University of South Carolina Libraries
W.: . j^K"S\?''* Put That Impudent no?*oi|T While the congregation were collect iajr at oburcb. on a eert^i*?ocea??on, (ft old. d*Hr. hncd-featuaetl. <kip?M bone ?*<. ?hi?ii ?v.??*ting his til> the aide. nkiii.' *i? mr*< near tSe pulpii. The <>ffi> isting *fnini*ter inu one of those who detested, written Me root.*, and as for prayers, he thought that l]ioy Ought (0 he natural outpourings of the heart.'* After'the'ltnging was concluded, t)ie home, as usual, was called to prayer. Tho geuius we base introduced did*not kneel, but leaned bis head deeolionally on the beek of the P?w- Tjje minni^r.began by. saying ': " father ot all, hi every ago,-t>y,aaint # wad pa*fcge adorjd *?M\PopvJI*s?i(d k low, butolear voice ;<?ntinuod," whose 'lrrpfte aitleth on ihe adamantine bills of. Paradise .Milton" "gain Inter.ruptsd the-Voice. Tbe minister's lips qttiv?|pi foe t? moment, but recovering . himself, began, " We thimk Tb'ed, moat . gracious Father, that ?o are permitted to assemble once more in Thy name, wirtlo others, equally merhoriiAis, bot eae favored, bare been carried beyond that- bourne from whiob no traveller returns " ' " Shaks]>earc" interrupted the v??e. Tbi* ww too much- " Put that impudent rascal out," shouted the miuNler. ** Or?ir?aaf,nrjacula4sd the voico, >n tbe same calm but provoking man* (tor. Thk TIostauk Okfickhs.-?In re?]>oose to the announce men' that Oen. Wra, H. F. Lee nwd'Capr. Winder have j boen placed in^confinement at Old Point, ns hostages for the two-Yankefe offijera, Flynn and Sawver, condemned to be| shot-by the Ounfeiierate authorities, onr I commissioner ha* informed the Federal ogWrimrrw '?> llie^Cimfeiiernte Oov eritmt nt will not bo lutimidated by.any eucbl threats, ami that the execution oft said officers will take place rj soon # ? j the Kre*id?ni may see fit. It i* hoped 1 that tha,Executive will seefi; to give j tho# order-for execution immediately ; 11 and as wo iutre now over five hupdied ! Feif&rid officers in -our hand*, Iiesidea j 55 Is ribotisand pHvates, .h is L i.? ' >v? ir tO'Tiffiy . : :i:t.\tjcn Uhk\er\ !/ :t?-.i" v\!i*uit-.? ' ' .c t >vt*l*l?*sdl i ,irii? death of ihele j . o' Y.uj'u- L. .:>: ... is yteU.** to- delay . " ' Vli-i'ttjii'tinl Enquirer. - I " jl-HhM" NJ>. AugU't 2. . lito'Afr ( ttvut.y Fijjht*-- A cavulty ( p.^uc i^.k p]ftr.?ne?tjW,dy Station ya^Ci'day, hetwoetj H iinpt'on'a hiigads j < .. i it .. I..,.t tKu iinnmo I nit 11 rtrr I I uuu vmcf5 *. ?* ^ p. " vy 'l/louj* TliV- OoiiMertslp# final-1 j lv fill back a- l'*?i? ?i;f;int?T support#, j'j tiul tJio ??n?tnv tv.v- ilmn repnhej. ^urij It?i? * m'? 100 killed *n?]w.onode<l.1 Colo , ( nel- linker. roi?iin.iit><itag a biigiule, wrh.| 1 aey ,w<< Jiitlu'd in (he right arnt.j1 Col. Bhtck. 1st Sou\h Carolina j Cavalry, *a? wpuu^ad in the right] h^ncl. JJofh arrived h?jfe l^, afternoon. Col. Young wis# also weunoW. -? J " *. 3V Jotob. W. R. SOUTHERN. son of Miles "and Louisa M. Sotitfh-i-o, dcjutrted this Life. in tire* Manchester Hospital, Richmond, Ya., on the 4th day of January, 1 St'.o., lie bel?H'g?dto the 1st'South Carolina Reirirfiout. "Wtoen in his 17th year, he cidered the ser- . vice of his country, in which 1 o remained , until the day. of hi#- deat^, when he was j removed hiij^*uil the reach of hia enemies. From a child lie bore,a moral character, and always seemed deeply impressed with a sense of that moral obligation which ho owed to his God and to liis father and mother. While in camp, he lived as he had lived at home, and was beloved by all his fellow soidiyrs. Too ipech praise cannot b^ bestowed upou luiynojral worth. He leaves a father and inothw.*brothers and sisters and friends to mourn Lie loss; but they mourn not as those who have no hope. He had not made any open profession of religion, 4*iit from letters written to hia father and mother, and from other circiimstaiiees, leave no doubt that he was changed by grace; therefore let his father ami mother console themselves with the thought that their son has died in tb? noblest of en uses,unit . where the good and brave never fear to die. Mav the erood Lord irive thetn irrncc to bear : , up under this sn-], afflicting diapensn-: , lion of liia providence. And may they look i ( with Ji'.'Cly l.?p?-io Uie day when incy snail | | n>ect tli. ir son wltgre wars never reach -? . His lust word* were tliAt he hoped his relu tions and friends would meet him in Ilea- , vein A FRIEND. ) i _ i i n I tir We are authorized to announce (> Lieut. Colonel WALLACE R. rOOlt a candidate for OLFdULOF COURT for Green- ' villo District, at next ?4aclion. I rar wr! are authorised to announce ' Hou. J AS. FA^tUOW a candidate for re- ,1 . election to the Congreits of tlia Confederate States as Representative from the fifth Con- I giersional District. . .1 ii m i Notice. rpH? AGENCY at Richmond, Va., Cor *- the assistance of South Carolina Tisiop?, has h.-en rethoved to the EN- ' CHANGE IdO'lKL. FRANKLIN stUEET. , . *. .E. P. JONES, Agent.." . Aug 13 . 15 ; 4' OFFICeB . manBiMYMimiK, . DivmrttN. NO. I. > AnaKiwo.j C. H., S. C , Aug. l?t? l.MiH. \ ' nY viVtee of my appointment as Ikiviftoo CMnudsMtry C. A., I ?rn fully ernpowered to empress all suhaietmc.- atorea needed for the Arm v. held bv An/ ailatora L or dtKere,' hording for profft wftMn n?y dl ' fUjjm / . * wiW endeavor.-in lb? dJ*b?rg? of n\f jfrlicntf Aurt . to avoid ? * apparel* } i- r ?.J in'wbri'qM ?rith the of #11 o- r<w nevertheless, I will irmly and ' ? . rl?;n?l* prn?e?