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( \ m ? ; * # ' , .? \: <fflje fnn^rrtt UHcatTjppi * * GRKKNVILTJIS, 8.^7 Thur?d?y Morning,' October 2d, 1805 Tukt* laMtri U'ltrth Cu?|lat. We learn from a letter received b, gentlemen ifii thie plaoe, dated the Sltl the- Yankeet upon seme portiooa of tfe oouotry immeetateiy oeyonu tn?l piao .on .Spring Greek. -and that stand wa made bythgu^tbat nit Attempt had beei made to tbewTbyjiXHire <M hundr6d regular troop*, under comma* . otUdut. Co!.*5ewqV, and n^% al bf whom MI into the hnnds of the Yar kern. The strength of thp enemy va ;=a?rr" Tbf ehemy of^Morris' fclbtd ht?*lp< completed his preparations, about hall . past ten o'olock, Monday morning, open ed a xigordufc fir* from Batteries Qrwgj . nnd YYagper, .with aeyenguos niounUM , in the former and four in the latter, nl * of henry.calibre, being mostly twd *n< / three hundred-pounder-IWrottii. Th'< kparieat fire was directed on FcrtSumtet Out <o one 'hundred nnd eightyeTgh hots fired from Morris' Island at Fat Sumter during the diy,one hundred ant . sixty -fieestruck the fort and twenty ihrei passed over. - Two of the guns on Bat tsry Gregg dgrOtod tHoir on tire Uttention to Fort Johnson, which also re coived an occasional shot from Batten ^Vpgncr. Forts Moultrie and Johnson, and. Bat teiiea Marion, Simk'ma ami Ohevea kepi up a spirited reply. The firing On both - sides (leased about dark. Tfcr entttny threw some ten or fifteen shots and slielts from a twelre pounder PdfroU . mounted on Oregsr, at Battery Bee'and t. Fori Moultrie, but did nodamaffe. Twt Monitor*, which rounded (gumming* Point, were also engaged, cud firetl come ten sbota at Snmter. No casual tie* to the garrisons or injuria* to the works aro reported at \uy of the for(? i or batteries. . *The fire from Fort .Moultrie and the batteries upon the advawoed moqiton and the enemy's work* was excellent, and it is believed did considerable exe. out ion. It eras reported that one of the enemy's guns burst in Battery Gfegg -early in too action Monday-morning, dn ^tsj, the tli/rd.or fourth trial. The~?riog is expeoted .to be renewed this wording. With the exception of the line monitor* engaged, there was no dbnngf la the position of the fleet. 7ff CWsstOu Courier, Postal'* AnnAWOFMKKT.?We mrts gratified to learn that the* Post OfBoe apartment, has contracted Hith the Blue Ridge Railroad Company for the . transportation of lira mail * between Anderson and Waihalln.* The Special Agent of the Department ha* direoted the Postpiaster at Columbia to ntabeap a mail direct to Wwlballa, Instead of -* vja Pendleton, as heretofore y by which - . letters and newspapers will be delivered at Walhaila one day earlier than by tb# existing ariangement. -v [ Charleston -Courier. ' PRO* RICHMOND. " *. Correspondence of flcrutbevn Bnterprise . RioiiMosD^Oct. 18th, 1863; Mcttrs. JEditovt?We are now in ilia season of the 44 sere and yellow Jeaf," which- t?-i? is' * sad and mournful' time of tbe year?especially, at a time like ibis. Tbe tveea that were but - a short time ago covered.wi?h an abundance of rrffdud, green and beautiful 10 tiU sight,'wltfc' , # "JPhswert in fctfk valley, and splendor in the . ' beadl," ' * Are now **4 fstlijig wittr th< reinn of autumn.'' " " ; /- -" Tbe"dead leaves strear tha forest walk, - And wiy??r'd am *ha pala wild flnwere j t The ftost bang* biack'ning an the sulk? The dew drops fall in frocen showars.