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^I " ^ W Ma ood Ay ^ w a$ a>Alia??l. *' jf ,m prince ATrrotfa the $**x<tos. Ilia irtlng* fy >? P1" *>'* * *>*f? victo*l; Thor, from - X Twhenc? TtnrJsday, i? t~t -$p?n ?.bed, Z .- *f yii^tw^vo stars ^e^fcia head* holding j . . ** i . jr-*cepir? in the'tright hand.," Fjigk, 3?* '" -whence we-bjlVo Friday. is ?p'? VrTtTV Vd/aWn twonT in J^ia right ^jpp/**- . "hand and a V>w in his left. He was . ?*%.' tb? giver of-penc? and plenty. Sorier, /$ " fronj whOrtt i? fUtftfrdag, bas the appearance of peifeot wretchedpess; be is , (bin vi-taged, long bairetl, wiih a long -beard, If? carries a pail ?f wwter in" P his rlght .band-,. IHt^reio ar.O .fuits and V' ' flowers. " v?r.*;'--r ?* ' ?1A C'onTOAaaw-Tbe aggregate vote of "i GeOrglb 'before the war, a*, near rs' we x / e^n remember.'without retorting to figures, was 107.000, "and IB 'the third * year of tbo war she "has,polled onlj v 64.704?showing a diminution ?f 45.* 000 votes^ A number-, equal to about two-thirds her vising population hava been in t!?? field. Pennsylvania, with a bumber in the fiekl equal to about one-tbird of her voting population, inereases her vote by thirty thousand. TtfT Sclratt M isaissippiao of'the 24th ult., "says that the lion. Thomas W. ^rccittan. of Missouri, and Hon. Mr. Sexton, of Texas, members of Coo pres.", Arrived in that city ow iho 23d. They give very cheeiiug accounts "of ihe conv . ' -dition of our army and aho.spiiii ol our people went of the Mississippi ri\ or. - Tni Virginia Legislature has passed . a stringent law for the extermination of gamblers. Among the penalties fn? tiicted is " thirty nine lashes well, laid on the bare back at the put-lie whipping-poet." ?> 4 r . ^ ^ . Jobii Cipdinob has been arrested in v* ? Montreal fur kidnapping. If they can arrest a. man for Kid-napping? what ought to be done to Nap, the HI, for teiziqg our full gtown rants! > Tuft Yankee Government has received about nine millions of dcflnrs for exemption from the draft. The law as it now stands exempts any ono on the payment of the three hundred dollars.' A hotkl and livery stabla keeper at a fashionable watering place advertises, among other inducements to visitors, sociables for young ladies and gentlemen, and sulkies for married folks. "I should think these omnibus wheels would bo fatigued after running nil day," observed S??r. " Well,.yea," . ; replied taking a squint at thepi, " they do appear to bo tired." , FLQWEits?The (errestia! stars that bring down Heaven to earth, and carry Up our thoughts from earth to Heaven ; the poetry of the Creator, writton ip beauty and fragrance -V? A ueeoi.ction has been introduced into the Georgia Legislature to put into the army any man who shall rsfnse Confederate money. Excellent idea. Air alderman having grown enormously fat while in office, a wag vo(e o.i his back, u Widened at the expense of ilie corporation " Mamma, vour shawl is dragging in the uiuri" * " Well, you.little Hittsy, soppese it is, isn't it the fashion f"^, A coM*A,ar, .with ample capital, has been - organised in Richmond for the purpose of establishing** Glass factory. 1?J.?LiL.i ..1. .. - f ?' * We are authorised to announce J. K. MoSEF.LY a candidate for Sheriff el Greenville District, at the enaning sleotion in January next. Nw 19 29-7 13T THE numerous friends of Captain A '. O. I'BACt? respectfully announce him s candidate for SHERIFF of Greenville Die tihiS at the oaxt election. 1 ? ~ We arc anthorimd to announce Maj. W, A. SloDANIBL a candidate for re-elac< .v- - sisV,UMk"fBc??fCbERKOFTIlfiCOUin M Greenville District, at the next election. 4 of vFo are authorized to announce * hfwv Colonel WALLACE B. IOOR a candWate t?r CLERK OF COURT for <3re?a. villa District, at the next election. " ? g* v k Negx-?-8 to bo Hired. a? k { ** J he first da. 0f Januaryt J wi|] 0ffet * - bIto'' Court Mouse, about ? TWENTY i EG ROES, , ***, Women ami tha year 1864, asw- ^ TUOS: S' v'lTHUR, ' Dec 10 ft* ^trdian. .T " HHP/ - . j Iflffifflrii?^I***othitt*l<tnt *TywTirT'"1 Mn i*twe?n on< ?1i* ?K *&? j y wKWw content*. to Mr. F.'V B*nrnji*ore< - . T "^ ' % ^ ' ^A M CKB B. UttXUK^ STATE Of SOUTH CAROLINA OR^KftVlIAte DtftTBKT. wOwtonSnsioMBft -t^-c *-,L. A*B q?*m? Kpav j W. A. MrI>AMFT, of Co*H. <f ' J:? porwAiK* of ?*? dirootiOM/?f tha A i" 7fi tftT 3? th? L<>i(ift;*?irc, in ?ti*% ?A? m?d? ftr ' +Jkgtt?' provided, <V<? h#fc?fcy vivo pubiio nolle* th w&zarsmas V ? ?** *i Qr?UKiiH-fr 1 to" *i ,. J" Ak <*J>fn^?b?fT,A,J>^-l4A**r <. \ -r.l'#T?>r^^wL A MoWtAlKL, o. o. **u r? * - Tto ? ? .' * -. "VK- >r; . E. X, ' ~ i .; '? .