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qhhmbb Editors amS ^r?5t>Hetoiii. .. /".^KTTin to?cii$Qt!t'tha "rot*:. if on. 'V.1l?r BMJKrl fiffr c^U?l^r>|Uorp. of 12 Minion Unrn, jvvfejSSiteM,' for flio first fnft?rt(on, cToutj -liva I AJffi^Bnta for fhe kpco>><1 nnd'thlr*' iif>?VU<>n?. nB<! *9K(y?Cm* fpfjBacJ?%i?M'gu?Upg iaidrtlon. BBM l.?t> I to ary Jirwt Marrin** notUo*,- Tributes of jgJI?^<PM?oi cel. 'homimtfiong or miuoutwrtneol* for HjUV-c, ore cliurgot! fur tho fuuio as adv?rii?o?en? nunilicr lV'r+omi livinir ft I a tna^Woiil1 utr to. by iJL ?*g^S wren woriiyio thr liiiv. "'~irV *!h iiotjj?^V>s?f4i^^'ou* f'f in* ?v>~!? ' : I.fiNniH luite liren' f.miMv \ r (Vfl4U?i"ftW'pf>c.? LTi??l. .Th?:it?wV V nt^l $V*lvV ' " j4^?n.i;t^v^Wftm l.evrj,Xuni^Hr.vvcrc :l Ki"V hr, *'7V 77r pr^^lv \nm* r??!ifi?r ?' m am.] flout, !'? 1'H.bmvU ..pylu.l U> ill? ?xppntcmi 5 * ?tf il,(. j 'I'liVrf nnfwi'tnnaU't.e.. |,K- Hio*n ?ofitc Jw piinii<>n .to lumes.' n l-oilv of trori| ? wji. jfldp* aunt lr> lowo liit'iu '<? comply oi... M .u o iler*. In \V;)Aa tiif roiiuip, f ?'r SiJ.rrV"loirt^SW-Sr ^rthcl Ke klnv.? 111 Qulrf 'o .IcFtn.y h ly HjVlC ( f'f'jJ* ?' city* Mj n'a* u(V li is or* iU-rt".l ;ilH!;e i iu>ciij>tiop* oti the - ' I '"1 ftV.I hi J.c ( .-.n.rr: of jflffig I' ? I e ^'ftSj^^V'lYlisli l i'.U of |^Prf:trv to l.? .1 in :\i% if ilmirt r.1 >, tin*1nKguirg'i t.. I ?? no !i*:h?(>i cmJ/.V.V^r I'V *l?N?!r*[jMrV in tl)*ku>; ll|> ^B^il'iii lurnuii#*,* M*i I fit' tdjjci; iW*a?yiwgc iu l.c ill nil ;? *??<?? Pvtii i t\ sHMil* IF' 3itul ''mi f 'I !'C Wtfnn sgcj'il.. I 't..!-n iLfc 11 :li | In .n\'i i- !i I ' ll.t' r.i ct>rvr?J .. BP'** *u;y KYfcf Juvntlr\> It ?'tp???itl? o.tft-i* tlif ?# >*? * ?i( < J J jo lit 5 11 . *o>rT?f Efr3K^'"''- '11.11* /.'>>? H>yA*}^^iiil||^^hIH If 11.-is iccinilv lm?l loti|i|inf ilir K.M I'Mif < f I ti IIKIVP. u t n'ny%,tiyrib?^U|> ' P fV* C*WirHi 11 >L^rtt pi'. v, 6 jr ?t H!t !i I'll Uip IWKlf il;U> lllf L? ?<'f il.?- ] Tt?.|.v>li hn.-'wtti. ?ii-cj\'?rctl tbftt I lite C? ucta'f I'lidif v HSilrjuilttl in /?M", , mT? ??i,li oil ?i |m?.W'H4 Itj-'iiiiorct-'Jc-w l\^ Cjii'ii.. Hk */.;ii < ti iwt'.ort ?'f mhiic IIH I: I Hf .(i&tt\ j.iii!iv i f '?'?* Jmuu/i)f 1i)mti* in il.c"\Viiirn Cjolit'jlixl. Vof P^Jiis iffrlO :lu? 'i ^iwljtwMi|t? l^-ll sen-. ^4hjc*c1 ft. HpiiV] pitirtltVi itf llic Uovfit . ' ,f - W( 0j*V4? fl ?Tr.?i> p il;? Jart'jot V iii^lil, dnlrltt! iW iit}it?r!>tfi<>ii*'tO'.BH?fr ' -i fin ofw<? litUiol ^.fr-ors ito i!irtpitnfr<,hi?rrlJ? <.f ?<*>jftY. , I lie 11 n L? r r;? M. 'J k< iiim?w luiiliMt k. i."Vhn i.'a^ I'Ihtu * )* -t<l |>$Ul &U < n'? A!? Ls,fc*fOr ?f 11 i?4<ir.Y?:. /nn,'a y(l|ili"f rt*Hii )ii.iin? ? inn in ibtI'nitiuitv ]' tci?l?itiosc^Tha iwo t Salter w*to nn^aiftl l.? cuini?'thn j.oiifo i v, ft? u i il at il.p TirfWaj f * i?z'? fon rv/M-Mi Jhftt ber?_Unil^ T-n .| !.-i. .1 il.? ir 1 j >< in?. ui kr.. \M? I 'iuu.m. -?r.r ot KO*n?*rrtir?rnt?^]. and, nfief'.h* \ t )poTj>ivti? < f. f1,c ^opWftc!*' ii?:o A-ibrftMicV. ^ nutiilurr of otfc-?* * | ?? i*v?r*,l'???*tu?w. ntie*, and"| JtyfioTrn-'/'hTive l>*?? fuipti'. in il>4^KfcWTqr.hM. ii.- n fW.l u> BR" ' > F,'',ny threebhrtJrwV 'eod tCfT',' . p*ifn proven* fiifbw k*-f!n, wlio Und be^n <- f!mi|w(m?k #?wdVVH?*f*nn,XfierVn*tf^ (.I'tulrfunt-tT l?y ft'iini ilK of a nr f..r)i?v'iiTg^iSkPn pWit ii\ jlic >t$firivcfinW??; Nrtlvvjiji^iiuijir^j the rolil, tjjSvttirtI of, MpurHviifi would iuA all?.w ifie?o unfortunate pcr.'oiis to receive* nnv,i>uocor in incim; or even in cJtJTlilfijj. m Mo'ui Avirff ful bid*, uo3or 'Ilie ?e*cre?t" penfclti**, cien. the.nemeat-telntiveR of the'f>riiu>D*ri? Ip.vifitthem ifnd provido lIrwu, neceMaiifK for ilteir tl IPAtW imagined die determination of Moil. uitiiff.-l* to came iJie patriots to die <.f Wng*r?oK *j1<1 befoiir a>iiving At jlie) duetmiMi^*.. . v ^ itMn ft>l)ort timo tl?e population . 'pf. three Jar#* tUWjee pf the district of 'IV aIt 1 / F? I Jtl IrliVl .