University of South Carolina Libraries
/9 t> if-'i * .. .-*. : ? ' .? - -v # })t $BiitJ)rrn (Fiittrprigf. Oar Motto--**Kqual ?.*&*?.% Jul."' ' ? OttKUNVlLLE. S. C. , , , ! Thursday Morning, July 2, ar t; &W~ .\f-? ate indebted to Mrs. CoJ. ' E. P. Jomtafor cop ion of Kichaosd per? of a late date ; and as we do not \ get n daily exclrange- from the capital , Ihn* or* n?rliiH?i??l? iKMni ?l.l? 1 w, \ d tW proprietor of tho 1 * Southern Field ami Firttidc please " send ua another copy of his . double < number- H?r 30th May and Oih Juno? f Ours failed'to reach U0. : ' t * ?V* . 4 | *'Jfar Tax Colleetoi^ * r { Job. D.\wiw,^opisa War Tax Coll&K ' dr lor the Stalo ok South "Or-rolUia. ^ who ha* the appointing of -the District , Oolleoiore, has AppoialeilT. Q. DoVAf.0- i ao?t.NFNq , CollootpT for Greenville, hml t Ifr'Jv l\ liru?K??;hi, Aeseaeor. 1 ?. - --* *.? J~ ? } Through the urgent. solicitation hf v numerous friend*. Da. Jamil* P. Botch, ol Greenville, haa conrerrSfd for l*i* name to belated e* a oandidate to represent tl?i*j > thVAth Congressional District it^ the Cop- I, ffHerate Couyroee, ;bi the electron tinrxpir ,] in$ on "the tirst Wednesday in Sovsmbtr, a ensuing. . . .. s j T la some future nsestc, wc may refer t.o the t sqbgett of our CongreWton?l representation. C V-. f, Public Meeting. p A public meeting was held iu Ilia Court S llouse, ixbyesterday afternoon, fop the pnr- e pose of organizing for local op home do- | r. ? fenee. Two oonipnniee were formed, Vri,h tl the following ?Ulcere., n Mov.-erAmtp 1 ***-"- - T. 3. A?thV?. Captain, j t-, . ,T. Bw Wir.t, 1st Lieutenant, \ J. 'It* F. Pk'kby, 2d Lieutenant, AtKX. llcBn. Sd Lieutenant. Infantry Co*rant. /G. E. Ki.foiij>, Cnjotain. v It. P. Goodlett, let Lieutenant, j| T. Q.'Doj?ai.t??on. 2d Livntenant, p W. P. Pool. S<1 Lb-.utonaiif. ti EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. -Ricqtioxn, Va., Juno 25lh, 180:1. f Rumors of a Federal advance or. Richniond are very prevalent this nfternooN..? I A number of thiJ citizens on the east side of j tlia courtfy have "fcippved their slave* and ^ cattIii-4nto tho city, anil report the enemy ruivfineing In strong* fyreo. The Central ^ Railroad, flt IInu#ver Court IIoihk'*, is said' g to be in their possession, the trnlni tiding up this morning being fired into, but escaped capture. .Several regiments if regular troops and batteries of artillery have been v moving iu different directions as if our nu- j? thoritic# were anticipating a visit of .some j( sort, froui tho enemy. The 'Federals* ivill r .. find this city not altogether dofoacelera, notwithstanding General Leo has moved |c northward with his veteran army. The I militia will act in conjunction with the fog. ' ular forces (thoiil the city, aud, together, I |'C think, w ill successfully resist any assault |"' wlncK may be made. ? Rev. It. W. Rurr.weil iJleJ at Stanton, j F "Vrt.^on Ihuisday lasl. Wis remains reach- ^ eil this city on the following day. His!,,, nimahlo and accomplished wife, wli^sejp "Tloallh has also been feeble for sums t une | |'i past, died on yesterday morning, surviving | j? licr husband only two dij s. Theft" remains : to were forwarded to Columbia (h's molning',. in cliwvgo of Dr. T. A. La fur. The <1< mise ! <. < these exi'ctleiil people lias cast a gloom | ti over the entire chicle ol their acquaintance. j 0 3Lr. li'arn well lma he en unremitting in his j" itiburs for the South CtH'olitm soldiers ajn. e >j humeri val in'Virginia t wo years since, lie " had under his control and management the I Sautli? Carolina Hospital Bureau in this and also conducted the business of the j "* Central Association in Uiia State. His death haa created a void in th.cJienrta of many friends, who will long rervenilwr his devotion to his country, and his rcTlgfo-'H enthusiasm.' Jlis^ieath, and that of his estimable a wife, baa lefMbm- children in orphanage? " * tlic yonngesF^in infunl onfTy a week old. The health of Ilitfbmond is now, perhaps, better than for many months past. Small A lfox has disappeared (lom our hospitals, and | II tlie sick and wounded are receiving every j el possible attention. .Si (lencrid Lee, it be has succeeded in bee g! tvildering the Yppk'-ua by Jtiv l"l" move ~ ruents aa completely as he bns^the people here, he has certaflflv exeetifWn most #onderful thing. Outside of th* IVtjsidcat and officials, I have no idea tluit any one knows * where he, or any (Articular portiJn of Ins *'? ^s oixyia ate present, Several thousand Vnhfeee prisoners ar v\v^d here this week, captured by Chsavfe}' ,-Hwdtt", ul Y^VncUeetvr.'PBTMpi ising by far the ! larger portion. ,Vtare or less prisoners ar- j111 rim by every trrin of ears from the'Xorth : fc r and South. The Confederate (lovernment. It has now, .1 learn, an exee?s of prisoners, ^ . rfmounting to alxmf thirty thousand, Hun- . dredfc of Yankee prisoners are. paroled and v cent, off Weekly from-this city to the North, \ via Fortress Monroe. o Anew paper called the " Jicconl," made h "k its.appoararteo here last week. It is puh w \lisheu hy MeVWs. West ?k .Johnson. who have (j heretofore shown a commendable .spirit In furnishing, reading matter f<.i* Che public.? Krom the prospectus which preceded it* [ n ^iblicatidh, we were anticipating a flood ' tl ^tdensui* from this new intellectual ftjun- w ,*l>w wevto fill the plane of the " Jzclrr^' Jhe " BlacbfonAt," the mritrllet," * v "u' iJS/bttire number* prove an rt?|^and " nnprottt**^ ,tB the one bn'oremr, jt vere " hotter to the blani; paper for soVc si hotter purpAJ v, f . Another ''ejSjate fuf popular patron ? *& in the h union-tis nuper, after I the .tyla of the XoK p??,At ^ to?.i' >.peartn tin* city, vhL of literature 1 ?en be-dt?eMtf ?1<; wftr , U over. At best it a ?oor affair, paging from the cut^c, ?