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% ' v (jfr KM B a ^ _L**~i Kjg^~T"^ I* l?i^ ^AjwMmwiaeOtwfor oflee, #5. I_f AaT?Tti*Nn?xt? ?e?t l* without -the nnmW. j !?f InserfMns *j*wiiod,-??iU WfiWWwii tfutjl J >rdcred oot anil Charged fir accordingly. * 4 A Cnrtow Aororti^r ^ ^ The initial capital letter# apell, "My Hbotot u In the Rioiiou* cieas ?f Christ," mid the Word# i? sMAi t. cajmtaw rem) < from top t6 bottom. ihosa in Jtolic ' read from Txsttora to ton, uSake the 1 L?rdYT**#y*fr: A: -i Make known the Gospel truths, Oca Father ' King x . Yield im thy RT*e?dearFatbwsfromabove; I Bt?*s us with hcarte widen feelingly caus-' ( Onr life thon a?t for o*r, God at lovo 1 J Assuage our griefs in love far Christ, we 1 k pray, ? ' ' I Blnce the bright Ptinee of Heavkn andofory d? cd-b - ? VltF"'. . ,' rJ Took ell onr shame, Vnd hJuaoweo th dls- . play, **' ? i- In first su ing mar) ??</ then being crueifi- ' Stupentlcns God 1 TnT-gmee end -pcttotr make ; known* -? ?In Jeeua' nawi; let oil th* wrtfMd rH?>ie<\ . .* , Now lebore-iir Ti(Y*heaWMtly Kingdom own, * That blesscS Kingdom, for th# saints th* ? 4\.? - okoWal "* " < j i ^ How vile tocoeiK to thee, it all onr yry, v b Enemies to rur-self and si 1 that's thin*! > Oraeelew onr wtu, o^V'HVts far tsr.ity 5"" Loathing the truths, BK-ing eril in design, * w ? Oli God,4by will be -uoMtj* ftttti earth to >t L Z Ileewdb, *> v , Reclining on 1ha Gospel Wt w? Kw*j, ^ v j* *? ""m/mmi Mil* ifturcr ^n WRIvMl, Oh, A? thyself, but t?n:h ni t3b forgive ; , Uirtihis power UmptqfiO' destroy, * hurdu otir fi?>! into 'tWdeptlw of woo ; * . Caraof-M mjnd, we've rtfM a of Joy;, |( . Raised eguintt IIkavkm, iit w no haps eon flew. . ! r ~ O, aiv* ha grnro *64 Iradwt onNhv ?r*y; ? ' frhlne o* v* wiffcthv love, a?dgive t#? penee; v l?elf am) Tina air, which tit* iiyain't Me einv ; e ~ Oh! great cash day i^ttt\4*4*pau to may (| to***-, " >f;- * < , 13 iJorgjye deed* OtM otl tre d+' " > , , Convince. n? Otyux *f thnn U. our ehhnw,' ,l> ,l IWp m wtMr' beaventy brc?d ; forytp* ua ti t*o. . n ,, JWwrsat hudspMeft v* adore ?Uv name, , 'Jo tby roaovra? **, w? ?? aaiuta van die, > J . Ni*e,-fbr.f4?ti *w #t?wilMFliw)iigf?, V . $ Thy Boa, da* Karioor, Wajl on Oal very', li ft 1 i "BUXHUTQ TH? itOOKApB.'' ' J? B^*?/sai4 Pjlifhlt Mfcltdn, one of , ' cue number.loven in ^Hwiftmpoiimg ?h^ j f bahdof royiment, " I obtained (] > leave and w<yit oot ^mgiaf t<^day, and v look dinner at a fine* old ; gentleman V jj how?, Jivinjj four drfivo fni|w from t f' -tahfo, who had fouf tjf . flia 1 fi I have aWMMrfooo Z Ml ^Uha^pH* i I * D^l lhay cohd^eefffr to speak to. a | yon}1* naked Tom Elliot iw Of cdoradJbMr did, atuTrfcmed cM | JoW a*??.?d 4rWT4ay * #*g?rilt?y didn't turtle J vou to aome agar*,''M?id Toin,. . rtld. font i* fimi wbat-f j ?mhed to tali .you. I happened to i mention that*l waa * member of tlie i bund. Mid nothing wuuld do bnt I matt | promian to brinj^ you all crtJt, atid give i ihem n aarenade.' foe old My wiid i! , 1 wotdd ah?r wewid fie up aonaetblng-nien i for supper. What do you nay to H, ] 44 Who, wo. can't get out i hoaidaa. i'1 ftp oooH? we should probably be dis covered*? coming UeV. and *be put in the guard hota?f<# our gallantry ,n aflTtf j Bam CSoHina. * ? v --. . . " Kor my part, I like Am well enough > to riak it. Timea are getting too dry for me i??f? in e?Nwp?f and Iktoin fa tor of trying ft at leant," aiid Tom.. H Yn, tbia lbfog?of being arrested for a iitila fun don't autl ma so wetL I *- -1- : ?* ..I J -I . .L. - J. i ??. ?? * "uwu rwwr ueiiy'ifiyj|^ eelf 9f tfec ftaaure-of'tlfo ndftnlare," ** ^"^^SUse ron tbe bl?Mo* bo* for* sowewfijty. I think we can do It JmVl frie ibu Frank* M Bore, wh?t BQjL^f yop 7 J*a#**jEl* All wieh to hare i &*. little Aid.? . * ' TCoL' Tb4 rw? oOu farming the plan, Bam }gWobjection*. arul we deei<U* 1*1 to joyqd (letornrinod tq> >lert the neat ?& 4$^?ne ' K ? . a ft . a* J . -* : 'v---' ~. - -'-vt" kv I11E :'^ .. ' ' ' '" >U- ; - v AL JULi'-^ Juiu.-.j -u - 1 yrtBWjr be caught wlrett we tried get back into the fine* ; and* if Sfo'wnN^ we-^HcfSW be punished in the But (ho fnchiation of r\ tit* dandestino fuh outweighed nil orir fe*?h wjiiei), Jierhaps^i/.wo could hove gottfw fewee, we shootd beare studied lone before inking sucii a journey after oifcht. J We.Jhad-walked along -some fima in sticneti, -haying come, m I supposed, thrfe^ or four mile*, when Frank, who was noting as our guide suddenly halted,saying f??