University of South Carolina Libraries
MM?* . ? . r. '* -1 . Cjje fmitljtrn <?nttrpr?k:. >11 l 11 r ---~-- ---^ . 1b. 4;'jy , 4 - Our Motto--"Equal BigtlU to Alt." I GUKKNVILLE, S. C. ' * . I Thursday Morning, August 0, 1863. r JUT A sermou will be punched on I i th? death of Qftpt. H. O^I'uljuiam, on c nexrSmbbith mbruinpc.'in tboProsbyte? i - /-? i l- n . i., t t) TV TV 1 * (inn V/nuron, uy ivy v. d, i.uuia^vt v _ ???? ?^4 '"* T esujnption of Exorcises of Gaillard i " JScbeOl. * t .The exercises of the Gaillard School, undeistbe jd^crintootJenoo-ef Mr. J as. * - Q. AKri'israiflf^ 'will 'fce resumed on next ') htiqm<Jaj, lOihmsf. Patents tfikl otli- r era baring obargos, iiave-tUen their at- " tontibtf ?%Ucd to fbe fact. t J ^ * uicw#: - ' - . * V namo of Brno How- v AKi>, living ip thU place, committed t1 suicide, on last-Monday night, by hang- ^ in* Wmself. -VYo learn that "he had ' l?aa? .? tTffiy mit jgittu- ^iey, and a lopo , havnrg. -boon suspended over hi* b?(i ' for tlrSLtmrpooe of assisting hitn in ris- 1 ingrbo by ~some means ^succeeded in 1j' j- htiuur tbo end of it jnto a nooSA and j then around bia nock, and' was found Hbe foHpwiug morning suspeuded over I tbo "tourer' part of the bed, dead, his v Towot extremities nearly reaching the v e u - "* y -floor.v p*.?. ^, ' ft *V. There is no surmise A3 to what in- 11 duced bim to the commissiou of the \ -/got - 'V . v *. '? . The Horn? Spelling Book. | L H:"'Wo hnto roooived from tho printer^ j n Mr: O. fi; Et*ORi>, of this pteee, H Thd jHotng.Spelling Hook, or Mothor's As-, * sisttyy. for dur Quo of Cioulies and Pri- ? urury TeAehers, and compiled by W. I II UTninB" . . .J? AfKJ.r ? wwttal glance at litis spelling J' l>o<>k< ?? must any that its compilation t, i* ;ukuiral)| v-oxccuteJ, and will prove ,r to bgt a valuable one to elementary in- C slruetorsl / Every department is so arranged;* that the l??on? taught, will 'j not fail to meet with the ready *nnd (< clear comprehension of both teacher ^ and pupil. Spelling books are -much w in <l?wm'rtd.*C-tbH time,, and wcf have no doubt but that this one will be wel- ^ coroejy received. ' _?/ , Death .-of W. L. Ynaccy, x lion, WjlL, V>no' v died at his' res- j I idencc. near Montgomerv, Ala., on the t 29th ult.",-of disease of the kidoeyr, from ' whidhr he had been a sufferer many e >'earfc ^ ,J Sjiya tliQ. Montgomery (Ala.) Adver- i lisca: t. .- I 44 No man Van n more sincere, devoted 8 friend-, l&isband and father than the sub- 8 ject of tnis notice. Ho was as frank, honest,.gnijcless, a* a child ; his aspirations were all for tire South he loved so ' t well, nnd nothingfor himself. In the a death of Williajn L. Yancej-, the cause " has lost US' ablest'and truest supporter 0 in the-couocils of the Government. He a was loathe politics of the country what ^ 4 Stonewall' Jackson was to the army ir. []|0 fi^ld. To the State of Alabama. c the blow is peculiaily Heavy. One by 1J one have our- gifted lenders been strioIc~ * en down, untilf last of all, the great 8 central ^head has been riven from the w body, politic, and day without any recognized exponent of the pop 81 ular will of the State. Wo can aud *j will,survive this blow as wo have others l| that li at a preceded it. Yancey is dead, 8 but his principles will live and flourish j' iu tho hearts of the peoplo long after! the infamy Of tho Yankees shall have I ^ passed into a proverb with tho nations n of tbo earth, llodicd in his forty-ninth | year nod may be said to hfcvo just en- 01 tered "upon his career'of greatest usefulness, but liia>mission bus ended wi'lh j; tho secr-s>ion of the States and two years * of succes^ful^ resistance. To Lave lived w to see so iftuch accomplished in so short ** a itfe, 1* glory errougu to wrcaiu ma * immortality^ Editorial Correspondence. j Ahhrican Uotkl JJoaviTAj., ) . ' StacstAn, Va., July '22. ]" n Pot tbo past week I have boeu eih f gaged at thin poiot, in ^niimlering (o (J tbo waht? qf uor . wounded soldiers as ^ thoy arrive from Offt/ Loe'? army. ^ liunitres have been received and furs j,j warded by rail -/oad to Richmond, c< Charlottesville, Lyrroliburg anil otiter m points beloft. Uow many were wound* 1,1 ed, dpring LeeV htfa campftignAn ^Pentv - sylvrmia, and Maryland, it is difficult to rfl ascertain. Eight thousand will, I think. ?i j'.cover ttyc entire number of wounded, hs ? About fifteen bundled of these have re 118 turned to their regiment*, being 6oly wormded., Moat oi^those whohn * f Irtivo reached here will be able for duty at iai?two WKmtbs. r? . *'.< v?fy difficult *.o loam anything io regard to. the lrioW Wftfft* of Leo's Pj , army > rumor wna-CQXraut ? dwy or m two rfnca that be l?d to?<jtf**i>d the fi, I'oloiu&tf into Maryland. AoolJ&r ru-. ol irvor I**, it that bed* rtw?rchUt? ryith hp* ^ ., artiiy in tBe direction of Kr?df/iok#liurg. And that Tmngafreet's corps is already j: east of theBViuUidge. fincHne-to think ?d there ii soiue trnih in this lust report, ui ac'tLe sylciiers wh^ph Lad been gathered lierf fioiu^otiuutt cdmmsmh, and which w Jeft hete ycet^rday morning for Win* cheater, were turned, and wilt be. JjJ 01 doted- to- reach Lee by anotbtn route, hi * -+~ ' ^1.' - :<*?, r ?. * -;;* / : n " k % .* I V*,XN->"" ?