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s2r' # IBs 'vF^R*jL ' nfSrc|^ilj' ijfJ"" ijjj^H V" : [ * v ^(^BlfliT Kil fjHff '?*jt^H^v! / 9 AHV ? * I / [ 0* [/ / KK^B- > . <* K?b Vf CIKk- ? .' * ..*. ,*" -., ." > >4 ttl&t fntifjitnt (gnbrprisf < B . IB BT * . ? * m. P. PBI9B * J. 0. BAILEY, ' -y- Xditora and Vropriotor*. HCper Auuth I* Advance. iyjf- ADVBRTISKMIWT8 jjMjjJfall ba Inserted at the rate* Of -pne dollar canta par af 12 Minion lteca, % for tba flrnt innertion, **rcuty-flvo flOHHii for the second and third Insertion*, and H|B?eiU for dark Mcecedlnr inaartlon. M^Altaary ant) Marriage notice*. Trihnta* of Jflxt, nomination* or annennnemnnd* B?r, WS6. are charged for lb* ***** a* OfRVVniaatnatiti sent ti\ without the asnUt TCJ^^weatfons cpaeiflad, wit) ba pnbllshc.d until ZuXjHod "<>? ahd charged for accordingly. Snf' Parson* Utile at ft distance may corn aoch their bill* will amount to. by HKUtif fovea words to the line. Zlfvtllo papers - of" the 7th aqthe sale of fifty hales of Iptet at 60 to 03 cents-per pound. The T't^ss says that oVingf 10 an inert a~ed demand and but little offe;ii*f*for sale, the quotations for ; Tennessee thoney Hflyo materially advanced in the Inst few .days.? Especially has this been the'case wirb iha notes of the State Bank. Mtiju^nrs are myiftg, freely, sixty HMs for the State Dank, and slx Hi^V Hf?l, in some instances, Ktfenty cents io- the notes of- the Billon and Planter's Batiks * In AiUgtpcnitcntini nt Nashville 132 ;^oi ? ?' |a?iv?i |niOUIIVI P AID ' CUUUUUUr llfio 7th, thirty-four wero arnnd fifteen discharged.? yut.y deserters were arrested, * prisoners sent North, and It^five iiow on hand. The also says that Captain W?n. |gng was hmlly wounded .on Hie IL A..Fh>her,-on her Nat trip, ? pfirty of guerillas filing.into nhoat., - v * BtAoo's Rkmrpvt-A report-was [dated yesteruay, which "gave Bcisnl fjitistaction, to the effect ' General* JJrncg had been ro- 1 %y\ and Got). Joseph K. John- < tit put in command of the hite I tfy ol Tennessee. We regret to 1 Khat we belie vet hi6 report wa* , 1^ partially correct. ? ( 1'Ik) facts on the snhjoct we hear are these: General Bragg % at, his own fen nest, reltovod ft tho command on Monday tiling- and the conutmnd tonred to I/outonnnt Genera*! I I*r0. Genoial Harriet,willf'iir iho- , ttihv U'ltinlt il/ieii Iktin fcMiclniud thu responsible posiK>tK but rcinfjwns tot qumnmnd trn til anutli^ appjautmofjt fiball be Sbfde. WU will be nppojpted to luifroopousiblt# and j*u*ih>us posiattctfi, is not yet icftotw, *tWjfc It. is ^HbternJly Uvficveil. thui Johnston, jjpv4V or Peflni-ebgrd. Will -be the Km,? Iklchinond^xcHnit&r. ?*H lywon thirty mih* abnva W IbmsjM CM livWJ three ?ltow*; oai*cd Km>*c lively fWhtm, Jkufts and JBKf, j qRV {h' bank 6f thryjori h tfwt ri?etr "fboy down -to Wilmington Ml *tn?t|l 8&w boat, and m?i? feet io lfc? whaif. * H<T had a time of M in the ril j, bin Mr fear ihej wrooid be dry before raaeh KSpjJr host#, they procured a ju? of ?hn i P^Ctutd, after daik^a^ack night, tao.) Rhitcii home in the raprjring. They rtMed awa r with all the pin era v that tjRirce half '.imy ' could inwMbf, Ur.5W.rin Nhp dRika??? L LS^pcuring tl?? *pirjt? down. At the HHfok of day th?y ikotfght they ware BMMMfaa. ant I eaeiw threat* 11 ih? dim 'toe, rooming a jfi&*e on the VRor ekUj Stmie Mid : Well, lint bam, we'vo got to your Btfhtyif litis in my borne," said Itrnhnm, u*??nelody has Wo porting np a lot of feutbooeea since I went mwny yesler* t>u?. I'll go Ashore nod '?X>k About,. | And ?*? wkere we are, if you'll bold ber Kfk ^JbvrbMQ disembarks, take* observe nwd'aoon comes stumbling along HR%?14, r?Vo wKfpod W wenin't at , Wilmingtoh here yet, and wJssl't more, .