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? *?, ? - . ' " - V - v - * ' "-' .* .. . :>- 4 . . T ,r .^fc ?% * > y , ^:X?i-;.. .159* .iliWIwtt ttRtKNVTbUS. R."dij ' 3 r???a#/WuUa. ifa. p< jjtnrr** SiV n ' i J : ^ W^WtweP^wiTn, ?o old ciii- fh 'i _* * Rk afci mrj nlraiAble gfnllfBin of < ^ wW^lkc?, defMHod tkk Uf? om TutwiUr ^ )m? < lie b*d midkd in lb? ph^ Sot ^ R)W#y ?eaa>, u?d bad eiHtaued himself re 1e ah* around bhn by b*? ia?u/ virlues. pi, II i* funeral w?e preached is the Pres- nl byftriln Church Uile morning, attended by* te?ge_cpno?W?e of ftdrrowtug relativeejgu) friend*,'of wWch he had been te an a??:-*pl*ry roeinberv lie wm the qt f rer.. whmjroord Smith, of nr the Meihodiel ChHfeb.r - -* JJ In fatai**, the Town Council offlreen- J? ^ villa intend to have th?4?w in reference nt to negroes hiring Jbeir own Hme rigidly 0f enforced J nod tbu* will be abated a ol great evil, for which they will deterve l'i imicbj By reforenc6 to the ordinance, it j^j will be eeen that in addition to the master of the slave being liable to a line of I Went/ dollars for an infringement, of Ihe hrw, the slave wiU be liable to >? V prison men t, * ' ??c:? tl X . ??? -TI ** CeafMerate Societies. - til AVhy should we not hare a " Confed- 68 erate Society " -In Greenville f. We see .w no reason why the people of the'District ^ * should wail for some of the other Dis*? (j, ? move in that direction, oc ?*? - - - la.. Cannot tOfue of the leading men of the i "4| Town or country inaugurate ooal? ^ * Bead the article of " Agricola" from ^ the South Carolinian. * at DOctor Robert W. Gibbes, Editor bn " ? rv 'oi. . Is n? CMHIlli UJWlDmn L'trnr oir . i? t%. i??i kj incumbent oo the people of oar State r.c to make a mighty and united effort to Ea cheek the fail spirit of avarice so life iD tin oar land, at this time of owr country's ry trial and genera) soflering! Permit do respectfully to suggset, through your soi jonmat, and solicit other papers to in- cal voke Ure^patriotic, and the pood, and Ot . reflecting men in each District, to as- m; liemtde at the vanous court houses to organise and put iato action " Confed erato . associations.". A large majority iRi of the citiaens -think and wish rightly, in and tbey opportunity to man- c0 ifesl to our President and rulers, and especially to our heroic, self-sacrificing nn soldiers, that all those who are hecessnrily lefi at home nro not the slaves of nc mammon. Peculation apd extortion, those co-workers with our enemies, hare cr, had their sway and rule too long over pa our righteous cause, and arc driving J0 the suffering masses to despair of ?ueCtssful independence,. The concentration of a virtuous pub- foci lie sentiment, can and will correct the 8Hj crying evil." It is time that the wheat \p ho sifted from the chaff; let tlie black do sheep bo turned out of the flocks in ev- gji ery neighborhood. And is it not un- on wise "to permit Mississippi, Alabama and Virginia to leave South Carolina in c|{ the rear in any good work 1 The his- on torinn must not so note the record ix, tj)( this glorious '/JV.gjpe, A Confederate ,?] code can he made simple and easy to ah begin with. First, the (Jonfederatetmr- 8t, rency must be sustained ; and, 6ecT>nd, sell lo or l>ny nothing from him who is speculating. Shun luxuries imported is as we do abolitionists, ** cc AGRTCOLA. ' G ???? ?