-. . .? - - v "Stop a moment, I., think we nre wrong. _ I don't remember paving that bouse before," pointing to one just by the ftidtide. w r.Kact-'i*, -bov?,w raid; Torn ElHott, 'I think Fiank is folding us, I don't took dinner with nny old awtft withhfoui nice daughter."-..^Perhaps I didn't, and mar hnve jreamed it," replied Frank; " but V rion't think it is a joking matter to g?i loet-fotir miles from enmp, in the night " " Suppose we inquire the way at this liouae," said Satu Collins. Agreeing to this, we wont to. the gato, ind aent Frank in to inquire tho way to he house wq were in quest of. 11^ Icnocked once, but there a as no answer, lie knocked Again, v/heij some one tfaed the w itulow and said : r " We aia't got no apples', nor no roney, flor Bo'buttcr, nor nothing nt nil o sell* nor no eggs, nor chickens nqj >b?t," hnd shutting down the window i\itli a Matvi, ret|rc<l. Thi? liot.being exactly the in forma iqh Fwtnk wrtbted, he knocked ng-dn. Hit with no stuceees. Lie ess a} ed jigsis ind Again,.but the inmate* were dumb, ind he wan about to give up ir. despair, ybeti Tbm Klliolt said : --" Hoys, hrt's go in ami give them n w blasts with our horns ; I^ti w rgor : hat will Wing them out." We followed Tpm's suggestion, and ttill success. The man of the -irouw ' arhe \fi the docfr, and rwked us what re' wanted. \V.ben we told Tilm,"*1 A!i," aid Le, I thought it was some truub ?OiO? "soldii'W again. Tlujy are e.oiti [ ng here u!l tire tijne, day and iijjfht', nquiring we tmre anything in the Um eatables to sell, and nerfrlv both r our lives out of lis." He thoti told ? the way, and we, having npobtgund 9?- interrupting Irim at that time of >ighi, and thanked him for hU iuldnna ion, w'ent on "our way as directed, and walk of half an hour brought us to Ire house we were in quest of. Of connps they had all retired at that lite hour. (H being near midnight .) but , re thought we could rctnafn outside j nd-pbrt for thfri\ until they should be ] ftndy td receive us. After, serenading lAevn or twenty minutes, w? received iM IntlllalsAM *n ?' - ?- - - ? * ' 1 ium.*iiwii *%j vouiv u?iu ilie nou>c, vliich ve we?tj by 110 plow i:i ceepting. v*^ Soon after we bad aeatcd <-?, J)0 young ladies, four in nuinbar, came n ; and lite old g< urletnan having iiitnjliicod them, Frank doing tlrl> same f?i ib, wo were soon as f.ui.i'dur n? if we, iu(l been old actpiaiiitnnoea. To.any lift We bad a good 4lnie, doq* pot tuf-? [cleMfor 'trptm* it. Indent!, a* Tom hi, wo had a-grcst time. Oyr nigh.V irmut-mer.t will always he reinoitthared is qne of the green spots of a soldier's *.v,. s . .. - After near two hour* had pn?red I way in ftjri and frolic^ the'lady of the muse invited us into another room t?. >nrta!;e .of soinu refne-hmenta ?ho had weparod for ua. I shall not tell what * had, leal it should causa the render's mouth to water, in these time* of lengh tt%{ and corn dodgers; suMce it to any, i-Wat for tlrosu living on tho comne faro l?f |he eoldWsr it was a princely feast, niftl w? helped ourselves with no sparing kl+L Arippev dupeaed of, after a few mintf* further fihaf, wo concluded it was me ID g9, m? it would soon he day light, and we mu?4 be in camp in time to beat reveille. So, after another piece or two Rom our baud,-bidding nil 4 flood night," we turned our face* to w*r<J camp,,feeling amply repaid for all dtffleuUiea encountered \n,going or returning. Attired at the line*, the nejet question was bow 4c get in, a* we knew the .eouniereigo was out, and without it +e oortld oot pM.v * ( * Let's try U> elip by,? raid Tom, 14 the guards ate generally asleep about thwj lime of night.* Following the suggestion, we crept along withr an little noun a? possible, and were nearly aoroes, when? 44 Haiti" ctled the sentinel, who had jttal then discovered 41s. 44 Who, comes there!" * Friends, without the countersign," ainwvrutl Tom. 44 Loek here, my friend, can't yon let us pass f we hire been out aerenading some laAHe; you can let ua pass for their sabe*.4? x ^ 44 I can't let y?? pata without dip countersign, I rauM obey tuy instructions," was the repiy^; * V x ?-But if yon let us in js^ shall he found out. ^ You cenainly don't wi*h to bare a f?lh>w eftWjer when yftf-enw hslp it i . b4 jrfter a mement'v hsnitatkui, " if you VHkjMP*ary ?ly ohont H feu can paw IfK ?exe tdan's post. 1 think hhjt . -v. L;-'" *-?