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John Bigelowk place in Turin \a uM ^0?- to be desired by Hfmrfow Weed. ? The fashionablo season closed at N?v> pori, K. I., on Wednesday. A nu robot of Auafrain emigrants have * >. arrived in West Virginia, and others are expected soon. Bismarck bandies his cards queerlj ; be plays the douce with a king. General .Tubal A. Early promises a history of bk Valley Campaign in a few Two men attempting to cross Ningara River in a boat on Wednesday afternoon were swept over the falls. Corn U worth now in Tusowloosa, Alabama. five dollars a bushel, and the people north of that point aio without auy means of subsistence. Dana is succeeding in his newspaper project in New York. It is designed to put Mr. Greefy's nose out of joint. The United States has seventy-two Iron clads, France forty-two, and the ruler ofihe wave, "England, only twen* ty-one. ^ t # M Gen. Grant is expeoted in Galena. III., in October, to witness the marriage of Out. BnbcocV, ?>f his staff, to a young lady of that city. The wooden shoes worn by peasants of both sexes iu Belgium are ptuchaT%d at from four to seven cents fi pair, and never wear out. The London Court Journal says*tlre circle is squared, and adds. " the ?qnare of nnv ciiele is equal to thr?e fourths of the length of its own circumference.'' Jos* ph Walters, a first Assistant enfpneer in the navy, died in New Oilcans ast week, of yellow fever.Ho belonged to the ironsclad Kickapto. J. W. Bates, formerly chelf clerk at General Lee's headquarter?, h is been killed at Botetou t, Va., by a man w hoiq he ofiVnded by some remarks. Lucy Rushton recently made a little speech in a Montreal theatre, in which she said : " I was crushed in New York because I was an English woman."? Who did it ? On his return to Washington the President snul thai during his journey he had shaken hands with a man who nau Kiiaxen nanus Willi Uutieial Washington. The cholera is prevailing in Violaburg to an alarming yxtent. The dis etue has assufoed a*erv malignant type, and some of* tiie oldest andjicst citizens have been stricken down. A political riot occurred at Platte, city, Mo., on 5>xturdi?vt in which three men wete killed and eight or ton wound edt_ 1'ittUu city.ia reported ui tie UnldJ by amu il icbehs. - ^ The President has made the.(dlow ing appoint ments for Pliiladt fplii* * Treasurer of tfie Mint, .1 mw : M> Ivib Ttf.u? Po^tiohsIc), Win. Millward; Naval Ollicer, J. )i Flanigen." n 1 * ' ' Four sistera of Charity, jn attendance at the clndera hospitals in St. Louis,, have fallen victims to the epidemic, and aciificcd their lives in the cause of charily. Raga are now being exported from England' to ilie United States. The Consul nt Liverpool thinks that someof tbe rags may ho iufected with cholera. A fino Remhrant, called " Christ Pleading fa.tie Childien," a picture fiv>* feel and a half high, lias been putchat-ed by the London National Gallery for $ii?,000. \ - ** The Sisterhood of St. Mary, the Virgin, is the name of a new religions or* der recently founded in New York. It ia to the Knilicntnfl Chun h whstrihn I Bisters uf Charity is^to the Catholic Church. " - v The State of Texas has commenced Eotwdiug- agtinsl KNeufjpr Iv. IV Nic ol# to r.g *'11 a sum of two null i*i> us and twenty-five thousand -doljRirs. JTnUolwas lire financial ageul of thu*\.rebel*'J Stale fluVi-rriineut. \ A Western young lad v. while on liar way to he ruariied, was run over and killed. A confirmed old maid aagclt and savagely remarked. " She ha-' avoided a more lingering and hprnble dealiny." A Radical fonvetdion in Lou?-Tana has adopted ft resolution expressing the bopo that At drew Johnson is the last of the great ndliclions sent upon the nation to bring it to repentance for its long denial of equal justice to all men The Totieka (Kan^ft-) Record says: Ceneral Ilowaid, Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, has been invited to assume the Presidency of Lincoln Col lege, in that place, and has promised to favorably con-ider the mat er. A max killed his dog reeen ly for barking at old Browniow, in Tennessee. It is ft wonder the dog didn't die when old Browny first looked at Jem/ [/?o/nr (for.) Courier. Fatal Duel.? \ duel wns fought on ike (Lb inst., between Walter Cogga all f\AQ m a. I OS a) 1 * ?... >? #V!IW, JMKI J. | Wright, editor of ilio Wayne Gazette. Arkanbaa. Their W eapou* were sword.