>.' i*V> ',* v '.? ' * , ? f-S^ ? i> fcU '' -1?' '?? ~ ' **'"'"* tV > * - ' ' '& !?V. v^. V' ^-V *. ,. \irjru *tb* ***4* fwir- -:, jXy \ licMf aoldiereln Mioi^MM?i?t? of tfinir ? <W SALT fee fc tWqiurUV 'commertoinjj Jnouary, 18*4, ' win flk-nntielntfad, ' Bonrd* or boldier*' Relief Ape, therefore, '' notified that OOPAN BAOT *W be fufn;kh?d them at oort aa'Vexpenaea ulwHt*- J 'fere, on application to thie Deportment. * By order of the GorrroGr. ^ ,J RfcriARD CALDWELL, . Lieut. Cot end ComniiJhary-Geo. tt. C. Deo K) 82 3 Alt papp ra in.the HttiUve tmrnitify rtquttfrd to loanrt three tirosa ana arndtittte in dnr.lioivtw, wjjL copy of %dverM?cnt#nt atttaened, to this office for payment. Bills, paid qeartertjr ... - ?~ x, ? j-m - - - [ Manager* of EIcctions. vN * /^REKNVIIXRC. H.?B. Beatlie, T. C- ' \jr Gowar and R. B- Duncan. WcCuu.ouo?>?He Gainer, *f. JI. Stokfs and K. P. Johfiaon Joxxe'?J. D. Bnlfrivan, D*\ T. Weodaides i and Dr. D. Dunklin Moore. l"' I F^iavixw?B. |J. ?ar)e, H. M. (Mv and 1 Wilaon Ptdew. .' -?? BaociruAN'e? Daniel Fowler, ft. R. West- fc moreland end A. II. Lester.. ' ? Dotmurr'a ? Oeorga if. Keith, Jossph c Caraon an<LH, ftcnderada. i <1 Fon.iTau* Inn?William McNeely, G. T, Hughe* and R. "^puglian. Oil Camp Caaut?David Davenport, Daeld Bayne and'Perry CanltWI. " GowRNBMtu.c?Dr. W. A. Mooney, J. M. T Hutchison and R. Bowden. I... A RicnAana'?J. W. Austin, EL L. Benderson and W. A. Anatin. *" * Mam tin's?J. R. SmyerrB. P. West and '' J. Lenderu>nit. - ( ? WEbTKiEt-t/e?Th3j. Turner, N. TV. ttarri- *1 on and P. N. Acker. . . ?' . J Shockarv>?O. S, Oraep. Win. Canning ?i hum and Willie Orecn. C Mojnww*si> ? Thos. W Howe, C. C. o Montgomery and H, P. Lynch. C CxoA* Falls?J. W. Hopkins, SHaaTrow- d bridge end Willia Chandler. c Folokk'3 Sto?k?H. T. Tal|y, William.' .v Cox npd II. Oo?<ie. ?-UnuTOJi'a?O. P. Dill, 0. Barrett ^nd A. ' A. Nayes. - MAwnWOhtm Barton, David MeClaln and Thoa. Read. . r Gross'?Benjamin Few, H. 8. Gibaon and Wm. Diekaon. llunos'a?D. W. Bodge. J. 9. Davla and^ John F. Mlfthiower.^ ^ ^ ? V K. 0ICTj"te^.H'W ,X B'3 BatnviLi.a?O. W. Lester, Jno. A. Smith and John K.- King,, In eonaMtiaaoe of the aheaneea of a great many of. tha Managers of Elections for a Greenville District, the member* of the legislature for eald District have appointed the abore named persona * * ' ? T. EDWIN WARE, R P. PKBfWT, I . ? RANDBLI. OHOFT, J. P. BQYCB.. - I Greenville, S. 0., October 0, 1868. J Deo 10 'W-1 a C "HEAD.QUARTERsf " t CHIEF ENROLLING OFFICE. ) r BTH CO*OHR*SION At, Districc, S. G., >' . t Greenville, B. C., Nov. 21st, 1868. ) " t General Ortlerr, jfo. ?. ' (ALL officer* and eoldtors niVivlng with i I* in the limitaof the Fifth Congressional .1 District of South Carolina, are notified thet they muit cemply promptly with the fpl.* t irg orders r>f tho l&tli and 40ih Octoher, < (Wlag Orders No. J8B and 141,") front the-[< Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, |? Iuiciimono,. or utey -will Da trrMted tnd \ Of?Vt with as destriers By order r I JNO. P. ASnjIORF, < Major, and C. E. O. 6th Con. I Mat., '1 Adjutaht ?fc Ixsrecroe OnnAi'i Omen, ) 1 Richmond, October 1*, 18B8. i ' General Order*, No. IBS. (Exthacts.) I I. Recruiting Officer# and ethers are for! bidden to grant permita to eoneoripteor dc sorters, allowing them to viait their hatnea, 1 or to remain there for any purpose. The ' r.ntiee already given conscripts is deemed sufficient., and deaerters are Hot entitled to indulgence. " . ; A?juta!?t A iN-appCToa-OEifMAi.'aOmcK, } Rlehmond, October 3?, 1868. ) Genernl Order*, No. 141. " . m . e . o " II. Sold lets returning home oa fuvldngh, ' or <nn reachli.g placea. at whieh they will a toy during furloujfh, will immediately, report to tire nearetC enrolling officer, who -! will keep a register of their names, deaerlp ' tlve list, place where stationed, by whoWi | the furlough was gee o ted, and the time at ^ , wh'eh it empires III. When,at the expiration of his for' j lough, and being at a. distance from a Hoanital Kxemioing Board, a soldter is naablg . to travel, the enrolling officer will order l.i*. K-S-- u.- n r -? ? I ucim ?? imj? ru ot MtDiigtn lor , Contcriptai and, the Medical officer Mod one of the phyaieia*a employed concurring, they will forward to hfa Commanding General, with'a atatjrnent of b cty, it re; ' commendation for an extension of rarlongft not to cxewed thirty day*, duplicates brinar ' aleo eent to the bargeen General . Bot 1 when the soldier la accessible to a general hospital, he will '-e rent before the Hospital r* Examining Board, who will oontorm he the c ? P*ecedlag instruction* ' * , i In caeca of aiehaoaa or wonnde, f which, hom aby canec, are neglected, or do f not receive proper treafWient, the disability l H> oonaeqnenea r>?ri*? prolonged, die aol1 dier will bo tent, (he JBnfoYttng OPIney, j to the nearest C??pj * fwlhwtfow, for treatment in-hospital " ,<+ ,;. XI ReeomincnihdM fop ?*t*o?lon of Xhwithnrtaed Bowrdeuaf F.*efni?-J < a the- ftrat aeoUdll In WuJTi of &?K33* ^ pt commendatioiM or?ejTtnCv?oh?