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iTJT.TS -K> * ' -V? '' Js* ' ^ ' * ' . ' ' . A ? t?v.W?"?.-jT; . ^ a^Ti . *- J , TO Hi /.,?<>,LlltfuwWlJ^r .??y?w * * rw '"_ ctnka foY'jho *cconJ hud third Trtrattion*, and "* ' JJCLv ""rt"?<?^'**e" nwdte??tofc*rti<orti?u. "Oliftaary kiidworrlaj;*} tiOtiees,- TfU)iK??'<>{ tcrtb <>?i i#cbn??i^H>. fn r tjfllie, i^ror-^Uarjilt fof tlic aahjoee advcrtfjc*. Ul*l I". of. hisurriohs witl tie pulil i?hii<f autll - "C.Or<U?r"WMhAtai4??,eha?^5B<l fail hoeoriKiufiy. "l\. '... yjp^-Vcr?q^ft IlviDK nt 9 ??m.-' jinW-hbwr oiHc^v their I'llrtiWill autoan^ to, by'. , vuuiUiL^^^tt^urvtii tb tflfc llflei * * ruu lUK fcar?*ii?lOT?. ^ ;- ?**. -<t >" \V;; tlNE S. On the tlcall/ /. T.ieuit .... Pfc'rre P.ntlrr 11 r-filtl?af PfniKfyjitatibtt,-jingift-W, 1 ^03 ; 1 -ike hurtle (nll,?u.d*^y by <!.? 41 \ ^umsxyfijio^nu . Ere \*J; uKmShT '< it* liUo, M ffll . tWMW ,. Ami r??-,l(jn?y ifoi j shtfne,' fli'e vo .ihf .! I),..-.. !>< ?, ' _ iGwJiU. it " 'VVj4?>4H'o,V.^pi tt?V-*u tvobja ?> ^Vli.-I ill th- liallli'H anfiti din, die fM%f; . * *. ' -ti>Mi?>le hpjL-d,. * And fi iAi>"!:T* fti iti} fiefpf?, nnii^t the dyfng iHid tu <i?^ '/ A. hmlb?t e\V)- ^?fod'and^ruf, who lovVd '.jin'wo^c ilwii HIV., ' ? ?'. . Oi nriy .l.i in Tiiu rt? ti>? arm.-, from the '( *l"i ilv v i . Hftot foon jijjMH ht# f^iUIr].;- j.ifMrd, thtm ttvl -li in! i -T? foff ' g . Aijd troth ttis-dyiiifc hr<>tU?r'?fVJc the youth T*?? forced *o%V.'' ' !J? fAixt ?f\* |n Witnflj'ho prfjon <vaUs, b?neiith' *. V* rev, . ' . ?. * ? -r ... r,?' Ui ' l<jM iii"1 In"', lib lonnh * 'h'?o?i?y*b? Vy.f4? ** "' ?'.V i * ' ' ' B " ' * ' '^ t 1 0\i. r* ia 4>i?^lp U,CM.;r?.it hnlb>, uf Ivry * ' ? .1 n"wn*4<'-miit^II ; .,"T '1 ~ *- ^ J V|'<, 'i.-ln't i? r*rry suniid of qirui, , J ; ' ' m * I * ] .Si -f i -ir s >4>(ii ^inu^b(rt?i Ml r ./j' " { fin*k ' ..3W'V **'* './ "'"j' . ft'h ' ! ... i >* in ?ndl J ..? . v _ l.i'r> ! r m ^tifSiVjf. t A'v'tVw*- <> i'*?i !."V * : *Vt?l* a W.I?j U.*AV!V corny, ili^ic ; |MD"Jy i>? ch'bsr! ., * r Tlu" A' >ut t: fuf | ; 111-love.; IniiQ^ - _ .1^ B^t Vl#'""4* i l?<^k**tlie oWj sleopifc, ii * In lti.? qWt'M?ml>.' ' * (i. Km si*ti ?V lal-iiTjr lo ?oi?tH% 1i1i fwcrr^brdj, \ * " * * ' Ifthfiitli foj in thyirAjor, did o\ i^j I Hi.- i Vt*-v. :'j l<ni ?otiit?t]^ i^te -?iul tttil^ood -+mfn'd, < ilmt *i)?*t i.o.T .if^intlf*;* I Willi i?-?ra nji^iriLi irjiow<U??4u'tsk?, ty?J> ! I.i-Ard Ins ( Ai-tWig l n .ili. r"* v. -< ' " iftr. .? ?' ' JL, I Brirv^ Chi iitirfli soldier,./?rc ther trc't, thy < ' tni!" nil in.ri?Ste^ tr Anil b?atii:g or Mj^le alirHl#.?Wl I! null* th?^ qVver ri jVo ; i ( yJ Y i-t f< r tlio.vUsi? d -pAtVcdoni-, ye rtio?rn?it , ...J <*M? Vu ?tv|\ * ' . y N ow lii*< cftYtiiTi' fork is <]un?\ Oou gives J | ? " lil# liolovid rloep." ' . f. . I. 0?!w *?i?l lie me\Jiis fato, and diJ 1 not fear l.i wi.-, # '* ' ' j > ICtioV ing tli?taii&o]* b< iglit would beru lii# >l>lrinp (Wilaft i ' 1 %here in fli/tf fur yff " better Tond," to the' '*' weary r??t ti gUVn, .frSy Oli I innjr U?? broken household baud, unite-. ? once mere iii rieaTi'it. - r - , li e.m. Oakuakps. Aupr. lwji, 1S<\8. - ^ . ENVOKCIKU Alt *C(?WflHl/'Tliill,i*A . ' ? . < I c^poiliU'tll. of #' i;! 1 ' * * f"r '->l|K wriirs : .. 1 lun vfij lih|'iivalr iiitiiMtt..ion that 1 . "jinatleis in tliid. OfpartHifmt are auutn- ' ?" iug n more fi?fm*l/le attitude unilor tl(* anjitni?ion of H-rgailie; I'illu**, 1 w- ^niuiniKitit^ _y<T|mW*cr nnd Conjeiipt 1 liufetiu'at tk>lywiiui%. Mi**. I had the 1 pleasure of ertnverr?i>? \vitb**hf ticirernl ' t' , re*ter<lftT, hu?\ learn fiVtn Vfm that he ' -* > intend* tp hnvo e\ety **' in hi* ?! '* a. tl. i ? - ' ? ? M |ri|Minvm IIM%V IB IOV U'.HF If IICl'l in l?*a th*n *Wt*y tUy*. Ui*ir>ul?rs *?? 1 *0 airingd#* tngt-wtrj ?{Hn,between 'r t>?<* nfl%.d.-.f JHv i 4;? jfii \itTh|byiM. * ' is itq I P ., a iu.tU' Uhi-W ft* ' PjV ^nroiUn^iu. "Krcry '"VjUg*, nun fHK? iVtruu^h-'tit tlif Ctftnury |h jj?nr?led> 1 nn?l ?vi-r *vlio tin* n<M y*r'i>^ ysujjr .*!? s- Htft tfouL J [\ ?i?K Uy? c.,u, uyin Vei* ditycliuii i?im1 ' r? Lw?^?u5j.