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the Froedmen's Bureau. ^ Generals SUdlmmi and Fullerton btre at length made their report of the working of thin institution. The re port ielong and very interesting, giving^ lb fail account of the i||epeet1on made in the Sutea of Georgia. AUhamx. Mie^iaaippi, fjotii-nana and Vr condense e* tract a from the report: A great reduction in U?e expense* of I . the.tSurqau. and a .reform which would tender it far lew ohjec'ionable th ?n it ie now, would he effected by tliedi*cnn? tinuenee of all paid etnpiwveea not in : - ?ba mi litarv servien of lh? I This would reduce the expense* flu r clerks, contract surgeons, hospital .-toward*. Ac., the fallowing amount* ; Georgia. $34,584 per annum ; Ala 1 bama. $33,312 ; Mississippi. $30,276 ; Louisiana, $55,984; Texn*. $l($89d ? making; a total of $105,052 per annum. All the labor performed by these employees, except, perhaps, the occasional cervices of a contract surgeon, migln be discharged by details from thn troops. In previous reports we have recommended the merging of the diniv* of the Bureau and the military. We would agajn respectfully urge this amal gamation. and that one'.set of officer? ctioutttbe required to perform tb? jnin> .duties thus avoiding "he expert** of ? maintaining two establishments. The Bureau in. Georgia, under the tnanagemeil of the present aide and efficient assistant commissioner, JlrcCet Major-General Tit-on. brut been bpne*! ly .tdministered, and has accomplished ell the good of which the system is ca pable. It has l>?en assisted by the Governor, the Judges of the Supreme Court, by the civil authorities, and to onto extent by the citizens. The mended Uws of Georgia are fully as liberal as those of any Northern S'.ate. fnd place the negro in all respects on peifect equality with the white man - as to bis.civil eights. - * $ r a t tt s In I l?l? ff I ulo Wuir?e. General Swayne, the assistant cotuiuif ioaer, ha* pursued a di crcet rtJjd ?n* lighted policy ill adininieteriiig the affair* of the Bureau, laboring on all occasions to secure the .co-operation of - the civil authorities.-and to obtain from the judicial machinery of the State a recognition of the right* essential to the security ami well being of the freed people. This policy of General Swavne nas produced a tpttoli m->re kind j feel iog toward* the Bureau than exis's where its agents have us.-utned to exercise judicial power*. Though the administration at quarter* has heen sati-faeforv. tftihnrilb Slate agents have heen goiltv of conoideftthle if regularities. ' The name* of several engaged in planting are given. Mississippi?-The~?nrttroi of iIih freed men's affair* in thi* State i* in th band* of Major-General VVo?nl. With |W? wxception. -n? f*X* groea are working indu*tri??u*lvraiid a* rule are kindly treated and fining well. In this, a* in others we have ?jested, the officer* of the Bureau formerly imposed and collected fine*, ami many kept no record*. We found a marked ir stance of (hi* kind at Grenada, where a former agent of the Bureau, Chaplain Livertnore, did a thriving bunne** in the way of collecting fine*, nailing ratios* and Government horses and . mulo*. This officer seem* not only to ftare collected fines ranging from fifty cents to fivedoilare from tha freed men for marrying them, bin al*o attempted * . to exact feet from resident wl?ite ministsr* for giving them permission to mar-' ym.- wj ireeamen. ? * ", -f zm S* \ . la cn^es. where the negroes were tin *? " . able to pay the rum demanded of them ft?r approving ikeir contract* of marryipg them, the Chaplain levied on their personal property, in ony c*"e seising a negroV empty wallet and jack knife for a balance of fifty cents, Thi? i-kxe driving ii?"]trobably tcfbe accounted.for by the fact that Chaplain Liverinnse ?>peniy expressed hi*, intention ,lr> return* to Illinois with.