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v ? - \ > ; ; ^ ' '-? . - - 1^ v~* - ' The Hatmti^Taoe;. When daily oiWuiil thought* giro pine* To quickon?d memorleo, oftoo mo? 1 , i l jM>Wi aothough^of.vgUoininlte* # ^5^ .HHw isST ^ j, 'V Jib ?hi?^ WejUfrjjB# 4 0 hot tlier* it happily 11*4 In wolt ^jST' . jfcho Imdowo roll H In U>? gt*n, J" ' r . Th* Wj? reveal it on tbo beighti. K Down gaiuig in itroora ii>?t lie* .* " Unruffled 'rtonft tha ptaftid nlr, '. I I moot the light of tbon* CMp ?jm j*' And ontch the gleaming ->f the heir. Or, as I wntoh th" changing iky, ' " When floor/ white the'blue 8n?hromd?, Thai fact, mm ft am aeasenjent high, Xiooks oq|-through-oj>ooui| fa the eleaifc The solid darkness of the night Aroa*ji it forme a back-ground deep { t% n?. r *iru? tejwarm wad bright. With tho veitmule at sleep. , Unsought it cfenos^Wrihiddta itays; t And yd ull dreaqntllke though it be, Ifo eotual Irpn lhwt meets my gase Uu suoh significance for use. ? "? It telle of yosfs that golden glide. Of Joys wUhHo regrt'teVtween, * ; Of life expanded, ^lorif^ed, -! f "* ^ Of otHar thing# thfct mlghthare been. ^ .? ~ , ^ *wlr m of yore, as young, el bright; . ? 80 ghiws it on ray virion uoW j ; " ' Teere never rob the tyc of light( Nor leave * shadow on the brow. >" ' ~ '? - ** ' Yet not <ip"earth, nor in the skies, ? Ssists the fkce'thet haunts me so; '% Yhat shlntog'.fcaT^ those beaming eyes, <* " Tadrd forever, long ago. ?.j.. * ...a. Tilting Skirts and False Calvfca. . Wo heafttlj- pndotwe (he-folio* ifig ~fh>m' tlU Atigodia Constitutionalist; though wo.must ?ay,do tlie credit pf the Indies of CJfarlestoh, tbrai we -hftTS aol ytt witnessed ihe^e abominations : 1 A Photk?t.?We'had honed for tb? J ?VI PHIW.T" ( Be admonished the female portion of bit congregation diet they gf*e ihem up?or cea*e te onroe lo the oonfeeiioual Nothing half to Hnroodeat or immoral hn ever been witne*?cd in New York before. He did not know] -what the faahion* were at the theatre or the opera, m he did not go to^such places, buvhdeoutd not eh at hit eyee^o the- nuisance, a* it existed before hie * eyee, in front of Ood'e altair. lie theiw wa*.determined to ai?at? it>o far a* bi* church wiw concerned, other ciergynpen ' eouM chn ?a they triced. . . Let otirer clergymen, of fcrtfry denotu y ie?ti?nrMI??w the exerpple of thin pa^tof. Let Ihem cotuo,oi<t{d?H>ly arid lelf* * Che yonng women of their dhargl that - tbit is " K wtdVed and HduUfeniua'gert eeatton te?Ving d igrt." Thht the route diacqrpt in fhfse immodeetiee in dree* a ign which intimate* to brim the ineern n - < -I [CharUtl?n Jfmst * i Hi hi ii? i ~ V' sake of Southern ladies, ^specially those of our city,* that vbe indecent, immoral faehions of the demi mondi of Paris would never "be jnftoduce*,! among theft. Bat ii 1* with a sense of eUdmo we say' we have been disappointed. In the lend that we love; in whoaer-bosom rests the remains of our baintod mothers, among w hoso w omen owe datl^ff rs are v to be educated, in this fair cHpSpbenu tifu) and vulgaris women, has been ex V hibitod the immodest tilting skirt and the vulgar faj&o calves* It is against no " untlivulged pretence" that w e light, but against that which we have beheld for ourselves. On Sunday last we were the unwilling observer of a tilting skirt ut>on the person of a very pretty young lady." ariai sxm was manoeuvred and manipulated, we suppose, in the moet approved style of the , urt ..iutendod bv- the insidious dtbauchft inventor.* We saw hat <>f these thing* St. Paul says it-is a shame even t?'.streak. 1 On the gaftera, so un? Wushiugty exposed to view, might have been .embroidered, fax.aught w? knoW, . that <^nv<*wiei?l motto of libertines and - fWhe* tTnelpCst^V<f/ont iott que tfiiil y. the-" Exeeleior'V movefhesit' of that skirt sy n*? calculated to co tribe I * eeil thinking on the pdrl'ofjmy mortal woo. . Our face hCrmed and we averted OUf-gaM. . V ;-.V * " We in w.ber \ut rf mcfn#r?4." Would Unit thls.were the_onijritrdienroll jof1 k * waging sense of^qode^ly ^ that* we have seenr wjtlp)l occasions thin /fto&st. Jo litis eity, qipoaed for sale, An The "YaLo.-calves" so mudh talked" abobt lately."*- Wrf hare gratified one btirkwity ood "given these. counterfehs a * jtersOnnl examination. Tbeji are bung .4 fiftg imitations i>{ a j>rize-ftgh*er'a srr??-^ '-tronfinui njtisole; W?e fssl sure tlu?; no. c female vriireveY wear these articles uh% v less "she also dorr# tW_bb*eane tilting . r./v. ' ? } We know OJit Fafliiort is a divinity' * fout-h worshipped ^aod- rery powerful; but we.Lavo log much faith aft the puri |y of our Southern women -to believe; that they will-Mindly follow her dectees, Wow 'that >-ha commands a sacrlflOe whioh call* the blush of *hsnt>Mo thd Ckaek^of father, husband and. .brother. Last winter a number, of ladies, and gentlemen discontinued visiting llie OlWKTDr ~vni Rttnuni ?