University of South Carolina Libraries
* , <? ' . / , i - ' . fc .?*** s * I till |?L J-il - -ilU ^'UlX-lLJ ' - *? ? i~rti ' r-*-? <Ejjr- ^anttrcrti <6?Jwpri?. ? JlttWa-"Sq5l SUhll to jui.^ ' OKBW7lUJ^. o. " .* Tiiur?fiajr *fortili?f Jul7 16? 180$. tyrtw ofloere Vnd iu?? of 0?pt. T. , AMTwuftjp mndpnjE the Mjylrf Ittliiiw, >eo the notfoo of their Captain, ordering f ^flfita-i^parada i*pt Saturday, < >131~ hereon* h*aiiig claims against tha Qovernmenfcfor toe wage#. of df?Mf?a raldMrK. will nwliee tfic c<H??inuiiloatiou Ot ? H*.n_ J\mw Farrow. wbiib vrlll no deubt ' assist them ronteriallv in procuring Ibetu. Th? Bodent 0*11. Col. W. tk Ooodlmt commanding 1st Rog't 3 C. M., h?V furnished us with r roll of tfcoaf who worn drafted t<> supjity the recast call for troops, !>y the Governor, from his Command. The * enmrsnt formed of such pcreorta have dialed ths following members to command it; Captain, W. A Ukacuau ; Ht Lieut* KD\f/git) phtfkta; 3d -Lieut., H. M. Sum; 3d Lieut, E. C. Cwm> kbquah. Pixnr MovxTAm 11 r sir.* W R Thompson, Chayle? Burrv, John Hooker, Thos. Dnhcan.. O P Phillips, J A David, U Jf Whitehead, Spcncwr Hook or. dnocKT.nv's Prat. talker Meadows, Alex. Pence* Gen. B Groen,' - Alfred Davtv .H M Smith, Riehnrd W Vaughn, J F Murtnr, Mnrtio It June, W W Boss, Daniel Cetbrnn, Ahuor Wnlkc*. Elijah B.ilon.* * ' g?r, Thoa? It Brown, II P MeCliroons, Wiloy j Plynn, Chandler McadoWh, Robert Vaughn, Pleasant Tippens. _ ' JJoxtoojiary's Brat. B B Brown, Lewis Bishop, Hoory IlawkinA P B Benson, Darken Tate, Arther Bridges. (J >f MoCarrell Josse Pool, W N Turner, W E Duuoan, H O Whitmire, R W Montgomery, E ?f Coleman, W A Beaeham, W H (foodlott, MTm. Powsll. A J Styles, F A LoftU, E J Ilow' ard, J IV Watson. Bomar's Beat. Win-Hensnn, Lemuel Crain, Jordan Land, John P Moon, Jolui ff Jackson, Joseph Duncar, AwO HUllon, ?{Q tiilreath, Ww D Barry, I llenry S Gibson, Tilmuu D Waldrap, Wb, Mnuldin, las. M Bailey, Benj. Boswcll, Jordan Lofiis. . Mli'ox's Beat. Alsfin Bclew, Pleasant Dnrton, II MeDevit, A J Ponder, Stephen Center, A J Young, Joberry Thompson, Win. Gosnoll, Alfred Below, Charts* Howard, Jntjir* Moss, ltobcrt McClwtfi", James Burnett, It 11 Peace, Calrin Vtirrol. l^fiv'i WapJ. (tPB. .1 llfilfW. (3nn. W Dill, Robert I<oekl?cnd, .'nines McMnkin, II P Parish, Chnrlcs Gnsiiell, Bird Evans, S T .' BodLhiu, Joel Farmer, Peter Udsnell. . HOOCH's Ile.if. Geo. M RoLertaon, Mjlford Howard, Robert Pit.nan, Andivw Gordan, Wm. Park, Win. Odnui, D J ltoUimi', Jobta Calloway, M C Goodlett, AVilson TrnmmeU, Jacob Prcwett, Haticcs Johnson, Alfred McDowell, 15 F Po-, Key, John tioanelt, Ales;. MoKinncy.. Ma'UHTta Bhat. Thqv Springfield. Stathain Batson, Samuel trkialoy, John 1. >rr>?, E A Kolly, A C Bridges, L T Jolinsou, Edward Powell, Hcubin Talley, John Green, E C Cunningham, S B Today* roTte' Covr BAST. llonmn Andors, Ervln Pool, Gen. Tinsloy, Af-bbol Anders, David Bayne, Andrew Griffin. Ford Cox, Flcmon Uilr.nd, J D McJuukin, Joseph M Goodwin. A Mr. Bubbows and a Miss Nkilt were recently maviied at AYnlhnlla. If ?jpe would at all bo disposed to lurrovc, it would be during these days of etubargos on trade; and to do it nicely is quite a consideration. Jn an advertisement, recently, we saw mentioned'" Raw Cotton," which was offered in exchange for n desideratum Ate wonder if cotton digests ar.y better by being cooked 1 Lincoln 1ms issued n call for three hundred thousand consoripta. In a recent North Carolina papbr we see advertised, "To the Ladies?A few more boxes of that delightful Snuff, far whiph til ere Is spch a demand." In soinc portions! of that State, if. is said that tobacco chewing ia as common among the females as it is here with the men and boys. When a North Carolina sprig goes to sgc his affianced, oud after spending a pleasant even iuir with her and U about Inking his leave v ishc* to embrace !>er, she a pits out lier m'nr.Wful of tobacco juice and niter depositing hrr'rjuid at enure convenient j>oint, is t r< ndv to have the ambrosia ripped from her cherry lips?provided Jie ha* the stomach of^.u horse * A company of A'irgin'a rairgen, havf, /within two weeks, captured eighty horses, .from wliieb war realized $40,825. Uolonel-fvrs*"??, a distinguished Teiinca * /"?see cavalry lender is among the prominent dead, tie wn? gallnnt and patiiotie, and withal inodoat. The bogus State of AVest Virginia, (the iVtihandle,) has taken her plane among the e/nuiuonwealths of (be Federal Union, say a the iJnliimore Aiitericni*. There wne a tire rcoeirtly in Atlanta, pw., to which considerahle property, amounting J*' in value to ahout $28ft.fc?>0 w?? destroyed. The records cf two Odd Fellows' Judges * were burnt _ m * Nkal 1>ow, tlie grent tempers! ae man, * and adherent of the Maine Liquor h#w, i> among the recent captnrAd, nt Port Hudson. Of course he'll give our boys a short lecture on " total' abstinence." 