University of South Carolina Libraries
^ "" 1. '. ? 0>nj>wf 4&jlt^ funtlitrn 0<V -"Equal"tj>*to?s to All." i I - '* 1 ^ T" .h' ? ' > ^tflTVlLLB. S?. ?>. V fhuranay M?rVBf;? ?r NO a?*rr? 1*11(1 \n<ent*i Cap*. Tv & c?wv+n?. H??* SkMUtd >NNMWNV H?? not^? ftftt rit ^pfkio, oW?tf?^ . ihem U? p*rtf? ?e?jt J#kt?r<Uy ., \i ? T?-' *'* ?'1 a^a*?i4& o/ ttuiaNrnMu Nap- " tut Frm?rt.' fl fl 11' il itf'"iNjlWWN" ' Monday. ttifM d?j ^ tofjw^iMi. 1'rofewoti cal an ,1 KoRHab ^ho^. is <th?-F?il?An O.i , ?. ?ta.daf.: % i Ya.' ^trn if-Xu J. >> *? 'i *d Chief Enrolling OflKjy fi*tho Fifth Ct>T 1 \ <jir0liim?n\ DUtrUt' He wQl >??*io-rffcoH ; ofcthe Aime IfMWsenTrlte. TXT? office is l? ( that of T.- Q. Doxwlw"*'*. Hmj tkUfi&jfoto????? . ' "^Dix'^iuB^a fcliwiimd to be *Mcntl. IT##*- em yente to Maryland. ^ "Why "G?ir~Lag, in future, b$ ?x? to be belter posted in rtje Yno? | Iceo conduct of-the war !; Becuwee lie's gooe into Banrmlrnuiii to raise the Cttrtin, and of co.urae will sco tuoro (Seymour) "into itieir affairs. - -*& '- *-i1 ' 'Z.{. E*terSHC'M Devil. TViS Gnmrifion of Tuesday," says that. 'W. T. Pander* and Frank 3. TI.oukm. whons^e charged with Che'rbbbotjr and assault coBsmitt?wl upon Rosalie Logeand, in (lutt cily, on Hie 'let Of Junb; (from which n*s?ult-she has sine* died,) wpco cap to rod in Montgomery, Ala., .'a few days age. and bfongfcf there Inst Snodav. morning by Detective Morris <! reran all, oi t Kloh&oud, V*. jj - oi New Orleans. L ' ? , T--f' H is renofl?il-???*tJon.' WdTlA*i<o* ?y d^w" <%dr.Q?.^?* tt-k ?* : MaouiW would toon l.sve Fort .l.clu.n, | wliish w?D ?nd?r garrison of,'f"1* 1 threc^anilHtd. .Tins report lists b?en eor" . ru^orntcd by nn arrival from the city, ^Jio r?? pnrto.1 it to have bovn In the bands of about five hundred troops. If Nile important report proves true, il null put quite a different aspect to' the ^ffjMts.of'ttip VTcst. , . To Money Holders. * Tit a following ?ilLi?e of interest to tho?o \yln? bate no? closely > Examined ' the Funding Act of Cong res* : . - All ^tajwurt^nWes not- bearihg inte re^t issrsesf previous trt.tlrt fust day of Pec?w?l ui lajit, wnnld'have been fundable it rifht per celd. bond* or stoyk. until the twontv ?eeonf! df A|>|II last; thai from then until iho first dav-of An pint prox, they thall be funded in sevon per cent, bonds or stock, and after that time they shall no longer be fundable at the pleas tire of the holder. Those bearing date 25lli Julr. r8fll, and-called live ' Itto year notes " these arefindable in eight percent Honda, havittg ten yoaia to run if presented beforo i 31st July, after that they aro not fund- < able. j\ii i reasury notes not beat ing interest, issued after the 1st tiny of December, 1SG2, and beforo the 2?1 day of April, 1863, shall be fundable in seven per cefft. bonds or stock until the first d?v of August prox., and nfler.the said first , da}' of August, slntll bo fundable only in bonds bearing pitorest at the rate of four per. cent, per annum. All bills having upon their face print ed the