University of South Carolina Libraries
^ ^ fl KF' W p. PBIOB d> J. 0. FAHEY, Editor* uk PwprWtori. TOil Per AKnM|ar4? Adr?^e?? !ADVERri8*J?KXTS1>a3^ '' *,<! S1 ^flll bo inserted * the r? 1 tad ?fty ?ar mime, "f,1T ** ** Hacrik n u??. for the flrit I Mali for ih? second imd thtvd aud ?V Mnt> fbr jnarh rw" "l i t,*'*gnn't- ' r VXnXrrlCJ nrfOlarriage notices,. TribM*? Af Res poet, nomination* ?? al'nowneemrtlitrf fur office, are charged for tht taat lit Mwllt** .Advertisements sent i? wRhoat the rtntnber of insertions* sperl&ed. will W plbllsjfced unW "ordered not aqd obi *C*d for ircar^Mjiljr. jffitff Perrons litinp at a (ft stance may row- , ' finite bnw mack their bills will nmount to. by" - counting seven words to Ibe^lne. .. ./j I/" ! J~LLJ . j r STATE OFSOtFTlT, CAB.0LIHA, j EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, "Cnsm.r?riox, SJef#.. 10,18A3 "" a*^' \\71ir.REAS information has Li-^n re \t e?'vcd nt this Department that fjj\ R- .j of al>out the Dth day of Jujy last, ]o, tfre W ^village of Clinton, tn Lnnren$ DleSsJct, a K . ma* by the name of L. THOMPSON BBaf HON was nmrJefcd by soma person tit* person* up t.> t ft is time unkpowrt * PF'. Now. therefore I< M. V RONH AM, Qor ' erjjnr of the that? aforesaid, da isstie Ibis f**'* mv proelnnintion, effetlng a toward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR^ tor tl?A_an. prehension and dellvet^r bf lh? pifhSlwf derer of tt?<d raid L. Thompson Jolinaiolnto ( anyone of llio jsili of tW? Stste ^ siul, 'if. ' inure than tine, an ad<Ht(ofU?] 'reward of ' t five hundred dollars for ench one srho shall fjj' he proved to he an accot/lplice. x , * Irivni under my hand and the seal of the Hlate, at Cbsflmton, this tenth dav a] of H?'iitein.b?r, A. D., one thousand * eight hundred and eixtv-lhree, ??1 M. L.~Lk>NllAM. IRM . IV*. H. Ilt'KTT, Secretj?TV of btstr. Se|.;n* . - *? * -* * 1st - _ i*8f~ All the nnners in the Stnt? molilll. "v Kg SUBSISTENCE BBPXRTJBENT, . &Z " . IIIVMMON NO. I. I , fj? I Akiiihwv, C. II , S?|it, J, IfftC | dBpff T A VIXO l?rofi mt1ior1u<l f <i rrooiv* llml ? .1 1 p?rti??f. of i]j? T?'x l? U(oi1 connirtitry Wlicnt. fl?iok*'nrni, {tier, IW*nif,'}*np*r, SF~ ^liit??vi>,rrM,%r?im<l lVn* ?r<? Ikifmi, j Hft ?'o lirjrlijr r ?Mtfy, FnrwfW ?? (IrrrjivMio, HE, llofcrim, Ar^cmic, A'd'ovillf nod tf??i i>or?;?n .f IMyftiM itdjoloSi^r AI.Kr*iHr,. |M* Hp 11 (li t: I'ntu pjpjinfrtl t? r?cHv? tlif r; MMipnt ni.y of tli?e"Cintiftii**nry tSloi# Iloiuv* Hk in thin I ?i\. pU' AVliont wltl'l"* lJu#'W^*Tlolt MilN C p in tl>is DivisiflVi tin ?r<- itntliorloSl piii|'?u?ti K mi Herd' reorlpis fffl jar'jWlrl'^th I'.M <) mm , MiMToi- of-J?.o'AV?5h1V*MOIi*1 . IX-i,l. ^ .0, pd iff tbry Division. Bfif; -.FnviH.r* oi ^Sa^NTS*}** ?krWvo?**Lpio nwo. M* -<5 nor In ff-otl <?<Mt8klMltjOMli<j Satuo w ill'I'O r^Vrelpi.* v"" >?- , , ~ - K. I^*IW>NtL r?pt nn?f"t)ivision Cviintiifwy! J&-' Poj.l 10 iVS. ' '.?4? l-o: ' 4 ' *- > * |t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Gr- AWT ANJ> ISjrWrtSAjflVft!IQK. >, 14, 18CS. ? ?jk [.sr/TW. OlU>^ftS, NO.4** *' \ I VIK t'l,()V)SU>Nhjf?K TftK Af'T OF ft^ \ n. tlio jw' Fr bini? rr, I j 18X3, x< iiii'lii.'it* ( I |H militm < ror viop-fr?na qq MS /?or AM, i? p.inAi rooil to rrojtv pA*Hn? K locnUHv inuftowd'f^tn ' Okfyty-ttit* n r * vicf : "'1 ||V|. f..|o, nil ?ir.tniU tnmie l>y Htnto V. h?tli<jHtj for" wvifc in'wiT nl-llic.l>tpiir8 lip-' >ne?ili" <-f tltv Army<?f tho^oiifcAomloStnto?, ? .. or o.toii'i Utilvd to potVnrrii lirenu?e of XE 'ring ??Hpk*y?-<l jn *?i(l rioj-Mjrtment^ Pt-' in- "u^rii.. rVrbS, niCi'iikxnir. or in icy oilior I5x?rt|?<i?ii*y, ni?.T>^r<Jurf?jtl? qV find . I hr or *; I?1rr? nntho^nl.tfpiii^ OofilnrriWAttdcd, ^h?1 nil Atteh Mivrh wliv Iinre drnfl. ?4 or ,-ur<illr<l ill lIiomrpajlizAtion of troop*, for *1* loontWk i?v, nro ord. i^dln rtr %|*>i 1. for dirty to ft?c Ajpmintii ding^ t^fficore' 1 tvf tl.HrComiitrni** **'?0n>uf'^I*y, w ' Jljr it,., t^od) A e~0Aim\r*Toir.. ^ Ad>.?nnt maU A Cr tOflirinl; O. A.TotiixfX. A. Uv^ Ho,a n ^ t . L tW" l'njtor* of lire -Vt&te ouLlialt tlir** i Jti tinu i*. . .' ; ' -? S f IlE ?(W-' ffl, . \*"y ?* BJpUNTMi. MEN, > p <*i-of iSre* c,ir.pni?r*?'of <v t? K -n<l ?. onr^rtS^iw^^r^J^ftjr K ^ ?W* (i?pien ^ ' I giiulftwiro yaW, v.