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vn , E*fpBB ^^BBp'^nl -,. v - ^ "' " * '^A h *" >"* . *~k < ^*i^?^5'j* 2* ' * : V--.C ^ .;;:,y';ur^ [' R<vpoct, ^/^hntvnooiqiMtM fur ?<Hfc. arc cSkAt^cu S>r; the rudK<S Vs idrortTiicJfep*monta. * " '"7 1 er^i*tS^Ct^* ^taM-c* fc~.?* - * - ^ . *B?fti9 FOB lU*V)jj^SwHA^6?f8fl||^ * D^"- ' S , Mr WrUtfrjPnring Illness-. B 'Hfcrr / I- Wfc? libfar.&tor, ' t, v, ^ > v W'Yp tf??Jthpp-fujin miu?-*jr<v~ *T (.'ja h'"-> \v\ < rv.;r nonr, JCiud wonl*!*M^h. C^Bi^o Fp<n to^earrwyhome; jBiil. w i?=r.l ni?ne tnr Jj^^QCrjr ov.t, Alton.! Altm-ft j, Pj^^^Kflonwi ft. m m <m?m! *<> .lowlf ch^uk, x?\w<$?foi/F.t U ..- '>' "* -1 upKn i -woulJ ol^ly, flOkp, .? "* JTj? The burjhtfiM' mi'.i giy*"?."forth *~\igh% i ynn * )l* V? ilcl. !>fno? I jtUkj ClUl ? HPA uwvyi?r'*.?**K.jSwwr^ SoBip.-^ l-'ni h* p, S?ik, ^InUya,* all yR'Wopp oy?fjJ| ijjiet*4 near. ^^Kgp.? trfarX~r\r-<\ my voifie^dtjir, <MIM Vjot ijV (rjHrth-rtp'fkkiti* ntSnft ej*, W&nU point nf>4>*?\ To jklO iy> oWr, yRfflml Cltl II,e. ' bvak ?>p Mfglrt*'" ^Wf\l ofOn point thi rait oh -High," . ! < Al?! I>iit pm.iiM'ot htr hi eft, ,. v . Kwin-re t<(ucr u^ore wniiM rWtthe *>gh, J Would .unirr flun thMtaf, ai,-: dear. V - . Aittl often notf HI *"jk11 com iny cltVcJi tit* Oar, W'lin, 1 c.\?i jYiy *-yv* " on M<m>rr, iAv??, fr> m ?' -!,?I' pott tby tiinnW.'fHi ; > - - y ii.- \\ .<ii,Ii i-n It. re, Alotro! 3P5P ff -: \\ lilt now- to alito r film g?. . * _ fi Kim! a^alii, /fi:'" * ipojo high," \v lion lib' 1 rw* . I WM in.H t Hmr.^frr. <*J V At o.iiid thi .... y s j ,noborM tuT?rirat, 'UKBItV P.iilh YWiglti jir"f#*tvt- Wo?; r. S^BrVc'M I f nmofllr I' d Qilnlts.! bit t, jjSsFinco. lii.?ik? t#*ff (Siiral^y Hi*ip?4H?f 1?QerSFi' l'*8 cAilSt kihI of the fiKtl (iiris'mpjbf lllis niiliUirt .b'partnOrfl,, whj<J> " is ilia CA?nHtl J>uri?i^Vh e l,i-i viinor HI >pihrg.^<.frii*T^Wu.ijf i * too tr. i n ? : k M Ky yke oof* tn? n i n gr -<5 en? HMh for prhmwtiom Af?*r lit* Irnnsfor \Y?*l of*^l?rfMW|f^**troops mMIvc" <1 l'or tWfefttie of CharJAfclOi, BSajttd ?indf ll^ MiwnciyrtMneaf of ttife LaA0*6"1 upon jlMo ciijvtho corns j06b?H<ling l)tner%\, *Wkr+o( t|*? greater Mflrenlion lo ihrtt funk, the <]utie? of HK^fch ho Iihm long iWflllnd, njprwiifcolled BKriKi*] Hiuotioo lo 6enor?)-fcipl?y.-*. j^ h !M?rvico.wHpr? I'ei'her tn*rl* BH^bc rAoornmefc<lwbti#of U^^eopl* ; rrlVfot fttj cfljenf of tho United'e??C?iK-sHMpra'cnt 1y mi vtooo iiir tfiw ?? of Oh Arfoo* Qwi lpw?r4* thnirdneiion of Kor*?SuiivIPBftr, ?t the opening of \hp wnr-1?hit work jflmif *?p?hing our forts?hit gnllnnt Con-SLWil in the ctmpnigfir- to Virginia In " Bin much cpfnp di^Mon of M*jttr*UenKBKP where hn *n? ijotuvAxl pecali*? to the tnittury liutie* In tho H?y of CHafU?Uyn Jj( Hy*efU experienced urUlUri-t?-his lorfa 9|?f?'<rf p*?R09lh?ul?'*. ul,Jur "|SwK.??g?r?<>e'''?!r nti.wnuigwnwil* o( Mjp^dWingfti?U.itd oUipUlrie ncqiinint' oca " villi till tU ioo?Hti?*, ?nU tlM KfajM-acter cf ih*?fficerk find troow?U?i Biiiii yT7^ - '' Z*^ $ to7 ||tOfl^Sg litf^j Aerping, tef*. 10, 1863. Jg >W&J& Ll '* < ' ' " i^ier 8?C Mr. JUak N?AP*? -AdhertJs*, 5Vr, " ?j , ^fr. The. Funeral Seimon of-Lieut. I'IRHOR fttrrtER Wilxtax<^ deceased;: will 5# praaehetl fp the Baptist Church on nc*t .Sgridaj mornings bjr Lev. J. C. VtiOMAN/D-D/- * 2DITQ1UAL CORRESPONDENCE. ' F* K RI> Kit K> R*Sf TT A L L, L OP ISA Co. V A.t J September ls 1808. J" ?. ,Pq* tli*-pa*t two wneks, I ha* 6 beelt to ten. Kkkhiiaw'b Brigade, which ia stationed about ten mi to fcp?ft thia yh.