University of South Carolina Libraries
printing jinpnt, in <|nriijtiiv tp >, To. thotft T.'hc havo Advertised V.UU as in . v I ' 1663. . Although wo lmvo endeavored to do 1 ? , * a fclrict ?nsli bftsine** during the present Tear, there nro?overnl accounts on onr r~* .' 'r - 'books rimaining unprM Wo would J"^Jw. < -Wg"5 upon those who are so indite,] W**W!r q?, or who ha*o Accounts contrnctcd In l I860, 180^ pr 1802, 10 call nl ,lho cup.. tain's <?flke and ^nnto up. fSfory *Ar. flMU-bas.ever youl'od rnajikiud, has had or will lmvo an end, and *o wfTl v"1' this ouet and those <vho leltvc accounts contracted during tho war to l?e pui-1 HTi after its clojc?wlu n nio?my wj!f boup ?n n rporo poiid basis. and consequently harder lo got? will then find ont thai . th4j fhould have adopted the plan par*. ' y % Tor tha Uen?flt ?x iub Oetdiory i W? have been requested to bt.' an evening .cntartninmcut of Tableau*' T#tvsu?Vir-andCharades, will l^ireti for ben. lit < ("the fhildieN, at the Court \ Juouso, on Monday evening, Dcwml'Cl ibnrirqj Jhe performooceS, thai1 poem of " The 5 wwi in hi* Winlrtt On the <3 round," irilh JJb ..'why , TI.v invited I, ;Cpmrtii^cc 6$. 8 o'eW*, .precjseiyY -g^. | fitT obituary r " , notice, for puMiontkin. Vhioli we withhold, QjtfflPcounl of its t<i-.? Onroom penbflj^y rai"'1 'n r*y for'it* in.*?r*iT The H?t Vf managers of vice !' J. j&I tjona of this tlistricf. as ntiblishwl hv uk M . ?. -i *_T?' ^3^^J^, -- i8irdr (.Sy_py'>A f*o vr$??]j*, is tint Uks propor otto* Up"l tj?> loit fo b* foifncHrt l).i? ,.( -. f*ra<v a^poitoted by tbo I^gbintnrc a'.! . jjp**5fc w*fcion, i*._ - v&7 ? * ';b *- OfflcT*," #.vTl>? fAlowh)* .Ubtrict^Offiecu b.iv* I V? *5> 'T bo*jr Appointor! by llic Lrgialature, ?t its vrc6ni ffcxion : . ,t M?gi$!rni.. J. W. KTOKFR, Am. J. fliJ.Rfc-ATfl, y. M. SMITH, Wm. K. TAYLC.Ir^V. lb Tb V, J. It. '. ; *" '' OUuftTAKTV'IfevA. KtCLaY, L. C. HCKJSJSt,? I'/Vif IX&fn 11aynkV**Y -*V I . CdmfMMVtor.'. ?*> L nKAmr., V. J. Hi rr>BD. 1 F '^ * UO?OA?# *L?X. MoURE, W. A. Mo. J>ai.^,,( Trim. M. cox. ' **''vi*totofi*r* to Jpprore Public 8e*ntir?.-r, K> ctTSVA.AND, R. lb jVncak, a J. o. r. TOW*M, Jn'o . W. (J ftA in-, F. lb AT , ; I'iStrict Sol'lic*V Z?<5.. ,\l rf iu Jro. Tt. Gooi ... i b*II. (jLKVKLANT/ff II, I'l, CVK< Mor.a>x, Oiivtn? Sf T^wwivfMey'. J+ur.a' LK^nii^A*. .ag^roe*. w. i'n>AN, i>asc*in. (ovai^ i.vj.rur; una j-viino.ih ; and rvrnhamFl ?orn< .!olt;?, ?? *i.v^r.?. .Wit* tluvj S^ojcli COfiIrnotion, hna? named. tIK? w imU class of jocileyc; tlio I:()i??v tii(giy*s ih? o?ir '* tr?v.* arid in tjbc f* eTfrlj .a feminine in Fraww. J?.?ftnne,*^iir?nn,"h?2'l. Jtrtn, nr.d l?tfn? udopietl of royalty pVo-pfrrd, nntl Ikj? ing pi etify .shortened n% m>d Jpnot, till lb? time of IPWdora, *li*n .1,me Seymour brr.nj.'.H'^ane into million." ' Ccrrctpondonoa of 3or;thorn Eatcrprica. ' JJKBESL;:-- j Cam: .1 Kkaa l>hton,.0*.;i1i?r.:M, i : i ; Mcxsrt. Edityrt^-rI t?rric4 In long enough ;tcr-ftit<rwial *v?r p?Mh> of ?rc .loir* ihr< ve:^ {>l*t in fOCa tion. T"c i n"' have avjU iIw? | hotAol< i?i)d n#?dv. '"T^io html ton birn <rw^ V^k?Tb Hi <t*rM ?<*>,'> n^cMsw ify, lhal Ctitofr ut&y birTf'. $ l?h ooit *tbr6?i^JP^b)? weiM?5*K mrfjifyl'" ,?ho i ' E~tT Ai.vr.r.i) V. I'coj., of Grcanvill* , !: ' U ' ' : ll'l merX ifiitVaVthc jmf 1 in Atlanta.-On.. cn ilia 8:h ihst., of Ch t*>ni d. " Jt& " 4l - vi#* "-5, t fp Ths H'-ctorv cf n John." Tii* Atkhta Co*? cracy, .,1m* r<> cfivJ a r?J>v of n i.itc i-sne rf - HvL. - < 4. ? - M.'j..zinc " Tot lim present from r. hose columns f ! lowing strange history cf tL'? rt?ry common name: . ' The ITc-Im-ws constantly incorporated with their 'own n**h?