University of South Carolina Libraries
etna ***> ' .'1 rl'B fir fir M'4S*r \ ^ ' M ^JMSSs- ? i... STATU 6f SOUTH CABOLIWA, J gf^ ; ^ to thU c Hj ur<W. - ' ^ A.XJ. 04HIJ5?Tt*, X S) . A^j\ab4I??r??er ttab'IB. C. f S ;: Jaae tt T 'J i t ' ? . |Jf l'apow of.Qm. Skato Oo^y * ttao". u %*??0 .1 "tiMVlfr TH Hl|5 Tollow Rrwerd.?To |i to JL ut #*er,e*er*oile iwrvoe who fail* |V I# iwiWHlW*iJ?w l *Tft? >m?ia ?ii ??f. ? :. limMtaM litlCMWi. N?<o*r>ltel or edn- ~ f?M?l?h WmlwJ- Bn mmom ixonrndl' ? F)r?j-hun4r?i Udl+taudgontUiHea. wanted! b Bjr udnwlw mo Immediately T*u m?y 0 *c?f* to ^wmlvO health. wealth', tieautr. ,i VB^ 1Kb *M ? 'Tr.v wiwltie. * * * A MS ffOLU KINO GKATiri to Uio fira4 Toun,- * Kvi* Wdjt writing taw* t *. For fur Ik m 1a- g P ri f<>r u??LM:n *tMrro? (incfoawrg- vou? return P* porta**. FftAKKE.O. LIND8KY, 41 ?f K?t p. ??, lfoaMugton O, Va. u A[ tl> V . 4 V - 16* W READQ.UARTEB8, Z J*. - mxH n iixjs PIPT; R. C., iv - CwMNUltTJuno IS. Utl. .. ? M FflUK Art of lk? Oeooffl Axrrntbly of April :? X II, WtlS, firthW MippritM ?fc <UoMItait?? of MiriinoiM ItqiuN In (Ui Himtm," m nMdm th* fMllrirhr provMon, fix : " " Tkot hli'KxtfUclir}' lk? wvwnar M r>', * *([ wW?*irny M?ft* that pn tocrmri laiwttty of iptrittioui liquor*, wbiob eonaot ho othfrfiN ffwxtt*! U xkiolnhl; mnmm; ti t-T mr?li float parp^ccxiti tbi*^l*to,xHall bar- ' - power to hove ittMulWcturotl. at t>?e neutral rid ran*tntoat loeodon, hy akillod and rropon- ?j> IhW ?roi?U, at lint >a|an*p, to Up apnotaud Vy hUn-etf, Mich fttatlty of alpohol or pare fr< firlU ?a ahatt hp fpaixl nqahth fa* Um ^ gi ran that propo?ale will p< Xiwrind *) iVb^N until Itt M? nnt, ' / Mv*hki*( tbfx Department With oa? tlouv " mmi gWHvftw ?f AMQHOlj. "n J fovuUrr\ ^ th*??aad gotten* of FUKK t*PIKI?*. doHox Ul jJPF. th* prxnnt year! the UDk |o he manufactured t<y AilM and mpoMtldo apoli, wJir th? . rtsprrvMaft of tfeo uuderrTgiM-d, at pr n?ar ?b> laarina. Bond* with ado<|?ate aoCarity-wlU . purfomWuca ef the l * - 9fCM ARlTut U>\V KI.I.. UmI Coi. tad OotoauMaty-Ueaora) S. C. ti ri ? ? > . tlaftiaftuMtr. iui" 1 ?tti, ma. = - A^Kasags--. a* etl to*runtjit Mltp Alt duh wit hunt doreil lay. Hi?M ftuHnWho fcomptV wilti thia or tkr wi? bo a^WWwJ and a. Ih-**cw. . ***** jjj^ n *jr . ^ . I ?, Dtertrt* wlwktf iittlwytt ??N^ 1 k *%OB- M.JUU*. i P .TT" ...... .-_-J.j_? " ??*?? to Bond Bolder.. ' t .; j|Hm| SSo * o.K.U c\jter>A*Y. j (I ?tiff'i Bt*U of k<t>aih Cmn&k. <?t thU ?? * ;* w? ' ' ' '' .^ 5 *wS ui ^y"^ '-k' ** ." -n A ??%*< .>1 p " * ' nmmw IK, ^*; A. Hfi < < i'?MM. ?? Si! m.'"' "' [ ftfirjd ^tojoa ?nj?on^th? 2Jd Sot^(^ mwMioru **<1 tb rough hinrflm oh ained *21 (aete connected with Ais regtncnt, cod rep treibfelbr say, ? Vnt*r Mention {btto \o om iojnetSet ^to wy ithNoi, cod now wfefchif to fMwr 1 booor to whom booor ie dfpf* IjljU sroTr^n^^S leer fMh oaber, etcept tho- 22d? wrf 1 occluded they alone eompoeed Geo. eierd, in the spirit it U offend. Wo llimiwippians remember that bese solc^ers hare. je?t Wt their Moud ityof Charleston, 0 here they hod a [ feasant encampment, with its cool ea breezes, aqd.the prospect of hat lit- ' le fighting ta do this summer, sad come isre to match under 'oar scorching wta, m the burning, dusty roads, to do 'i red \* lb" otfr boraea. Then we would e the loft people to attempt to detract root the merits of aey body of men. Vords eon never express the gralitode lial ewella io onr heart# ?*ad-we can on* r say If all regiment* that bare com? > oar a?ictanos are ae gallant as the 2d Sooth Carolina, we have no eaitse tr tor. Men who have fought an the ; I body fields of Sbajjwburg, Mmsmw, loldi-horo, Kin?t'>D, IJoonsborb, Secssotwrille, and on tko Rappahannock, r* worthy of otir eatira confidence and fateful admiration. . Ia ooncJudon, wo will any, that when ia tragi* atanf* of this war will eirlat sir in-hiatorjr and in .wag. U will ho , ith nrwrihis of heartfelt pride and . km* (fslitsHa that wo can safer to ia3>eroic 22 J Beulli Carolina ami mj, tkry tor dJtmlnv" . 'm\ CLEMATIS. - , Pearl Riyrr Ifeas, June 20, 1608. Jiomos. Juna 80.?Tha Yaaoo ia ?t navigable fur boaU Va lUyaa% Waff, rant's snpjkUaa-ewma to thac point.? pdoral acouta We dwily oflptyrod on the i?nt. Gen. Wash borne has a largo rce at Uta Bluff. Gen.Jackson allows < flag of truca to ooma ap the Yaaoo. Grant has asWbHahed telegraph lines iraugb all the river bottoms. The Snemv hurry the work on their rtiflcations at Right. - Tor Congreaa. Iff* WIS are authorised to anaounee ion. JAS. FARROW a candidate W re lection t? th? Congreaa ?f the Coafederate ta?e* aa K?