* ??the caufe, jealousy, Both w*r? frightfully mangled, having fought until the Jose of blot>>! caused them U jaint. ? Both will die. '* ' * * Tab colored yyrpulation of Boston U inereaaieg at the fate of twen t\-flvo per day, bnt the TtavtUr a?v? 11 at the experiment of introducing col on d.ih pieaiicB frr?tn the South has no! ' be n successful. . " , ,V44>* .. %1 * . J> t * * * mm. v ,. > - -et ? . ,% ;v- - Wj; Hr*-im 2 :?1 <SJ;r |ou:Jj;ru lEntrrjirar.; " JT?is"H ?. BAH lb BY, ! PROPRIETOR AVV RDITOR. I <JKEENVILLK, S. 0. i THURSDAY, SErT'R. 27, 1808. ' . : Withdrawal. The undersigned has gold his interest in the 1 office of The Southern Enterprise, to Mr. J on* < c. B^ilhv, who lias been a part proprietor of i the paper for several year* past. I bespeak i for him, from the old patrona of tho paper, a ] continuance of patronage which they haro < heretofore extended to it. I have not under* 1 taiflp, since tho surrender of tho Southern ] armle to direct or control tho. course of this I | journal in political matters. It has been con* ducted solely by the young gentleman who noW? assumes tho entire management o? tho pajdlfr. His obuiectiou w ith the paper extends knowledge of the husirfBas of printing, and cx*ensi*e rendipg, qftitlffy hi?. opinffiti, to make tho Enterprise what it ahtnflij be, vis.: a 4 real live pit per. As bis mcau? will justify, he 1 will continue to improve 11* cwlunins, and make it a fust class home piper. Mr, Bailey will he responsible for all claims agiiiud tlio office* i and ail persons owing sums to tho office,.sruco < the year 1M52, will pay tin; snnic t? hiin. AV, r. I'll ice. Arrival of Garrison. * Capt. ItiiiTTiix, in command of a company of seventy-five enlisted men, dth United States ' Infantry, (Regulars,) arrived in Greenville,on Tuesday evening last, and have encamped near the spring befow tho Female College. These troops have recently been stationed at Columbia. Lieut. EhItton has issued the ful* Inxrinrr rs?n firrfur no?...: - ? - ' B ?.?vi urmiiMii^ comniann 01 una ! Post. IIo lias very kindly futtiUbcd u? with several orders f.?r y>nblloalion, which will interest the people of the District, being of concern to them. 11 1. Q'us, Mir,. Post ok oukrxyii.i.n, | G it km v i, S .C., Scpt-Uti, 1800. j General Order, No. 1. Pursuant to Special Ord-;r NJ. ft, 'Head quarters, Department of tho South, the undersigned hereby assumes command of the Miltitray Post of Greenville and Pickens. Til OS. Hiuno.v,. 1st Lieut, fltli Infy 11 vt? (.'apt. U-3. A. Liberal, The \\rtek!y IftcorJ. the largo nnd handsome-octavo, onislniutitg ilie Political, I.ilyr ary, Geniir.orcial, and ltcligioos news of the day, published in Charleston, S. (J., at tour dollars a year, ofTeis to any clarirynian aciniiag the name a qL two tuuuuti uJ-.-jh-"-' , wirtt fT>? "ts-isii n Ihiidcnpy of I lie lit cur I free for one year. . \ * F*ui rut so mi i: un ESTi:itciusr:. ? ** J If. iW/t'</ --J suppose some account of the ppieeed'rugs of the -lata extra session of tho , Degislaturo way not b? unacceptable to thej people of tli? Dislrict. The Session was a laborious one. Several mattcta of protonud interest to tbiJ Stjte, orcupiet} tho attention of the members nf both Houses. Governor tier's incssuge, which you liavb published,.eui'iraeod .chiefly three -topics: tho present dchrllf throughout tho State, the Importance of organising District Courts, end llio establish mvut j of a Penitentiary. T l?rt _ vuu<^'^'< nu\i iritw premature j during-the extra scmoo, to attempt any large i kchema for supplying grain to the Stale, n<> the l actual deficiency could not Ixi ascertained till the regular sessio.i, an<l beside*, tha attempt to supply the wants of the ih'stifutu population prematurely, ? -nld hnvca had cflbct upon ull 1 that class of the fre'edincfit unfortunately it lurge one, who nru dimmed to lonh to the public for help. siid"not to thnir own honjj-h labor. 1 I found'Jhis vtfcw iiocftnlb |rre-loiiiii*?ynt iiflioth. Houses >>f the Legislature vcry.soou after Uiey ! rnst, Mid resolutions Were adopted hy both' j postjiouiyg action ${yn the sulgeet to tbs'rwg" i* session. }s> tr tldf close of thtt session, ih.wi?Ver, a wlib pas^ . j>y lluHlpuw, unihorYAljj tboTi.iverimr fo issue tjiroo Jiond'rc l !b">c.