* . rt tOR THR BOUTHKRN EN*EKrR18K. Ol . ... T At a meeting"of the "Butler G bards," R held in their camp near Chattanooga, tl this day,- No*. <th, the following reso- Jjj lutiqns were unanimously adopted t Resoited, Tliat the thanks of the if company are due, and are beraky ten*dered lo the ladiea of the " Butler GuflVds Sisterhood," for a most acceptable pres- pi ont of underclothing,,wbich reached us ti< through the hands of our friend, O. A. b< Fickle, for it is an evidence, though ab- tli sent, we are not forgotten by our fair m friends at home, whose hands are ever m busy ministering to tbe wants of the is soldier. ' ' vt Resolved, That the proceedings of p< this meeting be published in the Green- til ville papers. ej J. P. MOORE, w.A. Oil U MATE, J. S. SltUMATE, <1< Committee. l'' * T)kath or Col. Forrest.?^fre are pained, rays lha Appeal, to learn of ibe 00 death of Col. Jeff. Forrest, who died a . few days ago in Alabama, of wotmda t? received in a recent engagement with the cnemy'near Tuscumbia. Cat For- * rest was the youngest brother of Gen. korrest, by whom he was raised and ,ei educated. lie was a brave and gallant officer, and tile country has, in his " ^ death, lost the service* of one of Jtf moat useful soldiers. "We tender to bia^af w< dieted 'relatives our heartfelt sympathies of iu their affliction. '? s be - - ? < V W . f Sfeaeiro of ' North and Sooth * the London Fun says, the South k , blockaded and tb? North blockheaded. gs Th? Sair Antonio (Texas) Herald says a lead mine has been discovered In Wl the Uvalde canon, the. ore of which yields sO'grsfl a per Cent, that bullet* * c * tan 1ms moulded disodly from it. ' AaTOsiPiirNo.?" I am Astonished feT my dear young lady, at your reallm'tsnta;. i*h you mako me start." " \V/dIf sir, TV* I en "S ttAg * on to start 'fA tbe last ''.-v.U'-V0" i ' > , ' . . t. ?- *? **:? . \ <* * . * V -W . ' : ' - r * * # j ^ yCc ^ '* % .*-*' . ^ % -* . ?h ".; , jBt (Mb wn under AveriU, oq Lewuburg! it fe, who i? being r*tli?r twmljr'pfill AII ;. 1 rt,??. * Yankee ?rmyb still aiwtW nfoo, and or* actively engaged In re iririg tLo railroad, but aooJhsarilj king slow progress, oo ncoouot o ? great damage done to the rood and idgca by our amy. There tsjiotfunj 1 which positively indicate# tbe in< ntion of wfod* to go into win(ei inrteis roon. Tbe movement* of bqft) tniee wttl nvobabty be regulated jtti eaaure by the movements In TtDDce ? The appearance of a" force u artkec* in btimbra, Wedneedar, wai top the Confederate* front coflecUnj e iron ftom th* Acquia Creek ro#< id (be telegraph hire, large quantm* ' which were left on* the ?vacualioi 'Stafford. Jt it .to be regretted the lis job ha* been so long deferred ii tat quarter. Nothing more has beci sard of their movements. [/WcAwuvwf 'Whiff. Eaat. TsxNses&jc.?Th* Abingdoi r.girjian says there- is not a Yaoke< tit side of ZollicotVor nud lMduntvilfe here are none in (ho Ifolston* Valley lis side of RogersvUle, Ihe nrtt t point at which they mwy be foun< i tne railroad, ie Carter Depot* Vwentj ilea below Bristol. Sinew their foil id to the vicinity of Abingdon anc eir retreat to the Watauga, they havi rationally sent out scouting parties ai r uP Tiandfud them so rooghly at the 1st point last week, they have hot ad need that far since. It may be said present, tbst EumsideV forces,, ulider rnsetf, Shackelford and Uaritufl, occu? East Tennessee from the Watauga to >udon, a distance of about 140 udlos. ?t of the Watauga our forces hold jm in check, and will very soon hnr* toward Knoxtille and West of Ijoun. Morrison's Georjrin chvaly occa? nally stampede them into their Jorlifi lions on tbe bonk of the Tennessee.