* ?ho arljrr* l>!u 30 , known fts the divine, syllable. 1 c cnxis-e V '{ndienfp tho my t?c;?l paroe^of God ; and in thi. front II:n>n*li~ n I'e-ivn ive of li<-\,ryw J3MSr."tch, signifying, t?ew!y ./fa g?*ce--?rrt fet rtre ?h an-.5tfTro JvhnJw*di?n, hy Johhnan. < ni'ah the Greeks made Aunn m.J Awuiit*. and Anna growing' largely into Gvor C:otn tome epoch:vphaf tradition concerning the mnthw of the Vbgin, scut forth < ll?boc.ts into all U?hg!i?* j Anno, Nancy. Nan, ,\njiQt.Jti?nott)\ Anita heitig only a few of lior ?H?tl|c;mu <hildi?;n. as Joant\o? or Johannes, tya* brought to Kngland bv tho era tvVno it w: ',:l ' Ireland iwk 1itBnt|t R? Man! Km/di*c'"t je ..f John,' shortened into Shawn ; Scotland .mnde into lat. ; tho Get mans Rt)lo.i liiiu the Knaeutfitt- Ivan; Jar. obtained irv lb Itt.n.y. Ti o ,1. mer, Jepkiti* mid J<>nkitt*OT>?. to njanv t forms of the "Welsh ApJclm, The til Ingo aroujtd the church of St. John vftt forth the St. John fin (. ... h of S*? John? *t Ferth gave it* nsfiio l?vp the fbnjjiy. r f Johiydnn*. "There ibn't a ian^ gnage iIimt) onr atccvi.dion .lath?for lb si wo called the hti(T cbaftiNrlf the nn>*?noo|ierf jjujLG#rt/I theu ru. tln'rit dotrp I into jilelceis, i to n that * m on to j.u:k'-i?t),ots/Anff onotfjtCk. jark plaine, . jack-mi . -end Jo yvfemhs niawv wfaar Mm-ut ^w.t.afodlHU*drti- r.tfl die Jgck ?nd. bly.W. p.. UtttOJ^sy dyyffjk. *ktld I lie -lark who wn . fell; finally making hr'ht into tile I W#p*?o*J of all na.ic r.niuies. whom ?.? .I6hn IliJi;.'Jftttay Cffcjrpenti, etc. Ar. foil' tho vttmaines they ate hyion. -o?, Jetj Iting^, Jenkins; larg? John, a* Mictte* |ohn un.d J rroufl Iyhtt, Lit \ . ' ?y 'wjli i^ T' ^^MR/ 1 IE^Hi^^^S#SuBHS9kB^i^..u ^L? [indor <jniil?? TJtey hiavo encouraged " iheir ' 0:n and tu-iglih^m to vofnuteor - ^ Jfejtld n?>t lliey f|-c:?k i\ v/fvjil of mo foment, to their bhvukets, iVc.w lyijiiig < mfff* to " go ! ? il;(. nriry {'' a S 6iEC<;.i have. Wen*bcro, T have .Seen fl immy W'^foofedr *crm:le??, shivering 1 J" The weather in very cold, and ibe prospect id favorable for a. cold rai&jM h? enow.wJi he roads me very t^ndTfV; W iiltrtVet imp.-wriMe, a* far;ts T"hnvr aefD.j j, Tito inhabitants n?e leaving l><d?on. J Several-tnfco., who li^o there,. hivo teid m??, ihal it i* nliucst' impessibfp to pro> 11 r trn f. ,j.l'at any ptictj. lt h a rnvdl j village, wtOajv'tit-t ,'< ?>' n'eo lone-; * and oHfftjfty was a deelWMo pbtoe be- , foivthe War, tut i' It a* no ma now ; its po^o :s li-rva Th?d "for ref\o- > rt ., -r.fer tetrvat Ktmngers ll.?*r| uncoi tain arc nil things in this world t j How neccstnry?and a piiciloge? 1 ? to V lay ?p tteasniea in I1c?ven. whcro ,v neither moth nor m?t doth corrupt, ?\*l thieves do ruii I'v/ck 111riftf'ft^1 and *t< ah" * II. Iv t!.*' Penatei' Mr. Oir. of. Sent it j"' ("nrolimi, list <f;'?d ?oin?j t Or. t j ictmln;''-: ?, < t | v.hiih >ded x tq?.^,%jd OVr-etllzens ligawisi' ??V l.Ttrr.*1^-, j '' iiirj'iM, auu jvouieow m?M?s of pro\!?k>^ji._ Ur eiiH'iin of VuINi Itft'l oom? hi* idi. , I rtrtaftpn.lji Rnrlilctt Ko \\idted to cKU* p '" vr- ?. Tl'fl f<-< l<?* of H Vteeea?od wilifSf, ho s.v'd, Find J one and twenty hojjdtenl < f . 3 m^nr', .and a larfcc q *1 wlijrli -tliy *< II f*"1 fit? ben- il <fil w\dp-v uf.tiio do'con-fil.? .'I Tlto.KtjjAr vAjSwJTeieiT to-<ii? Omiois- -' I KH?y ??tKfr?l ivt f?Mty-fi*<; cents per JJ pound, and lie rofuM'd it, on lUf ground r I lhAt lip ??< nlrtndy Vil! supplied oitli. tliAl article. 11rts e vigor nml .fKlA'so-' -I w*ip thon jlri\r..tiiyvwl'lo n ho'nr ntwk-l . I at ;ho tx|>en?