(10.000 in hit pocket. After he had b? en removed from hipost, he offered a military. officer (SOfor his influence to retain him in hfc position. Chaplain Livertnore h-ft no /?. ffieial papers behind to show the di* petition he had made of the fund* re reived. A farge amount of innney was i?o collected by the fliet two agents at Columbus, in -the shape cf foes 'and fines, and, so far &* we could learn, no , account was ever renrlered of it. This class of officers Lava lately bean usustared out. or have dinappearjd. Under tbe present administration, the agents ?ierci?e no judicial powers. Louisiana.?The Bureau in t^ts de partment hi more in need of retrenchment and reform, than in any other State wa have visited. More inonev has been collected, and more money has been squanderer] in Louisiana than in any other three Southern States. The expenses of the Bureau,-as account ed for. for the fiscal year, emlirig the 1st of June, 18U0, were over $.100,000.To meet this- eajreuditure, there asere collected in taxes and rents the follow. *ii|f JiiiiiiuniB i. For reboot purport!...,. 138,5*7 .18 From 93.481 60 . From poIl.U* - 49,958 Tl From Oorpr <!' Afriquo tax 38,000 09 From finer .... 873 tO ^ - *"Ul 4388,448 47 ' Lending a deficit of $60,f'6Tji3 tr?ke ,f*W oiii of the dhiKmih) v. Tbeer ' f4pen?*? are in addition fb lhe.rr*n* potintibft.- ration* And opmrlrrJUAriArV ?ij|>jd<e*. f*rsiehed bv i|ie Government. It fe difficult ?o dr**nrtinedd vehat lioe 0i? ?aoi amount M BtOf/tfy, 'held ky tire UuroAo; h?to h*ef? applied. At Ho* .. '!?nrfe*lAM?ti?Ate, ib*'pm>ptsr?jM*J^eit . iv rnjirioa %A ?e frnfi^tAd^r OJ^iAiod in viWjA?J,0^0,uOC>, :>f *">> a -*wS . ** . .*#/. ? " S *.4 . i- v *1^?. ^ tw- . ; m>~? m ! J THE S and tt*> noti returned u rften* i toned, wre leaa than one per cent, on the enlite value. ** The expenditure of the Bureau, on ider the present adrfiini*trath>n, foi agente, civilian cleik* and employee*, about it* headquarter* alone, amount to j not le** than $40,236 a year, exclusive J of the pay of ifarff officers and orderlie* in Hie military service. A la jp* proportion of Hie money efc pemled ihi tho freedmen school*. under die adiuiui*tration of the Rev. T. W. Conway, the late nwdatant commission er. we are satisfied was squandered. Mr. Ma'hew Wliilden, formerly chief clerk in the echool .department?in evidence before us?stated that in Sepletnlier, 1805, Cnot Pease. t)m school superintendent, reported officially that there were forty reboot* in operation, and in a flourishing condition, when, in fact, there were .but two. From The sworn testimony it will be seen that Capt, Morse, appointed provost marshal of the Bureau,by Mr. Con way, made the provost inanhal'* oftico a slave pen, arresting freed men ami selling them to planters at $5-a head, and sharing the proceeds with his special p- liceinai\~ who made the arrests This officer further collected a large-amount u$ money from freedenfti ar.d white per ?on? aneated .bv him Tot various offences, and his book* onl> show Receipts ftotn .his source antontiiitig to $073-10 . The "f^urean is cvtlyviiiing a large plantarion ui this Mate; for which it nays $10,000 or $15,000a year a- rent. >Vy can scarcely imagine the excuse for renting land on account of tire United States, when the Government, through each Cb$gresa? is giving away tpUlfuns of acres of pirbljc Ignds to cot porationTp.xsb?KaciiiAoknt an Absqli'tk Monakcfl.-^All the Bureau ngyut* in Te*H" exevcise judicial powef**it?-?b??th chil and crimitiAl cates. and in the di-* eharge of these arbitrary and datigr-f bus functions, frequently arre-t and imprison respectable citizens upon mere rumor. Ten c-f the thirty five agents In tillState are citizen planter*. One of tberri jOnl. McConnaghe, agent in Thmator .Connie. was fprliteilv a Colonel t'tl th? rebel arml'. and "was appointed an agent of tlie liureau bv Gen. Greg<>r\\ liter as*i-tint' couihiissiomtt for (ho State wdiila still unpardoned. Sff fir as we saw, or were able to get inform itmn in T?*xa*. the freedrnenjwerr working well end the crop- were protn bung. The wag-* paid ? all the payment* being made ill specie-?were belter than"5 in any other department. Sc mm art.?In pursuing thi* ince*riga'.ion. which ha* nuW fiiMiitiiil tour months, we Ithv>*'found extreme difficulty in complying with tlotf portion if our itt*l ruction* which rcoitire* ti? to ri'P'lf^--*11' " ***- jitj-lia JIjI o-e*n audits <>f adminis-ration ?. Til* hiircHtl lta? no sHtlcd mode ofuvj. irihii?lrui???!i, Th<*r? i* an entire ah settee of system-or uniformity ill its eo* Mijution. !r? one Stale, it* i>[Ri*er* ex-? ercise judical power*; m mi adjoitxhtg State, nil ea*ea ate referred trt givi!- ay" Ihoriries.