University of South Carolina Libraries
j 1LU-J - -L , * . / J. ,X ' > 0 *. ? * y y. * * .litis is IrteoHtoe*. 'The <wiitm>tiiuMin ror, EL . *vrk wew^rfo4lo>*>>- " . VttbNt collection ua Saturday i. . V . m3| **>d n*ad?y .?. ?>v..?. '3^60 in *^r' .V-. '. .^^TNUKB BJy?* BA^ro* Afttywnop. ! ",: SsESSS ^ - *? # Tojao: gbycb . s,to w-v **f? " :;.v. ' w. K 'H^^ p. > goiiKjft^t.^w^ BsfiKltTEm .?In noticing tb? tiou-oftlie dflAili penalty pu ten d&erf*?<'*, V- M* receptly, the army corespondent of the Srv*anu*h tt*fwb!y*o ?trn : Pcsertess wiH U treated wKb.ttiote ?**%rity ? - m the fut?ie th.m they have been jn /rlhe pASt. Mild ibaaas having failed, L, ' (len. Lee, like the old. inao jq the spell" iag book, it disposed to'tej what virtue V.V ^li^ la. Vooes. _ Hereafter, ?biol, mWws^rU lijscojois, lie may make np ltis miud to be shot, If ^aught, surd QAiight he will be eoine time Or Another. W,dhai the System of furloughs ,?o#qtlf iustfiuttrd will Jutvb tbeiMi / 77*^!ef deaertron. If k doc?v t1??u - it* <;* <* will oo oouoiy jjencncini in tliis, tllKt H will banish thw heinous crime from tbuanny, aud aj the rtin? time encourage the men to become good' "0^ by tholerrfca .of the otder V^ '. .^iIp?gts >vUJ U> gcented to those. poly i 4?*eond.ueC themselves wfeU, .* .? NkW Enomki* kliuriuT "Went*.?A '*>^vwork entitled " A, Military Viw of. the tocepi. C?wpoigns in Maryland and Virginia/by Captain 0. E. Cbettjey? B. | N., Professor of bjjiit&ijr. History af , Sandhurst College,'ItM.yuat been ia?. sued io London. The name of th?%u, ibor is onn bf .noto in military history. nU authority will carry >vitli ldp state incuts tbo weight of lriub auilior^tr.? Tho Index speak* favorably of the pub-*" lication. It it Mid to be highly com, alimentary-to tl|0 Confederate trcopa. In allusion to the iutcresl felt in Eng? lrutd in tbe Ajnoiicim war the same paper ^ays: The batlles.'ln America are - household words -with as. ftul! Hub, tire Cnicuhoniiav, Frsddickjburg, nre in everybody's mouth.. Least? the luxury of doftrg good. * i;j '-Uje , mix _. /lju 'bxj. .i.ib". * > v ' ; MsnniHO, on tho 21st Intl., nt the reelWonca of Mr. Boofan, in* th'is villnpfo, l>y Kev. ,T. i. O'Connelt. Mr. BAltNEY FIOB , nnd Miss MAOABBT McDOfiNELL, of tliis village. gjgp Wc are authorised lo announce Lieut. Colonel W ALLACK B. lOOlt a candidate for CLE UK OF COURT for, Greenville Disirfht, at tlie next election. * ' " " trwE are authorized to. nnnoiyrcs Hon. J AH. FARROW a candidate for reelection to the Congress of the Copfqdoritte ' tttntce ar Representative frqn? the nftli Congressional District, - ^ . * ^ *? ' AtH't stnd Tnep. Xr?neTal'#OfTfef, | CnARi.wm?f<, Hepu *0, 18*3. )- " St'ieful OriUrt, Aro. 48. ' . "it, ' TJTB enrollment of persona belongI . iug to the 16th RegimeptR C. W., l>et ween.t|?c age* .of forty and Hftjr yentS i}> clnding ttfflM on duty in the MfnOfr and Voluntary Orgnti?/at]?tns, sad absentees Itaoring their plaeOa of resideneo in th* ?|(| haying been <?ippl?tod ftud returned to Uwi oflVce, it ia orrteted Uiat all persons whose n-m't ifre OH Aid rolls. ex$* pi the otfloerf . nun >n?i? or*lb* dty Guard ahd Fire Department ut the City, and oAeers and employee* of itaiirofed Gompauiea, (li*U of thp Muue having been furiiinlicd,) and Who r latin-occmptian from .Her vice in the organization of troops for local defence and apo?ial utrvict in the KUte lot nix munt^.jl present their elainu for FafrKMlTlOVKK WKlTINf} Ah'D ON OATH, orthia cflike, hct*<*en the hoars df 16 o'clock, a. m , and )>. in., ut?tH Tuetfay" licxt, the 16th ioataHii-^epUoibcr.) v '? It. Persona having 6rum of eecmptioo, nod fading, to .present the came,-a* nbeve umerod, #111 have no ground* of complain! It "they elmuM >?c eblueeted to the oomS ... .jaww xphMfaitiy eattfat 1<6 command. ' * ". ' ttflgoed) A- C.-OAKJJLXOTON,. . Adjutant arul lannw. ?, vtAi wee at). .By ewafcjrh) if General TJ10JSAK JO&DASF. a - m ' ^ ChUf HuUt ' J?* -<??' O. /. /elfin. A- A, Beue'ml. ^ Or AU-papera ij? thdf&ate ploare once. *\;2*V Ambrotype Caaca, ttTlf.L imreliuae nil Boepnd-liand iM lJKffTU'B f!A*fc*. *U* fair jaW * brought tvirtc at my UoAiw at hteT*?.\l(all, U 11. LANNKAU, l'liot<>gra|rii?r. a*i?tio IV i* t a|T --'a I . * s ?. * .. ?- >r . - -** l * _ * "* * 7 V . * v., , ldO t oufi'le^UmmmTtii Lie orjwxh, endt* ?|y8&5?#dw i^w| tl?? State. Yqmig rq.?ir uuqcr, it J or dii-ui* wu^f'S 5<l*,,#l*l>|"fc,?l*?ft?| r.ik. if-ou* WW irt%* ulion ?t featfna tl?ey nt doing t^t the J Wto help tW COWttry end- it, __ *- *,. . ?3I^S:?""Itiose* vidngiJ# volunteer ^itt, pleter L *ddre?e tha? |Rb*fertber at ff^ecnTillc C. II., lor CAITAflJ MoOUIRE; ?vt. H. TOekej-'a, Higlilund Urove, Greenville DWtrirt. . .1 , ' 1 WM. ELUO'W, Lleuti . r; OWcnviIUJ5ejte'*8d, 18Gie . S?p 24 81 5 ?=?t.i-f.r. ' *> ' 1: ! -STATE OF SOOTH CAECUM A/ ' fcuicirnvK DI;T\\RTSI VI\T, v "' --"v CnAftiJ*ro!f; AogOst 2a,"f8C8?J " Tj*TFl?BEASi the present*' eoodiU<vn of *.?*. We "Cou ntry r?<ju\reOthe organization of 4?JWt$vc TJmI efhaicat body of troops who may <|lrel1te Jeld upoh^ moment V no tl?e lt? meet with promptness any auddon -; ilw*U?