$? ***< 1 j^^yii?of Afabama M ' f ' . - S" * '** *? - ' MM Sf ' I llll ! til t? *ro9r?ss, lilt Si( ? WOt ,,'=33= ' if-r- >V3? *" - '' i . tJi Wj.i.Mi1""* ^lf" Cjit fimtytttf ?Bhnm?. i I--.I. IL. t , > I, *1 l . . Our *Ol*>~"?<lOeJ Bights (6 AU." ' 1 ? " . " =? OHKENVII.I.K, 8^"C. Thursdar MornlirWsr. 10, 1863. ? ' , ' ) . ' "? ' lira. Tabith a Curtis, a wj elderly lady of thi?Towb, died ?l her reskWeos 1 on last Thursday, aged about eighty ye Are. She had bseo s resident of ifce , pines fcr ovor forty year*. and was , known consequently by almost every 'J one. Through her industry, perversa I onoe and frugality in tier early life, shehad amassed a competency for her sup- ' port in its wano which the enjoyed in t sequestered happiness. Her funeral was preached in the Episcopal Church. 1 &ar An?.y officers and soldiers arriving in this Congressional District Wave their attention called to the general order of Major John D. Asiimorr, Chief Enrolling Officer for said District, ( and Oeittmandnnt. of this Post, as well as to the extrsots of the general orders ( of Adjutant and Inspector General S. ( Cooraa, published there with. Dy com- , plying with these instructions, tbey will avoid being arrested as deserter*, and , save tlivmeglves of a great deal of dis ( comfilure.. , Elections for Clerk and Ikeilf. ijm txcii.ont lor Uierk or ike Court, 1 irtid for Sheriff, of Greenville llUliiel, 1 wilt, bo h?kl on the eleventh day of ' January, proximo. * i The Sixteenth i We learn from a letter received from , Lieu tenet) t Colonel Wallace B. loon, , time tbitf^gtoeut *a? not engaged in j the late battle. ^V'e also.learn from act < other source, that three companies of it , (It, "K, and Motmoic'a) were detailed to ( ittpport Ferguson's Battery as it was < fatting back,' portions of which were ( captuied. We give a list of the names * r>f those taken which we have been able ] lo learn { . T CoflfUgpy B?Captain Parkins and , four privates. i Mounds'a?D. J. Bagwell, Solomon t CI i span an, David Chapman, JaAiea Gox^rs W. W, Cos, A. A. Davis, G. B. Jordan, "i Judron King, A. B, King, James Mc f Kewn, J. J. llidgewny, John LI. Kioe, ? Nitnrod Traynhatnv.^yvid TollcSon. , Company K? Lfckfftlunt, Lieut. , Porter Burnbam, and fifteen privates. ??? ' We copied an article recently,!.' beaded " PAtrolliog," and credited it .to ' the Camden Confederate; the Turn wold (Ga,) Countryman was entitled to it. y * '? ??p? d* . 'c \ xar A conpla of piece* of pdetry, )\ from % Charlerton paper, rent to tllk* fi offioe fur publication, #ill npponr next 1 week. a , Amonq the current rumor* of the ^ Mreet in Atlanta: 44 Grant U enpereed- e ed by Bragg i" 14 Long.treet. ha* - ?up> j rendered to Burnaide44 Mexico has a recognized Franceand the 44 Specu- f inter* ate ail going Into the Army." # Our rnfcdit* toy** receive theae report* , wttli due allowance, aeja the Confed- . eracf. ; ' J Treeeea le llortkeaeUra eeergia. . 1 We clip the following from the f>ah- 2 lonegm (On.) Siffital, of the 28th tilt.: ? .John Woodv, of thia copnty, charged t with offence or Treaeon, had a hearing c on TfturadKy of.Ja*t #eek, at thra plate ,fl before a Court coflhpoeed of the folio#. . fbg perron* I Bop. Itroyal BiaebwrJI, 1 J.I. C, W. R. Crtiaow, /. P^aad John Jar. i. P. The tMlimnnV aMiui tk? ? prisoner vu that fco ?M ObAD?cte<l 4 vUh, or pr*y to, nn ?r?ed aiaotlaiion s Of AmMiWs ?Dd toiiev, formed m this 1 ooOety la* HtqwjL which ft*J for it* 1 tfro <tr o?iton of 1 h&}*AI of the < - . - .'v* - - * V ' " ' ? < r*LtoLi^ eteJW/V. ,_?r*'' , 101^ * i*'* V * < Vm?? JP^>?', *'. . . .* .. ^ .. . , 1. !.... .Ml ^LEX Oj ihS'ej[Jty" J&oojft; arid **" ?'fc' i ""TfrTUT*. ,m, y,, i i GBE^DYlLLE, SOUTH C iu> .