University of South Carolina Libraries
\ ** sip ;-y!*'<^? ?. k'xj-V.JH tc\ J x$3k"> .' . VUJLUMH AlU. , * Nhwiln m " t.wm* if'-g rSHHlCi UAlL^V & X*U Editor* and ProprUlth. A iiiiirv 5%w' rs"_ it*-*. J ll>B$CRIPTlON-#l.afo fOR MONTHS. V,% ' . I !'.< I- , ? Earthly Hopes r '**? -)&*? $>:*., , t)o? by 0*10, n* .?t*re set at night, KanU's brightest hopes depart, Though tafeg they linger, utirafb tbett light, " Palming lifo's landscape all too bright ??r the peace o? tho justing heart. ' o#sph"P ti>*9T?proVU*2 ?$' * Wb onffroni the silrer cup, "V M&riag the stricken its emptiness, . worse, the dregs of blttefneeij * As a pledge lor their trust and hope. ' Loved ones are leaving,'one hy one; Youth and its gladness flee What is the nest, when tho birds barn flown t When tho fruit is gathered, the harvest doDe, ^ What is the refuse to thee ? . Thy days are passing, one by one ; .For thy life-work whrft ehalt tho? Win? > For earth hast lab&ryd,- fpv earth hast sown, . If* flowers are withered, its beanty gone, ' _ nad death is the wages of sin. " 'N V * ???? i i i I Stamp Duties lwroflRD BV^.kOT Of . 0oNOKK?S", JO Tark EffvcT Avwver 1st. . f"n " wk- r.-ii : t:.. I nt? lUIIWWllig I* mi qi|'nnvpu^m urn of the stamp duties imposed by Act of Congress, passed July 13, 1660, and to eke effect, from the 1st inty.: Agreement ?Other lhao those men turned in this schedule, (or^uryanpraismerit), for evory sheer or piece of paj?er. on which it is written, 6 cents. Bill of exc harry e, foreign.? Drawn in but payable oul of the United States, if drawn singly or otherwise than in a set of three or more1? same as iuUod bills" of exchange or promissory notes. Drawn in sets of three or More, ftjr every bijl of each set, where lite sum made pay* . able shall not exc< ed $100, or the squiv a aieul thereof in any foreign currency, in which sueh bills luay be expressed, 2 oents : for every additional $100<*or fractional part thereof iu excels of $100, 3 cents. - ? T*- Bill of *45change, tneantt.? Vmd v? order for the payment of any sum of money, aol ex^odltig $100, otherwise than at sight or otr domaulj, Qf pro mis* sory notes, except hank note* and check*, or any rcetiioratiduitit^ffeckt recerpj, of. other written 0/jfrVoteA avidenco of at fcrnount *of money to be paid on do tnand or at a lime designated, for aeuiu not eXeeerting $lQU, 6 cents ; foVejety additional $100, or fractional part \n exee*? of i0O." $ b?ntfc. Bill c/rafe.?Ilillw of sale, by w)Moh nhv tdnpor yefsal, or any p?Kt thereof, shall 0t'ct??v<5ed to, or vested jo, an) other person or persdoa, when the oon sideration shall no'f exceed >600. stamp dpi* 50 bant* ; do., brhwn the ^ofidder lion*-exneed'$600 and.does not exceed" 100,'f). KXcwdKiR pi.uuu.foeeirer}additional mitipl)(it of $600,~6rfhicti<'teal purl thereof, 50 cent*. JVimhi.iI property, other than ships or vessels,6 'j* of L*di%jf.?For goods- ?n?^ merchandise exporiedrfo foreign ports, other than chanter party, e^ch 10 ceiluJ Bonds*,?Of rjaqftly^-ah^re Ate money, ujtvmafety fecoraraWe ilu-retijKjn, i* $1,000 or less, 10 cepv> where the penalty exceeds $fO0O, very ad dilionak $ 1,000 or fraetihiiM part ifi axceaa of $1,000, 50 cents. .For the do* execution < f the 'duties of eny offTcte,^!. Of eoji deacripticm, ojher than such iney Ue required io legal Proceedings, of used ip eonncctic*! with innrtgagr deeds, and wot otherwise charged in thi? echedtile, 26 cent*. Certificate?Other than those mten tinned. 6 centm Certificate of damage?X?d ali othei j - . ~ ...? i... .. .. ^.