University of South Carolina Libraries
^ IP* .**54 x. ?v. ** *' ".^?- ?*r ? wL^wlIn ' |ipg|w nfKLV nv ^ v AMnHma^UL^ ai|?fK, 0,1 *L ti c rnt?? ol eevcUtJ-Ave rcntt ?*" A<tfertiM>lrttli{U*?nt in * ill. nut *t>e nmnber o^fctwrOonft ^iflod.-wtlttw published euill ordered out una otinrjn*J tax boewr^inj^y. . A- * ;* .jfi"?-- - Tk? Lono_S?atry, R^':' ITf MUM fc'*4SWU. ' < % W ; rftjfr BieVmobd. In a g>. ' f?ilnnnin mniory Of the o?ucb-l< v. <1 owl . bm>enU*t H?^?jiwBkU-Jttelc?on, iftirmte? the k/ following iggiJont: ,, a . WfttnUi &Un> Apt Wile of wlien Uie troop* itnnifr Siotie.watl Jhckion Kjfbi h*J 01*4*1 fote^. ftfrtK, onJikHMn; it y 11'nrlil ibey Ml em the gro"jjil eKhntiftted end S faint. Th? fumr nrvlrel -for netting pU PCt- wnleh |?v tit**iiiqlit- The o?ecr of llie J.iv -w#iit t<j the Oenor?Vs lent, ft rut snid : " 'tiener?T^ tlie uteri av?- nil weftrieyl, mid theiv VVnot one b?t ft asleep, Shall I ak?'. them T* ' , " 'No,' oaUI tIt0 nobU Jackson, * let livens K& sleep, nnA 1 will W4^oh the. otmp to night' Wn "And nP ulvht)*& ? he roile retain)'that Mr' l?>nely camp, tlvA one Jbne sentinel for that R f, bMnu bnt weeiv ?i?a ?Hent twKly^cfrlr W > tttnfa hrroee > i'ftmryW.JLs morning CX ?' J~"' IIIwEek^hft*'* oW>ke ftrail and rciwly /or-eothwi.' all anettawl.iui of the noble rljfiU W e k lit <*eer-<tietr abVnb>iV*l *gp l gibj'ilft#.<lj1t!j(w1Ti? dev, s*. Tile i'uiiUub.? QT W no ?lill : Tl?.d " vpning hirJs SM a< liu4iitL i:|?<n ihf lilll: Alliu v t ll?>' *Uud"w# <.f th# vnif J ili? ???? n of (night,* A<xl tu(ii j<i?' rti'rj pao?*?l bl? |nundi, To wa^ Ii tju? cmi p that night. arnv^ noil ??>huni> man wm hn, ' Wi ll ?ofn'?r# brti* ; Tlie drMi'iiml ?vm mtvitie-l butrJing up * _ Ho>B6x?n>.*<K?fepliah?>UyttW. ih?UH)i?rtd nunle ?f <lod, 1,' 'waUliv.t Ui.- rrtinjj dint night. : %&a&&A 4 >iiun-*v? uit<l iVc V^i^y -ihoi-ch;" * * d'* i Mtt^mfvSSnr BL ?, JUinWiiu?M} m>4 BtWlHtqbr tin .tidpfe.n.y, B>.>: . With . Vlirb |fu?f hhn U? 'ne itnpl ti(W? . * . %b bo U'?uh?3 Umi wmip^tlrirt nlgbt.' H/. . Tt'Aiknimt &* *?{* v l,n MSA torSk, W Mi nut- i>*i*0*>>y iu<'iui : > - - ' ' jj . V. InWuri th<t "?wty?r >\f vl?*? IjAnl >'"* WpiJu-rb^ <AvltA'th>(Hl?'$' '?* . , Jh ki-|i? thy Tnith nf i?)*n Ttaul ?i?t* V Hnhn*n? *h<r.YMit>f n??l hrtjAtr-f ? ,, 'vl\r p|?i p*?nwb-oIHa tP*n nltflfhhn P#i* )V|it> y^u-h-d tli? ?ofl>Y?1h*t iMglit. ^ f ^^rth'rngfljt $f - fhw M it unaMSi | ii; i. c. d?ae? boiftfcerp < ^^TdlSm ^fc?t ^.r?Jp& flcf^ y%?M?>cr>1, e?tert(Xin^ll^?^ b?V Icon <>ur difiii-jjliv ;"' ^T^Aroop* ? ** tntfu until Uae euomy aouM roiimly *** ' tiair Iwtt..- W. bt?* b*d noW ?o throw- upon- ibWr 4krmo*iUs*dt coU Murbrfure ;h*y #could b? by ff, rennorwm?^u*. uw T>e?t <1 ?mfmIkjMl &+? 1- * .5fer^ ~\;| k ; Wfc-bavof*MO?l to bono fcf , funj? ? fiom Lkv'i Artjiy ; ii bus not tfcte* tiff IS '. beenoompeiled to?B4hiFe Ut4ew*f?i*o Q&, nrottixi ft*cii*?6n<Llfc<j ?4triW? mmmV u> .*' thor-i'ovonfM with tho eomUot *V^> ^Making nn<l the ?wtel UjoftMid M?rta??# r but muco ik? bAttW of Cb*n?#IU?r? BV . J*. b??i Jnulunlly towing fat> Sl jjf < / r &&&?. , r ,. ,>V" 1 r V ff ,??, 4 i.^yh.-- "' I, I .1: rf.Ibttn .. _ .J* .1 "* jT **- "* . " ? fAim but whei* advanced upon he ? compelled to All bap-lc leaving k Urge area ?rthe tftort Anile boMloo* of TW>??fe sod Abbatqa to be lauiwaata by tfee-fdnnderiag enemy. Viobsburg he* fallen 1} Her gallant defendant mod well ahd nobly to bare ddtte their work !fcq\ wkekreoi by, 9i?e*ee and Vwtt? worn ent be esceetive labor Mid in a. starring condition-they were compiled to ooftl triAte: l'ori Hudson ha* held out wonderftftTV but If ha (MTU not Act nelly in toJv#^ ln t{<at of Vickebnrg it heeomos ? question of time that may be decided 1 in a wttry day*. - N& o haven-report tbJU Oitt'I Qatdner and Dick 'Taylor harp " Ortkaed .nl Tort Hudson and are tiiarcb' Tina. to-Veirifotce -Johnson and something-may yet be done to fiterrrH the wltme tnllcy of the Misfltvsinpi; from being overrun and devested, but vital artery * in their hands and the-Confederacy is virtually-divided "lo twain. Johnson is regarded and h as piovon hi in ?c)f to bo one of "our ablest C'omniainlor< but ho could do nothing to twliovo lite balesguered stronghold, -ilta-nrmy at Unit was but a hwudfull, wanting in artillery and without tnu)*pottation, ?t its best Was Hot half that of ptha. enomv's behind strong entrench ineata. What could he do! W ieer Ii?m(Ik mint answer but wo acquit hiitr. We-srant-fnone mm in 1h*'fithl\ here istotfr dllBcDHy. Every man capable of bearing Aims under, forty dive should be thrown into: the fWd to fill up our gloii ous - regftli'enfeNif deCirtated' veteran* orWIst wr krq able to use. tbera Ift. the epeoty* country and before another win ?