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^ v." ' ' &j)t foutjjtru dMerjirintOur Mstto-.,,JCaui.J Ki* AU." GREENVILLE. S. C. Thonday Morning, March 17, 1884 Fresty Wsather. For the past few mornings, there have been several fal^s of frost in and about this vicinity, aud we fear that a . large portion, if ffbl.the* wbote oC*tlie fruit blossoms, blown, have b?6u des. troved. The fruit crop is an impor tant ono at this particular limj?, an-J if j : i ..r ?. ..I u ww are uepnveu 01 11, us a .women "in contribute in no small dpgrpe to ileiweti ..thejabors in the culinarV'cfcjiMrtiiient. gB^Ttieiritl*. Regiment, t5. C. .V., which. is compwril enttVcly- yf troops froui Greenville District, #has re-volRn. "teeretl for tlte war. * B3P-" News.from Tlbrithi .. ports nu otiior fight, going on at Jacksonville, ami' .? , that wo had captured two thous/md pris* oners. * * The Yankees have established a telegraph from ltiuggold "to Chnttpnooga. The total foaco of <1 runt's awny . ' in Mississippi, North Alabama ami T?uucsaee, is 100,000. . . . ." The Legislatures oT 12 ho do b>l'-oolnrod" tor Li.V^ 4,or\\ . . ' * ~ 1 The tclcgcaph reporfs tlie death j ofgMrs. Gen. Dkaxukoaud in New Orleans, but as there are several ladies in that <5ity of fhe satno name, it is thought that there may bo a mistako in the person. C-FT* Gold has fallen in Mobilo to 17 and 18 one. foil THE SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. ' MdCKTAIN ITOMB, ) CKSSN'VILLK DISTRICT, '. C., > March 15lh, 1604. ) Messrs. bailors?\\ hilst wo are etv ' joying comparatively quiet from anvs thing like active and exciting war new*, it may not be amiss to contemplate the serene beauty of the country, and djlale upon the duties of that numerous and i highly respectable class?the farmers. Spring u putting on her attractive habiliments, and ail nature smiles with hope and promises of a bountiful harvest the ensuing summer, l'oach and plumb trees bedeck and beautify with their blossoms e\^ry homestead, and the sweet and cheering notes of' the fcatheied songsters enliven and render vocal the wide and extensive forests. Hogback, Glus-v and Saluda Mountains loom up in stately mid tnagnilicent proportions in the distance, and forms a befl.itug background to i^re scones 01 quiet, vatied mid picturcrtpio beauty, spread out to the view. What charming,landscapes t What lovely mountain scenery can the uppef portion of Greenville boast of? . These scenes of quiet beauty is in striking contrast to the troublous times 'that, now agitato and convulse o'ur Lolovcd Sunny South. Oh! that ourj 41 ship of Slate " may ha guided aiigbt, and that era long wo may be wafted into the haven of inflopeudeuce, peace, prosperity and happiness. Whilst our ' a*o away on the tented fields, battling for our. lioirtes, our fireside,-and all that we hold dear, it becomes the deuty of the farmers to put forth "every eaoition'uV fill their grnneiie* to Overflowing and to sustain the Tiovernnnnt in ?!' measure* ol finance which the " ns.-cii) blpii w: dnm " of the Confederate Stated have thought prudent and pr?^>?:s to adopt. AH murium ing-rtwd c*?>iu|>urtr?ts? should cease, and every man should^ sustain cheerfully, and with a heart*, good will, such measures a? ftjav he adopted from time to iun? he the f?>>v eminent. It'should be home in myitf. that upon'tbe success oin* cause, eVev rjtTling we have is at' stake '.Fat'ur^ would biii ning degraatrhon. fhen iffcy snouhl wft-nnt b$ w4lliyjf to xubmjt to" tfny burthen or Inconvenience for llur-tinse, in ordsr to gaiu a- l*.j.tii?y (mhoo, battud upbn the doctrine of State's Rights and freedom of speech and the ballot box ! The furjiiets ought to rai-*, In iufdi tion to their usual crops, a large amount of - vegetables: cabbages, beets, beans poas, onions and potatoes, arc great luxuries in camp, and if every farmer w ould raise a surplus for our soldiers, there would not be so much, complaint of fare. Suppose you, and euch of you, raise one hundred head of cabbages, ten bmliels of Irish potatoes, one peck ol Leans, oue bushel oT peas ami a buthel -of onions, and semi as u donation to tbe ?aoldi<ra?- 9 The fanners of Greenyifle District could do a great deal towards sustain k in^ tho army in this. way, and1 novei inj-s? what thoy give. * Thoro aro other classes of men whose duly, toward the Government, is a greaj and pressing duty,, but I propose tr i leave them." for the present. There ii something for every one to do. %'b?n should not Iks any drones or idlers it oOr midst, but every one should pu * their tdiouldcrs to the wheel and jAms It to.pushing along lit* "secession wagwn.1 1 lU-pactfuHy, B '* k * * r ? ' ' ' ? * - N" ' v N 1 'v. V V > **r- ? * *; . 