*. ? f . t V * ?. ^*rr -L f^L * . ' . n f .* " j-' v -- ? * > '^'V II"' j II" ; > imif ?!i.l is cil fn tWiWucit !iAii %!i y.';T * ' i I.1C /* '"/ W.'*^'. > , *"'* t J ?r-t f-^ . -\ -J> ?V-v-*""cr - ' ?'i ,Lfti "V i i wma Suit <?r ?alo. . ^ A LARGR Wtf?p'5r ?f g*>bd Wilhilnjften /V m. c, PAjuf-?n fc*aa.?hd ft>i .?i*. ?t ?bbl?*l? *ud lytaH. -v\i_ . _ ' T . c, rt^N. d^Ko?M corweKef ?C<>ff?e, ?nd *pring *rM<fOk>? door ?*M of Dy. &*}?' drug-' tore. <, ^ . '*; V . v : !L ^ '* mt&riox Turnip Bead, iSf* ; '*** ' " ""*. If- T. v . FROM the mtMvlW on tlw {jtlK k 3ttir>*,"nh inj txiy WHRaTOX. Tit* T# ttid b*|i rained end owned by J?m*n MV^ikin, o4 Greenville *11 Riitrlrt ,11# K ^ d?f| M>at|ri?ri?n, Wilt 8 "Vet 8 InWkea bigh. weigh* *W>|t FJ?0 i*?in?d*,_?|*imti*?*ln hU-.enccih, i?d in p*. intelligent. He may be In llw n?5gCbntWir of Mr. Martin. . A liber* | reward teiTl be given forbid *p prthenemn end delivery" in jail *o lhat I c*h get l.ini. . JA^t. CUBSVTKI.te . ..Orrenwoed^ ?*pt;^*Jhl, 1883., ft1-* Hundred Dollari Reward. flliliAWAY, (rotor the Mill- ^ i ribrr, ln?t night, fWedoee- JS . Mi GEoRO|J%Dd bit wifely MARY. UKQKbfi h? * mntlrr YS? otiiUlfn, about 8 fret 9 ?r 10 inrbee In height, eluutlv built, villi a had eonnten?nee. MAltY te - fe<t A or A inehra, trinity liMlt, *nd good leogijio, *f dwit t he e*n>* rtiloe ? Orergr. George wsi raised In KehttuiVy. ' ' Hi* alioT# rewatu will l>e gi>en for lliem upon delivery m? it GroeuviiU Court Haute, fieAll) throHni. WHlI.TOOJhAS. Oetebae 1, 0?t I . t * '-f| w 41... |9* JlendervoN Tiiik? Olid Aeheviile New?8bpy one, end fend Lilln to tbir otttee Por Bale.* jinHft. A UBAlTTtViif ? ?i?r BSSB^hFa'kV, ""on l\iT fA | ^r*M' Afirrr. F?f particular* ?C6?86Em ii'i'ly ihroitgii two PPftti'a il'Mik Pm*1' Offie*. North Carolina.** JAVIER A. BTilOIill \IVT. , Oyt T * . ^ ^ s t Ambrotype Cakb. . I WILL ]Mircl??f all tJtcond-hniu! Ail-' llROTl T*E OA8KS, ?V n fair |>ri^, if branch* tu i?4 ?t mt K<V)m?t>|p|W- Half. - . , r , -C. II. VfA^SRAU, . IHtJwcrijja ft ,f', " Rrpiof? ?*.y ; A" South Carolina Military Academy. , I' f* jfy AAi a^ <ir (/6ttn>tr. \ rPLlCAllON^ for appointment 19 Ufa XY soutli Carina Miliiiiry Aomlcnvj, under 'be^nnmrd r'wlu1 iun of llural Afii-rr*W v, WTUft l>? transmitted Hi Ocnernl J A)IE?rlJONEft, Chaiiinah ot tlit- Hoard of. traitor#, Cohiipldn, tl 0? 11 nr KCrfli or NrtYriiiWr "naat Ute applicant mn*t ?<*1o the Dirlilct of l<i? rnaHrfenba ; hfa *g? and Height :. (*?*" thf *90 of *, deeented cftiaer or WQrr.l the s-rricQAQ? nfa,Cail?r^ 'and whop ami lio?r feitMfc- - H tke appliaant awudnt wwi l*r' Kb 9?ii |NH4?OT .ibl' ?<# battle, tnr rtMetnegt, mufl u? fupj'??r?-<i \<y the errtlrtVafo of the under *h?.? ... V*-*: "JAWneti nUt4iia-E<oolW???*L^ ric? 1 i-rnor Im? and b? in e?leet one >?titfc"fr?w*en^Gnn*?*??io*i?: U^#-a tr'et in li)i?*Ma**. Mvftp el offc-er* or roldlfW* of ilm array<dr fAcrrs pt nten'fff Jh* navy of the Cop/hd crate Stale*, who during the exttUnn woe <H?re died irv bailie, o?- who hare fleet df dlecaec eon|reeled cither 6y' wound* dr cxfxmire; or whq, flbt hefng ona of <dKieer?*or tofcli<\r?, are under live Kfl<i of Twenty yeare, end liar* l?>h%?ed Jriffe ft*Iantry on fTie fjeld. oj fj(HtI*, who* rhrfll be id'nced In one orqflter of the MU.t*ry Inetfiidtwm of tide fttete, to he edit -. m " i Mr Rrery *?rrepap?r,ln the Slate publrflTofvnil n week for two week*. v. . tke Yotert X)f (! rift\ i\t^n*fio?nl Ihwtrirl, V* '* IWHritia' / Aiitimot, Ottin' tHU,- L'r.ioa t$hd - ; FttMoW-CiTttesn? Having been credibly informed that in ??me#rctl?o? ertnneoua itateo?r g V ^tfTatvern made M to flay eonrve ov certain t*?Uoni in CMgnil, I deein It dme to tuyealf toiaai> MQFyabllekiWi'. " 7 Thecharge thai I erer flavored any 1*111 pro. vidian ft* pay fay member* of Congrr**, In Wh?<tq or |n part, in epede, U wholly untrue. There naeer'waa any-euek bill before Cengree*. V'Uhe ehi?gp that I appoetd tbn teereaaewf Ibe^oo of a^dfaH, t* an VAitu* ; tfrewgb, |n reference <* dala*it ft proper I ehould make a Mcf egpMtie**, Ta the ,e..h,n of laet fall, the Ilvuee of Jtaptnaeniatirtt peeacd. a bill te hmraaae tb? pay ?f apldfarfe fee which I voted, bat- wMfoh foiled in the Hrpate. Ta M m gg pwwiii ?t#!n fnr U. Xh?t rA.V WTf ?Uo fhtl.d ia tb# Aft??m!?