*io? vrhieh may be tunde VJ tho.eucIjiv iuto owr State; and vrhafeaa Iw the imrEof'defcndmg oaf Iioxuee end Areehics, deemed. advisable that the entire oriu; hf population orer t6 veer* ofijgV, i not- In er-Hablete Confederate service, or | exempted- theratrora- for pabli* ptraoMt, ?lw>nld bo,organized into companies. i XW, (Voreforc,. I, MflLBpOU *. DOIT HAM. Governor end Com?innt!u>iu Chief in and over the State oFSonth Carolina, caTl n|>oii the people of the State Wat onee or- ? ganize themselves in accordance with tie* i order* hereuulo anrcxed from th* office ct the Adjutant and Inspector General, eo as to afford our ewn,aod tic \romeh./nxi child eta eteur brethren ifl artm% the moH itK-e twul protection and Mturily. Tb? Nevoid organization called for la in with (be r. nombieuiJnlion ?I, U)c 1 resilient to Utt.- (?o< ?rnor, nnJi? ai>p*roved as the bv?t orenoixnSiwn for all ? bo iitny net b? incluJ- ( ?*1 in the'orgauicatiim of V Yolanteer Kufe Troop," M. L. JlOKllAM.^ STATE OjnSOUTH CARM.TKA, J .' Au'r AsWrx?vtc*roR OxxcRAL'a Omi k, | v Charleston, August U, 186:;. OENKH'AL ORi)ER AO 8?. I TO Carry iuto Effect the Foregoing Frocfklcatioo x>f Ifia Bxcetlthi-y the Governor, it ia ordored that th? following Volunteer tatetc Troop* be acecptcd into crvieo. vifc/i OneJlegiment of Mounted Cavalry and out Company of Flying Artillery. The Companies pt Mounted lnfanivy ana|iat of Jnot Um than seventy eight nod not mora than on* hundred m?u, exelu aire of conuflisiAoued ofl'ujtra; pf . Cavalry, Jte constat.if not lets than sixty (CO) and not more thfn eighty ($0)-mm-u, ex chn-lve of coanwleahSried officer*; and the Company of Artillery oT not leaa than, eljrii>ty (80) and, not pinre Ihnn pne hundred ( HtO) tneii exclusive of caynmtssioocd officers. \Vheo the Companion'of Mounted lufhntrjr ind Cavalrv have been organised nnff accepted, Field officers will be elected undwr older from this office. * II. The compdnioa authorized to bo |-niscd under tire preecciling. pujrmgrnplfcof (his order will be composed of effective nten-who are over the age nfalxtecti year*; who ore not object t< b? who nee exempt from C*onfed' eratc CoueCripUon, nnd who J<J not belong to the organization lately ordered of troop* for local defence aiul *ia luonthdrntcipl service. Three troope w ill bo nrhfed by the Stota?tltc "Artillery to hovit a Rettery ot four pieces?but they vi lli provide them4 aclvea. with hordes.* TVb. pay (to ."begin when they are ordered into oetuul-serx ioe) .-ill i.. ii.. ..a. i? i)..! ?n? a ,i.? r>... n 141 wt viio rniuc ??? ?u?v huwitvu iu i"*J wii federate let vices, "including forty cents par tiny for cpeh home. They will hold themselves in readinyss Cor the field At a mo irtenl'a not ice,,ninl to do service in nny part of the Stnte, under the. orders of. the G< Vern'or, The (^onrpsnies will be aetcptetj in the- order in wjflrt) their yoiis and -lists iff officers are presented fit this office, <md they. wHl be ?I to oh ed to. the MUlitU Regiment* in whioh they are railed, until ordered info aetunl serytie. * * III. In addition to thenbovo orgoniSalion, Oompnnii? organized tn r.ecordffnce. wi'.li fho -Aet lof?Cvngrew jof the 18th Oetober , *18C2, (herewith published^ will be neeept< 4! on furnishing their trdft ns required by eald Aet. And one of said t'Ofcpanirs iir each Judicial District. consisting of aot less than eighty men, ex^loatre of officers, and having its rendezvous nt tlie Court Ilause of the District, will I* nrmed by the State, j The remainder ,?f lite Companies win pro- ; vide tlumselves with anna. ' Ammunition, as far astk? means of the tttata will penult, will be htrnielied to all t>w Coiuporitea, SH oohinmnd, A,.C. O AUMJKrWN, " jotant and InepeetorGcnerClB, C. .?' No. 26?AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE TUB FOKMATJON OF VOLT'NTKBR COM PAN1IW FOR I.OOAI. DKFtySOK. , i~ 'lite Congrea* of I ho- (Sonfedcratr. Stale* cf Amtriep, do enact, That for tha purpose of [ Tonal defence iu nay portion of the Uonfyil( crate States any npmber of persdM, not less than IwFuty, who are oxcrthc age of forty . f five years, or otherwise not linbl^to mWUfl, ry duty, may tysaoiate theinatl ves as a Mil ! iiorv" i^ompnny, eiecuneir own cmoee's'Bna aetabllsh rule* .and reu illations fwc their ' own government, nnd ?F?all be considered , ne beronging to the.Provisional .Afniy of ' the ponfedaralo Stales, serving without pay or allowance, and entitled, when captured by the enemy, to Ml I he privileges of prison. , ere of war; TVertord, That tueh Compahr halt, ae ebon as practicable, trtntantt their muster roll, or a lL*t of the names of the of. firvro aba private* thereof, to the (Governor of tbacSuta, the' Commanding lieperal of tba I>rpnrUuent, or gay Rri^edier-GencraJ' in Um .State *or Confederate eervlao, to be ! ^forwarded to the Seeretaty of War; but the . PresMeht or tie Commander of the Millie t1 ry DMriet may, at aty tima, disband euch i oinpaniea; iWiM' Tliat in the States ' add Wetrlcta ta which the Act- entiflod t An to farther pw? Me.fov U>e public defense," sijjaoved Aprft tG, l8?i, audihe | Aele aataiRMitot-y thereof, bays bees ?ua1 vended |? j.aoiie of any aye, rcrideut within tteh Blaica dr l>i?Uicta amy volunteer a ad form part of rush Comnaaia*, so loMg'naeueh suepcuriew may eoutitiue ; /WJdrdi That ik> jjcrnorvfltigU beeoeae a member of sueh. f Oompuax noli] he ihall hare Imttafcefi (by oath of alietdaoee Ce the Ueafrdcrate St:itee pauy, ae abav# jrfrteHhcd, " ' aeptiV- M Om ' Mr J aiwrt^fihe Htate (.ufclUI. for one > VfrujEy _ ton wcttk wstolrfrt) at 'ails ?j ximiik.