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. - " n y v , ,11 I11 ".I I I . ; giVO rui * * i i" VOLUME X. JOi-f.jj.lji.j_ . _.i?... Cjje Jwratjjtra Ctrttqirist { Wn wiskLT it *: '< W P PRICE * J. 0. BAILEY, IdltoriwidTroprlttort. P?r AMMn. Id AivtBoc. ADVERI-WKMENTB Will ba laser tod at the rates of par~H?W of JS Minion linen, or lew. for the M rat .Insertion, and one dollar for oaoh su?CMdiaf Insertion. * - OMtnary and Marriage Debtees, Tributes ?f f Wwwlaations or ino?necmewts tor |f[fjt?l. MM qhnrgsd for the tame as adrertlae 'WWrtW-tp^.(led, will be ^bB-h^ un^ BW -ordered out and charged. for accordingly. Pnrsona Hrlng at a ditlmar* tdajr com*' pnte Kotr ranch their will amount to. by eoMtllng ttM words to.the line. " Plead Thou nay Cause." Plead then?O plead my eauee ! Fneh aeif?excu?ing plea * ? I Mr trembling sopl w ithdraws, Ana flToe to thee. ? W here justice rears her throne, Ah ! who, nave tliee alone, - . Mnv stand, O spotless one ? - Plead thou my cause 1 Ah. plead not aught o( ir.iite, * Before thipe altnr-thrnne: Fragments?when all-Js4hins? Alf?all thy own I Thou seest what at?ina they bopr; Oh since each tear, each prayer, . Hath need of pardon there, Plead thou n.y citu.'e. With lips thai, dying, breathed Itirasinga for words of ecoin ; With luow where 1 had wreath'd The piercing thorn ; L With hreaet to tvhoe<- pure tide I did the wfBpou guidv?' Is. 1> with no home beside.I 1'1-ad thou niv ouusc ! I'lead? lien the trmptfr'* ?rt, To each fonil hone of mine, I Denies lliif faillil.-M licurt fan c Vr be thine, ll fluli'lrr whisper ton , _ L 'I lie fin I iievcr ki ew, 'I bolt wrlm coiilti'ki Mf?ie the true, fletul 'hint my cause} t' 11, pleii'l my < ?>'?? ; B I'l.- i.l iliiiie'wiLbiti m\ breast, ''ill there (by peaceful l)?.ve ' him 11 btiirf. her lifrt. Th?u kncw'st tlii? will?bow frail ; ^ Tbmi koowVt?llioiifib lnmjunee fall? My mmIV in\eU'iuotis tulc? & "I'bn.l (boll my enure ! H ""'IT" ~ | j Byp. DMI ot 10. __ <D:\?>riior llrawn'n Mensnjjt? rend I k to i'a\ Ho rt-onniitit-hJ* "? vipernt* j b'H'o plies on the follow in? ^tii sriou>*: j K T! o relief f Mildieis' fuyiilic.coiton 1 plaining, illegal tliMtlln'.inn, imprests BaB tneio i'f|is?ivi jot.s, the 'emovtU of slaves, j^B urn! ilorei lion from tl.o nrinv. Tin* gjM follow ii c *\nepd* has "email:" on pen H t'lel -l.l j< ctf IK* 'I ill' late Nl lion (if Ci'tipTOes lllia fluik ijM en llie confidence r.f this people in the a5?B justice or rotnp^loncv of onr ,f|B aflnirs, 'J ho CoinpuUoty fiindiflj of seven bundled millions in forts duvs. at I M '*** IN>? 'nl0,e"t l',Hn 'h? 8TT!Otint 6* d on 'he fare Of said n<M?s, r*?e<iV '||B b!w a repudiation *" .',1,1,.. *.' 'i nc.disctwion of important inetfsureur ^B in secret sessions are declared m Might inpr curve, eon*ifnienf for csnraw^ik^ ^^B n!wu will not boar light. TJu-newpsi! JeM ilary bill is uncoii?(itulioni>i. ilia con of citizens will not-fcflibw K^Bnrmy, but tbey will stay at h&m'r.'iU}R^Bailad, tho* deputing-the fttnlu'of bar' active militia, ami placing* civ ID - rtglAs Rjflhahordinote to military poweh * . ^ TheantpeiiMon of.the Uubaa* Chicpu#* umK r pretended necessity, confess t^nni (Ite Picsident ftojser* (^ideel* l?f llU WM CofUtllulfon. The pfcwsr c to suspend the itabaa* X3<A^bC|S M implied,pod timled by exorea* d&W ratipaa ms lUeor pf"persot?al,1ii&erty ? R , Congress cannot conht judicial power ^BwpoO tli* KxeoCMve," and 3fh|r*yi*-t?aued SB' bytha l'resldent At# ptirtn. vration* at B| the Constitution. It tide eel t? aoqui H ceil in, the President' may imprison HB'whom he^cbooses, k being uiuiectwanrv to allege hensonabie effort*. No Court investigate the Case. The h*gu^^^kalure is earnestly lequestad lo. take BR^Btontpl action,-*nd stentp the set-'with iS^Rhe seal of their indignant rebuke. < HRB The Governor reviews th* ewosww* w< RH^Bie wtv?who* are responsible, and bow ?H^^B?ac+ should be sought, m Lit occupies half bis Message'nhuw Iff lh? unehwriiiB cbsrweter lti? ir. Northern lJrluoaset* And ni?>d?