University of South Carolina Libraries
K ^s|E^\Nro rrg<r< In Ii.Ht Ci?pV/ ?b"* r^ii*4tiKiw2^?? I^V *1, .lie ?KII ?l??rgcil BHM^H^B^MtVitffed <>f f*t.ies:piHjy%n "I'lnRvrfnl ffijjj|teMfc ot fiit+nck-rip^ in the Arnjr, n* iufotui*<1 .~/v6r>ic ((hi.J SouthSjj^^3^^^ggg*,wo?r* ?t to SPyS^I^Us in the unity of humanity T,* , -jiwrkq^laarinorty for the sou). ts s^formhln'nlc to fire Hocft^ JfljSJtf- i*?* .s I|2L IT U> v?t.,n*. H Out. to sh*r*. -'^^B^Air h^ubi* fmrt ot thy food X'yfc 9**> awt o?lm rtky pft3?i<*iehe. .? TJ?lil I bear theft* Il)>**t>e4k -fre#. ' ?r MHrrvE".. Awl |ke thoae #jm aAd that fond Woftftt, ^HMLh>1 ..((thrajmi* h^e. Anil theft ^ bngfcftAnd h??7hs ns fair fna* t* . "V pT*t anxious {flare/*l!ii! Hieo "to love is all my Care." . line* ?* tiik dsatb ok jjtth maut a. stk.vCIoka (ho .loor irorjlv, B^tT. *'' v j* Hridt? the kind hreath, ^?, -' Our Mtlle cnrtii nn^'l t Is talking with "lifith. HIb nrms oLout-her, BE** if \ lie bears licr owny 1 Hgj^r- ' .. MtlMC oontc- (ioitiro * ll-toWn from the 1'lUe dome ; "Aminla are ebantinje The pweet wftlcotne home. jfea - CVme, flr^Von \rect>er, ^ Come to the low l.ed, UY . ? Our Mart is dead I k "iv * Smooth out the ringlets. Close the hlnclc eyes; ? ' Ko wond'r such'heauty . IViscltiiu'd iiit'nc (kits! * j pi Wilson Col well's, ?Cewl>er?T "Hip iiiof S CI." fifth of August, THf'.ft, <M Lrsjn fever, C/VURY, only daughter of Contain j .1. T>. and J. C. Southern, oged five months and sixteen days. Being their firet. and onlj* child, the dot^ ^ inp young parent#'hearts arc deeply enVved. . v"*f This little angel was the errlhly idol of all ? the family circle. lake rorne rweet w hite Jilly nipped in its spring-time beauty- l.y roine tin natural froet, liu'c Carry has withered t?v the ie.y hand of death',"# f.d her pure little epirit lias pone to her eternal happy home heyond'the skies. Sorrowing parents and friends, weep not'for her.? Vow have another object in Ilcavcu to ?ttrnet yotl. thither. "There she i? r.ow an nngc'. And with the angels stands, A crown upon her forehead. - '* ' "A harp within her hand#;" for .Terns say#: " Suffer little children, and I forbid them not. to conic unto hie, for of inch isJhc kingdom of Heaven." .- a. T j, Ct ZW Till: nntnerams friends of Captain A. Ot PEACE respectfully announce him a candidate jfor SHERIFF of Greenville l)istrict, jit tlxc next election. rtr We are authorized to announce J.ieuL Colonel "WALLACE It. lOfflt a candidate for CJ.EliK OF COURT for Green ville District, at the next election. WE are authorized to announce Hon. dAS. FARROW a candidate for re..election to the Congress-of the Confederate Mates as Representative from the fifth Congieisioqal Distinct. 85ff Reword. . T>ANA"tVAY, on tlie 12th inst., from the | X residence cf hi* master at \yilljhm-j M?n, H. C., C. F.. llorton, a NKGKO 110Y.1 named SAM. Said hoy is ahont. thirty-t wo years old, heavy hitflt. very hln-fc,. quiets ?[>okfn, five feet V inches high, firm toun tennnee. lie i* supposed to"he lurking about in. the neighborhood. of Col Ww. MeAeely, in Greenville Itistriot,where helm* rilativesi Tb? tiliovc Kewafa wilt we given for his . - delivery' to /lie -ntidert ignOd, into whose <h?rge lie i? to be delivered, or into any j*tlVwt<?nt he can be secured. _ - v J, BCruRNfin. * * ' e 24- VHeadqurtrters, , Commissary. General's ItVparlinonf, > Columiiia, October C, 18f.h/ \ N^OTICK h hereby given to the "Hoard* of Pohlief's ll<flii*f *" throughout the Slate, dhnt I!>ey will ho supplied, as here toforc, wjt* OCEAN BAI.T for distribution to >?rc?ly fa nifTins of soldiers at onsi and expenses, oh aprlJVniirn to llija Dapnrfinetat, J'.y order of the'Governor. - li-Jqil AilD CAHpvtETJ*? Went. Colonel end Coromi%*RrT ' _ . State < " South Carolina. Oct is." \~C- ' V * I * Regimental Notice. TX pu reunite* of General Orders, No. f,? JL of the Adjutant and Inspector General i f the State of South' Carolina, all white j . mate* twtween tl*e ngca ol e i x te e n nntl fix j fy, wiihin the 3d Regiment of S. (!. SI., nro I lrniiircd to be.tinii npf>fnr nt TP3*'KY'S ()|J) P1HJJ>, at JO o'clock. A U., on ,SVrf. vrilty, 24ffi day <rf Ocloltr, 18*8 All white njrle perrons within Biii^Rcpi- < .merit between the' ngea of eig)?ilV??n ynl ! forty-five ww'.uding perrons whrt jtrtve fiirniehed rubetitutea in Coofeder.'Re e erf ice, J *re*Mc*t nlienr .ml other nerton? who have j nYoidefl Confederate C?I?fcrif4io?i by reason of any eivil employment, contact- or en- j payemeot, nnd excluding ntWIio hfcVehoen 1 ?}ee1g*ed c*emnt. fropi netnal military For -[ Vice heVood ine limits of the I>*triet in ' whjali ft?< y pn^iile, by nn Acivof thirOer.e-! Tpl Aaeeihlnfv, Wntified , ?h* Cth day of, February; TbfiO, nr (Thereby required <<?*e; j , Wtt fcbeir names a^d ftSf<t? lo die command- ' t tng (ifflcers of their rerperNrr l!e*t Corny v i nlA or fwfore the day em whiafc snsfi L Hetflnieol is itecem ordered fanVnemlde. * , oJjecra of ileat CVnjmnien wUI prepare retorn to the cOminntiding ^rlfiecr <tf the Regiment^ t wo lii'nW'e ems. Jh-ncicg all wtiitC mnlv perabtH wlf^Jfn ?mM Kegiu..aptbctwe< n the agts of eighteen and fifrty-fire ; and another^' eml'raeirjg ?U while mala p-r*>ns br*wccn the ages of *ix- | teen and eltrftfeeiv ah?l for^y-fivo nnd sixry, j ' regWlng w/ehin jwid fle-^tnnrnl,, , Cenrininndtiig offleera Coi.ij amies , -* . wBI jfrMrjilljf esOnfi aAd damWte tW fthof> or.ltfty,' yP/?orurannd of . . ? W.^a'.sti .. ? C*1. S3 ltegiiifontjfti. Cvftf,. - . J. T. Artarfa, Adjntftmt. CJT" The flreenvtllc Tirol Cnr.ipnnr bn\?, i?ig siti ofjhwrs. w lit eon Milne th^nterlfvii-oi* , -it r U" to-1 j f 3"r-?in llw *ho\*4'iite a v' , - , | > -'ee'hv tl* jsiui't' 'l-eif t. v\f" ? t,\V-W? > a* "" 1 t * % . . '.* !.? d f*. ^ \ '/ " .* * ?; * /... . * *' v a* - * * . y *7*. v r- ' ' ' - \ - '1 .1. . " M" V "" ' nE<rn",ialf\^ gHn-u JLV tli#t m'stiU cond)iOl>ng ffte TiLII?okrtfp l5L?iHB$a wiw b* r*itMWfl in f(?r U'OKK but l'ltOVI^IONR ./V their tfimnUif\ far vliioh tliev wilt do wnrJc at oi.i> l'Rtcw, jirovltleil FOOf> ,b? ftirni?h*H at oM j>rl<N-?t or If nt ?n nd^vnnee oft Ihrfr, n prnjirortioiiirle advance fll be eliorRed on Work. OetalxU- io U4 T ~ state" Adjutant nnd Inspector OenemVn Office,! CotiiuiA, D?