<f the ?cJuitv_coa: .tume ef some of the performers. "*'If the fashions to which we bn*e referred vi fbllowed in Augusta, our ladies" will^e * Compelled to forsake the streets antk'pos ibly tf?o churches. W'o-call updo the I'ulpit and the Tress to bring their in Auence to bear against these 'encroachmeets upon the morals of the people in fhe guise of " Fashion.". Some week* since a Catholic clergy* man in New York spoke his mind pretty freelv on tli? ^ ^ # > '?v yk, am m 1 . Afeavtfftl PMi* ?*fWat?nt? oat Mm. JJloise ii?QL, Ilefter's Run, Clin ioq^county, |*ennsThrania, nays : " My home has tmeo for six years in a little roeky bat>io7?but' in oa every j?Ue by the Allqghauics, .without a neighbor, a C&urcb, or a school, seeing no human face for weeks?aye, even months some nit?*?except i^otfe of my husband and cJtttd. living thus, 1 have come to lofft in a.strange, all absorbing way, all that nature baa thrown around roe.? Earth with its Varied growth of tree* sod shrubi, plant a and mosses, itH-ke ahd whler, the clouds, blue aky and tiara, iwv thing is beautiful to me, even thjt deads leaves,, the old decayed trees eaUbare rocks are beloved. Think, then, how inexpressibly dear the living trees and flowers and moving water. 1 have tame trout, Bix yards from the door, that leap above the water to catch bits of meat from my fingers. The pheasants make their, nests in tight of the house, snd somtimes the male bird it keen drumming on an old log only teen a few rods up the mountain side. I h%ve. .planted wild floras round my doors, And in Suromer^flie burpnsing birds go through' the open' house on their visit* (p. the flowers. Strasgers frOm the World Intra said : " How can' edu exist i,n tbiJ cfteary .place f" * Their eyes canttot soe as mine; nor can they : hear any- of the pleasant- voices I hear snd,to 4 simply tell them what lbey c>mprebeatf":< It ia ray heCe&sily,"? M> .placet whichds so lonely to otheis> I it so .pleasant to me (hat I have tntmed^ it PaiVlisei and hore, 1 will teach inv son a love i$f tfutb, purity and beauty. ?af xlGoon Oi.t> Oata.^-As rouged for Vjr ,JoDi flings.-r-Uotr i ?low long^ (ouco in trhils) <Vx thwtt good old du?. . " Thorn am* wK?n th&ro was xnoro fun in 30 SdctA'that> ft'areTa aow tn 1 dollkWTtei s half. Them daxo whet married 145 pounds of wotnne, and lose than 0 pound's told) of anything site: \f. , , How I dow long for .then old daaa wh?a od kaaltUS konaistod ia what u Uian did boll. Thara data when (toskoni wm as austuro as* hyfi OxHtHah, arid rocniVWtA preached to toco's J .'ayles last id of thoir pockets.' , w Yhetn dmzowhen poll jr tick* wat-tpo cacep tion auiLliuna.vfy <ho rifle. '* J I l\%> Thorn daao Whan lap dorgs and ir^| ndtses Won't known; and when brawn hrvad ahd JbtkecL 'wC fc- -V- - J"-"*. - * ? * ?wwav tuauv <? jnoa ?mufr. . "* Z r- Them dusc when n nuvn who warn't.-liUsy was watched, and when wiuimin ppua oiilr fluit hind of yarn thai was good for the darning at itMkUl. . .. *v * 1 j tfdw \ dew long tof them good old ebvic when I sow and then a gat baby was called terusbu, and 3 boy warn't epiltot he was ntuned Jorrjrtnier. - _ i * v"*" v And yo who have tried the fctbera and fuss ' J nTP, W1TU IDjrv *- ??' ? - - * I without senee stuck under ynro note, cum l>o-_ 11 colli tl'i" tree,nud long for an-hopr willi ine Air them gtiad elddaio, when men noeo ashamed tew he foal* and wiutlftio. wertf atoaid Jew ho , tjfta/. '**- ' . ' . ; < . * J N^" D?7-Tli^Jdsed^t* Tnatk milk- pnooh in" dticm dach'tkAt wais yoiylmudy tu vatic. . r ' tA ^iNa\1.A'n^rt^K)p*,-fwOf t>t*^ra *' [ tw!? Career m rtjeiVrtny, we find the fcl IwwvnjfwVnjj'tHwr episode J, Vj* ^moment pf CravenS fl/n* wstp- ejiipjivyed jii rpnfcruc* collection! of rwfo i?*eet*,>fi'the^'hprb!?, wild geological uprciptenH df~ftlher curioMflt'tt. ??r his own Ah? Smilliaqnitvn >lh??eum; OflUA^ vllAh' IL VAVi' i?Aiin;l?Al1i? _ , .vr; rvv.niVHCn^V?rr*ICf,, johvicted t>f" going dvef 10 Hrceneinv apd othercjimea too\)Voftiiuabl0 io be menffoniHi, ?r& 'Cfcof to xlbafh iviih jptrh^ti$,On.f>br*onn*e of friSfv&jtonc*. . F)r. Crave v obtained; the -jjnviljyfo <'( e^ianing trforRijd?tnlidiDIris low "# . res t?? Ida*. phem^Hfv^artd ^Lmcenply. borrihje to cohfemphtte^ h*iug a dreadful 4omfhenv larjr on the rntiltlfofig crimes ami offeri ce* of which lh^ Koul.the^ln duelling bad hCeu. greedily guUjy? On ,his bteast _ wrs our fiajripuY iiti'tpended op the crtwe, tattoCdTri vartoui colore, huH ; on each &ide of it men and Womeu?'and won woree Oiap tjjii?in evefy concciv able attitude of public drama.