irrontli and year of their issue, if funded in bondfc within twelve months from the first da}' of tbo month of their " 'issue, the said bonds shall bear six per cent, interest per annurti ; if funded alter that period, they shall be fundable into bonds bearing four per cent, jntcrest per annum. Fox Story." ^ * A writer in the TurnwolJ IQa.) CnnyUrywin writes tc the editor of tliattpnprr, saving tiiat n gentleman had tolfl hitft, when Foxes weri harking, ilops wojjld aot run hem ( ?. e. wlion \tvey were'barking like dog*; ) apd Mvs that tlie gentleman stated j tlmthe had seen it tried, and never ?? | them run them?could not account for It, und tho oldest fox hunters that hr had heard exprcss'l hemschrnafon fhoanlyect, could pot; An old"Virginia gtnllenian (who bjr the way is n great adr.iiccQ ol tin; Co?in/rywi<v?> ? Warms ue that amongst the time honored ; fox hunters of the old Dominion,. thara is a tradition that whan a she five, during the fieemulating period. is vutreued by a pack,,.of doge, all <>f which are males they"W ill .iotl ? cald) her ; tvheo they come up with h?r,aher i wfll whine or bnrk, and the dogs will run: ' 'on witHTier, without attempting to injure i her ; hut sl??'iiUl there be any females along, ' woe to tjuHlatn IU.-nsrd, for no stratagem can sayejier Wde and Inflow < they no sor?o? i ?r come up with licr than they tear her U> 1 'pieces. . *'*"* . Tlijs ? rather a *" story, to ray the h>ashpf it; so we.attl close by giving anr.llevilVeffort to r-h^m? " wttufaw." _ JFh? hest the Vsnkaes flow can do, To ilium? the it nnt'ftal wioddw, To upon the Knogar<><> , The old bustard eon a*!nlow. V 4 *"*" fXTaRssuiic, July .* C from Vivffinia~-lioYtlem A'rtmr?The flag of truoy hunt arrived at City Paint this morning. *?( p?pvr allaWad to eohie, , The p|D*cr? sparedwmc^d^eebN. Cef*. MaHv'd si at eg that Sickles is deed. ^PA rolstr-prlapnefff overheard ait* ?f (lie PWierats my in Koriraes MoirVaa that .the losses iu (lap. Maudes army eotiM net. t>a lass thin sixty liioufeggd Killed, woumlcd and, tatsslng. *i *j ' ? . * *; v V * ' ?V"" jj* * * ? [% m*m. P. And#t?.tP? b1Tb>3?i ?M flMM a ll^s| i >*?L?M?k,i6v4|iMnkio* mt eWtr MmMW tW??>fT tWliab bv tlnb b* - MP it* iwbwpw'wianwt 1 &# ' rr\>WnpUBPj^ * QjiHendav. ?th instat*. an\|djo?riM. 1)?9|J|.?< ?lvi(?H w?aa hpld et^DtweSwitle . Jowrt Hetfhe, 4ii fcirthmpaqaab^d'8******"" 1 |{%itixntion ftW bump defence. MhJ. -B. If, -. Perry wh eaDed J#\ "tai? O, V. S'tW* nn(V Iha l-epoft of Col. (vto*?4 relating to Ms. l?V?rriew wWl tb'a f, Got jfoor, *? dlso read, and ihtf allowing rattoltftloA* prensrAl^jj 1t?m adopted: f t. littohrtd. That inasmuch aa tboac of u . In-this vicinity rfhn have norths^ have or^kit- i "lard onr.i?l?f? a* Oayalry, or hy>unt?d men, " and others as Infantry, that we rpyetfWUy , request our .fellow eltUona engaged In "the Stain Works.near us, to organixe themselves, .: as Artillerists, and that Wt pledge ourselves to * assist them with boreea ou any thing needftll to their effioibney, wRMh -H may be in our power to at<r~ll\eai with. - ~ V 2. RrV&lvrd, That we. make this rrcfwestr, ^ "IWullng convinced that thatT mechanical Jinn wf- ^ edge and skill will enable thitu toper form this . lorrlw better than we could. V> mj - J 3. JlttohHi, That thoXloeSrcnrbereqjjepted to allow tlioro such tifn'o for exorcise ni ,their . guns, as inay'in hi* judgment lie necessary. 