*,1... UU^UiiiVlit* jotucni UY may ^vir.vmuci br marine sutyeyor. J26 .Oant*. _ ? ' Ctriij\fn u q? or a mn hot eaceediitg^lGO, 2 oatot* ; eaceedtuj TOP, 6 ?nu. Certificate <>f Profits--- In an} hi cor fcurated. company, /or ah amount no V t $l?? fior ???eediTtg SO. li c<Lui?> from $60 to.$l,OP0, 26 cents \ extosdiag $1,000, for Very addition* * $1,000, fractional pari thereof, 2 eents. , *Ttijfcalc*<rf JSt*<Te?In Itoorpurete dompariy, 2*cenisf Vhattwr P**iy?Oji lay letter < Jhomorandum relating to thit charter < any VnMcl, ir the registered tonnage dot dot exceed 160 tone, $1; from 160 { $00 ions. $3 ; front 30$. to $00 ton i #6) over 600 too-. tro. ? w V \ % Cbttkt,* D+nfi* or ordert^-fat. ac mount o? *?) bank, broker, or trn ompanr, at >-u;b' or ton demand, for an amount exceeding $10 c 4?iy jiorson other than a bank, batik* x trust Company, at tight or on d - tend. 2 cents. * t'2 ' * *% \^igor lAghtt - -Made in part of wdt) i*, glass, paper of bther materials, eel* or packages, 1 *et?a; hr p?e Vs of osorl thai 9t?^od not mc >' H 60 lights, 2 csltls tfof tosdrv a total 26 lights, or frartupiU** ,n amber, 1 cent, rl k mfror*!.?OooUMle, bfdWii 04 ..\ m m a c^^BGF^BiI l ^TJ?TPT T3 |gfc ,, or memorandum of ?alo of any goods or merchandise, slocks, bohds, notes or hand, for eaol) note or m?n?<ftandum of sale,' 10 cMt*. ' \iA%i . Conveyance W Deed of Grant.? Where the consideration or valoa does not exceed $600, 60r cents* $50-0 to |lj(T00f Ipdcilar 4 and for *ysry. addi tkuial $600, or "fractional part tfalftof, la excess of $1,000, 60 cents. sfc'n/rv qf Goods.?\t custom honse, not fioeieding in vala^lOO, 26 <fchtp; from $1(W k> $600, w centsT Moaed^ ing $600? I dollar ; fdr the withdraw*!^ of mpU (torn bonded..*J?rehoi?^e, ^ tt?u. * ": * v Frit t ion Matches?Or lucife'r match el^hiade ifi part of wood," in -packages of 100 or less, 1 cent; when in parcels or packages containing more than 100, and not ore than 200, enc() jxtrcel or package, 2 ceirts, and for ^vorV additional or fractional part thereof,' 1 cent j'fyr wax tapers, double the rates herein imposed upon friction matches 1 cent. Least.? Wkero rent-i* $30Q. 6r Ibes, 60 cents; wbere'the reoLexceods $$00, for eacly additional $200, or ft action in excess of $300, 60 cents ; assignment' oi a ies?e, same stamp as original, ami .additional stamp upon ihe-valtie or consideration of transfer, according to the rates of.da dcfcds (See Conveyance.) Manifest Bntry 'Clearance-.?Qi car go of Vessel for foreign port, if tonnage does lot, exceed 300-tons, $1 ; from 300 to 600, $3 ; exceeding G00,' $d. *j Jfeatu Pish, Sauces, <tc.?For andnjpon every cat?, boitle, or other single package,, containing Wats, fish, shellsflnh, fruits, vegetables, sauces, syrups, prepared-mustard," jams or jellies, eoniained therei/i, packed or sealed, made, prepared and sold, or of feted For sale, or removed f^r conotimpv tloh irt the United States, on or after the 1st day of October, 18G0, when aitch can, bottle, or other single pack* age^wiih its eonients, shall exceed two pound* in weight, for every additional pound or fractional part, 1 cent. Mortgage or Personal lion,Is.?Given as security for payment of any {lefi nite stun, from #100. to #300, 50 cents; exceeding #50d, and not exceeding #1,000, #1. For ev?ry additional #300, JF lractmnal .Dart therypfvio.ejc^8 of. #500, 6Ay cefftS^proTidea, thai upon each nnd every assignment of transfer of mortgago, policy of insurance, or the renewal or continuance of any agreement, con .racl of charter, hy letter or otherwise, a.stamp ,duty shall be reequal lo rtr^t imposed on~the Original instrument.^ n^" " T . e?:* jf of l?g s- price than $35. 50 cenuj from jf 35 tn %?>V, $1.; jtnd Fyr every ucMihbnjfl WOi br frucJiooHl pari^hereof in oxce*r ^Patvnbrvl\rtr'/tcate.