4. Gen. Dick Taylor, whose successes have made hirn to proriihjclit#t>f late, Is a nephew ?.f ftcn. Z. 7sVI.oa. He's " bold and steady, ton* times rough but always ready." TLe- " blue-billies " fire aahl to be on a spree, they lynlng received )ar?? quantities of Mend from Washington. We wouldn't * * 1* be surprised if Lbe does not send tbein after more before a great while?on parole. ^ An tmj">k?yee of the Southern K* press Corapnny at Meridian, Miss., alotranied about ffH.OOO from their office and vane . ' about sending it up the,Mobile and Ohio - * Knilr^nd, But was aoto0fCflT ^ The flee negroes (that detestable pert of our population) about Kh-hniond have been put to wuvk saving and gathering crops, v and it is said they xvorlc very willingly, when they ean be of any utility. TMy ought to, juet for permission to remain In the land. . * A vtorel arrived recently ?t Wilmington. N. 0., which is reported to" have* conec through from Naw ^ ork without unlading at Nawsau, merely touching at tliat point The Iknats < f North tkruliiis lint pasaed a hill {middling ai l' it, and atcl(uM of d? ? evilion. '. * mgr st.* ? / *,j* 'Vn ... u, ' - ' - - - 1 * * . 1 , A ' * "-'' ..' v,S' v *** . y, ifiLUmLJLi X]L-lLJ "#l J|g -J *.-. Turn ffissgiSfeg^ffsj ? **??. 4i?*i SUto WorJb* aU^UM* k KftkAb*, that ' Mtrll b? ntuMa to pqritelMMVMi ft>? OotLhatbHt BrraWUd hi CburW ton at n 4?*?rUr, haying ooUrod th? nlj I ajar time* m a ittMUUtw, ana dgMrting tt Msn. PaV* experience > '"Coast* tUte,AW" * rwi?4#??ffg*o/ tho li?t|fc C.S A.,ftj??ii by some fef tho HMtlMrun. Cse'Hkend AlKm?A i Jk* ?*gM?Mw ol Forth CaioJUi Ma pmoff ? bill requiring Tax Collector* to i^w? all hnn V Conff*Jefc*t? aa^aa. . . tb? Mt( saoAT ytcnrd to ol) :the Missi-wlp]* riror plawtao* ?-wlug?Vn<gro*e they have. atoleo. to ffon* or. tend for their women nod children, oethey qan takq care of UtM oo %(er. Thoir friends 1 . Tax bombardasenttf Hweity or VI ck shut* began on the S6Ut of May, IMS, over a year Ago, ahdin O41J tine, the LtAroln Qovenrment ha* i?wt atleaat half a-million dally, and eawiftffed near 60kl)00 fives to obtain U? Jit will never repay them the ooat or capture. The rofiataaao offered by Geo. Hembvrton epd -Me Brave betid [scare* i000 effective men] aOd the fbtteu*.and sugvifeg tbey wndurld, iu? almost unparalted in the annuls of hlstory>-t. Srnrcation alone.made them yield. Jackson,July 8. Suffering* of Ik* Vicltburg Oarrttott.? A number of the Vickburg bcrori arrived here to-day. 1 have converted with, a number of tiieni, privates as well at officers. The privates praise Gen. l'eraberlon in the hlgliest terms. TbGy sav they went into Vicksburg prejudiced against iiiro, but no man could bare done more Mian he did. One men shed teafe when lie told me Of what they suffered, with n6 relief, and then for Vicksburg to fajl. . The Yankees were led to believe that if they took Viokeburg the war vi-as ended, ana they could ell go home, and they would remark to our troops, " well, boys, we can all go heme now." An officer who arrived, from Vicksburg rays that the garrison had been living on Eea bread and mule meat for two weeks, fe soys thrtt If it had been known that relief was coming, it would- have held out longer. It is stated that all the officers, of rembertun urged him "to surreuder. llBAPQt AtMwns. C*wr ?#noi.Lt*a Orrwt,") dva Coseit?s??OK4n.I?Tavmirr, k Greenville, 8- 0-> July 18, 1S0S. J [ To nbsontcos without furlough from the army of tho ChnfcdorMe States in this District: I. You are required to report to these Headquarters without delay, that you may bo forwarded to your eomrnands promptly. To those of you who are attached to fl#n. Jos. K. T,xl..,.?.nt'u nommanit in Af idniaeimii n fnJl pardon for your unauthorised absence, and transportation, la offorcd, if you voluntarily return to duty. To jvII thow who reside hi Anderson, Dickens, Spartanburg and Union, they can report to tho Enrolling Ohcri of their respective Districts, who,arc authorised to forward you to MqJ. Melton nt Columbia.? To those who belong to otber commands, 1 would wirmwtly urge them to report for duty nt once. If so, tbeir oBbnecs will bo' lightly dealt with, and a pardon secured if they-show by their action and conduct, a disposition to return to and perform tboir duty. The Government desires to deal leniently and kindly with you. The authorities do not desire to hurt a hair j>f your heads, if they can avoid It. Return, then, to your dtrty. Your country needs and require* your eery iocs. Interest, manhood, patriotism, everything that should move a man to action, demands of you a return U> yonr colors. Ilare no fears for your families ; the State will iako c a to ol them. Mako no such exctfscs for your absonco from your posts; tiiqy ore flliusey subterfuges that sensible 1UM1 sec through* a glnnoc. Return, then, to your commands, nnu success knd honor awaits you and our cause. Refuse, and you beconio the scoff and scum of all honorable and patriotic men, and your names will bo kapdvd down to posterity, coupled with infamy, and it will.liang like cn incnbns upou your children, uowefer worthy taud' meritorious thoy may prove, os the same infamy bos clung to the names of the Tories of 177B, to the latest gen rration. 1 'appeal to yop ttwjn, to come forward at once, prepared to return tc", and perform the duties required of all good citizens and soldiers in this great struggle for our independence. If you do so,- you will be dealt with as tenderly as {possible. I will interest tnysclf f<>i you. 1 wUI do all I con to telicve yon of your embarrassing, "painful, and what 1 know must be to you, on unhappy petition'. You all know ma, and I am sure will trust me. You Lave always been uiy friend, and I believe you ore still so. Cottaioly, 1 aun yourf. 