University of South Carolina Libraries
t % CwfcMPlMlaners of feokda. K f v, HfHitHJi'AKTKtrBPnm^KT^KOOFrifcig, HIE <n oimivtiuh <\ W . *. r.kOot j|tii, ism. * - ' h>rfhy nHer*d ?r Ml upon ib sj^^peK your Division to furiwM ?o?i Wlio Have- 90t Leretofrrr? Inr^ehed their >}*ota%1iobW under thela<N-?f ?b* " -, ^MU-Vo.^ W local rood* and btghJ* ^ ? * . * jfYdu a*e directed. a?i to dlntn.b Negroja nafcuall7 bJplofred' i0 Connexion with tlie LirVt- ' lteilroad*, 1 rou WoiLe-aud I l^(L * TpvlS^tfce preening urgent for Htl r^~ Labor, you am required To ham (ho Slave* % * - delivered to thaae H?adq?u*rt*r* at Green; . * villa C. n^pn-WEDNESDAY, 11/A Oe<vbn\ 1%M 12.. - - * _ # " v ?-w *v"swvrw? . I M *DL D. McCRF*ARY, a Lieut, mill Eu. Offiocr. takn Ro^tcc, Owners of Jtaad Hands. TRffsmVE Orttn ?<e liei*d .to the nndcr. ' P signed to deliver to tho'afieor In charge *H beads liable to work <>n tho Coan en<lrr . '_ * , H?o aVdVa cell. Kacry eeraoo owning bevels >*' ' . ICwy to Koad P.?ty, will therefore bring fort| TIN their quota god deliver theni to'CSpium BTV IV U. MdORBARY. Enrolling Officer, bctcrc WMtKESDAV, tie UiA '.Hit. Those wbo fail will have their hands ini* ** t pressed without distinction. Persons owning only tiko ot three hftridsT" may unite witn somo one else also owning fractional numbers. . intending hands, or else all such will have to end a band. BKNJ. QASS. IutcndanVof Qreeuvillc. * October 8, 1888. 33 1 - Begimental Orders No. 1. Headquarters, 1st Reg't,, S. C. M. Tflf-pursuance to orders ^to mo directed, . X-'ttltFI&n? -SES?K5?T. 8. Pw2.\. >viH rvwwde it Bit UTON'S OLD FIELD,- on Tjiwn&ku, *%d October, ftr the purpose of enfyllttt&Bjt of ?A1 peitons from the age of jcveeo'to,witty yenrs wifliiu said-Regiment, nn.l vrjll assemble on that day, at 10 o'clock, A. M., precisely. Also, before the day app>o?nte<r fbr the parade, the officers commanding begt oontpnniea in said First Regiment will make out Rolls of all persons re. aiding in said Beats from the ages of It) to 80, designating on the list the age of each parvon, those having substitutes In C**?tudc jWte service, And resident, aliens, and", if- ?ycedtpllcm from service be claimed, stating the ground on which it Is claimed. lly orOyr qf _ " . ^ ** Lltvr-Coi.. {ILAKRLY, , Com. 1st Rcg't S. C. 31. ^ T L. DuRne', Adjutant "s. i o**; ' 23 2 Managers of Elections. rJsj n A If ir 1) lit. T P 1 / T KSbA * U, IJ.? 1J. ucnuii, x. v. KJC Gower and IJ. 11. Duncan. McCoLLoiteu's?Jus. Gainer, T. II. StoWs and It. P. Johnson. Jonks?J* I). Sullivan, Dr. T. Woodsldes .and Dr. I). Dun k I in Moore. .Fairvikw?It. II. Earlo, II. M. Cely and "Wil?on lVdcn. B?'s?Daniel Fowler, S. R..Weal-raofeland and A. II. Lester. Doothitt's?^George W. Keith, .'Joseph JCaraon and If.-Henderson. Fountain Inn?tWilliam MeNeely, G. T." Hughes and R. Vaughan. Oil Cami* Crkkk?David Davenport, Dn vid IJayne and Perry (3anlrell. OowuiiviLuV^Pr. -W. A. Slooncy, J. fid.' Hutchison and It. Bowden. . Richards'?J. W. Austin, II. L. Ilcnder- I 6on nnd W. A. Austin. *. WavriKLu'a?J. R. Sinyer, B. V. West and J.' LenAcrm%n. * ?-> WiciTr?*;Li>'??Titos. Tarnsr, N. W. Gurrisen and.J*. N. Aekor. Shocklct'ii?G. S. Gretn, Win. Cunning"ham and Willis Green.' Montgomery's?Thos. W. Rowe, C. C. Mont^)inery uud H. K. Lynch. C.'kdah Falls-t-J. W. Hopkins, Silas Trowbridge nnd Willis Chandler Fomiki-.'s Stork?R. T. Tally, William* Cojr and l? Goode. Bt.uton's?C. P. Dill, O. Barrett and A. A. Nave#. , Main's?O/iara Barton, David McClnin ai.d Thos. Read. .Gross'?Benjamin Few. H. S. Gibson and Wm. DieVson. IIodoc's?D. W. llodge, J. B. Davis and > John F. Ilightower. . , Dicket's?II. Keller, W. D. Fowler and Ji U. Dickey. l^ATKevn.LK?G. W. Lester, Jno. A. Smith and John F. King. ? ."!? consequence of the <U?s#soo of a great many of tba Managers of Flections for (JreonvjUa District, the members of the Legislators for said. District have appointed the above named persons to manage the ' election to lie hold for a member of Congress Tor thi* Congreasioual District, on the lirpt Tuesday after the third. Monday in. October, being the 20th day of the month. T. EDWIN" TV A It E, B. F. PERRY, P-ANDALL CROFT, ' L I\ BOYCR. Greenville, S. C., October 5, 18(53. Oct 8 2.1 2 PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SoiTH CAROLINA, r nvc/itrnrit^tS i \ I.AE.I/U mi' urn /\iviiur.^ f COLCMIIIA, OCT. 4, 1803. f WIIF.REAfc?, MAJOR Q. D. MELTON, 'Cotfrtnandant of Conscripts," under the Confederate Government, for the State of South Carolina, issued, on the first of- October, instant, an order requlrihg " nil arsons vdio have"hitherto bean withheld from conscription by reason of claiming exemption under the law** of tlie State," 1 to report to the Enrolling Officers of their respective Districts to be enrolled for service anid whereas it is held, by the Exea utive of the Stale, that all exemptions from military service provided for by the Convention of this StAte aod other competent State authority aro val ?<> fep law, ar.d should b^ insisted on, of whicffnolico lias from time to time best! given to the Command ants of Conscripts: Now, therefore, I, MILLElXiE. U MON HAM,Governor and Couiraaunerdn-CWef, do direct all cittaens of this State, holding exemptions from the Adjutant General's Office, and otherwise exempt by fbe laws of this JStr^te, to cjpiui their> eaenrpt ions fi unv (Jonfederate s.rviee before th? Enrolling Officers of the ChnfederfcU Government, and to notify I#* 'Adjht*?* General lA the " State of such' claim, to tire end that the question may be submitted for H?? decision of some competent legal tribunal. Given nadir my hand aim the seal of- the SUte at Columbia, this fotMli C - ' > dsy of October, A. V. 16?3 ) L. $. > au.r the afchty. eight* year <t f ) the mv?reigv\y of the State. . . Wa.HR. HvKT.See. of ftet* t fist 8 ?8 I* Qpa Ti i- weekly pnpsra ppbNsh ffcaet * ,, ' . tWuei aad^t^icr pef. re'hme. wc<dit'T -i > A-W , '*7 ' - '? Wli. I %\ WOUjWEsij^i^llS^ ' i 50 DO. STTLPH: HORf IjiKE, ,' LOW "ft -""JtltoWalter, Jr." 