-c, in ?po(sytvaifia county. I*tip pleased (o- reword the fact that 'his vc!man Uriip nde U in fine health and excellent spirits, a The men are rapidly regaining their wohicd etrenglltand tfgor, which ?p<k been much impaired by thcif eamprritjn JiOo. Maryland ihtd Pennsylvania. -I am also delighted to note the Tact, that the Government, which is furnjrhiug plenty of food to the army at present, is likewise rapidly hating the men furnished with clothing and shoes. Within ; the past few days, T have noticed but few'barCfontcd soldiers ih Gen. McLaw's Division. I trust the siuite Le the. c;tite with other Divisions in the army. OoUJ weather, however, i? rapidly ap-pioaChTng,* and the army will soon re Allirn ..1 1 '? JO; I lw,lu y?'v^c? nuu ur?? ?vi Tlie nights, even now, Hie quite chi'lv. StK'h nights as we am now having wo^lJj M borne, cause us to look for heavy f.o*ts. l'ljo men* will noon require nil extra blanket, each, ami what the ( cannot fujuUli in this respect; will have'to be made up by the Peojdu at homo. I have heard many soldiers *?y that, unleas they had another .Jtflf.iir with the enemy like that let'- FreUerivksbuig, llioy would l?? compelled lo eall upna ihwir friends aty [ bnmo }o 4'(Ke^Qrgo " at efficient nuuiher of blankets to keep tiieui Warm during the ryiutar. ^ I liave neverseeu the suh.Nery evince gum? deteiinination than at present. They ytt seem c-wfl jJcdi of llulr ultimate -sucee*.". If -the ' people at bujne, who have never yet h<QM$J tlfo-thuod?ra of war, were as sen guine n* the soldiers i? the army, there would be no cause to fear. The soldiers are nstonbbcd to learn thai the people at home Irre n backed,n disheartened, beaten. They thiuk, truly, that this is unworthy cf them. They regret tliat Jueii, out of the war, object to giiing a tenth of their products this year to the support of the Government. What '? tiw< fc> that which the'soldier aivee I? ilk lilt)*', money.?perhaps .Ws lift? are all anoiiticed fur the cuttM. dlinrne on those * wJh> lite iu hours*#," if lliey refuse to give eWrfulty the lil'.le the country require* of them. .. j. ,tTo on* like tuy?e)ft mo bag acquaint ;?d with KEasiiUr'e tfrigade, ami more especially withtlio-Second Regiment, it m iuileed fk sad thing now to I?ok upon. ranks.' > .Whore ate the tnaceefticers sad men who so l?uly 1 v jprtWed around theif battle worn flags 1 ! Tho graves upon the eossnguinod Held of Gettysburg tell Iho.vtDurjifpl story.? M?i?V whom )t ray (ortune to be eeoieioled with irt Stress, ?ow slumber in death beneath the cheeriest grave in jtu enemy's land. 'My heart h?? been saddened when I've tratliered. *vh tbosa who* ywt remain, aroun<l thtir camp lite* artd listened to their svorie* of the mireit-rthe bieoursc, ike ftjjbt, * The*" Burial of comrade*. Qnly thorn who have shared the soldiers lot, pair ; '/oily resize and appreciate these simple, jfat.eloquent stories of the camp fire.? How mare your comrades buried V' is a quest ien the listener is sure to ask.? The soldier telle you something like i * his;' Wk stolesilently in the twilight w'mm? the pneroy's lines, found them . where they fall, and put thefts quietly , aud (lecenily away. Tbrs "decent bu I rial" k tut, Iktie eke than the coinl Dosing of linrt?,ltte wrapping vith in. a blanket*- the beeping 01 tine sod? . perhaps a mark um| the grn*e. Thk -letter labor k not always dune; it k yelesa work to the tnrvUikgcomrade, ? f liquid hei opt five the warT, The dead soldier yUi lives in the heart of his-nom* i' I i-the ibot oten In the nighb dun. Not ' gMMh Of ground, ouer.wfciele** soldier .y-UaeAla battle, is ?re? y?rgolt?B <*,*f faced from Me memory. ' y # W 4 * ' 0 \ ' Jti ~ - . ?H * ' * W 1 a ? ' * Z vv"K'.: - ^ y. ^ v" ? . .'.' ; _ ^ ** I I, J > - pt^ejpfty wwl "~nTto?77Z3rrs^r lieti1ar{f mes?'mAte,or one accustom dW march by h!s side, in a eore ?friioiirtii to the soldier. "I cannot realize," says one,u that he is dead fho wai aoften with aie; be Was my ftle-clesetin iho battle "J do'not know where he wa? kitted " The soldier sigbe, and hi* ben?t drop* within liirn.. He knows not but that his may be tho tot to fill in the next buttlb. There in no greater -toss to a company of snldlet* than thatof their Captain. They baye been acoustomod to listen lo,;l:ts roice, and could recognise It al>ovo the din and noise of of the battle. It isj^voioe they are accustomed. to obey whenever they heard i(. It is now forever hushed nod silent. So company-commander has been kill ed in this war which has producod a more pro/bund grief in the heart* ql liU men, than has the death of Capt.Roueai' C. PqLi.isM, of the Butter Guards. I might say, (hat his destir u most sin t... % .b - vwreiy ivgreueu pv tue entire KCgiincut, He wns not only perhaps the most able cPltopeny- commander in 'Ijo Seoojid' Regiment, l>ut bit honest, open, gonerotje -manner, caused" him to bo beloved by *11. who'know hiin. He lira# a thorough aoldtet?bad permitted nothing to -oorno between hiin and his' duty to hi* country ttnee lite wsr commenced?