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M l?Hirrt\i I^^Hltl wl.nt-n iulrror i^wns! IttotfrliiHg. Sfe. < T'1V<kul ?HJitinfc'tfi lit* j^O^)flpCMk-(- . HHH?t '".^fcVttUirW*au|?t?V ^KflHu.e {.. Ifl% t>f i" !V*i?Mr <?<f?r fiMrtui. on' ^ti:c ! :.'; < I ;i(i wT.niil't Orlj-tujfniv RNhj1'' fiiiu'f'Jin^ jbvj < brt;nl'?r? ^>i? citlior Epihl'i IH?> 41^ j?r?iTO }frtx|\?i? ?n\ / 1*10-, y t:>1 c-s : ; '*: ?? ;V."i^wi? kI:?j ti'aJ ' ^ B^Sj<i\l<|li sUinr,"^ti^>rv^?l Any -?.iii!ic? HK i? vfc>'*o f" '"Ti''iriii]iT SKMto^iirav i) ot'-?Mi<> tiwu .ofslib b^uiy KlSuX."Tl'u "Win H'u? U> c *xf>'*?<if \vi111 J BjflBi ? "!.<' . IT?U u oiidi* n* sCi* * * ii' i;?n.v -a ili'-uv. Sho^ * V < - ' * it g. ?'i! < a'.-!. '-|;UC "h J* i,- ^ iliiRijO'ii JrKj*rV J ^ *^ i.ljdT t'flt a 11 tfuV^JtiAjH..? Br" ;1( C"1 liiil |i.'V <> '"* ii";: ? irf?.; 4 *;'b: ;i'.'clo**-vf liijfr M'l-i ;! ?' 'I cnriK-p.! In r fci' ivi.ii* nrin* ; TTi? <!i iica'e ' I.?:?, IILM-HM* l?i{?- UiMUii. \Vagalie lmji]iv ^ 2 *-'? * L i II jw?ni?yal <jf |li? ?.?M? <?L MowijJi- J - -im'Ti', 0^<*i:v Mlivl ailjunnlioir^uiii'tf?' i ^i "*?K?r vK <} x ,a'?*" ipJivi' I ft" ilolUjky^ Ji? r . B',,'/ cm at > s-i.le rtyic^iyij Lk<wivJ V . W * v?"1 l*2"" k, to'<Tk it, 'iv.ij iBJj u;;:trP,Pl i' **>' -aSR-'V* r , i , * i'*gh* ^ . a 1 uF^in u. j. ,.>U*IiIH- * J4.. rtifj afn-r l??? T| B" A'jr l?i & a t?.';AjK%r * . *.7* ?*.?\_. lustdaiA) H-KiO^iog tci/ twilluuii to* 'i ' o,N.- ... , * V ll??.lj^iy grWlnfuI ?ckiu>Wlmt-.item*** - ' . ???* :: j^F* '. rt Miuiiih) h*^leMedhenivlff:l>-t t^jlkl,'' jteV cWtrfttWil tiieYW|tn^i?f\*-r r. MiuVMig i?ia J HwHytT i*c$ - ' ?Kp'-nVf J aj|i to hlfr ?tij*i. mi+i'inn, < ; v* i?e H*' *- * }'? ? ? -jrr?-4 i ixuxWy HI '**? iCnct 'rliPfi 1U0 *\ fn'.o iuii>ij?r il.'- ;' C4)wco. yirtre fc. V??m; Mrtiiii :v:n.v n fefcr cr&iv i. f tnrefbcnt ^nl^Bfln ?m -.-tUc grcnt,'.U?Jy?f| P y" tleu5& * ?d . . " NtUjjnn win* nri( fclve tmiKfrttt .h> P nriwrw' > <' 'V nuh.Mg 11',. li^i ! "Hv no>u; " <>. i P' \i ?uc]^t:yi^un WSV?^-ir. - *TTj * ^St^w U&r u{l/ /*?.! tlio ivnvmi,. ^ mtitunii'C lo-jrtr-eft', * > ibiirg my'' > L cannot Ik^i * i' ir^-" ' SB.3t " - 11">' '' V '"' 11 "' it jUt not rwW t!?# ??#|ir*Cih& ftn^ui ! * ? wo fim6*-?h?irtch?J . Kfiond, , t J\her? ??ni>H9^w)iaM) fcu-ft fa 1X^0 tTSatttita . ^CKJ^of fk *4rf 4^'?<#; , t.J.. .Tun ' TyT Whal ?1<> von <-l ir.o t" , ( v; - *i ? " -. /"' . * . " . . j* ''V j 4 ?* ~ I " .% > *' . r ~ . i' **' ?i>- *> - u rv .*. ? ^ ^ ' * ? v' ^ V, " J ~* / ^ * ?' .'? ". *."*- . , ?** ?- t njH 'jHOM < 1 .HI v.i<vn|i^Hfrn?piM?uif to L *iHi ?iriudW}h* hrrr pr+f tmlftfW'Vw W1I?*C*5l lufiilKfc ?gfte?ltt*? W?i<jt (Urf^u'iJ w?iniuu ?H*it>;j>)fwCv{ ltiftiovod Hpou ' *>: in :?li lU^tvotM ' i< ?>..( n> pJteliCTwMi"'" ii^ti-'o in.i.i.i t<> d^r^K' r.idft'^tte^SW*?*?rjJ:ir whfi'fvhomiMico. . " . SiWM P ovfltiiilu'cl l!.fcJlUtflt|<?r int4X?rib?i*lvV Lfcr 1\k?1 wiih ?nno Uft' wK* g.uw {.- fllie poor old creu tdA-^Uittiffl waQ^fci ?ff?iglil."'J>'-r>r,~! yt.ti your rliil.l \vi^? piarrtiTV!.' lis? *h* a luiiWamlV I.ive? Ii tn t I?i^i ?? th? treasure of n'tb'c>cJier:! ' ?co*wl\?> Vitt nut iwrajTv lo . VYH'k * rf iiiiUfe' tfirnugkr.ihii.': ?i?i hoat to- aVfctvtrtvdH.-for liar ? J>tlct?o?v" I .ho ;i ! i..l l'.M**Wco M>fie?ing? i-itfiro rfi.Wf * 11 Or V' u M f>(? In tl.fl wiul.i'ri <'ii1>'irt mvn h.u <?n?#i?-t" i. ].ru;il tlx* Mt J ' ! ')l?4d Uoulttk t I hi. i, _ . "* TtVen.V*tawkfeHvft tjjh 1?ai?pt* I o\imi munm'T; ta^RVop von H y^r ; hik! ?,t iho prt.r pf Hiifl thirty ufli ? ? TUo jifu- old ni??M?Uiju* ?;?