^?ii i)1er? and ? ^ VfllMWipl* lltMntwm.. ^{, i?l?t f? t*re*t Ml .J bin orfh^riio/igtd' 1 |ui> 1/t I'M "Wine ?. .!. e-BMBO. I ' y < . ' MrttlVO ' * fUK^ (. l?tATC*trf? i I A? ci' \f >> !'?? piWI uf\ r.*i ^H?(ibjr I (iui r.ulitiKlii, tnt MU>inbMkcf ' he f^lgk I njght.ut 7a*4#|HB , I* ; ?? '-v. . I litur ft Iihtl. Wj'iMMiwI tq.ftnert't I ommv Kl Vi CK<^ 1M. - A qm.rOin , < W,.was |>r?t?* l7ou.Own ft., n I ?*N- ?t<^* ftf ??y CoQMafjiiM Vtiftu : 11 nswrtofi, H ft , will) I lie fjrif^tlfca U,? ;.pp?.inn.wMM | I u| u comntHiea :? wnii oh il.- < .gveftior. hi " ^ *f ^ * jm s * ' * ' +r* + * * . < , >;;A A. RE fl Jtrotj^s, h lij w r* 1 ?'&? > -t& *SC. ?] .L.U.'- - - if JJ.l 'J^Jlll.-' '-' : %r gCT^trn Wtrppw.. K>??? atot?o-" frtuai ^TAAL" " ' OHiiinvrcLK, fit p.; Thursday Mot i>i^g, Sept. 24, 1808. ^ While nearly every b<*ly,\in tht?w di^< nerate tlm?, aregriwdrnfr lWe ><>or In thdir maniacal strwggM to be crtmVii^h. or ridlier, wtHle llbey lliitik il | i* llwir power?-oli, tlio ?tHferin^ tji'ot W Cattsetf by it?^white all this b* going qj? iwoiinJ ?s, wo say, it i* nccaMotmlly ^lOtwitljitapdmg *e b'?p of iMflg* Slaw** plerv-mtt to lite liaari. Mr. Sam rat:t>. MrCi.AXAtiAX, nf tbia Di<lric\, .gr?hd-i"?t'b1* miM, eighteen-inilca above the Court I louso, tiio gM't of all ?old tors' VoiilieaTrefc or toll., Woi^ord tliia As >b Act <>f jueticc. nut expecting that ita "l?eing btvitglu to.|\|e ?re< or ear* of apVcuWttoi* dr ealbrtirffieia, would" hi . Uiin^, ua^Ve^kuow that no appeal <r|iatevor "can 1>q nihd?.tUal will reach ih*m. v X ' * -ui f 4. ' .,' iCy Mr. Trfofe. A. McOautkh lias exhibited In 6iw ofDrm'a specimen of Ui* twin production*, the like of vricli wc "d<v not reipemter ever to h?rvo *aen" before. It- in n cornstalk /roin which Ave duccof* hnveaprung rack one beingf 1 nearly ?a large as the mother stalk, ami the whole bearing ri?n? ears taxi a *n>?'l nnbhjh < the e?r? are all of a g >oti wwilTllled and of found porin. Succor* are vcr.y putnmon, latl it is seldom they lifcar so, well a? tlie?e have done. e* .* . .. -* ~ ' ' A'. W. tv Davis, NJ?j<?r andQuarter* unrtBl'rf^ ft/ine lime paat stationed ?l jfii-s place, hM been tmnjiforroJ lo nnofiiVr department, and. It is ?on? Mr. Ciiaki.ks L. Uivis, ,litis been appointed lo occupy VI* J>!aee, (lie position ufCaptain. aria A-u.i*t?nl Quartermaster. WW!* we regret ^tli'e transfer of Maj." D aTib, we ilo not tbiuk -Mhat hia ?mi. alia ha? bad much to <lo in llie iTffichXif bin falhfc*', will pivve any. Ie.?a nccej-teMe I-) (lie cofiii/.tmilv. hut feel !?.#?u.r^?( tlmt~ ho will, by lii* cmiVnpav i?od iljrbaoftp rtml efficiency ?a an ofli ?er, iyorinbo place be fill*. . r- ' F-r the Soathera Eatetprlse. 'A. CARP. Coi.i'Mtu a, Polk OoOkty. N. C.\. ) Sepf. JOtli, 180S. y , ' ,V#W??. EdUur* -1 be*e boeit u?* [jrmKi that ?h<i?) "jire variou* report^ in circulation'in trcyt-hviHe, Sotfh C-r I ?Un*. ifijuriofte jo hit repulmion. la ihe first place, Iihnve never origpiHtud ir.fculteri up ft ponce routing. Lfjoke w.ileii.dw60?\iili?, N..0., by rrj^cvt of lie |k< pie. on the lUb <jf Auyflet,? I lie rcaol??iona that were neaaAl -(lie*/* mmo drawn np before 1 arrjjrtH, ""d *or< cover submit led R> in*. I have ' aever or written'one word in furor I.1 jf desertion, .noilhor lrHve I eter, i& any \\;iy whutirtcr, a>l*i#?d tlio people lo rofcisl lli< b?\r* cf'tlue cap r. try, tit lie? cotiwrlptl or deserters ; w liareCer ia rajd lo the contrary*. i?/nine. .J ham never uttered A'eeufiiTicnt, or any thiiif? like it, in fayor of, surrender or aubtnkuion, iiii'1 I litute never said f lint 1 waj in (? k'*?r of t% Teconsunvtion of ike "~OiJ Utiion. 1 Itave in jnivhlo ami in pub* [ic, fjtf^out.c. d Lincoln ai d Lis AdiiHiiw | (ration as violently, and as bi{Urhj, as | rjf*y man in IK* xahole Southern country. 