University of South Carolina Libraries
r.? rr j? ' ijij. 1 * * . * .? * ." * . i '* ; ' " - .T> ^ Vu i ^ ^ .-ii^'i^n" .1J\M n-<d P^iTi SU?*itif?u??, wo Tmps, oTVte riVfttfft, iwnl l<?n ,<>i?jra. ^.rf wo uryo thee sort^f.^no' |H^J^p*1*?drV1>i'xll it? wrtK*:nrt?Tfc nml joy, looj^ at ^lf W ? * j?*W ?*f.'t f'neo, 'uvl I - hp in < ovo-. ??irf * ??jT ^ Q.oft i,i tlijr jvu^y and U>?iin?M. ^ ..Wb? e.-Mjj'cto ufl. n Uud pf ?w*oOkt blnotn,J* *" wtorf^>jr^n"bo?v{T A%?H* RT*? la t<*rrf ... 'wSyr*'1^'-''" flhk , ' WHM?TsAiiS,i t??i>-^ . ' *' . CUlijl ofowr early lioy^uiwl f?fli*. g&ag^^fe*. s,on ?B^yi wry xf*nu "? "" y-'jWnW!?ArV oNs^oWr* and of )ftv.\ Mifl orrfrlof-.bfjryih*; :-*X);* lirtow +h* *> m?t'-with us, I IU above, can rob ueof her sfmnv smiles^ yajw. W*g?atle,.pretty Tfw^iy* of brigtfUfosa death ^cv.lT r.of dcjlSf f^u^acne* Iwr eaB3?l-nft(. kill,. ^ :<i'J;'\x';r r*? ns?r u?*fc li.riii; ?,,r.H'nhcr*r-nt' v h"??n*1 i ; grujr* hw iGft'ns these, ac?1 over will. J-'tj" -^'.-J-VJ'-J -' - -HiXJ-JO Attention! mounted Eifirmen! ?^tr -' ?r? orwflMtl t?> assemble before iVe Ji Outlet limine door, on ISa'.nrday at, 4 ' qjclook. Important buainees to l>? t ran sac MnR ?j? ton. . The enemy .are -pressing T; 1 -on our Mt- . ? v - ? . By ord&r of THE'CAPTAIN. Xr W.'^ptt? " ' . * w -! ^ ? ?-y? < ? - . . , : Amfcrotypo Cases. T AVIT.T? purchase nil Second-hand '.AM?V "A I1K<*>T Vl'E CAS1CS. at a fair pjrteo, if! , tSrinraJit to mo nl 013- llwm At Mol'eo's llnlJ. ' ' . . . c. H. LANSEAU. Photographer. ,?' * Sep 10 19 4* ; Su-f.yed t* $W?. JFr.QfUhc subscribers residence; il ripe,- froin (irienvilK C. Hi, <5wti?,rp.ar_V?\ . i'(BriilL;c, on Friday met;nf > . tug, 4 th inst.', a large DAY HLOKSK MULE, v .'' e-oirte. six or seven years old ','wlicn It left, '. : ' It Imd on a heavy yoke with two prongs I It wosa^eu atOro'tivillc C. IL, or Saturday, \ 6th, tfrwl nwiysiiil Ik- gMfp about UmJ 'Town, if not token, "up. A libcriH reward tvlll bo giveri for Ihc.roLnrii of the-said I . . mule to me at. my residence", or L>r*any in 1 *' ' \ ~.-&?mrttii>n that >v>Li lead to his recover*.^ -- * >. nr. AiwKtiT. ? r-4 ' Sep I? - 19 2* ' \ Execttors' Snlc. . *?. Vi; TTJ, be sold, 011 Monday, 29tb int-t,. VY n: :hft laic rcMilenoff of UyHEllT PT^T*TIN, dec-iOFcd, 20 inilos soulh-e.Vt of fJrrtiwiile C. II., nnd iwo niUos from Fairv view Church, tho following- jtropcrty an id Kstato : Tlirto Tracts of Land, to Wit: Tract, No 1. continuing 195 Acres, more or lc?s adjoining lands of Jonbeer Nosh and others, thirty of which archndor cultivation. TltO Hit gir.Ce won wnmni, Tract, No. 2, containing 2SO Aero?, more or 1os.h adjoining lan ds of 11c v. C. B. Stew art nritl other*, twenty-fiVc of which arc under cultiv:;lk>n. the same in'Woods, and flic balrthce fdd field. Tract, No. 3, containing 125 Aero*, more or leas, bounded by lands <>f Adnm Rton bouse and other*, about twenty-five in cul tivntion, the panic amount in wood*, and tbo balance in old field. Abo. Ono llov?<\ . . One Cow *ud Two Ycarlinc?., one p -t of HWick?n>iih Tool -., :u:d nunjerour. otTiyr arlb -cie* too touicn? to mention. - * T-iiiis?A credit of twedve moni isfnrnll puu. s over five dollar?, with approved security. ( " T. A. FEDEX,) A.M. PJ?I)EN J-Exec, .1. S. I'FDEX,) RepK*ir? ^10 2 SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT" DIVISION NO. I. ) Axpj-:r.-ov, C. II, Sept. 1, 1803. > k HAVING been authorised to receive lluH porti<>?i of the Tax in Kind consisting ofVv'lK'C.t, Buckwheat, llico. Bean*, Sngnr, Molasses, lYns, Ground Peas and IVaoeii. J do hereby notify Farmers of Greenville, Picker.?, Ar^erson, Abbeville and that nor tion of Fdgn. Id -adjoining Abhcville, T)iatriet >. that I'nm prepared to reeetva the *n? any <?f the Gomnnesary Store Houses i.i this Division. v ill be receipted for at ?uch Mif'a in ti\D Division a* ore authorised end sueh inilleT*' receipt* -will fie valid with ?h? j l'osf Quarter Master of tlfe CoUt;re*8ioni4 DictriH* atnhmcedfii this Division. Farmer? are warned to ileliver their pro-1 dime tii gocd merchantable ooiidition, or the Ml toe V. iil bo rejected. ' . K. T* $I\'ONii. . v Capt. and Division Coniniissar^ Sept 10 10 ' ; ' *1 ~ To the Slaveholders.- ">'* Cf the I^tfrieis of Picket' *. Anderson, Cr tit- ! ritlc, Spartanburg, Union, York, Chester Imi'vcmi, Ar^irbf.rri; owl *tLhrvillc. * * A. S the Agent of tl?i St.ttc. ord as your J_\ feWo*v citinen., tho undersigned ven tures ngnin eartnslly to nppcnl 10 yort'to send far w n r <1, on c - fo nr h of vor.r Rr n?l hnnd-> .defence of Clievlcston ou MO?i>AY, J *U> Scrfrmhrr The <^hor fitree I>ivrsionri of tlm Stiili*' have Inrgc nurrrhora of negroes at'work ^* - . the fartificrttions, you should relievo. | Mofc\ of thow have Leon AfiuV^l hy their .jtatw.tio owdck to remain dooHu the linJo "enlTed for. . *" . . - Oftn there l>o any-of you who nro willing that others should dlrehavge your dnticn to your cnuntfy for yotvf Should Charleston fall r.nd tjio gateway In thoStaU- ho thrown oj>cn,"i? tltiro on*? of you "who would not desire fd fee' thnt. Itc hnd dope nlfin his prwer toy>reVent it ? Pbcnfld Charleston ant1. UieStat* he hy ntfuuff of the fortifications, is there one of yon w/llfnjrfo havo hod share In the g'miona r< sull 1"l .. Sftnc of the IMatriMw ip t his Division hove - - - ?- ? m. jt : 1? 1 j pniil JW?f? KWViry, i inr jpuncj pio? (...-en ] u*llc?<? I h\vo in vrkhj enflen voreel louno it. It you' wnoTtl frrv#P\o*ir <*6unti-y, *en?l [ \oi:i j->.grot3 to tie thy mt?or. W M M. miAN*OK. . A^ent otUiO'SwitjN.i ! . Cutndcn, P. C.. fi?pt W, 1?6r>. *F<i*_ _ 10 V -j J* STATE G* SOUTH CAllOLIHAr~ <; 1 ifcfcN V1KLT! t vikTI';K;T.? -IW rtv^xT.;" Ann Tlhlstr, A'fr?i*af,, ) Hill v?.' [ r?r JmAiSvA; KnUer, *1 r.l ) Hole of /uwl,, ,?v IVY lh?r oi-il'tr nKJUiiT Jt.'tiO'nrnll iftg > nreAituw >4 Wtvt. I?. linker. <1 onager J; } ,'vre ro'iOcl t'? file Jcmmi'l* with me. virhifi iTreft/r.'r.ntlftfTffcnl HiTa ilfclc?. * Jill. Ju'.v. ' . fc ~ V r. ft., r?." . Mt.lV 0 *' -0 .* - A 8in - - v; * y; ^ ^ 4 * * *.' * _ _ > t m as | - 5 Notice to CMRtflpto 1* THE^ng^HgN^LE^SIONAI4 R;^>i4r3fbtKijpg4?