^ ultifo in :? tlstrd State, the Bnreay officer* collect the case* and inrn ilietn ocer to the military pretuwl court-i to dispose of. .fit sotno depm t men to, tjie officers 6f ihft Bureau have attempt ed In regulate the rate of wages; one form of contract between emfdoyftr-RiwI employed i? - prescribed in one State, while m another, a different Jorin i? adopted, tn Loni-iana, the expenses o| the freed men's-schools have been whol l v. paftf by the fiovernment ; jn/thcoth er States, thev arc partially eelf-sypjtort. tug. arid in Te*fi? they are wifely so, in somh localities the Bureau offic^j* interfere arbitrarily between the plin'et and the freedrwri in favor of tb? freed, (Tien ; in other localities, Ihe Bureau" iJ used as a mean*'-of coercing'the fined men in favor .rf ijie platper. The expenditure of the Bureau vaiiua a* much as it a modu of ndiniiristrath>m In "tie State, the expenses are over $300,000 a year; in'another State, with an rrjual mutilation. the exr?en*A? are not jn,iu than $50,000 In t?pn>e Slafee. the **, porl-a* have been met l?y levied on and collected from Hie people; in othet StatM, the cost f? entirely bomo by tho United State* Trenanry.. * . The official tepryt of C9I. Reno, Uqiled Stale* Ariny, PoOco|i Mai? fieneral of the IWepn of fiOtiiniwna. *hr>w? a deficit of upward* of $7,00Q in the account# of \b?' officers who were engaged in the collecting of taxe* in New Orleans, which deficit pot. R<mo says he i* unable' to explain, in consequence of the loose manner Hf-wlrich the hpoka were kept. "W? are-of the opinion, that at the cloae of the war, and for some time afer thd cessation of hostilities, the Freed men'# Bureau did good. The people of the' South, having at first no faith ih the negro*# working under a free-labor *y?? ien?, wejc desirous of gMting rid of , them. and during the summer of 2 665. judicious Bureau and military nfH<-<*r? did much tovard restoring order and har-mefir and inducing the peoplej>f the .1 .1 - ooiun 10 rwnmB me cnt.'ivmmn oi ihHr plantation* bv >rnfj'?v,i?sf fhe freedmftn thn ct?*e of 1805^ there w ?? an ?>niire resolution in the *entmM>ntii pfiho people t-f the S nuh with reg t.d ity ihjnpgro UUrr. A frilinjp. of kindne** prang up toward-* the fwdrnen, rt-Mi't iojj. perhaps, mainjjr fcoifc the <j>n*?ctloft the) hi* labor ton* dfc*ir<\hle. profit .nWe Hfi<l the on!* labor to he h ul. i.- The ricwitpr r>( the- Korean -|her ^eato-d^ Sio'cd then, white h b-orTipei, henefclal in t?n?k foe^Jifiee, H baa tx-ei. ptnJaetrte, In the rugate, of nabro ifrin than good. h** ofiowed **nt} rH ptrpfimaie Cfceortf Mlor.g a# ft Vie ^*sftii-uie/.-d hj the '? ' ' ? ^ 4 * # * ? ? . . f r f* * ^ " iiTirTO a . , "iri^..w.l i , .' , -ry I and wihosi men of the nntldh. The. frecdmen regain! it* presence h? evidence bat they would be unsafe without it, nod the ehitft ptophcon>id?r It anTnrpuiHiion upon their integrity mid f*|rue** je^pionnge upon the official Action of nli their court* aid rnxgi-trfites. ae , well M upon (he private conduct ?>f their citizen*. Both rrfceak*tbu* nuM|palikpicioua ano bitUr agency which, in the present re? organised c?i?m of civil government and eocietji ftt" the Southern State*, is potperlew to advance 1 Iia intpraal of ?>ii)tor 4bi I #jit .fnn^rnj'CaJirprist.| >) RKl'.N V1LL15. sJlfc '1'lHjK^lt A V. A UrWU|r 16. 1866. Ku rain yet. Corn.'iet^^Ma and Wor??. (JaldOll* . I r v. I I! |. ?><< t/lo. ff tur? nip? being "?? d.- T*d Ott^AOni ate slowly roulratting ih? ir Ua il*. Rwpdy, wkyro It bas foiDHirl'jr been prettyiwtftf an^ wide, can. With a hup qnd bound, t? ensftyr crossed. -A good many bar? cut up their forward wp-laud ourn and h?wo made Chut fodder they could ol it' Evety indy ir'gluutny, and the orqpiry is oa J very tougus? where Will austbuauet coins | rom t * - Killed, i Wo 1< arn Iftftl Mr. K. J. Frit i, fdrmMy *d engineer ??n the- ttreeqvlMe and Coliiinl-sn ; ( Haili-oad, an.lro?i<lent of this place,\vns kill ( *d on Wediu-tJiry Inst, at Chattanooga, X*1^ i ne8s?o, l?y ? vWr' SccidentiUy Tulillirtll ov^t; Hint. Hi? ileitli \rns iromodinto. tfo leftvce n family in (V?eiivllte, who rnstaJna a heavy and ufllic inf loaa iq hi? death.' 1 '' I ? ? * Crops are bsing mods in aoias portion? of the country, no'twithstaodiug our corn has dried up. Ih? Mac<** (Oa.) Teltgroph; of a | late date, b*;?: t We-are hidk pretty wall posted fr'etn all see* tiona of the country, in regard to tho wheat crop just harvested! and the conclusion I.