University of South Carolina Libraries
W-^% - ' / jt ** ' " * T ^ ^ 4 ? - '* ' # !ir fnntlirm vCiiterjuiae. | # " * ' ' .._ * ' -J s % \ u jfcitjr Sr\ .; 3*--, ' I: ?i k : ACi Uifc^-'O;- n v* ' . Wonting. July 23, 1863. .. j /TV?" P^ents will notice the advcrV ^ tisemcnt of Mr. W. B, Leaky, who ro ?Vl^ s?tt?ei the rxero's<5* of his school on the ** prox. ^ n ' " la^ -. fc/ . > ' Tlio Pystago AcJj? approved V April lOiht declares iha( ftom ' mid n fter H?o 1st inst., past, tlio postage on newspapers, shall he one cont per * ? copv, payable in advance. # ' ? TUj> Biulcr Guards. , It 16 wjtli tl?o deepest .regret ati<l sorrow j Unit ff c lorn, and pilbll?li the losers of the . .. j iM Guards, in Lbo battle of Gettysburg. Sid in?t. The death of Captnin 1'ii.uam is ? a oevrt-e and heavy blow upon the ?orj>s, and one that will -Ue^ hard to sustain, lie was cliarnetorired fbr his uprightness, jy-obr ity and .Worth, and his fall will l>e uiu'eh ? < lamented by onr entire community, of . ' which ho was so bright an ornament pre. .ylojus to the war. A nobler spirit bis not wielded the sword or sr.erificcd his life ill defence of his country. t IVo-flfivc n full and accurate roll of the hilled and wounded, as furnished by acting Captain William Holla no ; - Capt. U. 0. Pulliam, wounded in head, k > mortally, since died. Lieut. IV. K. I\.-woll, * wounded slightly by spent .grape shot; Lieut. A. 1 >Saes. wounded severely in arm : - . Lieut, d. W. Cstgle. wounded severely in cylf of leg: Sfergt.. It. W Pool, v rounded ?' * mortally", died; Sergt. T. II. Stall, s wounded slightly in foot by ccueussion ; Corp. 11. G. Ingram, wounded -severely in thigh ; A. Whisnnnt, wonhded -seriously in fignt br? asl; A. 15a<Jt>n, wounded seriously tn foot; 15. F. Deaehnin, vouhded slightly in foot ; S. J. Carpenter, wounded seriously in calf of leg ; J. M. Corson, wounded severely in face; G. \V. Dyer, wounded slightly in lap; L. 1\ Gilreatli, wounded seriously in foot, since "had foot amputated ; IV. IT Gold? smith, \Volindtd slightly bv concussion ; IX I'. Irvine, wojunded .sliglvlly l>y concussion ; Jim. A. Jcriiing*, hilled ; Chas. A. M.irhley,' /Mlleu: T. lr., Moore, slightly wounded in arm; Uobt. Shumate, wounded slightly by spent bait; L. It- Smith, wounded Mortally ; W. P. Turj in, wounded slightly by concns Hon ; K. F. S. llowley, wounded slUrhtly: "Ifm.- r. aiusey, wouuded slightly by fall of tree. . tv.c have also been perinitted to innhe the annexed from the same letter, which we di^ for lh< benefit of the parties: - inciititnK'd therein: Augiet :no Jhiom, I.awrcnce P. Cilroath, J. i'v;,o.i. I. U. Smith. 11. G. 1 inrrum, | nnd Ales. Whisnant. liny, be. n lett at h"8 pita!, in>t tp'ing able to be muved. IV. W. t.ilreafli and Lan lolpti llaeon were detailed to nurse tlic wounded. Tbv e >iiipanv Went into action with fo"r nflic. i - and forty igbi. ni.-n, and of tlm number there yceo only tour who were not ?. struck. In the list arc milv r. norted cases as were tl>lc 1. It lin* iipon tin-w. I luart ton.V.iiL- owjrazcinci.i ?c have v.t I>it I. Tin- prim-ii-ul I-"* ws? i:i a i-liar^i: uvi-r ?i|.cti gr.otn.l, where Mio ^ratio ami eiuiister was us tlii. s a.- hail. We xii mourn the-Jo.* ! >ur di.-ni. ami i appro 1to);il tin.- pc pic ol llaalivillo nill foi l a- latti II tl.h c lT.;cl "f this brxttlo as any nl* tin- war. I taut t'.ijiL' Pilllitilil olf tlio fii'l'l ami allcmli.l hit. t.i tin- Jn'isjiit:iI ami made liitn eo;.i!'.rta'ute its p> .-ril'i-. I 1H1I *i:M" rojrar-l a mortal >?;oj!tnl. ami was surprised tlm 111-xt ilnv . I Ix-ai-l 'i>- ivi? inking. "1'wJI .Mr. uis v?a. well r arc I lor, ami i. lai rie-d beside l aj I. l'lilliutn. iSn-.ui one of bis moss will writ - l." tiiit, nnl jjlvo ji:tr*"'n'art?. Tell llie dnuiHe.- ot M.-s.-rs. .It-uniugs ami Mark ley, that 1 they were Mruek iu vital 1 1rls, and died install.!y. Tii. v m o) < svi.i'ally burled vll lit'.'| battlefield, ami Inmdiuu' InHiked. Their liters- I mates wiiL"hrtie t i their t'a mi lies and onsiosO iiivtiivfilhi . .t'-. We are muc h oiliaii.-li.f, i and I liavo t<? hurry lor want tif time. You j . ii-i trace our route. Cros-ed at Wiitiam.sporl, . i.p-K-ho-1 to lla^(,i-sl.iwn, tltcnoe to Chnml'tir.-- j borr. and llu-it took down the l'iko toyii. Haltii.i oe to tietiy bill-, " liero the V.ittie was 1.01-1 >. Front the 16th Regiment. 