4* Jtrto/rid, That wo net only urgo upon all' ? in our llbdrtct .to. orgacir.e and'prepare, bat , that we Invite them ombothers around at he unito for concert of notion, that wc may' the . better defend nil o?nborders. ? . On motion, Ilev. T. S. Arthur nnd Oen. \f. . Tliouinson were appointed a Coromlttoeito attend the ITppflf Magi mental M u start Group 4 on Tuesday, the 7th, to oid in organising companies, and Col. J. D. Asbmnro and Alexander Mcilee, dtet]., to attend at the Lower Regiment foc.the same purpose. Tnfortnatiob given,-{hat the arms of all citi- -I ?ei\8 wonld be repaired Rtid put in order on e application to Mr. Leper, p.t the State Works. * i v t< . JKiHtort^? Below la a list of the Off!-. I ears and itietftbcnj of Company Jt P. 13.-L. A. o Tiris company was transferred from - Captain *?!*< ? (Ov^?; 11, CvJL L. A^-CS iwirv4th o( .Tune, mo a, ny order ortne proper ait- I tboritiest . J- * . Bowdeh, Cnjit.: g. M. Pan], .I si Lieut.; m J K. Turner, Sr. 9u uiou,.; ... A. 5!?. ^ M L Lieut.; It. J. Foster, Orderly Serjeant; 3. JI. I Humphreys, Quartermaster Peegcnnt; W. M. Austin, 1st Sergeant l.ine ; .lorry Tinsoly, 2d TV' Serjeant; A. 11. Fool, 3?1 Sergeant; S. M. . Grist, -1th Sergeant. ~ h Privates?U. E. Ashmore, E. Aiken, l>. Hal- a loo. J. Ballon, M. Ualtoa, A. B. Wishop, J. BlackwelirWui. Bl*rkwsU, O. W. Browning, T I). Bronu, .1. Brown, B. K. Bratnblett, John v Burnet, J; D. Cnntrell, S. P. Clayton, A; Cook*?y, J. C. Corloy, 3. F. Cortny, B. Conch, J. Cnu?h, J. E. Cslliup, W. Cox, K. Cos, J. Cos, 1. B. Cunningham, A. M. Craiss, H. Drnioan, B- P- Buneaiu I,. Duulnp, C. Bnulap, A. J. \ Tlnnahoo, . IV. W Poster, <1. A. flilrcath, M. ? Ilanney, I. J. Harrison. W. R. llsrrisun, W. Henderson. J. Henderson. T. -C. lleaskn, J. C. Hammett, E. J. liays, W. If. Jenkins, W. B. Jackson. J. J. Kent, W. L. .Linder, S. C. Lester, W. Msltinney, S. MoCalL 0. P. MrMa- ban, X. J. Mitcbol, P. P. Mills, Jan. Niroll, J. L. Pearson, 0. rkkrtt, M. rueket, C. 0. Purket, &. P. Rhodes. Win. Rhodes, Q. Ross, C. P. Runnion, P. Randal, J. R. Sin glut on, IV. M, Sitoiuore, J. R. Statcn, J. CurrUll, J. A J. Stioud, G. SLelton, J. p. Tally, W. I). Telly. J. A- XfcHjr, JV. P. Tsyrtar, P. Tinmly, W. J Tiasely. T. Tuokor, J. IV Turner, J. Vhleent, A. J. William.', If. -Cain; serving in Heavy J Artillery en the west lines uf.James Island, B. o.f- _ : V * * '. * Another Terrible Battle. * HU Jill FIMS TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER. 40.000 Prisons** Captured ' * .UANiimouHii, vaij I . ill. On Rnturdny, G'en LeC had change J his 71 front and occupied the ground. The t'liimr J were driven frem his nroJ-j?o4 eeonnd