*c/iihe of. 'A"*l-r*r>n. *fV*o\WafoviIk jftAfTTw^anVwIfo ur<^V?tw Cen thrives of J* )a?M 42 y?w( iun} vffiLfr'e )i* enrolV" ment, will promptly Vlpoft f?? enrollment lo the Enrolling Ofito?rof Iqetr rrsj*?fr*rT?> I >i - 1 iol# ?.--*- f rt. Thl?Notice ln?ln<te* all imfl* white j>?*wnn? tat ween tj?e de?ienaUtl. ?? W.>U CHoo* wkrr elnbw^.TOinpli*n &? H?'c v?1h> do not, o*c4pt tli?j following elgrtee, to wit.: + ' b. 1. rar?on? nlfwwty. iir Confederate ser? ?. TVrfloljji ?-lio.l?aV? herct(ifor<v reporte'l l nn(l hold. Ooiif.wWntte rtMiintTrwiik' > " j f^y^is'^ietbngiiul^o \U*,8p&3 Re?i>u.<ntt nrevntly orgonited for l<>?al d*f?nc<". * All ft?r?4*is who repotted us itfrblnntrei#* prior to. the 20tli, August, nnd-who Unvo pot gone fbrwarn,^ (wUethejr J>eoa*w> i}ftjtldgsd Uhfit V\jr Jjio Surg top .or fr*>ji> .qUii'V cn?*?, will -rsporjr A?r enrollment .nnXex.J fujlinnlion ae'Coneeiiptp. .? ft\; All j>er*onh liable to This order. i\ l?j fail- tt> report proigpUy, tertll be?nrol|eil aa ! conscripts, wflitour^Ker<?roe to hny ettfini theywtt Iwtva t? ^xpDipt1*?i, nod will b?' at ohee proeeeded^igniftst as T)t*erter*. J V. OiJicers ip command of llilifia Beats wiW, ii^ohodiencb to tho br^er of tho rifnte AdjijAhui nptl Inspector General, furnish to "tlio PisS-Jet; BprolUu^; Officers,of (fir rarlir*l rf#i\ CHTiplcte rolls of nil male white person* In tholf respective Bents between "the sgfs of t3 sod 4\ ? , .. '.. J. D. ASIlMOHIi, ' Afoj. ?? ty'ty J-'Hrollutff OSkfr. Of A Ct'"i/rrttioHfiTJfisiricl. Appoiatmcaii* of itodjeal Board. Tn# undersigned; President, of .the -Kkivninin{rP?avd tut*-the fith Cbugis'teiunMl Itjrtrivt. besrfhyTpvc.'TOolls/iJvn* liah/a appoint cd.the f?lTe?\V i ng/hav* for Hip ^xafnTottCTOn ?P : C-on scrip Is who shall report, rit the V.urbiling Office# in tlfeir respective T):str?eu,>n purshnoce af the foregoing order : Anderson C.-tf-,Bept. Ifllh nijd 2 let." PieMit ft. 23d. i Greenville,' " "20(h. f\nartmibnrg, October 7th and 8U>. Union C, il.. " flth. All persons mrict bo enrolled before they can be examined by "the Sargcons. tiRjfin P. ANBUF.WS, Surgron P. A. C 8. '. J'rrtiilcut of Hoard. | "Sept 10 % ^ 19 ? " tow^^TUT VLB portions leaving claims 'against, tho present Tottn Coynoil of any way whntovor, nre urged Upon to present such claims to>lhe Clerk at; nf?d those indebted, nrc requeited to settle, imrncdihtejy. J. 0. B^IJLEY, Ton'n Clerk. < Sept ft ' ?I8 STATE OFSCETH CAE0LII*4. ? . (tn^bXVII.I.E UIS^CJCT, TAW1V EtKCTPTfW I Ml \J U 11 U^"7 ? IhUtll i x election win i>? lioi.i bi <Uo oia /\ Ci urt li Olive,oil Monday, uic Fourteenth duy of4?eptcit?be? next, for un INTKN PENT and SIX \V AIII> pXd for tho Town of G n-cnvii'jt, for the ensuing year. Messrs. IV. A. McDoniyl, IT. Ileattic, and i A. A. Foster, arc appointed (o rnanago said | Election. *!>o polls will lie opened at 10 o'clack, A. If., anj clqsed At 3 o'clock 1'. M., when tlio Managers shall forthwith count the votes, declare the election, and give notice in writing to tins persons elected. ; All persona who ;ee constitutionally qualified to vote for njem'tters of the Legislature, and who have looidod within the eorjvn-iltel j lhupys of the said 3'own for nt least nno year | preceding said dlcolinu. nro entitled to vole thereat. Provided, That no. person ui nUowed | so to vote who has failed to 'perform Road or | Patrol Jiutjv or -pay. ^I?? commutation tn.v | the refer, or who linn failed to pay any of his taxes to tho said Twwri, lor the year previous to tin: election. And any person who shutl vote illegally i)?iuihlo to u fine of Twenty Hollar-". The T-.iicndcnt apd Warden* mnsl he jmrwho are constitutionally qualified to vote for members oT the Lsgiilmure, Hint Karl) rosided in said fown lor ono year privious to Ihe election, ami who own real estate in.their oirn riyht in said Jew?.' " Tio: aim! Town is divided into fix Wards. IV'ard/fo. J lies West-of Main .aud North of Washington St root*. Ward No. ? lies East of Main and North of Washington Streets. Ward Wo. 3 lies West of Main Street, and betwfccn Washington Street and lteedy River. 'Wttfil No.'4 lies East of. Ma in Street, and hotween Washington Street and Reedy River.Ward No. .I lies South of Reedy Itiver and West of Mi'l Struat, and of a lino running eqnl-distant between tho Augusta and Pendleton Uoads. Ward No- f? lies South of Itccdr Tlirer and E.qst of Mill Street, and of ,a lino canning oqui-distatlt hctwoou tho Angusta-nnd Pcudle- 1 t m Uonds. In tho election of Wardens Caeh of the said | Wards if to be represented l>y a Wnrjien, uhoj shall be a nsidtnt^f paid Ward. Tickcfi far .tho election must conform to this requirofiiijut. "The rcunlirtions herewith published nro extracted from the Charter of Incorporation. By order fit' the Ihtcntlant. ' ALEX. McBKE, Intoudant. J. C. ISAii.r.T, Town-Clork. Sep 3 13 % . . m 2 ^GliKENVIIjrK '"riiorEKTY" FOS SALE. STATE Oi' SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DlsyilUt. IN EQUITY. . ! . XX ol >od icTTco (o the decree of the Court io Qreevlrli] ct al.'rg. Elford ft nl*., 1 | will sell at Greenville C. J I., on Sales-tin?/ ' in Oelolrr, tn the highest, l>iri<?or. nt pidrlio ourilon, LARGK AND BEAUTIFUL LOT, in full and-picturesque view- of the moiwitninr. where Maj. Campbelltiotv live*. !i living ft KttAME BUILDING OK SIX LOOMS, v itli OUT-BUILlrfitfiS,; and that convenient Lot in Jdiceame good neighbori hood, when* Mr. .1. K^Siips now lives, hnv; g a MUCK DWftLLTSG WITH SIX HOOMS^nd all CUT BUILDINGS. And in the care of Mnvflr-M vs."MajOfM. nl.-o thnl TTtACT OF J,AND, containing 212 Acre*/on EollingeV Crcelt, adjoining Winds of J)ilJ?rd. Wood, Oii'liam'ef ah;\ bating nn old-fnsbioufcd .ixnd convenient DWELT,INO upon it. , TEUM3 CASH. . ; . . .**| \YM. M. THOMAS, C. E. G. D. Sept a - it ';n } ZS" Charleston Courier t\nd folnmliift flnttwllnn rtur.v nnAA a u.