*, thai while 1t fall) abort of au av .-rage Of other dfcys, ' ne ragaro* quantity. it is far in advance of the crop! for suuto year* past, and of etcollmt quality. Tier* is an abundanea for every do' mcMic domsnd, and a good surplus for oxpor* tatlon. .* Thi ?irrf*nrv l.nincr nnnal flrtlir AnrsLl to?aQd will bf-contidcrably cheaper. The Philadelphia Convention. . ADDRKS* Of votjtirxoh ORR. i ** "I ii i l a d m.pii i a. Allirinr 14 r Train >-!.i*< nil;In* ait?J ihu uioruin-r Pi'-'lforV (o tiie^n-'i fVjofr'vei!i"n. :uij tin hol?|s are ovt!flowinjj. 'Ijw reception room ?-f the exeeotfee euinwiiuee babe U thronged vrklr fkilegHie-re^Mer iux Mu'i' iihiika Kvvri liiihe and IVf . "riiury is represented. The harmonious ! feeling i>f yesterday n* >lil) .more Hurt kJ ed to d*V. Fernando Wood.jit it l*-lJ ter cl*-c!inilia; to appear a? a delegate, ti **** undo liiin many f'iends. . ValliuiVJIjjhwn ia ill nol go itno (lie Con von ! jiuii ;-he Las w linen * long teller u/lhat ? i i, Ai'h meeting of the eliairin^n of the , VHrtyus 4eli*gA?i<>ii? litHi evening, rl>?* f it , i -lowing business whs agreed upiili J .Ehcli f <lf 1-gHiion irk ?? ic|iori one ??f ii? imui 1|>er jf?H Vico I'ltHiili-nl, one f.rr cr.?iary, Iwo.for I tie CwfiYmiuee on Finance, two fur i he National Uiiion Ouluiniitee." , two (or * Cuiuinfliett lit wail upoO'tbe i l'rec'tili'Mlf *?i li h lire proi-eed \ jug* ??f the Cutivi-titinii, one tor 4b tbnn j , utitiee ojr <>? letnbil , t>?v (nt-tlno upon i oigHtiiJtuion, and l*u fir rwn Iniroij* r Mini addrer*- There- w4t| It; ii??#il1 i'U- j -ion on' ihe rgrftduiioiM , The -inter I j unnii^e ?'i opirwiuiH among MIO 'rtPlij. | gate* h;?s exhibited an unnniunfy <>t i mi tinient n[i >n this rmI>}>vl that lot hid ? I- ?fi-cu*?i>iu. Tha ??)-(*!t?4iouh will \ rtaniiaflv embrace the proposition* coti [ t?in-d in (bu calf fue- the DoMWntjjii), j- which is honestly nm<I cordially approv led t>y nil deivi^-iU-s here-Nottli and SiU ll?K- publican (Mni Democratic.? , 'It is "rwaposed that (lie Convention , .*h*n>stt? ? general a.Iiiess to ill* omntrv, and: m addition to (be athires* of (ho OonWHiiiiii, proper Southern del eg ilea should unite in a Reiterate ad* drew*, i-tauag more 1rt WtST.iu the po*i lion they occupy, the reasons by which they me intiornced, and the results they hope to obtain. An infewnal meeting wee he'd l;"-f evening of the soldier* of both Northern and Southern aimicOo which a proposition *m made and received wj.h favor, to end a Convention ol the soldier* of the two urns ice. at eoruo central riainl u I' liin a i?< "??.W - * w I. ? f tv?? w?* iirrtfc rurvi who fought bravely against .OacH other may meet in a %|>irit of ? <Miet1i nton anddetermine to eland together in ib? inaiuiMilling the Union and tlio Cotihiinitio*. ' m ' ?*. Governor Ot* epnlie at ??e National Guards' I].til, last night, f!e wud til* |M'opl? of-the South t>eli<'ejd they b*i ihe right to aecedo ; the North did not agree on Hie (pies'ion, ntnl rnUnitted it to the arhitrauterU of etui*. The NWtherii in fa) pre! hi ion of the. un?ti :irt'ton hat been firinly ctbliai.ed ; that d^euioll ?m prmiotHrct <sl ?.a .the field, of battle, and the decree' :* tocontrtwerlibie. 1 he Soetb hae iar" rendered her priMtdplee, and accept- the ' Northern interpretation ; we are willing Ui nbide hv it forever. ?U/ thle war,' ihj) -pe^i?|e of tbe fvmth fiat* to it eery Inr^e bean etripred of lhe?# pro ptrty ^ t$ejr tanlre and their credit are pne.." Irv many Joordi.iee, (be gr?*t> " ' '""A* * - 0 99 -is V ' g *tfeijjU more n?*</d[>?rtKUJ?fe^ruirfcot ?h*n ybo hnte, ai?d H U riMrVWft ?oM<Mrg? ttiat ih?t will nut fulfill their ohiIi* in M)|?porri)ilk G?j?*friiHHful. W?j eluini ilm a* our Uu??tuit>etit m* *?U A* your*; hnf.rlmt w* amy b*?eqijA,L w? rhm*l brtv* to presentation ?o Own^re** II i* imi j .r-t io lux u? ttnd exclude ?> fiom repie*?nlclinV '*" * - .. .'3 43->tii^<>uRt9Vv fttnii mid other*. ?1*?> J'he C?>i>v?n(i<>n will orgmtfre 4n Uie wigtfruto 8 . Latkbt?P. M.?The C < invention ?*Metobled in t\t4 chrwflii hi W W K M. . Mr. RitmUTI opened ij^OiMivectton iwiMiig; i??ntieu*en, I ???*> to'nn n.ufhce th?' <Ielej|5tt<?