'I ki Oct 8 ,iL > --at AM 1 , -V k | ^';l<i^C^TbR'? SALE."*' v .' A yWWtyQLP, at the lut* realWGV & *. "WOOWA8 jyuc^Ki. ^, i vKVv'wed. on Mi# RwOicrfuni l:>. ,!. r> -iMB^'dpa fr?i*."Grr?nvUkyO IT., on 2W- 4 rfay. 27 Ik -*isOn/, tJi*^ following personal c |?r?j*Ky, bafafting tr At Ett#tc ?f snrd<u deceased, iri*! - . . ' , Six4i>e* JxKCLROEf: two e Women. ofie about. 11 ind- the v yH0^yP*?olber 4<>. anil " brae children;. f n i'k-lc Tin v.* about 22; * vol' a of CATTLE, SI I UK I' (i?(]|IO0H;*mmi , on# MUTIH, and one STJLL iturffMWr_ a TUBS: ?lao a Tot. oT iWusJh u M -f* u and Xrtchon'ParhTtur,'. " ' T t3y~TERjM-^ni?de known onrtnv of aula. a WASUINQ.TOS JPAYLOfc 'v r ;- V. 4j Opt 9 . . 4 28 3, '4 1 " wJt i | -Cou?otiption Notice. - - ? HEADQ'RS CAMP.QF-I2JBTRUCTIOJt;) |- . ' CtolUNDiA, .Ovlotftr l*t ISftU. L I* AT.L overseers and owners of platitn- ^ I. to xsluou eertiflcatas 'of exMnp-*f ? tion.liava herWotoi e beeh 'granted.-,under ? Act of Congress, Approved October ?1 f. a 1868, are hereby, ordered fo report to the t Enrolling OiKaor of their respective Ida- ( triots, to b^emolled for aervlye. AUo. qU persons who have hitherto Wen withhold j from conscription by reason of claiming tx- , rtsptioti under tlic law a of the Stntc.II. Persons liable to eniolnigut for ecr- i vice under'tbe foregoing Order will lie nl j 1 lowed to co forward tie wlutitctr rrerui!*, , Provided, They repoi'ttn the Enrolling Of fieer of their^respective Districts,indicating , the companica Of their choice, mid go for- | ward by the 20th dety of' Orto/wr, All ( persons eo reporting will be furnished with , certificates by the Enrolling Officer*, slat ing that. the}- Volulltocivjd and selected their 1 , companies before enrohngut * r-' . I* III'. The privilege of rolu;d$ftrU>? itcrcby ( extended is, under the orders of "the War j Uepai ttnenl, subject to those restrict lone, j that no otic of conscript nje. shall voUwr- 1 ' tt-or into any oorupnjiv organized ninee tin- j lCUi dnv of. April. lior into any com- . , pany which may bo already fall. -A-tnl the. Commandant of tX??ari{>tf is required fo ( make requisition (orlltt return to ibe Camp* of instruction of every 'pcvsoli who shali ~] go forward without first reporting to th? Enrolling Officer of llis DistrnA and for cv- , rv person who shall bo mnstri'til into any 1 company which Is already fuM. or into, any j company organized since the 10(!l dlfv oft April, 1862, IV. Any overseer who was employed rn.'Tjq acting as such at the date of April I<"?, IS'Jsi, j and has continued so to act, but ia m?t now I (| t-iigaged oo a plantation which entitles his cmptpyfrlo claim the exemption of inch j overseer, will bp permitted to take employment on nny plantation which, wider the ^ provisions of the Act. o/ Congress, approved j May 1, 1808, is entitled to the exemption of i (i nn overseer; and on the compliance liy bis employer witii tbe pro\ isioiis of said Act, I sucji overseer niav be ex em pled _ I -j | V. By section Ilfof tbe Act of Congress, ap- [ I provfcdMny 1, i8t>3. the exemption Is nutiioV- ' ,, izod of such other persons " as the Evesi I dent Bhnll ne satistied ought to bo exempt- 1 ; ed in Districts of country d-pt ivod of white] or slave lalior necessary, for the support ol the population remaining'at borne, and ost' account 7>f justice, equity a'nlfr necessity. < VI. Applications for - exemption tinder' tho section recited should liO addicted to ( the Secretary of War, setting forth n!) the" material facta and should he -stvofn to by the applicants nud veiifiedby tbe oaths of ( at least two respectable citizens, who are cognizant of'tlie facts to which tl)cy<?tiirni. When so verified, tliev should be left with the local Enrolling Officer for investigatiJn, . who will forward thc-pi Uii-otigii llnse Headquarters,. with his report on th> facts. .VII. All applications for *uf<nluntiou in reference to eAofnptions, or to, msnteia per tnining to the cantcription, ortoiho going forward of Volunteer recruit?. sliould be made to the local Enrolling Officers.' , r. i>. MELTON', Coin man da n I of Con?c?ij?ta of S. C. V Oct 8 ' ' 113* " v ? ty Carolinian insert Three kinus on al- te'riiAte days; Triweekly Courier and Mer- cury three times; all other-.|>aper? in thy State twice.;-' LOCAL EN ItOLLlNf. OFF10E,-) CyUKEN VILLE. S. C. f | Aijlj men who have <5b(aifr:d exemption* ' , as OVEIV-tKEKS. will report tf> me at my- office without deluv. ' , 15. 1$. ilrlURAHY, Lieut, and En. Officer (JreWnvlHo Dist.,-tt. C. -Oct 1 - .. 2d ^ .. d'a - ,1 8TAT? 0F SOUTH CAROLINA ^ wVV 'WW t, i 1 I ADJT ANT/ IN&l^ltGEjraoiTin:, Coitmbia, OcVkbur 8, 18t?h. * r GENERAL OL'UKRH KO. 3T. I1N piimifttiCe of an A ft of the" Oener^li Assembly, entitled ' An Act to pro-! vide' for volunteer companies of mounted infantry, and for other purports," ratified on the ttOln of September, volunteer companies of moufitcd iafaHtvy wUl iio accepted for State service, to awnsijt of not toss than aixty-fonr <C?) and not uiorti than . one luindred (10fi)bian"t exclueire of commissioned officers. PerrAns of any age, i provided they are abfeboilled, wMPjbe ajlowed to volunteer, and aucb as do vain*- j teef, in companies ,Jhat arc rfbccj^edi will ' not d>e enrolled for active HetVwir under paragraph VII hi" th i#V>r<ier. jf n unffli-lrirt ; nxmber.of said ennipanle* are offerb'd and I 1 accepted, they will ho organized into bat ' j (aliens and regiment*. ! il. All persons liable fo enrollment "hder the Act referred to.Wyra: "'All white male persons in Ibis State hot woe ri the ages of eighteen and forty-fiv<vlnel%dlng person* yh? have furnished substitutes