University of South Carolina Libraries
... - . - _T<* * llii i n u - - m . """lute of Sooth Carolina. I OREKNVII.U DISTRICT, [? SHERIFF'S SAlJfS. \[ . *1T> T rirtne of lumlrji Writs <<T "Flnr} Fttciitx, i ft t<> me directed, L Will sell, HefWo tbo . Court House d-?or. i?t Ihe nsnal honra.of najt,.j on thr firxt ^Ion<l\v in JUI.Y iwxt. 3^ DHASS Cl.tH'KS ; levied on nx thrprof- ' rty of II. R. Rniin-r, ?t tlie ?uit of StUS.Imtr 1 X Lciding. Terms rath. I ' J. T. .VrriA.ViKI., S. o. D. > ' Sheriff'* Office, 8tU. I&03. j ? ' Juno IT C ^ * m A jt RANAWAY h L FROM tho subscriber on tbe Oth inxt., I girl CAROLINA. She is , feet high, Stoutly btirli. dork color. , Jjjiinrt rrohout t> _vmrs oM. She i* eery | morose i?nd is downcast UvdOok. I. , " . * A 8?ti?f?"t?ry reward will 1 "jtivcn fur bor ]ntl?tuont in ?uv of the iailisiaf the Mrr-nindim; . I>i?trict.? or fur her delivery to ntv at iln-enrJU>C. II. * M. Jit IT. Judo 11 C tf .. .. S?!t! !?HlU: !; * k RRlVEp, a fine lot of Wilmington nv!f < SAt/ff and wnoofm 'ur?at l>y in, which | may he had at ?4*Kiu*bls> prices, at nholeanle or re tat). - <e 'J GEORGE 1IELDMAKX * CO ! MarlO 40 ir i I RAGS WAimil. ! TyrOTWITMSTAN'-INf; tlmlu-shy fir. of It our Mil 1. f??r the Mfti ii'aet'if'- of a I5ITIM1 I'Al'liU. we thnll paintiriie !< require It A OS re hi'i-a-tnlhri*. as we huve tWaa Mil * Vet i" op?rei ion. ' JoIlN W.OUAJ'Y ?t CO. May 28 4 6 - ? | BY AUTHORITY. Acta and Resolutions of t'no Corpus? of the Cc nfedotRic CorgreBB, patted at the Third Seatioa- 1863. -? ? >' Axi Art la /.fry Torrx frr the Crvgurm f'r fmre ri>rl < 'am/ on the Government nj' (l,t Govff/rrit* Staff it. Thtt <?a>npra?a8 of the OonWprufa .-oaten of Atneria-a alai enact. .Thaat ill- re si,n 1' lie ! la-via-al Mini ca?|l-ct)-l upon ihe v>i"? ' a-f wit r liav.-il vi?r>a. an'l. wines -mil --p:ril unit- II i pi--i*. Wai-iacoaa. mnntVf-c*air< d < r I'l-ni-nii ; flactttre-V, cailta-ii, wool, 11 )' suci-r. to- his sent, syrup. >ia e, anal a.t!??-? njp ion!?mill p . 1 .altia-fs, hc'<l a-r "ssa ol on ?' fr*i d.ic i f; .Inly next, :.hd. not i-ooeR|?iaa\ fm f itii'y a-nn * sum pi ion fn*Ai-'iir- xiiiri ' po-thin of i H<yi ar eitrhtee^?i4-vnil| i J hih! six's t! i ?*. m il | tlta-m OH h |?|- proi'I ot ioll of "IIS Ve-i-pla- I nliiHf the year eighteen linn-hod mid ?ixtv llara-o. n tax of a ipht r e.h turn ; i-rul on tall moneys hunt Holes, or III hoa- ivi von. ey on ha ml. or on (] i?MI or I l-O ll-sl tins . of Jul* next, and on the >a no of or-it il on which tha> ill-reel he- not liei n p. .1,' In M or a-wneil hv any p-IM>i?. a-,-put' n-rrliip or oairpi-miion or the das a-f lids | next. and i-ait i nipluveil in a l-n.--" ? . -J, lnj-omi- al- rivoal wt.hh i l?Xea| ilii-'ai , thiv pi urinous of tlii- not, tin re Slill'l I -a- il - , rleat U'-d rolled?-d a tux oil- a.-i- <- i.t : ] Grori htf. Tlin1 nil ni-'lirva ossioij, lo-l I, i.t , dopoMt..' I,?yni*l llia> limits ol the 1 nr.!. , orate Stales shall he va'po-d ? th i .i i - i.t lailo of a-.\a-iifihl*s' il" vV't-ia-w-a fiN- 11'i'iae. , ; cotis. and I lie ?nid ti;X l-O 11.?s?.I I.,I , , the furl day ru-xt, or n- -non ih. r.-- , nfti-r lis Tn a V he priiol ia-iah'e. ntlai In-coll- el- | i oil-?.n l-o fir-! my df.'Vti'Vr no.!, oi i.?* i toon therenlti r r*.? may lio prn??fj-.*al '<*.. . Sri-, 'i. 1 vi-rv p* i soli er> /??'? 1 i' ii'lemf in;; i to rniruX'' <>i any l>u.-ilie-s iiumml is tit* !i' h I .unction of this M't.nhiill, v\ illiin-!% \ : i \ fifini- llin |ifl?^l!/i' ol llihil'-l, nr !!! ill* ti*7|e<*t ha^iming lm'in< t-o, mjuI imi 11 fii-i ':!% of .laiiMitrv*- in each yinr thereafter. ?- i-, with tin- ili?tvicl onfli i 1 in Mii-h ? >>! aiii the eommissioiit r ill liixni. nli.'iil pi'e*.eriho", it i trite nrvntint of t!?