-\iid dolhiit worth of bonds of llip, ' Sfjito, u|wn the assurance lit Inggivon tbh- tlio !-measure would h.-ure tfTe deliver) of at Unist I throe hundred thoM-ond bushels of corn in tin.Statu, ppon tho -decided testimony of t^enutors, wUeiY tlnY resolution cainc to ttw Scnnte* (that there wna a j?rcat necessity In Various sections-of the Statu, admitting of no delay for ' provisions to focd ft StarvHtg population, bofb white atid black, it passed that body also. Tho grain, if procured, is t6ho distributed tdevery District, according to (ho necessities of each. In the Senate, the subject of tho Penitentiary was referred to a special Committee of four?oiio from ouch Congressional District. I was appointed one of the Committee, and it was agreed t-o report a resolution sanctioning tho recommendation of the Governor. A Dill, which finally passed, was introduced hy Mr. Weatbcrly, of Marlborough, carrying out tho initiatory plan, which I presume you wili soon publish. A Ponitentinry is, therefore, pro*,11,..I r... * - n ?-? 1 . .... . A uuuo opinion nan aound reason 1 alike culled for IF, nt this fym. The Jails of (lie Ht.itc are nearly full of prisoners, chaffed ^itli thefts and other crimes, and when convicted they should be mode to work for a living. Capital punishment tvill still bo inflicted for ranrdrr and certain other aggravated uritneg notwithstanding th? Penitentiary may be put in operation. It will be tho duty of the Leglslature, at the regular session, to review the criminal Code of th? State, to Adapt It to the new order of things. '.There was not time to do ?o at the extra session just VloseiU * The Governor in his massage had alluded to the fright'ill indebtedness of the people of the Slate, and recommended an nltenttion of the Insolvent Debtci-a' law, so as io i allow all debtors, whetlrer susd or not, to tnrhe advantage of it; and the change in the I law of srr<?et for debt is probably the only I in 'Or'? tb?1 o?>uld',,H)a constitutionally ?: ?; % J * T. * v/ 4 - m*r+ ^ WmisL*. ^ _ #. L. r a * H9 J H S E -i id?jWrt to nffi rd rvj*f, alnce the ^eciit?D| l 4 Ihe Com t ad verea to the Stay Lair. 4$^ H loi&ver, did not concur ia this o^ton. vfcfj ntrod need a Dill in tlie Senate wUWp aim. [| Iv provided JoT holding the Court of Com. H uon 1'leaa annnallj in the Spring of erer/P rear, and diapeaalng with, the 'fill eonrts. |, t w*a amended, at tny own euggeattou. #?, i to nravlda foe Knlillki. tk> t it ?- ' ht trial of *11 Stat* ***** This Bilk? Waa ;ratifie<l to And, met the approval ot Sot a ew of the ablest and most patriotic mem. , >er? of the Legislator#. It wa* proaoaneed_ >y them unquestionably Constitutional aa<l well adapted to diaeourag* .add prevent ' hAt multiplicity ?f suits?-rather, I might lay, whirlwind of writs?in every Jjiitriet/ which would complete the ruin of debtor** ind greatly injure the large majority of sreditora likewise, by forcing property into I talc during the next spring and summer, at 1 oeor.c-i vyble sacrifices, which wOuld bnrcly pay the cojts of lawyer* and Officers ot sourt. Among those who supported litis Bill iu the Senate, were some very abUB I lawyer*.. It glvee In* great plaasure I* mention the names of Gea. Kershaw, Cjjfi riiompson, of .Abbeville^ and Col. Tilhuattv of Edgefield. Senators 'Joist, of Chat leatoS. ensuing f..I conita.but I incline to the opiii J ion, that, had they remained till thc-hijt discussion of tlto meas'tre, they wonld have Mippoyted the annual' curt system, w-h?h that came back m an amendment from the il(in?e. My Bill was amended in the Sch ate by sti iking out the provision for annual j court', and inserting fhe clause merely 3i?. i pensiug with the court for the pieacnt fnll j term ns tfl all cases of ?fel.K The House of r r Hrprc-'cutatlves restored the provisions o'! my origin il Bill and *enl it back to the I Senate, which (led on the Vi?tr of concur* i rence, ami Mr. Porter, of Chnrjeston. a* President of Jli* Senate, gave his casting ! vote against it. This prydUeed a ootniWU. j tee of eontyroncn of both Houses. They i foiled to agree, and finally h ootnmit t ef off ee 6i>n'ors:ics, a? it is colled, which likewise failed to agree, and iho Ib u-se was at | nisi rorc?.u to nce-pt tli<* Mill ms iI went from the Senate. Nath withstanding <lio measure is not so full arui ample as 1 desired ml as wns d< sired !