~r For any .amount, 5 Ml). - j . . V v- , , Playittg ^Cardy? For and Oport etc*)1 paolt,'n*lexceeding 52, ciiriU.Hi pura Iwr, irrespective of. price or valpc, [ wp -J . .v 'r Pdlicy of Insurtmew^O.n any Tire oi II>? , \*ln?re tbe au.ouiil insured doe; Th>t exceed f ljOQO, '25 cents ;. from $1, 000. to $6,000, 50 edftt?.; ex'ce^diMJ $5,(300, $1. fire 5ivd_Marin? Ky?k?^.Preininm rvor.ex<^?><H"ng $|Q, IT) oeqt* ; pr*m1iun oof excelling $50. 25. ceiHft TXOecilwig $50, 60 cepjfc'j Accid*ota insurauce jWtlc\e? ar?--<*en>itt.-, ,? Povofr yqf Attorney^-To u anafe mock, b?M?(tw or ?efJj>, to ^coflpct )aivi lUnds, rntofeildr Teoi, 25 cet}!*} J.0 vol by proxy, except ?n charitable, relig 1ou?. literary and cemetery ?oc;e(iea, 1' ; ceiHe ; to sell or lease real tttaty, an perform all qlbpr act* not specified, $T ' for any otiror nttipoAo, 60 cent*. Probate of </r Letter 1of A* ' miniitfolton Wbtra Hie emaT? iloi net cxc>'?<l tbc value of $2^00, $1 ; (< - evarv addition*! $T,000, or (raciinm part in n*e?Mi of $2,000, f>Q cents. ^ r Protest of &ote?% Draft, dc.?r( ' marine pro teal, dec., 26 cent*. ex >_ i 1/- ,! .f_ ... n. . , ? j'ropriejaryt jveuicints, uvsmrue dkc?Not . over 25 ceou, Vbent; V iivW' 50 cent*, 5 ,0#0? V iTbt evet 1 m 'Ofr cento; not ovef $1, 4 oehi t ?utjevery Additional 50 oenl?, or fVa , tionrf Iherftof, 2 cantA. Heceipt.?Receipt: for the payment 4 any ?um of money, Of for (brf pay me 5 ef any debt <tuo esfetediftta #30t not I iog for aaliafaotion of any "mortgage. d' judfeaieM, ofdecteerqi a cotfri. or e .' doraetnent t?d aiif af'ftmp -obligation tt acknowledgement of it? fulfiUnfem, I }? UAch receipt, 2 deota. ^rorided, Tl p *h?n more than one eignature is afift to the tame paper, one or more rtaiYi MDdy b ? afllaed thereto repreaentiirg t - \ wUult} amount of atampw required ^ twrch Mgnaturee. 4/ Sntr??0* contract* for aitB of eloo fc bnnd", foreign exchange, aqJd apdji >n ver bullion artd com, prpmitaoYy n? it, or other ncqjritfee, when rti?Me*bj t -hera, back*, bankers, trbo pay 4iiptt .4A*, require j(Mtrorw equal .lo qoe t d; orr every *100. U there h a tract in , q**r ttbo,, the eame to be atataped p- the,K?!l rate of WK). When made re. a.pereoh. fir^ or oorporatroR ifol p 4- rpetdei tax, for every # 100 pf v? ?if dTeemaf'.A -memorandum of *#U ^ oatnet. moat be iDt^d by ft? te, beyer, uppo the scale or oontraoV ^ v. p ? j. y A' . T * *? *** ? I w. '4 ' J ' ' ' " , 1 % I V'V> :ia& - J p r."4 CKKENVIlXfc, mIN I I I I II .a I'j.V *' , I'" I I ? ift, ^IH) the AlHlOp* HieretO. W . v *n>f **< >TH*?Writ 60 oenr*,-' ffWe tfce amount otiHbed y^a refit, issued by * court not of record*4s $100 or o?fc, 60 cents. Upon every eonffea|NH? of judgment, or cogpovit, for $*0* *>r- qrar (ttMDt in tbose cases where the tax for tlio wrttflf a coroitlencacueot of ?o?l baa been paftS), GO cents. Writs or other process on appeal* J?ooa jifttices' courts, or other pourtof inferior juiisd^bn IJo stump;duty stroll be reqtfired on power of attorney or rfnV filter paper relating 10 application for bounties, arrellges of j>av, or penaioos, or- to the receipt thereof from time to time; or upon tickets or contracts of insurance when limited to injury to persona.wb?fti traveling ; nor on certificates of the measurement, or weight of animals, wood, coal, or*other articles, nor op de j>osit notes, to mutual iu?orance com panics, Cor the in-urahce upon ytjnob pcL icies joibj'-ct 10 slump daties b%v( been or arfi. to be i*>ui*d } nor on any warrant of attorney Hceoiupanying a Cund os. note, when such boud or noleshallltavM affixed iheteto the stamp or ?taiwps denoting the duty required ; Ly and,whenever any bond or mite shall be.secured 4>y a jmortgage, but one stamp dtijy ^ball oe required to bo placed on ?yoh p.qny-} nor 011 any certificate of the record yf a. deed, or other instrument in writing, or of the acknowledgment .pr preof thereof by attesting-witnesses" nor to any in dorseinent of a negotiable insli nniont. PrpviJej],Thnt thqsiainp duty plaoed tlidreoq, cb#)l be highest rate required for said in.uiumtirts, or either of tbetn - Ut^eipt^ bj^ex|>te^8 Companies Tor the deliver y of airy property for Upo^pwrta lion, are exempt from stamp duty. r>Nj> LTiJkS. ;. , IV ft alt) for making, sighing, or i*ot?ing tnv'iiifttrtitQeni, document or jraptr of aiiy king whatsoever, or shall accept, negotiate i?r pity, or cause to be acce|U? ed, negotiated or*pair], any billVof exchange, draft or order,' or piqYfiijsory note for (lie payment of iriottey; with OUl tit#' **rnj rtrmg UU1J* anmperi^ w denoting the duty hereby. imposed lb0reoty%50 ; and lh< intfirurpept shall bfr detjfiied iftvailtl inid of oo effect ; or for counterfeiting stamps or dies. $],(500. -qud itnpriaoiimefH tO hard hot Oit-e^litig five yqpta. For making. siguTng. isJitTn^, aetfeptjftg, .or p*} hiM ftny t.tll <d exchange. diul't, urvJet* or note, anhotit stainp, S2U0, FVrseilhjg pfcpeflvicoshr.eltti, matches,.meftU, I'ruit, sauoev }?Wies, jnritfKrul piop ler stamps, ??0 ' ' t s* v .-oijtJa PROVistowv v _ ^ JistrOments'are*-n?t t*> b? reCerded .unlpai-properly laqaped. bfr^iiisttuineuf i?jnvalid for lhawant , of tlie.^aUioul*' vf attnip^dqeiguirtett, provided a legal, siatnp op-equa ' ^ e - > -J . ?A t_. .. . . \ S. f am?uqi ^o?cr|x piufiiiciaiy lunujo] u S uuty affixed. . r All ufRctnl instruments. document* j *nd paper*, .issued"V* osed'ity offlderw'u - -Mtf ufiHdd- !$jate* government or by th< f offher* ?r atfv StAte, comity -Of- ?tl& ; 0wuiiet|ud corpuratiViri, ore eimjnpt. * ,1 -(tn adhesive Mitmj ahatt lib u*?ti fbivdemiifing any duty Im r "|>Ose?bHy ttfjs rial,'- ftlfc ^perSop tiding <a i editing itie eaine shall write thereou th e inhiai* of bi' nam?<-and daie upui r wliioh tin* saint) shall he attached 0 0 u?ed, so lb?t tte saiile jnay uol ajfainb d used, under a penalty of $(0. j -hntrofgenU lferefo/bre WueJ wilt out Aatnps, not to eold wberO st/bnp f- W?, *3ulii-etjiiTeutly irfflxrd. 1'ofttag h< stamp* cdiuiot l*> uised a* T?Vonu * atjtof*. '. . , ? *1 -Au> person inay pr&opi to i]ie coir iniwiotfor i>t InlerTlrtl rvjeenife,,'artt il] >r afruqfeni. *P*t i fqiiir?>-hi*.upint> n wTied Jr Him -hio* ivchargeabje with any dul y ,9 and if ihaVtwd. oofboyiaaionar eliall ha ? ^ _Opinion that it i* urtl charge-olde wit ra '*'?)' afatn^ duty, he it relflnied to'W l#> press op H a particular stamp, wjl g. ???;rvl? It?, signify that H i? not charg able with stamp duty i- and ???)>y i . *t? utni'nt on wbieh said stamp is it preyed shall be received io?evid?Oce n all eourto, DoUviihatiwulieg objections* ,0 (be ground uf ^dch instrument beii or.'; without tbo proper stamp. . v** ?* 'Ii?e party. it* w^oro a (jdcumont rn iaAimd ftom. a ' foreign ctnnilfy, or 1 whol*?*l^ W to -be used, afiAll, befc ?r?ing tire anna*. affix mereon tbo sim * or stamps red tearing the duly requiM T" Proprietors of cosmetics, median , or p&pripmry articles, mky fbrnfah p or vkie then, and are nttbwed 5 (> > etc pin all pnrdhaam of ?60QV over #6t f. IC^pOt oent. , 'It- v"'T- .-?*>" - : ?t?s - jppa gtHnimnjr matches tire'all t go at J/^don: ' Twenty expert folk, Sa^St^sM J-. JOT A 5jj?3* fw? *Uo* due with seven children*. wait recently* at <>r riwJ to a Rochester widow wRh five w s&rsss**-*"'*"' . < ' & :* ' ; I P tiffo,'m.yfL*' s .1 kr' 7 ?