*vaa never nway f?om his Command, except neoetnity made ft Imperative. How very few oflicerkin oyr army can Imve iho t>ame said about them ! His >es mains wete buried near the town of Gettysburg. The noblo heaitcd Pool was buried at the same place. Those two gallant sulUiom, M and J k,test ngs, of the bflme company, were bni iwd on the tii'.d .where they fell. Ihit' one of- iho wounded of the duller Guartf-*, who fell into the enemy's hands, have since died. Private L R. Smith^ who .was badly .wounded hi the breast by a grape shot?lingered for about three weeks at Hettysborg and dftul.? (lis comrades have not Utarnod whero l?o ifriw buried. Five of .the company are "till in Peimaylvaniu, Vf*:, U; IJaco?t Auuustjxk I'acun, (foot aiuppta ted,) Wm.-Gilukath, Lahuicxh GiLi.katit, (foot amputated.) Corp. ITkvkv Ingham, (wounded it) thigh.) These, It is hofied, will soon bo permitted to couie South under flag of truce for exchange. ."'V K moid excellent moral and religious fueling pervades through j?U Kickshaw's Hrigade. I regroi that Rev. A. P. Smith, Chaplain *qf the 2d Regiment, has been quite sick for the past two week", and it tryay be sotno time before do i* again soj? to r*>ume in* dulses. The other Chaplain* ot* the Brigade are unremitting in their labors. Rev. Mr. Caiilslb, bflbe ??b, Ilev. II. B. McCali-1'M.oftbe 16th, aihI lib*. Mr. BrailLr,of die 8th, have been holding rc> Ugioti* meetings almost every day when the weather and of her eiicunv frtAQce* sould petinit. Rev. Jons RiLrr, from Laurens, Mimiooary of the Presbytorisn church, hps aho been in ! the Rrigado for the past month. I have had-the pleasure "of listening to the lat! ttjr.gentleman on two occasions lately. Ills sermons are full of instruction, and Veatbe the true sphii of .tjre Gospel.? 1 feel that the labors of all the above good men, have not been in vain, but (Wat many have been constrained to ttirn their attention to Uim who it the .only one able to protect and save.? The * sun-tot prayer meetings" wrhich are held whenever it is possible to do se, are very interesting. ?It was mj good pleasure to attend once or twice upon these little meetings, and I inusl say, 1 felt that it wns good for mo to la there, ' I hope that these meeting* may become mere general throughout tb< army. I Riu'about fenving for JIamitoh'i Cavalry Drigade, which y atalioned it the neighborhood of Culpaper Coun LIouw. I will euiaaror to write again ... w.r.r. TPor tlto Southern EuUrptUe. Jtcur?. Jul',tor*: la your iaet ieaoe, my a?m< ? aaaouured un a caiidMlUu lot Wordou o Ward Jio. !" i"?C ?#rtodi rnuion*, I foe com polled to decline the nomination tbui made. If I Hltoulilbo oltotod, I will poj the forfeit, and lieooo euother election wil be rcadeead acc?.?ary. O. F- *UOBD. Mas. Quo*. Whprfc a eider of.Mrs. Abrn ba?i Dfco}*, recently pfceented u Cunfrd orate to lI>o gun boat JlnaUtiUe, at ludblti. \ ? ' - ' * ^ ' ' - v# :J *\ ? - * 4? . > 1 ' M r " "" /** * , * ? ?- ..**?"' ' .3 %r-'<* ** * " '' ** ' i ', m*mm i ? ?? i m popui 1kr S&N of %I'irj i? . * ~ ?~~ 7 I* i' *f "J ~'~ CAROLINA, THURSDAY Ml - -*- ?: ? ; Tribute of ftespect. .At meeting df Coinrmpy " A,!' 