>} the Home, and alj tlie bv#t .friends .of tlie "proposed measure* of r- Lief to the people,-yet the Dili, a*,pnss ed. \vi 1 prove a great hl< sdngdo the It* goad effects arc f<lt already. And there is ro;>so to hope that the n?\t session ot the ^egiehitor& will prrtvide for n system-of nnm al courts. lint I rafrnin (rotn entering ipon arguateiit* or sprculat.ions in this com miinicntion. ns I only doslgnln state a few facts fur gclieral inform lion. ''The pro p.oe 1 measure of relief" si-cmed at on lime to 'nil nlpigcther hi the llo?tse of Hop-* resentnlivi s; the matter was, hv the fiist lest vote, laid on the table. It s(Jellied to >? , e.?. iaii. iu vtt, in-i that liodv, an 1 at last t ho Hollo- a as uv? r \eheluj"uly strong in adhering to the plan of the ori^ipiil Ii?lI. (annual sj rpig court* of -O^mniTh^ I'leHs.J Col. <\Jiilliri?, of lln* rum, Ge.irTOai lington, of X'slierry, Clen M. 41 l?u" lec.'of Kfcp-thdl, and ex (hsvern. or Honhaui, of the * ijpe !>i.-t l iet, and other gjytlcmcn, distinguished themselx ca for their nhlu and eh qmet t advocacy of the Hill, before t lie House. The I>i?trict C?fttft Hill *vas -p?ssp'b Ii aviis urged us a nnt'cr of great. necrs-itr :iii<i importance, that a oouvrnhnt IrKiiinaJ dnnhl l>r e-taMadtcd, to try a IV the rtnnier?m mrae# in which Fre? down wore partiesso as to dispense-with Any ly f r ("ojiris M trtiul. Aei,A?? The District, Cour' 1 litis jtitl'ilijjji?n? of nil criminal en-\c*," *iioy ewr may he pnitics, cxript the higlnr grade*, of feloni*-*, and in all civil 4iiits not ??v?q- the summary process jurisdiction. It tva* carefully- pravjded in lUe llill,- that a Judgment obtained in the District CVurt^ shall ?ot l e enter* d up, or nt least- have no prefcrroit lien, till tire n< xt, matting Coii'i of Common Pirns) after ft is \>lJtirir.ed. So tlnrt fh> practical effi*:t of the provision of the JPill, for fhe pteseut, is tlmt no-man w^l desire t?? sue in lUahConi t for the^mlloctioflTof a debt,-a* be wofilu do just a* \^ell-to \t?K t.Hl rclnrii day oTSpring C? uA ' beside* it \v.n> isul thought, pr.-laihte by t)io olnUi'ivuttt'oT The Judioiury Cunitrtttteo and others, that the t"!r.-t quarterly term of the D strict Conrj(.could be piopeily ImUl till tift??r the in nt iiv.?io? of tji$ LegUrtiUTe begins ipr closes, and it is the settled pur posti of myself nad olliuM supporting the same policy* to r*Mt>vf%Sr,po?s i ti t , alt jur> risdiotion ot Hial Court-in cases merely in. volving the collection ot debts, and ^confine it, for the pre-ent, to the trial of crimes atid piisdeiueanors, nod the tiial uncivil cases where the question of the wages of labor and hire may be concerned, trespasses, Ac., and others as now allowed it. The representation, therefore, attempted by some, that no eflWt has been made m protect from immediate suits and judgment, the smaller debtors, is anf<m. -i- i * " - ? nil IT IH SHe? lilibit; to be sued, are alike protected, if-4 am not mistaken in the provisions of nil the Bills pas ed at the extra session. And ' ! was assured by the chairman of tl>e Jndi Ioiary Committee, who watched the District Court BilV closely on its final passage, (he stood at lha PpeaWei's desk for the purpose,) that it contained the very provision 1 have mentioned, and I know it came from the House to the Senate with that saving clause. The Bill as pilnted in the Colombia /'Ater: , 1 find, this morning, does not oontaln the restriction I have spoken of; if the provision was properly stricken out, i| strange'/ escaped attention, and then must be some mistake In the Cofly, The whole Bill was hastily considered and passed through the Legislature, to meat a supposed neeeieity, and will he rectified, U is 'fa'rly presumable, at the ensuing session, m several objectionable pnr'mnlara. The QUI to secure th* legal rights of eol. ored persons, was passed, It provide* that ^ ' 25 . &!% ' Wfm k wcr' - % ' ' * " ? J " ' ' >T "1 c I aj#* -f i# Jlfc- .? i. M tent* v. . ' j f iitjHP wrty, to sue and be sued in the courts, ?nd b *>* avidenea a* wUneeare, ?