%? v? uwir Via?n III tu viinuiv ?im cut)my to etrtojtthm theuieclretf wbil*i Mir 1 troop* f??? ruffirrttf *>n the watch from the nardrfftfpi" of n rigorou* climafe. Take every able U?dio<l men from the Oonimi?!?iertHvy mk) QuartwmnalertN ?]o- ' parfWentjp, cU?t <hc.rii:.lro?ul#, Lank* and block;uie rtjnWrn of *v?ry Wua whp vnk* fueii n. dubU'i fpge to |u?m OMt of Mtvic* and l?l their friaee be fwed by obief men; II..M o.?nr~ori|.?iucf officer ntnctly Amenable for ihe ft tier ntnl rflicient die . . cb?rff? of thyjr. dutio?; f^le vMtnon* public opiiiior^ frown down necrjp. ?ku| ker airjd 4*t *otdier* widow* and children -point the ftttger of. tdunne At o?ery one ' w bo*#, heart pet ipiti trim W" accept m] : pwidon that ?iH exemjti liim from dutrf. mid then we wfill be etrowg enough to hold ottr territory end i*p?l our en# ' mien.-'- ' * ' ' . ; The united prayer* of our people arts * *ef fir pc.fee. Tho men who b*? had?ht lock in.the " Antonke ,l " Annie mid Ellen," " lkeui^<^p(|',,*^Cnrypbb J rtc ??nt lov to make a few w<^e pip*; he * lm ji risking a bacon end' n limd rfpea trlaHim whiiU l|im* to htitrn uver *" lii* ,tnpnCy\ tj.dont obj?-c% to blockade pinning intotp, jm M>me do. Thi-q. men , who brofrgjht *? in munliMfrr* pf^ arjr ; who putgnra qi iliC burnt* of otlr men, dotfrf* bpon ?b?1r back* and ah/tea u}?on tftelr fir?% Hrrrd t|t?c<nmty and do#erc-e to make Utrgo profit* for their ri-lsat Hut wow 'liow-i* it I Plpimg for gunhoatt that wenrwnnirlgfo* it ha* lain at If atonn'fanrtioiktlik, tiftti! the OoniinamJin^<^'wrh| ordfl^ ?5^ d .pmmn qf .cadh car^o *Ju*dd fjp for the goeerie tnont. l?.>k *t IL?- impoNaitoti? rw>?\ flw .jrtrarvfp ntid- m1?? room* * ] yofr-jwikir tff Ut<\ ?eo. Million, Urnnnbtfarl Qutyar, Oaliorxf, C?M?V M* eonl") Cognac," " Clmm' ? Claret'* Sk. lit -forrign bor % yiitwn* !?? i? **>prtlitn?il>l? _b?t iitith? mm.of rlie #<WY it m b>v?e. !>on't ?lri*? l^ftop ih? natural fount niniCeftJia femrt will| ftfp eoaft*rv'? rnggrd eat rfcficv th?t 5T(?*? at?' daily depredating. Yp*c fcllsX.ciUaon'f btocd Criet tor yoo in rh?m^ arid the, t??r? of W*~ ItttJ? oov*,tx*?*ch \oa to redrew itmlr' **4ftg->J?n4 loKtlW?<*>r yr>tr?-own liberty. r??*> ilieid Kilbwrf^givi, thwa d?IIf tit* 'floeifor tb? jldUk? jo*r ttuik, Mmrdr four OonnWv * jmM an J be g5j(l.^-r"V- ' OIWERV Alio!)' tXOM VTUOVK1&. JSlMBalLSM m? B mi I i i 1%iU?im I?? A|?r Ixtrrpf hM wrtHy you, ire heee left Dhtcl Wmm, (Canop Paradise as torn* would bfeplnfertd to trrm it.") an?l many of the bby* 1?A< with long taoe* mmI teatfiril eyes.? We a?o now Uanding In defence of (be , Capi'ol of our blooming Confederacy, whkeh will 1 >>* hue been tl rfcatenjng tor eosee urm'|AH. Thi* is the sixth time tbe Yankees hare been defeated in tbelr ( pngrw* " On to UichimMKb.*'* We bhve been ettrritig around here cone*let meeting ovr*elves as easfut fen possible) to our new tour jiillss, frem ebweMjr#*. JVw 'ItofelHed orders U?t night to be rtofete to f *kWe nk seeeu thu eeoroi*g% but H i* l sow .bee o'clock, p. nu and we are etlH I iw efeWtip. It ? ? remorwi tWat. the o!,|fec% of car Intended ntardh war to join ^ # * p. ' t * ' - '. : . '* * at'ft i - - ^ . 1 . f 'J* -;.t% .jjjjfc J*' |jj[ '^ --- 'JSt'' r -H ^HK^H W>*A. - v > ?W? > . - ; ',tVV ,: ? - , . . - ^ ? jhte'ijfUrffoua and w?i. *... . i , ;?< . ?>. v? . ? ..... '- .1 _ GREENVILLE, SOUTH ( "l.U Ll.Jg.'.,- '. 