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- N ? - < ? U.** *3|S- . - vj ^ , > - jfcftV-'Vr 'r*?> v ^ ?rf\' ?-. ' - v . . ;> ' ? . * \ ? ** < f. \ . v . .. SjpusfvH^ * c.V~ , ^(tinilV'l .Ii'tlun*, from Win iam 1'hbii*, v-h> ol this BwHet, tg Jie forw^Wl to ^ P. pRWS, ??m., who has cliargo of one of the hospitals established in At lant^, .Oa., tythe.S^utK-CaroUiia Co*. . ** * Association, tol&exp$?de<V7or lite - benefit of P' Commisrtausr ln Equity for OreeayiJlo <, V-^5 *UP? ^ elected Commissioner in itprily 'for Greenville District, by iho LegfU^Mlfh. - s bow in I ' '; . /' V* Appointment* to the Booth Carolina Military Academy, for 1M4, troti erosa. mo District. J B. UuKIMintY, V ARU|ir ' Mo[ Brs, T. C. root., IlAJtiLTOM Gakh and J .too n Chaplin are tfr* ff'ppoiiiteee from i!ii < District.. - ^ . ... . Comptroller General. , Jam bo A. Black, Esq., has been re elected Comptroller General-of the Slate by the Legi*Jnr\iro. gsr Atteotfen invited to the advertisement of the * ale of the Estate of Thomas M: Cltdk, decgtscd in Pickets District, on,the 22d inaf. : .4^-Thursday. 10th ftostant*. has been set apart by tlie Legislature, and fhe Governor h^s issued a proclamation in iting.lhe clergy and tbe ptople of illo State to observe It, nu a day of /usling, bumiliation and prayer, ?sj~ Persons holding Surgeon's Cefc. tificate of Exemption from Consciiption in Gneenville "District are^notified be s"> r*- * ? ' the Surgeon of tbe ExamtniWg Board, that. an ^examination <5f "their 'papui* i<l?sired, for whicl) put pose the Board will meet at -thia^place on Wcdnssdny and Thursday, 16th and t?fh inst.- ? Those who fhil to appear and exhibit their, certificates will bo no longer re* cognized as exempt. ,? Xh* Situation, . . From tbe latest news, we learn 'it**. Bra go was near DaJlon, tin, In iine of battle, Gnijii's advance-. I aitig >t Ringgold, where thov weio resting after a battle with Gen. Cleb?rnej, and boa tilities are expected to bo renewed etery moment, at that point... , In the three days' battle tllfl enemy gained what be fought for?lookout Mountain. The left wing* of both ar-" mies wore badly whipped, although our loss is more than ^counterbalanced by gains on tho right. We lost Slocumc's, Cobb's and Massikoalr's artillery, cnptuting Sherman's pieces. ~~l- 4 '' \ i ' , > " '*: / *j Frost TennesseeThe editor of she Atlanta Confederacy has conversed with sugoneral officer iust from the army, who gives the annexed account of- the late operations in Northern Georgia :" * v-? - Active work began on last Saturday with light skirmishing.. The enemy shelled at intervals from their fortifications, and sent out a few raiding parties, which were checked at every point, ex eept in one, w here a brigade (baggage train was captured. On Saturday the warmth of the encounter increased de cidedly, and throughout MpmJ?y ?hej firing from right to left became continuous, although but littie execution was done. The great engagement oponed j at dawir on Tuesday. Tbe at'.aclfwas mad*e by the enemy upon out* positions upon Lookout. They approached, with resolution, estimated at forty thousand stroug, and charged us in our v^orks. at the same time occupying die attention of our right wing, ranged at the foof of Missionary Ridge. Their onset was firm, but n<?>t Impetuous at first, but in^ creased in volume ahd vigor as the day advanced..' Qur troops, torntnnndetj, by the beroic Breckinridge?L:n command of Lieut. Gen. Hill's old corps?received tins terrible odds thrown against them . with, a courage, an-mated by the exam pie of Walthal.Strflhl, Manigault, Bales, Stevehstin, and other leading divisionsand bfig*<bes. * Tt ws's npt until Into in the.afternooj) (hart the desperate awsolt .. * -of thPUncmy. tnultiplied by fresh-sen) ; ber?-wf *ever?n<tvance, created an effect upon our liuew-v. At, four o'clock; jtJie i *Jeft centre," na. ascribed by General . BrnAft-% I?