* of o?iift, and >,y' *onl? n* K *ta> stoud, tjifl Cutniij'-r!:. v ' liinernl i*Mi"d air- <;m!.-redirectiujj ;;* M-ixtuo o: i (!..? mmd <F ucceseil v. T!ii* W4? nhni i < t' j4?v-i an avl.iirnry iin'prr-RAiner. , ami lie t:< .>? ?1 Cong:. ? .. in lil "pill :? atop '".it, *1.1 - : cm ! .timr. . oil ,i> I. C , 1 ;p :1R-Coin . ,i * - a 'i !? "/.'to p -o? ".ion ?W ?*? ii. All-Hiii 1 itur ?' ing pc pulw'dco, of fri land i* giving riottfi .a^' tnv Unfllwrdi <X i Ui*v country. At :i r -o.-n? :itr Moulin-a! :?.? tUat tf.liio eniigi;iji<?ii Virmnned at tlif. . **?? nljjHd.-h it' had l^tofv propr^o.i, *' wiilp te tm hitw>f?r* "to Mil-Wiy ? Rial, and Ireland would bvooiiiO a fritM /' i " ^JBy"3rtrr f *1.11 t. l?. ltp J.Jl. Wl{n,\ Me. J. F?n"rfle)it Xiirfj fOt, ond M'4 MATtlA.dunfeli 1 tri^of Jphn .\jcAv?\\ i-> p, vf jfc;T "1 Mh ??dn?i, Mir F.VilA K. -T, wife of li." %. Bnijt. T> T>22S J?h? wm n nuM* r fleySet '1 nm* Ml in <p>t p nigh . ri'i-ofin. I J? r life' ?r*u .ore ot Ptfcillfee* pnd iin-ful- ? rt-Mi nnA that tlic j???. whteh ? wliineth ltl.t>ro : th?> jwnfeet ?!. l)o?p ?* ft'le li?r t?w**tioM,' """V . many mettFnlW 0<*pn?<m?e ; !???, bl?f?<d l>*' ] fjotl, ofirlotri.* hrr grtln. * n" Prorfnu* In the ejght-of the I.drU J> ?U< ?*mi> of kj? hukI* Jr VB#w the tTgliteoiie wl en he 4i<*? Wi?e* ?inkt a wtAi y e'n! i<> re?t" &-V.J. A L ' ' 1 For Wierifc J ert.HeVffW# "f W- T- SHUMATE, J h M'V' priixife fclfWo'Ut* w?rbrgnti, * hero ffiul >*oi?r of nw?ny haltlee, end vr?n.n.4ed iif i?u?l fine of tlx 1 *ip?( qiiA{rli.'<|,(n.<n tn-tUe piefirtflt, rcepectfurty aneoonee htm * r-iMitMnto fiu-SfiMirr ? K>f UiveireilU I?i*MrJcl, fl. C.. *t the ensnlopr i m in Jnr.ii,,i v, offtired thrft ft reef \ qbai{;t?al\<jn. wHleectfKiIhe hrtW, M>e ?tft+ .ppeplf vHt a^ye 1 it- to!,!?.. V . r 1*4.1)1 KBC , EEad4 * ?^^Sk- *a i# Aw^ ^^v' l^- ^ rorlj u?.,?iJ..<r/iy relives pf WfBiWV h? o l,ov. I, astWn ?|*>A ?**?. MOUCfk:..^?i<! .'ill that I um, or ?rfr vX)*ctt ??4>*r, wUV be >Av"?np)idiH ty indl^fjiial ,...? . . iot iiic pmiitn, ^ WT<*r 1 of jv-i v ?nhjc^u?Vr'?^ %itli >. : >>l'o.v v. ln> n?"o. iS elrrted," 1 | '"1g' i.v i'? > tlio /nitlrtji KUu> ?f 1.0 tl... pwtfmn, 111 *Tt>i" f*? l gintcfui for j.^ur otili.lonoe. 0: ' TWtfpec?f'iM$,l "v A. O. rKACK. [ jw IT T* ? 'r^^T" ?. - ti/e non of noiron. r<> t!i* /' <i..//<'': ? /" /5fcirt?(/ S-'nhfUi* .' TLJK (/upl^ui'u Ima .or, tinned the {(gun y tn r?'?oi*i^ til? nijN'i offbl.livflr from tliin lute WU b bnve fii|lvh In aerviec o?;,d:cd! fcm.dlriu'ao duiiSg1 tbo pixfcut war. llu ],Vwitr.r rv*?ilufipii Mna ndnpfa.d l.'j b'otli t;/?libhei? yf tbe f.'.'llorat A, . AWwi/f Tli'ii' il"' Agent .]?? iirir<\ by nl^V rtdTcrtiaen.rnl, tb* famiUca ??f il.-cfo# il soldier* to twprrt 1o liiin, that ha may are U'? ?iv*ni)i> of Avriffing and c??rrcot1ng ekiuifcritttl rrtym#> In ^eonrdnnro wrflii i1n?~?Tl(nr* rcmlirtici} f ihq (jeticrnl Assembly, 1 ci.rn<-??V r?v v.rrt M.p fnmili.# kud fr? >i,?l? of deeeatcM j oldicrr U> forward to mo tUc nam?-?nf the i.O.e n*on who burr* {lll'O fn or led in *vi \ it-.' 111 iue tbe prewat war.? be infi'i uiatimi required 1* ilie'iintne. rank., umber of.frfti/nent, ?f "ropany, date I death. onus* of dekib, in wbnt battle, or rbere diad. > ' . * m ItfottM aho komostly rrsjneel all tb?> ptnioaudlnp tiftiwr* of regimen's ffj>m tide l^Le-tr. f..ini..-.I .,* n.turnr*>?' u?c akiuJvlek -in reap motive enn-.tnntid* Horn I be bcjrnning of tbo wnr, and to cpb Intto aid r? turn* dnrtvg tbjflk term of ?rr ictf, ro tl:W( liio )t?>ll of lb?Uof nta) be m krf.ct aud oop?! Me * ? V.'M B. .11 '!N - TON, lMonliiig Apcnt ^flt.e.lUtiv . TW ?