<i to itnpresa all subsistence 1 irei ?h#i inav he held hy parties on i SPECULATION, w?: eyl I Ut.Uy warn nil aljuh W> daaiat ?fronri' r j-oreI *?ing supplies nhore the rntes fixed ia ' f>cfiertult o-f Jwprcfnntsal C'emmit?,onert for , - . jf- wt (SMHM All gnod ciufetiS ar^'.Hviterf to extend 1 - Th:a notice, and ren<l#F jif? auoh aaaiatane* ' as will m?at f.predrty rfcwdi?v?V*tMD which I uii'kt yvantuuMy <featroy oar pfcwpecte. I I'rrmjim Imviag aat?Tft*n?e ktpreafor a*le, wilf Wft renfferipg a<ear?1oa ta ti>* country ] Uy promptly offering. the same to me at 1 ANnKkftON G. IL, of to any <>f my Agent#, I who are furnwhwl with tho necessary ae- t thority to purchase.* ? ' ( The position 1 of affair* at Charleston, B. 0., rendVr* prompt action neceaaafy. * ^ K. L. MIMOfft: . op*. and Division CSantttiiHa ry. | i Aug ir? *? l-o . t f I * s '~?+r - .^f- ?.. .,, v. ,.g^ j. y ? ? who ara notTaJallv erenipt' to *mt* far >?rd h once bJni give jueHbeft- b%*ee Vonr ooUotiy caile you lowh ituJ by h?r in this (nighty etriiggU lOr iod?<?eo?n?f. Aud how mii .you r.?i?t I. QrnenviUo has before raifondtd nvbly %>^pnMb that haw* beta made upon a4f% vW I truat UUt now. when th? tin* hna oooaa lor all bo go. uot a man will fliaefchT <" <*1L The company which I Hare thr hWWf I? eoutnaani!, I am paa?t?l to my, U eonipoafd rft- oat anna man, who have eeenoeevioet and who are .gentleman in -aetufc of the wore. .-knsr anKTe fn>m all lf.t* you can at? loch yourself to no IMgtib whose daetjs surpass those of this one, end whose honor do glory will surpass (hat with which JqukfbVo^iW. V rmay be fouad ot the Ooodtott House until the above time. Come forward, sad give me your names, and honor yo dree If and render your services to your Haeaing country. v - - J. h. SOUTW5RK,.. . . . * Cupt Gt>. ?, 1st B. C. Y. Aug is is l Slave Labor for the Coasts Division No. L I TO fill the requisition of the Command e <ing General, and in pursuance ef the orders of his Excellency Governor Booliam, the Commissioners of the ltosds and the Town Authorities of the incorporated towns and villages within the limits of the judicial Districts of l'iekena, Greenville, Hpartsuburg, Auderson. Union, York, Chester, Laurens, Abbeville and Newbery are beroLy required forthwith to summon all person^ in possession of slaves liable to Rood duty, within the limits of their authority, to deliver one fourth of <their slaves liahlo to Iioad duty, at the Railroad Depots nearest the owner's nceidence, on MCiSDAY, the Fourteenth day of September next, in time "fjr the down freight morning train, there to await transportation to Charleston, for thirty d?ys' labor on the fortifications. II. The Legislature, nt its April session, exempt od those who owned but one Road hand from liability ipidsr this Act t hose who own tiro or ihrt* or a fraction over a number divisible by onrfourth wiU send fbrward'one hand f'T-aaoh fraction ; on two owners Jiavlng such /factions, may unite ohd send ohe hand out of every four. III. Overseers, at the rate of oue to every, hundred bauds, ore'not only allowed but | are desired. They are selected by the owners and paid by the Confederate author- I itics at the rate of fifty dollars per month. | IV. "firccipti will be given at the Demote 1 for the negroes,. and they a As assesses In ^Imrbwbn before they are put to.worlr. . V. The Act require* the atteudenco of jne of the Commissioners at each Depot ? 1 tic will be met by an agent auUtorized to eceipt for the negroes. ? ~ -- - YK-O.Wt??ra ore requested to 1 uritieh their legroes wtiu spadss or shovels and three lats' rat-ions. VII. Owners who hire substitutes will s 'uruish me with a copy of the receipt taken ' 'or mieh substitutes. ] Vfll.?It is regarded by the Roads to be ] [>ut in use on this occasion, as dangerous to run" e.rlra trains heavily laden wi'h passengers. It is therefore necessary that those on be upper portioneof the lioads should be in Attendance very early in the motning in time For the regular freight trains ; or they might deliver the negroes the evening beforo to the agent or to she railroad agent, she is authorized to receipt for them. . IX. Charleston, it is hoped apd believed, trill soon he impregnable. If so, the slave labor 01? the State will have accomplished itLabor is yet needed in large quantity to secure this position. The portion of the State now culled on, has pointed out richest treasures of Uoble blood in ttimon tivy Add in this war, wfll it hesitute now when so much is'to'UO accomplished at so little service? Ono earnest, combined effort mhy put tho Statu beyond danger. WM, M. SHANNON, Agent of the State of South Carolina. Camden, S. C., August ltltli, 18tt;l. 15-5 All papers in the Division publish cure each week until 11th September and forward bills to mc. a V ROC LAMATlON. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, > Cuablkstox, August 8, 1863. 1 WHEREAS, by information received at i this Department, it. ftppears t?:ht in , Charleston on .the 24th Deefm.!n,r lagt, a mTtbd "" COLLINS was daboeil in (),e breast by some person or , persons, up to this time unknown, and that ' he said SAML. C0LL1N8 died instantly : Now, therefore, I, M. L. HONHAM, G*Vtrnoi and Commander-in-Chief, in, and ovethe aforesaid State, do laaue this my Proc nutation, offering a reward of Three llun- ' It-ed Dollara for the apprehension and -de- ' ivery of the real Murderer of the said 8AUU ' 20J.LIIS8, into any of Lhe Jails of this < fcalo ; and, if more tbjan one, an additional * Howard of Threo Hundrnif Dollars for each 1 My; wuo ?uun uc provca to i>o an aecoui- 1 plicc. Given*niider my hand and the seal of th? 1 [u a. 1 Ptete, at Charleston, this eighth day * of August, A. D? 1868. 1 M/fc BON'tlAM. Wg, R, lluNTT,ihcntu* of State.'* Aog 18 " UT .* '*" 1 HT Charleston and Columbia papers puUYibh twice Aud otiier papers of the State onto a week fur una mot lb. STATE OF SOUTH CAHOLIJTA^ UKAfXlIIARTERS, ) Cuari,ksto*, August 9, 1868. J r| MIOSV. citizens Who h*ee furnished vol li X eatery Ubor for' coaat Jrf?M4 are V*'" appealed to, to permit that labor en aud aceaatoaod to i|i? wwk.?, la < amain o*a month longer, if so long r?