*oI point ^ing beat Wat JUp^ house. hetwecjn th^.otof Lunk? -out and Missifiriary Ridge, b?d opening i- a wftp- into the valley m reb.._^v?: * - #ay and the enemv pouTed'throd^Vtije' * embrasure lilfe a'flood ti^e. ' J"h;? 6^1 the it! rtiy in twain, and when it wal observed by (be troup* npoer the mown-" tain Off the <coaeiOricd.a coofu. sirhn which could not be remcQi^d, fcrid a retreat which ?*>uhl not 1* rUWied.^-' .,Tlie day cloesd with a dMfpdr whip# migh'' have beeh turned Into a rout, haid -the etoetny continued,. Ht press with tire ... same energy after dark that he display . *d throughout the day. Dutdng "the night the remnant of'the left* aiino* a poniofl of several rommssih, wbirli foil enptiva because of bdlae cut off from . the rrmin body, wm withdrawn 10 po sitioas along Miatfta**y Ridgej wbue ? ? tf? troops were masseil for the SOrtffrCt of the o mug da*. j It; , Owe works at the foot of Musionarj 8 "t* Y*?"V-? ??' ~V^fr" ? y J*'" Jwr # J^Bu-v ^HpHB *3rcP^^9c?wl8vH mining (o^s?ail_ wiiK tlio Minus -*rtlt>r ] and tho sama avrolkii cdliimo* of. ttro < d*^l>?for4 -^Flia w?cfc ?iia?mnd? be* < ?p*o -suorfao. Gen. 4l?rd?? cornirinnd- J s oon ?? .)!> d*#?*fog,of e*,\ | plodit^hrdfc riding wreMh?oftjuivk** j #ind viUiift JotttKTrOta fort and wrtlc 4 work*. Change .after ch??ge was made < by the enemy-anti a-t boldly met-byody \ men, nofev . tftoryjigMy"'JWperfttw- by } reason of l)j? crisis eldsHjg'around iliem. f ,'fVeiy onset Was. reptdsed, and ? ? ih? 1 rjtitk;!- w^? mowed .down,* thaw weea \ filled up agwin and i?nt forward with | uow velocity. The c.irnege in front-of | our rude fortifications wan femfuL JJot \ *Je?s tlau five thousand dead slrowCd t the plain before nightfall still,and Hardee 4 litdu Ms own unbroken. i At last soneet brought the bloody, a drama to en cud, with the compare re f pulse of the enemy along the- entire j nglit,-but nbt-before be bad"rapidly ina- > proved hi* position upon Lookout, and- j prepared to "enfilade our line from bat- *t tetids posted thereon. Our informant 1 left duVfng JVedndVday night, -at the j aimy withdrew from the works, passing ? over, the hill, Bnd by .aire morning, teaching the eastern shle;-under cover I. of the rugged peaks pf Mission anRidgo. fl 'Hie artav correspondent of the Intel' p ligencer, 28lh, furnlahes ibn following 1 e The" battle which' raged on Wedaes^" h day, the 25th instfrom daylight until \ sundown, was the most derpeime tfifcl s has yet been fought in ibis revolotion. r* ^The overwhelming forces of the enem?, ti Outnumbering ns over two to omv*'ere v hinted upon us witFi an Impetuosity g hover oxcejfdud After carrying Uobk ? oat Mountain, a lenitdo saotlfice on Tuesday night, oni" forces, under Steven- 1 epn, retired in line'of t?p tie on Mission < hi v Kidge, when the enemy made ??v ? era I assaolla, sustaining greet loss; Bates, of Breckinridge's corps, nobly ^ Quitting Ms giound, but Mievenson grad unOy gave wav, as welP as Stewart's division ? Stevenson's division becoming \ ]>;?iiio Miicken. W"e lost here both 8lo t cum'^Washington artillery, Cobb's and f pT-y'V-*1 -v r ' The enemy llien massed hisforee* on ? our right, which -were met hv the ga!- ^ 1mfU Hardee, and tlie etoini of battle be- ^ came furiou?, the roars of artillery and musketry being incessant. Sherman'* corps 011 our right was four time* re? pulsed with frightful loan, and at last diiven over the Tennessee at the mouth of tbo Chicknmiinga. Oeti. Cleburue. A on our right. nobly heW hie ground arvh ^ 'dealt terribly-destruction in the envmy't ranks, "'f*' ' ? . m * Wo were compelled to fitll bayk to v CUickam'auga that nigh*,* tbe enemy being so severely punished- as to pre. vent his advance. Our loss is not qVe* i* two per cent of'our force*. (i?n. f burne took a ntligber oT orisoners..-?