* fluvltf Jni.ul.ilrfl.lw_ ?J. Schnliehk, Rfhilok^twtv,) have l?e*n modern Dri! to cotapulMVy jfV jfcriwgralion beyoml Oral, after aeeIing all their property cimfi -catnl. Tha women wore not eVen allowed to- tako , . ' will* them the linen net ?*MVy for them elre* ^itl thelf; ehtftrW.- ,Tbe o!J men, t)ro aiCkTaml the ehiUxoa^e^ I- l0^ \ I'* ^^?0d' M >*1 **?*?*.-? ^*th* tj*? igsjp ^ad ?T eiU#iianaf"^' - ?... ftjtpDintfnenTj of the. South Carolina ^T *>'?-*?* or 18M. \ ? J* CHJJfm.RaTON !>tpTKHCT'-^r.; HAMOR. P. K." Charlestons E J Meynarllir, F Awhl. Cur ^olrtr^-MWibn?P A Mood, W , \trah^<w?Wfi"it l?Hiik?, J.C II??tr?s4T. Upper jvliato NVfllf*. fit. An'd|?t!< MWlntt?John l'ennj. . Pon Pun MiMfan-*-!* O Mowiaaik t" Aaiiefeoo and Coiiibaheo Mudou ?*J \V CowhtcI. . . IV*HA)H'^?A J Sh-kna. . , Allemhtuv?J A MooJ. * v> B?+iok Swntnp? .1 W HCrook. 3nraop?h KiVur sMi?aioti? W 3 E TMpfc . 1'iiWpA BillQton, E<1 into . *?>nl Jc-ho?a?o?Willjin the eoemy'i siirvj. h Mi>?.l"Pjrv to Chir.a?11 Jcnkin*. u>m?u u> 7lli 3. C, U- giineui?A II. Strveim. , .' * i, . . district-t-w. a: cosnihi, ??? rC-'* ~ .. v-r - :lFV Ofungcbnrp-^.A M diroil7.h??rtt. f ' T?t. MatiIfpwj.'? A MoCo'quo'JSti. ''I.'| >p r r A) I; iu\ jjt i? .^ W Mcilov. i.i ii?\V A Clark. fino\ify*i Villas--J I/Siffli'jr. Moon i Holly- SHsmoo?To l>e suft ,.1*1. 0 upper, R C?hn?r. * '*Co?per IC.ix er Mwiou?'i'u be ?*.tpJWIew*5./ *. -"V* "- " Sr. J tune / Gddie Crvok?To ue ?up j>;i< .1. . t " fit. (ionrc "--- C WiNon. V 'Pl^ckvillo ?4W .r Etftjfo Furk,M??fciorj ? K A Prion. Barnwell Ciicnil and ^ilverton Mi* Mud -J Ji (\?huin. W W (iralinm, .up. i Aik^A?>A W'^Ppnod* ' - (jrnrtKevillc MU-ij.ti - J 11 Pick'att. LtodfHrton?Xv' Oaraon, ii Vv Uyrd. . Chaplain la,?tfu?nj?nnll? Uo<piul ? J W Miller. liJ^4F;.rti>kT,jlCX -J-f,: it.'trAMiil, f. JS. Maiton-^YJioiu** li'icfifll. i ^Marion Ciwtfttit?\l A M?iviM?eu. J. a*\v,>u?E- >/ ^ . ;i?r?L P. W'->n nn-i S*mp:l Mi* t ~W \V M<ni'l. Ricer mill l*o? LW Mi??iuir? } f Jp*rr>!i rWlc.T. I I \Y )tct??v>sv ?C llctt*. ' Conway?0 J McMitUu. t ^ConfrajUoro* Ci.ciiil ?A Er.iif, TI J t ^org?u. ? W A G un-well. I T)ii?Iingt<?n Circuit?CM UWiuer, J K Wil~i.ii, Sup. i I.yVicliltiii j? ? J \V Criucr. v : * Iti ow navilie?S AYiliisrnisbivrg Circuit m??1 Black Min \ 'lovWfc.-K'ii?J W Mui'ruy, T SV Man- ' ncihn. Libr-ilJ C'liapel nn?l Lvnclie'n Creek ! Cire?if-~'R U iVgutf*. ii V^KirH in nrmv?VV A ITemnrinj; i! wHV, A J!,' G 11 Wells K J I Thii, In itio mm} ; J J J Sifuw, Olh Ib'gMiuMit 8. C. V. <?Ky.t'?iniv mivrmcr?n J. novo. r. k. i i* 't\Jni?llyi:i? WwOiingroti Plrcul?W jl 1* Mouzon atic*rl? \VT Caper*. 1i to coh'ied P?*oj>lA?W Martin.! J hOe??jH?fCy Nib-Moll ? N lullv.Columbia ..Ciicull?I) W Scare, S. 1 |3?il4**d Fni.k Minion?C McLcoJ. -Tablial.T?J Ivljt, U 'i'lioincraoii. | | A'Ii.cmoc?S?L?*t{l. L Sar.Ay Klin Mi??i<>n?J I*' Kilgf. '* '16t(Cr-Mount? A .f G*?ithc?. C'wrnrlin ? .1. T Wi?hiilii|n. ; ( iXVniercn M i?M*?ii.1 L Shufou]'. iHurji^r?1> .J Simmon* ? ijutiu^r Citc-nil?1* K Ki-llcr. ?A u u -!k^g^riUwjt"1*! *>V North. Upper Saruou E J l'etniingtoo. .Mancli??:cr Mi?*lon? J LStomlcmire. I -Mnnninj^*^-.! O-Sv"* Columbia I'Vr.talfa Cvltogo?Henry M j Mtwnl. . t- Chaplain* in Army?NJ Brawn. J [j? Campbell, in Army. ?0irnnuiir nisruicr? a. ii. niiojrN. p. r. Oukiabiirj'-li M Clitic, 8 Ik June*, op. AljMM lile?'T (I Herbert, .1 R Little. * Ninety-Six?W At McHwnin, 11 B Tarrant, atyp. Saluda Uiver Mission-?W 11 Lawtort. - Maptot'o??I' L'Herman. Smith. Aifller^H C Oliver, r . Newberry ?-.! K WitMJO. Newberry Circuit? M A Connolly ; One tO B?f eupplierl.. Lunrenf- I II Zimmerman, J J XS oik men. , - * * Ptekebe^T S Daniel. If. "Pendfctb*7-W A Uodges, J M CarKelt. . AndefRdV*-^ ^ McKinney. Chaplain* in Army?W C Power, W S Blnek, H I) Modre, A W* Moore. r?|MN0t C9A tUJIKICr? <>. WfTI.OR, P. M. .. Waterloor-A S Uok ; H C Pageqw*, - i^atetTbo Ctrcffit?J W Tnott, II K Q&ooj^ri Stacy ; W S Coopon! Ci rotijc-j Je^nee. ^ ^ -I'll \ j-xggga*-Mt 8Efc' GREENVILLE, vSOUTH .'CutHwji:, Hirer Mhsion? O \V M Iffighton- .