poM.. 4 lions. The whole army is in splendid spir- J its. We arc roaster* of the situatiVn. Gen- ' rsls Pmdtr sat llokeltnini wounded.? J OoThoels Avery, of liortl* Carolina,. hilled, J and Dennott and Parker,, of Alabama, ^ wounded. All reports concur that the ene ? n?y were defeated yeeteftTay and driven _ tliree miles. A vast number of prisoner* reported taken l>y Lee. The prisoners re. fused to bo naroled, and are on-their way to Richmond. This is the bleodieat bsttle, of the war. Our loas is very great That * of the enemy immense. ', A juetlmond, inly %, Another telegram dated Martin?burg, fith, says the latest reports, whicheeeat reliable, *1 is that the fight on Sunday was the. blood- J ieat of tht? tear, Hill f?ll back In tlie con- a tre, causing the enemy to believe he was 4 reteeating. The enemy advanced on them, ' Kwell and Longstreet advaaced the right and left wings, surrounding the enemy. "! We took the heights, for which we have been Contending, and eaptnrtsd Ver/y (Aso*?ml prisoner*. They refused to be paroled! _ Pickett's division is now guarding prison era to Martinabnrg, . - :* ' ' "X&natf.?On Saturday night, our centro fell back, deceiving the energy, And gained tire Heights. A general fight ensued, resulting in the rout df the Yankees. Lee captured 40,000 prisoners, according to all accounts. , ,. Fighting has occurred at -Williemaporl, between Tmboden'e cavalry and several ' regiments of iwfentr* and a division of Yankee oavulry, nnder PI so MO tor). Bolton Statton, vin Jackson, July 5. FfillU. Tlltf Wga-r ao I OM<4OU ? ).y?. * . o'clock, the caviUry ero*eed thq '4 Jila.elr, ?t Iferganng's Kerry, and advanced into the Interior, but were promptly 1 met by Whitfield'* Brigade, and war* orW n back acroee the river, A eonfier, just ia fram Edtvurd'e JJrpot, J ?aye Oater liana' entire eomotaod ftroaaea near f< that place laat nighty If eo, be have warm work ttfiliy. Oriirt te ediWBllf ?i Very enr?iy is event* transpiring in hi* rear. m But Hula firing at Vlcksburg yeadaldajr, Attention HftmnUd Kiflomen. e Ycju ava hereby requested ta appear Bator* the Court if o?ae doer, m? S&tnr .** day neat, equipped at ft o>lo<riBJj?r**tMi&,4> l?y order of jr. p. AyimL^-,' ,U July 9" * io b j*tx?x?xo* . . #MSpyiLUt tr c . r UP -be toned aft At Orrnt or Trf?" rum* Bwraarnui^ * 'ti A jtfr.V. - ft ?J*yi?->'.' . "%- . $t not" Jeud^yetul 1 '. ?" ; c-pf.Si?!': R rfx. j i^Addrofa. J. R. Bokpw. Co. L.XT** j ., A.. CbacloatoD, ft. o... - * V- -*'i Jnly t. .10, *\L t CLASSICAL AHD ENGLISH I S V rfo I "til? ?*XT SGMION of tlx i CLASSICAL Aim KXaLlRfl ) TrQCQK SCHOOL, recently astpfcliehad V) . l^^^ProfM.or. ?DWAJU)3 ??d JtTt> ; J30N, with the approbation of th< J ioard of Trnatews of Puroao' UtiitrfRJft 'I tiring tl?c xurpa&sion of tbo Exeroiee* of the ' fnivetslly, will open at the lin Irate Hr Dwttd- C mr.OJT XJM9 111*113 AJu O URT, And embrace ( wo quarter* df ten week* ditch.*'** ~ . * - V limn?