}tr<mnuti v? from tha fifth Con rnaaianal District. I JMIA*?. t? ?*#. Vufcf* o/ tie fyih Cangrr**inn*l fib. trim, awepriilm, jfe Jt*Ur*tU of JSaAaw., tafrisiw, Qrrnnritte, JfpmrUmkurg mmd Un\on*+ . fa the- Cnr*Unffiu, of the Mlb of Jnap, Ifct Whtoj kl^dm W ?to unknown frletpi hu HOuowi me h enndldat* for CefegreM Mi tblj CengTcseUael DiiMtt. Ikb iwadeM l >ropw the* i tbonld (impendent oneo, in ortiWe tens*, U the many eppltentlenr wblofc have received, prir?tely M ? eH*e pnWIcflf. nk ken noUreneUiBty -U> the high honor f rucji ? poMet that X in.lei to declare tint a ordinary Usee I refrain from iHMrteiai in/aim. pot the fret thotatnlenta of theology ore not* tempted froui miliary eotMee, hne'eiorad' up the fleW of naefnlieik wbteh I hurra. twretofoee ehoee% X nm, berefeee left Mt tndowfcat (eta In other re ye kr the Mini of my mntiy. ft ?n a title oooeKut tb?t I 1 turn 1 n member of l^h|i nrf>iipn%|inrtHng? nf Km |ini|rti Per onfily, tmn the petition in ***,** mm. Urn meponrirtlity ?onnret?I with It tr ope ret rely to be ^Vt woMWro df.the C?tM>r?ti ><fm pornop* nr o ?wnty M Mh wHl k? 4? p?t H>I?C the kuli ftffkttMXtOM ink It W otao anplooioot to m |t ?ppo? io/ gootlemoii ooobtag U>? mow potiliwa^*o?*f l?Inn. hojror^. tb* 3?**l oxigoooloo W ko nwtl>y, < hxd thoi, ooicti oomo great t>b1??h mymu tbo rtlUooi of eock ftiogioni tool DMrkt kmlko right loNgMtottto nwliii of tty mt it; mmf iltm. Uy pwtit of inaotKit; is ctfif ptofc?iofr kM.WMtti tbo Ml; ~*-|1?I (kit I e?o (kid, fM ImmI me wMfcottl hmn, If l^om m; piwwl tooiinlMi I wIUtboM p; aeafe. - , T -1 mi iiliitiii too, tbot tbo puli J of 0*.' tctaUag atraggto tffei* to protrntMi t^t lu Urn wtooot iu every rmpect, ynd tbai MfmM*y br.Mf kom; Mttm'iWtr prio Wglf ?MUMtKtN W thtpM to r?m*r b the olMtdy too obuudoot o?4 m?M1y Jo. ? - - p. - . ^ial^?a ^ a>ni| PWW iy"* ^ . ' * J v?. vS>. s'Po V >1 4 ** ' % # * ~ V . /T" ? *> ?< ' , I m nk*^" :+*+* '- -^'V "-' ' - ' " ^?'- ?*' * '*^ j . . i . ,uj|mtii ait in* .1 eae jhls of 164 a ltd " i- ?* . ^0??S? GREENVILLE, SOUTH '.irn'inonir-i , 'M* ^afftjpr Th? ftla Onoe, *! Wlim Ui? *#eki mi |nag. ud tlie shora i?t J.rlc ud d?.p; WUara tSereeds and Mailt*grow tin and Sa? 4?d thewead* grabr thick co tha winding Whaah^J shadow to kafry tha whole day ??>* *?*''im*4 7" v_ TWa aaelea* paddles art- Idly dropped, LiV a ara-trtrd'e tflnge thai the atom hath ^V'loppnd - 1 \ V ' Aal aaaaml an tha railing, o?e ?*?r ana, IA? frldad hand* whew iff* work la done WkUehusllj baok aad forth between, Ilia apider etreteke* hiadlrtr eere?n ;? And tha aolanan aki, witf hia duH ?too hoc,' aatUwdiwi dlt tke aMfoTura dd aadoa* tha atHW, half wink. l? tlla attay war*,' Kola elawly away la tU Urlog grave. . ? And tha groan aaaaawmko'lrlk dtW da* !?. - * TIKllng tha tannlderlag duat away, . Like the hand that ptaota o'er tha tomb a llowar, ~' . Or Ik* lay that man ilea tha fallen tower; . While many a blMavn of llralieat hue, Spring* Of o'er tfca Mara of tha aid oaooa. Tha aurrantlara watars ara dead aad still? But tha light wJodt flay with tha boat at iii ^ And lastly In aod oot again, II fluata tha length of I taw oat T ahain, Lika the wsary march of the hands of time, That mast and parVat tha noon)ids chime ; t.l ?> 1.^? .'.-Lk-J - -1 ?tiv? ?nr Nivm ll KHMU Mb fWCW lUITl KHOW, By tb? Jrlpplpi bow of tfa* old cmw. Oh! manj a lime with a earelrw hand. I liavr.^iifthfii U a way from the pebbly - ' drAil.' ' A?d (m.l.Hrd t| dowu where tka stream run* quick, WVf? tl?? Whirl* ar? wild, and the addle* Ihhk, A*J Uughtd a? Tleased o'ar'tk* Mcklqg aid*7 c ' Aim) loob*d halaw la Mm ln>w *w*,to a** thai U*? 4?o/w bftha boat war* true, That war* mirtvrad baek troa\ the uW ?*uoe. Bat now a* I.laaii o'ar the ?n\mUi#g aide, And look below in tk* sluggish tide, Tka (i?? I hat I w? ih*re i* ?ra*?r pawn, And ah* laugh that I hear ka* a t*>barer ton*. And the hands "that lent to the light akUfi wing*, lie** k* own f??nlHar with AtiwM thing*; Bat I luv? to think yt tka kfeur* that flaw, A* I reeked titer* the whlrt*" tbeir wlM gray throw; - <-" ?e Kr* I ho GluMont* Waved, 6r the jrraa* grnaa grww. O'er the mouldering a tarn of tha old cauoe"r i*.... .ll' .1 - -JiThe Hampton Brlnd> *Ai>Unr Cat. : airy right. Wa are permitted to make tbe follow ing extract fna letter from a oarairy officer of Hampton'* Brigade : Hrctou'b Ckohs Roam, - ? New UpperyiUe, Va., Jmiv'23. The enemy attacked tie ywteadky in heavy