*- j>. - - .' . V 7 ^ V ^ # L ? ' ' ~ s*'* , - i^i 1 *' a ^ % ' 6iilmml%vU* **!*?;. ....> 3* ** - ~2S -IsB&sas*- M" '* Z' j A k ^ > , -J v' ' ' V. . _ %? * i %~ir ?'-? 1 "'>rV ij * ?' - *'' W? V* ,V^V' K*, , r ' ' *>?A 4 '* * ."**> *r- -v *." ' a * 1 2:* ' : ' *?? ' - ' ' ^-t?. * . -, : - * ' /' j SJ' % ".> ' * 1 ':- ' -.t? ( - ? 7 7 , ' , . Vi ; , . 7w < .? . ?. ? * * < -? *-:.>* * v J - * i * ; f i / % ?* . ' V?3 .4 . . . ' ' * r'-j:' r *- ' ' +['*. " ,*? ... ? '. "y "!* * > * * * , - , ' * * *" "*' ?* ' < <r.. 1? %V" rj, , I >> ' ?- >?* f,~ r ' w ' .. *\v?. . ? " ' *. *jcV>" * -v ! ' ' , . > 1 . * v ." -? ?< i; *.x . - v * * ? ?. *> ? < y <k" -4 ytk -.V s' *s>* . * .-; y-.-.l f v*< * '-vtV; -&nk ?&A*. : : ^ ^ r$ *v: " 4" ' - " "'' ? +*' . - <* : + *'* ^-V * 'n*"' :. * K ;-r v'. " ? ' ? \ * ' . ' V ' : $ . V'* v . - \ 1 ''" " ? **' #>V.. t f M 7 x * ? - - ! . . ? . * w s ^ - ' . . . * * . "4 . . *w^X- " ji " v ' ?y> i ; : ' ' - ' J - " . ' ".V - '<-* ' > , * - V - ? - v ** [~Ji . '??? -' ..V . * . *t ?* l-? ' ' '.J' ? .. r ,' "V>* . v s " .V . .. V>," .V ? ? : -j ^ * :. .. \ **-?.** V? ">*< ' ;? ; . > " - wt'J*"''' i * . .' - * * * '??' Rxanuftrd ami nim roved, ami tnalcrcrf ~ ALKX. M. BF.R, - t - K WTTlfMIRK, . . . <*. HWA*\X>ALK, .. * OnrWKilttr* ?o rxnm'up Carl's lUl>i>rt. fjeptuiiitnir 16tU> 18UJL f g?j. 17' ? '" * * '4 2 6liEKNVitLE^rJlorEliTY^ FOB 8ALB. STATS OF SOOTH CAPnTTVA I . (jkkknvhjVK WSTKIUI .-"" IN EQUITY. jS'N'obodience to the ilecrc? of the-Court | JL in -Qroeitiield tt al. r*. KHWd it af?., 1 will 8t-n nt Greenville (!. IK, on Hulftday in Octobtr, to th*- highest bidder, at public auction, that -LA It OK AM> BEAUTIFUL LOTrin full and i>ict unique view of 'lie inountaiae, where Mai. Campbell now Hvefc haying A FRAME: UlMLHAlM OF SIX ROOM* with OpT-lllIll.niXOS; and that convenient Lot in I lie fame good titdgklterhoofl, it'll ere Mr. *J. K. So** mow liven, having ? 1JRICK DWKLUNO "WlTll'blX ROOMS and nH Ol'T ItU 11-DIXGt*. V Ami k? the eaan of Mifyflvhl ??. Method. u)?o that TRAGI--OK LAKI), containing 21%. Aoiye, i?n liolliiqfcr Cheek, adjoining hind* of I)IllAi?f, Wood, (i rli-ham tl al. ^ having ?n old-fnehioilcd nad convchient. [+WKI LlN(>4ip?n iL . Terms Gash. *m. m. thomas, r. e. 0 f). ^ept 3 ' 18 ' 6 tr Charleston' Courier and Colombia Guardian copy onoe a week till day of sale,and aend lull# to 0. K. (k R Stolen, ?s OK Friday night, ilia 4th of Soptnrober. from mjf Plantation in Fairfield l>f* tri.-t, m ,N Kttlu) UOY A boot the'age of lft vaare, hi* height elxfut t> feci b indie*, very idack, and ttoiteinteljipeitt. The tliiuf raWi to soma of tlia negroee that be ?u> a'deeerter. He Endeavored to IiuIum other Mrgroee to leave with bin*, lie told (be negroea ,Ms ntfnie wee WiUon, And tli*t IrtA Imrue r?Mo about two nkUca above N?Wherry Court Uowar. He and the negro waeireeu at llapea' Station; on their Vty dp the couiitrv. 1 will gtvw W& for Hie Moii'yf Ute^fgro, oinl lor ium. wfch 4nr?l?t>e? t<*-convict blm. JOUfc WALK4CR 17 . . " -SO < # u WimUf % Comwirtfiorat of Bo*4? ~\T OtJ ?r? rfc^iiixuxi H JmjM ^ JL wllouol dvluv. Mi? ntmw <>f ownar* I *"d DUMibvr of liuli.i?, Im'frlw jwM tile )?? erJj of 0?n. liemupvgkrd, f*r ML^VI^JUIItfil. h Uy ord?r ^*1 T. I?l Wmimwhuo, Art. Odleer Oreenvillo Dntrk-t. " ' ?.?? Hap< 17 ~ 10 ^ , lf ' J* C? BAILJRV t / . <? <] NOTAKV v GHICliNVn.U:, H..V. V * . ^ . ' ' ; J . * . > 4 o - yj . *. *. - *-*v *"v; ' , '* v< , ..w \*??1-J?r i'Ain ' ] Oel ~ 2,1 Hoy W?? 0*fcp; ^mvo-yarj , foiK-c,. ;.u.? 1 69 > ;n? m-m: S*v"V hire"*.* %\.<1 "* v. ? W ?... Xl 06 .+ N?y 16 K g?fti>o*ta-?or (Muva, V " fC i < jriirJ ?" r Mr. ^vlc^uiUrfcr gSvJt" (r > 11 JSnpc 12 60 "o ?'M>y?ftkrti3Kc,rt - A1^Wli; n JL 13* ou a *fc&jWfWtrn WiiforprW' accuutkt t " a fori 800... 3<1 JUl,. Jr. wiwV'of Vfry ?n 5 ?**$ i?ci? *v~5?.-M: V. > ? *> j. J: p<v./r. 22 IT Jfcftktuc, woit-o^bd^ on i " ' L'*...._ "* 4 1ST '* JffsTwItrtlldin, work of *It .. ju,a||M^?ij|li4lM.. 10 O. Jlailcr, work of boy? b? - *. , , .sz.J:..... .17.00 , Martin,* 4.urt f ho# on " .-Slraot, ' T. li h<MoikM.v~i.. - '73 ! , %> klogl and.-floor for' famiHoft in 1 UKarjo of CnurfcSl during ' ^ m .pruyadeoed of small pox,.. 3 00 G. E, jilforfl's uilyc: tislog oc ronn( '.V. :....?. 22 jrs i ^ Tfr. C. CoivOr,ivrlioles, *e., fur- .? ?*";< ' ^ * n'.alied families to cnarg<J . '1 of-C'oiyieH d'iirin* .|mjva-. "> \di ' . Iqiicc of somU i>o.x, ,... J 0 i SO ' OOawacvCiit Co Tan.;lstiltfl3. 218 2? ' ? V. -Ms Bee. oeroant fbr irood; ,, 5 &) . WiiiiniiiwA. Vri?naiire, ?vuf on?t? *11 "W k ocruuiif to July 1*T/ IJtlflt, 282 OO J. \Vhilml??-f, work done on ib(reut?>....r. ' '112 50 Rontbyro Enterprise ifoooiflnt, .01-60 J, Urecjr, couveyjnjf rold^pre DC .in-, ?c^,.X>.