- It wjj .rtyfl*o,,I liavo irtard.v for^J did nqt see the execution, ov?Y-wll the rest of the body.f and "cetllinlyfsueVL n hide, wa^j ' the eighWn boles Ift 1t >bt(Wgfi wliiob nine bullet ? entered and passed ootd* no , UeiLMrmnn..on iych a life as had been i led by. tbie vidianw .7 "*T' ' . V r* ^ I T\ - ** L/E ATfl OF A tiT^JfTRBS. A QeprO woman, named Bnrah MHIetr. of remarkable proportion^ died on lTrwUv last At her Abode, Nq.42 \VooMer,etr>et, New York, from inflamation of (ae. bowel*. The deeeesed was five feet ei?ht# inches in height,"And meaRured five feet ncrnee her dbev.. Her weight w?? ?ev<ui him ' deed and ninety eight pnntide,, and U ' I required the munculitT effort# of ais trong men "lo remove the bod^r from I the upper floor of the tenement on which he died to the hallway where she War to bW coffined. -The rftneiae wertt bqrien 1 onder the direction ?of the Commission- J ?t# of C^iifitiee rtnd Correction#. ' The cofflp, being of tinu?ual-etze, bed to be , specially made far her. * , , FoerpcAP ?aPkh.?During the reign of Charle* f. all English paper bore in. ' water marks the royal *rme,- The Par- 1 liaraeat under Cfftrnwell made a Jest of ! this-; and, among otltftr indfgnili^l "to | "tfie memory of the King,rh w?e ordered that the royal arm* In removed front' , the.paper, and the " fool.cap and belln 1 bo substituted. Thnp iff. theft top*- * were ofTemorad at the flestore Hon. Hot paper of the sum of the Par- ' liaffient journal atjU beam the dame of ? fimlaeap.r ?V v< r% , WotnfA ettrh "elkren ?nt? per j I day iu New Ywk malriog ebirtr. I >- * v--, A |Ar * ' wfi HSI * ; -A s M - ^ * * -jp* '1 * IL .. -" ! "'I HiiiUM^Hwf 9iriiit Stra.nob but Trub?A Nomtmkrh Woman's Tuba or Southern Mokalitj.?The Nashville Dispatch gives the following atqBsing account of a Northern miscegenation affair. Il My* t A short time since a lady of ?ome pretensions arrived in ibe city, ?nd secur, ing comfortable quarters, settled down. She gave bar' fortuer place of residence as Indiana, (bat State of easy ^Carriage and quick divorce. A few days ago tbe lady needing the services of a physician^ imagine the surprise of the doctor. Wn noticing thai the colour of tbe infant did not at all correspond with the complex ion of the mother. Kinky hair* flattened nose and thick lips, gave indubitable evidence of African-descent. Our med ical friend announced the result of his observations, which were received very calmly by his fair patient. "^&h|jpra| aware," she said, "and indeed tMM werC her reasons for coming to this c|-fj ij. ; id ner mate such a thing would bd] tallied about, but hero, she presumed)! such thing* totre not uncommon. Fur? iher, she would like to diapose <>f it child) in some manqer ; could the Dofcj tor afford her any %si*tpo9? in '4* motion nifeo !" " No. replied the Doctor, " eu^Ji property value here nqv/V* ' few 'yrar^Asgo It would have beec wjtfVlh- a htiniVeaaol Jirt, Wt thereto no market for it.-now." We have yet to learh whv disposition has been made bribe. mother df her dusky'bfiVpriog. ? Tbt D^Ctor'k-dip joke donbtlt'bs astonished her. ' 'j.e' , "** * % ' A *_* I a crtot: vy. ?"A " reb," who had long "languished on ife.eweats of a forced idleness, consequent upon his occhp'allon'havirtg lerniisated with Tree's surrender, began to Ipjik ntxtut liini for ??mtething to lie, to do, or to Buffer.? Thinking himself b0lB$ien(1y ' applied. t>r wojjt at on* of 'Tie J)o|>artuTeii4-; pre^ldM lifer l?\ a hedrral .idllc^i . ; * -J ^ . C'~, "T.Uave v?>u been iq the Yobel servioe?" by was asked. . . , . , " Yea. sir,".was the reply. I " ' * r " loans Lmtttwfl" . ? ' Ai*|U.U eighteen pitched, h/mle*, Wi"*. u: ** >. -W. '? "Ever killed any yankeest". I dr;-nt?eaf kitied ?tt?." 6 llow do-p?Mi4ftMfw< that I" A JVutt, leriyldtpt- kill any- yf th^cm." j Wlty.'wha tbat rv % . .. . ? W&cn>i*e tnjoy. were n)l jp the speculating ;ibut I gne*s*l rbsVed about a thousand Dutch iind Irh?b.,M AVe*3id TKit leirrrf ahether the candor ?t- u _ ? w. una -jeu secureti ntrjt n place or . not, bnt it certainly was deserving of eojne recognition. : m[Norfotk-?V\rxjinian. vJ Hk T.ifCt) " Xtifp?TTB imr Tribune's correspondent of Friday last, . Mr." L? ft witch, one of the Tennessee delegates >eh'f> *y?as ."in-day rwortt into oftiet), had" abn'rQely- fitrido-d slinking hand* with the S|y}ake?^-*vI><!ii his name was called to v<*t? on-'the hilt to inderu ltify 1?