- i juired by tha Commanding General. I tb,m* wliohaaaaot^od can conveniently i lend tpbor, are r#qttestad to do ao at 66oa, tat the Engineer fb-parttucnt can uac mom < ihan it W#? y?t resetvadt ? -t 'rA The above c?U doe* r.pidiepewaa wHW-tbe i ?Ur eulled out by Cal. SWwoon from the n^rd Labor lAatviet; the Kkreutive trifaU * that each eitlaon of that district will Mad.; V? IWr quota. * 1 TUa" labor-will .be, rap#at*d to Major i MPOCA MP** and tha-baada will I ring Ibalr tracing tamlemaata whlob h lie nuthoritie* will rvtjfa. Karh hand.-f! m leaving Iwwi, wW bt' enppJiad With .1 J?rce days cooked fetpHt*. " j M. L. BON 11 AM. Aug 1.1 IS .** 1 fW~ Charleston and Caiuotlda paper# rabiieh three timer, and other paper* Of the Hafte once. J '. i ii um p i mitfiin pMHiiMiiinii 'n0 8#T ** ?t* W. v '1:^ ' lS-1 zxm p nij* of M Ael lyro#fwr*ting tb? tto*Ui G?Mm IbQiKNtnVotKUiil Cnnnh, *W? her-JIUeioLmry Sodiely. . Aog IS if 7*V vLole?al? mad retttl. * ^ .1 1 . ~ C. HAUN. H7"Ho?m oomtr of C???< ?4 y?i ?* ?(? one d#or east of. Dr. SarleV an? rwara. r~ ' " ZSi -!!- % Shirting t Shirting H Shifting!t 1' ' T HAVfe four lhwifMi. ftv?. Hundred X y?rd?ft7 8 &UIRTIffO which f will exchange for Bmm ; on* yard oT bhirvln^ (for one pound of Bacon. . ?! - TnpsiAS aflrKBK,. OrrenfHfo, S. C., August 6th, 1868. - v , Aug ? 14 ? . * ' tf $40 Reward. BROKE Jail, on tho night of th? 1 t?l? that., TII08. JOKKr*, who had been committed for hone steeling. Said Jones is about six feet high, dark skin, dntk luir, derk eyes, and is about 33 Tears old, an?l weighs about 175 pounds I will giro the above irktid for his delivery to mo at "Greenville, or for hi* coiiflnwrtcot in any i#?l is tiouth Carolina, so that I mav ret Turn. . . J. T. "McD ANlfcL, Sheriff of Greenville District. July 23 12 tf Select School. oy Mondey Aug 17th., tjie Subscriber will resume his Isbore. The Students mut others whoHetiro to join the classes, wiltploose to b? punctual In attendance on tliat daj', at 9 o'clock, A. Al. The course of Studies for the Session will .then be arranged. TV.B. LEAHY. . July 23 12 4 RECRUITS WAITED. t"| WILL receive into my GoaupeX nv I, 1*. B. L, A? n few done STOUT ABLE BODIED MEN. t.? serve in HEAVY t ltTII LKHY. This compnny has been, during its existence, stationed upon James Island, i tinder the Immediate command of; "i Moj. Campbell, tvlwrf we aspect to , rerrutin. An application for membership can be at once sent to me and transportation forwarded. Tins op|>oit unity vyill uot extend beyond 150 men.J. R. BOWDFN, Capf. Co I, P. H. k A, JpU"" Address, J. It IJowoi N, Co. I., P. It. L A., Charleston, S. C. July 9 10 tf. VSi?le?, Lrntlittr tturf Shot s. rWlI.LTnn good BIDES for one third. I witl also sell LEATHER AND tllOES at the old price for HIDES ANj> I'ALLOW at the old pticc. Tan Yard mar Kasley's Bridge, Hides may be left at Dr. Dean s, in fropt of the Post, Office. J. A. lvl 11KPATRICK. July 9, 1863 10 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROTIN A. GREENVILLK I>KS 1 liltT. IB EQUITY. Ann Baker, Adgi'x, Are., ) It i 11 Vs. > f"f I James A. linker, et n 1 ) Vo/e of /.dnif,, dv , T>Y the order ol Chief Justice O'neall the i J3 creditor# of Win. I, linker, deceased, i art- no'.ified to hie their demand., with n?c. I within three uioutlj# Yrom this date. Qt i Oth July, 1803. *\YM. M.TUOMAS, c. e. c. p. July 9 ' lU Unt , CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. THE NEXT SESSION of tin | gnB^, CLASSICAL AND ENtlLHjll ? S<' 11 < M11.. rocentij estabHshid l?? , TfSSr Professors EDWAdtDS and .11" It ( <?Sl^ SON, with tin- approbation vif tin | Hoard of' Trustees of Fnriunu I'niversify, , during tlw susjMiision of th? Exorcises of the . University, will open at the University Build- ! lag, OK THE TH1HD AUGUST, and embrace two quarter* of tell week# Clieh. Trims?$10 per quarter, with 50 cents for ' incidental expenses, phvabio in advance. (food Hoarding cmi bo had at l?ii per month. The utmost watch-care will be exercised over the morals of the pupils. For further information address Professor P. C. Enw.Mius, Greenville, S. C. July 9 10 R Salt: salt:: ARRIVED, a fine lot of Wilmington made SALT, and lnnnuhu lured hv us. which uioy L>? bad at rca^cintblo prim, at w lioiesule >r retail. C.EORUE HKbDMAXX X CO Mar 10 40 tf OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSAHY, CliAni.raro*, 8. C.,'July 24lh, 1803. HAVING br*n appointed CHIEF COM- < MJSSARY for the State ol South Cn olina, with approval of the Secretary of t (S'ar, wlfb iuelructiona to divide the State in,o Division*, for the proper collection and liatrihutlon of biippliva, ] l^uve divide*! the Rata into five Divisions, for each of w-liirli Divisions ft Division ConiMiiaanry hna b?en appointed by Ihe Commiavionary General. Division No. 1, Capt. N. L. SIMONS, l?iriaion Comudaaary.leJnbraoea lha Districts ?f l'iekeoa, Anderaon, Greenville, Abbeville, and part of Hdgefleld adjoining. Division No. ?, C?pt 9. C. MEANS, Di virion Cotr.mtarionury, embrace* the Iria> trieta of Spartaubarg., Laurens, Union, Nawberry, and part of Edgefield. l>ivision No. 3, Copt. J. D. WITHER91'OQN, Division Cotntuiaaary, entbraofaUte' Diatriota of York, Cbaetnr, Fairfield, Lon carter, Kershaw and Richland. Diviaion No. 4, Capf. JOHN F. RILKY, Di virion (/ uiQiiiiiMiry, enibraoea the Xria trhefi of Darlington, OfatiMburgh, Barnwell, Colleton and part of Edgefield. Ifiviatfin No. 6. Capt. WM. NKTTMCS, Acting Diviaion Cet*n>i*e*ry eiolirncea the Districts of Oheetdrfiakl Marlboro' Marion, J Dofl ingtoD, Sumter, WUluuftskurg and J < Clarendon. t The Diviaion Cpnamiwary will publish K ? list of th?ir aol> Conioiaaarica and Ageute a* < soon he tbrv are appointed. . t I gach Division Commissary is f*rnU)<?d t with the power of impressment, sad will, f whan n?o*s#ary tor the subsistence of the J srtoy, impress subsistence store* .within t their Divisions bought tor sale, paying ee- s sorting to the rate* fixed by the eobedaJa i of the Impressment Commissioners, Hpes- 4 sistors are w>r?ed not to offer for sub}!