>?. V ' .V ar \ J . . - Ayvy AW A r- C v : * . , , j " ' . .V . * 1*W%* 3\>"- l~S - . ?fc ^ ,V-T"fcr 1 ' M * -' ? =r i-r?T 'tr v VSfc UJL?- jujn* Ja*j ;v tjlrts of tfy gtonttt, ami ^"CTEENVILLE, SOUTH E "- - V^l!!^' O J . , .. Thanking 1dm for' Ibis bit of infor- | matron, wo did as directed, and much 1 ' to the relief of all, especially of Satu, wo j succeeded iu crossing undiscovered. * Being by this liate, pretty much cx- ! haustcd, we wero not long in piling jnlo our bunhf," and wero aoon iu the laud Of dronmal But we had not long to revel there, for wo wero soon aroused by the olBccr of the guard calling to in ; that'it was*" lite reveille." . w heo^lhls was over? ^ * " Ah ! old'follaw," said Turn to N$d ' Mason, h>Yt?u omrhl to have been SfultUi us last night. We had a'jolly tnno I with the jgii's, and an appetizing sup- ! P^.* * -v / -> " Yes." replied Nei, " auu you ought , to have been with rue last night to beat, that tattoo " .\Vhy?" queried Tom, in surprise,!* " what do you mean J" " f menu just (Ilia. You w.orQ all so irtipfttient to get, iff, that you boat tat too an hour-to early* ?i"l when the proper hour arrived, Gen. It. sent round mi'Qrder u> bent it over again. 1 was so nek t couldn't beat, and tU?r CJoloiu-1 ' himself had to heat tho keltic drum, | and, the Adjutant the ha**." " We had ju..t la>ch cutigraiu'nt-iug* , oursfclvoa on making our trip succor f'd J" !y?. But the thing waa ? wol worn .lrsrs4xo*^?%'r*?4 " K?ys'' .afcjd 1'VanlcV M what J shall-wo d<> about i* ?** . .. ' What c^n wo do {*' sni.r Or, rather, vlmt wiil tltft VJdlnn al <b>I M I donh know,* said Ned, ' I < not Ijku i/? VoUr ajiou*. fauni jhoj *nv l.o IooK<*Jli>Rt nitflii ; I wish fluid f, a picture? of licit to scare iho'TTtwh; iiiaj-o oil' irllh. Aih! with ihis very cnimurajy- | ing word, he left us ia uouhl ai.d in', 4 ... : , | , Wo not long to \tnit, h- w-rvfcr, , , [ for we soon receive*.; :i p 'lite in*. i'a'.iou ' I to visit th? Colonel nl l is quHiteis.? Wo noticed n frown 011 his t.i.;o as we , enttrul, which we conl.l not t>;u inter*. prct iinfuvoCiihl'.*.' .?; i? h rjico ii'.T,iir,r . sni.l he; ( "why wore you not in y<?nr phy^c last * night?" ; . " We thought it inc.hi no itliflbrence, *( | Colonel, ao wo were hero* t<> best the regular c?M*>, j?t MiV proper lintv," sKhl it rati k, who net Oil ap spokesa an. 1 I l ?nt -s on were not hPia at thjf JOn'MC 4 1 time. I hud in heat tattoo tin r.?!t hut , ti'glil. I vyfll put n M< ;> m 1 !.i- >:r.ig I ; 1 and. taking a |>e.n and o-i.ier. lie I ; wrote u'riota and handed it'ln* his urea I 1 singer, "dell'tig hi.m !>>. c iry it, t>. the], olReer ? f the go!*"!, " an.I d<> yo:g,?" ! i hi 11 uedralely ai.U loj'otl tO-liMn," s:;df4 ( Uo U? us." .. ? " 1 would ?ivc> a trifle to know whit ' ; I lie is going 10 do with .lU.'^Pai 1 Tola. ! , as wo Hon* going to the ruft'.'iUioiu.,). 1 1 " Krotn 1.1 * looks aiut word-#, I sh'onj 1 j , ju.'ge hit- will have m bucked,1*..? i'J Sain. ! u I should i'ldgo ao, too,". until,Frft"!'. ' lie called it .ntragrrbui;, and they 1. uk the sirayfrJep now wheicter they c.nch them." " * Wo sooit t- ^cbgd tlw ^ntpajhiui'o, I hoiycver. nod qovjtwined our.fate. Jiieojflhsor of thn guard told us wc were to -?4'inmk tioM? " for tlfteen' mimKfs afn lirfw, at ilji/ofvaJi of htdf nri hour uftlil noon, and tLeh report in the Colonel, j. Up Hum U?!(J its to vto and gotou/l breakfast, nr.d emtio l>n?-Ic iiwrd>*r?i'iit"ly j and go in wordc " Pijt'lt'.pjr M?ho," v.Vvh | wo iii?i, r*inj|!tiin*j tv.uja as Idng ? us'.i..! ! ul breakfast, In order ip-gain wjnucli : .lime. ~ ' - I - Tliii? pnnbhm*hl wn- so hmdi lighter.! tlnn \\hat we < > |>c?t.r J, titr*l" we coh$t}erej'it norio at oU. fn faeVjfowas' th? | lightest thai could have been awarded ii^.Aa wo were Ttot suljact to the fjuarihi detail, nnd could tiot bo^nt on donhi a i duty." This being the oa-.w we mad : oiiraeKea quite .merry, white, we we to ; 44 marking time," nnd (limine! ourselves. j the meanwhile, by tantalizing Uie pa! ate* of the boys aronhd by ocyaMonni f nlln>ions to tho " pancake* and butter, j uiiiu-o j>io and honey," etc., of our JJaat j uigiil'c feast. -12 o'clock tit laat, and, according to the order, we rejatrted to the Colonel who dismissed us after giving | us wholesome advice-about running oh'j in futnrQ, which advice, strengthened ! hy what we ouaidered our very narrow j escape, wo certainly followed, for wo i did not 44 rtin tho hloclrado " again tin- J mediately ; Lni what wo might do | should snniliar .iml . .1 ... 