*! The weather is pleasant and delight ful. Tfca days t0> moderate?thonighli cool. Wo have bad dear, bright,?upsbiMy days (or week*, and wa only wish $aUt n?y \en>ain ao. for we like not Richmond^rltb Its rain, slop, mad and mow. ' : *' ow ' With the change* in the iMwn? but little change ia going on, as wi know, in tbe-puhlje atfaira of the nation that U calculated to redonnd fo out bandit, aa to the clocidg of-the presen war. Bonio ptaceooBaiderablaairaaaoa the election* in Penn*ylv*a>* and Ohio raome-to thr eleetiooi of'HaataaiUian U ,. the throne of. lidxioo^ Aa to oujr part we fee*e but flul* bopee from either? + only'hope thht tho rwauh rnay be ? it tapected by 3bw|f?t&pt VOandig bam and Woodwbftt pey be elected and ihet Ifaxianilttaa way aeoept anr J?fv - tte plaeed enihe.WHtna - ftal we a>1) aee jflmt we trill ee*?y W#. believe horuvtr, notwilhetandtag 4 h*4 ?*?** ten nrfi hare,to work-theraaolfes out? ' there V*. a eertein wnm J* hfimai oveadf hw V> .he p?r?ued, an< whi*t>, according to the natnrkUrnle* md, uadeubtedtyV go on, be the re teUatrtfA they Jb?f. ** -dfV-S* Jte leer no eiM dire, be Ma. ??) . teedighorh or Woodward not alidad <?*. if bigflmUMacr doe* aor aeoept th Ukotw prarehfcd,: the feewka that wil mntwaliy m be Mfdro Uoa aod tndependeo?e. * v {. . , . ?i * a a *i J* % . y.?. . ? . - . % 54 sgkA iqphi * ;000 ?I^M?ri 'a#L 4Q?: fwun*. .'Jha pS$#U ohW?38~ rb* XIoum of BopnMontaklf 44^mm1 ngM[ ?>b1 rejoicing ?m beard. ^ Til the (Ml1 ing it dwindled down to 7;WDO?to-dajr v it bo dwindled to aiiooet ooUtfeg.? l Rumnr ~ ? -e^ V..~- OV- OJCCT _3ti II <?%' , that the Yankees were in 34 mile* of ; twsut W4k?Wdo ?hV4M> W r^-s&sssgfss s arms and m?0Qk.4? the repelhng<?#ih? Q enemy, and that he who woold not'go, a wae ^.foktoon a?d^coward..vintba, j respective cqmpawaa^fi^roU was taken, |j" 'and' the rewiU was *_Aa*h1n t ho pan.*? The questlwo Was ?*paH orYio krIi ,",l>ui m- -it wai'deculec( b| an ote^f>U-Ln^ng^ry? e j?Hty ?n.4he ranha-T-tbn\ at l?e present, they howled f np salt,".they caeerTtoeth * irfjr for ?el4beyvh?<T to Tight forll. Ah! this city of Richmond. It hi a very pattfotw ctyy, La hen* its w*W?papers talk^ they gir# thousands, and wjKJ. fight by thousands. It sounds very weft ) on paper, but" file proof of'the podding I in chewing the bag." There is one 1 thing certain that oan^t b? disputed : 9 They can't oare any thing about "ealt." i They are not disposed to protect anlW t worfea when left to their' cote, and we i don't believe they Would fight for' any thing else, if the principle of Wet arfais ^ ia not naed. They ere aa valiant as FaUtafi. to bear them talk, and cculd r eat eif the bends of a thousand dead Yankees?-when they are killed. It i.a decided fact, that the'militia of Rich^ ( mond, are not npich for M salt." . > . > 'The Legislature have played the misI chief with the, gamblers; thoy heve< . n..u.i - i?~. ??<r :? ?v. - ? |?mrw * miT| vyuiLivniin^ mo UVllimn^l I" in which tbsy ipej deal, negroes end >- as well as inflicting the la-li on *11 dualI era caught in the act. The tiger ha* been muzzled at last ; nil tbe dona are ' closed ; the dealers are in perfect ago' nies, and are new making their Way to , more favorable clime*. The tiger is a i thirsty ctealute; he is fond of bloody , and though jus sanguinary nature may be checked for a time, yet., cunning \ creature, Ue will erado-Li?^ju<t9ycr* :m(' . turu up oa a different scale. The law will hare on# good .effect: it will stop conclusively its pnbiieity. Thw^j will < ' -be no mot# 211, 21C.167, lOO'a, standing out in bold relief behind gaslights attracting tbe attention of passer-by, ane leading them into an ambushed , i dou.. Supers and. dinltftr* have now 1 become no more, and jewelled gentle raep, with stnrchey collars and broadcloth coats, who lived like Dives of old, sumptuously every day, hare notr. nll their peculitr ptivileges taken away.? ( Othello's oecupaMnn gone at last?for a time, They fcsr tbo lash ; it's what they.deserve. We would rejoice if something could -i be done with -those oilier gentlemen speculators and extortioners. The Leg- .1 islature "have talked a* gdod deal about regulating prices of articles, bait wd do not see bow it can conveniently be done, tf every man tyaa ? patriot, it ooohl be, bat.alas! such is npt tho ease. B^ er, < perhaps, to let sueti matters, ae they bare gone thus far, remain as thoy are. . There Is no-4eUiog(wbat the price of , provisions will riee to tlili'winter. Fabulons prices, though-; we "expecl-ihorc's . UJ .:.?1 ? ? -* 1 ? i m uiirirnuiv wii'iMg, um ?u mufti uenr ;ii. 1 hop?, myself, w# ah?ll be able to . aehieve ?n important victory in the Wait; it will certainly bav# 4 great 1 and woundetful beating. A? to rt_fig<it hero, it. dees net Mops jiuit effch an V, foir wjH take plaoe (his seaaon. Meade. 