'Wehavu very little news from the J.Gilt liegiii.cut, tit Jackson, concerning its pat li.ipalion itt tlio laic engagements nt that- place. Dr. Hanuam, Croft informs us that lie lias received a letter from Lis sou tln-ro, dated tl?o 11th ; in which he stated that, in tLo battles engaged in Ly the Kc-ginient, up to that time, there had Lecn hut one casualty ?a teamster, a member of Captain D w;m:ti'-> Company, (name not mentioned in the Idler,) was killed. The ikoginfenl had been ordered to the rc-ai a rescrvp. Evacuation of Jackson. The telegraph informs us that 0111 army evacuated Jackson. Miss., 011 last t- hhidfiy, l'itb icst. This manoeuvre was ... to prevent Ifcing flanked on the right " ^ L^- enemy. liifo.ri lotion from that quarter, under d ite ot the J-ih, fi?rt). ^reports that our anny was still siowlj falling buck up to i o'clock, 17ih. No troops, except a! ;0U t 2,0;>0 cavalry, had cr issed I'earl Diver. Our caved ty are skirmishing with thou.s boy on u Lri.i.uori. CUuoi.s ? irLo bavo como out since tlie evacuation, say ri fing of tiuce was sunt by the c'tiz^ria to (?rant, formally surrendering - v tlio city. Grant fissured than that f " prrvritu property would bo respected.? ?. ? Their cavalry Cin'no in at 8 o clock on .. ;,v* , . tlie \ Vtji, and" took possession. \ / Srtlllalcr nowa haf? been receive-J, of " V the 20th.? ? flynoials TV.MnEr.Tos, Steimirnson, fa - * * T?p\\*en, 1'auion, s;.urn. t.r.r; and ci. iiLi.V *. 'wiKfis and nfl field officers captured at * VioltHUurjf I < < a ^exchanged! Tlio - - UK'ti have. straggled .df over the cdm *rj. ^86Pn7'' Cen Hc/wkn is lying <3*ngerou?]y ill ??t LfJZrifc/ \??Ufitou, unable fd If* brought to our - Iht*#. tn-n. .1 A( Iv.'.O.n's env/iliy has just . __ if". j;eni'net Vforn iko rear of (? kant. 'I l?ey , w?ptur<d ami destroyed a train of otto * oO commissary wegon*, ami re - ; <?**>prt>nhG enemy in force at (Janton.? _ ^/*^a Aaemy rfccVo^std the river in licavv .- < i?.tlicv 1 O'.Ij, a: d :? ii.ovu,^ on - * >m" ' ' rv' iS^r' ,L-. - 1 *" ' - " . W IE' Is thoie Hops 1 .... Now, when our ow iy bolovcd metropolis h besieged, And t&e wclfa?bV>f the V-!?' Htafe is'in imminent perilt there ?ro those-'rvho Geel d?sj>ondeol wlieu iltoy casually look At Uie critical state of our affairs; when they see our insolent enemica.aro thundering at the threshold? with booming of cannon and battling of ' musketry?with denaon-liko determination lo reduce us to tho lowest and moftt abject slavery that ever fell lo the Jot of mortals. . But even in vrewing#tbis disagroeable aspect, why should they despond ? ' Should they not feel that there is nq o*or ruling Disposer of evenfs, that guides tho actions of*men and the destinies of mankind f It is a high CJnistian duty, and one that is paramounts, to nil ol}*ers, after peiforming what we durst invoke tho blessings of our Heavenly Fatter uppn?doing everything in our power conducive to the desired goal?to bravely resign ourselves lo what may seeni to bo an inevitable fate. But although the jfortn's of our I homes may be in hazard, and our chief city environed by fire and thunder and smoke, is it reduced to a certainty thai our enemies will be successful! Could wo confer with tho ninucs of past centuries, wo would lenin to hope for ! better. The intelligent bUtdent of history !:as but to be reminded of engagements at Thonnopyloa, Maratimn ami l Salainin, it) all of which, the besieged | were threatened with utter annihilation j j by overwhelming opposition, but came ofl' victorious. Tho ancient city of | Syracuse was beleaguered by an- enemy l iu numbers Amounting lo triple times i that of the besieged, wliodiad reduced j all of the cities of Sicily, oxcepting (his ! ono, and it seemed as though but one blow remained lo be stiuck to secure the 'whole island, when an infection broke S out among the soldiers of the invading ' j ariuv, destroying hundreds of thousands; j and, making a sally, the Syiacuslans ! destroyed what disease had spared.? There arc multitudinous ways in which the enemy may be disconcerted in their atrocious machinations for our subjnga! lion ; and with an unbroken deterrninI ntion, every soul should feci coufidenL | though wo should meet with reverses? I collateral with warfare?of an ultimate ' ; success. Tax in Kind. As the time for paying the War Tax j I w ill soon ariivo. \ym novo our loaders he* ' , . 