> igiLii'iyir i, .,* s y, wm Itatenedto with great attention by the Chart end ordii%rj?and bjr rtoumomthajl ft* prisoner. He ably disdtssed tbe let* m relation to traumih W? rigrel that hU remarks could dot here been likened to by every dWoye) rSCh in the country, if we base any t more sue!r. They would ban learned the dangers *bM? hewt th*pa?b of the traitors ; that the cgbueo of the tiWoa was recogpfeed by the (owe of Use Stato 1 and OwWiwW States at the meet i Itenioua wbich eootd be eotnmhtedby 'i A oHipsn t to high a position does it '4e>Btipv in* u?hsea)d of human Crimea, that even the knowledge, or concealment, of treaaoil committed by olhere, if that 1 knowledge be not at onbe placed in tbe pqessssjon. of offioera of tbe i jjdvernment, la visited with revere ptin- , ikhment, working a forfeiture of litarty and honor. The prisoner waa remanded to jail <o await bia trial at the December team of tbe Superior Coort for thU county. Editorial Correspeodenee AtlArta, Ga , December .4th, 1863. Ail Anxiety representing the safety of. ^ ?ur nrniy hss been allayed. Tht addrese of GeiU llARDMt upoA assuming covnund, pnw the pablio that the Army i* fhtaet, xnd It rapidly filling up. The 6onfurion on the MtrenM left ef our Army on Missionary Bidge after tbe retreat commenced. net. na doub, w :onsidernbIe, but greater heroism hat j never been before displayed by any _ icidiery. Thaae said? men fought at , 3bl!o, Murphreesboro', CbicaoMuga? | iIwavs eliottug from the commanding , >flicers the lifgbnt praise?and only , five way on* this occasion when *Hv*h , ?nd strength could no longer eland , t gainst .the host repeatedly thrown | tgainst them. The failure on the part , >f the eaehty to pursue a greater dia . j .anee than he did, attest U?e orippled i tondttien of his army. Twenty thoif- , and of thair men must hare been ten- , : C ^2. + # 1 Icred haft tht conduit. One-fourth of j Ids number will more than cover hi! j iur losses in killed, wognded *?d prt- . oners. What our Ypsf In artillery i?, , hare no means of learning?perhaps ( io( more than thirty piecee nrth c*i- , one. As more of the artillery horses ( sere in rear of the breast works, I infer i hat our loss in horses uas iooonsider- ? ibie. R?iiifnreeu?eftts have gone fof-- > vard in sulficisot numbers to more than ^ ilk up the gap thus mud# in our army, , ind under the leadership of Gen. Hak* | die, will yet drive the foe from our oil. " 'The expedition of Geg^toKosfitKKT o Knoxville is still therue of speculaion. All reports from thit Gsnerel iave been of the most plsasing chsraeer. The capitulation of Knoxville by ( ton* side, bus been the Ulk hi this j ity for more iffteft* week, yet ffo news f itf, op to (Ms time, beet) received oon- f rming or contradict rug the statement. 'o disperse -if net tcr capture?Bub*- ^ idb*s army, and then effect * junctk>r?<( ritb Geo. Oim>u, would sesm to be be object of Gen. LoMarrwicrr. In |( onsequeqctof the interruption of the p last Temrmvee and Georgia Railroad t Cieaviand, by the enemas Cavalry, f re are unable to learu how far he has 0 ticceeded in the first part of his mis- , hm. It is not improbable that Gen. ( ioxomtur may be compelled to leave j Cast Tennessee by the Virginia road, or narch back into Georgia I trough the e forth east section of the Stale, or he ouhi fall back over the Blue Ridge m- e o South Carolina. That be tod his . oaimaod will ultimately come through r Mf, &* * h tJbt the ittghteel doubt .' 