University of South Carolina Libraries
j h /fl K B ' ""?"'-^' *' * 5*1 TP -^if ; * * _ ' ;-\? ' M*>r "M j| " gtral t?jit ^ is ic*c?tr by > I..\.w, Swum J.^.BA&E*, s ?. dWJtore and.FroprletoYe. . y ^ ' 9 >er Anmim, in Advjtm c. . , * ' Al>V??^IfiE^K^T8 > Will be Inserted i^4r?Hi ?f on* ddftslf ad fifty cents per square, of 12 Minion lu*?,' ftr Ite. for tin Rht tneesiWnr leventy-fiva MUlufcthl second and tUUti Insertion^ end fifty anta-fwr-each rue ascites insertion. Obltfir; and Miti-hago wfctkc*, Triliiiiifo/ Kespeet, nnnstAafion* ?rxi>KWncMirni? fur after, are charged fbr-the Mm* as. advertise; 'irtiti, Advert!* entente *eot In without the ptffnber of Ineertione specified, Will he pfibHsHed Wottl ordered'?u^ and (charged .fur accordingly. ?m- Vereofet ftvinp eta (liltlMiee tnay pflwI juste how maeV their J|<illa will eiaount to. by cAwtlug stven words to th*"line. | "t Boutfi Carolina Military "Aoadem f. ,. Sff order ?/ fAe Ovpern or. A ^''CAllOKfl fur irftoiiilhKntto tl?e xV. Booth Ctralhn Military An-hwy, under the annexed Vpeotit'fcin <>f the Genep* rsl AMmMt. lAnti I trnnsniWait in Qetiers] jAMRjiONKS-CfciiMti'ii ?4 the Ilorid ??f Vfihrtw Colombia, 8. C; ftrfcr? jheliStli H #f Kiirrmlii* liVxl *"* ? j The" a pp'leant trust etafe the Dhlrlrt oflite rrtiihltcrl hie eg* end height.; (if >h? h ?on ?fa dffrttril ..flie r or mlilirri) tile H' MrricM l>f hi* fslher, nn.l Wfteil end ItfW i ho <l;.ed. If the applicant "elairon anpohit. B. twent for lii? own gallantry no tlie firH of hsttle. the statement not be enpjw.rteti hy ?! th?.certificate or the officers under whem j the served in battle.: " fifees/Ted, Tltat lite KxceMenej-the-WriV ernor. lie slid He is hurehy ailtlnii ire.Vttt,Select one t r*tttli fi-wru etch Cotter* ssiunSl , trict in tlrio State, eoi^s ot pflWrs. nrseddirre of the aiatie or oft cere or trail tit the navy ftof Ute Confederate Hta'es, win duringf lie * existing war lihve* died in battle, or who ho-rtr died of disease contracted either liy wound* or exposure-/or who, not briutr ?a, hiiu ef uflicers or wlillm, are un'd. r the age of twenty years, and here behaved Li with ualtantrv OQ the fb'M of ImttW, wllb I. rhnlJ he. placed" in oonor other of the MiliK lory laetttutions of tl-Js State, to l.e edit- | - caicii n? i|i? ni*rg? ??f {{roteful country."' i Columbia, Oct. 5, 18A*. I " Oct S * S3 * | . cw Every newspaper in lltt SUtc pnli- j [.' ]i>h unrr? writ fi>rl*?,?e-k?t * j I "WATTSTOF SOUTS CAEOU?A, ' | . ^BKEfTflVH ItU'AUTMfcKT. . "rutM-ntti*, Hffif. H>. |<*r.3 ? "l\7IlF.r.EAf^ information lt|T? r.? a-.i \v f',rrtl lit Hil* I>o|niIntent (b*t i?n E ?r tlKWt tlic 9th day- of July Wit. iu til* I, t( CHirt?n, In Lauren* ri'itrict, 1 mutt liy llie imtne of J>-TlK)MP.SON JOHNI HON ** ? u.nrdei ed l>y *on?6 j*r*on or perF i?n? uirtn tliii tiHir iiuhm>wli: |, Now, HwMM I, M. I* HONHAM, Gov. # ntiuftf tl|Oh?i? jtforemid, d? ??uo tWi? InV' 1?t*?elnn)Hfton, r^fefiMfC n VcVinrd wT" FIV.E In-Mrltvn POLLaK* f r*trc op X jirdiettrlo'i iMid iWHverjfof the rml thnr a-" ?Li?r of til* raid It Thomson Jwbnaon hiH> R; - ' ?ny ?p* o( lira jnl'i of tbWKtnte; and, it B< ? more than* one, an a ifditiOtinl rewnrif of' tire hundred dollar* (orcntli onu whwahull K W proved to W aw aecnin)Jlr*'. ' * CK tUivm under mi hnnd.atujihr aril ilAhf> hUar*, ii( HMrMtiii, w^iath day ST' 4*> * ) ^ Het.Htnii. r. A. H., our (hMMiia. ckM'HMidrtd ?i*i iflrtv-tlfrf^ * , JL U"IK?MIAM. K ' Vt It. Ul'ntfj ftcweturv ot folate. * -40 ' -/ im H (PrSX1fHie|ut]i*ra in tha bl?t**()iib)iih H . I'Hr nw^uy^ - . Pxcnange Notico, . Jl*rt?*t?mv,,:Wpf. 14,1808. K fplJK ,Whrtriaj^'t!iiitf?Jfrjit?'Sithrfm oiul V' H*^IV avturrd At iVioUk-iiyr, R i""i f.ot???-i|m-H?ly parol. U, SB Nave tioaarxWy -cirijlmwyed, and ifrc her.hy R v . 1. 14*>rtWr. una tma vt <i . C U Ste vaqaoirStlivWow- v., | " *. The oSleae* atta nun of Gee. B?iw*ii'? 11,?n '*<' It h) tinrn *GV ?iilVl>flS.'n. wf ' 5SVp**l0i tiwwFnli^et* t>Atc<*r*-4?irl nwin'.' P * liavfUtN AtU^rr. #f ?it Cot M r4???? fuvvkmtfto *,?r'iA(h, ^?l>3. hnv'^ in duly exchanged, ?w?I nr< l??uvl>v to lUrrt. ' ' mofU)/' - ? A^WISFhlMr. >f 1 _ > -wta *. ;''v.'. e pr SMbwW rnftr tlx iftncs m..l jo hiJb totha W?r"l*of>arlN\?nt. ^ CT in fuUKatotiOV i.jitH; rfWi n \mm1 ?