- . ' CJi?(ierG?W^O EftJy, A-* Chernw?J U. M?Mrtlwnu. Cor) Field* Riter Minimi?W K.J jty'gne'A. -A?.. b *. . -'J RennotUville Circaljt?J A Porter. Society n?ll*Mi??ion? I")eA Ogburn? ( linplniiu in Annv?F M KemuOv, V N V'clU. Bttr.i.ur nssTIIICr?%i P. PRANKS, F. K. eWUy?G VV Irv.. Lineolnlon?-O A Darby. DhHh*?J i> CHr[#nler. . Yorkville?U () Dug*. Yi'ifcviili, Circuit?S A Roper. Rock II?H ? A U Uennick, Daniel JAy. Pfopiitle?J Fibper. C-linnUiUc-?C II Pritchnnl. Chmlolte Circuit?Loui* Scnrboro. CHtawl.?^?J M Kline. Lpjtoir? A P Amnt. : i. OjiWwfH Minion?G F Rouml. Moig.nnton ? J XVmUK South Mountain Mm?J*P Hughe*. Di\tcjrnor'^?rfe',???l? College?* A (j ?tnor. Pret'dent. Chnplnitt* iu A)my?E W Thomp oiir .S J llili. ^ U'All I A N DCItO DISTRICT W. U. Ftttl ISO. P. r. 8ii),rt?nbnrg?Slatibn?W Smith ; .1 W llimihort. Sup. Spnilmtlutrg Circuit?V A Slinrpe. McDowell?- T II -Edwards. Ituthe*foid?J L fmrvin. vpiumiMi* it it I >ngnnl, Poculot?S A \V#l<er. Oo?hon llilj-<W Bowman. Union?11 A O V> alkur ; 0 Murclii ion. Sup. Hreenville Station-?II U AUt?m. r<x>n?ili? Ciitfilit NV C Kilklutld, N' K Mellon; A lI'Lwlfr, Smji. I'icken.Viriile?T J Clyde;?1 > (> By>1". ?S?|>. Keuwi-e Mission?F M Morgan. Lets Patted by th<e Legislature, at 1U Recent Settlon IAn Act to amend an Act entitled AnAet to charter the SJieiby mikJ Broad irer-railroad. ? 2. An Act to incnrpornte tho Ctilco. a Importing mid Kxpoiting Company if Soutli CA?<4hw%. 3. An Act lu filler end amend the tinnier of the Client* and Darlington *i|r??a<f Company. 4. An Act in amend (lie charter of lie Carolina Cotton autl W'cole'n Facor y. 5. An Art to inenvpnrate ihe Charleson Importing and Exerting Company. 6. An Act in aiuiinu'e in. force the a as heel'f .o enaeied in lyhviion to he Oniiivati<oi of Cotton. 7. An Act lo aiiieml an Act*'cntv I led An Act to Mippre*s the distillation jfSpirilU' ti' Liquors in thi* State. 8. An Act to amend the Act in rcla lion to ihe supply of labor for tho Military Dvfenot-of the State, passed ill S> p'eniber, in :he year of our Lord one rlioii?Hiid eight hundred and sixty-three. . 0. Jfi\ Act ?o extend an Act, enli tied An Act to extend some of the pro risii its of an Act entitled An Act in re fbrence to the su*peti-ioh of specie payment I'V the Batik- of this State to the first day of January, in the year of our LAid one thousand eight h mid red and sixty'four. 10. An Ant to amend and renerv.iha charter of the Columbia ?? ?! Hamburg railroad Company. to change llio name thereof, and to produce conformity in the charter* granted to aaid company by the Slflle of Georgia ami South Carolina. , *' > 11. An Act to declare and amend the Exemption Law of this State, and for other purpose*. 12. Ap Act to declare and amend tho Exemption Law of this State, n;id for other putpos**. The following originated in tire IIouv$: 1. An Act to amend the charter of the Edisto and A?hlev Canal Company. 2. An Act to authorize the Cleik of the Court of Mar!l>orongh*I>i&liict to draw Juliet for the next term of the COttet <1 using vacation 3. An Act to authorize the Tax Collector* of Heaufort District to pay .over to tl?e " Soldier*' Hoard of iUdief" certain fund* in their hands. 4. An Aci<to continue-in force en Act entitled " An Act tp extend relief to Debtors end to prevent tbe sacrHlce of property at public sales." 5. Ar^ Act to ootpbine the offices of the Clerk of .tbe Court of Common Pleas and General Se.Mons and Regitler of Mosne Conveyances for Georgetown District. 0. An Act to- incorporate lire fiftiesville Manufacturing Company. 7, An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to increase tbe feet of Sheriffs for dieting persona confined ip jail." 8. An Act to incorporate the South' em Importing ar.d Exporting Company. 