-- f?nn South Car oliiiH m?ajilniwHcliiti'fltl? wiftno* come, wm it aMifrititn .Oii? Cuoveniinii. f Tlilt nnhoitiifatiterit wii* uiwhI "?i?i trmir ribinji ?*t tLi? inoU'ietit. M yn-1 ieoef* touch ."of MMllii (ioVfilnu Orr. of Smith. iVmlim, *r the liviid u i (Mr <lelegt? him, n>(iti4le.l, ni ui iu >o4l : with Imnnff" Ih utjjfonl much* h\ ii i? PAlmtit ttrp*?t <4iutii'?|HiiiiNnHMiKly ten Mir. .....I iiKh? ll.iiil iw ele?nf lift t.nrl i*t v Geti?J??hu I>ix w m? it. h ierfi|>or?rv-4 Iihi? jA' tn ?i'iv|iiiii|{ Jn l 'f ii ifH'f ht.? '* ti' ( ? !?* fittti>jt ?? inOmttiiHO d.i? ic ; f."l <?'ilv oii'Mt* cutittl iit < t . t g s <r hIh! iMiiitii-M ^?tWiyii; I tt . ' 'i'u -? (hi ; in tt'i> f*<'li\i fiu-^l 1'fl Iw cm" i' I A C"li*i-Oi It'll I'l^tT"' ^ ,i,i " Sta<'?.?if rtt** U i n i', . J bl-OIMIMS CftlMI"' thin }'l* r (If ? '1 4iug* Jtl e vu??il?irit*il ?'/ II tun ui'.1.1 *>n gouri"jlUdg^nunt. iIk^ o w?tl I.mi "to in, jioii'itM rewuh:* K' ni?y t?V mrfy *fu| thai no b.n|y i f hum 1*?vV tnei'iiti ihi conyfntMii; un?lci vitrutNaxiice* ?u tin IHfHIoii- Mini mi .iliiliiiriiliil, ?itirt? - tin year.* 1787 [Ajl'l >l IM' J- 1 1114 V fH tflien 'Our -aneeMniv ??>?i uib'ol in rtii city (ofortn m betref GoveinHi??iiffir ib Swye? wlrich* r?i(0|ni?fil rln. cniifetJerA linHH Gnvtjf ntwefif nliinli hit* 1 it?*-i ii n Jin mil ?int nliMlk Itiort'outlining. w Iri^t, tiVltk' "tcmfiil OIhIiI"? hick t! tin *MfCMNnt?4e<1 mimI nverooiitJ [ A jijrbtu*4'. "fell S" ire*.htfVe \ ?*t iui r"l'- liMfiiirtl iuii ;i lie latilft4'of till* CHlltiirV, i*t??* il I tilt* >Oii||i?* ttf llllfi' .iHlflll' lo pi )lo itoninx , and h*' rtMch a* iu out j-owei ! ? ic^ieit.v tN hell.the I'lei-ii'viU of tIi 1 Olil'M otnli A i)? clifed tfiat ihn wur hi? i ceawd, nil *It'u S.?Hi the ' iv|in rentali? ii Tlit* t-xacilu^ of net coriili.tou. ijj sub?er$jve to oofJiatnmr I boU), mii?1 - it.?n<n-iou? to lift? (iiitili r^llJUHil"4*4 J l> till" tin* Gov ehoiieul mil f.tJit?> fought to e>i;tt>ii>l o- Wtjkirwe.Iimv ^.u*Ui (o ji.niniKiii lt<? (rti-io l :I>mI iu lilt.4 ih.'lilvikII"U" < :tiu i*tilinn, tlitt it>,?iu itl- H ivmil.l b 111 C11.?>1 ur ' lilt [ifytiuiL I4. iiinJ-ni^i4-* ^J^^7gl 4^?^, to fiuMtv tiie It |iubh?. hu< I; :r. ? - inliig Ik LUCK lO lis Ollglllfti MMlKUl'ti ? nw eoytiii)?uiwj flag.? un? Uiuvn* n Stat**. .-yfttfr iLij nj?j)(>rntm?nt pf tlie com Otitic us on cieHniuipl*, mulHHotii ?iu o .g iiiia iii?>n# the (^mivciitioM nljua.ivui unniyto-muiiuw.'Mi noon. Semiior linuliltle low been nominate! in tlitf comuiitiee urgntiiiMion an per iiimieiit ctiuiiinan. . * * ' * VaUMiuli^rnuu *?ni H letter t?r tli Ohio UeK-^S'loll. .leilHlifig to go iru* *OVion \ It vrilj^Vo iviui-livloic ttfi wy id idiKiow *.. , Tat Jo?* CoimY*. iuu Daw ki.*?, a Fua?n?rt*.?Tho Columbia t'Uaoui baft received tbo fulluwiug pari.euhtrk iv tlil "earn irum Oorunbr Wall<er "* " Op Saturday, Uie 28th instant; wf citizen ?c? uppriaud of the murder ami rubbery of; Mr. Lemuel Lane, reaidiiig inyrr Pouiaria, I Newberry District, on the ef tbe *57ti On Sunday feurulng, a Hitfe t'rendman, rcatd iug At Xli. JubnA- SjUitb'a, tome thrao giilq above tbii city, told biro'tbst 2?dqnod mo bail met kiln near Vho brunch, (|ibicb is but. Loft distance iVotu Mc SmirtPa "reaiflanue, and ?skid lijin to allow tin m the neawyHva, to the (^barjottj Kail which he >li>l. On 6f theil had a un^oy, itnd g.ire lot twoufy-fivi) court to aitvor Curtiie trot?Y>l?. ^Tb other load ?.wo yirftila. The Ht'le fellow ;i?l?u | tbo man wUferolie >f?i w> ttjpcb money. ILi.t-t plied; " "tU?t ia.for. mo tk know' an'l you I naa oat." Il? jlnmed them on, through lb rirltpvtre faria, and ttau> r?tora?d gavo tbn information. t ' ? r Mr. ismttb, wppering thiU theee monfm'i^h bar* .been iinphral i it) tho luurJc.r Of Agi b*ne,.jaimi<li(?l?ly c*llud upon blr neighbor uiil (latui what he bad lwt(4> and he, in coiq panjr riith Meteor. W. D. Starling, Samuel By ere, JUm<>r Tarrrr, W^. 