0 __ few (lie system of collecting sucli j;or>'ions of i( as tins to be paid in kind : | An otliccr of the Quartermaster (ienor! ai's Department will lie assigned to the ! special charge of tlie subject. A con trolling Quailermastcr, with the Tank of Major, will ho assigned to each Stale, i and a Dost Quartermaster, with the | rank of Captain, to each Congressional I j District, where it is practicable to col-I i lect the tenth. Each Congressional District will he Mih divided bv (lie Dost Quartermaster I in chnrgo of it into sections, for the eon j I venient delivery by the tax payer of his I ! quota of produce, and agents will be! ; appointed by that ofiicer to take oliarge j | of the depots to be established in cncli section. Before these depots can he establish. | ed, or the assessments required under J i the law bo made, the crops of small grain, hay and llie clip of wool for the present year shall have been r ecu red. io relieve farmers frt^n the-ii-dc nwd ; inconvenience of stoiing, those miditm , " near posts where Quartermasters arc | now stationed are requested to deliver . the Government's tenth, or.any pai l of , it, to that Quartermaster. They arc required to deliver their j tenth at depots not moic than eight miles fiom tlie plae.o of production. If they will deliver under this request, the I Government will pay for the transportation in excess of eight miles. The [ Quartermaster receiving1 produce under | this rule w ill givo receipts to the productions evidence that so much of his ' tax is paid. And as the Post Qnnitcr] master of tho Congressional District is i responsible for t'ne tenth, after the nsI sessor has established and mado it . known to him, the Quartermaster to | whom (he produce delivered will alI sc receipt for it to the I'ost Quartern ! mn?tcr of (ho District, who will endorse 1 a copy of (ho receipt upon (ho assessor's I estimate before transfening it to the i ... j agents at the receiving depot. | n (ho loth, RtJackson, Miss.,! Gen. Johnston sent a Ihig of truce to I Gen. Grant, asking permission to l.ury j tlio yankoo dead in front of our works, whereupon ho asked permission to send assistance in ord^r to recognize the ( slain, which Johnston refused. Tho first i proposal being granted, terms were ; arieod npoe; our men wereengaged dur-1 ling tie entire afternoon in .the work. Some of the enemy's officer* admits loss of from four to five hundred. J?3~ TI?e families of ftoldiers have their attention called to the uotico, 'J ho I toll of flonor." Tire. Vf. s>ny thai in j?r.->iiRintf j in fi'.s i> treat to I?ritlgoport lost 1,100 ' jr. >i. * aoifti : " Stkanc k !?That at an election re fwntly held la GreeuriUe, SvCn IV 8. Arthur" was abated captain of O volunteer company ! If hit work" in 'lighting tho-yankeea are m weak* and wateris h ns his T&laa, the yankeos will' not fare very badly at hi* hands, an less he can -force them to read hie booke." . Tho aCore is from'the Batonton (6a.) Countryman, H ? 8U|?jJU?U gOIIUCUUUI .row?Txu to by tJio Countryman, to be oor Reverend Mr. AKXnt'R, pMtor of the Rpiss [copal oongregation in this place, 'wbo wm reoently elected commander o( n cavalry compauy for local defence.? Although he disclaims paternity to the "Orphan Children," "Love in High Life," tfcc., liis ecclesiastical disputants of former years consider his " fairs " anything but waterish, from the severe man-' ncr in which they have been handled by hint. As to the .way in which he would fight, the Yankees; from the mention given him by Oen. Kersivaw, i?? hi* official report of the first battle of Ma?. nass^s, we would not be apprehensive of his intrepidity, nor, judging from his address in manoeuvring his corps, of his abilily> to give the enemy the odds in number of casualties, From General Lee's Army. From a gentleman who came down on the Control train Inst night, we gather the following particulars of affairs in the lower Valley: On Monday evening, it wns ascertained that the enemy were crossing the Potomac in henvy force at a number of different fords between Williamsport,- where the light of our army rested, and K4ward's Ferry, near Lcesburg. ' During the afternoon of Monday, a jxirtion of their forces wldch had crossed at Harper's l'erry, engaged the12tli Vn. Cavalry at Tlalllown, Ibur miles from the river. Finding thcina?lve?*>ppo*ed by a vastly superior force, the regiment fell bach, and the enemy advanced as far, and occupied Charlestown that night. At the same time a henvy column of the enemy crossed the river at Bhepherdstown, t welve miles above Harper's Ferry, and another column i*t Point of Porks, nine miles below. It is nlso report.d that a consider . able force was thrown across the river at Kd ward's Ferry. On learning that the enemy were thus attempting to gain his rear, Oen. Fee at J once commenced the passage of the river at I Williamsport and Falling Waters, and I throughout the entire night on Monde v. his army was engaged in crossing tlie Potomac, stilt snmewtiuf. swollen l?y iho recent rains. Early the next morning t lie lost of onr (rooj>? reached the Virginia shore, and moved on in Ilto direction of Winchester. The Inst licnrd from nnr army it was in lino of battle nt Bnnkor Ilill, midway between Wineliostcr and Mnrlinsbiirg.?Richmond l)t*pntch. Vjcksduro.?The proposition of the fall of Vicksburg, says the Mobile