^a U?# approprim? # .**?* ?1K, ?n at^iproprUliaa for th# ittpiy #f nHImK' XMl ?M ?fl(t irifimf I^OW* tut Ur# 9?>#?? w?rtd a*l t>?# lh# Ufty#. hat Nfel?? tot 5h?* .uhjMt. Unjkr tki||k'M|?MutMMil. Xf vo?*f th? vyvm**, 1 mm in Uro? * W * j* hew* y *jr vot*? ot? toft Ika** bill. |Wr? ^ *" * > > .<? * ~Sr' *+- . !<??? V'^~. .fy% .. #'%;- ' *?v* v ?> #"'*s ^ ^. </? >.< ?? >'? ** ? II^ex o i^' . ' * ' _ V _. . 9,.'- ? jhts nf tfer #oitffi, tmd - : IM qi ,,|fc- 'f ''ft* .* -~T?7 ' GREENVILLE,. SOt'Tll j l"lh..,^ '.U j m?; artey bfcncaUy from *yi Incapacity to nn' MiiIiimI the itlkmsw hfttiw oppuaing a mt?l? rcUtejf and 'dflpoeiag iinconetltuMonal HimA t<l_ carry ft out. Bat I do hot ilwtbl that an intelligent and Impartial public will roadily percoW? the difference aud comprehend tk Jnatneaa of my oourrfl. ^ Bui to rotuyn to the biatory of tho artwendMai. it wn at Irit adopted by an overwhelming majority?only atrenteea beat dot . ""JISiTf having Toted ag?Un*t It. But tlionesl morplng?the jlrid opportunity after mcinoera M tltM to wftact and aoe'tbanoconntitiidopality and danger of their Marw^ont who the day beforh-bod voted for^tKe amendment,'morod Ita renwtiderae'iw. It waa rcconcldoreft, and Ihm waa njwttd by the aanaa llouee that had only tha day before euatainad it by aitch an qt^/tvhelming majority- Thie shows lb wbat light tho nmanduieui waa regarded, on reflecKon, orcn by thoso who Wore at ftrit Ut * ** "** . it ia dim to my competitor tq aay that T ftob ly PC i?it hint of ady connexion with the abor? charges. Wry Vrpoetfully, .* ? J*s. FAirupftr. Fpnrtanbnrg C. IT., Oct. ?, ipfcj. ' Ort 8r-. - 25 . *1.' tr VU Are auttiS^iiVd to Announce Lieut. Colonel W AJ,t?ACK B. KM") 11 a <"*n<1iil?te for CLTSKK dF COVRT for GreenviHt: District, At I lie next election. FST WE sre authm ix<-?l to s nil on nee lion". J AS. FARROW a cnndi'lote'for reelection t-o tj?e CongreM <if tliA Slates ne Represent A tiva from tlie fifth Cbu; giufkioonl District. | Jjt ^ouljftni ".Ctritrpmr. Our Motto-'-*"Kqu a) Ttifchts to Alt." V GREEKYII.LK; 8L C. Thursday Morning, QctoVer 8,18G3. tw We ask the indulgence of nnr readers for presenting so small h vaiieti? oJ rending matter tliio week. v Sickness amongst our employeea is the prevent,.mg cnoee ; hope to be all rigWt next ok. , **TA stib-ciiber has presented us with four ems of Corn, the aggregate length Of which wa* fifty-four inches? two measuring fourteen incnPt, nod two thirteen inches. This corn, .was raised in-this District, and gt>wn upon hpland. W ho can hnlt it i * ; k i * ?' . -X.. * The election for Congressional Uepreseutmive (or this (bib) District, will be ho kirn otwnext Tuesday week, 30th instant. The list of managei* will be seen in another coluinn. * w ? *+ Bureau of fcential Association. Coii?MniA, Oct. 3, 1?G3. Tire seat of active warfare having b*etlr transferred from the IlatoaiiMUadit to Cbttfteihoojpv,. .he t?o*< tiers of ifcnstk- <?ciei*wa * b*y<C J>e?? ?>? ?J at the latter P^int, but few runaiaing in TiMeUi . Tbe Central Association, without sreaatng no tftHr **tflt>li?lim?nl in Ricljhiohd, lutve ret feimd it nccesaaty" to follow (lie nrtnr, to in'UMerlo oai tick and ?\ nttftded find paasing aoldifr*. WiiVtlih view *th?y hare provided for tlia eal/blUhpieHt of n depot and l?oej4t?l >H Atlanta, in Georgia, ornearer to theac^neof conflict, if otir inttl gout agent*ahnll find ft expedient. I'&e recfni victory at Chiekamaiiga. *o glorious to our nrina, nnd in' which the tro<>p? of South Carolina horo *o completions a part, wa* purchased at n great price, and our wounded and *uf? tiring soldiers require immediate atfAhtion. riteir want* ftiust be supplied and their ?i.ffeliftgi all tinted. . The Cential As?o<-iauou ):*?. rinee the 1 ati'e, r?ot a car loaded with supplier in tliia new direction. We have *em flour, meat, gris*. rioe,etigar, coffee, tea. whisk v, liut, r*g?, clothing, and (l.obO Butne of- our moat faithful agent* bar a been directed to thia tine. Mr. \V. 1*. Tvici it put in charge of she .new e*t?l>li?hn?ent. Tlia competency has been lovted, and hia >eaf appreThe Rev. Mr. Stewart, the Rev. Mr. Simp?on( A. 1'alnter, O. A. Tickle, J. lteaid and J. 8. Hammond, our tried and faithful agents, are zealously engaged in the'work. Supplies for reiri taefiU, compwitr*, or IndieitlwaU will be reciired ft the BlirOWO of tho On tral Araocialloa in Columbia and f >?warded immediately under (he care of a competent ami reliable agent. ' W. f. T>?8ASSURk, Chairman pro tcm. v ? Tna AoMt.?