^? ir forces from this direction are on the srch Westward. ? T? orrnarvn /> I It a PaHpwi1* ftanflirfli telv in Abbeville Distriot, as r?porte< tfco Courier, -the Due -West Teles pe says: The Pelican has been taken care Q id stretches bis huge wings in th< useura of Erskine College. lie wai >t taken in the Rocky River, bat in th< iluda. Whether tbe negro has recov ed we have not learned, but w# ??p >m k Tfrould be safe Co say that be trai ing well. The difference in the style or fighting tween the armies of Lee.nnd ttragg is d to be remarkably distinct. The astern army, With few exceptions sclm charge continuously. The Yirnia auny rarely do otherwise. Thi e content to stand wp and^ ?x' ange shots at long range ; the otlxei >?e up and daab forward. On the e hand experience ban thai 6 enemy stand ftte as well' as oor Ives ; tbe other, the Yankee plod ways fails on tbe advance of pole eel. ^ ' - - - V Exchange of Death Raeewne.?I stated that an exchange of death re ?rds has t>eei> offered between the tw overnm9nt5, North and South. *.Th cords embrace the'namee of all soldier i both aides who have died in prison iie records of- the Libby prison, a ichmond, hare been sent North, am le officials are looking for the reluri it. When they- arrive, we underatam ley will be bulletined for tbe informs on of tbe friends of tbe soldiers am ?? public. ' ?r .; a ?,. Female Preacher,?A latp Irisl tper mentions a Miss McKenny, a na re of the County of Cavan, who ha ?en preaching for some years amoni ia Methodists of that county. M He anner ia pleasing, nothing bold o osculine about it. As a streaker, nfv really effective, having a well cultl ited voice, wbieb sbe uses with grea jwer. Tier language is good, *6mc men reaching what might be style< oquent." .*.? * ,'t" Possums Has Ris."?Good- crop >n't bring do^n prevision* in wa mes ; an evidence of whiA is, the poi im crop is larger than ever known b? re. The prfce fot this specie* of bn n has run up to $3.00, and ia conse lence possum dogs have take a Spas odic jump from $5 to $25, and bolder m.? Abbeville I'm*. Farter dk nt Da via has a very con mptable. opinion of extortioners an< one who awe, but dodge; military duty [f X were a yoong girl," said he, lot ,e speech,,.44 and wanted to marry*-' mid rather leas upon the empty sieevi the e?4def who had loet aa arm ii Ule, than upon the muscular arm o m who staid at home and grew fat.' Lieut. . Garr. Polk.?the country hatajiv ietl) ialin *sm ,xn? ? a "f a. if ?. fit Mention that Presklftrvt f>?vi? boi ittrtn a letter in which fefe Male* thi inventigntir>o, heron* nothing in Can >lk' conduol nt Clwckafnautta lo c?d a court martini <Jt n-court oriD^uuT rl bftft afc-igrud htm to d-Jlr ifr a Db* do with exjye^vt) of i>? undfmio aonfidottcW - ^ ' Trtft r of tii? Federal vb) r.mftnL, tilo gathered itpri {iri offl f. rW at !y pwidnb??