><>. 1-iu-nlw & ttj ?KLariuViTrt' tr H^moiwnj; tio n fa/tiny Iipm.^orii^tii'r .fktidri WjyjFnTe~"v|*< dF & :n<?ra> **># a'I TVv;^ ji'iMt ' \ VS'.-lttid";,t {!' 1,1' It,-'I I. oni Utu-F lv ' V 2 r^\.T;-,lo i < \\ .!- I C" 'if 5rv:* >m;.?-ii!ft>, T.'.VtniVn^Tik nguin u^pu ?|ikh] >i--i wijii** n* t*ili%ii I ftV. l:c r.iit.l i?w!f. I !un?t?U- the I itl< r ?<! lrrtfts* ;!; * yi. *liv circaMni n- rt'iino ii4i<i<nnl tinu>0 ?u lifttl fpiiil ?>f her nii#tr*4i. ' (i i.4 n '1 J !111 U> ?l?kiic!i i>ro Mbfliiiiglv. . * . *' 1 I ! c .ii /!.) ilicrn >4U'nl, Mn'iiri." tfcfitfiimTtn ,r !-.? iirt^rdiPf^RSiijM1 ,11*1 tfl* i!wH iilii! It' ll*- I lit iVivrr'fe i^orc'r* tiillf to im*c i tun l If**' .W h* I ''""S. .?? . I ivoaj^i . I ?i?I not W!j?ijj^'TV j" !^"t?rtt<^lM^*Tlr n^4y,mi Unbuild* J We* iIhuvJ! ' V,' '* ' < j. *. : ** I JVllYtirWw': t?HI U u* x ' 7 liiitn ?-f n oiuiirt I I i! 0 ; i t. Mi.niiwjj, *tffc ? *UK>?'? ^v?lt, rlfey JM frf-ihitjt* Jirin WQ'J, vi$i a Mu^ui?U L-taliL'.*. JhtM~-vpi^? -^I|T *\ff* .ji/TVlJpM*1^*r^~ ?r^y oft t-;ffi>M.i *" ii'il ivk ntu n<w ?Tk>. O'hC ilm ifjfhl fcdnlmn tvwl.i in sh^j. EKgNap6ntiv? ;r^: f^W w?u?> tiwttncftt* tin- ohh.>rttr?n?*# p 4*U#Hi?Stily }?|?o|? thU vwWm uf ' Won r *u? pi ???, ?*$ < , 'Jviif 5>/l *inr??/1 : lt!u*i>4* covfwul 1mmfciriTf?i?^ ^r? chhi h>M|v? fewy IMO<4 * " f't'nw vo? I lit't^ght."' hjhi uliMt <io w?q think.of OftP?r rnu-l<?4v. - 4 ^Sf-iifcnTi- -< ! 1 rtt*igl,i ( ' 1,0^*9 ?*' tT4t u- yf'?N 1 ,. ^<TRr X. itli Mtai 3ljyi>-finn. " And honor I'1 ni<J 11 o.woman iho jr.wt?<?5 woiriait Hr mwi K Mid' r*i?n4t bof'Wyd yfriio itu- y<m ivoninueil, wiili tii >i xv^?U?^fnrcmnm?ttji>s !u>Kti **.?? o?ui.,i.u.t. ' :W^'>? Alictt'Ornktmo I r??? <! ?) *Shr?yflu*t r.aiv^ri l#..*.?T t bt?v*.ir v.ifffit'ff>r tl*f! ;' " I li'HC l)ijrt?f Vx^Mojyf -<u( Mttik?pvH*oV. jwnjr*t t*iot. vhi??? 4 jw?f fo?? yvnjo CW, IfilUttlftlt), W?* ?yon r twm??-h ?? . flit irttw*. w4tt? Jmfc. v. r F^rl* ?" In """ *<wt rou^l^ fo^il *cUCo* I | i?frl, i?-f*??ci2<i ^bhsjvc ?i y#^r *'ii I T?**fc * tl?M^*.l?^ -K*l>ouI<J n?|' wnm vou-^ ., ?Sr .i^LraL' ???ZiST-i wltl wl^ 'OfS* if /^V f|i fmi no i^Hkw wlLi.1- rt"'^ v the added. crpcHflwinitsly using'the mm- I. hn t? of the ?l*g?s ." can liaavfcn ulTow 1 yt>?i to b*et>t. en* ( am W - ' " The young gW iotuiriTply jvbrnnlt I frcit hrir. koep n* far from no a* yon can. tdaten ! Aty father wa* n cleigy* man.. :i quy*l lioU.t btfcnrett .man, who, <]< v.m'i| K? his hooks. forgot^hnt lie llH<h l?sldldrt V?rv early 1 whs addicted lo tending Jjlivyf. Night after night would. I fil Hp . dfovourtiijj the * ln<i?o?licA of jB)vakft[wnf?* pcrtuing dow fi ujf own crvdo thought* ; i^ut-at last, the passion becAtii'6 so 'uverpnWeiitig, tint L determined to ?erk the CitV and water upifi fti?> theali icnt profb^ion. 1 had no ; .tHvffttPr td woviirl?skcr JtOhft hnvl turned to a%he? long" *fj*v 1 -Wl my conn- . try home?left tlio Hntq to whortt I hAd solemnly l^-ti engaged? lyfl my dear old, wMuisiicndcd 'T$&ri ,nj?U catno (o the orty, i?r vfty h**e cofhe. -fdy h??ur.- j t)-^tO :^?nl'instntrt ttTmnrlotT ; no warn* , i"g A tend told nm tho danger* of the way ; rvu^dite (old im-? ?wL?idvuf>lio fllWht f'Vt' tha feet, Imfthu* thiru* for , , !\ ill ' /" f-hc KjtvWnlcd,' tvtili fcriif.d" ( ,cMipWt*?',V' .. i*i *7' . * i i Hic uit noyb tnklp yoijT ; i hut I would h?Ic von if i on nifi udHctg < to ! t.'