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tSNr , y I P*- ^ ^555e^,(3 r-' ' ' "fT*''^ ' *: pi ?? pmce & uatt ,pvv !\ lit . X^VRnfldEM*J?S . ramesiaau^gSt 1?M. tnr Ufa fltaf |o?wW^>?YPOty-flt?; liltaprybmlMaitlafQ no5ec?, Ttfljtatrii <>f I nim aa- rireMit- I i|Kt in without tj? nutiiUr ) ii)F<-rtJoiipv?jw< iftoil, wlH bo published""until lorcd out end elwrjfrd for aocnrdinjtly. taff-Ptoroor.a HMnjt at u diaTktuo may conatB hoW much their l.iHn will- u uiuun l to, uyUkU<Ytovotf word* to tflr line. I n, far i'^Vf '[ O}1 urn' > JwtrtEjoESf^ UxePrfbWecttoth? Soldiert of the T- ^ Cdofedefato 8tatos. Rftrr mora than 1 wq ymr* bf.?. wnrflir* freely eVwialfoJ In the nni|jl>*r, magnitude, il loitrfiu'rarOMO of.lta battles; a warfare arW^.viMir^pjirnga tn'fl fortitude Kara |Jir*ir<l ry^ir country and ?t?p*<Med jMQ fj' grntitXidiS at lioino, bitf autuirntion <p"'l. aneintM continue a struggle piiich ntir final triumph \mitat. l?a iuevit*.I [ Unduly, elated wllli,l)itir rrarnl auetlicy iinu::iiiy that temporary raver-. Kan quell y?ui rpurit or *hake your <Joand they arc now *iti tiering MT.v ?nn?*e* f?>V a general inrastnfr in the E lt?pe that by n ?]e*p<\yU effort aueMsmy at length be reached. |?u know too well, my countrymen. whaV H ttteau by euccoae. Their- malignant HfaiiMS^t nothing lesa than thar exter Ktioo It ypui^civc", your wive* and I fir. 'I lo pluml-r. Yfc^pfftpmr m theypoila orj tll?f roiir liani** ebnll b# jmrlf" nt?< nj; tlio-vIiom ?t roclons es fmve stomped in fumy on thrlrOo* u?r Tiny ?l?*#i?<* lo incite-nervile in , inn and iii?ht thf firrenf inrendinrism v*t '-bev Mn wicb vour homn, an J cimiiili ihtlftfrrkir nUr, hW??ri<? do<b contented, by p^nniidnif indulgence vWt?e? pM?bui* #Ml\f (irir* wf tr?*?k[k #?Y{ li^h* li'atiilkf in prrrail . t y-l^itlmnle. wwfitM, not <1(tiinir to mutt race ! -( )!;< v di'iidd H? hurled f.'?>m their power* tbo njcjr vhynnv rub* in t Vn-i.iniffiMt refuse nv>n to confer r?a tt>e wlYntHmr-nti cm) todntrfttzc* which HflVgrieeiinj- A to n ua.tetb.ii ^ ffc *?n' wht according to the ! 8pis of ci\ UigiH M?t). ; \ nn si'ernniive is J* ft von II v or i*it^*t?aftnd. d*very and the of T<?ni yf*, firjdfte# ab>fyour IV fwry ife within rowr reach. , Iwt etw-tch forth Venr hand* to For tKi* nnd afl that le >#<n who araculhrd to 4b# hoi J by dive that can more ^t# human ?nol promptly rrjutir to the post i4h>ykl atuud by their caH.radc? ml of <!? tor, ami thu# to strength* ' mi. a of I ho CtMi??ih*raey n> to on- > ' m. TH? iiem noyr absent frotn%. would,. 11 preecjit* In the th-bl, Mntt? numerical 0(|UA*lity between nil lhut of the invaders?and rtr any (U|iruach tfr eoch .Ofiunlity, failed to bs i lciuripM? 1". I LeHvtre J fow-of tbojc- absent are aiduaied to Mtrill/clrnwiiittj-; many have fnirtnl -it dWlbxilt. to tc*V(.t?tmn of ? visit to their , id llw jovol one* front whom ihoy n At Lf>t?g separated-; th*> other# for teai|*or*ry attention to "their . itli the intention of returning, Btwl c clmitik fi tiro Uu> er?i?ee?p?piiar* at. >httion ef (bify-J that others h*e? v* left thnir P#?ta. feonrotwr<v t?*t? iml rksire ot cImiiiw. i*?hvnil?tin<. Ijiphrnidiftgo of Jit* f*r.*ei,no*, by -|H;p. Mi.gTittWf that his individual tsrvirr* J Uiivti o? iufiucnc* ou tbft g#o?ra] Polirse ami other r*ny? f?Ult*>t?h far Is* tSnii the Jrsfre to troid dsnirsrf ff ewapo (rtsu Ut* sa^iftero reqn?rei>-t>y IWlietnJ', 4?jK- rvBTerthelewi, ^ti.>vo?? Is, and rdeof tha ii<iia> oitf ?<eh>e#?l Wry. and ?1 erythinK ws held d?nr, minih*nt peril. I rt-psm that the men k now owt ?Uly to theie. cg^ry, who been calUd-nul*r?d hovo not yotWfmw? 1 [of duty, or who htv? fti?s*nUii ?Oia rt* from tUslr posts, aiwmftieient in umlio secure ? skUtfjr in the Imfgtrww ball on yon, Ihen, my emintprtim*, W ton I* your ??irif?S 1ft oli?<lrfc?( fcr th? jetvs of honor and Of ho who hoTO itMntcJ thrm?rl*AwMlIsave, or who-h*T0 remained slam he id tbo period allowed hy Ihi^rfkrWIjw, fkrpair wilhont delay to their respectivetoiund*. sad I do hooobwdoolsfw thai I it (ronerftl pardon Mil amnesty to *11 leu and men wtthf*' Us* OanMsruy, IT absent without Ida re, who ihstl, with t.]?