University of South Carolina Libraries
vWv' ' ?Vv' v'fvl * " , * > -' ' . .; 4 * /" *" - ' '?T'* '**%**?* ^ ^ ..j, " t*- *'?' ?. ??:". ? j t ? -.? ?* ?; The Philadelphia Convention.* . -^77y ' BfUkA^KLKMIA. Auffllot ltf. The gr?*t wigwam for t ? Nniional 1 , Con^lmion *|W be co#tpl?t?3 by Tue? '< <5;?y.. It b> in? target Xiruciu'e fV?r > built for a gathering. A large 1 nuiuWer of ?l< leg*'** li**e arriv^U--| < a R?\rrdy Joltnwui, MorugnHteiv Bfior, ' - Stoektiio* of - K?w J^reey, Fnunudo I ^,WKn' ?.' lV?n\vlyanla. *ed w ' * no m y ?th?r <liatiiigui?hed p<r?<>n* ha*? arrival, 'Ill? Kxecuiiya l?omni|ite? ba*e room? ai ill? Continental Hotel.- -I Th*r? ??* quW? yifr, U? tfav, o?cr a report in, tin* Rei?*Yoi|t UrtdW, iIihi I Governor IliltHn, of l\rtin4y|v*$U. bad * eci?'lv called !<>' 20.000* militia, for. 1 j.-- - * - - m > lev uaung llie llllMt <<t lh?f C>lillffn tion, *n?t ihwi trouble wiD |>> >1 >mL?Iv rh ue. l itis i? bf]i?v?<),iu Ih? * c^jiitM. I Tloue ii> no ren-nui In Ku i|?<i*4 lh? i^tn i Veutiorr will ,l*B?JiMuilM?l. not wiili-dund | in* tIts* tUi-cnifY>'U? nrficlo of *mii?i of 1 the fmlienl pros*. lienem! |J|g or G?o. '< A-hlmrow, of .Sftosiiettumjiu, ?tl|r pre l - rtui.toKi.rius. .Vuir'ist 13. * i ?&* * - Ve5H'^* A-hv*? ?' 1 .?*llfVtin?in lintV Aiu<?itf iliW n<>(ire?tih' |H'i khii? nit* lYtUrlow .%W#wl. Ki< li>U"it<l nil'-* | {tHfKu RhikIhII 'h1111 Hnts uji|ir, tit'ii Sn<-<l" bum. t'<" iivliu* W finlfll. Frrtinlitlo W9nitt\, Vnlfniiiltglortii l?<?Vf?|iii??' Ort. Slmrkev- h|h1 p.v/tt i> V N idiot J OH, St-IIHls'l (i;iill?h< Th*?v HC 1 COfi~i<lmntto* i tiSwflh'tTl '?l><<II< rhe ml <tbi*>it'H ??f VnlimnHs^mifi. \V?e*| tu<<l . - wlrif'^OMv llcit|*s' tit- _ Tli-tV i?\im filt?- It I4/<^HM<I, t?? <i< 0"o ' itM' 'jll jtijf 'u wiU tliiif u> * < in to ilir 0<Hi\<nni>ii.-. ^jf v ./<> t<e u iHfi.nt </cjlv? < .'. Tilt p<i<j|>?iniut> i> w\ 10< O** ii|i?>i Jt^jyln< fujuintl. The" ( C011 ttjrtrlull. will fri*ob>?'>|v ?lypt 'u f.?*rtv* Of 'X^olWfKiMs .fllil t??' |? <|lf\ tif l1 >Ulty l'ie-i<lt 111 nuU ibolt llnC n*., L'ou jgrA-.. h|)U itu H#li|r..-.s will p* '<<., ' tin* CiKiinry^ which.- Wili <jui"!<<*k .the ' Wttftiplp''***1. tbftii'in tin* c;*il-f>f .ili? "Cl<iiif?liiiiiw.t ti. (J.*\via'l'fttf?r ot M*s uiebuf4tl.<v or Dix *i)l pie*4<J?-? - i. ' . * trsj- - * ' ' * *" f', ??1 .? < >, trvA Too i s*n* puprr n*rfi. "Front prcmmi |im?mii>, llicfe liBr-ln-en. 1 within PI?ijfithtiiKJ.of jli? ojiicil numb | rtHii?._i<uciv i5??ni 4*i<ifi- iulitis heciion ws. ..will iW g*iliwi?<l lid*'Intl . , ; ftU nM on- tlit- rnjtrvU to Prtga* the Pru? -MMi? captured 3,804 OHJU pounds ui tobacco and* * it,wa,ijor cigftjs. t.m mi MTTiantx KNffcapaiss. 0\" f ' * ' V MrJSJitar: You will |?.iT<loh us f?r b?V j ilig Ujavc 'of your "c.^UiiifJt?. to ?r\]|l? the 4-Wim* til 'fliii(npw> ii|wn? tlm |i??*pU ?f the l>iat*let I hit we d<>'with atiue 're IprCt l? d<" 1?'W^"<1 AT "C l<* * * other hlkkI men, and w<? thy nu n in 1 lie liehl. \ ret we know ??f no man wlio>e oIkiiiii ??r? Ht"0 urgent lluiu tho* of Li-nt. Tbninptgii. A? M ' ' vUia~n,h?i-<?* d> ?0iTi<igntaj)j;i*ta*ut<iii-r. he did hi*. duty faith fujl> lo Inj eoontry, n? , hu old cuOiradei of the Ifilh Krgiuient can well icotify. lly arod In the army by-iuer I it aiorte ;."*?? in -nil the cAmpnigns of fhe Weat, <an<l f?H woo oiled a' tips battle ??f_ Franklin, Tenneaeee, gallantly fighting for hi* country. He here lo*t ene entire leg, his thigh bung amputated just bylyW the hip" jef&t; being-Utkvn a privnier, he Suffer, d "With many other* doting the r- tnaiuder ^ the winter, inthe c<dd-priM>ri*ejSix> iforlh" He <TKl not recover utTicienil/'* for "lb* journey ho-ne-ulj Ut? Lu the tutniuer of 1SHV \ Lieut. Thouipe^n is sow going ?n crutoluA ' iae poor man, he* a wile end three children dependent upon hi* vierti<>n*e1ouH Kir their daily eahftslenu*. Being raodeet ?v<* to e <w'ntn?$ Veeerye, It U dhly Hi rough the .urgent soHeitetioi.a of hi* (fiend*, thet h? . . bee eonseirted fur'hi* nathe to be^rreeante'l fV'tHe people of Ihe'ftiytrjct tf gC-mdi- ale-Kow jf we ar* governed by (lie good imtS , im of Ilim'wlfo i* dm friend of all men,' ^I hat ijceJ htlp," ?