University of South Carolina Libraries
Aucno" K-. K a BUREAUS, SOFA.T.^ , .555 isv -fi$ flfaw??rd, Marble't*p TABLE *! ' $&,?& OABPET, STOVES, ;> r . And many other Atlfclqa. julius 0, smith, " Uoeneed Aaeiion and Cow. MerebaoA,.3 ?? ?ewCfi ? ? IcuU irtd tak# tkiffl tWij bitort Ibt, .fSB' ota of February. '- . .J8 I HP f.lcensed Aufcttott and Cbai. Merchant > . Jan SI 8ft 1 ' dentiSthy- " dT. D. ClIKETOSI WILL uss his utmost endeavora to keep the most repiste DENTAL ESTABLISHMENT in the Sbtltb. HIS facilities for pttU ting up _ Artificial teeth Are unsurpassed in the Sohthtrn States; Sefving oompetllion, and at ptibrs that will enable every one to have Bach trotk done. Every ARTIFICIAL TOOTH is of Auperior beauty, which cnnobt be detectea from the productions of nature, gradually restoring that uniformity to the features essential to youth ana beauty, and warranted Satisfactory lor mastication and articulaparxless fborh strkAcfrdti, For readily extracting TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, superceding anything before attained by the profession, astonishing all vrho witness it All-operations In DENTISTRY performed with, care and skill, and for cheapness km! utility. Unsurpassed. Unskilfully applied Teeth rehiodled, and a tore fit guaranjTssd at model-ate prides. ? .tgy Office-, at ptbsent; at Mrs. Laval's Htitlse, formerly occupied by J. Pool. dan II M. tf - t)omo and SettleTHOSE INtfEBTED to ths South Carotfoa Matiiilahtutfng Company by nr Account. TTfuSt tmv or settle-. BUBO, Agent, .January 26th, JJ67. IV WE HAVE A FINE STOCK OF UN, lilU m Cd5T)NGS. ON HANO, WHICH WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SELL. Jan 31 36 V 2 Picture Gallery. NOW i? your time to procure good PUOTOOUAI'nS, AMBROTYPE8, or any kind of picture? that can he taken on gtaA or paper. Mr. L. A. GREEN ia in our village for this purpoee, and haa roomeovcr WttiTMtREA FERGUSON'S Stdre. W, ay to All Vranting their beauty drawn for their aweethharte; Irtenda, or themBelvea. had better take advantage or the golded opportunity afforded thctr. by thiagentleman a he will remain bnt a abort time in the village. You can have a gottd picture drawn on the lateatand moat improved alyle. Young ladiea, now ia the time to have your beauty eaaea for that dear, good-looking young gentleman friend of your a Young tnen, now ia the time for you to have your {>hotograph drawn and preaented to your ady love. Old bachelora and old maida, St there be any ) and old people generally, are your picture# drawn for your frienda. Mr. I* A, GREEN will furnish you with good picture* at reasonable price#. Agents wanted for THE Lin LETTERS, SPEECHES, Ac., Of * NON. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. BY HENRY CLEVELAND, Late Editor Of the Augusta, (Ga.() Constitutional 1st. fiend for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Addrase National publishing co., Corner 7th and Main Sts, Richmond, V?. Jan Si \ 86 4 Guardians, trustees and Receivers, ARE REQUIRED to make their tictutns to this Office by the firtt day of June next. All failing to make their return by that time, will be .reported to the Court. JA8. P, MOOIIK, 0, E. G. D. Commissioner's Office, January 28, 1867. Jan 24 86 if. mt i , Dissolution. THE FIRM of BAREST) ALE, PERRY .A Co.. ia dissolved. Parties to whom the Mme la lodebted, will present theii Claim* at ths Factory, or to me at Greenville, & O. W. M. THOMAS. January 7, 1867. Jaa M 85 U 0TATB OF SOtTTS CAROLINA QREENVILLE D/8TM0T. " Sale?. - -.? -A ? - - s~em WrHa r\t Feeri Frt^iV B to i* (Erected, i wu'l ? rnb?? o?t 6ry, before the Court Hpiit tPO*. ?