# tin nil' ami lorhioiiep each person, fitm. oi- cin pi.rat ion t tt)f:'t'i il 1 or in!' roMcil in ll'f Imtit-rfH, with a Mato- ! inert of the timo for which, ntnl tin* p 11*0 ami mann* r in whiolt lit- >niin- in to in- >! ! (Jtlctnil, RO<1 of ill! o'ltcr fucle iroing to an certain the nmouii! of t-ix upon nn 11 hti-i- ; hi lor the post or Itiliif, Recoiiling to tit provision4 o' thin ? !. A' ! ! * tiiim of eueh rejiinliy, then- shall he pni'l to tin-, roller tor the ?pi citie tn\ fi r (In- \i-nr. etuling on th? next thiitv fiiet ilay ?-f hi.*. . 11 1 r. ami! eueh other t?x 11R tony he < 111 n| on mi lea or.j receipt* in otn-11 I uvness. at t!i? tiiin- ol mi?-1i , r*.*it ir' rv. bs lii-i-rin ni-ni h'eil ; an I 1 hi- >1 !. tor ol.nil ifivj? to the | I'tfon nitikii'vr oo-h r"tfistry n <"<f>\ llii"T?>f, with a iii-iijt. hn the ainoiinf of tax tin 11 paitl. ' , Pre. 3. Any | i-r-i-n farms; to make tin- , registry. a In 1 to ji-n 1 It lax reijnirrii l>\ th prccnlini fcctioH, ?h II, in mi -i ion nii olb'-f rtfXi s upon liia Imrittrsa imp *.e?i hv litis ni t, pay liottl In ilf nnionrn of the -1 1 eifie tux on si oh 1 n-inoa- ; 111 il a like for ovary 'hirty ili.ya af .snrli Pre 4. Evc. pt whole h-iR-m i.tiiRi w i.|-' pr. i\ iilfil, ihoie st all he a Separate rt'irisirv | "** T~ Air-rath i;"siliO*B tno||t ioln-il m tile fifth *>*eti* 11 ot thi< net, a' ! for i.'.r!; *? ?. ft I'l-nilto finc lln smth. i'ii* -1-.nil lit 1 reqtiir- ! for the ni'-re storaee of pmoil .n? .1 : pino<- oiln-r than the regi*!i roil p nee of I neinesR. Itpoii rvrrv eln.nt?H n the plane of' | eomlin-iiiiL' a rc^hn. rcil hn-im ?. th. 1. shall ] , a uttv. r?iri"lry, ' ut. no ntioil iciial tm shall he in tjinieil. I'pon the m* |h ,,f any! person eomliiclinL' a bllsine?0 M'i- ?' ! ami i ta.vRil a- herein requrrs.l, o- upon Mo* tram* ' fer ?if the Ijnsiin "a lownoihei. the hnaiiu-ra ' all.ill not he -ni jeor*?] 10 any aihltl irwial fax. ' l-iii then* <hnl he a new res'lstiy in t.he 1 nainn of the p* r-on nulhoriz. <1 hv law t*. ' eon ii 111* the litiKin- M. ' 1 'mo. {j. That noon e"*:h ! ,'n.Ir, hn-ir.esa or ? fi^etipation herei after iiMioeil. the follow " in:? taxes alsall he lerieil at'il pari lor tie- e veae, en?tii ft en the thirty firs'* of licceto- * her, ei*?htPeii hiltulretl an?l nixt v-tliree ami * for e-u-ii < ii ev. rv rim 1 t.ei e.*<t..i ? ;?- ' i. li'<i kerr-hili i hv five hundred dolinra ^ Ev?-r\ p'T??ii?h*.l h- >lcrni>'1 ? b"tilcr wiH>- ' in tin- mi'Mf-int* f! ijj, net who !< eps * 4 y>l ?? ?- ?i( Imainr** ? n'e opn ' in fav??r of any p*y*nii, fiim or pnrMtinn. ' l>T he depo?i? Or collection ot money or '' CQirciicy. .v H i>v whom th? .nino or n> y | part thereof-hall he p?id mif or remitted f lipo'l ;)? draft,c'eck . or or or nf '9tli Pled j iior ; hot riot, in incltidd eny hank, h-irallv " Mtitlioi ir.-<1 to i??ne notes >r* circulation, nor " flgetite lor the >nle of'merchandise for ?< -j count ol produced or miinii'nduror**, II. Auctioneer* ehnil pny fifty Holla re anil ' wo rfhd m Imlf i or miirni on l? grow I amount of m le>? n mk ; /'rot'itiril, huveiftr, *' That o?*ti mile* ii< auction ol clock or * *. ' cunitie* for money,. I In- lex thrul tic one " foil'ih of one in r centum on the i/rnsi amount' III ride-. Ever*, I CfWui chalk t>? 11 formed nn em ainnccr, Wi'liif! llie tiiciinincf of tliia HC>, "tho-n* neauput ion it in tit elk r fi proper!/ tor sli- to the liigtoT bidder nt t ptltilil* Oll'OrV. 'file In* Ilium tile mini inn. ue*?i ?h?li !?<? it?-rne?-d a tax upon tin- p*r k aonnl |>??vi)i-sf. to be pnii? by rnch indiv'J i lytt eny/etl in lb** aid wiiho'il ri vm l to tin- pb?o?