University of South Carolina Libraries
W/BKmkii ||^^^BWPPl^%?"iiSa^?ry?ta 43$ re : EBnroem, an< Bating o.ofn Bvilege of ec Bights in tb led, let then Btioy may b I leaat in tb Bespect." BsDKD.'-Th Bistant says Bbtful spring B of person Bby being 01 Bernoon ani B other pub Bed with pe Iwas difflcul Imnke bead ^^^^^Tay^^^weiMmRcate^oy the free ar rival and departure of vessels, the ic barriers in the Larbor and river are not entirely removed. The wharves wil now assume their usual lively appear nnce, and it is to be hoped that busincs will take a fresh and.successful! start. \ V" National Bank or Sovtm Caoouna i: COatLhtton.?W?1il? pleasure in anoount ins tli^L the sum Of #80.000, required to b subscribed In this city to recure the octal lisliment of the. above Bonk, was all tnkej tip before the closing of live books on Sal urday last; apd that measvres will be lakei to put the Bank into immediate operation v [Charletton Courier. Tna oldest John Smith Y>f this country i he of Trenton, N. J., who has attained lb age of 117 years. - * GREENVILLE FliltJjfiS CURRENT ; ' connreran wtrkt.y, bt ' GRADY, FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANTS 41RB4NVILLE, 8. C., FE3. 27, 1887. APPLKS, Dri.d, ^ bushel, ?2 0 BACON, ? lb.,.,. .Wr.v? 14 @ 10 r BALK ROPK, lb 05 r BLUE STONE, jp tb - 20 ? hAOfltNO, tlunnj, yard, .45 r BUTTER, V lb v? 20 @ 35 ? BKKSWaX, p lb7. ::...2o , BRANDY\ l'caeb.p gallon,...., ...*1 o CHICKENS, P bead, <0 25 ? COTTON, ? ln.,.? ? 25 < - COFFEE?, $ lb., -08 @ 40 * " " " Java 80 r CORN, *B bushel, 65 (fa 1 .8 CANDLES, lit lb., Adamantine,.. 40 t " " " .Sporta1,.. 50 t " " * TalloW, 30 r COPPERAS, p lb., English 10 c " " North Carolina,.......none RCIOS, 1p dweo I5(r FLOUR, p barrel #18 00 (ft #|8 0i GOLD, a $l 3. GINGER, >? lb .. 50 t IRON, Sweed, fi> lb. 12* ' " Pnnnlrv U ft, - rr?r J ? u* " r M Horse Hhyc, # lb 10 r IXDIilO, South Carolina, ? It. *2 Oi . t' v Spanish Float, " 2 2, LUMBER, Pint, # loo fset,....$l 50 @ *2 b' LEAD, # ....... 20"? LEATHER, Sole,# lb '....50 c - Upper, " ..." 00 (gi JO r MADDER, # lb .A.....25 r MOLA88KS, West Indja, # Kal, $1 Oi NAILS. # lb. Parker Mill 12* r ** How, # lb,'. ...... 50 f OATS, # bushel, .......... 90c ($ $1 Oi PEAS, " " $1 5" - PORK, "St lb, net,..a. 10 < POWDER, IB lb..,., T5 ? PEPPER, Black,.# th.j. 5<* t PEACHES, Dried, # bu*hol, .$2 0< POTATOK8, Sweet; # bushel,.;. S? r " - Irish, , " 4i*'............ I Oi RTOB, tt lb 20 ? STEEL, Cast, # lb :15 c SALT, Liferpool, # sack,,..................$5 0? " " bushel, $1 5< ' SUQAR, Drown, # lb..., ,10 ^ 20 e " CUrifled, # lb 25 e snot, IB lb 20 c SQDA, *? Th'. : t '20 e ? 'STARCH, IB lb 20 e SPICE. -# tb 50 c SHIRTING, J. IB vd,.? 25 e " TURKIE8, IB bead .........75 r. <a> *1 o< TOBACCO, Manufactured, # lb, 60c. $2 0( .. TALLOW,.# lb 15 - TEA, Gunpowder, lb ?.$2 21 " Hyson, " " $t V. " Black,. " " $2 00 ^ *2 J* ' * WnCAT. *? ... ?, ? "V WHISKY.TA gallon,. ?. * ...$.l Of * TARN. Factory, Ti bunch,.;...$2 j?i (Jf. $2 11 HYMENEAL. ' M^ttRiEP, on'the evening of the 23d i nut ; *?y Ito*. E. T. Butat. b. 'D.. II. D." G IB IiON$. dfjilviOff*tod. Alt., and Mr*. MAIVY J. BUKTYVof-ltita place. .?