*- f tenee price# beyond those fixed by this t iehodalc , ^ ^ * '*' *t Ho Cowitoiesary ?y Oovsrament Agent o from any quarter ir-a?thorir.e<t, under any pretext, to make pthehsm* of anhektepce ? tores in this Auts/exsqA vndsr-SHa order* ? of the Division Commissaries above named. It beiawtha design of the ttegrStary of War to prevent <-ornpetition between the Commis- j ssrfe# of different Btatns, the Division Coed-"' miseries dre instructed, therefore, to pro. blfcit InMrfcrtaea within their Divisions,*to prevent the shipment of ssppiiw pure!) send J by CosMsboane* or Commissary . Aaunu, n under other then their authority, and to fi impress the stores If necessary. * ? H. O. wU KRIV, s Major tind C. S. h Aog a 14 ' 8 *x jj Country papers please insert three times, p tud forward Mill to Major Ml Ouerin. 4 ? * n 'i?n K B.W r-^RM AH ACT f*W?0lfhA ? IWunlwr Miry. j Tkj> Conirtu ot the 0lmft4?nte 8?iwi of America do enact, That the President of tbd Cos (Morals States it hereby authorised t toreoeireintothc service of the Government J priyata armed reseats, to be organised into J a sslfattw nayy, and to wnolotsnimb I mission oCctrs for the same,, -who shall sits during ths war, sstta soose^is- 1 be established : JVoeAo?o?r*r. That no ???1W leaaoapnclty than ana hundMd tons 4 dnlifct received Into said vo?Xrtite?r service. Sac 2. Any patron or persons applying for. sets lee under this act shall arm, man, pro vtda apd fnmHh vhs vreeal -or veraele to ba [ ?aad at hinsur thair own ex pease, and. shell " tarnish in .writing to the Seeretarr ol tha * Ntvjr the name, armament and character of such thiiIi ...,1 ?h. at the nar. 0 6m to be commissioned m officers,-with th? (VidtliH of their charsro ter and fitness for the ear vice ; aad?if in the judgment of the President the vessel or vessels shall be fit for the service, end the parties named a? office^ he worthy to coin, mend, the President imII be anthorlred to reeeive each tHtel or vessels into ill* .vol- . unteer navy of the Confedfeirate State* of . America, and to commission the .oncers for the Mme to serve during the whr, unices * sooner discharged. *ro. 8. The grades of commissioned officers r of U14 volsMtvrtwtf ihtttbe a? follows; eonmin uder, first lieutenant, second lirutrn- 0 ant, assistsnt surgeon, and first and.seeond nasfstant enginrerer And )lie President may direct the Secretary of the Navy lit Issue warrants to such masters, boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and antKmnkera aa lie may deem necessary for such service, and ill * pay of the officers and ere w, shs\ll he as follows : Nor a commander,, tvvepfyflve dollars per month ; for a first lieutenant, twenty dollars per month ; for 11 teeomfj lieutenant, fifteen dollars per month"; for an assistant surgeon, fifteen dollars per month ; t . f r an assistant engineer, fiftecil dollar* per | month; for e second assistant enginter ten | 0 dollars per month; for Warrant officers,! !'. ten dollars per month ; for"- seamen, j *' fire dollars per month ; bat such pay shall j " he giVen o*ty for sea service. And the | President may prescribe a uniform fyr die j . officers and seamen ; nr.d when ony vessel * or vessels shall he prepared fof service and received under the provisons of Ihis act, it on 11'fry shall ho under the control and direction of the President: and subject toj?ll the aws, rules end regulations of the regular navy of the Confederate Slates, except, as . >1 her wise provided for in this net. It shall > lw the duty of the eotiinininler of every such j rcssel to transmit to the Secretary of the ?*' WavV, as carlv as practicable after the m* 1, [attixation of Iilr ?eew. a d?N?jdptlre fl't " hereof, together with a duplicate ol their |Y hipping articles or enlistment rolls, and of f|' he contract, between ownvi a, officers, and r?w, for the division of prize mono*". Src. 4. That, the vessels of the volunteer ^ vary arc aulhorikrd to scire, capture. and] lertrny upon the sea or w ithin the ebb and j i..W of ll.~ t.i.U all .a?..I. I Sj ? ly pri 1i?- I'mlKl Slat*.*, ami of tla** c'llivm t1 ?f: and ninety f?er c<nt. of the value of all | ^ Mich onhtuttj. lo?a the cost* ami expense* ^ ?f adjudication, ?b*ll be forfviteal nud secure j to the benefit of the owner*, tilKcer*. anal erews of thy verne-l* making such capture^ i ' ami nil Vvesel* nml properly captured a* l?l'Haiil 'fhiill be pi needed nguSnsC anil I ( adjmlie.-Ued aa in o?h?-r oneea ?.f prize Under I llie law* of the Confederate S'atea which | ?pc hereby extended over ilia mine ; j?nd | jlite proceed* jeetuing from snyli condom- j nations slinll bo d stribniod under orders of i the court having juriedU-tion thereof, ae- j cording to the wiitfen agreement between j the parties entitled to I lie name; hut i| ' lh< re lie no aaeh Written" agreement. then ! . mio half fo ilia owner* of the r?*?>l, and J . llie other linlf to the offias ra nnd otvwa, no- L.-ording t-o the rules pi c*cribed for fire di.? [j" rit.ution of pi ixo money in I lie regular nary. j Sm\ 5. All vesal*. good- and vflVcta th- i . impeltv of any citizen of the Coiilederati- J <tute?, or of any persona rv-: !;r.: in mii- ! * lor the protection of tlic Confederate S'u'c*. i ?r of the persons permanently within ll|0. i erritories nml under the protection ?