^Ur 10, Vs#*"- ) Qenera' (inter*. JVS. ?,S. , T". PEH8OS8 notWylnfe the Adjutant. and A? Inspector (5?mcrpl of.the SIW? that 4hfj Lure, claimedexemption flow ponWcrate service muter the law of the frtato, before* tftc Confederal# Knrollibg <Tl!icer?, "lb<!c of Ui?> pi c^lani.Hion of-hie excellency the (ioverngr, of.t'yj^#<h instant, shquld no! only strite thnt I hoy nave, made llieir claim of bxemptjoa, J?ut thul it*?Ji!?s been <lcnicd?iifid flint flicy jtnv'e beoti arrested for rnfif Irrvloe. Tlie dl j.-et had in view is to lake the neceaanrv steps to 1 ?ri?:jr any cause, in which |Wc lssoe Tins beot> made, before the legal tribunal for trial nad decision. Jiy command : A. C, aAPI.TTCOTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. ,-Oofc 1 ft .24 2 6"W~ I'npers of the Stale copy twice. regimental Orders No.'l. iTi.-AoqrAnTrns, 1st O. "Sf. TN l*itw?nnre to orders to'me-directed X the FIJI ST KKOiMEXS. K.'C. M..'Ai!l parade nt JtRL'TOJC'S OLD HELD, on 77inr*ftn>i. 9.7/1 Ocfothr, f-r lite | impose of enrollment <>f nil posers front the n-^c < f sixteen to sixty years within said Regiment, and will assemble on flint day, ot 10 oVci'k, A. M, precisely. Also, before the day apj>oiiited for the parade, the officers commanding bent companies in said rirst ltejji ment-will make cut Rolls of nil pel sons -re siding in taiil Jtonts from the ngrs of 1(5 to 60, designating on the list tl^c aire <>f each |?r!on,'^vi^ linvinp ?uliEtitutee in Cmifrdo rule fervid, nitW resident aliens. nod. if < \fhl hi ion from service he claimed, Fjnling tli* protind tin which it churned/ * Iiy order cf I.rrvT-Coi.. UTAKF.I Y, Pom. 1*1 Jioif'i ii. C. M. I.. Pi-Pet', Adjutant. o<t s ;n 2 Managers of Elections. GRF.BNVlLL.Vtr. If.?11. Honttie, T. C. Uonc/ and IV. MpCru.oruuV?Juv. Gainer, T. II. Stokes; nnd 11. I*. |1ul m*o;d Tonka?J. I>. Sollivwu; Dr. T. Weousides end Dr. D- Pvt.". lift Monro. 1"aievi?.w?11. 11. Uiti'lu, II. M. L'oly ntni "Wil-on IVdon. KroTkuasV?T/nniel Fowler, P. ll. Wertmoielnnd n.'d A. J1 Ic'rlor. pAcntftr"#?Gcorpa W. Keith, Joseph Ciirsow nr.d 1J. 1 IcmVrson. . Fovnt.wn Tnv?Wiljinnv Me}icely, 0. T. Ilrphcs itnil I!. Ynvpjinn. t'ti. CAMr Cm r.K?David Davenport,' Pa v'.d Unvjto And Ferry Cnntrcll. OowK.sATU.t.r?Dr W. A. Moo..or, J. .\1.. Hutchison end Jl. IJowhn, - ' UiriTAiii*'1?J. W. Austin, IT. I.. Jlendoreon r.nd W. A. Austin. M ayhbi n't?J. 11. Srnycr, L?. 1\ Wot n:.?l T. J.andcrmnn. iMr'iiH'.i.ii'i?Tho?. Turner, N. \V. Car rieon npd 1\ Is'. Actor. Shockilv.t'a-*G. Green, Wip.- Cunirinp. limn arid Wjlii# Greet?. M?Nf<?ftMir.r*<?Th?>s. IV,' Flo vee, C. C Montgomery nn?l II. P. I .y noli. ('kpat. Fail*?I. W?Jlo;d^!ir,.Snas Trowl.yblpe find Willi* (.Tanner FoLr.rr.'s Ftoj-.r?11. T. Telly, WiMiann Cos end 11. Goode. , PrinoVs?C. P. Dill. O. IDrrcll end A. A. Tvcyes. MAsoNV-oOintra Parton, David "KcChiir. Ti.os llend. "V ^ Gnoses'?Pcrjnr.iin Few. II. 9. Gibroi. nr.d Win. Picks >n. JlonaV*?D. \Y. IIcnT^e, J. D. Da via pud John F. Jflghtover. Pier kt'*?-If. Keller, W. D. Fowl, r end K. ()% Dickey. Datta vii.t.i:?f!. W; J.estcr, Jeo. A. Smith nn'd John F. Ktr;?. . la porscfjuenee of the eh^emsf of n {'reel runny of th? Managers of KleeJiorts for orvguytllt' ui.?ti tut, r.?c trolulit r? of the Jtfg. i*la?iiro for ?:iM I>ii*triot lmvo r>|>|M?int<<! tH<v nh'ovc n.imoij pr-rroi f to mnnii-jp t!x? cloAiion lu'W liolil for n member ctf foiif<r tlti-> fonjjrct-ii)r.ot Plot'sol, ft, tbc tir?f '1 Hwlny 'llfifr tbc third ^loiKin}* in I October, being the yblli <uiv of the month. t. j-ii>u in v. aj:h, X. J-'. 1U&RY liAMiAM, CK'OFT, -J. K BOYOtt O'rocnvi'Jo, S. C., October f?, Oct 8 , 23 -2 N?ti03. " . 'piiR.CO^iHSSTQNKiTs of' I'OA or. of .L 1br Jlfp.-r I ^r" i-i-qiiortcd to moot nt Tfr??tun'? Olil Fiold, on yihtr'J}/ ATA OetoLrr, in*!af>t.. r . *. .? - - II. .1..0TLBEATII. . Ort l _ * jig- _ _ 1 i i6d orj\TKs.(jriN(,Yr, 50 DO. sui^xi.iiQiiriiixT; received, and- ILr talc, LOW, i.y F. A. "Walter, Jr. . Cvt R -t. 23 tf EXICL'ToirS SA LE. ~~ O WlU, KKSOI.l>, ?t fho Into' r?fi JSk ion?C of TM03J.AS LANtfJ.FA . do re./i?cd, on llic l?ntliorfoi ! Ifon*] 12] trdfer from OrtfciwiHe. (' If., on Tve*-\ day, JJ7<A *"?tant, tlia fullouiii: j?orsr?i *j1 1 proj.'.<>rfcy, belonging fbe'JOstnto of ?unf deceased, VIA: Ris lfke'v N r.dVGJZI: HvaI W ir?ncj>; otc,?*oi:f 27 r-rnl I ho j wHKri, olWr <ff>. rod lluvo hiU'ren ; tSkIm ' WTr".j ' Jit:< ?r l' ' 'it a )..1 of CA'i'ff.K,MIRH' niul IlOOSu ' one jftJMe, ntid ?o? SfFlLL ni.-1 Il-'Itj; alio a I04 ?f.Ji. i? 4^-^ tkii3 KtUlnrf rill rii!nr<?.* mi'rf? k on <T.'ir of salo. ' .WAGING TON TAVJ.OH. *Li '* * Intoculor. ryt* \ ? 2? *\ *" n Fez .Sale. i.*' A'liKAliTll'i'i. and v/ilna''10 FAUM? tin* J'mieh Tiroad fliver. Frtt |\nlioi;l?rr< T'.p'y tlinmgli the- l)?nU'a . Htx RTl'rwfOlrio*, JVrrtJi I nnoVmn.-fo ^ A?1 . BTROUttA UT. o ?? 1 v >.- , 2# . r? *. A.rB^votvnA flaJfr*. TV fUL m>yU?-o a? K<-w>*<Wnu)d .A M.J MrCAS!**. l\l n.faiA rtW. if brotigltf n"\ my lien* at AfATVaV Null. * , - *'? 4 . If -WSNNi: VP? ' r ' " ?.?'lVo^i >? li A J * I'di''!? - . 1 * . V > . , ? * # , ' < i ' . ' * * V r i \ ^ 1 'i 'ill'- "J JLJ8jojv ,j&x; ^Ba0taSjes< i IAU everMrrs ll.d owners of plnnta thins to vhoni~e?itJfieiUe? of?e$e*np * tion 1\ive hereto/ore been nr<u?ted, midfr e Act of Concross, ?pproved Oetober 11. \ 18C2, ore hereby ordvre<l to report toJtii e Enrolling CAur of tljelr reapedive Tst?- * tricls, to lie enrolled for f.ervlce. Al?o. nil r persons who hnve hitherjo hertt vthhheVd Tfom Conscription by reason of olnlmingVx- ? i._ l.?r it... vi-.? luji uuuri vii*.- ?u w p vi .iuc v ,- 1J. I'ereoh* liable to enrolment for per? " vie'cmmler l he foregoing order .wilf bo t lotfrrt to erf forward .ns rffonfeer rrcruit*, i iyin'fW Tli?y report 4o tl\o?Kni-oUlj?fF-OJ-" t floor of their respective Distri?tf, iodienTiiig " the companies of their choice. 'end go for- c ward by the 2(jtb day r>f October, All f 4^pi(H)n?ro reporting will- bo furnished with 1 certificate# l>y the Enrolling OfTi<*<re,* r( at " \ . ing Hmt they volunteered aigd pc'-ceted their companion before enrolme nt. .< . 1 III. That privilege of Volunt earing hereby ' extended la, under the orders of lift1 Wftr t Department, subject to thine restrictions, that no one of conscript ago, shall volunteer into nny'oompauy organized since the 1 Kith dnv of April, IStl", nor into nnv"company wfiieli msy I e already foil. And the t Commandant of-Qoneoripls ??a r?