<*nt?a!>!?. *ARY;?? tlW, te<1 loofiitijf, ufAiiout tUr?*n* tv^pr M UfutgPi 0?or^ w?*> mtaei) lit jp?? iiNfrt w?i '? * (now <lftu>ty ?>y (it, Ore II villo Court or Tim** mill A?lu^ill? K?<r?'*apv oftt^dml'nml mli^ t.. t iu<T.ifi< <^ ... I V ' - ' I?; 7m>^:\ Li. ffrnfihr "' * ' * ' ^ ? --"* 't'l 'jk j n ' jmm ajX *u au - ? ^outhwti (gnttrnrifff/L' it^ii m- ru""- " <*j ' ' tour.Motto--JDqujkI'IMAMato XU." < OllEENVlLL*, S. C. \ Thursday Morning, October 15, 1803.' j All persons w idling to stud auppHaa ' to tb?ir friends in the nrinv, *t Chntta. , nobgft, will bare llifrp oi (Jreenrill* i D< pot, l.y the 20lh, imuk?d in the?v< I df Dr. LaI'.ok'ik, Columbia. 8. C. Mr. 1 C. 11. Dvkr will K>e to the abipphig of 1 them. Urw thru w?ll bond and strap- ' p?j. a A. tiCKLE. J ,i .ran TUS 80l'TUXRN XXtlRPUM. >' EPf. 4 -* it The Soldiers' Rest, Grcenvillo, 8. C. l y 1)m Directresses of * The Saldier*' < a way side home for tlto birlf and 1 wougdwTeoUlier, under the gmeisl supetvidon of the .Greenville Aid ArsociaT* - s?' ?% 'J ' . turn, feeling that- they some nun nre ne<jpuntnbl? (o the public, from i whom they hweo received touch enconr- < aging' sympathy and- many geneVous 1 contribution"!, nre de?iroiu of making ? J short talsrmfcnt of the present conditioh of ?he Hospital under their control. ] Tliey are grateful, to ba able to an- 1 nnur-co that kl HQ lime of it* existence ? })* it been more pposperon* than now, 1 though its resources hi?re been lately taxed to tlic utmost to meet the "ncreas- , ing dchiVuda upon it for shelter, food r and _clothing. A few months ago, i sClt'tcely a dpXt-n soldiers a nib nth claim, ' d its hospitality,j uuw, in L-hs than ' ft.Or weeks, it has aulef flftnaA Inote than one hundred, nirti, JUm-l of tjicni sick j or wounded, and a la?g?" proportion auf- i fer?r*.fruiu. the Jete laitla of Chick*- i manga. * t Though ilia difficulty of oLuinifitr J p:o\isiona?)ia? gmwti gicator cv'eiyj, -month, almost ieery Joy, the nek. ) wounded, L tin pry and. lii ?d soldier W J never failed to find at "'Ilia HvC * ' -kindly welcome, cartful muting ?<r<! 1 sufficient refreshment. The DireeircVs* ( oK are, of course, unable to j.ioouie m#uy luxuries which, urrdei enfinurj i liicnm dances, they would he gut!'lied to i titer tq their gtiesU, hut they have tier ' wr yet l>een reluctantly fused to .deny J then} any of the nec-essmia*. or attain*Ule c.Ofi forts of life. CqiuiJeriaff tln-tn- i sel***, like the hi eve soldiers whom 'they are itfoat Leppy lu any -way fc> sutye and relieve?- tnh*U<l fur ibr wav , ??no self snciifivc, no tclf-dcnial shall he too great to .shake their dot or mifintiou to catfr on licit good walk, iwwcajl upon their Mine or devo'lion induce tlieiti to ftliuqyiih it, aintil a g!$rn>tt* peace blesses ti?o land. As long M there is on* soldier tick, wound- t. ed^war-ettXTrn or .nr?tarvf"to whom their effofti tfton hrfng solace ?hd console ii On, r-o hing wiH their hands ho extended -to help Mid cheer him, so long w ill they rMcrni it their doty and* p it itfige to 1.. 'I? J- ' 1 > * kiih'ki- ?/ >?? itwi'JO imu?V, niiltll lor to malty months f<f ?i.durance,' fia* juet hnUHfi-inft]) eren form of duDgar, ^privation and rufisring'' ' To irfd U?m in their Jetarmhiation *, 'To maintain nnd-hupporj, under nit diffipnUiea, rbcir lJosfiiUrV, which it hecorn erary dayjilbt* useful mid impor- i the Directinppeal uwbrsitatiagiy to *11 who l|Mr? our fire*t catue ?t beat t, for sympathy and *-?istaticc. Many e/nt, and doubtless wilt, spare froin thtflr abundance, suppling which would rrlh??o them from all fears for the ceding winter. On all* such they call freely and W"ith?? cerfafnly of a speedy and gcnesous ??spons?r and ailh an air snraftCS .Of. tliohr sincere 'iad cordial gratitude. A? lMHoirntjrr'AKjciGbr.--A?> nrrraf, trl?iC-K is #8*kI We Urn uioet t yit^pdrUuifc soroowtimc, * was made yeBtapduy"by detective1 Wdliaina, iffwder Of Oen. Win fv*? Uc*n ' fcrofyu} n} > b tlift CohfcdWaojr tor^ a^ral iwwntUa, veiling 0?rfi L?*V tyatdoUof^ ^vbtle, Dm- j i v%! J^n" %8? <rtlp4>oW? pi ?1** cUl lrtt^roat to hj?t uad Oio XImh k9t*, r.jvvi the ti.o Guv era[ hfoldr ft evmsnLtoiowin t ^ court xrs iK?l r?nn,it W nvokkfl ! S^r VMR-Wft mn^Jhf Vit.twWjJ [ \ \ ri- 'tar ."A'""V ?