1 - ? OMVB uu>|'inviUil VilCI, I j wilt out kiiV. Foriikarakc^k^? All thai is good and great in Iho nnivorso \* on t)ie aide of clemency and mercy. If we Ixdcin to tho bist<>ry of inankiod we sb;??l Hud that in evory age, thobo who have been roepecttd ns worthy hnto been distingnuh'ed for this virtue. fterango dwell* hi little mindy, a noblo and magnanimous sphit .i* superior to" it. Collected . within itself,-it elarids .uninorfed-by the . important assaults of our enemiea ; .and with generous pity, rather than with c anger, W?k? down' on - their unworthy conduct. Anger and rerwngo are uu> ..ceeypa asiona b lieo'ee. "say.* Sewty 44 it j " *npp?ilr# that' the comlnawl of loving U' onr hnmnlea,. which !?* btfen thought "hard Raying, and wnpowtihlo to be fulis really no moro^ when resolved f ' into its 8rat principle?, than bidding ns ri to be M peaee with onnselv?*, which **e [ as vfo ei^gifinn nt ^wmnfty tf.tth a^Hev , ' A* N*1 ^ f 93 -? - *? 1-J--m^-> i ? ; . ?_ . - V' My-* *]&'*. '4f* r? - E? the of tdscfiil AROUNA, THURSDAY MORS _ ?-'." .' . * ? The 3etty?btirgf Fight iu Rellablo I Shnpp. "** *': m CIKTTTSBUho, Jiilj'5, via \V?h*he?t<M- rr!' and StnurttCm.?-Tift) i.nOst <1jp?poritlo I IV battle of tho war Una been fohalil herp. i th It commenced on t!i6 evoninjj of .lufv-i *1' 1st. between portions of lvvolFv nm! ! b> Hill's commupds, and heavy lYderal j w threes under Gen. IloynolJs. \Yedroy? the enemy back the fUst'day ami killed, i b< Gens. Reynolds anil Paul, and captured ; w] threo thousand .primhe.r*. T1 io rvi'ti* j more jrnpcis admit a lops in this prylim th dnnrv h.utla of. ten thousand kiliyd, 1 lo: wounded and "pr!Sf>i)Or?. Oh tfio .'id of ' :u Jnlv both armies cotiCeiUrattal at four ' hi d*clofk; Mck'tws and I food," of T.oi g-'; wi street's corps, held lite i!olii.~a'l ?ek,d t w and drove thA oisenn a mila ah "I it liallr, kc Hill attacked the ccaiic uml Rw.iil ilii' !'* left. Onr m>ivo?i? on f Kv !cft nod centre I 'j Was i;ot etjua! to that on tile todd uinvrno The eheniv nyiuj/l..! it i cY liilk < slronfjei than "Malvun tlills. . MeT/ivs' and flood's' divWoi* toid: r . l.UOO priaoju rs and eevorid ousts and llajfs, inflicted j? lerriulo'tos.H on .be I .e. "1 << and suffered heavily (Jieni-selvt s. Oavtite /t<l - the baTtfn" (bus resume 1. jGIn the afb rn >on tb'o yttcuiy whs diKitn . l*i from sc\ oral pWUion%l'Ut not dido Wed i ;U entirely from his tdnA ^ position when i nijjht came. All was qutef on the l b. Wn^ouU ' not pr< vol?., an attack I'rom ibo en my. ; fji I )m irt:' t'o* n'irht il-'o ?nM?y retniv.tnl 1 t?*i toward* Vt y'.oti. No pursuit v. a? t *' tV Kile. , I |o. bus \vn"3 lieawv on boib ?? his. 1 -v> Ihc 4 die*iijr*- i* a list of (JtffftbJriiitu 11 v ' j >'ci . C r. tali < ' *t recti and T! n jt-'-i |>er, aud llob io-Is i'arkmaa irnll W it f huu*. of Viiginia ; ti??ii. IS.irk.bii1 >, tj'oi ' ?'' trr< nltwl 1 ?i\ I.'.I w i,'i *1 ? !' Mi ? .; ''? !. ' P)?S.?nssHro, vt S. i V?<j:u-i? Jonos, ( ihsutt, llHiii--, \V i-.? ; ij<! \\ a,- . !ct< ; L'tfUtotiniiv O.l*.?*nw?*i|, .hits iiitl I < iiouuetr. M ij*?r \ *V\>> V i tp?l Dapttiiir* Il.Hk iai'i Duo. * TlH' Wn-tl'i-f -woro ?0''U'l ' M j. | ,^v [ ???:*, i.iuUip 1 rit!vC?'J >t\i| I *i :;- :'*1' 1 ? r ; IJri:;. Ciniitir.^'lt r??*? -n S -imii.-.-, j/''1 ,\tivJ.<rs<>r*,' Arai' I*'.?>!??<wi. i inri\K>nt*; O.ilR-J. 11- '.J--.,|-|>" PM?. v ;* . *vi>t M0!/< ol S. O ; 'i I\.!<. Iaii'l Sinr,!. ,.i M j?f 1 i.Mc'o-v ;; .2 <. **? ." i < Fa a* a-.-'l/j -5ni?::?, f /Vl^ Jtji 11 < t-, Ln-wi's, t.'lilu. A;::!* ->v ; Nfaj >t* i ? '- I. . > i- < a.ri 1 1 ; 1 ! i'r ( ;v.?c? . Um'.i.m, Fiiil.-r nr.; Co v. ? . * . I <f ti^iv?;r?. ' . T!v- f -v.- w.-im-. 'ml aa?l i : U. C"i. ?j??r u. ; , , i .?<>> <?f' S . 1 .M '-4 ! * 'III)". r' Gfuntii II. < viv.O * . .V." . i\: i.r *iV;o>2: i. Our tola! ! i>J, l\*. ' ?r , t* iif-lti ; ori<Ms>v. t?v!?n?v.{;v?? i!i.?? >-.> i i ua irlu liwrj nW'iUnu?flt: T ) :i-?ni<v On |li*> 5th ofJi.Jv !. > ; i*.. I towards lln^tT.-iAwji, as IFc ?-i\ i* ' rf'.ir J. Ti Tajji'ivp'ia at <*a<; n .><!.? t t 1 ro hi* -ms j ;?< utliur ?eaa?us !vr>l i>r?u"U' ? I*** i>. i ti - '-'i V . _? t- : - SU'IM :i J*'. M. .\ . j t > <.<,* * . {?