1 we lire disposed te think, will not risk a battle. He roaj however. The papers are i'cenflng uow with i articles on O19 currency?Mr. Msrti; minger and the like. Kdilora, who 1 know nothing hot to serlbblo, and who r have been criticising* end trying lo gutde_ I (J^e feoutnry wiib (heir view? (hit , on this battle, and that a nd he^lUb^M | > hnvn been fought, are presenting their l views abortt the currency, Poor, foolish1 jacktinspea, wfrt> Iney on littlenbout it , ... km a .*ua 1.:?- -i Ireo *a IWU. VVM Mliuna W? yMO, and trie, wished l)l?y woulJ at opev fry ? paper and down with the clod bead*;i ; they have done more harm then good, > end *111 continue to do eo. The', beet t way is, to put dft^ore, printer* and all > ia the auny and. give I hem a ehowing, ? Yon would then Ore but little fighting h with there aerlbhling gufttUfctffc an! , ootwiderable running. Oo*n with I them.. * I We W enough edvice ; all that *te" , btae to do, is, Jb pwhh ahead, keep ? ftiov^og?sueeeaiT:must and will atteptf ; oar effort*. What-wo went, ia mfy ? Wee beocotnbe, War talk, epd* more a* i tioh-^eotion. a -*'~v ^ y i Truly V? lire In a wouedarfel eg*.? ' "Every matr it a warrid, e. genera), n siateaman, a financier, and could wield * the deetiniea of e nation ee easily?yas, I, maoh more ao than ho nan hie own af t fair*. .<-Xvory follow 4e a prophet, too, 1 and k'oofva jofe -exactly what witi take* f)aae,-?nd if- say thing ukee pla<!c? prophaied if long before?knew it]? # * , * * K * . . ; j ^ '% ^|^^v*i Mh^w^ *ad ^ *? w$^U?O.^\'>''t- *V ;: peofle Mill *rik of. !?*?*, lion?Mill kold out that Trfiii? corns Itog. T?, end so i* Christmas. Wij liare Ibtffc ago discarded nil such vlcionary-^nypa ; tbjf will wnt when the* <fe?v?|p ifc c.\Vhe?lfcey.eee that Wfc ; wilt and can Maud aiooa We do net Vftrtlttfe lielp: nn<i hope \ltty-'heV*r awn. Final separation, is a*eonehisivea* \wo And twb. a fee foWr?no matte*. lTov .... .?-*7+ik*. .... t tor tna soutukrk *wt*?pm*js. w "- ' J* - . *et?ra! extraqts^ilre other. day, we thought the following, front the pen of INtd?7- ha* American Orator, entitled |" Ftenfch Aggressions," "wi^li *p -p*W .phrastio reading,. paculiwtlr appropri >te aqd applicable a* an Appeal in. present.state of our suffering country. , We', give th^ piece, altered fiom the original, as we think it should be. , Thesolerah oath of the South hits attended to tlenvap. _ She haa sworn to preserve her independence, her "religion and her Jaws, or nobler perish in .their defense, and be buried in the w. ecks of her empire. To 'the fate of oar Gov- i erntwetit-i* united the fate of our country. The convohions that destroy the-one, must' flesolate the other. Their dea- . tintes nte jnterWoven, e'pd they must triumph or tali together. Where, their, is the man,sp hardened in paiiiieai iniquity, as to advocate a recor.sli net ion of the Union, or the victories of the Yankee arms, which would tender bis countrymen slaves, aye! porse than" laves, or to nromoto lK? (liffn.inn Yankee principles, which wonid render them mrsgps ! Can it he doubted, that the bayonet of a Yankoe soldier it lest cruel and ferocious than tlxs fraternity of a Yaukee fanatic! Where is the youth in this Confederacy, who could, without agonirod emotion?, behold the Northern invaders huiltftg the brand of (leveslation