1 1 ' ! . -JLV . _ ..J J? ' * ? * ft" roit TOE BOLTlIBJUt ^mU|PBUE. "TlJUiitT i?ROYB, 8. O., ) Mar^h l?tfcv]864. f Mtart, Editors?P?riuli ma, gw*?e fully, to acknowledge the following turn* donated to ^ho South Carolina Hospital Board, to supply the wants of our soldiers, temporally anjJ spiritually : ? W. M.'Fsw! $1 ; J. B. Wetittuvrtlsnd 6, Aimer's cse<k church, $43.70; Milford* church. $174.^0 f Washington church $41*15 ; .M, D. Dickey4 .$20; Me*! ' rNancy Dowden. $5: Mrs Lucy M. Bowmen $6 ; Mrs. F. A. Rean, $8 ; Mrs Mary C. Bowdeu. $5 ; R. Bowijen. Esq., $5 ; Mrs A. P. A lend u*. $5 ; Mr*. C. E. Vu Hon. ?5 ; Nf"c?* - Nancy Ilawlj^-; $5; I Mrs. Jane Burton, $8 ; Little 'Wiry A. Buf^.83; QeorgpV creek. $J27 00; ] VVrAn Union. t8?.2b{ Rev. J allies P. , Bojw. 1). D., flOO.OO.. - Any .other I Contribution* will be thankfully received j, efi h ei while I am in the up country, or I bv Charleston. S. U., and j prudently aj)d .inipfttliairy*applied to supply ?he soldiers wiLh'necl^saries. * 1 In ibiatonuectiOta, T woul3 b?<r lehve. to that the Colfiortiige Bpard I?as sent hie to the up conntj^Of. cHiS S&at^ ^ to collect fund* and provij.jou&,fi/r tjir ' | sick in life* k'TpHtltsUr gnd^qear 1 CLyftaftin- * V* , \ The brave sojdiers fn those hospital* % have contracted diseases while standing ? between us and ohr country's eneftay,. '' and now, when they are" in ueed 'of nourishments which can be supplied at t home, it will certainly be.n pleasure to J send them a part of "the comforts enjoy- t ed. Food of any kind, tjiothing, bed ^ clothing, religious, or strickly moral ^ reading books, .will be gratefully tq* j, peived ' by *thetp., IlaCo aby articles a you cad send at tire Greenville Depot? t or any station on the GreenviHe and e Columbia Railroad?against tilt traiu . * ? ' - n passes ob the 30lh inst., marked " Pgr- v ... H l-S . I . n ^ ' 1 y u?? Kins, t^narrcsion,?5. Hospital c Stores," nud llio name of tlyj donor. C and contents of the box, bag, or pack ^ age, and I will bo happy to see that ,p they nro properly distributed to th*e c hospitals, for the use of our dear, sick t< fellow country-men. . 1 Very respectfully, rrfiiUY HAWKINS, J Army Missionary, Charlestou. ii ror. TIIE SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. ? p Ca*ii> nVau Ohanok c. LI-, Va. ) ft February lOih, 1804. [ d At a meeting of the 12*ih Regiment, ? South Carolina Volunteers, Col. John ^ L. Milfkr was called to the Chair, and , A.ijs. <*. o. tj. oiiimi, lequcitea^ro act as Secretary. Col. Miller, on trtking- y the chair, addressed the meeting as fol r lows: * ' * v c litother Officers and Soldiers?It is ( with heart-fell pleasure that I annoupco |to you the re-enlistment of a great many brigades in the army of Northern Vir. 1 ginin?a spirit of generous malty seem*: ^ | to exist among the war-word vetcrtins t | in devoting tho service of \ their country. The spectacle presented, t I is-one that will" challenge and 'receive | the admit."lion ol evtry friend of liberty ! with .confidence in theiMe*der^ ^ l*>th civil and military; thoy gather around the staiulard of their country , and. beneath .the folds of tlreir battle -I fl'vgs, all tatieied and tout, prochdruing ' ' ? , " / ( their deieiininatixti neves to -Meld >? I the vandal foe, who are seeking a ; I prive us ol a!! that renders lifa de-1rablw; ] dt^pMr<?!iU{ hIi tiuruw c*Oi *tions, lWL 4' ! on Jooli lo the rti'ipenuus ie*uea nt ) hukf, liberty out! 1 mlepencn* on the one ' UianJ. Hiul <>n tlio other subjugation "and , vaspulage i<>-tiie bane lrjwlhig* of power i ' inconceivably, worse thanrleufh. "Thta J note of pu ;<:irntir?n yifl'ruu nnHy cfoeaf uf^ponding patriuii.iio, H|)<I reattsui'/ thA (mpes of-the i^UDi?y*,^>nV.vnll aUyfcu , ter/or- iiU? llirV#ulU.5f ^ ?+ not k*p* H V to biicricG the miserable- eroukftn . pt 1 Vome. an?bm*vh tfk* Jt (sn?-ctio l^cfore |li? giUe of , terliuuera ucul u-jterhjatoe*, t?l?