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['*; jt> V* ^ * % ' ' # V % j. Li i .ijffii'il pi "njiir M <f ' 1 < ?,?<rT ,PMEX . , 4 1 PIS IMtfKD XVRKK1Y n*N f. P. PRIfcB A J. C;; B AUEY, ; Editor# ami Vroprlctoro. I Per In Advance. ABjiBB^KMKXTS Sjfi" Win ho Inwrted ^ th?iW?of KB spa nny ???t? w a??',p',,f 12. y^ioAjiun, |^B>?r leaf. fnr^tbe irat iuaortiou, Hnventy.flvo ,V^(nP for the asedtfd and" third tiirtrtifltln.vtm V lAv ?enta formal)' MfModlnjtliiMrtiMi. B Obituary ami Marriage nMl.cooi Tribute* of [B^Heri'crt, n mat nation* or anuouncaroetjta for 'flay, ar? cl>u*??<l-a r the l iuno a? advTortuUjIVA ments. bag . AarertlnodienU *cnt Jn without the HnWr mmHSf InaofrLona *j>?<ifie<i, will >,? until JaVrdarad out and eha'tjf <1 for ac<mHli>nl} . H ' IVraons liViwp at a diftiun-o tanj 00111WT n^o how much tbaif hjlla will amount to. by [f ?Ou*tii>K aun word* to th<*Jii>?. _ ? . ij" EF** ? The River of Estate. W rtSam'a ttsVr t*?W aft horn' 'aluoo rl?i tolld Hjf to' hnrpa of tinio, H-'Htral rHD^onti)i i>nili?Mtof lartnirtal rhyme, Tlio utrMuiw(,eaa^atlT'df )?v?>S < ... B aouia liula bark k*? {uu? out from' outBTor tertjitj.VpOrt, In. return tioDtora,"; If Tu allciMn'uat' Oo[.f? auj-itor.toara *f- J\ " ?. will coma no mo to, tlio' our 'raft wj?ir ii* vtarii 'For the plorfima-lmnr of tlio awaet rotifrn, H - Ati*hl4ia.*iiiil?a of giVtliiim ?f i?*v? In lor wi? trope* oi the lonir fTriTwjfo, I *!? ? air-lniiUtlicvmea thill liuve iron. H J ft* ?<?, ' ' v. '-' I' Auil rreofiW (Aiovc. *! for iWlmnutyw*'4 gludly r*<?fiirr i'rdnr ?>o)-apii'ii* I>??? fntiernl pell, Thnl lei-line i* ?lriUM{ely W~e?vii?|f ; ' mv iui*? lUc lvnu.i lltml liiMe tlo?yi:-hed lifr*, .'4 ? I Nic tivniured-thing* 4.lmt we ell hold i" ilmr, t'" . And tins lighl Uiul's-cYvr doech in#. * . . " 4P*.' aloinl on tlii* river'* preeeriotlB liter*-, I I linlemly guxu ercnoli l-iiutifnl I ar^c, 1 .nunclie* ovl i|. tM itfaMltlg<?^>) I Wc C.?*? Id frtlUHllH'r mir OWIIIIW V fto li ilm iirx* hold rurli ol'liic \liuV jrifoirfe Cow ; ' * ' 'in til* uncxj lortd tlmide** ?i<lo. . 0x' *1* l.gilte g.ntc out ill the tnills of lit* j died up vn llie worn *f ?(i;iiiitv, lAi lit* ulii.iut of vmHinnV Irfriit. b Mniifnl^iovm'* 1 Hul mi 1 di-if ?rew, I Nhi it c b.rtii of WoumitAvimii'nUr.vejMiiid - t.HO, ?. .VV"*AV ill iiuvcr more td***onv.vft * t - % " ! we iti1?* them-iit worn. mid ot ?v?e^ tideN S ' trwv'iiieii, mid mom ii for tuV foi nie nl '? uiir idil*. * Wwr ?n?l duet err enn'finlinj," i*. We lliifc tIn* ydicl H to lu-nr, ? fon (lie vesper nriwo'i ?jli?iynlf llio. i ir. And uWukc i1i?i burp* of tevtiug. J llio long lnel>>lc8 return^:yepu?r?; llnrw tlivlr nofl rfcy* on4 oni* .tliode^ v'; dmri. * j ? "% And twinkle in litfjl|l ykj^l " li flow r? ol Kilkh rtd.vlail lit* m&rti ., 1 c iciiv do wed biuret* 11 icy' f?crj fcfclore, 1 lie mournfui u?h'gri$*u>u el?ey?| J1 llir Vmrfc* llml go out wlltT the lo.uin t ikftt vwlJi i H. . ri.vit.r, TWmnli-it hiWy 1 Si'lr" fmto 1 .<r"_ . I > nr llUtf Uii(1W lliu nvjtt <o trans 11 h#-_hI wimftji frtlgif1 l?? tiTDltvV i?ort, To liula U??s ein^iirg"^ 1 Mat* A irnjuv. I'?sr^m^isp Ko Men m Lac*'and Braick l&UMi<Hiig tin- corner, * <C l>"ck< d in limit] (ui?i , "* r*V ^oro?lyVli4fSMmsil4??,W .. / **' tHnrlng In y?wr fnc^; *" < \? I ,Sliti i?K ui tUo Ittilmy. r?i ? *t , hecMOiullice ai.jj brniiJti III old euorageuU* soldier*, . p- 'll?cy kra not afraid.- * *, -o" F/he lirave deeds r.f'lliele. fouwnadfc^I^* * *. i) .1- t miAlil\a\t! <1 Ar? themna.WUoreon *li6y ;.V t'Wotifr eecr 911. *,' >' so^Tlirv go iMJt Into darvarr, ?y /?*,- ? K>>?c)#uU?oi<V .tlirir uniform ,\ot tha? they-are nfisM,. rh^-y^ss65!r And\liejt ?jxM>k Jw UdflMaMm As ff lK?j liud l)?rn,ypw. , r No siri.jest esu rseapsTlSsttK/ To stMoik tbryVfc liot of. aid i^,' ? /'',. tS'iist waiUI w? ?lo witfcalit'tbenj, The ,n?a ,n u.t* El i.Tb?Trmof -.flub)* voor?-m?n Wrwr>m?w>olK t?i?>rorl?r Q*fc*i ?W ddfiM^ol |i? ?u^iimuUJiion of I. H? ^r Li*'lHidfl. A HO'prMent fc??rily. miTV TtHi' fffffci?| f d i?oi U? n? tiiitin *' '' .. * kI . >. -. Li ? T*"-' r'V v * * s*r r -. i Ms'li'Ar ;tt t?. progress; the $ig v ,"^7 ?S?