>( any ! loreign prine*. (iovcmnient or State in aiu I ty with the Colifrilernle States, w hirh shall , In aava been captured by the forces of llm ( ? United -State* of Aiiit ih-o, nml ri captured; th ay vessels commissioned under this act,' el faall h? restored to thu lnwlul fvtr.aers, up- j ti ill payment hy I h in of u juel UTub rvmvn ; in ilde salvage, to lie determined hy tlits . t', igrcenieiit ??f the puti. s mutually concern- v< rd, or hy the dee fee of any Court having I na -ompet. nt jurisdiction. And salvage!*! dinll be dlstribiiteal amongst, the owners, j et fficei* and civ wh of the vinecls making such , ni apttires, aeeorfittg to the ni.miier nnd up- i e* u the nrincijdea heretofore provided forth ' h? rases of capture and prize. | p| F?\ 6. Ttic owner*, officers ai d crews of, Ll '??sels comtnUnioneal under this art, ahull aw >e entitled, to receive from the Tiensury of j w| he Confederate States twenty live per cent. j un f. the value of every .armed vessel, or 'mil j aa lary or naval trnnsport in the service of i he Ire United States, which they may bum, I ryj ink or destroy, and the mid of twenty-five | cii Hilars fa>r every ju isoneroapturvdop board iicli vessel or transport and brought into lie Confederate Stales. And tlie Secretary .4 f the Navy is hereby authorized to distrimtc the compensation accruing under this ,.au. i.. ai. . ?? ? *' ? ... m.... or. Mir- Wiv rinciple# are as hrroiiikfrurc provider! in pn ascs of pi ice* ne.1 capture, nil <|U??tloDs of ?f elative or u<>iuii.nt.<1 rank lulwcon the v} ejrnlar and volunteer Xavy iliiili be decld m d by I be President. - p Sec. 7. The rt-mniuing ten per cent, of all ^ >rizo ami comix-neat ion money, accruing indrr tlii* act, shall be paid into t he Tresstry of tbe Confederate State*, to l>e held bybe Government aa a fund for the maintain ^ inee tii such p<u?ans a* may be wounded, tud of the widows sod orphan* of thoeo , lUtii while engaged in soeh servlae, to be isaigiied and distributed as shall hereafter >c provided for by low. ? Ai Approved April 18, 1868. 15-4 P* . ... - - - * - - M 4 X A CT to Authorize tj** J)i*chnry* of C'rr vj tain (Soil Offletrt from the Military Srr vie# of Ik* ConfitUrmte State. \ The Congress of Lh* Confederate States of# of \m.-rica do enact, That any* officer, Don-" -ommJeaioncd officer or priva'a 'Daw in aa he military servico of the Confederate ? ttutee, who *bas been elected or appointed th .nice entering mi aervice, or Willi rosy ?? tereaflor be.aUeted or appointed attenatwi U* >r JUpruwtatirt 1a CongreM, or in aay V< Hate Legiftlatnre, a Judge, of the CJrtuir, Watriet or Superior Cortrt# of law or ei|uiy io any Ftate of the Confederacy, riUtrict ^ illorpej, clerk .of aOy court pf record, tbertf. ordinary, judge of any court of probate. . lolloctor Of mate tax**, not to eaeeed on* , or oach coaoty, par tali recorder, upon ,r iirolabiag Uta Hetretary of Wnr -a Hit e*i- . " leneo of mob election mr appotattoant, tf ao * ' tOioer, hie resignation aboil be promptly leeopted, and ? a-Oow,eomotlaaio?e?l oOtoer " Approved AprM 4, 1908. 13-4 J? IN A CT t* Preside for Conti.-v***? in 8*r- mi MM Stamen Oild'Ordiftare Statprn now 10 en Me Sortie* pf Me Cqn/edtrai, State*. llio Ooograaa ol tbcjCoofc.ierate $iatea of * I ma ah an downaet, Tbat aO ?*tm*n andoodi- ^ aey aaanaen now-in the eervice of the Coo. ?j ?d?rat*0utaa, between tha agea ofelgLUee tH nd fortw-flVe agd wbofa term of acpriee ~*1 rill expert before Mb did of ttie war, tbatt >*? e rvntiMted in tha aarrtoe-for three pears ai roan the date of Uierr original eatabi^* icnt, oolea* the waraball have eoooer o#cd PK Approved April ?7lflWS. " 14^ . P" f war.mlMl S^"3^?t2?T'2ft^ 8cJj?? of lw IwtT br wd 'U* Wtllif ivIbotrMd to raploT for Mrvfa on boora of veMtb, used >r owned .by tho UoWffcdwate Bute* for purmo* of maning tbo blocked* of any of Ui* j >ort* of tlvo 0*>bd?r?tf, the mo#I skillful ploU, on ?n?h term* no.lo blm?*tytll MM ** * and .requisite lo aeon re thejr firVWr. ither by the mootb or the alogleiir rotfnd Tinprwod *P*\ d.UJC?L # - lft-9. ' i y A QT tg Ckemgv (A? Q)h of EnfimnerS ** xVrrrjr- e"V?#V ~ **The Congreae of nie Confederate St4fe? of Iroeriaa do **&*? That the twelve tragiiw*|n,tk N*vy authorised by the act > amber. tbree hundred and ehrty-two, epiraved Aprjljffrcnty-firah eighteen hundred ihd ix4jr-twov shatT hereafter be known >0(1 (Uilgn?t?l'W CW?T r?. - , Approved April 4, 1663. lS^i ] l,V AOTfor the. Belief of Certain Officer* of the A'ary nmi the Uarine Corp*. The Can ip-cm of tit a ConfAlerate,State* of tmerica do eneqt, Tltut the Secretary of tie Yfnvy oaurO to be pnitl to thoec pfficor* lllie Nrtvv "and Marine Cntyt whoreaigned com the .Navy and Murine forj>? of the TWtvd Stale# In eonaeqiienee of sceearIon. and who were arreded and itnptfohnd In consequence of atteh reeignaiiont and' clto aol?ar<j(ieMtl* joltird tin* Navy and Me^ fneOotpe of tWftmfiMfrdtf Si*tea, leave f abafnoe, pay for ai d during tl)? terra of in n imprisonment. and up to the time of kadi* sppninfment'in th'e h'aVy tnd Marine type of 'he Confederate Statue. Approved April II. l?6o. . 1&7-2 . Of XT JtESfH.UTiOX .Arthur; rior, the /Viefmoefri* lireeroI to Exttnd the Time foe Jfeetirfiirf fli'tf* far Trrbeeir.rtot'OH of the 'Jfrtiti in the Stnt'-rf Therein A<nuert. JloWved ! ? the Congress of the Confedrate SUt?o of America, That the Pustmaepr fianera) bo, and Ira ia .hereby, outhor ;ed to' extend tli? time for receiving and pening Idjn for the t ra or porta t ion of the tnila in the States of Vil^tlnfa, North Cnro mo. South Carolina, Ctuergla nnd Florida titil tli# fiiet day of May next. ' v Appiovtd Apil 11, 1803. 13-2 [.Viler to Atnm.l At, 3e# Entitled " An An 'to Authorize the Sreretn, y ,,f the Vary Mole t'ertoin duttmet* Without A'Irrrfimtmrj for J'ro/ioeale." Approved . 