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Q , and JJarriag* jEtk-vajb Tslkjtt* of uiTltMpwt, i?nmlo(j|i..i)? ?? ??>o>ivwa?m? f?r B&? r?iWno?t? ?rnt ip wii'bNUjW nnMbrr Nfftr laaerlion* ?p?flW4, ViU b* piqfcbWi **ltl HV ordartd ><tU Mid pbAr*?d tor Moordtogljv "1 ^KL P4mw? Hriojr al n 4M?*K Jh*y iwi jjKBUift how Mnob Ut?lr bilU wtH i>mo?0*-to by MPVfSp?atioK ?bTcn word* tv (b? linnvtt.i .y; '? iw - -71 ^pfh? wcmhJi" of October, li?* (tt ^Ahen aiin-light tlirir fnftnclltt Jdj* brtw^fn; . * flgPi? pHdhoIi nod orange, IV* $rf*n and tbrKA11 Anmlng a pfrfgrt mmit (n'f (n heboid 1 Kyi y.lnyp ib?-r* to wmnVr At twilight ?Wa, dvAod ilk to Tlta wild wtnd'4 Ww n/aljcal mo?a, - ' ' J it iingeth a dirge for the summer doHHpt>reqn(em lowr for tl}a dc.vdntc h-arled. skies of October, how soft is ihrifhu*; B^Wlim un-lighi AU<1 ro?-light ara hlendvd v uli bine. !S5FXn<l f.ttr. flrert Vlnilde float in niiiet nwirr nf pww>e In *ohv- WiHitifui. buy'. wlmn night dVawclli round Iter dark And f,ilr.-aliliiihjj niars I lie dorp dntknrra X^.And ffllfiHner Ilk* in tlmte maniion# j^P$WH1*h OlirUllia'li prepared fwlit* children Hrip^dmr mtir? momli! W bcl<>r(d iif the E^E^Plir rhiMm ?f uttinier>mny fali ib'a f*. Mp<i *?|i fliat ?Wy rod* miiid 1 nhoiiltl *onfaEfi* . I. r ilia rt..w?-r*, nj^ll'likh l>luN>Mm d?(l In igMJjr In amnniera'a; l}m to n,r wiili lii?tru<:l,.n tlip'n rrrr nrl l or lli 'ii 4*Ngm to niiitU- tlie Octobrr ?f ../yFUkd yMiitlt'a anoiiii?r, I know, ia not a!w?j? TOPot nlwwya w* -bank In the mix light of May. Ink 8tran?? SvorfHV. CavrVtmjfe, r.uKiMii.HM: ?'cu Va., ) j^4^?lainVr,l8,.li.*'l?jB. J ' Xn Me Kditor qf thr Whig : Ljb'4 1? prniify ilte CitflOiin HFanrl w oii<K-ifi?l*"Vl>dHfh cuncliiih'dj^o f/ive yini fdxiit <m<L atwnr.'itT de?.e/lp MfeSiin, na m-eil-fcd <io|tt Iho wiinesr^ Hflnn-elvea. nf a *ttun?t> plii^plH?'IWH^ HMIIHI made lfv~?|i]?aaMin^n .HIioii: l&>' ^ finite* wc*t-? <>? U?? *h*!r jH^eoon of lif "~ Rak U. ii illl ttfejai... i _1SL ii?HI i.. .TJ * i * mi 11_ pfw>ti?il U; 4*Hawjjjr^VlN ?<fr?lci iui{>?*vcJ?Mb<? ; jB*. IVrcy, \vj^>j^yw> >o h*\* n cltwrltefHi, M)d in. jyMfctl.f <# fce*peci Utility *n|w,li>*r?cies IV* wfy bay othe' l*<ii?-" *?$"> iiiu>? J l|?' | In^om?rti< ii, *hk,l)ijf' jkwsnns cn^frt wftflh <hu fi>l!?>?\hi^.)ic*i>iim h?h hI>Inii>(n??; It w *? jl?o h/"n } ulh< utinot gnxMi, mid hv a <fr*a?ft ghl. Thtv nil -! ? llrt* ^Acf*. nn<J Artt petfVclly vAlliojf he ?*rWrt +?r I be trtnf idb UffplflM* U iiV: .The.Any *m brtafel. clear mini (Hill. The locality a lull AuiuunuflrWih;. on which 4tf aun^wni^Ping with full uow er. The 0r?t thfoj*^#r<i'^s Mit^rofhg thai lhe witn^M:f? <|o ?y| ?e*(u nbli t<? Jt >hr<? w iAe, ion* writh&kl. liinriiur (W^M brSunfi IPdo^^U ^?ck I * u fho epnr ?:csl by * few feet. 'I'M frfttaOMfa Ufc? fhM tlugrc ?!MU<i. '% onljr ? w<ipl^.b?v mamciW perl*?llialr beAde, eltnw, log-^ en J fcet. W^lowy cour?| of ju?i of Ai%b1b? y&*non>? 11 miracle ?) b e " in'T^pl^jTir/g ehnftterg. points fc inorhV -At^Mlornq^ thrilling title, wliioh'will not toflHort upon our government contractu* etui others who rt*si?e to contract with a matter of f?ooer< 1*1 " WrV. " !Co, \\"juii*l!blwf, von cannot ^nv? tnv dmttuffcrV^iirtd in trtnrriage nVtJtH'yoh arerier e<}unl $> wealth and wortal position.*1 ~ * * * -.'J'ho *p?nkc'rJ?e* nim^aktv bit] man of ?om? vkty veer*. rtoJHio petarin wlirtYn he nddreltcd wa?,n fine lookihg young roan l^?|Vte?ty-fi#e. tWith a* mC aapefc* Ibe .yobng man withdrew from the Mfttely mansion. it. r Si* mantff* 4wrer, the^jonng. man stood ui.tLo pieacocc haoghty ~?ld -11 ?. '* ** ' , ' . ? V. hat Sfdtf'liiirt "(J nil) l^'angrlly Cried llie old man. '? V " Ay, old William'' Marker." 1 *'m her? .your daugliteeV equal and' your*lw ''' Tlie old umnVlip* curled **?lbj?Corn. A derisive emtio lit up hi?Yu)d i*a<nre*; Jlhen, caning violtpily tipoa Uic mar tde c?