>;\ * \^$-;>?i^,v- ?~ ? * '*' * >. ':- T?.iU - f ** ***^ r ft*?* , [ - snwH JUN VMST. | Frbnt. th* Artnicm*. Edition of Shakspoare. [ JTrnf. jf ituMcs (LvicS>i<? )~: * ^ighi,. *-itihii)piun SsrZnaHtr wftft ? . Sfrrttn<f*ifi'l ou >ed( fyr to?, my lor J f 4 . 'ifca/trt. Jerusalem ! T'calculni*. Sir?*, T did tliat SBOU). L Canst 'iLoo -HoJ<! up th^' hoACy, oV?n ' Awhile. * <! touch thine instrument u strnhvor two f 'v v , Scitnaaflr. At. toy *tordan *t lYueAMt JOU. ' bruins. If docs, iny.h'ljdjr; I trouble titoo loci much. lott' lliou art Willing: Slhg ine'-'n" sabtblng 6ong, yet .renslble. ?, S^Ttf.-N-A nicb 'Sinps. Bold VhjwJi'L^ IiUii coming nfVor u>?. Wlinck, jack, crack, jibble ubbl# lack, llfava Meitdu, filth berry strong >. iHciacd, *--Whack, j?cV, critck.'iibble bbble labk. \?cUe./;Ve. 'fjtRk^ADKU Falls asleep. 'T Vrulus. Tin' aVwu?l tune, y?t't>le?pv. lie is fa-.h, I will net do him * so much Wrong to wake him. I'll rntlier ?ead. Whom u the noble work whence 1 call A necdoteaand'jocund* jests wherewith To statesmanship, Making stnofltlV" Fowurd smile, . tiff" L St^uttoh scowl? l? 0, Joseph Miller Miller, tljotTari mighty yetww^ . Whore was I t llu-! 44 \A lawyer met a , a.; olowm - . i >' [tie reads. Driving a pig to maket, ahd observed. 4 Why,' ,lltercby bangs a t;lil,' ? to w hiali,"? IJy gosh. Tide. dariatd eternal moderator lilims. * A? badlv ns??' " Jinier the (/host' of u. . Wall tiow ! l>o t?*ll ' Who's you ? .Ccesap. I aiu dv ctil gehin, iufi?su Linking. Dis ciiile_.ini awful Tmj>re*eiotia1f As did obeerb. il!S. I Mflr did. Jt^y wo id was IriepraHble^ba*? I'igger. ; Cicjar'. All do Same,. ?n?5b.*i, in one V1;- Irnud.vd ./*' *, Drain*: H* uif,-bUndr spectre. llyw 1 bate thy"loukV iinni- jut .ijio vuu-o vr nil iny ai'.liio . butler : .r * Wviibl.every Ti'Avk -.wore d**j> iulUo l'-ltu-k Son, Or every of Hunt wpro rut no ibin .TJiKi 1 catfld" 6nt*l?iin i^'.ai C?rM\ tfortf boUlet S el far UMnM, * , child Stick oio?? to liinrljko wax, eh,*" oily, i>f. tlirvtua. 5 Ca ? /. Mu>b? wot not polity ; *-0' Jlifft call M:n "U|i, Juki "call IHn Tn?ii Krj(i"bnulilft, ' Hiui give "?*{jua To *Uooi iflktM b?i*y, 1 Jirutys. D IK, fnol. KlR'tire? gr?s?W hk mine. JJirf Jbety-rr would tbcu well, in I->akfr. t'ccMr. lUin Mvfcf6>,?i""siu Jiruius. T iek. kfl. llo* to e*t lick T (Tlrta Vtame t po bad ) " , Ccksuv. i)it< lokksa". foe ' * v< . ])is dbHd io vlt, but koofl 1dtn c?ire agnin, , AmVplny de Dcltbil looking oyer Liy-, ^ A^ifrin. ' if J . Jfrniut. Vfunoo.'e*! Col bloj o J.o j >irtiom thou b*s4 ti?iii?(i,' Ami ?*hoin l'vi i.iirtu in 'Chi* licit; 'y L!?*ic<L vvifr. Jjw black w>o.lwi4fay? vonifj&s. &:111.aDuvd Sluy*. Ma t-a I; i<!oii 'iV-.iU to Mi J; a ... . \\ !imi I", j ioU. Cri'.clc, j.bble oMilt^lyrk, ["tlwlnju flfjn f look n li.lut ' r meaty, * " ' AN lu.rkr crack. obb!, l^ck? * . . ^Uvtih ff'ctHb it el, tehjih unJf hx,*Jhjin., epiof (he Jjirutrlry Uw? ! (lu'ur/Jis) I looker "fieri not cjiiji KficU?<oJ? rftad, or ou^bi to tx?. t liquor. . [frit. *.25 -nrf- f J**" - -r U?V. Tuo*.. H. Wa.ts.-^AVa por < wm# truin ilie Alubifiii* |>W)>rr* thai '.M* .lioumm.UA.I iwnlUmiik f<.lLuu,ib4r th% ?<**?)>?< of (jur. Smithy Vi.Kiirfn; k Hur?, fcin'oo Tit* takfttt the lilijtato/ i U? )* .A0>J ul'te :u?(J j/fitu.nic '?)*Ak ?4<Wro?t.;AU^ * /*% gift**, whfth H Ihiti* t?<&Tire<J tu by t?b<i r . ' * I * Muliltwfc. H- TT QptCCAAi: *h*( ; ^rp:f>r iu *y I Sk V&IU ?n<joraed Admiotatrfc* " V : I ^ ^ _* ? J _ ' ; > -. ir.ilZf VrV. -?)* * / A ^ * : ^ < ?1 1 *? 'J' ^ '4m t 'Crv m r r .*t?Tv ht'j GREENVILLE, SOUTH Cj ; v From the CsruUnu tVstchniau. t :" <c- . -. . 1 Subduing AnimaTs?The Secret Art ? . of TRniinp Vlld Horse* and Other ? This. wonderful art. fiwinded on ft.sCy- 1 IfiS? infajnUfe.HCHt^inivert?*J in its nppHoklion, nnd'extetfflp lo f nil ihri'ni'iiinet Kingdom: - In regard' lo tfie'ffnrte, It corti-Ms In eOTivincfnff.biin ' I hat yon em his superior, and fbaCurou "? have iibk'olfffo power' over Mm.*. 