1 will save you, each, aud all of you, if you will pOT'uit me, from the consequences of your own conduot. line no doubts or fears, bad men may attempt to excite I Loin Do not bcliore then, Y'on never knew me jlo deceive 1 r_! 1. f. i sr A.ill | voluntarily to your duty, aud report to me, or tho enrolling officers of your respective Dis. tricts, I will exert myself to the ntuiost to sard and servo you. If yo(I do not, bo (ho consequences on yonr own heads. My lleadquatters are at Greenville. If you will report at once to me at that l'ost, all shall go well, so far an I have power and influence to inako il so. itofusc, and the stern, strong arm of the law, must be enforced to the letter. JNO. D. AS 11 MO HE, Miij., and Chief Enrolling Officer, Sth Congressional District. Papers in the Congressional Diet riot will confoT a faror by copying once. STATE OBr SOUTH CAROLINA, CiREENVILLE M8TRICT. L? B5QUITY. Susau \V. Thrust on, Guardian, "J* Bill VS.' > for Hate of Richard Tbruston, a Minor. J ?S' L~A 1' E . BY order of Chief Justice O'Neall, ia this ease/^t will sell, am SnUt-ilap in Augast, to tho highest bidder, at GrocnriUo Court House, a valuable MULATTO BOY named TOM-DICK, aged nineteen years, a good Ulackaaatth by trade. . . rj'i'KHAi^, CASJI. . WM. M. TnOMAS, C. E. 0. D. IItb July, 18?3. " II , 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA! llRaDQitABTRse, Charleston, July 13, 1883. To the Cititens of Bemth Carolina : AN immediate necessity exists fur three thousand laborers, in addition to those ordered by Ool. SHANNON, for a period not exceeding one month. The Aet of the Logi luture proven iuau/Keiaut to the procurement of the Ubor u?ke<l for by the Confederate authorities. The Executive of tlie Htote is, therefore, reluetautly constrained to call upon the patriotic, who have made already no many sacrifice*, to come again to the aid of the State. This <vt\l is not made without the fulleat knowledge on the part of Otneral IiEAIJREQARD and the Executive that the need is most press in jj. Let every cittren, without a moment's delay, send every hand he can spare. The safety of the State may, and the lives of many of our gallant man in the field will, depend upon the maimer in wlsioh this call ia resounded |o. A discreet overseer to every fifty hands should hs rent. rflic Hands should In rtuj npadea and ahovajn, wtdoh frill l>? returned, and be supplied with three day* cooked ra tiohs. The Hail Road agents at the Depute are requested to issue trr nsinirtat ion tickets, copies of which they wlij furnish te Major Echols, to whom the labors will be reported. _ ' - ^ - - '' The Kaeeoti ve ventures to say (he ncgrdes \fill b? property eared far. Given undrr my haad and the seal of the HlaU at Charleston, this jfth dsy of [u s.lJuly; A. U one thousand eight huQdred and sixty-three. M. I, DOMIIAM. w*. It. hentt, Secretory of Stale. July tfi If I , "IVAll the papevi in the State publish voce - * ~ > > Vr ^ ' V -J* ^ *V ? ?.. % *' i ,i u " ' , jx.I ?: JJ. i . ?... . SOWS j ?DC?I | ^ U flUtpa^at eleatfrryi HT WKSr< authorised to nnountl ' Hon. 3AK. tfAKHOW a anndtdat* f<JT re election to the llonpeu of the CvnfeJerat? Slates aa ltapreeontative from lh? ilfLli (Jougreaaiobal Oiatrlof. ' * .' *, Attention Mounted Riflclncn. . *\TOU are hereby required to appear be' A the Court Hbtiae door, om Sntur day next, equipjied, at 0 o'ehK^^roeieelji,. j>j orutr v? i.a Aaiiiun, . Captain. JulylO u 11 if ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA/ ADJX AND- IKS'J'. tkENjr'OFKICK, V cbarluwx, Ju'v ii, 1803. j [GENERAL OR VEILS NO. S4.J. I. THE ACTL0H OP IIRIO. GEN.' WII.MOT Ch D*SAtTS8URK, commanding -4th "Brigade S."C. M., in relation to a portion of his Camtnnotf. under orders from Geuoral" BSAURJfiU ARJ>, is hereby approved, tiud he is ordered to call immediately into actual ?erviee his entire command,-tnelndiog ail ]*r*<His liable to said sorvioe within its limits, nud to report for duty to Gen. BEAUUEUARD. II. The Cadets of the Military -Academy", the Militia ordered into sorviconndor the (Vintnand of General DaSACSSURR, and all Companies of-Voiotoors vyho liavo tende.-cd or who may fonder their sorviccs for the defence of Charleston, arc hereby pieced under the Command of Gen. 11KAITRKGAKI>. , By order of ftia Governor pnd Commander^ in-Chief. ' A. C. UARLINGTON, "Adjutant and Inspootor-Gcnornl of s. c. petr- City papers publish three times?other papers onco. July 10 f J1 . 1 Stato of South Carolina. Aoj't a*t>Twar. GttintttAi.'s Cyi-icr, - .* Columbia. July 10, l.sod. GENERAL OR It Ell AO. Tl. C1iiahlkston is attacked by land and J sea?it is our stronghold, a'nd tho *,utu through winetr ?hc enemy hope to ^>a?ss into tho interior to overrun and durastntc our State.' The necessity demands prompt and decisive action. It urns hoped that the term of service of the troops lately called for, f.