-ntt?.l"bfe'*h enorindti# toll of gttenbauk*, Wjltiain -Hri Weretied-?' " Svo ! J*ook OTl this "iienhli And T*V5? I enfold mori J ?XJ [en, old mail ! You spurn*! <ne from, yp.urdoor Uut 1 did not daapair. I secured ?c?uU*c: ! for fin nulling (be anuy of The*-? iitli buef t. " Ye-?', Jiwl' eagerly c<clniincd the ; old num. |- u and I bought on.uH (be iM*? j bled raviilry 'liqtaes I $nuld lind ***' * h 1 see ! I tee!** ciivJ the ?w rtikn. ***A cd good beef they nnikn. (<k> J** 4 ? "Jhvrdo! (hey do ! And Uto pro?. Alt are MrtinCnM}.** !; "1 should snv fol"* ..." . 14 "And no?, Mr", I claim tour datigh teiV fair hand !'r * * l?ny. alio is youra. -But hAldXlook 1 mt iu iho ?ve. Throiwlmiii nil I ? o"" '"T "**" htv? von Won ioynl I" - To the coro 1' crieJ William l)aTkc*7 . . v" ' * " And," continued the old man, in it toice Hurley with eiuutlou, " are von in [Tafjir of a vigorous prosecution of ,hu hfV |v l#Tli#n, boy, t. Ico ber ! Mucin. child, tome Kiiliwr. Your . cluim*. , iflree. lie buppjr, liiv Ctiifftren ! j^ncf whatever our U>l in life nhiv, lot us all j euppot I'th4.government" - | ^ | ' From ill* Southern UtnHrJian. V t ; Mn. Editor?I do i?ot wWbie ir<l* ! j>A's oa your, time and pattene#, bin I wi*fe to ?ay KRiicehing pbout fhe fray we women ttfe treated bv {ha specula ' Tor and' ?r*ioi tjt>per ifuat V??-6 kepi out of -tlie war and fitfe-frotti fitting for their n.miry. ' I aopf^ue ilivy tliiuk Iih*? no right to* say anything ; Mil . we tit ink differently^' Ti h? very l?arfl to submit t<? all and say hoiliinjr. when all of out dear one* ?*??J f <>m l?6r??> Quitting, ami enduring nil,the privations . olKHe Wi?|Vf It fe aiwmsl impo.-oibU (p got ?ny lolner to /nafiitn.lMw* ' fW? U, ikl a?m?? te buy ooi-v*h0?t o( (l.o ki?ul, li? tfilii ua ho Iwi^riano to ?vll. ' ?n#Hl tl?? anuie (feu* tm gramme* ?rg tU.ied to o*?r|lcK?ing?only wiriim^ for ? IrtgHor prtoo. Go to ibo njaichrtirt U> buy tiling Ve mast l.;u? h? UrlUuad* * ? .** ?? ? farm or ; none 1 to atfttf mid *1 ib? sato* Wd 4i>ou0<uid* of borrflt bid in ft bock room. Bom? of ifio poor toldier# f?rotU* i 'thought wbfh thoro ?? ytfjh ftn abuiv <M?t croj> of augar??*oo moving Ah*t ',. Mmy coukldwwhh *ery Hide tmm and t ktifn fr4Ntellu? tnfthM*w?twVor toiler u? tke umi at Itro fOfcrchtnt tad fncAier fci'oiy- o^ni uu. L' 3RWJr^CT IJn<FfSft? ?orj kind heart od oldArmtr tbftt 9*0 dhpote of ? few 1?Uosml ho wilt- etmrjrt Uw on or moo a dtort' f?U))dio? art td do, when til lh*t , they hi*?*?ntto tbo oimy nnd oMy } getting pom pf ?l&in 3olf*rt ff! -pit-mm, nob only 0>t IWr4 jm*r ?n<f mttteilgnt jhat ftr* U|? tpteuto1-IOf and ?ato?l?o??ftr,.Lul it k the Unner ' AH tiintlhir* opamglB tall k?e jj Si rtfcit t wbofc tUtta ^noiurk to do ??.4W # ?. I%#Vm *?art?r wo e*Hd donAb 1st tU wood (for wo did liot boon tnoch ( *| took), but in tbo winttr ue'cemtot do without Gre. ? * I .. ? ? * ?t. A; . ,ma' * ^ J9 0 *. % * ' rgLr\i v ^ 22?*2 ? w?wii 0^ m4;f. m j .'V ;>Vv ^ ^ ^ ^ ijWme are wilting ? conies aw \ ' pefeufelfof* of ewhriieriers; bur it is nM tUlfc *rtythVg.|$*eM.> U&HftffefrW&flk p?*ce. w Oof IH tfcver deliver a* from our euethie* %fc1' 'w'^3?5? abrdnd"tii'ot?r l?o<i. .r|Iow can ??-??, pectU^ to M#{> ttf * Wll fftlk Mp ?4wr- * i*-; * [ **??? : aiduii kft's wt*c> i (* ? . ? *?*??#- >. .1^ J^jf'^rr^t'3^* f TreePicrt-mfor Atutaiia vT.,reoi.x. tK^e ff4towmpf sketch. from an English flM?fe?in?i <5f Abraham Lincoln^ reminds nfefrf fc.