*? ? ' * ^ % I". ' m1 1 * : 'jjff u *' ' . ?i?,?.? ? ?? .- i? i . ;#LE]X o * ^il ^ l-L-U-J>.- L'y??ii ?1L-li I ihts of tltq j&antfe, and ^GREeiTfS,B/ SOVTH^ 1 . . Lll? L .. . 9 " U . Co the Citizena of ?r?envilla Dis* trict. > THE LeaWdnture but lippotnted a day for' ll?c Congressional alec lion so ranch earlier hntr I )md <Mttlei|>atedplhat I will not Imve the,oppor?iniHy to meet th? citiseus of this lii^irlet>nd ley befor?4hcm those view* of { ublio-tflfairs which I have spoken of to After seotfone. Neither will 1 attempt to lo ao nt present, further titan to any that 1 regard ere *re in great peril fr< nf t1te con* lit inn of ^Mir.finailcee, oud 1 hat nothing Tint [he legislation will deliver \ia from it. If elected to ?ongre?*, it Nvill be my tfToii to use iny beat judgment, in consult a ion with others, (a find the remedies wllieli ifertntnly exist, nnd apply tbetn to the evil before u?. I appeal to the gcireVous onstllucney whom 1 lmve- nlrea.Iy served, lo aid trie in this matter, if tliey think 1 cou dim be of use to tire'country. Of a matter personal pi myself, I Jerii e, lowevor, to say su?n> tfcing more fully. My M>m|w?titor line been accustomed to .attack ?c on the ground that I have been engaged n running the Klpekadc. I have heawd lint reports on this subject have .been naively circulated among yon. Willi those * ho know me, my previous life nod char ctcr arc^sufliciont. widenec that iif this natter 1 l>n\e~Vecn doing no wrong. Hut [ feci it dlK\cvtn to them, that this mnttor ?c explained. say, then, has jean my ..custom to interest 1113-aelF in oil natters to wltkdi 1 co?U coil tilbu to, "when [ fait thaf the iulcrc^ of the country could lie. promoted. In proof of this, 1 was n stockholder, nnd one Of the largest in the Charleston and Liverpool line of at an urn r.* ?a company chartered by the LegLjIntpre l^yoor of more blfore the sscmios of South Jttro'inn. Tl?c ol>j?et of that line w?? to leeiire direct trade with Kuropf and to nllkc the South independent of the North. \ftor th.e commeneeinvnt of the- war, the Government nt Montgomery was atrgiol to establish steamers to run the lllockndc ?n Government account from bontlicrn |?orts to Knrope. 'An agent was sent to tliam bj some gentlemen in Charleston f?r Ihis-pnupose. They declined it, npon tlie jruiil\<l that the war voiilj hot Inst long, hut w? had-al?tili<iunL xiipj.Meant arms ntiil nnioiiuit iyn; thai thr'rbk was too great for he Oofcrnotwil and that., on the wh ?1?, it tail l^eturlie done private cntcrprWu. It v? ? only wlich'niWcffoit with tlj>; CovrrhuoaiT Imd failed tJusJt jvitriotio men, look ?p mainly to the ne?d Mioy (urrww, eetabl|*lr;d 4:n'?? for this-jHn [>?*? . They felt Hnt, nrmx, nioniiiitl'loitfMitnkitp, allocs ami her noorioniirp, pIkkiI 1 lot obtained for lie troops. I to anions those wlin. for :l?ii pwrpose. engaged in tldx work. 1>T t ih* vime thnt the tfnfafMiil. a were chartered l>y -the l.ogi-latnre, in Mcoclnhcr lnrt, 1 hn?l I :V?i4cil b?lwe'it ?tven and eight thousand dollars in thl? way. nil of which had Ittelt Irst, with the ejection oC nine hundred and y AoHara. I may say here, as the ttroai ot'jt-etlrn ffVged Against too tx that 1 have mo<:e (ghuloos nmil in thin way, that in t-aaMtj' I have not v?t realised a finale e?nt._ I -<|i .Id. have done so,'hod 1 poneentAI to Tithe *t<v?s which I i?cM, ntrd widt h 1 e..ul,\ hnvo sold for five or si.\ times what I Itaew thent to be worth.? lint nty ntlo of ijfc lw? been, never to Veil 1-ropcnty for mora tlnfn I deemed it .worth intrinsically, hud I sou Id jicl do tlit*. I ?h not hngw that 1 'will even get lock again w hat I have 4btt? inverted, much less-that 1 shall gnfn l.y the hijrostwent. Let tnc also say that there are certain evil* ponneitAd y>ilh some llock.wl* rMB' ttiirp with which I hare hnd nothing to do. I have never Uad any hand in introducing Ynirkec goods. into the conutry. I hnv< never shipped cotton to go Jo the-Yankces I i -t i. ii * ? i gm.c IIV114 in ttl I HIS WRS WrorTf* and tint I Congress ought I* hnve tliTi nintloK 'If 'deglw'1, 1 -should be glad t? vote for * bill by'whioh it ?hnlj b<r provided tluU everyone bringing into oui port*, furtihb indubitable proof tlw.1 Clio goods hrA not of Yankee.origin, uud i ettvli proof V|t? not furn'olteii, timt thegooiL shall bo Confiscated te the Oovaruinent ami, n!?, t^ut tiny bac exporting cottor should give a laind, foe tlie full value of tin cotton shipped, to be collected by the Oav eminent in tlio event that tbe cotton fall flit* the liftndi of the Yankees in an}* otiici tray titan by capturd. -.JYj'ile, Uowever, 1 have 1ia<1 nothing u d* with any of the evils of the block* lc,*l have bod a great deal to do with many o the blowings it has conferred on the conn ?i*jr. I have inttoh to do with Aims, amrott nHfon, ldBI?