8. pojta ??dT. J. Ha> pcf, wont in psltpuit of tbom. When near tb Aeylum r??d, the little freeduiati who had gi? en the InfotaaUon, rpied tbo two men, an. p< lnted them ont to the party. Tfce-freedsq were called upon V> Halt, but, rofneing, Meter! Starling and Pope turned their ho rear at* pursued. doe of Una I red on tb*a, but tb rbot net taking eflhrt, puekod on. A* they ap proaobod, tbo men with the bag throw" it p Starling, wtu* cadght it and ordered h|n? t halt-again ; hut, vn hie refusing to doro, Star ling ami Pupe dfciT rimnltaaaodely, whan hi jutoped tbo; funoe, rap about fifty yard# ?t>< fell do*<i?one of lire baKr having takenehe in hUJhndp. to tbo bag and open tbo deeoaaai were found (owe 9< ,*16 in gold and eitver coin The om taken bjr Meant. "J^rre and KowLb, when be attempted to .draw hi yiltol ?n fh*m, bat they ruooc-ded. in <ak|nj it ??,ir from hiu. The Waapon proved to hi a daU'a rrpc*ter? with %r. Lane's name uyot It. Tha^rriaonar *11 taken fptbe guard howae and mi afterward* ei.nidHrteU to >*4J )3y,i warrant fenja Ma (tin rate Walker. He will M Mat t?ffo?A)#rr/ fhr trial, f A n ib/pam web boU over tbe body, #a Sua day taornffcg, by Comnor Walker, ami tbe fob lowing vrrdiov rendered: ^ " That tbe Mid Jokn Conefe. Jofta Dawklae, c*mo to bli death na the morn tag 0' tbe'Mth of July, A. D. 18M, from tbe eff* U of a wmoI, eea#o<i by a ball ftred ft*? a ?Uvol* OM b-wd. of W. SerttT^ . t ~ i, ,? e iv 0 p- ft i ft.?. . i ; V.i , =sg=r?.-=afc?rr- JT i . I *wl tf* mU Jgfita OouaU, ?<(** [jehn qe#hi**r? fteeduea, kf uam image it Upon^fthleh Verdict, et>A et tit* reque?t oT rj4 ^ ft* py tier implicated, the Coroner Untied biat wrrrant, *pd turned U otit to ,4her~nf feat, ?U? brreetftd t^ph*. ?On Tfteedey, tbejr ?erp y,; rcCMr,;::,: ftort or Ike Coronor, *iv4 ihC Ofldenoe before I the jarr, admitted fceii iu lh> rata *t, V flft.Hfeticb, for their appearance at tbo next _ term ot tbe -Coart of Oenerel 8cMi*o>, .The ; prtaensr* were rcpreeonted by pofoijol Saw (Tel 'V W Moltou end A. XI. Be*Via, ft*., '' - .. * From Washington. ? Tbe cerrttpvndent of tbe'Baltimore ftoa a write* i. number* of Soalhefa gentlemen, del- J egete* to (be PbllUtlpble Convention, ere |( ' daily arriving here. Tb*y represent e g9?d etete of reeling in the South, ;? general 1 uitalety ?b*t tbe Philadelphia Cenr<M>tten aball (j to tbe menu* of bringing the two section* to e l>*tut understanding of eecb other. Tlicftouth- ^ ern riblugaU* ull'expro** disposition tegola- ^ iw iiwxfwuovttmsij i?mm pa^xm ori ,, - harmonising the ennflieting elements in the 1 ' country, They have ?<> demands to make, and 1 [ are fady t accept any r?M<.u>Ue platform i baring any claim* to nationality in Itaobarac- T' tfr. They rxpect an unqualified endorsement ' of "the policy hitherto punned by tho, Presi- v dent, and Will Ins satisfied should nothing fit* ( < be ad'pted, ' Jl A |.f iO?ip ut rati oal member'of the Lonisl ' I .vy? Convention of ]86t, bus bee's bore. Who states thai ho declined to afcend ttu) reeiin j lallell (??git?nti>'ti. On aciwuat of its rernlu* , | it owy cfnttiu ter and puspnsM." full invest! -| , JlVlm" wilf ahow "that tffe true Ontou meg Of ,j| . LtuiSiS u tjisc'irn tenanced and rerilted the ^ plot ?>(n?bjt;rt1rrg the Stiitc to ladled! rnla. j Ttsu radicals htiro a plno owfoobforxifafcttng ?. a ue^p ri?t in Macou, On/ The rudioal ?r- )( Kaon allege thut itwdl be commenced by re bat ( assaults An the nogh>W?' Probably, therefore, ^ it it intended to ipeic* the-negroes to titlark ^ r the whites The epoech of Senrrtor Dooliule, ~opj>n the. question of qualifications of delegates to the f' Philadelphia Convention, probably settles that k natter. And one may be received who con- ? II cur* \a the principles qf tlie call for tho Con-' e vent ion. But no radical dould subscribe tp s tho several declarations qf that call. Mr. Val- J ] iundigham woirjd pofnlsttAto" to snhscribe to A " it ; and, therefore, it may bo presumed (hat ho v 7 admitted. Mr. VaHanfiigiinnr's recent ' letter proposes t? tliT>?w the mantle of oblivion H ' upon past differences. After the country "is | '* saved, then he says, parties may strive fur Ike. ki '! mastery. * ? ?' 'ji Tbt radicals are ashamed of the vepatity t a and cup'nlty eatiibitud by their representatives | si iu Congress. The salary grab they consider a. '? e blunder, in a political-point of view. |1 will ( aoel tho party tlroutan fs of votes. TboCnn-:^ i, gross leaders afo trying to sbufijc out of the' x f matter?the Senate throwing it en the Uous., it and the llouso on the Senate. The fsait is, that tlra bounty bill and the salary bill wore fixed riap Mr Jhu crnlcreDca.-ciimnuttur. WUW.jW i sfcTln agency or tnombcrs, who wanted iuuit .< '? pretyxt-fos being forecd to talto the spoils. - % "V * ? - c ^ .