into,* the - dwelling of Ida father; or wiih.saoritegious cupidity, plundering the communion' lable-of hb Ood I Who -oouW witness, without in-.j dignnnt desperation, the mother "who bore Liin, Inhumanly murdere<t,"in l|?e I defence of her iufants! Who could hear* w?U?out. ftaniie horror, the shrieks { of a sister, fljing from pollution, and | leaping from the Mazing roof, to impale herself on (lie point of a barrel! " If any *ptnk,1oi'hi<n I have offended !" No' my fellow citizen; these scenes should never be' witnessed by. Southern eye* The sotrla of your ancestors a!ill live, inlire bo<oms of their descendants and ,athcr thpn submit this fair land of their inbefUai'reo to ravage and didion- ! or, frdro hoary ngo to he'plest infancy they will-form cne united, and 1 oppose their breast To tlie assailing foe. I Not one fhall survlva, !o be enslaved ; for ere the Stars Mil Sjripe* shalf wave ov^r our prostrate rcpublio^ the. bones of Un millions of Southr?>ua ab;rll whiten the plaips of their country 1 Qliis dennniililmt K? m ? its* original wilderness; the 'fwvogctat ing forest shell cover the rmni of our 1 cities ; nnd ibe savage thall rcrurn from 1 the -West, And again rear hi* htivio the abode of hi* forefathers. Then shall comMcrica the Millenium of political luminal ion, ejtjl Yankees and wotYer, "one an4% indlfVible," u?gh|1y chant their bnrbarons ofgrn^tQ celebrate the deat motion wrought hy National De- ; inocravv and Abolitionism. Tint Reocjct Raio'AA raid Kr sonta ' two or threa hundred reaegadg Tonnes* moans and Nortft jCfrnliniitns Cr^smudc from tb^ diredlirth nf Or<*>nv?ll? into Madi*)9 coot v. last "week. fhev catno io ibfa direction as for ae the' Warm SpMugfif ?On0 -mile below the Rpsktg* fiity shot old Mr. (hrtstt, as Ire fofls standing in hi* yar^jL 'He died hi 35 minutes. Ile'was. about fd years of sjw, a good eitiMsi'dhd a clever -ttian. ft was a cold blooded nftttiifcr, apd one at which huraifniljr fteaplNind manhood blushes. Tnrbnidors carried oif all llie stock in tbe country, a* far at itiejr pen * *et rated, Mid mM -th*y would be back again ehortfy.. Kfany thfenla 1>*Ve been ifiade ag wnsl tbW place, and report* of ttie advance of tb? enemy lit ncavy forte have befp-rife for some dayt. Considerable" alarm , among a portion of out people he* been the sooBtequeucft. ' If it would do any , good, we would toy to dtl keep coot-i tbe enemr, wbeo he aittmwto' te r#eyb madb to jive hup. A mention lie will not *000 fofget. Qen .Vane* 1? widd awake, actire and vigHlmt. Ufl hi at tbe rtoht point,, and DM men tpitb him, pod sovwal rftere scatter id kniuod * per niepua,'* tome of^tUem <% hoieebMk awd ?ono a/oOt, attd all ewjtr '<0 extend a true Carnliqa welcome 1e tbe invaded of fheir fcomfp. . ^ JYeu>?. " A eoj.rra young Indy recently eeeevied that she bad: lived u#er.nbarn?y*rd, awd that. 4t waa iinpoeftlbie for her U* sleep hi the mohjiegr'on eeoownt of . the optcry made by.a<peBliea?an heu. k r . % J . ' /i -r . . _ . "> 1 * M l j n? M**f. "',y lloi?o?>iw|i -?lt f**t wHih?i>i> Of 4?e inulMMn O|HH nbliip* keitffe* Of ?4,to kM* tWt sou i-dm r ring appeal* r?Mn ?M HHI* .l^aoonscieflce of thoee OhomV *Mr?w?t -? Jlenoe.I ra tot] ruuoh.dellghtod toleoro, through jonr "plono lid nobl* ipirit^ roaponee ** to my appeal to you ia HfcrBM tbo. " loan -4^ yoa jpll ity of ?y ? R'JICM^JIobv,* *#.; that H ttfe it Tfc? pri???