1, I' ) General Picket (o assist him in escorting to Richmond -(he foitV thousand ! prisoners recently captured by General Lee at Gettysburg* P?. * Our Brigade had a little brush with Gen. Dix on-the-eeoond last., at Dr. Cm rap's farm un the Peninsula. h8 miles from tbs city* fti .which the Legion lost one killed er.d one wounded, both of Co. B,. \STataow Guards, .from Edgefield District. I think- we would have given them a decent thrashing, but they out nut us for four uiilr>, by which mean*- they succeeded in making their escape. ^ The long looked'for J. 8. Maromoud,E*q,. (Agjtfit for the Legion,) arrived in ckiup on Saturday;, bringing .with him many boxes for the Legion, tilled with potatoes, apples, beans, bams, butter, ?kc., all of which were a rarity to us, and we were quite as keen to get them as though we had not been, used to them. We are faring very well at this time; well fed and well clothed, and if 01d.-Abe has any idea of sul ju gating the Houth, be .bad better fall on some other method than that of strav.v lion. - The new* in the city this morning by telegraphic is quite checfirtg. The health of the soldier* around this niiv ?t?rv good and the l>oy? Hie all irt fino spirits?particularly thereof the . * * LEGION. . - . ; ' ' ? - " Fwrn the bpartanbarg Express. AtretMgM of Pay Due Deceased Sol* dlere. For tlK? information of those who sent their claims for arrearages of pav dne deceased soldiers to my earn at Richmond. -I WTvuld state tliht very tnapy of such dase. are ".suspended, because of insufficient. returns having been made to. the 8enond Auditor's o<Rce, by Captains ami officers ooinmnntK ing companies in the army,. l><c*uu-| unavoidable ciroomatanctiaproyeiM these officers from making regular return*.? Most person* alio send in elalm* nre . under the Impreftlon thai the papers, as prepared at home, ami forwarded to the Second Auditor's office in firehinond, if occrec ly drawn up, are sufficient to vmrrnnl the ipttlwnwt of the dniHt* to which tlisy refato. Hilt these affidavits signet) by the cj a truant, anil one iKsnnlerestsd person, though essential, nre by no moans sufficient legal evidence, to warrant the- settlement of the claim.? Tl?i= evidence i* only prima facie; only entitles the case to a place on the-hooks of (tie office. Having a place in the boning when the case to reached, in its order, .the teconls of tJiv office ura cx- . so wined to scn-nthether or not these re-, cord* -verify from the allegations con tained in the claimants papers. If so. the oiMi in untied ?f pot, the case is " tutpcndetl (lrat is laid aside, to -await the further proof which additional rccoMs may snpply at A future day.? The addition*) records, to winch refer onoe iff liere made, are the stated return*, * liicfi the law requires to l>? made bv oOtcer* commanding "bompaTiic*, of the dmh. of all imn commissioned oflieer? gad private*, accompanied by a "do Mi iplive tiKt " or ccrd/cate, ret''ing f ?rth V*hen, *b?re, ;t:nl by w&osn. each deteaaed soldier Was enlisted;- when, where, and from * bat cause, ho died ; when, and by whom, he.was Inst paid ; whether there it any bounty or commutation for clothing due him ; and whether there are1 any stoppage* against hitn, for what, csuee and of, vshat amount.? W||hoUt this information fu nibbed of ftciaily, nd claim mi he paid. Although these facts nay be all stated in the atti JuViu of the claimant ami in the cor-, rwlmreting aOidarits required of * the disinterested persbns, the (/?*?MnrtciK clerks are not Authorized by law to pay o?t money on -any claim ;HI it shall have bceu established both by such affidavits, aivC by Qaptahi's cerfiiiutcs as sbers coilifted. It wif| therefore be' seen that without these earliScales wb I claim Can be Mttled. The at.ingoncy of the rule arises from the necessity of - guarding the public treasury against fraudulent claims. flfcrh^gtbe care of many claims figr ?t r"v wiuiri9t jn many C*k? loo where ( knew the datiiH^irf* vtrt poor and haid working people who tartly needed (he pittance due tbehi from the. Government, I set part eeteral d*y? efter the reecnt ndjeurnruent oi Con gr tee to :ti* epecial t?ck of examining into the aeoee that bed l?eew eutrerled to tny oere.. with a view to aeperUtinjjng thvir condition end the fewer oftktir noi hinting been teltleiL ? tiH I bed, with the kind avmance of Mn -A. Pickett* Belief, p**oi?lW ex eiqfoed imN hundred attt*; ipakmg el *#nt aloe* ejfpcmr>nm4uri, of th* ia? ef Ike dvlw ?t ?