$10 per quarter, ??lh 50 cent* for ? incidental oxperrr^s, payable in adyanee. f Oood"Boarafiqr can bo bad at $"2 5 per month. j 'ha uttnna*s*atch-aAro will ba txercieed orcf j be moral* of the pupils. \ !r?bnr 'nfnrmation address Profe.??or i '. C ? , Qretnvlllc; 8. C. Jul; 10 - ? HEADQUARTERS. CoNtcnrt I)waktm?:nt, 1 I Cdumhia. 8. C., Jnly 1, 1808. -J ' 1 Special Order A%,4I. I r MAJOR i. l>. ASHAfORE. FnryV.lngl I La OflRnnr^.'A>C. 8. baring boon order- 1 d to repaift to the Commandant of Con-^ J erijpta of 8outh Carolina, > hereby ajsiir^e^t I n umy ? uuei r.nromng Ultieer h,r the t ntth Congressional t>i?tri<<t,-,n<V will b* ( beyed and respected *ft8j>Bdinfllv. t j?frdZL"t MELTON. T T&Wr W. Sma.nd, Lt. % A*i %*l<& i July* * "IV.. ' _ 1* ,< ? < ?j - ? 'f eldisrs' ITymn. Bosk a aid Prayi f Book, c rIII5 South Carolina TVUfct Pbalei v -tine published ? n*w and revised eHftlnn $ XWX) ?f 1 nd tha 60LDIEK8' MiAYF.R HOOK, ?S>n- I Bining 6.1 prayers, adapted both to sneial I nd private use. The BOOK OF F&ALMHr t OWE TO JESUS and other B(XM8 and 1 'UACTS ore ready for* tha p**s W ho I rill supp'.V 11 * with the means to puhliah 1 ham T l'ftoe of -Hymn Rook, 18 oents per 1 any ; I'rayer Book* 10 oenta. We also have a g?W vsristy of TRACTS," 1 leenliarly adapted to the Vant's of our sol- 1 iters. ' ., ?! Orders promptly filled br *. w. Tor>r>, Ag*nt, ' i Charleston, S. C. v 1 July 0, 1803. **.10 ., 8 1 STATE OF SQUTH CAEOLnrAr > GREENVILLE DISTRICT/ IK BQ8ITY: iRf Baker, Adno'x, <te,( 1 Bill Vs. /*" } for * ernes A. Baker, et si. ) Sal? of LanJ,, Sx BY the Order ghOhud Jtrttleo- 0*neall lh*.; creditors of Wm. L Baker, dbceaacd*. r* no'lfisd to file their demands with me. j Ufiin three months from this date. " < OKI July. 1868. WM. M. T110MAS, c. ?. ?. i>.* v Jnly 9 >10 1 8m 8 TATE - Of SOtTTH CAROLIIf A, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. v* . ~nr Witt. ? ^ H>n Baker, Ad"ar*x, Ac., 1 Bill t v?- -a f* /or" a Jar. A. Raker, et als. ) Sale of Land, So e [N obedience to the decree of. the Cowl, 1 I will aeitl to the highest JJlddet, on Tnessy after Sales Day, in August, at the Depot t Wit (tan at on, in Anderson District. the . ,and described ui the pleadings of this caae, Its LAND porchtsod b/'tVillinai h Raker rom A.'Young Owkns, oontaining Two linn, j red and Thirty Acres mora or less.?-TeEmS i SASH. - WM. M. THOMAS, c. x. <tf?7 . July 9 18 4 j STATE OF 80BTH CA ROLOTA. 1 OHBENVH.LK DISTRICT. - - I* EQUITY. ' ;J Vjn. M. Thoroof, Adm'r of\-- B i l-l t ?hhTliom{>son, dwc'J, et al r* |? * ) va. ' j 7Vr/?/ov,' Ejjney Trio*, e{ el*. J Kturt, '<!*, j IN obedience to the dcctee of tbe Co?rt, I ' will solL-on Sate* Day, in Augnrt, 1903, <1 t Greenville Court tfouea to tbe hirlirat btd- ' Ar, tbe LAND demrihad in )bo pleixTing 1 rhereon John Thorapeon lived, adjoining ?nds of B- V. Poeey, on tbe S*)uJt Q?p Roaj, err the State line, containing One Wand red lotos, mwre or tew. ?TKHMfl CASH. Vb. M, THOMAS, c. . o. n. . July 0 IS. 4 f. ITATE OF SOUTH cJAOinri." ^ ; ' ntfrAirfjural, f {' - - ^ Columbia, AnW % !"6#. r 4 \ irHJtKKAS information liuMr?e*iT- ? W <! at tfeia D?