11 .' I volunteered Linn^diAtely*rif'.?i IJft *OlnV first 1'recta TO iUiqu. aucf carry ir.g i>ne of tlm tirxt companies to the I it* kl from North Carujpm, niidsci red part ?f the ftrat year of .the war, 'and I ain ready id volunteer njpin at any mo*/ iiien^M'hen my conrrtry may require it. I learn it has been reported that a can-' lain threatened tp shout me at a certain [dace, where I went to niiike a *ubmi?? dun kpeeeft, And* that I went off and >pbke II another'place. Kflch a thing | never occurred or. any thing like it, and I pronounce the Atfiiemciit utterly false fin] vithmrt foundation. I leaip that thus linen repotted tlint I nm "yi'g *t> piotect (lonelier*,, and urging wive-*,' ami rtiotheta to write to their i icietida in the army to cohie home. !iu?lf tcportB H*e moM, miserable lies, let ( hem I?c uttered |>y whoever they may. I car* that. it has. "been said (hat I was Mt Abolitionist, mi'd iiad iihoady taken I.-- oath ? ! n|l?gi|tii4k to the Lincoln dovernaief t. l.basdly suppose that it is neeemary torfply toiffboh ridiculous and black fnlaeUpeds* Uov? could I hnee taken such 1 sn.oadii Vk'ho would 1 have taken i} lie fore, bpen dbyosed to do sal j [ bareTnuiti ba(ii%ud raiaed-its this counity, aml*Y ort% diji ur a Xomthei n man- 1 34 r*'?r ?"** WD ? iff* rountry. I yieUl to no otve ill* inf HttaebuietiC to HV*"tint;y,-?rid *l*? of my < - > . *T belong te fftl lHwerVaiive i toty in Keiab Carolina. an*-1 awn in ; iaaor WjsMfre. Wot of none o tkfrdian wa kawwi^/e^Hacfti ba?etl by the ftOWueyrU irfpHtenk, >f tlif Tadq^nd^de of" our , )Jyti\ty. i dTsv a' but lately" litiiud of 1 . ,.. I Mk *.: . L '* '* >*>.?- - ? ?_.? c F-l . II ??. f ' vV.';...^ rnj^r : . <-* ? ' * .. ? .. > .. .V >*' . < .' ? ' JJL? V. L I'll. ..II L! j1,.' I mnggfeg jfcts Vr?'rt .' a ? GREENVILLE, SGUffl ( > ", f'i'V '" -J JlL-iJU-ULt-U-U ihvwo ?!< alfeiiefoi* tga?nei im in'Cfreen[ villa-, South Caroling anil IimI?ti ti cer??CC>t thetn. There arq nD tuch reports HX^iwt m4 in.iuT. own Sit a to apd in lay* own section of the country ileal X mil litwareof. -You VH1 <lo m? the favor to publish this letter, and Oliver papers yho me** feel any iuteces* HI Ilia jrnaiter,* will please copy iC * ? 1 1 Rin tnon rospee.fuJIr yofcrs. :V ' WHJUi>1 % JONES. For the 8outhorn Enterprite. Mctsrt. Editors?A letter of Gen. , Washington, written at the dafkest pe riod <Jf Ilia w.tnr of indcjSendence,. ha* just beeo published.- The femedy which he recommended) was the celling of the Ablest men of the country into'Cougre*s. No one will deny, thai sir*h men are greatly ntoded abw, YVoufil any man vole fm an inferior commander of onr Army from considerations of JVieudship, or refuse to rbte for one of known virtue and superior, ability from personal dislike! Let every rqter at qar next .Congrrs'sibnar election exainine-hivcmn lreAi t and be gorefna? his beet judgment in giving hje vote. The grant question now before, the country, ie (lie atato of the Currency. liar# wo any able Financier in either branch of,CoDgra?s or in tho C*l>inent1 r certainly know none such. Ilarc we such a one now offering hi* aoNioeef"?-. I have heard but OM opinion txpfeftsed as to the very gtenl ability of Mr. J. P. JlojGt. 1 con say, with p*rfi?ct *inc?r> Lty, that if] held a seat in Congress, 1 would yield it as I would yield the command of an army* to a more able corifmar.Jer. 1 do not"8esire*in the least ttttfUpnr age Mr. Farrow. lie is a pure and e* tiruable gert'Utum. and a highly re?peclaMo member, and in ordiuary time*, I would'regutt to see lum superseded ; but in the present crisis of 'Hie country, 1 do not kuow any member of Congres-* whose stent' would not be bets t*r filled "by Mr. Horce. After the ear is over 1 would gladly restore Mr. Farrow to the position. . -V GREENVILLE. . rv * PROM RICHMOND. OorrCspoMteoes ?t loathem Entfrj ri?e. ' Richmond. Sept. 9th, 1803. jHftisra.J&lltorttr?b&irHi lis have claps ed since 1j?i I wrote you ; in the meantime,. ini)flily ulcerations^ Iihvc taken place, bntllos have been fought, cries have boon beseiged, and the desolating band of-war has spread itself ovip* a largo extent of, territory, but, nevertheless, the same unflinching determiiiation, the same determined zeal, tho same undying .patriotism, exists in t)se bosom of the soldier, if no wbere.el??, to tiglit our freedom's battle. The chorus* -of KU'I# diu'y is: "(jQnui one, corse nil, this rock sliall fly Prom its fi/n> hnsaas synn ns