- * Dining the fight on our'WftPenerBrAgg I1 and fVeckinridge rode hp and- down * onr lines, encouraging the troops by ' their example, in face of the terrible fths . of the enemy, and urging ihem to niftkh n a stand." Hut such tvaa fhe detno'raliza ii lion of Stevenson's division, that they a could not bo induced to railf. - ; On Thtrtrsday moraine there was ?nr f regular engagement;- ' Chlckamatign, r not being considered tenable,our troop* t fell back in good, order lo a more de-. n fensible position. Gen. Bragg's heads quarters are now at Ringgold. The o enemy Las ?g?in eohimenced hia ad- ^ vance,. Knt-h merely following up hia ,] ground. The further wa draw birti L from the bash of hia supplies vrl'.t in. . our advantage. It ia said the enairiy f lias poMMMion oi uievetanct, ami mat r onr communication with Longvl.reet ; ;( entirely cut off. TMe is- doubtful, but . admitting tiie fact vv? have assurance* that, .Long?lre?t ha*" probably by tbi* compelled the surrender of Htirnoidw, ? w Inch would enable Longstreet to come 1 down on Qtanl'a Sank Mid rear, witb J disastrous effect. f 1 _ m 1 " J*. .i i "The Fenian Brotherhood." Thei? 4* e patttH-el organization of the Irish in the United Bute* for the liberation of Ireland fr6?n British ride,, and the establishment of an indepen- , dent Irish nation. Oen. Meagher is i one of the leaders of tbo movement.?. \ ft is believed that the Lincoln Govern* went have s?o?et ly jprotniaed the mem bers of this organization aid in achiev- . ing separation from tWeJBrrtish empire. J mgvided Htay^ would (bat aasft.1 the I aited fctatea in, enslaving the people of the Confederate States. _ The Rich- j 'mond Seatinel, in sotioiog tlmorgani fl 300>' delegates from ?l> ?ar<? of tbe * i Udtud State*, Ireland and Canada be- r il.Ht.thn people-.Qf iho United f-U-ates 4 ffir'tbeva^otnpliabHiettS of *ir own )t IMS? e?idv?r.d,>^n|ilw?<l iflthV{Wa ? in behalf pf the ('opfedernicy. wr?,ld J have Ihe Iriab' wtlb Vfr* ftfttf * ' naeaoa ttf cream d di^neUnnen hi Ir?> \\ *1andT darin? butliWleWtietlTfeMhB un* J fortuadfe Ixfeh auecaedesHS*ifStr as pi- ~ Unions or were ?wmfed god bwhg *r * transported. Bet rktmrnt go <vf understanding between reward and Roev/ i J- *j V%- "?* , I ISSH3SSB jnr* btft*fH?l<r-far- ih? ^Mg?,^wi<t k** i>r t||#iie?M.i^. ? .*. -*v/[ I In an arri$)? jipon ,tlik ?n!j*ck tlm mlior>?h^*ify of frtrtand nhifch ntH in ?to?t tfi^pboofr dT tfc*- Vnhettk'Siwtdk io o?r'vrnr^h>'!ri?|| W?*lbni^U;bimr* Seaerally ^pn^sed'st mpathy wiUi.^u* *?W? nttPM ratf^ majority of IrWf paper?, which mee Weti ardent chain uior.e of the tentf*. Rutr'ortr featiftcatton ythpMhyfrnvbe^ >?reeil wi*^pe<V W he fra0lr avowal on the partus iW?a> ionnlisS that iho eau?e. Of their aympivhy aaaa'cUiw&y the hope that tWgreai?ea* of the United Suite* wduld be jlte Jbnnfal! _of England; thill? itilflPlthg, he restoration of the Union woidd-Le. n the interac t-of Ireland ; ami ihat thi* eatoration * as more iNtely-m jjroceej Vdnt .jhe North thaw the South. It admitted Mr ew*e'ban one of ttjeir pokerrhen Ifffcr.ihev w<nir<h j(r?t.n?, \tell lave' #rm|ta?litaicr -wlili the hey conhi line hftprd itiat *4te 5hnitli eotild be able lo restore-flto Union .T-r k duo appreciation of tbd" great ino?*l nterests that aro.nt frsue in tlfo w?r*(? tare noadtrro' met wdth among the rarferii of tho Iii?h NaiionaliKts. In ofcr ?countrri -.the donee of the Irish .ffenerahi "*nd dtdoelSojf ait* eunv hlT^de l^nten, Btoth. rhood seentc to itnllctfte that tbetKgnii tat ion is more under tlic control ?f the Var Democracy then thai of tW out poken (-*oppyhew tfe-.. 4*?n. JuniL V -ta noirOohjfreea, n/Mb any of their -other nntiifcsfaliou*. have yet^f-iei.d a "ord of cot dial sympathy wivhihe pent enua* of-freedom. ... '. ; Vl" . .w Ww are nwthorir.ed jo' aniwoiitre J. t U/<fVPir . ^ILI.1- ?*.. ai....i? Jreear ille THatiTot.-at Jhc ensuing (lection n January next < - Jf o? 1 9 if 2>??1 |Sl~ THE -nuroefVma fri*n<fK of Ow?hHn V. C. PEAPE rrapeafftjlly fcntnutnee him rt wndidutc for SHEKIFf" of Gicena-illa M*rict, ^t the nest election. r t _rr W> are authorised fA dn/tol'inco MnjV, A. M< HANIEI. n Candida**1 fur "Te elaejon tntlio ..fficcrf TI i:i!K <?FTni:rO(:!?T or (jreenvtU|fiJJ>LiU tct. ot-lhe qt xt tfod*>n. tw <1 ro In <inr o'Hi""? JeuU Colonel WAU.ACJC B. TOOK * <ah. Mat* ft* CJ.KHK OV COtrtf? fnf Ciixvii Hie Di?lriet, at iho next deal inn. , * v If u ?n_ . . ?