^r real defence would not bo/in till the 1st of August next. Hut wlion our homes?our all is threatened, it is no (into to*discuss the qnestion.?' The term of six months service of these trbftps will bo erodited w'th,the time the present emergency Calls them into the field. i. The enuipauics lately organised for local | uoicnco nun special wn ife iu tnc M;ilt i;> I no following KegiuicuU will assemble nt tlic times hereinafter stated, at tho must cnjivoniuiit stations on the llailr<>ivl*, and proceed immediately to the city of Charleston, to wit : in the j Klcrcntb. (11th,) Twelfth, (12th.) Thirteenth, ' (I."th.( Fourteenth, (UHi,) Fiftt'ontli, (Ifiih.) anil Forty-third, (Jfhl,) (Third Ilrignde;) She Twentieth, (20th,) Twonty-fir^t, (23m1 *) Twcn- i ty-second, (22d,) Twenty third, ^22il.) mull Porty-fomrtli, (44tli,) (1'iKb Brignde,) on | lCtrfne?</??y, tht 15f/i in*t., (July;) and the cmnyauies Organised iu the Ttwwily fourth, (24th,) Twenty-fifth, (25th.) TVcrily-iixth, [2#tt,i Tvrwnty-sovciitb, [27th,] ltogiiinut*. [Sixth Krignde;] the Tweuty-ciubth [2Sth,] Tirontr?ninth, (20th,] Thirtieth, (SOth.) (Seventh Srigaile!j Thirty-first, ('list,] Tliirtysceond, [32d,] Tbieiy third, [ilild.] [Kighth Brigade.] on Thuriloy thy 10lit iii?t? (j?.'i/,l II. The troops will provide themselves with crathtng itnri four duy? rawons. 'They will l>e armed on tlieir arrienl in Charleston. HI. Tho commanding officers of companies will liavc the men warned to attend rt dyifignnlcd polrtts on the Kailnnids and ?rc, hereby authorized So issue certificates of trn::sp<irtution to Charleston. IV. The commanding officers of companies willfruportj tn| thesf Head Quarters on their arrival in 'Charlestons hnd the Companies 'will be orgnnixod info regimen (is after they have so reported. V. Tho troops raised in the 2ltb and 25th regiments, (Fairfield.] will organize'into one company before proceeding to Charleston, and tho Commanding; OlficvM of sud r. giuients will assemble the men for purpos.. VI. Tho Captains of Companies will immediately extend these orders on their publication, without wuiting for fi.rtlio- mders, and the Commanding Oliieors of lie.-imonts will coyinwiiMealo ftie sumo homediutely to the Commanding Officer* <>f Companies, employing Couriers for that purppM, if ncecssaiy, at the oz pen so of the State. VII. The Companies organized in thovotber Regiment* will hold themselves in readiness to move at the shortest notice, ltv command. [Signed,] A. C.dJ ARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector Uanlra), F. C. Official: U. A. Fouts, A. A. 0. I Jely'lfi 11 1 , juts- Papers of tho Statu publish till Tlir.rs1 Cth instant. . Notice to Bond Holders. a www jz-j JM OFFICE G. C. 11. n. COMPANY, Columbia, s. C. Jnne 2ft, ipfto. rpiIE KOMfS OF THE GKKE>'VlM.K X AND QOLUMIHA fi'AlLKOAH C&M 1 PANY, payable on lit July, ltMWt, will be Said on prearftitntion at tuc Hunk of the tAte Of South Carolina or at this office. . J. Hs SOUTHERN, , | . Autip.or nud Tieaaurer. July 2 .. . 9 5 ' . suit: salt:: . ARRIVED, a fine lot of Wilmington nut4t> SAtLT, and inunufm luted l>y ul, which ny be bad at,roaJi>nable prlooa, at t\ Uoleealc GHORdE IIELDMANN A CO _Mar-l9 4ft .. _ tf T>E08PECTtTB.-^TH. umlerafgntd will ,A- issue, in a f?w "wCekr, at Richmond, Va., a w??kly jttnrnal, lw bo c&ilad " '1*1 IE SOUTHERN PUNCH 1" /rasjyV It will he nearly a dnpticAlWjsdtfM, form ao<J general feat ure" of the wiewwcnwnw London v punch,'* *o lonjt an acknowledged Fewer in tfi? liritiah Isles in (he reformation of public abusee^antl the enlightenment, of tbe public mind, flashing na it did with thf pennis c? Hood, of Jerrold, nnd n Jioet of wits, poets, nnd philosophic thinkers. The. proprietor*, of " THK SOUTH RUN ; PUNCH ? bring to the difficult i ask of sue- I eesjfiilly coudnoting ouch a journal the nd? van tog oh of capital,^* Imndnnt meiital reseur ces, and practical .skAt. The editor for many years past. IrStf been connected, in a leading editorial rapacity-, largest dally |?{eA of N??w Orleans and Mobile, while she gatrth mca who have charge of the typographical and engraving departments nre unsurpassed in (hat skiU neccwary to success, Every number Will lie illustrated with numerous cute, appropriate t'o (be limes, (humorous and oorious.j from the hands of one of the best .engravers on the continent ?an artist whose name is fn miliar to tike reading public of the South. In Jtae, the undersigned -Mrs determined U> make ' THK SOUTH KIIN PlJUOll" tke spiciest, moat readable, arid best illustrated Hfory journal in America. It shall distance competition, **. . Tsnuu.--Subscription for single- copies, " 10 per annum. News dealers supplied jit the rate of {15 per hundred eopica. Addresa, Overall. Campbell,.Hughes & Co., Publishers, Richmond, Va. Main tired, botwocu ?jipth and Tenrti, July U, l$fS. 1; 'j * ? _ f * t. vj -t... -A ' ^ \. * * '. * r *. "*^. i'J i? '.? j Ji 1 *-? -j X15 ? I AWVTANT A1 w. QEN'I.9 Onvra ? Odumbla. July- lo? (rtiNJtliAL QK&BIiS xon-i. ?|^1IE VfeAdqtuirtrrs of )i:s Excellency the *JL CoTefflnr nod Commander-in-Chief ?e tNkgefprr<*d to ('-iiuihstnu for the present. AH cotinmiiiteations most be addressed ot t lint. iiMnf i .1 u? ? *? V ? * ^ Kl ity command A. C. ftARUNGTON, . v- - Adj. *t Inap. Geu'l, H. G.J uly ] rt 11 ? 1 ; f&f l'iipcra of Stafo publish once. ? Hides, Leather ami Shoe*. IVtUiTas good 1U11FB for one third". - 1 Will.mho sell LEATHER Aitlv RIIOIM nt Utc old price for lilOftS -AND r^I'Idy nt. theoht fulc*. Tnn YarJ" war Kasley's Bridge.