University of South Carolina Libraries
m4k *** - -A -^ w1 *'" <** * . #?k. ^ > * m ' a ,1 list of Acts fiijW by The Logi?ne ft t.~ >< -ft / i?. An Act to wmim) an Act entitled an to roske appropriations for the year commencing fn October, 1805. ^An'Act giving Authority to tho City Oouncil of Charleston to proceed in (lie matter of a Fire Loan, %Uh a view to id ib building up the city anew. A?.? An Act to amend an Aot entitled an J*i to lend the credit of the Stat? to Met!re certain bonds to be issued by the South Carolina Railroad Company. Ail Act to provide for the drawing of juries'for ihe neit term of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Partington District. An Act to make parties, plaintiff* and defendants, competent to give testimony ^ in such cases iu like manner n? other tiwtimmm ' V , J}. An Act to incorporate the Planters' t , enJ Farmers' Relief Association. - ."'An Act to declare valid the recent Election for pendent and Wardens of . / the Town of Darlington. An Act to incorporate the Plioeaix Fire Engine Company of Darlington. An Act to legate the elections of municipal officers or the towns of Mout Irieville and Ml. Pleasant. Ao Aet>to<7?rovidhB for the establishfcbbt Of a Penitentiary. - An Act to provide for the fdnding of the intorest and principal of certain stocks and bonus of the State past due. *An Act to indferporate tbo People's. Mail Steamship Company. * Aif Act to"alter and fix the times for. holding tho Courts of Common Pleas in this Slate. r/Cn Act to declaro the rights of per eons la'elv known as slaves nfid as Pee persons of color. An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to establish District Courts. An Act to require the Commissioners of Public Buildings for Groenville ami Pickens Districts to pay over funds to tbe Commissioners of the poor of saidDistticfs, respectively.An Act to incorporate the Stonewall Fire Entfice Company of Charleston. An Acl to accure udvicfc for ngiioul tural purpose#. ' ' . An Act to amend The law in relation to the bonus lequirpd of public oflicer*. Aji Act Jo amend and" extend the op ration of an -Act * entitled an Act to provide a uiode by which" to |?pe!UHte __ testimony in roln tkjn to deed*, w ill*,. cho?e* in action, nd other papers and record* destroyed or lost dt?iug ih? recent war. * . An Act to provide for the redemp lion Ot LiHsi receivable issued by this Staid. . ' ; A To* ro*t fij tire cjty of Colum *. bin the rrgin " * iuje'of the State in pertain lot*. .. ? - Ad Act lo mak-r **Uep? tr meet certaiu "d?.-ficienc?ts i? the~ prtah'dns ftvt The J'ear cotiimertcing'qtl the ltd of OeioLar,. A". D. 18CA. ^ ;t - ^ jV Alt ACf\o rr.ovit b roa iris k>taiu.isi]MJPst OF A >BM IT KA'T [ V BY. I. Be it enacted by the Scnglo and House of RepreselKirlives of the State of South Oaroltnn, *uuw met and sitting h> Geperal * Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That for the porpooe of aommencing the er {abliehmsrit of a penitentiary in this State, turn of tw.euty thousand dollars, be and is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury, and drawn and expended by certain Commissioners hereinatter named. II. That a Commia'ion, consisting of three persons, to be styled Co tmnitgi oners of the Penitentiary, shall be appointed by His Ex Celleney the Governor, whose duty it shall tie to select and procure a proper site, at' Some point, if practicable, where water power mfly l>? made available for unrnufneturing purposes, within the enclosure, on which to erect suitable penitentiary buildings, with" sufficient space to enlarge and improve the Same iruui uuie iu iimr. csa uiaj w uicra > ary. III. Tli at it ah nil be the duty of said Com miseionera to erect, n? soon as practicable, a suitable temporary enclosure and tempor# rp cells, for the safe keeping of not less than one hundred convicts; and, upon llie completion of avid enclosure and cells, or any part of them, to receive - and detain, nadei L regulation to be hereafter preserved by the X Governor, such oonvicte as may be eomnijtted to them by eenleoee of *py of the Judge* ? 