*t.d U>? sana*. protection to person end lUbertj? white men Ipe Bill doal Out confer any new political Cht, such at Iho-o-krhtwf suffrage, to set on juri.sAo. In fact. It coalers *cn tttly any law privilege on the free negro, beyond the lUn.e trial for ofteneea. a^. the wlute man go*seaeed, and the rigj^i to ttatify. Thl, tight Oorernor Oir and other wiee and saj Mcious man, urged aa essential to pat a Nkoob frt diAdllfK? mtrtA AlllAW e*?rt?aa AMtaaaa W> which the negro la incited by cunning Cogues of the white species, k A Bill haa been passed altering the law #f FvMenee, and now all parties to a suit and any person, whether Interested or not', C?y give evidence. (This has been lite low r some time in England, from whence we Veiive all our old common law doctrine*, and it works well in that country. I have jV oat confidence that it will further the discovery of the truth in a great majority ,ol cases. % . y There was use matter immediately consuming the District of UrconViUe, which it may be proper to cxptaia. Tho Commissioners of the Poor for the District have found themselves without funds to support the poor that arc necessarily thrown upou thoir hands, .owing to tho Aict thai no taxes were rowetwl is IRtlo, and to the. insufficiency of taxes collected t^iis year. Jho ' Cothuij.'e<io"ncrs''sont a memorial to both Tlqpees of Um Legislature, prating to> be allowed tt> make atp'tBer nssesstnQfU upan tho District, ('.21 pir^onf. npOw-tlic gen^raltaj^Of thisyesrt^ la tho St/titttb yti^ memorial was unfavorably exported on, and T, with the concnrryig approval of all the lfeprcscntativCs of the District, introduced a Bill to rarpiirc the Csnmkfiondra'sf Public Buildings to turn oVcr tho surplus ftyids in thtfir hinds to tho Cominisstonet* of tho Boor, The Bill "passed, and was amended by tho Pibkons* Delegation, so as=to require the same thing in that* District* That District and (Ivcenvillfc had each a-surplus of futrds with thctT C lUmftSsioncraof Pubhe Buildings, Arising from licenses on distill, cries. To eucurc Iho pas sago of tho Hill, required its curly introduction that conld not t>o delayed, t.or was there time for the purpose ol giving formal notice the Commissioners i>l Public Buildings; but it was so framed osvtol t? put theui to any serious ftU'Owruiiivuee. It the Delegation a m<isl jiut and necessary nicasgsc, and in.every way proper aud UVIUIIMUIC. ? *' _ , The legislature have aiithorfti-d the Tuasurer to exchange G/cenl.aeks for all the Treasury Rills issued l?y lit* Slate known us ' Rills Receivable," un<l also uullioii/.im; Lho funding of the same in State Slocks This will iuifn'ove the currenoyol the Treasury Rills, arid have a tendency ti keep tli -in nt pr.r. The L"gi hmre has extended the thn? for the ta< ret urns of this i\nd other I>i? tricU, till the tirst of November next, anil stayed all tnx executions till that "time lids was fiercely oppo ed Lit tli* sWllllt'l^ -o ??TWlrrr+?1? iffll iilvooitte t liv Ilr. Wiunsmith, Senator o Spurt ml.nrg, an 1 iny*elf. It ufr.r.l^grenl relief to "hundreds'* of pi>or -HI.iiV Ulid tilt State cannot ItJsa" l y it. The <n:iiiiU?u o ills eountry deinniuKd it. The Rlirv It ilge Railroad was a snlrjeej of hgis'ntion, not in*the way of nppVo|.ria tiou of money?the S ale has none to givi ?hnl a resolution was passed, without, ee riotis opjM.-iiion from any one, nutlioiizing, I lie Pi esideiit und Direotyrs of the Itoad U I | } * make su.-li Uee of the Statu Stock as migU h'.tluee capitalists in the I^orth Jay ndvancu a sum of money to <^>fT\pl?'e .tin Read, hut all filet liar liability o^tha Stat. ft)l n'SeseiiKjiTa wna uini'dcd -u?uiiu>n KiihUt.-IoqJ tSw<l t)u-r? ure reasonable pro# |ucl? of obtaining A Sifllioh nt -subscript io< out of ilit- S-lite to cotnpleU the Rood, hope it uiuy prove true; if so, every oni will rejoice tbut the money -of the- St#t freudy appropriated will nut have beei spent in Vimn, , ? W. P. Price, Esquire, just at khc-doje of Ui <xtr:i session, resigned his sent us one ?f tb Greenville Jtepri^eututivcs. Mr. Price ha unoli* ? faithful, efficient and Valuable nvcurbe of the House *.Hi? resignation was prompts* by a senfco uf Uuiy, inasmuch us Bo has hoei nrcxpcetedjy detained, aud.must still he long cr detained from home here, alien d up to th set'lcmcitf of the .estate of his ftither-in Wv tho late Cob Win. Mori in, in tho Suite <J Georgia. ffho Speaker of tho House will vcr oon issue writs of Etvctiou for the pcq^le of th' Histriit to elect soirra one to till tho v!