>AAl'.l.ilt ilntfAf an I? ami send bHTa tx> C. R Q. 1>. STATE OF LGUi K CAROLINA, Ai'JT AXI> Ivfp. GlCXHftAl'* ?fflOK, Gliarieolon. Atiqust ti2, 1 C1:WE71j1 /, OLD EES - J JTHIC Com.'ling Officer* of '-lie Rojf imrnta lntelv oPfraniceVI for tocrtJ dofenrttatad afwcinl rervToe jr> tbo$tntei nro* rofjijirod to fnrnt?b Mejnr G. J), Mtlfon, I Cwiinwirulrmt Co:.. fiipi*,' ?o?t1i Orolma, ifitfi crtt,'plf f<? roll" of t;ic..i?crtf iT#in'Midir r*?jiCfctivo command^ between (bo -of fpfty nfd forlj' Art' vwiri, nivl ifo*. commnnditK^ officer* of rpilitin j*cflftnicttt?. nn?1 ?^>?cr Rtwfc organization,. will furiiteti ?d Major complete rolj.i of rvfI pcrA>?? in heir comniaiVrls between the ngo* erf ' ixVitecn .in?lTorf y fiveyonr?. * * " * . * ? j ? Hy cr.mmamT: A. C. Ll'Aftl,l2?GTON, Aiij'l and I?>j color Oer,eraI"H? (\ | A ug 'i7 17 - /-?_ I ? ? . ' ' " * J' T ;? ?# ^ V * * i ?r ? ?-r "? ' ?? ? a ,* ? * stat'x: OF sojnwcAj^^isA. , EXECUTIVE HEPARTMENT, * ) , ^iarlesTon, Angina 25, ? i WllftOKAS, the Y?T"'**ont ?on?lJiH)rti of th? #<t?nfry rMuw-0? tlie rcwiiz.v "tinn of an sfctfvc ntjd eflh^cftt'h'i^y JUtH&offf ?ho mif Inlcn th#*??'M npotmVnaiirenl'* no* Aieedo ni??i wiWf^rujwplit^s tifcT sjtfhWt jttcursfe'fl which- 11105* "jie mnfft hjMtj^opo my in'? 4mrSt*t^;.uJtd whemn# Tor ?ho j"\fpp'n. onr home* ?p?l flfeehlo^ it^<1ce?^d nd*rtrt)>(o A'**1 !?<> entire turn* WoKOMig 'Y*rf^u'tl'"Wl over-- T*" rt?o," tioi in ?V ihiblo t?, fonfodorrttr srveieo, qr AketrtVci Jttwrtylroin few- jHililie rntrjvoses, ?U&nm beotyoiuzerf idto compnnUe. C 31*. therefore, I. Si J U.KHC1,. ftox-' ^iJ'Ahf, Oo^vthtt nnd Oomninmlfr-in Chief iu mid ?t?to ofSoytli Cmi-oVum, enjl n(jon thopeaplo "of tha Stale to at on^p^nrgnriire '*h<fihhelYe? jn'ufO's-daB'**^ w ij;-h flu(jj'nrtVt !ce<^ from' 1j*<^ ofHrg" Zt Ute'AHjhtnht Vtfd In?pijctdh-ffen?rnl, j*> ? * to nfFurd'one own nuAtlie <hi'd** ?H>n of oitr^rrthren !ii nrm*, tho most ptfeetn.a) jWQfee^ion rnd (weurt! \\ Tl?f f?^g?nd orgs Qtaht ion "rnMrd for is Tn npeo^hu-co with tho rre^mrtQn'liHion'nT^ lllp 'T'Mdorit. tr> itw <?ovTrTw*r, amr is up prove* I ns the ?ie*t ?i?rnnizM5ort"ffir nil wJift may not bp inelrt'I^. o(I in Lh? orghni;?Uioii oC''iV>hinteer btnfe Troop* il.l-.lUtMlAM. ; _ STATE OX fjOUTrt C AHOPIKA, V . A-lAr f?P.$ftftA4,'s <>fKn-r%,> Charleston, August &E)VRlUVI.. 0li hjili AO SC. "j TfT'Ciirrjr inyo Jitieat t Ik- Fcr'Royig "rl 1'rooliifnlitloiv Cf Tlis tC-vootTFney (he Governor,' it'is .ordered flrat (In following 'Volunteer b'ote Trpijpp lx> accepted into Service, v'rf : Qi>e Itcguncnt of Mor\htod In fan try to ponrirt of ion Companies, tw<> CftunpMtlos of Onvalrj; and one Com fumy of ArtiUcty. ThsCJlrffponies of Mrtutv tod Infantry to cornet of riot lees "than pv-v enty-cftjht and not more than olio hundred men, exclusive of ormnM**?onrd officer*-: of Or*alrjr, to consist cT ?<4 loss ?4hnn nixtv (r.ry) qtuI -not move than eighty (80) men, < x' elusive of cttfonaiwloiwd officers { and the Gompnaj* of Artillery of n<*t h-s* than eighty* (tit*) md, not more ihirjrnne hundred(toy} meii exclu'jve of commissioned "plfieoiv. When the Companies of Wonffied Inihotrr and CavnlWbnvc lx?cn orghidrcd cn'd accepted,-Field officers Will he'elected undor order from this office. II: The companies ftoOtoi he-rnfrjd: under the proceeding pnvacrnph of this or ?lcr will be composed of ifTfotfvo men -vim nre over thence gfeiKtecn ye^fe.'whooio not. . subject in or whnnro exempt front fonfedernte Conscription, and whoM? not r>ej,ing to tlw organ iwUiott jntoly or<lrrod <>f t: oops for local dsfence and six mont hs special vice. These troops WilMie nraierf Jv ills fitnto?the Artillery to have a Pett< rv of four pieces?but. they- will provide themselves with hows. '!'l?eir pnv (to begin whep they are orduvd ii to actual service} will he the snmo ns fiint .\ll<?\vedj"ii the Con including fm ty e. ntsp. v day for each horse. " They wHl'hoM themselves in readiness for the held at a moiitcnl's notice, and to do service in any pari of the State, under the orders of the < v ernor. The Companies will he"accepted in thc^ordcrin wliieh llo ir rol's and |'ul# ?l officers nro presented nt this office. and they will ho attached to 'he Milfitin l'e?iincnts Id which they m o raised, until ordered into nct'inl .?orviee. . . III. Jn addition (<> the n'nve orjrr trillion. Companies organize.! ii?y nceoi-dnneo willi tli? Act of Congress of fho l.tih October. I&tid, (.herewith fdfblished,) will ho nceej^ed on font idling their tolls n* required by said Acts Ami cno of said (! tnji.u i<^ i;i oicllSlldudnl Dictricf. eon-isting-oP not 1. >? than eighty inon, exelndvo of ofiioei?. and .luring Hi ronney.voni lit the Court House 'oftlie District, will ho flnncil'/hy tin* .Stale. The remainder of.the C' lujiaijie- will provide thcni'clvca wiili iiiins. An: i;:ti nation, as fir r.s I lie means of tin- St atj- will jy toil, wilt 1k> fflrnidicd to s\ll the'>hrpnr ; v* ' jly eonininml^, A. OAl'T.K'JTtlN; Adjutant nr.d Inspeejor (joncrid tJ. C. No. 21?AN ACT. AUTITcniZF T1IK VOR?I ATTO"? OF VOl.VN fP.Kil TOM PANn-2*Foil i.ocai. di-.etjnod. The Congee** *>f th? < '<ui/'ix!- rt>ie Stu!e*nf Ainerica, do cniet. Tin:! for tlie^m pore nl locn) defence in any portion rf the Cbnf h orate States any number of versons. not. 1?.*? than twenty. vrho are overt lie ago of fouly live year*, or otherwise not lin'de townutn". ry duty. 9'ny associate them*< Iter as a Military vouipnny, elect thv'ir urn oiihu'rs and establish rules mid reguta'iixij^ f > their own government, and tiiuTl hn Considered n* belongingto the Provisional Army ??T Hie Confederate ?tat< a,-spi?viiij? without pay or allowances, and entitled, when enpeoed by the o.iicn-.y. to nil tlio pVivileaes of^iriionirsofwCr: J'yoviileil, That sucJi Company shall, as soon as r-rnefionnlo, transmit. their muster roll, or n !i?t of trie ?>f trfc officers and privates thereof, to the fJovfrnor of the State, thtv Cqniint\pdtn(? ?Jenei'?l of the Department-,or hoy! Jirigsdier General in the State or Conivdtfratc service,' to he forwarded to tlie ScerCtnty of War; hut tlm President or the 'Commander of the Military DUlHcfniay/ at any t inioAiIishjimJ such Companies; J'roviiW, the States ami" Districts in tvhioh the Act. entitled "An Act fo further-provide/or the.phfdlc defence," approved Aptil 16 1S<>2, and,the Act* amendatory thereof; t,.y? heen suspended persons of ntly nue, resilient within eneh States or District'.