.ve thpre-foaajl^ li*k">"f -You 5?1* I nMtHft Had Wm>;it?r; arc'VpM.wiViilh; i l ib" ycj.tiiMiui!. ilv.-ner I<i :? waiuaH.jl?h, < lire moat priucoheYs ftonaiNo ; and win n Ifikt??f)! Vhm jBMd*V*bw. 'voice he* ? e .-ityn .shii!lr hci oktevjie iVhar.t(5 w ero-njv ( lit- i 'I. ' i ' L> ! dojih lo- k tc 1?trilJp^*'ciH>d the I jntmg girl ; u i xrill U**':>y hi*t)e in < ih?. .?* r??ii?v. I.ixaaj- .Umn^hf, never-' thi?..' Kfnw vnu, O l v? tfnfc < ypMR*? J 5t?n- 4non*Aiid*,rpelf j* i|.,' im O't* "I }' vi'ion ; ish'Sdftpj-.if.g ; i uK-ry \% h.-ro<;- rwi?l"4 h??ind yoto'^namc r < muum'ied xvllJi nd??ir>iri?inf I.thongl?t?^ 1 it w:?* ?. path | | /Towers.;' O. - my-dear child X lSrv?i? Vnt>N^ ''l# ? ria^nifli f*if i?T beatt, atft V tfi'iHx wh afceilids nrr wr?dtg to tnaiilt riv*. Anrl iheiA ?- 'dt IwilJ j ? ' in.Hi} r;"?i utry inr<". lin o p il?Mioy, nil.I iJivn* dv?*j?dtf lliriu .in'j'j Uilji.ce. Or r<|i tl?<; lUlfc Ugi## jJT.'MV p iiifc.CrT (J,; f ?f .Ihis i..\ olii!:l;d<yf I jjir *1 U<tJtH6?i I A >>l># w'iwiii. uiintwuj li' iut,* -lis I 1 ifaryr **k?\ '. ' I w ? hip) .?"i?e;imj. J-,'* ' him yWnhitii>df .|'M?wittg di#?nyi) v^ < (v.sud j li? . liwnoi ortv, fWjiiitUil,' J K-yed; luol?i*.l up lo livvyjluni-nnrff wli?<H l\ps,iwi?ii>t?ni. \ AuU'lUi? ?ii? mliu moves him iV-inuclv-iiMw ?>r die I ihitfo'T lind 1.MIT{ SWtOl I envjr . Ii<* ; b? ih'fri?r hmWiwoi, funi thev ar* hUnkod wilb -f iir eUildyyK, mwt lh?i? "" fifi i?j^U wjji tfloir f?iu>*?p<* tlxpui in < iltvjt humU. tbi ysiu jUink I ??o?M J unt giw? Utts tallow ipJ^rt^of tliir Jj n l>? iTimrjjbt otiuid" ' of ip?, n/O Ov U u k i<y| V'Hi imiie. in' htimCi youn?? girl; ami J uly ate Utu..l<-1 to !, -ifjit, tsM uiq .T (lie wchV.1 ??> <fS?Mlc 1 iU*'" rpl^kd?*? t^nTiv ^von^ ihiglT of r* :-\m ' yuu twi hhuiuf* MtffS'.H f?Um n -Lnm*4?u>4 -ini'.io, Hu-i iKii.k how-' ^y .lay yon <Cevw tli?< h v/ !*>)* in lift? H i nm>." ii k?. . ' '- y4Hi>? Iter f?nc*- ri fjttce bonvj but bwgWk'^ 0? 1 fcortt 0 ? yi cut city. lltnf wve*l lootaitl. '^*to>cil>?iafc*i .Ui?f>re bor .Uof. *Ik-u it** -<tiupAi.rMi W U? tfap obi ?gw, ANfcih hot# (**}.<! sW (wU n. . t" thu oityilyeclied ?rira of ike wU miu- J k.iex. S All lb,! .hj* {T%,-ykHe'-n 4|MH| mut .nf 'tao^i ntn'i^sii ili Lh% !t?#a-fcbnored ffrffftl?- 1 Im%? ?f)*on bk? bend: v ;md AUfly'Vr?hHi\u-bt Ii}? vyifc. ? '. , ? J " i W? in , ikiid'Oni's Jwp*> tVm^Uiero j^ero i?o c it- , jdry^figliu in Loudon Gouirly ajrThttfi-' Off, Wi'lejil QC bpe^jj-'ifUr>Hd^?#tl?y -V ( , VoiieArnyjj'. 0?p wt?* ft muL lb* ; oybfi^wlpdtlU.Hrifr jfcjk'k^^var* i i ozf ixtimt*. Ifar Co** tvdre oy t|HimllfcflfclIdir ndviui$0t; d ec ul <;(Uy hi lhu?r fiMr<>r. Al lAMfefwe'hud four rexMiu'.t??V)d>R?fH, ! ***, Iw^A'Irr^'if\e4 to h ?-*- itViMTTfr to bV t*??mtnmj ^fry tfcri.v 6t?r Iftij^ itjyEl,' ?&??&!? # * *$$? ; ?* >?V #? s fp^MWjm.^ E?j E Sfej^X'1*' 2 ** ' * 5 *% * ^SCJSjHjfiS nrrmro " ? roc opentfiobirof llwt Army <.( t.h*J ?VT i lom*c, we kayo QujUnin^lttcaoftarikMm] noine of vrkicb-'ato por^m.p*-^!! T4 foioee i.?, th?t theeo/.p*' erhl Lirur-atojl eroded the iV.ofiae-'ii HdwwO/^rry^W X^U*&?h#: ley, nuirflhjjr, and -ttrat eijrteutlith btxkf of oliliefe nyv ooclTfcry - fetUTnl < *rr^ry f.MafylwiiJT ft i? KnWI,' in <X)J**olMri witb tf;Wejiofrl,. tb?: {i prtttv eiVvo Qgbi ^yok J.lmre o? "SaWrx^iV een the, n*qi*J tjuqrd b( Long#>trect'iv c#rp* and tho ad^Kne?rc4' Uie^iieiity hi-Jiwiietghboihootr of 1*ic'*bvrg. VY?