* at which tin* miius U rondneled Jin tst pIiiiII b?? r?-qnili'<l upon ^ Auction 'hWh made for dealers in a buainora . rr-pi?J?-r? il njjil t*x?r , anil their plnee if. biieiues* or upon oflielal a-tlea at uurtiiif), | nta<l? l<y judicial or exejrnii se otiicci a, nffy ' prronrftii representatives, iroiMomna yr ofetu H lilittfcj. I 1 II?. VY.ip>le?ftlo dealers in liquor* of nay , Bl np'l every description, including di<vUI"d I ? if.isu*. ftrmrntol liquor* mT'f wirftS of all- * kinds pnv two iinndi-cd ilyll^rrf,.- niW " five per centum nil thn-yru** amount of j * salts fnarlc. Kvery parson, -oiler ihaif the > " diaUiler or lilcwrr, wh?? shall sell oy otVi-p '' tor talc euoii linuorH dr win re, in quai litii* , of more than three gallon.* at one tbuo, u> t< ? the same pun-haver, rliail be regard* d- no a .1 whc)e>ale deilcrin liquor* within the mtfin d ingoftbis act. All pcruin* wh shall ?e}}, p or i ffur for tele, nny ?nrh diquoi * or svinne, J1 in quantities Ire* than llirfle gallon* at on? U ?.ih e to -h,- *atn? person, f.hafl I. c inmr t-j-1 s? a* a retail der>r in tiq'ns * * p % ?i *"^ ' * * *1 IV. llctnil in liquor^ li?ii)!e<! spirits, lfnnrM?J liquor* utiil wine* | >f ffei-y p?1o^. fli.'iU |>Rftni*< h*n?lrfii I Inllnr* ?n?i ten pRV centHijt pn t'i*> tiros*) mi mint of itlf ?nl? ? ni'Mle. ' s V. Itpfuil (lif.ili r* sli ?\I pnv fiffv doltnr- j ii <t mo milI n luiTf nfiifT 0:1 l)i jfios? I ilOnunt kJI'I'I*"!* iiootf. Kvi'iv pernor! wii<i?<-.hii?iii-v or iie-npn'i??f? i' is ??? r. II n?l. >ffei- to ?.-ll trrooePiof of it y roods I H Nrr*. o relliiitdijfe c'r oilier lliilijn nf fni-*! si-jti or ilnmi'ilir prod net ion. in lep qnniit ] :i?-s ttinti n whnlr nr'Kiiml pi-ce or (mokniio j it one time. to tf?r???iiip | er?on, (not in-lir' | it \t wines. spititimn? or nin't liqiioi lie i#??nr^?il in>I ?ii>n]> r uitdei tl i? 1 ft : Prnvid'd, /o ? r. Thel iii\ mpflnmie | ivlio ?h?lf *?'?Loii k h?* |?r? f 11 * In* . or of hitn?#*lf ^?iul I?in t?u n ?latoi!y. ocvmpt lr?<m in*. VI. \V|ibli.salr r? i^nv 1 "ii|fulr? tl *?!ollnr# Hirl two' Mir ti.luilf ^t'r { >nttitn on ill? ?r?*m ?iihuiiii of nil ?h1?? nni]t. K\Vr> !? *? \?uh?! ??* or , tcoiipntioti li is to or ?fT- i to n|I ?jro- ' ?f?r nrv tf#??rl<?, v\nr? 1 or H.crcliMiotiH1 i>t foreign or Oi?n??*f*tic j??o(lurtii?p. I?y on* n?or> or iv^rinl nHoknif? or pi?*r*?. nt on* litn?. to ftro * Mtri- not iiu*ln?tif?if. ? in?-?. ?mj" or malt liquor*. * I???11 ! 1 n? n wli...'*alo tl.-uiyr mul-r thin, m-l ; ln:t In. vine * fi r.-ti-li n? a wlmlo . It* . -i.rV } irfc'ii may a>5" m II. ? ' afar- -a ill. t. a i?-Tiilli r. \ 'I. l'-wii' U'korii i4im11 |'nv I wo litimlri'.! 1 iIii'Ihi"*. I!v. rv I'I'imi", wlinM- ini-in.'"? or, oi-oiip .t ioli i' ik In till;" iccivi', i'V May j 1>I | l?-.fiVio* "I' i'Xrli!?|i;fi% nay yi.ii.U," waiin- ni'-i i lmjiii.k.'. or oiiy kun of |"r , 5DIUII (".'p. nv whulivir, fur tin- jhi_> m.-rl j at- Ji'^iriu nl li'OHi'i lofit * !iai rill, -hail l i> <1 lliiil a nnwi lirolu't* umlfi ill s act. , "VIII. 1 lik'illft-s -lotl! | in iw.i liiitiilroil . li-lln' i>, n :.rl nan In rtilJi | . r r?nt ma a I li Cicfs niii. itat (if ail r'r* nniili'. I v. qy pot- j in or i i'i'iirl in'i sliip wImi ?li?till- or maim Ini'llU'i'i -pii iliioim liq.'i- for nilo, klial1 l-o ' il m< ii a ili-iiio-r ia il r ilii' art : 'I'm vljtll, /lliiril'r, '( liat .ii-liy. l'k i.f frill' !" ! iihi^ty ilnm or loar. ?|n?* I | ay o 'iim. ] Mini nl-n t?ft \ raii'i p-r call<>ti 1 fit >l , ' it e?i5on?. ! two ilnllmn por irulii-n on hII i?pir.t. lio.\oinl llint qnaii'itv. IX. l!r-u klinl' pay oar 1 tni"i ami 'wo ami a lial' pi*r i'ii ' to oil t! : f(ro>n Mnioiiiit f kiilok in ola. In iv p.