*. ^ ^ ,... f'J v ;iXT <V' lfT* in ?r? will " C'I'V 111?o? lt?M for* ni >1' *'i 1'. ? i* lite, rpa K A*vi?f of Urn Kctkc TO (JAR ?ONSUKrKS. rVS >? *! -IANUAUY Ufr li<?4. ;l.-i > ?(..(t .y* will I* WpW <? > < /Lt/iur* ptY lJtnun.1 ,d Jcft. Tllo#o wirb> dirr<iiaj"iTP In will J*ri*o notify ui? on my n'*i- lAI'tiilo# until. J. C. S..pi, 24 - 34 1 Hi'f. Hrloi-rc's tieniiuary ^&2gjr>.r< ' Ku,-i ff i'l'"ll*ll| ?'l?l MttrlP, V It], \jr Jtlimou I 'v tap-H'-V tlT?" N"?> f>i>y? '2 will n^iiiltt^-V jri :.jt . Hanav.*ay my f-M ploy* < n 'lif Ci!l INC" ??y l?i> ? ' JCi-jjro I; v. JAMKS, eliin^-l^iir r?? Nils* I ?ill toy jvip win 4 of flV.-jljftl!?r" f??r )ii*'?1?livcry Mt'i* U'Mvr ;!" or <' ? ??'iJAiw Jor. .2 A K. K. W Kll'.;. i&js ^ 4 1 * virrKi^-; :?'IfSAI;' <5Kfc"s V?r'T. P. c., . ( ? (,< i. ii;A, C., lien. i.i), IMi3. rjHf Corv|i!|l liwyJiiR. r.n !.; l. 'II I Mil A " All '.r! mi(!i>iM!:iinin of. fipip/lunrikj in tbl* ftn'o. iiul'ioriniiifrwrtl ein]o?w ' HVk IiJ* l*\re))oti,'>v ihv (ioViTti'.T *?> rnotrnrt VT|WiIf ', ni- 1 r.'f; Vjloot iti onrli I t M4 b. U Arts ?ii iiri.- S^'ala to itiuntifiwttnre n ( tnlioil ?f jrttrf at a KmiftAj Mr not *1" i xror'l .M?rvi> ?Iol -1 u*s pwjr illun i liiiil ^jiiritifwit t"*Lo *<>M to J nv lint l.iyiilArljf |>rwti?i9>; iun'j iiw<l i ft y. fitf-j; liuit proposals in . m??iv.-d at tfiW ?ii,.at;in<,rtt fur IW m,,, >uj iyU>, as ibnv?, ff rVrpiorsity n! pV 9 spirits k?-<1 nleo10I, -nt lor ':? Contamls of tSs District Join KhU'lt fie offer 4* ljuu<i of t-n 1ii.o ;;litd ?tcll,>r". with nuc.;ili> ??tfcrHy, will n r?fyiI'or i'10 ihUiifVtl j> >y?yrt? ?f tl.e I ontrjut,Early gVn^irit uro Scfjitosied. . JD; older <\r t'.io <, r.rrrr tnv lt,. . *T.Ji-"t Col. auO Comm i wary-Own., S. lj. 1'SO '.'1 34 - 4 44J>T A if In the S!?t? ,i?wt fvt'.r j imer, ami y??il tails in dnplissta,, w\iI) Copy <tf 1 i-ivisi.t.MOM f-i,'ir.i, t<> thu Dapirtaml M Bills paid rjverlrrly. | fcfcj ?> , .onr:S.v.vr-t)o-y.- -I I Managers of Elections for Greenville I lelrict, 80. Ca. . J*' X I rifttTHT TlOl 4K_I|amHn B.aMJe, M m. L-' Havre. T. M. Co*. ' -i MoC-li-oiioh'*?TV H. Johnston; Jams'i 2sln??, NiDiwnrt T)wi>nT>t?n? ? F Jossa*?J. T>. Bulllrfp. VV. II. Evans, KU? | ih Cortner. Fpinnrw?J no. II. Harrison, James HavIJfn, Au *, IVd-ii, * *. I ' ISurtcKMA* .-?J'sutSl, Powljse, J. Snow,.St H. WeHniort Intnl. j?* u-i' * 'I DoCTHtlV?Mk-W. K til, I J. H?nJrri">n, (no. Masters. *'-<; * * " * " J . f.tx^T. .4. Hammond, Wm. Me= (?eal%,Tl?o?. iloklsmlth. Oit-CAwr t -nraK?D ir'ol !>* > up..rt,1)A f;4 ftarap <^id pSry Ca^tiwll . Or?wa*a<tit>.K?Ur. VS,Woomjy, J. K. HutdiMOii sod 4?'<rte. ,y f. i I BicwtHn-^r-^wI^'n >\0?Uxh H. Ix lis* kno^fyttf. WUnfT,' v* MAt|.w.n>?J. Rr-Mipyrrs, 1' W. ^#St, MMMBUHHMi ' J M'^Trt*M?'s?P. N| A sir or, JoKa Ch*i'f*% Oresn. Wm. Ballsy, /. MunnoMBnt's ?Tho*. W Roe, St. i>l.,-n llarol.t.aoks, C. V. .Viom.-. in, 1 y Crane Fatti?T>r Jamas FU?}Uon/Wwi. frovyfiriil^n, Willi* ChaixlUr ? ' * Fo^tw" jvr.M-K-11. T. TatTv, WWUmi |!?&nllelt, Brew B.nsor. - P 1W?. * _ ... ' r JJerrymen Slew irO*o*ir-wB^tL,ln FfV. W. B.Dleknop, ^ V Keller, iSiyi.l llyrttin, ^l. w ^..1n m S^llipi - " *'J r *3S&{\ ^ * m '?>-'J^l.JL'.L' ' HJU.1.-A tlll l*k". tj%% ebore^omtd Instil ution. nttd"manage ft dGeording to Hi* dim-ret bw, hurcbfr innonnroi tlml^i# iTjlJ ecepUNt ,4W Mine; dud thnt diwing the snap ertJigh of. Ui? Kof???n Unit'tUHy; |?o Mp.-qti U;de<'ot?.ft1l of l>>? time nnd ?nerjfi5f'jo;?WtnWeH? of the e<>1 i car. Hy tW nid mimtmi. oflib(?