>ro inclined to think, fiotteVcr, mnA thd.Lm inform* tioh -we huve Pj^Mi thin uhjvtft, lliat nil tlie-ftjjbfe-ing iWt has occuried tifl* Ldcil thee cnvtrlry force* ?f the extending nriuics., - -It hi liaidly U? bo supposed thnkif General Longdreel had heeii ?<Uvelr. cugnged iti-battle <p\ ^aturdjy, with hr?-rt*r oh#elY p?cx??e?i Wv Hooker'* force*, he would H???e eofliinued hi* mhrniice hiiu. trotted ihetiver on Sun day lUorhing, :-. Wfe think it altngetUcr lij;?!y that iHto report of a heavy eogagemenuhas urigi^jyted in ilio rerie* of-hiinitml iight* * ,Or uer?l Stuart -Jim* iTH'd nhlt. the ?.*kiuv, in tril tvhioh wo h?e% evieiy ]|^k<hai tv <kiR?vo he h.?s'; bifrti i<t??re tjmn -?<uAiJy ucees*fnl. With leh-Kaeo to the-< tights ttntiithe.-eoadi liou-of our Army, \?g ?>ye tlip toflywfTijj extract written l?v h tn^i'a* Idr of' tin* %> s. fiielfd iTi (t?? oHy. Mid mi SMurUy Wt 1 lie wVii?r:" ... . " iSfliee 'I Imi ! Mi.i v w? Imva I icon eon.-, mwilv i-Mriiiuliiiig. wi;Jt ilia eneiuy ?ihvirCs MiptPL- hi 11 v. -We wire IiAumi ttMiiigttjt of j?i nifiX*fiorio-s. The nltw ?>o i?s (.fifth nlW'. good etortf fer. * *. ' . . , ,* j i' l hmirjr T?rfb*e rtJ?ort\eV y?ti would j j ie. iC or n it, inn i wi-h ytm could, itis. Gyn. Ixm.'ii. ttoliW,. niiny it) hi..Hun* t? 1 lnvve witliiii n /Jiast. ft6t> >r \vn*r*tb<ua jv hi.ite fiiulj otgntu&cd xuly of ii.eii in the woiU. lit* m^u . irp Tn'cpJeedi.f tyiiiv*. *'2*Acre ijt ito \trt$rrylin?. ch nu>\ J 2j\S{M 'oh. Thk ^kiik KuuhJ* OV (psi?*;r j urtiiri^ l.nj* I'Mn- j (i>inQ[ ih> nitiirir^Totjtiage-, liorN) iwwoi ?! uial>er of g.inn,'^in^enxtoh*, nnd other j iiu li.mUr-, of (.irr itiMi idn*^"wiilt tl*? ' jUki) u belt ijiv.y vi ?e oi iud cxptcu-d j ? ktokfV! nehft. J ! s Mm., i v e <" tWu fluid " | '*{; hitlMAInri- In only *?v??fron tin i u^ch, twMid of vvjiiih ?? tinili)-' t.?, l?|??l Wtif ? .lililtMjjCtI, MR Ml.fWs: | I'lie KnVor|?1i*?J iti MijV, l|03 ; ^ mIiimi^ t )tio?U, ISOd ; Miuotiuir, July, 18W; tioym1 i>cd itnil lieeeitrch. -T'JS"*', k01X3 *, T'rince Alho't. Z?il?|0i?, fU?y*l Itoeemjjn, nod AcUifW*, September,. L 03 ; Kiivoriie, Jmimiaij, 18C4; Agtti^ slmtt^lli(rcli,J8A4 ; ftnd Norftiunihyr* lun.l M..u LcA I f??. .L.., .' I ..?^.f. *? ?, #uu ?.. *fiw nniw liiimviieci | Me live LIUtii I'liui'fi II??cior% j I Weiic*. UvsitPincp, (VJcuotiin, Ocean. i I'fSn^aUutMorl^ UIK( \IIIVHI lT*tc. 'lite total of dfcScU i< S.8^097 ; I ha immnKi ol' giwia CAi*ricd h&4, 1111J. kor^ft' jH)?er* ib.QGt)? 4\vo of it;oso kuittSffSV lllo fiince Ailk?rtf2,620 ? ??, .% ??i?s, u*<l 500 jft>\vt>r',) Mii<f rtrt? Uuyal (a Win ion-1, 5 gun>, mnl tJOO.lioi^ jjoit*?>,y arc tilt?ixl with Cnplam Ov'K;> ; ami tJifaO^rlitf FrtVonlfl (2,1SU- lyo*. t? ?or>?, KU*1 .40^ litfiv'-powurj tU^lvUhCtel* |1.2?)8 | jjimis, iiimI'aOO hornif i^xy J??) *<?<1 thh', (080 loos, 4 # ??*, ?rt?0 IW h/irfe-fi<>w?*,;TT<T?' fined with tW-lnradt on Mr. Hcedta|>frvneifrle. TTwo oris aaivm floWfing; 1'iutcriea CaY-r tjWifcc.jrim* l (our of cfitfui wajro n?v^ crtoiu^ii snntj.?- ZorlJon /*q^*?\_ y A?rw OF FA MOO* Aif? VICA * H.?^ffosow J W?i? i-M yvixHi" of"ago, Abr;ilojn fJtiicoln 54 . \\ 1?. ti. hi?%?ul i;-J,. WiH^. V'jir.wfv*j>,^U*r!j4**SiiinHereof " ^ A -V .1 ?t <1-1 C. Hivtjk'nrifljte 42, |9ilwiiKrC???tl'6d, AUrXttixfrr th.mjlton Steven)* em ]j, V-niUiuU^M.ui 42, \Y.m. C. Urv-* not tt(J, ltolmri M. 'f. Hunter about a*, S>rff? l>. lfunr/A. Wi#e H -IKrvy-W|?*] Ih9C?4>?i aOi, Tlibenn* li. IVwW of T^iu., *tkA 40, Htmuvf Ujojw, btftifeUerfcte Mtjnp, 70,'Uiror^a 14. McCletVto 41, U, K. I-re, about, 62, Wu.tWUl K*u TV, 1W*./II CoM> 6 0, U?ixt>6nl llanWin >\ jfc. g?lo?