0, An Act to txtend*an Act' enrttjw " An Act to wirninys In foree An Act entitled >A? Act to ftutnorue certain building and Io?q associations to sua* end the call for monthly installments,'" during Utf present war. 10. An Act to alter the law in relation to the election of district officers. 11. An Aet to afpand the law in rolapon to the general staff. r. ift.An ^ei to incorporateccrtaia re jiglous an^cha ritahln aocietks, ami re-. f ' i!" ^ . ***" . 'TV '<$% *j: Vu' -' *'-' ,J Wj tf-4-.Hi *jr >; . ^iWricrfiu ?ff 9r!ci*fi -",v CAROLINA. THURSDAY MO aU?s. - . - 1 new and amend the chatters of olbers ] heretofore granted. - ?* I 13. An Ac. to mi-?b supplies .for tUe , je*T cortynencing iryOetoher, 0*0 thou- ! San^ eight hundred and "ejx'y-Oiree. 14. A# Act lo 'make appropriations for the year commencing in October, one thousand eight hundred nnd sixt v thr?o. lo. An Act to refui^l to lh?Saldtco' Hoard of IMief for ^lailboro District money, advanced by tliein. 16. An Act to procure supplies and furnish the impl-. Went* of agricultural , and manufacturing industry for the! soldiers and people of the Stale, by a uni"n of the Slate with the Importing I and Exporting Company of South Carolina^ 17. An Act to make provision for the support 0T the families of soldiers front this Stnlo in llie Confederate*and. Slnlo service. * 18. An Act in relation to the South enr Express Company, and to provide additional remedies for the ???.*aull of com top pari let s. . ttr. An Act to establish certain lloads, I UiidgeK and Ferries. 20. ^An Act to grant the aid of the I State to the Shelby and liroad ltiver i Itailroad Company. John Morgan's Escape. "So faithful to love untl 10 ?lnuiille*s in war? , There never was Knight like tlio young i Locmnvar!" .John Motgun. with Captains J C. Hennoi:. S. It. Taylor, liafpli Sh? Mon. T. II. Dines, L. Q. lloktiMiillli. and S. T. Mage*, sat* the Cincinnati Enquirer, of the 80ih ultimo, made his escape fu?in the l'cniteniiary at Coitimhn*? on Friday ni^rht. and has reached Tmniiin Canada, \%itl?- hi* companion*. * With hi*. ti-tml good humor, lie telegraphed from To rot* o t?? Columbus that they needn't put themselves to nnv further unable .in l.i* account. A lelrgrffti front Or?mnaii gite* ilia following dea' ctipiion of manner of his c*c?.pe ;, <-ol. l)ick Morgan (a brother of Cen. John Morgan) mii.I six Captains wne confined in the lower range rf cells, uiwl with knives .lug through fli? floor of the rail, whicli wit* cotiipo.ed of cement and nine inches"of htick. Underneath the cell *vt|? hi. air ?!i:imber, running the whole Icnji'h of :hebuilding. 'I his was known to iln'in. When orco in :ll? chamber they dug rhiouyh the earth to the rtiiiAl* well. (ion. Morgan occupied the cell ovc. Col. Morgan'*. On Friday night, as I lie pii onoia were locked up Cur the night, Oenornl Morgan wn? allowed to exchange cells with I tick, wlto, everything being prepared, per milted his brother to.uka his place. Sotuo time <!n ij-gr die night the . pi isoners crawled through the hole they I had dag under tire wall, and which ' 1 tUey lied car. fully cotireiihd. Taking" I r.-pes with tli.Mii, tiny escaped frotn j piison inirpedia'.cly between the main ! building and the female department.? j Wlfen once in ilie yard, escape was | comparatively easy. They w?nt to the | south weal comer t?f the outer -.tall, near I '.hw big ga'e, threw iheit rope over the top, where it scented ioolf on one of the 1 sp kes, and. by llu; aid of u timber trear { a' hand tliey clambered to the top and 1 easily descended outside. There ?r<j no { guards on ilia onlor walls after certain j hours. 'J lie piisoners were dicased In | . iiiz.?n?* c!.ehes. not prison uniform. 1 Cithliiin I ! inoe H'I?a la n iitiiaft}or. chxige of the woik wLieh intuited in llit- e<raj>e of the prisoners. A note was hf. f.>r the warden, of which ilie kdlowinjj is a copy t. C'ShTLK .Nf.VlilON, Cki.i. No. 20, ) 27, 1803. J Commencement?Nov. 4, 1803.? Conclusion?