<rVrr*; . A*?3 phy?ielan?v or from a W will rot ha reocired. ParagwP^* *^!, Ifo- if*, General Regulations, and p Genera 1 Order ICo, M> CofrtM BefWf<? ' el tM? dfltee. era amcadfed to aaetwd withHR. " parojrnph, ^ # t % ' - %S?.V ' - a. OOOPEft, * I " * ' . a -Jr . - ' * * iff" n7" t' iiirniiirti TJt iimfirrr uE; tLT. ^ .* ' . tSJ* - - ?./?5* - * ^^^8nS^^^pS5Ir3Kpw511Kit^w?- j fcv^ *T^ > U?SsiSttR^n?.; ^jftiMrtgrigM>>i ojtWi IkA** ^- ] :^JPBAirCI^MUON tiVTW(4i*f> | DUlrict. TROW A? E, BOO OS. Sir<A Con^n-MiVm,!/ D'ntrict. DANIEL A* l^M'SK, " '>.3<** HENRY A. ?SU*FH. > W .-] By ord^r of the. Oe^rnor.^ ' ' nte to ?h'ilc **7^ Chttrleefen .pad Ohiml.iu i)?p?A mblifch. tri-wf ?-kly fer two w*e)r?; all-other >?p?r? in the State owe, ' ,' ".-*' v NOTICE ~~-T*-" To CotttmiMioners of RoadB. [ itf,aec<j*>livnoc with order* frotu the War Wipartment to the. vowy^ hereby orIcred to report at this office on. U?erFlFrEENTH/DKCKMBEB. with iv correct 1bt >f tlio ne'.nes "of owners and number of! lands liable to Ros<l J>u{y, between the gee of 11 and "45 years.. Any failure to omply with this order wilt be rigidly salt with. By or?|?r ?*.?". " -e?. B. B. MctORKEBT^ Eo. Officcr Greenville Uiatrtct.. . J*!A . ?, y Administrator's 8ale. BY pewnifrton if dii Ordinary of FlcWmib Dist rict, I SUB Mtp' V fo public the Uln rwidmce of T1I0MA8 M LYUE; in }M?kcn%lM?triaC. S. C.t. . n tho TWKNTY.SKOONP DAY OF PK iEMRRR^nH the personal property of raid eeeoafed ; oosnetmg 0T1 t NJEQBOE8 8 Horeee fr; ? .V,'W 2 Wagons - ^ ' - 1 Tinggy And Harness fc . Hogs, CftttloamlSheep . C^i'U, JfoJder Attd W hoitt doneeUoLcUiwd KHciien Furniture, ' &ICU-vj'* '' ' *?* TERMS ton,le known on day of rale;T. J. CLYDE, Adm'f: NajriS S3 J. -~T 4' I . i ii ' Ql M .- ? 4' ' * ? * 1 novice; rT^; 'o Persons holding Surgeon's Certificates of Exemption from * Cpnscriptioa. .. IKADGUXRTl'TJtii KX A.V/lNLNO B?>ATU>, '4tii Com- Di?r., Axnanroy >rov., 1803. [H?4 BY_Sp^einl Order of vin.fioinmaiid.* M4<?if 0*Mcri|>t<^*lt nafSons in ilW Alii :onpc??*ionrxl District lioj-linj^ " S'icgcon's Jertirtientos of Exemption " from Con?evip too. arc required lo report nt pit?* of eodeavffus in their"I'cefieo' I v?-Dli?tVldj4 on lis day* below.indlcnted,*for revision of hefr eer^hieatc*. if . ILJPeraona who faiV*o rcpqrt are notified lint the[r. present Den 1ftentvsof K\<mpiiun liH ha no longer recognized. IIT. The object of thiSrevDlon W'ih lefty o obtain a complete registration of all ex>n?ptlom of this c'om. with lite |>h\sic?t iauee* of exemption. It is e irneatly urged bat all p<4"Aona ro exempt ?r wh?> claim to M unfit tor* service, will" repoit promptly. IV. Soldiers on furlough tr/m ?r? uuahle fo travel to a Hcapital Examining Itonrd far Ktenaion may report on the days indicated Far examination. ' 1 * V. Thejollowing da/a are appointed for theeeveml District": Piekeua, Thursday aod Friday, 3d and -Itli December. ' * _ ? Spartanburg, Wednesday ami Tbnraday, . Oth and 10th December, Union, Friday AndtSatnrday, lltb and"12lh Deeefubcr. Greenville, Wednesday ami Thursday, ICtli and 17 th Deeember. Anderson, Friday and (Saturday, 18th ?:id 19th December. h. r. ANDREWS, Sot: <tc Pre*. Exam; Bettifsth Oong. Diet Dee S . SI % . ftuarter-Maftor'i Office, Onanrmca ?* ttPwl *8, I*fl8. i XL persons who hare'-claims against the J\_ CONFEDERATE STATES, for Corn, Fodder, or Horse Shoeing, on account of Oopt. BOYKfN'S company, or JESSE K. STONE'S quad, bad' better presettt them at once Tor settlement. Hrcsfpts for Tax lo kind, will he renewed enu gmcn in duplicate. Accounts eoutrtcttd pravluui to the 1st of October, will I be settled by payment.1 0. L. DAVT8. V . v Capt. A A. Q. M. I f Wot Ur W < ;; 'r~ %. Hotico. - 'f : /I LL peraona having demand* arainat Ilia /V ?>iat? of WHIT* FOORI> KVllTIi, ItetiaaJ, lata of Oraawvijla lOiairii-t, will, peasant. th?m, properly ntt**Ved, U? ihe rub-* jeriber; and. all Dersona fiulebtad to Uia aald Estate, will make payment to ^ wnrTEFooiu) sm ?ru. ft* *A*' 'r*6? ' Et^ADtor #* Of, to bk?-abaen?a, to '<" * ?' j W8. WALTON SMITH, fat t he SUM Armory. Koa 8A . . 80 fpn . Depar ttn't h^t'at-ol to a, Ocoryda 8p*u* 0rmfi; itk V*' . . ' . I'M ASREOR* I fl. ofrf E-rroning Officer 5th <W Wat., ia hereby Aaifcoanced as Oop?won<faaa ; AtpUtnnt Adjutant GeWwad..; wSprss - T- . ! At It I. tllH llUl la liit Z i *k. \.? . 1 '/ ; 1 Jf # * % - % .* . MjjdhJWL Council ? < ;.i bird, and kjf ttajflBoefly of (Aft ???, That a TAX, to'eoferthe pe.k>d from October cma tfcouaanrtcight hundred and sixBtagjaes** ^ ^tax 0* kkal kbtatk.^ ^ 1*hf|?tjd^^tl*' B*4^^ *"M TO,jtJ StBC.