'The ? ti stem i* 'somewhat fikjp to animal in?cn?ti*in in its effect, but tbo process t fs widely different. '. \ ? * < The- Pr'oceto of Taming a- Vr/nj " Wilti ffhrss which was never JfyodM. .i This oonfMtv, flmfltv* charming bow ^ w ith h powder, v hiclr is obtained by* < taking the button' from it norm:* knee; Vv which I mean the horny fcUbstmicu. j growing on-the imdde, or rat her Tin the buck pail of* a liorscV legs, below, rtio ' knee beUimk and aboe* it before. Dry ' iblft- subotance and pnherixo- U??put a. small ouaniity. into a quill and blow it < into. In* HOstiiU ; "in- a "few mimilei it ' i will opcruto,,hiuI cause h.ihi to follow you. uVjKsi mu you to handle bis reel of 1 to pet upon liia buck. -Thus, with pbr 1 feet ease, uiftny.a wild and vicious aui nral becomes gentle ami Harmless, v,' Process 6f Ca\jTstt>>i a Jlorse to Lag Down.?Approach bun. gently" upon me |*u not); iKstyn-a !?iihp Ht'iiUiHV.tnu nuklu. of hia fou* (upl ; th?n r* th* foot gently, so as lo ttiing iho kiiuo against iho ii renal and, foot against the bully,-. Tha leg being in this position, f.i-u u tbo strap around 11in aim. tpUkh tUil event daily p. event liim ftptfl piling tliat foot to iho ground" agaiia*? Then *(<u?fen'n strap Tarautul the oppo site bring it nvcTliis shoulder oil ?hc lefi bide, you can calcli hold of it. 01) bp jntbit ilyu ho:so geiitly, Mul to ft!I, |oi 11 tl?? strap,- . which will ntlug l.iui to his knuea,. f.% V Now ciiinnu hcj p.ntmg him under ihc^holly; by coJiHitiiUig your aetiTju strike* upon iho tally, you will in a few minute* bring him -to bib kjpeejt.lni bind. Continue il?o .pieces-, and J?i . '*yill Uo onli^'ly*jl?i? n a\,d_>ubuai him -olf wjo'lly to your trciyHicut. By i*ybi prd$vffiug gotnly*.J"uU.inay ljaticHo la* loci Ik "J legs i n hni j. wiry you chop o. 1J,w. r wild IUI.1 iofitii'.ii a lift id ay Ifo jiaiutuUv, ?\fypi pmc-tiring ihh K a f< << unic.-. _mj.i will lino liipt '.poidiciK gen*!.! "ftp J* arlliini?ivi , ...-1 i '"'i nu.j wl,,*^.:, I mid "now ittlug ty? 1 1 bp all} ujON?i'in, i.' i . ' , i* I'jdcbVj iho hoi o I'll wiW, tlid. fiat> t?ufll,bcr.l virll ^lnt fill ehUioir ip ; but lie bo ton tl aclious to.he Jl|'- . pioacb. d fu it ui??iiJ;oi iu<U'R?.ir^ to per foim ihe nr?( ifiancil tujiiril'Ni, t mi h'ii."l cotiti a a u? get tlie'pMinlor into Ui< jio?tiib, ?hi? \"h will find uilhp'tnl; (tool )ott may train o^r, taupe to Iihitie s ot. ma thin- ike'villi iho utmod pk-'UlL " r ?' & ' Tu bu'irking" horses* io h w no^ts nf??*r i g!?i?a the powilnr, put timlini'libm oji ! i?*ntlv, I hoi* fasten tin* chum to *-loy, whitfb ho wil ihaiv for" n,n tmWaii.c nine. When \>mi tied lam Kullkieuth plaeo iiim in a wuj Uir of-.oU<er Y?^icl-t x ... v "r Tr ? Utf oarff'il. in <. ('cLiuff b-r-e, not lo alhij^l him. A r* r he caught and ]>t41v r ^iven, hi]i hint ;;oniiy on iho ln-ad. iu'ckr, a?^I l),Vck uW ufttV on ofvko *yk*. liio h:;ir iH$fjg-G'ul b<j. iriy v.ucful iirtl lo whip, for a Voi-.iio equally irar^joiiMto with your st-tf,' ?wJ thii !> ?i^iciotiB prftctrca h.n luiutnl I>r?|:y fiui' ?ld YldimUo lipitc.o WI.i ii yon mo tidrngi^euU (ortrtpn i.n old li'M M ) do ''?! ? liij> : ill), if he *C ins. '.ut duvJv tbo.liiidio ?l* that bHt eye# niny list npo!uthc*?;lij?n:l'whii.h ha* nf* rii*hi?'<l liirn,-niid pal him on.llu? n?ik Gt* you tppr.osch it ;* hy'this* iiieanrr vi'* v\ ill j tKuy'him nu'l render hjm 1;** iiuT bio to elm I in fnlnio.- -1 "Mitim < / JFcticfiintf a JTortc fo Pace. Buckle a four j.&upd- weij^l\r^t*MjiirnMl.e uukleaoof liia -hiud l^r*. (h-ftd* preferable^ ildo your hoix> biiakly willi .thus* 'vyeijjh:* upon hir'nuklo*, at the MinetlMYr tvucbirfjf owth rtfu of the btf&fe, aheHintelv by ibi* fntiio, Vou will h? ,"theJlau-ly lli?iAv,hiii* ii)l? a pac?. Af* Iqj, ymt hrfcti irttWd- hnu vhi WJ?yj fo Mittje extent- j our.'. weight* for 'H^nor ; lcuilu r <jf.i#oui:?|tUig tqauHo it, will Answer U?# pmpo#fc;l?l )dftt*9*r tin* li^lil wci^U* until h? 14 f>e?teelljr indli; ?$vJ X'liia* ?*!*><**.* VlU lu&e nr.J t-avf p?cci g^Hiiy >;oiee. iYt/rMftta?xA^*a?'4Hj* ?i?ter fcltouM. in lli? ffrbl I'iimf, let the jiord) fco?w fltet h?J I*. iwH tr. te^s^s&s yJ.i kn 'jir ^wvl.LS m *i. j* - /, "*7' m i 4 ..* " ?. ' t ' \ * ? * * . 