|panc< and be ready'to servo in the ousffing rupulu *A'S#ion. There were various other mutter* of latere* be thru the JL?phlittur<v which I m4y notice ii a future cmnmunlciVmn, This was exlendei for oiiough, I am sure, for ymur patience. , G.'J. T<7W\ES. r ? 4 # To Tho Votortof Greenville District GENTLEMEN: I desire the of. M f TAX CQLl.ROTOI i out trm\ on')h to coo mHsh twi, * ;.> ? | First?To liqt: dat? the claim* of m , creditors, eaneed by the loa*ea which I sus tainod by the late yvnr, in which I was litre year* a vohtnUiry participant Sroojiit?To l?e enabled to devote myael mere entirely to studying and preaching th ' Qvkpel to tlie jxHtr. K' *peutfu)ly, your obedient servant, T. D.GfclN. (JrtenvilU, 8. C? fbptembtr Wth, lidfl. for tdk aootbrrn kvtcrpaisb. A ' % """" *? Mdiiort?A* the time I* near whe Se people, of Gieenrill* District wi have to cbooee from nrnongit the gentle men who are before u* a* candidate*, noe t oilect the Tax of the District, being an o floe of profit, and trust, it i* right and prop* (hat each and every candidate ahouid be e< 1 right before the people. Without a word i objection, or disparaging tbo claim* of an cft#?T do not tjiink it am}** to m?h? haown : fovr U<t* reiafive to I AM Kb U. i'HARftOJ I Hhaabeen urred la rota-pa^t? of th# I Metric *v war of that Mr. Fesrrott *i| '. eecceetosUk It U pqjuat. He ?? not a h t 4 * ' A * " * ? A. # ' ml' Vj& m ** .'2J| '""&i''-s ir"""1"""?a eessiucist?did not rote for members of the Conventioa at *11, bot.Whsn (be State Sid ? code, and tYi* ah?l|tUmfefa nmde war upon the ??fetb, b?|g a than, >e'went with btr?tate and people, aadl think, Very properly ^ did. all (n hia power , ta savp J^ls State from ruip. and his people from degradation. lie ga*o four aoni to tbtdfoathsrn lrasgr, three of "whom volunteered befpto (hep wero seventeen yearj old; two of them htve died honorably In tbfiflr Coshes Carea > all of them Were (roe and eaeeUent soljfler*. Mr. Pearson Is la qsite moderate cfreumtUiew, and has a large and a.Hlctdd flamtly. Ills wife, ft em being one of the most -Indus* trious managing women, has by disc ass. bsao rendered helpless and useless for the last olght years, having lost entirely the use of one of her hands. As Mr. Pearson has bean n candidate only twenty od-1 years, It might not bo^mfis to say to the people of the tilstrlot that he la eober ?nd of steady habit*. It would socm that If be bad no otho^ claim he has at least that of the importunate widow, that ho might be heard from hit oft aud long importunities. ONE OK TH8 PEOPLE. Orrtntilfi, ?. C., S<pt. 1800. rott tuk soCTiimtK ENTEr.rnta*. Mt?rt KJitor* : 1,'nHbmfanding that an alestion^ia be ordered for repreeeutaUwo from C.reenville District, In thwState Lsgls lattirn. to fill the vacancy oeonsioned by the * resignation W.rf^ t\ ice;^B?i.. I tnkathe liberty of nomioatlog M.ft iHp>mns-M. Oox ~ JU his srieersshf. " *- ( Thin is dono without-his hnrtwled^e or . consent, hut It Is hoped hy numerous I trfcnds that he will- hWVw Iris name-to !> presented'to thsr prflple of the DiWrict. iTe *' ia ajjatrileman of sterling iiilej?fity.*BU*perior JntelligSticv; a^nlgmeift matured by ewperi .cnee, and a knpwleigeof t bezants su.l necdfesitfrg of the people'aud i| thoribu^hly id?ntiftcd win thtflnterTsta of the District; having becfi "before and .luring fire war, one of its geentest beifrfrotors. If elected, 1iis. previone courle will be a Jtnftrnnlee fliat he will "exercise hie best 'judgment end influence iu teVeh a vtnjr ns to " protect gs farina ehottl 1 be, not ootj' the bert interests of the Dirt-let^ tbut. those who ve sutftrtd by tftc ggsuUs^T lUe wa\ ' ! ' * . . A.VQTfiR.' ' ?WW? . S J AN ACt to Aupt.ii *asp Fix nn-.-rmr.if row novnfNo rnn OucutA ?r t'owrtow Pjl.eas.iH 1 . * rats Statu. ' I. Hr it riiocict-by the Son*to arid TTouso of Representatives,"now nie'f and sitting, and by authority of the raine, Tlnst from atfll after tho >- t<?titic?tiun-of this Aetfdbv .Itiilges of the "till, r' porior Courts of Law hi this Stale shaH bold , the first and nest sitting of the CiMrt'of Common Ploaa, far tile trial of civil cases arising ?k e>; cfnttirttu iu ilio several eirvu?n?-u*w Cstab JlnJh'.l l>y taw in.tbii.8iato, in the ensuing | Spring, at the iiines-an.l places iu oa?;h .