1 Ctl , I.egimeut S. C. V<, l?Vfd at Tyner Sift tion, near CbnttanoogA, Toon., ?on tin 4th <Uj rif Beplemtter, 18C3, die follow ifig-preainhie and-rcsolution* wprtr uuAn iiuously adopted : . Whereas, death haa 'again enteret our ranks, and smitten down a.respect ed and highly esteemed friend "nn< brother soldier. Sorgl. I'ilfLLIi IMlOWN died of disease contracted ii camp, at lire li"o?pit*l, Yazoo City, Mis*, oil the 17th day of July, 1803, and f may ,be Iruiy jsafd 'that a true heat fc? man And patriot ha* fallen. A nniiv< of Ireland, he immigrated to the Unite* States about the year *1853:" For fivi pr six year* beforo the inauguration o tho present war, he sresided in*Green riile, 3. O. When it was proposed i< raise a regiment front Greenville Di.v frict, ho was among the first to volun tcer. II? entered the service with tlx lir>t cnpiftanv of tho art faithfully did ho discharge his evcrj duty, it is rio exaggeration l->*ay lh? a biHer soldier?one more willing, men read/-at All limes?was not in tin ranks. Though a, foreigner, and com imralivelv, a stranger, among us, |ti heart was engaged .in. our enfcse,. an< W*uh that zeal which ohm actei ires th h^rdy sons of the TErherald IaiTo, 110 en terod iute,the struggle hj? freedom an< independence. . Honesty and t-obrici; were prominent-trails in his ohaructfl ard to know, ..was to admire him. 11 had not n relation in ihrr Confederacy It fs n source of (Wp regret to us Llin he dicd*in tl:e hands of the county, wher , wet-oobld not minister to. Ids wants ii .Ids ta*t hours. Wo hope ids fch?t] is peaceful and that bis spirit is now a rest. , Jinfolvctl, That a* a company w< deeidv lament ilia doaoh ?>f nnr I'.irso and brother, and that we witfevercher ish Jiu memory as :i patriot and gen ( Iiesnh'qt.1, That there proceeding* b publidmd in the (irgtrjivilie papers. 0. M. McJUKKlN, and Chairman. C. R.Twmr, O.'S., and ScoreUuy. News From the Islands. . Nothing of importance 1rHn>|>ii'Ci yesterday, ?0ul we have uaahi t<? tepor a cctnpui ativr-ly quiet stato-of affair*.? Yank?*e Hnltoiivr N<?*. 1 and 2 and tli ulle piu keep up a bli:k firo on Batter Wagner, doing, however, little or n damage. On our dile, Balletic* Ulicvr and lla-kell continue to play %\ith ?( feci wti lire Yankee wrnRing parties ii tlie pits and behind the blockade d* fences, frequently driving them out am retarding '.lu-lr operations. A nuiubv of Yankee*, *\esterduy, were discovertM digging " abont 100 yards South < Wagner, and another patty working o Battery No. l...Gur balletic* tired few shell*, which soon drove them ur der cover. They failed Id make the appearance the rest of tire day. Thursday evening1, den, Cilmer. a companicd bv Col. Harris, and otb< officers, visited Battery Wagner, nr ' mado n minute inspection of tits forti cation. The*enemy at the. time w engaged in a brisk fire upon Wngn fioin. hi* title pits.* Four shells e ploded near the party while on the p* a pat, fortunately injuring no one. Tl party pawed over and finished their i spccuon wholly lixl.tlercnt 01 llio en my'a fire. . We learn thai General (ii inor ami Col. Harris woie highly plea** i with the condition of the battAry. i great strength and power of resi?tnn< It will bo gallantly defended to the la; 1 Tb'e position of tlje lleel is?bot lilt changed. One niohitof ha# taken position between Batteries Orspj} ar Wagner, nearly abreast of the falter.Another hae remained oil Battery Urej in the same position since yesterday. A calciuiH light line been ebaervt displayed from the monitor betwrer > Gregg and Wagner for the last tv I nights. Thirty-nine vessels, including s monitors and the Ironsides, were in si' 'of n? bur yesterday, twenty eight vc ' sols reporter! In Stono, and twenty-thr in Folly Inlet, besides eight blockade off I ho bar. v ' The casualties on out bide for the If . week, notwithstanding the heavy but ' luu'dtneni made during that 'jme, ha been very small. On <t visit to the lit i pitals ye*Urdaj, we fouud but one th Lull been received since the 1st iristai severely wounded. This was 1 C. V. Towntend, Company E, til ?- North Cmoliibi Uegiinent, who had 1 t lifibt aim amputated, and was taken ILo North Carolina hospital. Hot two or three with very slight woup had been received at other hospitals. At this-hour of wiiiing, 11 p, r the Are between the land bdtterie* co liuues slowly.? Chan. Courier, 5th. (Ik that Las never known udver&i ' is bat half acq train ;ed with others, 1 with himself. Constant success alio r us but one sldv of. the wotld. For a? 1 sorrounds us with frieuds who will t us only our rueiits, so it silences the cueniiea from vrhotu alone we cuu lea our defects. , No other gate is so oertaiu as vli I win oh proceeds from tho economic use of what yot? have. j t * , . . j % ?