>>jd -^tjicna'of Tennessee for' propvrtv doStrOyed.hlttTir?g\ lh<5 ret?J-' Ce Voted rt So !" , It causedmuch comjthent atVioog thVUnion n?*n? * bene*.i v-v '"* > -"V. " M - ;< ?.A LApy once declared that site ciuld rtpl tipderstund -how gentlemen could smoke * ?- a. ,v It absolutely diorloCs their ifveai" *?U1 *hi/ "*- f ? * L'lLui'i L-ium*. >!<?? - * ? ??'0 tl.-m:?:>. ".Tluffe's my' (kilter - who smoke* ?yijrVth?ylifmrt?e la ht>w ?oventr'ywinr ^s.%* .* " Well," wife the replv, "if he had never t?na<>hed "he -might have beeft jjijwi'V tc \ > .r. SvrafcT?A Jndjr said {o ? gentleman who a^eotrrpanied * her and her sinter from ihiiroh\ ? ?? .' ** Why. it rain*?send and got an umbrella" ? -*H * ' *' Why." *a?d ihe Ue'nti, ''-you $ro? neither spg-if "hor sail, rain wlH.uok hurt you." . ' * _ "No," said the lady, " Uiit we are la/ae*. * - * * - , ' lie ??ntrfor Mie irwfuedintely T .*-'* '* * ANOtnaw Hfhtft.i.ion.?-The Buffalo Courier baa the folluwrytg paragraph : General Q?*Pt recently rhmarfrftl to a gentleman of thU city, wholnotdiim in the West, thar unices the 8outhern State* were speedily admitted to representation in Codgres* ami the rtglil of . *elf,g..Verr\?nent eoncedod to them, we should soon have Another rebelM??n. ' L. . a *?* ' *|l They hare big snakes* in Texas.? One of them, measuring f>urteeo feet seven inches in length, entered a house. near the hay shore at Galveston, and finding a l?g of mutton, swallowed ft, Hi? inmate* of ilie^house were in bed, ' but awakened in rime to see this g4stronomienl feat He was pursued to the water's edge and killed. 4 A Hanosomk J'mkbkn r. ? W? tin derntand that the estimable wife of Geb. fno.jQ. Breckehri<fh?. at present (am porarify residing in Canada, presented hirti a fcw days sinee with twin*.?\ I Wis hosts of.friends of the parljea >o > Kentucky will -be gratified -to 'Wow ihgy ara doing ae well ae ooukl be *-. peeted. Southern Illinois .will soon he independent of the fiprld as regards the gre*\ staples of sugar and motaM** ?the'ratting of aorghtim having wofi ;d a revolution in this respect. tW Average weight of abale of jotton of different countries : American, 475 lbs.; Bast Indian. 387 be Egyptian, 514 lbs.; Brsri)ianr Wf-2 bs.j'West Indian, V0A Ibe. ? tA n fc v ;1 -V. % ] :M I L L S * THlfr POPlTLAk AMDI9BS WKl.L KNOWN HOIJSK le Vh39Mk now FUU5T OPEN 'or the rfeaptioaer VISITORS*, Uavimt l.?*n RFPffilNtSHBT) *;t!r JV* and Krlyto* #>rniiu/0 throughout lM npeiJtjtHARe THi? ^ 1 eller accommodation* and WnVanicufc- ? FIRST GLAS8 HOTEL not T<J hr equalled . tby any North or South. ' Tho pinnonage <>1 lit.- Trav-li...; Public. !reapeetfnlly *?.licit-d. Ratea of BoardJK* !? >... - ..*4 cm>.. 8ate* of Board V Month *? uih\ i . egi i e<t on JOSEPH I'U ROKI.L, IV.i&ttqf. Fyba> 38 If d Grovesteen & Co., ? PIANO. FOUTltP MANUFAiTQJBKRS. 1 Broadwat, NRHr Tout. J f?lH8 Attention of the pnKlio and the ' frndc ia Invited tn our NEW SCALE; S?EN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PfAMO wlilclvvor voluinA an<l purity of tone are unrivalled '-v uny hitherto affared -fn thi" marltaC^iTtey coh^Pm all ItnprovaaQfetila. French grand Action, Popped*' iron fin ine, over ft rung h??*. etc.. Jand each in*'rurnenl i-eLrv mmU under tho personal enpervixion-of. Mf. Jt U.-OROJfESTEEN, who-lfaa a practical experWnee of ovav thirty veara in tbeir nmnufuctorerla fully warranted-ina-very paaficttlHr.' * * OftOY K-STEKtf PI a MO* Ft VRTR -received thejtiglie?t> award of nteril at the' celebrated World'eT^ajtv whqre we^a.'exhib- . ted Inemtmentv from the Jh^U..maker* oT; undan, Parle, Germany, Plilliul?l|<hlii, BaT tixnore, B???l6n and N^w York ; and aleo 1*1 tb? AtA^rietw ^pelitote for five atfcceei'rve' year#, the OOTiD and WLV1?R MED \L?f from both oj whwn'cait be. ae*t, nt->ur ware- " Jratmia. * ' By the iny-oduction pi |mpr<>v. incut* we make a'aiill na??e pttrfocj. Ftwiiodyiu^iid , city thant?fhci?irln? jhrgelv. *$th ^??i1Crly cash ayatera^-afe enabled 16 off- r?'Uere. miiitriuotnliiatk juice whi'-h*will | fr> le-e >wi competition. . > -r Onp price are ft-- n? *HMW-f eheirpH-r' thatrcVx fitxt cKl* F -?tm-'l.* TKItM^?-IttrrGXMi tnrwiht "f'ngdx.\-'XW 1 >exci ?|>tiYe t -1'Vi:Im i KfRK. f . July ft - " 6 - t y "f \y, 'JSN?'X jICiVyMiyNT! PHOSTETTJS OP VOL IV?1806 ' tMt O.L?(^AR0, A Monthly Magazine Devoted to Literature. Stisnee and Art. and (he -Politiear ' Principles of * 1776 and T787. . C. ClfXtTNCOV llCRR-. Editor rl'MIIS A7.TN-T? wan slur1'! thrno I jeai's ?tfo, rU? purpt>** i>f keepli^ fresh in the prtjnUnr-iimnl sonje -knowledge of those Hi-ami principle* i?T Content ntul jtlf-Government ^ which *wv the. lutM* .of ifrts Umimji ae Jt wiiii ~?plyl>liMtifi) hy ?iur ^/aliier*. Our pntrmi*- om nay with what teal iiri't fi-flilciyiiit-fr* %V(i>WvV> explained nod defended tlio.n? snored |fi*5 maples >4 L,?l??