|reUh shoes and other neecssa rlc<,which hftjrc ^eon brought in "grdtuit otnij for (Im Ooyernmont, I have ?<* been wit li* I lie importation o lliblw, Testa na*nt?, Ao., fcliioh lii\v? Lest brought in *rol plmrged, nlthougl it nniouuted to ton tltousand dollars. 1 have no qncatiqn lha.1 tboaa aasoeiiUed will mo here contributed Uimdrad*of thousand, ioi warloim wove, to lia flovvrn ment. to thtn> boa boon drte much o the suooeso of tile Uovarnmaat in the do ftOet wf ?{ff?arlt?loo ood the twinning o dmt.y.ot our bottle*. ^ Tot* evil! thus ?*?. toy frirndo, that I Jlon ryjt t?-this matter n^led otherwise thon ( tro MCf n<-t<wl; ftnd that the eh ofeeler HoVrt e?taCii*hrd a?>or.? yon in the p*ot It* noiJiot * forfeited by ?I*y Oct which 1 JraVi ! done since Hio beginning rff Ueis wof.? Jd^ny of you knew of the Mieaesaful effort I have made v? hire <*nr State *MppliA< ri.ft.m e.trd*. Ttie\ c.ti.. * ^ ""*# N " ' j ' * " # ? * L** .% ?" . * %* * \ * -1 r vi c* >*?9-: ?i ?'l 11)11 1 ? ^ I *' !l??iI - ipi I'J v ^ 1*0? Mil r.' i> . *_ . ; tte ?ifimiau of ^tepft ?as? - .; .:.?. jj-j/ryr- .. i \ii- '_" CAKDLHtA, THURSDAY MO . 1 '."_ ' 1 J . U.-IIH.' J--I1 TJ"' nrul I truif that t wilh %oob be dutribntw. Wtth this I leave the remit of this election in .your bands,' conflilaat 'Unit wljal.'wr miW He jour. deeislotf as to ruy ability to aid you, I hove done, nothing to forfeit the good character you have born accustomed to givo me. " r ? JAMES P. IKJYCE. An Act To Prevent Desertion from CotrfeJc^ rale or Stole Military Service and Evasion of C&iscr>]>lion. Pitc. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate aud- llou?o ol llepresentntives, now mot ?nd silting iti General Assembly, aftd by the authority of (lie same, That upoq the lodging of jofo^UMtion, on oath. | with the Sheriff of any Distiict in this Slftte.-(or, 44i his absence, with the l>epulv Sheriff.) tlipt any deselfcr from Confederate or Sfrvt& military fcorrjee* or cva'tlerof coflsciipi ion or draft for service - w ithin, ihja State, is within tKe limits of such District, it shall be the dutv of Shell Sheriff, (or, in his abecnce, the Deputy Shut iff.) to arrest such cloAerfer 6r evador ot eoneeri prion, so re ported to tiirn ; and for that purpose, if neeeeuiry, .'to summon to hi.t aid tho jyosse comitatus ; and to hold- the pir son so arrested-in mfo costod v until delivered. to "the Kuroiling Officer of tire District or. other person authorized to reccire hitn. Sue. 2. That if any Sheriff or TVpu J ty Shprilf sltall. refuse or wilfnllf neglect to nMssI any person so fcportai to biur ar h deserter or evador of conscription | or draft ft*i service within this*Stale, ho j shrill be Hal le to indict men' as for nogi'Cl of duly ; nmf, upon conviction, j shall ho lined, in iha*di.-oiction of the viiuii, nm exceeding <>?? HjpuoanJ* dollar^ Cm each and every olYcnoo. Site. o. That il be unlaw ful-fur I any p<-i*.>n to nlvbe. encourage, pio | | cure or entice a soldier to ilewrt f:i?m i the service of lb? State, or *>f llit; ^ CnhfcJera^o States, or n ceiiicrijil to evade liia military obligation, or to' harbor or "cAnceid, or^aid i? burbovinjj or concealing, ifcv such deserter or evader of conaciiptibii. An<l if any pe'ao'i kli.yfl ndi i??, encourage, procure or entice unv soldier to deceit from tl?e ?4i \ ice to the State or of the Con fed e- ] rate State*, or a conaoripl^or a iicraMi liable to collecti|>lion to evade his tuiii tary obligation, or blmll harbor ot conceal, or 1 hi ill Ul^leMiiiiiO gr CotlCehJhlg I any siteli deserter or evader? f coiikciIjv*lion, Limning liiai lo be Mich, or If < rofu-e to deliver n]? such desetlor Qr' evader of coi.sct jpiion to the Sheriff, or to any person atithotucd' he the State or Confederate ini'.itMy authoiitv to <-f ft of ire ane-l, nich p?t>on so rfYmutiirg ?lm!l Iliable to iadictineiil as f ir a lii-?li mis'b'iiieano-, and, n;>on Coiivie Jlidn, shall bo filed nofc exceeding five humlrcil dollars, and be* impiisoncd , n<>( exceeding on? year.'iu any j ?ii in Vita State, where the iiitpii?onnioM of flm ! person ao Coiivioted-sbaH be by Iihu Court. The Si ere- Grand Revirw of llic . Forces on James Ixlajul. I The batteries veMcrday kept up a i lively fire against (?roi?i? anil Wionor. , The Yankees*ru.coiuMxn:ly busy h( hoth , ! fort a ; but as ye I theft guns are Mb nt. I It was reunited yesterday by 0)ie of our ofiurere, vyholias Jtn excellent ojtpnt jun I iiy of somtihizing I lie movement * of the i etiemy orr Morris IA?ml. thai iiwy|i?vt | j ist mounted a kervvy I'nrrott gun at Gumming* IVuit. This it belie red to ' -be tbo or.lj' large titled 'gun that limy * now havo'in position at ,lhc cxlreii ity of the I*land, nhlioujjli i? ?-ir works there' are evidently iultmded to contain many ^ ?ndre. ' There n.t? a gnupT review of tbo forces t>n Jauiva 1 datwl yesterday "by * General Kipfey. Tiro line was formed ^ near liatnli'e, snnl as the General itiul *" his atat!" rode from end to caul, the sight * "was one Trot toon to be forgotten. Tltc. i troops I'f'erwards (ook up the line o/ 1 march., in column of companies, r?k1 > pushed i" review. -* Since the war begarr, . Ghat lesion Ua? not seen so splunlid an * arrnv. As ?tUe kmfj trains of artillery r rumbled by, the flue R}^?eatauc<y of the batten** ntul the i-*celt?-at coftdlfiou of > the iryrse* ovas^lie subject of general I rem.trlr, TIscm* wine followed l>y the f seemingly interminable brfanlfy. It ? I was, indeed, h fe-zodiy scyn'e, ws brigade , I after <>f the grey clad veterans. win) inoir o:u?>nei? gntming id i|ie -tihiijiht, nnd-nieir Maincd and IMhSred in Wlo Uw'A mnrciifu j. on with titt- <H?Utic ktiivl ot soldjo?s-nc> custnfwed to -victory. * ... *"!* CJen?-I4?i?Jfy, ?t riia close of th$ r?view, tapr'a?>rd ].i* Untie feci ion nl lite discipline and nppearHuce of I lie forces 1 in tliftt^ortion Jf hnrVominand. I Mtrturi/y lOCh. f ' 0+ " ^ ??? ?%#! ^ f L?nnnfi'*.f.r ntrv of Drag's nrmy " t?<i. directed to GhatMtnoofci*, M f" U. T-* l*MM?ps, (he head po*trnn*l?\ ia at thickaniHUi." !, where they will lis x stopped and distributed. ? , ( . ? . "s ?'. r V' ? I ' T?i* ^rt Um iii {S. G.) corrsapond* a v<?nt oT lh? lloston Traveler announces if tAe arrival at "thai port of the inventor - ?f t lie ptepsraticn Litoun a? tlis^'Clrct-k flan." ItJa, thereto**, anticipated 1 , a Urgetfre v?iW take fcfua nomewjiers .yin Inkjt ??-<Jret-?U *i? eade fry- -{ w . c' ' ? ^ # . ? * " t ' 'T * " f * j % , i* *''9* . j- r' a. % ' ' ' . - v/" \ III | IL> ll'B ^ 1 1 I - , 1 *^v v^r ** * ". ^ '^* ' ' ! I * "')'? - <"* -. . . . l_ IfiYE SUL^-. r-4-UL-P il ^h'.oKleiltjc Mwktj at BNifi?5, ilCTOBEIl K 1&?3. 1 "v y - 11 -!!.! -JJiJgj Prom the Army of Horthern Virginia. . The longt?lk*u of forward movement of Oeu. Left has t>?ejt jtt Wl begun.? The army of "Northern Virginia is North of the llapidan, in hot ,pni&uh of the grand armythe.Potomac, which ban fallen buck from Gnlpeper.O. II., and ?* in rapid flight for Manassas <Jr Arling- , ton. Meade igajr make a stand at the Rappahannock. but this is uot regarded as probable. IIis army not numerically very strong, mustering not over JJO.tWO ? muskets, is weak a* regtudi tire elements of which it is composed, there being in it a largo proportion of rec<yitand most unwilling conscripts and ro captured deserters. It would bo nowise at present to give even such meagre particulars <>f- our plans and movements as have come to our knowledge. Wo may, however, say tiitU/CwclVscorps is in tlie'advnnce, with General Edmund Johnson's divw-* ion as a vanguard. , The coming week w ill bo one of great activity with Gen.