*arc*mn whivlv we once heard.n{ publi?fsifcjoki > uttir of -a person ?l?om j uir wm deOwunciifg : " Give mo n |*ag eir^v, nniT?en bounds of meal, end Lead, mid 1 *<U ^naka ? .better 1 I 598Qb* *:i***' *+<' -j**** . **> V>w*^ ' WW ho is stgiv.'i* itpthiner.f to'ndd ihot *hU flgtwe is gsot4<gao. is l<> convey no adequate impiVsroir. Fancy dfcn an "MX feet high, and tiien out of pr?nortiAn,> kkii long, benr-arifts *nd Pjg?, -whfoh somehow sAun always to be-in the way; with great, ragged, farrowed hnn<l<V tdlikb grasp yon like a vice whenehttkittg your*.; with a long, scrag. . gv nock,-and n chest too narrow for the great ninia at -iiis rule. Add to this figure a l>e:ul, cocoantit &liaped and. somewhat too small fuf tuch?n stature, covered with rough,',uncombed ami tin comable hair,- that stand* out ir. every-< direction at once; a face farrowed, wiui, kTesl and indented though it .in<l t l?aen scared bt* vitriol'; a high; oar rove forehead, Mitik rt"cp benenth huilnt o<e, brow*two htfffhtv Vnmrwh at itfeaintv eve*. 'hot aeerrt - to g?e thWmgh without looking at ybnV?"few irregu < la' blotch** of black, IiHmIt hwir in (lie plnca wlfere beard 'und wlti-kei* ought to ({row ; A-cloM Ml, thin lipped, Mom month with two row?:^jf targe while teeth, and a t>o?c Km! esr? which have boon taken .Bv tni?!?ko from a head "of twice ;h? tkt. Clothe tbi* Bjiwe, then, in along, light. badly fitting suit of* black.crenaod, eoltud and (nfckavd up at every raljont point of the figure,' (ev>ry point ??f ilji* figure i? salient :) put on fi?"?ar ?H fitting boot*. glove* !no long f>?r the hmg. bony finger*. and j; puffy Ij.ut Covered to the f>)t with du-tr. puffy Crrtpe, and then add to this an ntr-of Mreiigth,'pliyrical a* well a* moral; and a ?iran-je look of tlignftv, cott M*' wiih'MU this groMu|i|Mioi, anil von w ill have the impression left uphti me by Abraham I.ttivoln." ?T tv.AA *XCKl.l.KVt Anvtctt (*nva the corre-pAndeTii of i|?e Richmond Semi - . ? * . . .w . ?. iiftl) I'rfcMttelil Imvh gave to the i*i/iien? of Kjiw??i, ?V* North Carolina, when he Jold lliatn to I a Ice cur? of tiivir 0c???rate money. that it would lm of fdWntalue after awhile. The .?mitiiiwl. rhlrWerring Jo the I'resideut# lenMfks, truthful!) say* : * 4* Nfuny person# are throwing awnv tnonevMiiuler the prevailing .mania foi nil kind* <if~exir.*vagHnre, whtfch tbev COtJd met advantageously n-e. peihap* iway aorejy need, after awhile. : . u As aoojt ni* the war is elided, the Confederate Ouvefnmont will have ft higher cradH than thnt of any "of the Slate#. It irus #o under the old iJnion, H ill?bc-80 under our' Confederacy.* Tt-was'the-ca## immediately upon the format i6li of tlre^okl Government, in 1*7S7. i^h?? obligation#* of tins Swtte*. had been rclling inr below par; fort thopfmpcet of tlreir t<ei?w n#*timwl <hy the Central Government c;m*ed them rap idly-Id advance, ami ubon the n#euu>p-< tion was ni.ule, they rose to par. *' ' , ' 44 There i# nil obvioti9 reason for the anterior oredil df the Central Goeetn, .inent. 'both under the old Confederacy Urtd the present, Cnngfws has almost unlimited power# of-duration; hn?l there sources of revenue which ?rw most prolific, such as vmyo*r and export dutier, are secured toTt ewlrtniyely. " At prerenf, the Cf>ftfede'rht?*eredU i# hw e#i?*bllshe(l than that of tfcc Sthte*. This is because of our heavy wun?r, and because our revenue from commerce ia suspended, Tho Statefor fheir own poliiicid interest#, and the personal individual interest#, of their people, shoui l no-.y Icii l their erddit to tliiJ Confederal#: They will find in #o doing an abundant recompense, apart ^ front^lfta ?Unpo^ nhfcl^^ey thus A |tKOTVivr?t?KigMing Joo Hooker U nniierUooj^jjj kafre lawn ttjauVMii* ktfH ?g*iu. . Uuroaida, before'hiu?, had been re*U??etl to activ^ command, ami sent out into the raotrntftin# ofJeniKs,?4|WP "T iblarTTiar*, m, lie >nco|aj&4 Jihp at Fredericksburg, *tm BuruJKhr returns to btk *1 wp. Abrahd^Kpuki i|ru? teem 14 far* - etnrtej VK a^f#e?mW round with hh? haad OeaeraTs/'t'Wel >oweli .H*i triad again U?for? the shelf forever. * Two mure,.a* *e eeo, bare bad another trial, but on ft fWored scale.. Wo that Wiir tiMidc, too, since his sKoniJ dU* mfemf, din" appear no morel "llWfeer wi}l soov follow. 