* i? Republicans are exonerated ft<ui luainff it. Tb? rttpomiMlkif Lively on tho wieked IjUmpbllcsr Ldera, who denied the compact of iniliuniM? drelkr^l *1 iniS |ble nod an aipl-elseer* <fcod*. - >An|M Itained possession of (bar Federal Go# iimenl, mid the Sooth ?h eefnpelldH self-defence, to saver lb#- compact ?o lb sovereign States, which tpe wiffced en promised. ?o restore bj Vila pare >z of fbro*. ' Under llite pretence th< [abeas Corpus has been trampled, th< sllot" box over-awed, srmiec raired t< old the Merlh syd subdue the South change of adniiojMiadtf^ fn tbe Wdrtl set come before we ear} have mm Lvoludna defend* the light of Stan bvereigoty. _ V *' Self ffovernment did not provoke War pd amicable adjustment waa refbsed ttks* a*. i-. ; * ' k- . . " * N . * >* H 4Al ? 7MJV ; V' * / ' '^; ~ ^ . ' v? * \ . ': -? - fed & ^rogrjjss, fhc ^ m?1-1* 1? " ?:? .j . i . 11 i . 1. 'Lincoln be* die! a red that Georgia. nnd other 8tale* arc in rebellion to the'Fed rnl Government?the crearigp of States *bich they could .destroy as well as rcreate Iu authoiizinor war he did not X?k*to reatore the Unfon under the Constitution, n?'tt was the Oorcrnoient sphere to linifted-power. They (tare taken*"one hundred thou* , sand negroes at a com of half n million of whites and four thousand million* of dollars, and seek to repudiate self gov. eminent, subjugate the Southern pe<> pie, and cttafacale ihetr property. ^1' element of J^ti col a iTjalarf^ IwHl tei'ti.iiiaTe. ^Negotiation, not "tire Swoid, must finally Terminate tlie cou teat. We ahould keepblsfore the North'. em people that tfre ready to negb list j when tliey tue ready to ircojgtdeo the right of self gmernmeut and lljj; sovereignty of the State*. ' * \* After each victory our Government should make a ^lirtinci ofley of peace on. there.lermv; mid should the courso of aoy?6iate l?e dduhted, let the armed farce be withdrawn and the hallwtdiox decide, jf,rented/yen ? d<>2cn time*.a ren/* it, and keep it before the North and the world. . Our ability to defend oucelves lias been proved for many years. Should! Lipcolu boAst'of numerical superiority. I .let bint l>e reminded d( 11:?* King of Irrael to Uetibauad : "Let net liim that girdctli cm nis harness boast to himself us he that pnttath it.ofL" Ob the lOiii inrt., llun. Linton ?io phetis introduced in the House ofyftop* tesentalivea a r>solu>ion declaring (hat the.power to tur'p'ud \\n* habeas atrjxjus be iiiniicd l?y prohibiting that nu per* son -hall he deprved without due. pro cess of law, rhK'li must com* from Courts, not tile Evec.ulive ulul I lull the Act of Cuiigiesa iflu-mjijinjf to Ktuiaiti arrest under jiiorcVs of oideis from the Executive.)* void. I lie Hon. Linton Stephen* on the 11 ih iu*t., announced'in i lio lIt>n?o of UeprfKcniH it-ex a resolution dechtiino that peart !>? oflniidfy offered tl><? eii eiuy afltreveiv O nfedeinle victory, on she in inciple* of 1777. leaving ?on h | J?.ul>tful Siin<~l0 <1 Cl.M tlFf 'WWf.itts.TWtr^ by a Contention of the people. ? - ~*7*" * * Wfffc-J. h, ihrHtidi. ntotid |Hy^er4 im?l clsewhert'. tjmt mii* other m^jch into'Poimtn bmiiH. by on* AhiiT of the Pojoinae* 1* cont*ip|'lnted by the aulliOiiijets ?t lbcli mo'jd. . "Out cluve in ju*t fintkiiisr IT1- Tlio-I SprirpiJniMpHhJii h?* opened aii*piete>ii? ] lv f-ir ttf. KvAvmIi^Vo (be advance of lhc'eneiiiv ha" l ean, fcppjVWd/ Wo j preafline shut this 1m* oe^asiultel jhy 1 expectation of Hrv>fhc> raid into JPti It sylvaf.ia .W luMietpr wfe Im?v? r?mHi?d a posHiuu.ofVlrcnorti. and l** nbojjt |o win* our inilepAfldMi^o and* peace, -tlrare-eomo* 'j-oitve inconceivable; ?cnouitous blHudetr, "" by fdrich oifr' catoe is* pro?li -We lmvp made two saids into Penn* UylrsyJ^ iumT hoUt.hava Cccfi ?fi?n?v 1ttie jn? eiiuiutf Viti> fti?r bottle of &Hr|nd>tirg?afld l^e\>lher with tfc# hatlle of Gettysburg, after* *bf>il? of whiclt wf Irtve retrcattfd" teifKeiiurmout lessee. . " ".v The Just' ia^yiftop jof J?eun.-v 1 v?ora vtt* jw^uliitily iiiiftatuBAiP VicUdiiBrd way Nfctvipye<3". aJH^hj nf.R?e*?i<a? of The . Mi?pU?if)|ii a*<ViU^rK-** vaU^ea. lurnt)^ upon . ih? *i?s94hv If,, mules4 ?~fc thai arifly'df Vifcfhia mit??icin*-ni1f?.Pemfsvlvwiia.rft liad tiAtv* on ? ?