-r miii, u lui ma nfiii"nr?? fortiori'?at tiiiuoikol j rili v onii'C or <1"5i*i ipt ! . '"r rnlo. (ran in.tit; wli >llv IH- in |o r'.. -hail I <k(liii'l ji l.rru r 'iioli'i' lit- a ^ X. H iio!>. iiiiir, litvuiH amli ntii rf hoia. , i ? ?lti'?l I o'a--ilii-.l nt'l tali.I iimnriiiii" in! I'ii- y ar v ia ii!n|, or if r-iifi-il nci-oi-'it. a. ill. *linia'o'l' alnc ol iho y.inl\ r-ii'-l if llo* l.odk. or jo opou v oi'i iipi. ii or i-l-' .](> ! 1.1 l.o oooigpi. .1 n a hot. I. inn. 'avoro, i r a Hi'' I .on i?. iia lolliiu - lo oil * i??.??n." w hi rr t|ii> aot mil or o*'1tnitl'*.l n *' iluol iiiin.ii' to S J ii .in i or miii-.', llo v ~ .11 run Mlio<- I'to tiiM c'nii. i*4 ij | ay an nn nal -III i ?t| i.v." It'll. J I'. I 1.. i 1. 1\- ; ill oil.. W ' or. kjlJ.' root "IniM I*** s;, lilt |. ?- lo.-n. 5] i . i I I'll; I lloy -III!: I?'l.-11! lit h Oil kli-l pay an ai.i.iml nun ol rlir.-o no;.. ( 4 l?n.rrs ; nn-l Ml ? Il k'? ,i u in-i . -li.J .of .Jo. I |.,. >.o.;*,..i j. ,* III $.",11011. i|i. v in. -I ' at t i i |.*n .1 i a a..) | .ay a a .( > oil rt i. ' two 111111\li 11 .'.olliii-: to ?... .. *!o ,f.i ! r.oiit -\. I i 'it- il ."oti. nl<nll i-oimti. ttt ' It" l"i" tii tin*, in .I put. fii> ni-ntia1 -i i i of .on- I tn. Iii .looSt'a ; ntni ;o i-iiM-n m In i n fill lit.' .'.'It'* lie 11-in ifian t I ,m l.i, tin v ?'n ill i m s.iln!llo titi ii ami I, iv at* ntfi' *tn:i of iIi 1 ? . - I.I- ? . ? '* - I r , . , . * i.i " in-ir limit it, _ ii-'j". IoAi/mm' ohU i'i-f r i ?i\"ii't-il *??j" in-: Fuviivi-IikI I I'll v. '? !>. HI .join ri-r- ?r I i>, ill viriv of |:i\In- lit t In I i-nf, I I'r il 'fclili- i ircri-iptn from uViicli 'n * ill'* ' lit'li.r?* fniiii (lint iittii'i', ?l .ill l>" i " . Mi ll* 'i in? n Imt< !. inn m ttncvn uml; 11 i? m-'. XI. Tlmi i-vi-rj ? In* ?? tv'n r f. .. i toft. ftliinc ' * of iirv kin-' iii'i* | rot M >1 f- r cnrtirl v:?oit'rit M i' S..I.I for mm ' i>n ' llin-flti, ?n<i .-y.-i\ l-ooifii o i,<ni-i in I lirro ?lni|l In* ii\ I nji'tl. i t n|' nioro rlln'l Inili-.-rm-.l .in fill in!; I ifof m.l-i m t XII. I5i i'ki-1 "! i ail p- y t n liiit.iln il .' ! !ni?. Any p.-t-n-. v>'.o--.- l,i.>-ii.i"n. it ii ^ liiiicli.if ai l! ^r!l tn.-k-, mity ! ini'iifv. imi knot. , ?n "i lln-r ti-finiln?. for iln-nt-" ii |ii.< or nlhi'i s. or v'm tlrnlv in i-m ! ni -i rrlifi' ff to iio-noy, i-Iuill '-v .1.'. lin n II '."Ilkor iimli-r t iiir ? !. X III. ?i.iinn? ?ill I rnf. i-. or r. rrm"rioti mi l 'tin i t - -Iim',1 | m i\i " Ii .:tnl' fij iliol?r?. 0 ml t iv nji.l I Ii. f rv-r i-i-nfiim u|iol nil -ii1"' Ttmof. An | i*i -mi or film, ?-x p. pt or-f i i.oi.; ;<.,| n- m ? liojt- hIi .li iili i- i r l-rtikft*. wlnisii I II-iI i ti ii i-. hi tin- iitfri.t "I oij.i i^lii |>iiri-lm.-tr or -*-1! y.iO'i-, nr S. vk nii]t-s Hn-rrfi-v iti tiri^ii i.1 or nn-'rcki-it 1 piiok- O .1, ... |,| Ml- -L'l 1.1 I V ..III. in til.?li ?!.?. pwoillu-.-i r. I., mini.I il . -- ii hi Ii-iv for tin- invtu-M of Vi.-fi-'-., nr lof tii rliip| < r- or Oonhi|ftiorr of fro"". ... i. I.i ... f.n-iin-. - ;! i< to pni" Ini-f, r '. I.if.- r !' . h-hI i-Vntf or nrr?i'n*-?. nil .11 I 1 i roinnon-ill I.i 1.1.- ? OII toil ion n . i i;jiiii,f UttnP'r I li'r not, * /. i v . t> sun < pay l?i; V nut* t'uft Sn.1 .1 ' |.. J- Cf't.l n i/r-> Ifiniil.i' ?' Kalt?-. Any | t r.-.-n v. 1 i ?o t>u j. iifti II i.1 lo .sell ! > I. lftll.%C'!!.ii *. t?r . til'NC'tti in nnv ft>ri". rlm l tlf.-it tti n ! > liHffni itl.? iiit Jt-r iliis ii' I I>?i f. t'li'i. fftl W'lid'fMlIx lilt.) r lint tl.'iftrr* i"ttti 11 lint lit'I InVfl lis ti.l ?fft.|.is!it. XV. Til fit .Iintl p.ty fi v- Inii.i'r. .1 lt?l-??? - m il fil'V t't'f r* i.l. on ?!l i-fft i}.' .vll'f!. I'iX si.nil I i* I 1 y t)i? t'n'n.r nf lit" I<ii<! t .