I." The sutntricr has come Mid gone ; the yjtirhing breeze (lint but n short time back played buruingly over our bodies, ami the blight shining suu thai ? literally scotched us in it* daily oourso, have gradually cooled down, in a groat measure, 'and . we now hare pleasnift days and cool nights. a short and Uio liaiid<cf lay winter wiIj | hold iu. in his g- asjv,. shivering ami tremtling nt b?? touoh. Wo must say, wo%dr4!id bra salntsions, bringing, along n? bo will, his frosty pants and snowy niautle. Comparatively speaking, we have winter here ; winter pure and gen eino ; winter, freezing cold. Ifichmond is still ilie same, with its mongrel population of o?ery species. I >ogs, garropirs, speculators, gamblers, Yankees, and spies. The prices ?f every commodity,"fc-oip a pin up, continue to rise, rise, rise. What do you think of tobacco at from $2.t)0 to $4.00 per lb. Huggies from $1,000 to 'i.OOO, aud io f??r?l? and so on T People appear to be erased,. rand?'Utterly to/id in llieir insane career After luohey, more money. It eeeifts to ua, that they hair* inscribed on their hearts, thair *001a, jn burning loiters, money? money. Every on*" for himself now, ami devil lake _ the hindmost. Every day in (he streets we meet poverty and wealth?want and |deuty ; vet, the paper* bold out all is wait. Plausible fellows behind a pen, j who ceti scribble ami dictate end **&pretaj.wliirt Ronre. andsufx'l 1 fating. Crime, vice, iniquity, and fin 1 niftTery conceivable ejpyaeler, abound in this modem 4>oiriorrah? . ,THo Virginia Legislature is now io. teeelen ; we pesmne they wilt Legislate j 1 f ? * ? -, vm I ; JU'^JH ' * ' . 1 1 1 g " 1 pgc ?T 3POT>TjTI; L-JlU? L-jm11!.-^1?li")> , p tlw-.gifHSwi A| lAROLWA; THURSDAY iM>B u- .:c.. . xiL. u ' upon UieeOrreo?7-?th6 Military organiaation of the State, And wo "hope upon | epeoaUfbre. ' Something inuet and I should be done bf them; no time lor < detnagogmn end wirepulling; nt> time 1 for Iluueembe speech making and tick- I ling with' straw. Jhere must be ac- i Hon, notion, action* * I Lincoln has delivered himself a letter, i which U characteristic the man, buffoon, knave, murderer and fool fliers < it no uee to criticise, for lite wfrrli) imisl know that k nation usurping to itself science, and art, progress and ch'iliza-tfon, 'is governed to fts disgrnco by a . brute and ftpish gibben^sg idiot. The | document is LincolnUh all over; it i hears tho stamp of the cloven foot; be ; it determined to ' exercise power?to hold his power, and to continue the war, whether his iv. .cresting subjects are wil I ling or-not. If you arc For war, says j he, I am, if. not,I am. ? His intention, we think, is uncompromising war?to ; sacrifice afl, if bo can, except' women 'and children ; to.emancipate the-negro, kto-b*7 waste the fertile .flelds*of the South, to spread desolation and devas* tatf-?n over the Jjtnd. We trnit, l?ow?. ^ver, nil their barbarous-deMgn?i,wHI bo frustrated ; that "we may be able to ,1.:... l:? r ?k. ? - ? uii^o uiiii irom uur worcer* una esinoH?h n separate And independent nationality. - " 4 ]' - 'I As to '.lib Democracy of lite Nlifth < doing anything for the South, at pres i eut, we liuvo little confidence in it; in I fact none. The tiino may come, Lot I now, when thvir prospects arb brightest, i hut rather in an uncertain degree, than i ever before, the South need not Iwrpo f r | a discontinuance of the war. It pould < be absurd to e/itertafn such a notion ; the Northern people Are impressed with the idea of irconslructYou and perseiva tion of tbti Union. . Sefmour baa backed down, and the war-democrats, Or rather demagogues, as. yan Burcn and Cothrarj stand forth the embodiment of. the Northern mind. Soma people'-expect Something fiom V?il*ndigham?we do not, and nevr did. ValUndigKHin Is a Ueconrtructionisl anJ Uni >n man. I To is ambitious ' and ttspiiing, and whatever will advance ' him. and bo peiceives in the popular I 1 will, he will ol?ey. As to a revolution ' a*the North, it is nbsuid to think of. ' As long a* they imagine or conceive of 1 success, no matter wfcat elements of die- ' affection and discontent may bo slum- * beiitig in the mnuk of the masses, rev. 1 ohitioiiiziflg is a fallacious hope. 1 As to intervention, it is played out, ' unless lite South cie.