<V ' * . r\*. m -. ' V ? " * * - * ? r * _ * ^ * _* * those place* And finally threaten New Tork n??tfl Would not Ihese things strike*amazement and terror to the Yankee ttrind ? and what-was atiN more gratifying, their happening was not without the bounds of probability. . Recti** for DVmno Brow k.-?Take ! red oak bark, suffleient-to make four gallons of very strong dye, boil very strong, then strain it; add two table; ' spoonsfnll of blue jriony, then dip.your I thread in the dye, then in strong lye; *. four times, then hang out and let it get half dry, and rinse in clear wa f tar. / ? w v?1i Blue Dre.?-Take one quarter of t pound of extract-oftOgwood, put intr four gaTlnns water, boil one-half an hour, add two table spofmWuJ of brae stone, pot in your thread $r cloth, boil pea half Jjour more, lake it out and let' it fifteen minutes ; put hack and boil fifi teen minutes longer, take out And wash out in' warm soap suds, tbea rituc in clear water. -r -' ': -> " Black' Dve.?Put a quarter of a pound of oxtraai of logwood in thr^f gallons of water, bo?|.it jhirtv minutes, add two labia spoonsfull of eoppcAs, pal ih-your thread, lx>il .fifteen minutes, taki out, wash in strong SOap suds, tbrti air nud rinse in clear water. Yellow Dt?.?T?ke of eaeh a'loto1 sassafras, swamp bay and butterfly "root ' pul- in four gallons water, bpil uuti strong, then strain and put in yoni thread or cikth and boil it thirty'minutes, take out and nit.fifteen minutes put in a table-spoon full of burnt copperai 0 and twi/of aiutn and boil fifteen.min 6 utes, than rinse in clear water and Ic 8 it dry. ' Five pounds of thread cad be dyed 1i ' anv of these. J ' ' (yl ' m R To Dva a Blujc Color wrrnotrr Ix d dioo.-??Make a strong dyi of Bed Oal i- bark', another of Maple bark, and havi J ro a third vassal weak CopperAS water arul 1 j a fourth veaae} weak Lye. Wa your Cotton thoroughly in each venae 1) of dye, and rinse it ont m the order ii - which they are mentioned. Waving end * fluid as hoi as }be hand can bear, re % pealing the procdss onlif the color ii ' sufficiently deep. t Hy making the thread'a deep cop ? per as color first, and fhea going throng1 I* the above process, yon'can have a goo< I black color. i- * ioi ? * Is Australia, it ia summer in Janttan and winter in July. It ie noon than when it is midnight Europe. Th< 8 longest day h in December. The hea ' comes from the North, the cold opus " from the South, and it ia hoteat on tb< " mountain tops. The swans are Mack ' the eagles are white; the bee# do wo * Sling, and the birds do not elng. Tb< r' cherries have no stone*, the trees-give a< 8 shadow, tor their leaves turn edgowaljp to the snn, and some of its quadruped bare a beak end let egg*. * esw?wju i j a i * ' GF" We "are antberirvd to anaoanei . Ltvut. Colonel WALLACE It IOOR * enn k didate far CLfcRK OP COURT for Grtea . ?m,. r??.< ?* . ...,V vmnw, Hi IIIO |ex? elMHOBi * I I t*-TIlR niiirioront friend# of 0?pt*ic l A. O. PKAGB reapectfolljr innonHo lilm. i f caodidtU for RHEFUPP of Ort^ovlllt Mf i trict, at tk? next election * * I ' ' ?. >? - ? Ki.ft'.,.. If otic 8 to tho?e,I?d?bte4. * A LL ptvsona Uirlebt^tf'to T. C. HPEN'OKl r J\_ A OA., will uwki pawner, e by U? ?rr of Docombor pro a two. > T. C. 8PEKCKR A (SO. t Nor 12 S? f. n. *- t m+ i 'w my* ^i.?i * ?i J** Am a fti i w An t oronf^ Irom hi*, faoidebce. 