41 Wo will soon hi whet effect the fl rlibdrewel ofQew. Dhaoo will prod Hoc % n the error. The eonucind of the > urajr cook) ?ot hero devolved upon g wore worthy er heroic commander then , m. Uabitov. undaunted I ourege end- military knowledge will I c irofly|li|li iococm, we roiy mmjtmtf f oft for M. fheve attribute* in (be j iroKl iflf W our erroy waft be op- / reld ?od etf?gthfoed by troop*.? g Whether Gfero Ukaoo beer bed a e*f? t Ifeinnl <|rt?y |t|) to wrooinpli*li ^ ill t[J bwWriM t ?. able fr 0mf. lie , IJN&ai it moy,o?? thing U eerteie? f hecSS oot pooMro %be ooeftdeoce ofthe t ebltte briny ilfcgfryil grow, J0* wttot of confidence gradually found lm , wrynnto the rorode of ; v ' '^sc * * i fn i >! ! m I. mi ~ "i F [POPTJI* ri. u ? i '.i MI ; tlu ^ifljiisioit ajf tSse^u -*,?_. . ~ * - .. ABOLINA, THURSDAY MOS i i > I l|1 ? III the Toll confidence sod support of the < wwy tmd people. 1 Geo. BftAoo bas gnwilj attached to ? himself the Warmest sympathies of I thooftad* in )b? army.' tbf' trat ions of r*pe?t which greeted him* I whilst m rtmU to tbiaplaee, fal|y* attest t the Cm*, that ho km Mill many +tfrro friends and rytnpntbisera?hoth hi the ' array sod odt off it. lie foes to Ness* ' naa, (h, where his fsreilj are residing, ft is presumed that be Will early he plaoed in command of aaothee. department. Three companies bf the 16\h South Carolina Regiment (as already been ttaied by the telegraph) w4T? captured during the recent advance of GkIkt.? These companies were ell froth Green riile, and commanded by Capt. Par* kins, Ifus'BO and Lieut. Htnrt. So Car aa I have been able to 'earn, none wrtfis killed or wounded. They were esoorting Fkrooson'S Qattery in the retreat, when the enemy surprised and captured them, and also the battery. A few made their escape?-principally from pAaataa* company. ^V. P. 1*/ Relief Agency at Atlanta. The South Carolina Relief Depot, under the management of the Central a?mdelInn. 1A paw MUMhhdl OTT-Al*baraa street, under the Gate City is now daily drapeasiag to sick/wounded and needy soldiers the lamnty of the people and of the State of South Carolina. Dailv armlicaiiosi* ? n sre made (or blanket* ? not one of t which can be supplied t How long ? will the people at home keep tbeir t blankets and carpel*, whan our soldiers are tlitw suffering ! 8ult*M? cowering for oar soldiers inu?t be had from some tj^ra'rfer, or there will be mote.suffering I Lie winter among them than ther hpve iter been called uj?on to endure. Citi*' j Sen*, wiH you corns W their rescue t J Send tie all the hlanketayou can epara ?the bed guilts, the carpets?whatever ? will keep a soldier warm, SJrfrd ua lib- 5 rral contributions of ??oney, SWi which lo purChas* bear shots and te repair old \ mas. Economise your home expendi* >i urea, lb at you tf?>y be *Me to give * omethiug more t# the cause. The ex- I gwney flow reouirej lielp fro(4 all, nnd * tnleaa tho mrldtur ft sustained in the v irrar, and bis family fed ?rt hofne, our ? illimate success anu independence will t k> postponed. W. P. f*.. t Atlanta, Drc. 4, 1803. * r rou the soururns rnteitpriai. h Gardners' Calendar fbr 1864. II CoantUKCR wim Dkcrxukr. 1863. . ? All Vegetable beds for planting Curing s he winter and spring, of 1664. should f< > thoroughly spaded up during this |j ftontb, or early in January, for three g mporUnt reasons: ,| 1st. It exposes to destruction many r: / the eggs of cyt worms and <ub?r dw- d tcfUt* of young plaid*'by the frost. Od. Swmwmv* feeesea and tbatae nasi ?w the ground to the highest atete of i i xi. / ' >r<xiucuv? requifsmeui. q 3J. The earth ?particularly if left in b idgea?receive* a ptuch greater portion }' f nutriment from atmospheric influence, hen when left in that Mate from wbich ^ he la?l crop waa taken, until required a >jr another. * Sfealtta.?The only euro and auc- ? eaefull plan i? : - a ltl." To throw ottt the earth in ditch- , a of three feet deep am) aide?partic- b daily if done hy cards** persona or ? icgroea?until the red day appears. 