*itM experienced 'cm In i-*. utiil l?y .the fiilojfcmMit of ? ?lriet Hticiplinr, to r?nJ?t th? cellcge in every ***7 worthy qf the confidence nnd pofrontfjr* of the _ v 'l'lio college*will l.c reopened nbeut tlio 'first of Pi hreutry next. Si. ?r,o? n? the requisite ?nrp* of InMrncfOltA' lllld n miitnblc prfreon t?*. eondott ibo Hoiic'li/iy f>ep*i1?neht ??it? W eeCttiwd.* ?n ?nrvertW#f?et?t'wil! appear, citing forth the Unite. A-'J iwi* ?teeirmg to. ml or their unttgblerr Mr th* curnlrg year, will do well to eontmunirot*,with lh^ undersigned by letter. e? early ns frrftcti.'flUe ; and >n committing their der.ghtrre Ui hta rev*, tlity May reel Mr it red that their health, e?.i Jnot end man n-1 , as well aa iln-lr intajlcctoal and moral rujturo, will weive very attention. Addreae Poor. CI. II. JOlXUK . tlrecnvllle, 8. C. JVC tU - 34* ' $ Hake Tour Returns. r t^llR charter of the Town of Greenville -1 rronirc# thnt " all perron* liable to Jax.'tioii ' under the Ordinance* of the Town, within the Mm', **?hnU make their .)tfttim? tin oath oitd m?kc payment of their Utxet to the Clerk end Treasurer of thru aid corporation dnrin? ilie succeeding tnofilh of January; end ihnt upon failure to mak* atn-h Kct inn etid payment, the partier ?o in defeolt e)iell lir subject to tbc pen ellie* now provided by lew for failure to I * j ? ? pAn. rel Sfnle t**." he tnx pnye.a of the Town ere notified to take due notice hereof end govern them scire* accordingly. IThcCleiUend Treasurer may be fnnnd in Ma office "ft* ?| P, A. U., to ii. M., end fiiwu J j, 1*. M., t<? A o'c1<i<-k, 4'. M".; where tihiQk ircturfcf fnity t>e obtained. ? I'ATIHJL TAX. AGREE Mil.V to The Ordinance l)T the Town Coniitil ?r Gnfnv|ll?, "Te w?sr ?iipplicH for the year eliding tMo^er let, ltji^.^wll M?nU tr?-o editor penum.* w hh>k the Town t vrr rixliitrii ojfll niwler forty fl\ c yfrare of 4jre, t?ur?hw wtlk those own inr ft fth?rr ?>r *lw Hereby notified to |i?y ihr oninniiMMlnn of live dollar* to the Clerk of Council on or Itvfon- oj J**tivrji. M??4, ? ft hftl for duty will then I'f IMH'.V vtUI. .* . ,J : j JOHN 0. BAILEY. Clerk. r>e?l7 33 S Classical and English School. T?i? next Mi.Vmn /f<4ja ?r tlrw Cl.AHSl<-Al. A N l? V. KG L 181! ?J?jfl3r -H lIOOL. .?toM$r?ir.r ly.l'KO Ter%tr FP-si>K FIWaHIW ?th Ui? npprohati >n . < f 'h\3 Hoard of Trustees ol Formal! Univ.' rsjty. ?]nr|ng the *i?*peii?lori of ili?. Fx- mires of ?he L'liiveraity, will open Of the University ltuHdilljf, on tJie riRST FEBRUARY, and nnibrftce twt JU'II tr.r#\?f I I'll wriIRt f O.'ll, TKKM*?? '2u per quarter, Willi $2 50 fot ilioitfcntnl PNfH'tMN, psyntdu in i.lvnnee. For foiilur motion, address l'rof, 1\ C. EDWARDS, CJYeeovillc,S. C. 1),.. f7 33 fN 7 Negrouct to be Hired* OX the ft+rt dny of .loiiunry. I will ofTer ' forMtir?\ ? U?e (Voil honor, oIk.ui . TV. KNTV M:<;ROES. "Moo, MfcMiu-n'ftiijl B?v?* for the veor* 18C4. TliU.1AltiUFR, "lull 'I ill n. Ifre ?0 32 :? Ranaway, ON" Tuesday m??fi?intf. December 18(43, from my residence, near Crip pin Croek, (!rw"ivillc Ifitlrirt, S. C.t. H mile* from tli? Court Uoiiee, iny bound ap pronliu* hoy, WILLIAM SCOTT. Paul l< nhont 14 years old, 44 f?-et hiph mridv hnir. l?lne r? tvhen li-I ? ft T>? .? <i com wiMi blue rotuts. Six aiul-a otmrtrr wiiIn ond no thni.ka, will be |'Bid for 111* dvHvcrv lb in* ?t n?v rfai .1.n>c. : . LOUIS IIUFF. i>?? it. 3* AUniiMralorN Sale. BY permission of fh* Ordinary ?f Orean vij'u District, I M'Vt ?ffi*r suleet tlu iiiie rpid'i'?? ?f JOHN COOKS, <t*pon?c<l . . riMDAY, JA^UAFIV KSI'. IWfi* fellow Mig . nntoed |r'K?|>crty,. belonging i. h ;.i r?int-, to wit; TltlU R Nl UiiOFS TllUr.ft 11 i'.A I > OF fTOUSK* V'JIkiTuio llioiai.' ir , . ? n yllVHOi'i " AHV/.V. / . 