> j!rfoo-i?.*-. , ,?n<J lfift} esrrt * He rijg.u*<nnd *mbi? %e kfc?-h) lbe ir?^p?jo4?>"lb>>iff*e VtcVV Wfe yaw the hfntvier; anth 'ahhfmflty j*t frtrt. ine^* -rcwHrftd It? ffofii Ike conquest of the .fjfltv' nf Or# Mnitjaj. t t-ipfti p\w etfpwi v atfraitbedtn the Vqfrv qufiit nf ttnoJ^tpe. ye^l^njjxtrtfi Way n&T *Uh' *?od lueit, from tfid Anniv of A lOJlheaid afjGei*. Bragg,, tp-firorant ihto catMlio]>be. ' The object was < i oom^iwheth "Yite pneaT *iw? vtrwrfoMi , *d T*? * <*>mpJefe raw atu'ceeV Hiul to drive 'nftl ri ux> m.entP ?u'.J? C'??? TW>n>w?>; in i W*r1in ,MW ?w i lm .Rj.KUii 'wWUst \ Jxul .portal HO (J to-Wt> UMI i I,i>ii4jf<.it??i ? ili. t>-n. on*ltfr< r ??p?invon \Jif five of *??f ' ?u*ory ?jpcMwfc|he <t*>irtr>n yf.i?ifKb?vf tMervwu ,' &\.' ft* Aim* ? Vmmwm wftt di< VWdd. <3*n: Loftnft*** Win* *c?f;Q r/rKrtnirUUulwKlX^w ?vi?b wtolj r.Wtl? 'Mmlit j *ionnrY m9^ .Mi?woy h?? >wliwn.<r??K\ pr??WU"*7y |rv niul En* H-'eanwu** *arhi*Ai. ' " H?m w* ' nWrin* r?f 'Mnrff ^r*l? f which <lo ijrnornOc? or |tr??nirajlhin I wnv ??.'. tWo i WTfn#*?r ni?) t>n^'>hi?IJ .??k, KbBt-v J1 ? VfrgfnfA, oC ifie 7*0^1* i fifr&rtmw* wwr- ?v? Pennplrnjii* > utile** our riw?? ?b YiruM* owi . crenel 4 wi jH-obulrU meftfl i now i*?*ofir |jn**r. fdnnot -b? wUw. V ."'jteffnniyW wVK ?- tb?* * frwnit** in of i tWrnntftw* pOli*v. 0*i r Arffcrenvi. w nr??? 7 'he In rfnd ?h*?re camctntra ,J HN^-of-Urtwpw if .our policy. Coouon . trmlon nn<T a4v;UJC? ib the Wett '. % IU-.M I fl II l H . r." - v ?: * ?. ' - r , . -7? ' ' V SFLEX'b: rghts ajfity jfoutft, mut RREEKVIIAE," SOOTH C. _ i . * ! fence in the Kan?tpUU.what experience baa proved'ja^tar wfcest course. * Our preyjotfs advanoe* into Peitnsyl- ] cAnirf were (be very tliinpr* the LinoCln ] Government vented. ' Tbev could not , reiee troope,'end ibe ?a*r fever ? n dy? j ing out in the United State*. Oujtffc < veeion < Pennsjjpjania rek.indledBbe ? wtfr spirit, end. enabled Lincoln to nRe t .the troops - he wanted. The United t Stnte* now ?re in tho seme condition [ they were then. - The greater part of the troop* inithe Tieli^go out <if service f VQ^JUy. Tkey have refused tore 0pH*i , to *o great-an'extent,-?:(kat miUn? ? jUe.fcahjphtgfi ortjj!s*pVi%3rp^ve3tWEJ * relufianoe. bf.lho ^pNjiiyfc' in; tlwrr at-> * utjes to proeetute tho **ar.Lf .things ] continue as they Are.' there will bo^ho *olimtectf, and the'now conscripts wilh a bo reluctant and few',?a*d. jo all pretax t hifity we .will be victorious throughout. a the autiititer, and win peace- apd indepe<Tde?ice*by the fall. .Dot if we in- >t vjido Pennsylvania, the satue result-will, j iu a'l probability be prodtrcetl again, f Our cb^mieo w ill, again fill up their ar \ mies, A lid. pwdtrtt/j? the war. We will do exactly what .President Lincoln <: long* for?prays f.?r, if \jwli a blaspbe I inous wiijtch can praf. lie woi^ld hail | t>nr advance into Penhavlvifnia ' with .'] jUimnpYmitt joy, as a *oil of#Providen * r limI intcrx enti.on in his fitrnr. It is ex . ( actjv what he woyfyl do. if he had the t disposition of oar Armies.. The lowest | suit of wisdom is that which follows t events. It ii the wtsddul of *jrj*eAcnce. t not of vnticipaiion'. $halJ we be das- t lltnte of 'Vten this of "wisdom, i which may inspire and direct the weak i est understanding.? CVras. Mercury. > - The Reserve Oorps CaHed Oat. ' , - Adjt. Gen. Cooper hue published general sulci No.'02. (br*'tho enfoice- , inetit ef .lb*, military bill, to which all t inierv it*i Kiiouiii give immeilMie alien lion.-" The oilier* are dated March 1. , A'I' peraona he'ween Seventeen and , t-i^Hiecgi. ami forty five and fifiv, are !o . he ?i once enrolled. I '?m|M of in- , >(motion are to i.e noithlislift) alaiiitahle , I ointK. uiitler lite charge'i f " c<<|iiu><iiid ?tH'i Flltrntytf vim-fr* mm ertt^om.?p| lei*" et exemption are ( i? I'V na if in general to the enrolling < fifliper of. the onimtv or diwttict, and , fliail he wipfioriwd *hv lire rflid.-ivit of , rfia i inrtv, anif oilier teioiiyony under .oatn. If ilie enwdHyg.oftieer approve , the application. htf. JnaV-'grAat an mc- | euipiioq of *ixtv daTO? i.i not countermanded -hy liie cdtotliatulant of f?