>Wa hare nothing iwa whatever to report from ft?a vicinity of Cb*t(aflooga to-d*v. Tba only indication of preparation to make any saw moraiaent thet.wa Uawa bwtn/gWe to learn Jrtbet a largo force of wotfcftiff have boon ordered up m ven***. damaged. bridge* .drat the and at Loodon. Thd iiffercueo J? tTrttt wo *1)1 hope nae for I bent hi talcn4?i"! operation# in nppev Boat Tana wire. ^ ,* . ?*. Av ** 3 Apfcrbwt thousand /tiakwefe. ate to *\&f,Jj * *wV ?- 1 -^w y"33 V .-?v ? . ?*. ?b v* ; > - A v ''my.ujlii f -ip I #>i?? i I ?gi ? TT * * . ?* + #4j5l^ ' Vy * . v: LiL. Lll. LIU??L.JC1 i-JL'JJJ-^-L-1?- ? v.* * <. > J-* | i1.*1'*-.*- 1 *| m '?,' ''y ' ] CARQLUS'^, THURSDAY MOl "the battle Field of Chiekfttotrag*. Ww l?)i? ' th? ^bHowinjf Interest Wtg l* ostrnct f'om a Into letterof P. W. A. k> the feavapnah Republican : . The battle fh id lies on the West of West Cliickatnauga, nrd] is about eight miles livin Uingg-dd, <**., grub about* the same distance from Cirattp*. t nooga, Twin., being neatIr d?6 \Y*?t , fiom the former, and ??arjy doe 8on'th | "from the latter. It is rtoiriw fitftr 'miU*. U-low the Tenntwpefc Hue,end is bound-." , ed on the \V?^t by-bliioionAty* ItTdge*"" , .X? continuation of WMd>nVR?dge? irt "-Temjsssee.) and on the Jfieet rbr. the , Uhickamauga, or ,* River of IHo?rd .the Indian- nnrpe implies. -Ro*<v?ll*,' the former home of Joliji lt?s?, tue celebrated .Cluef of the Cherokee.*, s* two i miles North from the battle field, nnd si:nated at tire foot of a pa** ih Missionary Uidgfl. If was In this lovely t allejr i of tiro Chickamnuga, and along these' mountain parser, .that the hostile tribes were'Wont to meet in battle an Ay and. settle their -dispute*. U was liete Unit the dn?ky maiden was Wooed and won by her foiest born lover, and questions of boundartvrnd dominion, and revenge found their bloody solution, .This was -in the years that are gone, when the untutored Indian held undisputed-ewer in these wild glens and coves; and, among jheso tor >7 fastnefsps. And yet how faithfully, does ."the civilized , white man of this day rejreat the his torv of the savage red man of that !? The same passL&ps animate his heart, the same tt?4i?-i<>e '* ? ? M , , ? WUIK ll?, j atid llie >Hini field naw tdrinks np bisbjkod. The Kiverof Wood, if litis was J an "appropriate name for the crooked, i gliding. scipont-Klinped riveHn thetfjtys I of the Indian, recent eveWt* have gifen j tb ft a yet stronger claim to thai eanguinary title, " ? The ground upon tvh'n h-llvp baHk? w*a fbhght i? slightly. undulating, except whate it appioavh*** tl\t* mountain I .spur* ami ridge* on the AVeJ, nnd is (Covered wMi heavy tintlxtr, rtiHt reea; I aionnl patches iiT cleared Und hero and there, 'j he timber i* npt so thick 'its that around Chancellor? vilte. wheae <he tit j* almoet iid|tcnetml4e, hut "reeem hie* more the wriod9 fihout8 hi'oh, v. here the. troop* rt-ore fTnjposu* v red with rotnpnralire ?a>o. Thy. ?rtillerv could take hut itn imoneklcrtd-le , part in t|i>* hat'.le. (it. consequence of tjr* ' tiiiiUcr attd the leveI character '<<f the ! ground. On '.he hfjtin^Ct lf> MWnupiVy j Kiilge, the ground is U?? k?-t? Into. hills and vullej A, hut the primeval forest at ill, remarfu* <tn<t r<4>*c<pu'irlv the most j skillful aiti(!ciiol could accomplish' hut , Jitlle. . ? '' *?. r : ij'; h It is sntfl- that Xsett." Frappr"* plan of i attack wi.e designed to hi the ssmt: as ' I that of Gen. ot> the Chtckahoiuiny, J *u: a movement down the left bunk of 1 the OhickamnttgH by a column which I una to take therenemy in flunk, and ] | drf?e*him down the.titer, lb the itcxl ; ford or crotriup below, whero a second j j fttflnnwt *h? to croa over and uoi'e w ish , , M>e ?r?wv Iw-grrirthrf Rtia enemy I j ther dovrn the river, until all thebridgey i and fords had been uncovoredjtml our J ! entire army passed .pver. '^knt >4ajt | ktn?5 frustrated, accordiitg'to report, by j a counter moverpfnt, which is explain- i ed in the^idldV ing order of the Federal Gen. 