2d. Spade tliaa red clay thoroughly ,nd deep, mixing through tl quantiea d if learn or any other vegetable matter, a rbich not only tends to deepen the sod, * >ut eonliibutea to moisture during the *? ? boat#, ?o?l U tnMlible for a ool-bod ?r Atrttok(ri ?nd mellow., P. Thro* ?>*ek oA the top of ibis day ud lei*. ,|| ibo rMtoMid.w,*: f, Wlj keepihg it viih * ?ift*liy mknuro (til mooM villi goorfd fr#*h) ttSAfMVA if yo*?kM# ?t. THf 1 orl shook! be thrown op into ridge* ** j ibove ?di?M to, at?d lb# fxbsbtkmd rftlie Mo tStMT < to * frodf?M '*tag(h, ? bieb presents ekbet Whig by beet, or feeey by (oo ftnrt&ifeV fetal iag*? ? jrWWk v,?' v - > [\ Look fct lhA tnaflbvA.ApKl m?k? nrrd | fco * ffpgj r >.r?SK(???t wSC ! mmuf pi rililM wri JtoMfoi*, mmF j na? kfcil oat auira dviog tboee i incVmmtwt vlrteb *'l! <?( J ,< . * . , /<L, ' . .;-, . . ' ... i iA-B 3E7]$j^Jj2 "" i1".^1? -?-?7.-l I %tt??t1<>4AA nntMM ?tt tiww, pBTrtaBEiT lo, jm A woik *? the soil, and iti's wi# Jisve < jock? litre *t a more genial MMM; Irish potato bed* should be thotoSgh- ' y md deeply trenched and fined a Kb decajmg vegetnble mailer and ^ left ready to be opened And planted at i be proper season. * Kogllali pea beds (marrowfat, elc) 1 ihould be prepared" with cant, so as tp ^ m planted, (even in this climate.) to j tome extent/ a law days after Ghmt- -j nav J . . ' - '< In the flower gftrdeu, the walks and 1 bqrdcra should be vapaJfas; baa11 hfw- 1 rintlis, tuhpe ah other bade of early dowering bulbs, should be made level 3 ScfoYe they spring tip. with a portion >f well rotted cow pen manure mcorpfer?t?d into the npper soil, w fitch will * materially aid the doming plant and j lowers. TO BE c6*^TIKt'SD. 't'ua Faoav.?The long, long Longitreet agoav is over. That gallant commander?who undertook the expedition into Bast Tennessee against bis con vie* lion*, as we learn tbfOdgh Mini-official ton reed of undoubted veracity?(trade { so unsuccessful attack upon KuerviHc, met a repulse, aod, finding the game J lost in bis rear by there treat from-Mis- 1 >ionsry liidge, raised the siege, aod' is j now morii^f sui.lliiawgfc Virginia. His osa js said to be small. Thus ends the ' :ampa?gir in Tennessee. The new ball 1 low opens ia (Georgia. Cbicka'mauga * las pi?sed into history. Dal ton is now 1 he pivot. The Clouds, which have ] fathered about thd rapid movements, 1 udden evolutions and crowded-events, 1 ire reiuing tor a moment s <-alni, when ' lie storm may be ?Xpe0t?d to break ( ignin over the field. Until Chen, pa- f ience, zeal end fsitbi [Atlanta Confederacy, 6 th, I Tll? SlEOR OP Clt AKUtbTON.? The Iriug continue* about the same hot ween lie batteries, that of tUt enemy beiwgp nincipj?!ly directed from Gregg upon 1 louHHe and from th? mortars upon tho 1 aiM?' Island batter ie*. A shot from Fort Moultrie', ahnqt 12 ' "'clock Friday night, struck the Yankee, ' alcium light displayed atGregg, knock-. 1 rtg it to pieces. 1 The enemy i*. still bu*y id (1)0 rear of * "Vagner raising thebaUery and mount- 1 ag more gun*. They were. hko *1 1 roik upon renew Lattery at Camming*' " 'oint. During Friday, fbrt}Mw9 rifled 11 hots were fired at Fort Sumter, of F "Inch eleven missed, seventeen' mortar 1 hell*. of WhicJt nine missed, and twen- 0 y five shots from CoTumhiad*, of which " en- missed. Friday night, forty ntue ' ifred shots were fired, of which twenty - " even missed, and six front the Golum- 0 "iads, of which two missed. c During Saturday, hut sit sliols were, *' ired at Sumter, of which two missed. ' No easualttce have been reported ^ ioce our last. Sunday, only an occa " Ion/1 gun sm fired. A heavy Wow * "retailed at sea all day Sunday, which [ ncreased towards*cvening, forcing the ^ leet to seek shelter 7n Folly Inlet and a itono Hirer. No further ibet|ing of 1 be