*s& pi Milrie delay set rim to Ureir prop |oMi of doty, hut no amuse will bo re k qroi for any delay W?w? twenty fe JLpHlw ?Bt puhU.Mlort of thia prooimonLf ? <? tha Rtate in wbi?h iha ahaaotaa mar 'Sht th? data oT tha piddieetton. Thta fButf and pardnfi ahell extend to all who hA b**i aocuaed, or trhoUt* betn *dh tihU-i and ore uadergphMr aeutence forabjay' without Irate, # Senertian, exceptMHHBonly tboaa wHonevf bo?n twice conhWA) of dccfrtioV , V /^ nallr, I cj*Uy*a m'j countrywomen? the E^Hfaa, mother*, aiateraaod daughter* ot (lie v ? to ??< the.if all-po tearful in It aN of tf >U ejJl/To Jfl ana crown K^S^taoriftaa Vh ttioae which their patrioti mi | > J^Kao tilgl wl constantly offerM on tliatr BHHHpti r'? wUr, and V> tale oarc that none MflB owe ear*lea la the fluid ahatl ba abalhom^ d Isl^M '"* * " ^ r? . * r ^ . # ^ w v - ' :V-;: * .- *v* |'$k:g?fltra ??taS ..' Our Moiko?"Kcma) HlrhiMo An '* .. V , ? 1 GRtExvwxfi, a o. . ; i TbTtrstiai Horning, August 13, r863: " .-. ' '. ;.., ..? . ? i ' fw Tim memliera of the Butltr , Guard* Sisterhood, roJ alt otWl who feel disposed, are requested 4o mAet oft | McIWs Hall, on ifttto-y, nih iiut.; , for tjbc purpose ofJVfeakww ?F tmde*- j dOiiiing for ib*'1*H3pr tfciands. AIT , tboso who have taken socks or . gloves , to knit,will please brinar them in. 1.~. ?* , s ? ? ... ~ ' 4 APgr Corwci?pt? wishing to tolun- j teer.. into an excellent company of in 1 fanlry, should call at thu Geouletl 1 House and leave their names with Capt. j J. L. Sotritmaw, cotninanHing Compn '< by K, 1st Ilegiment, 8. C. V.t who wi-he# to ioak? accessior.a to his com- \ wand. Its an excellent choice, and cue \ which tboy will not regret making. , ( 'The Broofcs Troop. " , Wo have bfen permitted to make the I following #xtract* ftotn a private letter ^ received from Cnpt. LsokauD Wiixiams, 1 of the. Troop. 'The nem <?f ilie death j of Lieot. t'lwnce IVnifths, wilt bfc'rV-' ? ccived with deep regret by Ids many t friends and ahqusint^nces. IJw imme- t ^rrmtr" familjr" Have the commiseration * of the entire Town. ^ . . The letter is.dated thu ftJ iitet., from {, camp-near Clipper, Va. ? 14 VeMerdav W? had another of il?* 1 most desperate fight*-of ilrt> arar, for the numbers engaged. The Yankee* ^ crossed the Rappahannock in tan?* f fur re : one-or tvo ,Ulvi-iun* of cavalry, j ami one of infantry. Our btigade met 1 ilicjrt, which did not number more limn * 800 men. We.were opposed. I judge,' ' by five timet oor nmuWr. The fight j lusted from 12 o'clock till near night.? r We U*t a good many men in wounded I received a flesh wound in the lower t pari of the neck and shoulder, from a " pistol allot ;" it is slight, and 1 hope to * te well in 1en da) a or two weeks. 1 r received like shot in% hand to hand en- p counter. 1 ttsed my sabro cn hi mi - to ? some purpose, though he got away. I c regret , to tcK yon that Lieut, l'ierce " 13. ^ViJUams received a wound from , which he died this morning. Win. s '14u'tnp*on received a slight wound ib < lire little fluger; OanftTnghana ami lJftyj""* each slightly wounded l>y a shell; Hoi- ^ low ay a- serious wound in the side; , Canity and Tbomburg also . received I alight wodmK My eotnpany also had ' tinec taftp* killed anJ four wounded. Mtf nDiliutaiul nmltJilir rsflUw.1 ? >? ?* ""77 ' J "7 < than any .other in lite regiment. I re- , grel the death of I.ietit. William*; lie \ war a good ofiieei^ brave soldier, and a ' gentleman. Campbell William* and 1 Stephen Smith were taken prironere * while in attendance upon Lieut. Wil- j lianu. 1 he wound* of rny men are ail | ao Slight thAt.uone of them but .llollo- i way have, been tent to (lie hospital. I' 1 IVn wtlh tlvtt rejirsent, but Dr. Taylor ' adtriaee me to go to a house for a tow , daya, which I tbi"k I will do termor- t /our. I think toy wound will heal up 1 in the eehrae of twd wedca it farlkeel. 1 my MM behaved well ki the fight. l<4i g?nd many were not engaged : some | dotadred, aome rick, other* bad disabled j hortea. 1 have a company of fighting ' tkiya; they have proved tkemselvea on *? manf oecitious. ? sincerely ajmpe- ( ihizo with Mrs. Williams'and her fawi- , ly. Pierce, I here no doubt, wee the j favorite of the family ; hia death will < bring doop sorrow upon tberp" Ricumoud, Anguat 0. The French Army in Mexico,?Gen, i rorev't qrapetc* to the French Minister ' of War, dated June .1 Oth, says: aJ ' bare jau entered the City of Mexico^ at j the head of the a>?ny. The whole pt>f>utstlon of the city resetted the army | with enthusiasm which bordered on do- , liriurn, and the soldier* of France were ( literally crashed under the aferwars of garlands and boqecCa. 