'J'honin*. Tltia ordc* wn* found ' upon the perron of Adjt. Ggu, Aluhle- . m?a, of Gen. Palmer's staff, rtbo sul/- | j soquetniy into oi1V hands : ukadqoartrrs 14tii Akmr Coitus, Near MfDswel'* Ilnii'o,. september 10. 1803?0 a. m. i, Maj. Grn.Paluwi: The rebels arc' inputted in r??t:U' a henry fdrc?.betwcH<n j yntf-nnd Alexander'* Mill. Jf you nd vance-a* soon hh possible on them in I ,front, while 1 attack them in flank, I j think we can u?<*them up. llcpociful- j ly, your obedient servant. GEO. U. TJJOMAS, ' Majur-Getttral Junior coimTl'd'g. -I This was Saturday morning. The j counterattack upon the fiont mid flank j of our-flanking column was. mado with i rigor coon after W crossed the ti?er, nrd in accoidance with the plan suggested iy-Oftl. Thomas; and. if rot entirely cncceaeful, it was sufficiently co to disarrange our nluns ami <l..k?v #>nr mm A. o- r ' ' """"V ",v"v tm-nt*. * The inquiry may erlao in tire inind of ihe leadtt,- erliv (?en. Ii7app did not poatpone iho attack until alt hr* fejn- | forc*inont? could pet up f It ia raid, j l>ut with what nulli I canuni deter* ! mine, that ha actad under (he beliefthat nnly three Federal eorp* hed advanced ftp the valley of the Chick*tnnupn, and that the remainder of HoaoncranV* army wee etill on the north en/eof tbeTennewee near (?hattanooga, erxf thet. Bum*ide had not yet formed h juurtim with (lie main-body. If iuch*w** hie belief,!** ear deceived, except Ht m I ill ri.^ide, he Oen I.-ee was et Oeltyahuip, when, be aunpo*e<J, on the.meintng of the Hd of Jtfrjr, fliwt the , Whole of Meade'a forces bed not then ^ reived. Ami vet it miMt be admitted tlfhT (Fetterqt' liragg acted wisely i? bJUtSkSrbCn and where he Hid, ihrfce wee -fdf jjf danger ; lb InJgfit bring heetrier reinfcreemeritA to hid mh leponU't then any ha could cotmt upon. Moaeowert JLwenarnw* wee not on hit aneid;nnddta not took for* in eUecb WO eh elemv who he ?oppoe*d Would Kj.. v; kr * *ih j ?J;; '-;-T' ; - ;?~ '?*? - - ..? ?< -i. 9. -?j in OA .LIU M. w ?ii.|>?i iljwMf amon^U i&r OCT^BBft 8j Mtt " .j. 1-^.iiL^. ..u!\j*l.m *:..? Bjiy c^a bitting fIra xunirirtg ?f Jb? fox ?rpl)b llto- mdtdSh' < ehfr'g^ ? 'of - Jhi j>imlh?fr rjpfitlgy^k ?I>oi? "{ft f rev ; buV hk 1)*1 U*?roxJnto???l*i by *?U h?<j prrp*x pr?ad.Niyi oofifljldnt.idp^S^?**. tjoirf.- (i?n. ttrxgcr did -w<tK, rtiorafpr^ lo.Stwko Iris honstftrt ?fb? nn Soon us h? did.. 0? Wo?r">i*a wiA <&$r and ctuilvinov effeeh If it tin! ouJy luf? MlnWSrt'lt vriin trfb?r rapidblow? npph A*' arfival of hk -remaining relt* .not be too fast Iwfrnd ,ft?S|Hv . + -.*.? "An U is, lot n? see ashtrt wpro the Traits oi our victory. In the fintf jMir*. we captured 7,000 *reu}>ria<jnerej thee^ | will go far toward*'atpialijeinfif our loss e* at Viykebtwg and'Port Hudson. .^n the. next, ** tooWforty starvU of colorr, Jbirtv^eight gun*, "(of Which Long street's fcommand brought off twnnty'aeven,) 25,000 email aim*, 150 wagons, and setsrnl' thousand cartridge boxes arid Vrrap.'fttks Vt^tTi' their contents. TUi* It a good showing?one tfiAt speaks for itself?and will pa*s fer a great victory in any coun>rv? But this ie not all; indeed^ it IS ftiw leart pnrt'of tlie g}oiiou?'rs?ulf, By a sfitgfo battle we succeeded in expelling the invader frona the soil of?<}*orgia-^-tbfl teemjhg ! Ifttyjit of the Cont?der?cy?rat a time | of rducli solicitude in the pnbl?c< mind, and under circuitistance* whiclr Seemed propitious to ih* successful adjtauee of i the enemy i??W> the *ery baatt. and | Stronghold of the country. Our stic* [ cess can l?e mcHftireJ opljr by wh?t b? I giiof nnd-loss would hfcvfc been' if<W encipy had reached. A'lailta nod OVfifr run the Slate. t # An *' To Provide for Volunteer Companies of Mount at Jnftinirg.^n*\(f for oilier jnirfsser*. "* r Sk1\ 1. Bs if Cikirtfi 1 !?y the 'Senate and 110(i?e' of Represent at rves, none .mi&t and silting in Octirr*?' Assembly, ^d Iry the authority of the s?niev 'Lbat lb*r,nv?nt? be-ami h? is horebv author.ujuljtoatcept AS n\'Wv volunteer com- 1 p# uie**hf ibovipt??! * ' . -r - > ' f WV. to consist of n<>% h-i\.uiftn sixtylotp t??r ./hor^iban yic In a\fe j ,111-11,' exclusive of crtminfssforfM <Tflleeri?, WHO.' >-h*U be 01 Jjjhiiized Ijlujj fn^""Tflrrt*l* ionn ar> >$gN$euts, bv the elee'.iofy of; fteld offheM, if ther. umber oT-naijl 00m ; pHntO?