Ads vertiser. being absolute, it is now plain that it lias fallen with the least possible harm to us. If it bad held out on'y twenty four hours longer, Johnston's army would, without any doubt, have boon cut to pieces. Johnston was on I the Big Black, and on Saturday night | bis army bivouacked with orders to | move on Gra rit's en trench men Is' at two o'clock mi the morning. Before the hour ariived the news of Pemhertor.'s capitulation was received. Fiom what h is since been learned of Grant's posi tion, it is now known that if Johnston's force had been doubled and tiebled it could never have got through the wotkt of Grant." The country for miles was defended by felled limber, every coige and ravine *a fortified woik. bristling with caution and converted into ft slaughtei pen. NVa arc credibly informed that it look some of our paroled ofli cers at Yicksbtn'g fifteen hours to ,-ide fifty en miles through the felled limber and mound the evacuations and cm twrvkments made bv the enemy. How long would it have taken an atmv to march through the same woiks defended by a superior force ? We claim that we have been fortunate in saving the gnllant little army of Johnston, as well as the Vicksburg gairison, fiom further loss. TIuj latter will before long he exchanged and enabled^ to take the field again. CiiAuUiSTOX, July 10. Yesterday morning the enemy opened an awful fire upon Battery Wagner, j exceeding in violence any heard here since the beginning of the war. frve | Monitors, the Ironsides, seven wooden gunboats, with two batteries on the South end of Morris Island, maintained for eleven hours a converging fire against our works. It is estimated the enemy fired during the day nine thou*, sand shot and shell. Our guns replied regularly from Wagner, Fort Sumter participating. Our loae in the boni| bard merit was four killed and fourteen I wounded, at C p. 111. At dark, the on cmy having alackened fire, advanced | to the assault with a heavy infantry force. Our men, though terribly jaded by the labois of the day, fought des> peratolv. The Yankees, with wlritG ard ldack regiments, came tip column after column until eleven o'clock, when tbey ( were finally repulsed with great slaughter and driven from every portion of our works. Ilioy held a portion of our works for an hour. We look two hundred and fiftv prisoners, including ftf ? t /i?i? it'UJi uigiu oviuiun. a Jiicuivnanv \JUIUJ nel and other officers. The enemy's loss is estimated at from one thousand to fifteen hundred! killed and wounded. Our loss about sixty killed and wounded. Lieut. Col. Simkios, commanding Ballory "Wagner, was killed, and Major Kamsny, of the Charleston Battalion, wounded. A*ll quiet to-day. Cuarlkstom, July 19.?The bomI bardmcnt ol Battery Wagner yesterday | was terrific?the fire of the monitors, the"lron?idr#i, seven wooden gunboats, and two Vnnkee land batteries maintaining a concentrated fire for eleven | hours. At dark the enemy, nnmhering ; ten- regiments, made a determined asj sault on our works. After a desperate struggle* lasting unitil eleven o clock, I they wero rspuUec with heavy loss.? Onr loss about one hendred killed and woundod. The eneinv's lose estimated atgfifteen hundred. We captured'ovcr I two hundred prisoners, including some j black troops engaged in the assault.? i All qOi<t to-day, boning dead. ?? 81 * Cdiularoii. 20* Firing f* rwwed to^day from ita J land baUerfca, monitor*, IrgniU* ml 1 mortar boat*. The stalling wag M?ti^ but Battery Wagner is intact. Ofloert * from below officially report, (lift we ] hero buried upwards Of 000 dead 16 I our lines. % Surgeon* are new operating ' oar the wounded Yankee*; moat of tfte j wound* are feerfa?, being from grape , and canlater. The body of Col. Shaw^ < of a negro regime**, wa* found on the parape% With hi* Mack Orderly Ser 1 geant, who waa burled among hfc own j troop*. Two compaoiaa-of Georgian*, , of tii* 03d Regiment, jeeoeived praise on t every band for their coolusu and intafr* < pidity during the a?anlt. Our Oene> rals and people are eontroent and hopeful. The bombardment was renewed a t abort time this afternoon. All quiet j this evening. . . '^ President Davis' Plantation Sack- 1 f.d.? A few days ago a body of Yankee* went upon the plantation of President Davis, in Mississippi, and rified'it completely, destroying every implement of husbandry, all hie household and kitchen furniture, defacing the premise*, and carrying nnd diiving otf every ne t gro on the place. The plantation of Mr. Joe Davie, brother of the President, was treated in thft same way, if we except four or live domestic servants I which the robber&.left. tW We nre authorised to announce Limit. Colonel WALLACE It lOOU a pandidute fi.r CLERK OF COURT for Orcen ville District, at ttio next election. WJJ are authorized to announce 1 Hon. J AS. FARROW a candidate for ra- | election to the Congress of the Confederate ( | State* as Representative from the fifth Con- . gre#donnl District. I . Attention Mounted Riflemen. "X7"OU are luycby, required to appear he X for# the Court House door, on Sotnr dn v next, equipped, nt 5 o'clock, precisely. ily order of T. S. ARTHUR, Captain. | July S.I 12 tf For Sale, VNKW TIIKK.SlilXO MACHINE, (Iloatrighls Make.) Apply nt this Office. July 2" 12 2 Select School. OS Monday Aug J7lh^ the /?'