>C 25 # < ? ?. A. 1*. Soott, work ?M)oy On v, J , 2K 00 .T. C. Hli-ks, fir mi il h ' 2 ?fl ' >' Jl.<*y r?m?*i?g auisitn"40 1, Kev. 8. Ai. droop, wo^k of t^y ' "* ! . on SirooC.x! ~1\ CaubUs.buu fur-buidcet on * t' pfkblie well, 1 DOV Hoy <iro?Hi;; grave Wf pauper. v3,o0i. O. i'. lowiics, hauling aAatb 4 .'. r gMne of pitpcr '5 00 F * Boyjli.'fting ampo of pnj?i?-'r4 1 V-K ' &<Vgk*"ori ou-Streets...... 13 (JO ". ?'"* IV.' Jennings, provision* fi:r- \ l , ? > islupl iainlly in chftrgC of a : i L'n?iqi.-ll during prcvnlcncib * , of. small po* . . 6 On Mr. l'o^ahoi-jjvbik^of boy on Street*, 1 ?T) yy. llidi work df boy on r8Uect.._ .... 3 7 '? rT. fl. iy. Hoft, Mindrle'S, furnish. ? " ? cJ fur supeilntofoWiW -of ease murJI pi>*, . "6 tor k l>r. "\V. JrMookius, work offluy .- fi. oir'Siryeln 26 00 "Rev". S. M". Greeu, work ifrboy r<traets,..r...o %: 13 74 ? Mrs. Austin, work of bijy ,?n * - Streets 'flirco und n half ^ ' Ulays^. ?.v1.h...I..< 4 SS T. 11. TitOiuiison, boy retnov- iiiff nVWmiec 3 60 J villi Keoiiali, wa^iMiusd foam * * l,.r two ?bivs, 10 00 ] 1? M itii.'umerr. work. A?* mi s oc ; K. V. L.tMlitt, nmoifnt . V V nmoil.l.-t intt, 40 00 1 A. P.lpBec, work,IjftuUag, kc.f ' < .. ? <>u tjtiV%b?,.S2S 60 -J ?i. F. 1'vwuca, Ui:ulis2 . 1???1 > . ]ilunk,.t ,...' ? " J!. SmiWr, l>#?f <*- * * milrMi A'liargc Of Omii'il during i/cuMileftrQ <>T xuinll ? "a, |WX. ,-..,4.9 25 ?VrAU. W.UMU, IH-Coitnf, ... 2 fn ' ' <\ Mwruiif. lireMlnts. ' 23 ?t) ^ Patriot k ^lemuninui r .?c- , to (Lit 7 00 , C'our. him-inner? Yuktic llnlld- ' mit OrtJtK il, j ( li.llv'iLt, ...... 40 CO ( ."'V '.W. Hi;rr;U)?. KtT|ti'u<t* is.x mnr ' * rhiu lo.fVpt. U'tli, 13,03,.,. .209 CC Z. 3hriii)|ttipi'iid n* i:iui?>.;vl ;to Sent. I61I1, 1?G3,1.837 07 . C- ' $5,P-2 69! Puliip-?if..CU'rk nni| TrcOsnrcr,? 60 Wi 'Co|n'inT4moti ?n rSeoiviu^ $1,4 -FJ0T 94rlwWWrw? .*-12 71 Ci*iug|iMi<iu oft l>:>viusr out >*.'.4*! 6P, < J* r* 1 V * *4? V* 1 Whole nmourat pahl out, *$2,476 RP . Diilm t s,;| ,397 51. It.-i? $70>0, * nmniml noli Cuui'ix P1O1, /. liuilciilivj*, *lill on V:l'-uV . 1.P27 H ' 9 , - 4 , " i " "*Cfv!Tjil?? up receipts poW out ?f, , . vby frt'txircr, ,. $743 32 | J. 6, DAILKY, Clerk- uuft Trtneart r. . t * f*'"* ' .; " 2 ' . ^ C ?w STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA; KXHCTJ^iyK pCPAHTM fcA'T. CitAM.rHtejt,'?*)*. 10,18ft3. ' ! \^741KJtKA.S information lm? lic^n're- , tt ? <" re<l nt tlti* Department that on , or oliout fh? oUt day of July lush in t.n? j of I" EhnroiiB n . inrtH by the nninoof ' SON wae niiiWJrr^i? hy'som# jw*r.*oW or |?*r- < gone < (? to thia time unknown : Jfoie, tlun+foro 1. M. L. Pf>Nn AM,.Q..vVruor of the Htote n foresaid, do js/ue this mv |>rA(lnnmiinn, offering a rewtrd of FIVH HI? Mill Kl> DOLLARS fbrtlia |>r(Jii'ii?k>'i and delivery of tho real niur di?n*r of tins raid L. Ylfompeon Johnson Into anyone of tb* jail* of tlti* State; and, if imirr tlmn one, an additional reward-oof fire hurrdred dollars for each on^ who ahull to proved to tie An ac?OH)|>lie<*. * i Given nudor mv hand and the seal of thft 7 tttaCe. at Charjeaton, this tenth day fu-a.] of tS*4M#inb?r, A. J>.. one thousand' eight hundred, and sivtiMliire*; . M. L- U0N1IAM. P Wm. R.' Htuvr,' Secretary v>f Stale. Shfp 17 . ?#, ?. . 1m tSf Ml tt* papers iji the Skate publish on* month. . TOWH 0? 0RBE5TI1LE." I *T ?h??a* - ' for- lke *Hxn ?ftii*eftvib*rfc4|l berlitld rfn | Cuafid^jr,' llta fitk daj W '-Oo(ot>*r ?4?-*j. TljaCUrW focrt*?a a aalar^f <& dr\lW? , ; m,rt iW War- , abaUracaHa <**?* Mlarj of Crwebo* . *>!l?wi< iwmuw. All af i f#fK*rtulb* of Mi?irV?ajU.<s4iIft0ffleot. j Iljr ortSr ?f tli# <Tn,nftf." '"' ** ,JT * ' >< .?. 0 TUukt, Clerk. . I' Hop 17. -1V'; { ; '' V- * V y * ' * * ti ^ ' V * ^ --\. .. -{..-V,? *.. h * a >' * " ;n> ?* A* Soa, i xiinntinu'* poi sons ^ni* ' CVi ^ lHifury servie* ftonv lMHtrffy rfrvtflouJ- ??, or. *ti<l. Aist% U ?om?irued to rotao p?upn* ogi.fafW rou^tcml into fynfotl^to^vfc !L i#!C :lV*%fc>re, nJld^aiU n?Jc fey Statet f irtJbdrit y foe Mry ic*.4i> ofThefv ?? tetit? of Uio Army uf tbct^.isfcder.iteiMjiU* " r e*emiitlon? ietuetl to moi-mus b?'? iSatSiSSSSA^S!? M|^^SI3CS?3; ^ t>9 it! *Wh' bfm.iM.Tlio ?**c TWert ,!Wft'- 1 *1 or eft|jnlU:<J in the or^rinixal ion of troops -c 6r feix.jtniWihOtfrxk'v, ap? or<U-r?d |o rs ^ fur'jin.y'tl JUo (.'wnmn ding Officer* *j ril.wr Contpaoie* . . \ ? By oemniHtul. . ' T \ ^WW^^ ^-O-. ftApLI^OTQS, ; Ail jv.umt oi.i I t\ -.p't IJ( 11? ! a', &4ft ? Official; 0.^t.FoU4?; A. A.M. ' "ti <M tl\ . ,,A t . >?. I 1 II nop* II _ _ |sr Pupmjof. fl?* pt^t? p<'Wi?l? tlu?^ * iuMjC' ^ * , SyATE OK SOTJTH CAE.OlB^A7 ? ' v . LUSTKICT. 7, -J 5?^ UW tQUJT"?, *<; Im Bafcer, Adn?'? *e.,V ~ B i lY ' **. > ' > . * ' J Innms jA.. ljnket,'?t ?1 ) Satto/ ls>nd,r<t<r * 1"*Y tha ordor of'C.Jiief Justice <i'i\s?ll the J ,) eridHor* of WilV I, Hatter, daeeCffcd,* . bpo no'ittcd to file 'their demands .with nte. ^ within ibpr* mouths frum th# date. # . s <j 111 Jlily, IM* * "" }\ T1IOMA9..0C jnWflf :o 5J>) J " bUBSIiSTiflCB- depahtjbe;^ '* . DPTinyN NO i/J. vj, ' A'Nmtftao*, C." If, Sept. t, "Tift" 1 . Tjt"A V42TO b<>?o nntlid^pdlftttfotlvhlTint'^l AjL^jxirftoji of the Tft.t In.Jvfiid cemi*U"K jfl i?f'Wlieflf, Rnct vvlicnt, Kiev, lleowe, Sogjvr, , ? MfJJaaeei*, t\??, Orottnd *f\-M nnd .Uaewii. 