*? A? Jfo-daf /? t'ekrUriry w<*', at the wW??l ""'J ale, on. TrMi of LA"NB, lying In nJVennvlll' District near KnotOe Vhu h? containing um, bounded by land, of H. Bishop, A. P OUreetfe, A. J, B.Uo? fctnl others.. Levied ot M the property ef ffAjiPYtf* P., Pool, at th< Wit of Wii, Bat.b A WkI As ScDahIbl, ifoi wm. Bath. . ALSO* 6ap tract of LAND, lying on th. vftter# o a.edy River, eonUinitig J30 Aeres, ihpre o let., adjoining lend, of Dr. D. R. Anderson ft. H. JVfTtfiu,, Henry M. Only, and other..Levied Hiitii property of jtwi L. Jan Ml, at the Mitt of T. Ill rr. . r, , A LI Of Can Tract of LAVD, on the water, of Boo Toe River, containing 46 Aere.,, more or U.i edJoinUg land, of Dy. Tew, ArneHee Fowiei and other.. Levied oft "n. the property.? Svbbmt T. Dill, at the suit of the State, t eettfy State and District Tax Bkeoniione. u Taniffc?Caah. PnrohMer. tn pay for Title * W*. T. SHUMATR. fl. b. D. Sheriff*# Office, January NUh, 1M17. i M 34- U t r ' ' Ai the old' stand of VeDarid A Duncan* , Jan >1 36 tt C Coffee. "f) 10, by iha 8ack or by the ponnd JLV JAVA, fin* old Qorcrnmcnt LAUDYRA MSf For solo ai the loweat cash prices by . . THOMAS STEKN, At the old stand of McDarld A Duncan. Jon 31 36 tf Tea?Greek aikd Black. XOUNO HYSON MOYUNK ' IPOWDKR Superior OOLONG English BREAKFAST , .. All of which are Tory fine, and fof sale bj A. \ ^ % THOMAS STEEN, At Ine old stand of McDarid A Duncan. Jan 31 36 tf Cheese. T*NGLI8H dairy Hi G08HBN FACTORY For solo by * THOMAS STfeKN, At th#old slKnd of McDarid A Duucan. . Jaa -31 36 tf Canvassed Ham?, P?TK 8U0AR>CURED HAMS Fine Leaf LAUD For sale by . ... TnOMAS stEen, At tho old stand of McDavid A Duncan. . Jan 31 36 tf Buckets. PAINTED BUCKETS - \ Wall BUCKETS I'iuiited TUBS BROOMS. JpZS~ For Moby . . ^ , , THOMAS STRE^, At tl^o bid stand ol McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 - ? 3# *f Rice. CAROLINA WlioDE RICE Boston CRACKERS Butter CRACKERS bc-da BISCUIT ?b,- r?r ?nlo by ... THOMAS STEfcNj At the old ?t/utd of McDavid A Duncan. I Jan 31 85 tf . Salt. IN SEAMLESS SACKS For aaloby WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at THOMAS fiTKKN'S, At the old atand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 31 /- 3? tf Nails. Assorted sizes, by the keo ar POUND, at TnOMAg 8TEKN'8, At the olvl atand of McDavid A Duncan. Jan 81 , .. 39 tf Rress Goods. XtfoiiSTBD PLAIDS ?Y DBLAKES CRET0UN8 CIIALLIS LUSTRES All Wool DRLANES, Ac. Opera FLANNELS, Fancy COLORS Red and White Welsh FLANNEL Spotted FLANNELS jsaf For sale by THOMAS STEEN, At the old stand of McDarid A Duncan. ' . Jan 31 1 38 tf ThACIFIC, Merrimack, Spragues, WamSut1 ta and Kaumkeag PRINTS Fine French CALICOS and CAMBRICS For sale by THOMAS STEEN, At the old stand of McDarid A Duncan. Jan 3l 3d tf jbomestics* SniRTINOS, Brown and Bleafthed . SHEETINGS, Brown and Bleached For sale by ' . THOMAS ST1EN, At the old stoild of Mrparid A Duncan, Jan 31 Sfl tf tinehs< fflABLK ilNKNS, 7-8 qfiarterf X Fine Irish LINEN Huckaback DIAPER Birds' Eye DIAPER f AU For sale by .. TnOMAS STEEN. At the old stand of McDarid A Duncan. Jan 31 -- . . 