-Nov. 20, 1803. Number of bouts for labor per day, tin*-?, Tool.. I so -inuli knives. * La paliepee erst (Oner metis xov fruit est ilotix." (IV I it'll Co is hitler, hut its fruits Hie rwect.) . ?y. order of ijiy six honorable Coni federates 1. IILN RY IIIN ES, Capt. C. S. A. in j ' ? Uolt Wom*.*.? A very eccentric ironiloinnlv was once Complaining, thai a deal of trouble he had not been able to inert with an ugly woman, so that he much doubted whether, after all, such a being existed. * For my part," continued he, * I almost (relieve . such a creature to (>e a mere chimera of the imagination, and should be classed with those fictitious beinga whose heads > ere said to grow beneath ih^ir shoulders. Some jear* ago] road* the following eiperim?>oU : I caused 'two udvertieementa to Mtmirtrd in the papers for a housekeeper ; one tot tor a lady who should not only be competentfor socb an office^ bat qualified alao for a coin* pan ion, and be a woman of education and manner* ; tbe other required nothing of thia?it oolj required as a tine qua nun that the applicant ahoOld be I ugly. In answer to the former advertiflorotytl, I was overwhelmed with letters from so many accompli*bed and elegant ladies;thai I congratulated both the present age and my own counfty -on poasfasingaombch female excellence. Rut would you believe It I?to the lat? tee I .roeeived not a singltf reply ; amfcT* have since, more than once, inserted the same adyertlaemer.t with exactly the same success." ^ Bct.n-i.ovK it the unifertal jtinej^l# of action. * -- * RNINo! 1^E( KMBgR ^4, ^86^ " I'll rest wh?n I ?et Honfcf * White twh, walking tlirourrffc* street 1 in tlic city of.- ?, a few day? ?go; 4 I jtossed a luanwhosa. he;ul wlilreij- < cd.Hiidbo.l-y bowed .bv iHe hardship-of > not less thnn sixty tears. Hmj>r i trembled under.their heavy bifrdeu, and, 1 with much apparent eiFort he advanced, < but slowly; I overheard h i in tfiMdntr i in a low and stdalued voice, evidonll/ 4 mourning over hi* weaiiiies* and povefc '* ly. Suddenly bin tone changed, and *1 bin step-qnivkened, a* he exclaimed, 1 " I'll rest when I get homo." t il *" Even the thought c.f rest filled him, ? with new life, so that jna pursued with-, energy 4ds vrewey wav. . 'to me it wtas . a hw?on. If the thought of the refrc*V ' ing rest of homo' encouraged die care*. I worn laborer, so that, almost unmindful ' of fatigue and burdens, he qulekens his } step .homeward, surely rfce -C-Wistiai), jonihcying heavenward, i.n view of such | rest should pass onward with renewedI vigor. ? This little incident 6fien Comes to mind amid the petfdexing labor of the day, and stimulates me ;o more constant and earnest'ell'orf. Each laborer toiling in his master's vineyaid. beating the heat and- burden of the day, can s?y, " 1*11 re?l when I get home."? liero let us be.dilligent in the service of otir Lord, limbering that our rest is' abtive. Fellow traveller, are your bur- i . lens grievous to bo home, so thnt vou I are ready lo fainlin the way f Jesus says, " TX'tttfl ufrTomc nil 1*0 that labor and are heavy laden, and I will /sU?ij ytio im." To roif<nin toilis sweet; lo ICsl from toil fc swri't. 1 Christian Miscellany. Lincoi.s'r teview of his foreign relations is brief, says the pQtersbursf Espies*. lie knew that be bad Kari-Russell by the no?#, nnd could depend on him for the niml ;d>j*et compliances with bis will, and therefore contented I himself with a loud and exultant crow \ m?r bis accommodating subserviency i in ih* matter of she rains. "The Emperor of Ktanee'JTs di?po?ed cf in llneo line#. ^ ? Ai:d jiisl hero wc e-in but notice two most temaikablc omissions iullio Mensago," which will stiike every reader. One vyonld suppose that in mtiilioning " the Emperor -of lnrtncr," Lincoln, on 1 such an occasion, would have been nnt> orally l?d to speak somewhat of Mcxi' can atlairs, in which tlinl Potentate has , played so conspicuous n purl, to the indisci;bable vexation and annoyance.f>f ;bu Yankee nation, lint there is not a word about Mexico in the wltole