^. Hide* ,uiay be left ul.Dr* iJcan'tf, in ft out of the l'oct Otfien. *. A. IvIUKrATRlCIf. July 0,'l803 10 ' 3 Suit tov blllo. ALA'l?OKyuj*ply* ??f good Wrtfaiington K. O. SALT ou haul and for rule, nt wholesale and retail. 1 C.'II ANN. C^f^ITmne corner of CofiVp, mid spring ti ucleoue door, nut of l)r. ilnrlv's drugstore. $ July 9 ' , 10 ? . ?f . Notice. ' * ' T>A' vlrftit ?.f mi order, from .the honoin1 ) hie Confederate Stales Court, for (he District of South Carolina, I wijl sell, si. Auction, nt Greenville, on Friday the Hist Jujv, lltfiJt; One 1'lANrt AN'f> STOOL, some BOOKS and oilier property ; returned by 15. M, Murphy, lSsq. Also, sixGALVANIC NECKLACES. seren ItitACKT.KTTS and twelve*liOTTLttS MAONKTIC FLUID; rcturiied by Dr. M. L?. Lurlo. Terms C'nth. J. 15. SfTTON. liUOeivcr. July 0 .10 2 *t JCCWIJI'fi'S WANTED. F WH.f, reo.'ivo into""my Comp.iI " rv * ,,v ' 'EL. A., a few.more I rtUb/Vl'OL'i' AiUJC HOMED MUN. "to Qyy surve j? ilKWV Ali.TlLlJ.KV. WvT T.'iisconipany ha* l>ecn, durtu*c its r.iT 0 js fsft uce. storhnmd upon Jnitioe loin ml, 1(71 timVf ther immediate eninmaii.l of I Slaj. Campbell, where we ex poet to borehiji can be nl rnoc Mhl ?> me aiitltrnn*JiorVaVi'in forwarded. Tills ojpoitunitJ- ' will nut ?xtci??M<eyuiul" 1 r,i) men. k. liUWDKN, Capt. Co I, J'. 15. L. A, ?.2?"A<K!r w. .1. II. liowiit.N, Cu. 1., Is. 15. T.,. A.. C1ihpI?A n>, S. C. Inly 9 10 If. # I CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH $ K O O L . I 1 HK ftEXT SKSSfON of tin 1 < LA - fcOAli AN 1> J:N(;1.I.SU I T,rT.^L- vl., reCukly cteialdhllied b; Twjt* Tr"t. - -..r.-lvTV,'A? DS and J I'll CAa f'OX, Midi tlic approbation of thi I Hoard of Ti iiMlect of Turmiui Unlrtrtil i during lire .?;:.-|iei>fion ui .tlie T.xcrwm b of the I 1nivcrsUy.-v ill opeu.nt.tlic Cuivi-rajlv I'niMJ ON Till! 'I'llmi) A.W.I'ST,nmlembrace' I lirn <|imnrrii vt tuh voblf eiu'b. . j Tf.iims?Jib per cju- itcr, willi V* rtnU Air I ir;< i l.nlal i peiiy.*, payable in m'vuarc. lioi?! Hoardingoi'ii bo baftat $i!.i pry month. I The utuuiat watch-far* will be csorciauit over i-t lie moral j "f ibe pupil.". j Tor furl!.> r information (ulJrvrs iTrofessor r. lvowAurm, lAccftville, S. C. j __ July U 10 ' 8 j. STATS or SOU ill CAROLINA, OUKKNVil.l.i: UlSTUlUT.e IN ZQVITY. j Ann Da! i r. Aii'm'.v.-Ao., 1 ?J ml I I- x s- t >' ' .fnr J .T ie A. llal.i-r.el al*. J No.'- ofLand, <ir. TN' obe."ii.i)en to tlio decree n? tlie Cmsrt, I a will m il to'tl'd.Highest liddur, on Tuesday after-.Sales Pay, in'Anguat, ?t tlic I)#pnt at Williaimioii, in .Vudcrj.iu PiatricL tno T.anil ileycribod in too pleadings of IIim.cmu, tlufTAN D pirwdtn?Qd l.y WilHnm T,. linker ; front A. Ynhng Owens, containing Two linn | lro.I nn<i 'i liiri.v Acr.i inure it I ?T1 *HMS CASfl. * >VM. ^THOMAS, c. j:. ju. i?. July 0 IP 4 ; STATE W "COUTH C.A ItOLlNA, G1 i E EN VIM < H MSTlH UT. IS EQUITY. Win. M. Thomny, AJnvVof"^ /?'?i / / Je)iuTl>oxt>|'^<>?, dec'd, ct ill ^ to . vc. j . T. !n-y I'rtf.', rt nl?." j Kc, <?< .' | TS i,liO<Tt*tic? V> the decfce of the Pniirt, I 1 will tell. on A;.L>? l/?v, iir Am^nit, lHJJt, ! .it (J rev u villa Court limine tu tiio Ui^Uci t Iriililox, fho I,AND iksorfluJ hi tli^ pku'ling | whereon .Ti'hn Tkemptxin lived, nJlj<>intn< I 1 a.niU i f It. I". I'ofoy, on tho SnludA On|> Road, | noir tho .Suite linn, <ontuininK One tte.uiirod Acres, were or lima.?TERMS OAfttL WM. M, THOMAS, c. K. o. P. .fuly # 10* f state er south c?roli5a.~ *UXECCflVE llRI'ArKTMpNT^ I . CtitUHKiA, Jnly S, 1^68.-T J \\J nEKKAHinfoiinntiotilms l>?f? feeeiv! ?* i d af'this Jiejim tmejili Hjh4-Vtl,MAM T MOSS, who wo#"4* thd ^alV M ltiibluiuj ILfti ict under ventenco oR death f?-r the murder of Jnm?? Phillii'i??did no the night of the 27th of Jutie, iimtie hi it i.wi|e t j km 1 he ni ij jnil; *' Now. Hit refute. J, ?!IUjKI>OFTL. IJOWr IIAM, (iuni iiyr of the StAlo of South CnroJit.ii, do ltevwoy ofF'-h- n reword of (>i>rE THOt'tfAND DOLLA r.H foy u?e nriprnbrtt. nioir of tj?? >nhl W m. T. Mocs i?nd nfr delivery into tnv fail in Ibis Stnte. R?i*il Most \* about 2K" years olil, 5 (peHOincites high, weight about lyOjepunda, dork Hnir, wonrs n inouMnctiC and is rather cood looking. He U from Wake County, Nortji Carolina. ,Given* under my lined J.nd tlxraeal of the f u ^ "to, ml 1 oluinbbi, this a** dav lL- J of July, A. 1>. lbdiJ. " M. L. tlOKIIAH, Wm. R. IIkxtt, Beyvctnry of Hum*. ,", July ? ,,, .10 * - + C2r"A!l the papers in (lie StaV [>ut>li?li twice a week for one mouth ' . / Scldiere' Hymn Eook and I'rnyer Eofli. t*IIE South Carolina Trai t 8ocl?rty lina r published n Iiaw mid revised edition (r.o,u)0) of th^sohmiriisr HYMN COOK and the IHAVClt llOOK.fon* I taining "81 |?n?yira, n<Taj?fo4 bofh to' social and private um>. The HOOK OPl-SALMS,' COMKTOJICbl? n*dt>thsr HOOKt) nnd TRACTS am teftt'y* *?r l'i? press. W lio will MlJtfilJF us with' the foieuna to,publish thcm ? J'rive of itvmii Hook, (6 ceiifs por copy ; I'ra^f. Hook, 10 cents. Wo atetha re a variety of TRACTS, peculiar ly aJipled U> llio wants of our sol* c. Orders jtromfiUy fill??l by It. W Tt?DT>, Agent, Charleston, S."C. JulVVMU* 10 :r" .ioiT woiuT tXECllED Willi l>ESrATCU. ' * * V .