> i'onr,< 53 ,p. A corio?tu>r b-n! of the A *' t* ? t T-f- j;'' tclligcncer, writhfnia < ?. ' g;: ' _ lln ljtr tbife l f .1 ii;, 1 J.Il, ? r. ? f ,5' *1v>>eciarm i* pup.i:rii?fio ?nVfil??. : t-1 1 t?5!$:< > i <? by : v..;v ' ! ^ **v i. \r t*'1 sllUI, ailil I.Wuh'Tt. \ i t' " is ??-?' 17 miles .from Kiiowi \ i t: !. Minmi'lu I tic !>?*- ; ?f lit op.: i n-. t lie wiii make a ?": '*< ilVirt'to sn.: | ' octal, ::rw| ho is c.u?ut.*r.".g'd by a '.? 1 , number trf torioft -who have-' been i >- 4'" iniltitl in u-fnttiH. iy .porta n < 1 "h* iro'.isitiy-'fo I ho. jeopardy and hnr.ur* ?<i our / ''"? " " *' i lu Tit ft Maynard Crownlow convmtti >n 'if now in Nashville,. will ho. untir- j ' iiig in ?!^iris lo btinjj about tim ' !!? lostotalion of their old home* ai?iI pu?.;>- [ . oily in .Knoxviilc, The posseted'-n of .*' K ;st Tennessee by thcoheiny Vron M b < ' , thedirtst calami'v liial hof.v", ;I.a Oonfedoihcy.. Wcshoy'd not our ni ilinl.vfjniies. machine. shop*. and !'! warehouse*, l>m liio lVmr trtilU . which, j. ' last ?vi[ {< 1 iu?J our w!:olo hi *i?v. m? 1 1 which, now, djneo V;o ! of Middle j T?iio??:mo miT"North A labium*, wo nrd I almo-.t wholly ricptmhmjt upiiTlitm, | again, lite enemy wuulil have n now | road ( * Kiclmuvnd by.the-East Tetinov- j ' see an.1 Virginia route. l'?-iij??" this. Mb Chattanooga would tl?*-n be flunked, nn I < '' the enemy would then have a "clear track ot to Atlanta. Augusta- and Montgomery-, t I*' thn? seizing upon iJiC ?*ty vitnls cl'tUe | ?' Confederacy. * | p Two gcntfrtnoii on Thursday took a I hack- f<?r SereH&fotivillap ?an<l .wcro C' charged &!0 for the trip, or #?<) cnoJ), ' whichniicy paid. The tact reacftorf an j officer on duty, war SeecMtionyilfe, an J I -y tf)? hack driver, why was Congratulating#! 1 hinjsft'f <Jn driving a R<",od baigain, wa- i vy hnpitwod in\o efvice. Tho oacampfo should be foilbwhl in other rase*. We c?i Metf 'hivfn for amhulniVe*. nu<f Q: a/ ^ tevrnflntar'a wagon*, nn<> other puipu'u . l r ami good use should l>o intviltj of 11>o fc< extortioner# who have brcn and mc ' exacting outrageous prices iVoin tho ne* i ( ) <?e?sitio? orignorAneoof strangei*. Any soldiers pr others who suffer such extor'( ll fhoilhl repurMho farts pirunpt'v. ^ ( 'hfiriryhy** f *r>)t >* *. j*? r-r-?. ^ J :5S/t;B. .. - > V' **9 * . ii-? ? ? I nyi ? ' Alt' rfeTST K ' - l ' , .. ? l-.,?.MI, ^ J j. |iiwu'f?!i}f aaunu) itl. IIN'U, Jl'Lf 23,. 186a. ' e?? . '. ?? The Eall of Port Hudson. ' A 'llyj WehK rn itAjxis co:ili> in lliti trio | npliio report ol tho capitulation of , jr\ IJui.Ihoii. 'i.iit 11?.>tf pljii^o on I a Otli jnstinrt, :in 1 starvation js eni'l I lu* o Jioec>sitHU-J ? mii rentier.' The! rco sin rendered by TJenerui (limhierj nt a iiLtlo le*? than five thV>u?iU)d i111 litis Miinll .foi^e' lio has beatenJ iclt hbuiks1 concentrated itrmv t tiv > 'toll! iiO'iths,' ?nd .indicted i/Tlmi it j fi lunch greater lliatVilw nmnKei1 of i t> hrt ierji il. "Hanks ha} l>\ n Calling, u<l!y fur linnlitrceinniHs-fortime, ni-the Viinlcc">tejt<'(( * say Ur.t'H sent :n thi' ty thousand. * f >f course these iji'O liiMicccNjary - lamino ha^hk^pi the iik, The New t/vleaus AY./-( N arts vj |?*?jjer) of July IT/ qont.'.iim th? liiU ^ rN^"6 Inyooflhiaj ftuthoi]i\ ">r if. jin* 'Ui1ejM14e.1t of the eaotiire ??f fort JIuTlii hy our force* on \Y efltfe-.kiy, the j ii find, at*2 oV'"ek p. in. (lev. (I'. drvv, iho. il>vl eonjio eider. j ivendor): i i:;r.. imlitioirdyv t.? Ah.jn- i jiiciul IVhiIvS. "'Ihe 'rtdnJ arm.v war- j awn iip.i l line and slftckyd' ;n ni-. uud ( f. 1!?< tovl; |>o session ?.f the ; (at e. , vol' : pihohpis. !{hj JjUo't?l I lill 'ry -a v. d Till the-in 1! a.r-jTs, luilif.irji ?rc?'of ev. rv tlcttip'.ion iinvo f.r!!or> | to f.::; |s. . !;>/ ;, tho Vv rliiJMlfb"' of ;* cp r-' ' ] j 3; . ! nt a 11'iof Unco iwUnij | riuv ? ??...j.v| v.iis mi. iir.'V:.'.!- | Minl'MUTcr..;"!". m? ! he nihuy-.l l.y.-ifv- J Mr lionrs I.. ?a-v'' r. 11'* ni.i-ilot, nificii-lini", and'.ft 7 o'clock on thrtd ini'ig *;';!?,? Diifii:;eo!:'!i ir?..iii!v stir- j ilih-llHi lire .-tli'k:;'iolil ni'l: :;ii it cC'lV 'I! eA. were t>."(0-pr?nor--.t I ?ri . . ?r:-*, .. ,. . ' i o t'; a T *t-iic. i > .<; c-in- , he ,?. t^ji ^ out !>' ::i, tin- wni / i 1 ' It" Lir.< v ;tS 1?.?l:r!< 1 to L<o i!nr J '[ -***' .o ''ft* .i* I oil ii'Klft'vii * Tit? v??i>*i < ! ] .-hii> if-v'/'noil the. * 1" A" < V ' v.Mi.iu * 1 -j 1.1 . ?v. IV.. l : . >.t : n:i i v is '.j . 