88 tf " ; ^ S Shoes. ' k TirO'MiJNS PEGGED BOOTEES jY Ladtet Pegged and Sewed BALMO ' JUtA Miaaea rm?il BOOTEES ' Boy a Md Children* SHOES * Mens BROGANS, South Carolina jifade i ^ iifcSU For sale by tHOMAS flTEAN. At the old aland af SfcBavid A Btrnean. f. Jan 12 39 tf ) Grindstones/ r T?INT? NOVA SCOtlA GRIT * For?Kl*by . * . .. A , TltpMAS 8TKEN, f ' At the old aland of MePhrid A Duncan. r Jan 31 * I | if ?f Mill Spindle. ONE SET MILL IRONS For aala by . ' TTIOMAR STERN, >> At tb? old a(atad of MeDavid A Dunoaa. % Jan 81 39 if^ * Blacksmiths' Vioee. a. T70n SALE BY J* . TlfOMAS STEEN, At the old atand of MeBaald A Dauean. Jan 81 M if 4k|K>6ed of on CASH. ^ v- WHnLUWB^-?#l^ , . ILL practice in the Counties df lAnp T Y*Slrtu, Pawson, Gilmer, Fannin; Union, xJwn.?VrhIte lad Hall. JK Jan 10 33 it ? : I L? r , A fair Notice. "VTY ACCdUHTB^ to l?th October, tlfl 1805, must now he closed up. I hive placed them in the haqdsof Capt. WM. E. KAItLK, and I hope that ihe parties wilt pay onte money,, am) cloee .the balance by Nolo. N. B. Those which are not closed by Note, Will be eued upon indi*crhninalrly. .. JOHN W. URAtlY. Jan 17 34 4 miiMTImliii, WiTilm THE Faculty of the Unlvers* r' l$T '1 y of Virginia, together with yMQB3r Commodore Maury, have in tlte course of publication a complete Sci'ics of School Books, which I have arranged to present to the public as soon nR issued. Of this aeries I have in Store the followibg, which I offer At New York Pricoi: The Southern Speller The Southern Pictorial IViner, or Firsi Header The Southern Second Reader Tlte Southern Third Reader The Southern Fourth Reader These Bonks are gotten up in the very best style, and handsomely illustrated. AtTTjTTsrrngw ns^rtv s?. ngeilk Jan 24 ' 86 > 2 LOST. . ON or abont tlie 1 Otb instant, between Anderson Court Hotisa and my resi. dence, thirteen miles below Greenville Court Hoaso, a small MEMORANDUM BOOK, containing various accounts, and three NOTES; one on A.J. Vandigrlft ?t Co., for two hundred do'lnrs, i$2no. 00.) dated 27th October, 1866, sad payable one day after date; one on Mrs. \TVstfleld, dated in October last, for twenty-five dollars, (?2fl. 00,) and the other On Israel Charles, dated Januriry 10th, 1861; tot seventy one dollars and seventy-five cents, ($7i.75;) one dfty after date, payable to William Pepper, or bearer, and sjgofcd by J. O. Charles as security. , A reasoftablt retMird tfrlll be paid for the delivery of the same to me, or at the Office of the Southern Enterprise. Persons nre cautioned not to trade for the above notes. THEODORE L. UKIDRICK. Jan 24 VV<C^" 3 STATE 6* SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of a tlecretal tjr^isf ffom the Court of Ordinar^," fbY Greenville District, I will expose for sale,' at public outcry, to the highest bidder, on tfCe firet Monday in February next, the following TRACTS of LAND, viz.: All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land situated in Greenville District, on waters of Glldors Creek, bounded by lands of Stephen Yeargin, William Forester, and others; and containing one hundred acies, more or less. Sold as the property of JOHN IfAMBY, deceased, for partition amongst the heirs. All that piece, parcel and Traet of Land, situated in Greenville District, on waters of Gilders Creek, bounded by lands of Singleton Stokes, Lindsy Coghill, and others; atld Containing one huudred and sixty acres, tuofe or lessj Sold as the property of JAMES R. HAMMETT, deceased, for partition amoitgst the heirs. l\rm? of Soft fot tk* above Tract*?A credit of twelve months, interest