1 i i]^ li<r|^yjRotiiy I'^wuett ,.oL OrtjenviiJe, | ( Picliunc, A-n'tkifton, AbteviJJ* iukI tfnil i*.r-' i linn of iftdpj^tohl ndjnbifttjp AwrvTll^, ftiio | . t|l?t.stlirtt I nm j>r?p"r*d td r?eeiv> lite | ?nmc nt n?v.of the (Jo mini awry ^Aiwtl llouevs t in Ihid Division. Wht^Uavitl lift receipted for at nidi Milh i In tills T)fvision ?* Qtv iyithuii*rd flfid simb 1 miller*' feCt-lpta will he vidid irith the ( S*to<5?tnrU-i- AUeli-r ?f the Con(:r?-r?i6ual j pt:icJs ehiln^crd in this,Division. |i Fanner* nr?**arned^o th-livcv their pro- t rtupe hi ga^d mcrdUantnll-.'condition, or I lie-| am; will Lo nhfllwk . | K. L sitW?Nft . i . Cnpfc and Division Commissary. , ( Sryl 10 . lg ^ ? ;< Executors' finle. flYJLR Be HOLU on TilUHSDA Y. i thf- firtt Jay of October next, ot public i Aiiction, nt Iho plantation di8.1t.ifc-.' O.uuihnn, iu (in-ensillu i;i?1ri?i), Jtf'i miles ?1miv? the CVinrl ITon^ylhe fol-1 1 lowing prttfi'Hf, Ix-ldiutini; to thwUe'.aLe oft IfATHANVA. KKAtiTgR. 4?cM?ifc, . Ttrr?i> viilunMv HKCH(()J$3; a man nhiMit J i M year* ol?l, ? Loy about 15, and a women < I nbout 40. i ? I Also. oboMAUK hnd COLlV ? i?<iV of |' WOKK MUI.HR, (wo yfftmg MULfH Hi j i Load of-good SlfliKl', 4() killing 1JOGS. 1ft1 i WlilftwWjK IIO'.S.. i-l.i hotid . fCA ITI.K, i \Y AOON nf.d II ARN**S, OX CAUT. IioIim- , l.old 1-UUM'M uild tunny ulUar art':elfca kov ninirtioiiou. ' I ai-.KM^ Oinif. . i fi. a. MctXA>'AIIAN?)r- , .lOH.N t\ C. FHAtSTiiW. ] 1 x*e,"Qr* , HepV UHli. 1(4,8. 111. .3 < . MT Daily Curoliui?HVill lutbliidi ovomJi ivlliyr duy I'll Uuy ,?i siilr mui band bill la ^ie ?\ccutDi!i ?t Otwiivilig,. < ? E?it: ssij.itj"J 4 BHIT.Kll, n flue lwl.ol'Wilmington rfn lc f\ ).'[> ?ml tniiiiufio Turu?i l>v us. \rhMfi^ amy bo had ill huiMilukliiL at fltioW&jjle ?r i> :all. * . .. UJiUfiCE HF1.D3IANN A CO . ' Mm*M so u WjtV?r ?uj?? ' ' 1 A LAl'OK of g?o<' V timing ton * rv N. C. r*A"l.i ?n 'Vuud ?ud for eule^ at 1 wholesale ami-retail. v a waiix. - 1 (^""Tlotjse corner of OVflVe, and, y >i iug < Btirctsoin' doorVJist of "l)r. Carle's dreg;. J iltngk . i , * - .. - 1 *io tf i Notice. . t . ! * | ^ rTLTCAtloN will li? made nljlie nrxt i jl ; sitting of the J.< gisluUtr*, f?r th?d,1 |u!MH|?v of i?? ^ct the Sooth | I'.troUna Methodist- I'yo.lcatnntClwiuh, imli < Iter-Missinuary.-ttocicaV. * - < . Aug lp .. ^ "l{ T* . J Superior Turnip Setd, \\7AKJIANTED, at " ,v - i \ > JDJt. LO^G*: 'I ' Aug 20 ?>flr . tf /i J * BV A U T KOR J T Y. ^ J < Act! and-Resolutions ef the Cor gross it ' the Confsdoratq Congress, passtA'ut the ' Third Session - 1QC3. . (g*4U j AfS ACT to tritietid au Act entitled "Ah ' Act lo Seeuro Copyright* to Author* and 1 Composers." Approved Mdy 21, 18*51. 1 The Congress of-the CoatcU?Tn!e Slates ' :?f America do onuat,- Tlmt siy pet'son "now 1 being a citizen yr resident*cf the ConfcJor- ' tie States of Alncficn. loyal to lbs Vu*r' " ' ment thereof^ wlvA had sccufed n copyright 1 in any Look, map, uiush-nl rgmipoBU-Lifr, ' print ?r snigraVing. under tho tuws of the J United SlaUe, hofnre4he sopni at ion ot thrso 1 vUMas'tlicrcfrom, shall-bs ealithxTto all the ' rights, privileges ntid remedies secured to ' inthi/rsHiul composers Ly tho Actio vhhdi 1 ihis Act is mi amendment, n|>en complying 1 vvlrh the several requirement* umde of su- * Ihors 'and composers f-y the atom-aid Act: ' PiotuUd That in-nsocrtrtiniug the tcrw ol 1 ?ny eopyright, the period during which ft 1 was enjoy ed under the hiws of tiie United 1 Slates riiall Lc ci/iopuled. ' . Bsc. 2. Any author, enmpofer or design* ' vr. whods aatlizcn of ilmCoiffudto-ftfi* Stntco vnd loyal to the th?eeruiuent thereof, nhd 1 who has any inUtresf, in ll?e form of a pi t 1 Rentage Gb the sales or otherwise, 1n*n copy* ,' right obtained wider the lnvls ot tl?S United 1 State* anil nvv*^?l-l,? ?? -" 1 " ..-.. -J -M imivii wirni| f imil have nil tbo rights, jtri*lle^e# oujI ?uy?dl?* ' jf the owner thereof, under the eonnitiona ! kud rfstrioliojt* pruvida?l ihllm preceding ' lection pi this Aul: rroriyUilL Tim nothing ' In thi? ic?!Uon rhaM-ba ??'oeoaAinied as (6 Errjudigc any interest which may l??.held I J a SovM eitiken of (tie Confederate StAte#. < ptfajr tjian tbs author, ill. any ei.:;vtighl I ifuiJA'y *n uli?n/M?niv, ortlie rlghtadf States ifnder tWHeoneeSi*- ' urntion AeU. W? the cofdw pt any hooh, ? map, musical cyuipyaition, ^rint or engrave. | hig^>uh!Uhrd l>y an alien em myc ? Hi?. *. Ai?y hutbof, M p??l>1iah- < who pi U?w?o octHJaif to tho brat-Bt * of llie pmrtbhiua ?<( tlx; fti?t eeStibn nf.thi# i JL*,shall l?I?? all lh* raimtdira (pt any in* * fii?U(?{n?nt of liia or Vtvr corn-fight wliich , sx&Btiriis; Mfta SM1 ijjfMiWi d iiftrftpar fl? tflTitg j|$ , * Approvr* 4j?itl 18, Ysw, fl-fe- ! *** ' -f#r21 ;r^7'.'H Vai^v' i-n"1 "" ' v* AN ACT to UrtftiXira Iropvca^rata. . -.1 Tib* Lfong:? *?? w'ttVfTenf. rtlinilUstnlrnof f-1 dvNetMJlU'''HmtrwUbuwsr 4h*?*d:- i >' " t a 4 ' | a * ' - fig?I % > ttfwy tl'at MPUy ilic u/Gf^jpr.-o ffi k!?H* vhy?rf & furnUt fUPlvfci?