4>K?BUU<rY AM) HARNESS FATTENINO IIOOS emcRP. oows with calves V CORN. POPDEU WHBAT, KYF, OATH %. ,f . **- SI'ACKSM ITlt 'H )OKS nE ?0 lUU.s. 8YKUP CPPP. KriCHEN FURNPIUHI A.i 4 many, M ;rco.-i?*a?-jr t ntetition. ' ' Tnm*?? A aredit of twelre mnnllit rtpei all mm* of fen dullnr# and upward#, will int-reet from <Wie? tinder Hint amount - eh WILLIAM ' OX ' I I)*e 17 33-# ' Adti.iijUtmlor. Fine Opportunity for Investment. / retir*.' I i.lTei f,i } ?<he paper*?<)|i W, trl-weeltli ojd weekly?BIN DRY JOB OFPICB am alli hpj.urubaooee. . ' , .... 1'' TK?.fe* ?Mtraa CO by tr.o fHt, ?wd U l.vilMinq U wall adapted for iU, purpne-r ItVuieS? -rh, KNfllNE is a very>operl^r Boe'a v?h-ti*m and rhe supplv oFTVPKand MaTKKIAI tLundnnt. flfce eirculalen of <be equal - v?Me * ""*(mH f |??t*r, m<>t4Mir fit*, iLAMA, i?\n ?l? on lTi? Rendition ?&<( fr?> (irecnvHIe Q. H., and ii*inedh|Njda?pi><fci the rcaidetica Tato of W. Ttupert SU-win 11 n. 1 now of Jir. .Mm KISiicV. -This i? Terr doeirable location tor building. *** .,. * - .jJ*, S^von SLAVES. *ix; Jw, aged aboflt I year*; Daviil, about l&j Julian, OooU hi wmIicF, about 62; Ilnlinuh, nbowt 1*;-M; Violet, about ft,- and Jotd about <0. <t *4?t* * au?O. On- nORSE. BUGGY and tUttVES WA(iO^J a?d HARNESS, f|joUUjJ$SlI< VE1.S. 1IOKS, ItAKJp*, Ac. _ ?uw, A quantity of !Inu-vhul<l and Wtcbt FUUMTUJtK, a?/hirpff*. Ile<Ti*enda ay licdb. Duttant, Sofa, Sideboard, (linira, Ti Idea,Oo?k?i-jr,.|lariTwar? *?d Cutlery; << Any furl bar in f.u rc?(*?ctlti!; (| property can be bod by ?j>i>liriti?o, lo it ?ub-cril>er at Sparluubnru 0. 14 4 H<C. |Sf"Tvr?i8 of ml* CASH. I ^ WniTEFVi' d I) IT I I AT ib- pnme thno and jdnee, X *-iM nl offer for tale, a FARM <>T one lumdi t.V -i: foar '(luA) aecae, ettuand on the Whii llor^e Hood. flva ngtca frotri Green vlIN* < II., being the next aettL-im-nt above tt place no long and troll fcn..e n jw the liu Ifon. Joel 11. FolatactVa. tin fid* bl"?1 1* DWELLING HOHsE. cntaii-io* ?1k ruoj.i ahd Kitchen, Wtajule And ollirr fat-nilil. Inge.' The place i? well enpptled with Km Tre*a. Mini ha? on it oin- of ll?e tin. prlaga of waf?*v In the up country^533 . WltlTKPOuKD SMITH. Dee-17 * 3LC* srrt .* - ~"vi&SiZ A T.T, pcr*oi1i?Ju?v>n?r dtmn il# against 0 /V. ?t?u of vurri:nioiii? HMITI I de<v aaed, late of OrcenvUU liirktirt. w k preeent thrvt, tguffcriy hltrVtf il^lo ?h? ?\f Jcrlber; TtlrJWH _fit TO l| aid Eatale, will nmle to wumAH?ni> siniJi, ^Jftmibir. Or, io Li* abaenee, ( ? wM. w AI.TOS SMITH, at tl>. Slate Arnlorr. K??r SB yo STATE-OF SOUTH CA&QLHTA -,*> <JItEK5iVlLLB VisTlUi;*: p Orric? Covet er oj&xp1 AND Co}'MOW IV t-. ) I Tr. A. McDANIMI., (.f .ald.Cmi.f. y pm?wance of tlioMi: r<-1io?? i>f the A of ilir lyogiolntiire, in ettolt can* i rovidedj ?1<> H>i;?Uv titptiiilrllvirtifljfeth , an ELECTION far'-CLEIlK f... rtrwiiVTl p I)latsict, will La h*?d on MON*l>AY, I i eleventh Jay of .Tannery next, nt lb-* wii i [>!?< t?f electiontlirduglnnti iLc ?|d IX trii-i. t.>T yA j \VUae?i my linnd, at Or*cnvilla C 1 tills Ttli dnv of I'^fTMibrr, A. 1*.; J^ni* W. A. IfvDASIEL, i. i:. r. I>-e 10 BT , ?6, a of South OwoliRatf GIIEKNYILLK MrfTtlH'TfV... Ornct Covr.T ir flnmi. AXft Coil M"V | r|B v*- A- McllA.MKU ?.f *41.1 Coint; - purautnea of tbe di-retioti* of'tli* A o? tin* I I-hi tit re, in eiicll CflEAnat'itle at provided, do hereby vkt |.ilt !ip'r..lira tli an ELECTION for SI1EU11 F T>ieiflii?4. will hi buLi on. MfWItAY, f eleventh iLiii e>f January next, at the"!!!!!! [iln'-r* of ill action tin olioLuiit llie ?*?