from day of Sale, for all except tb much as will pay the costs, which will be required In cash.? Purchasers to give Bond with Mpj>rb'ved si curity ; and a Mortgage oi the premises, if deemed necessary by the Ordinary, to aecufe the payment the purchase money. Purchaseis to pay for Titles. ALSO, The following Tracts of Laod. situated in Greenville District, on waters of Beaverdam Creek : 1. All that piece, parcel of land adjoining lands o( Jacob Ponder, William Stewart, and others; containing one hundred and thirty acres, more or Use. 2. Ah so, oae traet of land, adjoining lands of J. Fbreet, Daniel. 8yms, and others, containing fifty acre*, mors or less. 9; Als6, one Tract of Land, adjoining lands of Many Pitge, William Moon, and others ; and containing forty^four acres, mofe of less.? 4. Ai?o, one Tract of Land, Adjoining landi of P. Dlfl, M. Dickey and others, and cob taining JVitiety Abre*, more or leas. 5. Jilao one Tract of Land, adjoining lands of Alfred Cox, M. Diekey and others, and Con taining Fifty Aetet, tnore or Ieaa 6. Also one Tract of Land, adioioing lands of Mary Page, Joel Parmer add others, and contain ing^Thirty Aeftt, more or less. f The above Six Tracts of Land, are solt as the property of EDWARD DILL, de C Cased, TERMS-^A credit of eight months, in terest from d MJ of sale, fbr all except m much at will pay the Costa, which wQl.h required in Cash- Purchasers to gfVe bom with approved security and a mortgage o fhe premises, if deemed necessary by th Ordinary, to rfecore th4 payment of th Sttrehttn money. Purchaser* to pay to ties. W. T. SHUMATE, 8. O. D. SherifPs Office, 18th Jauuary,- 18?t. Jan 17 84 ^ r VANIMGR1FT & PICKETT AT TOT OLD LATIMER HOTEL, a AVE on hand, and will fctfap on Han' a good quantity of Qc#me, Sugai Cheese, (lystare, Sardfees, Mackerel, C*l ' dy, Oandlea, Ttckala, Raisoba and Fin Liqnora. wHjt a great feany othctr article too tedious to mention. We wHI te] ohflM) fur cash. Give via a aall and see Co yiitiWh! -.'es. "* * " ?'v- ? a. "? v-.- 'a, *- .A'? > ' - J - w S K ^ , book" account, are reqnetted to eone for. *ira and fettle tfe hum 1b Bona way or otber, by the fir?t of March next, or, after that date, through necoe?ity, they will be plaoed in the | banill of tff Attorney for collection, . i tf there* be an/ eoet, it will be yoar own fault.. on" , 6. A. Pickle. u ; as. d ^OHOOIib j MA. February, for the instruction of girlf in the primary branches ot n^yv- sn education. ,A"few bojbUVjef t?g**r?-fftd will beadrnltted. Every" effort wiil be ronde for the IroproT*roentoftne children, and their morale strictly attended to. Mrs. Dyer hopes that her friends, rf$d ibe public generally, will give her a' share of patronage. Terms of Tuition,' from $3 to $7 per quarter of three months. Apply Cornef of Main Street, neOr the Elver. Jan if . U 9 PHOTOGRAPHS T11e Undersigned begs leave to {(lform his former patroDs and friends, and. the publio in general, that lie has recovered th<J use ef bis arm ; and also survived the disastrous effects of tbo late Are. He has fitted up a suit of ltooms, with an approved sky-ligut,' and is now better prepared than ever before; to execute, in the most aht18tic style, photographs and ambrotypks, of eVery description. ,* His Rooms nro in the same building occupied by Mf: Julius C. Smith, Nerth of the old Co^rt House. xuc pntrunnge or the public is respectfully solicited. Hours for operating, from 9, A. M., to 4. 