**** "' ^v. .? ** -r: j 4 oo'i^BHgade, wbo hav~1>aan jfct' ho npp 1 iv?l hefo a day or Iwaflnf^^uHl iW bis morning. Among 1L0 numborj waitic, j uuiaptuu, urmry, r?i?t ; er, Thornburg, Ubamo, William#, Hari*en and others., .The detachment*, ibout otae hundred .and-Oh/, all belong ng to Ilampton'* Brigade, were under oumiHud of Lieuts Hunt and^Pidllips. J learn lhat. two CQitipeni** of Orr-s tegtm&it were captured as the army Mi? crossingthe fotdmao fnto'Virgie;i. The companies were commanded ?y Capt. Sullivan and Lieut. Mouur, < he former frotu l'ickcns, the latter from Abbeville, in nil about 05 toeit. * ' PritaCo Frank Sidrooud, Of the BrOoJre 'roup, reached here yeaterday. He ccoived-$wrery sever*.wounddn the fa^j t the tight at Upperviilo, about the list June. Ho-will uo doubt reach ireenvido on furlough in a.short time. <have seen nothing of the wounded of he Butler Guards, neither can I leaitr rhere they have be^nsent. I presume ' hat a fist of the casualties in this company hns already readied you for pub ication. I saw Lieuts" Isaacs nndCh-| ;Ie in Richmoud. Both wete painfully i rounded?tho former .in }ho army the alter irt the leg. ;^\yb?n I faw them, ho'bitris FtilT'reniainod, but ere IhU.T, iope thev have been extracted, and that hese worthy soldiers are fast recoverDg. I regrot Jo learn that Private Thoinns iutler, son of Mrs. Dr. Butler of Green ille, was kjlled at Gettysburg. I couer%pd with a wounded Cavalry man esterday .wiio whs at his side wheu lie ell. Mr. Butler was. a young man of nuch promise?of quiet, gcntlematdy uannerv^ auu greatly beloved by those rho knew hi in. I have been assisted in my labors iere by Mr. W. J. Dandridge, of Rich-. iond,Va., and Rev. Mr. Stewart, of roenville, S. C. Tho latter gentleman ; still Willi run 1?C. ? ui3 inuc in i elieving tho suffering of the wounded nd ministering to their spiritual wauls, will remain at this point only so long s the wounded iu the lalo battles couuue to arrive. If Leo is crossing tho Hue Ridge, in the direction of .Manas is or Fredericksburg,' I may soon re? 1 iovo to the neighborhood of Culpepper . LI. . I cannot close this hastily written tier without expressing my thanks to le vaiious pysons in aud around Statin Vb who'have assisted me in my work. , -ir.oug those who have placed iik, >s i ell as the many wounded South C5rlinains who have shared her kindness,] ndor special obligations, tho name ofl Ire. Cowan, stand prominent. Her i ibore have nluaoet been incessant. 1.1 or j iouso is at all times open to the foot-1 Toru, weary or wounded soldier, and j ler table always affords something for j hem.- I have placed at her disposal a j imbed supply of hospital stoics, logoth- ! ir with a email sum of money to the :redit of the South Carolina Central' Association which I hope soon to see ncreased to a larger amount.* The la >ors of this go^od wouran will not he ocra forgotten by the hundreds w ho have bared her blessings. To Mr. W. EI. II..Sinn, editor of the Vindicator, T n:n indebted for editorial avors and courtesies, iiii sanctum has ffbrded me an asylum fiotn the npuv, varicious (! came near saying votaolus) newsboys. Send the Vindicator copy of the Enterprise. The exchange," hope, will prove -agreeable. Four thousand Yankee prisoners, inludtngone hundred and eighty oflicers, ^ ?as?ed throifgh this place en route for lichmond this week. 1 he officer* were enerally we!! dressed ; the rank aiid tile r$re a dirty, filthy set. They seemed -> have no disposition to 6gbt on cither ide. Most of lhr>9? ivfir?ir> f tnu ii" 1 jreigrere. One poor Ii isltman among i liem Was anxious that ihe Surgeon hero liould procure him an exemption from irther service, in (he Yankee anny, al 'gingtbat be wnz old, bad beon in one ( atllo and now wanted to resign. IJow isny more were like biiu I cannot tell. Mnj. G^n. Pender, of N. C., died here a Saturday last, only n few hours bene bis wife reached here on the cals .is body 1ms been sent home. Mrs. ertder, as soon as she learned bis death, as stricken down, and may not long trvivc. She is still here. - - *' w. p. r. rou titk fOUTHKRN EantnpnisE. Proceedings of Confederate Jurcra. . At the assembling of -the Jorort. sum- * roned.for the Ailgtist term of the Conderate Cpurt, in the Court Uoom, at reeniijlo,'S. O., on Monday, the 3d of Tgt, 1803, a communication was from his JUonor Judge Magratb, Ijoyrning the Court, aDd assigning as. is reason for no doing, that, under the r( dt of the General commanding his , ilitary. department, on citizens'to vol'- : steer in defence of the metropolis of e State, he had felt it his duty, as also id the other officers of the Court, to main in the City, and render all the t\ lf\ ikoir rvASi/As on A** --? ?*? oce. After the reading of'tki* com- -< innicntion, the JurofH, deairouS of e*rataing their cordial approbation of l|ie ition of his Honor, organized, l?v cailg the IvtiV. A lex.-Acker to the Chair, ' id appointing Win. Tfrompaorr 8cc tary. * The Chairman, ia a four Wtisf. aod ' itriotic remark*,'bcplsifted th* object the meeting-; wfejp on motion of ajor T. C. Moiling, a cortimiU^e of i j re was appointed to draft atHtatye resutions lor lli? occasion. The Chair. ? an anpoiuted the following Commit o: M-y.r T.C. Hbllfcg. CTK.TwiUy, * 7m. Thompson, A.