-viy. in Miii tlilljUl <>f JIlnliS Hl?d hAntllei, dlli ll'K the pri^fes* of lIn- war. tli w.i In over, lti? ohjeefs, tOe wrmi)^ ami f ,1411 preeed'-nts 1t WW dellipu'd 'u, alnjibajj are not 1 e'fiit^nijjieil l?y the prv^flgn /h?>i*??t despotism \<*ho hrotwht it a Cl ; 'Hj. M?e contrary, 1ht?y seem-deV*i <*{i.yi ili-i Mmi.. ?fl:vll Ini ft\? fcjT "p> oiir*euei4y ttnJifjJieb jnl^lileyohmeud'iiegni'lt! g uoVhoL* u-.- j- .'"m^nvhpy WeteneSl opnn;the 1 nine 1 lo'itu)* tions id "this Itepsiblie. S? TJ\E OH', GUARD wHl retprtiu nt its pint. i-li?l hat- , tlini* Tor 1 he ^txfid" doM t-iues <>[. Stots. Sov ' creep trig and t\nrttu9iohpl Liberty. Helh-yiu^ itfqt iiinfifR' lit. Y>eoe??ut y feci -to lot the .iVtahlHuiient, hi lh 'ci.l \ of NVwTork; >>*f V ftiM efn?h'Drmiipt~ir?v Mai^ijnnw, j xvhielr Mt?ll^?vsft.iifr'A'iiVt1o|tlf Irtei-nHyv froni"i| (- the ii1^-Ji*(f tiilni Af lii'jjTo e<jnnHtykTirK OL OJUAUJl w?9 *uinrged;.on Xl?e Tut ol jAOt.mry, 'ofcyly ??ur t-Ageiyrftritlily, tit ??r tier to iriiiku r<?m. for fMijibrttitit aim] iirt/jfeetifig*Litei*ry Tiflrl Fjwnily Rending,"hud its proprietors earnestly nppt-Al tp All lovers s>f it genutpe- Anirfrleiin "l-iter/dtir,? to AWi thefrt iu their sFtefnpr to ijlV.e Abe puhflp Ingie ( thine purer aim! better the noxious , hroodTtf-hiAgAainei.which hsve spwti hroad j east UfA hnneful dOctru-'cs of sectional lint* ( ami, Animosity. - - THE nLO fcUAKl) is pl<A ed' to nn? Bounce' Among it? n iti oft* anH covlj-llUit'ors for 1866. >?h?Ty nntU lrArliuv' Derttocmtic writers oifd thinlttrwf rheeonntry Among ^piuriiN J{e*ffW'!ti^Wonl>. Of* ^>pue0|lfulf Bx-Oevtrltuf MtSH*; lionTTjhA8.v Or(<?nor. J. II. V?in Kirie. Sd. 1)., of fcfhw York ;"rii??rn?8 i>?Ynri English, Mr Illcrtt. Jpin?8 TV. W ?llr of Nvw Jer&V ; G ?orve JTIxhugh and Hoir. Uog.-> A. Pryvr.of Viraitilu ; Henry CUy'l^no, of |<?wa, ike.^e. The ihcr^Ase ofVh.e sncf the oittljjy fi<r ?<>u- v triht\tloiig renders on advance In price in* vit*Ue, hut. this will he muiih more than nipde up in the superior Atli-ncihHtS And ' impfAVonU'nts. . ; > - * *1 TERM^:- 1 Ot)? eopy, one ye?r.fS C* ^ Tmud eopie*. *** i* ft OO j Vive copies, " ....... I'i (to j ,Tei copies, . So (to ( Twenty copies, oM )tsr. ?>tf on# ?o tn* gett?r up <tf tS? C'liKr 4h 00 | We oiimnWHUrd -Hi th- January ntihilter. , for 1866 a serjt a of sMrot *Pt ite Portraits, , with Sfceirln? ?>f th- uiosi di*ttPiuT?heil > Southern f*e? ei n4e, Vu'.nutg with t ??Aiernl Robert E, Leo A<npng thliSe given will Ite 1 Genrrstl StoHf* All Jaeknorf, /. K. J >hn?t<>n, , UeAureutird, A- P. 11 ?H. Pricjs WAde Hemp , ton, etc., etc , Portrait! Ahd fchetslu j ?r whwie *?tH he north ths- friceml the , M Igl/ille. -The Magajtitie Ia Always stoppn] when , the tnrm of subscription ^jtptre# It is not ) neee?8ary to glue unitee.'of discontinuance t Subscription* may co'tnmerica with ? ?- - hmnher. When no time it epeoifted, it wifl | ho nndoretood (hot the Aubeotlber wlehe* to ( tregin with the Jnnnery niwaher, the flint ? one of the volHRif, an4 beck Jnumbef^tgril) j be-eent Rewording If. ? * The pa-tege on THE OLD GUX&D U lit oente a y? t?i, p lyable qe?rt?rly,ecn?i yearly or yearly, ay (be efllee where reneltfd. A* TMTuLD (iOAltL) it Stereotyped, . bseVwMiirhre cen a I wart he forolehed.? . B/priee of Vol". & end I,. it $i peraapy, Miind in cloth. VoL III., for 19fl5, la ni>f ready, la cloth, price $2.60 poet paid?576 ' ^"Sr'JlI^ploe Ukeenta. - 1 All let term ehonld he addreeeed aelhifotH! YAH EVIU E, IIORTO N A Co.. "? A1', r * Pbbliaherr, No. 199 Naatau streaCNew fork. ? June ?l ^ . tf. CORNER MUflNt AND HA3EL 81 RUTS, . CEAKUMTOJI, I. 0. i J jm- Befit or Boar* ran ear, 91.00. ?. I. NVTTXXrntLN. &k n i' $ utrtritlflAtioiTimoi' "".* ^"F v- * * \ Th* lA*&pa ftatrtMly, Tbe Edinburgh, ' The Weatmiaiate* end ltorth Brttieh Ba> . rlewe, end lUahtfeed'a Megeeint, WAi)U?-annt u L. 300TT <fc 00, Publishers, I T ^EAR SIR :?$E HAVE STRUGGLED j JU . hard lotuttjeiu our publication a, withnot inoreeeinjCthe priee% but we ere et , i*tfgtli compelled t?> A|k ejl increase, tone- < wlmt approaching the advance-in the *fu j ut paper. prtwbng. and nil other, expeneee ] 5.