*,Priuter? lee received. ; - .. Kinmr.n, on the 26th in*t., by Re*. E. T. Built, Mr. TltOB. C. GOWKR mud Mr*. E. S. ROWLAND. ?U er Greenville. ; VPrintn'i fee received. * . ? ????ew?? ?mmmmm? . '. .1 I * *. " ' . " . "*"* 'T . .Fair Notice. A'TJ, PEB90Bf?4ndebt^| to the Eetate { of'.lOUN COOK. deceased, are notl tied to call av*l ttUle without delav ? hm*. IndtiUcaDce cannot be #iv?n. . T > WILLIAM GOX, , . Adminiattatof. . February *3, 186T. Feb 28 40. . ? Fair Notice X T,T/ PAKtlKS Indebted to the Eltato rtf J\. JOHN L. HUl>80N5 daedlued, are re' <fua?ted to inakii immediate payment, as no longer indulgence wjlV be riven, ' . "*? if - , A. ttttoaoN/AdinfltraU/r. isir**"- ,o *T* Bant. i..- * . i^3lLr1\ THE HOUSE aoJ LOT. where IWfc auhaeriber naiw W&ifatiGeg: Urea.' bm>Wn^ n 'the C<HvK JpA^iVL'aVN J' '%"?oa ofAh? pm?t JL atr hie places 1h or around OreortrJUe,. with tan or fttCqn A area of land f<* cunivotion, - "and a large rich Garden, Hod fi*e<>ch"*M. * F?r?mm deslnmSof renting, will apply aHhe Coaofi-Paflnry to * T-4>. OU?rjtR. Pt>b2l . 89 S -' -v. ' '? ''/ Vfci ' / I **.* " mswrnm^ |>1 i ' :-i,"':^-^^'Y'5Tt-.^ inneol>v^W|jiMWBy 9 9 Towelnng, T^Smi^BHWWaioCollins* Axes " . Wood Screws Soda and Butter'Crackers b Buckets, Pails : Brooms, Brushes, Ilair Brushes. Blacking Brushes s Spades, Shovels i? Baltimore Sugar Cured Uams J Coneiar., Candles, Ginger; Indigo Lead, Madder; Nails Rice, Starch Tobacco, Factory Yarn, t Allspice, cheap PicklCs, assorted, 50 cts Smoking Tobacco e Currants r Black Pepper , II. - 6 Boxea Cheese c . s English Dairy Cheese t . Oysters, CO cts per box Cendjj; 50 ?t* per lb ' Lagtiyra and Rip Coffees. a ' JUST ARRIVED.' 't Fancy Print* , Barege#;'., | a Dress Trimmings * Flannels, Red and White n Spool Cotton, assorted Heavy Brown-and Bleached Shirtings and -Sheetings ? - Braids e , Linen C.iHankerchiefs t Head Netts /' ; ' . , Ladies and Gents gloves ' Morocco Belts Brown and Bleached Drills Buttons, assorted Scovell'8 Steel Hoes, assorted sizes i and qualifies Knives and Folks p Pocket, Knives, splendid' assort\ . inettt, cheap J* Wire Selves A complete and lnt^o assortment ? of Garden Seeds n The above goods are-sold at the lowest possible pronto .for orisli, or country pro- , duoc ; and I am deceiving, every week, ffo'n .* Baltimore, Ney York, and other tnorUeti., fr?sh supplies, which 1 intend to sell at prices n to suit times. My Goods aro bought eni.. tirely for nett cash, and chn consequently, '. he lower figuces than those that are ' ItnllrrhI An timn .K.??.? JOUN D. A31IMORE '* Feb 28 v? - - 40 tf 5 IO.UA. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION, 1 ' Cbari.kstox, 21 *t February,1867. J THE undersigned, having been appointed Commissioner, lias been Instructed by j his Excellency, Governor Orr, to organise the k Bureau at the earliest poesiblo moment. In a fl few rttiya Amenta will be nppofuted by the tlov.v t evnor to proceed to-Europe, whose duty it will ,* be to induce immigration to our State, to die, scminatc such Information as may be furnishcd them of lauds for sale or lease,- and to colt KftRO such laborers, mechanics, servants and other h'elp, aa may be desired by the inbahi,* touts of tho State. Au Agent, lor the same j object Will, perhaps, be sent to New York. It j would bo . dcsirnblo that our people fi)r(lisli this Rurcnu without delay with information * how tlnjy desire-to be served, indicating the kind of help-they require, and tho wages which they are willing to pay ; or a description of the lands thpy have for sale or lease, j And their terms and conditions. "If conibint ationS can he formed in tho scrotal Districts ,* of the Statu for joint action,It-would perhaps j facllitnta mutual operations and where arj rnngements cau be tnado .to adrancc port of. fho passage nmUoy of the laboring immigrants, ,* by accepted orders to that effect on any of tho. > factors or mercBbnta of'Charleston, it Wophl no doubt -grentVy advance the .result. If ] the peddle-that fay or this iw6a.?orrc would meet ?t their .respective Court Itopiv-s, to cdhsnlt | and indicate their wants, this Hftreau would j take great plcacnro in scrying their interest to j me oc*t or lis ability.