|J?J wij* (MMl, to taHbfoirm^jMnt aed tender 000 Mfeooo, and thuobd the mpkjm, the Diwtoo bleeding, of loadingyCn to rtptoWnce and utliaOM ut*?Uo? -TWo-roeyoeegr of tho ^J^ffot^, A-y woo 0 laoenlory, hat >?t> Tory doataakla ohjeoi. * t . Jid|lr^ fi oot your plouo loM tc tho H> ropfy? your knowlndge of tho Dtthdenpturoo, and tlio "ouddoM lift of gaftOrOeUy" dhplojoMt yonreelf.onJ your to mo, hi hi iMtfHrotion of tho ?otfero* package," 1 taVb H ft?? you oro how o converted, piono,' mnn. other -evidence of- yonr 00a varolii) lo, now, (olooo* yotl ho to rood nr appro',) y?n odmit that tlio tthliug (H^Mp posed,end Ibr wliloh foHo charged t now beg jour pardon} of tho " Buffalo Hobo, Ao.," A only n " temporary loan ;" evidently Implying your 3coign to return thor "aocred packageyour obongo of heart, therefore. W-tfii^lsOl mmWoii, Honor, I may Hope to clolra you, in tho future ototr, 00 000 etar in mj * crown of rejoicing." . . Tou state J on yo - now patiently flit lug for my coat ohfl boots," anJ.preeume I will 00nd thorn " in accordance" with tho Di vino injunction ; " Ifany moa tokft owoy thy coot, lot him have Uiy cloak olao."? Hero 1 out almost " inexpressibly shocked.' Certainly, In thU-" patiently waiting Tor may coat mod booto," ray faith, In tho genuine** of) our conversion,?* a Utile shaken. For, 00 youwre a mnn well versed in tlie Bible, jou will rouictiHier tho I when Zeccheuswas converted. D| oaid unto tho Lord : "If T have token any thing from nny man bj fait? accusal inp, I rt\i+r* nnlo /mm fonr/tlH, Luke IX, S/* Aeconling_to this exaiyple, TOU. OA A donvdl't^f) innti renvoi*f ??l h? l.o ^ _ , . w ??"f? war %r*T " patient- waiting "Tor my "contend boots," but, on the contrary, to^fetura " the acred paekaji*," fourfold. ' . I am disposed to net in accordance whb the injunction to give you my " cloak and boots " alao, but, unfortunately forme, you, "?? a >ud(leu fit of generosity,* temporarily hnrroued" them alto last winter from the baggage room of the 1st South Carolina Vulmteiri iu Richmond, Va., and have ot returned them yet.' Moreover, ao?n after the first Kettle of Msnsssns, In 180.1 t while I went to Gen. Denurcgard to get ti a?.?portal Ion fi?r a number of eick and wounded soldiers, you, "in a sudden fit of generosity," displayed on thot osraten in administering comfort and consolation to these soldiers, " temporarily borrowed " my " Colt's Repeater " and sword, (which was j:resented t?? me hy Maj. Adams, for a gallant speech 1 made on a certain oocasion.) from the hospital v Jiere the soldiers lay; and again, while passing through Columbia, 3. C., la?t September, jny sword, (which I bought,) with a silver se..hhard, waa handed to you Ky one ot the proptietors of Janny'a hotel, w ho, from your "generous'' appearance^ did not think it necessary to inquire your name; end you, instead of bo<g-ing *t to me, in a few* day*, as you promise I, " ttmpofarily borrowed " it slso.? Now, although you have had ell three things for a ti?no ^ temporarily," yet yon liars not rc'urued any of litem. It sarnie to ought to be satisfiid with what you have already .gnt, and o?C be stlU " pmtieotfy im^Ulng." tuiroiy " coat and KooSs -you'vo" got. them already. Rut as they are all "fsoy ormriiy barromed," asy! aa you are "actuated from .motifs that will be appreciated, by all tin officers of thwline la the field,' (whom"I know to bo gallant, high toned gujiiiemaii. appreciating honest, Christian principles.) ami feting * food Christian rilan yourself, Um, therefore well a snored, that you,In jour "mdJen 6t of generosity," *H ton retorn?Zo ech c us tike~-u fmtrfoU," all "the1 veered packages" you h?Ve " imjfrcrffy tarrtwfJ* When I jiHiA tlrfm, I hall, ""In *?df!Ht fit of g. neroalty," diyide them among my old eornpeuy "* F," 1?t 5*. p. V., whotn 1 had' the honor to commnnd when my ''Buffalo Robe "was mark od - Captain." ' T '" * ' ' I rcof ivr from the depths of my " warm gashing heart," as the "Helmet reeom pens* " the profound, thanks ot yourself and mess, and hope that "the adored package" bat,enabled yon tosleejv comfortably, gNeo you great " convenience," and thus aid. ed yno in puinuingpyoor ",ardboos ditties in tl?