^ X1 . > j ?? "- - * <?ila *.+ i a ( rntrnm .. H 1 A RjAnantio Story Iniitt a# jw*&re bobibmaw ?t tub ?T?Jm W MEW TORK. A slogul^Story is fjlvdO to the pub Uo Uiro^fSPMRSiaav of the police! Btrenge jDOromontar/^RMpflHplEee of life. A few j year! ago'gKilmg^erman, about SfO i j[eM) (jfadj^D* t6* this country on ? pleflsur^flBuploo. lie wae tbe sod of exceedTBrjEeBlthy pnr?ufe?, end heir ^ to aI M on n TOVbc bjp^Hv^^or5 for many xdarflf.<' Arriving is Ht^YWrk. tbe voting m?n stopped at^he SwWichola** II<>te|. where he boarded for Weriil months. He bad Vlepty of niOnA, dre??ed well,' and ^ tifatfo many friends among the Coring men of New York. Qe war careful, however to keep -his tlnifyh the ba?k ground, And but two or peraous, to wlrpm he~brougbl letteb 6f introdtfc ttpn, knew him a*a permd of rrpik. It . was soon observed that -tlgi young man < was-qiiile intemperate in lis habits. It .1 .fioalh became a iimttor o) serious C0nCi>m .to his-frieud-vwed (ley oudeavorC<) 10 check hi* itrtempekite course.-*- , rTtinir etTocU were useless, imd he continued to" got intoxieatej "daily. flw was finally forced tOkcl>a?ge his .rifti'donee, and fgtTnd boarditmeecond-rati boarding Umso. Money csased to conm to him, and he began taltel lb* want ?f ?C ' Ilia jewelry aoon p^sed into tbe hands of the ljt? ?pparol became threadbare. . He was una'oJo to pay hi*board, and was turned into the MrceL From one , boatdingdtonso to another*. ho weight shelter, hut- was not allow&I lo'tomaiti long beneath any>r?spoctali)n roof. His Cravyig for liquor posse***} him "siiH.. and whatever he. could pawn'or null /or either tn&iiey or-liquor was ho di*-> posed of. At leng h tosneh a'feKifid state of degradation did hi*x appetite bring this titled youdi thai he bvwufie nq ia? mate ot. a low . filthy.negtn dnfl^ho.ise. and tiro. associate <?f thieves n:td prosli tutes of the % ilest. deacfipri??i.**'t? t"hi-? . tiorrible fdace, ragged. ftltftr^ diseased and drunk, rlie yogrlgttmn existed for several weeks, the degiadetl companion j cold nig?? in^lnter. nfier having (Trunk himself to a huAidh state of intoxication, lie was kicks I out of even this detr of thtcCe*,'because he had neither mooey nor what was worth money, irdo ibm ?U?etr.*' On the following" raofnitfg a ^oHcetnan fuohd him* lyifigon the .ode walk, oeak tl?6 jrface.'dead?deb<l fromthe-effects of file whist J" iftul tiKfcold. Uis body was taken to the City Ilooiv .tel. 1 An inqudtt was held up6o tne - u'nknowtr man," a verdict of 44 death ,from natural causes was rendered,"audt \ at the oxpcnsd of the city\ the dead bo dy of the young German Count was t huried among the unrecognised $ea<J iif . PoUCr's Field. A short time after | ward* his parents died", and - an heir i vras wanted tor the large fortune left by them. .'An effort to twtee the wander iog son, who had left hfc home tr feW f years hie fore was made. The estates j* wui? uwi nui.nvj iui nv?cini *cnn, nuu r recently til? N?w York detectives were " again called -opQir, and again wen I to p work; but with-the .stone result.' The facts, hh above related, have been em r> bodied in link-.form uf afVMa?tf>, Anil g sent to the old $tnjt|frv ,-und ii is thought c tbey will be accepted as proof ot vlu f< death of the young C'ouht, and llmt tin 9 property wiH consequently pkss to-tin next of kiu.?New York- hkprcat. * > if GentilityThe ways of the \*r>fljL"are Ctl(l6cq ' *ve?,j)a?i finding out. Some ipeti ar ./ polite beenuaa, they dare 401 be other 1 wise; so the are courteous, because the; k* >tb'nk It conventional, and Year the coo t Jiun'mitfun-uf annietf ; others are gen teel because they have acqiiifed its fot ^ uitfljc by tke accident of decent parent ? age, which admitted tbeua ~U> tbe prji ileges of decent |>.