^,tr?Uora, which we?My disgrace X .. /tlllUralrJ A T*uJ& ^ ?b? * ' fAn: atyle. Ithi worthy of their , ' * ^rroridoiw Are new more plentiful to 1'Ht fricea remain about thi apie flood fchard o#M be had far on* ' btt?dr?a?UUaraper month at private bailor* f>ay bearding. first, class hotel*, is eteht dollar* per ddy. .Notwithstanding thr "gh *?'/ price oreverytVttfc. i hoar of little or ut nuffering erimpg the poor of the city. been raining pi ore or les t for tw? tftaa., The air if Uihny ami plcastuit. > 0 s? j* Wl" , ,r W. l\ I*. - a- 1&? ?.< Uw ffr 'K 'l'-1',^ ^' /VV"? * ^ *< .< *?' > .. "> ' -fc ~ * Tp*--* . ? .#?: . \ jC ? "^FiTS^ ?* "; *?:. jCWD ? IHimKEN'-; Pos?t?r Go*.?Hure ean no to?ger be any doubt (hit MillikenVs. lten?-ifc iu poeMiuion of our for^ee. It wm taken by Gen. Taylor, forming n i>nrt -of Gen. Kirby SmitWs forcb: Tfoeftrtoeof Gen. l'aylor numbered 8,000 ,JJ>en. Those f?M^4 Iimo bean communicated to the PraNonVoftlctally by a despatch (tele graphic) from Gen. Johnetab. is impoA$?ble to over^eMimnia rbe rn^ue of ltibt capture. MHHken'a Hem! completely cGinmhnth* the etinutiel of tb^ tiwer erleen the eutUrc ie lewjae-it is at present, at)d thu party in possession >t Riiob.u at ago of water, nblohiteiy ttfop the paapngd of ittl and ovtry kind Of craft bound wither -up or lo.wo the Audi the provision* 'or Rant's army come from tftiove, jt * ill at oac6 bo rem that this conquest oust 'provo fatal to1 llio entorpriso (gainst Vicksburg. Soldier iriust eat f they be otpccted to light, and if Out tan pot nothing to cat, they mtfst full sack. A? Cir.iia>rc can stfe. Grant.can lot sustain bis army without .the free ?^b Of tiie Mississippi. In the mean*ifane, Smith, having possesion of XJi'li ten's ltend, has a ftee pnssiigo to John, (ton vtbonuver the la^er may call for Ki'ftssistance*. and can pass over i'rico, rbo is at the head of .lj.OPQ, men. [ Ifiokiitoti'i, Dix}Hitch: CiiaMbkhsuuko. ['a.,"wbicli teems to ro the locality which the Yankee trcpi lation reports Assign to tho advancing ?ruiv of Gen. Lee, is a fTotitishiiig* ami inportant town of about .>,000 inhahi ants, and the county seat of Franklin 'utility. It has faetorios for the matinscture of cotton, wool and iron and pa>cr uiill"- It is about forty fjvo miles ioutli west of Liari isburg anch 15 Co'nrieitd with i'hiladelphia and Ilanisbutg l>y ailroa"d> and turnpike*, Distance tiom, lie Maryland hue fifteen or twenty ?i!es. Cumberland Valley is in Ileufortl '?millthirty or forty'miles West of | hauibersburg, and further from Hat-J hburg. CONFKOBKATU ElOltf I1 til OtN-r. . Joe Post lJosng.? Wo learn, yesterday, rfth parent regret- and greater chagrin, hat I lie numerous Coilfjdernlc eight ] or cent, coupon bonds, for wltioli eer- f ficntes have boon issued, for route time | nsf, by the financial agents of the Con- I aicrnic v?uvernirjcn?, aic not likciv i*> f r forthcoming by the npptoncliing lirst | f July, vrh?n the mteiMst on those j onds is payable. This nugurs highly I riminal negligence, on the pait of the i '01.federate (Joverninent ; it is onlv. | owever, a further exhibition of that j ?ckless indifference to the obligation of jjitracts, which, we-lament ti say, l?a?i ccome feature of that <lovernment. ' f Charleston Courier, 25.'/i. ArroiNTMF.NT.?Mnj. 1?. F. Perry, offlrootl- ; illo. nrnl Cupt. Alfred M. Martin, of 11cm tt- j >rt District, linvo boon appointed Ar^rj^or* ir tire State of South Oirolini, ttniit'r the j npressinvnt Act of Conjurers. < )H ITI7 ARV. | t'A'ji' tit ?I \. Hatta t-ios or Anrtt.i.rRV, | Neur Kiioxvillc, May 25th, iM'?->. ( j Iho luV^rsitpic'b Committee nppiintcil l>y < apt. HolcoinU', 'he ropiest of the iiicinhrr. r Co. A, Oth ticorgia Artillery J^Utlioa, rc- | i.?t tho following preamble Mill reso'iuinr*. 'Intivo to tho dcatlt of t'orpl. JKFKKKiSON . HKXSON, who died at Knoxrillc, 'i'eun., j liur.-day evening May 2'2d, 1 s(l|i. Corporal liens-.n was u pr-mii. ing y-iuuginn, in licit beloved l-> his friends and emu-; dir. in arms, and i>y his death otm t'.>n? nitty j is siiilcred u severe loss, us lie wfts d. voted to is profession as n soldier, pr ilhtitniiUtilviieut i Lite peri'itinnncc of hu( duty, and ever ready i i relieve tile wants of Wts afflicted comrades. /,'.n>/vti/, 'i'liat wo deeply syiupathl/ii with | ic bereaved friends mid rcliilh'ci of tho dowsed. and tender.them the glorious ens-da- | on thSfch- died at tho service of Ins country ; I nit ills memory will cv?r be cherished l-v his itthcroiiH friends lien; and rhettlictr ; w .' iie his ijrit. we trust, rests in I hat'bright land wifeiV . tlie'T.anib is tho light Hicrc-f." h'"of' ti{. That a copy of ibis Prcamldo and .eiolutions ho furnished I Ins family ofllto -t--.- | BMKCU, Uiyi UI.U IU17 \?rr j Umi.TiCU 111 VUO A I- j mta import. n. ORAJVKOIUI T.KiitJ, 1 T It A V IS M. .TAf'KSON, ?W. \VM. fl. ItllCRALKW. j July 2 (!) I * mu jiW.!. auwu*. .. yi:g?<M.wr-i ; iun For Congress. ni" mi'iSfii i/. <1 (a nn.n< 111100 j fiM?. JAS. KAKllOUff h candidal..* f??r re- j ! eel ion to the Oni'reti ot llio IJonCoduiato I m llepresenlalivo IV0111 the flitti Con (Visional District. A (MRD. . | 'o the f'otsr* ?/ the Fifth Onnjrr?ninnrtt l)intf'ft, com/triitiiij th. FH.iri. te "j /'it /. < ?*, ! Aii'i' ri'jii, (JrctncWi, Stmttttehtifj iiiitl (-ition .* In iho ftfC'iiNi.*, of 1 ho 20i!i ui" .fane, I ho uttering hinducs oT utr nuknowii frlcii I l.ojiJ uncancel 1110 n. ft nmHiUki' Tor Coagroa^ oni this Congressional liirtriet. This rentiers I proper thai I should r< .pond at ouce, ill I miitlvo terms, to tlie many application* which hftva received, privately us wtlVus publicly. It ia from no inocttftihility to Iho hljr!) hotter f such a position .that X ?ni led to dedaro that i ordinary times 1 could nnt rofrain from ithilrswinjt my name. Hut tlin fact that ''tu ?. . r . 