* flefd." When the erliolee oca ail returned ""/mtr/cJiJ," myself and company " F," will unite "in returning thank*," and will foel assured that yen duly appreciate the - mine of a clear'conscience," and that yon have an " improved prospect ?f future ontrhtion." Duty, appreciating yonr bind invitation to ehango My fleM of labor to " yonr army, hrhero the duties oT Chaplains re muel) lighter th?n eowM poeeibly be any where else, from the h*dt, ||M( they * (l??oU thomeaWee te trading herm, M AWfti the miM of-Hnh ef P'fh" I respectfully decline the inriUtion. . iHret, because I iirf rather a bad ?d nnsuc6eeef?t " bore# jockey J* for iniUwei X ?M?pe<l a broke/f heed horse the other day. he* hip ehottea mare, and-had (from my waat of the Joafcry y*atU$^ to,|h< one k**4md and fv*4 ttf/ie dollar* to Aee#/? Anil aecogdly..beeauae, She yenreelM duty affWenM' tha M wide of a aleer"npntatanss/ and hepee, must not " derote " nijeelf to fOckff&ff, but ettfk te ra? <Weyy, and at ma in ih nsy present field, where I ean faith^lly dUefirWage toy " nrdnees datfca,* when net fiUahfe|d by a&fab# tttfifi by the M tempwwrUy Jyan * of my " Buffalo Kobe ,*de. Ai te' 1Kb " regulated aneuat ef baggage whieh adnata ehouM o*rf?* and the Le?4ft lajunetlen, te " tVotlde neither fold nor eNref, net hraae In your pma?a?aor eerip fat jonr journey I neither tw# epata I neither shoes; ?** yet etaree, for the weefcnaa if wefth^ ?f 1?U mew*,"? : 1 .? " M j 1. ^ i " Im l.|i nrimm - il J WTwMl, * * *"" *Tw* J MagnpfiUA with lk?t<#tepiifjpMM *~4dl**?? VWIm hUrH|?M(| Iff ^^w^uyiJi |'fy gfffOHtJly ** wfefti f#v tKbl|^K I u mmUIw* tflna <br 1 q ?y?wn 11 qMf b? M<*ui*? A* u p H|ff? fci Itmm Qa tor* ywrti>l? * <w% W1 ?J A" *P? ff^gtiy **k '(? T*11 It u aota**" quevUoo <?4grti*r frr-"W I t? - have wy tMhg l? tt?*u ( lie ahore * aJlowaftaa/ ? te"(nt<fcl)7 raaaiOod l?y V J*," wblia tfcare ia a? WiA *4tmpo**rit} . Aarr?w?*y." i . - - a I a?n iwpff fa iafait yw, that ffrvm J i mdlwl treatment uf " talfk JMnwi" at * b?Mk I Wt? moah ImproM aM na .. an M#Mif wclanaholty ft whan 1 ftrat ad- * dr?tad rw/ . . . . Although X hate mot aa jatragatnad tka health and vigor I had btbrtlht " tempo- J rary^loae "aftljr" Buffalo Roha." dot, yet I akalt, In a ah art tint, miffaith tha ra- J arulta I Kara aaaurad; to *? my a nib one da1^1 ia HftrfaM." - . ' L--A ayrapalhotia lady friend haa ma do ma t a praaaht of a fin*, larga akahp ahln, wMah . Will rtaJtr ma aomewhat comfortable -till | the "fourfold * return, of my "'BuffWIo , Roha," da Bp mtaah far tha command:' j ."Than akalt not feat'.* j - My a?t appeal wHl ha to' tha man who * enrsea Cbnplaio*; In violation of tha Com c inand : "Thou abaft not talte tha nana of 1 tha Txwd thy (tod la vain." { With my beet wiahaa for yonr preaant t and futnaa welfare, I am air, wKlt a*nt{inenU of eoniidermbl* raapret, yowfa, T. IX OWlK, A Chaplain J at R. C. V., I Greenville, S. C , Adguat 10th. 1803. J P. S.?Depoeit tha "fourfold" "aocred < packages" In tha 8. "C. Pepot, Richmond, 1 Va., in care of Mr. 0. A Piekle, Agent, V . . V. . w- T.D. O,, . J OtinHiti Among Genentl Officer* on ' Both Side* Paring the Wftf. , Tito following in ? lift of I Wo Yankee t General* killed, diod And resigned aince j the wnr: . . * . * rr??? f ? ? ^ A ' ji ilira nr aim jrom looufiff* ?n Oof- | tie.? Mej. Gene. Philip Kearney, ?l , Chantiily ; Isaac I. Slerens, ChanlilW ; ( Je?oc L. Reno, Soeth Mountain ; J. K. t T. Mansfield. Ai\ti?tam; ?V?tl B. Rick- ( ardson, Arttietarn Hiram G. Ber#y, c ClreneellorrvHIa.; A. W. Whipple.Okan 4 colloravilfe J John F. IUjhvKI*, Getty* tnirg. ? g Brig. G<e*. (iitlhinic1 Ljtoh. Wil Greek ; K. XV. IjmUr, Ueerd*' Ferry ; W. II. L. Welkti,Shilob ; Thos. t Williams, Baton Rouge; B. Rohlen, I Rappahannock Ferd ; Geo. \V. Taylor, Mmiiavhm ; Imrc P. Rodman, Autietam; j ]'. A. liackluman, Corinth ; Ja?.8. Jack' c on, IVrryville; \V. K fkrriU, P?rt?? 1 villc ; 0f>. t>. Bayard, Fredericksburg ; 0. F. Jackson," Ff*d?rick-burg ; Joshua j W. Sill. SttMie Hirer ; R.