*f? &q>tn?, 6T> )1ot<i*a Crruelf 02, AJbavI ' Gbfilurift fm?wVi 61, John Ja'v CiU*??." iioo' 71L. 0W??f OijMl?omw> Ufcif 47,i 4?, Smh) lltMMtt*, ikbott 70, J'imrio TuUtmtit u?t r?? e^4.41-*. -;.r-J. > :.i i' Yah*** ediu-rt ar? <x>?ftoJiug tljemnrl*rt SSyWjt- > 1 *- *?w i - "mm * * iZmJ *?8*5&b6 |*\ jJ8** ^0ritSiiH a *-*-?~* 'i''-^ TffSih&r ^ \V, 11* (fel, if- the" firm of CvUiH *m- lUftfevick.. UI&. wgmtinoe' iromi rh? if^fifegured *ohy %nd .tb? row under jfrfobeiibn.-- [ H^.IWogW outwitb bid* y?r/*Wt tfglA through (he -Yankee Ibm and though h% ?scapes wwt narrow be was fidt at finit tfrnenrresteJ. . v -.' Ll? ^i**S .tliat perject confident? prevail*. WmotrjjLopr men. '.Th$y aro fiitfy to pyt<t Yfcfebburg *? long as thisy j have anything id ?at. Tlie utmost eistbukinim prevails among thorn for Goa, ''VeBtJwtfeh. v "Y**** ' ' Qui- total Joss nt Vi?kj^>iirg in till llio assjvuIu, ,wldch iho Yankees bad hi tide upon, it ujilo th'o time Mr. CoVh*ft,^vjut <3'2i, of wlwom ouly 122 were kiU?4*' *' Grant Vcfitolie* ara within 100 yards sflfjbbr fortifications in one p'ace, Sbt uol'od/ u uneasy nbotrt this. 'He wm mining and Pcmbeite" was counter in in intf_wnen ho hit. *?'. P?mbcrton has'pfoviaions enough to last liim months. Nobody is in \? hurry. *A il*< . m : 1 m,? to wait fhe v Uoril- Timo CoinriiTg.,,?.'NA >ign 'of -slhivnlMii ;\n<> fahtjtfiog in enthusiasm or confidence on the bait oCllfitr soldierS1 up tlui p4ftp& " [Attar ta, GpiifpilcYacj/^ PtU/?. Tito A|>pvfi! of the same dtjW'haa .newaaftum Tacltsuii in prijratu lelttfra to ihc.22d, luiyjfciayi: ' , Y." ' Our in formation 'xr. ib Gen. JoherstffaV operatioh'} tends us to (be opini'<-'U, tint uj> to the 23 d ho bad, not rtiateiially olw>ng?-d hit lines front those wis hi *t#d, ho oooupK-fl^omo days ago, vt* : bin **jjM It ar.<K>*6ity and bin left et Holuui'i, on tlu* Soiilhcin railroad, west-wl 3?uhaol?. , wcro signs of n't earls- nierejnciil'manifest, but Gen. .1. |rrQjoJk.hjSjy <N>o tinned luiicent as to tli?,, dUeetuai. If tie only, tsaeceeds in gulling fruni tlie H-Jliioriiies the help lie a- V: -the-campaign will be tf short blU liiiijmul ?tic.'*' ? i -K> c i.a nn.?Tlie liichmoad- - Whig | (Una coifetsHy ilaies ih? cold ar.drgleghtting "policy of tlie Vhitislt Cabinet: THwintcat sdri<G? froiq Europe inf6rnt us llint KugiatuJ, France and Austria have -1? .1. !- J. " niwrsennon wiiU Jt>?*sia I?.f l'olvflfef and Mint, M tlm instance uf Meytihttt, they have recom! inouded n? of Involve tporuh*. lf.? cou.i?K{{ oJ[ l n? this matter Wn5> ?tron?lt whit her ac^ inb , ni'ragrtrd loour-, aetVc*, to bvt o^-r without ro" m.'.iH. Ip our .??j*ke?-alia invited .franco (oTttrlto in H-ecominftnding an' aiiMjKuee. She .ievHned. hi this case sho-aloes not WaittdT. l>o ifcvitod to co npai>do loeivlj, but herself asmi in eaih* | fv> nn?l itivin "?rhcr* tp t*o ojisr. , hi?. in hei ensfr, the nrnrutice she r'6^Vi*ad to unite ii^ reeomuietnling wrtWdr j s?ii? months. Jn. tlrw crfio the hi mist ion e>ho voiuTlttenf V* M&ontiuetid u f??r ! twelve ntondft. In our cuke, ihootijeoe j {Wn ihaflo w*3, that *bc did' "ftot know I whether it would be agreeable to bincoin . V?.th?