0/ this State. TV. That upoa notice that an enclosure rffcd cells are preparad for the reception o convicts, it shall be the duty of Ilia Excel lency the Governor, to appoint a keeper aaaUtant keeper and tneli other officers and guard# over seers as aha (I, from time t< time, tie necessary, to sabMat, govern, guar* god direct the labor of said convicts, and t< make all inch regulations as shall be requi Up lor their safekeeping and subsistence aii,l fnr dlreAlinff their labor either withii ? -a , or Without theencloaure, to getting out ma ikrial and oonstrnctlug, aa far aa ia praotlea die,'the neeeaaary permanent building* am enclosures, and to aueh other availabl / tranche* ol Indtdrtry M Will beat'contribnt to lb* anpport of the institution. V. That it rinriH b? tha duty of tba aat CommUtlunera, raider tha ndrlee end wit tbe aaaistaneoof Ilia Kxojleney theGovert *or, to proooro plana, apeoiAeaw'oun and aat1 naatea for #ueia permanent ancloaur* A* buihtloga aa ahall ba drained neaeaaary fc aarlj uaa, and report the aama, togethe j with a full aaaanotof thair tranaa<^ioaa Oi 3 * dar (ha authority barahy eenferred upo 1 them, to tha Genera! Aaaaaobly, at ita enat \ "y%. i?C regular drwioB. * *# In tb? 8anat? Hodae, the twenty fln?? da of SepUinVr, In the y aar of our Lord on thousand fi 'ht hundred and aiatf-el*. . 1 * W, U. PffBTTH, /Vr* de?f ttf tkt Sennit 0. IT hi MONTON, Sfnker, Houk of Hopr w*T tL t UOaa. "4' . *-. A U ^mr ijf' * w k : I > TheiollWinK is the'Bill, say* the ? Union of fiaturday, passed by t be LegUlatut* lo ihtit|( tfic time of holding the Courts &t Common Pleas. Reported frqm 1 the SeMtd, *t was amended in tne Sense by a substitute, but failed on being Rent b??k for ooneurrenoe. A Committee of Cooleronce belag .Bfcewise unable to agree, the original Bill caroe up before the Uoose and was adopted by the veto wbicb we glee ( bs'ow: M A Bill to alter end fix the timet of held tng the CofirU of Cemiuon Pleae ia this < State." < SeO I. That from and after the ratifies- < tion of thit Ant, the Judges of thte Superior Courts of Ls<t i'i thte State shall bold tho i first and next sit'ing of the Court of Common Pleas for the Irlil of civil oases, on the . several Circuits now established l>y lew in thie State, in the ensuing Spring, at the ; times aud places iu each Dislricl already I ^ fix-d by law. Sac. '4 That al^ suits and other process of Said Court*, me*ne and final, now mad* returnable folhe Fall Terms heretofore es tnblUhcd, shall be returnable to the Spring Term* of ^h<* Conri 'n the yearof our Lrd one ll oiugtad, eight hundrel ai d aixt. wr. en i o tna as if already so <1h c cJ , ? d t tlist the eavps rubs ol i<Mj>ar'arM?, and tli>- ? same order of proceedings now existii g i eh ill apply tn-%he' Courts a* e.