1 hatre bee* present with ail tlietffoere of the staff at a T$ Deumin the magaifleent cathedral of this ?<apitsl, aao- the immense crowd reeelead me wflh crtcsof F1W V . Smpmnr. TMs pofKiletion Uroogly rfcaitca order, Justice and Uherty. In , raphes to tbefr iiiirhedoHshM. I ajvte promised them these, in the tuMMf * X5SS|?or. * ^ > * tn 'aI'ssaua Ecsctiqw,?The re4, tome eo far, say a tli o Montgomery Ad?ent?er, srliiea beyond question the I ejeotla* of Mr. Watu te the office of i Owyfte^ by ? large majority. Meters. ? Cttdkahao6?, Chffton and OlwntMi are < #*hkO#pp^e?Al repreeeoUii*eK 5 3 y-i ^ 7 m * ,r y v I ^^MiweBge^ippw&tee.iii i iwi1 r *' ' "' U.*?*> -.-." i_ ^ ,.; " ;; I *^ -,"** f *? _'" ~4 f ^ " ..w 'HH.ii'n M." n ag jhts oj thq #mth, arii fc.-Jt JtfiMfi. JSditots?We ?r? somewhat surprised thai ? caeoellies seribendi " ; should influence ua ia such very warm weather * You are a*are (bat it U ****** iusopporlably hoi, and a July j and August cum ia no respecter iff per- 1 tOfta# rK ? - ... <? <*+ ' We profess to hare mi?ch sympathy For, attd to exercise many rirteee to aHT ' M11I oomfort enr soldiers, and to illafite their suffering* whilst on their dreary round* of det^, exposed to the in:tenifcftcv cf a Winter campaign. Speaking of soldiefe, dear Enterprise, mils our Attention U>nn article, which we ippeud, and which. forcibly at ruck m, i few dnvs since. . Comment could nad.-, hi tome length, upm it, and-, eottld that we could wield the pen of " bo u'reatly Writer* gladljr would we fo so i?f this emergency. .We agree Still tha editorial notice of the Coit?n talcs, and yet we would wi*h to eryoy litf epithet of ** Tool * for a whife.-*-. .1 I'criiy. we do, at the present crisis, need j i dictator. u Desperate diseases rn> |otre desperate reuisdies." Not one who will ttrurp au hnriiv, ir.olo than \ ie Musi undtreianJ ia placed in his owe'r, but otv? who, vmdmtUitiding the j ?lertalt and objtcla of his country, and mving-rtrrA power,'will-only exert it or the weal and welfare of bis country ?1tW?W be Itimrp, should be transcend he power, gisett him. he is only ooa mWoa, apd we can easily rkl our .-el res , f him, in more retry* that) ope. I tShu?gh, however, of DlcrAruannir. rhich idea we know will be ?eotf?d at ty -ell. We know nad could predict cm# things without tlie kit* of * | n-tyjthet. ' The article IwTow contains a notice of s 4 .*!_ . aill ?- m wmuniH \rtuefw, -v?e nave never j o-en a c??n*cript, and mt?*t own thai we I ire surprised (o see ntiy' one who o* . wcia!!}' those who can rend ntid wlio d ?a* kepi himself "-pr*?led V im rrgartl o this war.; knowing and fueling thai, le M inWrrMeJ, (but hi* all depend* < i|W'?i ihe Bi'CC.'Kaa <>f our uiiiik. IK igh o l 1 digre-* with the. perspiration? J nv thought* are Running, loo. Number*, who are liable to-Con?crip { inn, are "let off" by our c<>mcri|tt of \ ieer*,. Lecati*;, forsooth, they have a lick tongue and uiany power* of irmi ' a Hotly are fanif, or bare numerous did u?f?, of whose locality tlivj* a?o not ] ven.aware. . A ba-ket of pent-he*. an He!lotion (o i* our Aoww," ami the re-, apitnlaiion of acme of " the many rvil* v?Uu.h flesh is Loir to,'* and from rhicb her dear brother i* *nlTeHng, by * orps fair tinier who i? solicitous that bo i liould hot jf->4o l\ta A0ur. lMeading* , nuanating from fair lipa are riiftieuW of , weikMhcevw*4 th? 44 eon?^?!pt fc?<bct ** a ret t Aw e3i?tn^-.ion U given, u Con-' re<fer/tl* *nrgeoii appends nis signature, hry are in the employ and v power of ;h? enrolling ?>fli<-er?in 'be power,.not iter ally, but burn intcrrtt. We bare numbers of " enrolling ofkert". ?rbo never bare, and never will tain lite anil (at sixty cent* per pound) bey eat ill their bread. Numbers of 1 hem do not enrol two men during tf?e j *e?-k ;.*oti)o, not three men a month. A 1.1. UmI^I .1 ? - , w.v 1V? I ?( menu T|?I l?|ll !ers " generally are, and should they not prove no dilatory and incompetent on the 5eld, ?