1 lis. military genius i? of a eon ih?l makse Mr? rueh into a situation, akhout aeelng bis way through or A*ck. He doea harnt while if )mU. but * easy to caccb. The motjntaiit4 will finieb him. /AILbiiVpiw MeCMl*" I' For him there is ?d further indulgence,' no rem tot *tion of faeir, no tew trial, no rtsorJ rtction.?Mckmynd Sentinel. 0T~3Af ' _^K * ' 4 > rtf i 4 I ?I F POPUI " T^r1 -live ' ^if?siort of Itefp ^ a. f.f <.. ; \*l ^ IMMJJSAr H& "* ' ?^r1S53BUms_Q4per?tidir. ' v ; > .The illlWIt mi liclo on the ^|joaUo?i?Howr<7lf?cr-thcc >utrrj, M.rt*HoW: - y - "' .. VVfetnu&t givtfwora tnn%nnd aMen lirrn |?rlraifli^ -?fce yonJjkfu! of qtmfi0t?tton??r ftfSee who wgdei Mend the orp^viitiilien ?/ ?V? *K!yy??ia?'n(l,.jH\dUUo mentis Iff* fifoh it* p<jkWjrs tuay .be rooet rapidly davjal^ op q|/iwcHfdiesi rof what ibej.wiM fi':arjjt-?le*chty?. thai *ili .4in*e the moral gym iip; to *tdgn terv ?hort !?*-' sons to pupils?that will insut these 'lessons be ncourntolv lenrued, m?l recited Ht $ Lri>Wj*a<e, without the least hwlflng, Of Ite??t^oO^;Vhet'w'iJ1 prnclioe a profuse ^irRlionJng. imkI1cr<fk? ques-' tinning. I <M<lirig >u?fJihWar ju?l r'qjr -enough tlVo igforeiicVlljet* wi?l? tlienflo <Lrn w io octal J ft theftt to? Irtke the tlcvab IliemJelres. , I f plim led wheg they sticoeedhiud oncourOged when tlief: fnil fbfU tor a m'otnent.let tlie puprl loee Irtsmter**'. or rdacii'y. The leason bt,ing>l?or(,Jtfir| train on their -fneultta* will bo irtrbrl : "also, but rcwurwg ?o oftyn, will*gratls| | unity {milt! lip tbe moet vabiid-lo habits a ' I hum can who Wishes It? go into j 'lire world whj.o awake. with alPhis wits i about. Mm. We throw out these hints j i upon the mode of schooling for the ] benefit of tliose who may wiih tojcnch . their own household gods; t and we ii\vo u?> doubt that r hen school days ?ro ovetv * pupil so trained will not Only here bolter health and better* iriettf al -tuibiis. Jittt- n flfreftter fund of syllabip knowledge than if lie was cojppnlled to jffpd through h?ng .Uoo/* of spisirleM ,?lndvHal the expeuvc yt health bii<1 cPetifalneiA. ^Wd cannot too strongly , i in pies- on the minds of fathers,.mothers ?Hnd gusrdiaiUr th* macs-ity -of im proving tlie e.tapntinir'iii condition of the count i V. I'* Tiirli.spensablctuics Hltri preying need tn(i$?j>c Apparent to wfc j ry one. it*'well n? tl^frfcocihl >\jid. public ?th'.e of our couhtH^Mt case wc^ail.lo peifonn ihti -:<cro.! prom the Columbia Guardian.* ' A Tax in Kind the best way to support Sildier's Families. Mr. Eullor ? AH *V'i? ttgree that tlie soldier who leave- hi- family to otbnrl | i Tie eon lit i y, our homes, and our dear.est lights, while he* receive.* but $11 ; per m 'till', has ; right lo liave hisfatit ! ily cunifoiUbly supported while lie j| absent. Titi* i< hot a frvoY, hut a debt i.which i< f.iitIv due to liifh. The que* [ llftn then is, in what war' can this he ; most conveniently nnd ctlVcsually rtniwf? j To do it hy iiupressmi-nt, as ha* been j proposed, wdqlii ba harsh, partial in its I <>pera?i??n. etui thcicfore finjiwt. If it i sliali turn out that the ""Hoard* of He-' | licf,!" now constituted by Inw, shall from I any einiw prove insufficient to aCcoiu pu*n me ohj'.t'l ot llveir appointment, i mul eome other mo?lo of relief be deem ) ed noeftssnry Tuid proper, I submit lb*t i n tax in kind, lovierl by the Hoard of j each Diatiiet, wonlilr if properly loan j accomplish tho*ol>jtct do-igned. I If ihe tux. levied ba,-for example",: one ] per cent., the AMintor'a books already I made out, would evable the Hoard to ; fi* each tax payer's -proportion. '/he j Hoard, by it* agent, or any