Mes* sage. Tit? omission could not Ijave teen nccidentnl, r.nd we sec in it no?h% irg but n sludidth* and fixed debit min^ lion <>n the part of tho Yankee Qpvernment to avoid, bv word 01 deed, giving ofiVnec to the Eieiteh Emperor. Another subject u|*m which be is unexpectedly silent, ia ibo si-it of tbe a i :. A Iiurnmi 4IW\ IU uin T? nine, ?? IIIUII ceav ed Midi n tremendous. sensation in Lis dominions a few weelgr ago. It was spoken of l>y bis pi <-ssi>s at nn immense public event, ami of roiihe it was ?nil-tied to aqTassiiig notice in bis Menage Hut it is not cv?.u alluded to. * * ?? i "Supporting th8 Govcrriaent." We not unfi< quenily meet with editorial hurtftliit?M on tho duly of u imp porting the Government "?the Administration being gencrnlly tneanf\< We Acknowledge the propriety of abstaining fromSrtl nntifCcsHry tifriWrrg.: but bold it to bo a higher oldigution to sustain and nid the ca(t?o than to Mip pott the Gov^rnment-and sbnt ohr eyes to tho shortcomings of public function-' aiies.' If tb?.Mj who administer and direct oor into error, io is the duty of the Pros* nnd of every good citizen to point out rbo errer and eh deftior to refo>in it. Si Ion 00 at snch a time would beculpaMo?encouragement and applause criminal. Weagree with the Charleston Merftmy that to And fault where fault exists is the duty of the public pros* and-of all public men. Tbete is not the Ivout danger that too I much fault will bi found when there i? J good reason for it. The danger i* the other way. " ' % A Fault will not he found where H outfit to be exposed, because, personalty, it dpeg not pay. Patronage antl favora aixl office* do not attend on fault* finders. They are tutially prescribed. The sort of peoplo usually To*eJ and fostered'are eupporlor* through thick and thin?flatterer* ar.d toedier? patriotic and indignant dcfondora?ll.eee.arc the p-oj?U who break d?*?p . hspublic*. They exist ?n<ler all go rer omenta.; and they abound fa the Confederate States! The natural' incfinM|pi\-blr alt own. especially in time# of trouble, )a u> sue* pect the authorities. A mam Jeitiifinder will have little'ctinnee of beieff listened to. If vigilance be the prttt of liberty, rWrn.UTkri confidents h not the beet meaDs of cassyiug on represent*,'vc gfJ11*eutfraod jjitjaossion is, to the puMtt; not an ttUrtwxed evil? pubJia opinion may be enlightened, may manifest jodpBlet, aihf- ?Wji?rHyps ?t > \ (oh for What a rorW of gossip ^btifd lx? prevented If it wiie*e&|jr ^membered . 'U>nf a j>ereon who tells you <<f the faults of others of j oOr faults. SDRr*; y >5 y * ; -n?V su.^'O, "** i r^.A* ^ v>4...;.-W*46^! i. .. V; I acinar.--wAlFirtWt^L fryi&l I robp* were unejuajled at A*ous unce, P*?Ul?0'^j^mion mm friucli j)] .oh listing e^ape'tfThro ttt?'-8ei?ot An& w borders o#lIie*IWptW>ortdM. <g j#A?Uipb-^arM^d^iiwfor ?oncs*lm*q,i, >* jogstrm-tedwilU qo other..instrument h than *UlrJ?fV rff the bvjc ft of tree#.] weAtber wks f**r jt> lie^?n'f?lTriU;(( a ire* and lodWd "out fWf< -? iho Kttgfisb fl#g; an*l having *A??Wst p observed A>Biiti?h cruiser, be ran to the" 'b t,h*?e wi\h hi# boat, oni. hi# back, And o w?? about ta lru"tTiimielf on hi# frail c vessel to the ?**e% wi<frfTtevWWar,y6F- ]^3 suet); arrested aM Hoadcd eHtb? -vhaitwt < Everybody^ tjie army .was ^ ?eo ln9 .boa ft' Kqd 'Napoicott, hating At t length heard of ib^fbtir, sent for- the t stukKV nor). interrogated l.yu " You i uuiM," ejiict Napoleon, " b'syo had A * great desire to f-e?i your country again, c sine# yotr cotild resdlve tb'trust your I If on the open sea in so frail'a bark. | I suppose you have left ? sweetheart j there '?' " N'j," said the sinkr, 'I but a } poor inQim mpther, whom I waa.aus- i ions to ace." * " Ajidfou shall #e? lier," t Miid Napoleon, giving AT iho same time t orders tt> set hiin at liberty, and to b?? i stow upon him a couuiderttbU stun. of i money for hi# mother, observing that | she inu#t be a good mother who bud so i good a son. A IIpma rk a ulk Girl.?Tbet have at One of (he numerous .'exhibition# in i N?