force, and aeon we had on hand a heavy engagement. Thjyr brought infantry^^nd cavalry, thua driving ua fradoally back./ Whan -we go't near Ippdrville, their cavalry left lha infantSgbd rame upon us rn huge force.? NT brigade immediately charged iketn gnd scattered them inwvery direction, killing many and taking eighty prisonera, in the face of tbeir whole forco.;? We made aeveral desperate charges, ^riving tbe ?beiay off, and giving time tor our troop* toiCMTtUrn* Mfe1V. Our it* k 127 killpd. . C?i?t. John 8. Pre*too, jt, wma slightly wounded in the foot. Tha Orr.eeal end rot'^f lb* staff aaa K?fn. The General1* 'ha* black horra-* wit aha* under him, kntbe asrapid. l"be retired, end we fob lowed hint to'tfiddlebura. Otn. Stus art'* Adjolaut>Gen*ra|, Maj. Venable, raw the charge, and nnid the brigade i* the finest helms ever seen. Our uteri behaved aobh. v ** White ;ho mats tight wit going on in front, one c( our regiments charged | the enemy on another road and took thirty men; ao we took over 100 pri*> on era. no caber brigade taking any.? In the ratiln, we found a negro, and ihrce of e*tr men rMn 'brir rahre* through Jgtat In tbe midst of t be meat desperate lighting, the menr bend time to ehear the General, by taking off th?b hate and waving >bem while he passed. Another letter eaye: Gan. Uampten i* the hjkrt hi* cav nlry, and loud call* are made for J?M prometion en Majuy<<iener?t, which hi baa fairly earned, it must come eery ir - * Ererv one mourns tha Lom m* GJ Frank iimupton, who ?u mimom! fot kin jpafMa* ?d gwiwwitjf and nobk mm of.d>?jQoUr. ^ ? W? {mi that young wonwn in M?i oountry Birry MM reckleaaW tba? no jw bare aba. U UHfr* village o fifty bouraa in tW iMd wherein ? pUu aibie, w?U draiMd advanlarar, of wbm mbsgif took* aoxtbing, cam out raarr gi'l of apoCtM ohOTMar, ?(ut? mm 4mm of ate wM l Soch in fact, all mMriag* not Weed upot intimate koowteOg* nod. profound m Warn aa well m fbrrapi tod*~-are aoma that ?ov* reputable ib?o ?fau la cMm 7 ood acaroatf bur whit tea . Ub# . - a ' * : ifce gipsion ?J tfltoful VI*'*I u rfji .a It ! T| fi' j.. -3CAttOLIKA, THUK3MY MOK1 II III ? .!' !.! ??? 1 Frexa Mississippi.!^ "i-.Ntrcftit, 3#ly . Louisville Democrat's I tut official report says tb*t G?m. Tailor, Vlonton Mtd OrM surprised (he Federal (brtiftcatioos at Hush- n mt city on the 27th of June and Oftp- h tared l,80O prisoners, 33 commissioned H officer#, $8,0064*0 worth of cominiv i amy stores, $1,600 worth of quarter- ^ mattes* store!,- $6O,u00 worth. of onj-. I nanoe store* and <#1.000 worth of ined^: 4eai stores. ATsri 29 garrison sod rrgj.- * mantel flags, 10,600 tents, JjtfOQ horses j And, mules, 7.080 oegtoes, 7,000 sued ^ of sotaJI anas, lfl siege gens end A p? A sitioo ss important as Part Hudson or 0 i Viekiburg. Other important wove- t * noenta of Gen. Taj lor are progressing." th A private letter from lite ConMr Hattery elates th at Geo. W alker, twelvethou-' tli sand strong. WA Ueitii- w* yeut* to take > i Providence, which in garrisoned by Federflb and negroes. . They hong two of- r, fleers Oooentan<|f$g negroes. Prisoner# j report nol!i;hg oew from Port Hudson. * Natoiikz, JuTr 4.?Thearope stOeyka via Hroofrhaven ?re untUtpnssed. ol The ram -PhtshQrg and gunboat Mo- u nougabeia passed up this morriing working one wheel. - * * l'' Oapt. Powell, commanding post, is cleaning Natchez of stragglers and com- ?? . laeiflpha m TWO Mtssiaeippmn says Vicksburg in and'Port Hudson are well provisioned.- *" A gentleman from Texas aays 9n?iil? v, and Magruder areNst aogmeuting their FartMam-i' . - - es Taylor captured-many Yankee r>lant Ul era ana overseer*, ana holds thorn as j* hostages for t betel urn of_lhe hundred ?? tneu confined by Hank* for shooting ^ Mr. Dewit. R? (kohl- sll Southerners *? who have taken the oath as pritonersof fr ,*?r. "V7 ' y:' - ? Logan alar rue tin) Fed* rah by tl?c M boldqem of UU dnelu*. ? - ?X Interesting from the 86nth vaat. Nstchk*. July 4.?Cuf. Smith, of" Ai -Ci rants at at)], on^the Arisona, acounpaniftl by the gun- host Allen, came down laat-evening aM^anahoied off Nati-hea, to ltd communicated with the mayor,. tv threatening to bum the town.becawe the p? Governnienutote* andc*ulccros?ed heic. l'r The mayor replied that h? hat no W?- 111 trol rtF Uamnorlation. Samh said he oA?