|>wtHM#i thUt Wllr ?( JAM T. MOHS, who ?M In fee J#1 ml CieMand Btfttot aadar Vpt?ne? of deith J ?r th# mitrdtr of Ja?n?a Phillip*, di4 on Uvp % igl?t of the 2*th of Joa?, make JiU ***{* '? frj.?* high , welfbt AhodL 1 40. P?"^ d?* j aroliaa ' ? I Wan au.Wr my han^afid the aaa) of toe 4 ft*.A. * ** Mtofc* - < , ! *#*? ?*w?? *? * A?t* pubi^h ? p*icon ?Mk tor?U? omitl* 1i , V; "-* -; ' : it * harlM#,*** ' Perrltt, IHfks :t : ? ?* *ra?h?n?.*? * ratjKii IN kx*? sat*? Kajifi;' htapmao, Mr* Ptaxy Mr# Samara?, John "(V; 1 Partle-#, C*pt ' "' ># trail, Mia* Nannie Paernnoaau. SneJfim >mplM-JI. Ahocfn.Ttn ^uOKflfcX***; - ? Vbb, A L Simmons, Witt***..? flu w?on. <t A. ... Swjdntk 4'i Mm >ou>i?<t, .Snimial 'SeUth, ISf II lira . )5fvie, Mb* Sail!* ? Sam*, S T Mr* >eao*. CP " Shedrlck,? ' ' * t I*k*ts, MimSaliie A "lewaW. <S. B vi^arda. MwS E - tjhioor, Charlie *;' 2 iwart, BrJf>%vWi <. HnRtetan, J W > iviim, Ransom jbuith, Stcnjiou 2 lawn. Maj \T O - 4 *wWh, Klfea M M Sdmond*. E J Smith, KJ Mr\ ' Wrw, Alonx*> W - Smith, Q1 W uIIm-. W B *- Smith, M Charlotte hrd,Jl J } ... . WplCwart. II WaliPn 'oSricr, Ia\trV ftpritigfieM. M Mi'* >rew. Mra John M-1 Smith. Tilth. A Ml** trifftn, Idont J A Smith, Mnrjnftt Uin It-Ma, A J * ?V roll*, Ja?k?gn '^hrniate. WJ.MSaa iSfrF : M^fSf Irtkv*. John f> " Turner, JlfMaw. lain**, KAmH .. . X?yfiH-. J? E Uiar , Ktodvin, G?o M T?wt',-V5t fl . IninfH, Mrs'Klizabsth Turhor, Philemon 4 lirgii, M? Mary A UaVrtn,?<^ ^ tawkhi*, Mi? 15 - V*nc?,*SlUn -* "< ludggin*, 11 II. Vann, 8 la- . Iniriiilon. Mr* Susan VnUitUn. Sartih Mia* iolcomli. Wm K S *Vh*r?, EJ?rVtl> Mr* 3*1-^411*1, d C WMUvWlWik Iowkin*, \Vm M , > Walker. HU I) IfiWlickinM, Win ' ? Ward, J (J >-, ?. top* ioimck, Mlrt B -. , Watjon.c P Mite ftjM-lkut, panicl ., VLtajff, M A Mrn $ [lolfiiMrorUt.MiH M $ w lidey, Hard, 11 O" Ward, Mi** [Kett. Mr* Mor* A * *?Mnf nCW+*. t I.Mfr/.Jahn Y v YVrn-L ; , looker, Jrttin \\'eta?t?.8nndi Mies lolder, W W W.lkrr.jMw W Inwkint. Wm K Yeafjfln, tu>r Mre*' dowell, John _ > *> *< > 8. W. TH HUSTON. P. M. .'illy f . *? .. , 174 TXECUrS^wlr? rn^ATCIL; BV AUTHORITY. Lota u4 Beeo}utiona of the Ooafrraaa of Thi ^?^d[>rlttf'1^^KTet'' PMMd ?* the YX ACT tn A'ttkoris* thr Cojftmi?oi?t?*r of to unrrkoot Hook* for tko Librbry /??*# r.UHt O0?. ' Tli* Coiigreee ?>*th* Cnn'edaraie 8t*tei of tann-lap, do enact. Th?i the QominWuiwr if Patent* hf and ha it hereby authorised o expehd frem the PatentPrirxi an addition |I eurn of live himdfal dollar* in the mo4tae* of o?oeooery book* Mr the-llto-at-T of ittofflee. *> > . Approved April Ifitk, 18?8. .. 10-1. JOIST JiEfiOL UTTOX far (A. of Ci\pt. JulIH A*. iPirif*. ' - \Vherfa*, Copt. John F. Pi Tin*. Ateietant doirateraaaoUr at Fort Motrin. North Ooroioa, Immediately bttfory'tha eurrendor t<* die enemy of that poet. destroyed the ?nn) of Ml \MN>nd nifit* hundred and forty doHar. n C*nM?riit? notw, h.Iopgjnff to ih? Gorirnment, U?r?Tor.t vhewid money from foJ inn into the hand*, of tlic puhKo enemy ; nid, ?k?f(W, ftie trM?urrJ)f|Mirlm??t liaa k> logo! ani)H>ri?y |# gtVy cr?0K f*m th. otetio Ootroyri} : ? . R?rtl?