-tsb ia^ed by It the fret section of Ibis Act. . a Sku.,3. That all Aeteupd parts of Acta of he Go oral Assembly or this 4>tat<\f?n con diet with the-provirton? of this Act, be, ind the tame arc hereby repealed. The House votedTie follows, and the. Bill ** became an Act: Yvas.43?uayaJH^* . Yhas.?Aiken. ?L It., Alston, Anderson, Bull, Black, lbw?n. Brown, Browning, Butler, Clyburn, Grayton, Culbrvatb, Due- 1 yea, Klkin, Farmfiy piowo'ts,- GnHijfeloh, J Onyjr, Gilhwjt. Goodwin, Uammett,liuugh,. Jones, Keels, Keith, Keitt, fcnn'.lrunj, Lgv ' sey, McKi-wn, Milling, MoHins, 1'iioe,Jtaw " v liupun, Knsreil, ftyop, Sellsy, Sessions, Shcr " iJiyi, Springs, Sober, Talboi I, AV nlker, Wal ' luce, Win.,?43. ' ? < " Nays.? Aiken, D. Wyatt, Bachinnft, Bar Sr, Carlisle, Coker, Copelnnd, Covingum, J Push, Duncan, Elliott, Giriilar<L Graham, ' (bigood, llivnckel, IlHsknl), Hay, Hearst, H^uitcn, Hutsor, Lee, Leitner, Lewie, Lord, Magrntli, Mikell.T. P, Mikell, \V. E., Moore, Mwlv.iney, Perry, Petly, -Shaw, Siegfing, 5-parkuinn, Slackliouse, Tlioinwv, AVallnce, A. S., Wiwley, Woodruff, Mr. t}peuker,^39. ? A child was lately devoured bv an ^ alligator near Galveston, in view of Us ^ father who was.unable to sy'rve his lit lie ! daughter. 'jl'he.nxoQsier was nfterwjiid* J shot, and-the remains -of the child re- ' covered. - '< GREEX^JLLB CUllllEN 1\ j . . CORRECTED W BKJk I.Y, BY GRADY, FERGUSON & M'LIER, MERCHANTSGHF.tfxVILLR, S. C., SliP T. 2G,.lSf>tl. APlt?^ Uricd^'y bushel,...,. 0l? flACONi rl lh., (&;2j e. nu.v nnhit n ik " vs.. BLUB 8CUXB, lb :.S0 c. BAtflirKO, (iunujr, f* yard, "....,.45 < . > 1)UTTEIl, V lb.....'. A.:.. 75 C. BEESWAX, "p lb.; 20 c. HUAffBV, Peacli.Ajl g?llorfu..*2 Ul*Cdl fl "50 ' CniCKKKSf, lioml,.... .. IS c,, 20 o. *h?v-i*on, ?r> .*...sffjr..i.*ttT5(iii1fr VOFkliJS, V tt?-? RK...^..4* i....:. 40 c. " . . " BO c. . r^\, "ft, 'ujalud,.........?.?...SI 06 (jp $1 fo . CANDLES, pi lb., A'dumtuilin?,....v 60 c. | ii '' " SiK'fnk.?;,i < * "? . * .06 c. 1 ii t. ? ? T*Uow,30 c, ' C0RTEUA8, V lb., Kjiijliah,.-. v. 15 c. ? " " North Carolina 10 > .EOOS, ? d>T.on,,,. ? v?'2i (<0 15 e. PLOPR,.^ Batrelt-.:.... *10 0tbfo"$:8.00 GOLD.....!..., ? *1 40 ginger, ib?vr... ?.w * IRON,?wc?I, ttx j. 15 C. " CtmntCy, ^ v.;....r. 12k>, . " Horio Shoe, 12T*. i INDIGO, South Carolina, "{A Ibi ./. *2*00 , || Spifhinh I'hiat, ? " 2 oil LUMBER,'Plan, *0 10t?.f?et *1 60 <& $2 00 LEAD, ?.lb ., 2? c. LEATHER, Solflr^ lb, 40 @ 60 c. " UpBCT? " ..?SO r. MADDER. V1 30 c. MOLASSEH, Sorghurri, Q gal, 50 <v @ 75 c. NAILS," pi lb, by tho keg 12* c. OATS m.-L- 75 c. PEAS, " "2 : - $2 25 POUK.-V lb, net 10 (a> 12 e. POWJ) KU, ft lb ; $' 00 PEP PER, lllaok, ^ lb i0 | PEACHES, Dried, bushel 00 POTATOES, Sweet, ^ bd?Unl,JML*.a...Nftrie. , - Irinh, " ?? 75-?. RTCK, *pi tt>; 20 c. STEEL, Cant, lb 40 c. SALT, Liverpool, ?ack",.:....*0 00 & $7~<l0 '4 4. .1 bushel, 13 00 SUGAR; Brown, 1* lb 20 (? ^5 c. 44 Clarified, -fcl S.jZ ?0 c. SHOT;*!? Ib, :.v,? 25 e. SODA, t* w e. STARCH, "ja lb 20 r. SPICK. ? lb 50 < . SHIU nSO, j, ? vJ, by tfto Vic, A.-36 r; TURK IKS, TPT hc^l ,75 e. (3j fl>0 TO(LUCCO,'Manufactured,'p lb, 75c. Qj V2 00 TALLOW, V *< 2d c. TEA, Gunpowder^."#! lb $.1 00 " Hyson, *? ?? ? 'W.00 (fi) $5 00 1 " HUrlt, ? ?A. $2 00<ji) $2 50 , WIIKAT, >* bushel - *:? 00 WHISKY, V *t '? <$*3 00 YARN, factory, V b?*??V.S ,M , . For Tux Collector, i We art authorised to nnnoun<?