* may volunteer ntrrt Torni part, ofctich Companies, so loin; assitch sftspension jimy cor.t'nfne ; VmruiW. 'Hint no person shall l>eoo?ic a roetnhvr of such Conjpany until heal.all have firstWhen the oath of aUeeianec to the Confederate States of Ameriea- in Writin<r, a to;?v of \i hiiji sfmll to filed with the master 1 oil of ?Ai?I Company, a? at>oro prescribed." Sept 3 . 18 '. . S lif"Paper* of ihc SUite copy three times. - . . / JTotice.. ?/ APPLICATION will ho-mndanlthre n<o:t : sitting tf the Legislature, for tVc paosacfc of nrrAet. iise<tf| neat 1 rvs? flio South Carolina Methodist Protestant Church, with her MD?toj?arj Society. % Aug. 13. '' 15 , 7". $2-5 Reward. TtAPTjW?.Y from the subscriber, JWoon the fith of July, Tny hor IlKN ; he 'yi M nlinut IS renrft old flsrlchrown cpmplexlon, fhort nn'V wjfH IrtHlt: nini ??:ionka miMly ,?pd holdshisfica^l ?j-tet. lie lutu on n oflp Vhotr h? left. ?tM wi! hsrofooted. /.s*ho Is ft*qu<finto<1 wit) tiro surrounding country, fi? is donbllosi supplied by ?>lb* negroes. 1 wiU'eivo the fil?ovo reward if delivered fo ma.dV any jail wl.ct'e J cnn got liini. "As Ihera nre itiany negtooa now ftt larjp 1 in tho wood", it. would l>o writ far stuns vip'slnnce t? observed toward* litis class oj titr I !>[>?}uUcn. V ' - * ^ TtnarsTOK f 4ft la m tf i A URIVJ1P, n fiufwlot ftf W^liuingtti* niad< ' xV., flAf?T, iin.l lriftDufrtf tnftxl l y it , whk 'c | may no A.v!"at> i$ price.-, ni tvholr ul< La* retail;. f * flKOltr.r, JTKf.tWAXX ?t C.'f I Mat io ; v, In . if, * ' ' *! .* < * * -1 *v i ? Jt ' .J m * ' w- * % .,v , jgji..1 * ? a . Superior T*rmip Sew!, ' 11 An? AT - KtfMj StevV&or W|S)J> - Cca^. BivisxoaEibri*i fill tlic reqiWlllon of 11>e ('."'mmnni' .', ,>U (*"?i*L?rd.injixiw+nnofA)^ , rtyflkr# of Mn T^N'cfTloMoyTJoyyrqrr Fohlmm,, ( Jh<^nrrmiip?i*iu*rs of tlw? mid tli?, , >o\xn Af.Hwrii'pt ofrtioif'Ooi-jSoTModJfp^frt" 1 iMnl-TiHor*# \?itMrt tli?Mlnfits , elnl Uistliottjcf Tiojoo-Vlro^vUlo. < yffd>*"'g, Amlprjt'n. Un.Von, ^"orjf, riieafar, ) rtfurtWo. AUl?cv<Uo ntut Newbfrtr or? Iwnv *>V #eqnife<l thtvlfh PUliiroort | foil* in puPK.-rtiioh of Aivfj HjMc toTwn^ . dtiiy, trfuUo <h?" ?heWnurt>hrfij', W _, fourlli vf tljcir slave# Ao 1 Ittrt.l dutv. M*JUr Ilaiiron.l PejioN ti>r\r#St, < iNtuerV roiSlorife, .on ^lO^J^V.' *b?l | j i onrrwnii\<inT ins*, HI ump t (?r thn-dewn Jrejprht tti^l-nuTR tw'ttVjthaS^ t tn r wj\ii trniw'poitntiojt.lp Chnvloston, for , thirtV^tiy^litVtfrVori Ihoc IlfTh* J>gi?latitro. ntit* ApVd Kwimi, ( ,fxvlitv nvv^ed lyit o'pf Uond j frfcyi Jift\>yUv nndar thUArW Those , whoowii ,Vo rr }&v<t m\n fraction over -v j ^nuujher AivUnldo , ly" oiif-fw.rth suU* send t fnrvnvd orC band for Wt'h fpaetjdA ', op twp o\y??rs 1??>A??r siwdi frfctioh?, nmyunifo, nn<1s<?nd f?no hnrid <Stg of (VWv four. .* lit. Oversee!*, nt (Jicrnle ?tone to every Itymtfred' hands. hi? rtot w'x tyJW'ed . hut rti#. ^eslPed. /J'Uoy 'fljf .aclool.tjri,. Iv the ?iv. dors "and $nd Vx tWCojtf<xIq\<te author-. iligsTit"^# 1-fttV or fifty dollop* per nio'nlU. IV. Roe<?iph*'w-i Vt-hrTV*V n *Ult? -Donor* MSprtK}^ 111\(1 J l?oy OTP iVM?rs*d 111 Chnr'cslou !*?U>r? iM*y nfo juit to work. ' T. The Act rcq.uiro*' the atteltdenoo of iui> of the Donnmsaiopers- r.l cmM Ifppoi'? _ 1U? uMJI lie trot l>y iin'ngeiit authorized to i'l-Acptff for tli" nogroofi. ? .VI. Oiv*)oi"3i nre request pflAo.himlt-h their netroct w'Cli ejijulcp or shovels ntul throe i'-ffa* ? ' rn^io?i^ * .' "VHY-Ovjiere reVio hhv ri;btfUutrs will '. fiirrtWi i\ie with odao^y of thoyeeeipt taken for fiyji j?iU???iuitce. 00 VlU^lA i* rt^riled'Vy' the Ttgade fo bo ruCinjiso on Alnir ?ccosimi, ap dniureraiie to Vttb ar'cIr^riMrs hcnj fl.V. laden -ftiOi paarcn * j Rprp. 1$ i?.thcrtTore neec**itrx thai those on j .the upper jmrlioiis or the ltoa<le should, be in att< ritUtn'eu vcr> ci? vly,iri Ier uiorhlng. in titoo top tljo "tagulor'freight .trnhvF; or they nijrbt dfellver the ncgroe* 'he evening befoto to Hie ngtnt or* to rail re ml ngcwty who is uutliyr?7?fl to receipt f?r tlicin.. IX. i^Jrtirleptrn^ U ir Inppcd awl believed, itilf cAni" 1V> iun rcyilaWo. If tV the slave la her of U><j--!JttU<- vvtU.bnPo Uftcomplitdvod it. .fiob<yfi-iifjtet.?e,fae<l fn lnryen;uiui!ily te ^Tiur tliis jiiiilneii. TTie nojtion of the Ptato jpo-w eniltd en, batipnlMteu oht r?<eio*t treivMjrer of, gnttle blend in ulraoii. twtv ftelH til ttyi,*- war. ; ".VI!l jt tlerit?to now whv.ii-so i ncii in. t? lie. iveCPtiip\j?nivl at so little rntviccZ OriO carnrEt, eoujbiiicd ctfVirt in ay jnif tlic Stole beyond darker.,.. * * c' . ?* ? Vi'TvT. M. S1IAXX0K, . Agrnl of (he Sta'r of Poutli C.itelins. Orbn'os'. S. Ct. Altgnat fOlli. ISli S, lp-:> A)i-jKW-r- (n fli.v DiriMtm pnMitT.O(l<^ ' e;.: h \*c:(*h nu'tll' I KV {September'mid/orwiird bill* tu mo.* ' -".y ^50_ Rcwrc.w'. ' 1) TIOKK 3oil, e?n die ni<?bt. of l.lio 1 -11.1* > InaW'Cin^ .IOM1-*. who'had liocn |coO'-lilim^Flop liopPC stefilii.e*. Snid Jodeo? | is ahaut fix f>,et. biglwlaik shin, dark linir. Mini?; eves, iiii.l is nln.ut 39 vearn old, nn?l ? ....: 1 ' -1 ?. .b. _ 111 .V. I I wrii-lip i . n ptivutu i A>iii mr i 1 ftl nvc rowned fur hi# ri?TU'M&" 'n nto nt 1 \ C.reem Wle, hr f<.>* hl? ronfinctiijfit.iii nny J 1 iujl in Sutilh ChroHim r> lbi% 1 nmv-fcL I li'nR. ,i. T. Mi PVKlHT., ' Slict i/i'of Gfeonvillo 1 July 83 J a ' *f j 5 ? Suit fo?* b:\Iv. A LAliCi tl of good \Ylh;.ln{?IO!l 1 . \ N. t". SAU" ?>K hmjtl mui for sflly, nt vMiolo/nl' iiiHljTtnfl. . < ' r. n.uri r comer gf CnftVe. nrrrl spring ' sited: <it?e iloor Vnsl of l)i*. Katie's drug- 1 St i if", i \ j July 0 10 If ' ' BV AUTHORITY. .. ; \ ; Acts and Hesitations of the Coaprcso of ? the Confrlcrato Congress, pasaed at tlic f Third Bcssioa?18#3. * j r w. 12 ] i AX ACT Id-H. outut# iiojuwirtonta. r 0'!i? (of flu* ConfederateStates of i Ann rin'n do rtiriep, Tl-nt, whenever tho <\i- ? J tr*-noi? r ?f any m-roy ItHln1 firlil nrr nidli ns . 1 11> n;n!;o "mprersmoMo of (braCTe, r.rtielre of j '-uhs uterine "T itlic^' property *nhao!flt?ly ? j iicf-'-'- ify that -neh itVipt ensiinelits way ?