1 tepoet 7V. *f yXinth, One Thoueuud Eight Hundred runt Xijrttf. One. i The Congress of tty> Confederate Si alee of merien do enaet. That the nti>Vr entitled J?1 > " i < ..t ow <<UI<I<UI U n < mi miutorizo !l?f r?a etnrv of I l?o Navy, in.cnse he should deem ? MLtractW nil ?u>plio? r#ifred tot- the Navy ilftoUt'nAV?iil?ni|r for nponal* ne required l<y InVi: 7*rf>rnM, lis act alia II expire nI I be end of the pros' it war. " - ApiwotoAApril 11,18C3. ... 18-2 A' <|V) T ta Frruiftl Coutrartnr* for Co trying I<4r Moil* of lie ('iMt frtlrrtilr Sttitr* II ml lie j brim of l'o*l ('uicitt ami Hark* front | iltlilary Srrrivr. The Congreaa of the Conf-deratr Statesof meiiea ilo enact. That the fontrntjiim for trryum Uwninlltol ilicCetifolftstcStslw tell he exempt from the p,c?foiinaiioe of lilitnry duty in the atmies of the Con fed etie Smte^, from nlid nftrr lh?? passage of lis net dnriliti lllu lime Ih^V lire Mtcli con aolore: Prun* Jed, That. no more ihau one infractor sio.ll he exempt on any one route, lid thuthio more tlmn one nieini ei of etiy rin of co il meter* alntU l>? exempt, and no infractor on any route <f less llinn ten tiles in leii"tii ami on whieh the mail is irried on horse shall i?eexempt under this ft ; and if one or more members of any : leh firm lie exempt fi om mre or otlmr cause I urn the pi-rforuuvnec of military nitty, the] I her iiietniier or nieinliem of audi til in oLinll ) ill lie exempt by this ael. oil aeconnt of sing mail eonlrucior: Ami proritbJ fari<r, Tluit no pel eon to whom a contraat r carrying' the imiiis ht'ay be Intnsferre.i I'll the consent-of the I'oat OlBi-c Departeds, afl?-r I lie piiK<aire ol this act, shall be ioinpt ft'oui military nnice on that ncinnt. Sir. 2. Tiiol the driver* of poat-eoaebe* and elsa f<?r carrviiqj the mails, on all routes Iters t|ie weight of the m.irils require*thai lev should Ite carried in tenches o' hacks, oil tar exempt from military service iu ? ? of Ibo tV?-fe.deraU Slate's from | ui slier in* passage of this act, n ling as J ,! )' poullime to' he employ?*il as >ueli ?lti; *: Pfoiidrd, The inhtrnclnrahv whom! iy such driver U employed shall take ami ' ilwfrilii- mi onlh.lo'be furnixhed to the | trolling oflieer, that the" weight-of thai ails on hie route requires ilia iiae'of eoaelior hacks for their conveyance, ?n<1 that has not n gran lei* number of drivers emoycil in Ills Servian I halt, are indisprnMc to rinild* him to fulfil his contract for rrving tbc mails, mid ilmt he will not iiifc ? contrnetTir. employ a greater nuher of ilri\VM than may be indirfpenbly iitecasary for that purpose, and thnt i *111 give notice to the varolii tic oflReer lien any such driver ceases to Lie in hie iploynie?t. * Approved April 11,18?ri. A* A CT to Allotp JJinort to hold Com Missions is 'As Army. . . ' * * The Congress of tbftflonfederate Mtatca of lieriefc do enact, Thai fntm and after the issajje of this a?**. commissions in the Army tlie Confederate .State*, and In the Pro sional Amuv of tlia Confederate Btntee, ay be issued to person* under twenty one. ars of age, except in the case of oak com iso are required by law to give hot id. Approved April 16, 18-j .- %#r' - - "> X AjTT to A*thnriar the Jo-rrft of the Compensation of Mmtt* A<j*n(?, and to JocVsmss the Prr JJiem AJlmleases fo SprciaLAj/rott of tk* Pott- (tyre iMpttrhutut. The Congrsac'of the Confederate States ot met ica do enact, Tk$t from aim after the i usage of thlaactt the maximum com pen- . tioii to Jp paid to route agents in the seres of the L'oWe-ffice Department, shall not ieoed twelve hundred H'dlam per annum. Bar.. 1 That from and after the passage ' this act, the a* 11 tin I compensation of eai^l agcirts of the Poet tXHee Department all be sixteen hundred duller* per annum ; ><1 they ehall ahm be allowed the rwn of Iree dollar* per day .for their traveling id medical eaNmm, while notually atvlg*d ,h? traveling ou the lot micas of the rfertmeDt. t Approved April 10, 186.1. IJWI H ACT lo P.ttuhli*A it Pit/erred Vail Atrott Ik* ]ft*eft?>/tpi Hirer. The Coagrew of U>? Confederate States America At enact. That the roetinaeter moral of the Ooofederato rtUUfie author id to establish a teeil fouls for tka more eedy traaaniia?k>n of ietfteriat.d dtapatehee ly between tli# States lying east and. oee lying weesof theHinUaefcpi river.? etagc on raaH (setter to he rant by said ate ehalihoprepaid atfheratcof Iffty cents eaob half ounce; hut in calculating the flnhi of wh mail igattor. aor had ion of ounce lase than a^ilf 6hall WregerdlS ' a-Ualt ouuee. " ?. a - ' She. ItCetten and dispatches for the sta hereby authorised shall twrefrsf^A toweUMieh reaaktiyAii the proesut libng, forwniding pud dillslljaphffcsgd ' ul matter ba ealiTreuU'.and Waey ap. r the money arlrieg, fiAm time to ?fcse. ni the* paetn~o there** 4fc \lt?8 etophfr % oldiar of lh? iurnty^bju 7^^^^ "t,v* jJ V,f,w-(W WXlHBllt^u, tfito re*;rlotton shall uol afftM tb? fttokiC "S?4? ibiBaksr menis ot ine ior?*oiog secuou, it u &?ttby *>**? the duty of commanding cfficeiT& , companies, to state-Upon the master Anq payroils of their oompanlet the lenath of time any officer or soldier lias been a Went there; from, without leave of competent authority i sluce the prerions payment," when the d?c uotion oi pay fot Wflh absence will Wf Made by tt)e f ;qnaite*TW??ter .fraw I Ha amount otherwise due the officer or soldier; aod any commander of a atattjanVwho shall fail to uoteauch'abscnea on tha muster and . pay-rolls of tha company shall lie required to refund to the Government the amount forfeited by such absent officer dr* soldier, unless it shall olrradv'h^cw heap received from the officer or soldier so abteak S. Offiers shall ^certify. Upon honor on their pay aeoounis'whether tbey bavq or hav.e not bean absent without leave by competent au'lioHfy, within the thus rod which they claim pay ; nud if absent withjftit leave, they shall sfute. in jheir ?sriil|-1 antes the tiius nod period of such absences,.