citv has taken place, and H is gene " ally believed that the Yankees have r one their worst. ? ' * *' [Charleston Courier, 1th. 0 t ^ t h ~ . . . . . - ? i mi eonuuct 01 troops is sometimes n ^explicable, but there is no ground for otnpiaint against tbo vsterans who rpke on our left <fk tfre-day of the bet- " ? ?t Chattanooga; Bragg and Brect- ? ntutge both exposed their persons reclc f msIj to nrrost the retreat. . Maniganlt's . ngsde btfd won imperishable honors ~ t SJuifieesboro, where two field pieces rere presented lo it for Its heroism, end " eif of Dees' brigade was slaughtered !! t Chickemeuga. These two are the " eigade* Who first broke on our left as . re are advised. But jet il be rtmrms ered that there never has occurred e ! onflict on thin continent in which there ' ras so vast a disparity in the numbers f the contestants. The giving way of these two brigades * lots not detract from the ooafldenee . till reposed in ibeir courage every- , rliSre in and out of the srtnr. . [Atlanta RrgitUr, Id, * Oood Ntwt.<sAV e are informed that |{ bA Bee CcfApany, of Charleston, pur> j ipse openiag a store in Ibis place, in <j sw days, end wWl sell in quantities to uk families, and at rates greatly re- j bend below those now eorreat here.? A We -oorpm end the pnrr?o?v mmpany aa something rare hi these * lege, and^jprog|r tfcnm a cordial <treh? 'f R?t. Mr. P???, ef St. ?at?, Minu^ J ? A mormon, declared that "Job* 0 irowu was a seeotxl Jesus Oftriet f n rhsrenpoo a hopper h end cameos ? ?|*ed, " TbqrBn*. Mr. FiskeW made n jinwelf A-etcdtai JVshftm's yrfktovided J| yoWeter nothing herein convened ia \ nfttded to elADdeOhe origin/1 am^^ * t t e r*t ?!?ssfs Vftniiftni: . V ? i t...- . , ,.'i ;v-#> * JK. J. 11 -' .. PI. it'.i. 'mUL. The Irish. Btit futle has been Mid of the Irish thsy mixed ip 'MfcjHbfr teoopA, sad but sefdotn iir n^dratinctivelv Ir)st? cotrt* namf.-, B'?a y8TT&*rr valor h#? Un ittested on many a bottle field, end ih? jroQd forma of many of GreeU Erin's mosv-bave been lain low while battling or (he Sooth. In men, in money-nod n pro we**, tho South has derived iraSoorlant aid from ber Iriab eiifeens which ihdnld never be forgoUen. May the memories of onr Iriab baroea be aver as ppreen aa the emoraid of their dear ?a tWe Me. And we should not be unmindful, either now or in (he time to come, of the conduot of #?r,lthh eitisens here.? One fact should Keep the oommunilj ever in theb dobs. They are mostly engaged in merchandising, and while some others at the opening of the war disposed of their stock of goods and practically ceased to furbish tu with what we ao fnneh needed, the frrrfh bnve kept on hand whaterer tbev could obtain ; and now if articles of prime necessity or of luxnry are wanted, it is to them we must in the main apply.? From them, with a few exceptions, we can still obtain dry good* and groceries. Where else in town can ypa Had a pound of coffee f And CSti you hot itill buv in their stores, floor, rice, tStfal, bread. shoes, cloth, thread, Ac., Ac.? We tttust consider this an important consideration, and .we honestly believe he community should feel indebted to bem ft>r Keeping up aUtock of such aricies as am really needed and without vbich we wonTtT oesesenfily suffer great nconveuience. I et others itrhnrhey may, when wo think of the coo^ Iuol of the Irish in the field end the xmduel of our Irieb citizens and merchants at home, tec join most heartily n the dear old cry of " Erin Matotir* tin ! Erin Gobragh F [SlimUr Watchman. The Boose of Byron. Ten months havs come add gone iince a Ptii uf-itu g?lw at Knjf|iut he heir fo a noble inheritance, repreeotative of ah historic name, died un-. innw* and almost, friendfe'#,* working 6a bis daily bread as a