* t V ' J.I W*-"- , ^ Awe V V# - +? * "v _ T*4 m it* T<| I if frill I . k - *-. p }yV ^ . ... . . -V l.mS: ' . 'z4 . t&e ' %?* \ li A. rt EVE 3iii?irl?fjt.?iu?ng ^ " V * -?.-a?T--- " -*-?= JRNl?e,-SEPTEM5?li.J0, 1W aa^aa*Mv?n?vlMMniaM|lw^ Bombardment of Batteries fireg? nni' , Way***-- .. - . V w Aflcr a qnut iMeceal of two (layty.i . .1*..: L;1 -??> *. ' j uuiiiilt nuiui uiq ?ncmy ;? "uernjveo 10 have been avtidugsiaJy employed in |?r? -- pliraHoir*, the Yankee fleet about five . o'clook Saturday morning lecomnwnce) 1 the ^HrtubftMlmfnt of bAtterir* Gregg. and Wagner. Since tha^tune. the tiro 1 apoln tlio batteries especially upon the * stauncli fortification, Wagner* and its i heroic garrison, has been terrific and , inceesant, being ^ept up l<y the Irons t aider, six monitors, four- mortar hulks, I from three to four land batteries, tlto I > .euetnir'A rltlo pits nnd several pieces ! 1 pf light artillery put in position in an ) u a?Hum?ii* battery, fthmil ona hundred j f yarO$ from Wagner, rnpd bcMifhg upon')s its sea fac?. Alpst ofi-eho ahqta and > shells fiom this terrible-end galling lire * ? were poured into Wagner. I The bombardment' was" eorhmcnced , ? by the Ironsides opeuing a heavy fire i I upon battery Wagner, a*.. heretofore, i r frequently discharging wholo broad-' t ?ide?. s ? The fire from the fleet was mor*o_ ac i i curate than usual, the calm weather f-?s roving the movements of the vessels, j ? there baing rca'icely more llmu a slight j i. ripple upon the surface of ilio water. 0 pfaltertcs \Vrtgner and Giegg return ? ^d the fire of tliu Ironsides with spirit, 1* making "some splendid 'shirts and stiik> y ing her t"> e?j\iei?t I v. The balls,, hotVev i, ;ei, seeir.ed to lebound without inflicting w .any serious damage, r. At the ?.(me time our James' Island it battcritv, isimkiii.", Chcvcs and Haskell, I e kept UP a ?api<l and well directed fire a l-ou (ho (menu's land, battelies,",whHo i, b'orl Moultrie and Hatloiy I'ca, on Sul ; 1 fivaii'n Island, opensd a heavy fire on I one of tluj Monitors which had roundb ed' Cumniing*'-1'oint and commenced I throwing ?htll at Kort Sumter, with an . occasional/hot at 1 lattery Gregg. The . monitor ceased firinif after un hour's work iiihI hauled "oft, leafing the Iron- ] e sides to cohtinuo tho flghl. During Saturday a liver steamer was | observed busy dm ing the morning trans- j porting oidnaiioe stores fiom vessels oft'| I ho coast and funding litem at Oyster! l'oint. On Saturday afternoon a large ' body of Yankee infantry were seen.. | nfoving along tho beach back < f Folly ) Island toward Mgh'house Inlet. They I vjeio observer! mniehfihg in line by com. j?ativ, and tally forty-three companies v counted shile passing one point, and j ' they wore then still coming. ,, Tho borhbardinenl was continued j . j dm big1 Saturday .night with unabated rigor he tho Ir??a>ides". One casualties for fjie tifst (lay iip to 5- o clock, were up.ortnl at orje handled killed nnd wounded,"mostly the lutter, and many. (j of them slight. I'ct^v(iii 1 and 41 o'clock Sunday n morning, the enemy were lopoited np? ^ preaching our batteries through Light Creek in barges, evidently* fur the pm jwtse of making an inf?*iitiy assault. They attempted to eihet a laud c. ' gin the Year of Buttery Gregg. Liu e. our 'batteries together w illi Fort Monlwj"I liie opined upon them such a de.struclj tiro lire of jjrnpe. cani-ter, shell nnd musketry, as to ciieck iheir prr-giess er' and d?ivo them back. Tho enemy fail_ c*d entirely to i licet a landing, and tho -I piercing cries nnd idnieks heaid by our men im tlie barges moved oft told plain? It that i hey had Milfered severely.? B. While this wn* going .on, throe or four j. of tlm monitors opened ngain on Suin* ter and Moult rin- 'I lie 1 ?11.?r ru.iu>n>l. :u I ? ?