1 t-k . . ?. .. i inn ?i nicoioj^y are imi oxneprcl Ironi mill try service, J?mi closed u|> the field of usyful* oss which I have heretofore clioson, I am, jcreforo left free to 'do what I con in othor nya for tho welfare of my rottnfry. It was n this aoeoiuit that I became a member of 10 lat^islaMirc, Mr friends urge i j on me int tho saino fs a sufficient reason why I liotiW net withhold mysflf as a candidate tor. ooftrcf* from the suffrage of the people. I'or^ I have shrunk from thai positirui in (lilctiV||y deslro to plneo rno. The re.?pon#iillky co(f.^,|C,| with it is <pio scarcely 'tui ho man mi rod. wuhuro of the Confederate flatcs pet^eP" injury to eomo sfffi WT to m (froat extent In luuids of the next Con -t' i. any f, t . tjlo position.? Uoeo?ui*h>IT> howew?rr i??? f , r tKat, "nlc** !'oln', "* th* country, I ft 1 taa, %tuelo opposes * >?*" romnsn'l lb atonal Dhdrict bavo Ao. riKhl * M i ot any njui tboy uu y V^-^^sHlon, Of lu.-v?lluiy m ^y#'1 ( profcasWE .^moreil tho n?'y ,1.1 oen plead. tub with 'Ut ffom any poJ?Oiy4 C* ^l(^rati'.as I wstbMfl 1 ' uiy untfie. , I ?m satisfied, t*n. IhRkt tho pwrvei of t ' oxiaiipi be <frt.taaot?-d^|Kt crflyrdCVUB W,t\ d^url spaa asloyrtol *r- ^ - **! ii ... J A'1H{j!l1 ^'llll .'JfjRl) 8% i^;WW *- . ' " --jft -* i[k -_--*xfho wUcat y?Murt? in wr<^> re^xft, and tb*t UMviiHy ro .onr tuoorv nMI?rt uttf^iuln avtajfa wulcaa m.amrc* b? attoftcdata ixnody-the already two ubumlniit and rapidly lafurMWpjr #ith?n* tatdUh t? 4 be goutl r?ttii > ami honor of tho Uuvcrumcntit If tbl voleratff l>i< ITiftli CotigroeaUviiat I>lsiWoMht?k that I caw, in.*hi* ?r in uojr uttnA' roapeat, be ft any wM'a* tbvir UcprAauLati v6 in tVt&gica*. I.cannot ?oo bow I can Vcfuw tUein Ilia opp<JK ' . tdnity to declare that sentiment by their vo^Sb, I o.ntJtnl, therefore, 4a my jioiuiudUon a a" a nniKtlilHte to Tvjirccout IbC FlWi I'vlifT^tUw rttl SKT" DUUin JN" O TJ^ pitl^'lL xC;' i^ridR ciIiekn vilj-E, V c. IW f? ? l'? round at, tliu Om^ii >n>Ti:c SoUTMBR^ ENTKUPCI^K. M I S S3* AH c K Ah \ A??0 CSTft Huml/ncrO* Wil jjKU?^lium(v?t WlrftibitVi* *t?r?, ho roeaiVoi^ lot of ftAlHKS ?&?jryM ANi>wi^i:s n.VR>,#r.OVs 1 i;KATI I Kit?, 1U15' ' Oreenvillo, July 2 -" Di* *1* Notice to Bend Keltic t3.~_ OFFIOK 0. ?t C-. K. K. COMI'A^y, CdlulnM, S. ('. June 2>>, lofts. ' rpIIE D0NT)S OF Till-! r.KEE,\'VILU: I AN1> COf.UM! IA I-'AU.IHYA'D COM I'ANY, payable oil l>t Julv, 1SW, -\Vill l?-j paid on |iroRPiitntion ?t the llnji-k of tile, State of South Carolina or at thin oflice. j .1. I'. SOI Tl.ERiV, Auditor an/Treasurer. "| July 2 .. "J " -n j Notice TS liort'iy civon that-???lutr lo iitr j 1 lu altli ot Uoa-. H. \Y. IIaU.MYKI.I.. Ik(lias been compelled to abandon tin.- wnik I ho has hceu enj;n*!*<l in ft;- in* patfe (\y.? vcnr?. 1 talio this oceuridn, then fori*, ft? j itulo that T r.m tlip appointed aipnf, wiilij Mill power to i covh^iil iooi:< y t<> hi's ciedit for oui rvint; on tlio work, and .ill ?l? M?ainls a^nlust him iu the 'mine oftlu- llo-pliut AM Association, mint Ijo pre?? hted tuAji? /or scttlciili'lit, At Uicliinolnl. T. A. LAi-'Ail, S U. Hospital, Dm ran. julv / * y 'i, t"5j9~All papers in iLc. fMule will please, eniiv Stato of South Carolina. J An.itT.VXT .\N*li I;,si'i . Tun (Irvt.'s Ovrii'i:,' i Col.nvh!\. .1 uilc 2'.t, I si*. A. I rniH! ?itlifns UolvvtN ii forty aii'l.f.o l;,vli\<? ] * JL W" "' ! lllotIC Cll'lol U|H>|| to y.luiliru.oil Tt ly it.iiin on*l}' nljpjioiiol l.y 11/ rt:" < x orc<?ion, p,*' Iirtwtn n I tic ii?ci i>r lurl y nir.1 for^v- ; 4v? to bu im tu.toil In ilie cull," il *a.i lifit ! uicunl tm cACiliilc uljii'f., A. C. C.A.r.I LNnToK. . ; Ai'ijiiintit unil tn.'pti !iTi -ii#ij?r;t! t 5. July 2 V . 'I jfTJO" All i.afcr* iu tl.c TMjiti py i.rr. Headquarters, 3d Rrgiraertt, 6">U. Iu., <; l r i >kt:. .11 N I; V Hi r. Jp,.1. j Jy l*KSly\N'rJi?'ii-ricrnl Or.l^tn, No. ?if TW.I A'jntai.t inn] i? i-.-ct'nr V'.-*1'4" rnl of tlio Sfalo t??Sonlli CoH'iIUm'. s*-1 J ! son-1 within 1 Itc liiniln-of ifn* llil IN iiiiionl S C. il.; linl-lo-to nny military J?. nine, I y ' tin? 1n?? <T f 1*0 S'nto, will n.-^.'.uitiio lit.) TOSfcYH t.l.l# 1*1 \f \), m in J/,; oh TliKSllA V, the ~,lh 1 /.!_ ( /' ./?// r it jr.' \ j y'oniinn inline ( tVii-oi s ol 1 ?< ??* I'on'jitiiilfx j will i?r?iparc mill r.-11?i-i?, witlo-itt A !ny. t> the roia'iimiiliii" ijU'i c-r i f f!i ilt'&mtfiit, ftoaifiMio loll : iT .iM'i.,aV"? within iI w?io i'i- ; sp'i'ljv'i1 lli itf.i IxtAvt.-ii tRo n?r. "'of l. rfv hnil fifty y?;n:-. 'i lit v iii<> ii!-? ? lit?"/*?;i with thrt*?\lviisuiii of I Ii e not < ? of tin-! al.ovo tifl'-r. Anv ilofnnlt on |>nrt i will In? viVitt'.l villi tl?*s si-M'to.-t | ? n?ltic? | of tins law. " , " "a ; - | l'.y order of J. \\\ AtSTlJf, foloml. , .1 T. Atsvix", yVljiJaHi: .f?noi'.*i ' - --R fT'*" . State of South -4,'aro'ina, u n i* i: x V I I, 1, n i? i i'i h w! SHERIFF'S SA?Kf5. I) Y v ii (ho <?!'yu.i'ry V/rif.t ol" r* ?*.*.? I > i v.jii ?. i . ^ r.> n.ol I'nu't II' r>.t it iSto in ori ni? ; :n iluvin>t M 'U'lity in .11.' I.Y urx!, i?'? i.'l.l iCK'ij ; li'vicl 4>n jia I'u1 I crty v' " )> u"iiJfr, st the ?u1l ?l Hu.filiyiij i Torino oath. .I. T. M.UANIK!,,*. (i. i). j f-licri(T'' Offivi', Juuo Slli, K'ti'Ji Julio II 0, I I KAi\AVv,Vi ft l t'.n ynlisi rilyr ?l SSX "'V iiojim ^irl MAK'ilyNA. i* RtraJjlivr loi r ?: iufly hiuit. llr.tI; ovKf, | in I ?. nlnitn 111 ycai* iild. HIk- is \< >f j muro?? Mil if low-mSst in ln >l>. i A tjilisfUvii iy r?-wn<?t Kill let (,'vi n n rjior 1 Imlgnioiil ju any ?