inernbvr.of the Hoard,-could give an order on any tax p aver requiring kirn. to deliver?? muchacorn,.wheal, ifcc., if necessary, to dchverit at bU.or her lioinc. Tiiifcwjll require Jlbat books, properly prepared, shoujd be kept; bull will not here go into del nil*." Any one vlto favors i?, can fill out tfle plan. My ob jeel now is simply to give the hint. I arn not avraic that .the present )?lan does not folly accord plish*rs put post,; i bur the fact that calling in the aid (if 1 impressment whs Under (he con?idera' tioti of the lA'guhitnru atits etira tea: slon iudicnte that H <fn?**noi. | All wlH agree t' at them stioirM be no failure to relieve the adKliers' family, whatever rimy be lb* plan. A - ' -* iiaV^iR. , ; ? V Wk find ihe f>t)owihg contrast, in ' the Cincinnati Enquirer. It apeak* a , vohime: " In h's correspondence with l?k Gov* .> ? I I ??-- u-r .f "ihwh\ m. vviiin, uvru lyfiHri mo urn iah Minister at VYtwhingte*, aaya 4h?( Mr. Sewaid, tiwn u* now our Secretary of Suite, fcAid to him.; r My Lord, l oan touch a hyH on ray light hand and order the arrest of a cilizm of.Ohio. 1 eon touch the holh again and order the imprisonment ?f a citizen in New Yoi tc ; and no power on earth but that of the ]p-*ai4eot eon release them.' Oafr thj Queen of land is hot' doniiniolA'Jo ae sou Isml Chatham, England, raid:v.* ? The poorer* man *?h hi? c^ttaJBe." may bid defiance to all the forcee of the Crown. L may he frail; ita roef^qfaj shake ; the wind may bloseibyoegk ft*, tho storm may enter ; the raiu may en ttffbfct the King of England jannot die*'it. Ail hra power doea n >t'oro?* ihe itwMt of that ruined tenement/' . $\obls?ian ?One who i* indebted to h}a tome*tom fur a name ami an estate, ,,,afcd rumetiinea to hiuteeif for buhtg 4$% u _ v ^ v ,.: t ? T)h*attf-~Alf recdleed into thd iungf I by nianya young men of faakics for the rtaportant purpose hfc ?mokrt?(f a cigar, ^or meerschaum, end vh tolling a tttOS. * .?*- ' * ?r* * * % # *" y.',11 'kH . ii ^ in..i.ny*' *i " * * ' ??;?~^Z; i \i,*- I^hjwriU.'i ? w??0 atJ r- ~+:~ ' ? R^O^jftCTOBEfr 29, 1W 1 111 -l-luS-l '--.11 Ml. -1- JJL-1' . Whealef'a Operations in ftnnwin . -:Jl?h?*!tfiTt8 Riuicewftlt operaefobs if|- ~i M id die TenpeSSeO Jir? CjmSfmo^. n? ' ^ neaed the'river-nt Cdltow iVrt, ?ho*o otf-iiip atofc of September, under a heavy fife, and routed, the enemy, and eatei\>< ibefiequatphieVal- < lay. 11a met n wrAb1 train, 1,000, wplt guarded, ?ml itt'faeked them. A Wrd^ltfeht en?ue<l; ?nd he captured ** arj'thing, including several- hundred prisoner*. lie killed lite mules and burnt the wagons xqd stores, lie peat sent Wbarlon to McMinhrillo toiwrW *n?k placet HIU' 'hen followed with hi* > entire forea. lie captured tha gnrrisoiy^ . 1 IBoIwdtng two ir^iinanrq of Yaqfra* in! fan try and- c?v?My;- aad thirty rations-for UosenonuisVarray. which bo 1 destroyed. ? ? ; ' He jrajwla.1 all the pri??0*?. and ex chsnjj^iJ "Ma yidrndafvnnorae* for once. lie thaw1 dashed op and daetrey ad-t1ih4>lfdflrc over Sfine and Duck Riva^hike WhOrtOn threatened Mnrfroeai<1. \Vhor'on tlo-n-joined Wheeler til iSlu^bywiHe."" The enemy w-er?,-r*i"mrced, flhd "fought nad <frore Wheelor kh*clf. rtj? retrwrftod acmes <1?* Tonn^ ! Se? I liver, netir (Jourtland. AJ*'. <>nr i loss lu)?vv, Unt it efasa hiiM.uU exploits Roddy is reporter! U> hn^e blown up thejunnel nl Cowen. ^ Forrest's' ieaigffltfioii h*s been liceep* ted by the PrcsidHb. "efcd * special command Weal giveu-wdnm. TheOrde* was-Vent witTt'a Compliment to hi* Xcrvlceli nod g*U?ntiy. j flit addition.*? the obbve. ? gentleman who left Jt'w'ne on I'fidsv, ::th*t Wheeler and hh com/band bed m* rived sjffw at Rome, having brought out 3.000 hor?-e?, in addition to the .2,000 killed ; lliht they captured and destroyed nb^nt 1,800 wagon* end stores to 'the value of fll.OO^OOO". ftiefbrtht* Hinted thai "Wheeler's loss t?a* nofrorgf. 