* they do as " enrolling oRicers," ibey would make as good soldier* n< toy they may hope to enrol. l)o they not wi?h to eerve their couulry f They lay they do! (!) There me enough 1 men over forty-live years of age, who 1 will yladly and mors competently fill I he position of * enrol ling otBoers," and | men who wilt report all who are liable. Of course " conscript officers " do not care for position ; they are on(y anxious to #rri'<* their country (!) Then, in the ft tat batch of conscripts let them take a i place aud go into the ranks. Our remarks apply to the over-fed, impudent Quartermasters and Jtutlroad officials. And allow' o#, Meiers. Kditors, to olane amongst such, as tfiose who should go, many of our preachera. fconse gag engaged in " running the blockade," others in Speculation?not speculation but trior lion?endeavoring and riskiugtheir til to 'gain " filthy lucre," forgetting * Christ and Mini rriii<irtai " PmmK ?ra haveao Iwehnwe with politict, bat ikculd ba mbat tbey be, 4 Follow#* mmk aad lowlj * wo." ' ' .. Kxcaaetoe tor to long a | Lime intruded upoe pour valuable tirof tad epeoe. BeWw you bWtfee article | to which we hac# alluded. . CON^EJl^ATSf^rfe, A* Pa* Vuro. ( **try Bodf EwuL IWe is a great deal of iogtala the ' trilole below, MA tb? man b a fool who i want* * dictator: [JVom tkt Mm** TeUfirapX ] 1 WhaiRbeald BeneW II.LA OKVII L*, O A , 1 I J?ly lltb, 180S. ( i Mm. CuewrAa a ciilwa of tbe I oe? /ladaJa i-aatarl 1 avUVHlWtaMa| UiM I* the imiMm of ikk revolution, 1 aek 1 Ma in yoor ethanae to aufcajt far \ V ''"T' **' ' * v lW [' _*; * -r *" .U'?|^ " \ i ; Sir i.invi i, li'i'.. Ur "f .V v?" '"' ^ K-P^PTTl lABOLHfl, IHBBMAY MO m# t'resutont to e*U Gongre* together within twenty diye. 'T , & Congress to pass a law repealing all law* which in any-way allow exempt tion? rxctpt for physical disability.' 3. Coucriptiug oftleere be allowed sixty day* la which W complete their work, after the passage of .men law, and tT?Ch to'be ordered io the field. ^4r. Congress to lbe place of their eutatitures. , * 5. Conscripting oftoera be instructed to take all able bodied u?u wiiktmi rs yard toyya, " A..- * ' * If necessary to the execution-of those law* make Mr. Davis I delator for a ?peelft?d jfir*." . . 7. All able bodied men who refuse to go or who desert from the field to be reported to the proper oflleer* and their property tr*l>e confiscated, and composo a pari of the Milking fund to reimburse the Io??rs of our cHizeue by the casualties of am There have been in tfrti ranks of* tho ConfWderato ?nuy??o? hundred and sevetjty five thousand substitutes I The experience of every eohMer-t* that tlicy are, as a c1*m, totally Worthies*, nnd fn nin* cases ont <>f ten have deserted. There are now in tire Confederate States iwoie than one hundred thousand | exempts, who are- capable of military duty?clergymen, physicians, scWd l each era, rwafT contractors, < .facers of thj. trtfliia, oreraers, owoea of twenty hands, Ao? nil of-whom, ought to Ire made to fight foe their property or ought to be deprived of ij.? Extend the age to foity-fir* and we can raiut tiflv tlumennd more. One hundred thousand able bodied m-n can be found, who rue over f.rty five and un ler <me hundred. Organize the old men for home defence and-to protect our railroads fr??m oavnliv. Hy tb**e law*; Mr. Editor. fo\tr liun dred and twenty lite (423.000) thousand fresh troops can he put iu the Cold. With these triuCifwinniU, ?# a ill c??niptes a peace Ik for?? Christmas. WiVlt out saute such notion, prompt mid immediate, onr funic is, in tuy bumble jud^iisent. da'k Mini uloourv. S1..1! ..... e -.T *i--. ???n r v f"w% ? ?* TH Mil II) th fence ol our all, or " shall wm Ihi-r dm lelu*ive )>hnTiiuin t4 a Vimkeo gU;i)d shall be ?tMiU>ti?*d in orehouse I - .. Frcm cur Occasional Correspondent. Coir*Bt*, S. C. Aug. l*t. J)ear Enterprise?1 have just returnid ffom a ri?it la den. Johnston's Army n Mi**., and will giv* yon a short acsount of the condition and w elfme of our ft. C. troop* in that distant part ??t tho Confederacy. Tlie ol-jecl of my visit, ?M to carry a lot of testaments to ?lUtributa among lb cm from ibo Ihiptist f.'olportaga Society of thi* Stale. Tim K. it. t'ondoclora on every road, were so gen?