>!'llio Ju'L-?jf tin-. uri""Umi!HR T>inM"'uU <>t ivr licr delivery In' m'f nt l.ivHlivlllc C. If. M. HKlT. ifuim II 4 ' tf . Favr Notice. I T Jill I.; is to milifV the Ia'ttitifi'1 "f tijc 1 1 tnt? ?r JOgJAll Klf.ilOU^; 4>'('cate.l, j nml ilio poHJii', that wlicifiw n.y iirtorcift in t.hc |.l-''?wlor 'J'r:ir.l i?|" T.iiuii, Hvnr (Hl'eliv illo II'., land tlio' 1'iko ^.iinil.', itif.r LwtorV Kiiturj", | have l oon sold. nod ni^t uccordin;; to eontr.ict; ; anil tire said' Kslato hold* u iudjrviout agalnal j^mo. I pfi.tit ivoly will not pay *?HljM lament or in', longer rt D^ujiailJo for it, m laiulj chult o? reayou^iblo.. ' ' C. KILfSOttE. .Tunc IS 7 If lillADdFARTKRN, CiJXf* OK.VhillAf/S JtfiPT, S. Coft MBI V, .illMU lit, ISliif, \ rpni: Aol of the (ftnirinl A*s< lljbty of AprjJ X l i, on tilled " An Art to stiopreM tlm flit hi! a Hon of aplrilunuf K?,unr? >u ifai# Statu," contain* the following ;.n>vlnnii, vlr ; " That Tiia f'xctllotuy tlia (.ofwtjor oil t>diti~ srfh.jfao.tnrlly n?minyt that an Increased Ittonnt.r or apfrituou* liqmitii,-wlucli cMiiaor bo otherwise procured, iy ahaoiuttify neoet -;u\v Jlur nici^lcinal purpose* iu this -hull Intra |>o.rrif,t? hrtv o rmiuu Tartu red. n* Kome cootrul urxi *en veiifanD-ipeMtion, by skilled Amf re* poll i l'.' Uv m ?h?U twv .ly?nraT iSenai*ifir "nt^ "r'v''^* *m > i ihoeianil <(?ari?f iti | the mvreiii- yew , tho , , Hutfarm ? kylilW ah'l L nWorVi/i"" r>t<lM1 uurtorefRrft/nf or Ci] WfrtW r.oml* *W> *,lfWr wtur"y wil ?Ut? Tct.ilro^for the laUMill /r'?0?uu.?., of rf, I conrteecte- * V fc h A -V.y order 1,#| Ci??. i?t*d'^omti>ynr-^cncraMj. <\ I Jtl'-T3*3fc, ' ^ ' ? *" "*VM > ? : fr :.r,. +?* " T.wiu 3*wt0 l?ij>\r>, June 1 ifK ! "?* ? ' A^-W'-Me,l,bpl" ?4teeFB,,y II-" PnlAot-' -?\,. ,JU> U4tlaU?n ri^fct Arttllrry.**TJB . *itl?oiiHlvnv^,.nro4lcr?by orfto* ??J' Ct> toport 1<? cnnjp fBr aVly "without'44*' U^,^_T1u>8c failit'ir to cuiiihIy wilU tlii* or-aerwMbe V?-rcM?<1?naI^W al'thMftrtaMt * " T. A. litUj&JLAWrJ , .?Re?to?nt t c' if., f\FrHr.& **%?&!&* V." "Sb do ?V.fir-?hoy VMiiU*. i kf*f a ?u> fifty UollarsTiu: "*s *** . By ortlor jL ,J, W. Afc?TI!tiCoXpnvl . ? s:t A;:;TA':/v:' . r\ -. * . BY AUTHQRlf V: ' : Acta an A Resolutions of the C'piu'rean 'of tho Confederate Congroisj pttasea at tjf? TUi.rA Session 1#03. ? - J No. 81'.^. : An Act to AaH-I*vi1? of Dclivtjru it1 Cp?\ft5fr*t.V Sinter. , of tlu? OfliiZ-xIpfate State* of Amerien <b> ennef,_Tbtit nil. laivaor jwtsof J , law* eKtnhlfadiiug Anji potior jmrta of do- { i li'vcr'v iu tlio <_ti.u federate fctailgs be, oud (tie j 1 I*mi??ore Uw?-by reiiojjltMj. ?ti<rtlJ?ir 0Tt"poi f* 1 | ??f detjveiy hotylcniro ostnlilisUed b?, ami | 1 tlio -note ni;o In-retjy nholi?lj?i!,.cxc( pt-'*il<-li p| 1 [ oft* of <!? IiV. rv ns Wto epfjry.. 1 Approved Sh\f J, 1 txdH, '.;y <^-2 j? [X...-S5.J5 f * ! i .1" Art let Pt-fhbT Crrtn,n Jbcflnbrfnt.x for t j . ! <i ffr?nfor J*clroott* to He Lou- t Ulf-CmMfrHtrnH btutea In t-rrAfbrj 1 2oJinn:A'nt!i>n,x.^\"-N * v. V"C I Tlve ^'on.p cJs <?f tins Corffi (Su nt0 Slnle? of \ \ Anicl ten dt? enact, 'I lir.f iu she ^several In ! din 11 Nations.ouUlJe<i by tfcinjjrto iJolnpffitcs \ rin tji.v C'onu'ivvc of Toe (\?ufe?lra^*? States, j ; tin' CejjT.lniioi a for holding-"rli-otimio .for | such ItoliKnlN lie as follow* 1 Sueli 1 ideation? shaft bo it eld in all sfudi Indian Xttiona <>n the'lir?t ^londay in Hoptvinli. 17 r'A. 1>, 1 di i d niol s'NfyytJiivo, j nial i>n ' lh? first Monthly of Septmih*r, in t . I in I'iioli nwiulTrrtr thereafter. I I !Sii , 'J. Suq,<a?jt?ii< sKnllKo enr.duc'ed I ncfordhnr to tfi-? 'inrde jil^-VcYioeiJ iTv the. I: v.s i f tlte Severn I Nnt ;<* *, <\e<pt so far j I ns siioli titi"v I j modified by if.i-t net. | , i*thV In eue't elrotion*..every citineii of1 1 ! tin- Nation ejiiillnl to n IX-Jo-rslo, who bus! J 'li t for'.'il. .j ids i-i'i/.oii.'lii j. ! y iliseitin * to , 1 1 li?- pnlili* < :iv 11 y. or ri licit nti-et iun Irof.i ( tiiir(fOVrfinncut of In* Ignited State*" wlu> ' 1 shall (ns <|iiiifiiiiil IA vpto f?n "11 lnoinl'or of! I tin- li'itiiiOlivu I ml y of huili Auiion, sliull .bo vtiin.lcd I" vo'i- for siii li Di li'^rtu ?t tiny . 1 -pta'ro in one li Nation where lie would be ? rttilltVd to vV.V fm Covtrnef i>f I'Mni-ipul I c jtl.iciV " ; . U Ktno.-'-l< In euro ? ! !> oo'/.mi 1' ? ! - - ? - "v '"II !|i<S mijilrtl-y t?'i vrtflTI 'il' I In- ('oi?!'n?lorAt >f , i M^.!? >, <T in, msi1 lh?. i*n nm?t, f>n'| j li.-lil n( J!.* i.>ti:t 1 | !;! '/? "f !'*1 li'lJT <*)? ti? ??!?. ' i ll cjli.'.uiis thrill l .vnllnn M] In ml* ill (?:0 f i-friiijit yf-Iho ai iny n- l.n i irrfl'T |>ty\i>I .1.1 t-ic. H. In ovi i'i' Nil J i??n ia which ih v I iT'.i.j tiro ini!l)<ul*o.:i l>y thin nil J'i'llo ?hnH t .1 o nj'OH'il nl Uu* iinnivltyuio.niii) j.hioo3 <1 | Ik'Mii?4 IooUoI'H, m.'l lh.*Titi*ru!ii|.; I'fl'u.'in , . .-hn'.l liinko llio Jt-uiil iifrrif.-. l"ilio (invtj. ! i Ii;< i|vl CMC?, vf iljf fultiotv, w i11?- f i.i l? II '1.i\n alto" s'.iih einl't.i??i:?. . I j| Civ, it. M o\<*Vy i iV'.li|0: t i>v lAMn'io't ill t tho nillhavy noi vion of I'm f MifV.lotMlo i ?i Siiij.-v'.he Cffl 'ii-il or nl her qIVio i- iir enia t tuning of tho i?ni>n\ or I ho "iMior in i i iini.itiil ' uf ni y lo.i h'i'ly ?'l" t'ni? >14 i>n ilil-.dml &VT- i vioo. s. I. nil >i l'| < ?!?! I v. u hi J I h foe j i-loii". In iij'i :i illlil.llul' n:oh vh oliiiii, ivlni 4 ."hull hoj.l tho itisio, ini'i iiwri '' the | .mi ; '. nt'i.n iin?i lo ill Hi ill tho nnlii Iiiiviilii ^ ft". , r$ iifin.l in I Mil." iHlu-f olvt'o i.* in the j i N .itiifff". IVpin lyhioh M'l h-fo'.iiuieiit ur v >yv j nvili'l ojiilo, in .1 tl'O i*(lii n*yl s.ii.l ilc4?U>:i ? vitttll ho null'.: %'itirill ! li.r'uy'V. -I Cii T. The ixlt^iu of .itl' li V'fotioiin in ; ,, cniiipt -"iuvli if F. rw.itiW 1 hv th< roveial;. ci iii n.lKlliit^ cToo; , :ij.j'o'.lltJUl tht" j'i'l<'? , t Mini il-i h iw :i i'i 1'i'j iliT f 'i the.f\iv< I'lioV Of I'linoi;*! C'i ?T nl '1|io Njlkniy.