2l<Otflw Wo# ' Greenville P. II, nnd twelve W(?w ol?ov# X^irtni C. II., a f>ADK 0fUK)*U7 SORREL MARK. Rfcr U About Urn* ?* * obi, , wltb pr#tty , hip#, ?d i? wftli 1 ?o*l -A-Jibewu rwward wjlf Jimmy iaftrt*I Vlrn 1W w III Jr*uL m Ww ??sL A i |?rr*w-r*8'*tj?Tv'}c1v?r a Jj'oft tb?l anv iLing in mh! l1i?M i lutur^y# ftiocUo^*^ ^ . Hi* admiration r AiiminiMered I hrfJoTarnTCeHXiAi^-armll km - Jefferson Davis, [applause] whose ferr vent patriotism Vgb *aene? of jus|> tioeweresurpsaaed by no matt hi tins Heboid Jet] fife bear r era to-day what he had told lim, ITS'. f tliat he had withdrawn from his cabinet s whU far higher appreciation of his Vfr r Ct??ea*d sbttuies than he bad when he 1 entered It. ?,OurpfoAnPcta were bright,?nd brighten i Wig hotWy, and ntrt m<hy days would t shape* before the power, ftf Lanooln in i Tennessee would ho effectually broken. S TberPresident had told bim that Rosen crana'-afnryVbold be compelled to leave Tennessee before October went out, am] be believed it. J * frh* o?ORRTAH\r bfytix k*Vt. 9 Mr. Mallorr, the best abused man ip ' the Confederacy, would, bo peedrcted", ' before tbe end of the year, become -tlie , cynosure of all eyes. Ilia work had 9 beep, going on aHently, but he -was con* would roon exhibit a power'suf * flckot to sweep <jfcom the ocean eyery I t?'the Yaniee Savy. Why! it ? pnlv half of whwi i'*d W lo,d " bout 1 tbo China fleet was tru*-??r pfoapectt for conquering n peace were" ywdeed bright. v What i if t\ fleet tff iron-clnds were suddenly fo>nak? tbeir appearahce at habile and ChaHeeton.eeeaptureWew Orleans, naeestd the M^eieeippi river lp Vicksbnrr and Memphis, repossessina ' * JH 1 ?1^1? ^v^^SOfORSf^ifyH f *UI f #M*C 1 Vtt W.I fi+CjJjlL if Z K * a ^ ^'' tM A .' uille m aauhaWef*rM(|? to 4111 the office of Sheriff* *1 the npproaohing^anUarv that'tifo (Jo ties of tbet offiee *>W be du c^rgod wkh the fifWhy. lieaides . tiptm for ^rvfficaent officer, hepesferrtW V>tlfp? clniWift- that are en^irpawed. by any man In the District. From Uio bet ginning of ibt. *ar, h? hearer been In lire fiont'ranks of onr toidftry. From Bull Uun to Cbrckamauga he baa iHa charged the attributei&fpatriotism aad 1 couiage.T. He. was *ner aeady -H? .gwfort. tb'?4 jmd kwn?*r*t\??mkK M been hie .fortune ie be- aeeotftated wteb in ??m?. the highest sentiments of os; teem nml fd<R>dshipie5rTho fpTiniie?'b# imr j?<r* m^en ;lrequires i&ore iiinn ord in'nrr 5Jt*eiifiej?tio?w? to pitiarm the dufiejof Sheriff. ' Difficulties, riop press pV. litems efres .^hich never1 Wore fell to die lot.ot thntfiflic*: The time* \ require a itjeil "hf ut^flincYdpg norve? uUose sens*, of., duty \\ii] at all times prompt him 46 dUcluujjc, without feer, furor or JiffeelidR. itrts inetfftsiirg rfl* ,ponsihiUlica (.f that portion. Without di*pnt*giog the cUinn of those already* r or *tfo''niay hcrrnf et Le announced, we , tihlieeiieringlv prsseet Mr. Shumate (o , tlio voters of GreenvjHe m the right i men for'!lip pUce. - u A -j& . - CHICKAMAUGA. t* ,v A^hdxttator'rflitie. J? * T^>Y^eVmlficton of the Ordinary of T4ek? X> ?n? District, 1 will tetvnu to prffMUi rate, ?t ()l? Uf? -rtjsMriwe of TJiOMAft 'tot. I <* *??