ir^CpafcJeratoaefviee, feaidentuliens and other persntis who have avoided Confederate const-1 iptlon hy reason of any civil omplovrdPuf, o?ui?ract prcngaweintnt, and osehnli'ig nk> *-lv? have been deolared f**mpt. Irojn nutunl military service bdjfbnd tip*'limit* of tfee* Distorts ill which they ycsl-Vo, by an Act of ' the Crner*! A^emSly, ratified on the nth day of frbrdsry^JWt," are lin-ehy rei,i/u??! ' I to report their flames and age* to '?? con?nsapdir^ oftiecip, of their reapcetJra' heat ! eoiwpdniea on or hefbro the (fay on which th*e respective regiments tare hereinafter f order?d to assemble. lH, addition to the ensollment erf'tlto perrons teanUonati.Mt th* preceding paw* , graph of tWla order, for thapurpaan of obtaining sernrtcte mum of the arm* i tearing jsnf^datitoo nf tliSWUV nnd their aj? , *11-n.lriK mala? Wvten fhe**.;< t , ffp t. ' ' ** -%*~V *?.. *Jv-y" -* '"^V*'f If ,w??n ?>*tCHU ?n^ *97>< ?* * iSe'&iTSf "J IP uMoipbU at UM>lt u*imI p!mv* ytf fii'tjt * H theiuutfo l>*r.-i??nfher ' V. J.dfc.iw tiiw-dftv B{M)y4i^r.'4kfoV tb? <pV * 'Atl? of tlio larglnwnts, (t? iMinlaniiHig ^f. . a'JssW *? lista-th* agr* pt eacWpar*n,irtn?c M* d ?? aubalifutcs i^'CortfWesvUe ii i vio*, V>4 eeideuX Wltp*, nod if ffsnii'pttnu N-iuo.-apr l?? I.gating VhtfirticiiJviir which " TOK it VUy rtn^ ^sWtTi (ho refiliftafd^ V? |MUfe*t*<l<S Uo? .omnmading orti-er* .of B entpinny will rotnru sdXt-)||Ms to corn* li (>?officers i?f IUtVesprgti re' ra^hnonW. ^ vho wirl i-cturiV-.-tif* s*nie 1?? Uie Aul-d<v fi amp of bis KzkiHencf-tne Oa v?n ?6r,**%<> I' nil be In aitehdnBoe w iih tha Enrolling^ I! >rti??r a?>p".?in?ed' for the l)blMct,-to rcoeivo ??l verify takl rAturns. and to not* aiuLre- F >TM i?tt perionsarhb Wff '1a>Vt default Ita C ttonding snWj'pirades fci Virfl by court D sitHtaC # ^ VlK Vtwn tlif.riTctlWt^A-ketw'Kn tii* S 4J# 'nf eighteen >uul fmlv-ilv^ _vaif, ?-, fi oiled Hi If'ff or more B t artiTlevy,d Lutf<vltAn? iunl i*gfh?*iit*,wiK be & t^oni/cil lA-tha Olavernor and Oumm*iird?r- B n MUM, tffecvrtninlaMtinVd officeva.oompiinv uj field, to tiff viewed ~by the titen "at jC ira?V places and, iu hkIi nmimvr as tie may V iirrqt, , C VIn.'Tft or diore qf the companies will (> accepted w chv airy and nrniod as such, |C nut one company ofnrtltfcrv with a bat- h my of hair fnc.cea wiM il?e organized, to eqn- C 1st of notle^iiliuu eighty nor ntoi-e than t >ne hundred.tdm, exclusive of cotimnfdOn- ti 'd offiyi i rl. t fX. Thetfonps thus mined [by voltintefr- C ng. or cWaniiljory levy] will-"be called L >ut'?L the discretion of the Governor" to C 'repel octnol or 'lircnteni-d rnflds.of the. C inemy within this Slate," and " wlH be kept n the field to long nil* ?qi?y deem them jl teeeaaury for the* pnblio ?tfdy,".thi(l trill I 'be d i< charged /rout actual ret vice when I fver iu his judgment the wet unl nuocsrity 1 ror service lias ceased," the orgitfiizit- 1 Lion, however, n??t 16 lm dissol v\Vt Lj laing ? withdrawn frpnf the field. ' * ' ' . X. The regiments Kill pnrndo f?r the I' mrposc stated in pnrstgraph IV of this or 1' ler nt their usual' parade around', ntr the 1 Itnc; hdiviunfter uppoinU*o7to wit : 1' ' Urigadr. * ' I iu.l r>.^.t. * _ TO Hii. 1-u f* anncrMHi un \i I lini rdrtv. Oct. 15. iflst * . *jt 2-1 Regiment, l'ickciis District, on Sntur- < lay. Oct. 17, Ui*U ?... ' '" (It Rejr'mctit. Piokena'Dtsljief, on Mon- < If y, Oct. 19, ihst. ~ * It l4t Kwjiineivt, O.eenrille District, on !(. t'liiirsdny, Oct. 82; ink. . ft ?<1 Regiment, (lr?t|iivil!c District, on ?pt- jJ, trday. *Ocl. '34, in>t. ' ... I ( lili Regiment, Audecnon District, oh Mon- i I Iky. Oct. 20, Shot. "" ' * ? J 1 " V . Second thrift*"?. . *, j I Glli Regiment. AbhfvS'i District, on j I Lhursdnv,- Out. 13,. inot * Slii Regiment, AU.cville DnUriet, on Sat- j I irdHv, pot. 17. i?M.a . I J. Otli Regiment. Kdgefield District, on lh>n- 1 II 1*9, Oct. \9, >1*1. ." ?.? . . r in ioth lUaiiu?nt, FduoiieldyAtistikt," on II Vo.lin*biy, Oct. '3!.. iust. 11] 7 tf\ Rcgir.n-tit, ivigftirld tik*. iWt, on J"ii- 1 Iny, Oct. 2"; lost. * *- it ' . 'Third Britfode. '' * 11! 11 tli lU'jfbticnt, llurmvill District, en 1 rimr.?l*y, Oyt.' ]<S, tnA. ' | ii 43d Regiment, lUirny ?ll District, on Sat- ! I it-day. Oct, 17,"Inst. ' r> ' ? | k 121 li Regiment, 1?ctthfort DistrlcfTvu Mon- I-t lav, Oct. 1*3. ink. ' ' i J kith It?giiiM|)t, Co)lcton .Diatuct, on |-I riiuratlny, Oct. 23, iin-t. "^ .|<J . 14th Regiment, Oruugebnrg District, on J Sulm-day, tlcCtil, i?>t. ;.l 13tl> Regiment, Oi .ingcltuvg and f.-xing-J J ton"Distpctj, Mondiiy, Oct. 2d, im-t. I 1 -l Fourth Vrifiutla. i 1 IGtli t'liui loiton, on Monday-," 1 Oct. 12. iunti * . - j-] lSlli Uetriincnt, Cltitclcstow nn-1 Colleton ! Dii-trictu. Mil Thursday, < >ct.. li, nitt. I] 19tli Ucgitncji}, CbwIi'JUiu District, on ^(ttunlayvOct: IT, TneL : ?. -*-vji Ftjtti DfiffoiU. ' i] 23d Rcgintertt, Richland District, on Mon- j day, Oct. 13, Inst, 22d ll^initnt.'Kmlxt' T)iilrt?t, on Wednesday, Op. 11. iiytu . . , ' 44>ii Jtochneiif. Olureudon District, o? larlurj.ty, Oct. IT, inst. , 20Ui HPttiiiitful, SuuiUr Dii?tr)et, on Mon- i day. Oot. lf>, hut , -;Wt Kcn'mienl, "Lnnoutcr - Ditlrict, on! ITuu ilfy. Uct% 22, (i' v. > J JSixUt JhrfmtU: '. , j .'-2BiK Tl<*filtn*nt, K?lni?ld District,' on!" Tuesday,. Oct ]"3,'in?t. 21th K^iniontf Kail-field I>??ii-?ct, on i1 Thursday, Oct. 45, imt | ,26th Il*Ki?i???iit, (Jl/catcr District, on Saturday, Oct. tart ' JTtfi IleutrTtS't, ClicKsr l>Mtrict, on Tties j* hty, Oct, 20", tnst fc"** '*+'. J " 11 Srrrntk /4#>guilt. I . 29th liniment, 4)>u lin^ou Itistrirl, on , > iYudiuedn-y, Oc'. 14, inst. j I 2tUU ltcgimcnt, ChelUrteW District, on j t S:il?nl?y, Oft. 17, lo?t. ?