-fi f \\hieli ! ? fclioil eh'-lfo'l in on hi l tri-. >. Tho 'ii'Voiiiiif of V i iuical ("hioff j 'if tho Ni i';.it- f,if y '.iih fiivh il'oti"U in!" Tmi'l. "intll oXi'iiiii.o tl.o f. vta lot forx\1 t i hi:nf nt'il eiv?i to hi. it t "i,.f ? Jjo nhnil i iitcn'uiu to h.i'o roi'i-ivi.1 i ho hfo hnni mint- [ I or wf"\ lit- n. ;i o< 11 il:? j'o of null fin*t ' m v Tho i ll'i< f nir l.i i i/.-i'l t*> ni-|w*ul i '.lii' Jrti'o'f ni 0 olvi h.n 1 uf.thoih-i'il Ji.! :i'"n>iiii-l' r he |iiv>|i' u onihs l<> the j Milken j a'l l c\ h. i f I l.i.y limy f the *:rliio ' t lo . ii. ii olli. r, j.i fill. In. liv i y j'of.oijlt ooiioof 'ir:l in hnlj- j 1 ii".r ' i . Ilk < I' iriioMi in tiny Nn\i?Mi <>i oMaji nilil I t.iko il'l nnfU t* f.'lj.Jrt'lt tin! (hHlff'lltl- ! ' : Ion "I flu CnnTnlei oilv s im.l t.S Jii-'i J ?-hr>r?f hii outv in KnWiag nf.vh* tIocJmii L f :.l i. :l.. ... 1 :t f? ' -n. I,ci ..iiili', mi.i inn J, Aj?jao*?\?l^lay 1, IHtjr. *>. * ^)r2 i I ? .f ? /'/<? ."I /hr JijjHr of Jifuxlx /\>r | "J FmttVXy Tf>ti.yiri/ jS\frx. ~ ~ vy", Tim Con-ia * oi III.- ("nnfofrralo of r\I:?v*l i.'flnT. #|.iH't, llic1**P?itlifV irfl I I li.i IV. vwih^IMJ U fi^v. i. ->l if? ini.* 1'i vpA) I'Oii'if nri<l ceH ilhttti*!", i i.f rlocli w ?I!I(aiuMif /niitriiinni ' ? itlly?at lb'* vi-flily r.n'e <n end.. V* fi r such ns Hitiy (* rv*iuliViT~??? Pv? j ' < <pV itI TiajuWre note- \vfcii-l??*in? i ' it?W tamTaM- ifl 'it ^?>4N'ol. ?iuW-' I nfs'i 11> ]V?y f if* ntiy sttli.<ctf |4~Uof fi? t Hr* I'ro- | | i'iUci* (.< .11*. which nmy ma'h fiin>or?i ftfAjf j ' <\luiii iuu M,u on# homhf.t mfTwifi 4oaj?? *4 J Sic. Ih'e rf.! S' .retnVy i* :U-u , 1 'hiMltoil/."J u? i?M-? <*.niiioit?l>niiil* anH ?*|r- , tl limit< s i.f f'.??. !;, u iih int. re*1 iil lliu ye.-Ylr ) rain, of ,i \ fii |i.'v lit., * ;:yn1.!i> rirtt-HiiliU;! ! ! t )j'j T< !*" #ue'i iiitotint :i4 tuny l/.' r???juir?*<!. , , . lri>xt]u?ft'.;.- lor nil Ir-r^uy IioU-h vtth-Uy , ! ?> <; i.o-.v FV lat/l.' in foVi'n ^'i*r pent hruui*. j X. 1' at. all lifutltr' j-?u. il-t?i>i)tr tlii | I . act i*!>iili he Yk3<To rPfh^maWc llt.llmpluio n i urn of tie (in* .TjiuitMifc nflof tiia oxpfrnilon ' ! of.Ave yiiii fi.Mii ilfp'r reject i\K lull (.!: inilll i"if the (ioV.'l I.Ttiriilf jhnii, I |.h.l? .1 In iv.jiPln the wnnie fit. (he PKJ'ffl)*j | 1 linn ol thirty yenr* from pitch .lute*. - hi I Sw, 4. i i>*l.-mnlil tin- hi'ii'Ii-uui Urn IcsOil |' l*y tlii#.iH-l onn 4<e |?r? |to ?.!, |!i? Sccret.'Wy^J | n.iny,fiiiid in llo'ir etviul . i-tilienfo* .^IiouMiiy,,.: li a iit;lil "I 11. lioCTi'is u> iRinawd V.ondn yl'i ' .ial 'nmi imioiMit, li?? i?s Ufe miniif 1 , can he |.rrpnrnr. ' *' "* . 7* 11 ^ptyvej l'\ h. 20;.'>, lSC;h "d -h | ' . [So.*? . - 'li In Art iu-J *th?> Ormttrmff pyvV''wr-1 . , m?l y)i*rhrryk in h '1 li??'t'<Migi^!*i of tWirCottfedicilti^wifUi pf | Ainci ipH iln And, Thnl piek. >*'?ninfW:.l, niol jj -.HphIiIM, neMli.'i * in ''"tflhiLtint* 1 thai to lull.i^i^h* tiiel ? imxicY tlic | 1 lo'iyvirrg niixs ?nn vouwvnlTOIW! ,*11 JJlCiW J wlffi^ tli^ro ?!* > I In-/*' ?* mora to?aptlii1.-<,: thu-o mfrgfcoiw *m rhnrgo of Hnrpitnlt, urj flivi^ofiH "in* linojiitula, i-hhlt <on??jMit i? h n?nrd of Fxnniiiiet-H for |he hopnifobi to', which Ihcy belong, wlioyy Jilt/ ft i*?II b?. j twioo Hl/wcji vryyk, to viiH tertit borpilala, and c:.amine aopiianittj* for fuvliM^kn nod <lft*twir#ei ; Ann in all case* wlK*r?4ocy.?b*R fiml an j?|ipiicuiit for furlough nufit*fol- militiiry dnfy, oilliA JWotA JVnac ?r* tmuBdu,! npw mreb lima a* thoy"?Tf|Ol dWin hirfl unlit ftjj * xtjrMv** 8%m iiiM I i*.lio ?O *l?*?r*t*r? *c ?Cilf. *bn JMI tj and rhon Aty of the bonrfl, ' l >o?*ghslsh.'i oT^jMdiiJthc tipie "t fnju. f- ybK?vnp*?y. rcuhixgrt^^ vf fj?v *,4' . Jfl"h J, J*' '' Tl,?t Lfa? ! ??!r u r? ?'"ii?%ii 11 <]iftirhargrf } "<? IK- (jrcuud tbqA wTS^I . ? * . ' # - * V - * y v - ' a < *4 * 7 **'" - .1 ? <??* ? . - **-* ?,r iVV#' '-f V attu re thuro ?u? but two h^spUawH MLrt!f4.1Vii in . llbflTllt' pi A . iniKiliLil yv r??JWw^ ?^GSERrm ift Or.. Pu,^3r.,Hti.*,,- be <y?<tU?U ?fcbqor<l fvr.. .the 'n,'J?l,Kb iu?vpi]iui> v^wyvvw'u, hiq m? convnh-soengo (if tk|4w?tj!i>Dlila tie eudangeretl'tliM-ehy. 7". ~ f -? <?. w*. -/ftv?A?wuga M?rKooji - in nil' liospi* taU shall tee MttrttH-hf.t charga - . W&tis.1J An Act 4o Anthorriit'iiiH&rciafar# t>f U'?r (o *3%reAgwc ?r l*em ? Krai -hHeW. The O?ni;r?^.of the Coivfaloythptojif Awgwen' do-ejwetj Thnt ffiU'weretnVy' at Wiy; be nit(l Tut U Iitftwhy nullinrl|e(|.ti> pureliitre or It1!*** nn^Saiitil nil rihrtgrhrto vMAft may bv hitp W? ilvvtneil neeeMmy Tor tha.iw*?f the t"lpvcrnro?m>. In rtte" eop<ui*t of lluW ! works or ?pti otioiis fubiuttted Vv to Ihe ?upw"Vl?loti o> control" of *tlii! AVnr l)o imrtjijiFTtt, f<>r'which H]<[>rt>)>Vlnfioni?avv undo hy,Oougrc?>?. . Hj:0. '"2. Thrtt I ho Qeorof nry Wn v is iciTu'y AtiUjyrUctl |J5 tjt tj fy tinJ contjdcti; iiiy ).tiicl?t?FO or lenso pr real e^tHt^U'-iylp. ore niiulc yii'Tor th? (TirHflrtti of the'Chief >f Oidiiung^, .Hud i^L^ocji.h'trsos or|ytrchnv heretofore uiiutc shnjl f>o fiuuttbu uTsfcfltr is the Hiurni t?r4- <nn?ruvcd lty?Uto fiectotttry t >( War. . ' .. .. -[ Si;<\ ;). fcverv V^fvfiaso itf frechi-l-l. estate untie l-y authority of tlii* net shall Ii<>.suhoct t? {ho oondiCjoii th^Lt- the consent of tjiu i ilnlo within' whose UiiniU;-it. lioc, shall bo I ibluinorl hy the i'on foil crate (ioveiui-iepU AjU'iovod May-l-;,Jao.t. ft-1 j. . ^ rx.rTs.] . ^ \ -1 4w Act to joy <>P err*, At'ouCo)nm!**ir>>i*J j (* on A uw /s<;aHtj "MtrtlerrA iliM //# Set fire 9j'the Couft'/rralo fc'.'utf, far Sirt!ere Actuary PerfornteeL The Ooirgron'-. of tho.Confe.b rate Wat f * of \iiici'iof? <lo otwud, That .nil wolHot-i'v oinn>i#?ionc<l otliccrn and pcj\ nloa.ol" ntiy cpnlly -canst iuil?