-ceiuli Train her po ' Won, places herself in tire attitude of 1 a suppliant, And is willing to Accede to ' certain conditions. At once humiliating ltd disgraceful with our proseht views. I Whilst wo would prefer rather to come ' under* foreign protection than Yankee rule under ntjy terras, we are qoI disposed'to yield to humiliating conditions to receiro foreign support. Untler im other circumstances, unless the United *' ^ * * * St Ales fo/ces them inlo ft war, will, or can wc expect Aid from them. They ju?' rejoiced in -this war, because it strengthens *awd establishes monarchy, and brsnka up forerer this American Republic. If the United States has format! au ?!-. lianec, offensive ami dofansire.-wilh Russia, as is stated, and in her pride interferes with French eonqrieal in Mexico, the reault will, we conceive, be favorable to us, and force France and England necessarily into a war which tlHy do not wish, to engage. If audi* be the case, which w? sincerely trust may be, the Reels of England, and France wilj drive the- Yankee galleys from the *en% leave out ports open, require nil I .l__2 , -It. -I 1 ii - uicir Biinv^iu m\ i/omu, hiici viinoiq ire to strengthen our navy,and Achieve our indepsnceuce* .-.Ail separation without being required to n*k for ?iJ or seek for iui4rveiiiii>o. . v It may l?e trw, ft* hMbeen observed, that figbtiiig will inn etui the war, but w4 of lb* South, bftvs only to look to ouraelvw*?t6-pur own strong Mint and hopeful l>e>*ru J sooner ov later, ptftrte mutt mid will assuredly com*. Danger, difficulties.hf? fe be faced, hardships, privations and suffering lias to b? eu? dursd ) other nation*. battling for fheir libsrtie* and wgRfb) hail to cudurc the Mime. '! Tantn maris (rut, Jtomanvw utodtAto* gentium-" bat we ar? saii?fie<l thai fiaal and conclusiveseparation will be the result. U cannot be otherwise ; it i? marked crut as "plain a* the need!? that paint* to tlie Nerlli pole. *. % ' . V r . ^> a 'f*v V . . s ?f ? * - ''. ^ , ..- ':7 -. . I alt SfifG, SEPltMBf ---'III- -L , 1 1 ? I-- . J I-J ? All at present stfiiu cloudy ahJ; gloomy,Jmr .atleh i? the condition df bums i affaira lit time*: iu in tho Affair* of individual life, so in the l^jstorv of r nations.- Other nations Loire emerged i from os dnik and gloomy n slate, and stood forth, after year* of trial, in the roll glow of inafilrood?the ol>>erv?d * of the observers?the ft cent of the free. So will the South. Once we diaponded ; when prospects were bright," tr# > looked, or endeavored k> look, through i the misty vpil of die. future and Saw, as we believed, pass over the magic glass, the great'conflict, one of life nud.death, eiivenl'ually to be successful, but Only i niter n hard, arduous; desperate and Ranguinery struggle. But we are in it j now ; the ciowa is to be obtaiued ; the > victory won, none should dispond. IfaYfe' fall, we mirst beceme, lienors of wood and drawers of water. If successful?' which we must be, .f^eemon of n Confederacy, established and reared ? nniidnt the bbicknesa of darkness, let lis all lise superior to the.gloomy and sombre fo rush ado wings which seam to rest upon the minds of many, and see through the inuikuy cttrt&in of ihe futusc, bright and gloiiolis beams of light that well burst afresh upon fb* vision, ere long, fighting up the horizon, dispelling gloom nnd shade; leaching the instructive lesson :' that amid the dark' est hours of life, though, we may not be ulilfl iOi hPTinh nln ?lin ?vl?w.?? ? '? >.v.w . ?r |'>.l>w>l V (UW- J^IWIII j C #IC but just enteriYtg upor. the great sea wo liavo been in search of, where the Lehrs' ' man can guide the hark' and anil safely., jpnii its btoad and expansive bosom, provided he is skilful, lione-?t aml-eSi ] iri^ot?the.crew faithful ivtid obedient, 1 and a spirit ofharuiony and order prevails" amongst all. FROM VIRGINIA. Correspondence of Southern Cntorprlse, Cami? IJ ami-ton Lkgion, ) Itktkksijui<O, Va , tjvpt.0, 18C3. ' j . /Mm- Enterprise?As a few lei.