/?i|vi|ow ' j fattening o? the hlood^of fallen iteroM, ' ; and gnawingf nt (1)^ f^fjr vi lain pf tfie] ! country, t, . " . s. - ^ \ We have me} to^nyfnot ty re eolif^ but ne a war regiment, to s()Qw to our brave comrades that w? aie with tbeiu liaart and haixi ia tWe noble work. Jt {%siruply intended 1 o-rfiferatt eur jle* ' terminalioif to remaie in service until ' our independence f?. esiablieked. Ani? ; mated by your past briljaru achiev mepta on many well fought biCtllo tieldt, I can very readijy. anticipate jour res; ,' p^nsc. i will rfbt jojti|v'yoy VP appeal to yoi*.pat(iouaro, or arguments to convicee you-rrf your obligations 'to y^oer'country. ?I kaow rom "1*111 sjill . pursO^'lbe ytftb of honor'; and in the future,>u havo erfcr in Ike past, , obey ih? nigh behests.of duty. ; The object of flie meeting being t{jua , explained, on the motion of Hwpni j., , C> Chambers, a committee of dr^nrefe ^ appointed to prepaid bushieee for the > -meeting. t . Sergeant J. C. Chambers, D. J. Car* i tat, &erg?*ot G, \V. Smith. Sergeant T. " li < It urn s and Corporal S. C. Ducket tvero appointed. , % 9 '' s*-. _ . U< \ .? ^ 'N'-aT - * ^ -V % \ , > 1-' SAT X K > m cowtsiUTs r#tirtd, sm{ irfter el brief consultation, submitted tbe jbiipw ' iog praatpbfe and reeoJutioi^ * . jf* . Whereas, we bare Wraed #4lb grist- i fleet ion the patriotic reaolrtfl ?f oar 1 br*v?> comrade* ia araia, in re-enlisting ( for tbe wAr. notwithstanding 19# tnliM , #d for the* war in Augu?t, 180T,- lo'L ierre during the war?we are desirous ( of extending to them our beartj <K> op ' ernliop in tbia noble wor]t.v And i whereas, . . ? ' O.-ll ri?w - - * ouir/ugauon, conjucttUQtt and utter , rtif*. arejbe mild espedienta by which J our affections fb> ** The glorious Union * Union ".is to be restored ; be it. there- J lore * < Resolved, That the crnel persecutions, the dantfecs. hardships and privations. ] to whioh we baVe been eubjeeled^' out -j deserted homes.abd desolated fields, bare only inspired as with fresh seal and' %a unconquerable determination never >to | lay down onr arms ifnty liberty. ia'se cured, and the sovereignly* and 'independence cf*-thA Confederate States is ' finally established. . , t Tbe preamble 'and resolutions were . unauiaa&utiy adopted. W' .{ col. j. l. Miller, chaiK - t -Ajjj't. J. C. 11. Surru, Sefcl. **. * a w ?id Pfeo Late.-Invaslon or j. -$hore. . ^ *The successful and daring ^nternrisV .<= -f Cajutftin Tliaodv.iS Fitzbugb, oi the ; dib^tetfhrieirit'Vu-giMia ?avidry. who, II rrtn.pnl/fiAeen mep, visitfd^iro East rn tdioTs of-*Virj?itoia and inflicted gnfet ms. upon the eoesiy, turns out to ba$er? icen one at the roost lieroic' and. ci-edi' 4 able nffifirs of tbe war. YYjlb 'fifteen b nen this* gallant ?tjflicer, who Has in * ilallhew's county on Jul lotigb; o tossed ( be Chesapeake' bay in. two small, Open ? touts, evaded the blockading vessel* of 'tl be cuem,, as aeH as the mounted'.d tickets, eonst-guard. an? dTsanected ck- 1,1 ecus of Northampton county, fiUded,- ^ bandoued bil 'boats, marched" nearly j vventy'miies, captured fifty fotft prisonis, nine cavalry bcrrsep, -many arms, * nddles, dw: lie -destroyed thirteen \ ..:?rlre<l lmrrcN of ??? sinrA. j ??!? mkhmv including bacon, flour, eoffee, ix-aH, vinvgar, sugar, dso., <fcc. Two Joveiuifietil storehouses were dwrtij* ^ d ; the submarine telegraph to Fortress' o Ion roe was desl/ojed. in the most coru- d lele manner, and the members of the 'jj xpedilion then directed tbcir attention ^ o the capture of the enemy's vessels.? ? wo tpeaoiers and si 'Urge square-tigged ii crooner, with Government and other * oods, were sunk ; *. large "aide wheeled * learner was captufed, but as a small * uteres: iu bar wasoVned iu Baltimore, |, be steamer was bonded. C , A large, new apd powerful steam ropelltr, belonging "to the United * llates, was captured, and in (bat the y aring captors escaped, under a shower l< f bufleta, from the enemy v whose cav- h Iry arrived a few minutes-too late to ^ lo more than witness the departure of ^ *18 e engineer of the oaptured aieamer h rat forced to run into tbe Pianjtelank * iver,where it was beached, and nearly the o hole of the new and valuable inaohiu n rf removed to a place of safety, and all m he pritoneis of war who were not pa* " oled were sent lo this city. Our readers will agree with ub that , ho war has furnished ' fcjw instances of ' o small'a number of daritig' Then in licling*a large amount of damage upon bo enemy, under ciicuiuunnces- whrcb vould have intimidated an\ but the t nost fearless. * * ' ? ' ? . ' . [lijclmoud Examiner, 12ih. ,-.