-l military..onr*nirnlii>ii, .vliicli tuny hnvo hcen-ngtuttliy rei"4P>t1 iy.o I ho sstvicc of the Usui federate Stutio hv . inv {tonevtil ofUcer thereof, l-tit wore never ;;n!ly tu-isteroil' inft> service, irr'conse- I |iii*nc ' of lheh??#{?f theTnostee-i ell*of misIi | niliUry nrirniiixalipi;, shall bo entitled t? j -eceivc j-nv fruitf tlie t inYe M lify \VVr?fs?rr* t vivo n I'rorUU </, 'i ho fact of theft-ha virtu loi-n ?ii received tfHif the ?wr?iepN ntvj t!tff ituu tbefc o-TveJ. is July,T*f"veil t<> the snl.t i iof1d|i "?ff-. i lii'-^eeretTrrv nhtftr lilest to ja-i hv liluK * Aji|-rovcl Mnj-l,lV?K?* * 0*^.* '* .1 V. I I I I ii -1'/ {y provide '/</ ' thr J 'a .turn' >j cfHiiin Xiii lli C'lif'tlinjf JWop J to'li thf Hint of thru'iho Cortr-.-"< of thr? Confnl-rnto of fmot :<-.x ?*?-?iiMft, Xllfil JicrtKi \>\ HioKljJrj-f Notmi Carntlun, n4 nf??-i v. u'iU VJ-'W^Vyj hJo tt" n-j v ire* u| iir I'rijyili-l'uli} Stilt-f^uy fTi?i 'tufts, fjHillins from th?*. il*Wuf tuclr inlUini-nf! ' ** . ' A|ijnoVt-J Mjiv-'I, 0-2 . * s*.] . ' . * >. In jirt !o nj-irjdt Ji*r4nt- Irawfrr of per ton* *cr*hiri w? V/?r A i'iUil In thr. jYlW Tim Conyof IV * Statr? | if Anii-rif.i i)u ?iuu-t, Tltnl irM fKiiSoti* # 'vV tijf in t!io IhimI fiuy.-s of llio Coufccfrvtil< | ? iio (I tU^ir.-to ln> Ifi?ii6fi'i?-<M to i in* t.nrnl 3i*ryic?v nfi4- liunsfitr hh imreir ni*? or*jilurry ?<umu>'u tlmlf- 1 c~i^i ' >?i< rliy tTo- fii crtliu V>I I h>> N n vvf *Jml! j > ' (t.-nii.-'f-i i<T"l rivm-4lfi? lniul i?i tli- naviif fffciff? : ' firOrMrlf, jit., ? n..iUu>3 in tlii* rH. vji.ftl f?o mi c?ti<1r(i?l :u? to r. |ii*V ?i- i c. HM'l m?#V' in w hu)v 111 Uirvc JiiuUi'HJ 11?v ' 'pi'. u. I" 41' h.-uinjfrt. uYjijirtix'Sii ttny *1, -0T2 " ?*; **' ; "" ' V.V ; fj' i., iji rriliif Hmif' -n :,\q <vi-;?<-u </?t'-r't nut! 7 f /fl'^'lWllloilr, tt if ll.r ulttniiHiij i-4i/i.->/in/?r ^iivt <ift 7??<|i5"/r/ii iT..* " ' 'llo- 0 >*'tH I ho <V i ifcJiMc- S<:U?tt <?.' Vnnr'-av tlo t '*?t? 'Xliat B'? i-ftuvv cfi i? ftfii .uli Inv HjifCs !.< i-finij; trtimtlyiQpr ili*''ni*v liTont t iiivjilir' inotn-.j -. iiiall cmri rrt f*' hisr owfl r inrrrl^iviit^r'^tiof nf |nmp> rty or iin-r?-lKiiitikc/ron 1?tf*airo u vtuii'it, 1??I.I wirU-oi- ni:Uut ii.fcri iV, *t.y J Tliuii Ct tl'Q^miljlir i.'iOut-T.f iiJt iirtnl ?(*i "U^f.i fur rift* Wrfpiti-j^ irm^ier; " JUIiui.-i*! ftit or iiifjj . pirr J;ur^lvlM.,. " ' five. 2. Ttm't tnt < HJr< r'efiftr-i U .u iiU tin* ia!'o-t(4iHiUuf. tVHL-iirr <it,4uitilrriifa>T?it .o^jialii* tmiucy.', or 0l'.ri"*iu?l 'WilVot n?>-icur<| Inly of iHirtJftw^iiR Titi* tl?<-Tf??rri.iiPiit or-niir ^ lcI*i f 1 Urri*.>r. Cf .ill t>av, Uvi<^. tivtiio o? yH-c?'clr *ilto.1 dink'tlr or Inrliri rlly for ilC wuri?' of itilu li iiin. II -r o#tior< l.i? rj. nt- <lvi. i wire unv urtiyfo of TV;?..t of ifottiiif.whi*i) tli?> vamu ># m*4\ It" lyC'eloeiitCi'!* iol.n.p roo^d*,!** ji il l/ ?M*n. o. uf rou^ OY iiltiylc joldlran 1 \Yr, v. l.wit i_* ui 'Tnay ' >' ruiV.rr'f tx tN yi|j i'u.-'i ! (> r llio oaflaif iVe itn*y ? the ^rr<-u M-l o| .l.f. _ \ fur. '?. fA, thitU. Ukp tw r^ttipt-U%~ 4.? !: fo + 8r.v^nil.^Uyt?; ?11iiji'. < paryni*>.?f t>y tin g"\, 11err if": TU,*t i^r^-.-liftli At forllf tlu* n'lijYunt paid, and,t ?count t.rfrid ' it''r? payment ii- initio mi -ncc'iiuit of proj^u*" j ;.^p;trci?.i"i: the* iyt;y^>f'nlinH eer fytlftVil iftlutrof the "pvt. oft IVnm trhrnn s*i l< p?n; ?Vtt IMJf pWalf#*-. d. ar.(l?thtj, | i.tce of ii* rioe-iawS^ i !>? tbiu^ amhuig* purohjitiid by ftviut^niini. I*'ft, ?irtpcnf.Vi oi iv' oHi:arv in'tV' paifi? ajar citae.^tfie pfiK- t?ycti? rtn.l "flie #!ft* n: Hl> f*te> men#. .?# , I Hi e. ). N#Vf5?eti' ?v>t?f tfcfil eVuefffe%f IrnRjj^ {>avtMitu* i?r vtfco i.i miipp.w,* r.^ tu frn j ^y'.wiiull lor.Miird eruirry". line;; or at lim c*p^?i?i^*W yovcrffinrtnt, r r ti> lli, . !u pirt W !i;fnjr?ti fj4*vr?i?>va' JVeiah:, i iiiy tciomwHi.-. <p j't'i'pcrt.f'?d' i,n- ' lei# the FftfUe Ue'mi^a . tltti a<i>tijiniii|it or r *iiyo alvAarfMctii tlnrcof, tnofopt a# uut'miv-t p l-tiy t?#r ' I " ' / V ' ? i " BJCtT, h. ?tnf "fcflirr v.-lio mi!l fUikta nriy r pC3*WW**?n loo ttn-^nuMK ?h,UL tipmi j n conviction Jx;*?nuitfid or jtiili# try I ru?iii t, t>j nod, Arc, I, rtw plaora^u tlio m; 1 . j ,i pr^vrvto to jwi'.Unreal-: V*.?e<WA/, j 1'but u?t1?<kg-4i?iidh <><i?YaiMl impairI tile clrtl Un> invirnniypi nmv ^ ny?'.n<t any of*je?r orMiii eftvWlct .t>r j rinu l, e)'i ciMpti<ui m niu?i?i p!i,<-.tlfm!Cf ptili- j Ifa nnut'j'li miiiimUrd tfi'Hi* * tho govefiotnviit. j ft. A/flfcl1 I nny pcn-oH -iu Ujo V&V 'rflew fx Vtirvice of U?? J ^oTeroUiaHt (fa nr'ire?'diJ,\fi>il a.ll otlfl-f toiniyit' tl)o pervibwlnf ?,L? act, HhAlU*fcd;?to Muy Of the rfro?Mi<gi? of the fbco#'' HnulK WliMl.y to iwtli,ftn<?f, .iirtt fitu-4 in ik.?-tni not fjnillAn anfl tt|4?*niid drfllMy^, mid hn..rU?iui^f<uft I. A. Atflt ?m fSrr, lonpar ?hllif ?^ty ydVH.Ho b?. Knpo.o.ll y the jtp>Ko Ojfjuxy?#>!>? tbio?u?o. ??* SV?r?* iiWlahit Ij.rooty,dlrijp tj? tti flia Oavarnl State*: -ffc? I.U i:iwh <(' ,S.. -SiMA. fat visit ^ ?nli . Ahall hm ? no*it to commit ? ? M?i?^t>*Ar rtr* Au4)1rti-ut ffrftpcrflana* Voft-iilWva agaUiffl tfrm l?w. * ?vpi ?r at tfa* n?x? " * CAofwlrtUc T?ncu Ant c&id^fp|cd, irtf i'rti ih* "ftnaanur trd ??n?U> tluh *ay?? aulMt'aS^. *am,? l>tttUiAiajiy taut >v?#o u*J U>*n? i5a J.kIho Jf 1 + ' * - - - *-*- 3. . by tP.U itv t fhnll ut tbo cc? siMtccWlut bf cft<U titssiun <?f tlicir r*?|5coUV? ^ KUy^lgjlWgN*' :>n<i it* pftftruAhrift OU^r?b^j?fttnJ juried. ' *1 "* r Mmtm( r~ n i i * a rrr tc rfnfriut .. Art 0>aid^LT''U\ ; A9 i ?4 OcU^er Vtk? 1602.'; r ' ' Tbn fMgfcfrc* of-the Confederate Btnt** H Aiocrtoa fTo 'court,. That . in addition t? one ?i\i)^n^^-or' ' to^^en<1 ru?lv nriny corp^lin Bcljl, uuA-t?.di.<h?* tlij powoc oI^aklWIvijHr." *t'll,ru.vv^ October ninth, cf|Jit<j?'