|uirril to j make let pi ltd lion for tiie'return to thcjDainp "1 j of IiiWruction if.every person who shall ! go forward without, tirsl tcporling to the 1 I Enrolling Ofnoer of his District, cod lor ev' ry person who shall be mustered into nry u [ cojupainy wbieli is oJready full, or into any * I company organized since the 10th dnv i f <1 ' Aprn;l8??. | IV. Jlny overseer who was employed and ,'setirg'ns sueh at the date of Apr:! 1(1, lfm, 1 ; ntid has continued so to net, hot is not now I.engaged on te | Imitation which entitles ]ii? i employer to c:r*im the exemption if st'cli overseer, wiii be permitted to take emplny- t tnenl on any plantation which, under the | provh?ii>ns*of tlie Act of Congress, approved \ May 1, ISf.S, is entitled to lite exemption of" nn overseer; and en the compliance by il employer \\i:h the proaislAna'nf said Act. i such overseer may lie exempted V. I'V f<-etlon 111 of the Act of Congress, np- '1 provitlMny 1, 1 JS?".t,1be exetnj tioti is authorized ofyuch other persons "a* the lVosi n dent shall he satisfied ought to he cxempti ed in Districts of country deprived of white ,-] J of slave labor neeessnry for tlie support oT ! Hit population remaining r.t lu tti-, end on *i ' account of justice, cijuitv and necessity." VI. Application* for cxcntp'mti under |8 the section roeitt-d should iat nddt'esri-d to I he Secretary of War, selling f->rlb nil the t | material'fact) ncd should he sworn to by j the applicant* end verified by the ontha of I at -least two ivspoc.'nble citizens. who nre I ( | cognizatit of the facts to which thee ntliim. I ] IVlii-n so ropined, thev should he loft with j I I !iie 1 oenl llnmllirg Ufiu'ur for Inv-s'igatioti, ' who will tot ward them thro?;-Ii! th<?e|c I I Icailn tin i-l era. with liis rciior! on tl'.--fuels i (VlK All n|t|>|ic?li)>nt for tpffsrimlion in reference In osompiioi's, or l?" per i ti) injr fo !' <* <*ph?oi iplion, or (<> i p'nihi? I fiir wji: d of v?V1uhI"?t i o-ruil'.* fUoiiI I l.e n mnuc to'the looni Enrniln't; (Mlie'-c* ( '. 1?. M i.I.l < s CoRinifir.dunt of. IVnrei ipts of 8. C. Oct s 21 ' . ^ It ' ,] ?2?" Cnro'lftintf 1 iLroo timrn on rl j | JorjiiMn diivr'1 l i .*'<>!>Iv Oniricr nml Mor- |'] cury three .limes; nil oilier i^.p.rn in Uio 8 Into I? ico. ' . LOCAL rxi7tM.Ll.Nf: OIL ICT, L ' L OUKKNYILL':. sV 0 * ( I A LT. mor> ulm Imvc o'.ln^n j?l c\oniplit>n? I 1 V. fi? OVrf.n.Sf'.l.U^, \\ ill report t.i tu? | ? [ nl iny office wlUiuul- delay. _ . If V.. VVCULATIY. ,1 niul En. Oflioer ( roonvlllf 2>Lt.,8. C. * ^_O.I 1 * - . 2 I . STA'J\E OF fcCUTIi CAH0II2JFA." ! Ml ' | k * ? w? t j -J'" 0 r ALJT A XT' INfd'jYl f. TIN'S (M'TIGE, < <vi i. cr 5. i.silfk I A'/LA / /Y.' L C'Jiltl J:s 2\'(>.r i". IN fmr-uniiee of nit Aol-of tli? < I ./Vs'rpii.lyj nifitlod "An /.- I,, i vide for volunteer <" ini j|?i ? ,-f i >ni' i<il ! I icfm.frv, ni^il f. f oilir-r j-i:rj.-o, " ijil.Vilj' 1 on }!io StoCli of'Senl Tnl.or. Js.-;; vo'iir.leSt ! cnrnpnnie* of tnonntO'l infantry will no- | j for Slate ro-v.iro, In cnn/M of not i leas than (?^xlv-f<>ur '?;I) ntfil not iyqi c Jrnn-i f j one himih-ed (T0<') men, < xcIuhv.* nf catii- i mlw'oiT'fl cfilMt.*, l'ir?np? of nnv r?", !il I provided tb<\V nee nhlchndied, v i'l he ?tl- | ! lowed to volunteer. find aujJi n* do vniivi-4,] , tecr in c( injvwwe* ihnt'nre ac-i-pitd, n ill I J n''t i n enrolle] {.'> ftclive p.-ivut i!is<Jfr"j * j?:;r;?L""A] !i Vlf r.' thiponTTr. IT n h.Tllrient j iiniiit.?-r of mid enrrpn .>= are rflVf <1 and ' a | nA-, t. .1( 1 hoy will he ( i^i.niz J jaio l.n! !r tnii)},? ntul rcgiignr !.-". ' i II. All llnl.-le to cnroli*nni;t ifn-j N ! dor the Ant referred to, \i;:: ' All white'* I tonic in tl Wl'tiiio bflVWi thcapo* j * of uurLtrm and fnrty-fivo, incltid'iPS pcrion? j * j who hr?>*e fnmildied mdiftitnto* itiCorifedrt"- ! atoBervice, ro Mdenl aTion*. ftrid,OBhor pei-Bonst t j who linvo nv'nidod Cmifeileral e eweiiptHiTi { , | 1 y y? ??kon of 013* xivil empVvtbrnl, Ann-| j i tract or onf'ngerm nl, And e\"elisdini; all w L?< t I liovc hoen declared rxemjfl. Tori) rettinl.i < qdlitary reryino hiwntol 1J j.? |iniit.-< (if their | Itiuli ii-t." in. which .1.1 *y v?m<1--, I yon Art of ! r the fleiternl AsfnrLi.Y. rn'if.i d on the Cth j day rf 1-YbvV.iiry. I H n re hereby r. q'dred f In report'th -ir rotiv- njtOR tin- < ..?q- * i inaiplicf^ if tln,:r rAApeoflre bent | ! enrsipanir* r-n or hcfnie tin- day on" which j ? j 1 lie>r r? e|' clivc regiment* uro h?t< iimltrf 1 ^ I ordered ty. aa?.i.,1.1c. I ill. la qddittan In ilic enrVdlir.Mit t f the J", I persons nicrtionc'1 in ilie 1 rwcfii^ir- pnnr 1 graph -if this order, for tlwrj urp't** <sf <>|.-T j infring on' aecttrntc return of the nrni* ' 1 I < rftinf: popr,T?t7<m if the Stole mwl 'heir, ' ngot5, nil sy l.itn n-?l?-e ,l>ri ween I he Atrc4*cif.v | sixteen <-:(5liti 011 oml fic-i v -fire ond j eixtj- e-c requii-fj tw he einvllnf jis herein ; rifij r ilircclcd. | -.JV. Pur the lin'rpofc-fif s-cyrliis: ??nl *rn- ^ ro<inimt n* f)'ntiUJtr ns j tli>?'M>litVfl^ llt-jj-mr n\e O th? Stele, rmlvx'inp pinfopn be I ft-< ao the TT'i-o Aho-ir ftnleil, I ho-< Idrcen pistoprf"nn.'l fixtv tpnra.j 8iv ordcrpif I ? n*"eer.iMe at Oj<iri:>u*J plnect of pnraile A ;nt tlic tirofs hireiiirtflor rf/b<1. , V. Tore 11]** <1 my t pyoiufeiJ f?V the pn ' t-ixlc of (lie r^gVfii*vl?, ife C'.t'mnml imp of ^ fieer? of heal cotfi panic#, the oflR ?< ! nl homf /'! I To l-flpfc, will prMni'p li;** r.f niunP# r.f peierx1.* v iiliin thole refl^retire r bcnl^'lirect etl ??> lie enrrtUgiJ, tletn pirating mi v tWii?Ii the npee of earth person, i r.or^iiav f, inp ? ii*Conferl{j-i?t1i pefviee, ntnl c re*i.tent.'aMe?ir, niwl If.rjfemp!ion from pgr <> vi<;e fx* claimed, Mating thogroond on wliigli i . it i?o1?fu e<X VI. On the flny t.n wlprh (he repi/f?eri4p ! ?| td.nll pnir.Je, H.?^ xid"#ra of m cam pni dog will irturn *! ! li*t* l<> the conn *i mnmfinsr ijBjeere <rf I! rfapoofVro.Tnpiitffnlo," ho ^ill ritiirji tiro name to the /\!<l-<i.* <j( 'c'nfup of the Ooverijor^tvt?n c <tiU he in nttoi.rl.niee *miilr*fh> IvhtoTlinp m OAiear fTVpqfnff <i (or tli" J.'i.rtrtot, tortoeive ' |irnl vnily ?uhl relurne, ?r??f In note ami re- ! "I 'T>?rrt ail pryvotismlin may ninke riafnult hi [<" Mtewding ?iu.1 foi'A.lce M Mn) Lv cptut '' meuial. / ? ', , *? , , 1,1 \ J I. From Ihf ef.W^ive men he! wren fTi* n-H? <.f eighteen ami fgrtyjli y+%1*, v.TTl u f.? SiI'T' a'eM. #r>!iht:aC?"