4 ?m- * ? ' V* ? - ',4** " " '*** n*i ' - ' j " I " H iMii >*"<->1 i'?dirti ' i , " ' V - . $Eft v^i pij iii > II ? I ,\ I I nHI ? foe aft'Miitfn 4 ^ *? . >>' . * > j* ^ ' *- nn nW biii . 4 ? VJtOLIKA. TUtlRStAy MO g-U-' . , rom the ue<jk vein? make'frequent ?j>? I ilicalio ? nf hot vp?ierto Itit fo$?+ogs? ! kfte> which btvtli? theio in wet olothsy heu_ glre one. quart of &cseedw}*yyw l"he bor?o wilt be rcinfy for service the text d*$?.' "V Y Mix ona-pint ef honey with. >ne quart -of ?j*oei tniik, give as a? lioncti, aiio hour *fler dissolve que >urt&e of ptiN^riaeil copperas, in a pint >f ho' water; thou give one qiruri Lin eed oil-?cure.eUecluah' CUolic.?Afer bleeding copiously in he nioylh, take a. half pouhd "of rata ;oUOn, \rnip it around a'coal of tire in iuc.U a way as to. exclpde the air; when I . begins lo wtnoUe^hokl it under the lorseV uose until lie V^oi'? easy.?J Juie certain.itl ten ?uiuu(cs. JXatempar.?"TakOfOne and n. half r dlona nf Wurai "tiom ihe.nock .vein.? ' iU't> ? does of Sasewfrn* oil, one tnt)* a half .0.1 incea- i?. suliicicuU Cureipeedv ond <J?*rt?in. - - ! v. J'isitiia.?AVHieu it makes its appear itncij. roWi'l JioiU sides of i Lo shoulders , if it should break, lake one ounce, ol Verdigris, one (Winco oil j osiu, or\e ?ujiee iif ropperas pulverised, and mix. iogelU Uso'U in a salvo. . . r Qood IJature. Good nature is not usuallv rorkoMpd ??m,oinjulio <Jliri.*tf!ki .virtues'; buUi ?? iLiu .nurse of Uieiu nil.' Suit-bine is nei'.lier a fruit-nor.11 flower,- but it i* (lie parent of Lot It". \YUal issued im lure. but benevolence:. -It beam tbo fcAuKrfdl.iUim to religions la fie valence wl.icji rounnoii sense dbus to genius. Genius u common sense in u sublime furfu, applied to iiiglier pursuits. O40U iiiituro?a happy, smiling, cheerful, slate of niiinl, . will ijut bo oifnn^'l mi i wilj not offend, btfrtiti about in daily lite and |>i>rvnUnig voiiitimn, ,lioinvly, Hud ,luiuiii? oU^litr?it h line tiMUevoItriK.'u, ittoiigii ii?y 4jH|f|fafii(i<H*"f it in.iv swin sjiisit .utwd .uuiniporiuiit. Yorv Jew of us uted tl?np>'ut!?*g'! would iiwto tuitl cHiiy ui .iu many idoin. o- nr-od ? iliLtUSivnd Omen-'inure- fliosc Cln is.iati; \ it tiles which ' will 'k?-ep- us frojli Wi.ig *nappi U In^oie br*i?k|.tst; ait. ui 1 iv i u > II .loan when so.iie one'tetrad-* tijiwiu h Colli; tabid) irili <j-iril pihic upon ftiiij j?tiflocuitu|rs ; ill at vnlf make us iulcUtivc l> tiio fee! i jol.fh4 l.'el_ liuilltde ; a l.k'li aid III urn I villi foil undo itgniti*t. the little ficts iiiid' Indicia of <Titn?tte life ; ?>i li.'-Lo^us '"k'lid^irnd lu; be*) itig with Iiie'V that serin n.oaii and ulifaif ill men (ir.^liatjs u'iiii us". ! n.i< ?.d, if we iliobvu to liii-.k ii-s iluijy life it a iiinrit faniit, ;?;.d c .1".% :oi'l aJiimyar.Ces Tt>.- tl;o ?itS?r* Vii'd floors lien pel at out Uifo* tonsil!. \\\-.i'tii>, iTisCoOra^i-i^n^ iiiitutivi..-, <ii?|'(ii'u?,liit tOKivi--1 inwirf piidv, ? till uv. irjer ya'uy ?theso a to I be 'i:(i>b"!e ioniili$?t ?iLlu)r*.abottl the \ieHVn l<> In lj/ lo immobile bull. lit <>UI day wiilro.HtjiU'ti! 'i.d'"4'airr3 ntuiu ga.v lor luce uorii Co C> gum I iiol hi laf-? r-juipU knd eVenfy goyd f.umred?thai it Vririireirdl* mnoe old ntarlyis to Lv I v< I CI MI .ill 0 Sjt.ll. ~ _ ~ " *** .. ~ iumt.u< Mi^sisshu'i a:io vVrcws ntjfu?.? A prinrtc loiter f?yw? Uxiii^:uu \|j?a., drtUjil . OctaWir *-'&? Kiv?*? '**u bi n? lp Jii<> Hiuntiou in-Ctyirr.i b<Wii[?}ti imhi Yuk-bur.'.- qi^ili. l?i'<?viv?? evening, pewut* #?hp \ iok* n 10 Gen, Jaidoton's bond qunrlmij tlio HLiival o/ itinfoiceiiiwius t? tile Yniodnfig ftan iion ?.?i twenty irnna port load* tif lioop*. ft yJnj-r-MiinaUn jiicro tt'uro in tho city end rioiniiy <tl?yu 29;QO0 KaGcrtl Wont*. There . ?Uu leporlt-d to bo unikiog preparation for apodier tub mice on Onnuiu, and I lioj wora boH^fiiift-ilu*y intended 19 extern ibojr Uiion to Tear! lvfver. .-The l>rht aimed nt it Hiu Mr^UHppi Central-Kail rand," and the" Now Orl?iDf| (Irqa Nviil:- in r.t, i JaeL^otr. U tilruad, not k?