- A pamphlet will bo printed Hn"9^ver?T Kuropean-tanenajres furdis-- ! ' trlbution, dceofibinc tho'cappeities and adtan, t'nj;cs of our Soil, climato, productions, etc., in ( which many particulars that are promptly I'urj nished may bo advertised. - The uicaus at the I disposal of the Bureau being strictly limited, the kind assistance of the conductors of our ( public journals is respectfully requested. ' . * .I0II"N A. WAUtiXKtt, Commissioner of Immigration. Alt the paper* in tho State idK publish twice, and send their hills to the Commissioner. ' F?b2r .. 40 ' 2 Auction! iSELLING ORF AT COST! . rail IK stock of Cf?N?.l* of McCONXfcLL X & GOQDLETT, will be told at ' * COST FOR CASH, At their Store, In Greenvilln, until Afoutlay, 1 Me UfA of March nrxt, when all IjJiSOLD < QOOtCt - will tie disposed x>f at PUBLIC 1 OUTCRY, to the HlGiilfcT BIDDKll. P. OAUBLK, Assignee. i HOB'T McKA Y, Agent fOr Creditor*. ( I CI Ill- U /( ?A.L if-, " \j., ?wi reoruery, |#tV7. Feb 71 89 - . tf 0f Columbia Pally Phcniix will insert tyrlce a week, four limes, and send bill to , fniy office. ' ~mi\t howst. - Comer of Meeting and Queen "Street*,. i .. O&AJVHEflTON, 8. C. A '"< THIS Wftl known FIftST ( iffliHi CHA8S HQTEb bus ju>t "boon thoroughly repaired, 1*6fitted Jnd Wrfurnisk^d. and li*nOw ready f?r >tBo ncceftiino"1ftti?t) of tl?u travelling nubile, ' patronage la i**p?rtfully toKcHed. '. I merchants rfotllng the city, are mapect Fully . Invited, livery a cvup emulation will be offoe- I ed tbcu. . -? Cuaefae a alwayi In readincrt to ionrey paa-' a , ,teasers t*> m>d from the Hotel. I This Proprietor pr<>ntUea to do all ia bispo* u or toy l&* Comfort dt.bit ftueat*. * JOSEPH rURCELL. Proprietor, I .?** w \ y. . t : | ? * / ? ^ ^ ? * S , j ' ' \ % ' e ' *d " ft k- ' ? * \ hiVa ha*fl fMNrpetrat e "<' colored, t^HgUttldGP^HRttran s, (Ireenville. An JPp>ii and ApBfVWle, by three d*?perat< Hutu we, to Wit: ? Brown, known na Tex 'a# Brown, by ? Sullivan, pi Lauren*, am by ?-Burkett, alia* Bnrkheari, alias Wol laCc, wherein the Uvea of ninny persons hav? been threatened and the property of other pillaged; and whereas it has been repre aented that Elias Brown, a frredman, ha been murdered by the twp former ; ant whereas the Said Brown committed an as eault and battery on the person of Lewii Clark, a freedman, with intent to kill, a' Cokerbury, Si C.; and ujiereaa thcr sate Browp, flnlllvan nod BgrketC, alia Wal lace, perpetrated a daring'robbery upor Jp.-aio French,.a citizen of Greenville, S. C. and wherraa the raid Brown nnd Bniket assaulted, with intent to kill, sundry eiti ? nu'icrruu nnu wueren? these det-perate .outlaws hnve committee other nets of rapine, plunder and outrage and have thus far eluded nnd avoided -Turret by the civil authorities for ttieir n?ani fold crimes: -TsL Now, kno?& ye, that I, JAMES L, ORR Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State aforesaid, tin horeby offer c reward of NINE HUNCREU BULBARS tor the orrfst and safe delivery ot the said JJrown, SulliVhn and Burkf-tt in any jail in this -State, or THREE HUNDUED'DOLLA IIS.