% Can not f?r fel the ulspn? ol l.ieitL Thoinperm at lite nex* ISofinn f??r Ta? Collector. JV<>*e being tnor? 'ifortAy? noth 6e/t?y Wofe nreiUf. lt?a) eellull) MAKV Kill EN I >H ]LtK^ rgMnr.'^S. C , Augupt'lf, lb 5. . . <|"<\ I 'in ' I i , 'V' For Ordinary of OroonviHe Dittriot CWm We ere mitfmriM>) to Kmmtitrcv HgBBKT MaKAV, a ee.JlUle*- . for OUD1N AKY, ?t ih? tfi<rcLlou in October ?e*t. GVeenvlHe, 8. C., Aui/uU 2.1, IBflfl. 0-6" tmr We nee nfuli.-rin.-d l<? Mntuni-i; Mr. | pAML'l't, J. IXHJ rillT a candidate foeOrA)nary " Greenville District, at' the next i " tlMtlnn. lui,.- 23 4 U '\ , .vox**c?u.ot?:?: \ 13T Meul. B V. THOMI* BON, Would rettv eWutfy rtn eont. hie o*m? b to rt?? people -of ^}|vpitvillo District. n? a . # % Oeli<tiuelf for Twx \ Augual 14 II ' . - til .? *??? * '' rA fHeedrbfHe*. J. M. tttTWI0N ? WpectruUy ann<MHie?3>ivi aa a caqitij:iie for* r*-t>lofctinn to thy office tl T?< Collector, at ! tt>?cu9uiruc jlecUon. ': ???? 16 td vjftp- tofiafo of Tier. C.?l. T. 1 k rr MiyronOH hits 11 Candi** ' A f>rr T*x Collator for <?r*?nvUU 1>S* * 'j~fo>x At lh? n?*t eflaulnq e!e?iido, + .r ' A"* * ' ?l! ^ tWf W? ?r? auihorixtd to *rmoun<i? Mr. | ^ARltBN P. l*OOI# a Ur't,? 0<?tlt?U(r, t?i UiHfiifntaj; nKiclloo. 0 ' W ^ m ' %!f Th* frfciada of Ilev. U VAlTrtRN, ' K ai)*'iunw>' Mm ? h Oinllditto ' fc.r T;j* Ool)ectuir ?t Ike nest ebauing ol?c*ffll - ? > . . '-r it m . *. ..: y.' -w ' ' . V ? ..?? M' rr .UMEdJV fJiAtaiOS rrqu<*U ew -Ml Hh > aunouo"* l<U oaln* * C?ndi>f<U? for Tn it' ' HL 'olltctor. At ih% - V"" --M WotmiKlt PAOoK 4 Candl.Uto i?r Thx Mtector, .t %km tn|?*f . t -? o5P v r . -* m - -4 * wk. *' ^ - - - jpp ~ ; - v; * * ? ,, . ?? . .1 - +? -> i 4 ^ - .A m. ^TS. v ? F * ' *V ' * lit'* B "*' . r .:t,v ^ a.?Th n :r - T^rf .t ^;i,l * S AsntatooN. AII^U-. 12. - /Vom Wathinglon.? IV HhrMV ipt-cial. from tliH e*v. AM^rirdiM Oeii. ] tlownrif, FiendrtienV UartMi' Goinmiv ioo^r^ wlir r?>ign u/ he rfmnirwl, m i ?>11< due bee of tlie .develiifteiwtii'l?v ili*> fiteMniari FuHwioii fcave* ?i ligMtio**.' and GedH'eVTillron -ewill U- i< III* *ucce?*or. The ?ut??meut ne*-?t-> " pmrohttMMo** HP > ? It b-Mtid ihe property of Ei-Oojr. ^ Wp*. rf. Virginia.. It.4* been oitfeml to I1 iro rt"?'??r?wr (* 111111. " " Ads-fcc* liwffi iUroii|(J) f1i?. Mexifnn .,r lojIHiioiK' atafw din- Jnarex w?i orgnniz l?u n ?t OiihimhiiH, to Snpupn ? iIh* city of hufango ; UuvhIioo. ?h 1.JS9U UAifwi'if dial cltv. f filiated ilie MfXx-itii 0<-m-rnl Laiiiadrid, Miapt-ciiiHf ~J Id. cy. E-coImmIo,with 40.000 ; men. Iimh ftone io Mmuerwy, slid ex- * (Iffl* I< IKX>U|>V il. ttwp. Wm: S. R ^eoemn*. Brigndh>v?." lituierjd in die regular hiiiiv, Laving tendered ld<?re.i glial fcpii. Mnj. Hell.' Sicklo*. United ?1*1*- Volun? Wis it i.i understood, under m IhI? or* "1 Jer, will le if initialed lo die vacancy. J OBITUARY. J .. i . . .. . . . 11. -?. Wir.P, <irc ?he 4th instant, Mrs. JAM! JONKtS (i OlVilH, io Sfo thirty-eighth yvar ?( **' bcr kp> JKr suflVtrinx*. WeA pcotraote.b un?i u painful, anti uni-oinphiiOiiigly ami patiently I* she bora hsr continued nfUivtviu, until released by the onH of her divine Savier, wbu Inn taken b?r f> the reel of tbesuinl4.. " Blessed arc the dead nho die iu the. Lord; for they rest'frolb Mifwliect" , . Mr*. was 'derated siifo, an anitaUs uud loilhluiniotfu r, earnestly devoted to the C buppinpes and welfare nl her ftmfTy. And she lei a husband, two daughters, and two. sous, 1 to tboirrn tboir irrStytrabW loss ; whieh cab J only be re pal cad in their reunion, and suiutly *iuKvo^H. >. i] r Hot retiring diipoaitlon kept her from the- n gate and fellowship of the world ; while those P whose _priyilegfi Tt was to know her dfiitintV- i< itiately, were impressed with the earnest friend- " ship of a uoutHHig mid generous heart. 