{i?? ppfmted from Canton as fnr n M tiinon Suoiun, within too niiha c,un, ropitS.iS hi0 rapidly ttfjm -TM.lfla to work ft" ! ? I'lial ^ity. Tii nycx .l'Aiirl Kivw, at j nekton are also i.? in ft built, ,?uh1 an caily con nectiuii of at! tin: iv.ul> ccnietiiig al lL pa pi lid of Mrasnuijq i m aniivipuU-J. c : "* Geu. JnMcsouY congratulate* y give* fcviilonc?. of llm Mim ese of ug tt?o(i? Iti |li?.iw>}^l*l?oi)iood of JacJk?oi ni.d it H,e\idtyi.t 'bo Yankee, mi,!u liV'ti t*ck?o tlyjiunisiv4' itt tboi I are wtieuijits 4p jicfelihto llie/ouiih. that ill. ;, v?i,? Lcrcaf:et bo inure jaoi ... " iMl'ORTAUt VKQ ,("il'#ki Bi ub.-'.-t- U oiler liii* lauding th ltljJuyouJ ']IkV?ni.??r blrtiil^ U*. *j) JI14 Btinuum rti - " it fwlmatioH lilt J.? f il fc?l in litllt til "* flint till- ?r>vfti V to inntce, in * ^uii.<l rofnMii^I ftn^l t-imn ttAt^k ?*#**? bnvitniirth. ]"yc( mitjjo mh<1 ' bwlftrrti/j l^Utui. It'tltfiitght |>t olk?l?U< il?nt fltify W??ty <!* i.tMiiiiti:>ui? wi!k(>4 infote f>^ttni?4ii?jrin < V' ?H iwi- ** \<Mta U m-uu L*.ilH?un's IoIhikI \iWmi vHYbfti. F'** - v*\?* x- ? ' - Ar th. dtit? ui^ rf ..f 4 viry r.ior^ tlwiu an jctuOM cwinnvfcfW1 *6>ri?' ' vliilo l'ollc, Vff'Whw reli?*^H I "' -- yr-, p ? *< -Vis* , fife* r*? , P 1 . ' , - cr - * . . A W ?TE ?P4fljjj|i(*y0fc>. o; -Jig? . i-j .'^r t ? I. ,ti g| mmymmnrn ^ n^ii 111 ?* it ^J ivrtii'trtft rVrt itmVittiv > II "t V'iS*- <?? ROTN?* J883^ !?I .... -'-V-1J'v J, -JLl?_ 'I ? tho Frophedy of Calhoun. In 1837, ?b?i Abolition petition# were timt presented to tjongrem, John 'U. Oalhoun uttcre<l the tVdlawiag' pro? phetie language concerning them v "A* widely as this incendiary spirit has spr?Miv{ it tins not yet infected (hit body, or'the (front mass hf ihe intelligent and business p >fli/>ii of ihe Noflli ; I?ftt unless it is speedily stopped, it will spread' ahd work-iTpward till it bring* the two great sections of the Union fpto deadly conflict; u., m ' - 44 \ largo portion of the Northern Slates-behave slavery lo l>e a sin, and would believe it an obligation to abolish it, if they should feel themselves in any dagreo responsible for ifa ftortiinnawe. I and that bis (Webster's) doctrine 'necessarily lend to the belief of such rospbbsibility. . I then predicted i( would cpinrtio'H** a* itrbag, with this fanatical ixptior of society; a'nd tlrat thtey would begin their operations on the ignorant; the weak, the young, the thoughtless, and would gnuloally extend upward till fCey become strong la -obtain political "'c?uit.,rf, when he uud others hohhng (hp j?iighrvst*atat(ons in society, would lows.ev'er reluctant, be compelled to yield to," jK'ir.Uoedt'tc, or by driven iuto obscurjno?e who imagine that the spirit now abroad in the North wjti die away Af itself without a shock or convulsion. liavfl twrmct h very inadequate couoepceptiorvyf ita real character ; it wit Leon* imiuo to rise and spread, unless prompt and cUkieiit ni?*J??*rev to Ntav iu pros gress_l>*? udi)|.!(?<l. Aliea>fy' it Iran taken possession of the ptilpit, the seined, and, to-it considerable extant, of the press? those great iuftirtypenU by' *111011 the mind of the Wsiog .generation will bo f n tn/?dt . '* ' llowevof rouftd the great body- of tjie noli s|av*hoTdii?? section are at pies j'Ht. in the poArfVbf ? (wvv yea is iltffy Will be stiece^do.r by ihose xvfibhave been taught to iil'e the pehpto tm'Tin' oitutinim and nearly otiu lialt.of tliii Union, > iill n* hatred move deadly tliaa iHlc'JhoMile imhvmi entertained, towards r>n? another. "U is easy to *0e the end.* Hut fhr; necessJuv coutao of dVVlfftp* rf left to *? wuvi "lie^orrie flitjrllv'fad pVop!e? It ietfo!*" po.- ibltv'hiiib'V'tbc deadly hatred wliieli pnn-t spring tip Iretvvean the two' great ii*Hon?,'if life pr^.-crit causes tf>e _p?r> titin?'V to operate nm*heckt:<T, thai we shoifl J continue rindef thy same prdRtis osd system". The. cotdlicf itn? e'.erfiyiita wofllii burst the'tJnron asunder, as poivcifid as ore the links which bind it togethcf. Abolition ?tnd rrtrrnrt f? r?ist, As'ft friend of .the Unibft 1 ' opetily proclaim if. atiii lite sootier it is' i know n-Vro better?" * . ? . r > -IHc&r&tUma of Truth. It*iJ sAfer to aflVrwit sotue people lliatt : to oblige ihi-.rvV fnfTW betltr-a man | <le?erves. Ilia worso. tln'V will apeak of | bim!?Seirrcu. j Ir is good discretion nof-Vunake loo tmmli of mu v man hi tirat ; hecMUsu -one , Oituvot hold out lh?Lfrop.aii?'