> cotiacrijiltt,.to wJioMi.^lth ceftifieate df exemption Iiah to Ce RiraarJed, ijt ?afp l/oiit _ U?o enrolling. officer and"" tiitf OotniOandiint of cvnociipts iLitr application fur nrpfHion.Ytc. detail, thora. ? ? *n Appeal (o the- bureau acriptirui ar.d Ijie Si-ewtarv o^AVur.' Ap|?lica>tonA% efVhWilira;. ^iraet'V*, fvH- df'ali, jure PTfre inadti lo.lhe fdoiil ^ ??i roll Tag .officer In .wYinfig, w ift| yw , afE'Javirax*^ the. piuty,-raud otjmr cof ovideoya. If 'Jio deeiVroa fri thcTenrpjthij|jaffieer. b?- tovrnj-nhhi U>*fl^9 nppi?cmmtr, ti u-torw* ueu ir? 4^ yc*u ^ iiIkIi(itinf of*cbt??C*fy>t?. Wl\p"ibAy, 'if _I?e gritm ilkf??! .'iff d?v*. It is ihrn feut-16 llr? Lu#ea<j'of jpop-r '??tfpti*>n.* * .* , \s-t S *. A..pirc?^? of betweev (pr-_ IJ n%**uJ fiftyn ' Imt:iif t- j?i-t?ntji or n*cw?iiv iffb <k??$n. ??r (k* oHt?w 1 ] 1 t*ii' eitijilpftiiwit Ts nevAwffV1 Ut tire frii?li<j?<' are itindJ iir Ui# -muid ny 1 40? m ibu ??* >eu*ft?ri* '>**& '* Apj^cittou* fvr-ejc. y.pit? ;>-!* o*r- , clerks, uf dujlts ^jui\r<J?, tgetrla, Mud ijmvfas* iu j&yuiimmy *nJ qiptf i%w?-t??r,dt;|)MinH nt?, in (ly Otduarve* "iS^Sr-HsiS? P Sli?ubt?ihw tnvirtdstU??+ +fc& |J b* Wot MifRvietrtfv ittnoeww, ' fc?jtl? are lt? be m-lc"Hed ts? ?Uch (UtiM* ? fr<HTi il.fl Veitentrd mtijitfhr \ Tbe ItiireHii of aot 1 rimio.1 k riW< 't t>U*?T I-. rfin>h 'V ?l ui>ce " ul! l of rhe ??*? , .?t?t elrf, Jusl nieaxiynecl In tW-dafum* r -UVMI* K'fi (1*4 ?1>i . ' . *.'t . "% . s Comcrii.U miH? foe dtrtr i* live field/ ,? *mi dk^itbU of t|t? &64VB? ffl WS Kntiu n<-?.t ?ufie.| for. p! mm,BVfW l+i"4jg+ ? , jn-iu-,- j ?opra??, madm. m ehtMual '^HH, to c\*tk?, m4<U?>w*fcr V ' JMrtieefcot. MHJ KritfK ** QMntnKaionwri of ih? r?*euu??, ?r?j nftl %aNnotwl r * *^r F*' ? " -? '. 'w? , *'?" *. f. V -> fi. 1*?> Til yidl *?r?^jrfCi^?lV JM-roy irr fc > ll?v*i?ippi, N<wib A|*b?inp em) fmh' It 1piM? l* ee?lt*fed ,*t one; Jmndrerf r tboiiHNdd m?m. The c?m|m^(? H It IlllpUKht, will oftiM) ftbe&t the lOlb Ot 15tlt of April.' Oui fn>o a are fully equate to tneet tbe enemy at el1 poiuU. V v. *. "i ' 0 ? ??? ? . ft* popi pi ilTI EZi uiz ujj iuut}, AROUKAr^HTJRSDAYpO %Ut Te>n?^M. I According te last acoouiyftM? Longatropt'* bad fnlfoi ?ck to Hull'* gnp?T>r KogereyiHe ncifou* which ut the kev to the valley i it'rone Vo'm Bijafol trf Knoxville, folio iff ?* :our?e or tlip Watauga and alitbn. riri? movement was cauaad b opera iona U) -other departments, i * 4b* norale of the army .was uui p?J(M >>' >t? ? . ^ We learn that on Sunday "4. ofbes ^ndeavqaed to flanfe a po ion of to enemy VeblnmiV. .near MpraAfrfak. irtij^afiei* ti aU*Tp.ekrit*uebJ|^HMFaaN Jieoiennut tJibhs , With k* ox tanJx>p irpiy btw re enlisted for lbe loops arc said* to Co bettor olai tUMi inv of our forces in the 'field, wfeiUl be sdbAtatooM department l?as, ? far iloalUp! all oi&ir*, although. no tms Iihv? been furnished for tha pa* our month*, save those cidlected altliit tie department.- ~ 'lliere.^ie reasons thai we cantol ju llcfoimly publish, which induce!u* u relieve lbi?t important movement tbh] it looked for al an early day fn th< IVnneasee department. The libdratibi >f K*?t Trim eases is arwobject 01 e?pe rial deeire hi this w*[. It* preseet con li,ii<m"hrtd?*r (he ctieroVe rule ia.abeo utely f>bp?lring, and kindles, the rldoe? >f. every, gen?ioua- heart, The ver, uicasls of creation?*4he refuse'seuii >f_ society?b ve ibined wi?h a baa uougrel herd of abolitionists wht^nlak lie negio free ta commit dosdb < ioleuce and blood. ? ?. IJtich'el Examiner* 11th. \ correspondent of life Atlantf Ap leal rejnteh lite following incidents c he lute liallie near iJahon, Ga : I f?w Sergeant liavis, of Co. II,shoe i Yankee ottiuer through the'bead i he distance of at least Ave liundro I'atdn. This was not tho Sereant naidt-u shot, lie In ought two Yanke :oior-bearvra to giMff-on^Lookolit moui jWMWrf 11 il I tur soldiers could Jliow such a. rt-cori JM Ahe would Gave'to call for ui.otln tniliiou of hirclijiga to crush out the ut :iUsihab!e rebellion. Company K, 40ih Alabama, was er jilted in rkii nibbing (he next day, mi te;? an incident occurredjtlat der>t*rv( iioro lhinn pressing nonce, l'nl Mattl jws, a daiing Utile Ui?liiuan of this ?on pagy. concluded 10 do n Wltlo figltlin jn his own hook,?nd w cut on far ahea jf .his comi acfea, until, to use his ow language, be " suddenly aui-i(funded couple of Yankee ?pjtlp?en?.n It wt a. mutual sui prise, but Pat, with tl ready wit aiwi-d.niug of his luce, toe ip?i?k advantage of- it^?