-fMl Soluwrlhrr will reeame his la tKMKK; bors. The Students nml others who do*ire to join the < ]?m??, ?Kr vrjll pluM to be punctual In ?ttendance on that d*v, at tt o'clock, A. M, The con two of Studies lor the Session will then be armng<d. W. Ib LEAKY. July 23 12 4 Substitute. C*') AAA TWO THOUSAND DOLLA US will be jwid for ft I SUBSTITUTE, over fifty year* of ng~. to be mustered into Capt. Karle'tt Light lintterv. Yliis Company enjoy* an enviable roputntioii for its drill ami discipline and the gentlemnnly conduct of its member*, and is stationed nt what was,- before the war, the most popular summer resort on the whole Const?Blulllop. Add< ?**, nt once, P. {J., care of Capt. Wm. E. Uurle, Unrdeovitle, S. C. Jul* .33 12 2 $50 Reward. J>R<")KE Jail, on th* night of the 14tb J Ittsf.. T1IOS. JON Us, who lia<l been j committed for hor*e stealing. Said Jones j is about six feet high, daik skin, dark liatr, j d;.i k. eye*, and is about :>.*) years old, and weighs about 175 pounds I will give the j r.lxwe reward for Ids delivery to me nt j flreeiuille, or for hi* confinement Wi any . jail in Soutli Carolina *o that I tnav get I him. J. T. M. DANIUL, Sheriff of Greenville District. July 23 J J tf IV?IIcc to CouacripVt. i Ptwtl n nrlLinn liavint* JL culled out nil mAi, lip to 45 year# of age, tbis it to notify nil men within ?aiJ up', that tliey pitmtptiy 'report themselves at my ofliicn, for Enrollment, or flint tlieir cloims for exemption mny be eonsKlercd. who report before the lfith of August, will have the privilege of joining the companies of their choice, tueli n* fail so to do, will be proceeded against ? deserters, niiJ when arrested will be assigned without reference to thef?f wishes. Captains yf beats will tend to (hit ofHee as early- as prnetnblc the nanu s of all,wen in IjietrFcspoetive companies between the age* of 39 nnd -15. < hFtue lloort from 0 to 1 A. M, and 3 to 6 P. M. \V ITJ-TAM EIXIOTT. 1-1. ?fc Knr. CHTlccr. July 23 .12 4 Stato of South Carolina. Anjur*Nr and Istr'n-Ci*'* Orrice, Charleston. July It, 1868. OKSKliA f. OKI)Eli NO. 26. | J CHHISTorilYR F. HAMPTON hav JLe mg been unpointed Aid-de Camp to bit Excellency the Governor, la herewith comtniMioned'as web, and will 1m obeyed and respected accordingly. . Uy order of the Governor and Commander in Chief. A. C. OARUNQTON, ' Adjutant and Inspector-General 8. C. . July it I* - I ' SaltlSaU!! ARRIVED, a flnc lot of Wilmington made HALT, and manufactured by at, which may he had at reasonable prices, at whole#ale or retail. GEOROE IIKI.DMANN A CO Mar 19 40 tf KECKU1TI WANTED. fQ, T WILL receive into my Cora pa|t , 1 nr 1, P.M. L A, a M mora flft/HTOUT ABLE BODIED MKW, to wire In HEAVY* RTILLKUY. wTT Thlc company haabeon, during I la ax- 1 Til istenea, stationed upon James Uland, 11 J] under Uio Immediate command of fly1 Mat. Campbell, whom vtflmri to renaain. An application .fer <um? lierphip can be at once aent to roe aid transportation forwarded. " Thla oppaftnakp 1 will not extend beyond 180 mm. , ? J. It. BOW DEN, Capt. Co 1, 1*, B. L. A., I IfTAddress, 1 R. Downkn, Co. I., f. JtL. AT, Obarleaton, 8. 0. f. 1 Jnly 9 10 ' tIt m Sf r * * Se . ? JLm ' , k ^ I ^ufc^olin* who fcn^kBeo during tk* **r;mi<S reaped tf'W jnU*a smOeg 0* mkiinnftlMStol* The **? ufno nl> 1 Imnt *oti ofthts Sutr nrfco hM gtvelT KiOifc to bi? eountry ihselj be omitted ttf m M leeeased seklSer Is State, reak. Address at at Cofoaaboi. t WM. B. JOHKSTPOJJ, Recording Agent' for the State. Von, and aeod bitte (or Utlaand former OV>tic* :o m? ma Af?nti ofthe Btate. Tbry will iW son far a favor ba calling attention M the natter. . . A-< July 25 1* ; . * - . .. 1' , Salt Ur'Sata. A LARGE supply of good Wilmington t\. N. C. SALT on hand and for sale, at oUoloaalc and retail. : - V. a flARtf.' v frHon? SMt CoUrc, and spring tract* ona door <gst of. Dr. Karle's drugJuiy 0 .10 *. - ; it * a a . i a . i * , ? * . ... CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH 9 C II G O L . TJIK NEXT SESSION" of tb?' J] CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ^aSKa SCHOOL recently established bj Professors EDWARDS nnd JUD tftJ* son, with the approbation of tin Xh.ard of TnotMi of furmin University, during the snspensiun of HnKn?rriwi of the rnircrilljr, will open at the University Building, ON TIIE THIRD Al'OUST, and embrace two quarters of ten weeks each. Terms?