3 JO, am) that he lost iio cannon, nnd Imd none with him. V ?*.*-* TTC* # *' RdvrutATios.? We admits the sentVHvenu^f thtt Richmond Sentinel iA the' We scout end spurn idea oC a re> -pridimion of the Cof?fjd?rWT*-il?ha-*M? J dcr any circumstance*. What I Shall] not the price of' our frcedoni b? paid ? Then we would not deserve to iw fr^e I Sooner ictthe bridegroom, who calls himself happv nud ?*k? his fi lends to oongratulato him, withhold the fee of | the parson, or cheat (be tailor out of Wis wedding suit. , J Hut the credit and bonpr of th* Sta'et mtf hdu nd yp with iftcae of the Con fed erney, beyond extMention <tr recall.? | 1 to lliu rorr term* r ( nrtr nunria. Hon:' *- ~ ' 1 . '' ~ -.v " We. the pe?j?Uj of the-Qonfederate | Staio*, tuck Hpite acting, in its aovt~ reign rind imlrpeudrnt churofter,, in vr der to form -a periuauenl Federal Gov eminent," Ac." * .The Ccniftnlerirte Government U thu* (he ngeht <)f the States, a* S'.t*to?. fta net hi tiuir*teU AY hat h m*a -does by another, he docs himself... Are we to lie told ?in rt in he whixjfcred?l|ini thin j J ngt'iit appointed by the fstutes may re- , pud into debts, mid the fiilh and lionor oPllin Slates be uDt*rin*hed ? Awhv tvtlli the idea that ouf share in (lie associate debt, contracted in defending our Hbfiiies, is less biiiding*iipon us lh*n oti'r oilier debts, contracted in Jigging eaniiN. If thcia in to he any "loss, any repudiaiion, any bafcCiuplcy, let I both fme alike. - Any- other oourv; would bo a dishonor from which Virginia. we trust, would shrink with loath ing. Separatth- Ot iofntlvr we wilf be ! honest, and equally honest. ? *M?- - Tmk Oif Nu??wroj?.?The family of .Napoleon, s?js Alison, (hough noble, luwl not been distinguished, and bail suffered severely from ipMortune. 111.- mot iter of the great captain, who ma* tnIVIced by great benAly*,;JUid no corqumn firmness and, itilMpedity of tpinj, *h?t*d in file faiigee an*T dans gera of hw luisband At ? period of great trial apd wae-Arigaged vith him in some ex piu it ions, on- horsebeek. Hi* father i diad ab lite age of iliiity^eigh;?but the . wajrt paracial care wa# mora than aupby tint i?qi1m;iv to whose earlv oil* aea'.ion and solicitude, Napoleon, in ?f tar Ijfea, mainly awibed hi* elevation. On one occasion, ha #xjwaaae?J the opinion that .the future good or bad eon duct of Mm. ohild depend anirety on the mot lie*. Though left n vidow in the pfhwe ef the motjier rtf N*f>oh?on bad already borne thirteen children, of itfbofti #*a inn and three daughter* -atereiv?4 ^fceir fattier. Sho lived to tee CotWor' iiu.retpteed, and tMtend of ; ponftMlng J&4* !?*/," that ' thonr Watn a,6O0 Vaohce oa?*lty at hfmralial, or at ] ?Otfte^U?er abfatnear AeUfitte, reporta fwitthllfrmiMBi ni^Mtfhapa (Utyvdorm I atjou* ffamv Spring*. 60 the 1 warred r -cy <. a ?^ w > Jn' ./ % * - t " - * ?. * w " v ?.?,, ^ -y^ '^T ^ ^ - . ? i if ii. mi* rr ' ,n FkOU TU I^lKAWIA Vau!<*.-? | There ? noW bat? verya*a?ll tumW of Yankee* lo the Kansarfc* Vftflejh a th?ooalro*a'd?r, berlng ? gorie roth (lie Lwr portion io Tiwm#> 1 Si, either lo MnfctM liurtMid* or Ro> 1 s*neraat,< Tlir jiere* now Ml thrYallev i cominu of four > eg i meat* and oft# b*f? t lory?A? ?g?Wt?' the * WIT *\ d, and 91?t OIHo, mad the Ah (bav' ? gas) Virginia. Tbo-1?th aod trial ace 1 At Fayottorillf, the oounty eegT mi Fajp. ^ otto oounVy, tb? 23d-ifl,*t Cliarleaton, j #n<] thf'ffth (bogurt, Virginia ia real-, fared at different pomu along lb* river. i TUeio'aie no cavalry in too V*lley.? < QcnttitJ Scammoo took With him the I lot awl -M (bogo*) Virginia cavalry, i the34th Ohio, (Zou***) recently mount- ) odjjdyreilt (bogus) Vixgioi*, atfil Wo- 1 IftdltnV battalion. A littlo duh Mil i '<ptcrprW,a? the'part of oar forces rata lbs Valloy eeoldy-U i? believed, clear it i of ihe-eoetor. ~Jy Z.X " Moyat^a_ToMa<x? COMR AOAIW? iipmortiH.Pwreon Hrownloar 1wi? turned up again this lime ita Vletter lo the"" Cincinnati Commercial, breathing tire and destruction. upooHhe u rebels.", lie *ay* " r ' ?