* Let;, and doubtless also with his antagonist, whether lie .accepts or declines a battle. It* be has determined-to iun, no tortoise pace will ftvail him. lie. must flv, and wo mayexpect lef'hear of great quantities of elorcs burnt and nyucli baggage thrown j away.?Richmond Rauuii itfr. The Sentinel fays The news from all quarters concur in . I stating ibat Meade baa been stripped of two runty corps, but has l? reinforced by .conscripts gad weakened by a steady sfreani 'of dcaeiters. It is .tho belief | that movements aro about to take place l ot: ilie ltitpKlan. . It i? nyt imprudent to sur, as the httt-i is alruadV known to the enemy, lliHt (ion. IjOH WHf. crossing (he Unpidan I ) esterdu*;. (jcu. Kwell 1>?>jjhii tlte movemont. ' Meade was supposed to be retiring.. It is supposed by most that Meade will retire beyond the It.ippahannock before giving buttle, if at ?llv* WardinlV have plenty of tumors now ?one already afloat is, that the enemy are landing a force at the White House. . The Mb-ncft is broken at Chattanooga with chiit)onn<lin?, while Forrest is op tnalipg handsome ly ??? Jvosenctart/'s tear. We look now for impoifant n?w? at every tick of the felegranh. Tlic re port* and stories with which some n-e distressing themselves and oi-liers, as to conuuftTitJ^r* in JhaggV armv. will be found to be gratuitous. AlF.iira will be managed tlief^ to the best iidv;??lnge. T fiK Co'xkkdbusth SocimiKS.? Among cheering instances "uf the twnes, v.? notice that A movement has been 1 inaugurated <iir an <xteu*jve rente in | i tie community of Mobile, for the f>im? j | a'lion of a social J to piomotc. by Steady i itiu mutual elUrrt, th? following ends: J- Hi. To place Confederate notes and I bonds oil a par with the nou-speei? paying bank no t* of the eonnlry. 2-1, To put down tlhJ traffic in gold, silver and batik .notes. ' 3-h. To reduce the liigh aod "exnrbi taut prices in pm-Un:*? of every kind.; 1 such as inervhatidi&e ofmrny kind, real I and coinn%isssons. To endear or to have ] j removed the impediments in transport i ntU'Ms, ami tin' p*Uv ?eiziircs.of pr{ivi?ionn in transit. To sustain tbe <lov?in ; and to aid the necew?ilou* wives | and children of tlio soldier*, until an honorable pence has beep obtained. 'jfie gl jv?ct 1> to illtprspeise these ho ci?h?e tb* entire Con federaoy, mid. to bib.g ntl^ tbe jfient int.ue.ts of the cotfhOv under their influence, to aid onr unity" ami the }>eoj>!e jDnfil uur war is ended, mid not to be driving at every jmiijt to make indi* iWnal fin tunes. We nre gbtU to ece tluil in several of tbc loading bn'sinewi ooirtmur.tiies of the West the project line. J,?en taken up wi ll nn eau eetne-s and unanimity that | eivo promise Of the speedy and Jaaiing | benefit of tile ca'iw!. [Charleston Mercury. Vn k I>Arn.r, or GwTTftncno.? j A Fed oral oHicer of fligft rospecti ability told one uf onr.oiHyer? who, 4?w*s st m'iseiior in the Yankee lines I after the battiest (Jhettysbflrg, that the Federal loafi-in that terrible en I gauanronl was 29,0' >0 rtiTd large t odds. lie said" rt had lmen care" fujly aetJertatrrud aiu^ figifrod n? in llio War Department, aiicl etx*ii was the terrihe result. Jlc did * not so]iposo that tlm fact wpnld ho ^aTioCed officially to* coino- before : the public,'hilt such jt nevertheless wfls. ' ' . . The enemy, pur informant (who i had excellent inctjrvA of Medttain* ing thcr lacta)*stati!K, ha<l alio taken groat pains to nmko out a complete list of .those, of ttfir men * who fell into" their hand? ntter tho battle, And tluit lfst, including wonnded, eUrgeotit, servants and cooks amounted to about fcap posing that we brought, off 6,000 wounded?a liberal allowance*-? and we 'nitty estimate entireJoss in killed and^w'oHUjled at 12,,000?not ball' that of tho enemy's, . \AtlabU* Confederacy. - Tnbkf aro about five thousmul known sjmh-IOS ** . 4 , K V * ' < . ' ' / 4. A*-' ..? / -'>-i> - m . ?j^M% , 1NTS. I ?f tSTor^ing rTrr^^rnrfr-i vVi. ji, % ^ jl ' Love Conquen Alt Thing* A ftortj. of Bligkird LTopeM and broken Hearb ??ijI'? Retloratian of both. .v Long Mory, but mait make it abort. Got tbe jmrTtoularu -from an individual who had it atf 'by .heart." * - Yo?sg ninn joined William lady najndd lfeli^d?-~l>ved in the same neighborhood, uoar neighboring town*. Young man good looking hot not ricb; plenty of poor kin, hut no mooey.