?. [(|hf er irere Wl ofni f?;? IV I I et'eimm oi?l r. p'lvertf ,Vi " TpS' ?T ' Kl ' '1 ? t 4 ni v | \ (.'#??>. t#1 i A!".! ~ * : . , ,.n - " ' A ?4 7-' ?; %% # "J* < * . * *-? ' aL .'.mj 'J ';. Ill?b* B B. H ? 1 ? i i*'i on <" 3 orthmre.owrnpnti v ( LtWd, io be rteeUd'l?y the'twwr At enali huA>, place# and in Ach manner aa h# may .ViAc Or mora of f he eotnpnofrtOWil <e accepted ?i cavalry and armed a* Kith,, nil one company ni artillery with-a batery of ftnir piece* will be organized, io con? iat of not l? n? ilinu eighty nof wiort- than ?>'* hundred nu n, exclusive af eonum*{ton<L|AMn **'" ?* > IX. ^h'c (roopaf1irii^rni?ed Iby volunteerin; v. cowmdaory JeW] whN" lat Called nit f.t 11.0 discretion of the Governor" tr* ' r?lptl aclunl o.r-threatened raid* of the ^emy within tltia State," and '**111 bekept n Hio fltldro long a* ho inov deem Jhein r._ . 1.? i,u? .1 ?,;n |? ? ' I ? I?rr nur rwfvvj, n ?w ?r|ij1 he diFchnrtred from nctunl service vebon vcr in )iii< judgment tire actual necessity or such serjrice line crne*tl," IfVJ? orgntotM* ion, however, n'otV> lie ?>|*solve4 dry being vitlulrewn from tlie field. X. The regiments tvilt-parade for the mrpoec sffcteu In prtrngrnph:lV of this oiler nf llieir usual *|>nrnde prdntwD, nt the inies hereinafter appointed. to.wit: Air*/ firi'yadr. " * ' 42<1 ifogimeiit, AnJerson District^ on rhumhiy. Oct. 15,.in?t. jit ID-'gituet t, Pickens District, on-SaturInv, O^i. 17, msi8<li lii-v'imrnt. Pickens T?i-trief, on Mollis)'. Oct. 1'.', inst. Ht lteghnent. Greenville Jlislrlrl, on rtiursiiny, Oct. 22, in at. Inl K?*'?inient. (Iri".'iivil!f Distiiot, on Putir?l?v. Oct. 2.4. in?t. 4'li Kejiimont, Anderson District, on MonIny, Oct. 20, inst. Si com J TJrii/a Is. G.i 1, lleriinent. Abbeville Distr'ct, on Oct. 15. inst. Ftli INpiincnt, Abbeville District, on Pat>r?1?y, Oct. 17, inst. Ptl'i 1 loglinent, lldg< field District, on MonIny, Oct. 10, inst. ItegimCnt; IC.lgt field District, on iVcdncaduy, Oct. 21. inst. 7tb lte^imenf, MdgefichVDistrict, on Prilay, Oct.*211, inst. t 'Jhiri Ifr'pmfr. 11 tli Ticgiiftenf." P .unwell District, oft 'horobtv, Oct. 15. inst. 4r.<l Pediment, l'.nMwcil District, on Sntiriliiv, I U'i. 17. ln?t li'-b K?'itinient, llPaufort District, on Mmn lay. Oct. 1*.'. inst, ljbb Jlcfjlmcnt, Colleton Distiiet, on "liurs2nv, Oct. 22, ir.?l. 1 .|tb?lteriinent. i>iuiig.-luirg District, on >?turHn\, Oct. 2t,.i? *U J5tb Kcgimbnt, ?itmijtvbiirg npd losingon Disliicts, Monthly. Oct. 2?', inst. Jour/h AY V'<V. lAtb Iv'giineiit, Clintleston, ou Monday, >ct. 12. inst. lStliUcgiii*o?t, Charleston nn<l Colleton Jistricts. on. Thursday. Oct. 15. ins!, lJtJb lleginiriit, Charleston District, on V.urdiiy, O^t. Fifth T.fion<1r. 2Stl Jb-pimrnt, Kiclibiii-I District, on Monay. i Jot.- 12, hist. 9'2<5 lioiriincnt, K( vsliaw Distiicl.on Wod(Viliiy, ftft. '14 in't. 4 I'll Kepimcnt. Clarendon District, on hIiimIiv, Oct. 17. in?t. 20th ftojimtnt, Suinfcr District, on Monti v. I tor. 11?. i nsf, vbt. llcpimci.t, DnRcaster DietiU-l, on butvlnv. Oct. 22. ii"?. ' ?S#VA '< . Co'-li . Ibig'nicnt. Kuirti.-H District, ec tt-s^ny. Oct 18, inst. , 2l'b lvCilintcnt, Poilfield l.'is iset, /in lin"?'.iiv, Hot. l.'i, i?t. - VCih r.< v\ n<M.t, Chester 1 ?i-trict, ?n i-nl ir<lnv."' -el. 11, ii ?f. . iiVtii I!dies', cr Iiialrict, ntrTwrs li > , lilbl, rirffi / '. iijmiTf. ? rr.i'i Dnrlingloii I'elrici, <>n fe?ln'e?<lnj'. O.n ! 1. i:: s t. 11*< 'ini'vit, Cl.eolvrfiul.l District, on attTT'lny. Oct. 17. i"H?. ^ fli it -*iiicnt, Ma.ti/oro M.'trlvl, on Tite.<itj-, (' i. lit. irst. b *f 'i it *. .Msl i.!, AV7*itaii<n>lii*r,{ nn>l floor re-* iiwii Districts. on ?<'iy, <V(. 1 >, tint. Iti'. 'wi:!, Muritin <>n }'atnr< f. 1",. in-'. , VM !! .',i mil, IT-o'ij Dlot rift, en Tim'.liry, k-t. S?, inrt. tii!it Kr -hr-nl, Volk Di?tricl, < :i Y/rilncs:tV. H 1. 1 !, ill.-*. . ? "li'i ?lo?h!V'i? Y.'i-l. I)i?lr;.'t. on, Fri'!?t. 1 I '. ir.ft. I.jilt l:.viiii -i,l. I'nioi'. District. "11 ?.Toriiay. ><;!. J J, i?. t. 7-7?li ltcj?i:i*.'? *. !"| "iirrjrvr^ District on IV 'ncjilnji, fw. Vc, in-!. .' ' ili l.ryin: M, ,-ij,?il:u:l,iir^ District, on Vi'i.'.v, Oct. i-'l, ii?M. . Tenth Urii/ftlf. itTili: Itcgimciil. Spart.inliUTjr nrnl 1'oion ttstiirta, nn lYi'ilnftiliit, Hvt. 1 I. innt. 11?: Kcgiiuunt, liimnii? District, en lVnluy, let. 1.1. hist. lOtli r.ct'if:o'n(, 1.annus Dialrict, *n Satnri.iT.. lirt. I 7. inn'.. :;-t!i Hogin Ji'tH jirrV 1'iktri.!, i.n Oct. 10. InO. JiPl'i !' -1.i.i*77i n'..irry District, ? n Vi-'n^s i:-y. (> t, VI, init. MI. ''nl. .7. If.-llnrri- o. A. D: CI. I- r~iys.i ' t > tl''' *;>, i"' '"!> el" nttcniir.ig til*, f.j : 1?.s in Mn- 1*1 HrigmV,' nn 1 .sujicrjiitriitliiig in fit-.rnlliii-. of .Iter ?lir?< I?-?1 : (',.1. J. C. I,ip?<v7nil?. A. I.v if?-*llio VI Uri^'iili1; '.J. A. 1*. Alifiioli. A. 1'. C., in the .'> ! liiif* !? < 'ill. Wihiint li. I)oi>mf .<ui'o. A. Ji, C., In the Ih ; Col. II. Hoy-kin. A. I?. A'., itv lie. 5 ill Hrigiiilo ; Col.'L". I'. Hampton, A. 1>. V in the Hrlnn'.o i Col. IV. Jl. Evans. A.. ('., in the 7tli I.nettle: Col. J. K. Sinirkii;.n, A. in ilio Till lirigwdo; Col. 11..11. !< <'.A. i>. 0., !:i tlni Oili Brigade t in, . >/. o n?t | i*. I .. in fir liyito fclciii the eetunjatttlftijj ofHcrrx of f ?tW' iit3 will .tixLi* return* <l?y of 1'*ftile. nA'l Ti-n.j r c-v;i\ ;i.-ai-t;Ui<. e in j Ijc ri <t>iiroJ riirejlir.ent. Jiff. r0aiiMV2<li3? elFerrr of re;;'mrut? I iil j'T :n,>Hv < \io.xl so liii.oh of th?- ? onlor as f< i iTi-f."iuy. f?r n-.-oiu;i;rj; their re^iiTOt; j inl proctfriii? the lirts of I elnn-riiijj n In n i <>-?; iiiiie* ns lnTci ihef -re ri''|nirc<l. MH. ?l<!i:iral t?r<lori No. liC nre hornliji on nterniftmlcil, nncl i ?(? ft v i!l ctiUe f> |iu!>? Irli -the rsuie. J:r coioinnnil: .A. V. <i.\!tl.lN'r;TON*. A'lj'l *tul Inrjiertof-ljouiTiil S. C. 0( ' * 21 I ^tg" l'npcr* of toe Kate ] ti' fur one tuck. A ^ ? . ... ... BY AUTHORITY. lcIs r.nd Resolntionj of the Congress of tlie Cccfodaraic Congwi, paeetA at tlia. TLfrd Session-1G03. [No. P.] "i< ACT to Provide aril Engineer Troftj-s "Onritg the V^nr. -,'i he <;on?riv# of the tV-nfi derate Stnrt-e <if tairjen <}>> rt.lift, 3V'itt ttiiirg rlxilt^Q ech-et[lift flic?