* * '* * i , -V- ,:..v .? . ' . "J -.v * V- V*. .v 1"V'I4,V ^ - V BWte iiti erd?r ot_t*5l?ief Justice O neall the o jprediUne of Win.JU Bakea, deceased^ are notified to file their (.demands with xfif. within three irtenths from this date. * / ** ^^M.'lTlTblfAS.^Ve. p. , jury 9 tn $oOOO. * 9*000 f Xntoltunentnl. - < , FIVE Thousand jftriiai-s Howard.?To * ?ny eebcr, enorgetla person alio fall* : to make v'i.nnit a year I ' Tm botinesa *aa?, , lioneat and LuoaaTtva. Ko capital or edu- . nation r.<pilred.*-? No i-Kpcnae Incurred I * Five hundred ladioe and gentlemen wanted I , by. a<ld?*a?ijig,-nJo. immediately von. may , wcuro to "yostreel veg^Hetd th. weultn, Imanty; lwgTifo ood n bappy marriage. A' ' OOLI> UmO-OUimtJ to the Ant yeunt; .[ lady w>ilipg to uie I . * For furthet ip- -J format i< a. address (inclosing vouf -return . I^.tuga) KKANK E. G.USD&EY, , llu.nN.nN Neet 1*. O., "Wa?|iii?g?on Co., Va. ' April ? 49* J a.... J- wV_BY AUTHORITY. 1 Acts [and Beaolutiona of thy Confrreaa of ( the Confederate Congress, pulsed at the Third Seaeion? 1EG3. . I . ? ? * " 1 [Xo. Of.] " A A* ACT to unirtut fttt Ac I entitled " A a Act 4 to orj/'Utit* Afi/itarg Court* to uttcd lllf Atnty r./' the Confederal* State* in the Acld.tutd J tn (11 tine ft he po/ccre of mid Court*, Ajiprve- / Ml Oi-tolcr Vth, 1802. v The Congress of tho Confederate States of .1 America do enact, That in addition te one . enilltnry rourt to attend- each nrtny corps iu *frip iirm, ns imw umnonzca ny an aci tuuu" An Art to organise military court* to at- ? t^inl tlio ttrmy of the Confcderalo States in the ? field, nth) to define the power of said Courts." itpprovotl Ootober ninth, eighteen hundred nnd r sixty-two, ouo military court cliall l>o orgnnis- t '<1 iu each of such military department* at, lu 1 the judgment of the l*re*idout, the public oxigeneic* may require; to be organised in tiio * manner and with powers proscribed in tho not i of which thi* is amendatory. Approved AIny 1, 18d3. 3 ' 1 [No. 03.1 - ' " - / AS ACT t'> Con Sinlie nnd Amend the Tfueid Sect if h of ii n Act Siif>i*ii an Mary to on Act 41 i fHcniiinii the I'ny tiuil AUmenace line tu k JteciKietd'Suliliere, Afjf>roreil TebruOfy IMA,' J Hi.2, ami to J',wide/of the PromjU Settle- t went of CUtiute for Arrearages o/ I'ay, Al I lotcriira Aivf J/vnnfy due Vcceacul Ojficcrt a ami Suh'ii t e. . ^ 'l'iie Congress of (ho Confederate f Inter of America do eatvet, That the third section of an | net cr.titk'ih'd "An Act stntpltfitentary to pn |j act coiicuiuirg.'tho pny and allowance dua to deceased soldiers,f-'npprnvsd l'etrrttary. J5th, . I eighteen hundred And sixty-two, and t$ "provide for the prompt settlement of claims for * [ are* arnges of pay, allowance and bounty due * deceased t>l7iCern and soldiers, ho cohtiucd of force until otherwise provided by Ceugrvcs, n Approved Aliiy 1,1803. ,r _ 4 AS ACT to A mm J "An Act for (he csiab C lidimrnt and Oromrt<uliuu of a G'etural- I Stu(f far the A ntty -of the Con/edcrati ; SlatU " ... ... * ?. i TTio'Co'igrcss of the Confederate States ( of America do enact, That froth and after (lie of this act, the rank, pay und ? allow ance* at lushed to the < flier of Quaiter ? luaB'vi Coiu ta! oflheainiy of lb* Conled- : crate tilslrt, slur}] bo those of u llrigttdiet licnerid Iij the Provisional r??Hiy. X Approval Mnrth fOlL, 18A3- 10-1 ? -,l ^ # AN AC'fMt Provide fmr umJint/ to thi * State of Alabama the pmsSid orerpaiu | Ly tad State on account nf (be I far Tax of I ] igbteen fin mired and Si.rty-tteo. Hie Congi't** of the Confederate States t>1 I Aiiiciica do enact. That the Pssrslnrv ot | the Treasury rhall have power to adjust i und hsee rliiin tho true atuonhl of lax due' from Jho 5*lntc of Alabama, umfsr the *' net '( to nulhorixc the i sue of Treasury note*, and i io provide a war tax for their redemption," t niul tho nsta supplementary thereto; and f upon such scPwitiiinQ, said Secretary of the Ti rt.suty eh all i efiittt} to the said State what- ' cr>r inay have been overpaid by the ( authority tnerenf irniPr said ast. i Approved Fcb'v 20, 18C8. 1 -I < JOIST RESOLUTION of (bonis to Jfe tr 1 Centra! J. Until bead Sfagtuifer, and oj 1 Jther* and own or his Command, at (Jaires( tort, 'Texas. " '* ' Resolved by the Congreso of the Cm fed < I crate States of Atnaxica, Thai lh?ib<>ht.^ri trepid and aalhtnt conduct of Major Ot-ltr ?1 J. Piinklioml Ma prude r, Ooi .Th*ma<Or^i n, sij. Laon Smith and <vher offerii iind of the Texan Ranpcrs and soldiers tweaked in the attack on, nnd viotory fudiiev<d over.flhe land and naval forcer of tin .enemy nt Oalvertim on (he first of Jar.uaty. IHrtS, eminently entitle them to the thank? of (''mtrreea-and the eoahtry.-' . ,?t ^ 2d. hc*o!i<rd, Tlrat this-brilliant aelteiver men*, resulting, ?nja> the -Piovldonc- ' Col, in < he pasture of the war M earner "Ifar riet Lane " land the deferit and ipnomipirtrw flight of yie hostile fleet from the harl>pr J re-tnpl'trl^of tha city nod the midnjjef the hluokftde of the port of finlveeton, signally, evince? ihnt superior force may baarcreoip ' l>y skillful conception and daring courage. 3d. lltaolred, That the fWtfgbittg acaolu*' tiorrr ha communicated by the tedrrtary of. W?rto Major General Mngrudcr, aed In 1 liiai to hie oogrtnMid. >.]'l'i?'