*? ?, fill I toond there wm ih? eeed ^going fWtbee.eket ? eiwry eeeo wWfhUflbeee r^ched byv ij^s?fc? ami a* eritled. ihttfr.eaa ?o 0U9M ollWtti rknr^ m mm trnqtUm-ht la*, from theofUqer eoteWtnlifcW the AWwi to which tbede* ceeeed yQdier belungo.L * i ? IVte- delay of the officer* a?mmhil i?g- torapa?h*,*tn tending hi thvlr ok1 titicfter, ut ir coiteo^eeime of eeeerel ehsehApkf fire mm siencra.' Khrt,. rttu irregularity of the eeetl rtfrrice eefiiatlmee ewe e* theOe certificates to ho 1 r^VrenrrM ; ?h? frerpeefct ncp.-r. jjftk ' * * *? / V* * :-r _ - -> '.JXV ^ 4 In * * .. s *MaT* '- ?* : ' . . > ,. ; V*. - " . ,v . * * #j r - % ^ i^ir V"'' ? Vn ' . ' |i wivi'^:i/iiii.., V F" ^POPXJI >. ' - >? Ujl . i i as -.- ^ ! gj the ^jfnnion of tftscf ^APATTlffA' Timivflntv ?? /ivuvjuuiiii i fi<u^ipV41 JJIU Ji.?? -1 ? '-l-1 ' ration of officers fr<mi their, baggage wnd papers sometimes \yeek* or month* ; third, the failure of the Government Agthts to supply tbo offioem with tbe proper Manic returns and stationery ; fourth, the freqnonev of -leallis in places separate and distant front the army, where men die and their officors have no knowledge of tlio fttct and attendant circumstances; fifth, the frequency of cases where men die in Hospital*, in yvbich ense tKe Captain i? not allowed to make return of the death CiH .be re?? ceives official notice thereof from the Surgeon in charge of the IIo*pi(al, while the army may "be in motion, and this notice from the Surgeon not reach the Captain for months ; these circumstances which are entirely beyond the control of the officers commanding companies, unite in making it no fault Of theirs that more regular returns are not made. It may be also stated that in consequence of the extensive activity of our army, ami of the patriotic gallantry of our Officers. whn-have and are still so worthily leading t-heir noble men to glorV and -often to death, the Cap tains of companies have been so fre quentlv changed by the vicissitudes of battle,"that those commanding companies have scarcely time to ascertain tho nature of their duties, and not more than time to learn liow to perform them, till they a?o cut down in the. deadly | conflict?and a successor takes his place, joo often to share the "Mine sad^experi ence! Under "ucli eircunrWanfes tire wonder rather i? that there should Iwivc been so many returns by Captains as there arc. The laws regulating tho payment of thee claims nre, it is true, complicated, and slich lleoi-.sssrrit' iwninn convenience; were they otlurrwi?e. nil sort* of frnod* rvoiihi be practiced npbn the public ,tych*uty?and t !? public debt, already large, Would be eimrmotndv increased ! ' For the purpose 'of fiicllfirttAg the getiiDj4.?f<_.lbe?e ceriifionUis. I piocurejl f'jon? 4Ue Second Auditor f jti Richmond, who has charge of thai kind of beMiie-es, the proper fi?r?n in which those certiti cates should be nmde, end for the information of all interested, I here insert 4t,'fn ?it : u 1 hereby certify that Private , (or Corpora? i?r Rrtjj??ni,or Lieutenant. A* the case may be.) late a nn-ntlter <>( Cr.pi ain 'a company, and of ?,? Keginwrr.t of S. C. Volunteer*, enlisted on the ??- dav of -? to serve for twelve month*4 (or the war. an the case may be.) nnd~iva* killed in batrle on tlia dry of , (or ilied at home.-01 in Hospital, on the day of , as the case may he.) lie WAa last paid to inchide the ? ???- day ot ?, and has pay <frie him frmn that time trjt, the dale of Iris death. There is also due him month* commutation for clothing, (if Mich ho the fhct.) and fifty dollars bounty, (if mob l?V the fact ) f, (Signed) Jr * Capt, company ? of -r- U"gt., " Sv O. .Volunteers. (Or LiouL commanding company'?, o{ ? Keot. S. C. Vols., as the o?*e may KT ' '< . By sending such a certificate to 'the Captain -of the company, learing him nothing fo do but to fill n.p-lhe Ufsiik?? ho WOUkl La llius on*h'ti?it to n?