*? *?*? i . o z jrxmji, A n, CAM1? NEAYt LjOUDOX. TfXNV, \ FviDAY, JCoTKUBKR.13. JtftiA. -f IX compliance with thti Vnn?**t and re' sated solicitation* pf my-eAmrn<Joa in tit* my and maity1 kind friend* At heThe.'T live ecnachtcd h> It'conrro A ctndMnfa '(or ?c rffle? of fttfEfUFF Of1 ORKKSVir.LK ^STRICT, at the Binning DnfAre this ahnounc?The*t thell ' rc'feVl rnny oh. you, it is moro-tTiep "p^olirfl'Te t llut irhumat ances witl b? ?Aeh *s-fo J eny.tiyt the ti*H*gc of ?ot?Tn?iitcfltiTig e*e? r ulth you. I y?cre(Wo trim upon tbh? oportnnlty, pei-hepr tle.Jast. ?.r rvfp.-et fully olicitliig-your influence an<l>nppart lit ipproncliing tleetion. Should yeu, by your partiality, nine to canfide to my keeping your juhareat b this important end responaHda' office, Ipi auired that it will be nay conatnnt and fix<1 aim and endeavor to Jiaeborgu fully, nil lifully mnl Impartially, nT\Xhe d,n?i**-end esponsibilillettaVicii attach the/?'l<>, end huaevince tor you that your confkLooc hoa ot (ircii im.-p\iicd. ^ - a? A? ?o my fitneaa ant] qualifications for tita Ate* T nrnulrt lo not Irnnw me porapnajlp to thane vrhe Or. It vrpkfld.effovd m*~?uoh pUa??ie to fleet yon la jM?reon, bnl duty and atern ?? ..-r^j ArrfMri mf doing. ao. I rl?u?t tnereera leave lite riiatte^iii your hande, deter nined io ncqiiiue ?h?et (uily tto y? oc dcel*on, whatever it may be. . ? W* 32. &UUMATE. Deo 8 ?1 J1 ; Ten' Dollars Reward. LOST, oa Monday. 9(b "ImOayh a blaeV a ltd red plain' Flftnn*KTAl,MA. trimnod wlfh blank -Tho eb?er reWhrd a in be paid fee it* aaeorarr. Apply *?t hia offia*. I>ee * 80 ? *' . 1|. " r?r f Auction ! WILT, Bit SOU), at lK* ituui where the PeatQ(flee woo reeanlly >ep?, on iTONDAT, 8ALB?>dY. a Jot of Hoff^K. IOLD AND. KITCHRN JrtJ^mjftK-anjJ breo good STOVffi, At. t Deo 8 81 1 " " FOR Kj3tS? Mfk 1 tf in. ?f u?? KjjLon BALED AY nrxt |MoO<Uy, Ihv 7tW Je?onber,)-ot Greonvttfe OMTrt-hntwo*, ?>' A volnobl* Mt?l <W?lroM? UOU3K AVb XT? io tb? iowp of PrjepwiWf Building* 41 #?w, good ? c-tt Af -ttAUr.lfruit treCft.A** ;> .u>4.ob*n4i<H?r? lei hrtaor. T,?t .>?.!.: < in* >n* ?n4 U pMHretlj^iMKi oon??*W*ty loo*t?d. ?? . Twrtno e?*b, <a a portion A? ?r?lit if J*> Irfd k'S porobAMT.. For further jw?riio?M*. ?p^*y to C. J.'" ELKOltD, , t. Dws 8 81 1? O r*en villa,>. Q , " "'v&tic% v7^% V"-' /To ConmlMionon of3loa4?.- . FN j??eorrtonoe orlUvdnlrro OwH tbe War L D?p*rtm?ni CO mrr, -fn?i #ro Itrrobv or,?a f tbr 4?*oi<* ?F owwrr* o*d n'Ambcr'of Mdi lUblo-to IWri lAity, the Brw'v&F * $?* t9. '* - B. ft. .Mi/yiRRftY, >. So. 04U*r <Jr??oviho-fJWrict. -i tH* 3 X?? s -* , . . - A y A2-, jr.??. iifLflT, ' NOTARY PUBLIC, j Greenrill#, 9. C. ' * x ' A m I # , > *' > if NTMnFfvtl> !? > i B iOL T | ii^iKr^Li |C' Jinn' 1 to olitain r+gifii" <> >pn of ^11 ? SMpOofil-TifTbti. ??*? ; -wHh ijto-rthjnieot T ;'fcirr<'?;?pTj?_ UU? IwjcM < . I lihC- *11 pflreoti* to ?ii?||t or-wlif.'clHjJ t?? 3d-*, 4tb 1< h +nd ?*?' 1>eo?diW. *^Wnrrtl.-.^JlnMrtty ****3 <r: itnd . M?l? i>?te<uhor -?i . . Ana^n^Kr^Stu^ *hir?*y. 18.1. a n? I V*' .1 r'n. p. A*r>VTS\#?< K**tn.^.>Hj6n. Oo..* imo cL^'^'riONV?^ FXitf UTIVR DTll'^KTMKNT, ) r . CitlXuutA, lire wilt er 1, 1863, j ITKRKAfJ,- Vh<- t-'r?*?to-?n<l Il<'W???yf f rl Rij|tlM?fallv<fc hyvy_ Uftjqiiit. ^y-, ptutfmt. eft m'wrt vllL'R.SlJ^T, tlM' ifttfh <J?jr < (" l>o?>ii>l er iiinwi.t, n? a <1r.y rf K(t> l?m, Tlupiilindoft nnil Prsypr.. ?nr('tinv? r?tip* ExeotillyP to Mpua hip. |>rorliw j nrittSofi ??.-%h?it oflf.'ct, ln*tjiutf tin: oherirv j <ln<l- pc*?nJv,of tltiA State to unife in T>itrii?* ft'ciy th? malVvolene* "f "otf oAvtr^*: thrref(*r$, I, Mil.I KlM-lfc I,. BON It .