-*Youjig lady'# beauty'not likely to be tbo death of her, but grandma went under "a year ago, and left-a pilo or ten. eont piecea large at a pound of loose, celtou. Young lady desperately* in lore with", young man^ Young, inau ditto with | young lady. Young man- wouldn't let , " concealment, like none of yonrdrotted vOmus," " feed on his Acek inj<? hieJ love " imtuajuly," jf not sooner. Ycruing 1 lady acknowledged the corn-*-" thiue, forever thine, dearest William," and w'ilted into young man's arms, sweet as you please. He helit her UUy baud in bis, And pressed b? r ift-ntle form. And vowed ta shield bar from the blast, And from the world's cold storm f And then sbe 'riised her eyes to b>s. And Ittltd with drops of woe, And in the tendercsl noccuU cried, t " Olt^quit, dou't hug tne sol" * , Such is life and love. Young lady told young man 1,0 interrogate old folk/. Yoqng man did ao. Old folks said, " not if they oould help it." YottBg lady broken hearted ; took -iT * ... ?/ ? ? on it oops ; quit comting ner qatr; wore shoes slijj shod ; and wanted to find relief in silent tomb. Young man met young lady by u moonlight alone," asked young lady to lllrow bundle of clothes out back window, climUdowu rope ladder " into these arms " and fiy to parson and happiness. " I may die?I know I shall die, William, but never, never, will 1 wod ilice, dearest one, without consent of in* and pa !" ' Young man plead*; young lady stubborn and dutiful. Young man tries the ihdignaut; upbraids young lady, and ?w ears, lie did nwl think to find An cold A heart lie deemed so true ; A'hmmrt lika mi wvuld yield UK* all,' ' If lotk like i*ia should woo. and talks of pistols, and Prussic adfd.? Voting lady dissolved in tear^ . " Oh, William, Lave tne ; quit my sight for-> ever; but take me nlong with yt*? V1? Young man happy fts a nigger at a corn sl.qckingv Ulls y.ortrtg lady to look out Saturday night, don t be scared if she sees ladder poked tip in back window ; ".your William will be at 'tothet end." Young i#dv thinks she's gone too far, and .says better wait till she is Iver own mistress?only fivo years.? Yotrngman says u fivo years bo dingod." Was coming Saturday night with ladder ; if bit heait'b idol w ould fly 6ora narental trrannv arid ha hnrvr>u wtih ?-; v * ; ? " IT/ him, and let liinv be happy with her, well and good ; if not disappointments shouldn't feed on hi? vital* long ; a pis to! would fix things quit;K cnougfr.? Yolmg'lady all fn tears again. "Cruel men?cany me lg the end of the earth ; I donH euiC whcrovjust so you carry tue." ' Saturday night young fady shuts up u savageous " dog in smoke hdttM and goes upstair*. Young man carries lad^ del up to window and whimpers, "lielindif" very, loud?Uelinda dosen'l hoar ? d</g does, anH cuts up among the meat barrel* terribly. Old latl^ wakes bp. Telia "old rtr*n somebody s trying to break in. Old man geCYt&p takes down double barrel gun, opens door fcasy. slips round to smoke house un4 le.B dog out. ])og pitches rouud and treea young man ami young lady up ladder. Old man smells a large ml trap full of miee, and bides be* hind tree, romtg people reach ground ynrimg lady dwiying driven off the dog "Oh. Williawf/Wq afraid I" ***'"? " Afraid, dear Set, an<T of what t It it not thine owiv* William here to pro'teel f Old man lets off one bafrel of gun young man disappears over fence, leav> ing coat tail in possesion of dog, ant young lady scioam* and faints in tbt old inAti's aims. Yo'ung lady aeat;off next day to Kentucky, and young man sooh starts foi Texas?in a bhrn. Young 1sul? was two weeksat a smal ! town in Kentucky ; tel?*grabic dispatc) ( one night ; pa quite hick ; see if eoropa nr could l>e had'at hotel, and oomc homo at once. .Young la?ly' senda t< hole) to know if nnyhody i? going t< ??. in Tennessee. Ye* : pun lee yoitng' man going right string!*. to tb* .very place. ^ Ertily ncst-merniug stag* lake* uj young, lady, and goes round t? hytel ii lake up^oung man ; Voting man g*tr :'ia. . '* - "WiWam-T * * * 44 Belinda !w * Uojr* per - . < 44 In fiwt ratebeafl'i. That Jfli*pat?l] 1 aeat nvjMdf.'V* ? .* 4 44 Oh *ker?r ve JPU .going ^ mot" ? - To (ire pareoDV H?Tf v <^1*^1 *oOl- Tc^gr^fn lo 6l<i Man all.afxHd, it. Ojd^aan eo41 do?n u??t ^ay ailli aIV i? ocean* ry fWN jog and aringcmenta to take young iVky home f. j-r.'