*out as to pass mr, and the boxes gratis, to my destination, except on* I1i>?iisippian, who coubl only do ao for tfie dollars and cents, ns be express sd himself. On tbo Alabama and Miss. It. K. we bad an accident to the trnin^J in #hicb one rpan was crushed to death instantly, a*d ten wounded... The man killed was * Teaan, hail .been wounded three times, taken prieoner three timet, tnd was?tben dbchaiged and going to jee hft mother. II* bad not aeen. her | for two years, and just before he was killed, he wee soeakinsr of the nleasure ? ' s it would give liitn to meet his lorlng mother, at (bat place, of all others in this world the dearest. But without one moment's warning, bo waa called to his long home in eternity, How uncertain is lift! IIow mysterious the ways of Ood! .. When I arrived at Jackson, our forces' v i * e V were er.gaghd with the enemy ou the weal side of Peart River, and for four (lays afterwards, in the entrenchments they lay for eight days, with the foe near them to eboot if they showed their beads above the works. Gen. Gut's Brigade did not suffer very much, thoagh a srpall number were killed (I do not remember the number) and some wounded. .K was held as a reserve. The teas ha Rvsm' Brigade was awe heavy, ft had a position in the ens' treAchrneats. The long march from the Big Black and the expoeure in the eu> trenchmewtrt, want of exercise, and a fall tuffteiency of food and good water, made ntiitc a snntur liuk. and wbm want t.? iWae* dteribdte* to tha ftoepiuU. at Rnlerpri?^ niw>, nod Lauderdale Spring*, Ifcw *heee hoepilala are ? 7 ptpMitt porition, fee *?* W?eraWy good. 1 Uj are in the * <**#?, wiftr no tenia,. and very fo?r UaaMtfk Batioae ar* light, bat from fee look* fMb* wen tbejr do not naffer hmat Wnprn Jbn lata reverse* hadjt Fa, y' ^to retrieve taa pad L - N v y <4 A -i - >/. ... ? , . *, '* ' ' 4 I , "V? , .? -? **- ? > ? ' ?? "*'"X ~~ * "tfi * f r '? j, " ul ^otcfcttge ambtig a! toisa. acgusti%"im~ diWcwtune*. Confidence is ewterUinwd m Gen. Johnston's ability to lead tbetnto victory, When'be baa a fair chance. This mny be raid of the whole army. I met with a cordial reception' from oitr Carolina d bov*;H the more so, wlien tbey learned I bed testaments far them. Great destitution prevails in this one thing; very few I found who bad a copy of the word of God. They (del. thorn in the retreat from UliOtk^ wij?i_ their clothing and it was impossible to obtain them in Mississippi. . After 1 had given all away I had, tbt^e'were many still anxiously -inquiring where they' oould get a'copy. {JTundreds of oopiesf' are needed, yet to supply the denii and. -They aro destitute of reading mailer "of, any kind ; and can we, who have Accessto libraries at any time, have a jpaWsiW ception of what ll is lobe yrllitely dut off from Itooks ? especially tbwscriptures. I , Can we suffer tbetn to remain >n,this destitute condition, alien it Js in our power to supply them ! Topers, pam-1 ' phiets, miscellaneous books of any kind (mo/al o* rctfgious) would be acceptable. And every bou-e in tho country have more or less of ibein. Tbey could be sent | to the depositories of tire various missionary societies in our State, and then by tho missionaries to those brave men who are making so many sacrifices for us. I make this suggestion for tlic consideration of the patents, wives, sisters, and childreu if those far away. They Jiave acted their part well, so far, tor our [.soldiers, but there is much yet to be-itccomplished. There is quite a religious fueling among litem, and if ihev.ean bo still long enough for the chaplains to ' prosecute their woik we slmll Lear joy- ! ful news from them. _\Vtt btntr li/.iw, *\ ' I ? - ...... mm ?nc nmo will | shortly e> me, when huudrHb of ihoso| good soldiers of !?? * cotinJiy. MmII become t'iiiiifill tvluieii of ilie cross of : Ikliot. Y'.nr rulv. ; ' I*. H AWKINS. From U?c Southern Pivshytccian. Army Correipoiidrrc. Camp on lii-.ritK.vT. 17th Keg't.S. C. V., . July 21. 130.1. J)ccr .\fr /MitnrJ This i? tho anniL?W?ny of Mnnassa-. l.-t. Its consecrated hour?, enervating ns the sun ?he>U hi* influence here, arouso me to ihe performance of my<lc? anothrT letter after the smoke of battle ha* cleared away fro in the trenches of Vick-bmg. Yes, sir. tlie stnoka WU rolled away, ami .