<]]>! irli-f, % . ,t yyL ,3 Witness my band, at' Oretitvil)* 0.. J t this'7 ill day of I)?erniber, A. 1*., !?(W?.r W. A. Mel >A.N I EL, c. o# *. a u r. i?'-? '<> ?* ?y-* * AjrouDiYisor Againit* K<<troe* Uirh*/ th*iY .,6%* jfito aatf Ilentiny J/ouien yr Lot* mir Their Ot ' Account. < - at l -j- ? -i-? I1K IT OTJD.MXED. V I/"* h'tnuhtn! m 1) 1 WirtUti* of the 7'otfii of (j'rtet'villt, Council atxembJeti, That it ?h*II ????t W I*t fill for any j<er?>u uwuinji or having,, cli/ir/Crt ony mule or fcrna'a *h.W?to pn?r such slave to hire liln'cir her ?h..J, tiijyar' service, with tlio privilege ttf'woAdisg > the Town of Grrrn^ilt- ; any |>ers ? owning of havJog in chhrfce It tdevj*", slaves, no rfFendipg, shnli ^ie llnblh to ay<u oltv of twenty dollar#. ' Ard Iff it further Orfomtl,"'Tltr}, l] , negro or negroes hiring their oyn.lii s shall V*e liable to be arrested ami to?prie? >j ed. n? (lie expense of the'owner, for 6 month's time,'or mi III llie flue of twen dollar* 1* paid Ly'the owner. , lit it further Ordained, That hercafl no slave or slaves shall occupy or reside; any house or other building or encloay within the Town of Greenville, ether th his or her owner's, without, the written c? "Alt of enetl owner, wherein nhWll bj ,( pressly described tiie place where such *ln or slaves are allowed to reVldc, and spech ing the time for whieh suely permission S intended to \>e given, which shall hot t u eeed one mnath at any one tiihe with) renewal; and any such slave offendi r> herein shall be whipped not exccedi li twenty laahef, 6tol|cee the owper-of einidt 1, ?r of aueh slave shall pay a tine pf five A tors fof each slavey so offending togetli with all oost and charge*. * Tit H further Or.dianeJ, That no ners > shall Jet or hire to any ajarveanylot, Wu room or bulldiog within tho Town pf ?<>? B vjlle ; and auy persono flooding herein, sh r b? subject to a penalty of. five dollar*.# I month during the time. 4(*1" ' 4 enpy.any such lot, room, house or huHdii so rotted as sfivfMril. - ?ej. I Done and ratified under4he iorporalv i of the Town j&rdreeWvJlle. on tl i-v; ri ^ ''* 'S' " ' y^t^A ^pt|MjM ^ip oltliifcf w* <?<4/ara"vn {1? ' ( or <??frUg0..di>Krt J>.v.two Wlr?, niwi rniO?# uiH ronveviioco of pn*?encrrti>r Tvlro:-Jlre itoflW JO, on BnrP> ^KXor hire; ,,^^/n^jj, ui trrl? fonMiorKO nilfitm; (pi dofliun OIPMK. n- i ? i>-lioT?o "Wojjoij rtt,3t)rny. miff jii i'd'illnr? &H I, e0tliO>i?e-1if>r|e Wnjfon dr Ur?>-f ruu fUr bML * "W(> asp mil TJX. .'!' ;n Site- <j. Xh*t tbo AUiwmTThx f?? Mwtro4 id 8irtMXxr*^lo^,4.<* Ui?i-<6urrctt* ??PMM A- !' > Ihc *HlllW?f "fnnir, ilolftT?vl" ' <' I'll Id bjfcfbft ? p. flr-M rtny Of r*nr?ry>im c-x/^T, " ' lC-, i atkoi# ?X|*|"rnW!%? 10 r^r.r. 6. '} Inti tlio mum of Jit< if?(/ur* W, ?n?f if ortlwVil Ui U^i'uui hy en cli wrfftwy pf-moti IfnW. to porYJr'n H'itlr?l l>utx ,,,r ,l"? ytiifftnlinu tfTly til Oftnl .r, iflll. tfc? ou'ur .lieffore* ttuJfltbfi i?y.jr.T?iiW V? ??*r. . Z?!W ' JL TlVTVRliA .TOT tvaonvvntfHi W , ? UA.iiVIilUVEO; vi'ir rs.'AMltlli;-! VP. ** : IgT^AtMnPil-OToiULAVilt^ts. . r, ^.r. 7. Tjjit i? 'I'n r.ut i im t ,1V I1]Q 11 <> nil roil iI.,])h>? on lV iIia jirnrli I tin- jn i>!V*-i 111h ut L*' lino Iiiil| nnif I Willi tho '.,ii,<ii'Ci?Mj|' 14 ut 11 I*. trtpr,Hilling, ivitlriu ygBfc '1 own. ?bnll in- ptWi' >1- l?v nil ?<-tvO* pnM^HKliI iirifciiiiini* ki,,1 it ^Dbi<'fkM^wiinu Ike firi-t i|^' 'i^JitniVi'4 j>tf l.-iW, 1-1 <Iip Hrsf iWy^jt 3 Will .1 r /. . I s mnit VW 1>JT tW litcl iln.t ufnMiiiiiiry l*L\ -?iTAirr;? <ru Anr:h| -fojjip* Sr.-. v. '1*1.-at n \J> * j- d..P r.'/S f/iry l>e )iaW iiy (vny' Tjpi'Wr < . ' uqj La ti<iui-or..ofi>ri??