-mntWre r * $51 *4 ? . . .?. . ~ "Jy+i.'> ? ' +^? r-^\t * _KjD^B<*^^Hj^^^Hj r ; **w .Ai > -f-v . v^tfcaP^^BHI Mr?* '" rfTUilL.v v liiY'r WA# ;: 4 +? ****** *~^'2*l1&tif?ftfWmt ^j0|5?2MBik**! I notcbes-^thlDk# it no*too to c^ Qve^ \ ! \^^ A/MI WIA 1. A * ei iv% f.. d^ M^yl ; ^ era ; fly a'rdtott-a/tcr baggage; <ddltf?$V - i pays b^toi KM), trad ?M JwMe* ? vertiseinont from w a g*l what ifl * gal " <'r~flfl9 ftoBBSoy CbyitTy^ Jnjli 15nH fij To mister bill tim uv the 2dtlr? fteg't K. C. T. tnr 1 sea bi the m>?f p*-- pen that u iiW want on wife J dcmt ,kno that i kin rata d but am oh not perticilar i kin jtst tol a in the-Aist plase ?jJH as to lucks i is nWf purty keo sfam' ffeaka - "jSp sa bgfct i dont b'.ere" all ibat's s?4 ao HoJa^iH civ you a ditoripshun ? wMl start at mi *fet bead aa go down mi hara is jiat tho culler air nranatta oali it mout bo red> der mi ise is green mi nose al iits cop tin it turns qp at the eene ray teaili is *< af gone e^ptin i in mi aper jaw an mi 2 stumaouck teeth the rsut ur toe is a! , rile til you git to mi font they is uto 2 i iroars Norn her miHIfl but a&s wil du when i baint got the groun Each i wais wu'n hundred an Illllllllif Sicks i the propurtie i Las is ol? Tii?r'nn *>***. ? lin but ha it a be wan at tu odrcftshtm an music ile jial suftMi fur I baia* got ntin i dont no nutbing abont jineral Hijlt exlterops fur i never beam he mad enny .but i bat tone turn DeSertera who cwss hhn far a granny dn anser tbia in the. Iloboeyrer quick as I it gitiin tired uv work i fur got to &a that mammy ia got-XIlIIlLLlI gal childein llvin and ' ai,t dod anscr soon. SAL LOVBBO^. : p, P S i saved ole tula eaf teatb an wil git a toltk Deuti* to put em' id as, i heer there is one fo Fayette pint the lime ns is in a hurrie. \ . SAL' LOVjfi&Y. A Nut titu Yakkkks.?There ' appeared in the Mayor's Court yeeterday a huge negro, black aa*-? .ebony, charged with being a ranaway, wUp a<-r cording to the testimony of Sir, Williams, who brought hi in into court, was brought down on'the Central railroad, by Mr. Sheppeiaon, the freight agent 01 that road, about a month since, the ne gro having requested him to . take charge of h. 111. According to the testimony of the niiboner he belonged to a gentlemen in ^Louisiaua, (whose naine and resident" he gave,) but was hired early in the wai to a gentleman from that Slate now im i then in the fenny. lie (.be nagro.) wacaptured at Gettysburg, and returned , 1 With the Yankee nrmy to Virginia, ntwr our army evacuate T the conntrv North of Ibe Potoawsc./In the? vicinity of Fredericksburg be sncaettded'i? ahtding the vigilance of lsia oapto/v, and J>< ! )? owJT language,."Cheap*!!] frdla lljr V?i kTl?? negro w** a rowpV ittnu;:it ^ manly looking t-pecimsn of the fftuu* . Africa, aud liu ataicmant boro ?rWvrt< 4 of truth and siflserky.?-/iickrnnmd Senlint I. \ ' " '? * - - NtiWS FROM TUB IrfLAXt*.? firing from oar batteries continues r as usual. A working puvtv on a l amal T inort er tottery Eas: G i egg 1 wore respeateoly driven o#.yc*tvr day moaning kyEort MouIU'ie, and l" finally disappeared. Batteries liep ' nnd"lfarfon, on'Sullivan's Island, V *aleo maintain a sioVr but regular tire on Gregg. Battery Siinkins, ,* on .tames' lsiaml, keeps up* regular nro on Wagnor. - . Qb Saturday night, Asmall beat, i conternihg two cap-: s tuired between Fort Sumter and 1 tho city. Tboy were discovered ' 1>y a party of eight of ot?y men, who ordered the Yankees to sur' reader. Tbe latter gave themselves tap, and were t>res?gtrt' to . tho city Sunday qrmri^ing. The t prisoners stated mat tboy were 1 carrying despatches frojp General , Gillmorc to i^d*u?d ^PaNlgren, , and hadUrtds.take*r^rbrt Saunter's , light for tjai of tit* Ironsides. No 1 ^lwp&tclitf found with them, l andtbaiv'siDrV isdiscredit*^ were armed, and If; is believed ? vrcve ongj^cd in fkcftmoitering donr harbor obstruction*. It was i reported that another sanftl bOsfc eras company with tH& captured party, bnt inadu it escape. The ; Miefl tW vSSSwr,'.v ^ The #feet? inchidiag Tfca Iron-. ii(Wiind MH'Jjilorp, rcBiijiii quiet, ' trlj J lytWa-lWA. ji vi^ ?*' ? rt<v-A'>?*tin,itnefct Amturc ta hU ilifld4 ?. r ~ ' --'V. ? ! ' 1 1ft ; f - V?V 4 i * 1 >*" '