# fh-^cit?l^"twntr, not to- dixies, mkI would bum >h* Own if tran-<poita* tfrtwdid not cease that hour; and threatened to sttell the Vidsli* because the CI Texans swore they would cn*-s cattle where they "pleaced. The gun-boais n" then I. ft. All quiet. * *|i A ger tleriHtn TFwi Waodnffe reports i heitty fighting at Port Hudson on Sat- ||* rtrdny and ?undsy laU. Deserters state m that the fight wai more desperate and in the Federal loss heavier than ever be* fore. . . w*.-; . y.. tl< On the morning of the 2d, Logan's ?* cavalry at (ark. it 1 the Federals, mx miles .'J* below l*oft IIihIsod, on the Mississippi, and burned * large amount of comiuis- at sary and quartermaster stores, and wounding 150 and capturing 40 prisone:*. Attiung the captured is rv Colonvl, a Major, a Captain, and a.quarter* ' u master. Thev also destroyed 150,000 n rations. 450(?000 in green backs, 75 *?! weguua, ana *1101 uvhi miuio*. Tiie flag of trite boat which arrived nt U j Cl*y I'oint Monday night brought New r Ywh-ihtw St the 27th. The report 'th*t * OeNvraJ* Lee and Lftigptreet created the r PeWMtt after patting tonoaM Winchester. * At H?nMxuif,.*n the Milt, the " strong, t able IwdU-d m?a ** were flying from the efty, i m4 i# waa projwwed te declare martial lew to put a (t*)i to the.exude* end make the v ?awards tight- The eountrt (>eople arrt*. ? i?C there ertlt|td ty hate no We* of ftgh ting. " but were loud la their denunciation of Lin- <* colrf for not sending troop* tfsere to protect tl them. Among i(m *ulii?n departures auiioMneed was Ce wu^rom A Dixey't flegro Vl minstrel*. who were advertised to ulay " week. bufrfHsd on Thursday! whet) the re- \ bet* wore advertised to n>ake their first oppearsucc. It* Carlisle, l\a? on TtiorOdfcy, 1< the inhabitants trove Isorrttted by . hearing ? Use rebel drum nor pi. n few wttva distant, ? "beat the *' assembly " nt'% o'ebvfc In (lie J , morning. The eitiaeoe immediately idbk to e j their heel*, aad were * only beaten Fit the > race to IlarrlsBarg by tthr " contraband*," who ar.a tetmhingly <1 earn bed aa rear hint; - that plaee with their feet swollen and bleeding. The Yankee pfprr say* the acene woe M enongh to touch the most eMm-nte * - beart." It ho* no word of sympathy for " Um while refugee. . s v r* VT ? i Important trwm Borth Carolina- ?t WivmimtTov, July 5. | ' Tl?e enemy U advancing on tVe WtUnlug- \ 1 ton aad W'-Moe Railroad. Thev were at > * KtlWDivHUkilJilKtit, uvan iol(i'<froM lh? raHrood, wltii i.JJOO cavalry. Tl?a wire* { war# cut at to* If pa at ? ecloek. I , * ^ ViuliitoroK. July 5* < Tha H?mj Ualljvo^wwn of Waraaw, on t f ilia Wilmington atd Weldon Railroad, at f hatf-p*aL 9 o'aMb lb I* morning. It ia r<" Wrtrd t)Mt ll ?V burned tha dompany'a I a wwakaQM and vlQ.Wjt) pound* Government i t baooo. TWey leftaboat 4 o'clock ihU * * i E jo U?* elractf** of Kaoanavilia, where tig m?vq body of theft foreae bad etopped. , " fl? eaemy U eatiMatad ah 8.MO0 to 4,900 1 a ?n?!?lry and. infantry. It i*.reported that I a half war* whit*and half aegrmre- [Waraaw i K la-jMfcy*hr? Miilra above Wilmington, j .A Lamta from Now CM?or to dm ' Itww York Tribune, dated- Ihth tall- 1 t*f? > M Yaetardey General Bank* iaaued J >, too 6kd?r ftif one tltpusnpd rolontoera to ' ? puke p fliMtl charge upoo tlie enemy'* f. work* at Prrl Uudaou. lit* Koran h ? end Sixik Wboopaia voTumoafal, and t woae * ninitoiif Mod aU, or nyurly all, takoo ftriaonaraw'*' * 'vH irtrA ijt i v'. ?* ' ?.?- ^ 4 t ' T-' ^ ' * - ?? A.R EYE MB* .*?%- * - ' # Jitu)u:UiIj}^ among all "*> la'ltf*!"'il I*' ! 'ii ljlifci nj. nis$v mr ?, isa L,?L!?Ill?.-r_- 1J ULI K-'I11 - l.iip:., _ ' (hra. itrft Order " .4 1 Oimrral Or*?k, JPk 72. - ,\f UJ..-' V- " * -? v IRCIKU, , k WW IN* n Whftein the enemy's country tbe fellow's ?f?UU?ii for ^>roe?rtng supplies . will ?strictly olieerved, and ?nr violation ef itM promptly ?n?l rigorously pTintfh?i : J. Noj>rl*nt# property ?dia)l be injured destroyed by any pcrsea belonging to or Mineeted wHlr the army. o?.M>?n, c*ee'pt y the ofBcere hereinafter designated, II. The <"hieft ef the Cemmie?ry. Qu*?> iVraaetor. Ordnance end UWIotl llepart ihnu ot the ertny ill make reouielsioc# rw? the locel minorities or leifeatftsntrfor re nwee?wry supplies fjtrr rawpoetise 9pertinent*, deeignatirgHlie places end ine# of delivery. All complying Hh eueh reauisltioue eheM be pent the rfcet price for the antolee furnished, if rag m> dei-lre, end the officio e fnikli g such iv merit shell take duplicate receipts for le Mine, specify ing the name of the pt-rein ?l<h ?