< 4e*A>yA: tf> riekensWirfcyKO, >d ?H? .TWENTY 4KGONI) DAY 0* DF. 8 N EG ROES I 8 Horsop .,2 \VngOI18 ,v^?-.' * 1 Bugg* and Ilarnoes "V. ^ Ilog^Onttle'find ^nwsp . ; ,? ' -Cftnt, Fodder and Peas Uoueehold and Kitchen Furniture. , '* iW+Z* 1 ?*,. i jb.R30 mnae upown nn o*j ?? t ']?. * ' i T. J, CLYD^ Adm'r. ' i i*.?/ > t' *y :. 4. * r > All OBDINAirCE ? < Against *egroe? Hiring Tfceir Own : T>E IT OftTUlJIED. ly ihf h.Uvdont av\l J JO Ward*** of tha 7Wn of Qrtmvxilt, in I Council aitewftird, Thfi it eheil not be l?wl Jul for eny p?r*on owning or' bavlftg id y charge ony nwlo or f?maU elev'e, to permit eveh Uve to hire hie or J?e? tint*, labor.pi; w?th-th? privilege of working ii\ 1 the Town .of G joenjrjUr; an^ any pereon owning or hulfl| in cliftrgc a ilirr, or - *1ivm, to < (Ten ding, thall be liable to pen. elty of twenty dollars. . And bo it fmthtt Qr do in erf, That the negro or negKtej^ hiring *Ut?ic. own time ?hnf) be liable to be ar*oeted end imprienn, ed. ?t the expenee of lite ' >er, for one j HKontli'i time, or Until thi y of twenty doilnjrt le paid by the owner, ^ y Uooe end retired under (he eorperelp eenl 9 of the Tdwn at. Green* life, on the I ? third dny ef Korember, i?v Km year j >' of Our lArJ one fbe?*rt eld eight-mi n :'"^SSS3 1SET* &4&3EEPWJBW t ^i*' ,5*, j\-r _!lo* 1* t?' a I . * * 1 1 ' "' 1 1 I* " ?: Xj* f "y 1 ' 'V ?l ?' '>v *^,TpS* a V^4* i I .HfflM PAPER * ^' ' ' - >' ". I/\l ^ *lisinSe?-' ?^/75P:;' "Pordaleet fijrf# CMRce. >T Ww^JH5?li3F^ME f* . * ?' ?* T J** I ' *.j ] 9 ' 1 ?- - * ';. '?. M ;**. V ?r . *' ?*'''* "*<? 11 i* . A-? **.>. v ,4.^ * .'4 ,. v* .-. _ , ^ ..... m ^ 0^??^ l! 186^' S 006 r|>llK CSllowing (JnnfciVwli nfllwrt aad Jl -* wren ftf? liercliy ilufcgM duly #* afeartged: A. . ' ^ -. a.. '.*? I 1. All ?fflcep?4?i(\mpu captfcreil.andparoled at ?uy, time previous N? jhe flrel of Heptenther, 1868. This erafloih #W?W,' , U not i nt' mlcii th faelnd* any oltteert'dV men captured M Vidttlwn, SW,' o*crpl#wj|i v'wwleclnrvvl e*?l>ong?d l.y JSxchanpe Hntlre U?. 6, Kept. Ifthj UtC ?r are ?p*riHt?My named In thNnmiee.?r Hut it doee embrace nil deliverer* mkde at t*Hy "I'dbt, or other place. Wora'Pep(ember let, 10*9, nod.with tltr limitation WK q^u.r.-??t IVry luHron or any oilier place, wliore tile pat-tien wore reV.?rod on parole. *. The rtaff of General* Pemherton, Slavecaow, WoWen, Monro. Hari..i>, S. f): Lea, Gumming*. Harris jmtl Held win. and pt Colonel. Key..old., CVwkiolj am*, Pickery, tiie^odiooi-* and wen belonging to tho Kii gTneer C?rp? and ftdpper* arid Miiter* an.l Hie fourth atrd f..rty eikiIi MMeaippi Kcgimmt?, at) ciifKitrou st Viukabury, July dw *<. HOREHT OtfUl, jt a fore uh>4- from thta ofRee, prohit>itad persons bet wean the tf?i of sixteen Mid eighteen year* Wlb awt5riTa|p rniiy nailitWry organisations* ejrrept ?ieh a* are authorized ,< and walled fur by jks Owytraar awd < mfftder-in-Cidef { and lo eoneeqneneajrf a card fiunMrint? to the r>ai w n (Wi !? i???nr?