#C. P. DILL una Candidate for Tax Col I eel. ?r of f Greenville District, a*, 'die next election. ; Bn;*6 * ' tir* Th* friends of Lieut B. V. THOMP, SON, would respectfully present his name . to the people of Green villa Distriet, as ^ Candidate for Tax Collect?f." a ' August Id II td ' The friends of Rev. J. M RUNION ' respectfully announce him as a candidate for 1 re-eleotioii to the office pf Tax Collector, at 'he cn.'uinv election. k August tt 10 td* ^ VW The f'iends of Rev. Col. T. D. e GNVIN, respectfully annonncn him a Candie dale for Tax Collector for Greenville Distriet, at the neat ensuing election. '-- " o tA a b tST* w? *re authorised to announce Mr. WAKREN P. POOL * candidate for Tax , Collator, alike eutuiug elocttou. ^ July n ? tf f HT The frieodi <rf Rrfr. L. VAUWHN, r announce film m a Candidate for T*X Collector at the c?Vt Vbsuing elec1 lion. ? June II S t) ' If" JAMF3 IV PEARSON* rcquceU in to announce hi* .tame a Candidate for Tax J Collector, at tbo ?o*n|ng election. May Si .. #1 tf < W*'iinnr-ti d to ?nnnn?M MR, g. A liUW'il N fci llAC'Oif a Oandidaie for X*?* Ootlo^uo, ?b u>o wo.oiu^ elwtU***. A .M >. ** e * AAe* .<*_ A ? 9 % -J L ., I I, I 9 a frtjs a For the Legislature. I XW The friend* of ALEXANDER Uo8KK, Esq.. rc?p?ctfuUy uorod\?o?hln> a ya?| 1 dhlate fir !* Lfgislalure, to fill the vecan ey qauaed by tM r*eigntti<rti 'of W. P. Price. Esq. Sep 3T It-id SSC7==L. tfc ,* , For Ordinary of Greenville District AT* Wo ara ?itliurit?il to announce RODF. UX McKAY, notilively omodidxle for ORDINARY, at tho Election In Ootober next. (iroouT iile, 8. C-V Be|rt. 20, 1SO0. 16 to |jy* W* are authorised to announce MrtAMUEL J. DQUTHIT * candidate for Or. finery of Qreenvllle District, at the snt election. # ' June 28 4 to m. R. BKECO, HAS ret a mod to onr Town, after qualifying birnsolf in the beat schools in New fork, oa an efficient GUTTER, end opened hia TAILORING BUSINESS opposite Messrs. 3rndy, Ferguson A Miller's Store. Hept 27 17 3in -e? Public Notioo. NiJOTlCE hereby give* to nil partita Lr now relnilintr Bpiritons Liquor in he Town of Greenville, K^C., that the Law gainst Retailing will be strictly enforced roro this dale, without (ear, favor or nffec Ion. By order of Council. , R D. T.ONO. Tnfendnnt. A, R. McPann. Clerk of Council. OTeenvllle, 8. C-, Sept. 27. 1806. .1,7-1 'JToticc to tho Wounded. R H AV1NG been required by Governor Bl 53 JAMF-S fi ORU to furiueJi a List of lie mines of all llie in- Grrqpville district, who Wi'P? pvicnnneul lv disabled , n the S.ta'e pr Confederate service, during he late War, particularly specifying, tlibse rhn have- been deprived of llielr Li mis, njstating, in eneb eabe. winther it be ltii Vrm or L it, or both?I reaped fully cull m all poisons able to give any such inform ition, so at cues, as said informations d. sired for tlie next session of tlio Legiaature. - J. M. RUN ION, Tax Collecttr of, Groonville District. Sept 27 ' . 17. tf Strayed Or Stolon, ON Monday, the 2-lilr ins'/intjflgVi r-om wliere.lie was liitcbed. near A>[^sA?.ilie Pr? abyterini, Church. <lr. rjlle C. II, "?? mouse colored hnfse MW/K villi ISKIDI.K. MAKTlNO tLFS m.d n H.xionn on. Said ML'LK, wos 8 fear*. uUlw uiflinwi vir.o, ji? I unrliod, no narks reooPec' ed, only snci[ at mule l?v the ['nr. The SAllDLK was without ekirts, ind had a !oiih?-^covnin*;-for tin- foot. Any |m rson giving iiifbridntion of saiil 4ULE, or. returning -the p.iine to mo, will ?is (uvwdtd for their troii'de. THOMAS T.LYTHK Sop 87 - 17 " ' tf newtbook store" m$m & jgnes, 'Istiii. St., WonrllicPoit Office, Colnmbln, S. C ? 1 T AVI) .ON HANI* A KIM" STOCK OF m, fit. A ? ltoVhTX.AX VELUM* 11777 tixu PA!'Eft. OXiLD AX I) ' ' otznsfl &f.i TlVXER ^ocriPtCutloryaisd Faucv " also jlfriles, 7/}*.?/.V liooks, ^PI ATJ. A L'VOSS, Mi'SiV, * if'.. at low prices: .y?