| >' For ray part, I bo?e eveey confidence in our ultimate success. Let Uoven orans be rlillforqaMt, and He afff WWy [ thaw bole Confeoeaeae*.' The mediation I advocate is thai of the cannon and' the-aword; and'iet there be no- arrais tice, on mja or land, until all (be rebels, front and rear,' North and South, are subjugated of e&lermmlMod. Aud then let condign punishment be tpeedilJL 'meted out lo The .surviving leaden in * lata unholy cra?ade against civHizatioq. [My motto is Greek fire la the raassA f .9 l.^i! A - r- ?% ? ? * ? nuu nan nre tor meieiuiers. /vod none but the loyal *hbuld he'eemetihed fn the*: greet easting tip ofrheae acconm*. W. k INO??mw. * i ..Oua.Soi.Meaa at caicfcamaaea.-^ 'Hid following i?JM extract ftoui a letter written by an officer in.the 16th Regiment, 9.0. V\ Gist's brigade,dltTO ocrobet^ifti - ' t- * We lave had a great- deal of rftjjl during tfl&jmst wee(r?..?t?d our warnp it now c^ie -rant mud' puddle. TV$ tyc still without lent*, and i aiu afraid wih liavo to do withotu them "during the I ififiler." Qnr men are ferj much in| want of clothing, and mnnv have no Mantels. Gen. Gist hp* directed the commanding ofiicere to%requoat the mew lo call upon fheir friends al -Jionu Jar comforts and bktnl-ctj, at iht QbutrnI mmt will noI be able to tujyhf When our baggage Van burned at^en* I toh, Mis*., our brigade lost nearly everMliing. TIk; creek that s^peraterour. avfvaticed l,iac* fj-oaTlhw reat ofthe ariay? is now falling,- aft hough atW Veej high* A? aoon n* we can cross we are H> gf on picket <l?ty?" < >- ?/* . Votk wo Govk(ikor or Gioe-M ta.?In one hundred and five COutitiee iHo Sstvurniah Newiir-thattes thb role fir Governor: Brown, lD.827 ; IU1I, rt,? -428; FuHow, 0,342. Brown'* lirejbriiy over boltie 1,057. Tbe other 28 counties will, doubtless, increase tbe HU? joiity of Gov. Brown several hundred. Return* from lh* Army.?The^ returns from regimcA<# military mgnnltniMm f??t~np, for Brown, 1?,? 012 ; Hltl, 3,324 ; Furjow, 1,8B7-==gtt~ ing "TvW# n majority la the army vol*!, ri* for ?s beard frurh, of 5,801. The ftiejority of GevTUrown over bolt hjy wompvtitort will probably be avdt- ?M tfaon?eod. UOl.? fct?a>? Furldw _*roore than two to om. ?v * . , nkvw from tits tsi.axds.?Nothing of intereU at the batteries Isefc transpived since our last. TheHhring on S*t? trvday was a little worn btiak tban-usuaL Tlw enemy appear to be eoaetroeting. another coferod .way between Gregg aYnh Wsgner oa this twbt ftsstfsg Pert John*6n. .. * A rumor was ear rentals Saturday of att est peeled raid on PacotaBgo; arising doubt lass from a reported in creese mf the eueinv's resent* en llihba Bead and. I ifcfr disappearance of aererel blockadera | and tr*n?p6rta frQlO our hftfbor. I The flfct, including the Ironsid<m and | four monitor#, rmiwi quiet el their old anc hor?gr.?jQunrieiton 'C*urifr, ?0A. I ' <r~y -r ?^r Fixakcial. CondvtiOk gagmk S The Mowd report of the (Jompifefljp. I .General of Georgia, joat die cmIi WaUttee in the TreeMtt^Bfciobor 15tb, fc nj??;?03 44 ISi Mod aaaota of the 8tato are $992,400, excluarra of tbo Wfalem m4 Athtufifj ?t State fioad, whkA |M?id iato the Ttmt* utj the leet.$eo?l*y??r the mm of"fT,660.5Q9. T4e total vHtte ?/ Dm to**' U? property of the bute la $991,6*8* 683, an *weeet ?T$4ia,244 ?** 1859. the iyweaea of Jayy per eeeMp'the return of 19di, aA?eh doee lux loefc&te e want ofcouflJeoce id thel ' r-??. w Tee- AoeiarfUe Journal -etetee that |$? jfrtriUa General Uichetxkoo, wdo bet *o loag been, a terror to the Fed?