*d, tborrfura, hj* th* ConfrrM of K* Confederal* Sutra of America. That M Tr?wnr* D?p?Kmeitt giro lh? mM Onpt. Fohp F. T>ivln? nrcd.'l for tl?? Mid mm <rtf itar tkomat nlni btmdrod -And forty dolor* IA the mm limrnt of )il? account*. Appiored A|?il left, I<08. |d-l. 42f XCT to JfltX-t Apptopi-litto** forth* Support of th* Oootmmtni of th* 0>?feJ*rat* Sint** of Amtrico, fot thf Period* ' iZ&fSzyi* c^-ukiu*.* IaMHm do 40MB, T^tit the CntloarlOg mom v. end fl?o mam *? bw?i?f ?|>|>fnpr)(t*d mi of o'oy mMej' io Sk*t Tooo?wy>*t etMo*HU ?| mrorriaUd for tfco aOppOit of Um fov-crnmcnt, feMo ttf* g t day of ftrty, i?huen hundred And 4xty U?to<\ to Ah. hiriy-firat of I>?oe?nl>#r, eight.ea l?*n .*; . >. , / '-r-j . y - '* f >ip<iijp<i>iwiiiiiii i In .'*i<10?p*rtMieqt -?nq Ixtntlrqa nA ?iilv' liepldaU Ota eUln^lo' for the RJ? er ft* finer eery Ice, nlnotj tho isnn.l dollass. (BOfiOKOQ.) * ? >* -> For incidental anil contfuMt M^MN '&% 2&8r"* ^ ?-rFor compensation of Cttma>Monar.and CM?r Clerk of Indian AflMra. ?? ImMm^'ty *tVi ''**d "fw^l^CF.OO < ,,4 the army, oae hundred an J forty-one "million*. on* hundred nhd eighteen thousand; fl8 hSf o#**1** !"? 4rtbH f\>r traiUpertalion of .troops and their iaS^RRmssa 4>>ars ?<f?i uhnWi toAMopain the field, pnr-, cbaae of nofara, nfftlen, oregon* ond hamaf*. pnretinae or Iniulter, n?ik iroh Mm! ateeL for erecting aior? hotter*, gstrtenfor troops, and other repair*, hire of l?*nfor?, Utborftn, * ., fiftr-al* an ill? A, /our hundred forty?ecen thousand, fottf hundred and MYtotyWy,;uw,>a,u|rl sj, sHwn and private killed in beftlee, under, act number forty etftfch focUos ??Mt, and Yof Alusli provision is lo be n?xde, ona l>un dri-d thousand dollar*. (100.000.OfO 1 For pay far properly pnM idto tha. aSrries of tha Confederate States trader rp prabenietit, safe) P**party K?dn| b*?a (.itln loul or applied to the puhil* nervier, i+V Hundred thousand dollars, { SOO.OOO.OO.J For ilia ?MMVnM af ptitmtettaf war, under act number ana .hundred etghtjr>?sr. aeetlon one and the hi? aomvgwara nvwie, w Wi m? ?u |H?V of or to mA <i?riil m imv h neeraaajy, uu? miftlMi dyiUr*. (1,000,000. on.) - . J v F?r <ht pair ofofflimtn doty4a tha-Adjutantaad I nape c* or Generate Pepjertmeat.tvie Onarterroaetai''General* Deportment, Meiff-" oil, Engineer, Ordnaq#:? ??il ljubeiatonce Ii?p?rlmfnl?, three fentidred awd clghlyeight ihoueand m4 twentr UoUara, (3*6.0W.M) Comiiiifery D*pnrtmmt.?For" Ike par ?h*M t>f aubsiatenee aturee and oontnilMiry property, on* hua.W.l and tWrty luilliun eleven Uiuuanml, litre* hmtdr?d and fifty t wa dallara, (16QL0ld^M.0? i) * OfJntuct 1}*porittmt.?For tUe trtlatnoa, HffiM in all itr branch r?, MrcNlftf mil Hon. fire hundred thouaanJ dvUare, (17.fiOMpOOtt) - -v . . For the rwvhap cad mudStiAra nitre, t wo million dollar.. J"3.00qt00a0?.] Bmgifftrr Xhmartm*t.+-ror the engineer f&V&J#S?!