shipwright in he do6ks of -London. For a moment he fate of Byron Noel, Bar09 WenU rorth, was the tajk of the day, and . hen tbo world forgot the existence of hWft sad young lifo, so strangely passed >nd so early ended,' What the cause* nay have been which induced the late >eer to forego his tills, forsake his foully, and bury-himself in a self-imposed bscurity, remain among the many trange roysteiies which Vie hidden it) he nAnafe of the house of Byron. How lis lifo was spent after he passed from j ut the knowledge of his own rank and , lass, what relations be formed amidst ils new associates, in what connection I te may have became involved, were all , [ttestions dliich were asked eagerly for ; in hour; and no rftfs#?r being given, { rere speedily forgotten. It was, indeed, eperted ih^i be had left a wife behind , iim, born in an humble sphere, yet for >11 that. Baroness of Wentworth ; but , hen the report was contradicted, and as , 10 claimant appeared to defoattd the snk doe to too widow of a peer, the ; lory was supposed fo have been based ( n nothing but idle rumor. Months, , onever, went by, ai)d still the surviv- ( ig brother of the deceased nobleman , rade no claim to tlie dormant peerage, | nd men wondered whether the fiafle , >hich marred 'the career of the eldest | f Byron's grand-tons w?6 to be that ( No of the second and only surviving 4 eir of that noble name. At laat this , oubl has been removed, and Ralph , lordon Noel, Viscount.Ockham, has j ppealed to the House of Lords to be , stalled in toe honors and dignities of f ?e barony of Wbntwenh. The time . uring which this appeal has been de- { ived suggests an unavoidable rerfeo> , ion. Supposing that the late Lord , ad been duly married at any period rfore hie death, and a posthumous 1 bihl of eit&er sex bad been born of ibis | horl Itve<t union, that child, and not j be Peer's young brother, wbufd have i een the heir to the female barony of i Vnnlw/irlll Till ll?i? in*ar?.l 'ml elapeed, ft wa? perhaps rue fans for | he presebt claimant to Appeal, to the , louse of Lords ; afi^l we fbay uf?ly estime that it mutt hare bees tome wubt m to whether the deceased Peerp ied Anmarried, or, if mnrried, without < isue, that has caused the Coran?rttee ol I Vieilegea of the Upper House not to oceoe at once to the demand of the eeotu] sea of the Karl of Lo+efrice. What , may be the result of this inopy as to tho rtobtfal owner of the " lab f?tUutiojU vJ: of^rlCi 1 "en centuries and a half have wall gh .piwed sfhee Sif Thoitfns Wants >fafc Of iietllorfard, ws? summoned to b ke hia sdal ft the House pf Lords, by n +' erryatost of the tndor monarch*, ae " uarcn vvw?tWortl?? with rcmtdpdej ta7j,lT"\ hi* female ixHue. . Sincr that period "^V'^Efp name of. Weetwqrtk has be?-p foyntl in alHbe great epochs of, our'chequered history. For a .time, voO?f5*jlUistriooa fa'.,. * 1* title wCb ruCrged in thnt of tins Ear Is .of - * " Cleveland ; ami when that, with il* c**~y alier meoiories, passed away, wo find K ?? '* *?he miMress T>* ITTo 1^>hVh of Monmouth, the lineal representative of * / .the house of Webtworth. T/iCn-, after many changes aud eupcessions, we come" upon another Baroness - \Ventwosth% "scarce leas unfortunate than tho left'' handed coeaort of tlie baitard aspirant * to the throne of Englmyl?-ihe widowed * * wife of the distinguished 'English pott,- *^. w * George Gordon, sixth Lord Byron. It ia but the other dav that this lady died, 'J , add bar grand eon hitd scarce Inherited | tbe title which be refuted to claim, o\ fore lie too tiocutai'ed ttvtho dark fittality which-has hung alK>to his raco " and linkage. It IS thus strangely and perversely that the history of the Went worth family is interwoven with the broad Web' of our national annals ; and tbe question whether tbe young peer eueeeeds to hie brothers title depends upon the nature of a patent granted oenturies ago by a monarch of (be royal house which still aft* upon the throne of England. 