^f. U?mi|ton, aa?l * fc. Dtckeon. The Commit tee report- > I the following resnJut&one, wbteh ware lanmiouely adopted : ... Reiolc&ls That we cnanot eepdrate ilhout pubHely esproertng our high iprecialifln of- motives that Ha*o' \ otoplcd his Honor Judge Nfagrnlh, to " spend, for a lime, the tHsfhal^e of * a hi^h duties, aud to lake up >_?-/* rr . . v ? *r'v-. . " ? * I k U.?-- #*-,! \ ??V * -. - ** ?. 1 *' -* \ * if X":,'"i.?S'*^T^ ,?r?S- y%?-; &'Q IF '* J&tce himself in ih^Aafcmof bis i ordinale cfticors of .thw court, who are ( with liis LI mi or, battling for *11 that we bold most, dear, au assurance of ouf ' biglieot adnAravion. * ' '> 'fits<?vr<l, rhat we reoowmend the ' ?xkim>le,of hi* IFotiur Judgu MatffMb, .' and bis officers, to tlie considbthtion o'f by holders to' the. St?ta,??wiie . seek to screen themselves from th? dia? charge of ihoee duties"Javtll* field,. that patriotism should Tin pose, in tins hour of (Hir conutry's poul. - " RtaolvcU, That tho jonr rials of the I State t>e rojuealctl to publish these pro! ^ eluding*. .. .. * ' . There being to further business the. <J nvecting adjourned. * *" ' V . AT.EX. AQIvElt, ChWu. ,.1 Wat. Tuoi?j>st]rjr, Sec'y. - r i i m ..r.'ee _ Ak*** ^ ' 1 .1 JJU.. . -* 1 .-or We ?rp antfioj-taed to annoui\oej . HotiC ^donel WALLAtiK-lJ. I(>UK acsiiOulaU for CLKKK OV COUHTYor Uroeu ' vlllo District, tit. Che nc*t fccHon. , 1?X* 4?'fv";J ,.?rw s nre"-- nn<horirt?d. to announce Hob. JAtvr PARItOW a cumlld'atw for r* 5" election to thee Congress of tho .Confndcmt* 1 States as Representative from, the fifth Com- c gro?&jon?l l>i?trfi;t. ?? : ! Trilmte of Respect. lilKTJT. J. bUJLX WHHELIB.Another Victim hue been offered up on I ?be altar of liberty. Lieut. WHEELER, T Co. it, 23?1 Regiment.. f\ G. V., tvns kilted T oii the loth July, 1363," in n skirmish near C JuC k son, Mi ssi slip pi. He hud been u soiraiatont and upright li member of the Huptirt church, for several ? years, ur.d by his uniform kindness and urbanity, drew around him many firm and V devoted friends, Fince his eontiecllon with v t lie 22d South Carol in a Regiment, hia-coti- ? duct lias been marked t y the deportment 'I and courtesies which characterise a noble o nature. The whole Regiment deeply de- o p'oie his loss, and pnitictlmdy those who 11 ' knew him ter-t," noW mingle tlio tears of t heart-Kit sympathy with the bersnved and si stricken parents an-l refittives whose sorrow knows no consolation, save iu the bright fi promises of our .Saviour. p * "A RnoTiiitn OvrtCEn. &' Attention Mounted Riflemen. j' YOU,are hoi eby required to appear f?? p fore the Court House door, on Bnfiir ? lav next, equipped, at 5 o'clock, precisely. hl fly order of T. S. ARTHUR, '|,j C'aptaiu. * pi Aug 0 . 14. tf [., Shirting ! Shirting I! Shirting!!! . | V? 1IIAVK four Thousand five Hundred yards of 7 8 SIMUT1NO w hich I will xchniig.r for Uucon; one yard of Shii-iin;; or oue pound of lJueon.. TIIOMAS STF.KN. m "flrcenvillc, S. C? August Gth, 1SC4. ? An t C 11 tf . Eatles Light Battery. man ir ahseiil over llioir leaves^, . A. Hides* they report wiihuiiljlekiy. iltcy j will be atoum) ?'! vi'H ?-<! dtrortrrs, mil a reward paid for their i?pp-olieiiMOii, to lie paid out of their wages. In cases where lunn ?ro mmiIIv loo siedc 1o return, a certifi- I cute of the f.?vt xiofHu to before n magistral c every week, will he n tmliicicnt report.. I ThJt Iltitlfi'V ispinv on tho Citadel Grften, | Charleston, an?l nny removal ol . snip, can \ he nsscrtaiiicd at Gen'l Kipl/?y's Head Quarters, - . . \v.\i. i;. r.Aiu.r, C.ipt. Eight IJntttrv. Antr'tl ' 1+ "l f \OTICK. ? RECRUITS WANTED. ( TAM now here on liECRUrriNO ?iilt YfOU, for a few JaVa. flanipton Lotion, more particularly for mv Company. . the Gist Kift V. frriui WiUiamntnn, S. C.,n? ail * are aware. The Brigade the Lotion i-< at- . tnciied t?, is as good, if not better, than aiiy In service. "The Legion needs no praise; Z there is no reginyriit that surpasses it. This ol is no time to he hanging ton k. I idlh be I glad'to receive air? oner lly roluoteerihg, i' fJifc Bounty if paid, oiheru i*o got, ns you 1 all are aware. Wo,"tW?y i^J members of ilm Region, lince Wert E^hiiog for ?"i* rights 11 going on threoyejHii, . if you will oi ly come ^ out now, we vi.lJ.5iv5 Y*?n a lieu it y elis^e of the hand, and prdri.ise 'tlint you shall 1 hfi^e a showing. ] can l?s found at my jfather's, Fountain Inn, any tiino during iny* stay. Anyone near the lino of Anderson _ and Greenville, will give their names to A. it. Kciiuody, Willi.mulon, S. (J. Seventy-fivo cents per <lny from' tho time ' j of enlistment, to dato'of joining company. J. li. MoNEEJ.V, V Coimtiandiiig Company D, II. L. Aug 0 . M J d STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA, j? A djitt ant dS l*kp. G tx't.% Orvicr. *' (Cxvi?Aer.] Oh?u+*4twn. -'uly 20, la03. ' WNNMIA L OJiliftftS No. SO.] FT I TJlF.^TATKWOHKfS ATGTIEF.N- ' I 1 A VUvfc ar? K?r?try to lit** OrdfotOktf uejMn-ticoln, mul all or dew am) iiinlru?t)<>n? tor I lift bni>fe>Tbt?ad?ilt afraid J Worl*, and all conainniualfc ? houj hiui lo the?o Headquarter*, will yu throuphthe Ordnance Otlioer. Mnjor p.. <3. KAAUN, fr Pi-1 it when the crittt-jjeney ?F the eawwilJ J not admit of delay. by command -A. U O ARLINGTON. Adjutant and Iiispeotor-Gonei afb. C. . Ai>)( fl 14 ^ v -1 MPTt'apew of the Stay ep^y open. b Select School. ? A 17thJ, the el ciijK^uuuevf wrr wiri rvvuiiM U|0 ia? | ii tirHMFSeborn. The Suf3*qta *n?l ofchnra i o wt?u <Wyr* to join <H?f ckxtM, 8 "4Eri*; will planus to bo pnaotuaJ tn ut 1 nduiice oo that ?l?y, *4 tf o'oioek, A. M tj I'he euurno for the HtnMvu will %. liuu Lt! arriu>g?