^. Kitk, Stone ? River; Edmund Klrhy. CkeneeUorsrllle; 1 Geo. Boomer, Vickahurg ; Sieplinn II. = Weed, Gettysburg; E J. Feru**artb, Ge'.tyeburg ; S. K. Zook. Getlyeburg ; " Geo C. Strong, Morris' Island j W. ?. j Lytic, Chick^rnaii^n. ?. .? Jj'ud.? M*j. Gehs. C, F, Smith, O. M. Wuchell, We. Nelson, E. V. Sum nrr. ' . .'^1 Brig. Gene. J. II. (lelm, R. h. Mc- fi Cook, F< K. Patterson, Thd*. Welsh, C. * D. Jamison, J. U-I'lumiuer, James Coop * *r- -V R'fiynfdj.? Mnj. Gens. R. -D. Morgan, i Citarhn & Hamilton, G. M. Clay, ft. J. f. Oglesbj. . ' . *Mf-:Gen*. Phelps, C. M. Tlt?r?ton, J. W. Denver, Willi* A. Govmen. Ju. Craig, T. T. Crhtenden, A. ' 0. IL*?di?c, M. 8. Wed#. We. O. fc OnmpbeM. J??. Shield*. John Cochrane. J i'homee F. Meagher, Leonard P. Raw. . O.0 Rodj?. - J - ChAfcHi Maj.-Gsn. Finjohn Pot J Ur?? I* l)iunit*td,?Brig. Gen. JL^W. Re jl " . f Tj^o following (a e list of '.he Cqnfrd- * crate Generals killed or died from ? wounds received in battle.:- . r Gen. A. S. Johnston, Shiloh ; Lieut. . Gen. T. J. Jnektbo, CbancellovsviJIe. t Brig. Gens. Robert 8. Gernett, Derrick's ford ; Barnard R, B*e.lBnlt Run | , F. 8. Bartow, Bull'Run ; F.,K. Zollioof " frr. Mill Spring; Ben. McCulloch, Pee 1 Cross Keys ; Robert Batten, Fair Oaks; Richard Griffith, Cbicfcahominv; (T. d ?\ UL.m rn.M.Lww.: n ? !. * ??J v/uivmMiwirw) I ' *" dor, Cedjir MoVDlMi .R> ! Soaih Uotinltiit; Ii. O'U. Branch, An ^ lieUm; Geo. B. And?mm, Jo.;?Stark, do^ J. T. Hughe*, UKingloo; Slenrjr > Liute, Inka ; ? Moor*, ? Martin.Cor v inih 5 M*xcy-tffcattfff. T. R. U. Cobb, < Fredericksburg ; J. R. Rains, Beger 4 Hanson, Stone River: R. F. Pamon, Oh#neellor?*iH?*?l>. Tfnoy,-Tort Gib- t on ; "I.. Tiigkmmi. Champion Hjll; rim "K. Green, Vidwburg ; Witt** Penrler, Rhdbeed B. Uarhettk Rarkadnte; ftrtrf f." Semmea, Getty#* * ^11 mXH i A. 15. ol#?tle JrfJwH^ iiNHT6 > #. iJ.ilrnMj j ^-awTuysrtl # 9 "V . ** terrier. lo pwh p mo?Wi>l The* pterrtfla hand* am urolouUyrUyjredtpil 4 in Arkan?aa and Mtmourl lor pni mm < mf&p hAd jAnrdar ? di?trksl erflporeritv eheaifd bf onr hoop. fe llipUipm the ?M cavalry an tenVan eorp have Wn Oartroytng oa i* Mid Phillip*, of tb? natMmal.fofee cent]j encaged Mid defeated )hU fop I. Saletn, Mi^iwippi,a .mall town *boi \TWp&?4 Unbare \p toming trodhleaoin^ fd the ryar of ot irmy. under M?^r G?ocm) frvdwk Steele, m ?di m of that on the (raaih mder.Major General J mom G. ?lunt. Brio. Gan. Foancer.?We and* land that \h? independent coalman warded Format u to operate in Ui dissianippl bottom*. It ia Mid that th command i*, ta consist of a portion < ii? old command, say J .000 men, an weeing what is kftxofhi* original reg nent, with a earl* blanch* to add to w. many other* a* be can T?ip. Foi e*( is a modeei nan, evince* no ovei Venning vanity, and is not accustom* o indulge in tho i>a?t* which bis ml Urj mocmni would bo .apt to prom| nouj turn to jn?lu? ; bert, oo esrocot wi tie cofaeiolion of bit pi o?prclW? u*efu iom ip tb? now Bold nought br bio but bo, it i?. Midi to(d Hi* Preside! hot bo .would not promise to wbip 60 *09 Yonkeoa, but be (bought tbot b ould wive uecopotioo to tbet nanny on rould koop than* una^y. > ? (|f?rb?a CtH\ftx.Uroey. pT We eve aatborised to uiumrw Me V. A. NcDtKIRL m voiiMiU JT??r re-ete. ioo to tbe ofRre of CLERK Of THE COU K oirGrdeavUle PUtrlct, at tbe nest elceuoi UP We are In ewewi jieat. Colonel WALLACE K. IOOR ea I ida?e far CI.E UK OK COURT for Grrr ill* IHatrict, at tbe nest ekotion. fW TRR nninrmne frlaode of Captdl I. C, PEACE reeneetfeUy announce him rand t date'for JJtrtRlKP of Ur Mori He Id rlet. at tb? next ?