-L-a many retnrns, even despito tlie untoward circumstance* liicli surround him in camp nml mi the tpnrch. Though there wonlj ctf nece^ity, be utnny cases I in whioh .the Onptafn couj>J not even i then mako hrs return, in eonwHpienre of i hi* not having the neee?#ary information of the particular* of the death.? Hut it won hi. he well worth the trouble of doing so, for every one interested, to- send the Oitptain of tire Company to which" tlie deceased belonged, a cer, tifiejiic as above, to be, ?.hen. tilled out and signed, retimed to Col. \V; 11. ft. Taylor, 2d Auditor at Richmond, Va., W also returned to the party who ii interested, to" bo by Jtiin or his Attorney", forwarded to the Seoond Auditor. For the informntien of th??e who may not hiiv* a more convenient, mod* ci having their certificate*" out and forwarded tg the Captains, in th? army. I would state that J. M. Elford, Kstq ", has fatHiiiea for getting'the** cCT lifu-tttva ntadn out and returned, ant] .ho i* in constant cotnmunieatiwn with the ollioera in the army, and the an ihotitrcs h\ Richmond. . , V MAS. FARROW. Spartanburg, June 30, 1800. IlAtToiroK?He. wonder HX?n nr< unhappy in thi* world; There \* nl wa y a clashing when I fie machinery ii out of nwr. There m atwaya trouhl* i when (lie whefhr are oil the (rack. Mar aeeke to Ijea f*>?" hfyteelf. (Jod modi him to .lief, for wilier*. Udw a well* that aatnker'a hei??t with joy, when ah* i wnlui bw children happy ! Whet a 11.riII of delis la Cornea with that l??d 'of gratitude, that look of joy. and the owe of lor#? all that the widow ant, tb? ory4?*n oast render to their ban^fnc tor. 'That tup of hap|*ne*s ia an over, flowing. cop.- It ia-. like a biibbtinp fountain ever pom ing forth ila ble*?tiift; to refresh the weary and fainting, ant -make pure only l>y ita own overflow.? , It ia like the Qttiet inendow'rill fringe* all along yftth flower*, yet concealed 1>* 1 the very e*u!>i-ra?c#.of boauty and ver ' dure Haelfdotli noiuiah. ? r,< ijfc "* J-N* t* , . .** r-.^ N ' .v <?"/. '< li: ' + Ot. ,?-?.. ,, \ "j i. . i* ?!?. / ,, * -' * " ?? " 9^.'. ... f . " ? *- ,** ? > ' * '.* i ?. >< ti.i, fcMj I ,* MIIH.I . -| > . . ^ .F *' r" ' fM '~ ' wmt * ' '* , ~ 4 *% yf^L v# -i * V nr*^- ?* *? ? . !? .? , Wi.*.. . j SA-^t ?r - . . . .1 "l? ,1 I ! 1 ul ^tnoalgdge umong a . ' ' ' ' ; ? v r ; RNING, JULY 19, 1S63. ^ 1a V X1 * .v ^ Gen. Taylor's Successes in Louisiana, _ _ , ? "-Jacssox, Xnly 2% ... From .AJoxnmlris, nm> from an i\n(Imthliul aniiM* ' W.l'll? C-ll ifnrn lUU lyin'W" iog are the fruits oCGei?.J)ick Taylor's victory at Berwick's Bay and lljihps deauxville: .* -Sri*.' .. Fifteen hundred prisoner*, seven thou sand Enfield rifles, i wo hundred thousand rounds of atnttAtuiflon, eight hundred sacks of eofrcc* three thousand barrels pf flour, twenty thousand suits of clothing, twenty thousand pairs of boots and sbpes, two traitm of cars with loco motives complete, an immense quantity of commissary, stores, valued at two million fiye hundred thousand, not estimating teneiege gtfns captured in the foit. - \i." - . . 1 The enemy's loss was three hundred killed aad wounded' 6ur loss was three killed and sixteen wounded. The capture of three sea-going stcanters at riaquetnine, loaded with cotton, 'is confirmed." ' One vessel Is valued at ' two million dollars.*"' - *.. * ' - Sunday night,. Lyon capturod five hundred negroes and Yankees, and a large lot of boevoft, horses amVnmJos, aj Magnolia llantation, below Bnvou Sara, now'Potvers captured ovcr'o'no hundred negroes and thirty odd Yankees, r| Oakland, place, opposite Ked U'.vet Landing. * The 'Yankees were paroled and. th< negroes brought off. They passed ah? neighborhood of VVoodville this morn iug with the negroes. Despatches from below to headquarters say tho Confederate cavalry had suecoeded in capluiing Algiers. GtFuof*)* ^iagrudcr ami ^Xnylor had taken Kvtiner JJcpot,. Lcrv miles above New Oileans, on the Otietfus, j Jackson anil Great Northern Railroad. The Capture includes batteries mounting fifty heavy siege guns, Which com mnnded the thin strip of land between the river and jbj tuaibh thvt