*j ; / ... An Example kor Abk.?The rsrV e iral {mragraph that announces' ihe b4- i i'D"ing of. ihe ww between Denmark j md (Jermany,-represents the King of t Denmark as visiting his outputs, and c ?t onee giving an example to hh? people, f >f (he maimer autf. the 16 perf.niu t (heir dot j." /Tbi* fi," indeed, \pl dan j mon cuiiioKi^of the crowded heads of j Eivropp. who, both men and woman. wayi^Keiypga their subyect-. liy their 3\vn^nnc- in tho botl> Tit danga&W* l'ba decpoi at Washington, Avbo imitates Jesputs in **srytbiag but ilwir . pialiikxi, ha? ,uev?r yet encountered a .ingis danger pf ibis ww TEe war lias * lastad Ihree years, and ha Iras k. hdundefr and dragooned -A !>tiifk>a of ,, bis subject* to tb8 fore front of tb?"bab tie, bat all the kais-rem*ineft saftg iy ?mms?kI in Ww*U>s^ee, resolutely Arfu/mtf, pven for the soke nf U?n f.gio- 1 nous" U> inbrfle small gunpowder in hir own sacred noatlili. And (hi* i* *V. rppwentntiva pym off ?. '+T Krom ^larioa.*?X?*t'et?i4eg "bow* " tbiity* wounded ?r.d disabled t>oldier* arrived. by the Oulf train frotu Florid* Ifctfy report oil quiet tyi the tlciohy of,our (root oit( SMJtffPQviH* Oar forces are in excellent ?pirile#aadeagor for another Ocetto Peod.or Ufcdar Hun victory. PrbvtslOM tti *beprfflnt,i 1 and'the hfalth of onr troops excetthnt, k is ""rumored t1>et the Yav&p?w Ji#e ' evaluating Jacksonville and seeking refuge at Fernifndtaa ibd Other point*. [iffuwmnnA RfpuUicqn, \itk* S, ' m ^ ' ft t ' A k 1 H ? ' . - ? *. Arrival Mid Dsyirtttraef tfeptfeila! AJwiHc MM. . ' Due T^inred<y aud'$?tbrdi?y, ^ p. to. D*e Mye^ay, Wedaesoey and Friday, \ *> # * Closed kam6>days', f, p.-nr **; Spartanburfi Maif, via Ctdar WU. Due Tuesday aad F riday, p. mi 0N?JlMCSa;; - . : Out Friday, M, a*m. Closes same day, 13, in. . . Hm Ihtrjordton Mail, % pMoFtijai, It,a.m. Dieses earn* day, IS, as. u: /?' *tS ?V ' ^ ^ . V I i JLS si T if..r ' ===?^" l*Frtdafc%?,p?in.- ; cft? Tfcoiadey. Mar >ifc>?) a. m. T ffyiW^Wj . !?T*e?8ey, Thursday and Saturday 17. p. no. >" SB* Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ?, p. IB Dunn't Mode AfaiL, 1)1 Saturday, 7, p. m. Um Sim? d*y, 6 Woodruff*t Mail. UfcatartUj, 9%U. m. . .z . C?nU Thursday, 0, p. m'. . F Auputta Mail. l>jW*ilyv7, p. u>. LJHjs daily, 9. p m. i JIMmmnI Mail. II daily, 7, p.'m, ' ?'* . L-La daily, 9, p. m. l il Chart?ton Mail. . .y Columbia Afmil. . IJue illy, 7, p. m. Cjoa daily, 9, p. no. " > * > All Small Mailt By.'l i Railroad are cloned at 0, n. no., m f. - ; JP f Ornca Uauas?Daily from p., b> 2, p. no." and from *$, p. in., o 9, j. no. ; off Stfbdayi (rotn^ 8* tojt^, T iv. ^RowlfBd ; the first in the seventh, oJ t>4au?r Jn Uia; thirteenth year of bis M. *9w Voili ninl apder Uut dreadful Pneumonia.? wersbnriedin negate, and sleep tho sleep of death in Til aw ere children of grant promise-, and fei\j<J destined to be" great comfort to ^ rMo^ed mother, aaa shining ornaments to ^Mr {""itry j but a wise and kind l'rifvtenoe had ordered otherwise?and tie lovtMQa mysterious, but just course; and re ahaitkl not wtniuur er repine. "Though ie slag me, yet wllM trust tu Hi01-" -Us beth (U thlrgs well. * * Pur life.Is ever on the wing, ipud .death is ever pigl\r ' ^/Tlm moment when qpr Urea begin,. Wn all begin lb die." > * "C. T. B. Died!in the ho*pRnl, nt Marietta, O*., n the 20th PeblWy last, WILLIAM ihAGCE, in the 80?h year ofTds age, antber martyr in the eaose cd Southern In 11 - k?Mi . .1,^. . fy c^ciiuvuor. i??j wmm m immwfr ui winany A, lo^h Regiment, Si. C. V.; m<1 *1 liough a man of feeble health, be bad oral the hardships of .camp fortw^yeera, ad part, of jM* tinia 'with extreme eofferig, je\ nil v>-*'oat a murmur, for be was tu?*ekendfbumble Christian. and waa enbled, by the grace of (Jod, to bear harditips under all circumstances as a soldier, ud to be content whatever duty called im. Mr. League . joined the Church at Hear Spring when a youth, and from then ill liia jdeath his orderly wdTk proved to all round him that he lived uud died in hope f a Igeaaed immortality. He leaves a rife and six hllle children to mourn hie im, yqt uot without hope; although their opea of meeting hiiu fit life are forever lasted, a Christian yrife can dry her Wars >?ith the consoling reflection that he it MAI jpik. .Apflfoil"tftrrd frfli nil hint on the Banks of Deliverance, 'hero wars will separate no- iuor?. May litd's richest blessings rest upon the Ht^b rpltans, and bring them V Heaven with ho Christian soldier. - II. L. 11. 'ciRcm,A.iis ro th?