** Surrender, l I Moo. ..JL .I'M l.l U IU...S.I. U/.I f VV I 14 VIUVT II ? INIVU^li UV? of ya."* 'l'Loy eaW.Vu^flt>get on "ll uij'gat, *im\ tU? Irish detil in hi* ey niiUf H?i?r h twrnwit's hesitation, do? Mcoi ifccir goo*. end rhu |wo big atra] ping fellows, TJL, 8. raguhu*, uncomi lwT?H)Lt.iirrei?(lt|??cJ themselves |>iiwtx Cm of war to little Pat. one them ceetd lntve ukeo Pitt bv the naj ui lire neck aadewtiag hitn over a w (ail fence, but lie It*** heart thai ner IuftiU lertura viaager, a tmrva that oetr inches in lite Agbl. \Vhen he turci UiK c?|Hiqu over as ordered, Ire wm to tliaf otl Jloilaa and etUjra biggaj *et% hi* hgitiuutfa eppilr ^^fo, ait eu;d lie, lunching, lii* hat, "I Jo u rtljkv that ergy.*, ,--W? there not pSSslSSsi 4t? prfrate, ^ ' 1U?noMms JThe WaeUiffton a ^w^^ndeut of the lihlladotybl* liiijuii Mfaa special tncMonger from Deytti irtinietw to Franoe, hud ariived. Not jva* known ofthnatly of the riiepatd pee, bin he U>|<) hie frielide that Fran ed d^lowiKHrrKto raooguiae the Soul t Confederacy. Tke rej??rt' wee g< lit*, belioved ia Baltimore* a Occfmonerl rejwituitg among I jftfettitt'f tb*JR??*Hi m ibat city. l.f Y?f ?e minor* of lha ?paady rtoc nHUn of tba Confkkt/wv, nodar ibi ihe CoDbuberate loan advanced t? I * *? dura** fh Ixiftdo* oa tha 1>,I Tbe LdnAou r?vt?. oMfiHaoa tba. rfp. '*> Mm utmmhi1 A-** *W 8? M^uiaih^t^rsr, l^w MnVvW 0 wlv "I'vl" ? BIMI b6?Q OODtrwltBUd. A son of Mipiatar fcaytou -^,<*1 ,* * Yot)c~*itfc .MWpHiotif* from facbur and proe*a<)?<) imm-diHulv jfiyhingtwo. H*tUt?d to friaod* il lb? Kmporor Napolaoo bad anhouai bU oaaclysioQ iba* so??eih>sg'sbo Us dona with VkrirW t*rmio*Ttftg ofvil war in A marioi tlaging lotog aooe with ao .lortuha raault. y&.;* *. J*>* . '. w^9CR.9o<XkX?a? 1mm pnblisfc ttli ojtioiMl r?poft* in full, emt lit bad Hhb flR4p?, Will containi i %wWnt ofhis Western Yira tia campaign. 1 I I' B I 1 .11 n*jg Unto ' ? IJ> ' ^ ', 1 . BBB 'nl Itnoa'ledge among at * RffiNG, MARCH" 17, 1804 ; Bpaopaia *fl*i<ia| kkiluot Ov?rcy liU u to Btotoa Iut?t tk* MiMiaaippi; MON-Iirrunr IIA1IKQ $100 Mora* Du^l?aKU tna lanKIU Anfll 1. 1864. at pw; from and aRer ApriT 1,. 1 Brit, not receivable at all, but ranDtns in room m cut. bond* Before Ht/pril, ISM, et par. From first to last, day of April, inc., at 66} From first to last day of Hay, inc., at 66} fiwa first to last day of Jose, ins., at 46} F0m first to last day of July. lni,? at 86} From first to last-day of August, inc., at ^|| ' Shrom first ttp last jay of in?., at loj r sssf6away Vy'u^Wnir?axrty W\aei.s(V 6} ' ?" Aty mftf-Iaterfet bearing $l<5o notes buhl ' OA. Af 1st January, 186^. are taxed 1WT per : SK-iu? destroying erery restive of J ' ' t?Taalwr amtUtxo on 7 $100 ipnti, 1 flsldJtM Mpwg* of A st si Utxuflt .and I,' Set rf^nEMfir public duVs. 5%^ > dVo, * Wmrsfere, now Jothiftg bat cdfiyaoient C.-5L A. bopda . ? . . $60, $'26 AND $10 SCOTAr * F Receivable for publiodues befotwApril 1, ? 1864, At por. - . * t' Receivable for publ|wdues from and after 1st Aptil, at. . 66} ' Exchangeable for new treasury notes V from and after first of April, at $3 old ot f $8 nlw. I r Fundable in four pbr ecnt. bonds before " 1 April 1,l?64,"at -per. v'-fa?4ibl? in four per cent, bonds from : end efter ApHJ uatfl Jf upsry. 1665, et CO > - Convertible lo/ealf Certificates front a ted f after Aprfl 1st, at 66}. B &?id certificates bearing 4 per cent, in, tereat, and psyahJu two years after peace. V. $6 xoji*. flaoeWable and fundable at par until'1st * July,' 1864; frotri apd aTler July 1, 18CT. - reduced hi valQe at the. rote of"$!