-Ue?uftich?nt for tj??t purpose, and said compatii?*>Unll becidh'd out at the discretion ofthe Governor to sniYprf^iiosurrepiion.or to igpel actual iireetonrc] raids of the onemv wiib-iu il(i* Stale, rthd shall he di-clutrged from actual *er*iee whenf-v^f, >'> judgment, the Actual uocashiiy for such 'jMrvice fnfs cen?ed. ? M. .J- "" >; 8nc. 2. That- f0/ tire purpose df \nj)P' casing insureedion* and repr-Hing raid*, 1 he (iovcrnor he and he;fti lierrHv n?? Inmized to enroll all whila, male persona in thi* Stijtc hot ween the ntjee of eighteen and foitr4U?. year*, including all apf<m>* WhoMiavjj furnished substitutes ir. .-Cotjlede-alo itervle^ rotrfdanl alien*, nrul other pQihon?-rfch<\ Lav* avoided Coufwieralw -conscription by reason of any civil employ luent. com. 'tract or, engag^jnorit,'and "excluding all u l?o have heeu' declared exfinpt rrOtp ac'tud military service beyond the Tims its of the tJistiifls in which they. rosiJe; by the Act -of lire Oenetal A*a< mMy. Entitled "An J^rt fo*?T!?V*ite* organization of the militia, jand for other purpos e*,"passed the tit U day of]'Ybruarv;188d; and also excludingrueh aa Insve volunteered, or way vbttffiteer," in the com panics of mounted, infantry provided for by the first section of this Act; and for tl>c purpose <f making said enrollment, ,.?ho Governor is hereby,, au llmrized la appoint one enrolling I officer in eaeh * Judicial Oiiitriet inthis and as roativ surgeon's as may bo ireceMwy to examine persons claiming exemption from service on the ground of pTjefcal disability, and the loslilia officers shall iftport" lists of such ( persons as are l:a?de to Vie enrolled nV nf?sre<aitl, whenever rccptircd. 8-c. 3. Thai the *Hfcrlire ,m$n ?o" enrtjled shall be .organized into com pa-niel, hattaliout and ;ia (hahy* regiments of infaniry as lUey are sufficient to Con- stitutu, and he pi need at lira disposal of -the Governor for thre p*rpoee? aforesaid, nnd ho kept in the field tn Vong as lie ipay deem the same to bo necessary for the puhljj). enfely, ike company afid field officers to be elected-by the men, at such times ami ptaoce and in such manner as UrO-TJoverndr may direct and on the fsitii'# tQ elect said officers when ordered, tirey tdrall be appointed by-the Governor. , ?. ' '? ?kc. 4. That the Gofcorno# he also authorized, from tbe persons enrolled under }he second section of itifn Act, to aere or mere companies of er- ; lilleey/io W need for the* purposes provided for hy the third section of (his m ' ?. .. .? " ^Bac. 5. ,71*4. hot jslng herein contained shell be <wttft'r||ed ev as fh' prevent tiro trover nor from eteremne this now. ?r> npon b* "(3?? rig^i j ^ ?f th? provinuwn of w??| * . * *". , . j?r - _; ^ - " * * . ^:iiapgv I..-., -..jji * - V.V i. '-f\ . . ' * ,*' * y# t i<*?y ^ r r^v ,<v>? ?.*' 1 i? "li j'l^L'UjL^j.i-'ito.'jy 6. That all perrons liable l? [perform military set vice underlie pro* , rwtnn?*tof tlilr A?f? * ml who ahalf mafce; . dcfnult when nuquthoned iutei such i?-, shall be stfbjcet to, the paid* ana > penalties provided for Uy t^esfsve&lh 'seclibn of the ActTof tlr* Woneritl Assembly; entitled Ael for the belter ?**! lgarfi?attD*i qfthexmliiia, and for other't purposes," pasted file ?th day of February, 1 8fl?, to be imposed by a cqurt medial appointed liy the Gjtivprnqr 2nd Commander ip-Cbi^f. Shjp ^.Thatrthe Irooj* oeUedT fftfn bp/sice Cy,. the provisiohf of this Are*-': shall, whilst in aotupl service,'be tubs 5?ct to the Articles of War aWd^'Aarny | Regulation* of-the Confederate Slates of K America, end shall receive I lie same ' pay and allowance at Confederate troops. 1 of the same cUus are entitled to .receive. Sac, 8. *fyr the phrpose oif equipping and s-jpplying^said troops while in hclual aervfee, the turn of ^50.0^(10? be and-the tame it hereby appropriated from rthy\toon?ye ia.the Treasury not otherwite appiopriatod^4o be drawn by ibe Governor. ' ,, ' Sao. 6. Tint such persons and ems nluvoes in each paper mill and newspaper or printing eet&blishment and irou mchtifactoriee as l^tt Adjutant and InspeClor Genera), witu the" approval of the fcfovernor, may tee fit to exempt front tiiua to ifitne, from military reryice, ' be exempted, t . -w 'u. i ' t Tfc? Attorney General and Xecon-V. V' " t. ' sanction. . s' Sbrati''persons in Alabama Laving oecprted rhe imMe of Mr.