* thnniifv "as I ho rt-f ictory bf Vfti r H>y Jifech. li^tT each (fivtsioa. -of infantry hi ;rv^oe, ere company of engineer 'troops to opiut Of cue hinnJUui) meo. thosen with r iew'to fluilr n*ii-liMilenl siirl toe**, ftail thafUio inert assigned to suoli o*nptwy rhali l>? repaired to scrra in the same h'.y daring the baluiuo of.thvir Urni of sortfe titcly. ^ ? o > , Frj*. ?. Tfftt c.\eh rmupary shall connisto/" IglitMrgeunts.weven corporal*. forty artificers, ml fArly-flve lulotorr, atKbrthat two mnsiinna may loi. (tdjk-tl. gee. 3. That the ai/minlsyinneil nfibcpi (if fich company shall eehsfat-^f "tio chplaiii. rst I it ntonaut/ (tnit twd accoixl Ix-i,tenants t ml that the or%Jnal va^niM ies iii'tluco cum/i ntiie*. s*h?fl lie fllli^l hy tlm trhnsfar oJCfTieers r gredc from the anglttaer rye, |f pfat tfrabjer and where rr4i,'tUcn fjpwt if other rorpe, or the lino or rmy, ^tcrench being always hmi to r iiaiiflcatldn aaewgiticers, of-by artocTlon f but ? tnc shadl ha mtietel who Is not ?>ow |errig In ur with the army. i.nts.* apt, a military r el* ft ? w-jUlfrr ??>. 4, TWlt ^" MfpeiVe'rTMl 4-r oi^C.fyf,* d<i fjit >**; ' ? ! >'* 4#* >a?,a,<.s *> ?*Wt? . ' " ~7 ? " --? * r r ^ _ > \ ' / \ : % ^ ' i i km i 9sa^eesat^sfB | ? 3K JL ** colonel, ono lieirttwant #olo?ol,^>n?WM^.<lK>^So * adjutant. with rank, of i/lrrt lieutdftnat,"^nne n quartet master ?:rs*anK and ?n? jorgdant oifel , Jeff ?nd that the original vaeabeShe la ike, \ . regiments ibnll be filled tn thfc manner pt^wW- { ed for filling tho radio in tUe odmpentea, Vjr the third eootion of thin act, and thdt-the iWirpiinl iBktnr md the nunrlartiltrtrr RCrrOSnt th|)lj? selected from tliQ enlisted men of the 1 iwiay. . v Bkc. 5. That in c*eh regiment two of the 1 companies shell' he asatgncd to duty n* pop* looters, and ench be AefntshoH wltha bridge 1 train complete. ?*c. C. That the? officer h?" charge ?f flic i etiginoes bureau, Fubjcct to the approval of , ho Secretary of War. shall nrescrtbe the number form and dimension? of the Wagons, , pontoons, tlVfiele, too)*. Implements, arms and other necessaries for all the troops orgKuitcd by this nek * . . flue. f. That vacancies fn the crtabtislihd , regiments to andrincUtOiug the rank of colonel, shall he filled by promotion, rogi*n?ntndy, accosting to seniority, except In ease of disability or other incompetency. Pgr. R. Tntft the monthly flay of the cngUnecr trgpps shall be a? follows.! of a colonel, two LuAdipd nad ten ttoilnrp j of a lieutenant coloiici, one hundred (*Oct el?lly-fivo dollars: ol" a major, ono hundred'and si.xty-two dollars ; of a captain, one hundred-end forty dollars ; of a first lieutenant, one hundred dollars : of a seeohd Jieutcnaflt, nlhety dollars: nlnl the adjutant shall receive ten dollars per month in addition to l>i* pay as lieutenant. . Eev. 0. That tho pay of the enlisted men per month shall he r.s follows the -ser^eaitt major and" quartermaster sergeant, each, I wen t>y-onc dollars sergeants/ thirty-ftvo d alius* ; corporal, twenty dollars; artificer, seven-"] teen dollars; laborers nnd inusiviaus, thirteen dollars. ' I 8kc. 10. That mounted cngineer-frncp* t-.yiy . J>e selected from the cavalry, and l.e organized ! according to tho provisions at this not, lor I engineer troops c? licrvitibcforo specified. Approved March 20, 1803. JO- .1 { , [No. HO.} A if ACT to Provide by ll elding Elections for | HeprcHe.iilnttvcs in the (vqgii'wdf tlio Con- ; .federate Plain? in the Plate of Tennessee. Tlio C'ongress.of file Confederate States of America do cnacl. That in thc Sliitv of Tennessee, elections for licprvSrtTtnfiVc* in the 1 Congress of the feaifVilctnte Plato?, flinll lei by general tiulu I fof said State, mid each voter fhnlMie entitled to Voto one tirjict, containing the r.nims of cno person for' Ctmgres , sionnl llistiiet in said Slate : ami the person; receiving the proctest nutuSrr of voles of ilie whole" vote of (he Plato, shall be ronimirsinn-| cd as Kcpsesciitoti vus-t.y the Oovernor of raid . Stale. ,f:r.i*. 2. S.icli election* alinll bo held in raid State, on lli? lirst Tbiir?day i? Aujgtnd next, I ami in each aeeotid year lliorcaftir, during the j war. Srr. ? . Sr.cli election* slin.1T be ao belli by the j iHci ra, nrtborili s, or |?Tjnii? appointed ?>r j ' provided by flie law* ofaiiid State for the pur-.' pnac of leddinj; mill elections and lit llie place* providid In bold elcciion* for mcinbbr* of themoat iiuiijcron* brrflh h ot the btnto LrgUla-l lure. Kr.e*. *1 fni'li fclocfions flinll be fonilnrt^J.j nn orilinjr to 4)10'mode the lawn, i of auhl Ft.ite. ixfi'jif ?o fiir iw the fliTO* .nre j modified by thie net. St:<\ ft. In mii b election*. rvetir citiifpri of! the CilnfiiJ'riili" State* Tibo ahull be c,nal1U?-d| to vote (or n member of the tn<??t nitinere*.- I t<ri'.niji of Ibe State l.eyb-'inlure'wf raid htutr, .'hat! b'4* entitled to,vote nt tItu pi.?ec or place* in rai'l Ktnte n( which lfo would be entitled to voto it> an election for tin Ii member ol aurli LrjsJ.-liitore. Six*. f. i'nt in riijte audi t ilir.rn ahnll bp in the military am vice of the Confederal State*, ot in i inn lie fbulI be driven from bia borne, by tlii- oc 'i y.ilioii.of Lis yountry by tlic pufi-: I lie enemy. or bv tli? iiioroinctite of 4ii* tti>ft?.?#' or in cn*e tbe election* eunMdt be i.iM nt tbe nuiiil plncea of ImMinjt tl-f nunc, by reaum of i sueb occupation m' niolefitontt|ier. surh eiti- J | ."i! be iitb In' villi1 nt any place ofi otinjr in aaid State, or i:r the cmu|m of tho i iirniy, ns hereinafter proYided. S\c. 7. Knoli cieoti 'iia for Iti prcaent.itivi* ] eliiiM If belli in Ibe camp* of the nil. T within ! ! said State, as follows : J ii every army eorpa, |divUieo, or ? ouiuiniid.^lic Colour! ol i ik It rco- i j nuiit,i.i other officer in eoininaijiljbereotj or 1 I tlie oflYser in eo'niiiinnd or any leas body on ' | detached -eri ice* nlmll appoint two jnd-ri-a and |.; tlAee i jarli.t. (o i pen unit bold rui n eiee-tioo, I, I wl.i .-ball h old tlie anme. and t.inko nut tbe j t poll b.ieks and return*. under Ibe an me rule* j i np*l re^'whition*. as i! tin- runic wire open and liebi nt tin* nana) jilieea ol liolilinp the ae.III'in aaid Slate, .vnd .-hail allow all pcraona cul^- 1 tied, to vote therein. i-IX*. 