&;- ' U V. D. LBAfcY.^ ,? .Ti.!y#23 * ''J 12 4 ft btatbWsottif 0Ai#i&kkV * 1HSTWOT. . oi IJf K)Sl)t. ' tnn linker, Adm'*, A*X, ) 'Bill ? v v/. ; v far ' V Umon it tUAfti, *t at J ?W?? , Jtc BY the .tiller ot Chmf Justiu* O'nnnJI Um . creditor* of-Wui.ii. knl*.r, dnonnnnd. * iru nqtiHin! to file thnlr demand* w|Ui mc. *?tM* tln-M month* from tUU d?U. trth Jniy. I*#*. vm. M. THOU AH, e. x. ?. t>. /' A Ju*r? it; v . ? ??*< ? - sunT^trr * 6?r>r.cB nrtlnM*** a : ii Mar If ft . \ tf ? * M ? ? i , '*y * <lrr* ordv'r^^o ^ W^T hold thcinMlYn in roadineafe to o Til- tuoroh at a luoment'a notice?moh llfl tuah to 'provlJ?hih1*lf Py-fl ?ye?ck und throe days cooked ra- ' Vi'tW -i ./ ,- >- ". 'Z WM. a: SfeifcHAM. .. 4 . Captain, j ^ lT _' ; . T OFFICE jCfiULP lQOXmSFAEX, "CtUauwW, s. C., J?]v> M\k. IS?3. / HAVING Ueut opiated CllTYF COMMl^ARY for the St*U>?r South Oa . Minn. * i?t? approval <*f the Secfabvy of 44 Vur. wl|li instructions fo dWidethefctnle inn Divisions, for'Hic prifpdr'-fcoWaallon iwu> ? ITstrihution 6f Wipplios, 1 have divided the .? 'tntc Into five Divisions, for'eaoh *of which Divisions a Division Commissary has Ueb ft ippointed by the Counuissionai v General. Division No. \, Capt. K. L. RIMOKS, IH- V riaion Commissary, embraces the District * 4 >t Plelsens, Anderson, UVx?iivill?, Abbeville, in<l pnrt of I'Mgefiehl adjeiuinjc. * Division No* t, Capt. S. C. MFANS, Dj- * 'iiion Cohcmi*<ionaf y, vmhrnces the Dis- *' rlctn ?T *?4>*trtanbur(r. * Lsuirsne, Upton, J? Iswberry, at?d pari ot Edgefield. ' Division No. 3. Capt. J. I). WITHER- ^ IPOOM, Division Commissary., tmbnieeiiih* W iiitrttU oLl^lt, Xltkytt^ Paii field, Lnti e' aster. Kershaw nud RichlnnJ. "Division No. 4, Capt. JOHN F. RILEY, j )ivision Contn?i*enty, einlnaccs the Die. ol ricts of Darlington, Omngebiii oh. llarn- *' Veil, Colteton and {apt of ICJgcfieid. " Division No. <5. Cnpt. WM. NI'JTTLES, c toting Division Comtiiissarv embrace* 'the District* of Chesterfield Marlboro' Uni ion, Darlington, Sumter, Williamsburg aud ' ihirantlon. ' Tlie Divisiop Commissary will publish n iet of tlfeir tub Cominiseirie* and AgenU aa oon us they nrs appointed. F.nch Division Commissary is furnished j 01 ritli the power of iin|?ie.-snicnt, mid will.))' vluen nMNMCy for the subsistence of the '* nilV. impress subsistence stores within "! Iioir Divisions bought for sale, paying nc- J? ording to the rates ^xed i>y the schedule " f tlie linpressuionLCommissionsrs. Spec- u' In I or s are warned not to offer for aob-issnee prices beyond lliose lixed by this dn-dule. ' No Cotnmfesafjr nor Oovernuient* Agent oni any (punter is authurisol, under any retext, to make piiivhusea of subsistence teres in this Svnte, except ..tuder the oidet * f the Division Commissaries above named. * t hti;>g the dc.-iiin of tlie Secretary of War to revenf compel iftffn betw. ?n the C'oltilnis I iriea of Jlfivrent Suites, tho Division Com-I ft< ien li ? mo instructed. t lie re ford, to jtrf>-f <tr ildt infei fi reiioe within their Divisions, to! " ivveut tile shipment of supplies purchased ! 1' y Coniiiiiss. riea ot Conuuissary Agents, j!" oler oilier tloin their untliority, aud to npress tlie stores if necestarv. v li. a OUERTN, M.ijor and C. S. J AmR fi M ;? Country pnp-u c please insert three llnif,, rid.for ward bills to Mnjor 11. C. Guerin. ? iti:<:uurr? watitgd. a JT* "| VY11.L rcwivo into my Coinpn- V: H 1 iiv 1, 1*. H. *T* A., ? f**w moil- ( H| <s*L/STOUf AiiLli i:OJL?li:J> MlwN. iii iik.wy / nf 11 r.Kirv. vy \Y This tupr-pany ha-been, ?l%*rii?jril?m- ' 1 t * istbuce. streiioncd npo'i Jaftif* WiinJ.'j tt 1I./I uudi-r Ilie immediate eniuiunml of > <a li 1 iliij. Csimpbett, where We es^iect to a remain. An appliention for meni- I tj lersliip rail lie atone? font to me ami trans- < >?rt hi ioii forwarded. Th.a opportunity ? vili Dot eMend beyuud 160 men. . r. UOWDFN, f ' r?pr..C?. !. P. B. L. A , 6 tyAddrrevJ- it BowmA, Co. 1., 1'. L5. fi * A., CluiHestrtt, S. C. -it duly *J 10 If. u CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH J S V M O O L J /3\ TJI K NEXT SliS-SJON of tin, ii CT.ASKTCAE AND liNflblSH r WjlR SClFOOb, recently established In c -\jFtStf I'p< lessors JCDIYAKDS niul J I'll SO.V. witli the approbation of Ai toard nf Tru. tces of Furuiau University, ; " uriujt tho sus'ionslou of t'..c K\' nixes of |Ue | w Inivefitv. wttt open at tlic fnlvCTnity Build- J ' ! itjr, UN 3H1K THI1.D .\L'tlU?T,fu.d embrace * wo ipi.irtrM of tan ..'rets racli. ' '' t Trims?;M0 per- quarter, with 50 rents for .41 ilrKloiital o.'.|>vu?os. payable in advance. j,' Good ll..:.nlin>i can Is) had nt ?25 |>er month. y 1tv utmost wnfeh-e?ro will bo exercised over u ho tuiA/tls ?f tho | spile. .. For further information address Professor r C. Kn warps, Greenville, I?. C. July !i 10 R ' $50 Reward. DfHOKE Jail, on the night, of the Mill h L> in?L, TITOS. JOIiKS, who had been j et siomilLud for Imi'M slciiliiifr. Ssid Jon Mb i * I ahotit six fcot high, dark skin, dark Lair, m ark ejroe, audi* KS'TMM ol4i and. *? 