-Tu Collectors of the State CourTnoLLwa GsNaasiJa Onpoe, | Cvlc^iu, S.'C, March 1, 18*4. JT1IE 1'sx Collectors of tlTa several Die ricta *ad, Parishes of thkfltats are hereby lutjficd Uiat, in conformity with the fbl owjftg luiHruailona, they will to rvquirot :o make a dedoctloA of Thirty three-end mc-third par cent, oi all " Confederal rreafpry jfttUa " bearing data prior 4m ?r 1 pvil, 1AM, rocoivadhy them er iho lei day oi April newt, jo pay men if Tawaa duo to this State, They <* ' alac 3ired, niter the 1st af April MKt, t. ihyfa, aortldaataa to 1Mb ofllea of t|g imount of\ Taxes received by them aaapaH Italy kesfsro that date. rri** * JAHB9 A. BLACK. *** Comptroller OoaoraL March *W I*'-T UT~*U U.pAjVor* ic (JUBtato *Wf ut. ? * . . >',J" V. ? -.?ff t * Ovrios Mr Arrolurty CrtMAt, > * - - *C?u>**u, ttoreh 1,'Wft: f 7b Ail JUxetilenry &ov*mt Htm* am : ' 9.;; 1* Vkj'^r to j*?r obqnir, M 4oJK H?d ol Wc, in ?iav^ cmm* TrfMi.ry notou or oCb^r ourtobt fun<!?, W l? My opinion, rftfrlk.tHlprl!^ rtto ifM* brUf, ?* Ao? . f tU QoaTodlrsle CongroM, Nthtfti ) toIuo MMTfOff .* # pw ?M| thMt WM) Wf* of MK? h?uH l?0 ** ? ft* Ik* .??? ? otifreH: M V 1??. fi? m o?u W?ko Mfci 4 I MB, y?ry ooyirtftjly, > *4 W ?* * Your ob't act**' *? * ?. -- * 1 W^*UTWW, Atfr O.VI' (XmpMvltrr fht TpirCJI^*n.tft +*??J <rHb ?MO,?" f'14-1 , p ii*^ ^ nJUk^a^t^jr - V'#*1 -*'" ' oi?&?. SSSM^EEnvS-- ' '*>"-* - |' mil ?t^M^Ma>agN>iti n n i ii i ?*? -^-.* wj. ? .-u^.m. - < ^ 8tt? '' ' ^:r v - **? _ TH* p*?0tt wfco dIjjRnARYVwIITJTnfrr ?'feror tue by retarding tbe mtjio at imce. lUffL lOtk, MM. ?? t* * i '* . #4$ -A.??J4(S ? > ' -'j*** 9 . . * i*aa z a ' * ?, ''J'1 .<i,X==TT mVriOEt. GUBffitOY ACT. . THE Banks of .South Carolina hyeby 0*11 Ui? *ttsntidb of *11 concerned, to U? operation of Um Aet of th* Confederate Oongqjss, approved February ST, 1IM, by wbteh *11 treasury notes above the-denomioatloo of fir* dollars not fundable in four poT cent bonds before the first, of-April, ntniliiw. will Lhen he uililMtkd te a taw of 3H p?r cent and tk/y hereby gWe notice. .1st. That ell persons sad corporations . basing claims hpon them for deposits. Bank balapcee, Certificates of Deposit, Cheoks, Dividends, As., do., shall present their ttlaims and receive pas saint thereof on or >?fbro the" lt>th day of Marsh. Jnstant si. To (adlMtnU the operations of thslr customers in faodlagr their Treasury notes in four por sent, bonds, aooording ,tp the above Act of .Congress, the Banks.wHl.ecntlnns to receive the same on deposit until the IStU day of Mareh, instant, and to pay Iks drawn against <lhc tame,- uatil the Lidem?'both daA inclusive^ ' After the lOtndsy pf March, instlnt, aforesaid, the Banks, in order to afulil, fop| their depositors and others interested, the tax of per cent, will proceed to fuad the Tr*a?ury>BOt*sJhen remaining in their i poesuseWhin four per cent, bonds, on'te noVa't of and-far>ths benefit of said depot nation of tvs ddJJuPs gad fees, and will re" csiva la the satde manner as"heretofore Ute ne# issues to he mad7 under thM Ak' I* * > * d. A. CRJCWBORX).* IWt CommefcUl Daoh of Columbia. - ? " " R, *L JOHNSTON, PreVt Escharvgr Bank of Coldmlihi. ' v D. "RAVFNE?, * Pres't Want. A Mechanics Bauk." Charlcstort. ' * ' * J. K. SASS, . ^ J'reS't B^pk of ChnrU-stoo. JdJitSr-UOSE."" Pres't Sou pi- W rstrru R. R. Bauk. HK?CRY ELLIOTT, ,. Planter's Dank ot Fhirfielti. . " ^ quo. S. caMeron, i'raa't Bnuk sf Chester.. "Jr. a "hennino, Pris't Bask af Georgetown," ' Wkf. WHALEY? r?cs't Farmer-* and Exchange Bank. . ... WW. GODFREY, . J'reat Uank ?f?(Uiertw ,wm. c. ?>nnit . . Frw't Union H'uk. CHAS. 9J. fURMAN. I'lWt Bank of. the C.. CharleMo^. ANDREW SlMoNDS, Pr??'t Branch Sank of $. C., at Abbeville. . JOHN VlsilKB. v Prea't Branch Bank of S. C. at Columbia GEORGE B. lUIID, I'rev't Uai!k of S. Carolina. !?.' L. McOAV, Pr?a*t PeupleV Bank. EDWARD -KHIJING, * 1'rua't Slate Bank, - ? _ n v. BOYD. ** *' r of??lyirrr Match 10 46 *3 All paprr* In th?? State pabli?h 'II ' the Itfth March, unH,?vf\dli?ll^.t" the Ban) of QfcprlealAti in Cbliuutiu.!?. C. , ?-X-^??uul ~ ? , r . $1000 Rtwurd. : JR. RAN.tWAY frwii tin mELj Htlbacriber, at G rop*t 6/t^.jnnthe OUt 1^^^/ brr, 180ij,an3^tl?r*a^KgiaJ^S Adam, J A ok %ndAttthuny * ADAW i? * baipht mulatto color I* about Bre fvvt i"Ch*H high, btiinrt ^ 1. ?a 1:1-J * 5 i vivv'i .*p iMiviu^?|ib tHiu - iihyij, auv l , ivl*>at 80 jfurn of ogo. . . * JACK U of Jftuk/ complexion,. alioo flv^ foot. five incite* highf-timl t# iJtor t. jmiu uHvUy Mt, uum u avo?*> Z7 or ^ i- ISTflOFY??brui lr? jwt Vigli in?liw highf ItMvily tntit, of fine* ?dmu irtuX^tML and 58 or % y?*(S of <go. *# 5 f wilt pdro ttugftfeovo reword far ?|i ?^*33snE&3UL3 j GreetroiUo Cixfrt IfoUfce, Sontli UontliiH or L witt give a proportionate a .niwuut 0 the reward far either *?i6 of tliiw. > . iMVfD <?. TVjESTrl|9LD. -< Grfioi.