<nnccu?d with oor bnalnuaa. The war et a lie commencement out off, at e blow, about a the half our entire (tales, and. of )Jio?e t}iet remain. Inertia* haMokcfi place I einee that time. Meanwhile, the coelrof * SrinHng. Ac., hee been steadily ndrisnol^g. 1 il it ia now more then double whet it wis 1 betor>- the war, whilo thecoma we. gpy anhual|y to the English publlihehe for early c?a inn copy rignt cost us, at the high I rate* of exchange, nearly $2.601nonrrency, i for eyery dollar so peid. w 1 | Wehave, ih'ua far, been oontent to pub- f Heh vitfiout profit, in the' hope that our expenses would, *re long, be reduoed; byt i they are now so high, that we ctanot-eon 1 timio.noy longer, except it a lossuand henee t the ibeoiute neceesil.y of an edvagpe io the ( prices of wifYeriodlcale. We shall, there- ? lore, fix the rates as follow*, viz : For any on? Review, per an,. 4 00, For any two Review*, per an... ..., 7 00' For."any three Reviews, per an 10 00 \ For the fwur Reviews, pef an,;.. IS 00 For Black wood's-magazine, per on,.. 4 00 . For Blaehwyod ?utl one Reylew, . , ( nei^ an num... .ttiVflT 7 0? , Fsr B!?eli?oOd*j?<l Wo *?vi?w?, > I * '-per llhnttai.'., ? f.'\. tt.S., .A 10 3)? For I3la?-k vjood and three Reviews, i??r abnthn,.r ID oo For Blijckwood Vrnd fh'ur Reviews, per nhnuen 7.. ..*.1: .fc. 14*00 J - w: The cost of the hnj>ort*/f Wntlonf ?f 11 these Rjvf-.Perhtdicais iy at Ihis lirneK(JVcetyber. 44)04,). jrotless'than^gioO a year in U ^,Othn>n^r . m ?". _ ' .#? . / "j I) wring tho first five.years of the Repub- y beatiou of BUckv ood, and Wbile our unr- , reney <*n*eqnal tr> gold at par, the price",of , that woi'k"Wafe$ft tH|H\ With our present i euri .-tier t4n? price, at f 4, is abiolxtfrty cheap. 1 A ilse-in-lh^-pf'rco* or x\*rfdxirtt'orr in Jh* ' anxownt'df-mdttet furn?thf<t \\n$ rnken plaer } In AfflM(Mn.Ktii|<li(iHi^tn>jMI^ in (act, ' with ifhinge proportion Of them,'Tfof/t.thoee ' rlriifgs Juive been done,?but hp. reduction of tl($ nw?ft<r"can be niftae try us, since we are K pledged to-give a fhithful reprint of all that * is the.original editions. v We shall print our works on n much bet-^ tar paper tkatt heretofore^ and we trust you will, couUnnc your sdbse^j-l-^, the^noyr rates, until the times wi^l yrarrs'ni us In redttc ( iji'a theui, 7,'?icu we pledge oMrsclvos-to do wheuever-ihe cost dT production wijl justify , it. tfhould yew prefer to pay in tptcu or it* tquutlenif tee thai I oe luippy-to sttppfg t ft tut I at old price*. If^-ou decline to coot inns please return tIre nuiuber-hereWtth received 1 with your name adduces written on the j rover, which will u LM||BtS4Stinotice of discontinuance, r , -- . -1' Very reepeetfnHy^rfonte; * LKUXA UI > &qQTT <Ji CO. UsrchM /. tf l TEXASriSim TRIAS! i rHTIlF, tt-u<kn?'V of ^immigration. in the .t JL whole uonntrr, North' a?d South, is i ?- ?. 4- W'I'tw ,1-atu iw nnivtl' ( sal in know more ?f i hie promised land ?]' A newspaper that giyi_s.r.-liable iofelbgenee jc < '^nffiiire licre, the miii.litimi of the country, J i'|?? should I it- welcome tu thousands ut j people In tlie*m3er States. .This heWi>[iu t l'" >" .7 ri-. t THE HOUSTON TBLEGllAPH. r Piifdishml at 1Texas, pai|v, Tri- n Weekly tiuil Weekly. It is a large d-Jubla- J1 sheet, bf ihe snn??, size as the I^ew Yprk , Herald, JkVrLtinc and World .Bcshies the itCH'a i?f the day, it devotes ft htrge apace to" ? Texas Intelligence,* Tee this department it c ha ei??f> thirty paid *contribl?ters, in every i f part ot rhe.Sinte, hefciu<e an fcxehango Uat L embracing every *>apcr tn:the State. iCia t pi\l>lieUed-ut the following ralea; . t rn tiAjt, rtH tumr. J P 6 oo v 150 J . TK^'et-kly.;.... lit 00 I 00 * . Weekly, .7....... 6 00 >.*. *0 " ? pw And for shorter |>erl??dalp prOportlpto. J .* Meekanioov Farmers, Capitalists, Hallroetl.juwl Steamboat mien, Artist*, fetiche**. etc., {; soon* Ca Texas, ahd wdeAroe to.lior fertile a Belda'and genial skies. We have room for b twenty mllljons ami will not he crowded. ii -For tj?e TELRftKAPlI, addresa v E. IL Cl^fltNO.- Publisher, - u \J*>-25? 4<V 'Jt}}\,t{4 b Get the Best! : Pn<TAIX ULEANEIt. J The Daily Phoenix I YS I'JHLIBHFD j-Wry morning, cxcpt . I Monday, gnd cmtlain# the LATEST yjCV* 3, l>y tukigrffih iwid nriaita, up to the liour of going to urea#* Editorials, Correi- ^ Mlbtlsuo*- /itnn dtm-rent point*, !fli?c?-lUne fl xhs Readibit, T?H*, Poetry, Sk?d?her, etc. & In the nOanlity and qimlitv *f it* Heading h Matter in n*t Id be excelled by any paper a n South Carolina.. Advertisements insert- J rd on favorable Wtlfl*, C TUR TttY-WBEKLY rHqCNlX Cob- ? tain*, in every niimber^lhe reiding matter lunbraeing the latest mjwsjof two i?tii*a of M He daily It ia published every Tuesday . Fhnraday and Saturday nrorning*. ' Til E HLEANER ia published* every J* IVi dr.eeday morning. It is the desire, tfhd arill be the object of the Proprietor, Ur J,| miko this coital to, if not the b.?