*d the quantity, kind end price of re property, pne of which receipt* sliall be l once forwarded to the Chief of the Lietrtment to which such officer is attached. III. Should the authorities or inhabitants cglcct or refuse to comply with such req ^ ttions, the supplies will bo taken from. ie ueareet inhabitants so refusing, by ^.thc der and under the direetiou of the respneve Chivf* of 'be UcpimtficjiU- named. IV. When aoyNxunuiaud is detached ffom 6 main body, the Chiefs of the several detriments of such command ?411 procure ipplies for the earns, and such ot Iter store* i )hey may be ordered' to provide, in tfic anncr uiul subject to the provisions hereprescribed, reporting their actions to the' ads ot their respective departments, to horn they will forward duplicates of nil >nchcrs given or received V. All person* who shall decline to rciy# payment for projierty furnished on rcq sttione, and all from whom it will lie riecsary to taker Stores or supplies, shnll b<roislied by the officer, on taking the nw>, with ft receipt spectlyttig'the kin.I and j mntity of the property received or tnkea, tli* case may lie, the nftiric of the person , ton whom it wne rtcelvad or tnkcn, the iniMiftixI for the ore of which it is intend- I i, anil the ir.arlcttr priue. A duplicate of i>J receipt shall by ilir, ?Trp;ffiueiit lo which" the ofljeer l>y ( iioni it is fscouted, ift attachci/! n. If any) perron shell remove or con-, 4 a) property nn?e**<?ry |\?r the ihc of the * my, or attempt to do so, the oiKcer* here ' before mentioned will cau^^uch proper- ( , abd.aU nflier )dro|itrtyb?)onj?ing to ?mctr ^ rson, thft't may In? rot] ill red by Jhe fttwy,. j be sei?cd, end liie pfficeB ikidWiJWMBit , ill forthwith reyoe* ttf tl;? Chief of this de- , irtmwwt, ttfe kind. tpiantHy atid ruaikat < ine ?>f- i.Hb pr? porty so seized, And the piic obthe owner. - - 1 - llv command of fir*. Tt.'E. Lcr_ 11. 11. C-ulioN, A. A. fcenc'al, 1 ? " " ? . - . , j Direct ft-oitt Chamfceraburfc,. _ 11 We b?>l ah iuAirtlcW yastafdav wttfi Sir. 1 licrry. ?r Orurria, who left ^iippanshur^, rnnsylvaiiia vu Friday last. 3* l|D'l PtMroilk-s of SceHlg ft lurgc pnrlidn of our army, ' nl report* tlint ibu lr?op* lire to tlie best 4 dvits imaginable, and, tlimlgb In n land flow g with peach and honey, are not ih'fbc least moralized by the temptation* spread Out on 1 o wuvsid*. There is loss straggling flinn on ! ty uijirch ji ere to fate, owing to tlie combined 1 Mucus* of discipline, and to the earnest < iiri? |K?rv?dh>? llie urinv. The plftiolios were ' ay?eight ni?d twelve miles n day.. Hut lit- I 1 s sickho'S was known, iuhL what existed < ? n*ed principally by th$ carelessness of 1 divhlunl soldier. Tlie ro*da ore generally rod, hut lire being severely hs'.cil l?y onr 1 ?vy trains; that between t^hnmbcrslini g, 1 id llogerstown is in very had coniVition. Those of the cilieens alwn^ the lino of roll with whomlour informant conversed, ' ipremed (Up greatest surprise at the mtm- j er itnd appenrnce of our troops. They < ore glider I tie iinprcartotu they said. lUnl mat of the Confederates had been killed fT. mid wlmt few remained were aluioat liidcM. TlMjr admitted, with expreadon r gratitude, tfiat they farod hotter iti the reacuce ol our Omn soldiers than in that of j i|V'*nk?ri. . ' ' -:"' jrha ntwchtnti who ware competed h> 1 til goods at o'.d price*, for Confederate our* ency, were loudest in their grief. They refc inconsolable, ami no effort ?? iou.Iu y A>r lioyt to mitigate their sufferings. Id^Iagwstown we received ITft eoaruitf. Tli# load hetwarii Williamsburg and Vi noli eater wtt lUmaged with souvhUiseiit Mldkit* on-lite way. po join their tornland*. It is lu>dei>t?oJ that Clan. Lee hue rdered Uaek all such now ou their way to' le army.. Oilr Iroopa nre anxious to get in aighi of ii? " Melisii," hut fear the opportunity will ??t be offorded them, so long us the St. . wrence is passable. More anxiety ia felt for tba safety of those pft behind than for their own. t he only ews they now get ia in the form of exagerated minora brought by ownvnletceitta tnug their commands. Sometimes, bowevr, a dray copy of a Kiehmond pajier a?area them that all is well "da the rear." ftichmtxui Enquirer, 4th. Th* Trans-kfiseiftsipvi Da tart unt.-TIh Jackson Missi**ippian says: > We h?*? received assurance, from n j veil informed aourco. that prospects are , n every respect bnght ami cheering j >eyond -the Mississippi. A> the snrue j itno the facie embraced in our Informal j ion are*eo linked with operator.