*ll|iJL'C.r tfereti H,1804, * , jfamuiO & v ti ? ?nin" V'? * ?. VHonil<ni ii5i 1*1 . * # * * i '1, C0MMS?A*fr OKji'B DKKf, 3. <* > % > flwridb.H:-MarchJ ; psgpssj ? :r 4 . ?.. .?jurtg ,.ni{^)i??,..? > tlWflttP 'W ttlaM* Rnliroai MM MW VWNBIINtY, Mere * 8th, >P|| dil) 3P?0>H*r Trnlu \*f >. Jtt < .< . > 4 joi ArriveIPKlP^pit - - ?. r. i . *?* *1L* * * w will Urcoefrfcl I I *4 fkre *^IW, ?l it v*"1 * '**** 9t*r A* b? reqiithwS^mek* for di?fr pu "' ZT, TwS'^iir^* * ^oirit0^ ^ (V'Si f irSLss g rfjlfpWk*". *. % ortfcr of il?> Pro?*mt. "* . * M? ' ?r ._|im, ." 'nip .'' *k4S*PjwC"kiV. v , * I ' ^E SR Ife ? AO Job ^ sfiu'c of Sowth Carolina. ^ ADPT A 1NSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, \ v CoLvam, P?b. 23, 1864. ) f GENERAL ORDERS. NO.?. * h 1. AN Ac* ?f Cungreia hafiag . all r-wibvvocn xno. arrs or i?r- J an teen and filly-Tiara liable to Confederate 0 service, il ia atraadTmpMnaary to pa?% r o?ad with tha enrolment directed to be 1 made by General Ordeaa 2, .Issued from " rbiaoinee. ^ # ... f II General Ordera Noa 2 and 8 are < therefore countermanded, and tlie sppoTntmenia of Enrellibg Offiaara and Surgeons, annoaaeed by General Order* Jk>.*4, are ' revoked. Ijaid officer* will present their 1 .accouets for pay' for tlie time they hkva 1 been on duty, :il this office for approval. 1 llf? All ordera published in the pa per a of 1 the State in relation to said enrolment will If discontinued after this dale. ? order of tha Governor. A.* C. GARLINOXON'. Adj't <tpd Insp'r Geu'l S. C. Feb 43. 1 tr All papers in tha State will pleaee | copy once.*' J; , "* ?* / it ' 1 CA1.L MIR VOLWVTBRRS HAVING re#?lvs^ instructions X from 1I14} llureau of Conrcsiptio'n at waL/ Richmond, through the Command'flm ant of Conscripts fo? South Qarollna, W to t%\i" SIX COMPANIES OF -Till MOUNTED MEN fcir the purpose of Mil arriwti g Dcswrtrrs and delinquents Mh Irons * on$ciJption, and at*q-for th?T yl-' p?r| OM of resisting ohy " incnl in .viialotis " oi raids that nuty lie i ifrmptcd by the Abolitionists. Swell authority on my part is thus made knov^n to the citizens . of the State in order that this most irrtpoH-. nnt service may t>c rendered the gnat xauae of Southern Inifependenc^P. It is proposed to form thw HattnMon frora " exem-its and Norf-conscripta." Ench cam-. psit.V to consist of not less than sixty,* nor lAore than one hundred, rntik and tile ; to elect it* own pttWrs, ami to furnish it*own horse*. Arms (sabre m.d car bine)* aim uc ,, coutreniei ta AVilt be furnished by the Confederate Govcrndien\; and persons desirous of jniuirig the corps can report, either in dividunlly or in" v'vau'.r.ed cou,|o?ni?s, to the nearest District or Congressional Ea rolling O?o<u\ wht> is authorized to iiuwU r In oud report them to iuu At the so llc-d qaartoiSs. Tire ubove Curd, is issued w ith the full consent of the State niitlu>citi< rf. Tlie term of'Service will he-for twelve - months, and.its sphere of action lotsl? that is, within thektnte. * ' AUJ-i.V J. GllEKtt, arujor mm i.nroiiuig unttirr. * 3?n 2R 3a 1 in . US'" Carolinian; Charleston Mt-pcuty m d Ouurier piihli-li three lituen'n week rind nil country |iop< rs o?c? n week for ?>n? moutli, and torwarJ iiiils lu Qu?riiian nilicr. txrliitngc Notice, No 8. ADJ*T $ INSI'EOTfH: (J KN*S OFFICE, Richmond. February 4. 18(51. Gonertil Order-, N'o. 11. ' f'llE following order i> pnMi.-dicd for ' l lo*' iuii > ion'of it JI rduceriK d : Co^IKUKUATK bTATtS I'B*A MEIMCA. 1 ' Rlrlimd^'. MKNT^ t Cr 1. AH pliMiMiT.H,Iwli^htif " 3 JJuiled Stiite# mil!iori'ic*v wlietftSr' Ajke rrri*, inddiei>, or civilian*, repekvatl lit City l'oint 1irtp{? tlie Jjtt ul?.r^ninny, 1834, nrO limdiy declared exchanged. I 2. AH officers aitd unit td'lho Vhk?burg capture, win* reported for dufjr nf , Knterjwibe, miy tinto pri?ir to l*Atli.ot No?euib?r, mid wlittM' ' 1 naiyc* wrre forwarded pv me l?y Mnje?r; * "General John II. I'lfriiey, are hereby ^le* ohirefl eXtrbntiged. s Ail bfftreit and inch of tbc Vljrks hutircapfuro Hobwprityrto the ls?t Tvnne*4* eo* Heavy 41criHery.*'vbo epoiled for ^ duly ut Iditrhlfn, (Jn., uird wbtwo uaiite* p. >Y?r#i forwarded to tpe ?by Col. A. .Jackso?, ar i dec] a reel exchanged, f ROBERT OPI.D, Ca 'Aycot o< Exchange. . * By ordet; . 0 (bighed^ ! C<>OM^V t.