1\ M. C. II. LANNEAU. Jan 17 34 2eow AT ROBERTS5 NEW BRICK STORE, OX E DOOR A RO VE THE POST OFFICE ON IIAND and ARRIVING by erery Train ! Fresh Raisins Soda CrackerA Citron, Sodrf , ,, Gum Powder, F. F. F. " F. F. F. F. Race Ginger, cheap Allspice, cheap Pickles, assorted, 30 cid Crushed Sugar Drown Sugars, Choice, 18 cts per ll> White A. Sugars, Yellow G. SugarA Smoking Tobacco Currants C- PA Tea, fine and cheap Im. Tea, u ' * Souchong Tett Black T?a Rlack Peppbr Boxes Cheese English Dairy Cheese Oysters, 50 cts per boi Candy, 50 eta per lb iiaguyra and Rio CoffeoA. JUST ARRIVED: fcwcy Prints Baregep Dress Trlrhthiagi Flannels Spool Cot toft, assorted Heavy Drotfh and Pleached Shirtings and Sheetings Braids Linen C. Hankerchiefs Head Netts Ladies and Gents gloves Morocco Belts Brown and Bleached Drills Buttons, assorted StfoteN'ft Stfeel Hoes, assorted size9 and qualities Knives and Forks Pocket Knives, splendid assortment, cheap "Wire Seivea A complete add large assortment , . of Garden Seeds Tea Kettles Tacks, Sboethreaa Manilla Pope A fargs assortment of Ladifes, f!anIm TL\?ia ats.l \ftk.ana filiAPfl 1 Bootees and ftalnj'Orala Uibbons, assorted [ Bong Cloths Needles and Tins i:. Spoons ' Blacking Pad ahl 5t6ck Lotks 1 "Shoe Knives Salt, bp sack and retail, The above Good* are Cn hand, and srrlv Ing daily, to be sold cheap for oath, only ? Quick sales and small profits. s At Kobert'a New, Drl*k Store, by 1 JNO. D, ASflEMORE. f Jan fO ?$' tf e r v To Rent or to Sell, a THE PLANTATION r tli< Estate of Mrs. ASXE3L TIANA TALIJIAO, 7 mile SgpnjK from (TTeenVitle C. It., on th I Chlek Barings Roajrl, containing ONB HUN ? "I>RHD AND FIFTY ACRES. There is large Abe . . I. DT7ELLINO HOUSE, p? With lurgr Hocrm?, neatly mUhecT, wit all necessary Oit'bnlldings. Apply to the Executor, FRANKLIN TA1 > ElRD, at Ucauforl, S. C., or to oe at Oreoi II villa, 8.0. 4 r OOODLETT A THOMAS, - j . / ?' Attorneys at Law. -,.* <14* let, 1"7. * M ? Ivy comhtence on TuttJaiy, F*b^WZm ruafy l\h, n%7. Terms $hr 4uerter of fen "Greeks : ReediAg, Writing and Spelling..... .$4 00 The Lower Br*oohe%M ntutll}' Unght in Common School* 9 00 IftoldtnUlii r. 90 f*n rr ' . 84 8 _ _________ r ^ LI j 1 ^ISjSeI I i ^35^^ 1 I PHR'ASSA,! fXoR the enn> and fpecdy care 6f Scrofula i JC or Ktnx'l Etil, Whits Swelling, tlic-jr- ( our Bore*, Khcu malum, General Debility, And ? - -all diseases arising from impure blood, Thie j Medicine ha* acquired a rery extended. end i established celebrity in moat peri* of the world, both in hospitals end private tVactice, , which it* efficacy alone ha* sustained for hearty thirty year*. \" ifja*?? nip'a r ' _?t*-8oldby ,i? WALTER ft WESTMORELAND, , MANSION HOUSE BUILD I SO. ( January 3 S3 tf f 7Wdoir& I Hair' Restorative. " ^&$L. For salo b^ ,; - . ' WALTER ft WESTMORELAND; t , I MANSION HOUSE BUlLDlXG: January 3 ~ 32 tf ? MIS. ALLEB'S HJllH RESTORER. " MRS. ALLEN'S ZvLoiiALSAM: ?-%U For rale by WALTER ft WESTMORELAND; . I/AXVIO.X HOUSE DUILI)ISO. January 3 32 tf wmmcocoaM, FOR THE HAiR. UySU For sale by WALTER ft WESTMORELAND, n I 1 MASSlOX HOUSE HUir.DlXn. January 3 ?2 (f BAlTRrS ? TRICOPHEROU S, LYON'S i?>Ti?iftRC?^r; #! For sale by Walter & Westmoreland. j Hi T.tinv ///iror ?, r.-/r nr?