-)?etieul ~w? yv % . ?' <* ~??, 'V ?V- == Help for tbe (but. fNAStlpCt ae eertaln reliable rltUene < L Aaboritle, V. ol, bar* made knoars th ?ei that I be Miewy ore' rear that plaee, aa bat ata mad artoe are aack seeded, iwdi irowa of ealainf a Cotepnajr of ?We-bodW en for tha pwrpoee ef irtpoalltai to tfce'cr ?r help, i|il paraoaa who elak to aaite i kU orgsateptiwn will band their MetoeV to m wlkeilk./ Tbe Compenj will be oegaeiae j ma eleetloa of OMoeVe aa io*n as 30 natoe re reeelfed. Q-ttBLFORD. GmenrHle, 8. C., 0*L 28, IfOfc. Ool2t y . . U Ol >wto.' > Oo,,^.... ' ^1 e.Trwk ntoaa anna tncji'n>u?toi JHnugl tba^epnt, OS tbe arrival of tb BKayUleare ota Midky, 1Mb IwL, da rtbed ae Ibllowa : It baf a??aa?ea etae, bowm rbat red-onto red, with three Uyo* gfkf aotaad ( error ?aa t<yp; the <UH oT' (W Me l&tTimj!5^'|l|i |i iii M *Wk a>lJU?l i i ' iSSSjSfcwHsi SpSHpSif tfce etwee -*werd npon delij^jy&pzs-,srbme; w";,iv"SSrL'^ g hi*: thr? ^***>* M~?*?.. >r?? fir? n. ,.0^,1 -iirtt ?. ?. -.ri -?ii?V . **** "^ - **?TT In1* ~ ' *? *4%. -. I ' '. - . . > 1 '^^T/WC^ScIlDWElX,. i .. J g^0*1 *>* ^Py wy .Q?^. ?' ^ ^ *. ^ I iS5? in' , ndoeKletwt?t ^4%. t&.tbio P#?w?t A fbr Pfwwt. WIW pirtd querlrrty. * T "?^wd m^? r K&SSTC ? S$kS& &,"? t w wwUhbMnhMen*ty>iwt J TW OwtraawMtM uotho eblo t* fhrmeh * *11 oftht wwljr io1Jt<Tt Wm the ?u|<l It Meet* Mm coming winter wtU bo up*# ml W? v?r? wif#Mtte MMOgh to her* j. nil of onr keepegehn end beggego horned ? tint ?f?? mn tn ?r mH* mnwepiiUe / km# them fcwtn (hlliug-Into Um bendtnN * ear #ne?r. nn# H ^e under there drone;ir ttaMW thei I tare died* thle epnee), belief. log the* my eppm) to the frtewnir end fem? iwee df the menef rny Coiqpvtr, will n*? ( be in r#1*> Think the eoldior * he r? mnrchct along through Mud, rein end pplfi d ?hnt you. ?V deer fri?ud<s el home, roejfr * "KJTT^SS^i^o? J ? ffllt on duty, end t-ll rw?l?? ell done* >f tiont for n?y n<n, end forwerd them through I- \k. LeBorde to mo. U _ ... . T. 0. CROFT. . # tlepC Co. C, l?th Hog'*.. *. C. V. , Xfir Ohettnnooge, (let. ISUi, 1803. I !On>8tt . - ?J r(1 JExehup JUtieo, Jfo. 7. . 1 I RiOMiUip, Vi.,.Oet. 14th. IM. ** fptravlor Confederate nMtnera and ' X tncu air* neralyr detltreil duly ?f is changed: ,, ^ | t. All offioara and man taptured and pa. rqled at apy tin* fat?iwn' if ih? fir?t *1 ' SfpUmWr, IMS. Ybla miHIoo, ImvtTtrj U not iaUnM la include ?or flftcara ?* V man enptureJ at VUtflwrr, July 4th, 180", * ?Ic?pl euah a* war# declared rxcUangcd l>y d Esahang* Sotlc* Ka A fept. 14>h. ISM. or ar# uprHSaatlr named in thU aaia^i But it don emljrar* ail dvllrcrt** made at C?Uy Print, or Other plare. hrf..r? H?|>r p Urnhft la*. MM. and wi'h the limitation . abara nantrd, all ?aptar*a at 1'vrt liuuan ?" or aaj oth?> via*#, where the n*r?iea were S< IkWavti ea prak ? ' 1 The ataff af Oen*raU Peml.erlon. kilf. ranaoh. Boaren, Mnarr, Barton. H. D. I.e#, M Cuuttninp, Ifarrb and Baldwin, ani ?! n_ Colon)-)* lleynolda, Cockrr11 and Dookrft, n the afllaara and mea belonging to the l? gioarr Carp and Sapper* and Miner* ?) thw fourth and forty eixth Mioriralppi ltrffil?' n.?nt*, aU onptnrad at Vick'I'urg, J.Jj 4'h; 4 1 sat. a I. The general-aAaer* aapyured It Vieh#> burg. July 4th, MPS, were declared exchaog - ed Jul) tStlvESr 5 ROBERT OL* Li>. * 'Agent of Exchange. r ** Oti p . It a 2 Mf Southern peprr* puldUh etx Htup t. *n .bilk' totha War jtfprtm-nt. * - .iiO Seward ' T> ANAWAT, oo.the IftU inet.. fiori th? ? IV reddadof X kk aputer at Vt lM-?nvJ aton, H. C , a<P, HorloU, a NFM.Uo JKlT m named Jl AW. Hal# &$"*? year* old, beaey Wftt. Wry Mark, quirk , ?poken, Are feet 1 Inchaa High, Arm aaunR? ta auppaMd to Ue lorktl-g about la the' a*iyhtu>rhaOd mt Col. Wui MaXerle In IMMrWt, vlMtt S# 1mm rrfetiva. Tha tb^v* ?Ul itf firm for tia &rKv4ty t* tW nnderaifoyvi, u?> ? htxa h# U t? b? or into any J" J nil H Vkat Wm? btttHWvd. t 1 - 4 J. B. TURN Kit. * ' v ** 1 ? JOOfiUKCteft QUININE* ! w 50 DO. SULfrl. JXOEPU IK E, r- Jaat raeeWad, and fc>r sale t. LOW, bv J& A. If altar, Jr. '"y <f * iwStar.W^iaffc* ta ** w^r*1 ^ T1?* t'- ***" ' ' ' " ' mEmSmv < ? <!. v^x l? if ?Si6??RS8eiSiwi. f* Hfl '; f&m