-for either of thi-m. AJI Sheriffs, ConstaMe*. Magistrates' and all other officer# of the State, civil and mil itaiy, are hereby commanded nnd r?Vj\iired to use every exer-lton tosecrtfe the at-rest ol the parties aforesaid, to the end that tin laws of this State may be maintained nnd these outlaws brought to condign punish, ntcnt. In witrtesi whereof, I have hereunto "sub scribed tuv Dame and caused tlit en' of the State to be affixed, at tin [t. s.] city oT Columbia, this t wenty second day of February, A. IX, 1867, nnd in the ninety first year of tlie inde^ pendente of the United States,ol America. JAMES L. ORR. G overnor. N* Cai-ki-.s, Secretary of State. Feb 28 ' ' " 40 *f 3' - t?T Edgefr eld Advertisrr. Anderson Intelligencer. Abl?evillo I'resa and Banner, I'iekcns Cotiricrj Greenville Mountaineer and Enterprise, Newberry llerald, Laurent Herald, uu-i the Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, copy three times and forward bill* to Executive office, rtii Carolina"' CABBAGE SEED, 17*ROM BUNCOMBE, warranted PUR1. abd'FUKSIL .'- mvin ?. UTIl * T.T rn u.i n? u .11 ivn ri,r; i , " > - Opposite lJepot. Feb U '\ . v 38 {in PROSPECTUS . "P THE B A FT I ST. T\TE VIIOPOSK to publish ft WEEKLY T PAPJiR, itevnteJ to tin* diffusion of the principles ?f rHlij?ion and tins interests of the Baptist denomination. \V? have been moved to this undertaking by the solidtntions of brethren tn vifrioup portions of this State, fts well us ftf other States, unions the readers of the late CouftttcrnU liaptUt, and by'our own conviction that n pnper of high character would ^contribute largely to tlie intellectual improvement, the religious progress, and the general welfare ?tf the churches. Ti:c field in large, affordln/? nniplc room for nli oeere and zealous lahorpfw The will he printed on a sheet, about twenty-two by thirty-two inches. And will contiiin- twenty- (our broad columns, mostly in Lj"t'g Primer type, elmrMid. leg, ihle, so that it rend with comfort, even the aged. Ita-oittire mechanical oxee.ulion will be of tjie highest order. 'Our column's'will lie enriched by correspondence and contributions from the other Maul hern States, and,-occasionally, from Europtr, and our missionr.>y-?tations abroad. Theenfectainment and instruction of the young?especially the chlhheo-^will not he forgotten and our veherifblo friend, "Uncle Fabian," *r? well end favorably ktiown to lite readera of the Confederal* ]f4ptl*t, m ill resume Ills labor* In.their behalf. In short, we possess all the fnoHiiies requisite to produce a paper of the first rank. A* such. wt> offer it to our brethren, und'fidieit their gajierous co-operation? The Jiiijititt will fte'issued ft? soon ns a sufficient number of subscribers haye l>ecn secured Tkiryts?fa a year, payable on the reception of the firit number. AH cojYimunientibns will be addressed to " The liaptitt, Colombia, S. O." J.t UrYNHldW." A. K. PUIM! A M, Kditors and Proprietors. Feb 21 - *9 ?: - 2 DR. ANDERSON :i'y urmwt >"v wreen.Viue anil vicinity, that sinco the fira ho !ia* opened Mm OFFICE next door tr> his resitc.neo, juft' in the roar of Messrs. Divvid & Stradlcy, wlicro ho in prepared to practice DENT M SUftORRY in'hoth'ifi hrancbes, operative and ruechani al. for the C.