-/-i January 3 33 tf t! tTlie London Hair Color Ros_ , ftorer and Dressing. t I70U SALE BY 1 WALTER A WESTMORELAND, t MAJfSIOS UUlLblSO. January 3 32 tf 1n?Y GALS. Anglish Linseed OIL 1 A v/vJ 100 Gala. No. I Tanners' OIL t 6 Bbll. Kerosene OIL ib5 Gals. No. I Lubf (eating dIL\ Al.s'd, ^ I , a largo slock of Window and Show-case GL\8S, of all sites. Just received and (or sitlc lorf, at Walter a Westmoreland's, JT AMIC5 rfVL'SE B mints a. K January 3 32 tf CLOCK'S EXCELS! MIR RESTORER. 1 I^OR PALE BY 1 WALTER > WESTMORELAND. ?' itAttSlOX itHusX lii'iLUirra. {' January 3 32 tf ?i SAW MILL TO RENT. 01? SALESDAY in Fcbruflry nett.,before ? the Covlrt House door, the undersigned will RENT to the HIGHEST BIDDER, for the remainder of the present year, the SAW MILL, And tieeejsiyy "tools, on the Rlv?tr near tliia place, known aa McBEE'3 SAW MILL. The person renting to ta^re gcod care of * tKe Mill and Tools, and return (he saEhe in good repair, on the 1st day of January, 1868, the casualties of water and fire ex- g eepteft. S Note, payable on the 1st of January, ei 1868, for the Rent. o V. A. McBEE, ol . ALEX. McBEE, ?, , ,. Executors of V. McBEE. n Jan 1? H 3 c PRIVATE SCHOOL; THE undersigned. having ?e. cured the EPISCOPAL l.EC r TIT IT P BOOM, will there resume the exercises of their School, on T tS&Jr thejirtt Monday in February. I ; terms , PER SESSION OF 5 MONTHS, IN CURRENCY. Primary Studies, $12 00 . Academic Studies, 16 00 Higher Studies, 20 00 Incidentals, 2 00 Ffench,...'. 00 < Music. IK ofi ? Weekly Reports of Recitations and Con- ' duct, will be sent to parents. 1 IIaving.b?pn solicited to give instruction 1 in FANCY WORK, we wilt feo&t.e I'upils I desiring stioh instruction, at certain hourt I of :hc Aftnnoon. i LESSONS IN F.MRROIDKTIY,. *20 00 . IN OTHER FANCY WOR* 1ft 00 jy All payments in advance. l'atrone may communicate with us at the ,f residence of Mr. Tpos' S^rtjr. I. SOnilE C. RMTTTT, is JULIA G. bMlTH. e Jan 1*7 "84 4 ?' Notice. ALL parlies indebted to tbe Estate of Mrs. CItRTSTlANA II. TALBIRD, will lb make payment; and all parties baring claims against tbe Estate, will present Uiana properly attested, within three months, to tba Exeentor, ?- FRANKLIN TALIURD, at Beaufort, S. C., or to as at Oraenvtlle, 8. C. U00DLETT A TIIOMAS, . , Attorneys at La*, i January I si, 18SL it 8m v?? piiE-smifo TW^M or iji?.ih?tnttU<A' sukwmsw reduction of rates. Wmafy Department,. J .V.tlto dO' ieademic Department, V.V Sb OO' * '. ^oOegiate Department,-. ;..'../.v.- ib W Ringing and Incidentals,... v.;V.W 8 Off 'i?no IflwBl,......-, v. J5' On 'rendh or Latin,-. 2b Off >rawing ..>'....418 to 2Q 00 fp?cialYo?al Lessons/.. 20 00 The ifbo-fe aft iht Md established specie ?tc*. (Tlx? incidentals are reduced frdkrf tliree doll&'rr.-)' In view, hd^eVei*.' if the ere hit scarcity oT money, and as' an nduccment for (he citirAnJ to sustain tniii College, tjieenbabkt icill be neeived eU fUtf: of the English Course of the Primsfry artn Lcademio Departments, if paid in advand'f; r not, fhe usual premium on gold must 6%' dded. Vj if more than two SeliotaiJ 4'orne from oW4i imily, a farther reduction will be mada. ,, The charge for Music Lesson* most, in a'n ase*; be paid in advance. ',l A reduction of lo per cent trill b6 tnfldN n all other Collegiate bills, if paid strittfy n advance. . . ' . C. O. JCDSON, President, Jan 11 84 . . 