$ of old j to $2 af nyw. and so receivable for dues. ., fundable in 4 per cert. bonds; exchengeii' "ble fpr new Treasury notes, ami convert!BJ Hie to 4 prf cafrcertifiCatee. ? ' ' ' $*2, $t Alft> 60 CENTS NOTE*, e There is no reference to ihese notes In ^ the bill, and it is presumed, therefore, that they wilt continue to pass at par. OLD TRuVvkT NOTES UELD llY ANT STATE." Aby State helding Treasury notes recessed beforetlio time appointed for the reduction of the value of old notes, are ullow* ed until let .Itfnunry, 1865, to fund the same >f it. & n?r cent, bonds, tmyable iu *.,vcuty yearn. Kotti received afWr ilia tftae for . reducing viiIik* of pld aotes, shall be diniin' ished iu value a;-the ratejof Sb to $2. d * v nt ax a hi,i: bonds, $500,000,OtH). <1 Tlic -Secretary Ha authorized to issue C 'i' p?r oent, bonds* not exceeding in amount ,e $500,000,000. .TUtfcbvndt tO he Bold nud hypothecated for Treasury notes, as the ? wfints\>f the Treasury may rccpiire, to he | Export ditties arc pledged far-paylucpt ol ' iut. rcrt r principal payable net leas than thirty yeara from date. Import dtitiei 1' now. laid, payabfw. ru specie, sterling ex change or in coupons of tly> untuxubfj l? bonds. j oali. cr.nTiFtcvre*, n*snr> ox ott> notes, Are fundable and taxed to a reduction in ' value of $8 to $2, .like the Treasury noiei 1 into which they ore convertible; and ii V hfld as ocrtiftculel. then interest sinks tc ? saute rflle of $8 to $2, or they may .be ex | changed for ilea' Treasury notes at that rate, IX. 10, 11AMKS ALLOWKU TO J>.vX MM'OSITOUS IS n " 4 I KB CWT. ' a Tlds provision'contemplates the batik t is paying depositors in 4 per cent, bonds if. whi(li,iT praseuted to tlie Treasurer by tlx , ^>er before the lime Vliqp tin* privilegf of funding the nolcs shall oen^, then they '.v shall bo paid at the par valua iu non-inter h est bearing (old I notes. N. 13.?'This tu? ie tiftn is not understood by the writer, or i ?, | is ant|rely dslusiva?throw* a sop to d% * posiBors and tonus to banks. * ' . ^ - J, W..B. P. f'> *? *' r Flat-footed Courtship. . " . One long summer afteru ooi? tlfferc cnmi Sf (to Mr,ones' tire most ottrions speeiuiei f>* of an oM bachelor the tyorld ever lieim HI of.'"' BS wba i4rt, grey,-wrjnlcl*d itknifcly II* lusted women, especially bid maids .sad It*, wasn't "afraid to aay so. - lie an v. A tint Patty had it hot auu b?unry, when 7? over ohsiic? threw them together; ye still ho etnne,. jtnd it was noticed tUu if Aaut Pally tods uilusnal psiui wiUj lie r," dress whenever ho wss ugpeeted. On at dny'ttis cttnto?f waged unusually strong ' ! * li*#Wltu Uft titan In iliiufnst ninl tton J 09} into- tlw garden. wTb% boar," hli . muttered to ln?n*rK, ** she stopped t s 44 Km didn't 4o h, did f**.n ' " ? ; you are whm-m tlmo- ? Hm-doc bofr." * . >r- H Tom won't get rW of mo fcitlu er ?hl" . . . ' ;n " Only in on? V?y.n n. ^jwrtbitr _ * " l#?rry tit?.*' . *? M WbnrtWfwo fool* pet married 1?* What will the people **y 1" * M Tli at Si nothing to us. Come, m >? yea Or no; I'm in a "Wniry." nd Wo),4Wn." he - !\Verr wroll--jona>>?; 1 shan ?*B?C atop a hit?what A pucker to I 5 Wf - * - ^ J9?" u Tea or' no.,r v * * U1 most commit ?1 ? _ **. AU right. I tiiooght you was of ag on uomi Djr?." v ? .: th, . " Jabex Andrews! ?lon1t be a /ooJ.of bums bask -coins back, \ mi. Wbjr 1Dt beliove ths oritur bats ukoifnu for sari at. Jabfs Andrews, 1*11 consider." 44 I don't want no oodsirinrtitg^-r *' gone. Becky Hastings h* waiting trr?u ?" I thought I'd giv? you th<r llnst olrauc AH right. &oud..bjro?'1'? t-^T" m '~ 'k' ' Rdmckd Ran** mM thnt n ifem In not command of language tft>J?*a I . could exprtss his thought*' without tl one of i}alios. ing Tiiz Hath Paper Kills are^eyueti 'iu- to Iu completed and in operation 1 the flrst of Kay. / -y'lr /? , / ^./ . N : * - * I" siSr T'B.-r ? -*? I glasses-ajf iSJtot'Mng T " .' ' ;?=_-s=asr:^fcJr ,g ,L#rrhai. Strife.?Th6 Tjynch-.