(rr. itybsTrT'of ?*b- h tUwuoc ,?p iKilier p??'i>n t \- |?r irvc^nrnJy. . r: tlievn^ Utc^/iyKeK Utlie <Wt* 0} | reh mmpliig in I i r W Pm *n | hi roll |>y^U^' hTfo^trot^ A t' limptloii, Aj? ciu^Hip nblue/pt.*n^3- rl yu'cil iud dytrfniMieil by tb* 4 wo -loyal ?p4 rtl?|iit*mt*d "J ij$, .ihniIv i*1* l?i?T? nicli. Hn> r..??iiM-?i^?nihy be ?na?Ji?>or? W :Vjo .wdoJt-J, 3 by tb'c owner, Ki.i'oi,? by the i?npr*s*;r>t 1 Bk<a*-: untl in Hie ermt of (lieVr diMi^fe't T ilit," Ot<-se 4wo fctmU obooDo n* upiWro If? ifce -qupJi?o*tion!?,. wis use uV'otMv* etrnJiMJ* P n?. 1 " Tfv^ |>*aoius ytiu# si li -t. i a i< r u'o ?}Kl" ?*" *_ <K nr?>?y^*^i uriy tilid )UM*Wljiflv, (vvl.Kli oiU$lr n i\ 4-TTr * tfift *HMatfl tirovidWl$PUfrs**io*. lis inwvMwfog oflfttr 1? (>?fnliy nutlmuWl .? a^ragtifttfi' c-.'i liTv.) >1, }| |.>vcrt?4 U> : sseM^?*lj?b?li?II>At'K>;> foe (be |>t ?^r?orl v no nijM'^eMi]. .wkvlher.tht ?l*<.lirt? ?nyr~? >r the. teihp?wa?-y life thereof only" Ik *rtpiiroJ. ' Bk<^. 5. Tbnl the officer <trj*!r?ort inijWYM' nv a* sfoeeemd, alinM/At tl??? tiqiv if ? .id.Inking, p|j .tQ tli?i <><* kw.-Ms > grtit ' li- rffhnW/, Wro,cotnpeligation fb.?l bv Mill ipjpt-Mfce**; wv<rWi>Ji ul^iV * > (fioo Vl??r\ y> ^ i-aaus'vontiolllya MRlvr.po.-ly, n ?jS^N . HM,1 -mrer Ms ofllqjnJ inrt fli-e, ?|ice1fy In?f lip imltulion'.-bri^nde, diyftton or tAMritfi Mfif?h lw belong*, llint mi.l pri^rfy J* fihe.illul lo the use af lli<- Mi. y, puUt.ilOt i? girecurnC hiiJ wim tii\i o I Jirt??igUijliw>liittu (??#7tU>rj*^U3iiAft?rlli lb* : anp irtra plnco, %vlurs.npd VWtr? r\ho??, tho. inxmnr of oiiipin*r,i,.n 1'. > <1 iivStai'l nppvijc-l-*, as *1 till* HI*, If Hiiv/peio Tor Vh4 ami?. * 'Sunjf certificate *hnllW evgifericfcAiV" litfAwmT, n*\???tlTif iTjiiftiklilgbf JijliT iifi'h, irty for ?l?e. piifiiie'uM' Am Uu- rR?lit oj tub .wifely tha'aiiiooiil of 4? i in pen ?i?^ion l}fc <\ i* ifAlaffiil. Ami in oArv mid iCici i or ?ri #wi? taking Mid|.,>;t-, fl.ull linvc f.vll d lo p?y l|l* ojviieiNn- liiJ fiy-iit. iAlacotiiM .tSAI ioil AM Jl?-fi'N,J><-fOrA fMplil-l-V.^lLrnlaid otrjtvr e 1 i atl l> ft* eirliIIpil to tf>*? epei'ilb. myniolil of din nioir ly.lSc proper dUbm*-' ?>J4 iiljb-er; wMt-K, wln-u en i-ahI, vlnvU f>ojunll aptisfHCtioj. of nil ?'ln'np? nfniiitl tile ioytnuortit of die ffioiforhnii* >4i(|lc4- " * F'eo. B. Wlifin rsr iliy ?tpi??*V? pads tided fur in tk' first irisliMi' ?I .lliU-Art' ilmll, for any refuoii, l?o iidpfocllunlpb?'^ | ,lio tinm of wld. iaipreesnH-iUy Ho-n floil in J .lint On si- tin-> of tlto pi-Ape rly . d sli?11 litf ii'.'A-t'red ?p soon ?* .p"8?it>K lA ] iwo loVol iimJ ?Usioi<-i-4Mly<l sUIkci.9 of ,il>v nil jr. roniity ?r*pnr?r|i wl-.vrcin llit|iroptrly ivmaJluVvii. fko^on as fii|)6f|y!j^)isij bv 1 luswovr. n nil oj*o l?v t[ivjC<*u.iuiaaary or f^if.irtorOiu?l?HiG<<hernl, or 1.5a ngnpt, vt-lm^lo wi??i i>f ?Hw?irt^ dmrM, /ilih)l Vpooar- ^ fliird i-ilizon of like ({iin'.ifici|ii<>on n# nii to dc?*id* the tiii?IUir>'iii dj?(Aifor^-bb sli^H tie ba orii ns nfiiresaid. wlio*rli?ILd??'Mi. fl?V p EDO fit niVllliMl). 1'V 11'" h/H ft? If ^IHX viilu<? of a* Id PtaA&ty'. and iwraa ? i?>-1 iMihipenujtiuli lliertfor, mpbMJirj; to tl:o I. h' . Skc.m Thai tefienevor ITw* S. cav.tnt T oi VV?L|- l^ull hi* W .opinion Mint (l it noo?**?rv lu-lnke I'Vivolj Jtrijjwrtj fv jitihlic ???*. U,v reason of llw imp pctfc(titty <jjt prurnriig.' | the SiH?)? by pu'clul?<* -?b4ir ,to' nrt^fhitHnTy.i nfCOAaary #oipli? fur t|?r oririy.or theu<\o&4 of the ?ti vlw, in ?i?y locality, Ic n rv, V,\ general order, jbo.proper an' bm'iuule ollitoKj-, auilii'ti^j aiiuh i ?M-iy in \ . taken for the fmlilfo ti#e; )li? cuiiip-m'tig. n ibe ^ivncr- for tint mine in bo do'cyivjit ad nod llip .) t prftS idodjuy i|T#h'' of Phis f~l li 1'.lilt i( glint I I IK lyi; duly. of if,.i'reaidolit, ?*' unify il* j>r?Ve ti- .dihj.njl.'V ^ho pllMMg*? ( ( tilJl* dot, J*' llpf'lijnl- H . l!|v,?isiunar ih .onefi i?t*l?' \v>ei>- pr.i*>?>ri\ r|r??l.fntaken forYTiicrvhliv an.'*, ?i?i?I ' ?ipii?t t!u? lluvci K.:r uf 3-ioh r IB VrpHk (l, l'r. aid. nt -!piU n; point eitld YotrmWf* n k U? appoint uMothcr uKnutrfi.i.'iicV, to ?<4 jft, r?nUiii;otiiii< ivhlHlut coiiitidaifhtir npiiViii.t". itldiy tIio Pi Oaiij.itrt, \v.ho -lolIf lVti'tYU I f'r Ci'Utpc n?.<.ti'ij: of,?iyh: i'uIIios |>??i*<fry^u'?#L tun crnf i per mil#* pr nii!citjfc.#n Vo pnit^Iy llic Cotjevpintc ( pyerMificitt. janiJv.jnTfcfHrionce* shal^eiflifciilulu u board, M'lio?p-?hi'* 1 it shall be to fix ufon lh~ jV^ei s lo lie piuo bydho 6ur?rtN<i4 for oil prtipi i ty infpin rt tOiur t.ikufi luj' the puhMu intent yfforawtWit io at trt.i yfuiil jioU tiOiapenfolfoii (v U-.o ??feH til Or tot Pji III c*Jnitiie'?I<in>r> ehfili nfjrVi-upon nndnnl.H-h Bsthwlob- ofjp!j{o?| vri v tvo mouths, vr.bflcu?r, If limy twi Irani ft niuffl ynil in (Ifiretynl tlo v thuli, tiotriru r.i>it " r?'?. iii aii.}' niHtfci; vswili'f* l1 tx> t1i<-ni-fn ll.ia Art, Uirv afinjl kuvo Io fT; i?>ilj?t ti ii ftmpko tfi rtccuft- tfiA'lMnt I it Vv^ ^lAptltO, ?huM lieiiWfill>)tulI ilie jf?yifitii-t1 uf tlic I ?>ar<1; *nil toii i.nipii'.- f?f?nll lliu ?ntii?? rnt?- uf i'omp?-n?ki|.inti fin tlift tlirt* I?v hull euvva. iiUoi*iril to firiil c(Mituilmi?