8. 'J'he relluma of snrh election* in * i e.'.tups *1 all l.e forwarded to the aerertjl eowiI Wnndiii# ofii^i*. JI] t.*>i|it(n;r tlip jinljjes and ' rlcib' as aforesaid, to "l'.*?* highest i.fSeer in , j pt.ide, ntnl ibe a nier of Ibe ftti.dc liotli auid Slate for V'liii'ln the >mue U held ill the en- , j iiiuf inent in nWicli t'.ie ratilc i* held, Iwln ac duty, it fiinll be. at once, to fnriirftrd the .-lima t?> tin* (lomuiif of flu* fitniu; or tluv, Mime may i*e. If looro convenient, fornnrded i.y a neb cotntfTandino oflteif flireetly to toe j <tjiTei*nor. Sr?*. In caac llie twiyenciep cf tlie pnl-lie j ,?eri i* e prevent tbe lin!ril^ of tb^ eleef im a in j I any a map under tldr Act. nt. lie liinrfiruvifril 1 I l*y liljv, ?ne sain limy, bo lo-ld u-'. any tifhe I 'within t n i'ir. ll.e ..r.e?,.l .... I j innv ee?>e : the timo f?r holding rhc Paine In I r.e fixed l.v the eftteer luuhoriird to appoint I j tliu ju'i/' ? and clerk*. n 1"?:C. 10. S.uli officer finvll lie r.uthori/e 1 to! nhiiiohter Hir pro) or oath* to tin; jr.d;?u* and I rlfi'xx, or they niiiy admiiiiauT the emtio to] capli other. ... . -x Sfif-. P. Every atrion coi?efcri?e?l hi holding l IKi atinlt take ?H oirlll to"*lipp;?rt tin* ! I'on.-fit iitinn itf tl?o Ci<nAnl?rilii Slnlw, nnd to di*ckar;rc hi* ilutv in holding Mich election ' IhitLfnliy and ini|itirHnllr. Apptuvtihiltiy I, '!Tio. lfi-l A!s ACT to* nn Art rrJitUtl "An Act -t'l Scemo C'opfi Ight* ? Aothi r? (ihd L j IJoro|w?w." Approvoii JHi>\ 21, 1M1. J* | The (' n^ieyn ?f the Coiifcdefa'c Mutes ! of Ameriea <h< enact, That ar>v pcrion imxv ' j hoiiip n.citixHt or r?ei<h iit of the Ooiif?<]?i,-T I ale Mates (?f Amelia*, loyal to the f'.overn- { j meet thereof, who had i'^ar^rf u copyright iu any htock, map, tiirf'cal c*ljijio?ilii?n, t'l hit or i noia vinj, under the low* of.the Toiled State*, l.efoiethe sep.xrntiAn of'the** V'ati * therefrom, t-hnll he cutitleil ii? nil tlm! ' right*, j rivi'ejjc* nn<l lejtitdir* oureil to I f.r.tliois ami eoiii^i^vcr* i'.v.the Act lo m hhh j , . nn la mi Mlirill?ll''l-I< lipUU < >nl | > i J 1 C JT ' ] \\iil> the requirement* wnde of nu-f tbois nn?l fdinpArrM ky IRlnrcsnid ^et: j /'roi 'nUd 1 hotjn iiseejUiinti t; the term of ] ftny copyright, ihc pi-innl <1 jf .which i* ! ?n* fijiijeil u'ni'f.tlio i.iw? of the United j Hlnte* shall lie computed. . I "t~ J I Sir. 2. Anv??tftnor. enmpmor or doei(?io J 4 or. w l.o is n eii i^en of lire Confeilerht? brute* I nt.?l lnyiil to the they oof, mid j u in. Iihk m>y inter. ?t, in I lie form of u per., eelitnge onltie relet or ot hrru bo.-tn n roWlje right. obftrtneil under the lows ?>t the UnitartfVi h'tnte* niid owned by on tHjgpitnti|ii.r,ikflll! ; l.flTf nil the right*, priylWer nml rowed ie* ' | of tl.c owner tlierpof.Vn.Jrr the emtailionr [ nnd t<f>iii.'linttr provided ilj the preceding ' j frrtiini ot this AeP? J'rtfUot, That nothing ! | in thie section ehnll be 50 ONutfrued n? lot prejudice any interest wfiloli may be held 1 i.y i? lovij citizen of the Corf.-tie rate tttntcs, L other man tlic author, in nay copy tight! owned l?y tin alien rtietnj, prijie right * of the Confederate Stiitap under thetle?lroll ulioH Actr, to Die'Copies of nay , Tnnp/niurtrnl roinposillnfi,'print or tn^ruv frtff published by en n!ien nneroye >1 Mar.* a n* (rttihor, di-slenor of publish- , er, who may become entitled to the benefit . of lh? proneions ef the JWstaectioa of rhi? -I Art, shall have all the rcmedica for any in4 fript'i/neiit o/hfe or her priqrlit w hich , limy have rAcurred befare the pane*up oi ( , tide fyeV, w hb-b would ooiet ).?.l *u??h in- , fri ngcinc-nt Ooeurfcd aubieqneoi to ile pa* 1 faaga.' ' ' ' , 1 ' 1 |> App?a**d April 18, 18811. * * 8i-4 , * t - |N?. 18] * I AfT fo *eftnli>fe ImprcMuieftfa. . , Tby t>n/ir?? oUWa<W.?lrTeteV**^f 1 Xtne?.e? fe'e i" rbe olq l ' > . > v . a * ? * v* ... .? I , % * . * \ 4 ? * , / . k ^ k . .. 1 !" W<Mnvei.t* PMy to "* nmda Vjr the otnirr'+r officers whosa^dgty ^?K It'J* tofurnlM. ?u?l? artielaa of ?0o a*1 i>ften?? at- otlpr Pf?pw> for ru?h.%)N#y. fc In eawe <rhei*4h# nwher of eiieh pVopei-ty Cot *9<1 the itnpfi-tatag ofVWr cannot ajcee wj* en? 00 the vdne thereof, 1t eb?ll<be the duty of mei suclt-ioippefetnfC oflho, vf>o? an affidavit il? ace Writing of the ?*wer of audi pr*j>?rty, or vid Ida ftgont, tJH? freb property was grown, ore raised or 7?eoniN*#4>y tsMoviMr, or it held la? or Una been joirehflwd Uv hjm, not for enU "1" or>pe?vWtfou, 'tof ^ rtaaOr con-1 of sumption, I* clliM Uii tfffaytjpl^Cjj*ccr- fro Inined and determine? by (K? JsvdSfcro en tof no tw6 loyol nhd disinterested < Homo* of the w) c!?y, county or parish Iff- w'liioh such ln?- coi preeaina/kts may oe tinade-s-ore to be Meet- , I ed by the owner, a?d oneby J lie imprcMfltg ^T>c oflleer.; nod in the event of-tlicir d.ifagrfcc- or mciif, those two *ha)] diOoew an Oimdfe of tin like qualification*, whfcoo decision nift'li* tai final The pTsou* time ?.l?-ctr<l. after ag vf oath to appraise the property Impressed ??i fairly and impartially, fwhifh oath, aa.wcll J as tbe affidavit provides" for in tiiiw election, coi the Impressing officer 1* J?er*l>T authorised ?h tfi administer find crrTlfjfcJaltiwl proceed to tfi asses* just compensation for'tht property so fo impressed, whether the alffnlute ownership hjf or the temporary- oae thereof ?uly is Ve- vu quirod. t>q Src. 2. That the ofiller or person impress'"K T'rol'fr,'0* ns nforwui'l, shall; pt the lime of said taking, pay to the owner, hie agent or attorney, Iht^uiiiprnt^limi fixed !>y sold *re< appraVeere; and ehnll also give to thcowner,i or pereone eonWoiling anhi property, a^erfi ticnte, over hie official s'goat arc, specifying the Initiation, brigade, division or corp* to which he belong*, tTint' raid property ie. essential to the nee of tlie army, could not * be otherwise procured, apd was taken J through al?o1ute rroessity ;*ctl?ng forth the time and place, when ?