\M. Oiivt-nuif. do uiiiiniincf the Mill j icntli dny of "Detejhlii/ inotunt, as iiudt day ; tvf FasAltig, II iiniilthiion RU(J'.f'r?y*r for t.ii the good citizens of South Cnmitm; anil 1 !'invli? the jUrdy aYil-1 he pcufilf, luyihff ell reninr rmjilnymciat wluuevrr, t?'n?"omhfe' nt tJie,:r rt-invt plnt-cn el ' pubvytbliilii (ll'd tq liuml.le ,th. in-o-l Vef i tiefote (lie Almighty Ufilct- of the l.h)i\ers?. rikI nektiowlr. tin ir mnnliottf nit.gdninj j f traurfrieioton*. t<> "Sk M;? fofyivi no*# ? to |.i??nf?hWT lAini to ?hi*M niftl proti rt tie fjom i Utti irtivievol>nc? of <?nr eii'Mji ?togl-vd vj?; file artlU of flat Cinifftrrmcy ?a?.f' t Tcitittlnafo to tlieni' Ilia trle?fii.-? nwd jirolVc(rtou. ' . ,. . : . I Given under my hand ond the e.-nl of tJ;o ^ * j..fNHr, lyCultlutiiNt, fill- first ?T?y hf-. [L. Sj lire. infier A. D. in*r tliolrwilili fjflll I hundred itlid?(xlv three, | M !j. \r. BONHAM. VT^R. Uv >tt, tSerrrtirry .A St.-U. *vc 8,. 81" . ..I I lTuilv lihpcrs ill f 'I'Ri ]. ston R|id Co luriliiivjiul.fislt flatly till tlj-. Ittrtij mid nfl oilier JI0| frt it* lite ."(me jiuMish HT \ ftuarter-McEtcr'h Cfiicc, . -fUjOcNvn-Mc,?*. IV ?m, !???. -jt I(h f?ent<?tl? \ib? hov*? el?iiria'D?niu?t ?h? I JX COX>TtI>KRATB ^TATEij, for Cairn, | FeUdcr, or llrTrfo ^lj'ivlitff, on wr^fuint of C?*it. TSOV KIN { it.inpnny, ?f J R#t*K K. ?T?>Ng.t< I fTilOnJj hdit belter |wi,t llrfllt lit' nuc* (Vir ifcllUfttnt* HeieijLtt l<ir.To* Jfe Lend,..will fie [ rjjprOiid imd yfiv.-n in ('-iite. AceflunU cotrttartetl tMn-Vlotis to tho 1st of Oclohor, will l<c ."tllloA By jaiyineiit. ..." y - < ff i C. I*. DAY Iff, . i ; ^ . ' Cai.t. 4 .I.Q. it >*0T J4 . ' 30 ^ " 2 T. Notice. a, t.7. fiorsorihtsviiiir -h niflruls nemrmt aiks' A.. ????\" ' f " Hl'nsfomti* swtry. "rhtatiisad. Tntc rtf (TTeetiTillo ?vlll i pt*irviit tfieni, propei 'y att. str<J, t.ostfir ?ujb I rvfry.e|i;^Aftd nil jirraraif indrl vevj to flic aid Batotr, \vt1J1 ninke iiiiV(iit?i(f to *. wmn hmiihjI. - .1 , '* N? * .j?*?-eUtor. * -a6r, In liu ahs?-nea, to WM. VV s6Tt)K ?l tli- A?m??i*y. " Nov 2<f A 80 " lin . VALUABLE LANDS . HC sjciS3.. . IWllX AF.LI,. I., tin- I W JiT.'^'n SAtKMUVlN DKOKMHKE NtXT,* l*t Grt^UvilU p II , ? VAI^OAUMC- " ' MUSH CUEKK FARM, ' Oncai^lnir of TflTttfF HTxriRRlV A\l> fifteen i<;nw. fi?y mm n .ft, W,,,;. Ida Iiuitri*Hfar ?Uas<<-{f4rv neighbor hood, fop?*ojfotto,?tn?i4lM-a. refrools, At. ' T!?I? rarlToppftrtniiity fW the pur^htge of a reltifthlrgraiu fa|m fbff plicKo rrtmy' b* found liMenijblUf i>u?0) of tlreniviife 'C. H.. Irohwdi^lely epi the rnnd. . JflPernis mnri* to rukt. Che pttt?d?n??is . *\1 **V- f -?K A. M1LFS Xo* 26 80 > '* Exchange lfetice, Vo. 7. t-' Ri<j>iM>Nn. yA-^Oot. tetU, J883. , folWina Conf^ffrtf.* nfflcrri and f . men-ann uersfeT declared duly rx dwn.^: ' 1. AH officers and msn captured and pa roM it ?ny lino previous to* the prut of SepWrnW .AM*., 1W action, howeyef. Is MitfJIITeiidetl to iselndt any officers or mm WLfntryeJ^e Vt*fcs?>tif(r. .rpiy '4th. 1M8; rXpffAndi as wens deidored exchanged kj r Imimt tMtoe J^O. ?, Wept, 12th,. 1668. or are specifically named in thU notice? JJut it 4<>4* *?ftr*ce *11 g&ftt-awts nhorn ?miifit. *1) e?ptn(T* *t Port lru< *<?? | fS&fflWSi? *k"' lfc*p,"i" - > th. It M of /IwieraW femhwtim, fft* JvefiM>?h IjftMn, Moore, Bnrt<m. ft. D, L**, Cammlnp! Iliitii itnd lt?M?iii, mir pi Colon*}* H?]rnpl<lf? Cockrod lk? o^rf end g^n bekpigtpg to tK? Eft, , ft*no*r CmwtMro ft*r>s?r* end Minora jftW t??r>onlr*?ft rmj efarth i ium. iwrotn, ftVeeptoMd et Viok^Vui*, My -M*, - " J0rMI?nrr?l 'dl"1" feftptftftftl Ai^tykr? RouEnT-oni-^^ , Agtntrf Eichauiw [- *T>et ?' j < % ~ \ . >*... , i.? . ; ' ij' v \ \ . . ?. , ^ - x * "" * * A-y %. I . Kditorn anrt Proprietom. f?~ > *^kJ/ - '> ' ' i . * pa Per A^mtutr i? ?nd?fty cent# OW euonEaljlf 12 JBiKiiffJi !lb?gt, fifty ?ent* fiir office, are cburjjo.l for the <HMO In ?^mST toft. . ?V*>^ ' .^txiik '. *Upl|Afc |i |i I jgg^saai? *u?b hj^or IjW or <?amW or MKiwr- -i* eJiiiiye iw'+Uw'/lT eltrec,?^l>P?i?<?h<v, rliali b? liable to ^p?t? alLy'ot I wrnty.