60 it ia that (he eW irt[d new are connected together in our daily 1 life, and out of that union are framed tbe bofrds which iflrdfssolubljr bind to- ~. , gelber the fratffttork of English society. . Bui yet, apart from considerations Qf this nature, the story of tbe Lovelisocr fortunes has an attraction 0/ ita own which overptfWers all others. The reason why the world cares to know tbe fate of Byron Noel, and Ralph Gordon Ifotsf, Viscounts OckhanT, is not because they %re the heir* of tbe Lovelace earldom, the descendants of Jerome King and of the famous John Locke?not be- . Cause, they represent the barony of Wcntworth, attd are tbe inheritors of tbe fame and fortunes of that gallant > race?but beOahee they are the none of Byron's daughter. " [London Telegraph. ,, #,# * An ?kom8h Opinion of BxKcnaw. The Ipewich Journal doe* not appear to have a very exalted opinion of Henry Ward Beecher. - It thinks that he is k blasphemer and hypocrite, ifere t? what it says of hrm ? The tide in England ia setting a little decidedly against the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Yankee eloquence ia tolerated for it* smartness ; but this, Its one salient quality, is pmU?Ijr what it offensive wbett it effects a religious .inspiration, The Rev. Mr. Beecher'* patriarchal familiarity with . Providence ia not Old World taste.-*-* We think him profane. We think that his glib handling of the Almighty's nafhe, and the pert intimacy he Assumes with the designs of the Most High are shameless. There may not be hypoetiey at the bottom of this chnfn 'to have fathomed the secret* of Infinite wiedom ; but if not, there is fat uousnees of the foulest kind. The Rev Mr. Belcher's God is not a God of p? j.and love, btft a God of vengeance, of blood'and with one pilncipal attribute, via : that be is above all thing- (he rbppo'rter of the quandom union of Atmer* fcan Free States. This, and-we ?re n..z interpreting the Rev. Mr. Beechci wi: tuny?no *pettK.^ it villi nmch plain Bert, sod is not alone among im conn trymen in speaking it?this is the Divine command ; to maintain it is tho human mission. With eyas shut, with .he gates to reason double-hawed, with furious unhesitating zeal, Americans are to rush against lbs " rebellion" and ;rusb it; and those who oppose, or do not approve, and calmly criticise liicm, tre deadly etrctwiee thenceforward and forever to the Yankee fuco. nud i urinous in the sight of Heaven.. They tre to be dencueced and ultimately punished. Meantime, destruction is to >e done on the Southerner, says tho reverend prophet. Tiik MrtxKKNUM.? l)r. Cumwings, / . who is afflicted with mi'lenniurn "n 'ho brain, has been prenhrsyi^' "gain.? lie now fixes upOYt I86f * l',c" da,e of , ihe eoCsummatiort / "" mundane things. Me ?? rw^rN ?? h*v* ?<* that be beiie*-**, "lhe buttle ftntf wou,u ? "?"r and tba? rrenoe and nutate and Eotf U.J would be the eombatante." ? emitted that 44 be might be ~'ong m fewagasu?, COUOlUMOD? t m > * . ? i .miov Diror in Gboroia.?p^Taip W. 8/ Winder leeeea Richrtopd to-day, charged witji the duly of Mating jn Georgia a. depot b* Dm nepng of prieOneae tbia whrtef. Aamsua baa bfen find upon da the prefer fo tile, with aeoomtoodaiiona. ft* eta hoeaand. It ta contemplated to make ticbmeod the reception depot, but noagh will be retained her* to meet be ocoaaional detnaoda of exchange. [ Richmond. . VaiXAWDtonaM prweaaaiooa if Ohio ' '*'? V ofore the tlfttien ware graced by feealee carrying banner* inter ibed, White hutbenda or age a."