0 Mrs. .Uoerfen uhited with tin Pw.hvi.risn i v Church at tliotiuio ol ita'dcdicatltin, in Julie " uf~ IM1. And, as liraocinl lite, fhe was e?meat 1 and unof tenlatroua in her piety and deration l<i the Church. ' U. , Orreuvillo, B\C.pl4lh Annual, I SCO. ' } J - - ' . % * PrrftnTicn tnig ukft, on tlic 1.1th Inst,, after ft abort, tiut painful' illnefcs of Membranous Croup, CJIlllSTOFHEH EDWARDS, only ( n ot Il<ury and Eliiuhelb J. Morris; ii^td lhfv*V years, eleven tyoftttis and eighteen day*: fj ' Oo*t6 tby rest, rweet, precious child ?" . Oo.-to tby drcjiraless.tytd, . II vtiuaille and uudaBlcd, ' ' ' ' ' ' t With blcb4i:i?ft on thy 1>ea'!/ . Frosli dowo in thy tgiud, " Uud# on tby bosom luiih; Jlaste from Uiia-Wrtul lianl Wh'efu S^arcrfa^o quickly iade.- , j "Because tv?s fair, Thy lip* *t<i rye ao hrljflit J * ' " * , Been ISO thy t?ud?r Oftre ^ 'I Was audi a furnt Ay light, ' Shall love, with weak qm'-raco Tby UoaYeuward flij&l detain? - , No !. bleat angel, acek tny place j AtUld JtUU ~ ? , "Farywell! I shall not aoon forget! . , * Although tby littlo heart bath ceaaed to i ' beat. My memory wftrtoly trea-*?r< s yet f Thy fraturca-flftlin, and mildly sweet; Cut no, tbut Inolt ft not the last j I Wo y?t uiuy kictt Wb?*f? seraph * tlwoft? Vf bore love no'innht|lcploM>s tb.-past, \ \.Sor irbftttiea that Withering word?Fare. ~v wall." *. * "**. X * ? i-m-g-g!, UttEEHVlLLI^ R$tCKS Ofc ft HEN f. ? oomtkcrsp wkkXi.t, tv '4 a GftAOY, FERGUSON& MHUR, MERCHANTS. 'J GltEHNVfl.LE, S. C , AUQUiJT TJ, l*l?. C AFVT.HS, Pried, pi bushel,....*2 00 (& 00 BAUON, ft Ith, . ....... 20 (gl 25.r. >1 back uui'K^ <b?...c. -a BAtJ&lXH. tfiinay, V yard, ....:...^A8 c. ." BUTTER, V tb ..... 26 r. bZB*vr aX, * f. . URANDV, l\acB. gallon;.. 42 ?0 GA M 60 CUIOKKNS. ^ boud ....... j:.. re^ 20 .r. . COJTON. V ? ......... .. 25 <$ 2Sct COFfliE, * Jb:, .....40 c. ? . ** ?< J^va... .'...,? 60 < . HORN. ? biuW,. $2 26 A 2 50 " CORE MEAL. fi-taubel.. 1.......*.r.?i2 25 CAXDL.KS; '<A A.lantxotitm,....... 50 o. " y. " V J)ptrikr?>.A....^>?.t.> 66 ?., *> " Tal ! ?*??.. lit ?< COPPERAS, ^ lb., K?v*U.?H ,li?. " " " Eorth Carolina. 10 (. ' ,m # d .teiu-.:./. A.....*....'2J @ t* C. t KLDURr V* |.?rrut $16 00 * UOl.lL. $1 45 1 unuiEiCsr ?oc. \ fR0$-, tfttMii,'%* lb..." ,n...'..l??. j?i . " tfl - 124 t. c " Bunittlbun, ^|) lby,..?. 124 c, ? LKIHOO, HcOrtJ Caroling, ? to M -. $2 00 " Spanirb A 2 00 LUMBER, Plbe,# 100fbtjt,...-*1 -50 (? $? 60 P LEAD.-ft Jb...? ?:....T..........HT.. 20 e. '' LEATHER, .Sole, y .. 40 @ 50.<v J . 7* ... JpPP"'. " 8*?. MADDER, $ ft....,^...........^..:i0 <g) 40 c. r MOLAJirfES, Sorghum. Kul, 50 d. (g> 75 r. NAILS. lb, by the kogT....... 13 r. fl OATS, buthol/. ?..75 @T1 00 i PEAS, ?- " $2 25 lb, net, ia C<5 12'- it POWDER, ? $1 00 o, PRPPNR, Blue*; %t. ft..,/... M?rv d PEACIlKri, Dried, $ by.bwl ,42 00 POTATOK8, bu?l.e?,...? wfifc. " Irleb, , RTCK. $ lb 2? r. *' HTBKL, Cart, fr Jb 30 r. ! HALT, LfrWpool, $ *?* ....... $k700 11 ,f 7, huAel....*. $3 00 P 8U0AR, lbA,?.? 20 . ." OlariOvu, Ijk lb. , 30 <\ <-i sndT, *? IbA 25 e. T KOJDA, lb - 20 e. ? rfTARCil, m; .^V. 20e. N RPJCK. TA Ib - MV. * SHIUTlS'lf. I, $ r.j, \,y the ft e. TURKISH, ho.d, '...,.75 c. (<t $1 OB TOfyAOOO, 1ft lb, 75?. (<t) XI 00 . TALLOW, ..A * 20 r. TRA, ?iui>f)uwder, tt ? * oft " II>*on, 71 " ?.. 93 00 U 00 * - Blude, - " ?2 00 @ $2 00 ?' WT1KAT, ^ hurbel,...., .V. 00 . WUI.HKY, * (pillflu,...91 00 (9 93 00 YARN, Factory, ^ ?.ttRoh;.A ...92 50 ~ CAttm* i . 3(K) Bm'idi WhJU C^ORjf ? n 20 ? **# &". I FLOOR fi * f?.r te.,kf., 49., l? For Mto, low for 0???. ,. r * David & Stradley.; A?fo?t?V ; *? , -V * r-^, mtr ; ' f>ICTflTE1W Davu? A hT??Ar)i ey\ #t?a ?hr 1 1S>S??U? CluircK. ? LAWfctf ?OLf> I k ' , 1 ; A ? ?4 a. ?% t ;f .. ^ 38 * .. \ iui-J-, v~l Jlnjii * It rt TM B-B I . ... . . , J ' i . ^ -..! REMOVAL. I r Aiciouii\o shop, . 8ui>?ctjf???r li?a r. moved hi* T*fUiKIN^BllOl* 0? the ihbd *do* ike (Wmerlv ?e<'<i|.ivd !>y wt ttdbei, 'v 11 *i f Itei* ^>r> pHi ed, imm 1?H|K Ipt-rienoe in llle In H?dM? *ri*h' piiin>p*itH dwpAt'h. ?1l order* of TA'I [j DltlNO, Hi- rn'iiidR fli* .in nil cut**^- I lie |im?? it re low ?<d to huIi the tlidk i r.