-o havo wo in double j quick time; md well we did, far Grant i know vve'l we were approaching his | rear, and the moment lie had settled i with lVmbertoH, he had nothing to do, 1 .but turn upon our little army with his uttte farce. A mystery, deep, and painful hangs over the fall of Vieksbtirg. \Ve were cwennipt'd for weeks ill lieaej ing of her bombardment, leisurely pre- I pacing for lu-r relief; report after report, I was brought through Co us 'dial all was well?that sixlv days rations were still on hand?lint lYinherton was confi' dent, and tlie people wete confident of success, even though uo relief came in that time?that the ladies, even, wore visiting and moving id anil the streets as if nothing of more than ordinary mo-' meiit was tra?*t?iiihl??iliMt llvwlv frolicking and dancing weio 1U0 uiiler of the U?) All of thi?, or the substance of *11 of this And mote, wa? day bx day reiterated in the columns of tbe Mi?*i??ijipixn, of Jackson. Our Array carps caught thesAme spirit of confidence, And received the order 22J Juno, to march foe 1 the Dig Dlack with u shoot of exultation. ' Two days severe matching, the weather wa? oppiesaivelj hot, with -little water, brought uh somewhat fatigue*! and foot wore, in three >nites of the Dig Black. J It was the 2d of July, and liere on. the ' Birdsong Farm, on flie hill* around h large Artificial pond, we bivouacked and 1 rested. -? >' *-? Fatigue, boat and bad water now began to show their effects in the midden- ' ir increased sick nee* among the map.?Diarrtttua, dysentery and bilious fever, became rife; my field hospital was crowded with not a particle of any thing 1 An tionrl * ? il.*. -I^L ?? ?- 1 - ' IV IIIO SlUk, t" A I'tj?I rt limited supply of medicine* ; there *w ' not even a candle in tb?# chest, by which to dress a- wound or administer a dose of medicine at night; Ouo o'clock at night, July G, .Uto order caino to resume the march . lp?ra<d* the' liig Ulack, Evan's brigade in frotft. Quickly the camp was a scene of com motion, and harried * preparation, but the inert interesting paint of excitement, was the fiehl boephai. What was to he done willt the siek f Doctor, many cried at once, " what uiost. watflQ 1" The question wan not easily answered, and still ?ore difficult was it to discriminate-accurately between the nenliy aioft end the malingerer* out of the crowds as aewbled around (he surgeon*. A divis y ion vjaa, however, ^hhi wade, and abrigade hpapital established on Opo -of Jhe bHk Where the Mek were to l*? kA witff suitable ^attendants. . . *h a fsw minutes the line ?rea formed, \ eed (fan oolimin in motion. The spirits ef (he men bad not deuhtwsf, the ipoVetami was stW f(?rwa,d, e??! this alunor gflhis onergv nnd <bww to the soldier.? Slowly ana ittyuljr are had marched. ? about a mflo tbnntgtt, the dim moonI'*^ ' .. x # _ , *. * " ' ^ - " ; , ; " mi y V1^ y,j.- 'JUjJMUPUJ BE .' 1 llli.BS hght, when eaddcnly 9n officer ir aeen ] spbr/inghls horse towards the front of .1 tit# line; 0*fe oompsSMitl .ball quickbh follows, ami afcftoat ?? qulcurfy f8#as> tounding a?wt is porting front ?rtd??r to rol.lier, " Viekaburg Km fqilto." i The surrounding darkovsv, bid from I view the disappointment agd mortification dcpicUdupwshe feces of jn alt, ' end "sad as the gloom of nigbl fell npop oar ears, the com mam) * eoatiter-nsaroh '3 baLia'i'T.; battalion', right face, by file lnfl. niarvli," &* then and there., we b?- * gen a retreat,vwbiob fW-pmnvt ion and suflpfring bad never been' experienced, j 'freen by the veterans of the brigade in ; the campaigns tff iHaryJand StKj Viraihfa/ - '\ a The main body of the army had not i yet, of course., moved from the encampment 90 the pond, and we were again i balled there,' till the march or retreat 1 could be properly ?rgnoixed.- This was eHeeled by 5 o'clock in. the (UQttHtg, and-then agfctn arose the important | otteetionl What 'shall be done with tne sick? They could not be transported, no regiment had more than a single I ambulance, and could the poor flfllows > straggle after us, and escape the flying caralry of the enemy who wore ^ure to 1 pursae ! This was tho only alter native, and assembling the sick of nvy own regiment around me, I gave, them tha required certificates, the Jurtflffctjoos sugN gosted by U?e exigiqdT, and started them on their painfuf march, ahead of ' the column, on a road parallel to the on? we were 1o occupy. Scmo of these inen were ill of ferer," ' and the greater number well nig!, ex- ' hausted iron) diarrhoea, with had food; 1 yet strange to tell, they