-S. That ftftg ernte '| per/iea*' hall ha OK OOODS^TARBC ATOKBROlfAMtaCE. **c. 5. That ti^nty rtrr mhU'o* trory hundred dollart'dfwaiee fir tlooda, Wairee auditor, obanu' 4, of Mriry description, ia theTawu of Orronvilli', from the -drat "day of Jauuaxy, <663^ tba firpttday-uf Iwiiw, 1OT4, afill b?t paid by every merchant, KUop-hjepar and ral? ntis? a in bicw'Towd, by the fltvl ady f<dP Omoibue or Hack j t^ii i/oflnn ?i lo^h Uuek or Carriage, drawn by two horset, and, run fhr conveyance of poaaengcrt^or bir?; Jive dollar* tin each Buftfey |?o for hire | iicmty dollar* ?ir each fihrivBorao'. Wagon ten doNnr* on- each two-boreo XA'agon dr Oray, and Jtc*~d?Unr?an _ each iMtc-bor?e Wagon ui Dr?y,. tun- for tviV?.', , Kb Taxea on plenanro Oarriajron to bo paVKt>y?the flr?t day of February next, and t^c Taxea on Onytilmaea, Hacfcr, Carriage*, Ruggiei, Wagoua, DFaya, *c., kept ft>r*bir<y, to be l>?y?hlo before such vehicle Khali bo allowed ? rtiB: - >. road.and.-strekt tax. Sue, 5. That the.'-annnal Tax, for Road andStreet Kxcmptionr,"tu: the Curt oat year," shall be tho mm -of four dollar*, to be jinid by the firet Jay of February tlcxt", * PAfWOJi EXEMPTIONS: - sac. o. X oat tbo sum or Are ctvllar? bo, and U hereby ordered to bo paid by each and every perton linblo to perform Patrol Doty 'Cor the year coding first iljiy of October, ISti*. pay*blq to Illo'TOwn Clerk on*or before too first d aywf" January najtt. LAW Y BUS. PHYSICIANS, DENTISTS, D Art U K R R BOTYPISTS, A M11UOTY P JSilVAND PIIOTOURAPHISTS. Bltj). t. To\?t a Tax of twenty cent* on thb k hundred tlhlbfl <m the inoombs arising frotn I the practice of tba professions of Law," Medicine and DciUietry, and from tbo businesses of Dnguurreety^tog, Atdbrotypkiy and Photographing, within said Town, shall be paid hy all person* practicing said professions nttd businesses, from' the first, day of January, J sat!, to the fi/st day o? January, 1!W>?, nay a- . ble l?y I ho Iliti S-r -* ITJfc.iKAMT TRADERS AND AUCTION*. ? ^ KHRS. Sdc. 8. Thai a Tax of _$/)??>? dollar! per Jay be paid oy Any Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer. offering for fealc; within the Tdwn of rtrtJonvlllc, any description- of floods. Wares or Merchandise, bv auction or otherwise, to be paid daily in advance; and any Itinerant Trader ?r. Auctioneer so offering for salo any Oopds, Wares or Merchandise, at auction or otherwise, without prcviotfsly paying, such daily 'fax, shall bq ftued fifty dollars (or each 'day they may so ' fiend. (This sec tion Is* not^ intended to iuclsilc the ordinary dealers )n grain* fruit, potatoes, tol-acco, iron-ware, bartheiVXvare, <?r fiflihr produce or mnliufact fros of tlia like character.) All qrdHtancws, or part*, of ordinances, repugm*ul to this Section, are honfiSy repealed. " ' . D1L.LIAKD TAUi.KS AND TEN PIN AL/ < 'MSYS. Skc. 9. That the slim of Jlfli/ dvlla r? bo levied upon-each and every liillitird Tabic, :?cd ti/iecu <mUajr? upon each and every Ton Pin Wlloy in U* Towu u/'Greenville, used hy the proprietor for purposes of profit,, said Tax {? w ptu'd by tlfe proprietor wbenoyer tieensa for ther same shall be anpliod fur UOODS BOfTto ui'OS roVsitivtiKVT SjC<v 10. Xlmt ? Tsx (If omit per cent HI# | npop all Goods.sold itpuu conslguoiunt, with-. In Mild Town,*fnnu the first d^y of Jsiui- j cry, 1803, to Jhfi Jrjt dny of January, 1804, j shall bo paW by'evyry po*on sq engaged In sale*, payable' by tho tlrst day of February ' next. . - ? REAL -E3XATB, KLA?1>8. STOCKS, AC., SOlly AT Atfcflojf. . "Pbc. 11. Til tit a Tax of one-h+l/' prr.??ltiwi shall bo poid ppon alt aalo*. within said Town, at auction, of |Cqiv1 KalaU, bhivcs, and Stocks ftf every description,..(cxeupi -nlos made by . order of edurt, or by process of luw,.ord>y ex. editors ot administrators,) said Tax payable or. tho sumo day on which such sales are ^u*4e. * Fr.XATiTIRfl. 8JSC. IS. And be iV further OrdaineJ, Tilnt if any p?r*ot?-or persona shall foil, ufgioet, er rufuse to make true'Return, on outh, t? tb? Clerk Caunai), of <aII Ms, her or their taxnblo property, and to-|>?y tho Tax thereon Un vied, Ui* Clark is hereby Authorised and required 4o issue expcULion lb orslog immediately, on such default. 8?C. 13'. And he it Jnrtktr Ordained. That if any person pr persons shull run for hire any ! vehicle herein mentioned, wlthout'lTrst paying ] the Tux thvruon, every such person slmll pay for each day he shall so offend, the annual Tax for which such vehicle is subject by tbin Ordl-< oaaco. . Done and rati find under the corporate seal of tho said Town of . Oreruville, oft the rwi g,,third day of November, in tho veer of t *' '-'our Lora out thousand eight hundred uud sixty-three. . ItKNJ. OAtJfl, Intend nut. - J. C. Ht!t,r,r, foirs" Clerk. > Nov lit ? 'i'i 4 Headquarters, CONUCHIIT ItKPAKTJIElCT. > Poi.t'xniA. November i4. 1863. I OKXF.flAL on UK 11. NO. 81. , T A KICVlJilON in hereby ordered 'of Ij, nH Certificates -of Exemption fro pi conscription heretofore tfranud >; this Station .aerouut of physical tli?biiily. with a view, chiefly, lo a complete registration of nlbpersotis who ace physically nnftt.