$10 per quarter, with 60 cents for incidental expenses, payable in advance. Good Boarding epn be had at $26 per month. The utmost watch-care will he exercised over the morals of the pupils. For further information address Professor P. C. Edwards, Greenville, S. C. July 0 10 * 8 ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. - IN EQUITY. Susan W. Thruston, Guardian,! Hi// vs. > for Snlr ttf Richard Thrwston. a Minor. 'J S L A V K . 11Y order of Chief Justice O'Nenll, in tbU 1ease, I will sell, on Snh?-day is Afyvtl, to the highest Vikider, at Greenville Court House, a valuable MULATTO BOY named TOM- in Ok, axed -nineteen yearn, a good rineksmlfh by trade. TERMS, CASH. ' WM. M. TIIOMAS. C. E. G. D. 11th Jnly, 1883. 11 .1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT, nr equity. Aon Baker. Ad'm'x, Ac., j * . Jl i 11 ?s. ? Ar Ja*. A. Baker, et ale. j Stilr n/ IaihJ, d.e. TS ehcllcnee to the decree of the Court, I will sell to the highest bidder, on Tuesday after Sales Pay. in August, at tlie Itepot n f Willtanwlitii in Ainlaraitn Iltalrtef i Is a Land deacrll>ed in the pleading^ of tlnr cam-, the LAND pun>h??rd by William L. Baker from A. Voanjj Owena, containing Two ILnnilnd and Thirl? Acre* mora or boa.?TKKMH CASH. . VT.M. SI. THO.MAK, t\ c. ?i. l?. July 0 10 4 STATE OF SOUTH CJROLIHA, GUEENVIIXR DISTRICT. IV EQUITY. VTm. M. Thomae. Adni'r aH Hill JchuThotujmon, deo'd, at al I * to en. ( Partiton, ? loin ay Trice; at al?. J X* Xxrnt, dr. IN obedience to tha decree of the Conrt? I will aall, on Sale* Day, in Aii;u>t. IPCS, at tlreonfille Oimit llonee to Ibr hidito'r. the LAND deacribed in the pleading whereon Jehu Thompson lired, adjoining liindu of B. F. Yotty, on the Suluda <Jap Bond, nr >V Ibr Stole line, containing One Hundred Acroa, more or leer.?TIC IIM.? CASH. WS1. St, TIIOMas, c. k. ?. n. July 0 10 . ' 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. KXEGUTIVK 1>F.P A HTM KNT, { CnM'MBU, July 8, 1*08. j \I7HKREAH information hna hern reoeW? T cd at Iliia Department that WILLIAM T. MOHS, who was in Ilia jail of Richland Dietiict under aentenee ol death for the murder of Jamea Phillip*, did on the night ol (he 27th of June, make hit cacapa from the raid jail: Now. tJwrefore. I. MJLLttDGKL. BOXITAM, Ciorefnor of the State of South Carolina, do hereby offer n reward of ONK J j/ t /i MiiiA I'o i?r inc ppjir^urn ion of the Mill Wnt. T. Mom and bin delivery into any jail in thin State. Said Mom fa alnul 28 year* old, ft feet 10 incite*high, w eight altonl 140 pound*, dark hair. wear* a monetaehe and ia rather sood looking. Ht i* from Wake County, North Carolina. % Given under my hand, and the real of the . . State, at Columbia, titie second day lL- 8 J of July, A. D. 1863. M. L. ROSriAM. W'm. R. IIvntt, Secretary of State. Julv 9 10 4 All the papers in the State ftubliah twice a week for one month "pBOSPECTUS.-Thc undesigned will X iaaue, in a few weeks, ^at Richmond, Vn , n treekly journal, to be called " TIIK SOUTHERN PUNCH I" It will be nearly a duplicate in size, form nnd general features of the world renowned leindon " Punch," eo long i\n acknowledged power in the British lalee in the reformation of pnbHe at>uaee, and the enlightenment of the pobUc Mind, flashing aa it did with the genlua cf Hood, of Jerrold, and a liast of wlta, po?U. and pbiloeenhia uMwnt The proprietors of "TOESOUTHERN PUNCH " bring to tha diAealt fa.k of torc(Wi^nctip^ imoh 4 journal the *d vantages of aepitel, abuadaut mental reeeur m, and praatlea] bill. Tbe editor far many year* past, baa been eonnrated, In a landing editorial taptllty, with the largest dally papers of Haw Orleans and Mobile, while (he gentleman wh6 hare, charge of Hie typograghieal and engraving departmenU are unearpaaeed in that skill neeeasarjr to eilccea*. Krary number will l?e illuatrated with b macro u* eat*, appropriate to the time#, (humor on* and aerioue,) frpra the hands of on# of tb/> l)?rt a*gravers on tbe continent ?an artUt whose nam* i? familiar to the reading public of the Souths" .. Ia Roe, fb^umderw?ed era determlaad thereto at f16 per hundred eeto&VAd UTOiric* Main streea^etwaen NMth , ?/ < .1968. - -Mr 1 9 ' A-;' v^V * *' ja % r- * 1. i,r>' # - * A? ai. 11 Lh I 22L *~gv" Wj^i* Hymn Beak and Player Book. ? ^K^^^llnaT^i &*t?