- of " J. H. AoAfeWrf* lurking ft* om opder tk* age of eighteen yrara, and paraon* not liable to eoneerlpMon, to join * eorn| lorarryWo beyond the limiM of tf*> ?Ute, mM ordrx k hrraU rait era t*< With tb? (MWWon, that no person under tk? age ot eighteen rear*, iiHt" no peraoo not liable to coneerf ,.tion tinder the Ad. of Con green in tlria State, will k^lllo#Mrb 0?dJ r.yn' ?"t*j>Ua^(>a*T Upe^r. of autU JJS11?, mrnn witk4>lanlcau ofany atottt <?o vering*. The Oovcruwaut w)U r.ntfai akto toikr?M? pa. W? *?re offortunak though to bar. all of Oar kn?pa?oka"aod Mbggago hbrnad our tntnt. and ft la under 1 ^ ^ ^ ff ^ fftofCS* ',. th ff ?> ?. ' .; * -" *" "* ' ?' ' * m.'^" " ' v# * v : 1?t-? "* % . J. . # * ; ^ . . * *> * i . " * c i s * nttHh " > - : v - **" . .' ? r.- * j3p??r\<f^ I'^Vi ^Mlf^II flfHI Wytfy tfMlL |n| payment ?f lit*. *om? by the pAp*M"?M?*im d/ficer," wliioh, when to roijl, ebelt be In foil tottffoUMi of ^ eWrtm/*J*W ??* *? '?I* k W lom'? : Ouo be i?b;o ?" nforeenbC who kltAVM^lhe proofs ft.Mueeil -iy the-part fee as to the Vfllue <if MiJ property, and imw a >trt compensation therefor, occuining to iJie ortnaowy. _ j; ";.rT,^ Srt. 4. ThaJ whenever the ^eoeetary ot War uKaU twt t>f nnlnldn (Knt it ia MAAaJborr to tkkfe privata property l>r public tl?*? by rreeon of the. impracticability ??l prwatirlng The -eeme ne to ftMimwlaU | nKMMry ?jrj'f?IiWfor ike army, or IKCgpoa>A the ??Tiw, in any locality, lie general order, through %e pr?f*r stfbordTH(? offiror'. authpriro inch properdo b# token f?r the public uNf tlio ^prtftfntftli"n M? U?.owner for theroine tob$ detentid' I ed iq4 the value fixed aa provided for in the 1 nr^fc "and .eeondrcction. of this W ' rp*aaOge,<vf?tM* Act. to nppoint a rominiaI dMy in *?di State where property ahal) he intcn for ih? public tfar.^an l requrwt tJ.o Governorefatnb H the State* in ^hiob tkr Prealdejtf ahal) appoint mM eomtnlasidhrr, o appoint another commi**loner, to tot .in nonfunction with the wwmWumr enpnlofed by the President. wbo ehalt receive the ooriipcnefettMr af eight dollar* por d#>\ and i-tao rente per r*He aa mileage,to he patd by. Ihe Confederate Government, Sa'ld eoramls fonni all all constitute" a board, whose duty H alial) W to fix uron.tfc? rri.iato be paid J>j t ho,Oct amine oft-far cUpropet t y Improve i owners "tWreof. Beid oomtpiiMtanera ahall agree upon and publish ? schedule of prleea ereiy (Mb months, or oftener, if they ahall derm ft proper; and evont iliOjr shall odl Uc alila U agree in any matter confide', to fnaM in this Act, they ahall 'Mora power to appointed* umpire to daialda the matter In dUpuPKi#*Ww decision aball Ue'the doeMon of ihf JCene*; and maid umpire ahall receive the earn* rat* of eompanae>ion for Uth.Mme he ahall eerre, allow ed to aaid eomniifaion era rca peeii a air: Pro iJmt. That aaid" eon^ iniaaionera ahal] ba r?aid<nti of the Stale tee wbiab ihtfy ahall be appointed; aao it tha Owrfnior of apyjfilota tfcaU-veduaa or negleot to appoint said aommlaatoaer whhin le? <Mre after a/*qti*ifcto do rob; the PreaIdent, fhen the Praatdeul ahall appoint bath aapMtliIndtu. by and with iboadvM* and consent afUic Senate. . -.a ** S'lkr. A. That all nnuu*t* I ^ 1 4nVed for the fab Ho ?*e,' m Zforfm$4, in ?h* IiMkIo of nwf person otbor then l.h? |w?r?o?e who have fc?Ued. jrrOwu or prodweod the aame, or pmope hoWl?g,thc 4?tn? tor their, "own n*s or eomramnti eof and Who ahoit m.fee tha.affidavikga bereiohefor.