nil made good | their escape ; there is not one, I believe, ' who can not l>e accounted for as aafe in ho*pilai or in tho regiment. When 1 thev could no longer march, ihejrwooJd ( stop at some piivat? bouse, iHT-rtifB- * ctetvlly re-ted to go on again. Th? 1 sickest of them were helped on by the 1 cavalry, who protected our rear, and in J this way the moat of them got up with I us in tint? to witness or take a pari in 1 (he contest at Jackson. The sun, I thiak, was already up, when vc began our retrograde march from Birdsong's farm. To Sonth XJJaroliuians the day w*- :,**d?ii?eij iiot and sultry; no r?in had fallen for weeks; | the road was a bed of fine, penetrating ( lime dust, peculiar to toe country, and as the'lorg line of weary men dragged , itself slowly alowg, it rose Jiigh above ( the trees, and rested upon tho tnor- . in; column-like a pall of deulii. Mile succeeded nfile w.itbout a drop of water k for tho fainting, except here and Jliere } a solitary cistern in some farm yard, * around which the mon would tush together in a dtn?o struggling mass, each one suiting'to atuitch at least, a cupful J ?>f tlu jpi ecious beverage. By 10 o'clock, the weary and fainting were failing J speechlewa ou the road sides, and hum ; dieds of straggler* hanging in the rear, j despite jenr guards and thi pursuing ( etiomy. The surgeons, of course rode in the i?ar of-lh'sir regiments, prepared with opium nod other stimulants for | ready'application. I succeeded in getting j severAl of tny men in. private houses, whb overtook us V\>? following night.? The last* one #ell in two bundled yards of lh* place of eacampuiwut. . I hope I may never be.called upon to pass again through such seem*! of suffering.? Scaiyely a nple ef luis, and the succeeding day's march, hut we were called to the road side to speak a word of en ( couragement or to administer cot dials i to some sick and woary soldier. , We marched this day twelve miles, ( nnd encamped near a dirty pond. On the route w? passed the residence and ( plantation of Joseph Davis, brother-la' < lliC President. A gentleman, wliarec'e to the house,-as the regiment was pass- ' ing, told me that he found his daughter ( in tears,.at the sight of the retreating, j coloiun ; *sh* 'informed him that the ( family were preparing to follow with all that was valuable of their property. A j multitude of citizens, in this region, fob j lowed the annv with tbeir negroes and all the property they could haul off in or..I M-. V m. 11-1 -- ' -tgvu'- ....? uomi. mtj uo?r? hjcu ai ^ ilw bight of hnl(ilem, panic-atrickoti wi>- ^ men and children, wham we pMwd on ( ibo-road side waiting to fall in our rear. J. 11, L. *] 1 ? From the Youth'4 Cabinet. j Table Rales for Little Folks. ' I nnifct. fcW* thenka before I eat. And then Ti? Minnow take toy aeat * i Most for my food in ~|>oUenee wait. Till I em aJhd to hand my plate; ( 1 uiuat eot aeold aor whine n<Mf pant, , Nor mora j?v chair nor plate alieut; W?:h knife or fork, or napkin, oiutf, I 1 1 moat not ploy, war wnaft beta*; j 1 wtoat not apeak a aaalaaoenan ? -> 1 t ill i tI I W1 re li ? lial V? i 111.i * ? rt I 1 must not talk sHoot myttsd, ' K<ii- ft-e 1 \CI don't U>i?bJt-?ana; - - . I I I must not mjt " tfc? fcudOf 4d?w \ " 'IV Kr? i? hot" Tlw ?o(W? o*U ;M 1 must not cry foi this or that, Ksr murmur if my menfc it fit; * . , 1 My fcio.itk with food 1 must not tt<}, ? Nor: trliiU 1 ?M" rttinn, ?p*?b ilstil '< Must turn my h??d u? eough or wm M*. < An,} *H?.i I n*W. My * IT yon p|??M, ' r gh* LtWU tloth i muH not spoM. If or whb rtty food my fitytitsoU; M,u?t k?of> my ttti vrkon 1 k?f? do**, < Knr round ilm isbi* tport or n??; < Wh? toliito rist tfcgn i.Mci put , Hy iditVr I**), irMi fcoitrlMS foot; j And Wt mr bnrfl# 6<d ?Ho*r, 1 In prtitr to? tH mt wondrous lot*.. I '^9^^***"* ^ | - \rf~sJfcT"- *V *** - > tw ,!L ->_rtU' 1* ^.' . r/l^p^ * V-f** ~^? *<? i _ ',v f?^W? ? _ > -"*? * *. / " , *. 1j? . r~?>*V ^ ? N~^* jv^s> Vv* ~ VT* ,c" * ~* ?"' ' *- *- < < ' ~* ^ ? ^ *'""'* \ MBfeto **< *.- '-_* ' jfiwwiyf gf^ Mi^jwy . b? cjtofodJjlm '*5^ ^ - \ Id Lieuteeairt^ 'BbgkiiiiSr^r**^ 1920. AleUtant *?***?**??Mf m the boundary of Ohic "Und M^cWgjCf, araty in Moxlfcus BiHN " Major, for eraHant aad uMfMiiw loot in battle of Cerro Oortlo, JM& .. April, J?