-tire hours present themseres this momfng between drills, I will use them wrjtirg to you, nllhougVhut little, if any thln?, has transpired to change the monotony ' >f camp life since 1 last wrote nt liioolu .] Jhutch. We ate now encamped on " Jackson's Hill near, the city water 1 sroi ks in a large old field?guard ex- ! * . - I ending all found the entire lhigade.? ' >tir wood- is hauled, and water is (villi- i n lite iines. We hay? to get a pass I ipprovcd by (Jen. Jeukjus'to get out ' >f the lines, everpt when we. r?n the iloekade/" Each company keeps otie man at home at ? time i>n on .!?? <. *ui lough, that is short but street,-? i l'lTiee members of our company left for 1 ioikn for 30 days Sunday lasi, who i?d furnished meruits for the cnippa* : ij. Those of u? who hj?ve not been | *> fortunate as to draw n furlough yet, < lonsoles ourselves by rcineiubeiing the ' >ld maxim, that ' every dog has his i I*y r ' \ ,. ; We arc enjoying (iop weather at the , iresent, and peihaps the weather will t lot bo ?a goixl when our furlough does < some ; if so, we will make our jack on he boy* that is at home now. We ire seeing a fitio time?got plenty ^ o eat, have but little to do, and u li0>t I >f pretty young ladies c?ery evening * :omo out to se* on diill tand dio?s-, . >nrade. Tbe ekizens are generally very ( tind to the soldiers in this place; bow | iver, there are someold tight-Rats that are < io leiulei hearted that they cannot boar 1 o ask but $32 a bushel for sweet pota? oos. I ?m proud to ray that they are i lot-all this way; three of us tobacco , vorins, called into the store of Colonel < iowlelts, r tobacco incrchnnt in this ' iluce, to.make a purcliasc, and ha would ,^?. ?ii ... ki- Ji?. ui mih u> hii|, u<u tinaiy (j*t? lit an j nuch a* we could consume in the next i nonlli. May the home of Col. Rowlalt I in<l those who fallow his exnnrpTc, ' >ev$r be over itin by ili? accursed Van *, tea, \rl?o would gladly lay in ruius the j mni?s an<hbabitalloua of nU true South- ] ?n men ami -women. The mail has .just arrived ; this i? the ivclteat lime in ramp ; it \roold cio you. * food to see us soldier# rallying round lie Orderly Sergeant as lie approaches ?ur quarters, with the hope of hearing ( reen those at homo ; "but roanv of'tw . rave to turn oft disappointed, iifrd await J be nrrital of the next mail. TMs leafae our company enjoying | irte health, with the exception of Liouf. ^ i. C. Tbomnaon, who hn? been very t ich for the last "few day*, but is now t " 9 ?V ; , - v " - '"*-? *. *. " ? *' VV; ' -V * * ; '- p -JM- J - .? ft qham ?jf duty-again ia A <0W da/s-J ?* 4 ^ 1 Will. now ?Ww?;^ pranking thai as Jj oftem a? opportunities present them ^ selves, rtni will b??r Horn'. rST * n * . FRANK^ u ,, $h?%^?f*fee?*d< n As was WtpeclM. ttie ennelant skrr-" & robbing" belwetirthe opposing armies * Nortfc of us* that has been going op fpr '* (he last t*0 weeks, has at length result- r| Kl In' n general Uatllo. - Tl?e armies OH V both' shies undoubtedly sxeeed in num- " hers tiirm# tlist hWre jot been engaged . in any,of l ho butt le?field t of iK* West, ** and, hi view of the importance of the result, rhjch is follj appreciated bj ell, * wo may expect, when the- event; are * fully known, to pi ace upon rpcwid the history of one of. "Oia -tnost desperate struggles thnt has been wittis*<lea3durs ing the war. " ' V The manceuvreing that has been go- *( mg on s-iiwj inq enemy crwsw iob riTer and .our for&s felt back from East fe Tennessee and the rite^, in frotot of DaJ . ton and Rome, ana extending Went 4o 1 the Strtte fine, resulted in forcing Imck the columns sent ont by.Itos&ncrt\nr. to-ward Dal ton, Koraa aud up Wills' Vatley, to hie main body, sshicb- -occupied e a line and some miles South of the river, 1 t^e loft North, of Uio?gofd- Gen. BraggV ' iigbt- w*s in tbfc vichilty of Ringgold, > _ under Longstreet. "Gen. Hill command- > jed the centre, and Gen. Polk the left. 1 Geti. Backner's cdrps also formed part ? vf the^lefr.? - Gen. Bragg determined (o^bting op a general engagement, and this deterinitiation was announced to the army ^ in a general order, whjjyh was-published j; on -Saturday. Hie troops shared Iris "piril to the most enthusiastin degree, j( and we an-informod endured the fatigue irptepsry in the mosi cheerful iiiannor. jj On Saturday morning,.the left,.under n Gens. Polk and Buckner, attacked the -n enemy's right, and drove them back. 0 SMiive four miles, when evening came on ( nnd the pursuit. w?