--AH Oi lilri Promptly'Attended to. 27 17 fin state? or South cakolixa. .. .. "tlRK^NVtLLK I?r?TlHCT. . HOT 58 U/ U.w 7T . * Hi}I for Sntr of Laui A> pay J)> Ufi,~ Av J.vme* I* &loouc. Arfmiifisinaor v? Auv I mixta T. Wr>TKiM.n,?et ?l. ; fJAHF. following psre^npli from the D? I J** . rrrtl'l Oin'v -T1' ClfaTU'rllol' Johnson ill the nbove cn?e is published for the hifuriiio tioh of'those interest ed. ,T lids fvtTiHr^ ordered that the Commiteiouer of ihitCpuri do foitliwith publish u rule, ^(j'd'ii'^ nil 'he frclifuit of. the rrtuT, IMvrUH. \> 1 r < <leceisee<l, to Clime Id within ?i>itt month# fropi the publication of said rttlft itVuV esttfljlisli by pi (titer* proof, th^ not tire ami unumny of tln^r clajtus ugai.*l3t raid dee^aseif. " .1. I\ MOOlH\ 0 F. a. D. Contmissioirers Qtllce, S. ?t. 24, I8t?ft. Sep jt7 f' 47 ' " IHn Notice. 1\T 'H. CAMMKR; I'i netieil .CUX* W f SNflTIfc Jobs done wirti prompt* neFs,*"?nl oltar^ea reasonable. "Apply'at WeotHehr* oldfclmp. ' " ffr^Avflle, C. II., S. O. Kept' 20 * ltl * 3 * To Rent. TIIR nrtileraigaed wiP M 10I>^ bia Home for the re" *????25cte2- matnder of llie present ye ir> and the close of the yenr 1867. T.he house contain# SEVKJi UOOMK, and seven Ht oplac<a Enquire of Mr. Bamuel Strodley, at the Store oi Messrs. David A Ktratllcy. W. P. PKIOK. . Sept-20 * 10 tf I- FURNITURE FOR SALE ~ A LOT of Household and Kitchen Furni turs can be purchased, by calling at an early day, upon Messrs. David and /Itrsdley, consisting in part of Chairs Tables, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Ward robes, Chest j of Drawers, Bookcases, Cook iug 8toye,.ete., etc. Terms, Cash. Kvrpiirs of . , DA VII) ?fc STKADJ^E I . i F Sept 20 . , 16 ?W ' tf ~ FALL AND WINTER MIL L15 NB H Y. M. A. McKAY heg*t< inform Iter friends nn?i cur !?miri that *lu? ha* jfl?t r? her Kali and Win'-e tyl<-a of Millancry, eon?ialinj of the Gladiator, Central I'arlt Torl.Rn* ami Kqiie<lrian Ilati Fanchon. Opera au<t Catalin (D?nneU, Uibhona, Feathers, Flowers, Yelli i OrnarHonU, Bridal Wreaths, Kreuch ratter; Bonnato, Ac. y. ' Sept. 20 ''/ 1# t <?<1?I?AOrt^BTwanM ?fl tjjS.'V/ el * entirely new article*, just out, AJJrto* O. T. OAKY, City TJulhVinRfBiad ,ford. Ma. May 31 62 ly * mM V'JC * 4r T -" * y ^ * ! C ^ --Jr f B'T 5 B 1 Wlffi Jmi |V Oft AND AFTER j ?cTOBen 1, 186G, no pamr8 wnathvefc VTlht HB DBj L1VBMXD ynou THIS OPJUCE Unless Postage is Paid * JN' ADVANCE FOIL ATLEA ST OHE QUARTER All those who do not wish to be Hlsappointed In their Papers will please TAKE NOTICE. James m. allkn, p. m. sep is is 3 F(?t mi iwv. 3,000 lbs. Choice Bacon ' 100 DAGS * ' EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, FROM McD&E'S, CAtHEYS A DERRY's' WILLS. lOO ll??. Fine Loaf Lard. 30O BUSHELS White Seed Bye. 300 BUSHELS t*RIAIE SEED WHEAT. CHEAP FOR CASH. & m ^ 11.1 fllliV 91K .lSllil'; ? , Rep 13 1 j . . tf E- J. HALE. P. M. H ALE. EDW.AliD J. HALtS A- SON, Lato Editors of tba Fi\yott,pyilio (NT. C; Observer. PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, ISllKAUWAV, Nkw Votut, KEARI.Y urwrr? s-T. MCHOU* IIOTI-I,, \\7 n.L lc #I.hI o .Iijiply BOOKSKI, 1 > J.Klis, MiCiU'lUN iS and TKACIIEWS with all nr.ii'o< in tlivir lineal nn fnv nr.tli'o cash |>r;i*s us can be bad in ti c i it.y. i . iU~ ^ a--'-? ? ill y S 'licit | es*oi?l e.illi or ordcru of Ux'ir b i nd?snnd iliO jiuM e. b'oji 510 16 "j, ji ' mmrn hotel ' ?1??? * PASSENGERS AMIJVIXO IX COLUMBIA OX T11K DIFFERENT RAILROADS WIT.Ta FXKI> ; Omnibuses, Carriages AN|? " * Baggage Wnpoiu, I f 4ft II ?m <1 f A f!? ? ?! I i?i? ?* f ^ am! fiom lil? FREE OF CHARGE. Responsible pernoiiA in attendance to re c( itic Check's and Bat 'j 'f/s? T. S.ttlCfli ERSO.\, . " .. ^ ? Pr.orjjipToB. AnS 23 12* - tf T?. r__ _ _? PL A* N T E US LIOTE L, OORXLfi jQ t IE fix- A SD ClHJjiCU4>TS. C/f.i llL ES TO .V,. ? C. * C. IV. A J, 11 I)ENNIH>* 1>uoi,^i*KOH?'. 1i"Wj Til IS ^ptaiidhY Hotel will h?