-<?pU. But how rare a tbifcg H ii to met 6 the polite, courteous gentleman ! Oc n* who never forgets bis humanity f wfc ?' estimating biin*elf properly, while fc "" never forgets fits own tell respect, nevl ^ -oppreeseft others with it. Vanity, let. Its sou roe lie what ji may, la an evidence of weAknefee \,y unmans a man, and foBs a wo'tnan ,re that charm. to which all others are pi Bp lor trifles. . '* v ,<? 'fbe folty of fools ia generally rat M| strikingly illustrated bt tfieir supposii g.' aH the rest of the Srortd-fools bot thei ltSi salve*?as s drunken man seen >0; ^body ejs^ gloriously dionlf^nd reelh about httfi?be Ii.d*er beads, while bo sides of the stfoef ate*bowing to hi lie and the pavements are leaping up kiss Mid. JfflA|fo mtinntr* art a bel % & yrf.i *k, TO%* of ^Hda?,tht m IwftUtiful of flowers, emits no fragram rerr the blrtf of Paradise, tho bandaoot *f_ ot birds, gives no ao*gJ lim ay press dr\ Greeee, the finest of trees, y ield A v jfr*t? %- * ; - ' k*'V" fy -* i .. ' ; f ?" C K** " v/ b;,*? * y < (SHi ? EVEXINrTS i 11 '?* ? 6. 1866. ^ , i : 'i' "' "i ' "'"I a the Anderson Prisoners. Last week we published a statement ihtt the prisoners, Messrs. Stowers, J. C. and E. Keyes end Byrero, had been res moved from Castle Wnckuey, and mens lioned thai we had reason to believe that they were sentenced to be confined in the Dry Tortugas for life^ The fol lowing official orders confirm onr statement : WAR DEPARTMENT, ) AasruTA*r OWMBIIAL'S Offics* K' WABBJNOION Ci^ir, July 23, 'CO. J Orderdl, That the sentences to be brtogediJn the oases of PranOis Qaines Stl>werC 3SthfflrJ'efJiyefhs, TUfeirt Keyes and. Elisbua Byrem, citfzens of Georgia and .Soitjii Carolina, be eoninuited to imprisonmnent for* life at the Tortugas. ' Maj. Gee. Siclcfts,"United ^utes-Voltfnleers, commanding the. department of t\e Carolina*, \viH cftUsa- the j^bore named prisoners td.-be transported -to the ToftUtfas. and turned over to the commanding ofivx-r there, who win car? Vy-thiiL order into effect. * Jiy Ordarofthe President. (Signed,) E." ?. T6WKSh!KD. j Assistant Adjutajit General. ? drp't ofr'firfc t/arolln&v, f ' GbABLKSTotf, 8. C? Au'gtm 2, 1368. ; official: J:W. CLOUS, ~ ^ ? 1st-Lieut. (hb "U. S. Infantry and "A. A. A. G. - . ' ? , 1 , - . * % ^ , vj . , ohdkr from okn. b1cki.k3. HfeAoqlm Drp't of thk Carolinab, ) T/HahlksYom, S. C., July 26,1806. ] SjkAuI Orders mjf"o. <3. III.- In obedience to the order of the President, dated War Penartroent, Ad jnmtU "General's Office^ Washington, P. C?.,'Julv 13, IJfGO, prisoners Francis Gaines Slowers, James C. Keyes, ftbb eft-Keyes and Elisha By rain, avill be Irausferred tp the Tortus**.Brevet Lieut. Col. W. W. Snnufira,,rCtfplaift Gtli Upfted Stale9 Infantry, with a gtmrd of one nOn?commioeu>ncd officer and-eix privates of the seme Regiment, will lake charge of lire prisoner^ named, embark ibetn "on board the United I ijtatea steamer Newberue," and pro oeed to fheir declination. Upon bit | arrival ai the Torlugas. Col. Sander 1 ut&U iuy\ nu> bia. ? W ?l,j. rt,m i rnanding officer at That place, procuri the proper receipt*, and ihen returt with his guard without delay, to thi place, for which purpose- the Quarter master's Depaituient will furuiah thi necessary tianrportaiiou. * J Mg command of Gen. U. JC? SreEJuLS^ v (Signed^. . , - v . - ' , i. W% ^Qnjta, Ut Lieut. Oih U. S Infantry nud A. A. A. G. . ? V ./ Ucano'gs Dsivf of tMk Oaroiikg CiiAKi.KsroN, 3. C., Aug? 2, 19to<L * . crfficfidi - j. w. gnous, 1 st. Lieut. 