>ii < fl'f rcupoullvulv ; IVrt' ii?'./, Tkut i-1 fonp, inf?a<iinur? aliatl ! ? .of Uio^tu't1*' for u hifji 4Ii6y ?lml| Up n|?f?fviiiiA'?; nn# if (J?? G-vcriior of any Htntc !??IW t>-(oim or n?Htl?ct io-flppi/lu* aW>'"?ntiiia. inner h l. Mu ti-i? v? After af. (fact p?,ila ?o by lit 1V<* liiofiO iben the PrVwIiletit Kjin"U ?fip!?Uit |k?!1: ?cnnfiWu?if?r? by nu<! w If It iky nJyiio mid loi.ipcm of Uie ? . - - * Hkp. 6 Tliat" ull 'property i)npro?j.u I or litkun fi.'r. tfie pnbllo uta, a^f-femld, l|f t!>? vinjf of-any p*i ?t>n 5lhH'1f!5n lh? prrsu?r<s, a ho .have .ruiacd, j/rowu or ^.i oiUicet) tin- J hint, or noraons firadioir lli? mmiiim.Ioi' tbrir I ?tvn uee'or*eaiiMftnpft-orr,"' fttflf who nball nitV* Lite etliUvjiAe ltJtreSnjkeforo required, >h(^l l>? |>?*i<l fur according to the ,nel??41trie J jn-iri'd tTxcd Iiv tlx- coKiiulwlohth a* ifnrenftij. llut Vf tlw> ?nicer ihiprensiiig ?>? akinfcti"' the pnlfiic it*e jrhoperty ap d lie i?tvu?T ahull differ us to I In* qhnlity of li? article or uropcr^r impressed or t*V?ti in aforesaid,. thereby WtuJilAg it,fall within i higher or lower pi ice iiui(i?|] in the ?o)?edtie, tboM tiro ow??r or ngent nml tlx- officer i*pr??eifc" or Inking. hit itforesahl, may eloct eadi ft V?yul ami duirttertMeft citizen, >f the qualifications nfoif?i?Ul, to deter nine the quality rf naid oiliclo QWpropvrtv, {tbo thai I, in ewe of ffTengrocrueut, appoint nit utnpire of like qnaliAeutioiuk mid bin jkvision. IPanniovel! bv tbo officer int^re-? itig. rboli ho final ; but, if hot'abpi ovtd, the improving ofiUcr tl-att send lite award to be coitintir^ioiiya of the >>*? whore tl?? property with h?n tcnoHf iot liMippiuvioff the Mi??. p*d Mtbl aoiumtf>1i>wt-rs, may'hear such j'loufti ss the pailfes nay resiloetturty adduce, and their dir<d?ign ifurtl ba tikuh Profitl'*!, "i'hnt the ow%*r nay reerivs the pitey idlVred bjr I be lapfMp iig officer, wiibout fwe^adtie p> bin cIpllR t?? coeive the lilfehof aoAqtvHtatlon, f . < 1 Sw>. V. Tlt*t*be profwrty?becofja?^ far be support of thv o?n<rn??J bfi?* family, tpd to..earry on few of<ffrv?r%> agricultural mil ntechanleal burbles# to W aaeeVainwl l?Y the*, tq be arnoii.ty.l a# i?ir* ruled In the flartiMetion t>f tbiile A'rt, itudfT rafh/whali ont he tAWvn or Impirese ITfai-dr^ [HiyUe intend jehoii the im<irea?|?B.^finai ytf>y*i< rty nja4*n>rf * rfnrM|)? UpriTOit. i^iW^^t?e'#nirt nuri i)?^na|mQ !?< l*udW?A* ^V? <^Wv>p??.J n|r<HW |f. . Mtt tf. TVh?^,' ^rofVul^'Mii'wii I TO** M |,??) tirf(V* *r <! **? 1 nl wWJunii Dm A knit ot'Uio ?mh, 4?e Sy vcf-Mllifl.t o| {h<r ?Iy?'.' i?ny ;\J *' tiiffoni to b*vmr fffWrtiirtffty *ppjOl*iy nn'd y'>iAfc, lf*?i it* f*Hiiyi!-tn f<?P firKV"<fJi>ik of ff.f? -W. ??4wb *AH>?rtr, J|?|< wrrf.> (fUiyl *fi?i?cT o <1ie to*?rtt*tl**,tw?4 lu Wv tttiWl #?-t!o<lp . m ? , * *e?? to bet .,* t , half 5i* fcXUfpnWrpt; pntl upon r , 1 ] ,,viiry, BrilWbto of the viiUi> of ill,- property, then^J?{|ift{)yloip)^c c'"'. tli.ill 1., rfc?iv<-?l ?, 4 tfT&ykfnci* ovridWM??" of the vnlm-thereof. j" ? srf. T^hVr# fknif rt Impfvwd byw * , ( Jgcfe<ierftt?.(\f,>^i-nmeiit lo Labor on fottlB- P nitionror ovl^- public ifortoi^.tlia Impreen-i* ^ p<*ll|i jhftll j'Q >ir.lo l>y pf?id Ooveh-t|V?u':* >v , iPWHtOfffo ifiPiulf.. nild regulation* pro- C pilinWAtJBn d) the State vrberftiu '-.bcv '?flr kt^ntfteghhHF#^ mwl in the nl,Fence bf-eucU* ?flM| law! fflfl*<*l,rcUiieo willt * !? rules ami reg K.. iilaHonf j?ot-?neo??!#teDt with the provisions { Sfjhis Afe.t^r 'titer HeereUt-y of War ahull m?v? k?iw tini* to.-iimcftrdiorili* :' H'??no iinpWeemeBt' ?f sl*v*? slr^Jl lie mniin*. jAenthov^iflT^Sb Hifcd *r procured brth?| * consent of th^oa^nee or ogen*.. ^ . ' Jip *' ran. lajflW<??V hwM?y offt r ti ptTmutW slate Tubortfiar ?r* farms] < or vluiitQtiurti-xt^eeK'Ny ?twua to the pro-r f 4ji?Uon <?r graUjnfnd VorWOne, hull bo J t ,ct jhe V>iitftie"?s^,*TthoMt the content- f<?! J oT.ih? <r*t/*r, pi^epMjc^ajfiB ot urgent ao-j ! VV. 3(Wtjft n rf^jpniioi^itiKod or t*bri vv^ c$ni|pfyioniHl/6^d|^fr?nrivofc who shallviofoW tlie mfajp fhisjlot, shall b? ^Ijtl b. 4AqnrilrHH^ oourttpf'the corps \3Wtlcl?J\i is ftt1wtrt?^L An coftiplalnt umdo' ^ KvlhcNS oefVit-bUu^n ^sreoit ; and on coo-1, yjettooTjV an oftiW^he'idipll Uo caslriarcU "An<f4gU jrtto ttH- i anltf as a private ; and it, *1 1 a npn ec'MtQji??toiif<1 officer or private,*!... ei nU ?clV*'r *nrb puiii?\iui. iit. m.t.inoonai- > tent with luilHnr/.lnw, R* the court may >liMet. ? , V/f. fi"& QH Ap|>rcTCtl )lArdv?C. 1&C3V t 10-3 AN AoTto mS,Uf!!' Nob:;,.; clion*: -fui llvA-rrit/rtfl*iv r) i f i 4 hi: as of the-. *, _ ,0?pfcJ?rnic r-tat*.ff ii*Ut^atuoo ofTtnncaThe (Vui-rfw of ({>' Ponf . o.-l Htntos <if ? -Atup?icQ"Ki*.arnlT'i...'l'(i?j^.J(r4ltr.'>:'l^tc ofTau-f .. in-.?(<_ , gle?th>ua iui^jfcj)i>evntui. y< < in llio. 'CoMgrest oi tilo CJbTc^/irterhoU'i, hall hot bV ?Y?i*v..l ^IcVfctrLir SlRAvft ft' ivVhd each: eof -i- - ati nllflj a'enVMd tu^volt tjte^ticltot,, pai.iabtii<? the ormrf ofbjie p.i?on for rAcU- . iv ; >u/?l 1,'tfVwjliw a'ii J Stale; tixl'-liei m-.-ivtiyi' . imtuUr off * ytt S of 'hf vvbo.e vjAfof lij* "State, shall be Com^4?'J^vd- ?^"Wj*ee?ttt?