_ca?v^<T Inland _ ?be- In*' |*n<l oli^W no tfeif that ft would not he agfwwbkj Ijfcthe ItEn i per. jr. In onr eaea the- intervention* would' havg hedu for flie^beltcKrf of n poopU desceud.' Vd fVutri ktr loins, fffaaJtiug?her Iangtnuj?r,hdji?r1ting her/wws, religion, an^, IjJlVg? exuaH^tsiit tfl wn?.' li? ihjj ca*e of IV>T?ttO, it ijjfo ,l??iio If of a peop+e'forragn to h?r UV" jtBee^ language, inter-* . -i. and religion. In-iftifr cast ibe Ji'efuml to-< co-opera ta eame after near'two year* bf successful resistance. In tbi* cos* tho invitiuion to others to eo opelaiot-. given idfer soma eix months of botteletn'ooutcst. In ottrcaae, tha inter orentiefithat was proposal waein l>ehalf luid been arhiiowledjpnl by hr/*ert, near a century ngo.-ftee and in-" Hllil |)?UI (usual o#ta^ siaeo L^r? actonlly fioe awl independent, and that *xrt* now w?i?rtin iaviudcft ami Iritrleaa war to oo #u?>jqg.aled^*;'l? the ?aa? of Inland, llio intervention that k~ voliMyeqrVd <p? ia Behalf of h peo^tii who - U)i u**r a century m ve not kuoxn iiulepeudenee, uad whr>, by a treaty to-wljioh Kpgla*>d woa a fkrty, wero half a centnnfja, ?lau-rtWHiotl to bo-ilrkdhfee sub jvcta of ituu*. ' , j ; ?Jt Tnft Kmshlt ok iyit -fKvaaioir if SvooKaavbu^-Thft U*hilHdelpbia In^feirer^oetpancnrfng 911 tlie im-iugou of thai Vie a Very" w?rih aeriuon?" I told you it vryuSU bo-wo," being the teaC. k ihankii U<da>?n that h never (ltitltorjUod fit* it reugth of the i?bela? ft hevar ?redded the r<MOfft~aUftit (heir Urfotf. rugged (ttul Valf-itfu veJ.aml Urrt^ VII ?WV? **X ?v U1 IV? ?VB?rtilngi, hera'vj^ Umttr' ' Coino It drawrf &? "*tvRowin^ v?ry J matlo apparent'te the'world ;^;11 % . T/r . ' v| .a' V"'' - ^ \ * I jTB NfS^V'-v'v ^ "-. -'V c>,* . .4* iletl '? *;; if"*"; ;* r ?. *' ' yiiSTPfe. r *apJN>I A ?ii iffwTTf .'./ , -lie Njurom iSuawnKft. ? 6i\*"uf tile r**! *1 rocioufc {QtfMMjbr fh? wboU. *nr m ' vc?ter*Tny r?lnt?dj? ?4pqt|?flap* ,\ I Ifc* ^ ' n5wtT-ti??n? uiWu^o. w'bW) j rj^SSSffiSas -ir.gitti)i 'IIihgyWllhliwiAi4fmkfiankl < their eomfortH&ier bomee f >rtv three an |. ttTMjt, who ifd?eTii*tl**d o to> ork river, H hi' | I n f ^ jjjBli 1 T^?el boo*l, ? <&.# pruw**fc%a* s gentleman WWH L?co, a resident ntifi -highly rc*pect*blo cilUen bf,.^f illiam, who has since l>?^i>v4lea?oarand allowed to tctiwo ' hotrfl.^ *??? -. * * ?" . * r; Jj*v frl jtfatii* .tfcht wb<Sn W\o^ tesnol < arri?|H^'n5i?aipidlh^^ the wriull J JKOf iflide its npfkiWattCO among th? .nogroea, tfint tlimlQ IrAVrag oxkted to v soine extent aCQODg tlio wini* family bofbro they were dragged fr6ta their homo* hi King "William. Tlia JJhtpudn of the Yankee voascl and his crow wero. greatly alarmed at the' appertained "of the di*? ease on board, nud very aocpi deterjnineiJ. to rid tho vossef oT the negro?. ' Without attempting to make tho ehcfre^ L and, not considering for an instant the inhumanity of the cniel deed, tho wholtf negro Oargo was tWo#n itno Vi?c~wty, and cv^ry one lelh to peiish by drowning, Not _pne, perhaps, escaped the . auel. fate visited upon thomby tboao Who prof eat to bo their earnest friends nod warmest tympatlniora.?JJitjtalch. Fiatrrixo Bktitken Hraqg avt> Koe*J?ooaaE.?We Iearn.that on Wednesday, the 24th inst., two column* of Kdiencranz's . army advanced upoft. BrnggV forces?one attacking (ron. Lid: dell, w ho, with hfft brigade, was atatiriViert1 Hi l.iberlv Gapylvro miles K|?t of.the Ntfthville nod ChaltnnoO{j(i Ruilrond, near tbo line of Rutherford jihd Bedford Counties, and about twelve South, of MUrfreesboro?the other attacking Gen. Dates, at Hoover's Gap, in CuffeeCoua-. ty, soino.xevcn luilet East of LibertyGnp. aq j about sixteen. ilea South east.- < of Murfieesboro. Ike fighting was severe ?