< open L|!*' . .1 oil. i lie FlttST OF OCTOBER, o gjji.the European AyBtern It has bee i< modelled and reftfrnialud throiiglioui This 1 Intel <*ont iiiik overone hundred roomi which will he res> rejed chiefly for the us qftravellpin and transient gnesta. . Compi tent assistants have been secttrecLin ever department, And every attention will t paid to ensure comfort to their customer The (deeping roonn are ihy and clean. Tfc restaurant will ho suppliod with the bei fare the niarKO^ atforda. Porters will be n ways ready to attend each Arrival'and d< ' pasture of train a The travel lint' rltibli ? tmnsient visitor* nm! bthui-*, will flint in ' nil (lie luxuries of a first, class house, con * oitud '.villi the comforts of homo. The I cation is finely adapt ad for business nt( and trirvelleM, No pfftns or expense wi be spared to give entire satisfaction. Sept 20 16 2meow T. W.DAVIS . WATCH IfcAKER, WOULD Respectfully t r form the peoplo of OreeovU % (C-J -^?Jnnd the surrounding countr yljjBtliat he Ium a MR M'WXQ ? From his 01.T) STAND Its the Ooo lett House, to a more ( ONVBNIKN <tne, three doors Kc-th of th? Ma - slon House, n?Jt desists P:<;kte ,* Poor, i a- Main Ktr?ct w h re h* y or?-i>srad to ? all work In hie Itutlul lininirM, u. abort u tice, in a workman iik? (u~~u<?r, inuo < reus n?ble'erma Aug 10 19 U A - * ^1 - ' v ' . r . V**" C" / ? f 9KSS--!-aB9I^A=Sa^= HIS i ? " . .^Mfe*=aF i- ? = . T. By the Commissioners ap, pointed by the Legislature of South Carolina to Sell the State Works. KXTENSITESA^BT > or f MICH MATH. TOOLS. tfco., at dttut in a it/vm/v** 11A 1UUUIV Al/VlIIUil, AT Til* State Military Works, GRKfeSVlLLE, S. 0. BEGINNING ON WEONESOAY, 17TH OCTOBER, 1866. v COSSITING OP TWO Steam Engines* one 2i and one 40Horso Power Engine Lathes, Milling Machines, Vises Hand Lathes, Wood Turning Lattice Drilling Muchines, Punching Machines .Anvils, QrlndstoueS ?' ? Trip llnnitners and Forges, Steam Hatnmcr Smiths' Tongs, Smiths' Hummers. Shutting Screw Cutting Machines WimJ)rawing Machines Mortioin; Machines Hellofvs, Machine Blorfers, Portable Benches All descriptions of (>un Machinery Woo? and Iron Pinning Machines Circular Saws . Ldlthcr Belting, liubher Belting Flasks, Pattern , Drills, Punches. Wretioh^s Several lAi.idrcd gross Iron and Brhss Wood Screws Three hundred Files and Haspi - Twynty-iivoMiuudfed pouuds V'.tft atnT L'pring Stoel *. . . Fourteen thousand pounds Swodes and Amcr lean Iron Sheet Rubber Fire hundred cords Pine Wood, Co"-*' 1 Brass and Iron Trimmings and tilings Fifty six pair Window Sashes CoAi Mills, 1 lipid Screws, Wngotl Wheels Planes,* Augers, Itrnscs and Bits Stoves and Pipes, Fire Illicit And numberlessofjrcr articles. All these arc hi large numbers and quantities, and constitute a stock of Machinery, Ac., such ns is seldom offered. A Catalogue of sixteen pages has been printed, containing a general description of the Block, which may.ho bad on application by mail to the Secretary Terius Cash, or u note at sixty days, with approved security, bearing interest, at option of the purchaser. For lurthcr.inforuiation npplv to V. j. KLFOUD, Secretary to Commissioners ol'Vtate Works, (Jrccuvillc, S. C. Sept d 14 6 SiUllilUJMi U\KUS. C. U.K.. (IP. MORAL PITT'S OITICK. Ciiaih.kktox S. C., Aug. 20; IS60, ON nn<1 after Fnn<lav, September 31'. tl'o passi:n<ji:k trains of this u<>u<i will ruir Uic following yelualulc: AC til'ST A TRAINS T.cnve rimrleeton .Vi'Qt A. M. Arrive at Augusta , 2 1'. M. Lcato Atrrtrsln. '..,10.30 A. M. Arrive at ClutrWton...; 7 P. M. COLUM?r.V TRAINS . " T.rnirr '" ' ...IC .111 .A. M. Arrive ar columbia '....7.10 p. m. Leave columbia ,4.:!l)?a. m. Arrirtftl tharlcntofi.