* Uat already established, by.bvw. . U ' ' If. 'fli.ft oft I writs and other process .of .the aa'ul CourU. iuuuu and final, jiugr atario to. , turunblu n. thu r.ill .Terms .heretofore cstabf lishcd^xvcpt tucsiiu prooese-in arises extort, ? smut- DC repujiu'oie to the Spring Tfrins of^hg * , Court,.jti tbc year o4oar hard ouo thyusanf, f "eight upd sixly-acYen, the bailie a?4* already so directed y.jiud that tbq panic rules I of hnparlaucc and (Hd.sarpo order of procetdliitge l'^w exlstinjf shall ujtply.tbjhe*ltourU.e?t1btliilict by tfie first section pf thi* Aot? . ? . IH. That oil writ's in cases of tort shall be j returnable, as heretofore provided lyrj low, *V? tfio regular terms of the Courts,^ liuncs tlihltrticJ^ iwr?t it shall be flu; diiiy of tb8 'Clc|&* oPtlicXotfrt of Ctftnaion Pious to/pre8 pgre-docltei^ tif^tll onseg of tort for tlic regular 4 terms T?f Ui^Vr rqypoeiive Courts." * . 9 ' TV. V"?rt'?o4:&tr^of Kfjully shall be ludT ^ in this folate bcftiTe tbb first day of I'ehnfhry, ",, in tTio'yoer of oiir fetrd* o?.e thousand, "bight 1 hundred end sixty-sovoh t Pinte'tlid, That co? I thing herein eontaiued shall he? jib-construed at e t<f prevent the hearing of motions.and ca.'tpi e at Chamber* as now'provided by itiw. i V. That nothing in this Act eontaiued shall pro-cut Judge* pf tho-Court of Common Picas f atulUenrral Sessions-drop^ hearing and dctarg -mining npplidattons. for the auf>sthutt?>n of s judjyionts aatl doorooa destroyed- or lost dur rhig tho Jato war, as hentoAn. j ?VI. That nil Act* mid parts uf.Ac^s QfMie a G Assembly of^bia. State In "con tllet with . tho provisions of. this Act,-bo,, and \ho fame ? aro hereby, reiioalbd. , * - ?" In.tlu> 6>!T>al?? Houm, the twoi?ty-?/-st~ day * -of Septoiftbea in tho?yeajr of our i?ord v _oye thousand,- oight'bun^cud A'ul sixty*, . w. b. "ronjflg, ?. Presidua| of tlitf ijenatc. r C7 fl. SIMONlOK, Ppsakcr Ilmse of Ri profptitalivej. ^ Approval: JahTs Ii. Ohh. , ? Frakcwoo.'.A st 28?: . Terrible Accident.?A teriibfe csImtrAphe occurred in tbif city yesterday morning, A building known as the t hinrtmei Street House,in Summer street, a fe* doora-Weat of Montgomery, uted ^ as n boarding house! full to the ground about 2 o'clock In tl etnorninjf, binding y in the ruins newly all the oeciipanta.? l ite exact number in the *tahli hnn-nt t, at (lie liine, is not correctly known, but it is thought to Ihj between thirty and U forty. Already eight pemons taken out dead, and fifteen to ^renty ' WOUfldcll. ?>P^ Baltjmokr, September 13. Mu..u:? ?? 4.>.v?>y uviutrri ana OKIK?r*. A large meeting of ibe soldiers and sailors of Mary lead, to selec; delegate* to the Cleveland Convention, was held oo the 12tb? n A fctriet of resolutions wer^adopted, approving the -policy of the President, end a delegation to Cleveland was ap* pointed. Cbl. MauUbory, the .Chair * I man, while writing an address, was in. j te*rupled by a radical, when a rush waa f j made for the latter, and he retreated, fir ' j-ing a piatol at the orowd as he went.? a 1 On being arrested, be oonfessed that 4 there wa# a plot among the radical* to ^ i provoke a riot, wnlch had beee ?np, i preyed only by the promptitude.of the persons present. p. . er?fbr lu* is rather a life io death,?In a less degree holds the affectUms of this * people m the hollow "of hie hands, for . * similar reason. Nq man mora courier J* **" dm thau he, none more high-bred, uooe tnore generous, nooo more tiddly in drift * * r intercourse with bis neighbors. And . Z*J|?E tee Uvea a peftoefbl, cheerful, liaobtrtf wire .lifo among these moimtaiiis.jNSo "M. -"-I fur as bimaelf is concertied,*be would k _ . prefer that his name should be drop> peQ from- present talk and current news. History must mention him, be knows, but that' lima has not, yet come. I<*e holds himself utterly aloof from tbfe disEm utfes and passions of the hour: and '* ~ eri is a gsoof. On Saturday nightfjldfr v f wavVt Rockbridge baths. Stalwart and - * erect Ss ever, whim haired and ruddy? . hued, his eye bright4 Am! kindly as.of old, -be eat among the ladies of the n*ight>o rhood, chajiftig Astanr other ^ man. might do ; but with hlrfl, with bis ? past and present linhgihg about bim, it cMtmert litn lliA /ton.) na.