- ? i SOth lif^iiiK'ut, Marlboro District, on 'i'ucs- ( hty, Oct*"20, inst. ! < * J'l'i/hth Jiri/jwTtr. I j ltVjrStnent, Ifittiiuniihurj; fcntl Ooorgc- ; | town Dhtrwtr, <,>i TlltiniHuy. OrL 1 ft, ittst. d2d Ucjrlfneut, Clarion ithtrict, on Satur- ' day, Ost..?7, insd. * m> |' 3:1,1 Hryinicht, Ilotry DOtriet, on Tuesday, Oct. w, iwa. ! _ A iiith J!' nut. . . * i ^Gth Keeiniont, York liisirict, on AVednes- i lay, 0,S. ij, in?y t I Jtiih llegintenb, York IHatriot, <>o Friday, .( t>CsU lOOtuMs ?fclh 11 cgimcnt, Union District, on Monday, 0*1. 19, lust. 37th Ifcejrinrtnt. Pp?rta*?gnfg District - oir We/doc.-dap, Oct. 21, inrt. ,3Gth Kegiromt, PparUnbnrg. OirWict, on Friday, Ottr 22, fnsl. r.uik ii,;..~a. - T?" ' 4.">tb Kc^iltioaV Spartanburg nntl Ud'iod ! DiVrk'l*, on Wednesday, Oct. U, inst. r f I 41st Kcglinc&t, Lauren* District, on.Prid ay, ! ' K;t. 1#, ipst. 4fltl? Uegiuirr.1, Jwvnrehi District, on Sntur- l day, OcJ. ilh insj. . .. ^ JiSfli Rftirfiuent, Xctvl>er*y District, on Monday, (Jet. IP, Inst. . t . Xflth Kugimudt, ScwSerry District, on Wednesday, ftcfc S*V, irt*t. . ^ XI. Co). J. W. Harrison, A- I>. C; it usigned to tho syerlui $m.y of nHcirjlin* tlic parades in tfie 1st Hfi ??'?'. ??<d -stiiKiriiltendhie the enrollment hereinbefore dirrVted ; Col. 9. N. l.i^scoinb, A. D. in Ike 24 Brigade; j Col. V 1'. AV'iii k.A 0. v., in the 3d Brigade ; Col. \TttiuntO. A. IV. C., in tfto Ith Brigade; CM.jjywWlykin, '/k, I>. C.( In lire 6th Brirade; Cnl. Q. F. Hampton, A. V. i C., in tltfi ?td> Brigade) Col. IV, J|. Evnns, j in the 7tfi Brigade; Col. JL R. 8bnTk/ '< man, A. P. O., in the 8th Brigade; Cel. 11, O. i MeCarr, A- I'- Co in tha Vth Drigfuie ; ami CoV w ? Bla^pson, A. D.'C., hi the td'V Bri/ i g?d<?s th wJioht the conunifaAing offlevrs of , ?ont? trill latin returns en Ih^day of pa- , and nmjtr erary ?ssiataur? in jMlriug ; the required MiroVliuewl-' , 30tl. Xha doAtnamling vflloafe of regiancnts j wilDpron)ptlg.ottend ?othis i?r<ht>r us , to Iic-ejg^ry for Rsacmbllrtg ttoir rejfi?MUts tnd pt?(ar)oK 1 b-i'?!!-fcR , " 5V,V" r:.7 WS&ffc *2?## (' r auitfar i??t.d.-d, mid nMieri will u j**- , Usb the fun, ? By eoiatiiaeA?. . . Tviieil r-f 'f*nl? lisWiAr fi*j*'?ri4 ^ C* * * 3tallMl^HKL il i') i "L , ? V n ' ' fut U> thV^^'i'li^Uer tWae-At KWjirtVitl, :W k'xtoir Nl?jt*? iT. {?** ?! . > Lt?yn*?ni-, fMgjtf # Lwifcivav !*?*??? kllfty Wof L M^* 8 .L^ajmtylVJfl<-^?r?l * ?ui,r^ *r, L II i fjTthr-p, 0 Mr l?tt-it?S Jofift , .-. f,<7ftfc>, MSss I.anr?'nu" _ um.i.1 'i _:. i<:? u..??._ hifieS Him Hnent r MMI,ijr* SmtTb Mlc, Mi? Elt? - Miter. Mrsjtafchrt !?ll, John- f. Mi^b?U*.^>otiiSA S^W** &teJ5i 1-nlly. Mr^,K-A.-. Mdfcin, JTou Alfred .2 lowait. Mis. Surah Mart in. Wo? . i?U?rJ, Mi t AliKdpM. '^liss ^ kiU^y. M^ Maby C M?.i1|Uin IntW, li <; M?.ntr^ Mis KUr?botl? Inttrl, W li Metwub A'?? *, w lowsp* A " .. MoEw?h?, Martha (raw, ft - Go<> li >?t?4iSvt?tai?li?n M [Marrow, S~ leaw, Uetiben . IMcGilvwrY,^ T1 b>\veH,."i(nbeft~'* fMnitiii, l?i*j|| Oen J O Ujhror, Oha? -"V^ Niche Iron, Mrs IV A Itftfesk-A v Nca'-fi. J sine* . kileyfMta F A<. ftc*!. JMepheir 'oles, Mi a Hi tier Nash, Jus 11 obb, V Oliver, li C* iln*j;iin. J W . t' I'osteli,- I-ioiit fiiliir * "ollir.s. Mi's llattie Pefrie, H?? ( H W 2 'liniiniMii, 1)S A |l'?>rt?H>lis, LU"" !' 2 '-ollins, Mrs Glvin 5 Phillips,. Mrs. Susan 'base, Frank A < tVace, Capt A C ' 'art or, TC I'rtrduc, MKs Juno A, 'nl^btll Ku'li U?'bv>ta, Kmtun I> " liirtur, Mim Etnitm i firiper. Alias Miriam 'rcdil, MoiimU . Kolivets, Mrs N K 'Uljriiii, Misi)aiiicl linyul], MW E M 'Jay ton, E Ilogofs, Mrs Mary W(*,MivMaiyAmi Rtlen; l.ncy K llioan, Jacob (m>? pf Knllerticc, Nfl-s E L Mr 1 >? vi<l Lotus)'' Uln tt, Mkj UurneltA )qv'is, MrsM E Sht-dilyk, MisS. 'ill, Mrs Cumlino Stuifli, Mrs lVU-r )avis, Miss Mary Smith, Mrs Si M >iit'.s, llort Smith, Mrs K L iavis, Mrs Mnrirorrt shiver, Mrs E J U ivnt??, Mrs June E fiwyguVt/** A . insluw, J A ,Simmons, 'Jane li Vsrinsii, 1} JJ Stouey, Mrs J J Mpp. MrsT II Scunner, A 'i cw, M. IV. li F Sin'nli, Mr* 4nfj '\ rgtishri, lfngh Setlo'.li, .Mis B Vv, Mrs A L ** isout hern, Copt J 1. 2 'orbed, Mis A C Similiter, Copt S >i1rouih, IVrry O 2 Stonev, Tlieodore^foi J illiim, 11 0 servant. Mary) ior.loii.^mhuel J Sinart.'jMiss Mavv E Iraes. Miss .lane |SiA?ne\vMrs Theodore lurrn, Georga Stan, Alias Caroline ijlhert, Maic>;linn Sooit, Mrs Louis*, ritHth, W**f M t HRleltnn, ?'ohu ' iliidf, Mis-lolin ' Aim?, John* tfooon, Mr Turiit-r, I? lf (phiMin, fcjnrhli M "J Tuiiii-kitir, Mrs F 2 lot Person, llenrv 1. Tnllmfcnot Pitvtil wwkiii*. Mm T ti Tr?|.ior, Mrs Julia II liiyns, Mm Emily -l'lu>iini-"n, ley witd, Mrs-I'm S 'IWmi, Mm M#rth# licks. l"Tnii<ir* Turli\lill, Sll liipu-r, Lieut J. XnMiirij, Franklin Luxykiiis. Mr? Jnne V?le\ii mo, Dixit nrjrls. Mm Mary A 1 Wil?i>n, Mi? Kiu"l?ctli luuirlitun. E.Hvnr.1 . [Williams, 1'iinio IoUVcm,* Mrs S Vl'llflnnis. InIiHI, Mi> M trili > 1' Wtl.-nn, udiiti Inrvto. 0|H 1 W M?? V. U 2 Urttcl), Hfv J E 2 niKi'i, Mi*a 11 J Alt1'*1!: Wnlk'r, Miss Alice A It \\i l.itt Jicml, Mrs Ann k4)', Him S-'(t-*n Wnnilvt'lr*. Tim* I. Mia E k West, MiVJt)r 1? l' uTittson, Frank ,W IiuUuh, Mp? Dxa, snkir*. 0u]>* West. 0> vjit ?t v *r, Mi k L1ft c rA"noil, M A clfvis, Polly- ' s W?rt, M \ i.n -"' .ilinsjMi," MissMmy M "Walker, Cnpt J W (>)iiis<tn, Mis Mary \Yii.ecy?John ioius, Tlios S AVjll:rtnis. Key Jn<> ( (enticdy. Jam-** 'J ? vhixey, S? rpl ll F YVHliams. J T * vsrr, Tlio* J Yi.iiup, (ML I ivcv. Mis Loorefin -jZMie, J IL AH l?nit> tiaviny Fetors in tl??* nlnAi i.isL, will cull fur A'l vci il-e.l 1.<iji-is. , , . , ? J. DOfiliriT, 1*. M ,^Du? 8 " 2". 1 , Eyrie's Light Battery,"" AT Che reqtufll <.f fl?n. W. S. U .? Kill HA* been sent buck to tlic ??-! Miiitar ftistrlet ofF-oiith Carolina. ,M -Ail ieiteis. A-e.^ tjiorlj Vie n<J?L cms J C ii teen I'timl, S C7" Green Por<l, P. C.,'S* |.t. 27fli, Iftitk Of* F f.-l v. 1 f' ??. w >'?: -- ?- -r?r?. * Deserters. Bt. rprcn nmi v uankj.Ix row isKIl, j?i i%*?tof Eui lo's Light 1IM f<?y, desortetf from its c.htup. <>?p In- diosd* 1) recti, Ohnrlcxton.