* t j nsr??l?. I'V iT.e nfUccr^nf officers \vlioke duty i it. ic t ? fi??-.5?|. sii?li"Toroge, articles of ?ul?| rVtviif-<> or < '!><>? |?r?.rt?rty *for :;uch amy. ( | In en?e? w|njv th<> otvnor ot such propel ty ? j and the iuiprwsing oflttfor cannot agree tip- j i on liio value thereof, it rlmlI lie the duly <>f i j mseh intpiv/Mjift officer, upon nn ndidnvit in J wri'tutj ??( the owner of such property, or j his nreut. tlint. rtti li property was gniwn. I | raise! or yiroditetjd hf rani ovr nor, or is held < r tins Jo-en purchiu- il by him, fiot tor t?ile . j or'in, lmf. for his otyn use or eon|?umpiion, to ci\uee? the same t<? t?o nacerI 7 J .. ... 7 ?* 1 I .1 i . . Ii.mrcii in <i m i' iiiiiiirn ny uie luqgmem oi two loyal nud ili.-int'-reMcl < hue,-its of the city, county or parish in whieli such im* i pri *smejits_nr?}^ be-?un'le?oie to 1>? selettLcif l?y the owner, or.shy the in>pref*in<? I nlfiecf ; ami in the event of tlic'ir ilisngrco-', moot, those two Shall ohoosfc an umpire t^f like <piaii(io*Ciom\ whose <locl..i<m shall he llfntl TJie?p' V.?*r?? Hiu? solemn], after an oaili to appraise I lie "properly iinpi es?? il fairly anil impartially, (which <iath, nS \voil as Hie nflR(ltr*itj>rovi?Jctl for ill this section, the im|irswiil}( iilftrer is hcro.hy authorizeil I 'o n<lminikfer ami certify.) ?lt> II proceed to 1ns?.ss hnt c?m]>0'tiiiaSiuik/iM' the propert j^no hrtprc-fvtl, whether tho absolute ownership lor the teriijw>rai'5" uw 'tliersof only is re?' roJ. *' Sir. 2. That, the officer or person Knpreya* imj property as fifosesAiii, shall, at the time j , ofsnwVtaking, pay tfi the owner, his agent or attorney, the com; eiisatipu.fixe.l hy ft\\ 1 appraisals; an,iTha II nfsoeivc to the owner, or persons ear. ft oil in<r s.iid property, frcetti I , fleufie, over hil> official a'tpraturC, speelfying the battalion, brigade, iliv^ian or corp.* to whieh he lo hmg v that en id. property it* ] essential to the use of the army, -couM not -f ..V -'MlTUtnc prucumi, ?uu Win IAfcC'11 | through nhsnh.tu noeersUy; felling forth ifie iiineytixl plBce, when and whfrvi taken, the nmonnt of compensation tixed hy raid hp1 pruittl'f, auj tiic sum, if ?f>y, paid fur.' he - fnrnc. Said certificate aliall he evidence fur Ihccftrncr, as will of thcfnking of said prop i crty-for the public arse, a* tKy right of tho ! otyner to.(lie amount of compensation fixed i as nforefH'th And in eti'O eald officer oc. ; person taking ?afd property /hall havc.fnil?<1 th pay the owner or hi^ngvnt, said eorn pi-rsatJon as hereinbefore required, jthan i said owner shall be entitled to tlio speedy pay in an t of the annie by tjja proper fljalmrsing ojlicer, which* when to raid, shall be in j i full' satie&ietioii of all claims against the] Oovernmon* of "Vie Confederate States. j r- Sko. S. Wheneretr.lnC apprniyemeuf* pro-j ' vidVil I or in the lirst RyciioVi of thU Ae.t. f shall, for any re?s?>n,.bo "impracticable at the limn yf raid inipyeasnidnt, then and in i thai case the value of the prontfty iniprcai j ed tlialf be assessed rt* sfcin an' possible by I two loyal and dinterested citizens of the j city, enmity or parish wherein tho property \ri\* taken, chosen as follows : One by tl?o owner, tnul one by tlnl'ommissnry og^oarr * tprttty or Oaheral, or Ida agent,'* who; in <ai?c <jf dhMUjrcefncnt, shall choocc a third ) <dt I^i'ti r0 lilfe .'fi?idi!;eatiO|rs as nn -umpire, t p> decide. tfcT uipUvr ' in t1;*j>4?U". v. Wo diall ' ' > ? - -v 'T^ .'XI * % # * *: >; >?* m '* * <i?"? ?><> k? ? % ??,. >A*oiiof the In rbe pattic ky pnrvbQle, su'ns '(>? nT^ttigflatoaj iPccMory ?uppli?K To* flit jHMR?.nr thepk^jjt ?f-tha-?ei vice, I A-Any IdewUy. he renerel irUcAj ihroiijrh" life proper euMAju !)??? AiiUioyko ?Mch. p'Hopertv to Gh; Hfcen lor ur?? .t\l* coiiin^rAclon toa il?A.p?rn<,r T* r tbrutiritetc he rfl'trWrtn * J nrrd Wio vftlitc fi^yd .yeprfl^ideil to 1Mb fcliA first.AlM second *c?tion > tif Uiih Ant. \ Jf^SV 5. Th?V,it* sHftU, be Uh> duty cf^Uio , Pre(ii<Hi4.-0#?*a*ly * prtfctiml'ie After tnfc ; , AcV ?|\poi?vt.ft oorc,rrih?iinH'i iji -piteltjftnlc vviioro property e)>Alfi>'trkew .fttr tlio public tw*? Ana "Cqneeb'tn? iovernor "t snch cf tfie Xtntee in w!?i< '? the Pt??bi**tf *b>?Jl--<H?pT>Jrt? Anfd eornti?la?jfinei\ o-upnelnt another cftihmUe?>R?r. :to *A..In': ifiMMrypliou. tvhl* tin* coiuodsloirep appoint U'ty ths rresldenf.* \vlw> ?>Hnll r^wve tli? mmpsnsntiow of dollars per fl?y, imn*1 en CTiIp per mile o* urflengy, to l>? J??id bj* r U? ponffclerof# OoiWtilrmmy Qpl&SMyiM* a loner# shall constitute a.booed, whose duty J t shall lip to fi^ tlpou the prlees to be paid iyTfijffJi/lieriiidmtfnr>1l|prop?vty impr*f>: t) or. taken frfr fjie puldlo use a* nfbretfyjd^. o bh lv n.T?>i?l conij><n^?tio|? to the > wJu rs ~t Ircr eoC - Wra.icnwit??to?V? ?l?niV" > igree npon and publish n sehhdnlaof p' tow ; i v two nmr.tliSj oi- oftrner, if tltby shell leem tkpwpCr; ?nd lit the event tb^'hsUtot bs nbld t?>*s oread* ?* toirtfcr.conlWad o tbPin in.fhla dc?-? _?b$y ahdll Imvo.powot o'fippoint a* umpire to deetdstbeirfitter la i liapnft*. wK<>?C dtthfrnthnll be Vh* dccfTiurf <f iIia 1" nrd ; mi.<1 Mii.l nmpifc ihntl receive be eanie rate pf cotopcnsofWui for thet'tini* ltfsbnH serve, nflnwed ft> sftfd crtminVsioni-svespccliYely : /Vorirfert. Th*t said ^oif\nft.sioiiera shall be- resMi nt? of the State "or which they Pdh he qpyinbtleq : anc'if overnor of AoyJStJite tliall jvfutt i>t ncgJeot to tt|jpointvui?>.*o?iinl*sWiti#r wil.Jiiii. Lcn dnVs afttfr n i-p<Jno?tt?? flftsoby thrlVe** d got. then the "President elisirilppobitliotb ore. by nnd w ilh fh?'ndvieo-iiud >onsdn< of the Senate. Bmp. 6,-Thnt nit. property "impreWd- or for the public u*e, ?