\XJ/ only. Feb 14- - 3?. / it AGUKTS WiltTtD VOU THE LIFE LETTERS, SPEECHES, &c., OF HON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. HY HF.K1VY Cl.KVET.ANI>, Late Editor of the Anm'atn, (fia ,} Oynstltlit iotinl st. Semi f?r Circular* an<t see onr- terms, ind a full description <if the "wrtrli. Addrias NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 3ort>er fih and Main Sis, Richmond, Va.. fJairSl 86 .6 Notice. A LL parties indebted to the Estate of Mt?. CHRISTIANA II. TALltlKD, will itako payment; and.all parties hav ing cUianw iKatnsl the Estate, will present them property itt.-Mted, within tlWec month*, p> the KxciSutor, RANKLIN TALIHKI>, at Beaufort, S. C., r to us st Uroeuvilla, A. C. QOOUI.KT.TA THOMAS. . AHortwyt at "Law. Jaooary I if, 1*<VT." . 32 .! 8m 'y . ' & ?.'- ***** l" ? ' \ ' . \ .. * - 4 i n?| n r aw o^*fww? I n V, hauling it fronar landa uhder tn I char##.' This la to notify thcrn and all oM ' era, that I iiavc no negro aecnt* for tellln wood, find that io future if any paraon shall purchase and haul wood from stti land, I will hold tliatn ^sponsible na trei paaarra, unleas they purchase thu tains frot ma. For any violation of ihs foregoing notio? I ahali enforce the law. WU. CHOICE. Feb. 14 88 tf w ~ i NEW GOODS! I CHEAP FOR CASH! AT THF^aOODLETT IIOVSZ, 1 ONK DOOR 80CTU OF POST OFFICE. [ *jfri I II AYR opened a nun 11 f jpj Sioftk of SHOES, consiH-BHym I Mens' IJGOTEES. SlfOKS and BUOUANS , Ladiea BOOTIES Vtd SiJOES - Boys' BOOTEE*. and BROGA^S Mtawa' BOOTEES Childr?.n#'X3opper U>od SHOES Slioe LACES, linen and cgltun I latter nn'd Not* PAPER v ENVELOPES. 5 I also expect a ! Stock of Groceries, tha In?t, n/ the waek, Those wishing dOFFBR.-SUO A R, TEA. -SODA I PEPPER. SPICK. CINDER, 4WT, would do- well to call bifore purchasing 1 elsewhere. f "OenUemep who are fond of a GOOI ? SEOAR, wilf find it. horn. I 1 will Barter for Corn, Racon, Butter Eggs, and country produce in gonerah Call and examine inv Stock.' R. L. BURN. Feh 14 33 ? Bra 1 Agents Wanted r TX EVERY. COUNTY Of North and Sontl JL Carolina-, to canvass arid sell Lloyd's New Double Map of North America on tlio face and a COUNTS ' MAP ot the United States on tbo back?covering ti I Square Feet of iflmlin. ; waspia la^DS^jCiafias, , Other A'gcncies can be given if desired.? Agents make from #j-to $20 per day. Address, warren r. Marshall, , tiencrul Agent Lloyd's Map. Columbia, S...C, All Carolina papers inserting this notice t< , the am,niut "f $.h will receive n copy of tin ' Map in payment, i Feh 11 Jffi ' 9 Agonts Waiitod yORTHK HISTORY of the WAR be 1? I\vp?ii the State*?"tracing it* origin enure* and results, hv Hon. II. STEPHENS. Anil for the LIFE. LET TKItH and SPEECHES of Hon. ALKXAN I?KR H. STEPHENS, hy HENRY CLEVE LAND. Send for Circular* nud see oui terms. Address NA I ION AT, T'U RUSH IXC, CO.. Corner>7 th mid Main St*., Richmond, Vn. . Fel> 14 38 If The Stato of Souih Carolina \.-+a/ipESV/I.Lb' WSTJtlCV. Sheriff's Sales. 13 Y virtue of eutulry SVrlfe of Fieri Facia 3 to mc 'directed, I roll at public* out cry, before the Court House /toor, on thi firxt Afoutlay in March next, at the usiia hour of sale,' One Tract of LAND on the Augusta Road one and a half fhilep from the Town ol tlfeen ville.containing 220 acr^s, inure or leaf adjoining lands of Mrs. M. O, Williams, the Estate of Ynrdry MvBee. deceased, 11. P. llnnimett and others Also, one Tract ol LAND containing 30 acres, mors or less, adjoining lands of it. T. Hammond, P. C. Edwards, C. 