--i AeiiutHut Iirswetor-Cenorftl. < e JfeUOJU " - ? ; K ff. - 'f S8BTH CAROliNA'S EEAB! ? % <?? * BIO?AAPHIOAL BOLL 6F HOKOB ! ! % * * / w * * " "IJ"AVII<1? "tocefrcd freancnt uppljtfv^ 'AJ tion* from the Jrtemhi ?f deaeneet' oMfera tu^fiaco'in a permanent torn mm) muke it naet^dhle^o all who Ihiiglil fUaire a ci>|,\ ji.i- ** R< >1.1. OF DONOR * it or ybick 1 am engaged for iIk? {State, ] '? propmw to paUtich ? work inure extend n Bd )m ftn scope imiU deW^n'than ilie JitaM 10 Ktfff, embracing tJjoeuAmiiOAi. S*rnm* ? of the *tffk?r* (iiul ItAUt front tide tStah a wji? Iibto fill ten vp diet) 'fu acHlce 'iTur " '!i?g the preacot War, %nd *Jm*o friend indx prldt& Wtotrntry+um, ?J' leneU L>r ?>uoh JpRXM/H. ^ f , ' ' t" Tbc plan ,U U?w: The frlendaof tin deceased abtdirra during a pl^a? in 1|?< ~ vMiak wflflorwnrd to too Ibft jiecvsrAy ' iafortiw?t^)t) to ngike up h/r pubDcniiox the biographical eketcl >?*, 'or itnd mm , the notice*. lUrr whd? inserted, urher g 0*90. will Iht revised and compiled foi ! pubHetUltrtt, Kftdi. HugratWont akeuH It ukuflt W acpofupsnicd b? the inwic *( w || leeft*ae aubsOrlbor and Toh Dollar* h Mnj Um eiMiM ad4 laler (nrolvod it w tv^ Pe^HArnt|dii and compijetfon of tlx tbitwM. fb? which a receipt will be giv s en euOtlragiJto bolder ton eopjr'of Wi t work at Hire yubeohptton price. r HUl petfeet'Pff arrangement* with i Uedlaj' publishing bonce tor (be ixihlica tio? ot the wurk. It will bo -pu MMwi in imnillily number*, wad u.-metl in (b< bout btak of left*( itrflM in Witinfcdir tlm . Wbtto fkO^linb bunk ipjtor Mud orl nte? r with'tfir Df?t BogtMi'frvk. Eboli mini b?r will oonbif* bi|6 or frioru portraits-o '. oftwn and Wwwwbo- b*v* <tt?OiigniAhe< ;e' th?H?It** Ut? W*?. T4h? Lvtelv< tr nvnlftn will ??** Ivor hamUdmo vol ? otn??.: . . ^ X?riu* f&0 por- MW? or Cor tw*l?< H tioi(il)4rk p*y*b)*.un tit* publicitiion n b li>e ffrst. feuihbtr, 6f ?^Wch' dqp QotUx [* wtTT u?fak?d.* TfV? WdfV 9riII bv cufttio 1* oadT nftrtT tfe* Roll V quid pltM - Tlkw ' in?iad)M Uf ftrbterlfc* Or fftr*hrt. bhi graph iW sketch**,'should do m witjnm >1 Wt-tb? flrrt ediltan wQ] b? limit?* *t to tb* domliar ? rfHiworiber*. . , AddfW* ? , ? - ' . WILLIAXB.JeiliCSTON, raw 'W^rVW *** BPT'> 'T Rh i # *" - v* / ' g 9mB "aj 1 > ' * lie flkptben Literajry XstMOftP FOR 1804. rHIS.)eng established and well known 1 tnrwH of Literature, heritor haen* ftl MenUV purebamd by tb? eabecribers, will, 1 > fctim, bo ?o?4Mt?d exclusively under J leir control. In til iU d?ptrtai?Bl% both I UsiiiOM and editorial, tb? Msee?ager will fl under the of tri entirely [ ew rrgin*. and the Proprietors tri out- T uioe of iuncn in the future, which the m lagtulce hat newer yet realised, if tb?ir 'j ri?ed< end the publlo shall yield them a ,'J unp?.rt worthy of eo lot porta at an enter- (I else. looking to the advancement of the H i i ??h?et lltrrary Internet of the Confederacy. 21 Afg?a*|tor appeal to Whall of the lai- 11 ortaoce of an elevated literature to our 11 iouolryT the absence efkChii haa hitherto 1 nsdo no a by-word ai roproochee among the ? >lder nations, end even now militates igaiuet one. intereste abroad, aoed not bo r tddr?ssed to thuee whom thin circular ie ' l leeigned to reaeb. 3 But to the attainment of thia great end, tometlilag more ie ni seetnry than mere vef- /j Uial expressions of eympattiy and eneourigeugtt The friends ot (brother n liter* 1 Lure must .foster the efforts t?f our literary . J men to secure for us a worthy position in Lhe world uf letter*. J We design the Meseeitger to be an enter- I prise worthy otebpport of all eiassee of onr J people. We shall aim chiefly to eecurefbr our J |>ages the production* of the highest order of genius %ad scholarship, and at the same ' (J tliue suiih artiste* aa will contribute to'the fl iaetruct'on ami amusement of the pnUkfat | large. To thie end we shall give our atieaIf on to wid solicit contributions frbm HoutU- \ erw writers Inwll the departments of Liters- J J tuie.^ Ppetrv. Itomancq, ReTtey^^^lchtn, - V.r* earnestly solicit the trssistsoce of bar friends throwvj^jnt the Confederacy;i? the eiiInrcement of onl- ehK*??ir.tioir list, which must be Increased to enable us to arret'th* lieury pecuniary outly to which we shall J be siiVjcot For tin- present the price of sulwcriptinn will be ( 10 for \2 months, fu for 6 months, if the order is received previous to March 1, 1864. After that duto t,he subserip- ' 1 Hon will he 2 tor 12 months. 18 for G . J mnnlha. This increase will not affect those ..who silt'scrihle before the first of Mnrclr next. Ol der# .must be accompa^ 1< d -with I j the cash. , Mr. Qtorge C. Wedderburn, formerly of I H New Orlesus, now oftliis city, will control I |9| the business interests of the Mesaengrr, snd V H 'Mr. Frank II. Alfriend. of this city, will di j H Mict Its editorial inanagentcnt. Coiutimni- J ||ffl cHliot.s conntctt J with the literary conduct | I .ol the Messcugef will ho directed to the ed- 1 I itor ; other i'innftiuiiicatious should he <li- | I rected.lo the'Proprietors. |jgj U KI'UC.rLLllN &?'