-. :..'..1.30 I'.M. ii. T. PAAKK. * 'Sopt <5 If Oencrjil Sti^erinteudoot. Greenville & Columbia It R. 4 OI-.NWIAI.SI I'-PS OFFICE, ? rpt.i'Ull.r, Soft, lltli, IMO. ) ON AND .AFi KU- MONDAT NEXT. "171li tin- PuwriipT frjins will run ilailj- (Snnihtys excepted untiT further noliee, an follows-; Leave Columbia nt, 7.15 A. fa. Arrive in Greenville a? .. . 6.10 1'. M. Leave Greenville at 6.00 A. M. Arrive iu Columbia ?t. . ...,4.40 P. M. J. H. L.vaSAl.I.K, GtneVirl t?ii|.?iii?tvinlcnC Sept, 13 ~ 15 tf ^ ^ - e;e>'l sup's office, . cii4.r!,gt;fe & s. c. it. r. si c;, ai-ci-st si. i$r.n. OX amJ after SKPT. 1. 13(14, Til ItOUOlf *PAS*KNU1JK THAIXS; wakiug close cooneetjoue. wdl r?u> as follows : . I.cuvA ColutnUiu r.f ...7..10 P. M. Arrivd"at Ghnrloita.'. U..H1 A. Mi I.onvc at *2.Q P. M. Arrive at Colombia 1.J0 A. M. JAMES AXi'KltSQN; Sapt.?0 M tf Superintendent. j . ? OKNF.RALSUPrs'tfFPlOR. 1 , ? cflam.otcjl it S". C. Uaii.rom>. V i'CiMOiuKia.S. C., Atigjmt i?>, TSiiO. J l^N"" anil, after September. 1st., thn I.O ^ W CAj. FRKTOHT and PASSl.^tiKR |( TARIFFS over this Road will be reduced as follows viz.: U COLUMBIA TO CHARLOTTE. " &, First Class Freight "iHc. per 100 ie 8eesnd Clans Freight 6<ir. per 100 5- Third Class Freight 4oc. per 100 y PassengeiFare ?7,00, througu. '* Corresponding rates to intermediate sta * lions. Through Tickets sold to all points '* North at reduced rates. *l JAMES ANDERSON, Supert Aug 30 13 tf \ WATCH rn eB. WHKREE, II foimiflr with J- H HAtmOLPTT ? RESPECTFULLY Informs bia former friends und pat, .inn, that _ fQ 7 lio has ostnhlisbcd a Shop for the ?aV JSrHBPAIRTNO of WATCHES a, m<J KW KI, K Y, otin r'oti^ite pa? trounce. Work den* promptly, and in A dirrablc manner. LUtir-Worh uf all description* neatly done. JB$~- Shop next door below W, II. IIov**'s store Main t'lrvot. n- 3* tf v" BOOKS f BOOKS ff BOOKS ! ! t : s . . MfgTBjm TJIC Subscribers barn th? liARtlKST and CHEAPEST JKa&iW Wholesale and KetaiMiOOK cstnblUhtni'nt in the State, Combting in part ol Theological and, Religious rooks, School and Cbllego Text Book* of all kinds, the Pnndaj School and Hymn Irooks of all tho diflTorenl J? denominations, STATIONERY, MUSIC, Fan "? cy Articles, to. *? The Wholesale department promptly at tended to. Send on ordcis to . TQWNskNU k. NORTH. Sept. % * 14 3iu* ? u N. 1 + * ^- V f, ?, * ' ^ 4: .fyr * * . .* .X' o --? wmmmmmtmrn , 1 T < 1 * ?t '-" *^T I SuJpiTao, Stokes & Stoktc/ GRIERIttU, C. C, WILL practice in ttv?. Corrrta ?f I?W ? aud Equity. Olti Je AS the psbUs square. ? t<l. All Oueinrga intrusted to Umr cere will reeeive prompt attention. > ? Chalk# P. Sullivan, John W. Si ok so, Edward F. Storis. July 19 1 tf , A| /Freight Notice. OW1.NQ to tlie nature of n>y ini-t Mictions, .and frequent delaja in the settlement of lecouill t .1 ont rtAni?voH-i? ? * * _ T , - ? 1 y luct- Iivre* after, to deliver any FREIGHT frcm tha I>?'i?ot, until the ?li?rgo* thereon are satisfied. JOUN ftkKAY. Agent. Greenville Depot. July 2? 8 2oi FIRE INSURAlcE' II O"m E INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SEW YORK. Caeh Capital--Two Million Dollars, ASSl^1 fl J L Xe*\ | 1 8b5 ? $3.714696.00 UABMJT?M> ? -s 118,697 7* ; o; ? , * CIIAS. J. MARTIN. PreMdont. , ' . A: F. \V I I,I?M aKT1I, Yiee President JOHN MrGRE, Secretary. J. II. WASllBUltN, Assistant Secretary,' W. II. IIOVEY, AGENT, Orcoilvillo, S. C. Jan 25 51 If S. I). (iOOULETT, " ATTORNEY AT LAW SOLICITOR IN EOIJITY. <1 H E E N V I L I. E. S. C. OFFICE IN THE OLD COURT HOUSE. Apr 20 - 4t fimf KEBOSEKU A GAS STOTE8, tea and coffee boilers, glue pots, OIL C ANS, be., ?cc. VI.T. the COOKING far n Family may l>ot . done with KEROSENE OIL, or GAS* with less trouble. and at less expense, than by eny other fuel. ~ Each Article M?nnf?et urcd hy lliit Com^ pnny is guaranteed to perform all tbot is claimed for it. Send for- 0 Circular. C3T I .literal discount to the trade. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO.. lioC lVurl Street, N. Y. July 5 5 If Valuable Lands for Salo. i , TV^s,'\:ST*iC85Slfc * 5%.bei , l#inu ?iojii*^^7 fcj J J i r.u??if reriiitylnj; gT^ ,? Mexico. .,n'. i t " ^im for sahvilie tollovriiip Tit ACTS ot LAND: 1. Tlie HOME l'LACK.containing 150acres, 7U <i[ ythieh arc u> <* UIkU ' 1 hr fvl!lvalWlit '? Kir llOl >. c oil tins eight Kooijls, rvttli three firo-placo# : ail necc.-sjirjp Outlniililhi.r on the premises , with abundant' Sjirin^S'ninl good wolpr. - 2. Tho. "Bract knot n .fltf BAMIBTT MILL J!'.At't1, coutniuiug 27dJ acre?, about 20 of which are Bottom land. There 'is' a fluo I'lourinjr-niuJ Cum MILL on the place. 8. The 'fir.nt Jviu'wu as the TURNER PLACE, containing 2ii'J acre*, ol wliicb. 10 acres aco Bottom Land. , JKor further information, address the nndersij*ned, at Mush Creak l'ost pflitc, Urcanrill# Dk?trictj S. C. _ ' V. 11. FULLER. AMil 12 45 *_J bit. A.\iii:itso.\ ^*mT" t* WOULD Rcspaclfulljr iuform' tlM" Citiions of Oreenville and ^M-LI_Lr snrrmmilriijj Districts, that beta prepared to insert TEETH on the HARD R lrllRKIl, instead, of an.(Sold and Pilrer. It is preferred (or the following, among other reasonst 1st. It'enn he fHede Co fit closer and is mora comfortable tlian the rrn t U plate.'. 2d. It is ligh^r and mere elastic. .. ' i ltd. J ( is regarded equally as strong ana serviocahliv % - i OlTioe in McBrf.'s Hall Building, in rear oi Drug Sluro. S UrocnVUlo, C. II , S. C.,. April 11th, 1SG?. ? April 1$ 45 tf . WATf'HPS ri nrirc " AND f arT3r^7Ui^xjj^\rsr^ KF.PAll:rJ> villi Readiness t u!'.l di'i'rntvli, opposite _Poa4 h'*"-.-. Givf n\nj a Dial. - a* A few sitd.'s f?>r sale. OLD uULD A^'D SILVER RECEIVED. J. G. BLACK. June. !4 . 2- tf FRESH DRUGS? _JJL Villi ttodoriignod hay^ received uyl is receivin \J|-'T ft fine Assortment of ~W rSs'iii MRDICMXltS*. 1?IU H?. (j?^3 PAIN'fS, OILS, Ac., Ao C?Lt9 which willbe calif as LOW as can It alturUcd, FOR CASH, AND FOR CASH ONLY. M. D. LARLE. May 3 41 ^ tf REMOVAL. TAILORING SHOP rITE Subscriber has removed liis TAI-. LOItlNG SHOP in tho third door nliove ilia iintel formerly oA.*J?pled \j'f tur. Lftliiner, where he is prepared, from" long experience in the hftfiness, to execute with neatness rnd deepatvli, nil orders of TAILORING. He ensures fits in nil ensee.? Ills price# nre low end to suit, the times. Produce token in exchange for work at market prices. lie n?ks for n conlinuance of the patrouage of the pnhlie. V. A. MOOXEY. Aug fl 11 tf Cit 1 ^VKAR ! ? c wnnt Ag. nt* r?) I ?) VMJ fvrrv* ))'!'' to sell orr lmprov* ?-.i glOPKWlNO MArillJiFS. Three naw. kin us. Under and u| per iced. Kent on t.ri? al Warranted five. v?nre. A bet* salary. or large pomttowfifch*'paid: > The only ma-; ehine* sold in th? United States for lees, than $40. wliii-h ere fully llrenml by Ilowe,.. f Wheeler ?k Wileon, Orover A- linker, Singer. ; A'Co , end Baeludder. All other Aheap toa-,. chines nre infringements, and the ?ei.?r or user nre II .-tide to arrest, fine aatf imprieese* nx-nfc. Illustrated cirenlsrs <sf-? free. Address, or Sail t?p"? . HMAV* k Cf.*1tW. At Tliudefol d, Usint, or Cluw^O, 111.' . Hay a ?* u % . -fc 41 * a A, ^ 4 M * *