* stopped. ' At the ^ oame lime, Gen. WaDcer'a division made aSi attack on the fnemy's right centre 1 and made some juipression. Duting the day, Kastmcrauz held a position qii j Pea Vipo Creek,-where, he had a bountiful supply of'wlWer. nnff at 10 o'clock j at night our tioops horn the left were ^ concentrated upon the left centro and a charge made. This is reported to have ^ been a lenihle struggle, but (he enemy ^ fiuuHy gave way, when otir forces adj g] ranced. charging acpbs the crock and c irecupyiug the heights otrtbe other side. ^ In this struggle, our loss was about ^ I ,ft00, "and one of our'general officers ]r informs us -tho ground over which our Iroops passed in the pursuit was literally covered with the Federal dead and a-ouuded. -Tin? positron thus securrcd is an important one,,and so ap|>earR to inre been understood by both tides; p rence, the despeiato character of tho tl druggie that took,plnce. it On Sunday, the fight was resumed ^ tlong the entire line, and was-obstinate- B y kept up during the dny. Only an P jidemrite statement of the result baa w reached the city, but enough is known P' to warrant ua in baying the advantage rested with our arms. On the right '* uul 'the left, the enemy vrere driven ** truck some distance; his centre resisted rl irery at task.- It wAs understood, at e' risl accounts, ihnt a concentration of 1; )tir forces would be made cn this iw??i- * ion this morning. f ' T Tlie losses ypon l*>lli tide# has been f* re*y heavy, h in impossible to get any bing definite ns to the totals, but ac- P xmnis represent' them as enormous.? ^ur los*, ut> to last evening, hns been Mtiinntod by some gentlemen as high is 6,000 killed, mid wounded, nod all . Jon cur in saying that of llie'enemy was *' uuch larger. Koine two thousand Fed ;rai prisoners were taken yesterday.? * Dur loss of officers ?s reported heavy ; *j t>ut \fre have been unable to obtain paricular*. The grounded rfire being !! Drought to.the hospitals in the rear its i peed fly as possible, Koine few hare P.1 'tached the city. Oor loss in .general officers, so far as ^ ive-ba\o been able to learn, is as fob (.j lows: Gen. l'reston Sniijli, of Teanes* l( >ee, and Gen. \Vr.fTord,of Georgia, till g( ml on Satuiday. Gen. Walthall,. Mississippi, is reported killed, but (hraSfl iacks continuation. Geo. Uenniyg we* wounded in the breast ; Gen. Win. | PeAsInn ires nlan 'fKa ma i h I votvtl " Iiw IIVUIIV VVIj VU? V11U im ,?ro of his wound hr.e not t^an^pired liere. Gen. Gregg wa* wounded* in the ?, lead?the Well entering below flie left ^ inr and coining out under the left ore. p( IJe is now at.Maiiettu, And h'm wound is | lot considered necessarily fatal. Gen. Hood lost it leg. Gen. Cleburne, of Aikans*:*; is aI?o reported woimded. . [ .1 / /(////? J/tpra/, 2lgi. P . ? 'mmrn ? * ? Bno^r^i^w KcWvrtrs.?Thi* arrant it knave ha* -iwued a pjxnpectua of title j> Kuoxville Whig atid Rebel VeotiUtor, g lie publicnii )n of which is Uilre coo- *1 noticed hi KnfoviiJe in October next. ,w la eajre : th "It wiil umrmeneo whtr'tbie hell- .41 >orn -and hellhound rebellion, "where He traitor* forced ace to leave off, and Im ill who" wish the paper would rle w?U rl o bygin w ith the !lrnt issue,'an 1 intom! ; tl hat a single ptrfier ehall bu worth the | L u f4 YC-ZraB 5 nd cut frtfm jne ra?t r^st-' js^^KKS-' iy j^uriMj ifHlR^fea, flW 9*<atfe??SnblH ^ irnw, ui polliio-, T abnu, sniinol. hrgM Iti-fiu j41-' * 'now Nothing* and^KvpuMNyw.* imembw oqJy my Oore^men*. JO ffreaorvntion of the Vedernl U * richly worthy hM the load ??d troesuM tfcetr p' * TIB! lif ooet? evep 10 kfonxierin: -1 "* re priHit r*?e ?