* qfori-Mid, in the land? of nnyperjon other thnh theYerson* <vho have raised, ?rown orproduced ihn <?nic, or-perpoua hnhHng tfc?'taitie 'or thelp nwn use or conMlmption. and wlro rhnll make'the ndidhvit ns hereinhefrirV rehuired, shall he paid for according Iq'th# schedule of prices fivcit by the ronmilrskiners as fbresni'h lint If thi officer intpveMlng <? Inking for 4be pitlditffwe such property and" Lite bwijor shall 'differ as to the of ihc article or property impfcrsed or Uracil turn toree Aid, ^hereby Kinking it .fall within a higher or lower price iinnicdjn.ihe seficdv nlc, then the owner or agent and the officer imp're'sMofy or taking, os aforesaid, may 'elcet, encli r. loynl^d.disinterested citizen, . of the qualrfiftnVirmlnsi aforesaid* to determine the quality cf Raid article or propevtv, ivlw> shell, iu cli?o?r dreeffiWSBteiif. *|iyn??nT id empire of fJko quaHrienfionR his Iscieion, ifsjiproved bV llio ofKeer Imnrecs ng, shnll '?o final ; hut M" not nj^icoved, tho tnprefRing oftieer shall send Ihq award to he commissioner# of the Ftatc where tW mopcity is impressed, wiIh his reasons for nsnpprcving me same, nuil nam oenimls-e lionet, tmiv hear wirh proof* as thepnriipn. uny respectively adduce. aihI Uu?tc dceisutii hall be final: JYiro/o^, That the owner nny receive the pric? ofTcr**) l>v the Impress- ' ng ol!i<yr, \villu>vt prejudice U? his claim to ncyi.vp the higher p?nipte?Ml?tt. ?, Hbt. 7. That the properly, iwrpajary far lh#> support of the nwiHt ami lite family. Mid to oarry on his' ordinary A?rtciii{nr?l find mechanical htisinrsn, To Via nsecr'nincJ b^th" nppral' rr*, to bo- appointed a* pro tide*! ill .tn9 flr-l.aeotiyn of tItia Act, umW ?nth rfinll rot lie tnkvn <>r impressed for Ho its!;; anil when flio impressing nflWr nnil tboowoer om^wit agree nr toVhu^wiltty of properly rcce??iirt a* nfi.rvstid .^tben flip lecli4on ?llli e-ea id np^-ntsrrrshaubejuiuliti|? on flm officer ami *)l,other pn* ma, , Hit. #s.' Where property lion liven invpree* * L'<1 ?ir frtnpm'fiiy'n?<o aml'ls !ort**r destroy , i*i without the. default of th* owner!-the [royeprunent of Lite Cntff> derate-States shall mv n just rompetrillion therefor; to !> RK orfaino'l 1iy*f prnlren inipniiiteil *ni] q^al'-ird it-1 provided in the first section of tliis Set. If siji-h propelfy, wtien reUir/led,'Jin*, u the opinion of the owner, been Injured rhUsf in the pnlilic us*. fin- amount uf<da-' nrige tin roliy sustained shall lie deU unlliod," n Ilia manner described in the third cation if this Act, tli?! other reti;.->iipg the prop- . rtv being nuiIjnrijed to art On behalf of ho (Ifiver'liiiKni; nnd upon scoh inquiry, tli'e eriilimte of t ho. vtvl**/.ot tha- p.r??pef tv, rlicfi tiifiiiaHylfflprfjieil, shall |if chitivnl i? prima facie rridMioc of the value thereof. Sir. \\ lie re slaves are imprtVwil by the ."'on federate < lover ninetit to labor an frnrfifi:ntiona or other public work*, the Imprenn* 'milt fhall'lie madd.hy sad CJovcrnoivr.t icording to the rules and regrtlfltioit* provided in the laws of tha Slate wherein'.hoy Hi; impressed; nn^jn tJ:e nbeenre of r-neh law, in accord nnf a yitlt *nj?h r?.lea and reg numon* inco??Ri?ioct vun tne provision* nf '.Iii5 Act, ns the 'Secretary <*f W|?r ehnll" from time to time proscribe : Provided, That no impressment. (A elnvce. ehnlt W madewhen it|cy e*n he hired or procured l.v the foneerit of the owner or agent. Sre. to.' That previous to t|x> first duy of Ueccmtier next, no sin y? Iftborinf on nfsrth or plantation exclusively devoted to fbo production of paln"t?ii?fr*bvvdqn?. shall -fcc tukeu for i lie -public ua without the oonsnut ! of the. owner, except in ease of cessity. . * * *. "Y'1'Vjk , ' ,8 ms. 11. Thf.t" nny ?oti?rn;p?k?jiotl .or non cotnmi.*'idn?<l ofticcr or i/rUuto" who #h<?11 vlolntf the provisions of this Act, shnli he trjed before thp military eoflrtof the corps to which lie is attached, on complaint made' by thcowner or other -person ;,nnd on eoa? viutioii, If -*iin.officer, he shall lie cashiered and put into tire .ranks on a private; end if a non coin missioned .oflicW nr private, 1t? shall suffer such punishment, not tneonsts* tent with notary; lawpaslhe court may du feet. . ? ~ - - ,^iSi Approved March 3C, l&jft. - "* 1&-8 i [NOn fif.) ? v AN A CTlo Pretrrtfie the Unlet nf Pht<tei* on tfimpnprr*, Pcrio^lieaU, J in/Ax and '/Yanti/fii. and other Jit niter, ahd to Jtr. _ peal*? pari the tferdnd Seel!on of the Act ' AppfOeexl Jt&jy "the TkirlretiikJ -Jiiffh/ten JiumUrni ertul to A in en, i ylij jicl to Prt ycribfi tn? linte* of Pintaet in the OonfedrtdU State* Of 4 inert en, and for other f>nrDh/trt," Approve,! Tcbmaru the 'J'lcetifi/ tlurit, E'ryiUeen Jlurtflred and Sixty .?*. ' *> '* The Congrew of the Cor,fe4rrftte ^Vtte o? A'wnffa do tnnM, Tliut tho rUtea of jnl >m portage ?n pnbhrtieiT fh the tVinfJderntes.^fcWte*. end ncltt to rogtilnr et?tv rerihvr, be nt the rote of n??? eeirt foP ench-pepcr Got wei^liii^r wore then thfcre nunni'S, nn<1 fvrrvffy ounep, or function ufnn onny, one.lmlf crv4n?Miti?>n> nl eh?!1 Mb ebarjeeil on eAeh paper nn<i jfn riodienle. nohn?M oftener than ?e?nj nmnth1j*t ?hnM he ehargert ae newepapere. The Inland pontage, on other |>erlo<>tenfe. pflldtrh,ed in the C??iifeflrrt?te- Kl?<*.*,. end ??pt_ to netnol anhnei There. a^oll Ire, <tn tha regiiier numbers nf A periodical. t .1 < ^"o?c nnd o h^tf <v*noc? In wejght.'nne cent on eeoh nnniber,6Ac eeht additional on each nd*Htio!ii?l#?Gu?ice or.fmtlion at an ouifCfe. Hognln?\ O'/seribern to new.?pai?em nnd yj'esIodii*re fh?t> be reclined to pay the pvo^tnaro thcreotl nanrtot'lj in ndvarHte, mt th* olU<$e W do'm tV,. }*H ;?t the p#t$o'ni?e of ijre pinee of-ftoKItcatJen. The inland pi^Ooae fcn evc^y olMr n*r^?poper tat en ibm 'hrv;n not. %"?! ?T ? , I'.fll, f-lr o. t "r - ?mW I A . y K' m' "? *r. *1 . *i**in *-'***% .'And )>|MMt ?H n'f'wrsimmrr p#f)6d1?iri? hn4 >K?ol eflo^tlihfSj.beyoBQ. ! Qmi?y>f tfcc Tbttfd^ft^MfeK inwlfL d ottMyl K? On 'ik Aiyr ?rth*r nn?M t t^Lft*rt""j plucrA it\ Qr^^ppvWc^. i^llbr^^tTTTtfM* botftMf d?Rrvrj. ?t^X? tlt? i'WtBKULUrtai 1 oi'ft. cent. ' MAy Ai>A.llilftW>l#fc?Je'mld?*?> lmKit' .d-^t: ?*jjty-nnv * ?' UlC^,'' AnA At <> ?BteV A ftn>,c I? |4^fMai>e <lm r*M?<?ttM?*nn ?>c Bo f.MlornOftSu;^ nr Anwrie*. mxl f?>r puxpom, ftpMrntal JfcWuArj ?.*r*nfY'tJiir flaiib-fn Vmdwd Mii?lx*r ?W>i b? nndjt ?ir>^?5'V<,r<??ty dptrf, *OfmcU 0/ *nl^>?r?nd-fPoU( m<ltit?trt!li4 iliA rnilill'biu* aI fc?ih'ii*r>? AT wi^r(rftie Cw&dtTift? &tq*'; to x-nd *jtd r<ve?iVo to oii<l frAm eeeb olb' from tTjfcVj. rco|>ret ivc 'offifM>Miciivf? rt?e oopv*oC?fwh p"t? b lie ?turn, fWKjPfw t n c ritotmovia. April 69, 18AS. .17-* HdTCJvSsr* *r '' :?