*t, Fatally tt Wwapnpcr in the South. In fact, ae Its *u lame indicate*, A HOME COMPANION, is Besides tho collection of the cceam of the n ie#s of the weelf, Pol it teal, Financial and t( h? Markets, it wtll contain aJarge atnouot sj if Literary Ma.ter, qpeh a* ehoiee Teles, " tketches and Pgelt-y It w(Tl embrace ln lliotil 1 IqrfAi? MiioijitiM "tS?4- 1 ' rt 1 - - -T,--, ?.........on tuny ?ign? v??- .'y mam, Is printed in m form to bihd. and thus . *curoa a failhtul record ud history ot msstng eventa. g TEKMd?IN ADVANCE. , V Dsilv Paper, tda nronfce ,f4 00 TH Werkl* MO " Weakly. ^ r?0 ? JULIAN A. 8ELBY. Proprietor. y *' . Columbia, 8. 0. .> - , -S t..' If i fATCS & JEWELRY BIFMEIIG. \ B. WHKRLB* I YtlSMrly wtu.i. JL BAKDOhPH, ?J rfff RK?pRCT>'6LLYinf<?;A*hU ^ ffTllA *< <rUncb end patrogs, that ? ha bsi establish**! a Hhop for the ?, JkVT\?lKdSPAjSlN(? of WATCJUJfci 17 ? 1^1 ?hd J*WHUtV, wd soUpHs pa- h, 12!*: k ?,*? ? ,?Srw r? s kfl?R3i'?* "*"* 1 ?i ?" -V-1)5 J W?r* ; ^ ' f* ? * A* *4" v-A*! .?* * <- ?'.?"' - : * 1',"rv" . -ssA* "v .. - *? ^ /% in ^ i. g ' y ." * "?'? ' -^. #tT" ^ TKS BOABStfAH. ??AY * 00, V ->. ' PliWO-FXIKT?^ .; ' WHOLESALE AtiENOY. - V subscribe*. late * member of-thlx Well > - known Arm, ha* established a Wholeeolo ^ Qorvcy, 681 Broadway, Mow York City, where MMfOrbo pleased to rooetTWtho order* of fab Monde nnd th*. public, and especially to bear from those who have i* liberally bestowed b?ir patronaye on the firm berotefor*. *Bt will supply these wiper lor instruments to tho rado wholeealo arid retail,-at abo- Tory lowest riccr, uiade with the fnsBlated Iron Kim and *. t Frame (east in outj solid plate.) Thty excel ill others In durability, superiority' of tons, uyl ejo^aucc of external appearance. ' *" . ? mi ibcbo nanus nasre 'overstrung Scales/ (tving in cepucctkHTwlth the {latent iron rim ind fruuti full round 'powerful, and i*e?i nellow, tones. The Case* are elegant in ap- ? jejiranee, and easily and. safely bandied. . War rail ted' to prove satisfactory, or the nonoy returned. Address all orders to . SIBERIA OTT, 681 Broadway, Now York. tp *r8lC TEA HERirAlfI) DEALERS. rf^HK tmbaerikei1 is fully pTepnred'to famish 1 Sheet Music String*, Musical Instranonts, and Musie Books of all ltlmls at tke oweat trade rates,.Wholesale and retail, troaw he laggoslfcollcctionr in this cowatry. Order* lunetunlly and faithfkilly attended, to. Ad* ** Ires# all orders SIBERIA OTT, * - Fm. 581 Broadway, B.Jf. ~ S. D. % H. W. SMITH'S 4 M Kit IC' A N OHGAN9 I'M IE meat perfect and beautiful Musical Insttntncnt in tho world, for tho Amercaii Homo Clralo! The AMERICAN ORIAS makcs-hqnns attractive,.refines and eleratcs the minds of all, bountiful in appearaao* kfid effects. ' ' ' ** SIBERIA OTT, * BROADWAY, NEW YORK/ *, . > , Wnift.ESALR AOEST. ? . fc.Tbe immense popularity of-flieto Orgaljs,' ind their ,eupcrior mujical powers Is fast iringing.fhcm befofe the public, as the Instruct, n t so long desired in AtnerWn Homes. Anil although the eost price is Vnit a-trifle over ibe, Mcloilcon, yet.the Jnueioal "hdyengages, teauty of tono and quietness of toach and . ~ teiunaure <o far" swperior, that Ibey at*_ f^st mpetccdintf tpe Mclodcen and the call is now iltnbst exclusively for the American Organs. [t is adapted to any^fuslc trtim the quickest Old . roost .lively 'tS . Uib heavy X?ne of the ?hurob Organ. ?>nost universally they ire preferred to the Vianb, by persons ^ho * invc them,,yet.eosthigTess than half, and ony taking s ytnall atnoiint'of "rooth; * Send R?r , Icjeriptivo -circulars giving full particulars ind pjicce. Exduiire Ad*hc?#8 jydttred.lo Dealers, and largenliscounts to the trade and Fcacbcrs. Address all orders, r SIBERIA OTT. YH-uIiaak Ageat, 5^1 Eroadway, N?w York. > ". * . ". . *^. *; 'PrMi " Qodty't Edifies' ftook," Feb., 1B66.) AMERIGABj OBUAXS. ur^lj UilH ASW, Ac. " '* THE Pillowing rornarlia and suggestions relative to thiy ihauu-nsely- popular instfuwent will dffubtlcsir ipUsrost and proflt very many of our readers we commend the article to their carcfiil perusal f * '*' ' * A bundt ??l ami"ultf milkers of Organs, Cottage, Parlor; Cabinet, -Amcnentr, ^iHiOol Or{aus. etc., *1?., are each"claiming to make the WW uietruuient-iu Qiewstid. Being comparatively a now instrument, us at present coailrueicd, wo arc convinced the public ax* gadfcb on. capable ef.judgi*Jj of its mo rile, or denertts, than of lmwt othjir instruments.If hero it really an essential difference in them, f- tUo/o are-tome excellent and soroe worthier ( ines, the pub^io should have tome criterion of jtmptrfg or thenr, tidViwr fmi, wtiiuti will inligbten thetn. ' We cheerfully concede the ipnco for this article, knowing .