^. .. / [AorJ 12a?Qti. . Til a t wlil.-h wo acquire will tins nio*l difficulty Avu retain the longest ; as little who have earned a foitune .are usuallytuore cnrefyl than those who have MiliuiieJ ouu.-r-JCotto*. #" Turks is no secret in tire hear'. which i our. actions do-not .The most t consummate hypUciile cannot at nli s? timos conceal rha wMi4tin<rs of the mind. a L Ffvi.i the J'txuch. jj' JDrrt.tBNU.ATK" with c?i)Jron,.but'act a w ilfi il? cisiou ; and yield' with gracious ness, or oj?po?a-wiih' Uriuness.T?.Colloftj 1 Tub oar?le of .nno hoate ii the fool oi * another.? OiTssclt. * . . . * ~ .. f AovunaiTtL has the tffeel of.erwhinif i ImUiiH, v4iit>n. in prnvieroiM citcum e stances, would httVa luin-doi rmjnt. i, ' . s yilvruce. 1 In tliis wide world; tlm fondest and the Wat c Aro the moat tried,' moil troubled iin<l disUoot'tL *. \ , The ?ncnl ty? tetter triad* hy til,. i' A i nrliiii^iino li'l. nrm'vrnlnr i*'ill h. .[tofC* ? I tie poinTTT* uouniy, wurs m? bioiuh ir ? about da -i,. . ?**.',. ...-.: v giva niaukii??l (wtwiuQ to OJierfc tluir wniltii nod ih'fow out iriW nradtie/k yWuttfe that shun th? day ami )i? conceal'. In the irfiootl) koatuiis and tlic ratine ol I if* U .K\ J. ' " v ; JiAiJdiHAi. le Afflifct]o#% (be foul%hi?iDac peace iWh?Vijyjlii?4)rlgt?t?^t fay, ^, ^ i.ijtiKo ulura, Wo? lii?tre jjives to,man. f" ' ? ? . ? ?-r? -? f $!? , 'Xn? riftw? Iit6a.-a?-Tb??e< am ketera i - *dy* to tolf A Btgne getfiua ba > ifcfomytad^ It* (teacrlW a, >uut>g 'aUy ' ia ?i?fia>itp>f? on wwatetttft -tow flaei ?- JIu inaboK hyt erfy " the tirankle *b< *t "w<a killed she kiitbik* a nut of r?M? t- awufttmag-ieJaoiirf ??td ?A (toMl&fK ,n Hhaalao fwH ma if etJhwuhliy: run ' uihfr UarOegh her tierraa on Tcet-'M^lia nmb<h>, ewawXoA fly-aaveral juueCypid . ia eb V?U, ?!*?? o -bjfWutlkK abattctl. b t^tpaiDi-atieUe*, the a bole !**? ^ wi(U toellej ?ai*Lo*?.'' .y ^ , ,y r*]&trtHM* ihk tabu* iheaatha'tn &i> , a fM?<l ai.*#HfifcHlfcl^?latiVir.a -sssrsr ,^H,y . V . *Y 4'<L._ K ^ " V ' ?'{ VA % 1 * ' > / , v , v ..... _ ' r. o V . "* ** f f. " A * m # :isr,TB. ... ^Luiri^n,:!,..,^ r'<a|^ssft? flf V." > V - -7_>^ 'X-irA**.-*'- J > <VY1 f> , . . tJ . 4 ^ -Is I * Siiamk. ri'i. I n nifrkiir.vpk ? " 1'or- | sonne," writing- io the Courier from ; Hrngg's Army* says that the tweoty*fi*e flags captured *t Cbickainsuga were sent to Kiphroond in cU?rgu ?f Lion'wv ant ^nrtev and four pr ivtftG*,. wrfej h*<f NigtiAlfeal thom?elre? during the battle; but on their arrival at Richmond to prosent therrt to tho Covernutent?trophies for which thousands had- poured oiut their blpod-r-for had fought like heroes o( old, nod Uiiitrfphj^i?instead of beiug-rsooivod as the representatives of the array, and a dignity given to the occation worthy of the achieveinent, tho tlags worwigpoirjiniouttj turn I blod into h. dirt cart and. UriVen by'a | negro tw'the DapaAsriant, wWe .they now remuiu forgotten and -ignored.? The brn.vo rueu who bote tli'eiu were I not received. '4 ?' f .touch itldifleronty) to the valor of our . trflop*, and tajhe cbiralric Rentiraenta I which constitute an important element l in the morale of,aU array, is not only in shockingly bud tn*le> but is calculated to dampen the -ardor of the.troops and diminish th?tr regard for the civil authorities. Any otlie'r nation on earth would h'aveafgnaliiednu even) like that by guclt evidences of interest Una grati tude, as would have itfjffred lUstiny 7~'.h renewed hrdor and TroA rpsblveslo -fill the national archives witbg>lhpr tip. pltiee. of their pr.Qwess, .litis U an utilitarian ago, and gemiipent is^at a (liscouul7?