-duue taken m exchange* ftif. WtH-kpi 1 inrket |>iiee*. He **k> for u conliuUnQOc, I f lb* patronage of ilw i?n? lie - r V A. MOONEYE r*\.? j-; . M\ H oUeeto Debtors. I S'LI. | tidt*l>tvd AUIEL pflr > m. ti R of ' n. ru-t. win ti<.?l ikrn ?ml Ml > OUMTS in my lunula for <Sin58 j^lB;M wly vi iH en** cost, r. f iJ A. A. FOSTRK, I - .1 'Ukue* MvllsfcV lUjuZ I GreetivitU, 9. 0., ASv*i?> 16 H-? I * fcav* Youf (Sothing! *H WKKT eUjd'M. l>ll>4li4lViiinii ftnd ho-*e. Cj hf'p?r should Im< rnnvided ^#r?, I 8X1 II, 1'I.ATlv, fur mm kin* b^Kj r?iliiu|{, fai. Very AMi?i.ii?lft, il?'?tal wild llfN| ; Mll't iu lilr|? <1?) > ) ( lh< ft Vrl'f tie '**artf. 1 *? * iIflkfl I .Ink,' hruili ahri dirvvtion* uenUtiijimivflt? Mirh i>Tnt?'. Unl-ra miciud mi J prompt ly tt elided lo cau U **trail flj'nplyintf ni I Ilia ntiice. Au/uu Id ' .* * ' it 'r 8 J* - - 1 -**.vy ~*-z * ri '1 . State of. South TOWN OV Oiiii'NM VlL-ijki. -t -* ' /. i Irdihancn Regulating Police Duty.' BE IT UKDAlA'Kir, bj the IntcucJaoi aud j1 ^Wardens of Uief'i'OWn of (irneuville, in ( -uiiuou osseintiled, Taut cucli Warden be aujiorized Ui organize And mini in oil u suitable aether of tbe citlMpr uf.liM ward, for the riijwr liiforinonue of police 11 uty ; ?ud all cltlehs falling tu otteud to their duty whon turnHHied,\liiiil bo fined, in ftsuih oi uM lets than , *C doUnJ*. mi let a ext-usedTbt-rcTrotn. 6y a i otu ot Council ; said excuse to b?j made under utb. . V * loiia ratified tmdef the Corporate .Seal ol the Town of UreeuviHe, this the tenth 1 k ^ .day nt August, in the year bfdur Lord : * ' ano tuoutaud eight hundred and siXly- 1 - - ?i*.' . " * * T' * * - _* O.K. EI.PtlRD, Iute&dcat,. I J. C. Rmwet, Olerk ?f I'ouu?it. Au^urt 16 i M * -..J Che South Carolina Baptist. u v. w. k. jrivLTlivT e ni.fott. ikv. li vv. vVltlLHEN, Editot*. PuilLIMU.I> wfcrxLT, AT- Hf ANa}l2li*ON, S. O. ?af?, in A</>'o'ic?, in-aptv(e nr it* equivalent, Siliulf one Jmr, ; t?:tt copied >n?? 11 ; ftl'lrfA P"|ih;?, one Year, 124 <*'; ' wvnljf ? ?] ie* \ en r'f? 'I??y. IT e<m?i?iti*. we kl\. tw-nly l.ulr column* ..I intf.--tr>.R ictolii {! iTt ?lt-r. c|i|l.|?c Hl{ Jill.?!..?! nil I'tt" or interest tiir llnpjisj, --H n- vuroll'.u, U ?? h?<t)>>-> Telijioii*^t'/ip -v j 'l >i> rite loir li. Will founiiu a number of-interest lift r-m\ * nil tin? Oiilgl >li?piou, HioyiH|>lic*l Sketches, Hll<\ tin- London Ooftirsaioll of fUt" II. * Tin- r h?|u;* l.o rook*- tint j?*p'of ttorIII the J>at p.irwii'.- of jlie r>?niniiinn1 ion. Ho has ?oi;im-?j*the w vieoan/ ft. v J>.AV. i'minn. (fnrm'tly Mihmoiiii; y- to Chiton), vlui ? i l tio notiY-li oii^h^. i! jn wtiijng for. ' li* paper, >?j Aweiatt Editor, Orange-." iiirj^, H. f't, ulio wik l?e-plea*ccf to rceaive Jl.intact *ilrm nnwa/lu i-. lo to lice l)c . irnmnuilnn In the lower District* ' ? It is the only Kaptisi weekly pub'iehed n a. hi lb Cuti'lino, -and wp cnufi i?-ntly pprf?T,to lh? Bo|'tf>U of the State tor stip>6rt an.tco opetntbm. - ? Subscriber* to. ihv.Eaptirt will he furIsliea with k onj.y of tlie lioptint ChnrchJb inuday Srhool Meumg*m, for $1.26, in * pncic, pw ajiiaim. ; ' , Monej denV^ol phf t i?k lij wail. ?ormrVuffuntioh? jop letter! of business h&utd be/toddpArkcd M> tt. K WALTBTl*! Editor $obth Carolina I Asukuiuv S fl. August 16 ' - -11 - * .^*4 ^THE RURAL SOUTHERNERT^ A WEEKLY VISITOR TOTHK ^ / - ' 'arm, Workshop and Family Cijxl* JT ia ptoj o?d |o |.l)llli-h Ht C h? | nj'Op ft?i siilli<4ei>t number of Imioh nde i n4?arril*ers nr a*;i<t?.f". * VVeefctv A' 1*1- j ItfLTUHALund FAMILY NKWsPAI'EU, ! nd*-t ill*eftnve nil.-. In Ibis cnter^rb<*' are cnffaci-d Jh- h?