4 furman university. ??? : o : ?? PREPARATORY DEPARTStE^f: JH*. THE SPRING TERM of itif* /Ty^LDEPAUTMENT ?fU bhgio toff XjrriaSrSi he fiir*l Monday in Frbiruarif, inBtend of the 15th of FebroaH? thus accommodating that tiTiiaa f Students for whom a long vaestiotj ie ndesirnble. No additional charge will be .iiide because of this earlier opening. The Teffb ends o'h the &9th bf June. Professor PATRICK, assigned eiclusiteit , ,i... ti?. - _i_L. r. LI iilij -6 t viiio Mr|miuuuiiw giwa u ins uuuiviuea ttention, morning and afternoon, lie #111 ? assisted in his labor* bv ME A; f*: OWNES, a graduate of the UNIVERSITY roll khown to llic fcothmtinity; ahd |>b?sfclihg the entire confidence of the Fafetllty. The Studies of Ihia Department are bo# rfanged in llifee Coutse*, which ffia^ b'b nken separately or togbfhe,?. .. 1. Tho ENGLlSli CdUItSR; enjbtacM he tlsual English studies, with Pilttiafy irilhmCtlc; Elocution .and Fenihapehlp' ?. The COMMERCIAL mJStNfe39 lOUlUsE, embraces Arithmetic, Algebha; leonielry and tlook kipping. 8. The CLASSICAL COURSE, ethbhfbel He usilal Elementary Latin and Greek. RATES?IN CURRENCY; uiition per Tertn; for studies in auV one pourse, $1 fe fxt n nn v tvfo Courses,.. 25 Od n thb tfire't Courses,....; ;; 2$ 00 Bcidbnlal Feb,........ 4 Od No deduction made for partial Courses. b'OLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT: Tiie Spring Term of this Department bein?, as usual; on f fie 16if* of feoruary. Thai uitious have been modified as follows: RATE8?IN CURRENCY. uition per Term, if but one Professor is attended,/. ........... .$20 Od T two, each,. ; 18 0(t r thi4?, each, 14 od rfbur, each,;IT od incidental charge, or extra Ctiemistry Poo ' * on -?7 . u w 12?' All payments in advance. ?NO. F. LAN-NEAP, Secretary of the Faculty; Jan 17 84 0 CHICK SPRINGS ACADEMY. /IK THE EXERfclSES of thia Sbhool will be reafcmed Febru* %WiW5b ary 1 Uh,18rf7, under the charge Tflr^r of Mr. J. II. CARLISLE, a? Frinclpal. Jli(| Trustees conrat ulate themscl ves upon the success of the chool the past year, and (hey would earnBtly comtnend it to a large public patronage n account of its high character, and the heapness of Board and Tuition ; the Jfi'nral Wralcrs, too, offer Additional inducetents to invalid Students. A large and on*>enient SCHOOL flOUSE for the mora omfortahle accommodation of Students has een erected. The following are the . RATES PEft SESSION, ATARI. 1C SEMI ANsJoALLT IN 61'KC1K OH KQUIVA* LENT. 'riniary Bcpaffment, % 7 50' 'enroansliip, Arithmetic, Book keeping,' 10 00* English Grammar, Geography, Analysis, History, Smaller Composition, 1^2 50' l,atii\ (ireek, Higher Mathematics, Natural Sciences, lfe 00' Young men or young ladies, desiring to' " ?ntflr Hollpfff will Ko v' J w - -0 - , . wv pi v|/m cu ior nuvnnc* id cUmm- to such the c he.17m ess of thrf rerma offers rare inducements^ Good Board, in private families, near the Academy, at |10 per month, lights and Washing included. Studruts charged from the titn#' of entrance till t?lfe end of each Sesiloh,' unless in case of protracted illness. A rigid discipline, a* regards moral*, manner*" and conduct, will be positively.enforced!. Arrangement^ will b? madfe, as" abort aft practicable, for the itiatruetion of younjf ladies ih Music, at an additional charge of f 16'per" Session. . ( IW Ten per cent, wilt tie deducted from' the above rates if pa^d in advance. atfred Taylor, Chairman of Board oi Trustees. Chick Springs, January ]1, 18?7'. Jan 17 81 tA" . To Rent. THE DWEIAIXfl.HdtTlfB opposite the Baptist Church, fflWPA for the present year; alari, nftflf FFt^-gy*!the HOUSE on the corndrdf same lot. Apply to THOB. B. TIIUKSTdN*. ^ Jan 10 *? tf ? . ?