^baa I tr.?m> t'VfIoo of u^n.n eJat^? copy; Prayar Book, ie e*?U-. w? alaohava a good arietr ot TRACTS, peculiarly adapUd to Ilia waata otrnmf+ol. i diara. - . - . . jto ?, STATS QT ?0TJTH QABOLiHA, , okkbnville bistwct. * - xv. sq3jxty. v- v "1 Am Baker, Adro'x, 1 * f I James >. lUkor,.*t al ) finIt of Land,, tie BY the order otChJef Justice O'naall the _ creditors of Was.-L. Baker, deceased, are notified to file (Mr & within three months fron> this date, ttth July. ffiOS. ' WM. M.tnOMAS,o.jt. ?. - fnl v 9 , 50 . i i . i : i *?>:" bOOO. " * * ' $60<JV; JBfboluntental. ., ~ . T I74YE Thousand Dollars Rewend.?To any sober, enerfretlo-nerson who falls to maks'f 2,ft00 a jfcflrt "Jos binlo?w?Mf, honest sod Iatsativr. JCo^bapitnl or. ?dq-. Cation required. Na expanse incurred f Five hundred ladies ami gentlemen wanted I By addressing me . immediately yon may secure to yourselves health, wealth, beauty, loricr life and a beprtt raawlage. * * A flOLR RWO OB AXIS to the first yphnp lady' writing to mo I * For furtbei information address' (inclosing, your return postage) FRANK "RO. LIKDSET, Raven's N^st 1\ O., Washington Co., \h. Aprif? O* 15* BY AUTHORITY. Acts and Resolutions of the Congress of the Confederate Csngross, pnssed at the Third Session?186s. AX ACT Mak!ng*Approprinti*nt to jnoot lie /serrate t\f pay A uihnrfarH ly fir Act of Congrf I'm'ittrd " An C*t -<f> fnrromt. ti? yap of Oortmin OJHcrr? and A"Wptogrt* il /At Exrontfrr and l*?gl*latirr Jfrfta,tmtnU " wti.wr tmrtrtntH, Atttmndrrd Upd Sixty- Tie*. -iJ Th* Congrw of the Confederate State* ?f A uteri oa do enact, That the following he paid oat of any inoocv not otherwUe ?jp|>roprittei, to vrtt: For deficiency in appropriation for ?eompeoeetfoa of the Secretary of ?b? Tmauty. fireiitont Sec-rotary, ComjU roller, Andltori, Trcn?nrcr end Regletet, nod clerk* nod ' U|e*ncnger* In the Tiwwerj l>epertmeet, from the thirteenth of October, eighteen hundred -sad ?lxty-t?ro, to January the tbirly-ftrft, aightven hundred and ijirtv-throe, to wit ; tor Increase of pay of clerk*, ie.. voder the vet aforesaid, ixty-eight thouMMil dollar*. *~i : C for deficiency In appropriation for compensation of the Secretary of War, A^aictant Secretary, Chief of KnVotm*, clerks, messenger*, Ac.,- from the thirteenth October, eighteen.hundred and aixty-two, to January the thirty-firti, eighteen hundred nial aixty-tlireo, to ?U | for lucre ore of pay of clerk*, Ac., unj*r the net nfnreiaid, twenty one thousand. eljfbt hundr.-d and eighty-eight dollar* and l*e??y thhe Wit. For defiiiency in appropriation of the4 clerk*. me#*cnger* and fuheVer* In the" Po*l Department, from the thirteenth October, eighteen hi mired and *ix?y-two, to January the thirty-fir, t, eighteen hundred and aiutjfthree, aereo thca*and, see on hufidrvd'nud fifteen dollar* and ;w?atpbtir cout*. " Fan deficiency if appropriation for.compen?ation of the clerk* gml employee# in the Navy Department, froin the thirteenth" October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two Hi January the thirty-first cightuew hundred-anil three, nine hundred am} ecventy-tUroo dollar* and fifteen cent*. . ? -- Approved Jnnnnry 30, ISfi.l. A .V A CT In Prnridt /or Trqutporfnlian n/ /V/-MM* irAo knrr turn MoMtrtd info tk* ??<rn'ro far it* k'lfr. ' v* ' The Congrwi of the Confederatf Stat* of America do enact. That non-eommiasicned oMecra and peiratc* who hare tsaen muttered into serriee for the wnr. and to whom ftttlongh*war be granted for not mora ttmur Mat j days, "hall be entitled t?> transportation on home and hack: Prorititd, Thot this allowance shall only be mode one* daring the term of ftdiatrucut of yucb uon-curomiHtenod officer* und private*. - . - ~ i ; Approved February 7, 1863. AS ACT In A "thorite the Appointrnt-ot of 4t~oittantt to fa* ttrtjiMer in Sigmiog Hondo amdf Certificate*. . Tb?' Congrcsr of tit* Confederate Rtatee of America do enact, That the Secretary of tho Treasury ia hereby authorised to appoint Atro elerks, if so raany b* necessary, to (Utitt the Register in signing besda amd aerttSaatee of stock, with the aaUry of principal alerbe in the department; and er*ry hand and eertideate signed by on* of tbe laid elbrfc* far the Register ahull be aa > slid and intents and pnrpeiaa, aa though the wM*Pf actually signed bp the Register % kla phopec band writing, *. t "<** Approved February 14, fdBlt AS ACT MmHof ~J^proprltHomo ft* Me Sajtpori of tkf </<>Nnai^ for Ma fW from f"*i>rwnro Fir*, to Jon* Tkirtoootk, Eighteen Ttoomrod gmH Airtjf-Tkree, /iwb, rive, amd to Smpptf lftftoioncioO A'idO*J mor Thereto. . , The Congress of the Confederate Btataa *r America do enact, That there he appropriated and-paid out of any money hi tbe treasury, not etbenrtaa appropriated, the Mowing anaaa of, money, and for the fallowing