-?d?jtts(u Constitutionalist. . . A Touch flrokf.? A riUjer loquncioui individual w*s etxfoavbiing-lo draw an oW mah intd eoTiVersaiion, bill hitltftrlo without much success, the old fellow having sufficient, discernment To scG that his.objict wu\o njnko a little sport for ike pa*rerigers a\ In* expense. At length says loquacious individual-; "I suppose you consider Down Kant a right smart place ; but I guess-ft would puazlo them to get up quite so thick r fog as wo Are having here '.his morning. Woutdn't it " " Well;" said "tlte otd man, *' 1 dtm't kuow about tluit. 1 ' hiied orte of -your "Massachusetts to wv?k for me last * summer, and om rather foggy Htqndu' I rent him dowj -f?t Ujo u.-uailotf h> lav a few'^ourses o shiitglfe* ctn a lTe\* hart) I was fliiiabiu oft. A J dinner time the fellow cam< up, anil sea be, "That'* an almighty long l?an? of yourn". Sez .1, 44Biol vert long." ~. VWII," ?ez he, 441\< bcbuvlj> work all llii* forenoon, anc haven't got one course IaiX.2 *? ^r?-1 sez T, " You're a lazy - follow, 'thai** *h! I've "got to itfcy." . An.l ?cr aftor. dirtue I went to we what he'd hceu about, an< I'll be thundered af he hadn't ?hiiTgle< mdVo than .a hundred foot right out or lU fty r. (Ibn. MoftOAs.?Tha MontgiMnerj .Daily Advertiser publishes the life am military ftchuvorafuU of ike reupwoei <3j:n. lohn IX. Morgan, now a prisoner u ill) Ue|al shaved nnU pijthakl gzrtnouU in the fteuilenliatv of Ohio, t An ex ttncl from .do article in,quest ion, wluc we subjoin, recapitulates afl.tlitgran exploit-* of this SyulheAi Paladin. N< man oT Ins dky h as accomplished mor< if. as much, aud the summing up show ?m array of glorious deads that wer i ,iiev#r surpft&jed in nuirrbur and l>ri'l-*i cy. The w liter says: f \lrSims'. SWkm. mo? 1^ .... A.. "" " V'MI w 1 w? ruiiiuic .up tvllf? trulli as follows r fie hasYougl 03 haltles,' and baa been suoces^ui i si: took 50,G?0 prisoners, killed ?0,QCy .mi1 ( desttoted ?50:000^600 worth < ^/opfrly, "ard 'ln|ed ?0,t>0d stands' 1 Mn a 11 ariha, aiid CO of unifier: ; 20,000 borsv-s, "afcd traveled 12,00 mildH"*' ( 'liiuse figure* xtirtMft* a'nytliihjj In tl; annuls of history, uhd ltd' lias not" fia ' wiib bjm at any time over 5,000 uic fur duly.* pATROt-Liso.?AYJ'I otjr. people I wiie. try* once in tli*fr lives.. and inai gurate.a rigid policy op llifcrr pfarili liohs all over tbeveotfnfry ? f f t'.isvWr L doubtful. They have been waVhed .? often, of so inihy Mogtf, dint a' dex apathy apems to have settled u|K>n ilseT It Jl in. the- highest degree i,i that *o fthouU scour the cmntry in 7^fen^*ht lifght; visit all places whe 1 i slaves resort," especially suspicious Ortiij ! put a Kioptuthe sleafihg'i/boga, arttit loieaui^'^Vl'.'ue UH almost withoi ' t/ieat fo^ms tlext yeaf; fft v4ttt"V;? ^ | prapirc'M that fend uT demoralise 4) ' j negro* aTul rcnlHf hittuwortlrless, trQ Shelu In uK<\t i'roei vi f in ?iivi? vnn ' koHl ifrfc fkrovuxm* ?if ilie patrol kw. tj L*ftt Hhrnt " (Hf-* chifte nl< times; is-lNpeckMy imptfrUtt I n6i, Hi lit so many U' our neighbors n io'lli?'nrfH,V. nrutiirt thunv mcjif %ee jii J fj? Ih* act of den*r tirrR fmm Ot mt trow tp w?ul ia. rejailliuf the aJvattce ' kvndar, kailtm ?r fc* beltrtfo Mm r . .. ' I ?nrwg ilitlfftW^< wosiaO^l I lak kUta b^ro ?toatt?ap?ga,>6 ?< y jJtmm atnl editor* slgaifcoeat feet? mkmrtHt vsmietnW Ut Htiir?li<M compjee* ??A a the JKW&W*'* oftbr Jo1 ? there a{? ealy hUm^ eiffel hwriik D- jiritiferr'fn tfcis and Ualf 1 ih?nt ri'c in the away, ^ . *>. < * k,,#* *?! .rf v- -Sr. w # eea urn i V ' .* % * t ' * 1: tr / # %v * Mb?** * -<. IB 1 0?*V*?rv ' . * ' ' 10' ?* . *; ' i < *?# * ft , ..'vA- r* 1 , r ~ .'A ?r- "?* Jt* > jT^*cf'-^dT -^N --j.'.*-: *H??*Oi%jsgggy . . :m*m.27 . Fnox I)k\gq'? AKyK*-^I'<vw*.Qgers bring iefleWhrencQ of ever* DgHliOff-od >\ edni*tfftjT ntgM' . midnight, ob l&e*Nn?liviif#?ttd0b*tUnoogn iUiT lioadw M ik* toUA iW wijw ifi uKjir en'ranonmeal*, Whkiwg the#e<$Wp&rattr<!ftarges, reaching, oa the kftt - Awj#," within a few feel of the brew?twgrkfv F^Unq l<? M entry the work*, que- forees'wofo WOT? . tolfew fij|rt??rpo?kwn/w fo*s is'laotfusly repori(JU, but I* boliev^d to Knre beeta *e<rt?mV hu6'jfred iti killed end wounded. foe* of-the ecemy ft irtikrWwpi^ * . l'apse.ngers %f?o spild tlftt our bitleri^ojj.