--WaUa, the .Governor elect, with the infamy and stupidity of " reconstruction," lhat re jpectCtT gentleman has thus defines.) hie l>o$iuoh**-? measure which apponrs superfluous to tho?? who know Mr. Walls: < lio>>VKur.nATK STATES O? Amkkica, ) * V ' -Departmf.vt oir Justice, > Kiehmond, Bept. 11, 1865. ) If oik Ira R. hotter, Q. M. Gen. of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.: y-.Dear Sir?I have to day. received your latter of the IstMtostant, forwarded, do mo from Montgomery, Ala., mid/ hasten la reply. Yon aaj"'lhM4my:' name, sltite lite Alabama election, has 1 been freely Ur?d I?y many ia connection wjffi * rc?oa*<eua<joij,"<ipe#e>n? thereby flint, some people in Georgia suppose that T am in Cnvor of a reunion with the Yankee Government of t lae North. 1 am .surprised arrl uglified thai any body in Thq Sdyllr shorthl so. interpret ibe 'Alabama election. If those who daim my election as indicating any Mich feeling in Alabama had read Riy letter of 21st of March to Gou. Lazier, arvJ tuy sljoil address to the-people of | Alabama tlalo'l 8 ill Jutfe last, they jj would uevcr have entertained any suefi 1,1-0 notion.- r . I Itia due to the gallaftt people of ruy Slate to call attention tjy tho xe?tliitf6hs ?>f the recent celled eessioh of the Loginlatere, poised ttnanitnoudy, pledging nil the men and tesotwed# qf-tflC State io ptusecntefbe war until the iodepend^* once of die Confederate States is fully estabfiabedf. : v" , ... 1 ^Tbr myself, T wil? :Sot foifeit'ttiV self respect-l>t argtling the <jif(f6t:on of" reprHiatfWtlOlt. _ lie whp is now deliberately or otherwise; fn faro* of "*ec<M>stiuction M with iha States under Lincoln's donfinion is a traitor in bis heart to the Rjate of }?i^ residence aod to. the Confederate State?, andvtescrt-esji traitor** ch?dttt.? If I liad the powerrI would build tip a icall qf ftre between Yanlteedota and ilia Conf?ilein?t? ? >?-* ,A* ? ' , fcuoi u ? V> UU I II j I for ages, ft* a monument of the folly, ] wicked?w>4* and vandalism of the puritanic rtice i No, air ! rather iban rcu% nite with such a people, f would tec the Confederate jtoirtes desolated with fire rfml aword. ' When the men of the S-ontb shall ho* come auch base coward* as to wish for rtipb reunion, let us call on the women of the South to -march to the battlefield, and it) the name of the God of Justice bid them Jig&t.under the banner of Souther^-lihorty ! The call would i?oV-be made in *a?n. Let the patriot sires, whose ehildien have bared their < breasts to the Yankee bullets, and welcomed fftorious dtmrtr in tliis - struggle far Folt^oyernntenf,- rebuke the foul .spirit which even whisper* H reconstruction"!" Let the noble mothers, wfio<e sons have rrwnle sacred with tKeir Wood ? many field* consecrated to Freedom, re\mke the fell heresy ! Let otrr bloodstained, banners, now Unfurled " to the hattlo'and the breeze," rebuke the cow ' nrdice and cunit/ioi wKisW " revomtifutficmy The spirits of our heroic dead ?the martyra jo oht sacred cause?rfebuke, a "IhouSwrul times rebuke, * rtconiti action We have ljtti? cause for despondency, none for .Impair! Let us ne?ve our* Reive* afresh for Che contest; and let us noC forget thHt * Fre?foto> baltfe 6fte? fcepno. " 1 btsMt*!'??re *?s??n I *stJl ^ % m*< w?* r I$ we aril.trite to otffre^es ; true Jo | the inevrtories *f the past ; true to our [ { htffnes aad ?r?sfcN?> end trae to our i ( w# esnwef, we>4U net Le.CoeqUer nff* U, **r> *<* SSL*?11* 1m ns : W'S?' -s *>? ?'"ti v Wdt?. **mJg ' f " ~ J v *^ ^.jsS ?" V' ^iv .w'y ?-j . - . <> ? * U?)M< '* . n v 4v/'?":v*^ *'. 4^-. .??? *C'^$5*^Tj pr ~^**4'.; "'^' ?i'i'> - . * ?1 dttL J_ X _ Jl_ 1 I |t' j^jiuiLL \ . ~^jU , Orlu Kno** o*x# K & *0 a.? Darf** - ' J'i Saturday and Sainl^ no nxncUnt wqt. - thy ?/ facial note ocaiftr** ja ^ J* couru of -tbe boalilaj^eratipna Fa ?HT ' Ji>^ieli?o?bo?cL. . t , * jF Tlio anemy iTtlf mnintaiaa hj?.