11. Jnd?on and others. Also, 1 Sorrel Horse ni;d 2 Mulses; and at l'elen dant's residence, on Tttcmlay after theJirxt Monday in March next, at the hour of twelve, niftiin r..ll I >?nvniiii |Hrraqnm property, viz: 1 Carriage, 1 Grindstone, 1 largo Kettle, 1 2 horse Wagon, 1 old 4 horse Wagon, BinaJI lot Shucks, smnll lot Fodder, small lot Gorn. l Work TaW?rl .Writing P.csk. 1 Coffee Mill, I lot Ilnnd Towels, It Wardrobes, ft Bebstoads, 11 MAitreeoer, 1 Crib, about 10 Comfoi Is and (pulls, 8 Blankets, fi Spread*, lu Sheets, 1(? Pillows, rl Bo]si-trs, 1 lot hob stcf and pillow Cases, '2 standv 1") raw or 8, 2 liook Cases, 2 Sofas, 1 Piano, 1 <)?.>/ Cushioned Chairs, 1 doK Cane <1<>; 1 d<? Split Bottom d<>,' It square Tables, small Table?, ft comJ nion Wnshstands, '2-dressing Tables, 1 mar| hie top centra Table. 1 marble top Sjdej board, 1 common SUlelxford, lot straw Mat| ting, 1 l"t Waiters, 8 colored table Covers, 1 lot table Cloths, 1 lot colored Doilies, 1 I lot white do, 1 Pot Coblele and Tumblers, 1 Ipr celery Stands, 1 lot wine und Jelly Classes, '2 Castors, 1 small Stove, 1 doz.stool Chairs.-l lot Crockery, 1 Churn, 1 pr warp | ing Bars,- 1 lot Tinware, 1 l-ooin nod fix| tores, 1 lot Jars nnd -'nga, 1 lot old.Barrels, J 1 tin Spiiukhr, 2 pr candle. Moulds, 1 ' Grater,_! wash Pot, 2 water Pails, lOShotes, 6 Cows and 5 Yearlings, 1 tin Sale, 1 dining Table and half ltminds, 2 cushioned Hocking Chairs, ft window Shades, 1 lot. common window Cu tains, 2 pr brass Amli rons, 8 pr cast do. 8 brivja FenderR, 4 pr Shovels aud-Tongs, 1 pnrlor Carpet, 1 stair Carpet and Bods,'2 commcd Carpet*, 1 parj lor Hug, 7 Ilatins ahd 5 Pitchers, 1 tin Tub, ; 1 Granite do, 4 Candlesticks, 1 *pr brass do, | -1 Chambers, 1 hat Hack, I passage Oil Cloth, 1 U. S^lap, 1 What Not. 3 Girandoles. 1 pr Sjiittoona, ) email lot Books, 2 Footstools, I piano Cover, 1 piano 8t?>ol. Levied on ne "llie property of J. Wkslyy Drools at the ; suit ot 81'ANMOKK 1L JjllOUJt*. A, :* " A LAO, One LOT in the Town of Greenville;. nenr the old Baptist Chtireh, adjoining lots ofT>r. 1 (>. B. Irvine and J. M. Allen. On the Lot ! is a two story'..Dwelling with 7 rooms, a J good Well.of water, iMubte, Carriage house. I Ac^ Also, one Tract of LAtlD containing ! 250 acres, more or leee, adjoining lands ol | (K W. A O, A". I'm kins, Thomas P. Sinlt h, I Wrlljaoi Hates and oilier*, and known as the Hugh Stokes' old place Levied on as i the property of Gkobok W. Collins, at the J. suit of-T. IPSNBY^THTKa, | Terms Cush. Purchasers to pay for title* W. T. 4HUMATK, H O, D, Sheriff# Ofllae, lib February, 1867. Tab tf 3* [ V . , 5 .; * t ? ,' * "-w * * / ' ifrr ' VC6AVID * pC!?CA*,' _ v' orekmvills, a. a g Till* 8TOCK 1* well selected, and comprises a all the bcaU and moat deal ruble goods n jointly d found in a And claaa GROCERY and PROi/ VISIOX STORK. Alan, a good variety of rt Dltt88 GOODS, Cl.OTUS, CASSIMERES, II ATS, SHOES, Ac. Ae. Jan 31 SO if T>RO>VN SUGARS W . Xj Cruibod SUGAR Pulvcriaed SUGARS Fine Trinidad MOI.A8FES Fine Sugar House SYRUP. JE0- For Sale by TnOMAS RTEEX, " At tho old aland of McDavid A Duncan. , - Jan 31 SO . if Coffee. "JX 10, by the Sack or by the pound IV, JAVA, fino old Government i LAULTRA [ ?&* For sale at tbo lowest cash prices by ? THOMAS StKKN, i At thoold stand of McDavid A Duncan. ? Jan 31- . ' * ? 