*?t j racrfei?l nod i*iy- nlific tgiicu'twal ?vtib-r* i tin* Sime. while the L'ternry. News, laiiufacniriiiu and Religions departmenu ' fill lie under ili|* control of the beat I<ibi4* [ y talent <>f the ftouth.. We shail also devote n spn< e to'-th* M#- ! hanle Arte, which will he' conducted l?y wo of rite best Mechanic* in ilir Sdtilh. . m The mtfeaaitr for aoeh a work at t hi*"lime r evident U> nil,- Our change of labor tier**aiily-involve* change* In the Whole in* oatuiil pursuit* of il?e Sooth Tnnriivant lie 4?e*t enH tibial retnuiict nti v? kind and iode will.require Mpirhntiih and discusion, and in no olln-r way x-an the people iMt ? well infnritied on snots matters than Ijroneli the calumnaof a journal suoh as we to|u*e to } gb.'Uh e It will require ?,5(W subscribers to I" ' lie the eoniirteoeeriivnt of the enterprise, ' hia Aimtl'cr oari be fjudly. obtained if tliose 1 iio wish ti> sustain such journal at tlie ( nntli will exert ihrinielve* among* their , inn Is. ; . . . .. I I We promise them a WEEKLY VISlTOtt |Unl tn content* and typographical execu-' ?m to *ny in America. v I Pricn'lij per annum in onn niey, < r | t in. to InsvpaiJ 6 months in advance. on re- LI ii?t of Hrat tiii i.kaA ii. V'STOKES 4 CO. i A??g??l. 1# "II" I T 1 > ? ! I I l? ? ? ? r?A ? Irf* ? . LO^T, A- COMMON SIZBO YELLOW DOO. "| *iip|??*ed In h?v? bi-t-n nt?U?n fum if ?r*gi?nf ui the lot mtjoirvfng Vlr. 0>e?-u 6V1 'lift Khi'pt A fMMbl* Kf'wir.l will . ^ ui for hins if left wiiU Mr. CrtBon | t Lent IStor-.J. T. CAI^MICIIAEL. , Aug 10 2 , I * * i * fci j m>M | ^ > BRICK! BRICK!! r nAVF. fifty** sixty thousand i finl riir HRK'K O rSiln, iihnr ?l the jki or to be 4*11 wr*A. . <rr . ALKKAlTDKR IdoBBK A og ? tf> * ' V fr 1- -L, - ,. ! ' IL _ I J JL. . la B T S R P % Notice. 11 [HKREBV ijlre notice ihst I will pay no J Helit, e>int mote-' <>J -any one but my-elf; i??4 public unilce is given to ell parlies lotto trust any one at all upon mv account P. MARION LKNDERMAN. August 9 III 3 ~7 YoncS T-1" A U< pcrcAna Indvlit"! t.. th" Estate of g t\. JOSEPH II. TURNER. deceased. are 1 frqu.stod to call on J BAUTON, at Gow- ' Bin villa, nnd epic tlie .#nie on or before j return Hoy as we intend to HUE on thoro remaining unpaid nt'fbat time.. , J. lt\RTON. I . . , i. PvTUJlNEK. I Admr" - Augmi 9 In S r~~-. .LIFE OF . mm ALL JACH. BY PROF. R. LOABNEY, 0.0. 17OR THE benefit ?f Mm. JACKSON.? ' Ag v'ucy at- Greenville. >-VB*CBi|>TtON rrticua. For e<>py iii Ki:uU-h Oluih 14.00 r*_ lUif tf?U . ?00 xtpT' Specimen eopUw cnii b# mfi at the 1 Hutwrriptlon U?t open at Capt. W. E, j Kf Icc'o- i.fR.-e in the oM court house, from 3 \ ' * J AS. B Tp\Wf8, Agent Ang 1?> -. * *3 ,' Atutinutnttor'i Notice. . PlNAt SETTLEMENT. 41.L tbosejwbn are indebted t<> the Rentes ?f either NORMAN OAMDELb, ?'r : KPSONlW. "RRAYN HAM (dmstastdAj | ?JV hereby noffietl to innliu payment ouTor bythe 27th of. Sebt. pfo*.! anil nil tliose having claims againrt either of.sabl Estates, will present them, ditlv. attested, within said time, (o the AdninbtraW. ? Angnnt lit, 1S35. \ ' A. C, gTEPP, Adm'r. Aug. * 10 ? ? , Sullirnii,S|?lieH A^itokfH, GREENVILLE. S, C, ILL practice in the Courts- ?f Law v v ami Equity- Oilioe on thi public ' r<j? ?re. .? Aft tmsiness intmsted to their gare wHl I receive foonfjit nltCHljun. ' " I CiallinP. Si'Ltiv*)*, , Jonjr W. &roKBt, t Low a no F. Stors*. July IB- . %! ' - tf -- J BOJl SAxi v t. 111AT ami desjrabb* ! #1 "2s, Residence at* the corner of Peinlleton Road a|.d Depot 1 (.ire<-n, with Two acre* of enl-' rival aH . -The H<>U-?K?imUln?Sey. en Room*, Piiiittjrs, tirore Hons.', nn<l alt ( nec.aa iry "?it buildings in thoruinrh repair. Teru-m nnd Hocomoiddntioha moderate, made known on application.-v * A'ig 2 W if SAVE COSTS. FlfYNK ^OTKS and C\ ?t)K^ of Account a JP^ ?rf<s rtOA JR nrv? In my handwfof collection. Cull immediately and save vour carts. TV. K. EASLEY. * A?l,'-* if . * 8 - ? 1 ^S-DOKOTT;*' - ! jA IT- indebted to DYfcR ?t ? rV lUl'-K I.E. ?r? wthxMty re'qne t?*Ft? ' ifvm- forward at dhce a a it iuak*-Hett ti-meMe * in B>nuu way oilier, as th.?y ar?j necca*/i- * ricoinpeUld' to close tty* ih><A\ anil-this , most !? allcgded to by the lasli/f $te|?tejnIwy ; Jf not-, brtst will he added after then. j Tin- Hooks are to he found with Mr. 0- A. P{t'KI.K,s*<l "II |ier9.'?ig having Demand* ] agiiiaii the Firm, will hand litem in. 4 (i. B. DYER. a A. TICKLE.: . i ,A?i/ 8 8 4 J For 6ale or to Ront. 'll'Y HOTJ.