( lintil!../. ??? verse with the Mn e* Presently, there wm the*ot.fu-ion of the nightly arrival from mchinend. and one g^hileman^being acquainted'With toe Genera!, g*et-^ ^ e^) hip). and, after the commonplace*, ten^er<?U him tiro newspapers of live day. . "TlianV you," said Lee*," bui .1 trover wad any of'theui.". . . Tkt.\s Matters.? In the Text* Sen ate, on lli? 18th of August, the follow 'ing resdlutioii, showing the purpose of the Lono State,'like South Car.olns, to recognize the servies of her >oUliets in the lite war, was adopted: liisoltfcd, That lhe"*mn of-4120,000 or so much thereof as may be necfessay, be And the same is hereby appropriated for-the purposes of procuring artificial or coik Kg* for those whtr b*ve lost * leg in the military service of thp country, being ei.i^rns of Texas, in '.lie late war with the United Stales, they being Confederate soldiers. ** On the 20-.b, jnahe earrte body, Senator Knox, qf TleWr; offered* rholutiotl to tho effect -that the ordinance'of. tho . Convention repudiating nil debte contracted by the Starh, bol w6ch the "28(h of January, ISO"!, and the 6th day of August 1SG5, tfejng inorganic, nod not* . having been submitted to the people that the 3d section of said ordinance be repealed, arid that-the committee on .Juiei.try hojif$i|-u<rtc<1Mo report tho reprii'dfng of the same by-i>iIT or ^otbor- . wire. . ??* - V . '1 , A SoCTUkun euire-qiondant of ? New Vqik paper, in-a recent I7tu?;r, -directs attention H) the fact ilia* lunrty ?*f Ui? HiMurLeia of Southern peace, aid the unscrupulous assailants of tharepi.if^iion ineiiaurcs o/ the- Admiijistra-; , lion, vo occupant* of Federal* educes, and in receipt <ff,pty froln*tho Q<*vern irtenl the\ abuse." * This is true, ?ot ort!v< of i idivitfualsemployed under The * Freecittlen's lUneaii, but of oilier officials wh6 derfvo 'their potfer for mischief , . .fiotn tliefr connection with the Admin* Istrftti^n. -It is to be hoped,-therefore, Uiu( the cleapinjr out process whiclfhas bedh^coinrnciictd in the Noriu will, by -Hud by, be e*\$nvled to ite South, ehere thorough work is greatly needed1. t'Vhere, if any where, pei/tct hurniony between i\je Executive uud thy officeholder i?ji necessity. . * ? ??> ** Ti*? New Voi k T>rhupe\ \vashing ton special lias the following items : 'Rurocus ?f the resignation of Qen. O. p. I Toward Vt Cointnis^iujier of the Frceifineh'n lluienu.nre again afloat. . * ? There is no. Irniii wbatvver iu the statement. Gen.ilowafd U <\"reg.ular armj oftieer, detailed to Ipke charge -of thw ^ ,~ifrepJinen'i* affairs, njid cannot resign, lie could be relieved, b';K no appiicttioo tQ'^etiefibved wifl be made, a* the RroaidepT would constru<^ the wish into an .acktiovvfatlgemfcnt, %on (lie part jof the 'tii'iierm, nun ne \v?? unable i<V?droin- ' ' , I finer the affair* of tjie department, and ' President Johnson wrnibj cikfrn ,lfiW" j\uCllieal!on*fvflr* the dismissal* from ^he * arm^df a tvetl-lrnown "galjftnl otlloer. Gen. 'Howard's ft Thuds insist that he thttM not place hiiusolf in slich a falso . portion, i'.od metaay gtauon pfcloly anthWORhatiaaJI/Tllsserta that so loogl^lSrrY * ^ lie to phi^f of ihtit War Department, Gen.Hrflknvd shall remain UotcmiMdooei.of .theJiureau. J __ . . "Marshal HeBCdek ia qf Bruet, a smalt1. * i town in Styria, where be INes in a very * ? retired manner with hi* family, patting . ' J l.i* lime in excursions to the mountains,- < - or in shooitog game, which he AniU ' ?, more profitable than shooUng Prusoiatklr v /?. ? The Scientific American toys thai the ef common notion that rancid butter is *. * 'good enough for cooking purposes" is * ,%. founded upon science. Putyric acid,.. -? which makes it ranqicT, evaporates at * . heat of 3L5 digfee*, and leaves the * lull tor ?tar ool I * ? ' , j Tub total number of deaths from * cholera iu the city And eounty of Jfeif Yoik, since iu first appearance on tbo? 1st of May, is 8^0; of these 4Q6 occurred in * the . public institutions on Ward's liiakwell'a ao^ i land ait's la*' lands. - ' 4 '? / . . - yt' # At* Austin special of the $J, in the? * Galveston Newt of the 5th, says: They House passed the bill for the protection'. * i of the frontiers to day, organising ? i regiment of three ballalljons of five companies each. . *. /., . ' 'I'hk oftuia) vote of North Carolina i shows that th* new Uoastitutiou it re* . ."i < ^?uted by 1,W2 Dajo.ilg. & * r* #