#?r military service, with the eansrs of sttch unlit npw. IT P 1- ^ " ~ ii. ,i. very person noi.iug a " furgcon'i CertiflcAta of Exemption " fr. m -ron scrip Hon will report jrj ihejt rcspec'ive l)i?Ui?tB to thi) Exnmtftintr IPmril on Buck d*f? ?? niAy b? Appointed 1?y the Chief burgeon* of lh? several <'<jngrrft?ionHt Dialrtofa, u( trhifih dajB public oollce will ije ttiven. . III. Tho?e who hll|o report trill br no longer recogniwd aa exempt, and their certificates bo no lo rer of force. _ IV. EoroUng Officc/v when advised of th? <jaya Aj>pointett fwr.*h? rwviaion in ihtritr respective Diitrlth, will, tm.fll l>rf>K!i means to extend tbe*otfoe, and pmevr- m* prompt Attendance of all persons stfbjoat U? tlie /?rder. . .r: ' *, By order bf Ka|of<*? >?* o? ?T CarpJiniow, vMaraurj and-fCoutier ;*" mjilatro* AbptrtfOff 10 lnrh>a In W?, a^d ffbodldefttng. 0f at.otit Iht Am* ;agW T, |), W t Ootalxr I, r-yfi I ja \> a . ? . v'i *# vV t *' * i*- * 4 #" r , '? .? V * * * * " -? ^ "iniiiiiwtTti*iiI'IH' bin' * - i DituwU ! lff?4pvnw/8p5JiP burg, Andrrmu, UqIm, Vor1i? Charter,-L*? r?Q(, Abberilje nui Newberry iMrt^ulr?4 forthwith to iwtow *U pwm^mV Wtoto Ion of ?Iav?> IkM^U^oW friS^Tbii^I^' ^o^fcOBTSllSS1 town nwlborlUea aforaahld Vitf alsoTm press MA-S35?ei?fct??; for U?wm?^ift^|?kw|F? ^ HI. Tft? #?* $ >? ef*h<M?l*l*iAdo on the^.*?cqU. I. four Wbntba Itbor qf one fi*?vth of lh* road hftinlfc In jfrmttaMb.; tbe'ur. *f th* Lfftrm of M>? Act* oAl^lijKiJ?tM?e th? C<Hn?ii. mqi?v? of JJfc Rpqds itnd tW Town author llifo wlU only nd|attt*9 of tftOeva*aV #?**? , holders quell sit amount of. labor as will, when added to that already furnished, (ool?a ?l>?uah ownetV quota;. ?. a. one-fourth of iHelf>t>ad k?mM for four siwjJm - ' ; dayvf* a moVKr beyond Mty ooatrw). .The Arftbrt'quires ui* to cafl for a teffti of service of Uatftt'daya, while the negroes can only Vs oiMMrgfd by orders of tha Geqfrei Ootmnandiug. . ^ j q Y4 Ver*ons to whom it will,!* ataft cdtivnlmt to contribute labor in advatm? abiler this cull, are earn^tly requested to do so ; the law anurnt tharu of fulTortdit for U on future calls, which will com*'probably fct le?? opportnue aesaon VI. Owuers are advised to furnish lliuir slaves' with ration* to fast lo Charleston. .VII. The agents sent out to receive the ncgroeaare prohibited front furnishing substitutes .. WM. M. SHANNON. * Agent of the titate of ft. C. Camde"n,S. C., November 12, >8G3.' Nov Itf, o* *o * 4 8TATE OP SOUTH CAEOLINAT " Aw't and Ins. xc"ioit-~Gx?fs hal's OvrtvK, Columbia. November. J, 1863. ' GENERAL ORDEHU NO. at. rOHXElUi, yUHEIW No. 81 hereto- | fore issued from this office, prohibited persons between the ages of sixteen and Igftteen "J*r*re from entering gpy military nig mixatfonl, except such as are nn'hnrfxdd atiil called -for by the Governor and Cominander-in-CYiief; and in consequence of A card appearing In lit* pop< ra tinder Ihc signature of "4. II. Andrews." inviting persons under, the age of eighteen years, and ptrnmiiff n?n ttnwt-" ?tr vn?o luvlun, to join A company for service boyonJ th? limit* of tRltf SftJAtn. MaU ? i?0??al.0 ?a y * --I-* ;*. ? ? - vvj M rwfinrv, with .the iHjiwI, thnl no iteranti under the if of eighteen year*, mid no person not lu?Mc to conscription tinder the Acts of Congress in this State, will be ^llowed to ector any moh organizationa . Hy eoin 111.1 in! : .' A. C. OJ RUNGTQN,. t Adjitlnnt nnd Inspector Ueilcrnll fe.'O N?iv A .27 2 nper*of Stiito pufdi?ht\vlec. To tho Friends of Company "C," " 10th Re^'t. S. C. V. IWllITK In'behtlf of my men, and make this appeal .to yttur generosity, to iry n ml fur.ttish, no fur nn pos'ihle, ?< I live flli' my men with b.mik.e'oor *ny stout coverings. T'i? Government wilt i.ot l?? nhlo to furnish ?jjl of the ??eei||L^?oldieo^ before lit" cold blast* of the coming. winter will he npni) Ha. We were nnfoi ntnate enough to have all of our knapsack* ami baggage lairnrd that \vei*> act it to our renrlii-Miaeij'Aippi, to k-ep I hvtti .from fnllii^g into ttie linnda of oqr encnty, ami .It ig under tlnsc eiceuhi atanhca that! Iiave made this amti-al. belfeving that my appeal to the friend* and families of the men,of my Company,- will nob he hi valr. Think, of the soldier'as lie marches iilong through mud, rain and <y?ld, that yon. our dear friend", at holme, liay n?vcr know the oppressor'#' rule. Llssi. 3. M. RUNllAN, is noioin Oreenvilli; on duty, and will i-cjeiv-* ad dona lions for my uten.'and forward tlieui tlirongli Dr. UaDorde to inc. , T. G. CROFT,* ' Cnpt Co. C. 10th Rejt'r'fCC, C. Near Chattanooga, MM", 1863. Oct. 20 20 AN ORDINANCE fyn injt Nt yroet ffirimj (heir Otcn Time, a"d Iientbij Haute* or Lot* on Their Own Afsomii. BfifT t >M>A1X lil). b, the hferulont on,J Warden* of the 7tarn of Oreeavit/e, in j,:otmrii tuMetno/rj, llist it HnllSiut Ik* hi w fill fur mnj( peroon owning or having in charge ony muTe or fmrole *1nve, la net ft?it such *1av? lo* litre tii<* or her Mm*, -labor or cnrico, with i!