*er .J^oik "the" tallest giif >o the world,'1 of which a paper say* : ? , 'i his T^-a^young iadv of seventeen years ofhge, wCJ?-tm?_ie-Khetfthe amaz ? hig height of eight f?el J ftill growing. -The giant bey, who is i r,o\v at Bnrnum's, ii ytght feet high, I the ghl tut pacing lnm by an i-i'ch ; but "< as the height of the tsyflcr jsex nverAgss I a much smWlvr tlgllrelhrfndhet of inen, < tho contrast prefenlad in th* case of i the girl is Mill wtTyo marvellous. Her I face, hep anus, her fingers, her feet, are. ; in proper proportion lo borj^reat height ?tremendous In bize an<i 1'engfu. ller Ttoi inpW^ lonely atnj its width exceeds the W*fh iOTimrii tady** > dainty ped%?ml^.Tho fingerit-nre huge An ordinary arm by the-tide of (his lady's looks puny and. stunted,..-lie? knee reaches neatly to \heddp of a per son of oidinary height". She is-agrcu abk and pleasant in manner, quite hand "some for her -size, and well proportion* ed. A lady of usual height standing beside her reetus the vfiiiest infant. - ; > . ' jMM* _ T?# Isichmou.d Enquires oppose* the' proposiiion'that Las be&D made lootmg towards such a change in the ^iteutir? . perlion of dur Cottpiitfitfew Hitd ptoic lice, a? lo make Cabinet Ministers or officers virtually renjovahle by the Senate, or subject biennially, to approval or censure by the Sena'.o. Th,e Enquirer sprotoa'.K pgainM thdebange as violating the fnudaiperrtHl ntfd normal lattr'cfequnlify fled independence *>f the thr%e, department* of Government, nnd'threatening to e?lub!i-h virtually h senatorial oligarchy at the erpenses of tbc Ex<cit' tfre and the repiefentativcdepaitmenta.Tho Enquirer retnaiks: The present Cabinet ie obnoxious to the Senate?it tony be obnoxious ??mI. ; unpopular nilh the country ;-.but it is | not pioper to change a fundamental1 principle of the Government in older to get lid of particular meffllveV* of the i Cabinet. A joint resolutions df* want of 'Confidence would, i/adopted, capse the Immediate resignation of the obnoxiou? members?for whatever may be thought ofilteTn as public. officers, none willda- , ny that They are gentlemen, and would ' no longer retain positions where their usefulutSi had-been, destroyed. Dm if w? are wrong. in supposing that lite members would resign, then the impeaching power remains by which they can be removed,. Here, then, is a powerjjuJBclebt'(ftr all useful and practical purpose*, wijliout providing' a law which destroying the independence of (he Execntivo, will enable thirteeff Senator* to .force u|A?rt tfTe country their lav,.litcs, nod .through their Miuialeis, irrpoco such policy as may suit the views of-a small oligarchy, . r 'jferfr1?\ Tijk Alabama legislature adjourned On the fi.1i ih-t. The Advertiser ears: The acts of principal importance passed'at the iecent? session were, an act to amend tire Karenua laws of.{jus Slate ; an uj to- coouibnto to the soppoit of the loHigeut families of soldier# an attt to afilbotize the issue and >?lwjDtf Stale "bonds ; an net to provide Itoilitarv defortfce ofthi? St hi ???> Vt providing wchih Urp?y rtur appra^** t?on <.f at million dollars for t)u???Pport of the indigent fatnilicaof s.Ajins, jo**i ed ftt thu August ?cwior> rat r? ' ' k ' JakR Fc?*<?? ox.? We learn flint this ,rru uiriu^inry and fiu;law, of White co*W?. w?* hilled on w new W rubor* fountain, one d?v Imi week, t>y a com- 1 pari) yf rho Stat* Ouftrd* final IInil ?ouniy. He wm *I>ot sonic seven or eight i i rftei.?Daft Ion ~fja Siynai: V * ] 39 yon hannot frrvpiro a woman vw?h j lova of you, fill her above. fhv l"un 'w^th k>vo of horvlf?>?U fbat run* Over wilr^joan. - ? i> ? Lieutrrflflt eJcnfi!^ Jtce bMetted* w*? 0111 missioned to ?wit Europe for th*i 1?rp?i? of porftctiafc ?n?l we aye. lb e result i/Uris^well Jtoown wort n the subject. IlbWasnoyp appoinle<F omrni tndant-al *YoU Point, and^oceu- .