*f inen, nn? the cvV^3| um prion of nil tb? nHnatyr'of rikjwfo^jS^y^B HeWs JVom the 2rpi?*. That ia g!o?io)M oowe fnqxp V* bnve no reUMn to , IrntegV try which Ko*enornt,z lm*?h. ., bmprtled fo Wit ltdraw from ClmtLdhpo% haS been eft>i?t<*d ?through t? Wi?Jw ' eld of operation*. * All fUe aleujr-ti"- f lie campaign Were not petoeptudo' (V ne <el>o?e powfr _of ii-i'?n would . nable him to CO?npr?n?Mt jit m gltr.oo " be motemypta of armies iu pro^rwrfwr uv?? un iuw vvniiiiriK, nHMCCJC p ras Lincoln's prompter white the scene* rere f-hiftfrig, mid Provident Davis nut >y the telegraph operator at Richmond", [irecting the movement* nod concentre- ? ion of Boutbern troop*. The plan at Iterations was suggested "to the Prask** cnt, with whose concurrence it fiin een effected. The same necessity which -has eomelled the evacuation of Chattanooga ill continue to exist til) Kosenoranz'e ne of communication wisL hie base of ? perations is no longer endangered. It __ i very probable if we hdld Ql*nUan^w?^> h, that within a week we abdll also uid. linoxville.. }a **1I these inoveleuts, llosenerant's losses of supplies, 1 the ragged country over which he ( mat inarch, will bo cpormoua. and he itar be Compelled to retreat tp Uurfroea- , / toro or &helbyviile, eince ft is easier to uove mi army than supplies of an army. We shi'U'd r.ot, however, hope for too Mich. It is enough, just now, that we . * iave regained Chattanooga. and that ve hare men and ntdtcrial of war to iold it. We cann6t believe that our rmpr is just now .in condiiior *,?{ make vigorous aggressive movement. Its . upply department was doubtless disorored Ly 'recent events, dud if the Irength of the arm)* liae been augmeotd, thy difliculty of feeding it ia increasJ in the same ratio. If all that we am from above be true, Bragg wiW be t Middle Tennessee duiitig the next lotith.?Atlanta Register^ }8tb. 'SWI1 * From the Rnpidan " We learn that Gen. Lee's atmy, or a orlion of it was in line of battle near ie lvapidan yesterday, tlie enemy havig advanced to the Hapidsn in force, here was some- Irkirnriabing bet worn io pickets; hut, the enemy having aussnded Lis for said movement, there as no seilou* collision between the opusing forces. The Yankee* crossed the Rappahanock on the night of the 12th inst., in rong fbi oe, with three eorjjs of infautt, livo brigades of rurally an? six or ig't batteries of artillery?in all about 5-000 or 20,000 men. Their edvanoe as very tapid, but uot unexpected.? bey have taken ubouVfthy or -seveoLyvc prisoners and thrtee pieces of arlil-; iry. Our men fought" gallantly. distil ing ^ very inch of ground to Mitchll's Station, ou ?fc?* Orange and Alex- ? ndria Railroad, four mites this "vide ?>f itlpeper. Our loss in hfcpreicri'cd e- about 150 Jtilled, wounded ami mi-* W A spirited fight took place, Mondav. t Raccoon Ford, in which lite fth Yiinia Cavalry repeatedly chaiged an I rove the Yankees back. Their i -'H as or sixty killed and wr<, >ur loss was only four or-five. The teeated efforts of the etemy to gain the ver were foijed, and we now hold po? ?s* ion of I he foid. Among th? rumot y iht train yesterday tuts ope to <L? Ifect that a p^rt of Smart's Mdnkm sin l>Adbeen explored WBtwt'Xnft-Lei >n and Kepidaii Rivers. ? .It if believed that the demor.-?twt.o' n the upper Uupp*/>?wioel is h.c.-mv feint to cow* other movement**-* a/li'Uiinn i >d tol*. Ikiir . ? VI'BUiJ w?u?i.Hv?T.n -to raft which ample preparation* are been mad? y but it t? more pro bale 'hat thia movement i? only a * ' rejnnoiatance ii) fore?," toascertain tbo bitten and probable of .Gen. ee'a army.?Iiicbmond Whiff, IGth. Pol'$ RrniNn.? ?omo yeara ago n rrot belonging to n gentleman i?r nnchette'r, Teitnewee. was used t# By:g around and going about wherever pleased. Ofls day, ?WU U*wa? evehed upon Ifestnfcfc in a neighboring ardun, a hawk ea?ne along and bore it *a>: Parting over it* ?syn garden, in kich was at vrock a boy who had Ad |*arrol many a time, and whom it Mrw inncl/belter than it knew the huge id that had it in. low, it called to the a# >at no dropped "1'retry Pqjfe "*"** urry, and-sought o meal el*? where.