* not | |tet peifocled,-that it woulj not be ptnient to speak of thein, further than to | ay that' the neifr-conveyed in recent jispalohes i* authentic,.and that therm- | icipatious based upon the news are well I uuaded.' . To wHoh we add the following cheerng statement copied from the Memphis ' \ppeal of Saturday ' From Vioksburg nothing is reported j n addition to that contained iu our ; telegraphic columns, except, the very i important fact that Gen. I'embcrton's supplies of provision* are ttehMantly ro- 1 p'eui?hed through a channel we do not deetn it proper to mention.; and this, too, to an fstent.that promises to anas j Me him to hold out, so in m fond is ' concerned, for An indefinite poriod. i ^? r : Cost, is Nsw Voaa?11?? prtcs of co?lt advanced ouadettar per ton pi NsvtTorh lu OMuteonencr yf the uivaoieh of Hmnryb vsAhi, idM U i* fsareJ the |>rte?-w ilt- -W Uitgjti higher. , ' i , ( ' j-n j - ITsTT?. ' ' j?** i / '' y. *. -v ' g ! >< JL.L " I . m H JL11 1 glasses of tSffor^bij r.jcafc; 7v < . - ^ ^ .. Vi.. - -U?'- -i- ,uJ hj <U - - - U^'a Tlw Co*l Fields in Penn?ylmnw. tf H W ^tao that ?ke OnufMeroo H.rr* oo-. owyv UnrVlnharsf, tfia it teuton lion of tbo Co^i. iu4MMti>? rton6r?l will no doubt bo J1reeM?l to tbo eoal fluid*, "which lid within forty or <Mly mite* of tbit ofcy. Ilia tint aiui will M to rut *11 ?be railroad eonnootinU -, anJl tbut put n \ itop t?~tho trunipurUttion of fool. Hi* next " ill l?o, to dott'oy tho oidgt riwtty and not i toady t?plao?djnae\uncry of the pit*. Whelh- j tr bo would atop at tbls 1*' qtrntiontbl*, lie retell t *ut fir* to tlio piV. withdraw the fores* "out out ?r> tht* apvuial duty, aud ieaVa the ] heart of'1'#?Mi>ylrunl? <m tre, mvo/ to be J jucoehtpl until a river ie turned V?ta the (it* 1 >r trfo >j?* t *upfil/-of ova I in reduced to a?bc?. The anthracite coal i* found fn larjrc.nn<u>titiua in no ?dt?r part of tbo world but I'onn Ijrivauis. Kuortnnus cjwaisUtice pre used iu , ho United Htatoe Knvy, in tlsscountless work- ! and manufactories of the North, in the Ivor boat" atad ovvu n'pnti *itv??k well b? replaced hy iu?y o?UeC fkol.? FUe bituminous coal which la found near Pitta-, would uot answer thh purpose. oven if t could k?ur the cost of transportation. Oar troop# .hold the railroads and caual coding from the Cumberland s?sl fields. All | hat is needed is to those the uiilhraoite fields, I lestroy the ro*<ls aud tlie machinery of the >its, set fire to lbs various mint' atrd leave (bum. Northern industry will thus bepernlyi>d .at a single blow. " ^a, Theac views fnay havo induced OBh. I,oe to. novo upon HarrishtrVR. Wo doubt whether10 wdtlM firo the mines. '?ut the dvsirnetiuii rf the Jlauch Chunk llailroads and pit imj?lcjieuis would be as legitimate ns blowing Up (tnneit and nquodncts' or burning briJgos.;-1* Of oue thing tve may be sure?that whatever s l?cst to ho doue w ill bo done by t?cn. T<ie. u?<l if he thinks fit to destroy the Pcunsylvaiia mines, Jliey wilt certainly bo destroysd.-? Should ho leave them ufttttvChod, It will be for die Wat of reasons, llut it is impossible not to indulge th? hope that ho will avail himself jf the treinoudnus.power which the possession >f the oeaj fields, oven temporally, would Conor.?JftcAmojuf ll'Aiy. ?> Latest from the Worth. PfcTKuaiutuu, July 3. The llcrald of tbc i'.bth eoutnius the follow ' ? Tlio enemy bnd nol advanced on Harrisburp it tin- laat.-st accountsTher? win 1. inni.-liiitp at variona points on the south side of the Suft.pichuiina yesterday -?at Oyetrrvillo aud Mn.isvillo cspocially. A", oe./nrccs were wm? AAows ?t .under )tiivofcy. - -The rebels hud tonr np tho track to MariwtuviUe iiiul ttykcsvillc, within thirty-one miles irHalHut.'te.. XI TV iUuingwili*?u at Clio latter ' iRW'v if flight. Tko rebel General Karly ha* levied on the itrihj>rit4et of York fur $15**000 in gvcuabilcks, in,tu*t| p untidy rtl* fresh WpI", 2W hnrrrU of lmir/uA,0O(l bushels of com, l.lltlo pairs each if ?ho^s eMu-kings, outs ami hats, id) bag* of offce, mill large quantities of sugar pnd gro erios. " %> Gen.'KurJy say?. " Wo will occupy the dnue permanently." The dofcurters in tho ontrenchmonts atllarishnrg are prcpoltxl for on attack. To-day the enemy ate reported crossing tho rjvoc at iotiubri'lgo on i imoous, \v itli the intvn. lion of cUUhijf the l'mipsylvunta Central liailroad.". -- . Tbu gronWt alarm irrrd activity prevail* ut l'hilaibIpliiiC. X'n? Mayor and tfoijnrnl liana iavo sfiri'lng prootunuitions, appealing "<> tho oiti/cus to prepare iii defend 1heir homes. I'horc wap u great panic in stock yesterday.? Ehc coal