- reooired, l>*U l?? paid ffer oreoMlng to the schedule of il*ed br^Ulo wmml*lowe? no afereooWt. Jltii if the officer impressing or taking for I ho public on each property and the owner thai I differ u to the quality of tho ortfelo er property ioaniof or- Ukan u aforesaid, thereby making it fall within * higher *r lower prleo named in tho aekedthe ?w|n<? * geaWnd^woMear' ' V - it' "v - * - : ^ ' . * * ^>^6* W9 ptnptTfjt II^^^HKBsBS^11!!!!! " IP ^ti&imot m " .n?ra#r, tiret^rVor Krflj&k^tirwi In fit* Oomjv ofConfod/rebfctnt^'iUrT Nt ;?*? ?s:w,iafc" ^containing**'? * ? ? Of owi^rton foJ> rwli Congrwnionol iM.trict in ajdStrfo; ?n,l:lw, & 8ii? * Bu*h +*i*op* rhnll l?? -b*U Ji? -v,i Mill Hint*. <>n tli? fir*t Ttanrwiev tn AMn,' .ne*V rod in enfcU ?^d y?r- l^Htr, the o(HmKnnU^ritier, or perron* appointed iKf lnw??* ?nM 8ut?" ^gggfeg .re modified Wtf*?Ut.- *?*7^ t* J. "In *?cb elr*ti?be, ff^/Wt'ei-n ?C1 n ttfeOnnW! er*t& ?rU* hnl|j W ^rndf HeAto-ebOn fpr .mi ?%ir)|fob? mint nir-^ moron* 'brancl?.?f the St,* to litgildnAnr* of ; ??M 8t?t?, |rf vnMjM tft? . pbUinxr xifJcVe Ijt fid wjdV mvwi'h K? jreubf'b/entiUrd'tn xiifo M* eleetlun A>f mcb momW cftuth l-<fl?1iti?r?. .?,! Kco. ?. Hot in v"1 ??w-U*iiin n ?)mll W in Hi* ntiUUry aervtoe *T ibe . CViifrficcMn St.te.,x?<* in cih he eb.itbe driven from. .K'rhome, b* lHn<vN:?j,M?ti(>it ?t )rW eminlry^ \>r ih* jrWrnve t>nenjj; otbji/?h?> Amferofitti j of bin troofMS or in ciui* tby <?l<*ort<ot? mmict f?p li*M #\t ilie tiMial fUcfi .?f Hn<<M{w * *1*. bj reneeu b< ** ??? * ew?H?? ?* for* ?-.J,. menfa, llien ?ieh *iltrutt ?l?nll be ViWM to rot- nt niijr plnee of. ** *< ?-to - .i.l sl.i.-, or iiiibo binnpn-tiriHic^rtnj)-, ^ ,toernhin#?*r ._ i TO tided. wfLJex, '?* * 8*C 'l. Smli electtnrtrfar r? prflf<?taitir>p u: *hi?lj be heldld ibtr *?rtip" of > tv? ?ny .>i*KlO# h nam iimin, iw H'liym. i?< E??rr pnnjr y eorpe, division, ? ?lMil4tdSAhe t'ofcMrel .4 jv **?) regiment, ?f eChcr i/oe)* i* mynumnd^ thereof, or iM it- < of ??>4j <> > A la. h. .1 -h?M m-jwAiti.. ahd make out f?? (ioll ! ? oh# and frlwiire ?MH*irulrc y>4 >T')l*<jys tlm Mine ehtre opened and Irt-M uw?V f tt?K?Sr^JS<?r&riwiijfH thAil UjM ttMMVJly tbf mvf-ral e?Niii?Mt<lIitK t4n?^'ri>, MpfUatiiix Oc j>i<*ixr? nndHerk* ? afon-eaid, t<> tliji htgln-.t n(8- ' wh grade ni?d the r< uiorof thegrmle ?roui State Jbr which the >???? i? held In tfc#T Aoanipmeat or ?n?y In Vhfelotfch ??mn l? ' heW, who?eduty I* i-haikW. al oflc?, to fctrwacd the aanie I* f l?* Une. | m?r of the Stat' ; Or the eamc niaft l>c, if mm4 i-utn'mitrni, forwarded by ?uelb-cniAn>>w.<l|*g "otUecr dt * re*tly U> * Oom&w. v, Y^*.' Bsc. ?'. In ?aaotne ettfjirfrM i'f M -fhe piit?lie ?errl?? p*ev*nr4be hid$?>$* ( the election* in *PT c?m|> wtlfler ||BA ' Ant, at the' Ume provided J.y U^ lit may i*e held at lOlf thrt? Vfllitn wJmCt after the preventiag eauea may re?l^ tW time f?r UUi*K the uitti to re #i(j^>y the udle r authorised to appolntth'* judtiftvand ilerU. { ' a*. 1(V. 8?eh <dfWr tfhelfcfca'antHorimll't to aduunieUr the proper outlet to the judge* aadeTaeh*, or lh?y may *d(ai a later Ilia tame to,each other. II. Kvmt*m-?fc?wii?4!ali?M! fag aoeh e|eat{#n ehall Why mm oath t?*uh-^*< port lha Conrtito^vn -of the -Oonr^d?rat? .8ta|pa, arid <0 dltehargu hi* d*ty in *** " r AN ACT-** EhWM "*** Act to Jfc-ttoC PK?vtd? tor tlA W)eW ?r>A .< Wonofal of (Aa Army in U?*plu>V' , iSS&asm- a . ai^AjR?Hea do ooaot, T>ia^t W ^Wirti