1?:viilli ::! or li.eir j : . V -V. T. ir.n \ i-| 'i. .iS-Hi*-i':C '< I . i. r. ., r.titi" 'Vi'It :i I i jict*!- i f ?! ' I -! . r ft'.-1. !'. c !> u> rrn.'Kiiv.. ' . if . !. Jtt T J-. ' r.... w: , TV.2 nove:r?cctr. ne.i- the City. . ?f I ?? iif' * 1.? iMv'.lU 'l. ' U't ir> ' ' :m>, 1.-!.*!g! ...-I i 'If. : . : . iiA -Kipi! ct<, n .i v. : ?.! ..n'. . .'Vfiii 'iil 'Itrtif '.if ?!;> ; 1 i; 1 lo l.flinvt*. X"' ??niy nm '."r. !" ?; ?* 11v. ?? 11nv :i iVi . .tii. ij..? f' > . v.* \\ t . j : i ' ?? . V. < i . i^i ' ; . ! i'>l Mt IT 111 |.;u;--V.? itV ... ll .1;' I ; :ti \v 1' U 1 >iii; w4.ivi? 1.vit y ' ... . v ' i. (iiiin ?c.,.'ii>v,,.i>!.r I I . 1^' ; ( VH< rp -: .K-frii ' V Wt'tfl' ' ' ,J. u. \\ .. i in . '*- iniik: tH.l...' I. Vj'*. . J i?Lt. li : >v'i iu-I-.i :? . < rv.-i''. 1. !'? ,o Sr?i . ? .. ?4 .\riis ? * 1% I'.lK.t) 11: v- 1'jtA !:! ! "i- i- > ??.<? \ .i .t-i'Mlv I IfV > *:?<?:? <ii. - b"ty, '.m: Arfi.W*', utuiviwC"!. I'. V n . -v. : f,?jr.ts.- - im. .-i...-' .i - ' ? . . ]>. iivnJ ikf :rt?V> '? in 5; .? v ?<< ! ;!? ) .ii !(v 'H11' i i . Ni io i i 1 a ?J%? in i ti 4O.T? a >? ; ;*ru; v..y\\ t#-? f ; <;.) isui V; '.?:1s? ! k.r? Ir. ?;? 1 i ::iul a^'iriw.j S11 : v..;r -'jl- /. <>U' I.M ;?? / '? ?::t. , 1 i I '01 v i.: i>; :!m ? ? tnv Jih i i ( j. I'liT-Vi '.I' Ui'll I'll.-. -?> !*UM . *.'* Il.lkl ' ' -?'i . l>o:: ' !'C'v..t " i '" Wii , r i y"li. i- ' inv" !;. ,v i. . iH? ?l??.iily ? ? r?!;!> . I'k :?. i ?!it? orioniV im>ci'C>: it:ix fVmn two ! '?rtiii"li: a'.? :.ti'1 tv.-*.. j* :m iiis ff'-Tilih'Kwit'* . !: ylit inli-i'i i'-tiny UWiMn:- * i>i IWtlcry* W;i?i|..r >-(*.'! *n:tl!\' vi. linifi *:: ! "'i,k "li.'v: t' . ; \ pit*. n? ti."t... !: , i l?:? ff'il. \V?M r?t c t!:rok iiI ! ar.'! v' ?:.I woita-l.-tl ? uiojt lu lalU-r *!i,r'<t* . (Jmi'.'i .tf'hi J.i if":"/, 1 ik/.'i. '!.. r:M.i'i, . 4. . I . j A lo-fi.o \Y'.ilyj , * 1 fill. V.Vn, > iy. lit-* ci\rt':y;! ?, yWtoif ! tv, Sr] Y'lr.Y-i.iwjj J JftVOIftl llolncy, ic-. allium io il?-- iKjual I fl>r> <;in>Kiy, v.-!r.i rolirCd to JwirpOr'* : i-rry, loavin^ l.ii vIuh.I ;u.l woiitifh-il i tlio livid. V\"i? tO"V ;; i inn! ..i* i>t* j risnr.ris. Gen. I'otiiJ., * d.cjl liii-. ' n?t . NuihliT;; iruia t-'cti. 1.?#c r r Jiur.Oh ; iv* ^ ' to-dny. ItirnMONiy July 13.-4\ViiicJir^ftr, ! 3lh.? We yi'cr fln.ibro fo <?vt h huh ! lin'Uijjji v<MU. U,vy. All rjni*?t in ' in iirniy ? ihrtliiji^j Iri fn iiiPinv. Tfcutn ! !i-i itc.oy idiir uii.ih "?i i'.ic >?' iJ> 1 .jo, oik tuy . iiUneked :ir cavftiiy will* cavalry Hi.d VrHjUry. fur :i severe yyf'.it the enemy wyT*i pulsed, Joaring lU? it' (bad jtrjd woiut.lI oil lilt! field. W e PHpUlry4 sevens' t n prisoners iuul h number of borev. j gr hi my iu splendid condition - four j . nnd ti?? alrii^llng/. Gun. llruiicv.' is t'ciid. 1!: i11 N'', .T'.dv TO.~Vot!ii'icf limit', ll II >T"irf'<l to .!:tV. P<fta of (tfiHtrhifui X\^1-_ * ' V."' * * topici* J^ffc H)? <sl <>f Mr*. Allen. wife of f Vatoison Allen, en i\Vu;w>%fe ul' coipniu *, ni -atitijj infd ijMiiioii u> Uio enemy.? 't | 111* ao^yjou i< a unlive,ef (Thin, >irt< 1 b>'eaiji(T mii,t?"T t>?r tnnrrii*!** m' Knmpe ' wiili one of the niv>*t wenllltv and j|<eilahlo fatiiiiiu* ofTiitliuioiul. 1 ti*fs writ tun l?v her ami fnrww hyl l v p* 1*1 j< ntrtiifr^ ?n :'*i! ii?'[fn-1-\,d?'iicv | ' f her jjttllt An i'lliivr fnom (ho Val.- f lev ihi^<jeeniui; .-"tateslha* Mend '> atfjiv j 1 w Mill in M<.iyl imi. The repinj M.a; j 1 the em niv \\ era I finding tro^p-t f:\>n? , flfHiispintfc irt 'danies rivv,-i\ty n niih* 1 ( Udon iiiclilnoinl, i.h not ivnrt in-d: 1:1 ie \ankoe eavnlrv a<i etffivd uoni j | W?illia?e?|)iiil to' within fo'.tr mitcp of i M;iftil:?h-.:rg. ? -I ?- ?- f - - ( The Ntv.s frcra IT >ui~.' Island. | \ iMerday wa'?t!i0 sivll <1 iv of llto cnot::)\? .iciivo operations, fn the iteij*!.- J j hoi'ho(?d el M idiiigot ha 1 wcuico parsed, when the j car x?f the - . r.iin. ! w.w nro".t*c'l ?i.y the j "hduia T'f a heavy irnn. On :araining tin | eye atnl i'!?Wii tin* direction of the'sonnd, 1 1 to eaii'lt any lui liior ii'joeof dinfp r, 'wo | inoio hd^hr 11 ?d:vs, followed i?v the j Verier i^veel- father* of fw ivy gttu?, in I . !.n: tHrvutifHi r-| T?,i'*cry \\ .ijjnor, eiilliSl ! i nil- iuii.">n*'c? rn-oiiyf >:\cii'.n ur-uii Xlor | li->' l?4iind. l.Jr.t nothing f iti'wr rroot- | . i I ioVu or car uruit i'.oj crt of "two.I ?V!