Ivsiinr*,Hnt?f t? meeting tied remixed o close their collieries nil the s>cijse?parsed, u as to enable tho miners to volunteer. The norclinule resulted tjf rt*b>v ^1,000,00(1 for the defence. Tho Beard of Urokers raised Sfili.OUQ, rti bo dix iiled among fivo huddled men v'.ro may enlist for tho emergency.' A Hue of entrenchments will bo commenced arnniid the citv nf rUhdulpbltfHtArMi I'lm sjilendiit bridge over the Snsi|?chnnnn It'Columbia ? valued at ?lb7,t?8t>?was btveued r* the 5ft<th to keep the rebels nut of tjic town. 1Tb' rebel cavalry is committing considerably depredations upon the cattle and horses iroupd Washington city, at firanesiale and hong Brhigo. TUev a'so muile their apnear?iu? nt numerous poiliTs in Montgomery twiunly? .ijd., on Sunday. - Ysatorday they "were soiling all the finest hofscs to tuko the place of their jaded aniiiiuls.. Some few showed thenssclvoa near Washington, nt Silver Spring, tlvq ill lies from the city. 1 lie* stopped the Inge which connects with the railroad .it linurt'l, and took the horsey. Iiosoneraiu army coutinnes to advance at diflulVnt v*<f" of flie iiO'Iin'ains. His Torres have had eexcro rhiriiiinhiag wall) tho enemy, in every <dv*o with success. Tho rebel (iuueral Claiborne is reported at l.ilTcrvv <;?>.. ' Tlie latest decouuis from Vickeburg are to the 2id. The rnnnonading on the 20tli was terrific, both froin the army ami gunboats.? The siege is progressing fuvotnbly. The uwvtloimH of lien. Johnston continue wrapped in "mystery. Ilu ha* gone beyond Mte Big Ul&ek, and it in reported is moving .tfoWi. * All the riryrs and streams nrc rising. All the bonds given by captain^ of captured Vessels to .Commander Tiuiooney hnvo bcuii found on tho schooner Archer, ure now in possession of the authorities. T? Now York m*,1.1 vu t ltV Ui,Lll..? rw. tyn 71c. . Richmond, July 4. Thfe Now York Herald of the ssuth ult. says Iimi. hen's whole army it- u?ploobutllv iu 1'i-nn trJl'Mjil. host night tlio rebels re within I hive miles of Ilorrisbtirjr, ami henry Ih'ilifc has been going <>n nil tiny between the out post*. The utmost consternation prevail! throughout Foiinsylvuuia, and fugitives koej pouring into Murrlsburg, 1-a master wad wUiei cities in ? stale ?f eoroptotc terror, bringing .their cattio, luerehu^uaUo uud houttiiuk goods, ticn. Kwvll has issued ordors to his troopi iu hkaiufcorrfburg. aiging the necessity ul vig ilanco uud discipline, prohibiting" nil stragglhij and marauding under pain srftho severest pen alties ; soy? nil material nrms requires to 1> taken under the military rules wliie.U govcri civilued warfare; absolutely prvbibila all in dividual interference with private proyorl YA train of one hundred wagons loaded witl supplies, a'.-.o nine hundred,mules, Were Cap tured by the rubel* near Hoekvillo yesterday A rebel forco T?f ?a?alry is reuortvd to h moving towards "fhc Washington Prutioh of ib Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They posse within fouiteon miles of -Wnshingtoit. - 1 looker issued u t? to well address to his at?ny dated Frederick, Juue ?*$, in which hu suTs in conformity with an order from the >Vn Jtopai tiuout, dated 77th, I reiin<|Uish the wren maud *4 fhe army of the Fbieiaac. It is trans fyrro.l to Major General G. u. uiJerk-.. a hrav hbu ?^ouiu|>iiiu?u ouic^r. imyrcjwj wrtn in holW l ibut my itsehalncsa a* funimamie) of til ikfiiif 'of tli? I'iiIbioiiw Uhb iuipairvfl part troui it, yet uul without dwapcot, wtuofhit ' ' , '* . , I Tbo lli-ruW aumiuiuiar the chtiugo with "h ^ ordinary fcclinga ?t? gratification. A VoasiL Cwuomitv.?Wo have 01 exhibition at our olHoc it ?)i?W jiielnH up ot> SutiivHn ? Ulan*! hewafc, ??w ^ breakwater, with--tit* JaUtwi. O S rainei , on ll?o itw^klo, Aa iT cut or engrirron lp hand'. It U wall worth exautlfcftUoD. f [CfturiettuR Cour+<r, l? * * .7 '.'v . v y .i mii i ii!?fae=sjega? y atr?^y* ? - >~' ' ~l .' - * r, ? ' * M?p^-: |-V^v;:.Vr; ,Ta* $epo& insurrection in ladia m|i VnV'lWidi of the charter whTch tins Yank^N oudaavor be make the-present war. through the loetru mentality of the blacks, impePail K> atrocities greater IbttQ any they wodtd oftben?jehes coir^ rriif, by the demoniacal* malice oi tlyslr Yankee officers. England (Hajt writUthr inaurgant ^epojrs hi a plain, practical ncigmp farftnon. Hundred*, peibaps . thoasands of them, Wero blovtti lip piecaa , at the tymnoo'eyweuth.: "n?? wafM a* proved tbta>ertaible act ef *pW dfcfauc*. Now 'England effect* a paoaa hiwf Hi tbe bare threat of President Vjlyya to apt^Iiate, and Pra-ddfint Davis paascsrtu fear of the djdppravitl ?