>? privilege of wording, ia the Town of OreaneiWU-; atid'anv p?t*pn owning or having lo rh?Mve * ulave, Or slave*, no t fT^niliMg, dial I bo.llabU to apesaJtY of tweafy dollar*. . , j nif be it -furiker OrdnifuH, That M?? r.rgio or neifrooa hiving th^lr own lime Hlinil be liable t*> S>o nrraoted and lrnpricoifed'at tht expenae of the own or, for oifr month'* time, or not If tbe floa of twvnty dollars ia paid ly thy owocr Be it fmrtMer Or eta >'n*d; Thlfr "hereaft < r no slave or elavaa ahall orvnpy or redde In any house or other building or, enyloajire Within the Town of Gre4i?vilia, other than hi* or her owner'** without the written mn"tnt of aueh owner, wherein ahall. l>? expressly aeMfJbed the place *h?-r* such |)nv% or slaves nr? allowed lo reahla. and specifying the lime (or. w hich such permission ta intended b? bo-ghse'n, wh.cfl ahall not ?acerd One .rimatb at any an* (into without reiiewnl; nu-l any audi slave' offending hen-ill Shall l?e wliippedgOot exceeding twenty I ash e a, unless t/v? <fwn*T or am player of *neli iIhv* slmll pay a fine of,fv?do). lor* for eoelr slave bo ott&iiding together w it h all cost and charms. it farther OldiatieJ, That no prison slmil Tit 6- hire t? any ?l?truny ffil, house roofii or building within the Town of Ol ?# *'? vfllr; Miy i^tinnu (TrO<Tm^ ^r.rntt. >lmll be rti'jrfct to"h penehy *of five (fi.ftnrs per jn?nth during the tftne *u< h a! shell o? cupy anystich Jot, room, homo <rr building o 1-i-nti il ?s nfnr> oiiiil. I' -d l>one and vet lied under :1ireornaa*U ?eel ,^ot the Town o< Oteenville. ?m the Third day of November. ilgJM |fM of eur ).or<t one lliodeend eightnhn [l. H.Jftred eitd fifty mv?d; end iiii" iMn? on I he third day .1 >' NoeiwWy^Hie Dunirend etgffi tittf 1^ * 4 % * % m* * 7 . ,v. : Q^r \ ? *" ^ *<% x ' f * flr~ +tHo*r or wbopc^Rty * I"' ?"< wwnwniMu Mu ?T4h? ' csty,.o?ootyofinaviiih-*?$r%lweb?Bo1? lm- c pr casta etfts n\ny be marie?ccs.lo bo selected by the ?wnir, andonrflty the-lutpreeaiug 1 < llhe<f?yir?6cMu>i??. tvlTo^e JwUidn ahull be 1 final. IV jifUDui.itMi.'ii>!AN. afteena jf oath to Avntyioe the property, .impressed < Trfirly **d ttuportlally, (whi^t o^tfi, a* well ee tho eflWevit-priTin?o for In tMs section. c the Imnreeing officer 1? bciebv authorised ~y 'to nlmihbt?r.4t|l qerttfy,) ah nil.proceed to ' ' Mn?n just compensation for the property so | itaproaced. whether the absolute ownership J thft tcrttjxxnV use thereof,only la re-1 ^ -quired. . . . 1 8atx 2. Thitt' tlie officer .Or nefsen impress- ' lest property acafure'aatd', snail, at tk? time * of said -taking, pay to t^e trw tlcr? ble agoht ' or iit'gCTiey, tile lompeUsa'lion fixed by eeld * nppiaiser? ; and shall nUc.givO to theow n. r, | ?r pemee controlling an id pfopyrly, ? certi v ficat*, over hie official signature, specifying . the hatt&Hon .-brigade , (]!VioM*n ot iMn ^ v* I ' which he belongs"tbet,.aeid property is essentia) to Ihe uM of the Army, cnuM not be otherwise procured, and kras token | through absolute rscesslty ; eel ling forth- the i time and place, when and wher.- taken, the ' am Aunt of compensation fixed by-*r.i?r ?p- ' probers, and lite arm, if Any, paid for tb? j sense. . Said cert innate shall l>u ovidence ft-r | tlieowner, as Well of the Inking of said" prop 1 | erty for tile public use, ae the right of the ' owner to the artionnt. of compensation fixed as nforeaaid. And in case said officer or I person taking said property ?K.??I nave Osft1 ed to pay the owner or liiesgcjtt, sniJ o?ni; ' 1 penaation aa hereinbefore ro<jhireuN then said hwnsr bIiaII be entitled to the speedy payment of the same by the projiea dliliun- * tng officer, wlileh, when so paid, shall. I><il| ' full sotisftietion of nil cbdrtis against the 1 I Government-of the CVufcdemte M Atea! Sr.O. 3. Whcnever the appraisement pro- ' ; vbled for in the first section of Ihif Act ' kha!l\ for any reason, he itripr net Icnble nt I the time of said impressment, then and in 1 I that case the value of the property impress ; ed shall be assessed #* soon as possible bv* ' 1 two loyal and <Heintrcysieil eUiet'n* of the j city, county or parish wherein the property ' 1 was laL-An okodon ? f.ill~? /I * - ( ? --xvm, v.iwm u hp imitmr . ml? l?Y HIP 1 owner, and one l>jr the Oommisanry or Quart ' j tcrmaaier General, or lit* ncentf Wtio, Incn?e of disagreement. hall ehonie a third ' citizen of lift* qualifications h nn umpire, ' ; to decide-the. manors in dispute. who alinll Lie tiworn no aforesaid, who tin."!'hear the J proofs mldnced by the pni'lic* aw to the value of said property, and amuss A Jiiet compensation therefor,. sccoidirg to tfic ' testimony. . '* i' 8w. 4. That w,honseer tlie R. eretnry ot . War shall >>? of- opinion flint it t* neoeeeniy to take privafa property f?r public use."hyr rensouoflhe Irnprnotical ftlfy.el procuring tbe Mino by pfl re-base, no At to accumulate _ necessary supplies (nt Lite nrni v, or tbe good ( of the eel vine, In Any locality; li^Wiry, hj* ' Pi-nernl order, liirutiKh tb<* proper sgliydiJ na'o officers, Authorize stigh j-fo|?erty to be , laken fpr tlie public lire; the ooinpens?tl<-o , j due I lie owAer fof thp same to l-e dcterwrin I rd and the value fixed as provid-d for ill.