6th infuutrv an AvA^a-s*. -s ' >% - - >> > ? " : r.. \ Prisoner* of War, Federal and Coi ? 'federate Jo repfjr^to a. resolution of 0 I Ton-e of Representative*," " sayr tt Washington Union, of Tnesdii " culling upon the Secretary < i .War for the number of prisoners c 'either hide huld and died during tt i . war, bo ftiakoH-tho following report "Nunlber of Unionptjsonara South. 201 I" 040" number of *<bel privmers Nort h 200,00(>^ number of Union pri?one i died. 22.075 ; number of rebel priaoi i ere died f 20,430." > r,.: Commenting upon this elate met . which in ?jew of it* source may be > * garded m official, the Petersburg Irid i>ay 81 , - * * ** After aft the ' bjirlmritie* * of A * dersoirvHIeand Snli.^bury, after all t *. hired periory with which WiM&Mv ipurdtfrea t tbo Unbounded J pliattoes for hoalth, comfort aiut ot Mrhicfa the humane, Christian, eoiigl '* ened and ei*Hired North possess with all the utterly mfamoue char'ac .of Washington official.testimony win ' reb U are oonoerned ; wjlb .every n live for, vriih constant practice of, a 21 unblushing notoriety in, falsifying ' cords,to auit their ctose, what are t ?- ftvctsl ? \ Y ? ' "Out of 201,000 {Jaion pri?op< -22,500 died. Out of 2t>0,000 C ti-iltifttR piisonere, 20,500 died. 1 it Union prisoner* exoeed th? Corfedei It prisoner* dl.OOtT;' Tet '4h* dflv 6f i?f Union prisoners fell below tbo?< if<, Confederate prisoners 0,000. " Two ' Yankee ' prisoners died >at of over twenty fhreo in Southern, p; ig Tw.o '"rebel * prisoners died out of ei ? fifteen in Northern pens. . , ty vr . ?* " '* rig 0ar Mr. a met Whoa, a. rich ih bachelor of dt. Louis, died reoej: is, leaving a bequest of f1*00,000 to. to hospital of ln? Qitter* q? Char it; itr that city, ip vrttich institution, w Dr. poor 'and frier?dH|a, he had reoe I- medical carp and JQ?*tish.meot. * ] ~ 't ' " ':t " "T-~ Vnr-A jdot? wgro.nemekhtr i_l thi* region, ffhrike Invpklng Ui ' blowings 'to impassioned atra.ns, p ad with tfrwit fervor, that via* and t ,alky might " cow tho earth a* 1?- waters covet the great deep." Tlj tru*~ * , ; > v 7 \ % *> *+i * *i rti ?* vy.1"'" * ,.r*y : *. '* ' ,v- ' *v' ; r >* The Plunder of Sherman's AjrmJ, The National intelligencer of juifltt ?dajr ea\?-; ^ N, The Southern people, through whqe^ Statue the- eolowal march of Sherman, carried its inevitable calamities of $ra and death, with all the crime* and. abominations which ugly passion iji 4. uvu ui ram engenders, aro mtfCD.' condemned by their conqueror*, for tli? .- 51 bitter denunciations whlclf tbey bav? .+) aometimes invoked, while sranriinff un-' der tbeir calamities, upou tba Northern people. We b^ve, on the contrary, often wondered; at their patience and their sHvnre, fw.ftCfrs.U11f mt fhwS fit, - ... as often' as specimens of the trophies so 'abounding in this city, brought hither by BheVmauV returning victorious troops,Jiave failed under our observa* ' tlot). ~ * We baya been led to these.reflections* by what baa recently fallen (if ouVttOttee. " -; ' : . " . Oqo aoldief'sfiowftd us, not long since,' a very, elegant lajy's goJd watch. With 1 a fine, heavy gold chain and HA orna uicnts, that came from near-Quiuihbin,' J South Carolina. The plundivipg soldiers rushed,'iulo. a fine residence as tliey passed,, and in a chamber, from * which'h young lady Iwd jytst- in terrc( filed, tills' wAlch' and chain werojying . ' upon the dr.essing'teblc. ? i""' At the auctioneer establUbtnenUand loan office of William Smith Jj Co., No. 502 Ninth street, ntAr" the nvenne, ht ibis city, may be seen a'firemirnV trttrn pet,' some foot- and ?v half or m<?r?