-H. O.,oii the lOUi A'ltfiisi I'HIRTY DOLLARS each w ill be pull tlirlr #rfM and Iftdpim-nl in nnv in'l in th 'tat.e. It is l?lievt'il l?hnt tln-y will trv l< fft to the neighborhood of Lini* or In Fl<> llock. N. C. All good ftl.izi us nro lligcd ti i hi?? no Jon voi s to Intyt* t li ?-i n rrttirnei itfhclr country '* set vice nt this time, while .he enemy is nt tti?* very gate* of our inn* niportatit illon^niiM, nnd whi n eycrv pn riot should lie nt lit* (ootfif duty. Sail [7oiteh is27 years old, 5-f.>et>0 ifcehi-ahiiil Torid ^smulexlon, grey eyes, li'ilit loiir, nn >y profession a farmer; Urn in lite Slot >f .South Carolina, nod enlisted ?t Oreu rill*,'on tine 15th of Xngnst. 18G1, to terr [or th? wnr. Sold fOWLKlt is IIS yonr >1.1, fi feet 10 inches high, sallow compiei or, grey eyes, light linir, and by profeerio * farmer; born in IhniilMo of South On <nn, nnd enlisted at Oreenville, on th? 151 lay of Aognst, l&Cf, to serve for the war. >VM. K. KAiU,?, ^? . ? Ci'pu Cuinninittiuj/, S7 P. Dajrsmn. Berjp. Raj he. flraen l'ond.S. C., Pepf. 27th, 1SR3. Oct f 91 1 TOR WORK EXECUTED AT Till OFFICE. BY AUTHpRITY. acm ana nesoiuuans 01 tna t-uAgress ( the Confederate Congress, passed ?t t* Ibird Session 1603. [No. ?.] ' <" VA| AN ACT to Provide and 'Organtae Engine Troops U> Berve During llic War. .The Congress Of the Coafederatfc State* America do enact, That there halt he sOlt-c lid in rock manner a* the ^rcrelarjr of At'i may difeot, from ??4 dividbn of infantry service/ one ?orn]tany of engineer tro^pa consist of ono hundred .men, chosen with viewasto fhcfr ruifefc anient skill nut physic fttneje, end that the wen assigned t-r -mi rouipnny sbaO-be required to serve in the saa roily do ring tbe balnnee of* their term of sv viee rfspeetircl/. '' Sac-' * Th/?t eaah oompsoynhnil consist Bight eeegetimui, seven torpor alt, forty art ill err tod forty-A ro WtheKdi, ami thai t*o mttn ^"f That tfen anatoxin*iontxl ?fll??rs | each company eSaUcontiat of oneeaptph, e* Itrat lireteuUBt, and two MC?Brl itmitOB*BU od Wat>'the eiltfiJah v*?au?tp? fa those rMi partus shhlT bn-tiled l.y liw VMwhr efofRa-i like oflher ehrpk, or f>**n<therti*y?ast?thf <? jgpaasfeg " * * - fc ". ! W IT" T fr %K^y M Ki f. |A v Vk 111 ^BkJEL. JF ^Et^fWf^io rnnn* to the cori?|i?u?t, hjr, Jhe third section of tliia ?ot, ?n'd tb?t the ?oipoanl innjor, mid the ^uurtrriiuinter ?rg?nt)t nhfcfl bo mUk ted ftom the culiatotl moo 61* tbt .wrbiy. ?y*6. w ' ',*iB?c.*5'.* That in O?ot|^jrjr'mS'rnt two of^TLe' omprt?ic? oh nil lie' aniiipiicU tu .duty ? pOft>loukri, mid caeh bo mroichcdJifrfU a bridge tT'1>*<^ the offidcr :<n*VeV?i'RO of the bngiooc* burr nil, pnl.^et to tho hpprovnl of 'iko iM+ohiry, of T^r^jshofb -sjMrvk^ribc the ' nuniTVrl'fW-iu Cud tthmjSfioi** of the irtjitif, I'on^iuiif. irvMele, tool*, implement*, unni nnd oittiT iieCcs.sHrle* for nil tip; troopn -orgniuiod Lv thi.i net. . - . ?*??:. 1. That vnea?*U? <d the ?*?hli?h<M MgitnoAta to ?ad iaciud??>K *?? rank of colupJL I s^all b? jyiod>j J?rj}fooiron. rokjoierrtflnly, ? iwfiuij to seniority, eop'ept ill b??o of diiwblir ity tirbthwjncurupaUatey. . -. ? . c , v^_ k S>;C. 6. Hint the monthly pay ?*f tho fitijrinoer troops shall bo as follows: of a tulondl, two.hundred no*l ten Vlollxts i of a lieutnmant eulouel, one hundred ftml eighty1 five dollars r of a major. one hundred and &ixly-t*vo dollars ; of a captain, one hundred and forty dollars'; of lieiilcnuut. oiyi hundred dotlhrs ; of a second Heutctninf, 'liiuCIy dollars f and tho adjutftnt shall receive ten dollnrd- per mouth in Addition to- hie pay Re lic'uturtuat., , fee, 9. Th?4 the pay. wf t!jo cyUaWl rmcp pcr^uolrtU elijidr ho as Tofldwse tbe sergeant uiujor-'nn<l 'iunrlorutuilca AcVjftiut,; -vneji^ twenty-one del I firs H'-rponntei tlifrtj-ftro d?d? Inrej curpoml, twenty dollar*; artificer, seventeen.. dollars; lubo/cM and luus'telufio, thirt#?* doilnrs. ?" t ?cc. 10. Tl\nt rnduntcd engineer troops may 'I he selected from tho tftivolry, And. I>t> organised ] n'.-tlordiitj; to the, piuyisions of litis net, for ] engineer troops us hereinbefore specified. Approved March 20, lfc'58. Id- 8 >. '-{No. 110.1 . ... " i Alf.A"CT to l'rovide Ad Holding flections fpr Representative* in the'Co tigress of the Con-' fctltrafe Sitntos in the flute of Tennessee. The Coti/tress of llie Confederate Slutes of A nu rieu do i nac?, That in tlnvf tale'of TcnI nvesee, elections fur RaprosontallVe* in the . Congress of the "ConAdersto Sfntos, shall he ' by general ticket lor sni?l ftrte. and each* voter ) shall he entitled to vftlo one ticket, eoutnih"ing tli? nanus of one person (ur cueli Cvngrcs ^ rioMul District in saiiflytpto : find tho persons tci-evvinjr tho gir ittcstnunibir of 'votes of. the i whole voto of the f tute, si pill be commission! ed as Representatives by'the Governor of suiil State. . f r;c. 2. fneli eUcti'ins sh.nll be hcld.iu said < Stale, on* Hiu first August first, I atsd i:l each .second year thereafter, during the : war. . , f ; | 8i:('.*. Such elections shall be so held by the ' iCicers, authorities, or person* appointed or provided by the laws of. said.,State for the purI pose of lintiling si;< h olei tior.s ami ?t the plln o?t t provided to hohl elections for members of the | most numerous hrnm.Ii cf the State Legijdu: t lire. Sue. I ,Taieli elections shalL^e" conducted (iroritlhjf ln.lliu moi!o'|ijv?rrlScil la the laws id'said Mate. except So fur fts the suuto are modified h.v (hit art. . ,, fill'. .'). In such oloctieta", every eitiren of the Confederate flat's if ho shall bo muddied | to voto for a member " iiiojT uomei\us I hraneii of the f|ato LegisUturu of said'Ftato, Mini I bf entitled (o yolo ?t tltc jilate or jiltuen I Ml naiil Stale i t vvliieli lie Would lie ell 1 UlctJ"tn I Vote iii nil i lee (Lou l\r tiK-lr uicuiW of cueli. J Le-uielMure. ISi- i-. IV. Hut in care Micb rltiri n rlrtill be ^iu 1 lie uiiliiury r?