~*'r. AND LOT. I.I the Town of IQl, OhjfnMH*. !-.* -r* For fartherd>?rticnl*r*.inquire of R', K. Ea*UT. * ?. S. (4A1LLIARD.' i?K 8? 8 6 I THE v Bmrarosimcii' MKSSIBNGEH. ' ^ ? rpm-? ELF.OANl' HON I IlLT is issued H j 1 -.York vilte. S. $' , on the First of each month, HI 00 |i?rHnniim, in advance, eifrrencv. Karji n'tmber Of ntHi.u? a variety iff fending f?r dutch Member*, for Sun.lav Schnof Sn|?". rh t ducnt*. itnd TVa<-liers and for the children. Tn ta <1 -lii>?ul to l>e s . visitor. coining wonlfrly with reading f0|nil tlie no mbere M life faintly* J This Miio?*}inf,t? cxpeet?-?f. ?<tnn to con* I tain Statistic* of the !> nominal ion, * niol also of Sunday Soh<*'lA uaeXlemMt e)y-a* pn*aHfie. j>, * " (J(oto(?. r mttrfher riHeon'i^ n sketch of C|?. lift of tli? ln'? Up*. W. B. Johnson, D. I*.,'Sy Hev. J. M. U" Breaker. Thy No ?< nuoil-r w ill contain n similar ketch of lite life and olinrnul#r of Judge O'Nenll. Each following mmiiirr will contain a betcli of some eminent Baptist Mini iter.* (Ths ll4vfc>*BN<JKit now cwftalns IhirtyTwo pngea, elegr ntly printed on fine paper. As mon aa nor list of subscribers will jnsti j fy, w e etfpect fn-eiilart e the site and make it one of the flVst of the kind; Th? following brethren have consented to' become contributors; via: Rev. K. A. . Crawley D IX, i>f Nova Scotia ; Re*, Rjcbard* fVrrnan, IX O., Prof. P. O. Edwards, Rev, J II. C. Urenlver, Rev. W. R. Qarsoh, Hev. W. a May field, Rev. I* II. Shuck. < ll? v., J A- Chamblias, Rev. J. <> If. I)af?an. Pr?f. Thomas. Hall, ltov. T. II. I'ope, Sir*. I-am a fJwinn, and oth-ia. W? will send the MESSENGER and t'le , SffUTU'CAROLLNA BvPTlST, a weekly F (nblnti* ?1 nt Andorsou, 8. C., to any otia fur i.78 In specie, or its* equivalent. Jiny hps who vaiida us Ten new subKrilit-rd with the money, cart hive the J|er? lIT W* hope onr brethren in the Bapthf Alini-tiy end ofhera, wiH a*?i*t i?t once In m*Mi?hing e good Baptist Monthly in stouih Geiiliue. - ~j (Hreut nil coinmonie*tionc to , JUe. TIM AN R. <JAINK\ ? . ? Yolkville, 8. C. Aog 2 9 Ire * Bonth Carolina Baptist plow copy. *"4 r?q> cat our Baptiat paper* io other SUtea In eopy. ' _ . j ' NBW FIjBUR. f 'BACOSfSinSl. ? > * IIA a I. . * co?tf?, Ao. Ac i FOR BMW * c O VVID A STRADLLV July M l tf a* a. * * >? 1 ! S E a* FIRElNSCRA?EE.t 1 II O BTE INSURANCE COMTANY, OP NEW YORK. ? . % Jasb Capitals TWo*Milllob Dollar t isssrs. I?T JULY, isflft?$3,714690 06 Jabiliiiks, ? " ? 118,697-TO*^ ;o; i CIIAS. i. ifUUTIN. IWMent. A. F WILLMAKTIl, Vl?r Prrtldent JOHN MctiF.K. S?cM?rv _ /. J. 11. WASHBURN, aSecretary. W. HTHOVEI^ AGENT. #l Greenville, S. C. 1- - o so 54 tf S. IK UOODLKTT, ATTORNEY aT LAW Ann SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Q Eli S V rL L 1 A. P. JC orrianwf tue old oodrt hoosb. Apr *? 'v M * RGROSfe?k: & uAsvrovcs. TEA AND OOFPHE BOILERS. OLD* POTS, OlJL O'l.M!, Ac., he. A I.futile COoKiM) '< < * Ftnuily may !> lone with K KUI (A I;,.or tJ Art,' Vijh W-w and ut cXjiefiUc. than by -ay oilier fuel. . "KiKrb Article Manufactured- by "Chi* C?>tni'Hnv i?4!M.iranted u> |i?ftorm nil thai is rlniiKvii lor it, . 19- rtetnj.fof * Crre'iOnr. ?'* T or i.?? r?k diac>hiQt toihrtrAiJe. . .L KEKUSWIi LA Ml' HKATI U CO.. ' . * . SfiiR Plmrl b(c*et, N. Y. July 6 " ' ' 6* tf ,j saddj.i-hy a# if a'its ess < SHOP. BELIEVING that if rt oMia Ua fit |lr?i Community and trty?elf, Iiav? ooncladed dish a lief of my I'riwdr 60OO.y HARNESS, hunt 920.00 to tftOOO; CAUKlAfiK IIAKBKrtS, from t.. #12100; WAGON 'JIAUN.KSS, Mngirfr-from #'25 of) up. trvcrtifil a<-c<>rd off to the rluiwier ami quality ; WAGON rtKK.K *tUNGS. ?rmn #7.0t? t>>#?5 Oo ; WA' iON JlRipi.tS. A fio; doJd.ARS W.lo $4 im), of the beet.HymvAnin lfictute. . All oilier ni th les nin^tr^ eccvrding to quality, and eorret-poulnig with the liiOve figure* . " J have a cnn'iderat.le quantify nnil as?