- h? length. T>f solid tdlvferf upon whirlr the following Inscription *. '' Pre-td. r> r?f the Tndejrendffnt Pire Engine py-r-(ri:orge Ka'rf, DecoOibe* 12, 18:<i> Peter Ifoycd', December 19, 1837; William Cunningham. December 17. 1838.. Willialn B.Stanley, December 17 1839'' J.J. Nlackey, lyecember 1 ft, 1846 ; John M. Kenzte, I^cetuber 15, 1801; J^J Mackey, December 10, 1850." Pre , y sonted-to the Independent Fire-Engine Company of Columbia/South Carolina,.' b* : the -Eagle B." G. Company,- of ! Charleston, South Unvolinar November 1.0, 1858."-^ This trurtfp^. was put In pawn at 4 Messrs. Smith & Oo'a., establishment by one of Sherman's soldiers, who bad A ?11 aw IJ ii jinj Unaaieamwmfr ,.. j J ter with the rtbels connected with its . I capture in the streets of Columbia. Af . the Mine store may. be-seen an ancient ? .pair of gold .fcneciaclea. in a heavy id Ivor . case. broughi likewise by a soldier front Cohinatda. The name upon etioh of tfcfe fist,"1 heavy d>owa near the glass?* i* - " V." Itnim." Thejc ft?e eviienilv of**n , |. cient German mannfactwo. At (be taoio ph*ce is also a l^rge, heavy ttiUVj j seal,, belonging, .as the'Soldier *&id.<b'"A * in Virginia. It is the property bf suirt, \ .. ' taftucimiiin, which will no doubt try gfid < j. to itj-abd tiailerslprkl from > ' 8a)i(h "Jbsb hb would be very glad tr surrender it^O the nwner without.*- ' ' 'jm'iA ir" ittv foildVriug is the h O0Mly cut Vttrctiption^ \ 4 Jj.* ? 1 "* - *' . . !? tixirtus"?bounty aufl yahM?ii:i'nr> ' t~ ? ou? my Vic fo^a -thieving soldier 10 t.f v* bearing about Upop oufc of bin Molyti , trophies. The reel bear* the figure Of ? Justice holding up the scales." Therein no positive rtridence on it to identify It ^ fft belonging ehber .lo u Wi*on>c or an . Odd Fellow*'lodge, but it .1*longs uo-, ' 'ddubied'y lo one or. the other of tUeat fraternities. > * -.4 I ??1 f ?^? ' * - . /* ^ it Oan. M. W. O^ttr.?The TOchtnona 0' 'Examiner, of the 28th. !*pyaks In the e* following desefvetfly complimentary alrain -of our dis'tingnfthcrf iphfnshian,'* Qetieral Gary, who 14 bruising' roundM Kp on a pleasure extmriioo : . , as ,* [Ectgfiflcld Advertiser. ;p- tte were gratified teftterday to re-\. * ir^ Oliver a.rialtfroift Gen, M. VV Gary, offit South Carolina*, a cavalry officer of d ; merit and dUliaotlon during the late ter war. At its outbreakfhe raised n rota ' efje j>anv, which he.commanded", *od at the. Id- Ural battle of Mftnttseaa hin poinm .fid ,ud F?ughrt with conspicuous bravery, capre tubing n number-yf guns from, the epe die my. from the position of Captain Ga : rv rosy through all the. intermedin ? ?rs, grades, was made ft?tfer?!v end t on* iy ciTtnm'ahd of a brigade ,?-f Phe which participated Jin nmp> ^t . ate fought battles wjged (ji the' p? V . s. i hth? of Rioittbondand repulsing,Vingl.-hai). i of ed, several Federal advance* opt>i< tiw ... city. General-Gary,' ha reposing upon out bis well-earned pir(itary latyelf. ha* en ? 1 .l- v._ ^UB| ioidu u|/vu mo prncuvv wi inw n? ?nip(< ery fieid C. Ii? S. O. R*TnoC<viON o? Vrniojc.- Venice wae an ipdejmident fi*pubIio up to m?; no longer with, it* former power' 'h? and extent ofTetr^orv, bui alRl indo-' ri in pendentr -Afief ibe^vioiorie* of Najo-' ' l?on in luijr, h? c0ntpier.<d V*n\eb, and! * <* at rt^e nettle of Caispo F'fttwo be.' * k t hough llberely a Gefceml of ml Repttb s' * lio of FctiKe, C(j<led Veniprr ?o Auatrja . ? in Tbia wee (be frat-tyme (W Austria bad ??n? obtained ppenwwoa of V'n.rcr-, and alrrfJ though, to .1800, she tost H again by! the fortup^of war, h*r title date* baAf .. (a the flrsvjWfolwm and tb Vhelille off' ? ? *? jftencnar?k?iwrot. SilO now te tiir Sf?t donqteroc.' V ? ?rr '* m&*x *s> - /.