.LFklENl>. Pro's. I I Richmond, Ya V I March If 4G f * |1 Tils Southern Confederacy V a daily j?vs.nai. FOlt THE AU.VY AN17 THE PEOPLE Dk\ OTED *o the iatei e-t of the'Tioidiera of the Anuy of IViuitttrt and 'h?pi'?|4c of the Confederate estates, licing a | 'S'ational bews[a|Hi-of new# I'o'.itn nl. Mi, iliirv, and Miscellaneous, Foreign u.d-l'o utestic, prepared by re idy wrii?r- nd corrcspotidents, ... ' ATLANTA. <:EOliOl \. The Editoi ial !> -,.ni t*n>cnt of the>-oti'h el'li (.'? nfeier.iey illt-ludes n cxiiihliinli .11 iol political, JiWrurv ninl ii.dusliitl l.ih-ri', <? iti'iiiullit'il in flio Vcroral d-purlm-M* <?t tihirg-d joi>rnu.Urn, whom* rIti. f .b.ty it. j win c 1 o |.r.>?? :.t^ili.' pulijic a diiTytnl r'-T Iol | ? j In i|iuUs;l*t, h -liiiu iiuilwiiH, nfiei' j j it- o<- ii f.itliimi ill..I from u |- in ly Itnleiicii . Jciit poii.t of vievv. The New* Department of tli? So at li?-1 it j t3>inf'-ileracy will lol.i no 11 ?uivf,ii compi, Vition from nil 111Southern paper-, ai <1 it'loin lute North, rn and Foreign sh-et-? | ' in l ui ncineutv linvi- j Lvtli cfl'eetid o f tile T ?Jflgiott i.f I In s,V j poinIeuT* iftrtt) ti?c!o of Cotit i-. a( will colili ihnte liOuPTATi^JjLlfihJ''* j 111. V ioii #f ll (lliSpil illg events. IfpiuliiTty 1 will it l>0 ptll-.(AW to note the nftaitn of the | nnuv ip rur fiunt, upon > !|ie|i lianas Ihu l|ilesilny* and in u-great pail, the entire j South. * i A. v>iy Js??e share of attention will he 'paid to niatloTs of a local interest, for which puaittwe a competent Local Editor, with nil I vlficieul tluir of reporter#, Las bucti einpioj -. F ?J. I Our rates of subscription ore ns follows: I One oopy of the Daily for one month, $4 no I " " " ; ttirei months, 12ih? J " i " v " Weekly Oiicjnolitll. l.&'V/ AM ci^uunnuieiitions rLouhl be nddrcsfccjt to llic-'-** . % s EDITOR* AND PROPRIETORS, V Soutlierii Co';, feci rue v. V " March. It' - 40 "t V The Southern field end Firceide. y ' I TiE" Proprietor* hu ving made arrange- J, .L mints for ample supply of jiaper, tuber' ' pleasure In nnuaiiiieing to the* Mimeroua 1 putriAifaf lliij popular FAMILY JOE If-j NAL, that its publication was resumed on i *h? Id of January, 1804. Thetirst number) contained Use ooaiineuucmenl of 4 [ . -GERALD GRAY'S WIFE 1" / |i An oriffinul ai.d beautiful romance written! ^ hy one of the uiost gifted female writers mf ?!?.. C.vslL e? s ' \ [ Curing to the unsettled state of otir coun-X I 'trjV?uhivoeiptio$s will b? received for tix \B " .tpiutb* ooir- # 4k* V| d fqonths, ; Apf pen 6 months, 7j K firni* onsles, 10 cent*. K?ws Deal 1 > ere snpiilT<>?l atnity per hnridred. The Proprietors wifl spare no effort to ? laatntojfi (he high swfMO^lvJs pf_tbi? ?tai> - -Herd Until* : . Alt tetter* ?hyu*d be addressed to A \j , & CO., Augusta Ga. : MarWfrT" i$ f [ * K?tlce. */? - J Co^kkdmatk &tatis or Amf.mca, L /j J" Ws^TJapl, Human of CeneciTplioD, V /I " Richmond. Va., January 26, 1864. ) I I 1 1 Y>_4RA(jIIAFH X of OoneMl Orders No/ I 1 uL *84 Adjufawi and Inspootor GeuerulV fl > -Otfjcv, of ljjMPi, requires tbat applicAttois fl ?. for exemption must 111 all eases tut uiade t? H B the Enrolling Ofpe?i< tf the local EnruV .B - Uy (Htieer Las uot the power to act, ovj ^B 5 hi doubt, lie will, after inveattgalion, undj j^B Circular No. I, current wriw, refer suf %np;ieat>p#, through the proper oflicl j,^B snatiuels, to thia Bureau. I Z^B ' 1 AH sUeli applications addressed to tl H BuiVstf Will iimidwtitiy and invariably# r^Bj 1 r*>t<uT>"4d for loon I in vosttgation, and ft ct^E f cpplicanW will Lhi)a have uaaiessly lost A cl^B I' fiQ f[4ad(nT suspense. JL j^^B /npAal* frdUi adverse decisions off . .B| f looal officers, and of the Coinmsndanl r'^H f ConkSTipV* for th# States, will he forwarB *3M| r by theip for Hearing, when any plsusia ol^B s ground of epneeV is sot forth. \(,l "By order or Ceil. John 8. Preston, 8up%BH * . C. B. DUFF1RLD, A. A. Geo. 1 fl ( 4 Mofsh 8 44' * 8 IV " IT All papers in tlio BtOto eopv three! W frj limn* and tend aeooonta U? Commandant off j10?r?nrJ*"i PW-.*. )1 :} ta.teat, im , . A DBSlliMtl.K 1!Ks(a| | A/<PIL-'l PKNOE?a HRU'V? J? l^ftaftL H O IT H E ? containing 1 < 4 fi| [ and all i>?e?#trnV oS mtdlhgL a good Garden Lot. Ac. M i tgr Call ..4 O. 11. IRVINE. " J fiarvh 3 44 8 UM