~ 'ed, and the cannonading was literally j- deafening, blinking tlie house* in the ,? city. \\ nil many ilio imprt-sduir was tliat tlnj enemy was* again blu-lling the city. During ilia whole of tin* heavy tiling our foic s at the butteries weic _ all prcpaied, anticipating an nnuiuIi. For nearly two hours it was one ineeasaiit rOar of cannon and musketry. ^ ' Early Sunday morning C monitors turd the Ironsides ag*ia advanced in line of ^ battle oil. Curtaining*' Point, and opened lire upon Battery Wagner, the pia-x cid wnter* enabling them to mako eveiy jc shot and shell tell upon tin; devoted battery. Korta Moultrie "atiii Battery e6 Heo Kpjied, and the engagement was r5 kept up with great rpirit lor about two hours. Two of live monitor* left," proceeding *onl4iwurd. Tho tiriug of the fleet giadtfally "ceased, the land balte Tie* eontiuiiing the tiro without intcrw missidn. . After this soweie boYnbaidment the tf fleet rnni'io 110 ftnther demohstratuin ja until last evening, when another lit ice cauuonade was opened on our batteries, the result of which we bad U'.-iine.l 'J* uj> to a Into Lour; * no Our casualties during tlie whole o! this tietiu-ndour boinbaidinent, arc !? ported Jo bo between cue hundred and 0i) 'fitly killed find wounded at batter) n- Wagner, and between thirty and forty at Llatteiy Oregg. The bfttUiy . itssl; Under thi* terrible pro has suttyred 'tot ty considerable extent, or Some of the wounded wv? hroughl w? over Friday nrght ai.u Saturday inurie .it ii.g. Several boat:*, with lliu wounded ell wefo also exju'Oted to atrive'laSe laSi ?e night and this inomiug. * ,B After the bombardment Fiidftj i small loat w irh six or seven oar*tner left tin! city and procoeded. <o Morrh lat bla*d for tho piliposo of bnVging ti :*1 tire eity Major Warloy, who bad been wounded (hat day. '1 ho boat touched e VI > ... Afrf J ? ?w * * , . : -* *? r , - ? . * /jm* s;. v 11 1 U 1 ?ft?4?li?nd in safety, and taking 6n-board "RJfljor^ Wnrley .started ohvjW relhrn.. iri Tina vitas about eight o'clock Friday \ qvetring* sirita which nothing baa boon ^ hcnrdof the b<h?t m lu. occupants. Tt^ rc is thought, however,, tl? t llm boat and <J< cr<?\v have been cajjturod. .* * Tlio lurmbarditrentJsosiU progrV^tng furiously at tlio time of ekrsinif onr r??* <w port, at Iwolve o'clock 1.1*4 nicrm. " % - " n, [ Cbll>v>V 1th. I ft Evpcuation 'ok Mounts- Isi.axu.?- f, To sum up tho eveu'.s through which ft wo have just pa ssed, .llaUcey WngOer ^|i lias.becn *ul jeeted dining tho last throe g, Jays and nights to the inoat leuilic (ire H) that any earthwork- has undergono in I <M ftH the Annuls oC warfare. fha n?r I fc meme' descending force of the cnoro h i;kju6 I'atrott njnd mort. r shells of thre | t! cac-iny haj] nearly lahl ibw wood work j ft of tho hotohptOofd entirely bare, and |d bad displaced the aljnd to to great :? i ft ilcgrce that the tally porta ate thno^tp entirely Mocked up. '1 ho parallels of ( e the enemy yesterday r.f.ornoort W Iw-en ,?t pushed up to the very mouth of Hal j c ttry lFu?j#rr, and it waa. no logger po* | u slide to distinguish our lire from that j p of tho-. enemy. During tho entire at- i f ternoou tho enemy shelled the sand [ t hills in tho "roar of Daltety Wagner i f (whore our wounded lay) very vigor- | s oukIv- ' c Under these citcumstnn^es, and ir; r\ view of tho difficulties of comitvnnica-' t tion with Cnmming's Point, tho impo*- , * | nihility of longer holding Morris Miami i ? became apparent, and it was dclermin- ( |-<jtl that n renowns rlforls should he j made nt once to release tlio brave gar- ; , tiron of the Island, who seemed to bo i c almost within the enemy ? grxist). This J | desirable rerull was accomplished with i 1: the most commendable proniplitudo and I t success. . " > i \ Al about six o'clock, yesterday nfternooH, the orders f jr the evacuation were " delivered to Colonel Keitt, commanding 1 our forces on tho Island,. Everything r was at o:;co made ready for tho apnn- 1 donntcnt of Batteries Wagner and ' i Gregg. The dead were buried, and, at I h nightfull, the wounded were carefully ' ' removed in barge* to l?<>rt Johnson. ] 1 | Tho guns, which, for so many weeks r IJ.?ad held the foo at bay, ware double.