* mi, in Wert Torrent*?, bee bee? te^n lie bed ventured to Mowphi. n diagtrifto, but wee ieiu|aieiil I and arretted. * J ^ * l : ' ** # . . vt4^? ' >r*? * i V * ... frTnvft*' . . - -*> v , ?* - *>4v;' 'If* 11T>.. .. S ^ * *' ? ^ "> * ,'m. > V^H1' ** * . * ? . * " r, . -,fL ~tm .-*-' c ***** -yL\-* ? J " ? * /V *" ' V* -Jl. ' . ^ . t. .>, 1^.* . aH^ga; . tee Bwf e peroelnf hoawHal gd'afe <r^i is^&^a&fcss: frrfvU of tfifl tnrfn'io W atf, flT wa* pood tt be***fcl? opeo.aod , nui?i>? \ J?nte, birt*,' dnM? and aocka. ? r'. . Mr. Price- immediately reported the Faftt to the Afoot, add upon Mkls In- ' luiriw, be learned ikaf Jenainmhed \ %n mn JEStSzSmi53^io% ind ebb, after It* arrival. Mr. Price immediately a.-rested^ him and id*bt.m' the ?a?y *e Belonging to the renoioge. aoon oonffeased complicity ia Ibe robben^jMid implicated a watchman at the dopt, and several employees afednt i he shop#. ' ' ~/ v Tbe priaooera, with the partfce 4A* * plicated, were carried before Captain Treeerairt, Commandant of ibe Peat.? Upon searching Jennings, several-p^ua of aodlta were found in bis pocket*, whfcfe " be confessed war* -J? *- **" investigation revealed ihe fret (HA jto-. ning* uad alto stolen several k|gi of Government floor, and told the agna<rlo ranew f?tias at the railroad hafii' I portion of whiol) hat since been recovered. Mr. Price succeeded in srgfcirfag nil, or nearly all the stolen goode. ,-s A. k?artng of the ?*?- Kot'oie M*?mtrate Butts resulted Ui rending JemiTtig* to jail, to await- hid trial at the pa*t terra of tha ftupoeitfr OnuM, , charge of laroeur. -* 4 *. -v. It is to be hop?d that upon a futtvnvestigstionoftbisjeaae'scwui i?fV>rmftti?>n ip*J b? alidtad which will fesalf it farithig out-ather iftievas who nigb?hVtft;d -oven fiwilv, perpetrate rdhberta* - nprm railroad trains and dhewhere. 'iTybread-hs has. at last-bean caught up-which #jfl bring out surprising result*. * MtTcU. credit is*due Mr,' Price f ?rhl*?o?*Tf?T' in dialecung this clan of TeSbbw1*: would R&viae those who luvc *t<Mcn ,-lo steal no Souk of our eoNraporarias are in er*. ror j?, witting Mission" Midge, -Vn, front of Chattanooga* iuetend erf " Mistiooyy " Ilidge, which is jhe aorictp nam*. The nlqia -originated in ihjtst .way; - The boeotn ot valley enclosed by thfcf Ridge and Look Qwt Mountain apd ;teunen?ee rpte*, was at one lirae tire setUeraetJt of the Roes tribe of Indiapfc, and. the Missionaries occupied the ridge -above. (Void which if took the uaoie of Missionary Ridge.. . "* '"C (SJSfc ael'-T. i '?gf S -v w Moms. Pam^the French Consul at JUutftnofid, W beau raised lo tbw rank < wer VQ the Legion of .Honor, to mark the Etiiperorti s&usfactioj. with . the maotT# Hi which hwnraidtimlA tho jusnrapno ne^ouwMii vWMi b#iT? tik^n Lpleoe hl?m thc<3qafo4?*> te ?j Lo? peri*) GoT?roinfipSu? " Cn^LLgyQK-c-CjJltBa opnwr' ? man who m hurt J2rfe2feg? (o g?e ybu fthtufection?by shooing yon thrbugh the bod/. . . . . Or'trio#?A wprtcWfc j/rMt^te . Pjd*-?'Dm tilent mouth-pir***/ tin naiad, which gives ubigaity sndfinftMenence to the evanescent of 9k momwt. a :-t' ' Qliu.8?Are things tW are sometimes ukeff Amd the ptutonr 6r goose to spread tb? opinion of MMh*. ChJldbkh.?Jean Feof ssjs beautifully of chitd*?-" srro hMHBt ike sen." f">v. Atriox? tofe." r"ll*h*-' not #orfc ih?t kilbrmen, h?i??o??y. workbhewufcy ^*W|WiWtN8Wi ITW WWptlLiiH Wore upon ? men then he ceo heai**worrying i* cui ypee the We*.. Tt is . not the revolution but the friction *HMdt : wrmOTHavr^ '/* ^ f^ ^ 4 'fcJ5S^l53^^^ m JC ?*?W, ^ J? * ' 1ShiS^aB&0S\'u* at \km <mrn*im.)>?;4t??4t:, *m*? igStSS'^SSsf :.' public intoMTiipm if>?? / m * a* korft 1* ??o ifcrt Um IWi im*> ii(ii Lij t|j idhw juwh w " # JJ~Um<k,.J>hif.. /?,. t ^ i v. - * ' * i "V"' ^ # . - ~ 4 ' * ?-.' ir * v ^-T^L r\ t&titemjtmm