\< d Lch'y '21tli, 1SA3. T&-1 A.V ACT to Authorise the Apptrntment of r Hegider andan Additional Oterk and 0 .Jh-anfl/Umnan for /A# A'oev VrpartmaM- s The (Joiipretaof (ha (.'on federal* Bfcale* of Al??tlea do enaet, That the Secretary of IB* navy l?<1 authorised to jtflpotnl a Register at n salary of on* thmrami eight huadred viol tare par anmrni; n drauvhtainnn at a aat nry of (?ntf tln^nafind two hundred dnllaVt |i r; iiiij ; mid an additional clerk at e f *Wy of one tliojispml two hundred dollar* '!?*? armaria Approved A] nil 4th, 1868. - ? flhl A I? ACT fort!* lit lief of the lirunmeiek and Albany JiiUraa-J Company. W'Uattaf. The IlritnewlcK and A H>nin railroad, ill .the State of ficOTgia, ha* beat. inn npd uartl n? ft military nroMnity from <J tin- month of Hcplemltfta, eighteen hundred m il eixty-one to t\>e w-ewrnt time, and n? 0 ujjn^r lor" the u?f of tne said road lias hmo t' hi?l>y the propt mtore thereof ogaiftet lh> ? (Jov*rnifiti)WH|i rrforr, io preserve the t rni.l railroad froru Icing broken up or d??tcojfc<V ,3 . 4 . y - ?1 The C-ongrcw of tlie Cnnfedei Ate Slate* ?.f ' Amor ioa,80 enact, Tlmt the stock and bond* of the Brunswick and Albany' Baih'on ) Oasaoapy returned or whleh mar h? r.tuta64 KdUte K < < inr atSftrernuh, as pr?|>erty I of ftlict mcn.Uir, juidfteiiuaatere.1, or eiUtob n .jnay lie beo'K^Urqd W aeftrfte oftjid projier court, fliiirf nnj be raid ftt public A'istloll, ifW olhorwiaeiltFyvoftert of dutrltiiOraeontiiinanftft of the War, btiC'sholI, attetft tbft ratiftenUop I' of )>eacc between the Couf?d?i*te (Mate* J mid the (Jolted Atatca, be appraised in Uw V follow ing inftiiaer : om appraiser aha)!'l>e eppdlnfod It the'dodge of the Piatrlet a ( ourt of the QtltillhU Htatde' for the die trio* tflieorgiars fthotheodoftH in appointed by thA Board of Lfcraetors of eaid .orfftaj, t| nnd theae two*"ahoJl 'MWsiat A tlttrd, And their appraisement alt all bd inAOe atfder # ontli Mud lb writing, and died edth Ihft tl olerk of lite eftid lUprio^UftOfk. ?W hen tha (ftid appraisement i-UolLbe made, the mid af cempaay s1iat1 imvefhe )?rr*i|Ag? of me log wfiLn ninety dnot IhfMfhr, to tnft Re- | ;?<-ivttv at HaVAnnftK, the Alaoant OfftftM MftprAiaed ralae; and ?i|>on aueh payment, the m tule If the mUamU* ^-ar * "??^o ft"" * , ^ T, , \V ? arp**^ avr* 1 eu?, mm jo- i . 1 lovernmoni, from. ll?o fli*t day Jo'w, ' i^lito 11 hundred nnd rix'ty three, to tb? liirt y-tirrt A+y of DoeilhW, eiflWUeft (fanIrcd and aUtj-tfcroo. ~ ' * l.syUlaCive.-'For fompw?llon nml mll?. iter of member* and Uehwutee of dm 1ft ue* I IUprwutUmv?% >wo buadrod f Ikhwaw. our kuftdrod'mull^?0ty doUoft. (300.490k )0.) For oowf^neotioo { offc*r?, clerV*. *o.. >f til.- llouo? of lUpr?f*i4alfi??, fivr llmp aml *ix hundred ana twuirty-fivo UolJ?i?, >.424.00.) , . ' . . j .* For contingent rxpen?c? of Ox lfnnae ?f tepres?at?tives, fifteen'* thousand dollar*, 16.0U0.00.1 " Rue ct??*pen?lion nnd mileage ubmsnv* Mrs of tfieHenatc, forty seven thousand doK of?. (47.OOO.O0) Ktar contingent expciwen pt- ibe Senate, light thousand ib>Msnv(8,dtHfcOO!) For compensation of the.uifleers, clerk*, Ira, of tbe beuMe, eight thousand dwjlani 8,000 00.) Kxenitiv.?Far oompehaafibe of th* Free d.nt *f ilie ?cufederatw 81*! *, twelve hooMiid five hundred did I vie, (IX, F?r 01 tin enaction of the Yioc-Frealdsnt if the. Confederate States, tin ev thotiMud InllrrS, (fi.OOO 00.) For omupifneaikm of tbe tYJvnte f*beretay nu?t ''Mo><k<-iig?r of the- PrwliloMt, one buUMnd One l.aadred and tweutjifive dot'' at*. (1,144.00.) For cfnopniMtlon of the Fit rate Sflciftsy of tff# Yifcw Tmiident, live liMudml dol V?, ( ' Fur contingent nn?l ideerapbie expense# if the Kxcenlive uflW-e, svVcn UieUeaad deb *r?, (7,000.-00..) ? ' ' Tre*4i*ry LlefxirlvgeiU.?Tor compensation f the Sct'retaiy of the Treasury, Assistant lecrrtary <if ilie Treasury, C??nijW*ollw, liiditor, Treasury And lteginter, and clerk* mil eiiemengera in Mid department; lliVeo lundrcd aiid fifty-4houMnd four hundred ,nd ninety-two' dollars and fity cetvte, M0,40150.) . Air oawipenwition.of watchmen nnd Is x>r%re. one thousand three hundred ard iflv-dvc dollars amFJIfty cents, (1^*65.60.) For Incidental and contingent expenses of he Treasury Department, thirty five thon and eight hundred nnd fifty two dollarsard ixtv-one rents,(36,831*1.) Fnf- interest on Uie public debt, twenty nfUioti do)Ur*4 (20,000,000,00.) For engraving and pniatiiig Treasury lotes, bond* mid cei tifieates of stock, and r>r paper for th-> mine, seven hundred ur\d ii'U; thousand dulbu-s, (70fh0QO.OO.) X,,r tranamiwfon i>TC??nfiid??riite (Mate* tarda, two hundred tiuuiand dollar#, (200,-. K)?.00.)* , For the pajmentxif principal under lour if August nineteenth*. loghteen hundred and nxty one, this sum being (kinuutit due and isyable on the frwt January, eighteenhunIrtd nnd ^nxt.v four, one million, leu lmtr lied nnd eighty eight Ihoumud seven hun lre<> dollars, (1,2*8,1 Oft. 80.} For compensation of e.h rU* to be employ !U in lite attention oi perrfnti* augnge.] ro|mrtng ??nd ]>a?-ing forged ! roaauiy nutee, Ivi iIioiimikI <Mlnr?, (h, <?<*). 00.) Kor traveling and other ?->.|ie??aei? inei<l<*tito th? detection of perrons <iti|4i>yd in -reparing mid pnming forged treasury nut**, Sv?- tliaMPMnl dollars. (a,000.00.> For con.