< c';,w from tl.e w?tc!i in'St. Michael's j t'.hv.irh r'.c |m'. Nv.liiiv.jr further i f in- i Iran-pirn.J until dayJijjlit revealed Li.o mv.'Pt"''! lr'm^vrM ; livoiitv iivcii vc-wHs. incii' ti:o fimr inonit >:*, i anchor, u rvth'-iin^j I!;i* It-.:;vy .-en |i. t( h:n h* vn :t!f!rit>i? J<-r l.'io j.t -i iV " -lays. T!;?i f-'- l K?:?r?t ?*l j< j il. i. _' j?. in., when two mortar > I li.r.tsoj? : Vi niv u <n 1 i i*,tovv Warner, ! i ii..'i or.Mtn-.V.I 5 o'vlpck p. iu.. fir- j , i:.' !. i nn-A iVuterr WV'ncr as de-' t.l? i ati ly reply ;u 4.^. '* }, At <"cT heavy and rapid firin.T i ivheard in tho Jii?>r;ion of J5!ack ff; : , i.iul. 'i.ii- wns^ mo:too-! to ptucolii | iV .:n :v e w~ {'^r.'ii'v l our-*, circled oji } 'l'roi?u-.?tl l\ it4?; IV.". . 1 nt.t Iinud, , is intend.'I I to ciinnsMii tho enemy's position on ' ' ok !.d ind. ' iv-Dn ul'-yj Uicviiiifiyiiad ?H il: d , ai.-ll' ;'-t i?\:lorh", lj?C !;~.h? ul H ij;:iI-uidin;* (|?ro!.;iLh lire! Iiy.otir . r.r '..! 1 ii i !*> n.oti .lames' Mnr.J, ' in Pin* nil i'?i m of ' . tiii A cunts f. run MoiiiA Ir'in,] luin-p J i * ? nijw > ?>! i vary moo .-V*:l icon- j [ sr co ltd r,i <hi\, on Wedne-Iay j ..An*-. , \ V.i'5! .in of ti*o'is| ":..r . ;. ) r -.'ion, > f;11. T:!? i'atUtitoi) , ~*.C. V. '!'Ik- part-.* i-oii-i-; ! of l.jU I; mi, fliu ft 'i,i t n> .yi*t N'-'illi Caro-. , > ir* I ? . V<- VA.L (ieorjji.i Ualtftiioi:, j . I - (/jrr-jsri I itt if! ion,- iriy-'j'Ji /.o*. \ . ?.I- ? 71iS. Soon p '(! . ! '? i il.p;l'U :fT"\ ln;ilcl.Oti IVoni.iJut- }.' l..i" rt al '.it fi.r' i .t|h:utei j of n j"1 o.ui?,i!,; v i-mfotiuiercd and drove .i .J\. V..i u> a rific^trviieli, ,. r.fs iontf. AVioul Jfiji > .!*!. iiA'.'T^- ireneh, ur tuiMt ; r. e-iovl i*v a f.-r- V. > f ; miti V.-.":ri?c >, ; w!r,< .'?ie 1 l?v i J-p'Uin.ufs J .... . ? ?u hn'jjar 11!'i, i:i 'tlivi.' i .'.i -if :\ J"' '. Wyuoirioi't,-our 1 4,1 4 . " H I , 1 , . , . ' \ !?' ii ?'..?**!< i.t f In ? uvVi . W r'r*.i*J*, 11 ?vi i<'-t ofi^* >t '* * 1 % :<" * * * * wvx. imt a:I i ijimjj c:!; , ri. 's i.xs i, ll.on^!;'. to littvu boon' ill . k:.> foi y. "iiiet inn-b. ;':av < t' tbo iVll ?>f C.ipi. j iv.:! w'.ii -v nbvit.iy j r.i .. fan . if iriv i'L.'?l i!*- I h - i "I iu \i ;?s t-tifftik by n lliiinv b.1?1 j f i.,i ci;! i.f tl.ft Vii'ikv.-ii ?ai;m[r*.?iootvrs. | # .. j ( <>;.m i: :i. ' ui'.lt < vii. Tais.ifi:i,>. , i il.e lint fii I!i<< lnit??C'Kl'U -if. rnu ; Kb'.'. i i' l kho"', bill 1 ! .\ 11 .111 r <liv In s p "?>* ?! ii ilbutil any H' !:>?. 1 lio ? i tiny \v;s* lii ; i? ;; iiiOciniiiil'v slti'lk nit v.i > oily nil ihi- cloning. Tiny ITi?j.| oi,f wlio!^ bliH.Tr in bnifilinsfi. which h-h il'<?:rnv- . Another itivision <it' lhu nsi-lovs it>iiii:infi<! irnclitf'l ipnut 11,is evt'iiini;. i !.\n it.? Tu? oti.*mv k.';?t iij? ir.'Hiy >!. : i * Wo :h ii p.sot] iir??:* ?*? ('fc::, .Twlri". clou's iy?nrtors with on: i'.rninti :m\ "tin. \\ ,? baric-l _1 <~>'i . f..t':*? <"Kan sti l l ?v. Tin" Vioks- ; t?M p? pii- niv-ri irivvatiivO'1 at loan ! >:i. i'heio i i ito pfo-tw-t nt :>:) t nt, "hat heavy fni'.sTi'.fc an ! iirnhuy liijslsia ' iiT'. ?. ACKsOV. .1 m!v 1t?. I Xna , : i.iriv m*J'o a heavy letobrutra- j , tion on < *ir ami o**itre, tbi.s *f;erini'iii. (ion. W.iik'V, <il Lmiii^'o ! 'i\i- ; j it, .11. 1 ?.... i.. . ?*"" | mli'-Icry tiru -\v;u *nt. <->Urbat? , tori ii'j'ucil rfmi for p ro. Tile enomy i -an^'it tft ' *!u'lf<"r of xIim w'ivtvt !:- ;vy u.ivFj jr.-inc ut* oo'V.irmG to nrtivo, , wii > xvo p: cJ-*'l ??' hh??J t -ir- riqlit for' ' tU?; |??? j->?? t<{ F'efiil j.iwr . lily im?i slunk I.^ u?. 'J'$e,-rrieury '1 nnH v&loybti. IH ?: * l<i"^n..rro\y ll;0 iV'nia.inltr ' i. I I.unit, jjv-trt. Lni::.? Not n C'*"i wn* flro.l I'y l\o'? w. ury ;!im mMfcintf. NT\i i :?-> ' <<.nr.rf! /? <! in witji ribald ' tr>Hi?ir si!nie.<; t!?o !?c-t l think r [ ti. -V ?im> trying *.o flunk in on tlm riolil, j ?w ilmir cn'ul.y marfo*pn aiu?ni;>l to! rr. .-.m t mr mrl^s rIm?**, l+stf V?i?jl?t. t *iaj ?T% I'Vr^H-t'o, ofi!,o^o;ifli ''aiolina'liat'i-rv, ! v i> iaoi iii!Ty woiimlo I by ono of tlio j yontcrJ.iy, > - - - -* M ' ? b-n. W"i?:ti:?iY eojntnard t1- ;.Mit 11* ">. \ >! ': (\\i lorv. U ' *9 * * W*^- *?%* * gVtr^T^W-fr. ^*_ ,^.. ^ 2' *. "~7~^" NUMBER \i- V S^T'As/m t' <>. t ;?> hospifc- waiT >ns was pr. xjec.rlilig slo^jy .Wwr*r< iie. grave yaV?i *?ho othefc^ ^jdt - * i load or coliins, ific Urivec was lifctnrbed 4n' his chant," (ha w:i.^ -.