<?'. I'lii'V t'difir." Iiftl f.."' "It.* >11 ?'l ?t .? nf trail.n'if i-rjT. "in'.itl.. i , j.I.I t S. r |> -1 fi.i n . < > *. ami it? f int-tJii nVflltt.l t<f ll'.-.l ilt'fN<iiilill!)t f.-r ful l'. "f? i l.oft! ,rf'f?PH?#".tn?ini>?, fS .11 t>s irni'tlf I g it tli-ntif uiitlir ''.It itfi l' ?ii-.-i:li.'lll i nv mi.- It ii I f>l !*?' * ?i r?. it'itl ft t?y ,,f I'll lit'II HI'S fill' .'It.. > ition, winch * i\ 1 Vy tin* tiiniuv." i- ?hn?i* 1. P\* iy tt or or *r- a wlur? tils of lnMfa*?o^nshi|) in ro'iiiiir 'p'-r'* ir?* ?? iw il siiii 11 t o r. dNI'lli f! lis II ft. I'll, iinlor tlii" nt't. , Jii'.'jflfin hi..1 t.ti-t ist.-.s xlii1 iliiii.' flimv- slut 11 |.h\ fi'tv dnl'iirs ?? vf|". "|ifi9nii ? l.ii |.fif?tin? t.y siiohi t.l Mini 1 ui 11" I . f?.?.>ti i]. il ?s it jiu'jilt r junior liis n. l : Pr/ftJm/ Tlmt m> r?i?i?i? i \ iniult* ri t.llf ts*H?t.'Vll .ll !>< llfltl til Mitt 1.11117.0 ox lil'ilii.ii" in Mii<>t(ifr SlHta , hih) l.ui r..y " ?f rv xl,|> 1 l.o It quirt'tj III.H I' 11. j - not til 'inImr./o . \liit '.li ri? in m.y XVI. l?..\. lii-jt nil. t? fti.'t l.i'lt.'ii'.l itmiii. Im!l |.ftv fnitv 'lt< I turn 'or fin Ii m llf v t>r i'MihH Intiic rPj^ist#.r- !. vtliifli tax -1 11 I'e iii.l !>?' U'o OWlit-1' llior.iif. I Vol v .('J:1"" I- li'iil.'inif ? horn hn*!<iir.. llinnvi; up I>i' H-r A* piny ?. ??i <] open to 111 * |?i11 '*!? . itl> . } r ui?h'*nt pi i<?. kIimII ha n? ?? owl inn nllry or hil'ntril rKini e?;ive!\ ^ nilrr ill in net. ' j | XVII. L'v.-rv at able keep r*- aha'I p >y i < fiy ?'o||ip> Aity p-r?<?n v hn?e o'-.-'ipn Ion or'^sa ia to l< < [ lioi-n..)> f(? ?ii- or i It l .* vl. n I! to- rpf?Mr-te?l ? > ft llviry aiiiht < ? p-r iiiulrr I his act. ! | XVIII CaHlr brokers shall pav I he ?um f ft ft \ ilollnitt, arol two ami a half par cm ' | nut 'ii tl?c ajross nnloiintnf vil?* made~ ? try p. r?oti whore oiititic? it ia to fcnf nn<l I It noil dnit in Vat tit*. liiirfC" hnr/r or aileep, I hnl' he or-1 sidi-rnl a entile hr-dler J 1 XIX. nwtcl.fiK niol l.n! ? n ?lmll pnv lb" 1 unt of fit* d'llnra ami ore ppr centum on | lie pinij ntt.onnt i.f no ? ? Any p- r i ' mi tvhnre huairoae it in to huflMter w?4 aell, r ttfFi f for rale fr> np' ii market or other | l?o, (lie fltrh of. cattle, |i?n?? nr,l>h(n p. ! i ial] hV deemed n butcher tm-ler thi? net ; j < nd anv person whi-ae hit* oca* it in to l^kc'1 nu ? 11 or offer for aalo, l-rca-l, thai'. be i t ctnfil n l-alcer tin'cr ibm net. XX. !><lltr? rhnll jmv lip y^dollar-i. nml . t *-ii att'l a lint# per eetl^. on 1|io jfi'ow nalc?. , ' iiyy pelron. a.yrrpt perron* ein/ftflp 't in ped ? lint; dVeltifi.**-! i. |it-?joiiMiil.*. lioott* tunr- ' npcir-, j rhlithed in the Cotif.-.iJcrnte V''j 1 libler. ei rel'nrh.r.e fiflfliji, w ?*>>? , ,01 C*X', * 'id1 to *'11. lit retail, i'i od-, y*iM"?-(n' !* ntly^r ' MiirtJtrfl'l!'*, ti3v?,tuiov!lli hi Tr-.m ) | '?' ? lo p'ary in *:r<ot, cr tli*i>och I il w %. <liir?-irut ( * >t* of the eoMfitiv. /-hall Iw deemed ? peit lei tinder tills net: Provided, Tlin? any pi'JIfi- wlio I n, nr offers in w-J, <lr> ? " a-. !< Mgn -on doiui'H* ie l?y cftie nino-re nPtvt??J j>hcn or " j ai-ka^e* ni one llltn-. Hint to the Mill- per'on or p- m-ii ? na 101 esiicl, .W-fU pill one hundriil di-Miue. in-I two and a li.tir |irr en-t :?