\nd where taken, the ninflUnt o?ft compensation fixed hy said npprobers, nnd the sum. if any. paid for the pj1 fame. Said certificate "hall be evidence f?t J the Owner, as noil of the taking of said prop v<? eity for the public o.?e, as the rlght'pf" the ?,? owner to (he amount of compensation tix-d as *nforesaid. Ami in case said oflio.ef or l'c person taking snhl property t-linll haye fail- VM ?.d to pay the owner or his agent, said comproration n* .Ifrteinbefore required, tthcn raid owner shall be entitled to the speedy , *1 payment of the same Jhy the proper dltdinrs- *n tug officer,-which, v Itc-it sh pnid, slinll be In ''r full satisfaction'' of ill) claims Against the ' ( orernnient of the Confederate S)ittn. Smv J>. Whenever the appraisement pro., vided for in the. first section oT this Act 'r< rbnll, for any reason, bo impmctienble at thotjjtneof mid impressment, then -and iu *" that ease the value of tlia,prepe?-ly impress ed shall he? assessed As roan as fWieflHc by ? two loyal and disinterested ritirens of the'y ' oily, l onnty nr p*us]i wherein the prnp? ijw Tr wit* tnfccn, *li^sen _*? follows Out liyflif ? owik i". nnrl oite ft* lit* Cmntiwrtvyy nr'Qiiitr- *r U'Mnflflcr (inifrdl, nr hie npetit, wltii. in . i-?t*e of ilirnjyerineitt. shnH i hooro n ' ' rttiV.en-of Hko fjualMiVatlor* nr nn-umpire, to ili't'He lit" iii?tte:n it> ilirpwho Motif "V lie inoin n* aforesaid, who Ireni the M}' 11roof* itd'hleed "l.y J he parkier nr ta the F'1 Mi'ue of rri'l property, find nmr< x just w< roiup'ri-wtioti ihcpefor, nceoiiliiyj to the '"j t i?t nndjvy. Si*'.*4 Tlin.t whenever the S. cretnry ot W'ni* shall l-e'of opinion ir oee^tenty |p, locate prirnfe prrmey-IT f-?r public ore, l?y p.. Kfn?<m nt-the 4n ]ivtn'tie?t' fjtr ot proeoViitp ,,j iJiwrnjpfc.'l>y;|?wr?ihm?e. ro'ps to nccumiijnte j,c iieCc8e#Ty snppljoWor lliv simy, ??r I he (pood ,ft] ?f tfti-? t vier, iii miy.'loeplity, gentry, l>y no pi-flel iil order, t lit lOigli t to j,; snl ot .li nnl-o officers, authorize wteli prh|?efty fn he or tft'ctsli for the pill-lie lire ? the e.hmpeflsntieli . ,. rlue t lie ovrt'i'i' for t lie r/oijp to be i)et erWifh . i<l ninl the Vfilue fixed t? pRiiht d for in ihe ^p, liisl and reread sections of thir Act. * jn Ff.C. ft. Thai li llllll t>e the duty of the co President, ur early ii practicable nfter tLe en p/rsSajp: of th'r Act,,to appoint n coruTitr tin ionrrln enrlt State where pro'* ??y shall tit* fr? Inki n, for the | Jtblie-. rtse, ami eeniiMt Ihe iw rjoverner of n o li r f the Sir.t <-8 it! whittetb# Jin I'ri fhli lit slinll rppoinf mtd einouijr.-fntyr, an to njijioiiit.nrolhi r <-om iiurs?onef, in. #ct in no eonjiirelii'M v iih Iho inioirioin'r npjiointf tin i ?l F?v the PresMetft, ,vh?> shall reCCVre* 1 lie ph eoiiipei:rnlioii of dollars p< r, I'xy.'neJ *h Phi cuts p?r nii'e nr inilenpre,to l?o pn'd by i)n the t'o' fof}?mto Covrr'iwiopt,"Sai-fcoiupii^ ? sinner? uliiill rotsiiiulr r biwitl, V.llWt(t!||ttri ft* It shall he to fix upon il?e price* t?> t?? paid < *?: I iv the rtoyernnn nl fornlliiropvif^liopresr aii rd or Jtlh'ii fbr Ihe j nl*Jt? ns? i?s rifonmhl, eei so or it> n.Tiuil juet eon ponetith?M to Ijis ?ni owners ihricftf sUf.t ??' ' ? ....... , ruin r|l i?;ri*?v upon ?n<t f<tthii*li n rrhoduleHOfylcer be v very two monthe, 01 ffteoer, if they??1inH-. Vj d<S>tti it proper; nnil'dn lh? c-Vrni ik?v ?bnll i>r' Sol l>c nhle to nitron in nuv metti^ roiitiilt'l to them in Act, tJioy rlull l.nvc power rex to- nppoirtt nn ?mpii ?to <l~t;i?le the mottrr In' ! Ji?pllte, v. lio*?" de? Intuit rliHlU't'th'-deoljjoti lie of the t ?>rr?<f ird eoM.un p'tr s-*io',l receive thi tlA- 4;ittl( rtlte o'coijip' i- ilioii f?i IliftrlfllW till lie* flinll rerve, alloe ed to paid <NMiiini?nion lee or;' roe pert ivrh- : t're i<M, IjJjtt^i'T eotti' |-r. inirdoner* lie teyidt-ul* j>f tlir Stht>~> io> for K-lilcIv 1 lielinlj 4>* ?| i?v??ii"tea ; -nflt if .ho the O.evoriipr of nny St*te rlnill refune <1r r '-, I iirgW t? *] point eiii>l"eoimut?i.ioi{?-??ii|?iii to ten itfly* after n r> rptOni to do eta-hy IV'-a- v?i? idont, then U*e Pr?ti<Ktt)t L.iliVfV?iirt both to eouyjiieei ifeA by nn<l u itIt ih-s rdviy* m<1 eoorent'of flie Semite. < V *" *- * '!?] Krr. "6 nil propi rfr iroprps r^ or l1? lokyil for the pnbiie u?e. n? nf..remibl,'1 1 !.']? of any p'-mmi-other tli<\n the perrrtpn ',!,l iAviio Inive rni-e.l, grown Or prodded (ne", or ^erM&e holding Hie nam* tor tbfiv own nee no. conMlwplivty rnd w1io>lm|t mnkte the fttlidnrit ne herei<ff??fur? f^flpirVd, &' l ull he paiil/nMiernntiitf to JbeTrhedlilf of | riee# fljfed 1^'{Iff eowirn**#" ere ne. ' * for-mi l. -]b?t*1f tlve officer Impie-fin*..or Uil ;iug toj the pnjilie tine nyeii lire-pert* nod r, the ovnry #lmll diff. r nn* to jfte qunHtf jnf ?/ h-< ttrl iele/>r frty fiopt*e?ee<f oY (eliun n? aforesaid, tli -rehy tubbing.It tdl witfifn *' n l/i^lrer or iofryr price named in threshed ? tile, then the owner-or n^ent nod #h??.flierr wu impreedhg or taking, on nforemid, tnoy relent, each n loyal and dWintereeU-di'lttxf ft, ?l>' ?>i Tiioarpiftnnoo'ioitii n? nrnri,^ij'l, I<> elrtor "t mint f|?L <)'m}iry cf m'?T *i tielo or property, JP* VJto fli iH. in cmjc of <Ji.-.igr< cm-lit, npppint "Vl on umpire at like riunlHic?ijoo# nnjT ly* ^ t?oj*'oi). 1/6J-J,r??V? <i Ly tb? officer imrrCMi imi. ?bn'l be nnel ; but if npt tjtMTtliMi* ** itrfprming od|>rer rlrofl ??wA nvrtr.l to the conri|i)>?ionrr? of tli<- P|?<e 1?bf|-eHie -t B?PJ'Cl ty U |im>rr?ee<!, ? iHi ht? Ifnr'uMi for ffii r-nj.pit viiip; lJ?e name, o-?<1 ebl? Vtflnmw- V1 Annexe, may beer web pmofr n? the pert** J |il? "ipyreiperM* ely ed?luee. mid tbefo^rW?fo? lirrfl 1>v* final; iVw/'lM, Thai the *?vner m?y reortve'ihe jn i?e offereA b/'tfte im'l't*** injt Uicar, ?itlityiV prejrvdlrcito l*ls cfonn U> bu ni'tivr (lie Iiqftirr *u?upct'mtion, ? Ml ' f>r. 7. flifit llir property' fere everyfor I!" Ill" inrportfi/ tbo <r*?W'r* ei?!l hi* fiprflly. ^ end to cerrjr bo "Jib* ifod four? tilpirioiilihnwt f4 nuil roeclietlioel foil i peer, to We ilbeertoiucij '<?' l?? lb? nppraiterb to fo?'npp?liite*l ? proi '< > tilted In the ffr-t eerMop M iMe Art, uoder * ' oellt. rluUl iiotM t(*Vt,n'oi'Im|?rcreoA fni* the "JJ public oi*;inl orbv* l"? Iruiireepiog ftfoer ?? end llieoenict^yirjnot apriitA to Iheffnelfty. , j, I of property decker/ a? efnnweb dceieion ot tl*e fiurfdivj i Hurie nliajft be IjMn An ingorj the officer*ai>n all oilier pereoni, _ in SkC ft.* Where proj.<?rrTTin"*br?*l ''it for MRnthi-nry* u*, i*n9 fs loAMtr ^tSSfAy ** t4 AMprc file deffcjH of t)*^parv>?f<'W < rni Oovciftmj. nt, of the Oofffyaci l*? <? it m? )*rf ejioi cpTnpciirmiioo tl.oerfhr iT? J? oeM"b>? Ac*. f?