| burg Republican publishos ft letter from Rn army%cofre8j>ondeJ^fciear* Som6rville Ford, Virginia, MiicH givj>8 the following acoount op thef Yankee reenlistmont: Two gentlemen, wlio have Leei> coating in Prince Williftw^ouhty, and kavo just returned from; tUQre, staid in our camp hist night, ! and report that then* has been a , Ireavy fight am<y>g a corps ot'Yan j kee troops stationed near ilrtstoe j Station, under the following, cir- | "cumstances:' j&j-dc^?tiad been apj*>inUdfor reenliBting*the m?n of inis od?p?,and a lfrrgo number of barrels of wULiey had been brought down and ^th? heads khocked out and the men invitou to drink, in order to get them up to the tricking point. Some of the Dutch and Irish pitch ed in, got tight, and arrayed themselves in the lino of the re enlisted, but the calculating, full blooded Yankees, together with a large portion of the whole, smelt the rat and refused h> participate; whereupon the re-enlisted men commenco? tnnrOinrr (lm met nnrl n rmViofftl ^ - ? i ? ov,;v row followed, all parties seizing &civ arms. The light lasted for hours, anil the firing is eaid to havo been terrific. The commanding officer had six pieces of artillery opened 011 the insurgents and finaHy succeeded in restoring ipiict. Five hundred men aro re ported as killed, and a long train of ambulances and wagons were loaded and sent olf with wounded I presume there is 110 doubt as tc this affair, as officers in this regi meat have received letters froir tbeli families In the neighporhooc confirming the fact, and stating that they heard the fil ing, &c.? Two thousand of the men imp^iaa ted in tkis matter were .placed ii irons, which fact will give yoi somo idea of the extent and inipor tance. of this affair. 'lhiis i j ..?? 1 1^1 . ,1 ~2-r_?1 ,hud lately, us reported by a prk oner. JVo Yankee regiments, wlios term of service had expired,'wer ordered to advanco against th 1 rebels, which they refused to dc | a;id* & brigade was ordered again* , them. Tho two regiments ar eaid to have whipped* the brigad ?-both losing about 0110 hundrc< 1 men killed and. wounded. ; Tuk Confederate Dead atGetj , TYSUUKO. AMCre W|2J)CKrS, says m ' Philadelphia Era, to be a eoiisic] ' -enable feeling"in ayd around Gel ^ tysbiirg, that a place be sot apar - for the burial of the Gonfederht dead who are now buried proroh cuouslv over the battle lielu or ii the vfcinity, 1 ho recent rain s hare washed tho pl:tce8 wher j thev are buried* and the bones ar 1 exposed; Injaides which, in a shot * time, tho laud' will bo put in cnlf ) ration, and no trace of their Iju . resting place will be left. Com mo t humanity \votild dictate a jcniovi * to some spot, not in of about, trn r own National Cemeteryj but tli * purchase .of ground aomowherji \ whero their Southern friends ma1 * when the rebellion m crushed, ad ", ali ig pc*oo, their pilgrima* beVb. Char Stat? $houj ci normal * Jib* pordhaae, nor ootdd H I expected but ft tic Sohthernc should express 8?cb iv deeire, ai k wonkl oiwry it to ooapplctiyn v should say?let 4+ h^done, for tl saite of (?cw common'humanity .. Tiro hostility of the doad 1ms cease hnt let them be ih a spot whci - a father, mother,, can visit the _ last resting place, *'\vhcu this cr el war ig over." v . . J i . > An erroneous i?nrpre8*ion obtai 't ft? .to the appointment of Ge Bragg. .Uo is not-ami cannot 1 *> CoitiinAiiiitr in-CKof. The Co atitutiun yf the jCou federate Stat makes the Bresidqnt the (Nomina o. ? , Gen. Brft-'gis dota ed for duty "ty Uiclimoimiinder tl ~j President. iltHJeos not rank Gc tt_ Loe, ijor Gen. Johnston^ lie ca not command yr direct them, e m oept u by command of tbo Pfe dent." Ilia appointment has be' *- uuulo wjUi the knowledge ami j\ iy proval of Generals Cooper Li It. Johnstou, and Beauregard, nil 1 ? superiors in rank, who hnowii ami appreciating the nuafnlm L and ability *>f Gen. Bragtr, cone J? in his appointment by tbo I're J* derrt. ba . t ^ , J'iiat young man who drrnl nd beta, swears, .gambles and jd by away his time, is on a thin phi in the ice. . . J'H ?1 # . I ~ ^ . V... ?- . . ' an?r?>a?T^wnanTTn ?w? T.% IfUMBEBJoT Borrow !?Don't borrow, rt is A bkd practice; it otten times gfctsvoti into trouble. It'you want anytnipg, and can't buy it, go without it?don't run to a neighbor's bouse and say,-"pleaso loan nie s?k and so."