(hat there it ntrdly a family, or church", or school in all the and, but Is more or leSs' interested in this opie. . \V> are oho ewtlre of its-being a greet v' ' niafortuu*-, a retll calamity, to any of these to turclinso an inluripr hr Worthless Organ, ruin* ius to good playyjgj iyjd ' often -tk-touroe hf ndch annoyance aud vexation. W?f know km article to jttpnnirtc from a candid nail inteVigentsourco, and thin we give it t</i>ur renders. The question Is oftori asked,' what are "reed rgatis "? j'-Wfl nnswcr. thoy are, iu meet on*' s, nothing in the wdrhlJmt the old uu-todeott it disghiect - Many of the "ko-ctUled 'organ* larmtho a euro bellows, the same mode, and I mi iumc genorjiblnteru^l arrangement, With/ ho bellows burned on edge to gain room, they ave rinaplj'put on a more pretentions "extelor, and ? morn high sounding name. Put n-orgap, to'be in reality <tr% orr/iih, mint bare wind cheat or ruterretr far air sepaMt* front be bcllOWs, into' whtcR wind-fliest the roods pen, and the' tone has rooqf to expand and k i4rfcet itself into the futt round tone, Idmilar 9 the fluth or pip* organ, evert, smooth, firtn, nd.mellow-; and tlris'tonc from "roods cannot e obtolnedin any othor w*v Jumrkn- W??k ij? sopunoy* a truo organist ?tn to have thur uhuut of sound swullnitr. and jorkipg tptrindUally with every variatien o/ Tore* on the' clluwp, which is always the case where the eels open direct into (he bellows or uirq>as#acs, instead of a wind-chest ur Soond-box. fnd yet some makers wen go so far as to' lairi this spasmodic or autotnatio jerking of he bolloV?s on reeds' as an excellence, jest s thetrgiT Shty *l'tt dot keoW that it must very ami throw the recda out of tune, and injure he bellow^: nn<l as though It were not aif asifr matter to obtain a much bettor and more psily managed scroll by other methods. The ruth ill any organ, so-called, or mcjodeorf >hich has the wind acting ^directly upon the adds, Is nothing inoip por'.Ues than a huge . coofdcon, drcs* It tip rfa you iva>. And when rgantsts and true musicians become aware of U fact tlmt they oau obtain those that are rgans in fact as wolf as in name, they will' ny co more of the otyoctipnablo one*. Then' gain tl^e swell should always be aeparate and' isUi.ct from the hollows, so as not to bo aeted ti by the baud, or soft blowing, hot convtient, ao thai the xdayer can uso it wi&Jflflf _ . n?t, separate front th? bands oy feet, and thus' I ways ondcr easy by ured nd libitum. The large divided hello ws, or double bellow*,' * i also a very important improvement. By, , lis tpoans not only can the wind be (supplied J lore evenly, but With far creator ease to the / srformer, from the fact that either bellows / loae will ho snflisicijt for tho lightor melodies, / ma^purmltting the player to cbatige about' / ad rest the feet at will; than, If the hetloWs' ? Of "the requisite largo eise, and having the B dad-chest or reservoir, all will bo wolL M > tho roeds, they must be sciontifleaHy tttndd* .M ltd voiced, os all the other vomt ?sJW? ? io world cannot prod doe a good toned irtstru1- / eat. The inquiry hdw yery naturally arlftMLh?To can (ho organ be procured combining alV f teeo essential and desirable qualities? Thar*' only one possessing all these points, and' ft tat Is the AMERICAN OROAV, made by ,"D. A H. W. Smith, of Boston, Siberia IholesaUrAgent, 6bl Broadway, Now Yorti.hose org&rurlmvo a wind-chest extending the hole'length of the instrument; and so *on;ructed as to act at Uje saute tint* oS a revsr- m grating sound-bos or board, and having tho W una important relation and part to perform* M iat tho sounding-hoard has to tb? piano,? j hh feature thu makes* hove pa to newt, -and tor J dfo owing in a great measure the entirely' m nequaMed fullness* and richness of tone to'm ighly prised by all who have used those o#--M' ane. xbey' also have, the largest and bosfr'm irided bellows in use, which-It another Im-m oftant feature. No 'part of their work Im lighted, no expense'or pains spared to athk^K ie American Organ perfect musically, as Wt^m , mechanically, and, Judging from the leg tense sale ot them ?U present, they bkl fa > hmg maintain the proud position they hsS on by itepcrUw merit g)on0. ' We would mJV ssrtlly edelee aU- interextcd to call upoqB 1 dross Mr. Siberia Otf, Uic Wkclesals Afl i -dk k681 Broadway, Saw York, and eaa iB' mm he Will; in tRe-yjtost- xruileutenlyB utfclal manger,. impaM to them all tfa^w >f sua lion th^y may degir* relatknt tlB