| In like manner, icnn ma tiding officers of I ecnipnnle# shall certify on honor on th*lr pay accounts that Iht'r httvs stated /ally , and correctly on the muster and' pay twin of their companies the length of tints eeth ? .fficcr and soldier of the company has been absent without leave since thu last payment of the company. Hr.c 4. Tlmt this not shall not l>c construed to relieve any officer or private from j nny other penalty to which he may be lie1' bin by.existing laws or regulations. Approved April 16, 1S03. 13-2 AX ACT In A in < ml the ?SVi-rr?f Aria /Vnrri/c itttj tkt xnntfr nf fubli*H?fl fAc /.lite* IISt/ Jfrtolulinn* of Ike Vonftiirmlfi ' ' The Congrees ol tha Confederate Slates of America dp enact, That it shell be the finly j of the Attorney General to'select from 111# la w? and resolutions of the present n'nd future sessions of the Congress elicit as may be of n public hot ore, and which in his judgment, require {immediate puMieallon, nnd cause the same to be inserted weekly, for four weeks, in three puhlie gaxettcs published In each State, selecting suclt gnrcite* ns sl.all, in h!l JifrtjjHiif'nl, ti'.net genefnllv distribute the lnw-t and resolutions through ' the" entire iftnita of the several Stales; Sw. 2. Any pilnter or (publisher Who may desire to print, and puLU-h an edition of the laws of the Confederate States, tnpy do so at his own expense end for his.own benefit"; end the Attorney- General shall grant, a certificate ol authenticalipn lo any, such edition of the laws as shall conform to- the standard now required for the printing i.i .i i-.kiiictiiion 01 ii>* iiitva. Any cdllion of the lft wa ro nulhentlent nl rhnll nvatlfbr nil pnrporej (or which the otlk-ial publico tlun mny now lm impiI. Apptoved April 16, IMS. 1S-2 i' .1 .V ACT in A mix ! " Ah .1'' /?? /.Viit/ot the Itnri nii nf /??'/inii ,l(fnV?." Tit# Onn^ivim of-tii* Onf derate Sinter of A me i Ion do rnaet, That I hi* rccond ?ce lion of nn net entitled " nn net to crlnblbdi tins bureau of Indian nflGnlrr," approved ' March 1 At It, 1R61. hero amended or (lint the Clerk notioni**<l ther.ln ninj* l>u apjioinletl without the udvice and consent of llio Senate. Approved Apiil Ifi. IPfil. 18-2 An A*t Explanatory of An Act. Fntifled "An Act. to Authoilze the l'reviilejit to Accept and Place in the Scrr ice C< rtftln ' Keciuieiitrnio! But liilionr Herctofofcjtair. ed." Approved on the Eleventh def of Out oher, Eighteen IrandreJ niid Sixty. Two." Tlie CiinfftcM of the Ouofelenit# Stater of /.Mieiion do ennet. That the second wtion of the net entitled " An Act to authorise the Prerdent to accept iwnl nlnoe in the nervier certain regiment* nml haUnlinmt heretofore raiecd."approved oil klieeleventli day of October, in tlie year une tbomaud jdjjht hundred and sixty tvrn, rhnll no' J*?u mo cod'tiHHal a a to ftothopiie any g-nernl officer la appolnl fitly ?f the offh'fr* of aoid , regiment* end iwUtnlinnr?- that raid r*ui inenta and battalion* ,-linll linve the riuhl tviti.m ninety day*, on n day to be fixed by the commander of the Inign'de fur Hint psr; pore, In i.Vrf ruch officer* a* volunteer#have heretofore hecn authored to elect: /Vor'rfrd, that UiU not rhnll not npydy to ary care where ruelt office-hfu heretofore been filkd by cheti?Mi. Approved April 16,1963. 13-2 AN ACT for tlie Relief of Certain Officeyv and Soldier* from tlie State of MUeonri. The Coftjpcaa of the Coafrdcmte Stale* of ' America do ennet. Tbntthe mm of #erenlj(r \ live thousand dollars be nnd h hereby, ap. prnj'lifted, out of any money in Hie Treat ury not otlierwise appropriated, to pay Hy* f oftieerr an?1 men of the Mi sour! Stste'^nnrd, ' (after thfeir transfer to the Uori filler ate Htoter.l who. from inimirunramt. al&enre aodolher accidental tmtw, lui*^ ildl ccirM their j>?y, under- nui'k ritki ?nd **%' ulationa na the Secretary of War may pMicribf. ApptOred Aprtl-16, 16?s. 18-2 AS ACT to ?slaMi?t u A it re ahil J/iaiaoj lUrtau. ' Tlie ConurcM of tb? Confederate SUint ( of America do enact, Thnt the officer* uu.- , thorlftd and'appointed tinder tlie-aetcotitlod "An not for the orgnntmlUni of c , cwrp* of ortiecm for the working of rdtra , cave* Ac.," i?w?ed (lie eleventh of April, , one tboneand right hundred jtnd aixty-twa, ^ togetLer with aueli additional uffinwra a* are authorized hy the pruvieionn of iliia oft. , shall conatiVit* an independent bureau of ( Xjie War D.-parlwent, to,!*# entitled "The ( Kit r* and Alining Burr an." , , ffoa 2. It* it fnrlksr enact of, Thai aaid r Ilura/n thai) have charge ?.f all the dfttiei | prescribed ia the aeaoud section of aa)d act, i and ahal) bcaldee be charged with all 4otfee and expenaea connected with Uio mining of iron, copper, lead, eon), io .ro far m(t ahull ha deemed nreeaaary to euppt^lha ptfHtary nrea?alrtra ef.tiia country t MM' the enper intendrnt t hereof shot). ond?r th*Serrfta.v of War, bare full powur 4o nank^ooek I ana at , of raal oatata and purebimey of fOitt aa 1, are neceaaary or eppflrt?tM|i>4'to Any mi oca , it naay deem expedient to fpeo or work on | i l>wver?ment<weewBt?s?di*w #l#o#ontr?ek j ul'jerl to M* approvof of th? b?rit*rj of Wor, for ?u?)i ntirehnoo #r otb- r1 rwiM, of nil coppor, IrAd, iroO, 600), gibe tfe^erasr.:? u "w* -j H?<-, 8. further rnmoUd, ThM wll1 ' Buroon (ball ?nwi*t of ni)i tlnKum ,w Cotopel pottuporintoiuUnf, Uir?? Moj^r* tt , AaoUUnt faprrinteiHiiwto, ttxibuploH* ?n4 , ton Ltmtrnnnl*, in wbioh j ?bo ?A??n nf Um Rkoo fmutuvi lb>Miinf% >ml Bhnfli*pr> . tori Urt for officer* of ra?