-r\ Uo of the" Ton telle rate Slate*, or in < u^1 In* fi.j-.ll l>u ihivrn IV"in liis biiniG, i l.y theiicel:jinIbm rif bin country bv the jntb* j lie ofieniv. or by tilt* liwSvglnilit* of bin troops, j t'l" ill mi m* lii? elm loam i-Hii/iot be bubi a I the < it?yin> pinion el liubiir.K Ilia inii.i', by re|i*on oil | n:tc!i ci'riifmtlnh or movement", lio n nm li ?*iti; reii shall t<? allowed to rote a:. uuy (ijuce oi" \iiliag in. talil Slate, or in {be camps 62* the | i.rnry, an hereinafter |iroi1itcu, Sfc^. 7. Sueh election* Tor Keprasontaltvea klintl bclil ill Uio iiiTiiuy oj*tkv Shiny njlbin ,oci?l Stnto, in- feltMr* : in every army ftltrps, it i vision, <14; euuinuiliil. tb? ('oii tiol ot laft' r.'jjiiii l.t, or other ofih-er in comma! d tlierthilr.' or lie oflli or in oi/Miftiiii il ill nny lee#- I'o.jy on dojutihol rci .-l.aH app- inlJ iv o juil /en anil three ck rbn, to upi'U ami loilrt i llVll eK'i tin?, \ 1 shall bob! tho M4.lilo> iMtfl lliflb.e out.'tbe i poll book* it|ol rvtnuy. jumIVw the ni,nig rule* ; n|ul ri^ulr.t ions. i># if tlio *; nieVnni of* u tmr j ' liebl at ti e, WMta! |il?rihMT bo^ilin^.tiie name *" ' hi nuid tf'.jtl.'piiml nhul, atlo\v all pnttuUSyalii tlrrl. In vole therein. ' M fix. fy. -JUl?'.st inrn?. nf ru b. eli in I camps r li a 11 1 i.''tiir\vnrdid to tin* ni.veriu vui* I tiiniolinp efTtcei . appointing tlm" jn.!j;i s ami k ilorks an aforesaid, tn*.tbe highest, ofUftT in Strode, ami ilic senior of the j.i.iuo from .?niil ! Stale for which the snliio' h- helil in lt\0 en,"j enmjinient or nrtr.y in vvUii-ti the sn*>i*Hs Krltl I whose ilntv it .bail be, at envv, to tViivTwrd tin k j nauio to the Governor ot .the Htute; of?lh< | Muuic, tuny be, if -more fnift i'iilc|h4 fbriiwrocc 0 | by >neh i;**^ mi*, !,.* Jirn fjy to tlfi t tjovcrnnr. J * * *. _.* *" * v ; Sr.f. !b In case tbc exigencies of the t'tibljt ' sefYice iireveiit'ti*' hoiJ'.ny of tin- elih tliitin it .. I ar.V cftnn ulirtTr this Afi. at tlio timefmnvlile'ii I by law, iltv sBthti may* bp hub I u*.*jvny - lion !v. i?*i: cia\fc 4.HUI" mv jjrvvvuiuij; rmiw hi?| rMSi'i the time lur buMlhf, tho aainu t< . I I'O filur% jtw ifmr tfuthvrincd to Appoint ' 1 the Jimpr* nml rli.l.*. ' j Sm1. III. .uneli <iAh.H r kUiiII b? A' lliorirr l It ' 1 *<bt)i<ii*ter ili^' fn |ff "jitJu to. fne 'ndpr? ?m? * j rli-rHi1. <>r timy limy administer th? ?ai<u> u i> i cjn-h r.;ln'r.-- *' * l "?v ?. t |* 8ko. II. J0\<?ry^ur*<?n in hold in j it | ?uel< uleetinii tli?H Ui!c?J no < >(Jj to *nj p?rl tin ] Conrtilutivntoi' ilw (jin'tilorJ? HliAc?, oml it t 'litI'll;trpc. htw <hl?T in llohlihp Mlfb tlffl i?H I faithfully ntnt impartially. v VA . r. ,.) Antrov'iivMay '? tC-4 J : TNvir-r ' *' j AN ACT lo nmnoi mi Act entitled "Ai ^ ! Ai'U'l# ftecnreCopyi iglile to Author* imk '_| Coinpoeei*." . Approved \in v 21, 1861. The C-'i'iijfj'.'rB of I lie Con fhoorgte ,H j uf.Aiii^iM do cnnct, That any peVUm now ( heina a oiUieii or rrsid? nt rf the Cnnfmk i (l ! nlo^Ule* of Aiooiie*. h>y?l to Jhu Qoxfou | mcnt 11; or oof, who bud ?veuro?J n wjr'ul' (i I irt nny book, ima^i, uno?iw?l t<>ji>4?<>?iip>& ^ print or fiigi'Avini{, under the 1aw* i**1 United PtUt*#, before^tie i?e|>Hf?lbtn orth<* Stales therefrom, riwltb?;?iiiftM to nil llr rijitil#, privilege* pod remedies secured t< , ?iii horn iind co|itf>?ecr?. by th?t <b<ji iy *ljicl this A?t it nn amendment, upou topiplyinj witb the several requirement* toA-Th or ah thor* a ml composer* hy t he atoreruid A?t ** -Provided '1'liAl in nsceU Aininp lh? teffn n any copyright; thu |?oi l???l ditrrnp wbi'eli i \\ns enjoyed iridor the law* of the Uuilei St Ate* shall l-o computed. 5f Srg. 2. Any Author, pompnser or ilrripn er. who i* A citizen of the C-onfedeiAte blAtr And loyal to the Goi-ammo-uS thereof. mk who l?h* Any inlitret, in J^l" of a pe *: Hin^c U|I ll?? .' Uir* HI iHIiyn 11^V, HI H CflpJ ^ obtain* t under the LKwh ol iJ.e 1 ' tSuic* and ownad hy an afian'entiuy, slml of liffe all die nghi', f?i iviji'^er iwid rrirtrtfie f of u?n?r ll)?rcM, WKlir. t lir coMilimi ir and rraLriyiioii* j-rovided in ilw prt<<;a<4tiij in M'cAm ??f ^bi# Api: I'rvirdtd, "Flint ni>thini to in tliia Matron *iiail bo m> co?i?trii?tl a* n prajudie* any intercut yv4iieli may l??j im|< al by u loyal cnibi of the Co tifed effete Htalfi >h oUier than tlie author, in any ??VrUi ? l>y an alian cnm?y, erJiie light* ? tin- C:?>ni.-derate ttia.lwt under i!i*8eu?i< etrfl I ration Ada, In J>h? cofdea of tyiytwofc "j inaii, Kuicfc-ul <-oiilix>sfticn?, I>ri"t nr eagj^fv *" idg yrtl.Nalx*d l?y an ali#?n>iW?r?y. o. Any Uihor. rtael^ffW pinldWi M **. wl>o J?ajaia?oj?f etrtillod u? tU Une|l ^ iq '''^^ y^^ ^ iHi. . " w V&Uttr luUiST*1 1 \z.?L !"& >, Vh a -:.?? L * . - ***. 1 t^tl biicIi propei ty |i tlv?7?p?M<ia? Afticer cannot agrc? ?p" ? jjj rnlu0:?c.roof,?f ab%ll be th? Jutv of eUCB irMpmoiUFI otticcr, VA90 en nttiJnvit. in r*rt?tj?or HingowMr. or luoli property, or kit agrtrt, twit ?ocK pimiibrty wa? grown, mpwtl or g|^ucrirfcy??W Jtner. or ia h?ld oiifro^Wn nj?**hMad ty him. ifo^or sale oiwp*cnhittot?,-hi?lfW hm 6wn ui>e Or con-) BMinpthm, to cnifo -?1i ? ?*wi nnv'ertnineJ hihI ifefvrtnfKod hy (lib jn<tgtn>rHof two loyal ami tlitdaf errvtgd of the \iijV-eounfry "C' Ws>*i<?b wlifcHi"a'tioh imprcOelnetH* oiay be made?oce to ty fclcc.t-. eil by llio e?ttu<y. end one by thebiipretoiivg itflcer: and ih-thfc-v*enl of their disagree-, nient, tio?<v two hall clionfn ifh Umplr*^ -bit* (jpnlificationa, whrreit docinhin MinlMi?, final The pereoitB ihne Badeetad. .after hn , oath to appraise tire piop^riy [niprcNvil fairly iliid inipaatiAlly, (w liieli oitllr, as w*Tf' as-tlic affidavit Jm pvid'd tji|- i?i thin section, ihv impressing.officer4? Ret?