-hotted, ffrerf ami -fpffcrd, the heavier ' piece* vcro dismounted, and the car- 1 riago-rendered worth loss. The prelim * inniy preparations being thus complet- 1 ed, the work of embaikulion was noise- ' Llessiy be<Jt\n, and the brave men of the. N j gnnitou, in forty -barges, were soon s i gl ding frotn thus bench they had held |-' l"80slcH?tiy ntul so Ion*. 1 no c-vacuatiun 1 | \v:t* conducted by Col. Kcitf, assisted I j j by Major lirynn, A. A./G.; and the I 1 I sneers* with which wbat. has alw.-.v* i 1 | been considered una ot tho ino6t dilli- t : I etilt feats of jraifuro has been peri'oint- I ed is worthy of the highest praise. (' Ha'tents Grtgg and Wagner had both I ' | been c.nefully mined, with a view to I blowing thorn up. It wan about one i o'clock this motning w hen the bast thiec " i boats?containing Colonel Kcitt and a | number of hi* otllcers?left the Island, i The alow match" was lighted by Captain t liugueuin at Vaguer. and by Captain I,<-esne at Giegg ;'bnt, owing to some 1 defect in tho fuze-, no explosion took ! nl l/?0 'i I r-? ' f'S'"4 j 'i>ui:ug the evacuation tha enemy wn" .not-idle.* A constant fire of shot! was ] kept sip against Wagner, and his how[ itzvr barges were bneily plviug shout | 11;is s'nje of Mortis h-lawf, to prevent I J tVi? retreat of our men. Hut fy:tiin{}tei ly the\igjit was imnky, and all our I Ivargos, with the exception cf one, con' tail g about twelve or fifteen men, passiii safety. J The nggirgate of rnMialties In the struggle fv-x the island have been, on | our side,. uCout 700'?killed. wounded j and missing. The enemy's' loss is e? ; Miniated at about {5,000. '] lie successful ' ' evacuation, llio glorious defence of: "J f.irfy eight days, is, under all the eirs I cumMances, a moat "gratifying military i event.? Vharletlon Aftrrwyy, *2'h. | Vocso persons have need of strong j teins ; they nio sometimes fiaid to he rrtleiV, easy to be drawn asiJo, and-apt I to to deceived. r.OKH words, like long drese<)*, fro- i quently hide something wrong about , the understanding. Ik you havo a rich nont, don't talk to her about bihiaids atnl brandy and wo1 ter. Executors' Sale. r wILL UKt?)LI), on TiIUlifc!>A*V, , JfLj theJirM tbiy <>} October w<-7, at public Auction, ut t!? plantation <jj R. <). Mo' Clan?lj?o,*iu Omcnvill* pWtfrrfat, IS' *' mi lew alUivo t he Court lluuxe, Vh? folr lowing (JKtperty, belonging to thelhtau: U f. J?ATIIAN A. l^AHTrft, dVaoanort; ; I Throe viHunble NEC! UOJiH, iTami about ; fi."> years old, ? b?v about 1 ft, and A woolen olx>lrt 40. ; i' Also. Abe MAIti: nn<l OOLT. O petr ofj WORK MULKtt, two /pong bjULHH, T,6 . tit-ad of* gtu" Hi J EE J', -I" kljliw {IK )tlS, t(t | 1 or20sT(*vK H(V* . Ufht ' I ! *?f CATfLJi t ih..FHAR.V1>S OS CAHT. he*'"b^umjiAjflrrnK, ami uiutiy olber avfi- I ' 'elfa ntenlioncd. ' TERMS CCML I . K <*. MoCLANAIUN, > P i JOMAC.-C.VKASTEU, s 1 , * Hept: lotw, 1P..A ID :i ar. l>ai!y Carolinian will publish cvwy \ | other <t*y till tiny ?>( Kilo o*-i ?< nd biM lu tli- K::T*ut? r?. nt iivillc. - ; % ' iBk v * . . c - v * - ?W >/ ^ ^ i ??- ? ijfc SS^ip* v'^J*' g^afei?-,: run *liu iJjuffjil /V^rt&jW^rt, ?U In llifti BOTf*6 giv?l4<<WSr< ' still fio?n it, ftjo A > )ci,itiofi \ .1 i. itfwi. rom nil extensive ncn wil\ the soldi?r.vnnd 1t1*f*?rescttV id" pror-pee'ivo wwtus,. ?*t no lime thr.old bo lofb*hi? "*AS?' iond3'At ftort#d:t fra*Mtpr>K*? -x ?^9MH iwi *?ii'.lj coniferfaid? aitijl.>3 of molotbingfor tho naming whiter. * TV' ' Y ' overuuiCnt may :b# nut# lS'.{I'Twtfwy^'S\ iocs. jackel <, pfintab-onp, And ojt;v*l? in printer fpfnnrilteB tHtun fi?ret#? re,4>nt I'fonr, unless cur pcojJa at ome aro induct 1 to go ( ? work at nit onr br?'-e bovs will suffor in u oh' v io coming winter for the want of.rlljrt , rawer* and t-o.cki?mora particularly ir ilia lattffi- arlicta^ Tha-recent camnign into fenu'Tlvaniit?un'precUdcntd in tfcii^war for joirg Anil wo?friat*nu"Wkw^r * > inichas?iins grcATly doPlrootJvQ t*? .Mtloll,in'*. Tim government is doing ils." v(most, to fuipnlv I'l l dei Utt'KUi Ihu* iroducod. hut it will not "do fur tkn*,"' " \"*/" ilends of the M'ldlers nt hopi<> lo fhitl lurir hands *upin?.ly, becrutse thee? <forts are U ing made, believing Unit a - , ' offickuey will bu oHfilncl. 