*ky~of J^o tfnmo . M^Qfe, C>** | *'iyw*a ApMI y, 1?\ rAn<i!ctW>l?hS59^l*<*# NrtSSo^aSt 1 Th/cu#$rc*i of th# CooMorftU SbtM' ' * * ???1 tn tit lid to t ConfcderaU SUtt*i or M??W*ren or citU?h?. of Mich KM Wo, Wiay Tior *1 WV ofcifl 4nitf, ?8 oy cJtlwn or fc111j?*? off*y flW? &r T?mdb ; tory of the Conf<xTrmtH5Ut;Wr or. (wy p*r-w oil or persons ?*iJiog Of found t lie Hi hi, In T I)i*?rict Court of th#'X3o?foieinl*<h?U'#, -<i 4k?r? K'Ait* m?V Uo.hoJMo'* eny etodW ^ IS,.t&j3si5^teK9B ?(Stain, hi (ha ..ra. l$ni>?r ail! to'U.e ? >?'* fxtoot, ni is now wftfMrd by ?ct of tW?? gmr, ?,d the trrnt/ wlU.U>* Cbcrkte NjrfT" Ikflv, for euit? nt Uv^r li eagtyr bfctweeilT ?<7 S?l. of QohMftf ?r+?6&>,o' hben or (MiMM f?t rnvit Stntc, nn.l 4*MV) cfliixeti of citiwMw of (Mioh 1 ndloii Ktiion, oP? * prison of f>or*'?n? forking or fbUtl U>ur?dn?4*i , Approved Aprfi i7, Itflp. I8-S ? ' "* 1 ' ?2|0' UK?i> 1 V? A if ACf h* A til ?or ia* Ihe PtcahfHI lander} * AV*v?r</* fur U*t A[>p>tJir.t*ioh IV Ofcnfgrr*i ofthe CaiiM??p fhtwefl Ao'rHws, do eilaH, Thnt- t lifcl'r?*l(lrnl nnlhotirod <o -off?-rM?itiil)lp r*svutile'fop tl:o>^o rppreflcnrlctr of fugitive* frqm JushVo, t>p4t?J? to e*c?r<t;ln any Ih'e mi'di eflwo tlic<tVwi{ mud doll?rr. ' ' j .? twl "* Approved April 2Y, fiCfl. 18-2 to " Z .*?*? - - (No. 60. ^ -oiyil AN ACTto Amend (k* Jt**t ' ftrrlinH of Afl^t Act enlitfad A* A el' to Amend Mr " I.anMUt Itela/ine tti #vir<wyxiiult?n of the vi'ffyer;i* - *trv*?f tfra Co*tfed* ml* Plain" Ajfrotttfy. A/orrA Viftiajf, Kifhtyon I/tattfr^d n*??f - Sfarfy <mr. HiV O^atfrrr* ofvhr Oufedrj-nlr $t sirs of to ' AjhcrJen. do moot. That the firrt Villon pf "tlif Vid- net by, nnd the Mine 1), htrcbvA, amended, by ftrtkh??? nnVth* word iron . U-V?jn tl?i Tcath Uwr. im.T inMwL tiii(tth? " or," nk)U tfcr aoifef; t^ie* rcoA, "for ?lr?telnCf" htiHettrente mri.. '. . criminal iiifortftolion'flVa tk?ll?r?.'' *? 5S>? ' Approved. April 87. *???. Sl7?5 - ' $ atr thr FjtUrn -Toy A tto<r*y til Snhfirrt ThUxiUd for thfly fit <!?< rlti tugr the City of JtitbtMood. ' .jr -1' TU* l'wfcr??? oftW Confederate Sfjyles rrf Amttiem, <ht <?na?t,.TInn Ihc.xtm piy now f nllow c<l s detailed tp potfoHii tl^p ?1t> Me* of clerk*In nny of th-puldie ?ffie< * Sit < llteeily of Mielmmnd, by rraVon of tT.pir < ? plivtuenl <lf**l?i!ity to ?crvc in tkelieKl, elinll U "he iucreo*r<l flinti'iwmiv fifeet>M* per*<ley y to one <]< J|hr per da)-, from nfttl alter tiie pas-'Vc?nope of Ihl.* net.. . * ft , Appro veil* April 37, ISftS. - 13- 3 4?. . ' :j ??- * ?* '"?^3rTK^ pCo. hAf AJt'JCT to A tut ml An Art Kutitlrtl !' A>t4 Act to iirrjniaU lwf>rcx*jnt*l iiy J>j$ti.rrof{ the - -' - ' * Jnot The Copgreaa oflbe O inrederKi.T^lafm.yfcf - v" Amnio* d<> *nnr?. Th?t ht all cumn?-?f rtjf & pmiai-iurnt rpror'el-d for ii? iW net, if.#* 4 ofTn-er -bivpce/aing 11ve property lirfTf, if 111* bo)iero Ulo jJWrnl<umtat to !. fninrn'd jiulV* on4?r*u opon U hU npjn-o\at1; if Hop, hip oboir endop*? upon It Mb refcaona Ittg.nftd deliver liw mm? aolrli h ri't-efjvfc-fifr* Um> property Hppreeend) the mrrtor, CTi' ' "irtui, or attorney, on<l e? amin ivi phieMep ' lile form-ore! it copy of tit# n^elpf HJttTffp-' prafocmcot^ hereof t-aihe bonrdof npjw niaTrm appoiti I od by "the TV^UaTa nifthe crrior Ct-llic State,: mKA~ak*)rjjpTtW'-4h?, anme and make a. final valuation,- W lW gtve just compeiie >ih>n fer^he fn-npertyy tak? it, mriiieh iwtlnaMon*hail l#*'|tfiidllur p I ope r Department.,-far t?*<? t?f wf:jofs ctvft pi o|M-rly vaa t?k#n, oa rliorarlifhjitc-of apprniaer*,-** provided in the ad of Wliltl* lliii i* atoaiptalory. . , 4"_ . Apprtrt ed April 27/- "* |S-4 ,Vn * A .V ACT to A*th"ri*r the iff nf right per tmat 4k 1*' ?r OoniAcpttt in Cirtttto VAaea. ' Vhf Congrw at thr f'o?f. <leratc>fltafra <4 Aprtiea do enact. That lli* Sk-rrrtorv of tk? Treasury W ?n<) k? Is U or why oajrhnnsed lo bsu? and -dollveo U<*JU Or serif? o?t?rv.?>fJ K<?4k of Hut Confederal r SUI?,^iinii?K OVkt pse rent volMost por nrrttydyiy >*<b an amount as'may be necessary iv jpJ^-haK'j ' tllUKffii?m< entered iulff prior 4o ^he oflirMiuW, I?A?, wMr^noo do' ware #?iM and (Urlt ?er?sf lo I hi gu*ernm?nf, aiidtfc* vendor. lit the tlm* of sad* net*?dt to reer!** Imndr or stook- in poytftpfit *f th? mica : nndthaoakl hottfitor Mtafttksyboor note oa ths day of or oatho-doy" tbo vendor was entitled to revel * , paytnrnt; hut if dated oa thaday yf ieo*% >h?Jntor??t rhk-b vrodM have anantsd hid the botda > or atook- beoto Wuad oa the day tlio e?mJar w*a; entitled la Wfflu them < dull be twki, A?d iko.sftd bonds or stork iltall bo foruod osdsr ttwaswe forms, oofcli - { dans and restrlcWfif yg art provided In tlio id ?n titled >* ? not tonruYiJ* fujethkr . nfMM fan tUa sappott of ll/e government," r ?f>)woT?d 12V?i April. a?J IboiiacreU ry of fbo Treasury shall, also, bo M^lhotli rd to Who Mm bonds u? any who than bare cotunlly mUX RiOSfjr ?4lo l)ie Isolds of and agent of ths I****") - *>* tho-.f l?u^H<ioo of eight par art*.iwMi'of tbe-#n? , Tumlrad iMtllr9oK??t jHpakoths twriitlelli Pobruory, IMS. * <*? < , Apptwyod April |t? >**! , 18-t > ^ .4.V ACT* T,~,m.ry JiU*. r Tha <Wmm of the fWrda#* States of ! Itntrlea da ?** . T^ai tho TrfMMnr.katos wukorlwdrTo W Imwsd, ktuWdbw^"'"- * esttsraasKTC Were tar v of lbs Treasury shall <iir? e?. j _ ' AH^Wd April 17, lf*?. lM. ? ? I ? - i* fjf ACT AV.Xttng Hotpitrtl A'.communion? ts nod tfooarfsif Ofleor*, .. l ? ?wfr? MMH n* arinweA hHMIMMni^UtlorM In ittffoi ft) ft o*p M4 MnrwoCon. *M <4le?p b? ha atlal t X*arth*U*a W ??WiBr?M "miV The ' >*r9*?* * (itrfL t>^p**pptrtfawi of ?rt- '4k, V thirty dmiUMf .!*? tenant, a?d . Pfft > < ? ^bu.^Sj [?C!w?1SJ f?y < Inwh'u. madtoyShr druwtaf **?? rkfttf M u io ^ iih?W?i?tir?**t?. ." ? 4; > Appro** Afrtlw, ! ?>.: !?-*