& 7:*X$3&f. Far pay of hmm and -eook*,.?di awlHtad or Tolunteera two hundred ??d fifty thoanahddoUnr*, f*60.00*00. ] -T ? of lioepitgl ate ward a. eeventyfitrn (hafMMMf dollar*; 7 6.W.C0.1 ''* l' IfTMr ?f aatfona, afmtttt aaiient, od #?ra -matron* two hundred and- fifty thananad dollar*. r290.000.0UJ Far pay "f Mrnrd nio?ter?, un? liua.lrf'1, dtfyd** than "and "dollar*, [jaa.OOO.eO]. fi "Tho"jT''*"(5i***4 tfc^Lwk*WMMni * * t^poA'al military-b?il?Mr ?>n? Wwtdrw! dmI fi/ty i&rZiekmw] Jr^ dRft&MMS3 ?re (r lilwai t%? Con M?rtU IfefiNt mi (I ?*? tat* M)?| Iffco, M* MikilN fcwd *f?r?e tjM.a??nd, Hvcti l>unJr??l <l..llw% [IO8,70?,If^IHII *M# H" W^m w'J V ? WIPM JBfe?iii^ilWBHHlwh:SHteJjRc Tfclrlymp^niyWr-yPoT^jfri Qty| 3?S?^^M^mr mmd MtntiJ of' AhS??d^ Tyjtoy."fcy Aiwiit^ tlx fctandr^wrt t*or or?^ rial* aful enngthMUSfe, Wfeftlfh-g and ?M4H0M Jtoii.flWy^hoiwmnd <K>I <? ,<; 00.^.) ^MincUaru?vr.m+Yon ^nl,ef *irewl?? *?*hoa!*wJ!SaXr ?bo period#'ll^>o,J^ti?>n#d ; ?is& ?t d i*?y thr**. ?* hMidtSHl thotiunft doN Uwwnir?m, ngiiwfn ifUitfir^n RDu %(jr4torf. t*?rtjrdti thw????d v dfcgfet* (tB,m.#U.l K??- rontinpont ?nd in<d?l?Mt1 ,il txftinrr' ot Xlc Attyntnut *p<t in?p4Mtor ( ?p?ralf ojftrc, f&ir th? fU?*l r**r ending Juno thirtieth. ? hundred Mid-nxty-ibr?; litftn w ?a IW7WM, two roUJlp* dollar*, :. ?*r-<* And oixtylhr**, two bitndrirtr. Mtd twenty *?*" tlwuooWL. threer hwndrcd And Mdy uullara and (W?y fe??n wart*, Jmt? hundred and ?*xi v hraa. ? ?? o?a imo?W-*?d nmelt-nine dvfftl mhI' tikrty ?iuh* eeotn, MrJicarn?mmrtm*nt--^?*T )ij>?|iflal'?toar litg.fwjWwd by *ef of Co*ajMna* Approv-J September I waotyaeTefrthT eighteen hundred and aiaty-two, cntlUrd ,*rA?..Aot tc belief provide "tor til* fltfV and Wmtltd.v! ol the Arnir-fa lii?!uh, d)t btMi^l a ad ri^AVftsSsfi tlx hundred .gallon* of alcoboltQ (tinuiUotl, ss?? ^^Ssv*^ ray. for on* year, ei? htfnrirdd Mid (mi thonwml, otght hnndrw* duller*, f?tM,tKK).0<hl ., - r rot additional amount reipiired im th? pur hate of medical aoi boapiul ouppUfi rm Felanary tir*t to Am tWrQeth debtee* hondr-d and sWty Wait :**S n*il ertleo in all it* lronoh. >, for th? period endTag^uAc thirtieth, rlgliteea hundred and eixtythree.-lhre million dollars,(*,eOW?>UO. 00.) : y. ' ^ ? ^For rent of MN^alW# I*il0ii?r? ?<! i rcud?Dl.a lMU*( t? thou M?d dollar*. . J&SXx^izu&tz rgm* 3*7 nS. ??? ?*** ? Xt Ar^odl^lO^MS. CINr AAl vCJ??Z****** Am^A^*^ Pr*J^ Cirlttjn JRef^lumt f,^ t^7^^SXJ!^L in ?4k v *Jj C-jp?Tw**"?" *>*??* BtoUa of S9^pB&i&S? ~ " . ' s . I " #' 1 *\f , v / l.W }UQ|H Wv wlWf lo|L^#^lprtNMf of a merit a do e*a?t,thafc;*h ji^s?nm^rr? . k?f in iu+.l*ti<l tw*?vof tfi^ totm^jtato 6t?M m> J??W de^!Rr??ntt f.V^Tierred w the cml Wfvlee, jid v*** iftuivbm wnmw ?r flWHoer* #?*?**? ?**U bjiw>. i>iu4 tir*>-ue^?y&>ufe ^?t>twafi be twnwm from. jwhul }?* ?h<- tn?*ui ' ervlet: 7v?i?ln/,. iw oiwe* h?( tf?u u/wtfi&lkis, lit e cCu f^?' jsietwif . i?..<i3llk,-ly'*o to r*?Mt?*| ?.'? thirtv'Jxy* or , QMIMU UW& fli*tl crwt hirlonjfh toe |" M?-h lilM a#?P?JVint unfit for d?lr, an?t< ?willfixfy^*TA. . Kai.M.Oio-.l ~3%1?N? ^ Acr ' 4 , '' .. U I ' ' :