#lajf-' gi?h fife ?y*h]?t tha rain* of Fort &CM? w^S3f r.r frn.n iTL 1 '-* ^ Jl ? ..wW ui? uw??v gwiB ni uiowfrry Hill. 8ometi<ne*ifctl^6ij^binsconAaa -, - * in for a thereof bia itflgotion, ifcd p?u _ " #\*sr" casionnt! v hh "lw?*T bolt* *r? ' v / ' . Sj agsinst Fort Moult/fa or^ !h* adjacent *3 worlrt,. Battery Simkirin lms been alow-' " ^\J \j replying to the Yankee "BreT' * *&<' ^ A steamer, "supposed to be S ' capture. V *3g| cd blocked er, w?? noticed amongst nemy'e ieeL.TWterdSy. ^b.3 bare. tHi . ' "British ensign, >urtnoanted be fbfiail* ?. . !2 k?e gridiron flag.?4fcrrury, r:?***** ^ ^ 3 The Pousri QotinoMw-'Tbf Jtj/Q*. "> siao reply to France. Austria and Entr" land ban been received by the 3 Power# It intimates that a further prolongation of the diplomatic dffcCtAaiotfs Wrfytd ha auppHli*HH, and' th^t RussW aetdmea the full responsibility qf lisisacts. ' Lord Russell closes a di&aldl Lord Napier in these words : y Russia1does not perform all that depends np6b' her to further the moderate and reconciliatory views of the three powers?-if she does not enter upon the pntb which is opened to her by fritodlv oounsefc* she makes herself responsible for the seridue consequence* which the prolongation of the troubles of Poland n?ay produce! "7^? -* . ; One la ore Effort.?Lincoln acknowedges "himself sorely Hggsiwved , at tb% prospect of recruiting ' his artQtfc*. _ -yj Volunteering has played out ; the Dutch and imported foreigners are procuring protection papers, raTitsing to go into ihjb array under any circumstances, and bjs only resort is to Sambo. The cause t of subjugation must be getting despfeY" at$ Indeed when negroes ate the ohk recruits for. the army. We have reason^ satisfactory to our own mind for tlu? belief, that jf the Southern people wijl only nerve themselves for this lastd^ perate campaign, and fight it through, pence will smile out upon us, a redeemP(1 and an in^Anan/lisnt ?{.vwu* II* UI3IUTW the. close of anolb?f sprihg. Can we not hold out six months longer t If so, are honestly believe our cause Wjll be won within that tirae. One more' effort is all that ia ncoessnry?only oji6 * lei us make it, at whatever sacrifice.. [Stm: ? > * ?'* z? Promotions in tiik A rut.?The following *ptromotiorts- to the rank of Brigadier General have' recently been made by The Presidetft: ;. -Col. Gr. C. Wharton, of Va., from July fth. " . Col. "W. A, Quarlcs, of Tuua?,- from August 25th. Lr. Col: feobmrt D. Johnston,of N. C., September Col. A. Perrin, of S. G.,'<ioin September 10th. Col. A. W. Reynolds, of V*., fion* Sept. 14th. , '* ' Col. E.'W.'Pettua, ot Ala., from Sept. L8tii- . .. ; > Ool. T. N. Waul, of Texas, from Sept. 18th. " ' Col.- A. L. Long, for artillery doty i on Gen. ije6's staff, from Sept. 21st. Col. II. 11. Jackson, of Ga., from Sept. 2let. "" Qol. Wirt Adams, -of Miss., frpin Sept 28th. Col. .lames D. Gordon,of N. C., from Sef>t. 18th. Gkn. Brago has now on hand ready for use, 80,000 stand of arm*." If" he had men to wi?ld them, he stntes that within twenty days he would ..hold Nashville, lie would compel the re*treat or Surrender of Roseocrana, ami the campaign would close on the Ohio. The potent dcfe:t in Bragg's strategy consists in inm want ot number*. [ Atlanta ItryiMtrr, 3d. A Mits. WiMVAuirtii *1 ied RltNrw Prospect. Bergen county, $ J., lavt w?ck, weighing, previous toiler death, seven hundred pounds,- At her lam dinner twenty-four, cars of gieen corn made up a slight portion of her rtpnst. 1 ?il 1 pi' s ' A raiding pa.*ty from foist Tjerau-s see visited the'plantation q/ Col. AVery, in Mitchell countyr R. C., last neck, laying *aMe the property and cairying oft all the stock. . < W. A i.yin Lloyd, publisher of the Southern KaWroad Guide, was shot, and it ia thought fatally wounded, in a * street reucOnfro at Mobile, on tue 1st inst. { ' ' -V-. ;. > 1 ? * i^arriail from San Fwnctsco hfihgY a report tlyit the fcnpMi fleet had Iwerr defeated by the Japanese in. attempting to take one of their Serta. Th? Foet'e XVeehhrjrtow knt *hv* there* wrli he* new dieft fof 500,000 men, frojrf which the Ouvern ment g? 20?;000, Po*HH??%er \% CoU?mbtm, (in.. mU determined to emuk>% feo?*le clerk*. * idi >ii . vr-. -;-i- m I . ^ Sj^ft^bnoclyej end fhrty two of i ho .