3ft tf ? . - Tea?Green, and Black. %TOUXG TTYSON X MOYCNS OUXPOWDER' SuprrWlr OOLONO English HitKAK FAST All of which arc very ftno, ^nd for salo by f THOMAS STF.KN, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 - 3fl ' . tf-.' 5 * CheoseT7XQT,TSTT dairy > 1 i GOSllfiN FACTORY For sale by THOMAS STEF.N, . . At.the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan-31 ?. 30 ' tf Dress Goods. XVreRSTKD PLAIDS V\ DKLANES CRETOUNS J CIIALL1S LC8TRES All Wool DEL AXES, Ac. Opera FLANftELS, Fancy COLORS * Red and White Welsh FLANNEL Spotted FLANNELS Flir salo by . * - TnOMAS STEEX, At tlie old stand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 3A' tf Domestics. OHTRTTXGS, Brown and Bleached SHEETINGS, Brown and Bleached grjjr For sale by ' ' THOMAS STEEX, S At tlio nl.l t M..l? - v? . ?? i.K i-.n m a, jL/iuiean. J?n 'M ' ^ ;:r? - tf Linens. rrum.E LTXF.NS, 7-8 quartan ' I-*- Fine Irish LINEN 11 iirknVisu'k DIAPKK ? Birds' Eyo DlAPlilt For saio by THOMAS STERN, At llie old stand of McDuvid A Duncan, r Jan 31 . 3(1 tf Shoos. AT7"OMENS l'EOGED HOOTERS Yt T-udics Pegged and Sewed DALMOItAI.S ' . , Misses Pegged HOOTERS ltuys and Children* SHOES Men* JlltOG A NS, Roatli Carolina Mndo For salo by i. THOMAS STEEN. At the old stand of McDuvid A Duncan. i Jan 31 " 30 tf ONE FINE One horse CAItRlAUE. For sale by r . THOMAS STEEX. , At the olil stand of McDuvid A Duncan. ONE FINE BUGGY, without top. In complete order 1ST For sale by THOMAS STEEN, At (lie old stand of McDavid'A Duncan. Hoes. HHADE'S 1 0 2 hf> HOES < ltrnile's Crown llOKS I F.lwcll's Bright C. S. 1IOF.S KlwelPs 1 0 2 00 llOK-S - And ntlnr kinds nt the Invest prices. , For sale by TltflttAO ofr.c'vr I At the old stand of Mi-David A Duncan. Cotton Cards. SARGENT'S WHITTEMOltE, No. 10, _ and other Manufacturers, tar For sale by THOMAS STEEN. ; At the old stand of AlcDavid A Dune in. I^XTRA N F. W -11 ULLF.D BUCK- ; 'U WHEAT, in quantities to shit pur- j chasers. -For sale by , . thom as stfen, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. i ? , - Nails. Assorted sizes, by the kef. or puund, at . , THOMAS 8TEKVS, At the old stand of Mi-David A Duncan. ( . Jan 31 StJ ' tf Grindstones. j"3INE NOVA SCOTIA (1RIT For sule by ' . THOMAS STEEN, At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. 0 Jan VI' 36 . tf ? 1 1 . Mill Spindle- 1 ONE SET MILL, IRONS; ' 'I For sale by ' - - r THOMAS STEEN, _ * t m mo uiu sennit 01 ^lCI'iivni A lJuucan. I t : Jmt 31 3# if | Blacksmiths' Vicos. I FOll SALE li* J THOMAS STERN, n At tlio old stand of .M.'David A Duncan. n * Jap .31- ^ *3ft J tf jti IT h MY J>K-d(lN to Weep the *ery lio-t fi 1 (KX3l?i tli.It can he obtained, and by a folcd?nalir>n nod abort profile, merit a share c of the pultlie patronage. I hope to be aide ' G to aupply tlio wanW of my ?u?t<>?nera at all time*. * THOMAS A t KEN, A J, tire n]J stand of Md>**id A L>udc?n. *ji i4 vk. v, tf. i ^ ; * k ' tho^;?nmm ^?n-? r^f W HT CAMiMk]|J (Dittriot Jndg*.f||f^ '"" ' V17ILL PRACTICB In Y V CourU of Law nnd Equity.% ' If" Office in Uie New Court Route, Greenville, S. C. Pet 4 tf ^ To Rent. I the dwelling nous* X/phL- . v, opposite th? Baptist Church, h>r the present yenr; nlw, ?yrnS!a& the HOUSE on the eoroor of same lot. Apply to THOS. B. THUR8T0K. Jan 10 88 if The London Hair Color Bestorer and Dressing. . t70h sale by 1; WALTER A WESTMORELAND, MAXS/OX HOUSE JIUILDIXU. Janllary 3 32 tf'S CLOCK'S EICELSQIR MIR RESTORER. ITtOli SALE BY 1 ' WALTER A WESTMORELAND, MA SS!US' HOUSE UUHLDIKO. 