pnrpeecs, vfcI. //cyiWniire.??For compenaation and mileage *f aaembera ahl delegate* efli* Ileum of Repremntatlr**, one hundred and mventy-fofcr thousand, two hundred dollars. , . For compenadtien ef odkers, alerha. & * ot the House eg RcwnmUOtm. in jhHhanl Ave bundled dollars. Far eeotiogent *a pop era of tba Heaef ad Representatives, tin tbonasnd dollar*. . For eeaapanaacton and taUeage of members of the Senate,- twenty-nine thousand, bio* bun dred dollar*. . _ ? ' 9t? flotap?n**Uoa of ol*c??o, Aih, 4*., of UM 9?a?te. *U tkmuood duIW*. ' Tor oMtlMul xy?m?? of Um JodMe, fix, thoiuAsd dolifcro. . v . f/ivwiW.?Fhr eonpwMttlM of tk? hnldont of Um CoafodorUo HUloo, ?U ihcwisd, two-fctfcdtad MM ftf*r doltord. of Km VUo PmiMt of Um ComMoi^Io mm tfaoMoftd ir? k?tek 'F?f (ftMMlUtai of tke >?lrat* ecteUer Mid OMM|W of tho frwiudowy Qpo ftdfe?4 m*Amrm*mtUnm4 ?Hmmq mil,, ? ? JtrfsttisJ,tr^isiS ?pm ?lt>ri ?4 forty Mod. T~~7* - 4 ? i* r? * */ ' ? . *4 * . % % ' J ^ i|3&f ' - a X r%** ^ jj^. .'FT^P^ ! ~ .. q/ .i a>afn i wO^iy l Sfifc I^wmJ ? *! furt^Mlng tlot as ?ia?: tUWttnUleaef 6fteef,mu?lclan tp4 |mvatu?v? lfctbe eeiMwa tbrjbrte yrtu? -or fertlm war, to be paid it the cxplrwli? oftki trat jut'i icrrire, on the baiia that *ixty thoniinnd won wAl bare to ha raid, tlmo naUWen MM. Fer pay of tbo officer* on dwty tn th* office* of Adjutant opd turpeatef Genera)'*. Department, the Qartermaitcr General'* Department, medical, engineer, ordnanee and *ut.-irf't. n<-e department*, three hundred ftod twenty-tbr?| > . tbouMd thine bndnd end firty dollar*, ? C*mi*i*?ary Vtpnrtmna.?M the fintm ofjuh*l*Mtrcn utorog andeonamlreniy ynopwlm*' , forty-rt?feSh?HIM tli.Mttltoi ?id ?l|r4fiE tbouinnd fiVil hundred JoUm-4-' Ord??*e* *Dtpfiftmlnt. ?4Toe the ortnMirt)/ errlee in nil Its broncho*, twelve nWlw fird, hood red t boo** ml doll ere. " V9T the pnechM* ef P* ? * relied .Iromi three million doOfir*. ? ? t?j Tor the pneoheee end nnwfMttn ef hitrh. four hundred thuneend dolUt*. j .. JnMay*? D*partm.r*t.>?t6t the engineer eoOf -' vice, throe million dollar* ? ...tA Mfdhrnl Vrpnr Por pay of nurioe'and cohlti; not cnlWtel or Thtntttcne, two hnndred and tol-ly thm^ . and ttollpr*1 . , For*pay vf heepltal itewertht, blxty thoutand dollar*. For pay ef matron*, taehtant metre** >m? whtrd netrm, tyro hundred asd forty thoneaad ddUrr, . far pay ef ward at a* ten, -one hundred and thaunend duller*. '" . pay of Mftfttal laundroelei, fifty thonl sand tlifilAYfli ? JT.- V ? r r * ? For medte*) and h wpttfil nnpllea, two million ftro hundred tituweaud dollar* ? , For the eatabltihuhnt' and anpyirt of mill* tary huipitel*, ope hundred and fitly (hotuaod dyllnrr. Knr y Drpnrtm For com pen ration of the Secretary of the Nary, Olerk* atid mearwngar, twelve thousand oneJruodrod and tUty-three dollars una tuirty-uine ccm?. For incidental and r?*tia^tM nwMM #1 the Navy Department, too thowsond dollara^ For pay of the Karjr, one million three hundrod and *ntn?ty;DliM Ibowaand Ars.hut?d#?d odd reienty-ooe dollars ami ta^ntr-Vo ? ante. For ptoTlshjna and emJtlhgjoady ta the yry. ^S?4^^'flSF?zSi ami ftOy dollars. . ? ? ., . v Ffi coswtrwetisn of iron-clad add other treat rch" fa thS-eoaftdsraU Sum, (bra* m&Mec For ordnance end onVtano? stored, Am pillion tight hundred aod "paved Icon (V0heaa<i Ave bandred doltaia.' ? - * ; v For tSa^mvrabafa of n^atf**} inMaamtinN, ,, bonk# and chart*, flftoentthoasaad dollar*. For ?n<Hpn?->ita aad rvoatr of roerrla, two hundred and BTty tUeusaurTdtilar*; 1 < tyir fuel.for sirqiuev*, ?*r'y yard* end *t*tlaus, tbre* hntplrrd Ihooaand dollars. For coul inytfti I tnutuoiMed, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 1 * \ For surgeon's peces* arias, <*h> handrail thousand duller*. .-+r Forth* support of'Jlre joarhte corps, Iw1 hundred and 'Sixty-eight tboaeand six hundred and tsranty-scrsu daUnpn. -J^jaJP; " fifhtle Ihporfmtfl.?Voo womp?inWtfmTuf I be 8?rwlMy of StaVs tkki, ntMsa^r* and Uborer*.-fir* tkoaiand Una* handrad and AftyFar ?slari?a ofaoatndMkasaa aitdki I'llartet, foreign intefpaurae, len WltnhfMni. ' already leased. o* wbieb W.jsasvyd, or from taiiyea which npw ^xttt W wiey horraftrr aria*, ofid phfar'a?H? omdfwsnrU^Mil^scu to lh? ireqnUltlom dwd %ndof SM dpetrol of fits President ofihe Confederal* .State* .onto hundred thauaaad dollar*. . ' lornry ftatodftol. tlfrieand messenger*,' Ineludlng pay <rf (toma?fg?nr mrfnr t? Mnrsh OU., 1 Wlt al* thoumwTand 4c doWaad IuoMmuI Ant rontlngwit iimiim ?I A* Ifcpirtntejii of- JHtW?, rfUOatml two fcoadrwTood 0fVf Far (be ^Urirt of ^ tap??in4*a<S?nt f? TEIr rjtin?iMm of ccmwl^awirrifoffo. AiWl* mM Ooi'Klin UMttmtfk For hioUlcntol m4 *?mttagH ikptnsea %3fV^5y?SBW *?* roK****" K^Jt. Ifotfet?eoH '