-didbirr. . i - Altl~m ,U ifuttf'cr - ()?jAlbeit, TT>'M l)\e r.egi? <r^ negro n* hit-'net iWIe iiVn time fcl u\l be HiiUo io W irvr?*t?i> **d ImprisoneU, at Vke fep^iTMwtaf tha otoier, for imp, montTTVjwjiej ux.until -theline of tyrti^lg dollars Ts paid >y thl- o^-tier . , -< " , I, U* it further Or<ttf<ncti, Tlytt heron fi?T' .no #lave yr staves fluiHwcupy *r reaidn in ' Boy hone# i?r olhef lorr'iHmt or enotMiuira | oft Ci ?H'w?'Aflr.^oilwr-'<l??u his or hero wii?rie,-?ithol?t. jUc .wHi.len Ml1 Till of such owner, vvhercta ninth bo' ek* prwly described.the jdftce where sunh ntnvt' or slaves nfe allowed to reside, nud *ju-cifyliig the time for *M?ll such permission- is intended to tie j*lyen, which shall not ix-l %trsd Oiio no-alb of. any ono time writltont ronowiil;, and pny .such. slave offa-uthtg herein sbatl to w KTr?|iie<F ndt. exceeding Iwsntv toshes; onh-s* tfiev?wrt< r or em|doy: el- of such winvo phoU pnv n fine of live dob, iobs for each slave'?s? oftct.Jing together h it"li-nlf-oost and. charge*. ,-ii* it further .tJ*diau?<t, That no j">rr?nn i sh'di tot i? hire to ajiV slave ntvv' lot. linnse, j room or buihltngXrhiftti I ho Tnwti of if}; eon- > *11Sr; and ^ny pet anno Rvatljng herein. shallj .hftJli1 teat to n pvna)iy;.G/ iive .iliillyr* iwr; rui-wni dnilhcfTths ttrm* tittfreliivo rlvalf* no ! copy ?ny shell lot; room, hohsa or building SO ft-hUtl *8 nf<r<6aid. * j Done ahd ratified under tlie corjwrofo real f of <1... Tnu... nf ...,,-.11,. .... third day ?>f Nn\ etliher, in Ijit* veJil' J of ovtr ].nh] ftne ihiMieend eight ittin [)>, S.jilfi-d ntrd 'fifty eeven; a?nl emfntHied I nod on !) thied dny otj on? lloopnnd eight hOndrej mid' sixty three. * . J*J{SJ. leUm'diint.' J. 0. Bailit, Tow n Clerk. NVvJ'i / 28 3 Haadiju&rtecs, Dejinrlin't South ? nndfriii, I? Flw/l .~v ,oir#-". .fcuv. I 81 l?, iMiX 8ft*rial OrJi r?, ?V<r 2sn. I] J ' toAJnn faUX 1\ AftHMUfcfi,, I, * I -? CMW Kni-idiii g < tRieer'aih I'onfr. f'ot , i* hec< hy n.nMiuoi-.ji > ? C'<?nommi/iifi ^ nf J'ort id < reeti lulle, *>. C., Mini 'win lie ?ii?Vr|i HiiiI INepvcn <1 nucordiitglf-. * " \,'P; > * - By command df-OeiieMf HKAl'REfJ AJIH. . r ' JNi >. Ji. OXIiV. * ^ Aahictiint Aiipiiaxt (f^Mirnl \Injur Joli.i IK As-f wore, Cfutrf KiiiyllU^ Vrtlltn 3th C?m;? Xd't. Nov Itt ' ;> ?* '-4f ' > Strayed: \'y~' * i FROM ihs'iiiliwfWr. nt Bnt.-V' I'eclorv. "ii i'jiu^ilsy, 1'nli UWlmit, o&JS-a i? \Y \*,\iur vn.R. onitn and I.Ne Min-lip-iif -a?-ivr, ?huiit'Tt> J yi')M-i> (j.?l and her f?n ?? i?i? mo Ik-eft turn- | Wed fur mini.'inn H,nd in !i>?r ?r (tw 1fivh j i." liinjf: |ivi v>n td.u^*o|i *>t? ? ?'', "Mult mid jiving iff>- liifi'Wh'ivi ?m? tlin? Is . > > ^?-i ?.... usin i..; i Mv hd<lf??#U Marietta, Wh-dWHi m*lri?r, > *:?Wv- -,u. vj JC'?V T& -20 -i Hl^lj If"-"- '-1 v J>B6?rtcj-. , . ^ >| iV Ati I* <>1icti'. I ?m'f? wf t'n| u4*t ,1 Kipf?*'i*?1,iy4>t i ff?-Y a rawnfrdk wsrvamxy-H\M JMgLi.^r-riM ajt>ft oT {'tiyji'v ?K AKttT4>S rv J X. t.Kit anil* 1?l?<^iUtfy'ITVfrt;~6r Vn")ni>VlfpW Jie f*? K **-' Tltt* i* "vnm' J nhMf ilv? ppwahI vffw*. Va ??y III.- IVJvtnip, /Ji.mrt*' M?*?* r H^r^pnut. Otcpfi Wio.l s.?'., aeh?r<Ki>.?. - I n. v ?? ' ywM v ^ . luo <>rxr.rcs ^i-inix kv 5u no. stiijrn.MopViii^K, .Iri&t rtci-ireO, anA fur jmie LO -? ?- -.?<"-? ?m F. A. Walter, Jr, Oct A* 1 r ?' >\ " Jf;., ?? "I i ? ?? ? - ~* ^ r 1' J I - * -vi : . <%; ' V:v. ' .i :.: <"** y L ^ / *"**- " >' ** .' ' ' . - . ,^s , ? ?#-v ? ,"*? ' -. j*?. ~ " M ~~ "* *is? m* . * * -r': ?<? f " '* < ,?'< .?;A-* V-. ''Ji i ^u?>+J-'2A* y ^uJi WRITING 1'APKK r. *-r a * ^ rV^/l.s; - ** >> +* .... w '/ -iX ^ ^ V V ' ' " ' r \ '*/<& .v- & v* :? Vv^v t- * < / - ? ' i * .i; * *^?* ^ >jrv*.?.rt*. __.^ . ?'. > # v>; - _? .* - *. - . *-#? ? = > : ,an*.yr /Uwl STEEt, .PENS. ?v r> ** f v ' i- vr . <n j?n ' v * ?,jr ?>. * 1 j ?%#-4 jf ? ? <-S^ .v*!, % ^4,. *' u-* ??.a >? . *#? - ! V ^j*.. ' ' ?., -t M ' - .% ,*. ?"'?. 