*l.v nptlmrixed in ndmiiiiiU or-rtinl c?t lily,) all II proceed to assess just cnnipeiiR.ilion"-far tlic property *0 am I < ?*?? ?1. whrliii-r th? absolute ovvn<t?||ipj or tlio trtnpdvnry tie/? thereof only is-'re(juireil. i. TJiat the officer or person impress-1 fug property " ?foi Mimj, eliit11, flt thc tiTmof taking pay to thin owner,-hu agent 1 or Htibrtiey, tlio et?iupeli??thiM fixed by Bnid 1 joppnaitere^urd ehnll also give to the owner, I p?jryon? conti oiling Mild property, 9 owrti Rente, over ban ufficinWgn'nftire. specifying 1 the tatttalihu,hflgti(If,' ditiduii or corpa to r which he belong*, that euhl property ia essential to ?he use of the-army, con I it not I he otherwise procured, aiitd was taken 1 through bsolotr-r *eCflslty-y*ollii'gt?ntli the l.titiie *|ul place, when and w)ieiv%inketi. tb? i it mount of roinpetii'Uion' fix-d ty raid ap prober?, and the r? 111,if nhv, paid for the fame. Said certificate ehnll be i\ idenee for ' throw neri as well i?ftlie.lliking af *nVj,pmp { ei ty for' the, public Ufe, us the right ot the' owner to the ampuiil of cipiipyiisutinn litnl ; a* nforcMhl. Aud in' ease fnld olllocr or; j perron taking said property fholl liaVe failred to pay thai owner 5>r I,it.agent, raid coinpenRation a* lit-rejiiLofore xe-ulieu,' flieip j *uiv|owjift til in 11 lie aiitillnd nth* speedy ! payment of fh?t anine l>yO>? proper dishitrt) irg officer, wldeli, whan sT? piiM.^hall bwin full Mtl?fuefioti of'all chiim* ngnin?l the j fJovernipcnt of tire Crttif?d(4ii>tjjtpci, Srfe. S-* W'tii neveV ?.!te iipprgiealilMit proj tldtd bir in the Rift aeciion rT this f\?t ' fltaU. for. nnv PfUton bn immiu-tlenl.b. .wt | tlife time of laid ii&jirvNinci^, then ni:> in, 1 that eaea tlit> value of tW properl y Impri nts" til shall he o?ferged n* kuiii u* p?;Mhlo , twoldynl oihI ilitiiilrrAlril I'lliiejH of the I fitv, coiiidy of purii'h Vvlforciti'tfie prbfieify was tiikvn, fcJiovu n? follow?': Unoliv the owi^'f. 11 ixl 0110 l.y the C'oiiiliii^nry oV QuarI tenhheivr (leiiernl, or- 111? agent." who, In | clfif of dtuqurtMilinl, ?lnilk<lilli4t< n tniiil I tinjteii of )i!;c qititllfic.HU?i'ji on* nil Umpire, to dviddt 'the ?n:itte:? in <li?pli|e. who I J to fWm U us ufl?VO?*id, who iliMt hour the ! proofs n?J|liioed l?y llm pauiri. us (o the value 'of sniil property, ami n??rsan j?*t I ruiHRrtinttiiiN tlier>.foi*j iiccuadlrg do .the te?'uii?t'.v. * . Sic. t. Tlmt. whenever the ><rrrlnry of War eliall bo,yf opin'mualiHt it !' nJt*e**a.ry to take pi :~ut<> piopcily f >r ptihliu Hpg, hv reason <1 f tliv imp* nrtii nl-ility ol j rocuriiig | I lie sama by |Hlr<;hn?t% so it* to iweliinuliite ?e#r?sary ttipplivs tor the ? the- good .. of the suvlce, in a ay IiimiHu- |h- Wv, hv | general unhv, iltrouuh iiTn^Vopey mil o'-di: iin'e oOivtrt, nutlmvlze* ouch iiMperly to he ! tit'cea for thto public use; the-colnp' ii-ntion ilito IWowner tor ike saints to he Kefe|?ijjii ml f?n(! tlsv Value fSjfffl a? |<rpi iiled fop in the ( reSsfii.d?eeci>iiil reetmil* id" thin A> t. >vr fi. That. it *hnil loj.'tli-Tlnf^' of the fmidi iit^ tiS-Mfrty et jiraMl-.iblo-iffci r the pn?-uc- .of thia Vtcf, to uppojnt. n edit in in hjofyr ill eiuh t\t>Ue XVlWMc property miuIIIw tntieii fl?r ibo f itolie ijg<. tut# ryttl'ntlr >h? Guyormr of audi cf the Stat Viti ivVieli hh? fV> sidi iif-diall ffjfyolut rjihl eiiMi*iide'5oi?Vr, j to a j. potn t. u I. <>tMtr ooniiH<*hiner, to. act in ! conjunction'with the v??T,id'*hMter appoint, id f.y tiio I'rgfMebt, t^.djwtlfrtt'i^ 11k ttnipei.r-uiioii i?T i iyjhi i day, am' ' ten cri^e p- r irdfe rm thiJi agh, UiAie paid l?J the Ihmfedr rule tiovirvninetft. "SflM cohnpU njoiioO slni 11 fan etifyjJ e i. -hem J, w |U?-u dwtj I i: shiili'he tct 1/lt Upoti the priori V>lie pun l>Vth<S OtiVeromvlitiiir prA^ertj hnju-efi c4?er'tj?ki^Lfair the j Tihlfy u*o n? wfanfnM > "* .W1 afford Just 3-rm'p?ii.?ath'ii to tlx > nSrtiere, t1??*eeof. .Said e?;sun?ir'ii"iiei'? ?hnl I egre^JH'fn <*"l toi^iirlr* fchfeduje <>t prien > jvirv f nee .lunntlis, or s'^fter; tf t hej t|i?i Uei-tn It lMooef j aiuJ'in^fre^t^r.l ihoy dial hot he ilile >o hikV(,1l ttrii tfYMhlitter ehnfidei j Jo^ltciu lh lhi? Act. llMyilinll have poVei fo nppolut n n uinpise ttj decide the pint I oT !l ' di?j.iite, trliysa'dediHnvi ijjull Ifivthe ?eci?ioi of lb* hoard ; ?rnd unhl ntnjfhe^shnTl recotvi , luy *??!?? flrtfO(rfl(ii}>'|MTOnlrR>r (]>? lji?< IiH.bIuiJI tWf#1. fo Af ityl{>it: Moll , ?ri I o' pii i i yBlr s /Vo ith t. *'tTial.&i'ol ?-om I #lo?ll 1?h rrii.lyitt# <vWt:o N!nf, i -f<>r wlaoh' tliey nlnil!" R'*'^ |*witia?*jf;'niiy* 4 * ?1JM t*oyir'i???r uf. *uv.K;*lc *Hn}{ ivftfy o f. uegVct ?<* fippf-lttv^Bwf oturiiiMonvr wfilili j CtJ qn"fc*1 11b rtofol.y TtiMV.i ' iiliyil, i Uty> lh? PrnhHrint *hnll nf>)"?ii I !- >': 1 ' . i.inoru. t,y iiml ? i'h tli?- ;,<U Ice a 11 < oyi friil of * Sue. 0 Vi*t "'1 "lV?HK*?.r itnr?r#*/e>l o iifcVn f< r Uie piihiie ?'*o, a? *<'i??U, iu li. M LmiJs ft aitf <*Iih> limn flV? p-r^ou I ' wlio l.rcvr i tfl W. grrin n'rti prn.Ittcul ifi t suiufv, or lu>Mfr?gr the ckmp'.- *r>r ifc! , <t?vn uw ofcoi?Miniplt^in. *tm tflrt*. iliVI , ftiMftc ll?# M(fl<luvU ?i> lt*re1nlrffor?>l?^>iir? <' .! *H*il lie pntifrf ui^arUloa tyjLbp idinlfil . iV pne*i jfe?| t>y (F>T?WW!Moii q , iiWotnM. jHitTTtUr ofnrrt- iiiijircfl, j; o ^ lliO"nVRH$ n*r to*-It pwfio-ttf mui p >1h? n?*r ifhuH ditti-r * U? lut^onjpy <_ t ?ti# HfJicle ?r nrtipB^jrJiopri-wl or l?it ,. fori-toiL!, /HltM ? a }ii*hir rtf it?***r Wot n?itii?iLiii kIuii] I, iilf.TliM rWnvfnw /lrJ dtfce , il.ijWf- il?a or taVioyi. m' hJ.u , < .,M, loo ' i acIi ft lov?f HoiI r?l?tlilrrmt*JftilO!? i j i?r rt.?* 'qi>nltftr?tliui^Hfi ?f..r<*jud, to ,1 fniioc tl.r qHiilitj cf tool ArjUU?vqZf I VV llU 'iliMir.'.IO I,!, ;,|.fWi> j *11 Jwqif/i J>f Jik? qii<H?Wrti??)jU **.1 t?J J.-eUioH, if ?|?|"ov?JJ Iwj-tiiii . HUT, II# ; lo't if j:f>f ftfipiOVoJ. ill , iui|irr??kig oftlN-r ?Rall if:^ Tk* attmtp-i 1 ( ili? llt?i MHI? ?)rl^er^.?li ,-J [n?pvitjr i? wit^ Uih^jjwe^.