'tilth* about 175 potinilt. I will give the l> Love raw 11 i-(l l?>r Lid dr]tv?Vy'fVifto "lit w rccnfillo, or for lji* eonflpoinerttlii mix- ci itl ill South Carolina r<> Unit I niav git. ' Im. ' Ji T. Mi DAKtrr, PherflT of Crr?.nv?llo.Dikui?t A July 'I'A , ' ji. - Salt tor Sale. ' ^ * A L.VjiOE supply of good , Wilmington p 1*V. H. C. PdJ/i'Wn haiij" .?u<t for afjy, irt .ul bolcoftle and retail. t 0. nAJIIt. '*? lyiloaio corner of Cjiffae. ^oy^w. if< rooia ouo 4?x>?" *?' Sn\ iliutW* ?fug- ? to*#.' ' - >2. ..BY AUTHORITY? icta and Baiolntiona of the Congress of the Couf*dor?to Congress, puerod at th? Third Sttsioii^ 1863. ; ' \ (Jf A (JT to- A uthorixt the Ttieehnror. of Cfr- ? tain Ciail OWere fry** 'Aa Military Str-^ . e?c*a?iA* Vonffderate Mate*. - ' TlirCongrnoa of |4*.e Cowfftjcrat* ftfnteeof r .mericn do erinat. That ony oftio?r. ?<ni- rf] iHruiiinoioited officer or prrrota nour in in -uilitsry aervieo of.the Copflrdrflata ^ nter, who has hcnn elected or appointed 0 moo anteripp; aaid aervioc, or who mof' tj aroMior l>? cieoi*~a or appointed anennior A| r Representative ia Congress or in any Into Legislatrtr*, n Judge cf the t^reuit, ?i t'uUjct or Superior Court* of Iw^qr ?quif hi Stale of the Oojrfedr r<u?y, Iflairief ttorary, oierk of ?0y court of rever^ahW--' t, onlioary, juti^e of any eoiirt ofjWtiUu^. >A ?Meoter of ?t#te tnfc^e, riot *% e*??od oljn if each ' couuly, parieK, i-poorAe*, iiipon v irnlcfaitig' the f*por*UHtf of War ? iV\ evl- <M uee of ench' elfbtioa or Appointment* W Mi (T (See#. hie re-igneiion ebeii bo promptly >* ceptna.' urxl IfTa ?on-eoiiiDii?ioned ofiiceV m r private, he ehalliDe honorably <li?charu- 01 1 by tiio rteerctary o4 W?r. - c . tb . Art^ved Aprils, IU2 |\ - j " ' ? * '< MB N A fT/f Ptomfcfor CWtWwy to Sir- Jb ApprM^ A^ll ?,??.* 15-4 Fit 1 1 \ ? . .. gt he Nevybe and la hefeb* suthoirrcd to " "*' ihploy*u>r eonrioo on hoard of vesatle, uacd r,ow?ed ^y the Confederate State* for n?r- Qf *>?? ofnmutnjf the blockade of any of the _ orte of the Con&dereoy, the inoet. rkiJKul liiols, <M1 aueR tesut* ft? to liim t-hall eat aifrd. reqoialu to aeciire-their rfervioee, , Sther by the month or the eiugiu or round ^ 0>-^ffvpr5f?eJ YprltXlMb. *' * * I.V.HTi) CAmiyerto Tttla^ofKnyineir^jf /> Wc -V.rrj. Xho Ccitareas af the Confederate SJtnUa of c0 .inerloji do eiieet, That lll< tttelye.KiiK't- ro eera in apthvrf^d.Xtf t*?f <*- ?r Utubw ?w* hundroJ and eixty-tj*o. at*- (v. ro*ed ^|>rItt\velity-firrf, eTL'Tifetfi 1thmti-od nd ' xt y-n*o, ah/ill htreaftcr he known it od deei^'oale-l ea Chief'Kn?lneere. m Aiuutiri'il Aiwil .4 IRitSl - 1J1-4 . ' an I X ?CT for the Jtoh'ef <f Ctrfcriif Offer r? of ? " th? Xnoy noil of t\* Mm ine I X)M The Ceiigreea of (heCouCtdinleStaitttof lo meriea do enact, Hint the iveltretyiryof io *Nc ey cause U? lie paUl to those "pflicAre Ul f the Navy fft?3 Marine 0Orp? wl'? resigucd win the "Navy and Marine Corpa of the 'nitcd- fi'tatee In ooo.^qu- n.-o of seeef- Gf, on, ntiJ who wi'f? nrreued ond Imprison- or 1 in contcipienoe of such resignation. ntwl co dio subsequently joined tho Navy and Maii?* Corps of tlie Confederate Status,- leave ol] F nhsetine. pay for hi d during the term of Cft n;li ilnprhiotucriit, and up to ll>? time of ,j? ulr appointment in the Navy and Marine P? orpi? of the Confederate State#. pfl Approved April 11, 180S. 13-2 u? 1 A,f or.\T KEXOr.UTIOuX A?l?,ru:nn tU* ?fl J'u*ti?a*tcr O-wrnl to llxtn.d f/,? fop #j If. cxirfny Hid* for Triioepdrtitfion if the Unit* frt the Simiei Thtrtin jXauinf. " ' ' litvolvfd liV 'ho Congress of the Cnnfed- e,l tkta Stat'i of AnleHra, That the l\i?tnin?- nn >r (Icnvial he, and he is hereby, nnllipy ed to extend (he time for rouejving and [idling l-i-ls for the tram-portal ion of the mils in tho Stales of Virginia, North Caro j no. South Carolina,"Georgia ahd Florida ntil the tirSt day of May next. Approved Apij 11,-1803. 13-2 X ACT to ,\> An Art Knt'tlrd ' .1 m Art to Authorize the Xrtrrtarf of the hftrrp to Jluke Certain 1'unhurt* )V>thent >1 fterrtirinq ^ for 1'rufio?ti(e" A/i/irum} Anifnyt 7Vc./tly- . AVirtJ, Onc,^ T'luutjh.d Eiyhl Hmulrcil fittil i ." Si.ety- Our. 1 ' J" The Congress of t'?o Confederate St at pa of tnerie.i do enact. That the nluive entitled .. t lie'?o emended a ?to authorise the S? clai.y otthe Aavy, In ooe.t le dooot ,j, advisable. ?< > nor tract for. nil supplier re- . tired for the Nary without adept tiring for opomile os rnpiiroj *l>y laws: Propidrd, is act shall expire at the end of tho prea it war. / . 'i Approved April 14,16CI 13-fc y" .V ACT fn t'.irniyf f'ohtrnefor* for 'Carry''??/ ^ l.h. Moil* rf tk* O'li/' <J't<Ue" riiotrM *ind tkr 'J'1 Ihirer* of I'ii-t Cottchoo pnti flack* frtimt Mil i tit ry F?iX*ci\ ?' The (h>ngt'< *s of the Confederate 8'alee of I "f mviVn <3o thVl Mic cwttr.ic^?ri?Tvr| *. irry im? tli? In nils of |hc ConfM^hile State-. j 1 mil be exempt. from peifmniaooo ?f j lililary.duty in the ttwiri of the Confe.le j ?lc Staled, from iiiii] (i 1*1 ?r ihca pna-nife of) 4 ;id net dnrine lite Mine ill -y ate nieli con ' actor-*: I'rorhlnl, no more than one c? I'ltlmolw ahull be exempt on anyoneionte. ^ ml Mint n?rmore -tlinli ooe ni.