|icii?niii'ti <>f otlieer* and eontiu. fsnt. cxjmfuo, IncludUig wage# of ?rur>n>?n mdpayyf lnhhrc-r*. M* iteceaaayy, for the nints and independent Treneuty. aaralitylye thon artd dollars, (73/JOO.ftC.) War oompt-uaation of he Hnetvlat-y ?f Wat," Anfc|)s*t ftKtelary, 3ldef of Proreau, <'lerba, fcl.acngrr^ Ac., n mill I>?M.nrttncnt, one.hundred and AclysifUt thousand doHara, f169.000.fKVl To liquidate Uur be fudd far the It'.-rr Pefrnce wttW, uinttjr (ItoMwd dol. are. fiWt.fVOO.0o.) * *? For inc,*dentnl and contingent expense* >f lbs War J >. pot uncut, sixty tfcouanid lollaie, (GO.OOO.OU.) 'Fur c<)Tvj>eit*$iion of CVrtimtsrluncr and 'litef Clerk mt J ml mil Affaire' end inatyftt ul expense* of Rut-can, twX? thunmad ?m<J <xtv three dullort, (*,O0tW*v.) QH<;r!tirjn?tsr4 prp(ir<ixrrri ^JrciT pay of hmftnv, una- hundred nail forty ?m? mil. ion?. one hundred and eighteen tjbiMianinf^ Ix hundred and eighty eight dyllaiS, Mdl, 19.086.-00.) -For transportation of troop* and tWtr ?a?g"?'. *?f fjnarterinaaOnt aUjn, .tubals on it*. oidnanec and urduanaeatrrer.-from >Sk?ve of norahyaa to ttoojia fa t^e JWilmsc ofHoroet, mule*, vagona an A ham***, iii'.-liiiM1 . f lutn!.. r, niii!>, ir.nv niul steel, or erecting atoreliona.*, qltpt-terafcr irOopV ii.d other repairs, hit* of taair*l?r?.J**"** Tr, ^o.,fifty-alx million, fobrtiuwdrcdTiSrtjr' evrtt thoitiwNid, fanr hundred and seyytilu-. lh?r pay fur lo rme yf |!N?<iyMiaj<l in d i.rivaU'VHhjd in battler,??d?b tot buurWr forty eight,. Mctiojf orSehich proviwvn i? > W* "MdCjH* U?M ired i ?c Kor lav tor nMtMH* . - ear. tfpifcr raU? in n s. *4iil | io|.?tly ! ** ihjf t>??m &h4r lo?t or antdivd t% tli? i>uL}U rrvfof. fco ho.drod WKK^iKl ^rsl>fW{rw4#?0.) For ili** mouioiHM of of" inter a?t nornta* ?">c l??ndr?d igbty^no, 3X >f (li? Mm**, or no initeli I^Wrol ?* may b? iterMtirjr, ooe million doKar*, (l.WX^OoflL* m> ^5 ForXliopny BfodUirw on Wfy la the Adfnnot atw lnapo??or f?*?arraU Deportment;**** J?i??tci i:.n<t?r General* Depar^i**^* Mfedl*1, Engineer, Orduanee and Kul>?iefanM tepnrtmenW, tKree hundred and df<U*}" tiikt llioiuuul iiiil - ?*>;rr '7 v~' (Vm/w?<*crry 7>'7Mfr/Mirtit>-For IW puy-; , Iimo of ?nbal?t*Ma otore ftud eoravilftMry , >ro|-#rtj, one buttdrfd ?rwl thirty Oil Hon, Icvrti tjtetumnd, i)ir?o b'odreo ??d ttfty-' 0rJna*r4 I)*f0rfmtnt.~-Y<* tho ordnonfc 'rvirrt In ftU iU wrvehtMli mH loft. flv? hundred thouMtsd dUUoref (17,. od.ooooo.) ' s*; Far t h? Wwlwl <rf nty *atl r?ll?l iron, For ffq| lvurcliiiftr *nd ni*i.ufMtt?r< of hr?. two rAIIor f*.0?0,(?<u)0.] J JFiiyinrtr Dtparftntat.?F\>r th? rnpirmcr Uiroo b?u*N LooftftnddotHrt, f*< ' t$fiuue.t . . ' ? a *-- ' " n p A : / ; : > IHhi*. oh tmndnd Mod Ibrl ^toWlS*^Me h?odr?d doH*%[ lOt/TO^ T. :3Ba*gSSi twMoty tWu^nd dolI*V(^,0(^%#) ;? -*090*?)^ "for tk? oti?>p?>rt ^rt^mlr^ewry*, tJorf l>u'i8M tiwi^-yOfcjlMh^if* o/aff /JtjmrltnsfH*?rvr opnp|Miw^ or Ok* H**rwt?ry *ai wa i*g tfj1' end lobyrcr, M>co fieri hun^rctjand ?r*Mr ih4b^,^,^lCML)c* .ii " i'uF twyi?iii>.ijjr>Mr (ff^'KMt t>vnrirlblbvl, fiv? thousand doliai-^tA.wjoo?) . ' ' jr *?J~ For t ntnrirt or Coottnlodorier* n?<\ S. rrp to tie*, ihit ty.nineCbouwudjdoltev, (8SV,O?0.*% eele'rlo* of. A(ff?r*, rfi llwiirtMi, on* liylidrwd ysed SAj 60 i lord, ( ,j(w.o") 2 J)ej>arlmmt of Juatiaf. - F" r eorrt pr ft n of A? AtUirnfy Q#niTW; AafcUtten* AtQ2^ n?y Gauocel, slerk* ait J tno*?ofla*n *lx Ui?|u and, six hundred dollar*, f<J,Wn.oO.) Far incidental 'aiod aoutingvnt c*x?rue?v of Uie of Jaalire. ? * UmmM. fiw InHMlred dolUra, (l,M>*.?OrX . For eoihponsatlan of tha ^,ip*rint? nA#<|i ofPobHA Printing elrrk tun} two thousand, tbre* hundred JQtd thirty.Uu Co utid_ 1^1**)m||, . For e<?tnpei>aatu?M"Ior"^f!*^X?w^'*"') Ow mlwionef of "IndianJudder, Attorney arid ifei-?hnl of A>ia.?tu?. Territory. four, thousand, ?tx*Vtjudred and;, fifty dollar*, (4,f??>b.<M> ) --V ji, , few incidental airilJ coetltwjeiW rxp+*?el of Ariaowa Tenitai-y, to !>< -xptndod l?v tl.? Oovcroor. four l.tfbdrcd arid *?tVMy-aiohf.' deflate and fifty ceri?M4tJ? *>?) ' * For printing, binding and rittinjr for t1?e reveral KxecutiVe frrparjinttitc, ietr?atyfive thousand dollar*. f f ; R>r purchase tbr BaceruHve De|>arUuent? AluT Ounjrr*?b? t u^titr five thousand dollar*, ('/h,4Kt*,ttO;). - "J V ' V > For salaries of J&dg.i, <??tbr?*ya and }!ntrliala at.d tri>l.l*nUT*n?lVontfiurent ?-*- ? penscs of Conrt*."ft/ty fi\ u ftwueaod tad' fifty dnlliun, (63,Oyri.OO.)L--^ j - - For corner hsath>h??f three CVntmhsinarr*, * appointed nyder th* *rflur*|ra?U? ??r, and f?r clerk a hi & arid c?KUof|r>yf ?ai>?iMriw. f?er tl.ourand thi-,>* hundred jh,1 Aftyu.dolla.jL . \ JE5S&**" :z Zts . iw 2>epeA/:Ml--1\>r ?wnp#?i#4?<<>? t?f UIB ' K?t?ta?. ?Vrk?, nitwit*. w?ichi*rn .".1. , fel'mu*. Jlfa>qU *Ji?>ii?#?i<l, flf*? hwudtHl ' ?u?I <MUr?, ftUOftlK) tfi# ]'o?t I>f |*|-tn*?t, tM liitinrHlid JsHipamMaa.. ^ Mfj IbyUMMIll illf/, i..g n^tiiredTy not of Com^t^pptM^i tJttJzsgTg&smr iutiht pruTMia HIT wf ?w vfwiflM mm iU?? tMM lu fc<Mpk*l?." M* h.t?dr#F|M ? 'tweniy-Hv* t*oaiwd M|,0l6.(l&l Pov twuolu>udr?d nn<J ?n? t4>ow*g?f} ??d* -' ?tx hundtod gallon* of uleohptU ttniiU?^f0> K-nnrr^d hfihm KU4lc?t D^irftMaSFv . '' rurpo*M ?? tt? V ; ': for iwMHUrtfcP nmonrtt for tk? Frov# Sibwlwy ftrat7 %* >' 0Hfmth*f4 iHpavpttmk?Tor t^'QrdMM* J Mrrttria all It^MnthM, for !% pCSf l Jona^MMMAi, aigfclMtf ll?Ba|i taA ? jU* Urro, pdDUm ddfoi*,