siirroutids Lake Votachaitrain.' - It was Mrpposed orjr forccft-Jrad en countered another lino of fortrScati^nv I'ANOtX, July 2. Yankee despatches sav the report of HpRujvgard being on the Big Black, ami his bavh'g i??nfrty 4-housan?l tnen. i* false. No uneAsiness is felt. Tire reported loss (in Grant's army) for the week endiug June 20 is forty -men. - ^ I Tlfo longer JuliUAton delays, the bet* I tor for (ifJnt. ^ They nay Pomberton U ?li?JIi"i?T i" waste ammunition bcfuc sturendeting. (Sjicciai lo AMitc lltjt tfrr. \ The Polish Revolution. . CRidOW.'JlIDH 2(1. Werlinski, with otm If Ufol.?d and f ?rty Polish insurgents. Iw?v? ctit their waf thriMigh si* hundred Russians, by vrhotn they were surrounded. Hones* And hi* follower* bur* had > .* (-kitnijeli-jwiih a cavalry force at -Gory. The lossea on both side* were trifliug Pouosa wns wounded. The Cossacks of the Don are dircon tented, and intend to return t<> tlieii own country, with' the large ^quantity * of boot v- Utev have obtained by pilliage Fran kow ski, having recovert^! frbin bit wounds, has been cfecuted by (lie litis inns at Luhlin. AViliirttn Hadzwtll has been ari06ted at Loopol. r The diplomatic note* upon lit# Polish question,- addressed to Russia by the three Powers, were di'pttohed to St. Petersburg on the 18th tilturfo. Titer Paris Puttie publishes an at tick reviewing the atrocities committed by the Russians in Poland, and decbuing thai no hopes can be entertained of any benefit arising frpm diplomacy. The waiter calls up<Jir Frajrce, in conjunction dritfi Other fii?n<Hy nations, te intervene actively fhr the re-estabiisbment of au independent Poland. 9 i no tpMu-rceoon ??* increasing ir Volhyni*, bul tb? ^cnaantry. romeine'v ' pr?s*iice. .>.? ' J'-y ' . M ft it nuertal lit*t the Russian Oor eminent triAoed tewpirit of oonciliatior ' and A desire to ivo?i*o lt?? notes of lh< :hre* Power* fav6sal>ly ; Snt neverthe lets gr??t preparations coaiinnod to b< ' tnnile at Cionstndl and other ire rat aai ^ military Rrseusl*, end, according U frame rumors, Lite Russian reply wa< likely U> be unlevOreble. Froro 'he New York C.m?a*iai>N Lincoln's Catotfiian. O. WhAt'ift'tJia {\iiikI itnti^n ? ' A*.?A lcftgho" with hell: no* *' obsolete:- .* ^ ,Q. ?Whali# fcbe Governmont I A.?Abe Lincoln, Charles Sikh ner end Owen h*>vmoy. , Q.r-Whot is the Froeulent ? , A*? A general agent for ne y grocs. t Q.?WUak is Congress ? . . > t A.?A bedy orgimiaeA ft>? th 1 prti'lKiso of appropriating fumln t ' buy Africans, iwwl to make hstf to protect tki President front ,f>c ' ing pnujehed for any viaiiti^P ,o | 1 law lie may bo of. * Q.?WliatiR nu army ? I I A.?A Provost (iiinrr? to arrrs r : white men ami set negroes free. .[ Q.? Whom aro Mcml?crrt o * i Congro.-? suppose! to represent? ? * " ' . . .! I'lPtrf ' !*! 'l ULilJ-I 1 ?r *y>? ^4 '., . ' ^ y ^ V. .%)% ^ V * rv- *?> w ,.*| j. ? *.?.. ?%y .U>, ? ? ?- ir? V ^ -? * S'N Tk.. tt '(|lass?s ajf ?fkn;]iTng . ? -?-: I,-. , r1. t? w?. -Vv J . ? -i.?~? - -y : ; ; ^ ' * A--~-Tho BrqndenWand his Gab^ ineW ; #. ; Q-^-Wbat Is undornloo J \>y cx>'?ning money ? .. ' < v" ' A^-'-iPrinting greenbacks. Q.^?What does fJie.Oomtfittttirai menu by "froedoxrf of the press!" A.??Tho suppression of conservative newspapers. Q.-r-What. is tho'moaning of tbe ^wof d .ft liberty f" ? A.?Incarceration in a bastilo. Q.-r-Wbat is a Secretary of ,-War i A.?A man who arrests people j'by telegraph. Q.-^-W.bat are the dnties of a Secretary of the Navy i . ' A.?To build and sink gunboats. Q.?What is the business of a Socretjiry and Treasury ? . A.?To destroy State hanks ami ' fill tU6 >pOckets of the people with ! irredeemable U. S. shiuplasters. Q.?What is the meaning of tho , word. " patriot ?" , A.?A man who loves his coun \ry less and the negro .more. Q>-What is the meaning of tho r word m traitor V' - * ? "A.-?One who is a stickler for the I r Constitution and laws. Q.?W liat are tbe'particulor du' ties of a Commander-in-chief? ' A.*?To disgrace auy .General who does hot believe that a negro is better than * white man. Q.?What is tho meaning of the word v Law ?" A.?The will of the President, i* . Q.?llow were tho States form. odf " * A.?By tho United States. | ' Q.?Is the U.. S. Cjot erinncnt \ | older than the States which- inado it! A.