(lie , ! flret and kecfti.d seelintianf lliM Act^'. | }*ro fl. 'That It shall, ho -the duty of tlie i President, osctrly as practicable nft.e|* liie I paring" of this Act. livnppeiuV a coniini* i aionrr in 'encli Plate \vb t-repi ppcrt y aim I] be . | taken for 1 lie public use, |u;d VquoSt the ! OoveriTdr of ipudi tf tbe StAb-a in which thl* I President abnll Appoint said eom'itiiaalonor, I to appoint another eoiiiurij-imior, to <-et ill conjunction Villi tbe c< nindafoiicp apjudi.tcd by tbe President, who rbnll receive the .cotripcnantlnii flf eight ilollnit-per rl?y4 fcr.d ten cent*par utile oa mtlengr, t?? tte.pnid l?y flic OdnTedrente Oovernineht. 'J^rid commis-* sioncrs shall constitute n bonrrl, whose-duty It shall be to fix uj iui the pr'ar; s to be, puiJ bvtb? Oi)\T>rt)tn. nt fof r.ll profrei 15- itnpresi. *d or taken'fur the public use ns-a (preenhi, so a* to afford just component ton to (lie owner* thereof. Raid contiiifeMnners slinll j.njjree upon and publish n schedule ot price* ; every two tiu-Mlis, or oftetier, if they shall d*em ft proper ; nipl in tliccvehl they .-hall - not Kc au)**l" in *nv mutter eonfijed t to Ihf.u. iirtids ;\ct, they eh-ill linvc power rlo ajqWnt at- iuhj he U> J-tii'v; the matter in j ilh|iitfi>, jHiom dciblviirlhAl) be the decision* I of iIm board : or.d r.iid urrn w ahull re re ft-a j ?*Tnvr rale of fnop op Saitoh for tTi* lit ahull ?erve, a'.Uw ed to * I. i <1 rt?tri;niiwii>ft-CIO l c*p<^(\v?;Jv ; J'rO: irfa(, to id ' injwi<in?r? AMI b* rert?fpiit* ?#f th?* Stale 'for which ih?r ?li?H ft" *; j>; nn? if V i CovcfBorwf any'^9*ntw ?bft"H WfciwT or negloet U> appou rmill Miwttidfelaneh*ii hdt? . teii-Onya after ar qneat t?> dipalChjitler ITe?- , idknl, thefVtlu' Pi i ndent jl'tH uppo'u.t fw?tl? j e?inntWi.>eer?. by un<1 wiib tb$ advice apd epnaent'of tire Hciiute. ? r tffo. fi That* a! I prop*t-U- 4m(frrt*?d or. .tnken for (be i.ifbli.' fttr, a* "ifupeWild, in t fie"' hnnda of "any perf>? <wh?-r ih.iVthe peraonr who have r?i?oit. crown or, grtwiMeed the Kama, or jier*on* hoJ<Hi (t iW shn?tQ?r.^?:M-, own up? ?c eertwnniptiun, * afin rfinH make the aftidueil.a* l?.?eifMl?f"re rr?fttire*l.< 1 hall be paid for. aceor^fn^ji t!,e ^Fie^ide of prioea-iTxcd by, (It <'itiii)it-.-'."iiOiy<-a* aformaW. -Ibit-if'iha ordecr'ilWfxrx'iifrff or. taking fof (he public nee Midi prnp.'rtyadd the ?Wner ahull differ ?a, ioJ^le quality *?T tha erj ich> or property iniproitfed or La lieu r aa af?reanld,Jtkereby making U fell wtthin a higher or lowec pi i?a .nwne J in tke schej ulr. than t ha-owner or agent mul U?o officer imprearfnic dr taking; M ^Tirreauhl, may, elect a b'.vftl ^ikI d lain (created eitwan, "of the qnali/Teationr aa ?f<<re?nlJ, to dyye^' wine the quality (ft nqhl article dr projmrfr, who ahull, in erne of dl^ftreemrut, appoint a* umpire of like nnahfleatiena and bin deniai'on, if oj-Jx ov.-d by the officer inipryn u* Mimi,H hoi ?tjpr?v?.i, ?*? I lutj.i^wU??f^oaU'f^?b?U ??<! In? iwtfJ'ki L' \ *'' */ *. -A " " ? *' '* ^ Jl ' 1' 1 'V ? S5S^^E| S^^MUgloeHyAmprwed, rhUl bJriweiv^S prim* fmcii evidence of the value thereof? . Sao. tf. Whore eleven ere ifrmul >? bufoderatc Government to labor on firrliljv aliens 6r other public Work*, Iht lmpnj|4B lent shall be osade by said -Governriteat'. eoordipg t? the nUee jmd regulations P** *?gEr? ided in the lewsot the Stale wherein theP *n iutpreesedf and in the absence of euoh > < ?w, le aeoordnnee with wek ri.les end latleeeaot iie?t'rtiet with Ik* n?rUoee >. fthis Act, ? the Secretary of War shttl, rom time to time preaerfha j Provided, Ttnto^ -iraproesment of slave* ehatl V>e m?Jo' alien-they be hired or procured by UM ...> iofiMDt or the owner or agent. 4 Sac. 10. That previous to the f^st-day of Deeelnher next, no slave Is boric* ou anria >r plantation exclusively devoted to the pt4w -'J lootlon of grain attd p?t>tlflona, shall |* "ken for the. public use without thi consefk ' >f tk* p?-ner> except in case of urgent lbteaaKyV . V ***? . 11. That - any commissioned oy nO?- *. . -omniissioned ?ftieer or private who shall .lolnte-the provision# of this Act, shall'4k> rled before the military court of the coi*w which ha.ia attached, on complain^ ntwflk" >v tho owner or other perron ; and On eoB ricllon, If an officer, he shall be ca>hi(mli' ind put into the. ranks a* a private; andtl i noii commissioned officer or private, ht ball sulfa ranch punishment, aot inconsjL euji .with military luw. ae the court may dE ect. . - Approved March *0. 186& ? ' l?