^J)Ain4i-riiiiurt sixtj-lifn. onoA?it>tn?y eouft HMin>e*ffcani''p?l in -cncli of ?*tiMiit?t^idgpnr(^^t.ry?;.in ,ww??? ^diu/ rc^iutoj^Ki jix> orgjtn^cl in the uuuini r ;\i^T tvuocribe^l IB tb?"a*t Al^rov<KMMujkI,:|ftil&.,, Y?k y?r t ,v 1 rr r-> Mr Srr4i>*t nf itm. j\ct (Mn jtM?' * Aft mrnt ?/ <//..?/ './?i*4?r? oj-^A'oikIV *^riHft;?ign>?#'&f iMW* of Aim-Hf* do ov-t. 'J ?.?t tb- t! tMt Al'ili u?t cutitkU^ ' *VA? Art djapK-u>?%u r/>> no eighteen InlnttrL-d Ant*'to T*"vitlo lor tt:ii nnuiipt nKri'.\rnog* of -t-W'f ;<>& 'UiV Jorcarocl officer* it tut *hJyTvi'ri*1T>o oOiifbioiJ oT furco until o'tirtr\t>A? pfotrftleti >y Approved 3i:?r 1, ,l"'. <* y>*cA ;; : sait ?&9BqK& AUTUVKlVn title l< il.^i f W UliijURtvj' J n:8 <lr I jrvViiT, ifiiii tn: i n rffn f torciTTby il^.'Wtnpn 111 iv % Mt bin I ?t rotuooii'.Md pnirc>,At tftuJterhK " 'jaEQiiuB'ii i?ir?r in ' ." * 46 ' *" fT if '?. ' ! Stato of South.-Oaroliian. * I1V i . Tbnrnn^S.-Aithnr v#;- ) ? Jt m??o?lL?vf/ '^'tKWwwi''of?*U J.. i>i?*ui. -j . ^IUIK Outap^iiiiuiit u?\4ji?j 11^^Jny fllvi) I l.t.JfWl lHu' ak^tvn (ifiljfJ.Mfu, ard it i!|>pc:iri|.^ to tli?? iilliMrtvUrtn of~4i'?-~CoWV rrttainmi* tiful, (*ll J. ItAyOA-KT. 1* absent f ?mrtb?v limits w iLi? SiM;;: fi t* Or'U>>&, Tin.' fu* fiu ?u/W.or, piviiil uj; demur ti>^r^plniiini'LV iiilLe','//.#.i iht'cc iii'Hit/tx, or tliu>urnu wiU lie tul;?Ti jjo fSitj'iiut fl?i iii'lilm. ' ?\V*1..M. T! ' Alp p-'<irl. >x ,.? .? ; - Sffffl p v.- ... CLASSICAL AKW KfiGLUjJT '/? r w to oiA;" fv Tjin. if, (.'*a't,"*"-.vKf> tNtn.rpw iv#^u seiPrfTOc rr<(jnrty ? to? t^rtfv iiK... K?Y?VjtDS I I) 5^ titft, Jll'itil Il?<j lij.|iliilv.llinll of u? l n( Tv?>t?,W' t' -)'v? l-u*v?r?tTv nuriuj; tlio ritvpeiir ?"W of thj l'.Ttw;?< ? I?t 1 ? ifllU'l'liiib, llili upoll r'v 4io i't il el'Ml.Y. iN.itil!' ; , 0>TiI lk.1 ttrti t' tdP*1 .W-'^4#?*UyyVhii'<l t.rto (iii.?iii.i^ <W t/m .hhjjJ? L*4lHjt fAv^ni j.rV fvTrr .1Wm<* v ir i :.,luniiiVi.*blif-"^*? 1 ^?.v.vV>IA in ?u\ .1 f\. e; (Jo;.! di!,i,?i'^?4*ui? i ' ' my llj. Tfto uUijn>t \r-ft.1i rn i ' wTU He %x?fi lull ?>\ i r Ho' it.<rpi>pili'. "?v IVr i.i'An' l' ii?!?n uw^ii?n l'r?.fM$br 1*1 P. KW|IU)%irttivMWK 99 Ja* " n3" 'V K t>'** . >^>600? rt. * -* 00 T molusienfal. % . l^iVIl I'l.n.flj Ilvwfcfil.-^'r.i I, ni.y s i^i r, riii'iY^iie fi< l>(% to. lutilic. \ i-ni ! . r<l>i^iuu?v liol.i-^t iiii'l 1 l < K.\ rtvf-i -J. TlrirTJr i^iii' .. rj.| iiO+xilU. ItiV, i"ril4 pn 0 hiifiiTr. l lny'i*.f rtiil ijret !< ir<,Jl.v 11111%'T f I5y's-*iwjr?wc Uiitir^flilrly you mn> ?_ ?'m-? 11 > yotii^u}viv-Tu-iili It, w. iHili. bvijiity, MfW.ljKV nl:i1 n ?.* .\ <it'f UlMivttiitiit t'lH tf? \h\ (bit vnnif 1?.I. J - - ? - - ' - - in?. y* iir nm i ^ MUhi'! iUl* t>n?r tyUiru J>,. Kit A S fv i*:. .INDfcfiV? *. i CxvrW ^ic?l iJ i? ?i1'. gu n C?v Vn. ^ ;^V? 46 y ' ; >-'v ' EXCHANGE TICaIC^; NO. 6. rji ur,, ^iirtf iih u 1 - 11At J l ofu duly exrltitliQyiJ, iwi.l ?i'u litrckr At ?i';+w>l: \ . * ? I I. Aii ulhu-ri ?ni\ O'.-l) \tho b?'?n d-f t'nwl rt *!i?y tyoiitt al :uiy louo pKtyoIlt tv .May A. INI''. P| iU- Alt elUtfttiM i'liptnrfltl #t-ni"> ? l.uw Lrf? *?*! :Uo Aj.rtf, t$i>, tt b'j-iuit'i. bufc??tik*?n) *iuyu:ii?r^ _ jf. AH mm o?p!uryif "in ?W> V"ir;*iiii:?.t 'iT*i"*tI:o fit Ayrrk)'!^ Kfliu iMtVtr hi'vit rt leuord. au '* < i. " if; irtfiv r< m/.<) iuru f.ijjit:rtM ?-<J ly rt. i\ iiiTi. c.fpSttVrnn to J"Lit ' *Tt 1 :fi? *- O i !l !'. I I lrtJl?y IlK^f * b, THo .i^'u :?rs niut itKl'vi in<ft ].?, n.lAil l>y l.HioU Col. Stett itrtJi^Van. l'.ui. ?>, an*! Olrti. IVxifroit'P^^A : j<Tft>i<^ IMriArti.Mir*., l? I ?oim ir3. ' * *, ^ i l>. Ti'i* ofiir.-in h?<1 ?*oai?-V??ir?>^ ij.l aIW tin-2;:^ ?/ Jw ArrTArW ,, mi f!.,- t|4:i .1 jinnjlv 1171(021Mint ?l' llnl** *?<ore? JVh.. 2??Tt'\ifviH*,^*,i. r. AIT pvT.-iin wJMkJl&Ve bft t!j^*?a.-?i' iitf* lHti'?|i JgMjUO,.! > #Sl MHO^nC upon fiin i\ ?-c<iR.?t <>1 Hii* i.'**>i.i.'!iifij*.<>. VpiUui\-A irt npy w\;p> i-revJUd. .tit I>v*eiu!.VWdMi? ia?1? ? tV*,!?" y Jk: AM dvtUaM lw\'..0 l?rf n. J?sr?*sh*'l M ( ' '/ *f%* lf'" '>tU ftjitj r*< lwyrtl <ryyiftrkW, .tW'.ylHM;:irrf*:'! irnni Vn'y ltiifl cv ry <>ou^tn*?t>l tu?-f \.?.uilc. yf* P\*fT* JMJi Uiiani/*T>r M.A%f1rja? ijiirc l?? tl.r TTiJfcil ^liitit?a*r ^tryn i?jjy y.iTT, y if liiii i* !< m till utty ct)fc?!>toik U? 'l? _pi*i !iurgi. 1 lrt *15+ * *" ^ BM ( > fA !>?*, |.yr' t 1**' cntti iip^d In npy^if llie fo*i**?li>)? wMim: ,.?n ia Art>yJ Mijirft <1 (mjy .lirrrltqM ?i?.> n.jijti,'; y. fiiTuliLlht^'ttW iftiJ.irM ; y t>.ii?g? ill ?'!> y<MPiat.imi?i f!i.*y 11.1 ii<f^v<j4Si).| J yM 11 t<t tlrt VvqivScrii 1JThhMmjiH;i.<??..; .*5^'Jf * rT ML-1,!.. . .,*t * ? * yt twk***. > 21 3 ly; . '' mfiuurflfp prirti tij Trill Wlit* feV^itWiC rv/'l irt) ?:x ,1hii ;ii?ail**>reypA*iUj|i conutr i? tl.a \i .ir l>cr.,rl^.tMit.^t ^ STATE OF 60UTJI CA&O&WA. ' - R.\K(.M'?K'14 HW'A ftllUKN V? f ' 0?M*IIMVk, JCNI^G, iw. f . f .lW *a*r*?l ifw,.in?i^.' llio V-^ C'ouf^'WiMt fol k^^i lHi? uj>cjj <}i'l?Lliavq rj^ortud U> a ylmlo Vfiriayu' wJtreU< fjavon and4tj'rti"iMii1y " i* "/ri, fyj -JJ" ww.lifi?U rt>" h.V?s52r$^B6$Hlt *t?i?VinJf Hfcjrffrv, jltlurtW r^". S.? tr??." T., rfM U.J. ?,mRI?.?( iwpj^ ntM tA^in.da* 4r<*9r' c?r-. iiij rttVgm4ur foi^K?'*U?*(<y Jn'TnV HeM, auit Ln>*Jr-/ri1 jWI t? tu/u nnl pro. ] 'f<??tM>* of ib? CinM???r ?ll fof ? pBttfpn ill th?tf r%tiir$a KIOCO TO^ ?*it\Tec * ..v t/" '* *v . ? * * ? ? r ._ L* if ? * , . i? rv'.' ?'" - iiffi "T v.? X '?- * ** l~MH ti i dMfra tiftpusantltil-'n fur tUo|i. rioa of ?ix months frouiOio ?t#l day of Au^ost next, to bo fu*** \ Uhod by df?tt. ttlwi in tl*e hiWrwedia* . i? local dotoito^Aiiil sfyeciAl service, atUiutno a \ equitf B?nib?n>a ?nwUreH and r?port*it|r '1/ tho Wm )>?ptfUn?nt tv* iulijo?t to the M. ? ( 4 toiihia thoajiiyt j"v Xlioao o&Wtrfaj&nn may bo voluotoi^^ * / w^B ^8,QbJtor On examination of the Act y ffno oyo HnJr?jy?lol service only within th- ft State, mi Jer offlom of their ow^t -soloHluti j aimI with tbo pri?M_e?oyf i-Ajindniot fttJKM**, t in nw.