-*dt ip. * Q.?Have the States any rights ? A.?None whatever* except what the General Government bo.. stows.. Q.?Have tho people any rights ? A.??#s'onfr, xeojrt what the Pros" ident gives. Q.?What is the Habeas Corp'16 ? . . . A.?The powfr of tue President to imprison whom lie please*. Q.?Who is the greatest Martyr 1 lti . I - A t ^ John. U tow p. t Q.?Who is the wisest 111 mij ? A.?Abraham Lincoln. , Q.?Wlu> is Jeff. Davis ? A.?The Devil. A t>?A Incident in Camp. Tlie following i? an cornet of it .letter frotft an officer of our army ' in T?unnesseo, writing to his family : ' "srtd things occurred near my* ' camps yesterday. A sohifcr in the Ht Georgia llcgVment. had been | r claiming hmiselt sick for several r days, and was regularly excused from-duty by the Surgeon every i mbrniu". Yesterday morning, when the sick call was made, he went before the Snrgeon to be exI cused. The Surgeon 'thought that lie had boon playing "Old Soldier" long enough, and returned hbn for 1 duty. lie was immediately orderr ed on guard, to which he protested, saying the Burgeon was mistaken Ui his ease. ^ . t "Alter finding "that his protest! ! would aVail nothing, ho offered ton , dollars, 1 all the money he had,' for . some person to take his place. '.This j'fght was also refused, and ; the poor .fellow was placed on . guard. Alxmt 2 o'clock ho fell 1 dead at his post, without any -o&riB' huicd. rt It is strange to relate, but true, ' that only a few moments nil or hi* h> death was announced, his brother 1 (vrho had a aborfc time ainco heard that his brother tvas a member of * the regiment) reached tha Dttgado * and euqutred for tho 1st Georgia , JtteOneiif,' staffing that he had a brother in ,it that he had notseefi tor more than six years. , - *?When lie was tolrt^the whereabouts of the Itsgiment, Uo left witli a proud hunrt and fond ho]>?s that ho wouWin a few n^ments " clasp tho hah<l of his* long absent ^br other. As li<? \ti\? making his way to tho itcgimeik, lie had to t- pats the post that his"brother was guarding wtnfiv ho bnealhed hia KU?t.' JPorerho saw- a florae sm*L* VotfiWk*rl by fi few men who were preparing k tor its lasting *place. Ho iudttfU, nwl coinmotnsod cnoulre ing what caused tho death. l;j>on 0 inspoctiort, he thought ho rocognitta ed t|jo fontnrcs of tho brother ihut s lio bo fomlly expected anon t?> moot, f After.examining, ho found letters that proved t<* huA diet there lay .the remains of iIkj object ot his t tri|>. ,lt is nseluss to attempt to describe tiro emotions of his brothf or, after finding hm hrothor dond." i \ <'ol. KnquArer. v * *.*? .-v.- ?v- ? . Jft * ' X :ti&? > -;... ^r,.i,_ ~V* ' *; , iLj ! :r? i j-. -m' ii*,t ""? *'. # *I;?- ?' v-:-'- ? --. ? . . * < . '; v . ' '\ n V\*-" V " i* ^ " "rrit itxte1' Mini" ~ ? Tho ftoo> oC ^r l?bb and ono gun lroat Mftamert on about 1 i o'clock, Man- * day;m<firning^dhd opened fire <m Battery Wagner ffhey took tlfdr position.* hi long taw, firing about ovory 15 niiil"Ules, wliicli wa? kept op at .intervale tyitil aboil t 5 jn llio .afternoon. Tlioy fcflail to effect nnyOno largo transport got aground in Folly Inlet. Somo of too gun boat a cam* to her m Bisiancp, dui nan not succeeded in geU ting tier oft" on to dark. The throe monitor#, svMen vfcf* lying behind a point nearer, the .lower end of Morris Inland, kopt vory qniet throughout tho day. Our baftories (^Jrogg and VYag- * ner) and Fort Sointor re<tponded slowly, ar-d at lung in terrain, to tlfe enemy'*" fire. One shot from Smnter Is reported to liavo struck the enemy's observatory, erected on Craig's flt'll, Mdrrih' L-lamL The Yankees have an Immense derrick and are/eport*^ placing more guns iu position, fortifying Craig's Hill, and also Slack's Island, between Morris' and Jnrncs' Hands, ef which.the}' are reported in po^oasioni The firo of the enemy was rcnowed * about 8 ,.o'olock last evening. Tho . steamer -Gabiiel Mnrrigault, mentioned in our issue <Sf y.esft*day, as disabled, | was set on fire bv tho enemy's shells I and de.strovod. [Chmirotmi Courier, Mlh. The prisoners taken in the unsuccessful assault ypan Bsttfery Wagpat on Saturday morning are not very conitnuni- . cativo. "The following facts, however, have been gleaned from their concurrent statements: Four companies of'the Tib Connecticut wore thrown'out ntf skirmishers, supported by llie 70ih Pennsyvani>;, 9th Maine and 48th New ).'ork 'Regiments. The four companies of tho 7th < 'onneciicut had 2W incn, the 9.U Maine Train 500 t<? 