'J'li.a tjnv-* minent supply may be greater (hmi it / f' vaa.Ust win'or, but it i? to bo hoped Hat cur brave soldiers will not be called upoir lo ondire nnvthin-' liko lh? ame amount of snffcring wVnh they <* jxperlenral last winter ntitl ft in winter ireviqus. On the contrary, let ibem bo vaiuily clad"? inado as comfortable n? _ ^ iroumstnuceft will admit?and a hpokl' lie spring find ther.i still in. fife field pilling with I be fo?, . ilicy will lc bet*, cr prepared to withstand the trials ?liich will lhen bcrct hem. Now that n large portion i f otir Army -"the men from Texa?. A rkansas,. Lou. f riana, and poiiions of Missbhippi, Tc-nicwee and Alabama?ore cut oil' fiooi heir friends at hr inn i? icrativo that those not <o ciicti instanced hould raccivo assi.tnnce from their iicnd?, in color that tbo government nay bo, enabled to <lo more for those \ ho cannot he thus aid .<1 and nsMstcJ. Our fair country women .have never ailed 10 respond noldy 1o every call unde upon llion) for the soldier. Whilst ligir Ho?..-is lutve been busily employed 11 pre paiin^ clothing for his body^lhcy iave never cc:i-:cd to cheer rfio soldier villi encouraging wotds and approving aniles. The women cf onr country iave inrulvi the greatest anil noblest saci licet < f '.he v> nr. These same snciificc* nave contributed greatly towards plncng our army and government in their j-re-'ent power and Rtrenoth. In this, lm d.ukost lionr of the ?evolution, they nill not withdraw iheir n si-dittice nor :caso tosmtaiu and cheer the Giddier iti. :he field by eveiy means in their power. \j List every woman in South Carolina ? wlietber wife, mother, rister-or dtloghlev?old and young?who may read this article, go to work at, and each prepare one or more pair* of seeks , apairot driver*, or a shiit, and send ihcni to some soldier in the army, or t?? the Central As-oration in XVilirml ia for general distribution among tbe needy. The men at home should consider it a (peat privilege to contribute to this necessary work. They should (it plueo tnonoy, cloth and thread in the "bands'of-the needy wives, and daughters a: home that thfy may make pp the?? artielea without. too - grout a '.Tciifico upon their pint. Tliev ehctild buy dotltiug and socks froiu those who can not afl'ord to give, and str.d them to lb? soldier. AU can do something, and dovv is the time to begin. T|.is is not a (kdrtty. It is <tvc tpe soldier, who in sacntiwiug his h~ealfh,jprmTl.>i (, conctnituct', Me, perliapalM* life, llml lio houUl bo comfortably clad, ami it dowdies upon those til homy to si c (hat it is donO. *'lfa Shall it be done? The few wr?lei intervening the prestnj time ?Y.d coming cold of winter ?w4lJ Cecido (ho tpiestioh. Each package shan't! he distinctly marked and finwai'ihd to ihc cafe r<f ?Dr. M. LaBordo. nt Colombia, who wilt* cee that it is tafeiy and cx.j.udiwonsdy ? sent oti to their dtRlinaiion. Let the nrlkloe be subbtanlinily made?dhoarrling all Cincy.or needles# labor. Send tho soldier dotkiug which will koeuro bis limbs from tho ptr.chmg frog Is and benumbing enows of the coming winter... It will bo. doubly appreciated by him, earning tht?? from <ha loved ones ot he inc. -IV. 1\ L'RtCK, Army Asrnnt Ctnliul A?e^Ciaiion. j ?Oainp~in "flange Co., V?., Ao?u*Ij ! rfiais. I 4 1V><> M4NY CQKr. i?.Mv\r^ Dcsr.trreKfi tv oNit hLGim;xT,-~The tftccetnry *?f 1 \Vnr having betfome *hli the *iwcl iTTirt between fmrr ?od?ve Koiiditid CoftfedetAtq pi ist/Wois -of w;%r at FoitlXhufnje b *d 1 ?,-?? (bo Ci.Ui ami l>cot( mastered Tuio a ngiiiKnt, .U> l>o railed ihfc oil ilfrylaif!! cavi'i}-, directed lhat (lie pitvoseding should aonirtltd^ ttnd thai they blioulj be returned "to ' thole*!"*' *>"?? in prison. It. whs hj proI fern*!*! ibnl 8<t. .huge jv riUi?iber.< t tormer-tiierv.ios of the UiyUd 8i ales Gov' cirtiycnt in one jvgimeniwouM prove n * [ tli.n^eiou . experiment ; nod it ha* bo?ii | ordered tbnt, (buy shall be I union;' ic-.t n^imciiC^ " * ^rr