**? >ibd rbat pillion when W>rt; Siimiec Urrendet'ed in. l^Gla/.OU tlut happen M;bf dT-fronv-the - Ohhed' StsHdsV ??>t mj-j toro^d |o O^pcgirs^nd-waerT^wibiVl, u command to G.rv Twiggs. Shortly ifler wards be w? appointed "bVPrW; lent Davis senior Colonel in'thw regy- . ar service of" "the ""Confederacy,; and " ? i^l rtneed in comnrmnd at Fort ilocgau ip M?il>;vma. lie had. not. occupied this position many mdnti a w^jeo he wa? ipppintud Hingadier and sent to Art art* as, %here be organized the wfops in bat State. In October 1861^. ho' patched with tho army he had 'organiidj to -fiowflnj^ rtireen, "and earned perennial laurels artOrrintb; SMIoh and Fafittington, when hfe was promoted to die rank, of Major General. In Q*J'9. bee, 2 861, be fought at jAirryvjlle pita uicb distinguished valor that htt WA v made a Lieut en attVGfcwTal.' 14 From this brief roeord of bi* ftefYina* it* military, man, tl,?? pni.lie will-He justified in placing the utmost cynti- . < ionce in the judgment,.skill and mjji :avy ability of Gen. Hardee. &Tu laid to possess other qualufe* liighest order. An ofticer id with liiiu is reportiMt* liim, that he hr *" noted for Jw? an. ^f maio^ris, as jbr hi. skill an.Lc'iw us a soldier. In all the rwl^n > [lis conduct is cbaritct* rizntl. ^ "h wiry, Rhd by tlie exfrot <' \ "* * kindly ? '?>?*? . diet nud (hwpviidojii* > '' 'The 'iVc^QY '~cr& Gva. 11 =?t iy?\ i ' lv -' ' iii tin- Ft- i . .. + twtli I** iliir.t/titT?i i?N- . *t jK**! :F>~* ' 'v i t's", mother ni??. -?.?. ;?.? .' t. . . i sltiftfr fvV- -, n . 'Vt*! ' deed brjM friv?o ft> ? " CHlion, r.t cm , . ' Sm;> " Hardee, '*' ^ Win fnmr>i*?d?bditb? u**'> W?.<?tW^,$tyr j?rtign* of ftfc* TTW/' - Vv?^-? Tnr: Ahm/ or Tf^^Sovni'll'la?? -w 1*. W. Attr> tii* Sa\nij?i*U licnnbJbap from Da^Io# 3ft* ^f<Sfc: ^ ti?n ld<t<^ tinao\tanrtfl i* ;utneb*d to . IIir; ajroulf ly At i?t # ><l rri\ r.r t^oh. JU .Iotiii tRwVmiflEfWtkia *rni\. WSrh' O?-0Vi^l|||yb f*vttWIi i I * muc hi S?m u?tnd would pivg tartTsfaYuon to" ih< ar. . my, tli6 IjyJu'f in .> fTl it foriijud ?lii>i i? ifrini nofbo mrifel Mi lit# 4'revident; whosecoiittiiMif^u w iwjtAvn, Oenoral Johnston xlo?~ net- bwining It is moro likely that flod'ryi will t>o aetJl-l#) u?. If L*)rtgi>u?t??1 \yer? here, or ^bouM by t?ucceeclin.?xtrieMlir.^ himself from the difficulties wtrii^i t<V*ei __ ' him in En?t Tednesste, if i* "riot ii?*f??b*Mo that he wodtd l>&7fie mag. Mean . ' ' while. (Jen. Ilardee, who ^iiseM-i (o hold the position only iemj>or?n1j, is busily engaged in reoigamzing the ftr my and preparing it for Active duty. i-?_. " /? JV ^ - _ ,-'4f , * J ; H The London lVsf argues Mi<tf the North <ian never obtain inert .Mittkien: to preserve Federal conquests. An . array wm needed two,-years sinee to ?eix? N#*r-Orle?i)9. but an army is just ?s much require^ to* dav tto retain it in possesion. An expedition was necesWy months Ago to "opera'; edrt tVe Mi? SWK'ippi, but it is rrjnally needed at tlie present moment to pievont V.eet-,,u'rg and Port Hudson 'Iroui ftg""' falling into Confederate. hands,- .. . Waco* Tna in.-?A , *????.. w?gon train nnnr.bciipg^ from Ksst TehnV '6. acCdrnJvamea bv a detachment andWantty, under the.^fc?*"'* ?f M*j- McCarthy, of Ga^MartsriS division of cavalry, pa*s*{ through'he#*, on Monday laat. en route to Biagg's ni^n v. We ^noticed with the train several of Gen.*T,ong tweta men. wii&w4re wounded in thy . ' assault on Kooxvi11?. J,. '.* . f Daklcft'trrm ,s ujnai, 12M. ? l - J^jkZm krvosTON. Tenna#f^r K n.Uirty lit . ?.ljg of nut more Wan uw* or p> twelve hundred inb*wpfnt*. lt*i< *r'1?j?|*' A of the ohlcrt 'WiAthlNlS??H*; 1 ! ?* ftm'O^rrerRl^ )! -?< 9feJr <1 'S?TV Pr?^lnu(T!V%r*ft^i*e?cflftl>l??l 4*ki". . J' 4 in At i Li in time u point yf co'nnjtlrini importune* in military *ir* notorious for iu AbftHuim-efc'MieqA, .* > X. l*ivvkv one rhouhi . hnti*?tly, hint sml . > a!l whut tl?e* Aie justly c-Miile<: ft? >' *"? *i" '^SCr^tL' "jf-'r SfttSL' * - '***>+ ??