( t?_._ V...L.1U.. is ? ,, ivwi ura ^V(? (UlC. Mljilircr, ( The Banks- ' . ' j Rock H?cw, -hfly 3i;i88S * . * J Mr Editor: hi voflr l**oe of the I j 19;li in-tnut, I ob-etvo n ii?t of J3jlJ* uf? i, ttodOl-ed hi Xhe Ihki Setedoty of the Leg* ( islam 1*9 upon which there was uo xo niri,.mi! "Vbifth it v< ?"xpected will he. a acted oa at the next X?a-io?. Antony' y tMheni.'^het? i h?- object of a-bicli a W tli? StoclclioliJ.'is of Thiftk- _ fi,uHi liability iv of failure. "fttia is" ; wltm f bnv?. been INtetiing ?T?r. arid- I. * ? "have Uia little, doubt Mich a.lHH *?Jir be' c by the Lege-lnttH?. ' 5#v object' * HI ili\**)tmtiim%ttxi i? i*rMr1)/onD ? ^ "athxi throMgb'.rbe cfiltfninft of ypur pa ' * per, fumt ih.iH? able -to giyfe- jt; ' -I* mn [ * thi-, in ktib-tanpe, ilj? ?a()l? iu ibe reprt ^ 5 Ofafi-'U ??f private debt* f Why 1u there' '4 |' ^t?*r;f1-4?on<rr in. ti | ie il aneon- '* atituiiutml for the !>gi*lautrfc to pa-e a* ^ ' I law ?<*f?jrdiuti??K ptirUl* debt*, ulid ?ort.. n Miinuona) tup*** on? repudiating tine -! ^ , ?i*tn? of- Ha.df Wocklroldefef* -If-i' H-* | j fXjM>j!ie\t in ilur .itre-rn>e. rfotiCl t) not' -I o h the puhov of ih? Kim? lb' n 4>m r a 0//.?tVbu JontrHCtetl befbi? tfie war.'VJn \ e away m ith tltu creilii r-}>tem Hml abolish ^ j hII "laws far the enforcement of ?on- . . j tract I Won d dm' til? State recover x 0 from her jielple** and prnMrai? Condi . J , tiou >^ rocr, iloiu bv any at be; f rt tout l-e I t *' *'/. t . v:*4 ' ' 1 Okk or/nut Pxovut. * TiirRt are chietiug indkaifant that f ? m u|r |Mifpyn?iii nit* A~re*llI6Vtf, ^ to itow Mting a nuntU-r of the mil- * . iixrv Mttrapa of the radioa) party, mul * .. put %?>asetVH*.4Te noldier* from VV?m e Fi.lnt in their place*. The Augean *ta 0 . pie of the l^e*tl<hen\ Bureau -tend- *' d -willy in trend pf "/kjaindng. In ffexuy " pUcru a her? thrne agenta of the J?C"> * . t'??A have been at ioned >.t fbe Sooth, 1 1 ih??y have h?t -no opportunity of & * t peintiag- arid goading our people Aliuoat < " to (litipurMii'H'i. Tai horn attempting t 1o jMrtiaytv kindly r?bstion*lr?ti?e?n thr ? whi'** imvT th? black-, jf?vy -bnter"be y * come < f die UfgroeM.iiiahatne- -tl 1 fut tli?ragi}'<| of lhair dtui?* rot the mem " 1 -Item pf an hon?rr?l>i? profc?>?H>n. Many. ^ r of t^cle-men have .utterly iN-graced a 1 ilrt mrcWee by reeking, tu inflame the ? ' iirfhidicea of tlm N..nk ???).< *? - 61 tf - F ??, r AtJWlbr 1? " If tha'fepotf r't lb' R???oi?*tr3cti*ftr B * Cnmioiffce *tw fubniitj'd to* bonrrl of y a iififimry fjiuitlemon wli?> had" gjaduatoil e] ' m W?v, Puict, we think they would, ^ * ' ipon reading ih*.dul?lte<>try^tiinoHV: ^ k *g*taiK tlw H*uik yf ritMty tr nlhlfvy, M oflfcer, ,f dqcUrp irtsU he h?4 haee gmf' , U of ceudoet uoWivming *ti ofiFw* *!t?f 4 . a gtinil^naw.'* WMt would tl?? * *?Jd .? erroy uniadr*^ ihiti?,of ,** cnder lt> an n , erliM,^ (Jti* 1b? ? r Wkof*n#fto -a I "**' | V $? '*?' r'V^* t ' 'f - ?2* ;V|V - Jrf.*"?3 ' - * v ' J ^ ,v# Ji nt? ' * r' f J- 'j/ ? .. ?. - A i . ? ,. ] - 1 - ' I Tu? Kkktvckv ' Rlkc-#io**.?1 )uI?viHe 0*fcri?rA*rf W*filh?-*]a/ thU morning** CH* ?r, rrfttfrirt *?n<i reported ft<K'; rtj fuuT Counti*** in tbn flia'e. i?i u|? n conj'?iitT fjt l)uv?ll of $7 >< ??. 11i? I MutKirncv make a-de^Bfe r**>p, a? n*n a sjoKlM jff>unty yvt * rto - > Miitjiir^v '?r?M tn it fa l^wl* (Juuntv. in wld^^R - *' i? refill. J- pi?<iwf ^dvi.b'fnl. Tbe^^B ? ?ixrv-M* V'<rtinti?? yei io.h"V " ihov ?if wiiirh Kte entail? but in NxmIHk" Hn^lniinnil l>y the radical-. The initiryl? lltHl the 1 l.'im mThI I^B inj t'hv ifr ilie Stale Kill exceed 40,00<3^V. ay trtt'n tektfb or go bey pud 50A C>'NOnK19IONAL UoBBKKY. Esery?S Mv chii tefogiui* tlie rolilirrv of th^^K iibllj fpoilnfiitied bv m<'(niirr? of ^'oqA| rwi< who M?v* tiitrd ibrhortifc1 an ..I $2 000 h yetf. off each ?nit'^W Iter <btu there nre.c<>inliHrNiiveUvffli^^^K 'ho i*n-deteot {he en.rrmou* ?*iniil^K* iddeu tni.b r (ne nnlexjfo nllownmy.-^B^ Vi give olir tender* ?nnte idea ?>f (hisA*' ??m|-. we will rba One -<f nper^A Ii<>11 : U<" er the. InW. a I onjjressiriHaH^ otfitniz froiM ('liiom<i. to' _^ H-hingi' a? i??i $4 1.0 for the nip. while ?|t\ |t|i>B Hte Vi'iaeii c ?n ritnk?t ilte mime j.timey A| (weft A five v Tilt re toe your m >iiHvt |iH;ci.itrk wrl.V. h cry ?f 16- I enchmel^L - Ex<xtni:?r - ? ?