-ni .ei of _ rny t ^ t o'i (J comrmtor* dinH 1>u exempt, and u<? i ^ infractor on nnV route of li>.< I lu.n t^J) jj( lileg in length and on which the tnHil ie Hi-ri-'l oil, liorvu ahrill Le exempt tinder tliis el; if one or mere member* of any ' i.eli firm be exempt from aye or other cipliro roni I lie | erfonniirce of M.llitai v flic ^ tin r nieinber i?r members of suou fimi JutM ' ot I e *x.-n:iit l?y this net, on account. of ring mail comrMeiorA**d pro*ult*l fur'cr, Tb?t. no |K*ain to whom a contract !? ? _ ?! ?*_> iiijr ilia tipiiU nr.iy bo tr.nia.Vi rc.l ii;|i tl.a I'liiiffjil ?( lliu Post Oflicu llfpnrtIt'llt, aft' r 1 ho^"s&ugc of tl is act, rlt'all be xempt f'om iffMtary nrvloc on. that ??ount. * tl. Sw. i. Tliat llio ilii vers of pn?t-c&?'-lita an J \i aoka for crtl-i ving tin* .mail*, .on *iLroitt*a .??. ihi'ie llie weight of the m4it* r..piiro* !Uat , h, liey should be carried ill cniifcltea hfliiii'lii., 1 (|i Hall be- exinrp.t. frtmi n Hilary soevicl In ?{ lot nrmii-d of tfeo Confederate-liulU g? ad ?fw-r |lus passage pf thin net, ?o lair.: "* of Ley continue lo be employed as dUell d: 1- I re oia{ /*ibcf<Ird, Tlip t0li<ratrlora1.y \tlmnilni uy" ?i:eh ilrivnf is employ edtdMP t.rfce Ami , w ubsciile- an on ill. to be I eiroitdnil to the i tli li rolling oifioer, that the weight of the pi laiU on bia routo require* I lie i;#e or coach- he > or l.aotiS for their conveyance, rri a hn.i not a greater nniiilier of drivcra erm wl h?yed in hU service tlmn Are indn-pctiau- b; le to enable him to fulfil lii.-t r.iiitrniit for irryiug the .snails, aail liirtt ,l?o- will hot Idle A foutractqjv employ n ^snatur umber of driver* tt.nn i,.?v i..^l?in>ft il>ly v f<T Unit (mijw,' (hM e will pivo wotica to the enrolling oSieer Ai ken any ?t?eh driver ces?K-a to Jby m ii;? jiplnvim.,!. or ApproToJ April H.JS83. . I.T-tf i iir ? *V ofl '.V ACT t>i Allan Mi>t>u? to Jiahl CiMjutMioni (? ?rt?v4cmjr. ~ J* 8? 'i'he U?ngr?M of Lh?Coiifc4]er#4ft9liiteAof en txn>ri<iA do t TUnt fn.ui Mud ?fkr t'?o c* oO'.fia n?'. ontiunieeione Tit the Ami v ul r thu fcttpfetkHrt* Stated, and in tlicr'Tro 6r i?r<>n4\ Atmv -?f ilw (ooifi Hint**, * ntw4iC,i??oed 4o ( ?! ??? *.rider twenty wile NW? ?*f *?". 4JM0ptjnilt* CAM of cjfflovrt A lie ?re rr<ptir?nf ! y luw to give boiul. .\?d/Jkptftl?^T#?3. / 18-5 ' of A's ACT to .Author* 1f>* lb+i/at? df I/in d|? fV Ujiiirnlihi'f r>f Until.- A^fotn, nof'ta in-. 1 ik**P*r OUv AHoivtin<* to ifpaHi'( 00 A* (}JKce U<.]'<*rtu,ct(t. t >C? TW'jMMfMMif the Co?(jodpi*u?8Uia? of "* loeifeA dvKenao*, That frorrt and, uftor-tfi* iwiiAge ?>T thtt kci, tit# i)ftA?ii?trti?i^?f?nipeji-| "" ktitm to lx> tr> rnwt?.*^*wW In ft?<- oer ?? 100 ?( the t*o?to?}Mi>ep*vtiMei?t, tdtali not !* <?oed XwaWe hundred dt>ll?r? per anuum ?' f tx. % Timi Aotn aud rtftor tiir paoiaga r rtdti a<it, ^ Awnnirt ?*Amponmt\<in of . fcaoUt agentAwf tUe-f>oafcf>A?? Depiutnkeibt l>r wi>!J he ?ixWr? lojndrwd dolUi * jn-r nnuum ; % ml theynJiaU. alqojte nllawod tli? turn 4|f j? ilea d?IWrj fit cUjt.'fur tlinir traveling *** nd medical expense*, wlolo aatuallv an. lytfd Jq ti*vrtlwg on 4li? butitMM ot tbft! J* & | ?*" - w? N-AOT to a P/e/tft>ni JfoU Atr?f J* i 2s ' Amrrfce?<Jo mMt, Tbit | W? 6f iifu < "ofvfHer?t? Blatjfc i? fterWkb *B^<* ?' MM??? I w-: - . . . ' ,' ^'%-C * Jii- S. K. The CohgreeS of the Oonftdorate 8&tes A11" i i . ii do eiuteW That'no oflloer or hlier of tlie arm* whyM feeehri pay for :riod diuiug Mliich he may be homo| ithoitt leave, or boyond'the leavograntsd, )ie ooiMMWnt authdfUy^ according to the guUllnae of the grmyt Pr*n?fc JThet fc^riertoaehsU wotdrffeet VfffTtfaLlrt: euoded In hospitals. >'' "JVfc?SV< S?r. 2. Tp- ocaer to,epfor?^ fhe'M^ilg^ 4Meof the foregoing section, It W htrMf ade the duly of comlnnndlfig officers of nipunies testate upon the runatcrpnd pAjrMe of their companies the length df titn^ ijr.officer or soldier has been absent therejui, without leave of competent authority, ire the previous payment, When the'deleliutr of pay for aueh absence will 1m *(le by th'e quarterinpeter from 4hs loqut otherwise duo Ihe officer orooflller: id any conitnaudorvf a compntijr WlioshAll il'to Oot'c such. absence.ou tbeipueter nn<l ly rolls of thy company rhull he required refund to the Cqyeiuuteot the amount cfetlpd J>y #uoh absent offfoerv?r soldier, ileed It aWatt already hn*e Uwu received imi the officer or rohllwr so /ibwent, * OfTiecs ?hull certify .upou honor i their pay accounts whether they have have not booa absent without leave by mpeteat anthwhjr, within the tint# for klcb th y chihii pny ; nud if abednt withit leave, they shall stale In their eertifl tes the time and period of etieh nhseiioee. like manner, (.eintnnnding officers ol mpanies shall certify on honor on their -- - ?.-? ?? i .i.i.i r..ii.. iv atMgump iimk. ?ii?m unw -?*?cm iumj ill correctly on the nrftster nftJ pay rolls their cnwjianfcS the length of llnlt-tMh Beer iiiul whiter of the *vnip?^y has been scut without lepra since thu lost pnyent cf the compapy. \ Sk- 4. *1*1 in t lit it; oft sliiil! not l>o eonrtnt* to- relieve any ?ffteot* or private frutn v <*ti?er penalty to'which ho uiaybe ln?a by existing laws or reiftt lotions. ' Approva l April H), 1803. 