(.both points aad a number .of casualties occurred, Our forces fell back bravely,- before overwhelming nutnbera?<for soveral miles, Ucfofe.get- ' ting in pioper position, and reofftiwg : sufficient 1 eiuforeeuMnts to make a stand. Very heavy* bodies of Brapg's.' foecs weTetiin mediately put in moiiohand went forward - meet, tho^cttJtpy. ' .Qua itriormatjoruoi co'rne from ofrnfifti >oiHces7 wb therefore, unpr-e- | pared to give afty. opinion as to the ex? ' tent of thfe movement. It wqs the opinion of pcjrpana in the vioiidtf that a general engagement .wqs fit baud, - - J 4'he fropaiu that soetioA are remarkably gpod, Tkn wheat esop is (lie beasT'Wt evegJtOOwjI^It isjo6t lrarveste , nud is irAw statfuing in the the shock. It "Wfcll bo a sad thing ftr the Ynnkeee-tfi over run anddesU'oy it, v i and we hope Ufhgg will be able To drive them back. -vjp 1'. SAe Since writing tlio foregoing. > jre hear tbaha general enga^ymentlook kplaco yestertfay, nt. ShelEysUlo, Wdl can get no ptajUCulaft, end cannot slate, \VhJj. confidence, thatUbo engagement ,-tolunlly took pla?o. Tbo press reporter, at Shelbyrille, baa been silent for some days?no doubt ftrddbifcl by Bragg . from sending auythintr to the mess os'er I' , the wires, 'Its. id our opinion, is a 1 great outrage on the-people everywhere, fcnd dde* Ui?tpi4Klyoo a particle Of good. [ A tl*nlX'4fan/?Uracpy 201\. CoMri.IMBKTMir to OVK CeVA^RY.v- . The following is Gen. Hampton** gener-. h! on4$ the cavalry after tk# battle : 11'UQ (T^IIAMITOV's CAVA LRV^rttoADK, \ . /'V - JunaTl,-18C3. General' Order* iVo. 24. e , Tb'o Brigadier-General commanding , claims'this privilege of congratulating his brigade upon tuar'r gallant oaftTniBf* . on the Oth iuat. The briftiadt sheclkn which crowned their vVbsk was but the natural reward vvhieh foHows good djsN oiplftto and oonspiOOQua Valor. . ' ? It has ??\?r bieo tl*a good fortune df the commanding. General thr^ughgot his experience ro witn&a morn eooinesrf under lire, morjp'Hnnlicit obediej>c*e and hashing warsbeWii be. the ift North Carolina, 1st Sua'th Car, oHna hftgdm^ts^Cobb.legion and Jeff. Davis L?gtpu Cav<UryJthroughout hpera lions of the day at Brandy Station, , rt* Anne'/^UI at Us I Ital?4va? iaL*eK dro*e dt ihe eneiuy already tn pobitio/i iu ttfb rear*.. . ? - ' ' . n pi^Vcondnct of tUe hr>ga<J*'Vr?f-' ' rnnU him in filing iMirluubu^l^conflk i'oiicu in he future tir#ejv-;#i? tyft 4>4 Hoiiili CaroKti* tUgw- vraa | unhappily- detaehjw?*A*f"hw command - And ?"??wfcefa?fn*L foroe Whihi ^n,n^rt !? ?* th^en??Ofr , H?r Ge*<w 1 ?A?*niiu<rmpf tend** hn < WfTka kit- | nhso^ivnt mijoK jtfifie T?~^0 tbo ? ; 7 ' - f. i Hg order of . *' ^ ? . t>j ?sHi?9!j a *S5 ? *' ' " '. * v/w *> V A v- .v, " a? ."V^ A * ~ * . $ . \ >. -1 ? " ' .W ' T' . ^V? *?- M~? ' . iir - "?v Py : ; >;* atten J porpapv iQr^.lwOf opportunity Jo sip ago, oi\f of^air y?U4 v<hlufPd ?<p S^ftO for ct*Wo to thi9w ?0:\M* at SftbessioDvUio, bat did w|i?OWW thing , they Would, no douU^%$- ? py to spend tho summer much nearer iotJh?jj*too, If te kmrn " there as they vyotpw JiIt?. -; Thof y|lv vot^" probably, try to amuse tbemstfv&M#. by (baking raids "hi to the' comtth w >; they <5i!!l below hare at Coirtb^hee^aod- *, but if they repent the game often, it vitfl become a little wore^ba* , ardous than "formerly for thorn. Thoiretflth of the troop*/is no1,' so " pfOTd arit "aw ! 11 r. lVl.T??