#JOr ?nle- ullliln tlib - i;i 41h?ii\:11s, fti.v ?U'?vv<i'tion ol IuikI/', ?\ Hiu# III or \ixL t.jrtt|/Vv44?r'bthtrrti?\ tojML , 1 (>?ij daily !# " udvantv; -bjhI nv.'^ ; n-rA?P " Hftlioftn^r. rvpii^W'il ? l>u? rvuk-u^^Ki . 7. ji^ftyS5MfeJVT:"' . . j< ' T vtv tB . J.KY:-. ?BW?. aSfaT r. miui ?r tf'.i <> '" ' > wlM rM aitnVm'h'kltil ?ftTjr jHirinrd Table, nmfjl ill J J* ***.'?'&$'* Wf-?M wiili .u^K tvtrry T*n l*lu )' el ^w?yW*ti? t<> .>it. ?f <ir>Tjirillo, iuumI > v ,.r l>u*fto*aLo? i?r->jiHi onid 'i* nj J>?? |.ni<i J;j tiir ptupfi-st'ir whoever licctiro^R^.V I,. ll.c in" huli for Jb * Ir tfooir* ^OU) r^p.N' CONVTiJNMKXT, W^* 1,1 ^I.I ip.'X.i;;* <;,r yr> rrnimB ' U. upon hUffo-nlf ? luyjii o"n-i|rniiiri:t. v?Pft3 > - in enil, TawViJMm tltc ftr/l day of JjinJ' i Hv. ?" tiiu ^rni litiv nf Jnnn?rf^jVdUl mid by rVt*ty, ptriin ho cyiynunl bO >nii h, (uty^Civ liy br.<t >' ny ol' l'?bri??r?l -ofr. ' tj%. * ^5?^ vKIMI, rfSTAT^. TttiAATSafTAcK?, JtC^ >,+A , . a.' AT i 9T Pk'. 11. Tbn4.ft .Wj, of J"' 'irflJt be^iniil irpwu i?ll ioO'S ix'r.liiii .hi id .. I nlWvHtp'i). f>i 1!<4?7 Ktftfli*. Sinvc?, nml Slimfc'i?.1 * *1 ?r oVoVy TU,<rri|>tif*?. (I'xeept hale* :i c 1? i>v ^? -..MinHr ?l' Puiicf^ir by ffr??M?u.of-liiw,'or by ?.\y? 1 or mlii):iii."f vnit.M.) *:tM T.-iX puynhlft H i oft fl?* hnr *?y on which rtlrh 'r.ikiv tvta ? >l . f rfifcAl.TTES. V. Ami kr it fiutfir< fh-il'n'urtf; hnr> f>t if ii*y ,?r per?ni?? idliift fail, nr^lc^t, or# mi jWi|iiVl)' ifcaRo trur *U?tnWT on ontii, to ? 'Cto?nei|, ?f nil bh?ln>r or Ifnrtr f hS pm|o>rl-r. ?iii( ^i> p;iy fho Tux Ibcroon li.'w f*Vti*f, 11?? W?!?y ,S|i JicitVy jmlhoyicril nivi rtW i' *! TUToil to l.iiiMb" twoco^kro ifii't. foi i..iAicrfiafctjiJr . on *Mfii .vfofituli. ^ ru itfirt:,* OnlyVkf. Tl|*?% * m i/.?oy pdfson fi+pefvi in.? .-lin'l rh'tiyr fiiro tmy*a rol;li-lo Mt?nt4i>iicdr wjihoiA lijc^t paylnwS iTn* 'J' ix ilur"?. Bwry ?nci?*p?r?^'tf"*iiMfl poyrj e, 1?? ?iiu lv>tiii> he ?hhll tlie miihumI TMICw' rtt for.wbieii vcbie)*Hv eiltijpft by lhU*Oriii^l kpMi?9. .9 j'"' h * l>ou? ?m1 mliili'd wider tfco- corpornto fomI oQl . ' U?o ??iil Vhwk.qf-ttriviitllli-, on tbfl " ' rf b.- '"'""A 'i.ij of r, in tfoi jrclMr "onB jt- [ ' thowcmid clglit Lhw^i-4 < mii\1 li?r?". .* - <:d . r\:ta. Uitwlnjr. J? "1 \y.Y,-r-*o_ cirri. 2? . ,wr 1 llKx.narAUtRKs;OOMUM^ARY.GWTM 1>I PT, s, he hi.Vwio ri-- r ~- > \t7 a view to ne^jat the needy fnm> A \\ ' )i<b of soldiers in the pc^eervniio'nfl m of ili. ip nient, tbd, distribution of PAJ.T ?.v the quarter commencing January, lSO-aJa will l>e f Jtoardaof Holdigra* Relief ere, t1ieref?>r?vl ?n notified that (SCKAN' SA1.T will .be If* jahud them nt. cost ami exjxnkra as hoveto- ^ , ftrf,.on application to this JK'psrtmfnt, B ,rt* ... By ol der (if the Governor^* . < ?* M". *-**. " RTrnAEDVAi.nwELU ' 1 J* T.ieuU Col. Mid ^^oifMryjUcn. K. (*t- 'g ?' I tec 10 ii >. V * Is xll papfr* m the Slate arc rar?fntlu " ' rgqumltd td ilisel tihl'CS fimes and send Ui!lt*?a ,Mt in duplicate, wfrh copy of advertisement^* "1? attached, to this office for jiayment. ,lH)UfC paid qnsrtertyr. Ter Hundred Dollars Reward, RANA'WAY, from the. aftb- m oo'*>dA 1<st night, (Wednea-^fcv d?rj GROUGK and his wlte?*N . * ' \^MAiIY,. GEORGE is a n.wUieJSlO * sjl mulatto,, about ft feet 0 or ,10 inches in "? *r height, stoutly built, wUh a t>ad cnunt(jnr?t' >c ane<, MAli_Y !* bmt # or 4 irit-hes, irimly ?C 'F built, and goad 'miking,'crmbojit ; hp satn%JL r, Htlat" as Georgia . George ,ia* raided in -lifc $1 trbtiicVy. 14 . ,- \<? .Jl'bcfjdinra nswaf.l yrlll'be given for litem" V tff /"