4/'' *r ' . U - : : *> - ' ' ,** V- r. gf " . ' 0 " # ^ t, ' i* 5fi. * . ,* * 1yt' * j 1 . ** ,k v, Mail) n# all rlafMbntM^ b? pBid by the iirtt Jayrtlf^^ on BwfeVj' |?i?i?r?hl#a'>'^Li rfo??V*\l ^ coal) fniix-liotM). .Wagon ( ?t? fOrfArfe ?h exe^l (, tn o-bocf? *V^yrt^ ?Krlrny, f>n" obeli one'1h*e4e-Wa**il or D??y, *u?$ Am: .Lira. . ituvTaXcdon pTcnxvru CarMAfci to-ho paya- .\th)Jt>y (Vie.fiirM day oTmjtiiovffi'M) aud the lJk Tuxes <u\ OtuoJh* ae?r (hicfib, ?iufiugc<s Jib*-""*1" _lcTtteV Wojr??iiB, Dtiiyr, A.*-., Kjijir Arr?tlrvt to- hie ftt! payable tofhro ?uoh vvdv>cU> *(uk(lUc4Wotv^U> Jei UH" RCA ?> AN D STR^IfT'T FkC. 5. That I tie AniikiiO Tns* fof U<-?rf??r.(l MtronMSfydjptian#, lo: )h0 (SurtM JJ? tm Um buu -i?A /our dottm*, fj l?e yuns oy tflo first-tiny of J*ohrnarr neeb i'ATnw?.BXi:MCTroN^. j ftBC. o. 'A'htH tna Mllft ol jitM r1?ft,tr* bo, anil, la hereby onleml to bo lUM'j by uprb uml ovary , pctaon liable t\> jjerjorw, P.itfol Ditty-?>r W?c """ \114r uinln;| fint iliVf -.r 0< Iubcr; Yfill!, prtya pbv to tho Town JplorR en na.befiura'tiic .first p liny ol' Jajnmiy pcxL v . ' .J v 4 * LAWYER J*. tffKtrr.X^F. PrfCtTSTS, k DA(\U?K HKOXVVkrj>. ;A.\l'Ji*PTY3v: * f 'v 18 TB ANJ> 1'U< >TDU.RA1' 11LSXB; -.gut*. T. That a T?hc;oft^?r-u>y >"?/?-on' hnriitr??l. dollars jm- Viq lpi-niin <bai m the practice ?f tftc prolWliius iif I.iVjt, Mollis - cino ftOirHantlatey. and ffout t fie'Ant?toaaaas of Oajjuenvntypiu^, A'-ihrpiy^i^ijj. i-od^ Photograjibiu;;, withfn aiPToivp, Vltall V' jiuid bv nil persons pmaticiux buM ->qa and . bit'irnv.ien, front'.tjje flift day or .Jamiorv, 1MW1, to the Ant day of .InnunryT iw**' ' Uo by tho tiny of I'ddrim* next. ITIX JRAXT TUADKHi^ AND A-UjUTfON* ' hJ+lKS. . , A - .1- M Rrc. 8. Thai'a Tax n&ijlftctn Jollhf~prr' iloif be |um<1 hy uuy Itinerant Trn.tbfr yt j^ixe tiynocr, otlVrln* ft>( ? .tbiii tliy V'**'_'\>t )'J (ln^iv|llf, Htiy of* fl-ltW*, *4V*?r<wf ?-f nr. Mcrv)ian?liXe, by u?vU?i? ur ?lhgt(iK,-la W <>t juiiil daily itt iiilvnltcc ; Ami nny-llinurunt ' ?w Trader or due (kinder j<> -ntTerliiy for Kirto ??Y fin OwO^s, War?* or 'M rcijandi/.c, at unetiou ora otKoroirc, v ilfmut jm I h.O.-ljr poyinx^Meh | n, 'tftttty T?x, thitll l>o lilted fifty JMlnrt fur each ; ^ tiny they t?iar BO nfinula , 4T?& eel tlnu la ti?l 2! ilttcmlixl *|o Ineludo tfyp MtyUtyiry (tenters in J tprvtii, IVilii, yiofslbc*, tobifrrfe uarn wore, earth- e. j"T*~iT1 '*"* J?*'?liMn?ft^rlurV)i o&.'sC (ft* I la u elijM-iiot&rt "r.purU of retingfiitirt '?? .Sti timt, art a'd hcrebJrjVHtalod. _ ? ?V ? Itt BlLl/rdlVU TAJJLKKVND TWT t*I* AL d LWiT.- ' >1 Arc. 9. Xtiftt Ihaiym of :A/'/y ((-./'?,-e U Ictied ttfmft each ami every ii^Mktrd lit bio, or >1 Jf/'te" <i\>tfnr? upon. cot'li .nt /V every Tun Fin Alloy .in tht^Tugvu of Ureenvilbvosed by the y pi oprielbr lb* Jaipns'c- M' mi l Tit\ Id kV' Ry Jteuuac toy the Hitum itliuH be nj>j?f)io| tyr ? jp uo.ods sdt,i> u iti.v vnxt>U!if xtirsrr. * Sko. ttt, Thot o'Te^jof ?ii' i*r ''"{dp . trfiqn rvll <ln?i4x*dM tipMt eomititniiienj,- erilti- ?j III eiid Toirn, ftem the tat day ?f Jenu-'" ;J bor..?"W? lo Jho ii?y. Al JtnttMtw, lH, efi.-.U bo )m>M nv* over*"* ftir/oA WfftMfcnsWI ?S j ibilt*, ffitynbte Ry tho tire* xlny <t>l Tebrnary t*i., beet. - , " . L r i- i nr-AL EFTATi:. gf..vvE^ rroCK?, ffOM>AT.xi tTinv. 'Jii ??n. 11 - That a Ten-nt' mtc-hn'/ yttr rrittiwri . ?b?a t?t T>nl4 opoif (.n - tf.--.-triilin, mm',4 (Vt*lV4 L' at auction, v* Uytil Jtf tn(t-. ivnH ,y>'<u (y ' f'1 wi <*rry <U?>ci ij.tiim, (Isactffil* fofy* ui.nlu lty *j order of oriur'f, <>r l?y ul'tly ox\Itft H'e.r <Mln?iJiUtrittoi ?,brrattl',l*K on tTijs'y.iWu t'ny on jrbw It eu'li eulc.t MB* f4i< >. *' tin > ? AJti 0. 12. AmH If' b/nnktcbft; Jt^y.lturetSi Hr pi^n< eb^l^ulLglTjInrftt M i ,Kl 1 -ru^y Ut Mu?lwi lr?M KliKUU Oft oKnf. Ca'lkoi HLl ..;> v:^2r2^^^^8 Ire Tux j0.ot?ta?. ^ <-(ve!i <4kv fto ?**M *< .WMirMtw MT''?J*4* fur w'tticli *??ch vylrtcV i? si?4?jort (>rdt- j . !?