13-2 .V ,(CT <o _1 mrtr'l thr S'n-rra/ Art* Prctcrihi*fi H? *ik/<> o/' the /<?W untl JlvMilxtiuiui of tic Conj'c4ic<ttc The Conjjccss ot I ho Confi-fler?t?Si?t?s of nericn do enact, That it shall he the duty the Attorney (l-nernl to select from the sra nnd resolutions of the'preeent and fo re cessions of the Congress eoeh us rajry i n public nut mi', nnd VhKk in Wt dgnient. n quire Jinnnediute publication, d cnttAu ttle same to be irsorted weekly, r fnirr weel a, ia three public j?A? U<i pwbihcd is orrli tSinte, se'eo:ht<csuch ??r.ettnp l.aJI. I?t:hiit jndgriuent, nioet-.grficruU V itribits* the lavr* end resolutions tlrfOugfi ? ectirc lin.lU of The scvertil fbijes. S>:c. 2. Any jointer or fpttblisTtet* yho iv-dtfftlro to print mxl puhltdi nn edition the lows of tip) t'mifcdci-nlu States, tony so at his own expense nnd foe hit own Dalit; iwid thu Attorney (>ei)erul ehnll *nt a certificate t?f authentication tp anj' ah edit ion of the lnws'na shall conform u> c stnudnrd now required for the printing d publication ?if the laws. Any edition the Liwaeo Httilienilcntcd shail avail fot I purposes, fur which the publico >u tnay now ha uatd. ? Apptoved April lis. ISC3. 13-2 ^ .V ACT h. AuoW" A?'A"! to E,talt,\h (*? //?> ??aq/i fti&'?u Atfttirg," ' 'I lie t\uj?ri?M of tit.* CV.tif derate States Amr.hts do enrte', That this aecftavV e(?c m of sin act entitled " tin n?4 to clubl'rh o but can of Indian (dial to," approved arch Idtfc, 1861. l*e so-amended ns thai u Cl* rk aivUipt therein may be Ap 'sited wiihout tiic advice aiukconscilt ui 10 Senate. - * Approved April Id. Iff,1, 1?-2 n Act Esp'annfnry of An Act I'utitlrc ** An Act to AnllmriM the Pio>liVti| tr Acycjtt *i(1T Pirtcc in tk? Her* i?c Oi Heel men l* #u?I IWlaltnus Heretofore Kefs u?l." Approved on tJte'Eloveatl: day o Oitlol.yr, Eighteen hundred ?ud .Sixty Two," Tlu* CJotifpM of the CVnfederMr fltntei A lift ica do enaet. Tit is t the second se? >n of the n?i entitled " An Act to onlhor i th^,Prcs'd'Wt"U< accept. nt.?l plitce hi tl?< cvjco certain regiment* nud LaliuJ+oii! iretuforo raised,*'*: pproved on thcelovwntl if of October, in tlio year tiKe^ rtxmsaiK glit hwn<lr*d nud sixty two, ah rrll not b< consirncil '?$ to amhpricp ony gsnsfrA (icer to appoint any <?f the officers of giiuopls ion] . hultnlious?1 bat suid regi enf* *tu1 hatlnfiiint shall -hayo the rixhl ithin ninety d.tys, on * day to ho fixed try * commander of the brigade for that pur pa. t<> v.'fft attc-h offic* rs as volunteers ha ve it eloforr been nttfborlxed tc elcot: i'roy J , that.this net shall not apply foary case lie re enclt office has heretofore becn'filfed ' i i o n. ^ . Approved April 1ft, -> 13-3 , ^ ACT for the relief of Certain Officer! atel Soldiers from the State of hliwnttri. Hie Odngrta* of the Confederate State* ol milieu do enaot, TliHthe nun of itv.ei.ty fO thnpsan-I dollars he Olid ledietehy, |ij?. onriatcil, out of any pien?y iu tfoftVees >%of of her w tie nppnojiiintcd, to pay'th* fleers nmt men of the MisaoorlHtafe guard, IWr tlMiir 'transfer to the Confederals utslin, iVoiw impi Uoninent, al?epc? j tt'Vr Accidental qipiey.. Innva not /% tvedl^isjbsoev, niuili r Mich mips and feg ationa a#" Ws wBStmifj of War tu*> -'c. ,r; ?. . r JPpptoTcd April. 16, ISC3. , . 13.-2 X ACT fit Etlalthh a XStre atuf Jtfru'n'y The Congress of the Confederate Hutes America dv enact. That llt?* uffieaoa an riaad wild appoint*) ?i)d?jr the Ml " An pot f?r tlm organisation of p rpt'of omesta'for (h?r working nf nitre Ves. AA?,""hnetad the eleventh of Apci), I# thousand riffhi hundred and ftUly-ttao. gather with ?ueh additional officers as are 11, opined by'the provisions of this act, all MygaUk'ite an independent htireaSI of a woo DcnarthiViif,' >o be entiUcd '"the tie and Mining Jfureoo." , bjee X J< U norther nmWcI. TWt anld treat *lUll h/r? charge of all doAaa firrlKed in the toeoo J MKica of mU m!> <1 *|>ai! heoharged with all <)uU** 4 ?q>w>?? conueoted with the -: ii-jj|tif e, teippftr, ItM, evf\, ft*.. ?o far *' Jt*bhll cndtirt Udn-Mf abilX uftr the a*mnry ^o*er ton?Jfe??4b >???* rwl. aehUfiMn) |$tr<4i?U* ot &*l)ir<c* ?U > llMMMvy or at>pnrja??UM W? any niww? r?ny Oeeai kXfdMtl V} ?phO air work o? y?r*mrfrt imurt;??* way aleo oMrtaadC >j?hi U Iftb ufprwral <d tk? Unitary of l?nl* '??tP?rv "? VUy % # N 5*ty two, be, aB(f lh? ??M? \? hereby,^amended, by itriklag I out tho p^o*i?o at tlio mJ of the ?uno, ana Inserting In Uot ihereofthe f?dlowiog; /Ve- A *? 1 vid?d. That no tWveeanaeter, XasisUnt Quartero?a?t^r, Cwwwjr^ A^rUtant CJomwlMajry, bo aotiorited- %> employ at a f V '/%, qlirit'aAy #oe Mabltf to military service; '" a?d the Qomiuan(JiDg offlcatr Of Quarter am*. | ? u?u una.^mv' wnuar ud command iadj .v" . ?" tow?6??>? $t*y btt rteOciviry for service nM<>hot?uti J OuaHennttstflrs, As-istanfc! coiaiuiV?rui?* and disabRd aoMWm slmM be ?o detailed whXV/ or e drfw tA found lor auch aoryicn." "' ' ,,I,H li*h Juditiu Oiutigiu Certain Indian Ttr-. rttorfi* tyc*wf rMr?*ry . Fifteenth, Turjhlte* Ifundfefyf d Sixty. Tb? C^ngr?*^Ji?,iCorifo(?fcri*i?ati?t*a of AnSoMoo d^enufii, TWt airy lo3ttu'i>Atk>a entitlcdta n il<'lrgutHii"fW? Chngre:? <d" l1i.? iConfed erntoStntea,-or etUzeh or clti**n& of such Ivftlion,n;fty UttT<tvKwj6r#in eqmlY,< nuy citizen or cUizyns of any Statu or Yevri-f ;T \ lory of tlrt Oqfffedjp,at'(k Statca, or ahy" person or p'T.'on* readme or f?.ftn#l ll,?r?d?, in, I any lHsUrict (7ontt of the Uon fed crated tntes<. : "* ' Where a?