*7.. ftreeet LiwU^naut^l^ m pal, for gallant and mcriunrtouo fieflfoy In batl I on of Contreitas and Chcretyjsog. 30th A^nfot, 1847. Broret Cofo?0; for pal I arrt and meritorious ft^nlT iF; banhj of Ohapuit?pcta,'l?i' ftspieuiher* 1847. in which ho. WH Superintendent Of Military Academjr, from lot September, 1858. to March, 1 fiU. Lieutemut-Colpnet March, 1885. v ' ;Jj. TnoMAS /. J'ACUOir, Virgiuta.-M!Ja? cUt, 1842. Brevet 2.1 Lieutenant, fat Artillerr, 1846, with MagrudW* thiSlory, in Mexioo. 1st Lieotenanl, Adggtot, 1847. Brovat Captain, for gdU* r and meritorious conduct in the hUttfc* of Oo^treras and Chorubusoo, 281h of Allgust, 1847. Breret Major, for gallant' and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, 13th' September, 1^47. n..;.*!_ i nA.i **" ? ' ? " mij'iuu ZVIQ reortiary, 1858., . J am bs Lonobtrbbt, South Carolina. ?, Brevet 2d Lieutenant, Hh iQfiuttrflet July,-184J. hrtfb Infantry, March, 1845. Commanding igbt company, and distinguished, at Monterey. 1st Lieutenant, February, 1847. Adjutant, 1847 to 1840. Br*-" ret Captain, for gallant and meritorious jonduct at tfc* battles oT CoHXtwrme and 3berubuacoR 20th Angpei, 1847. 3re? * rdl "Major, for gallant and naeritodoa* onduot in the battle of El Motyno del Key, 8\b September, 1847. Diet|flW guished aud severely wounded m0ie*akMult on Chapultepeo. * '***4*' Joan C. Pr.MlnikTOK, Pennsylvania. ?Cadet, 1838 2d Lieutenant $? AlS Lillery, July, 1837. .A ****** Cotnnuv s.-.ry, January, 1839. * YM Lieutenant, March, 1842. Aid-de-caaU) to Gettarsi Worth, 1840 to 1848. Cagb tain, for gallant conduct hi eereritt 00%^ diets at Monterey, 23d September 184G. Distinguished iu battle of CheruLmisco, August, 1847. Brevet Major, for gallant and meritorious conduct ilk ..ftttlo of LI Moliuo Del Rey, 8th of * September, 1847. Distinguished and .vouncfed iir the capture of the city of Mexico. Captain, September, 1880* An Old Maid's Reflection* ' Well here I atn in the chimney cor. ier darning stocking*Pleasant oocq- ? >ation for my birth dar^ruly ! Twen.y-aiue years aj^o since I came into the world. .But it won't do to let that be coown : I told Miss Snap to-dhv that X was twenty-three?I didn't tell her bow much older 1 was !?site said indeed f iu a very emphatic too*, as if sbe didn't .relieve it; and then the wretch had the impudence to tell me that I had six months the advantage of her. She's thirty if she's a day,! it's strango how sumo people will Il4 I If 1 d Ivst mv front teeth and Was obliged to w*4f false curls, I wouldn't try to pass myself off for twenty two. i 1 i wuuuer w neuier X was a] wars cut ' out fen- su old inaij ! Not but I'd ra- *> ther be an old maid ten timas over than marry sotnr folks. There's Sally Snap ! [ -verily believe she'd give up all ehkarv A a seat is the kingdom <ot Hear en, if the could g<* nn offer from John Smith* .be wood sawyer, and he glad of Use :hanco 1 It's strange what tfttne people would be willing to do for the soke >f a husband 1 for ray part, I wouldn't ako John Smith if he'd go down on ,, lis knees before me, and threaten to iboot himself if 1 didn't. Heigh Jj? l itis rather dismal sitting; lore alone in the evening* with nothing 7 nit a cat to keep you company. To he * in re, it'e better than to have voQr life worried out of yott by a parcel of ehil- . lren, with a brute of a huaband, that will storm like a boose a fire,'if * bateon happens to eoroe oft bts shirt end 9 ,'ou don t sew it oq directly. Heaven preserve me from such e ftfe! ' ; Hark, there's the heftf Goodness gracious! if it isa't John Smith kijjh .elf, trad I've got my morning dram on*. and ray hair isn't combed. I wonder what hfc wants What if he ^ to make me ab offer 1 I think,* either whole, if he should that 1 whutd teis . . compassion on him?-iusi to nk| Hies Snap. Would she not feel like tearing vy eyes,out?that's alL . r?* ' News FROM TM IoLAKD*.?Tli* naw*. from ibe Maud* *iaa* oor la* i* thout tb? *aroa m maal. On fiataadap ibota Iwo boar*. Tlia ?t> <? ualiim m our ride war* op* hflWfr anjftftp* aau*d?d at BOMw Wa?>*r. TWffi' Iimy fired * f?w 1'rrfrf abalU % a* * DtKalfe, pwtordajr araniag, bot rffaotod nothing.? Th j firing wm afttr* tod* ?oahimol*? dT MUcp ?3 Mftp mmfatM JHr Wm m ehaag* of stop ootnRfBKa to not* fa ttta-yaaHta* *ad numW <t rwwii af lW anemyb it*. ?.? ? - '* t/.