^out .ifpijni^in, eh&ed the works of toe enemy vigorously On Wfid- ftWde# arid that the tents of tho enemy Led dUafipeiJedii ^ *?-' u cv*^ytwd .. Wo hive al?0 inlellig*>no, which we deem entirely reliable, Ui? Our- fare** * occupy Loudon, ,an<J the advanc^ under Srevaniuift he* reached Concord, fifteen mUes iW* *ld?;ofKnovr?n^'' <Jdr. lffWInee, of the East ^enneMee AnfOeofgta IUW Iioad, Las- *eut to Vekra for hu'w ft' the roiling stock of bttf-aeed which is an encouraging indication of confidence in the successful issue of the movement forward., r ~ 1 * KKWB* wboit :.*y4*?.-*sjhe I new* from East T*4>n$*see is nubi ertif ereling. Our ravnfrjr -under tbsj?/*Hant commanded*,' " Dihbrel! nnd , Morrison have'driven, the enemy to hi* fortiheatio'ns at Loudon, withpnl iuqurribg any T&sioh out side. - Tbe-)oss of the enemy is etttnmedjip as follow*.; 7 00 rjYUoner*. -00 wpgon* Joaded with v?U>rcjk7 'JO ippfttlfaQM, 0 1 pieces of artillery, a lot of mules and 'L horse*, beside* small arm*, otutip equip-page, Ac. " . - i r fbis lays Whealer's raid far iuAtho ' background. General hlorriaoq Corns 1 innnda a brigade of Coeqgi* cavalrv I una lin-4 occupied th* extreme front, , much to Ll?a JUcomfiture.of -lb*, enemy, r ' . / Col. l>i\>brell is ip command of A brig* ' ?de of Vorrnal'a. men, and knuws . btrt to defeat I bo en<yny. \? benqver. b? , gets in striking distrnnce of,U?s cajupeAlt fadnor to the parrots wlio strike f socu repeated and telling blow#. L Ar - - " r' "?> '"* "~*f s Good old-D?uX>fk< A*-?; navihtl*l casion to spend a night at a'hotel, was * I <**?gn9*1 ir rewtft in whioh 'there wef? j three single bed3, two of wbifcb already r contained occupants. Soon after the y lights eore extityfuUbed, a in an in one i of the other bed* began to snore so j,- loudly' a* to preVetti" hi* falHAg atUep. : The tumult increased, te the night wore sway, until iiVbithtne^biohitVly feajful. Two or three hours after .midnight, the \ snorer turned bimqelf-inbed, gi*ih? a . hideous groan, and became silent. The deaqou had supposed ,tfve tl^ird fpPJXlfl* inau asleep, until, at this juncture, bri '? heard Him exclaim, " lie's dead ! thank .* God 1 lie's (leadT* jj * v 0 % Wn leam -by a Ither from a friend , that the Yankees and Tories are making J what ?l waa_ feared. was 4 a .s*rioas<Tfcde vnnco upon Asbeville frocn.E^U,X|onefntee. Geit.'V'ahfee, io commanJ in that ^ecitoo, sent Mnjor J. W'. Woodfin ^taa' two hundred mounted militl^. Iq rneet (l them. They fought si the Warm Springs. nhntlt -ihirtr Aiilm (mm 4 JtmUU. ??."* i Major Wvodfte-aad t*f prirate* Wtr* J filled and ?ix wounded^ lind'bh farce rt driron b ck. Our men.wereainkuslied. .. The enemy's low unknown. . 0 ,We learn thnt (ico. V Alice promptly . started for AalreeiHe on receipt of tbu l0 news, dispatching such Iwdp mi wa? at . .1 hit corn iuw>d. ?jruytitsvilt? Observer. id ? -aU I - i Thobr who remember their owe answers when put^to" It 'alter " hooking )e J nek '' on; Sunday, will ?M*ite nt the'folj7 lowing aitful. dodging of >L? Sceftb ^ apprentice:, - - , - : / Master?11 tVliaur *nar the text the . &, day. 4?cfc *' ; V . . " 1 d?una ken?I war Wr? Inns o* n. ga?Mi io." V ' " W hat-war the conclusion ?' f >. "? " I diuna ken?J oam OOi nfote be r# \yer done. .. i .V . . . What did ho say about the middle o t, then.!" - - - ' at " 1 d&W frHHC ?kf>U a' ike thm)." id - " " .. < ". -a . "TTTtv From,.KasY Tavfc****.?We have ,J. infoMiwjiiou from Kn#t T*?n^s.vo ihnt ry iftfc. FedtatU bav?. ?neruat?ii boata* 1. crof>inc 11m rive*' awl .buHuiM>vilw.t> r?iunt? tSw?iMir?ter m *?tfc.l*(? na (vriMMMvos* t2?t?tt??t*l &k ?w.?twpwc^4tfJ5rJUOrt'*.po?ii?*n<l. ; .Tb*jr ?l?o kttfed t?r?ntjr~ ftve. ?Ukfc* Wiui jtWt?**? dkirdjaf i*ry . K>u> wiioto foccft.-. $fcftr4'!*r?*ft* do X FoJ ?n*klh i *kl?>U?*Teno<** ? dferU [ ihaX ftccita?.-i-.v4tfeAi0 .ftyuta ftSrf. .*1 V * . tk? ;mhT?wrwiI* ?, )? * J?w? iu ill tUw ^TW-ir^Mbfe-'KahlRK^rV tR? Cok>??*i if oW*1foj on* of-** prirq* to Ihe ?h ?Mo.?, JP#l, *ko gj.fhi <tfi*?. rttJwdcrBjr HW ^, rick, CoUnol, there's ?v tthrtb good * W#*t a impMb tc . j iflhto fooling *ilk th*k H*g * ' *" ' , y . ' ^