*tm*nf of SEOOSO II \NI)i:i> HARNESS. ' which will be sold at a Very low figure, run 3A*ll. . . . Corn, W'heV. JIaro'i, "f other mbef&litial l-onunoditieS will lie taken in vadium'* for Meterinl. CHARLES C. CHASE. KfXt Door to (hr tioodltti House. JuTv ft 6 If valuable Lands for Sale. 1 tu ^ THE Su> wri11 VC" . p her. Win* doairMr. t|RiJ <>ii? ?f removing Wwflljp* dtZOffSP to Mcgiro. "lUr* foB^sala. (lit hiltowjuj* Til ACTa <>t . 1. Thp 1I0ML 1'JjACE. oi?nt?iningd50 norcn. TO of whieVara Bo torn ,L*nd. in h high state t( cultivation, lhe H-lHJSE cont una eight [looms, with tkrco frrc-plaras ; nil necessary. Dulhnildiug on tho premises , with abundant Spring* tuill good MxiU f. ' ' ? a. The Tract known as the BARRETT MILL TRACT, oonlataiiug 2??TJ Mtros, about 10 of. sffEieb gTe Bottom Land There Is a Inc Flouring'nud CofirMll/L on th?-place, 3.: The Trne\ known as the TCKJfER PLACV* ctjrtuhilng 21/9 acres, oi which 10 ticrsJ s:c Bottom. I.|p(L t, e.. Fop fitrthvr Informatitft), xlilrcss tTic Cnder-' Mush Creek Fni* Office', tlreenaillc District, 8. P. F. II. FULLER. April .12 * 45- ' tf i)K. A Ai DE KSO M (^FjSS^k - WOULD Respectfully Inform the Citirrrts of (Jreetiville and T?MlLLf surrounding Districts, that ho if* irrpared- to insert TEKTII on the HARD' KUDHKHi instead of Mi.Uniii Hnd Silver. It 3 preform I Rur the following, auiong otlrer sjasotis: 2 . . j '/?.*+ 1st. Tt ran he made to fit closer sfld is more lomfortnhle than the metal plate. 2d. It is lighter Mtil niorw chistie." - ? .'{ I. It is regarded equally as strong and urviceaiblth * V . * Office in MeBrr.'a IJaH Jtuilding, in rear of >rug StorA Greonvillo, C. II , S.-C., April 11th, 1866. April 14 46 tf ~ Bed Rock Oil. ~. HA VIXfl liffn appointed Aqknt fur tim afe of uf?l> HOCK OIL. I am prepared to Cm iTie'r it in any quantity. cither \ Wholesale or Butalle > . THOMAS sxeen. May 81' . 64 ? "810 WATCHES, CEOCKS AND' JEWELRY, . REPAIRED with UraiVniHa fffTfyx and. deejnit.-h, opposite Post j?. jWft'ffice. Oive'liin a trial. r~^' . m^Li A few srlifli-n for sale. OLD GOLD AND SILVER RECEIVED. i. O. BLACK. June !4 4 tf FRESH DRUGS. THE undersigned received And is reocivtfi^^gj^ff' a. flno Assryrtntent of JOn MKl'lf r.XKS. Ukl:(iS. 4aEL.jl PAfNTS, OII.S, Ac., Ac 4H~% I thioh willhe sold an LOW as nan ? ?> Htlnrdcd, | OH CA&U, AND FOR CASH OHI.Y. - M. D. KAltLE. May 3 48 ,tf MUST RECtllVtD' at ;; - ;? HfABT GASTTT', A FINK h?t of HalWtis, Concha, Xnpo* fjL I wop nnd 11 a in SlKOARX; ajot <>f ! ' ...... nilMIJ tiw n, WgCllirr wit# I kjfF'-o. Soai?, Oi kSfti'* I,<-inorw>. Qrengra, and p variety of other artieWe. Call at one*. v| < Jul* IS . . -1 - h , : , a ... .? J Freight Notice. f "VWING Iff (he natuteof my inatine'ion#, \j and fr? qnent delay* lu the aettl? nje?t f 1 at? eol> pellci l"Fefii*B her<y ii'wf, tndw'W r '# ?? fKFICHT (roan the >r|>iil, vutu tb* etiaewe# tl'frMA ere eat isted. JvjI. J AuKAY, Avi.t. ^'v ' Or?e?vilU Depot. I U* M. . I Ha | > <'''?* 11 . > * * 0 ' 'Tfll > v, M PJ ',;?!'v W.' '" ' #? ^'zUr'*?? t?p, - ' * * ? ' W?A-fi/Ci^?i^mwwwwwwft#% OENI. eUPT?4)FFU ?. 'v . C ?.rvBiA. Hoy i?, 18C?. /"VJ44nd ?ft#rl(OKI).vY next 'J8th to.< , V>r Tthe Pasaerg-r Train* will tua daily. (Snndajn ), until further notice, m ollowr: Leav- Columbia at. ,*.......... .T.00 a. n? Ai?u.Miih..:.iv ,- ? ** N-wbrnr..., ....11*5 Arrive at AbbevwJn at .4 60p a . * at AJt'lT*"!! at ..4.10 " " at Givenvilife at,*. 8 10 " Leave Gre?nvi*to at .. %... v,.. .5.65 a. a. " Andoimn at,'*./. .... m .< M y" Abb+vitie at V,1R " ? " >'ewln>rry at. 1.45 p, a Arrive at Alston at ,..,..4.t5 " " . t at Columbia At .7 10 " Tin- road having bven r^pair^*" Alston, passengers and ft eight will b*- transferred acmes the r^Vet-until i he bridge isctni'leted TIim expense of pnag* -srni lr ighi, b? a thwdiscontinuance ofihe stage, wagop and boat linta, will be largely tMtfeal. . < * % J. b. Las^ALLR, July 14 if General Sup't. South Cnjrolina R i^Ro^d. # UKK/RA), St'pKitistTKNWam"* Ovpic*, 1 ..Oil ARi.naToN, 8. C., April jA, ) ON mul after Aprirtrli, ltf?6,?Be PASSES' OEK TRAINS will leave Mid arrive a* follows, vjs:,;' j Lcnvo Charleston at.......7 A. M. As.Vri??.*t AnK???...A...n w^.6 P. M. Arrive af Columbia..,1". 