* If yea da, tpn to one tho person of whom-you 'borrow may . , say after you aro gone, WI wish thpso people would quit borrowing. I never $xpect to see the articles just loaned any more. I'm tired of Jiving in such a neighborhood ! I In tend to sell out and fnoyrs away. # ? Shiftless people; those who-never take care of.anything of their pwn are-usually the ojios who borrow the jnfiat- Zv er\ b.*ig gm destroyed,aud thou depoild vpod ! other poaplc." * Accustom yourself to feel m^Rii with'a borrowed gar mew ton?-V\vith a loaned -thing in your bouse.? Say to yourself if I laid done right and been industrious, and coltiva- . ted good habits, I could have lived independent of this practice. I .should not have been a neighborhood nuisance. Again wo say, don't borrmc !?Southern Literary Companion. Incident ok tub War inFlorida.?The following incident, illustrating the feeling of the no groes in Florida towards their brethren of the invading army, is taken from a private letter just rei ccived from the vicinity of the lato batt le in that State. 1 At Ocean Fond, the Yankees : placed the negro troops forty yards iu advance, and determined U> r ' shoot thcin if they ran. It was " death to retreat, and, as (he sequel 1 nroved. little better than death ' -to. advance, for our men-killed ? eight hundred." After the battle, a ' gentleman,- accompanied by his body servant, went over "the field, 1 looking at the dead and wounded 1 negroes. Having proceeded sotno '* distance, the servant's attention 3 was attracted by an excellent pair - xt iroow on it re reel nro v ?* dier, lying near where they bfood, and ul'ter getting his master's cono sent, seized one of the boots to pull 0 it off. lie had hardly done 'bo, e when tho wounded negro commenc>,, ed kicking furiously, and cried out, it 41 let my boots alone; I am not e dead !" Tho servant startled, stcptr ped back and asked, 44 what did d vou say ?" '"I say let my boots alono ; I ain't dead !" The servant picked up a lightwood knot, and > coming back said, "you ain't dead!1' e " No, 1 ain't," replied the soldier. I- "Wclf, den, if you ain't dead, I'll t- deaden* you," and immediately 1 despatched him with the lightwood e knot, and bore off tho coveted i- boots."?liicfanojid Whig. 11 The Press.?A few irtcmbera of 8 Congress, manufactured by editors, e have, from timo to fimc, spoken '* derisively of the press. They Would ?* muzzle that terror of little men, if they* voices could prevail. In- . ^ deed, recently an attempt was 11 made to circumscribe its influence, " perhaps to extinguish it altogether. ir " All's well that ends well." ? When fho wur is over, these pub3' lie enemies of the press will feel its p^vyer. The 4th li Cftfate" in Eng(I land, is tho first estate in An^rica. >c The prCsq bu2ds. tia and pulls AoWnw and wo? to hlra" th^t puts >c hea tl neiviviftt its beaming* cn^ gurie; TW'fXteetftha biVll tijat *ttacked the Womotiva will be the ? 1 r? 4afce of that#man. 10 Wo find the foregoing in the Southern L'unch. It is true, every c'i-l word of it. re ir Howeix Corns says:"A man who u- is not willing to fund his Treasury notes, when the condition of his * country demands it, is not worthy [l6 ot a Government. lhese are my Iu views upon the cufroncy question.' i)0 They, are short,-and quite ealisfacn. tory to my Belt'. Will men come8 plain ?f the? tax oft njoney ami not ! complain of the" lax on the -blood jj ! of their comttrynicn ? Go pay tho h0 i taxes thut our brrfVe soldiers nic a. I pftyiog in losing their heart's Wood, . ... i and then oeuso to COintilaili f>f a lit II- - # i x. tlo taxation' upon your money or pi. your property." . en . Jsit cnvalary offiocrs of the South p- possesses the individuality ol' Fgr1 r?st. lie is at ouce the terror ami | delight of the enemy, for he daz? ng ades them by"Ills brilliancy, while h6 crushes thefn by his prowess, nr | Ho U quite aa remarkable in ap?i-1 pearnneo as be is for his feats of [daring.* Tall ami athletic, straight as an Indian, with a soft clear gray tsr| eve beaming froin an olive ta.nilea j plOrton, lit with'ruddy huts iu n;e , cheek end lip, and silvery hair, ho t is a picture tor alinbcns !