|rnv8iut 01 trwtr uiiIcm caIIciI (or o Uro^otmry^fllngeflHBk jB -"V f xujyn tKe pehfrt* of th? Stale to nucfoUTfc* ' - W' the: day tbaffl<to i]>?i*flt^rf>^ onUrs *rtL '^J liy the rr?*ei<Twrtt W1 tkfl defeooa of. Mm ??* T 'io^rj vfiiJii ?ioh^itrii>? Li^v^ A?r' rtie.^^P lIUH?.^^vjfft?r tin rtqtijitfen of T2jri*idtiiit livfUVd, tke jCJovirdoJ nvltJ tnke ?t?|? wtfnCnrtyV* m lui^Jib^rb^t'rt pjotgt'tjon of .*uchmi o H'M fillrd Xtyyeiift oc ofbu^wi^fOr Uic ?oltv\j - <}*:W .'t ,. enseali?. - , f.. nti.fcr fny h?q<w?rd. U?c hf*V? UBk *r ar^lumpU. CUwjwnkentty^mr > ft.. &"}. of .Jhimv A: 1>. htV"Y1u?p??rt<l tlgHl , '. liMtiJn J nod ?lxty three. _ at' ;.: vfi.l BftfN^sZ %V.m. tl. IltNit'^fcretofy *>1 iitotv, !CTr * v?*t . ? e * * " ":^>,. ?.. AN ACL' .. to rr.ovun:' roft iocat. i'H"f*c?t ajcd ?n?\t, ' jj, . ? ^lwngv ? -r f^Ar'-Ci' Tt'Tta rflht Ct*'ftnryHtfOt ?A7r>fc<. "J At?rf,en "fly rmrft, That ttin "l'rw-W | ilOlil Mr MD'l Ik* )? hereby mithvnscil to hoAflfr' ' th? aeVtiec* <>f vurtbw'rHftfni;.M%cl?"tftud "KAjLa ] sWch finTi1 Tlttin mi Tin mi iiy tl/wnrffr^ r'Hriif^JfTJ *e(vc?$<i? mi oh tiuro na hw*wmy v*hyBtjM?>>Ttr I the, fh lorico tif v v.\ or, tociUUiu* gf m c< ir.I t?my ilftHWXp'itifll j Ilfc??V?MIW forcyo?J#Jl : Jlio <?*> jrjobthe I fyr the luc?l, ap.'cial ?trviv??''af<i?b t t ?i.i.i;.t!;o >\ jinKr toil jaiihK r'/tV TtijjiuJI^y the fvVf'icca to Tor\?wTi)i'iitPtl j titril.tho i?iuil \ untwhr* i-IijiH n?;t In) rniiniJehij^Xh aetirtp >'$ I Tico of) jl tlroAiuiito tfWtrect IVj- 'tTO ' rhtsWkwt. ' An"rt thov ahkH htf4fot?tlr<l t.i j/yy ... ? .. .... . - lur-synnTlino 1 be- on <lirrv ^iuUct tint' utW^Nif llw kfl ' **-<* ' w { iSkctijuk Hi- vy'mitcrr fAfcetff Wspii I, t<* iMrmfitc<l or lcTcjl'irt(?*? avtviv^, I nr^uiiixc^j't o^M ^Hftywnl >ftl.jc<-t' tti 1?U tbv itf U'^Vt yx";^" An A?t t<) jVr??vid<f Iwr {Jio pi'.'fTV'ifi&'itPt:, p.|>)n-u>u.l | Miia'h.ttli, ! *: >L.iiiul.juivy l*> i??;i?1'i.>1. y> *nv(j j il xi#i?'>v; >??imvut?.cr. lmt(?uot>rs ! tlm l'r?vi'W im iisv.v *liucly whim not j auiaod 'jl) tJ V tti t a1 i<pi*'< 'T t'(jyiinvut? i.Kforw w> iu;r tuoeUiCu U>lt>?vrvi< c-, ?h?;'l'rv"*4>lilit oti;?!b ^ ouiu^iUo k?i?lti<i?tui liiol i ,*i ?ll?si ??rx^*u!!? puylfuy wtiii. J -\UVW^ Au^Uiil .?.} I s ^ s- ' * * . * "* ^ * )f . At j'v ,*xi? hi>r. c?i sur^i.'n OrricK. j . . .? Cnhimliin,'Juitu' Ui, loo 4. *] b'ti/fffi Or\!rr* t. * *.t? . ?- 4 i 'cpo riirry into iffirl tlif Prudent Hon"rif 1*.* ' L!i? Kxefcllcn't-y ?Ikj C<nnm?uiil<V ifc^ ' .X'.ltW'f ;|!) 1 IJltS Ac) 'V (k ojrv*c * Tj m 1 ' ?'?r \<>inT<1? fvnjf" U"'t ?iu'<int VtrViCt'ii ii I V - ' '?2fM ! L TlJut". }T?o / flltfCfyt " f.lji <i i V.ijLy ? iU^nuv\^ nrpciiillt- nl,.'llu,'ii" tpu*l oy^V'?vl>AV, ii'?* ?tlij?f I i .Witv*n<-*! . .A# jn<4!i}y?rMitliiii tho ItAiUttftf ^ivWTM,|\kUve?iHWN^N(?:.,?j? to miy , j ukilit'aK^ "?^y3c<vjfy ll?f U wa. .of lh? Stag-, ' , iOT?<h<*i l fo." vvit)fHPyr?lo ;,i(H-4 |plum of tint VrtVUlvj.i tf tht'fcnfp'tifpkli : on tjiie >?t!*%V'>f.<f'^ntKif?*,for loeifl <!? ' ' fo?;c '. 5'?-V-itns' r?t?\<vnmoily m .1 forty liv# j t?*uti iucUtflt*>l'-i!? tiia wt!!. ' y . i~""IJ. t Ui (ft. v Itv.'itirvut fuil!n'? to fuvitiib,.. j l>\' vi.Tuftt^t'iin^. it^, <|iiuln |4 1nlAth ii-4 l?.v? "1 I v U out i itX (f.-rlf! t>, Imi) i'M^ OiU or?lvi"T tkr cot^tnaHi.iny r >lhi iui<j^4i4t^fy< <1ihi w' Cj-orii *!(<>*>>'IjttUI* to " an tuni-nii|tt?rf j^i-: ?)t e l*ynnil "tli? liniU* ol Ui?ir r?#p?'cV?ro'^ or** of; foijy ??r il *jrf?yl l'i uii-l itt? f.ttr.wta nrv.tnU^v I oUtu. ii to mcUo SfOHid t|"'rf?^ ?" ?|.tat I. U?. <-oHcroft?;tiijo uHittfr* of Uils^ itocjil* tjfj- r< ^nByU^MMBitJWitoly to nr^iHiqfi i'ftin trAofv'^.V^ riW^nl ioti><out|?itii.'? of ii"*itlinn I'^jity^vttr!rl^i<?* timpi1-lUtrtv otwJiiHiafi ^AoUa^r.jr^ts ^iT.l j riiot vii tiir IiiiUi<h? ?'li.,ti.uit?.?-??rj- " ' twt JH4. -Jf%''fclfcfcc>u?mht?l<?f(jjl? N iutytl't.y I fir en [itrtiiiv nrid hntttj:^'"i uVH jS^ti itKiMvoH'mo ? ?."-tlfli-ot?A vl .-mj., ^*ru4!)uw't*%???lH?>!lA orihr , t T j'l V-tW t^onmiarit'iflg ofl^jpr* of- llont IiSfeV'- *TP*r*'JI|''"*ji And Wf..i i) t lu tfrc cutiMnWiiftU'g ?>f lh<V, piVl* ai*S5w ?V|U.4.f nil inuty* **w-i*4>? "wAMii ?to-JUa'-^ KiLfi?*ii lW#fc?t>*.y. MsgflWiy? {>PV'VN - 3P. v. OiU>!?<M ?n fiin iuip4m Uvtt?s*f)? jl?o I nttt u aT ft-rty ttud^'iv rears **ill b? euMrut .t<?'. tlrftii. ' m ^ I V i. i'uuy-nr>f? or^/md^t-d under lliU/wJff >< IJl li?? > Wl*r by order* i 4r\.j\ til** 04k 1l?U> JUi.f U-h colte't vgtf VM&Wjpt jfiSffiJ* juror* junif ep>. i*i m.-vtyj ' ' fltf* btAtvJ&rtWjfowutof ris ?nof.lf!ai|pO(i?' ? * tfir flm\l?ty ?>f Ang.tut nr*1& t- ' . ,, "L* J ^-/\ 11, yf.a r..unn?iinliinr oh rem -forgi irfcynts ni'u olim-jjch with titu |>itNii^iV **f?nyri'.ii ?n?| ? xocimoii <?f litis nrdrr, mid nny <V/ytUro* ilieir.|>Arte"r w'? Hi* [Art <>f *uy J rtfi'iCir""*i HAiOrtei??d \rhli tli^?vv?ri?i ?>?? w'.lii" 1 (In Inn-. * WlMjKumt rrntV lnsf*.--4icij*rii! h"Ut<j CaMiqiv j -ion* r; j a ! Cfi*rlrM6q fcntl_ CiiJjU*b|S-|*Tcri'.yu!|Ii>1k^ ihr >' ttAir* l| 'W1' T+Jilie-j.f/hiU.i ( M^r r i t.f 4!^ .' W. < I?#4L'^--.V CAkffomA. :Xnrt Ai&fJTiifL'. or.X'Ls oprnyi.ll S, C;, .lllllf t'J. 1 Stttf. | KjinlV'r 10 iiuiiJrida aMrmiar U> lil* X ' f45s*v\l?'i'cy )li? C*?v? t.iKir *i?<1 to tK|<? Otfoe, iliAjit+tvl-y Vuule known Uu?t IU> ' v flf 1 roup* eiiHrfl fjf-.nb; 4 \ll*r Tf?C fof drying I'lJffcfnnintfc'Vl nth] Ql JiiHI KI'l M'n^py laET. , ' < ^ " tirr> i^ft.^WTIKOTON. .?? <*,. A<3j t4?? lni| ecu-i (iou'l ?. C. > JnMf itf <1 \ ' V *"*Ur?'?,?f ^ *yr ? ??*y. . , JAJffiS M. AMS# ?'JL??2L'?SD EALKR, (;iuo?:NViiii.i; s.u 1 p4- |