>w4i proi^rty. ?4fo?i SroLikrriiiwi, i* in the miinlon ' ! #be eti ??r. (>?ya trjoreo rfcilH-lr* thf ^nfifrsffo? hiotKirtf oTdV in ?tieret?> ?il?Wtrie.|'y|f^T) WAd*,|r>iine?l' **?' im th*r i Tt"r , " H V * , t-U' ^ * -/ ' ? ' " * k r y*- f t \ o . >r r/,' f * M,'"' - ' * J rVy -ir r.. _ -J impreeeed bv^he E^W^patWnnrtBt to labor ORforUile^oQrtfr.pnlJie Trorlr*, ?b? imprce*111 >iii*H -b? mnde bjt> m:?1 Goeemmenjt' onlinp to th, rx,^, Mid roguUtiont pr*. ed in the U?? <,?;(, B-ytafo or heroin the* i impressed ; -end J?-U?e ?Wnr? of saeh r. i* srcordeae* with eaeli rules ondjeg. ) itiont not incpiU:*tent ertth the proTjeione tide Act, ee the Seer^t^ 0f W?e elint* to time tcrtlme prescribe: PropiJtd, Ther ' ^r' impressment of sieve* shell. be ms ten |hey c*n bo hired or procured bjr w nscntjof the owner or egontv ^ ,V . Fteor 10. Thnt previous to the first doy \ J cenibir next, no tier* 1 shoring on efhrer plantation exeWsivrly tievoted to ID#pri>/ $?tpn of gftdaTiAhd provisions, slidll lg|, _ k?b fpr tbt* public ure dithout the ?/nee?F^-or - 'lie owner, vnoept in c??e of urgy* *"6 teity. S*c. 11. at any c<\pimis*ioned or non- * n> missioned otHeer or prlv^l* who >h?)l m late fbe'provision* of tb tablet. riall w ffwfar# the military equrt of the torw ' . , * I: i rh ho |t at tn i'Im .1, on cgnutlaint mad?. the oaiifrsr oilier person; ijd on Corp* }l|on, ll ,nn ffia^ry iie (ihnin>c cashiered " J 1'l't Hi to tluf JgnV* ? O private;' n6n rnitiuriwiotifpr officrr or prf*nte, Im. ill snflVr such punishment, not "inco**!** ? il with military Mpf^v the coiytinay di- ^ 1)# ^ Approved March 26; 1868. ^ ? r<AB "*i , ~J~" . - W--&0 * .-4L *> [Ko. 1LD.1 , j * AfT tcoProvlde for Holding Election*,. f??r nonrcaentnlivcsIn the Canprcrs of tins . *i Confederate St?li> in tlie Stale obTcHiic*-. -><' roe. ' , * .. , ?i >4 The Cqn ?VC** ?1 the Con foilItn If SRate* of riahko noricn do edact, That, ifcjhc Shite of Ten*' -1 ?ioo, flecllona for Representative* 1i> 'h? ''"f hgre*s of the ConfederateStart*, rhall l>Jf' """" potejal ticket for said 'State, wml wdv-'-w-oltor shall he entitled .to Vole one tiifkcf, ninluing the name* of one )>er-ati for each >ngreaniunal District in raid State.; *o<I')i<> rsons ro^ejvlnp the greater npmher ?j j'- ^ to* tir the whoje vote of llie State, rhjvll hw iiiiiiiwijcacd a* Reprcsetitauiaro by >v? rnor of ?aWl State. * ?"* ' Sfo. ? ?ueh rlcftion* shell l?e held in. iiltllnte, ?>tt the first Thursday in August? xt, nml in each *ccoiid year thereafter,<>?, ii ring the war. "> S?e. 3. Such elections rhall be sr? held a officer^ oitthoriflre, or person* apro i?? J or provided by the law* of raid r the t>urp<t*c of holding such el*?th?ii*,) LoA d at I no | luce* pt-ovi led-lo hold elect ton** r member* of the mort numerous .brmieh"-'* " the Slate Legislature.- * ' " S?c.. 4'. Sn<di election* ?hall h*?eondnete?t** cording to the mode prescribed hy.tba'' tvs of raid State, except ro far a* the anmefr>*? v niu.iil'i .1 by thi? Act. Ser. jg. In stsidi election*, every ritiaen of ?f*V? e l.'unfedt rate fclulcs who rhnll be <:u^6-' >1 to?rote for a meiflhet' of th? mo?t. tW* -'nA ten* Ufrtitrii td the Slate deigishiNir# of ithSlaie, ?lirll be cnlitled I* n?l? at the > id nee or plae.-* in *oi?l Si?to at which' h?"',*d ?nhl he ent itled to vote in an rlceiltsn f'*r ' laicioWr of^Piidf l.eciehtl nrc. . I ft Sect I'tU in caee'anch clll/cn slin'l heji i the mi itury service of the Colitrdeiwte .;?ii J lie*, or in casif he shall he driven from ' > hlAnc, hv the occupation oCIlls yrrna'ry' tm\ I he pnhiic enemy, r?r hy the mevemn;!*-; Uis trie'pa, or incase the clcc'hois cati"<>v ht-M 'at. ihe Jisoal place* of Iml-line ho*?-.iVf in*-, iit r. ijix.ii Oi >?CU oC('U|>lilSi?n <?f III' ?o*i T fill*, llirn ?tn-hcllitrti n4!<??r.l>v?Qcni miy |?!?* <- nt voliiifth'Kill SSInl-.vt i.(Q in llio ??f tl?e nriny, its lt?-ryin?({. r ' I nvldra. ' Sir. 7. Stir))-tWCfAWfnr-R>^m?i>iiliilivii> "IT nil l<f.|irlil in th'?DHtnf*? !iliv(nuy witli' .inA. ?ni.l a* In cVfti rp?. <llviriimr or ^nninitin), Hn- t\dnnr| nfTu .^^. pL n-xiiu'iit, or oiUrr tffftppr iu en mm and { i;iviif, or UiO nfllrcr iji .pinAwtMil ? ! mv ! Q 1* Ui'lj ?i\ dflArJipil fprvi*i\ >lntll appoint T " jtiilyr nnd *|hl?r *lrrW?, -3iv |Arn !d Mirli pJfpHim. wIiu^lmllWilitnpHiiiip; njy dyjuik^nui \\if- fi"ll Ixiokp nit.I rftiiri p, d?r ?lic mw(- rnlv? and 1 tcWUtinii*, it* i 1 w ?| f. inline Wrmj'rtprtX^Vwilil Jtpld III 4 lit* IIM< I) . f ii'ii)1 li-ilditn; tlip-reHir in *nnl SJjvtr, iwul | (y *11 <iil?W itlTT|icr?o?? rntit v-l, lo volo J cr<Hn- ' , i Kfsu. ?. Tlic irljirTT*p{ mil ?-lev?i?m* fts, >, { fcffip ,?h?H lir fm iti'ilr*!* liy ll?p ' mtr.nfcdlrTjf npptnniinp xli> j 'dfrH( ,(f ' il-rTptk* fl? klorilt^l.ln jlir lilplival rfflv r Inirrndi- nnd <):? r; nii.jnof l4n;jy nl?- frnlit (% * nl Slutv for wjiirli ilicrjuu' jMivM in Ibir"* .-null <ric?t <jr ivrmy In *tMnli lli?-*?f\ft>p ff Id, v. Intfc duly oi^r.JA for-,), irt^llw UtiVit X;?Y?o"V?*yf ni<-; tlio rnWi'mny l>>, ti .fwaaa .l^nvrniatit, w unhid l>y *ueli cowriMfni iMg pffwcftl ( jp Mlv lo ^!II Vlomnor. Si.c. 0. Jn ?,iro llif rj,i0*nci?f o'"lli?_pril?- (|||. #vi v4c??j'revcj|til?w-'<n?'.?!ti?g nf Jlw'eh ^ n- in any tinuip A?i, at lh* n? p<OviiU(l ky vJ^j^lliVjoitti .m/Sv*!? ,>n M /?'>uy tiiw wlildti Jni jlAV*<*f<cr Hi a-' rrttiiiutj rniiipiu'iy : ,<fcj?(?f . ldinff tho mure to li*ihnjfl \y A1"* off t ? nTinjiiijur flip.fitnfirrj* iii Mk?ig <ltVik*, ortln'y ?>hy *?a#rfl-U?iWl?Aive vac1/a4bor. ^ " ' * nn . 11. i- vrrv i>uttg MireoMAtl W| ' _ *tn^i *Tc#t'na?N^^?iV? ' tt'th* (\>mtit'itfim m^*?Mid ii. V1'" g * in- k potion fail jiftjty 4 M.jPr Aj i-rovnii >U> 1, Mflft, i i-NV.. Jlrt.] V ; S.ACT tn'Am?fwi An ^ct HntlC Act lo l'? tl* ijf*>Vi.U l?r r?f Uioi-jAumy Jl? Aff ; ?v<d &punli* y7,.lS<f?r. 'Jt.r LV.i.rSB4#of Oio AHiJjfckn dp wlf{*rTCl?<I^H^ >w vilu* ? * r?n?Mi? of tjJfck 4 1'ftwk.Sffeliiiiirmy, y ^m *?. ej ?4?KS of ololluf, ?? i>tin the (WA mfn not ?r>4 ? ? *Uv< rpMtp?T-id. tnwd S#pMtobor < ?, ISM. ftHritye * ?rd fcWP'iUI pick and 4* Idlers'of Mli?lrtr Mt hp* hp Kurg'-on tfeiikpKt, hydef,^* <>> - ;f;"v li aeJaw it?*4 sUtilr not, 1># drusfn of nj.r #npoHpsrj ^ AiWl?^r?wfi*N? 1 I* ft"/** ?* o? tie .,*** ?rLi * ft ??ji,?ii uil^kKi2iH lyonn C.i-vrhi*, to* ?UtlfM|, JBt fcrtBH J: #