<uio uod ratified urtlfcr/h^p H fh'A .":ilil Town itt KCUln," w" IVIlI f, s .thictl J?jr of V.'M-wiTm^ Uf" ^ Mfrtul 1 ''aSfr, J.-f 41* to ',"'' VFyxnA t* A uKVfcyujNi* nWW'ifi. *t ?'< <>orw"n^tf? I.r y-? r CidKC B ! o*ll?i NpU"l' W*!t>?ofm . ;?*utr?f i|?tUU!^U?V|J"* On iiacniMft */ 'p*tPiefit JtaniiHifp, i%IM*v| V 4 ,-?Ww> ulHffty. u*? fiaftwfe jrH jij<Jfi.n? wlift <M-^t>j^iwn*?wiVTor .* th? cUy^rppoiolfd fir^Oiw?"i|?W^i? m&* * NurfWor*- " ii '*" ?yor M?L *^Corod> .?* ^ Wrf* ?rK&n Ae^W: >i 'M SSSSSmk!S& * jSa&SSSB1 n,? kWft^w.rj] h, ^C'TMx^ I T" ,v~** ~ # ", " I. n v jj. Anderoan, Union, York, Pbe?t*r,4.%u? .""Jk^ *, AbbcvilU and Newberry are required 3 1.. a*. ibwith to 8ttmmon%aU pereons In poaac*n vfilavt* liable to road dutr witkln the il* of their authority to deliVTr oas- . ".L.' iffh of Iheir slaves liable to auili duty, at f rntlrva<l depot* nearest ths avert' ret- <i * Me. on >V EI)N KS1) A Y, 10th iWrnb-r feilWCi*-J?tn??taMiHwK ~*!Sy lot. for^bVty days' liber oa the fortlfiII.'The Cdtrttoifflo ners of'Roads and ths , jjj hndmtlu prills* aforesaid will alto IntpreM d deum at t he'd* pots at the tame timet *r:ar , t fourth of nil male tree "ogrq#* h^Lwcsa } All k ages pf *l*t?-si and,fifty, within"the - J llu ?f\h<;:-r MMhnrtty, .tofVp jWymMstd 'a*'ii??| > OtrtHihe labor e# one fourth of the road . ;sr,& m ncr#?f the Ho*da and the tfoma Mtthito **M only reqnlro of the several e?ave Urnftferh (WflfctuAt oTtab* J* w 10. k fiajMpd to?tl<?tafr?adY ,furnW??"fl,- inaka giu>te ; C e \ Ore foutth of ^ X?, it u'matter bVyotid ?uy oolflisoh The **<"5 It rvqnii es m? to eufJIWiJ term of sorvlee'" * *a thirty ?.li?v?, wl.innho ilegrdiht cnfl oafjT a 'ditv&ejfl by j*dir? dilute"Ueucral iVWtwKTilll^- ^ hi **+-.$ >*' try ? y. Persona to wlivmc ||evj)| be at^R fon- - jTT^ m nppnrt rt?e When.* * * ^ VI. (rtMi..* hr* nnvisrd^rftbrftletrMhfy" ^ irr* with fatioaa lo lnst to'ChlVwsten. . "1? VIL Tlta ap^s efht ^t > r%iva l*?^-yr gross arc-pfahiViWsW frutb ftur^lwjhiaft sul/i'"*? itutw. ' WM M. Shr*pU?0Nt r' - <V. ?orrit sof4lie fi|n)p -hf ? ; ? ?. *&?* , . TtfL OOMI ? $38 BTA1* p?^ r:. --.-> ? >?: !. . '*0$ - OnJiiiiilMW, jSutvuliiyV/l.-WOBi . * UXJCn/i f. OJtDKL&.Xiy. AV 'J* -*? 'lO r uKNKUAL ?iU?:?H^SiArrr^.. ,.n r]-?dli?-(jrt\Vt'>W lti<? btfv* HHil Kliliron voir* fri'tw i-nii-tiuy miy military $r?W.i?tft>nq,: < ?<:? JJC?"H-I? A* nfv mil bui?i <1 .; , .J <iill? <1 6'r'Vy,il|? Hm\<i ?i?r nnti CiMit,^ .,?? ?A rim.*Kiiui?ci- ?f n r>t ii^'drtn'J In llio Jfr(* miilri- llm' ' ilutVd.f " 4. H. Anili***." Invili** |??V- mioTt ns niul.-r ih?v?^c j?f j~vMr*. mu^ .J ,-ronlM In ?hnooi'iiMi<>nt-i?i'juin a ' . ? mififlny fac Mrvicc Imyptul llm liniii# 4?iT ?"* [In Hat*, iKj?f/rl>y Vt'llrraloil, lilt lliq ilmt iio |?*i ?M>n iij^fi1o>H V'-ni?,|i)i>i<oo<im iHit |tdu U> OW*ii?vii|it<<?n iinj^r i1iv Ai-lo ?if . 7^ Mtjy roa |:? -will dnllmi tll k S/illlf U-l* nuy a . ? j^ill K)rcu%if?.Tr . ' _ . Lwvflrf ; A. f. & ' *mX?ToV. y < Adtulniit otiil l?n|i*oriir ( ? n.r?U * . IJ.1 "l?? *yv ft - *7" 1 /IH1* fir* Ci>f?r* nf.suitf piUJijh ?Mi run o tho Fr^ftds of Ootjpnny "C/' v-'"? *>c*" ltft&Rfy1*. 8. Cr JP. ' itfljf? t**n. itn-1 m?*? ?7??l . <?A? ttJiw-lfWti *ttlrr*???rV*?it v. In I try. (nlijr q ft Impmt' **?||? r.<1 VP"*-11 'iauiiit- (jfiv of uiO'll y'wijO-ajtW li.tiiittitf/nr nny'*i-"nVr>..v.-rhip*. It* llrtyflfuMi^ii* w4ll i nl.l^ 1?. furpiali V>f f ^ H?.'.li rr l,. ff<iv t !>.- mM/WO ' * whI i-0.41^11 >u0f> b \V? STt A?m?tW+frmi ?ijiwflftrH **> I**-! t u?mp?1ulolmwt 4*a*vror>- ?>iu ii.-c" 'ill- U3 our r<Ar ui i, 1^ ' - J'' * **!". r<gPtwrtiyg%>?j|? *.<U'i'.o uf jif6rta rr it f? ^i.iU^*w???iAvlr?'?<iii (. .r.* ?WiR? W#7a? fciyl f"W< J)fini 0h-i*l!i?,pj*rn rtf nuir uv^1 ?tl1 > Ii? Z? JtJ> rtMh-i- ** ^ noil H "-K ti W1 '? nwblBjH^oikrvui'prevwii'e nit*. '? ii' ^ Ti^k y*i:-t if\/: r*r 1^w??! I JP .ry'T? ?' ??'?* ?co? tbrtfiigh ^ . ^ r.ftot!X 4 ,*f Afc*%<^ wfe*v- ' 7a?lfcH>C?.. . |0 n > PPIf^.r.--. rwy^4^.'#.w-' ",-fco. -* ' . rT<??{rfi ^Zr *ERM8 ?n A*y otmU. v*r/f , TJJ m?~* **?'* ?fl "