^*h?e ?*y in any adsc ittp? law or ^oify uSdor tlir Crfhs(ilu4". .q , -tioo, law*, or troupes at the CHrnftdatat^sr. Staler, in tlio euuje nwuiur ?auU.Wie fvunul. extent, as is now |iro?Wo? t?y "Jot of. Ooiifj gre&B, nnO ti>? treaty with tlte Chaj-okeo Jfui < > .lion, forauRs at law or hi equity t^otWcoiW1 any Htnte of lUo'Co'lifi Jei wtarStat*; Wanj^' citizen or ditlxenVofmch ?tat?. and arm oiliirn jut oitiaeiiA of ?nehTodW?| Nation, orf .person or pcredtu residing or foUOtl-?enlii^*| Approved Aj?rl? 1^-3 Y mm J y A OT to A ulHomc the' PrefUleiU to iff***. J7c*\nh for the ApjitihtusioAof Fugiiiitt. 'JfcakjHhiice. 1 * jj^HH * 'Tha Oojj?re"?a of tho Confederate-State* of , ' ' Aft>vli?n. do enu?i, >not lire,.]'resident l?? nuthuiizcd to offrrmiuibio'rewards for thfe A ' apjw-ehcnalgn of fugitive* from justice, not ,to exg-ed tn Air*<tt*C, lli? suril oftxvo thou- 11 wind duller*. rH^Kl . Ai pMid Ai-riVtV, llif?.' * IS-2 : % ' >+ ' .? * * -*? ' v i ?YNCav^ [No. 6tM , J.y ACT to Atnfrtd th* .firU Atction qf Art ActinJilUJ Aft to the*' J.uv<k ; Jtrloti'rto the (ov'],ni'<iti"ii r f.'" .! , , i> f:\of IheXpnftJtrote -Statuof JIaneit llfHtuFh, JSiyftUtn Ood'^jy-', ttix^y-OHr.'. The C<tti??rosi of lire t.\'?ife'1erat?,Slntei ofVran*" I Aii'.ftltiu itn^nssi i^-. a?* , ,y.?y iiMb.iim. |i?OU 04PV410I) the said <v?t. bo,- mid llio Mimt <<?, kcii-UjySSt k tiureiMu.d^y ? ?tii t-lu> wnnl " I't^fiSwC where it oci-urs hi iboTeath'JJiu' ntnl inrer-i i V tine th? votil ".ot.".*o as to-nmko. tf.e een-fcjnfffS tence.reod, ,*fiJr jhnv. w:j? itnUoimeuu } ' orhninnl tiMjntirmbo Ayr /tollois," . Ap|H\tVod^Af>\\11 A*?h 4 . ^ ? 13 2 (in77> ]| * ; ? ANA C.T to prfiufntf Ihf/f^rq .(//<>**-kSHD nl iiohli*ra PetqiUil fvr alt Ay. uf UjUrXa In ? ? ' thr'Vifyqf JiiilutlHUtl. ., '^5^? f 1 l?r; llu'CiniiirO^ af Mivthiw/eUepatt1 States of i Afftcrie*. d'> 1*1.not, liinf ,ilu* par now . ,',J ' #fH-OW ??1 noMifiri (V t<? ^ < ? ?".M 1,1 Sbf 4<?- ' ! >' i ti?j> of*?d<jrh? i? nny of Wi? jjuMm ^uuj:pI^. : * - < ' tire city. of it+o!nmn J, 4y of theiuf i itfas'.t-?l disability tjiserve in Vhe.fWhT.tlinH ' I I.O i?.?jrji?'ed ffcpm lW?M't V fr$e of 1*1 * pet- dn<"\. -> P *<> onedollnr pet tirtj ,/?vrir nnda'ii r the | n3- ~ : ? 1 M* rtW. f Apiil 5t3tJL?c?.. la-i [ t i^u' '.' " dHi AcT.Ch A**>iiil . ttH Ar+P . .JflRH , ? 11k Qohpree* n^tlio ?r>uf. derate State* ,.f ' Aia?Mtn ilo (*r>cK '1 lmt in *M owh nf "t?-y: * ' pritis-y.ivnt fywfM'd A>r In net, tl:hyj ~<d ri uffleer'lntpi?-??yig Mm propyl tj*ri;oU. if holt -. '* l>?diev? the uj^ii Aii'i-liifHt <vhe fnirnrid j,ir.<,,>> g -u ? * .MiiW?? o|imi it hi* f.ppn?vnJ-v if-m/t-. hoIV tfc sholl etulo!*** li^u U itia^riHotm frr i. ft:jh^ij?^ Int;. nnd <1<li.v?r tWMinMptq ?r<<-?ljit iiriEV^t' 0 the pr. j> |1y ' ini(%y#av(^ (o-tkc onvnrr, l.iip ^ nt?ent,.or iit*orutn?, nni im> ?or?tr its prnoti<-a4- J *' [ tk.?"|>y <>f nntl ?!*( . 1 {krr^fU^liejj^r^LwfappiuiaA' f? or? iQipfii}(?d.hv the l*r>?:'K i,t uinitUf f'n?v?* hntfM?fe, ?V?n revise tli. '. ?in:o nil'ij l?1!Vke<x yi)!luiti<>o. P>> He f.?j ' gl?<vj?Mir e<v*f?.ua??itiit. ferr-?Ue pfpfKUyp* \ , tuk?ii^* w ltivll VsHfAihril by f pii^>er 1 irpiyrtunut, f*V ws* .wl.i.-li tlioj pMlftio tv titken. on Lhe< etldi'^te <<f Mi^j ^ \ ?|ipr?ii?wt n* proyidctl io Ui?.set'?>f wliielil ->' > \ww ii%il>i'afiwr>iTi/ - . * A| |x""VeJ April iCi, t 13-1 ft- b ' 2 r /(.V AxOitrlte the -!?*' ? ?/ clgh l*rL oaift Il-tiAf or tVit{|f(Vtfl i f &,,, 1. in (', rMitrCa*^. .* , Jim I. %b* Congre??JbT tiM CoiifetJeriUe States of ? * A ft. < i:. i .Ic. ?-uo- t. Tl^t I L? Wre?j?Miry of t be f] .Xr^aoury bv nn^lie ieJiei cUy aotjiorued t<j iA<u? an'.f del?xep?tiu/tds or >erli"u-nte3 u(l^\ "?toek tf IhC Crtufsderate Stutev beoriit!^-. ' ?*ht JM* pel mm urn , to n'< I; k an k? aeaMM; j V> vifbareiJi ' nts .eulrrvd i?toLjrtor to 'f-m yf ' ftr*d|?Y of OeiU'UjUfr^fhli, eiLreliy "4'0r> ??>)H Iind-.i.^Uvvr^il !v 111# eoverjiment,' \<f ' ) and tho v.'twtor. nfcrlb?*tim? of sal*. Agreed ' l* t?t*4v? bodiii^reXM* of tbe? priee : stud tli? ?d*l V>niTs AVAtoek ninj b'eaw s<f a*fe?W.tttf Uny-of Wa?kl or on Ut? any the, . ^tadvr Wftr.tH?Utled >o tewlVA patfiieut , **M itditt?i) <ni ibc ifcfy of lr?mo, tb> iw*ep-<?t t? f wtiieh wonlil !> >? ' ' '* ' or roj? the day tlm,, t( Vkfr^or WM entitled M> receive Ihviiif, , ?h<t)t b? a*U- . ^Whtha ??W bond* or etod4f?ir' p"?V**W Tmtfd tfet Mine formr. ?oirfl'jii <, ? thtna ?'id r< .*tr?<rtlo?>ad? ?rr previd?d In <I?o ft. t ' ? ??* b? pr??id? .fnr*?> iDtini for th? ?Mftpori ol ?h? tfovni-nnnriBV improved l*th April. 1*$2, ah# lb? BaVt**'1 * .' ry of th? lY?a*ory i)r??l, also, bf ?nthdrie .< . y ed t? U?ue 4Jfc? loo (Is to' any ppfapp irh? ?hall b*ye ??tii?l1y J^id jaMMgr. Ujo <ho band* A)ftiid?tf*i!P?(uU JffcrtiW' for lho nttrehaM of ?Wilt |i?r *ei*t. band* of tt??r ?>n .1 .,,, (tiiiKlr?td million l?p?r tjjrter ? >h? twentieth ? k< ' ?S V ' o' d.y drr-?? &?A<wib7Un..//?jviM 55B&*?Heag* 8>iMl>ry of tb? Treedury ^ShilMw . s- J?..x Approved April W, g>*? ^ 13-S. , K ; I No. t81 * 4/f -jrff m*lu JO. irq0u9ft qpcertr.' : ; ~t An*r*tu3 Apr* 2'j, ls<r,. '* I**' in 111 n