1 January 3 * 32 ' '' If Final Notice. T WOULD ray to those indebted to ate, 1 Hint I am compelled to collect the money ovrinsr, in order to meet my own pre win# obligation!). Tbo NOTKS and BOOKS are in the band* of Capt. wm. k. EAKLE, and this Notice must be observed promptly to save Coats. . . A BIM KLEEU GILRE ATH. Febrpary'lat, 1867. Feb 7 ! 87 4 R. L. BRYAN, *WITn JAMES J. McCARTER, OTPOStTK COLUMBIA COURT norsa, B.C. DEALER in 8chool, Law, Medical, and Miscellaneous ROOKS, Writing PA1*KHS, liluuk nOOKS. STATIONERY for SCHOOLS nud OFFICES. Wholesale and Retail. A- Good assortment of SCHOOL ROOKS on hnnd. Feb 7 " * 37 .... 6* Guardians, Trustees and Receivers, ARK RKQUIUKD to mnk* their Rotnrna to thin Ottico by the Jirtt day of June next. All failing to mnke their return by that, lime, will -be reported to the Court. JAS. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Jnnunry 23, 1867. Jnn 24 85 tf Dissolution. nniiK riRM of barkspale, perry <fc Co.. i* dissolved. Parties to whom the some is indebted, will present their Claims at the Factory, or to me at Greenville, S. C. W. M. THOMAS. January 7, 1867. Jan 24 85 tf REMOVAL. wiiiiamTiiisnant, . Merchant Tailor. /rr^Y) RESPECTFULLY infarma (be community of Greenville, ltV?*ryr.tratL **t he has REMOVED to the ii^MH^aDa-<tore on Main Street, three doors above Washington, and next to MePLIERHON'S Bakery, where he will CUT & MAKE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLE, GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. Just received a full sunnlv of TRIM MINGS, of the best quality, which will he linpt'8'id of on very reasonable TE11M8 FOR UASII. Jan 17 34 tf STATE OF li OUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. HY VIRTUE of a Decretal Order from the Court.?f Ordinary, for Greenvilla District, 1 will expose for sale, at publio imtcry, to the highest bidder, on the jCrst Monday in March next, the following I'RActof I.ANI), viz.: All that piece, parcel nnd Tract of Land litnated in Greenville District, on waters >{ Rocky Cr^ek, bounded by lands of John IVatson, William Austin, Joseph Chandler, tnd others, and containing fifty acres, norc or less, Sold as the property of AILhlAM MOORE, deceased, for partition iniong the lleirs. W, T. SHUMATE, S. O. I>. Sheriff's Office, Otb Fehrunry, 1867. Feb 7 '. / 87 -> .8 5TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ; GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. WlJ,SON HAWKINS, Administrator, applicant against tlie heirsat law if J. It. HAWKINS, whose names ar? inknown, Warren Hawkins, and others, Wfendants. Citation for revision of Sale till and final settlement of Estate. It appearing that the heirs-iatdaw of J. It. Inwktns, deceased, And Warren Hawkins eaide heyond this Htate. It is ordered liat they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, o be holden at Greenville Court House, on Wcdnenjay, the 8th dny of May vext, at 111 'clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they an, why the Sale Hill of the Ketate of lAUTHA HAWKINS, deceased, should rot be revised, by introducing for thatpurioss, to ascertain the true value of Ilia ?riclea sold, and a final settlement of the aid Estate he made on that day; and on iilure of parties to appear in person or by ttnrney, their consentB will be taken aa otifesaed. liven under my hand, at Greenville Court House, ?His 6th day of February, A. I)., 1867. S. J. HOUTHIT, 0. 0. IV Tab 7 . > 87 . 3m