^. ' The fever is tbo prevailing disfeaj^/ ' A4 thoy got sick, they aro carried hospital, whore tu?v receive good at~ tenlion, and are mndejw "comfoi tails lis oircumstancea will admit, 'J lyi weather is very warm, kilhoday, and the night* < generally cool,>*ilh heavy daw. Though . m wo bary iw Vankeos to tight, pre are ^y no means idlo; but when, we vfhttld prefer rust?at night?it U the .time wbeh our.powers,of poduraoeq ard pubjectod to the inpst severe test. Ju?L imagine yourself sealed after supper on the roost pleasant' seat. yoa could fuultoehjoy a social smoke; aad when ihe hrlnrlit fl""- "''- -i- *" * y> nuuriTe?pU? irOm the ejwsasivo'heal of the day^rushea through the mind, ai^il you f^el thankful for the evening shade. But. just then j^ii'are beset with no innttroferabio company of gnats, whiobtjipet your head as though you deserved to l>e troubled so. This ta bad enoogb^ bat when "you go to bed, the sorest trial cotnes. Fleas, without nurohe* or mem*, w *pd mosquitoes utterly destitute of^compnsnioo, commencetho .work of torment; the former, play folly skipping abont and }>i\iBg, while the latter, at ut$ cloae of every Ddzzing song, insert thdfr teetlr and bile with fin*. It hji ^ati Said that " we can c?t- used ^J^nythlng," bu?!VisSecrtai?rfy is opoawwption. The sofoitjifc take very th it ok interest in preaching, nnd tn mstoy mtanne, the Spirit of God is evidentlyat worfcf^ At Fort Pombbrton reeenl iy;w Were baptized, wb'Io many others are striving to enter in aUhe Straigbt Gate. Thq news oiT revivals in Virginia- and tho West is joyfol. ~ .... v1 ' ^ Willi the "best wishes for tbo^fieace, prosperity- and safety -of^ all La^ their iioipes, we will take our leave, hoping' wlron the Bnter-prit* comes ,ta tend* wo may bear- cheering newwrfioni you 1- * ?*? 2 , ' Tiia RacooMTioft taoiinuoj^wThe . London cor respondent-of the JJuJadelpbia Inquire^ writing on tbe-6ih nit., says: Anolliqr importfent.parliXrn^Mary potico has also'jyen giveu tide week. Mr. Roebuck, not cyiept with hi%^ farmer escapade*, lias formally asurw^encad that lie will, on tb^lOthinalant, ihovo for the recognition of theyonfederat* Stale*. A'coMfding to mgs^bf the papers, this . announcement w#?received with ' loud choerai^ *p4.. the ' intimation.that an S pmeudtneaC. woukl'be proposed io favor of non-rocogpltio^ with derWre laughter. T;m i v la 0*vt>ml L?r-fAr* -ttanHMth f? ii^eernl Ivee mutt either 5e 1yft-bailed, or has Teamed pogilistVrdUj^f *. Jeitiog go bis left " when he tpe^ne to g*t in ^hea?y t?l6w. In tho victories ?ro?md llichmohtl, bo threw hie teflon the Dank of tbeonecov,. He. did the same ngakiat I'opc, winding d?' wi&jb theli^cond MA u*ssas. He let go his left opoo.H?rp?*'a Kerry. He tbrgw his left upop*Hftoker^?t (JbsnoOllomille'U Tib-has Mm ftunjrnis left upop Mik*ty, and extinguished lini, Lli* tlralcguflbu* fkr/liBrtbe->Hn art tread of Id? soidiera. hiss left.'' ?rith.? "k Ac Lf ?? ft?'", T.b?(*?5 I""1" ",u? of . 6*?. Cfeburne\.f , V "y . *i.k^ n/iiAW*"1 (ion. <r>t^k..fn? !3n??? lieert-wlih tLe r&uUlN?r.?lU. orn me.A>rv . 3^?l^.the w?T as a-f>ri?at?, and in 3*k3? mwitfU W?U? a M*jor ( Jenoial'. ?|yRli ,*kbout gfriajf Ibtough West *?J widiout pulv^^ki i'BAMBCO*. 'i^ t??tgl>t Iii* WAjt^uiv^v bard-knocks. ?^*^?ia^ueeWftfl ektranVdinKiy * Kftaflft *?to%?WI?*. *> man, u*mr infc^nojifJ ?ieat can fit along' uliotii H'ftk. "s tl)o adaga go*?. h?v?nK imwmpoly bt ilia Hryc'tk lint <kxhanally l^ek (**<) merit -in ?b? me ibiM, eud^ibett.toAies a Uawft * tfuoLe t* a CttbUrn*. ?. * .? ? TT.:^\ ' ^ - ** It V> 'aJ&a* Jr- ^ j PF5r6Flfey.'