800. and tho 7<>tU 750- Nojtnu knew much in regard to the 4-fftit New York. There ware only two regiments left on St. Helena I-laml. tiic 54.ih Muvoiehusetr* and ad Kegi ment of Sotuh Chi oliiio*neg;oe<?loth black legiinent". There w<ie on Folly | Island two Ohio," thieo I'cnhaylvania ' (ind Some New Y<?ik regiments. besides others whose -St*te was not known to die priaOhqrs. Only the lltlj Mainn Regiment ^wasTf Kerfi;N.!'dina,* and onlv one regiment was ??r St. Augnatjne. The Yankees have' to'ir light battened upon Folly Island, nmn.-l. : l,t -U R. battery. U'ttnil n'< auer" , a Cor to ~ticn |ti't.i\ mi., - a'. U.,o.lo h i 1?:? (? K I' 1 ..'id "?s ?; ^ f '...? t; I'o t lie a ve tho a n* u.r* (l;r rnj v. i . ; tiio reduction oi ]\ .. iS|. Ji..> II" .i.j 6i i Mniie with (wo n hfci tegmenta, left Foil* I-land on Fiiduy tor Seccssionviilc. [ Charlatan Mf+cury, 14 l/i I From Gen. Lee'a Aimy. l'lCirvosn, .'nly 1VI. The eorreapi.ndont of the Whig hi \\ ineh?tor, .luly aili, fm\o; In Gen. J. Havis' ftrigade every field ofiloer won wounded. Gen. Hood wounded in the nrm V<y n frag mr'nt. of shell, hut it will Hh saved. Trim hie, lost lce,?wounded in h previous buttle. The following embraces n list of enaualtie*: Col. O. G. (tronor, fllst Vh. Regiment, Adjf. Campbell, 4th Mis*., Miller, 4 2d Mi**., C<d Smith, f>5th N. O., Kdmniidston, SSth Vn., Col. lieSaussnre, l.'.ibS. O., Col, Jones, 2Ctl? On., reported killed ; Col. Thomas, 8ih On., wounded ; Col. .fnck itrowu. .V.itli Git., shot through both ley's ; Mai. G. e, Gn., Col. Kennedy. S. O., Lieut. Col. Whittle, 38th W, Col. Thoj. Griffin, IfUh Miss.. Col. Hild?i , 17tli Miss., Col. Light font, G:?., Mnj. Ctilveh (HI* Ala., Col. Humphries aiul Mnj Itlair* 2d Miss., reported missing. The writer say#' the disadvantages of our position "St Gettysburg will ho understood by saying it was N , decidedly worse than the position of the 1 liontile forces iq Clio first battle of Fredoriekehurg?it wa* Fredericksburg reversed. OQr ldss has dwludled drtvn astonishingly fi otrt the first report. Moot, of the wounds Xjv~ sre in the hand, ami and leg. It is report ed That Meade'a aTroy was concentrating near Washington. A gp.ntuemax writinyj frnrn Jtfatlisoo, FioHfla, says : u If no itianater *bef*U? tlio crop of corn-cured hoca,,-*- <! ?>? know btil Florid* itwlC e*o?id feed onolialf t'io Confederate troop* for month?. " You would bo astoniabed to swo tbw-sfl*ness exhibited by oo? people for making* * cloth. The sound of thospinning wheel may bo beard now almost every whire. ^ J eft'. l)avu' .speech at Jackson, Jhississippi, has bad much to do io- exciting tliQ admiration of tbo ladies fon hour** . spun die.-se*." Ooon advice.?t?o and continue . poor, yonnjj man. wliil6 others aroucd ? vou grow rich by fraud ?t;d disloyalty ; be afiiurat place or power wbilo others beg ws^jr upwind ; bear "tbo pairt of dbnppoinled hopes; While other-s gnin tlio fti coBrpIishincnt of theirs hy ftgt- > i tcry ; fors^o the, gracious pressure- of intj nana, tor which others ciintra an<l crawl. Wrap yourself in jour own virtue, and seek a friend anil.your daily 'Wend.* 1( you hate in such a owurse, grown gT?y .with unWaticbed-, honor, Idlest? Oo?J ?rt<l . * , At a rwent (bntive meeting, li mar-* ried rfMIl, who orfghf to hnve h'lt own | heller, proposed : " Tho ladies, ibo- be.| iags who -divide our aorrowt, doul.ln j our joys '?n<l trfeble our expenses," Tuft UiaiiRST Y*r.?Tho .Ta<-k*o<i x| MisjkUftii'pian ha* HiUanrcdiu tuhstiip ; tb?n to fc<r> a moolli. With a good circuliilion I he proprietor ought to ho al>h? I iu live <?l th.n pi ice;