COLUMBIA, S. C. JOHN AUNKSV, COLUMBIA, ?. C. ^ T. . ACKBW, HAW YoBK. ; Dec 27 \ , , . 81 8ra " lVallcr & Westmoreland, Druggists a lid Apothecaries, MANSION HOUSE BUILDING. U 1 IK K.N V 11.1. K, S. C. t. CONSTANTLY on hand a general Assortment of T MERI0tNE8 * . ? CHEMICALS pawffT7 . . OILS pVE STUFFS BRUSHES ' , ULAS8WARK PERFUMERY and . FANCY ARTICLES. Tpgtthar with every Article comprising tbo ' Stock of a Drngjrist or PbrsloUn. J? * , 1 WALTER A WESTMORELAND. Dec M 86 - ,|f KEROSENE LAMPS," OF VARIOUS Slsee and StyW Alan, OLD LAMPS Mended and Re fitted at Walter a wehtmgreland'R, ' Mansion House Buildirtw ' Doc 20 ? 80 ' 7 In Benilnen to Carry tfclHM ??**"'' and from bit- ^ FREE OF CaLustSi^Hj Jteepontibl* peraon* if* attendant* to fH tj*" ?/ eeiv* Cheek* and Baggage. qgaBEaa T. S. NICKERSOiV, PtorEirroB. < AngSS 18 if V~ 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. HSS IS w a W Y? . Bill for Sale of Land to pay Debt*, dec.? Jambs P. Moobk, Administrator vs Abamixta T. Wkstfibld, et si. THE following paragraph from tha d?cretal Order of Chancellor Johnson in the above case is published for tha information of thoso interested. \. > "It is further ordered that the Commissioner oi this Court do forthwith publish a rule, requiring all the creditors oi the said DAVID O. WESTFIELD deceased, to coma in within nine months from the publication of said rule and establish by proper proof, the nature and amount of thair claims against said deceased. j. r. moore, c. e. o. d. Commissioners Office, Sept. 24, 1866. 8ep 2T IT- dm Sullivan, Stokes &> Stokes. GREENVILLE, S. C. WILL practice in the Courts of Law and Equity. Office on the Publio Square. L All business intrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. Cmablks P. Sot.Utah, *. John W. Stokes, I- Edward F. Stokks. July 19 IT ./ tf Piano For Sale. A good second hnnd piano forte may be had on very reasonable terms. Apply to julius C. smith. Auctioneer, office near the old Court House, Qreenville .a C - * Nov IT v v 26?tf Assistant Assessor's Office, U. 8. INTERNAL RKVENUE% ; ) Orkenmllk, a C. Dec. ?, 1866. f PERSONS following the professiona and businesses enumerated below, or who have followed them, must tske out License therfor, or suffer the penalties. Licensee for 1864, 1866 and 1866 mnst be paid, for which my Books are now open: Law vers?110 GO Physicians and Sbrgeons?$10 00 Dontista?$10 00 ,, + \ ' Manufacturers?$10 00 Photographers?$10 00 Apothecaries?$10 00 Bank Dividends, and addition to surplus funds ?five per cent Bank profits, not divided or added to surplus?five per cent Insurance Companies, dividends and additions to surplus funds?five per cent % Railroad Companies, dividends, interest on bonds addition to surplus funds?five per eent Auctioneers?$10 00 " annual sales not over 910,1000 00 ?$10 00 Autinneers, annual sales over $10,000 00? $20 00 - ' . Real Estate Agents?$10 00 Tubaoeonists?$10 00 ? Confectioners?$10 00 Conveyances?$10 00 Dealers, retail?$10 00 M- wholesale, annual sales not over $50.000?$50 00 Dealers, retail liquor?$25 00 Distillers of Spirttous Liquors?$100 00 Distillers of apples, grapes or peachea, die- _ - tilling 50 bbls abd less than 150 bbls per m year?$50 00 0 Distillers of apples, grapes or peaches, dieI' tilling less than 60 bbls?$20 00 Tedlers, 1st Class?$60 00 " < 2d " ?$25 00 ". _;8<1 ' " ?$16 00 * " 4th V ?$10 00 " of Dry Good, in original packages, or Jewelry?$50 00 Fating Houses?$10 00 Express Carriers or Agents?$10 00 Htirae Dealers?$10 00 Hotels, yearly renting $200 00 or less? $10 00 Hotels; yearly renting over $200 00?$5 00 fftP AffSPf tlliA AA rwas ?1 ? * --- f T"vv vwi * nvnuum jinrniieroof, in addition to the $10 00 * Insurance Agent*, domestic, an nasi receipts not exceeding $100 00-?$5 00 Insurance Agents, domestic, annus) receipts exceeding $100 0O?$10 00 Insurance Agents, Foreign?SO 00 Miners?$10 00 - . I'lummersand Gas-fitters?$10 00 Inoome, exceeding $?00 00 and not exceeding $5,000 00?five per cent . Income, exceeding $5,000.00, excess?10 per cent , Billiard Booms, for eaeh table?$10 00 Bowling Alleys, for each alley?10 00 Butchers?$10 00 " who sell from carts, exclusively?$5 00 Stallions and Jacks?$10 00 , Livery Stable Keepers?$10 00 ^ ^ P. D. CUBETON, Aslsstant Assessor, V. 8. Internal lie venue. Dee > , *. M 9 ?-? ' 1 i i . . . f , T. W. DAVIS, . WATCH MAKEA; CSS WOULD Respectfully loKMbOlnrm the nAntvU aI Q?????IIU ? [P?I Band the eurroundipg oonntrj, ii I fuu ^ FWrf wT OLL^rAftD in the Good, lelt Route, to * more CONVENIENT One, three doora Worth of the Men. - eloq Hooee, pafttdoor <b 1'iekle A Poor, on lUib Street, wbeae he la prepared to do nil work }n hie line of btpintte, at abort noI aloe, in a workmen lika manner, and on reeaonable term*. . Aog . 13 _ tf ' / ? * w f