<tVt>t by tlnj^N . Ooiorh^1 of aot^'^tathr. '*' f*' ; . & fctp, 3 ?Bucli'M Iretlqaaf %1?rtiy,'e befl^ in < ' Hii.l sr?ti,?oj^o fit *1. 't in re.litv in Aupnat' IV**Uii^SjMpKh* KaWJd *V Vbc^oulUT, I auriipi tl.o vi,ii- A . ' Bvy.SJ? bfirjwb cjionrf *iiall.-V?ryn hehVIA' tl^o u'lbtit'YiloV. or, PC^'"At1 nppT in-t ^ tfV'v oV?' Jar .' V 1"' *0? ?f **' <i* ry>j?T]h*7y.>pjiua> ,iT> hiJi1i>^Vi'tcU pii-ri iwi^f . unit ul yr.e oloc^-.-- pi (Vf.duH l?r fT.I.I gleet tuna' f?>l'_?itj-ii?l>er<l iif tlteghnr-t i.uiivt ihum bVaiirw^'i (ifjhuBtailw i.-irt>-\i51iAr?': .*'; ' t 4. S?i?h j4i>ulU?li' 1 * eii?'l(MWl1 njwrH^tw(f tv?'tb?? iuvhU- .pi-evrofi'c?l by if., Jtixv'e i>r<|ii<}lOtNl.\ i-jfcpplrto '.>!-?e t'.?< i.tuuk "ar* n.o.u^i .1 by t4>i* Ai't. SjOn ?t>'li i)1wt1#*A*evm:ylHitin..n <>f I lie t OIU?><;. |-,llo f- tiill-^/Vl.o 1.. . ||Nli^i|*? Jb4^ii vole'tiir ?^nvet"lar*.juf"iJo' ..i)io?t. in A * pf Hie Siitii- 1j I'i^flkri1 <* Statu, pU??ll" ?M.Viv ?-.i! to V?>'icyl,f!< ; . " or n'.wr. * ill "tVfd 'i<t u-Hi-h I:" . u'i.hIjI tw Vo(?- hrA^-wW-iMoi. f??V ' <iteh iu?inWr MIMJI f .'; 4>. -Hvit <VirU ? ? f ' .in,tin* inilTtuyy- iirrij'-*- "TTi ' j i?f nrjnHSK. I?t> J-tm Julie ' TvJlu lioiii f K*?> lo,m?>,t'V'tlv; W.W?*KWniv^t joiVlic't n?i.i?v !' A<t -tli *'V nii' ti ' In liuM nV IIu* <' ' ' ' ' t'l.'vi - I ti :! ' ! t!io.'l ^ UUtllf, liV I'AlUif IU4). . iffr r If' i#>l < ll llilMI' flP-V : O..M.I*. vV;. rtTon. lf^H 14 ??vj_i ?; |u\ rft't * ' W v " -fjEy1 lit ll?o r'U J'-- > i ' ' ' -.a..\'V '?r%5 I Un\ !i|. I. j ' f ^ ~ s^ r,'i<'ii'v iJm^ fc. 1 . u ?r!? K' '' fVv "Vi'.-' > .?:? >v* W> 1 ii', itivi . ; ^ K *?'?!? I'a'viiti :H?, l'i <X> f ii '. . ,:,i?,.i -JireL flWyC .rr iu, M ;"'^r * ; ': 4 .' ; ' -?i,?? il sti^tr <-if . uiii .?: r,^- '1. k., . l'" \ r '" ' Mrr 111 '11 I ; 1..'11.1 T i - rjf . wniy^iitli-.iit- "in 1 .~i fr1' *" |I!IV'-T\?i Li-iM w^tli^iiiiii iii '*v.ityS>i *;? . ;iuJt*,-1 jiyf^Miy? Cli! I ll , t v> .1JU1 ji'fn. r ? ,.v. ^ . V??;g. |T'- !. ?lntitiiti. ijK J. ittt<|f;>T jytlf*^ ^ kMV.t' I \- ill. "ISVVl 1 JjX o onfS^^teroi-s,' rfj.i'Mii : 11 j :{L <"* A- ii i-'ui s* ui 1 l.i.U . i-? 1 ii. t'rXdtalnl f?i>T?v i*i ^'nfF^fur \vlili 1j ijfi- lu-i.i ill ll w ,? "f v Ui ?T>o It tli- a\u c^faf wh' lyjy&vtj'nt to fvr- ^ "wnV'i liif's5.|lj\-.tQjT: (.^Kv ri.i.r iljoSi rifr-fi') or tin* Mis'-- ? >1^ b' , ci.\\ !?;? ! t,; ulv?. ' lii c-nrv tin* ? xiV' u ' hi Ii< -iivivi1 j-r.". i ill .^.'Wli'ijr of ii * (ItM in. uiiytjiiliij) tno!<^ iJ.i* Am, |il Utjlib I'.'**-' |?J: "tin! Mm ti in t J-ji ,. ,.T rircViHriU tiUUtK liiny tin' tVlti'f* f Vu U.' Ji.***!,!'} t.iv ofS^V*"* ?, it'll/? 1 v. 1.1 t.\ ?' ?-1 - * ' ^ I ? -vv?- -,-i >.?. ? u^THiynr fjK'.n. I'ff.Ji t.rt tttllll. I liud^ . nVrtni't!?-|Jf ili.' prftpor wn>lu ( ' il.?- jiT'lpotf ' ut.?l clerk*, or1l.?-v (tony kiimiiiiU' I ikv?tiuitr-'' Si? .:??!* o|K.-*? ? >+? 1 LI. ^..'ve'rv flfcr/o* fiirw ii ?'(1 in I>?1<l4'r? U^l cUoUiiivel 0:1 ?4l*IJ i,. fci- MM ontll t<> SOIll jjoil'llit? i '( i' ti'. lion vf ilw -i* nT? oV " uj$ L hrrp*- hfa rniyln' li.jC micIi vli'i'linn fiullilully I'uid iinpnltiiillyJ Apiyrih iu AUy 1, +663." ! . I Hp. 110.] . . I AN ACT 1? Amend An Art EnliilTd "AjPx-' ' Ai?l l?? ll.'LU-r I'roiuLe lor ll.i Nrlc pifiL. ttf llw Anny ill ilospitnls,'" , Approved plrnil-fr 1I7-, Lflt'2. j rT l l.c Cutler*** crf'll|<rt;?iuied?mf? StuicA ,i( of ^tiH-ricn ?lo Hint I lie o<*n?n<u|aT v iiun*V:tlue nf.rwfl.n^ i>l .vi< V?r.|'..l #>'il i.Uk jW? J Hl'Mivm 'rt lit.' II l.l\ , rl ?. i I . il II I* .1 nfir-y Ilie jHiftaHJ'* ?f Ut-'? ' at oire dolp^P1',' liil'mid Iwmtv-lire iljiii ?*nc1i, itnl.nd oA.-'f . one dollar, .*?* pro?idcnlm <li?first nctf >n of thttulxiyerecited iielL?fld tlmt itloiir' ' < ( tliio ?nd (liu iiWovu net, npf proved September 27,' 1 SOU. skull J?i' * ? eooJyiii sii u*;d as Jo Iill sic k nml disaMec^-v' soldier*-of the nvmy, vheflicr in Kospiial^ vi- <?,lu'ri'pWee?^1ffc<d.'iii eninp or in the Kcll i-. Vf WspiluU, Mil tlintlf'TliaU W"ihi? dutjr'' * of iWt t*y-4(.'(iw y?iiisi'iil, umi/r U<* dircl!^?* i <>T iua.??\it*nrv <n w?v. muM**? i i'nJt-s ?n<1 ?k*gn 1?tion? Wi -hV ?|oi'?rlai? iit utojv^ will ?Mnf? &iilf?lcW <M)i? 0i?9>lr<l oKlirftC"" thy l>aucfii of tK^^ovW^it^of ll.ut o?t Vnfs** *j Whi.M, (Ms is Ml, I /VODp.Wr^l i?]?ui;V?%'?ii<y* v far tMtt hrMiioii "routedl?4'afHvr .until U?< tVor. t?tyt>t W?r Mm 11 d*. mlhujrT* ! sn111" < < < . t.nry t" Miitnl'lc nu|. pi" <"?' Lin. ly?C ..f tl?. m?U aim! ul.-jLU-^ " tl Ik* ?riuy. , 4 <J. "Shift thwrMj l? !) *, of-' . [! ?? it)) foin'lf In Yh# hjx-i.hflK .>r *' .gth*r-f>U??x m (fee <Mt ifm I'oniM# I l i Stulft. Jfthull l>t< t li'lUlV |:M ,... nVnutJj, fItli (fur's fjvniUti*, irutona Ja ,v*y n.,w Kyl/dr. *1 K| t.-fit .iiMlllnfi (o fhi; ti > iutii iiml *ut:4Mw j?oint* ?it ImwIoi on Uwi #> (jnptTiiiil I'.iMio.-ifW-utjten, h< npitate> '' '-xj n? rttoy hi-t*4Mi>Li?t? ftntU j m.?y N ^<>r.,,h?? K^n- &h fur ViV loo^h,*?**?? ?n hngoVSWwflierlNiftih1 trqntyWg tl.o uVKi*,.^ ^ry'w* ??LP* bmpmls <*MH r*thWit)?M .UH V" fat0"!" "Hd tvjy kAH b? furiuslc'jQ w*?)i AitUY&r ?M (fxtMoiis, in t-vhiry x'cnjwrt rtrnl,#*1 (WVnin# "' jflBM Utn! letuWtfiorK of Aj-pfhveil M*y HJ1. - * *