* $r L n^f p?-v'iv?|lit | -tec! r?*|r<" J Suit. hprty ify fi f* *hall i>ere?lvcd ^jW^MaSffwidence of the value thereof. -..Huj-V.TwS^-e slaves sre impressed by tho ttoiifioekale Qttwomcnl to Ubbr on fort'.ficntl??i<* or otl*?r public works, the Imprei*- , . ment shall ba 'made by *ai<l Government according to tit* rules and regulation* pro- i vided in jTio Uwaot the State wherein ihpV *?tf5 j are impressed; and In the absence of such ~ i law. itv Accords oca with snob rules and reg- '? . i illations nuL ineu?J?!?l??fc?*?u ?u ? ?sJ" nftLls AcV.'nt th? 2SW5*|l^^V^rtn ? tffi 'firunullnie lotfhic prescribe : 1*to*ideJ, Thas * V no h?HVe??m*tjt of, slave* shall h? 'made - ' L yhcit Jliev' Wrcd or ptoeured by the toagent of the owner or agent. ftc. 10. Hint prions to the first day of > x IK'teP.ihsr niXt; nmlnvi laboring ort A farm ' i or plantation e*ci.u?i vdv devoted to the pro- " ?. -dnwHo* ?f'gntht and prorWons. shall h? ?jis >uKfleuty without the ririWi.t' .1 ;TV?t Any,*oomiir!>i<nio<l or nr>n j cnirrfiliSrlnncd officer or titivate who shf\H I violiita thV provisions ot iji/n'Act. <d?Al? t o | tried lis-toy* the militaiy w'frt of tb?-Virt'| a " I tO wW(Jpt?? is attached, oueonipliiiot mad* by tl(Ct)* *fr ??r otluy pi'iwn ; and on can- " ''V I vieUon?<i?j. ?u officer, ho shall be t'sihirthl | und |?ut inwfns ranks ns a pevate; mid If I * 5?n wtljntWoiifd nfibjsr or privat-, li(( r^iyCoWJ^r s"*h f?nitl?hni*nt, 1 tontnrttiTitHUtnry Iti*. as the cohit nm> ?T? . rjfcs reif. "yf~iJL* " 'A^Jfrovcd Marcli95r lBOai iu-:t ;* - ' (No.lie] AN KTTto -Pro* Ids fur fielding F.I fi't ltef/l ?wi'l>ialivrs in the I "oVi^rl a- n Copfcdcrota Stuns in tlie S?l*le <0 11 lo i" * SCO. ..." ' .?? " dl T)ie' Conprpss "f thv Confederate stales of .,\ ennot. That, in the Mute of I'rii-#-rbcrr, elections for ?,Itepresci?tii fives in tinCpugfiesg of the Confederate Stales, shall l?e by general tsckel__ for aajd Mtnfc, red - nth voter shell ho entitled to v?ti"j lis tiel?c?. containing the names of oE?vtie?op (or nn-h k Coi^fcttMihsl Dbuict in millStstjn n d'Isiifiwiis recsiiing the grsalor number of votes of the W'hoht vpte of the Stiitc shall he i cofniuissithted as 'ftsprrJIeiilcMivra bp the * Governoi'of said tsiate. * -n Six;,. 2, y'tol1 ileetii'iis shall be buhl in raid State, cmtliefiist Thursday in Align.t figkt, Alul tn cayh KOuud yekr. tli. imliei', dr.. 'I tho War.. S*-n? R.'Sflch oieetk.uf yliall l?e M> In l?f l?b the ufiiecr3I asilliontles, or parsons.a| p< in- ' ted gr thrJawSof said State t?r Ylrs purpose of holding such elections, ai*d nt the "places provided to hald elections' ' Mfor member# of the most nun/crons brant It ? of tlicfitsle legislature. StX\ 4. Siit-h rl?etluiis shall be conducted according tin the tyodc prescribed by lbs InVts of StiH Stills, except ro fur as the sumo..'_ nrv modifi.A by Mjl* Act. , * " Set'. 0. In such elections, rvsrj cf tlm I'mlfcd. rale Stsles aim shall be i|U?Llied to vols for a m.-nibcy of the mist i.n riierdiis branch of l|m Si*b Legislature ,?"f' aid Stale, shall lie *ntjl!ed to vote at the place or pine** Hi said State at which,be tivtikl be entitled lo vote it) *n election f.f u. li j??nul)cr.(if*t:eh I*gislature. f;U'. ti. fllll in^-Se nieh eillxen shall bo , iu file midtary ort hie of. the Confederals ; Suites, or in ease lie shall be driviti fioiu . Ii'a IfnfT.u, liy tlie oeciipatioti of lib cioititty by vt l|.' public, enemy, o|", by I lie movement * f.| liitii'Mtp^iiffu-snse tlte^deeiIons i-snmlt beheld ai the usual piite?w|if boW'ing srttne, by i rsws vl ram?fi'U)nili>ii upiin'fA ' tr.cuts, llolt such cililrn sbnll be nllpw'eit'p , to yotiv-al III.y pln-'i of voting in said Stnt-'. or In the c.uiifa of the lUiny, us livrettiafl. f I rovhled, .f^W. 1. Sur.b i-U'ctIons for n? presentat iv? s ?hal),bc fiiih] ili the CaiiUMoCtbe army w itb iirs-vid ftiliotM*# Jn jyver* army ei^-j divhifSr, or comihsod, the Colonel ?aeii tiegiuiai^, ps other idKcfr in cnnitiins f , tlicriof, oi .tb?^ ortb-sJ-jui csnnntaiiil, ? ( ynv lvr?-f^Wy in idctaalt'^i^lfvt'C.Abail appoint ?' .i'to^es ni.ti lh?wr etelVi. t o <()? it ntiu ho'd'sttHVvichnidH .w !(n^l||{fU|nli] ttrC >,r.:VP. ^ fc 'iuid ni.ito <t?sl the pidt jhT.oVrtmd. ictutlir, ,: ,ntii}Ar the. miioo yulseitml lyvHifuliotie, as if, , Ui^.-.\IUf IV.|J ill tile liNiirt I placcrfiil h ilwitjit.fhe ajMiic m sisid f^Uite, nml . ebalVallvrtJt, Jli pera^uft,. envit'.u l, to vote I lie.Vei 11. , < V?v. 8. The velu/ns of ?i:cii election.- In I ngtpuwkH be fill warded l?|l the srV-rnl Ir"*4' , efti^ere^jwpjaiinlitijj the jodpes und i leiks j?c nfoirraid, fy-tlie T.lgbe.t otfi. | eej- iu ci iutMiliil tiieoi niVJiffil the ucude from I 1 Ajiid for ljv< *7imr U HrM in lh? _ ! otiraiiipme it or'juilwy ht.-lf thimiiu U i j hi'id, \\lion ilutv 1t i? W?. *t m eo, ft> fot] v.- ni ,) rnfliedtptlif Qovri ii'>r of fiti- ^tnt.- ; j or^lfir sititvpVwijj 4?o, ?if^ mutty foittfturoi-xT bjr ri?cl> c^uifnJti<g" o^irjirHi frilly to tlo (^rrftmr. '' ytc'- '* ? \ fcec. 9. ?n turcrtk* okt2r<>nci*?.4?Mli?^|>ob.< 1 , H* *?itrtc? io?.M rut l)*??JiAHfctg*Wf. <9t? i lro-* a?L lt trons iiv, itnr ?*n>p Hit* &<J?" tl?? ,*M"' p! /*i *4flfr 4?y %**r ?Aj?*e-niwy" I'D . ftiH't<?b?]*Vft nPcr the i-7ti U. prcV'flHii'j f**# f hoMino tlir narnJWv Kr imcf. br I he ofilc'-fW ?wrr,d : I 1 *?. ilUIP-V|l*IH JMiHI l^t Irvl * ndtnini-tor llu- |>r<?|?<-rwtttAc4o^to |,lr*r.?l rUik*. ?rOi*l?#Wy rtu?wn-o ' Jh 'U? rjtcli ofifufv* Smv. T4.'Kwr$ pO?Hf<*">6rr",d In lihldjti* wu:li frtvot on <4u>t) mi on fit V? r' iwtft b ?lj?? "I'Ki.i tiMtV? ?4 tHfc> fbo^-tlw ittt *" ^iit.^wA>tol^<n?WH* lii? ?li?t^* in i* ?ii?g hffcti nl.-oti^, l?i(ftr?ny A ml iutpAXitlly. e < Unf ? 1 W6*r *0"4 ?.' * U S-v t ", . V ' Jj" ' ? ' ' AX .O&T t > A111lonl'Sbi 4fvt Entitled "-An V '<