{ the sanctWbniou* hypoed**, war at infld at possible w order tWt u mar last at long aa possible. England'* pretended or real opinion* bw** uotliio| to do w\tb the Mttw. If we care- <0 defend oiMmlves, aays the Richmond . Whig, if wo desire the wnr to pnd speedily, oor plain duty as men. a* protector* of women-end children, tut Christians desirous of peace, ia to bang every ncgro,calight fn arms, aild to blow into atciu* at tho/houth of the cannon every Yankee officer commanding them wbo may fall roto our hands. AbnttVQN fcyroav.-?iiaturalitls are delighted to read at \&t. that a Mog has been seen ii^ New Zealand. The Moa is a walking, not a dying bird, supposed, from numerous .ekeleitotM which hu*e been found of ii, to grow from ciglit to nine feet high. It Has hitherto been believed to be extinct. 1 though it was known that within the memory of men now living, it lias been killed and.eaten by tbo natives. It was always hoped that in the onw Mid un?j<p!i>rvd i?nrt of tire Island, *otn* lost specimen el um nearly extiuot raeo uilgut yel we ^wkju uNve'; J? seem* that a go?d miner, sitting by bis oA??p-firc, 5ft w ode peeping at biin from i lie edge of a uoar bill. He took it tirst VP bo a man ; but presently aaw it gravely starting off. Tho track or footprint of this ?jreat bird showed " three claws, and about a foot behind, the mark of a pad, and behind that again of a spur," A reward of twenty "five hundred dollars baa heen offered for the bird, alive or dead ; aad if the partner told the troth, we may yet-se? a living Mou?a number of a tribe 4H1C? sufficiently numerous in New Zealand Co be a source of dread to the natives. j Oukrkal liaal'hk.oakd's Wise Irr I NYw OuLKAgn.?The IlunUville (Ala.) Confederate learns that, under the Yankee.decree of bauishment from tbeir homes iu New Orleans of those who will not take tho oath of allegiance to tiie Doited States, tho wife of General Beauregard, with her mother and sinter, wore ordered to leave the city, but crwing to her extreme illness, she and tbey wore permitted to reraain.untH ber condition should be so far improved rial to admit of her removal without sacrifice of life. Tho venerable father of Mrs. Beauregard, Mr. Deskmdes, who has become blind through age, was detained alone upon his plantation, somo forty miles above thw city, none of bia children being permitted to be whh hiui, nor ho to join -.the'ni, unless ho would take the oath of allegiance t> Lincoln's infamous Government.? LIB eldest son has been held in custody, as a b^tage, by tho Yankee authorities, ever since they got possession of that part of the State, being refused tho right of exchange. ' A Specimkx of a Liscoln Skxa^ . tor.? Ilere is an extract from tlio speech of a man who wants to govern the South, and stands ready a* Unite'' States Senator to make laws for us as soon as the Union I* restored! Lli* people call him "Jim Lane," and he holds the commission of United "States Senator from" Kansas In a speech at 1 the formation of (he " Loyal league" ( at Washington, he said, according to c the Washington Chronicle : I would like to It^e long enough tp * tee evyry white man in South Carolina r now in lrclj, and the hegtoesinunhit'mg | their territory. [Loud applause.} It 1 would not woutrl mv fealiugs any dfty , to the dead bodies of rebel sympathisers piorcecLwUli bullet holes* it) eveS ry street and alley of Washington.? ~ [Applause,]. Yea, f would regret this; i, tor 1 would not like to witness all thia *v waste of powder -and load 1 would 4 rather have then) bung, and the rope . saved. Lot them dau"le until their stinking bodies rot and fall to lire ^ronnd'piece l>v piece. [Laughter aud i applause. J t Voi.uxtart.Dk^tii to Sa)U[ a Lkadr Ed?It is said that ujron * fetreal of * the Confederates, at 0'*.point in lite . | (iuhtillf our uton uuru ?.! ' ? 0 to jddnly. dit>Hujr,''Ht1 General II ill, and '' at the momenta ride wm leveled at liiiri, , when oiia of ! ?*? ao1di<jr? w?a aeett to >U?j> befopo ih# General ana fall at tho ? discharge. History Lias but few insien* ce? of a devotion like thie. During thia luelanokuUy war, a similar oa?e ?* known 11 to have occurred, in the voluntary death 1 of a veuag wan in Missouri, who took ? live pJaee of another who had a depen* J dent family, hoi wlto waa a Let*! wtran- ' f gor-to the ye'tth who iMu saved him at the ?*ix ?* oia o*? life. \ . ^Oarfrrd Tin**, 0 f ' t J