*n tin* i?i one eaf? * ; j'uiUinr*|i.'i?"H wlAy? ilill- ? j- ni-'rv ?1hiI) par lift } ^Jof'nm. hi i\vo ttiid'ir Imll |?ei em tiliii oi tin- o-n -nler. The tax nj?oii peddler* >J.a I l>e de-nn-d a t*x on the |ier?it|Mil |?iii i'? Cf. to lie paid 1?y i-h-u il'dl eidnnl ei-lfatreil in tlie liti-tiiee* wit limit re lUI>ll to till) place ut which I lie t-nuo- in CHId ct il. ) X X], A pot It venriea njiall pai Bflv dillrfM, run) bun mill a liall fn-r eeotlini on tfie-irro** iioeonii't lirtWe. K? f\ P? ?"ti *1'ho keep* a hhin> or liiiiltlii-tf \vln-r-- medicine* no- eon pouiwl--I i i . pi Opiir. <i io c-.n if.iiu; to pvi-? -ilptioim ot |i|iy?ifiaiin. iiml tulil, shall lu- iixunlecf ns an npotli-omy n-oler tinnet. XXII. 1'lvotoirrnfiin-rn (dial! pay the rum of titty ilollin h, and live a nil n Im'f per o n ; tti.iti on the itronn ntitoiint ot seiha m>H-\ An\ ;?rm i pernoiin \vb?> make lor wile plij-tojjiHph". .nitl-rotvprn, iliio:ii-ri .-t V|-n?, or I'li'ttlixii on tflimn, In-tnl, | a "or, or olhertt'a t**i ihi, **x ii?' " % ii*ii in ui;i.i ninji ut* ivjjiirno.l i< j>1?* injuni !i-o nn-?r tlii*' ?? . .. XXHI l.nxx* v<*r.? nrlntillv m-ii*;?'l in prm* tier fh il! i**?y Hff x iIoIIhm live \ perpoii wluwi' I'.I! illt-ri it ir. fur *'? 1-r l*r\x?|*?l,-to i*i<?(><*ii'<* or *V.i<*iul iiii -o- i'> r?ii) eoiiif ol r?" oril oi olli* r ju'-ioinl tril' ol tin* Omi I <! i ii11* *>t mt < *,4.i*r?f n* x Sini?*, or j?i v** n I V c i* in 1-ln'iiMi lo ?*? * or mutt i'l* J ? * I: < I ii n Ilirr? in, ?li:i I j l.i* .I* . ii,i ,i to lie ii In \v i r within ill. ii' iiriin 'if l|i!? net. XXIV. i'liMticin *.<, iir'?**.iii? ami Hotiti?t* n< 1111.11\ rin;ii'.i*-l in lli- pr iclior rlinll pay l?H I iluI'lil'S Kn i) | .'Iron ? )|i'H* Imp lo.sii i? fur r,*4 or row.iril, l? iinm i??e r-in* 0.1u*?. or p*'i f..riii piiri*ieill oppi'ulmm* for llo* <*iir'* "I uny Ii y *iii?M!*o " ?ilim'. eluiM* lio le. uiril ii pli* ,ii*?.iii. ?nril?*o|i or iiliel Willi i;i llo in* a mux ? ' tin- ?cl, ? ihe <*npi*<im\ Ii; iiiu! tin pi' \ i-i"iis ol pnriiivnj.H Ii.null* r l went x one i*l:nIi 'i* t itirn.l in pin.-o* infi* v no keep on hsnl inri!i''iii' r riiK-l v for Ili?* pifpop*. of n.tiUitig up tln-ir own pro* Si*i i|.tiuiis for tl?.*ir | !ili**i l.?. 'flu* tax upon 11 w \ m r. ?*! \ -ii i-tip. purfceTn.f nn<l ?ienI i**tij -l.i !1 1.- iloeme.l ii I .fx i ] **li 1 In- p l ' ii nl p: -c-'.'t" 'i** p ' ' I '*v noli Ii. <li .*1. 'it-it in tin ii'i-ttii : ?. nml witliotit i*. i?io,| to i|... i.l n I '.Oi 11 .* panic is ?;.?*..! m.**?-.I ; / "i*.?*?/.' ii. i iinl I I p virion* of I l.i* i.rl] mil npplv lo | liv=i? inn* nii'l r'li *'> cxc'ii* rjv. |v* . tl??no? .1 III 1 to* ( o*.f**ilir.' < r. ic*. X X V. 'olili rlii'iii** r rlinll fi:x It" \ i;ol* | i|*.? 1.1..I i xv nn*l n l-nll pi*r Vtiii.|.| on ili*. ti|*o*r I'ill'OM I - I.f. err*" Kx <*r\ J ? ; -* n. xx !m iii ! ? t ill **.:,|Ve* :.*i..*r\, m\ -nt'in m?. ?*i'Tut'.l *11 ' tl*'*l* < ' !:! I*'', i'l ' ll\ f'l 'lllll.o, rillil^l" I* L'n'??**l I'P ? ?'*?l*f* 1*1 ml" I' 11 I'll <:* II.U in*:. > i.i i'.. Ai* r. iv p*i?f?*i r.! i.tul 1.'.X'*.t II | >J l I }? p?.?-i* tiljioli lit ol - n *. -? iili f.II. -M i'l ?"|| :i 11 t . I* <1 ? !, "II t !o* * III v of lii'v oi-'il.-.n I,*.;..l lo ii*i!.i ii 41 -1 or i. ?: rn I.. i ! > , I lo* of"l 11 *1 of I |i'*i*ro***- .?n*r*|Mil of.-Ii. Ii r .' < .- afo..-Ini.l. lo *.i i* l'i OKI ?lu* j r.'-. 1.1 tin- a.*i tin tliirlii . Ii *i.*x *.| i.i . n l.tii .'.i..I ai..! >i\l v-t l.r? .*,i, 1 * . ::u.' si I |. lol of , v... x* tl. II. i'.t!i-. or !!.:. too *1 ay** III* I an. I*. 1.11 r I! . -a i f i -I .( . .1,1 'v. i 'ttio* oil !ii| .i!r *.| u 5 ?i* lx*-l - ii* i*. m .1,o i, t *1 oil ol tli ii t * I In* hp* *? ? ol lli.* i!:*''i. I, .-f llu- I'x.onn'..I : ". l. .i|t. ? io ? '. a a'..-. .- i.l. it. llo* atic'ltli' I.f I'lX XX Iti'**i ! *.! ? . . I Vni.iil :i.? , villi-' il#1 -1 ' "\ iii ii \ ! 1 <11 !- ??| : r-iti ill. i.:i.!.-i .-iflii -r nlViri: (!'i--ii. in li-riii nv n mm:, r n- ' ' i i'i-vi-i iIm-iI I * tlii* < !imi>?iolii,i I - f.n 7 I |i?. ? 1-. I ri.