-fv* 'j*' IN jJCT ^ for Representatives tn the Congress of tM Confederate States In the BtAle of TestisMK oe. - " ?" The Congrtep of the Confederate 8IsleMf \merica"do?enect> Th?t,m the StnUkafcT*#" i<v?ee, elections for Representative.* in fltt Dongrera of the Confederate 8iat<#, shall bjf iy general ticket'-for sa'id "Stalti, end eem! roter shall-l?a* entitled ! vote one tick#* -ontnining the nemee of one person-for e'aflr Ja Dqngruseional I>isti4ct in said state; untitle persons recefalo* the greater numbrr jja ii* fut? ot wlioii- vote of the State, shall TO* -omufWoned as Reprf-aentaiives by . DovcrtTor of ea!d State, ' Si:o. 'I Sm-h -election* shall he held in ' aid State, On the first Thursday in Augqsb " next, and in eaph second year thereafter, if ;Mluring the war. . fc'Jto. U- Snoli elections shall .be so field l>y<> ihe officers, .anlhoritiec, or perron* n|.pcin?> led or provided l?v the Inwh of said Stats' for the- purpose of holding such elect huhm and n* the. places provided t? hold'elcft fftjKf for nt< hdera of the most "iiunrrivu's biaiiufe ' uf t|ic Staff Legislature* . Pc/i. 4. Such elections eholfbeyondnetfilld according to the pi?tlo prescribed l?y th$ J laws of mid Stale, except fo fur as ths smie iwe mollified liy till* Act. See. .V In aln-h elrclhoia, fvnr pili/on Jlf^ lire Qniifo'lmit* Kln4('? who rfml! lie tiud to votv fi>r,| inrnj'or of the nto?\ uffcj tmerbtia bNiiu-h i?f the Ntnte I Intbr* of mid Stute.'shnll be entit'ed i?? vole altliA. plnen or plnci-a in mIi) Stole nl ?lfirfa liiii' would be entitled to vote in nit diction for i tneh mi'i/tibeV of et!oh Li'^ieliitnre. - a?jf ?S)its 6. I'-nf in e.i?A-*nch eiliacn ebnll - hp ?*. in lh?*inilitiiry *^rv|oe of tbu ConfUlernW'^ St?lc-8^ fr. in cnec he rIijiJI be (lriyvn frol)1 li e hoinii, by tlw-?ne?upiMK>p.or hi*-.ftnTnTiy by the public enemy, i r by the movement*-j of hi* troo'pf.oe i" c".?e Hie ilft'lplil AbifiC, , beheld nt the iminl bid fntfje; by reneoii'ot enc'i I'ceu; ntlonvr.iuev^^ "J mei?t*^lfteij ?u? b citixnp* nhiiil lie ?]'?iW e(ljQ: lb vote nl nny JJ^W- ?if voting in eai-l SIut-i , or til ibe ennsp* oi iWnrtny, n? herein* ll'-ffvl | roeiilfil. w ' i . 'j'i Smj. 7. *W-h clrcljon* for R.-p-mn-ntnllYi^''f flm' lielil.ia the ei<iii|>e >! the n niy witl*-",'i' in itaid State, lie f<i|)ii??; In fiv|-y unny * eoP|je,.il|vi*Son, or c"iniimml, the Colonel of eaeh ref?iinent, or other uftie- r in eniiiiiu*.n4T llieileof. or tin'oflie-fV in romtnnnd. of him*") fee* HAdy on detnelird ecrviee, th'tll flpjnifiit two judges nnd tlirtSf tlctki, to oie-p bo Id invli election, wTiimhall buhl the ?rn?( ' nifl iimk?'*ut tli* poll tiook* mid reUtMLf . miller the Mire rtflet mid rebuUi i"iiet> ue<Meu hotttMpe *refceb?|??;neil r.iol In Id nt .tin; n'ofljio jdice* nt liolibikg the MHtr in emd HI etc. onjke, linllnjlow oil -pri'Mnn ehtitiod, tiy voljflt'i ib.rcjii: .j. dUB tficc/g. ."Eho iVtunonvf eiieh i lett ioB* i*^ rftmpf elinll be f.?. wni led l?y?. tlu-' ?< Vern% comn;aiidlt>jetjflicer?, oppolnllrv' the U and -oleijc* ? <hw, enhj. t?vln- jii^lit-iri ntfl* *j> ceii iu urn3c nnd llii-? iMfitftbi liinrf '' eoidjsQp? fot-VyTriidi >li*- cuiu*.I.* held in Ili 't curnni|.?ieKt;'ar iiilov ifl 'jajti.-h tbv mm- U Wel.l, anty.ll rl .U! ff,"?U("oiee to fi.fcword th* nain&4#jtu bin eyi.n*of the Stiile?*? or the enpi* tyiiy be, if-ino-r in < nieti^pvh fiirwarded lyr Aidi tohTImuiiUlig . i o\jtly ^ ? Hkc D. I^ii?^itlic^xii* rum* ortlic pub*, | < bc ti-i-vicc ^rftyfnl. ^^ ^>ldinK ?f ^ 'Iftfj, ?iu?? in nuy ??n)p~ jinrai Lltl? Ajrt, at "taLf tlmo 1 yl.'Y t** ?rn<? irin\ I l?-U aMiJ w-4ihTft3*?^i{nvi? oficr ?W? tJ'i tyvvefflie^ t*'iae nine cwuc ill.- tiinr f. p , iWldini'jUe V*,,c' ill*' oli'i .-r,; (a rand c'?-rk>. 4'. ..tMH:. ift TSOvh foUn? jn.!^o?4 g grri. W il' jln hoi J? (iJp.-pj'ttW *ll*1l ink,, nil onU? l? ??ip- .? riifl >fc# tWlltw?? .if -tb? tk>n(i'Ji*? Ht.rtrt.^i.d WuWHitSricn Jj* duty in linhW-t? IN-JTiTiv.] ' ; A?{.^rT4(?iA#niHil An Act -Aw w "*>A?t to HattaV f*revuie 'or Ui4. HUlk nnSV ' ? WoffitWl uf Ilk A ill n^]4uw^ Jl ' A| |iroCt'd tkptrfltliri . . 18C2. ' i TWCongri>e^>f tW'CunfciWat*. Stair*J* of Artf?rie4 do ennet, That llu? Oommiitf-jL lion toluebf iKtloDs oi aick and dirabl kJdlcri nf tlie prniy, shall, from and. after -jj tlva imwagf- of ^bi* 91A, be fl*nd <ioJ- n Ur mid twenty eanla aftch. instead of ? one dollar, |>r<iv iiJ, 11 in the first *< eti >n of ' 4be ?bove refitad mo8H?UIAi4tfu: provMoaoit' ofuhi* act end lit* *j>or? rocitrd not, an- "k"l proved September tVlfiftl auallhe ?> wfcw liurd *e to apply" to "all ?rek and disabled soldiers of the army, whether In hoardtala or oillrf |> W., ?M?Mn oimp or ?n the' field t ** onH thficit ?UI1 l.e iho d"ty. of the Surgeon, Q?jor*l, undor U> dm^iogv 2a??3rvi; ra&rsjfl *t|l ?cur? to ?U Mek and <1i?aH??1 voldier* gap b aaSftSEsaK, r? (?.- L i - 'lull fo? t?'n'j !* JOh^|Mti^X *ir^ -jl^y v?. *' * ' "& '^g ^ sk^ l