6.20 P. M. ' Ua>?Au?dfl?n<.4,..^.(,i.v I A. M. Leave Cnlurolijn sti,.n.!.,n 0.60 A. N. Arrive at Charleston,..i........6 P. M. il. T. PEAK K, Geo-1 Superin'% ApllJ . %& -v it South Carpfi^a* Bailroad, V v VBA?vB Tvm-4idy ? 1806. 1 ON and nfu-c^Jdly. JO, Instant, the Paaseniter Trnjiis will leave Columbia at 6 60 o'clock a.'m. H, T PEAKE, Gen'l Sup't. Jjrty 12 . - 0 If CliUrloltc mid Aon III Carolina * Rail KotMf-' GENERAL SUPl* OPFf'E. 1 CuARLi TlB AND S. C. It Att% RoaO, > ? # t Jmif h itM,) ON AND AFTER stNlMY NEXT. 3r. INSTANT. A THR"U<1M PAKSl* , GERTIIAIN will be Mn over this Road as loll^gLvix:'> I-eHTr# Columbia 416 P. M. 'Anire itvCharlotte 11.15 P. M. Leave,Charlotte 12 16 A.' M. Arrive in Columbia .7 16 A. M. . * - J AS: A Jfl 1ER.-ON, July 19 tf S'lperwn endvnt. O Mt Improvement in Sewuic Machines l.'iupi r?; Minltl*! lUat'liiutis ! Saleroom, 566 UnHidvny, N. VIf"1 n^i.' **> u.i, rrnntoo 021 Ckernut Street, Piilattelphia. Patantod February id, I860. * 1^11 IS MACI1 FN 1? is ecnet ruQi.-d ?n en lira .1 ly hew principles'of tiieelianirm. poeseo-ijij5 uuio\ ii?iv .amf valuable improve menus, Having 0<'<-n examined t <y lbs moat |>rot?iiH<i exj ?>; t*. and pronounced to be ?'r? plictUt and'p<r/?clutn tcmbined. M dure A ctra ght needle, perpendicular notion, makes the lA>CK.-or feHfJITLK sTTIVtU which will neither RlPnorRAVEL; and Is alike on both sides; performs perfect rawing on every description of mtterja', from Leather to the finest Nan son k Muslin. Willi cottoA. lirten or silk thread, trom the eoajoeat to the finest namber.? Having neither CAM or COO .WHKftl, end the least | ossible friction, it runs us smooth as glass, and is emphatically a noiseless Mu chine. v ?' ?^ It r?qtiire# ViiTV ran dtvr. teas power to than any Other machine^! itfe mar . ket. A girl twelve yen is ot age can work it steadily, without fatigue of Injury to healtlr. s r" i i *> , * Its strength arid yifon&erfuTt simplicity if 9.on?iruction l enders it almost itiipo?sihT* to get but oTurder, and is GUARANTEED by the Company Jo give entire saiisfat"ion.\V? respectfully invite ail those who may desire to supply 4 hemscU'c* with a enr? rtor artiele. to "come and. examine this UNlHvali.H!) Machine. ... One half hoiTrV instrnetjon is. sufficient tc enable nny per^im to work thia-Muchtpe to tin ir entire satisfaction. . ? Agents want#.! for all towns in the United States, where agencies arc not.already established,. Also for Cuba,. Mexico, Cen Irirf and South America, to whom a liberal H ? :" --1 ..?....... nm nr Kiv?n. EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MTGCO. 636 Rroudway, JJ. Y. Jn!y 6 6 tf ,i i '' i'i ~i * ' 1 j * Manufac urerg' Supplies! MILL#ABJ& & WlirafittEHER. 118 Alar kit Utrett, Philadelphia, Dealers in machinery and sue EI.II S of everj1 description for Cotton find Wool.n Manufactories. Also, Oaktanned LEATHER BELTING. CART) CLOTHINU, t'otton and Wo?1?n YARNS, W<ups, Starch, Oil*. ftye Stuffs, Ac. Ad vances made on consijznmert of t'otton and Woolen Yarn*. Ordeis solicited, which slmll receive prompt attention. WM. MILL WAUL*, I>. S WINDBRKNEB. March 16 6*1 3m Shaving and Hair Dressing nENRY GANTl", the hnrhcr. cetotinoc* to RHAVE thft faee and ltRKSiH AIR as tormerhf, at. hi* old Stand, near Mr Pickle's Shop, where ho will Mrfph-jised lo see his friends and, customers IV- hppe* hy attention to t'lieiness and polite. ess toal; to receive the patiot.a^e of the place. Juoe 8 . $tf Qil t AA PKR VV.AIt I up wan! Ag. J k qp I n) uU i'Vi ry ? |i??i < to .HI otir hi.- /* f.l $io SI . WIN A MATH I N ft*. 14). t, ocw kirn... tJirtW mid s? nt ?oft (,. a) , fi?* j?ir?. Ab'>w ?f Inrr rvr larg* <-otiinii??i(>n. j.tii 1b??n|T ehi?e? * >!<) in iln- Unilwl Stvf, for jtM lln.n *40. t? hi<-l? ?r?> f?j|!y .,j u. i, Warier A Wll?m GrovVr A. flnlj. Kin^y. k.Co, Uhd r.iu hl lilfcP, AJ'i ifWr i-hi.Vh.. .-hii*. ar? iuM^rrtrnt^ ?r.,l g!.j/er m flfM, unt] went. J0ti.ti.1vd Andm*! or oil \ip*n * f . SHAW **CLARK At Biddefofd, 5J.ii ?, bp Chic j in *!->*? * M\ V Au-1'*M . - sj ' ??, JwtA o*.t