* whisHinjj i>?xio v fr? ibe iiji*? <?t ** i vi it i auuc'i )-.U*s,^i rattle :u his rear. Ho turned and looked iu * junto trepidation mH>n the long, mimnv boxes. ]<aj?! flap J "The + die reins fell from his hand. JL'hv.jnp! rinnno! Then a v<?ico jriod out: V Hallo! ho Ihcro!" ' It. iver was sorely lrioiitoiuid ai)d - v replied: 44 What's tUa matter? Can't yv?ii l^est quietly and peaco^ iblv ? What's the use o' Utkiu' it :<? hard f..f ?" " I' V,l~fo? ' ?.. . ? - . 1'nu jl iat uvtiu ; * returned the voico, making n des- . * *^i pefate effort, and wrou'ching- out two sere\v<f from the lid.. **yJFlig . ~'f *1 luvii you say I" " ^STo I'm uof, let . ^ mo out of this.5* "Oh, go. jk>ng ! ii You'd i>c?Uev#bo <ptiot,' we'll oft" ? " tlior^ presently." " Do where?'5? - ^ "Why to the grave.-" Another prodigious plunge and three mora ->prcAt-, out. . J,id by this tium hail' - * oif and one arm iu;d ptutuf a leg protruded. "Oli Lord^,} roareu the terrified driver, " don't 1 they'd lay the whole (d'-it to mo." " -Well let mo out then.1" Tlio driver crocked his whip, the horsos dashed lot-ward and away wont tho dead and tho scmi-dcad and"tho wonid'nt stow-dead and all, at a gallop, tlio roiun of the o"i>strcper-airs crpsu cVojrking^nnd rocking to*and 'frs/S*"?vaicfi of Its in- ' *. 3 mate crying, " Wait tjll [get out ? :>' hero and if I dorA you 1" At length tUo grave yarn was TftftCiiCftv wlioro the poor fcl-!uw Wi.s relieved by thoATorkryieti %ud se.-Uons present, lie. was. full light and sVore roundly against die ".darnM rascftl that wanted to bftry him dead or alive," but on explanation and expostulation ho agreed to be puciiicd, tand rodo back to town railing upright in Lin own cofHn. lie is now well, and will j oitr hifj command in a daj: or two.-?IZcbrf. \ Louis Eapelcon's Effort- to Obtain a VATe. . It is generally understood that ' in the bpriugi't 185ii offers of mar-i.ia^re wore inaiie by the Kmporor to three German princesuds, hut were politely declined in every iufT.TTrrtr: Jir:v .lr~t ??f these offers was to the I'l iuccss Ma'rp-of'-laden, daughter of the reigning 'Grand bhtke, win", being hiniKClf the oliynring of a " i110 rga otic." in ar r! age. i-oiii.i, a> it wa- 11make no serious oVjcC.ious to the luatcli. ll'.si highm.-s, in that, did give hi.? coii.:.en'. ; but his death occurring on tlit li iLli of April, Ii'hj son md successor threw obstacles in , the way, ii.iu a? iho I'taicess bo; 5^11 shuvved no dpbret Jo occupy luoProne! i throne. the nog tiations v.;orc4ii>ul! v l>ro!<u oil". Tin' i: ? oi :\ Triiitv: i of lioUeiiZ'ollern, hi.. big i> ;-a liUowi a ret' p. h lYiare I'resilient of the F.ene.. i Ifcpublic, a le-r o;ler ?>f intua'a^o \va.?jna<ie to Princes.-. Fro ic-ie;, ()Ic!ciil>vrg, aged, SJ, tl.u sister of two Queen ot' ( ? recce. Princess ( I redericu, it H> ?awl, wan excessively i'.nxi-mis {ft-wear the imperial dN adem, then already within -tlio grn*p ol' Knpoicjon. liftt hyr relative-, particularly tlio (imnd l )uke Peter, str ntgly objected, aiyd . Coiisejuei.tlv this proposal Ukew;*u came t<< n tiling Tlip poor princess of f-Weubarg soon after, in de- ^ r*.* spair of getting the right luisb;m<t>. or tiny htvjband at all, committed . . a n. >rg;u?liv^. alliance, giving,lier baud to one ilaroti de Washington. " Xot cboo.djig to submit t o further *?" 1 ..... ' 7i H-.ii .i.i;v_n. a^n|<"i 'I'll iiL, MOW ~ . Vhe^t ; ?: , ?Jv.f i : ::r.. v'1 to Suck Far a w il.; p.t b -aie; ami having met alio cve^nig at the house-?>? ti litopry - ?*. sx^?pisiintM. Prosper Mvrfnioiv ALTio KiTtjemo Maria fin ft j'Aruurf, ( <<ur.tcr^ t I Tnbftr, hi? XTftjoa- ? ty ort'Wv-il at one*1 / is hand, ajid heart; was aceopted, < *{ cour-ao. j^ru? niwi'iotl in ft fovvw ( cks* aj'tcr, on ' +?r the 2'Uh ?Ta:n:ar\> IF;W. TJ?o y event scMiit'.vimt t<?r lc the pfiljic by. **? t% surprise, tho official xifinwaoccuiout of it having boon made oTtly seven I "jM days previous to the ceremony, op -i. i1 iliu^Svl f>i January.?Lmuloi t Prfi'iw. IV-tata'i "from Cits. P.r.?rtns. a*i-.w.?Tli ' lotfnwincr from O^r^vj l l > (ion. MTv.-t, ai*!iiMii)ci?^{<'in rmnt JivKtr *!? r? [?ul.J to tiuj eti^qav ou < 1 laii'l. ' '* ^' ,,*'^?9 C'mr.t tpios.JIm C.'< n. h f'. -t 1r tffr : I'l nf?m Im> | <v Tli" ? ntv.-rtry ?T Hull U.m 1 wMjP .^VTv.?'' ri"ii#lv <*i'l 1 rai v.l, Afp c el>?? l?ntf-V'*'^ *VS \.'i t. i- nil ?tay y v. "i *? ' '* ? 1".. M ii'tnf* P-ur <f*rrr i?fnl e , ni <1 two i'tiul baitrTfVs Qi* v.. i >!J?ritly rC;oiA(iiJ -l .U'iii'. ( MiTnl'-1 vR.?- 7t-, ? > <: ' J-'A.tUi>*yw. . <"##? , . -