* * " - k?i? ? latA4^Tiso IN Nomii Cakoci.NA ~~H e.iilvniMti Jn-t hi rited hi iltf* <jity "fr?>fui I he 4*X'elJ-VVe Ciltlori plant 1(1 lotl-' OITThC 1 li Br, Noilo Carolina, -jreak* of the 1 ? Ha piimri?n?tf envedin^v vreH. 1 tie ^Hatner* .flje. Northern ntcflV^who I art litve.1 flie Undii'i.lH ?ih? oft!'pro.rie><?e?, ami /jray ftl.' ncgrneir at certain ' ji.onntMii cn-h, J wide. rations. Soma I f litem, if Otere^l?.n?i lU-appoTiitmaot, ill.r veiize Hi fert'?i %2Q W)0 on lh? *e? rin't crop. Thetir (jroee work tolerably Mb but ihev Meal ?Tl they ran get, nd -I'.-iul k'I fln-v can earn. [Journal of Cornmrrct. V A SLANDKR Miaueexrai.? ( venerable widow lady, in Macon, Ji**'., in the course of a lea-party oonetantion; nttorid sonn- in si mi attune 1 un1n"i tb^Char/icfir of a young lady, 1 >.. ...rrpui%Te?ium? in we Maine V .v/tung iSdv -wm plucky, and un* ' billing' t'?l have h?*r reputation, her only from her hj ^hpt way. he old l?dv -jvtis indicted for plunder.' ' Ph.- Jnoa.fGKi hninide whs given Vo tlra xamiiiaihtn ?if wi'ne-ineit. and every Ini? jbe We of the ?himplainai?t rnAim jethe *ulject of inquiry. . ip** ii*iuraljf 'rental inn-h excite* uimil in lUV it- igMnn hood, Not a atuia rT.uIrl li.- fie I ni? n the \ oung ladv> 'h-tTrti'Jer Hf1 '* * m A Ve?jr i cl of ifoiltu. five niotnovra turning ie t lecotmtiendMiiolt of mercy on uCCoQOl if ihe ag.- Mid indituiiv of (be defendon, 'Hie t'outf. in eirjmpreasi^e tq-mi r. Kinenoctbilieelatideier to he fine.? iv?vhundred -tMhw?*i>d be impri->op+d iX iQOiiibe, On -healing fills. lh*y<)UUg elv who era* (be subject of (lib alaaU?rj hoist into tenia, and implored the Jourtjo. remit (he peuieiice, declaring hai "her only -elgiiot vws the vindication if her character, /*n<I ifiat the h?d no indiettv* feeling*. liter plea for mer* y was mrcce-iifiJ, and ihxjbie and moxiaobdient ??re ronjiU&H * 1 '* S* ^ 4r /v- 7 ' ** . f \ - TltC lltftTtft STATES AXIV KSOLAKlV. 9 a. Iale-' jmeechj. Lord Stanley thus., pojl^ <f. the Untied Si Ales : , * The J piled Siaica,- by (fa extent, hy he pcpk *tmh, by ?U rapid.dpcreaae,'the energy intj Imrilrgftrce.of jts. people, and- 'ast?. \, t>v its m-eWiv </ Jrw?4?;hr Jin* cuine i? rank sfYDOqg l(i? ifynjuwSl^jiiVrer* jp rtiU WorW I took ijK?if h f?r?ip?r dnd fifenHty,uti<Jtirt4and* hk VjVh tiw( tlfaiM a* aluioot ftn tir?t (wqiitrkn *?f 1> Ni? aner fjjfvpt' KVo oi??*>iy bound to us hj tfos >f j?abli(J . ** '-.xr? ? i > ' Ji^rMtr. CoarrscXrrfa it tap C?n*%? \m\t t Si Arus.. -The Judiciary CiMnioUUta r? Jrtod few daygyince, a Bill U restore the iMiC.?tl?o of feeds coqtitrated by the author* ty of .any of I be t?W C"?fi derate tftotar. . ' It aoakes It the duty of the President or com lending i Hh ?r of fba military forces statioa 1 within the particular Statu ?f District, oa omplaint of afty parson dispossessed of pp'p- ?? rty for adh^nee ur (he cause of tbe Union/ a fn store -him to possession of the stms. Tbia ml denounced t.y Mr. Trimble, (Dam crot) of Kentucky, ? conferring upon sellb ary officer* authority to daeidelegal qaaat&ca. I s to titles of rep) astute, aad tbereder without f rarrant of Jaw. . lie, therefore, asretf M Up ks BilV oa thS Uble. , / 'f i. is motion was lost by a rsts of IL aaj>?, , / a ? ay as." " . ' " * . " '& *- * 1 The 'Bill wed then passed wDhouta dMsitb. g * "-W - ...' " .SCkar,0**em '0b*r<*r- S I A Q<r*ss PdOu to p? A??5d TTo^Tks Nei/ ? osfc ft aw a Sfcya that on? of fbo passengers hr Jf is etosmgr J are, fame Live-i*a?iL n?? a? ? my to N?t Ta/L, V Qn w| fc*iua, 0f 11* M ?fl, (flandwloh I?lmn<t* J. Am M ifdVlfHoHtt. . I t?o bu U*o? ou * rlitt l'> I ?Vt r*ybw?. Tb* *Uon?T boflorb *r?M*-? rUy pnW t&? *oT?bcn, wUl b? cc?r?i>d baf A irrtfiiir. . .j? Tbm. rr**H of OmiArtvl* StcediafM *nA FulB rton ?pnit the rnr ne^omoftt ?f UmTMaAwW imitu >a ?hm S"a?h?i??. Hint-*, Iim b??hiuf * rtct*A |<> the 8*crtUr/ ?f War. I IWy# i*l Mkmr* < rmtrlo luck *f J-tUm* B V btin> or*m?ittmUofi i,r iA? f?ur>i*?, ^nd, l? <*W uwoli, di cWd tbrnt tbe atyJe of-oooti*?tm M rert by tWll?r4tt U.ounpfy ?l?r%ry> ifi roAiAtfd fort*/' ; - '-fm if * **'*''~ It (? ??M one caim ?f <b?? A**fV *tat lU^IMtrihr ?? tlwrt lUnral ? im **? no l?n4r^ P'?F * ImH? Hi* c?x?f* hivtkf ro^mi ofl ^ jf >ll?? :o irrniW p?riwfrortn'ItU Dro^fc: * ii'l thoivby fu|n?ir?g bi* ctip*,m> J f # ^ B i II ' f *