*? :i"il I*I yt. j. ti.I "IihII iiI tin ->itmi* i-rm-n' f i r ? V, t i.y tr> l|>. I '.? mii'iiilit <if Is \ I i> i i J.I-II "I 1.1". i i I, :ii I i -i .1- 'mh ' lli" i - ii-i! i | \ -ail" \ ill i (nil I" I lli* ll Ii i ill 1 Ii I . f ' ll - 1 ii v . Si I . 'I liM I IIJ ? lln* r-i'.-ii. " I II I I'lV.I I ! ?-:in ?i.|-v;i ' ill If ? I J ;i" I \ ?!i"t . .? > . "|,-"|.| t.i-.-n ill" "||' I|-ti s i f I . -Ill . ill ill" ll.i'll:naV in ll" \ ill - I'l-r if..- tii.r"-.' ll ' I i. v .1 iii.i! r..111 il ii lav nl i-in- j-. i <> ! ? iii Ii ! Ii" - - ..7ii t|i' i.f -n.-'i ;tfi'>. v. fi. :i fill i ?." ??} ll Ii "i "11 liiiinli'i-i! .! f: I. nn.l i i\ ii | i-r i-.-i 11:; in ii j . ii *i n v i j. -- > ; 1. n: ?ij11 * r I. ii. I. vniil i-..1 fi iln mi ? ' i iii-lt i i-, jri l Ii" in 1.1.? r | r- -"i :1 " I i I" * !l"?: lll\. i I't-llllli - lilril in i! i-* ?i - i t ? / Voi'iV/Vi'. 'I li.i! ii'. tux?i hliii'! l-i i.i ; } l-v i :i I ii" iif f lii i:<-t t. Ii-v^h!m \ ? I nit v ?i nil r.-o.l ? ill r i| cllf.- V i.f|l ? -i-fllt ? ij .i||.H..-| p i ni.nmi'. * !'! > ."ii.- I..i- li<r pi'i iml i f I- t pi - it Iii.i-i"-. 7-vtu x. 'i'lini-ll r j-'i c-r- 1H* t l!i-*ii--. -i -i"i nil ii 11 iviiii. i l.f> r?-i I 1.1 11 i|.<-< 11 ii ii. (j% ni. ill- til >.1 i >1 ' ii'iiih I v : > \1, nr ? ! 1 f > ? ' t I ii- |-i -ilit". t|i<- ii " ni- hi ' ivliilie I iv "-1 l-y III ' p. r-. >ii j iM < i \ tit*.I "in i i n.ti i! f i i ? \ i i i' ii> < t:p-.' .ii p'n\ ii . ill '?r In , - I ll. |. f. _ I . <1 . I Mi', ill V iiti-f. llu-\ lujiy In -.. 1. .-Ii . Ii - -I. nivl'l ..Til t'Vl-n iliV" .t r- I l-t: ? * III If. s'.i ! i.r ii i.ii.-\, nmf ll,.- ii i-i.|i." iii .I pinl.'A-l.-i iv>-.l i.i, , h. ni". v l. .*"v. -:i. .i .Inl ii ts ili<- ?t?!<-i??I:sf \.-mpi r. "itii.T t. . K.i.l lit-l ilnv if .1 :i mi.% i*\ lU. I ... .1 I*. i.l .- -- ... i - . - - i. ii- > i.n> v .| ;i it " li-i-rltiiil i-il, ft.i| nil I ill l!>. l.iirin < ! Iii-'i-'h nfirt |ii i I !l tin- ii.i-?.n>i- I f fn.m i}i. ivi < ( he jntf'->. lit-rni t - i'in'ri'v"i li'i/ i.r mil ! - ; . *inl li?' I'sii'ii-. ni.-t m }. chiiii" \ iniI'!-, -i i i i.' ! r-it1, i.| villi ofi'ii'ii ir-iii ?ii- ill" r ?n 11'. -1-' x. ti.i" *h.II In- .1 iluct .1 fr-i|.-i<*<- ifi:.-< lit iiii lift' rent ii h:,tn -" ifi.i 1 i i i-i*i iiiic,ii-i fttimiil |i?re ',r'i, 1.1.1 I X iI I.' I.-11 Jii-1- 1- II I in" mi ill i I-1, i ? i-i- j f ' Ii t i Ii.- r:-i ; ! i v iii fi i 111. Itliilr; i? ?i 11 fl ' I Ii. l;lj-rt 111 ii ili-lil'c t it in i.i.i . M-i i-iiii ;r, live j ei- ii i.'tib t??i- ft ii Ii ft ll I >1 ft I11., II. It 111 * ir"HiT<.i I i' ll. vh.1.1 ff.-in nr.y iriin ii'm-Miiii ' '-r miii I- - tuMm-i. tli.-ic Jllll.ll I.I- ll. ill I lull III. 1-1 .!||- II|II-.| .ft T-IIIA 1.1 lie cii.l- '-iij i f ilie * -... : i (ii* ri-i I ?f tii?- r *i*ilili-|in*.i*ftt ?it..| t. .i i - if let mir v Ii-llli'il, H till nil' tiWI.e.l l.\ I !? {KT'iill I ft-Sc rniii fj il." ln'ftiiui-.-; i-f 111 cot i if_i i, 1 I in M.-tiiiilli I .-I-.1 111.1 j rti I In i'; tS.ii .1.. t it* urinal cuit "f tit-' i nvi iiintrriul | .... i. ftml nft11 f!? tu t r III. |i i? in-nn^ l.c rl?-rjv?.1 from i.nvlt'?t ii ; I li' I'lirim m, I Ii ire licil I... ili'il|i.-i ?i| In in i!i-- t?rin>? tiii ? -. i- i-lnil.i>t? 1 lie mine i-f fu-i.'liie "it einiili *Hipj'i-tl I'V ii,e | i i*.in i till i 11. if i It-- m i, I it" I*.it- i f t in- limit oi % i , it i?i i mvnnl It till- tn-i-i-iin rtinrtiif.' ;Ke'e tltn-. m- if itwnctf 11v 'iitn ? r*<i>-iii.nh|ii n I Wi Wiitie- tm I lie wen ?i il 11 ai* i.f i he it*, lie'. I VI-II ill 111* I el. j. T Ce. I |e I" nil ll ll Ijjt, null il-11 till- c -i.t nf.llll.i inv tin* l.oat HIV li'i.i- I. IV. t| tlii- ilftvciie lie ij.