/ * The 0*u?gr<"? of llirJlbTUedeYntnSfHIWp America <h> c riant, Tjiatfipem ami ifftVr ?| j n?ne<> ?f \his neMhy pay N'nMn"* ??filt an UToTWv* ?linU Approve.^ April 8^. I8M.*- SP^4< -v* 'vZ. ' ' -?*?,' pT-v DM - ' . ** d -V ACT t" A>f/?'t'frcc uj >?/trr? nH?#T*rhi (try/orrhr Vanufnrtnrr ttf 'V nt' Aircv*?r'ry^fitr Cusrtftity oii *uiry nf lkc Ji Thfi<Vn:grN-? or rt\e'roi'(Vjarnle ^fincr, That n.l iimclritiery i Oic nmnitfiiCtiHH* of roll >'ii or \vouh oft" Mftry" tiirT^frJ'inff nit irny d ?tb?' mocTnir artatn Ihc Poiifi-iierntc i>tav* j?f Ani> ri< bo mbnltit-il ;frr?^of <ht?y ui.til the rittilU "tlon of 0 trenty ?? bebyrf" fjuoOti iixlerMf SintW itndMlflJ tTMuol Stjuo*/ " 'rftpprbved, ApvH 'iSj rbO?, ^"7*3 k ^:;-tjdr&j ilV -1 ffntd ' fJuthlnI'fntrrb* /dr/^oiV lif ttic MUitlft fn,4rf"?J SkMtcc*>f- tin ft *lrfrrfrji S/tif'*. The'Copipee* of ihe t^nt?Mra|l Stntq* A' On not, T)wt there fjMJB*!* itftK anVau'1 pnt?l to t.l.o mflRin of ory ?tnto. v hdvn Koi-n, or ntnv naPUd in t[io evr?'ioo &fUtir'Oififislcrofo.fti?H.(*, uqfl neiheSt^ of Anuftiy IntM,' fo^wdt1 jaqv* ii nd oomoaiiiiplMRonctl'ofTiooiv^.oinuitttii'ii Cor clothing ?o> the time ofnvfnfl ,?rrvk Al the pate of {ppfy-two i1*3ltirv n ywt;. i to.ths fhirteeiuh tl?y of Autjuct. rtfclitc hundred and rixty-ofiv. ?n>f ui^af^hnladtti At -1 im rntp Of fifty uoHriin |> r.j?t"anii>. <1 ?lii<'!? t herefrom tli<? valor of nuycloth" ti'Woli. Uiny hnne b4<m if?n?i|ffhorr^if>r oti nuilHtioii thsreforr Whioli niny httvo h? aIIiwkSMI + V * ' ' '\* 't ~[va\ 5. AH ohnmavfor cqmoiolnflott w Sjfcr Mfr'aritv of 4hi> not nytAci by niiU >>i i oitlifin who jmul W>. boVetdtiJjfiy ttto Si'oo.^'t Anfltlor,.,\ 'th t Approval ofthr Coioptro|ff?rof Lha'Jiv^sih Ai'iirovcd,*/.nril!><>. ltiC3. 17 + ;r'*c fSr m dirt] JliunitpMCtitt i? it* AnW *nn<l to A iht jfng. ^ "Die <7fm?i-oa of Ac tV?> f* Arnei icu <W otvnoY, Tlwjt tli?" I'lvyilijrt Iioju k Inj Miwv uWiiwrUtM tf ft|?pmcf"l>v . n Vill* lit* ?'fviiTjv?id naurcm ?t y?? K n/ -one Chief Q'Mirnc^r in ilia i<h94 i*rjbi c?wpeu?jili?in I e timer U????niy1 3 In** per niinvj'ii.n?tf v'hn *!i?11 pv'o! hcli dullowx* nwy ,!>?. tfirecltjl |jj th# t orrtm v ?/T4he Nuirv. AnWi<1. April"tfO, 1 ?f~. 1 , -2 I \?. fi.Y 1 . Ay'AC Tt/> A*.rt.,rA? Act finM'r/t ? Au-'J / > Uct/'flntf fp>,KX<*ai<at** Afjlt/irrrt Aful Ttcct>*y-*ixthvj:i;fk4*ti* Jlunil, t<J <iuJ * idrer. jr. * , * ? . '* ' " * jy ,Tho C?ngr**a <v| lite C?)T\J\*3?rt.f tp* Arni-ricw ?T'? <niiet, TliajaUr < <"tCju ftCf l?f so nltHnfli'il' orutjv rmlrrar* ililV. 1 [/pigment ?ft Kij'ptict rorj?'r*il fur tin iwr ft* Will n.4 tlie mu.yi App#uvi<l; April' :ir>. l if,,), hi 1*9. ?A XT' ACT to rrotrtilo end OrftrilBt r.n?;ini Tt? .p?.to tp>?v? l>?rln? Uto W?c. Tito CongfeM yf thu CftOipC>-'.i-a K??l*n A'ntewft Ai> ear.!, Tftnt'/ttpro thnJlTiahnV t'A ill *urti wanner <u" ?Ko'WeoivMty rtf V mcy'Iimct, 0<>ni oneji dtvUinti tif hiftiMry WVif?,'44?|.atiy of CiyJn^OT ??ii*Ut of obq. )?wa(Ve4 ,mm, tUofcij wj?h -view tfiihafc'nunhnnlenl wTJill utHfYhyrt fitonwj ?Jt<l that ifoo iiu u iie>l4Mt(A to m enmpaiiT attftll Up.rrqtlJMil to ^ttvo lj> (h+f? onty (lwlnp Hio tail untie iff tUoiCtorm of i 'viev i?iipi ctvr?ly^ , , * Sfr.T. T'iftt oen.p:i.\v ?l.all cenC4 t'clffnl XqrfeeiinUUMveli <*??V>wi!V. fnriy :fttWo? I n*Ul f.irty-livo lclwnrS, ux3*llni.t Ufio.MiU < i .ni indy ho ?<TA7f. [ till'.' K. -Xhat 'yh? coimii.*?Umcd, OIS^TTII I oncli i ini'iiiif .-Imil <ini- .*m: , first U?u&t)? 00(1 tbat the original v?rm:ck4>/<ia.Ui^ri? 0? - jianirp shfrtl hfTftJTcd by tVo i r.\?jt/<?r JflntnJV of cpm^ifponcliii-r pmrtn fpi m ,tho cn?l| corpK, tf j.jnuirabls, ap< vdiuw w, th At b tho other o?n"*?.0' r*'.?m tfto lino o> tiqfl of wrm.v, r?(?tP?**?. ,b? i i# nitric*- hfkl tif U ^tnlttlciuinri ns?nu<no-i.', or hy *Jkxt\t.n; an <mo shall i?? reU?rt<-1 who it-'not. now as Itinln or with tho army, ouj-jja uo is aln^lt o^^il cn;rh?txjr. 5*ro. +. Thai owm^Btilw tWi^J to os^anl into ro^imCrfU <?r in cviuflaii:..* cnrli, *>m * v^Jio fh-nl nisi? ofincu ?hAlf*c< r??i*t of coioouh, .OIlu iieUfittlTOTC<faf , rmttmajpr, ifctjutijpit, with rahR of R?*t ijnnrlermhsfcr (>or^0HT>t; amf onf jerRoonto ,W: and th?t fhu orlfir.^raeKoVWi Mi rr?K'in?n?t* shall bo ftIM frj Un> n .son Turpi cd f>r filling the, noiiW)' in iKo^WfyrduMOih the third portion nf th nonet, nio) that tho i Roon't ninjor, ?vn.l the <ip*rt?iMi&*toT ?yrg? shall bo Selected front tho satiated win of ?jny. brr. 0. That in ouch tor went ttrft oQ companies shall !? Awtrfgwd to- duyjr iw? r tyaa .vuco Oo tbna<>bwti with.# or) train eornpltitc. Inc.?. 'dlurt.tho officer In plinr;;rfW c*ti?inoci burp>iu, en>?joW to U'O-wynawa tho'" Soeor-Uryfof Woy. #).nU jtrWcpRto unrnbrr, fitfui" ?nj rtitOtnrtOn# pf gpTitoon*, irv?<ot?, h0tu other m^ojXMirloii Pot ail At* troopr otgau l>y tblfc Ml. . } 4 fire. 7. Thnt Tncanoitrs lit tlw 8?{?'.Mn vefritrtonta aud incluiilpf the rrmit <>f tn]*> hall lx? iBlli# hy |?rowft)U?tfi, |%In.ofte??ly. itf Miilorllju-ttUPtit <" ?"* of ?IHfl ity or <>(htfr iiironipetoiKu-. ?. w * ' 8nr. 8. Th#*-UR montl \y pay of (bp ? JVCer (roop* *f|n)t 1>? ?nf<di.iwai of * cafe ltr.. hutfclrc?l ottd un'doUirr- ; of* Ijcnh-t colonel, otto tapdrtfti and *!;,) igfftfo d"H< "f a major, bM 1?nrr?lr' ! n'"T 1 tr< j of o cftfrfBlfc, otto hiiit'lr -1 *m(>,rty ln?* ; of ii flr?t ilouicnuiiltobo hpM'IdPt) of n reremd llyntomuiti'iMitpfy ft'ljdtftTit iKftll r i i% t?n l trt?*pM(X: t*t In addition <ft It 1ft p?y ?H>?|oW?ftV %-1# S,H. !?. Tin' tho to''/ </* j or month ftJtuA ho nit follow*: flio dorfci major and *tjtni(pimu^hdf' rfwooA*. * tr utf y i :nrt><h.fjrr^ f dnfW-rrr fcCd^H-.TThrt i MfatH krrt ' h r-i dofli;*, . > , *? , \ . ' 11 ' o r * <- , * o ? . * V' * ?' . i . -4 rj \o i'roTidB \or itoiump i-.iorn*?|p c.r In the CongroM of <ho Cod* r. jjg6r9??1 nt<y '" of^cnnce)^. ^ r ' for UoprepeptatlVe* in l|j4 . v5!?E!^4V *(ftnfii|frrat? Stute*. ?htUl >? r,,r ^ >V*'I\10. n'l't em 1? totefj... ; 'J,(to*Wto^orn0 ti<-k?- t. j, nd or Rtifrev^m^SVtwT; ortrnor omSN'' W-? * " ? ?* . " " : > .N *$<*'. - Fjjou 4^QaM-i<iikn u i?cia v>4| ?? &b*te, on.tWt fu*? tthufrtelny In AncotVacM. ** twftl t? eoelt rccoiidJfcaif tlturoftjler, aurai?Jp ". v T 6kr. xx-v'\ ' 'Cfiiu'iM ^l?l)Ui]t<|?).I ?t ngJeern, KtifhoritioA, ot yore^n fwalntrcjf* rt' "?T t ' h? ikt^K Wmgru us iif t ho Stole 1 Vli?U i.o _ >H trt rm$ fort* ^crolPr of Itiqr U'.'-t mimrr? ojflk. 1 A*nn?Xp**%? Biato * ** ,'beU ftJillUcil4o vote juTTI-o I'lnco or p'mWt f ft* roM?r tfi?t<v*\j?Uijfh bo vroifta be cntitW to? jf'Tsasr^T^"": Sko. 0". I'pMti 1mm snaj^ ?*ti*on sluiW '>& UV' UwrtikUvT tjert-HKtoMfiTlCpjBlbac^nU filiucj.; v "'iHrfi**0 1l" (Afetfw 'irtVoJ, f^r.i JbdJi^lionvB^ rv irt ^imft'ni'T^' Pu?Sr g- 4 V, rtt^br51 b#JMJ"V^^^r?Vp ^<io*/pl*jU.O#^': ': ^ "'^h ' * 8>:c. f. S?im\ pXfolL^?.f?ir fl^rcscntftfW^i' RhAHtk* frtky* (Tie wttftj* ?- Psifd BtoU:, it* fciUvIri : I? fjuv mniy corp*, 'H. dHM?P. o?o<rtr|iii!,n4Atli? Colopol^f cocli rofij,r?% iiuMH, oHi*?.,! GiptFln -thJniiThiifl thereof, jyt-hft ?pt?or tq^ ojjp>rjar>0^pf any Icrt boiljr J'ljL of rfc{?uhwi f^/i^'^kiULarmnt <^0 or trfSSo^-ltr to . op<Jfr%bl Jm>M *tfcn L/ rr^o *l?i.n".n<Mil t'b? nUnif. moko <otV ?h? ,jr po.'.l ' l-v .tho .^inio^raSk ,A eAtf rod'ulnfWlis, ? if Uto iirtiv >tt io "pen turf lft**Si<ntV^t 5i)|Ve^o^'^S'linff tho ** " rt, "The W^irifs"^Ljft<>i*iJecrioM ' qnuflM! plurU- Wjb(??nk?b5 Lhfi ^VCTAyfiW4 "I : ^fc. ..AYm'XV* Anni'ltfciMrtir lTlf\ ^n.lm'Of tb tfl 'TV yr?^>. ;inrt thf**Cnv'* Qr"J!lt|~i;rn<ta fr<'mJMt " S'tiiv *>r whity-?va Pftin* js k?!tl u> thlHp - ' , "r)?ftri>tt;o; t <^awnt'in WWcTi*tno. *?"iiip >?'B7.]6L <** Tfhohojrtitv b<j. fit (frco, to fitt-whrVbrtS' * y?mr> to ton Otu-erfcor df^'tlio Htnto ; <.r t(m lot ?aoi? utiS-tfymofo "tnnViajfotrt, forornnJSE tat l>v.-r??*' ro*ii>nW<lJjljJr<?flflHP' riiiwtiy ttV"?& t i* < . * jf 5;*"*" Ifo "'- Ji> l*Vo"Y'*'?Ti?rtfi <os ?>f ni^'gMWW ' n|t *s?rvTCT> pVfWMpit i>.f- tin- oloctioTjyj# $ u. spy Ai't. ttt proVt.itJf ' J t Ijivrt rfio -V.y-y bv held iin <2 J witiiiu t^ii mAvp' the jy*vc*iIih^ cmtntf i- 'rafif Wiib-: ?iljg same jf he H.-vo l *!>* IJje.ofVcr nppty*5| ft o &, - -7 "fT '?7:c. IB. 8\m'i ftVor *in?Kn JTr arfltofiir^ _?<i '* (iflniii>|^tW tho,i>T4(|>t r flUrt ? ' ? <4vrl:?, o^ du y "OnftJ MnTtoiiTmor |no >miio(o ^ "each c*!ivr. / IP **8 err 1 V. SrVr$ ^Wwni>soti*r7?t?<l in boJdhijy, lt?? > )? ??..? ohft'J tsilu' .-n> lo M*njioijWtn i)| Gtnvstihttfun of tbo Oytft-ilrMffttPtfitcii. itlVVv |1V '<li?j!!inVo My oqyy in holding 4?tWi idotllnrc m frfUhtVllv anil ' j Aj.|'r-??vl M?VX - K. .? * * * * t.? JQ2XT TtKSQlVri&t*\/*?W,r S?/.j,r.'<f VjJ? J>* ^ ^ - ^ Jim 1'*? <M>\* tf-.< < '..1 * .-.? < .. 1 of ;en, t.i>]?<T|f!n? (>> JW H >n?^^iT:o bnwHiilttjll! ftf ul' C? itl tlyf cl>t)?fti. wi-Onii i.l*h! tlnnjy. 4 , t'* rf|t ^ly.o'lU'Uflrt,,'tl'fTv <^n?|Vl?<.ir Coital <^7. ' t!i.'"* otlw * <1/ Jj;e <%t ir& *<,}. ?* 1 ' : ' liv.-r*.', > I).. -<i |! .A ul( <l5f^ <jti*P tnnSttri:^ I*". - ? t j;!. flkXl _ Jflio to l.v <i?w Avit!i*)?o^W*nvuiM*<<r.j i ^ConfoJ*i3 O..V.T,.:.,srU. ' V'7 7f S" ^ . >? ?' !? !'}j: f Ci<nrr<J* , r!, l'rr* J|;y}.'^r?ph'S4i.M.t*.if tii \ jTn?w.? - >V| i twen'y pyc<M?Aj4^^ri>^ivinA< .mJ ?i.(l t'v< ' of 1 Jk"^ ' ? -ind ri"'\ 4nn 1 h.- nU;i<r. myifitrcmJ *' M?? c; ^viin*>4rh?( jhb .St .flo nn?l , o(i!t iQ^iir^ArrKi^-ntnf ^ 4o?icr?ttu. of 'lfnAwat'Vv' c^un^i 1 nro Vnurt * V if) \K+ 1? rucfl n!avc^. Or lii(tt? tK Iwruria-Ptlfin, ?*. ' "*- soVf\jj>?-y *yi^nij jtop*tf -k r'?* 0"* ??iift4i;,i'f,'"fe "vV''' 'iVl'" ''"n . 1 nrt-rn ?TZtMU'dt'Cfov/tiu "'? l??F??ir ?*i*? if ^*ft?X*r w?nia, rfv*n^ & ti.?M In 4u UttrlNIC |>t'<*Yllil toi <1 Ujgx Tpny, tlw-rw4 ' ' Li **'* ty caf/vtth?>j?<fin, diU?y . , >??*. #?*y'vnofa\??>n of IW I lawjtor wy-Hf*' of.l^AMM^ flvTUzeil iWj [ lioba-ahftlH/a, ?r t?r^?^*n,u?in?' now norr*?! My- *r*t?Hijr i^otta^HuWf Mir nntifr.i nw jtj. iQf*.h<k<^*jprnm<pi^?03t**r'nlH<'l HAh(?-!?, of ' j x M?? f>( Uh' " of. Covu- ItJMWnHtitaAfl. <A; )?( tjn;.<e. tfnirler tlflf ?tio i rohrqiijp-SB^ft ftiw*4nijii /r qkv.i1 i" r ..rtl?oCV"f?ftftr?t? 9pf;V, oj^.f any 'illnil' pf 4fe'v-^T>r#lfa?c:V'tl*-I,rt*ii1<'rit of lh* 'cr* Cor.foj?rAf- Sr-t<? j.< liotA>y-nnlh<>rixc4-Am **"" 'ppu** XllU A?wt .-etoiplrtr iu JW rw?'^5^-ic^si*ir?hasaiftlr "t"* T" ?^n ??? ??oy UUt? proivr. - * -? i_ -"? nH.-^ nc-. ^ perto'', 1)t-jgS^3 iiXJ- l*>irftnHWHW?P?l (fNffa\jK ??tui? nftnfrll, Vjltt^ ?*"* <SV* imiWiowip M?? *gaft>r* lho *Cbu,(*r rrdfT?.U ? ' tvi m. (millMM VM^i i^ ?r ImiM 'n#-gr..?i< Af muioto'V'fW oar JMfliNw-y #?Tvie?. atfnf/jjl- "|h? .^Co?Vfy<lor*tlj jjj*?' 3t#t <*,'< < wfjp ?lmfl voltfatarm' aid nogror* 2?i. or^ninftoo'e" in nnjr military ijiCrfprUt!.. ntj lack, <" eoirftiot in tfurli 'orvieo, tlull lx, <2*cm?ri an ii;?itma Wvile inMUTreltoti, irm' 50f- " anpfcyod, fre put, W? fe**4i. w H ni,t pnDUfol at ili? of i^ta Hw. fi. EvorV imrrnii. fvrinfl: a OOliimiraioni tl?? or MtiiiK ?m ?'iclS in tlm nrrvicp ?n- p(the on. jjij), wl?*> *hi?H. -timing tlir present. "8*. 'wn?,.vxr1|iet eMyi|ri<k*keif.-, or caiisCMt he excited. i MW|??4M?iirreoth?n< pr . wrU '*?? '?? tiirit*d. ? <bSd .y\ t? rtUU^fcftft'H'fai'tiire.l, be put To dshOu ' or be at Uhj' Ji?cr? te? ?r thu \u ,] Skj,4. r.very pfrdht ehm-go# with AO of-r f ?h f?n<??.P,,J'Mri?,'le ?wulej the.-peneeding avt . . Infio)m ''mil, .luring'the wri*?ni ""r.'M ,. tried re the military c?ur% n(t?rlie<Ltt>. ' hU*^???yfer <ot|? K* tbo iiwiops of lie-'slwiil l.ivr I *> <>?) tnre<], ..i I y sufh; . - '^*r' *"Wrt rv the rresident Mft ayi.; ?rr*et, end mi ?*??!? mAtiner ntxl nnric r&ti?h!l put, reftnbrtloru iu? (he President .-hell preeotlb#^ vri.t r efter etmtfrfwtbi. 11)0 I'rerj.lcnt may r*rp^<>mn4art iha-fU5Wl?J(ioent lit, wolf mepu^,. H"]' n*a ontVttiJnTTc i??#y dacm propap . ' s" ' AH iK>^n>?# anil mn!?t<>ce^BL* it* w?x. orJta tbKbn fit" huh Hi? tk.i.f.-.Ur?<V Static, op'f , WiatJ ^r? nl<| pr-<pjf*#Urt fc> tft" ftftMfca4|| #** 't*?c#, *M", when onptur-; h,,., tha Ntnlaa. I- <}<4? fcel,, liv?u-<fl to iko tmthvrfJiff ?>f th? J-jtata o# ICr v<LtiM ?f*4 AfrftifcjL MM . a ?# "AK -fl - ' - ..!**&< -?