-iiie'l liv till" tft\ I ft-, ei f. .ft,.i 11..lit nr lil|i-liiii[.liiii*, I lici e i lull I j lie il.iliii tejl finni 1lic I'rii-t i.-eei? # nf I-in 111inti?-Tft, trclmltn*; ill., vnlin nf ' lie <.|iip j v. Ii?n tin lain 4. if Inii'l /m- Inm-eli tin-.<??t it tlie,lalinl- neti?nl?v llireil tiinl |>ni t V.y l-iirt- | eit, ami tlie |irin#i'OH uf ili.- niiilerialft, ri nun Ji ii-? - i I . I.he V. It lli* in<"iitr ! o ilrritiol hy. tfio l?\ ?\?r Iriitn lli? "?! * ol' uti ifli' tnhif m- ?' f tkrr prwp.ilv I ? hI or prr?unil. litrri' rh??i) v# ilntiR-ii'il fii'm U>"Kr"*# ni'ifiiit off*W*r, li? |u intr ciiii of r!?i- ' v roM, iuclioliji^ In- /v .?i ?if4irni't>|K>rt#liini. ?'t:ai tr< "f cl-rkr | leti! Hi I ' i.l, l|ir rnnf nf l.iiik|in- r ro-'i li.\r<ltn l|,i>1'iirl?oM, ilhiritil unl in* nw n I h v it i - i VI. If the income i1?i?vo<1 hy'tlietnx nyi r fiytit amy "ihrr oeeiiprtliY'lt. |*'of?;m1nn, tirplot loeiit or I'iMMintx-. thrrr Dlifttl !?? d?r- I li 11i*il from lite nmnuiit ??l forr, fcmi>?! *? riaiit ioji, pintitn, c,i I'll imp. or Oooi'iti ) h" miIhiie# i/f clerk* nolO'tlly m l lltr. rut ) 1 Ttie iMi t;t' 1)1' hi It. I* loijlilin^ Unci iii I In- liitt'ino^#. ifliii'i <1 mil tint to- him-. t-lf^ till' Oilrl. of IttliOl' tint'tilll; Ji.ii't ?|||) Dot trtyl hy hintf-elf, nftif ill tfnnt of nili-nnl I >llirr limn machinery p<trrfm?eil l#r lIn- mm) (111'* '.yrit' ti#, or to bit oouvcitrtl 'm|u j Vtlift uknftf>riii fit tlir ckQi'm nt )>! Uti-i- 1 tr?S-:j>M i?^e?u-? of miil.uid itniirm??o nOm mi".v "TWlllolli'yf lorn* pnM Uy them] luiiRd I'frt The incvov. ij'.rn "'1 ti'.:u ' X.. . . * ?...... __ a m m :3? - K m jail other shall be subject to tin j|h ' diiotlim ulinijfvfr; ?x>r shall fot ci^yem'l*e ' J anl.jret to a tax trpon any, ot her Income than 1 thpt I'siiifil fnmt pro parly parited, or pei citpatisAn or so. plovmeotn-pursued by them | wjlliin 'lie llni'Mrrth' SUt>'?; nod In estiinntiii lieonic there shall lie iticjtdrd lliv II x aloe of 'he estimated niiuhnl rei.tnl of all In ellip!??. houses. htdldtnirs, or lo?a j in cities, (outrun, oi1 vi'ln^es. occupied Hv the ! on in e. ?tp owned and toil occupied or hir?d, innl the in I in- of the estimated' annual hire J of all sfa'ves not eitl?fi|fed ?|i plantations of j farina, mid tmt in plon-d Hi some business |?t jtH>Mwtitin> the profits ofwhich are tax led dkinrnnii' n del Iht* get. W'hnn the Inj enmesh nil lie thn* n-?ocrMined. all. of those , n 1 ich do Uf?| -exijpe-' five bnndr-d dollar* ' l"T aniinni shall he exempt from taxation, t 'it nil jnrtiini't n rritwl difiiitr the tear 1 over five hntoTiiiT .h^laVn. Wnd not exceeding fi'twendionn edifo liars, a t. x oY five per eotit. *|?all he |i?('; oii-p'l incnit-e* over fifteen hiti died d'd'ana, and-Jen*.than thy**, thousand dollars. fiv? jn-r cent.- shaM l?s | in id on til* first fifteen hundred dolJarx and It'll pee unit, on the rxews ; on all iiipiqin - f or over three thousand dollar*. am* less jthnn five thnu?aod'Hollars. a tax of t?n |>er . , ... ??r j | nf*' fir# iHollars, at H )?*nthnni/n j ; thousand rliilliii-d, a In of twclTcsjwf a half ! | |i- c-ol. shii'ihe p?M ; titid on nil intomi'i j ' of or o?vr I ill llio*,*nn3 dollars, n tax itf flf | ten |'?ri'nnt. slml'dic paid. Al' joint stock I Companies nod cnl"|>nr?l'(lB? slislt reaerxc j nnj-.Tciith of th- stomal eaHttnes. sot apart- I f..p di\ i'lsnd nod rcMrvol fnml. to I'p paid i ' to the coMector of ilo> 4 "on fed rote tax. and i ( tin* diVI-hed then p.vd to the Stockholder j shall rot ho estimated as a pnrt of his tn colon for tl?f pn-piot* of this net. All per- 1 son? -hall give in an estimate of their in conic nod profit, derived front any other ?Hr? e what over, sod in dointrso shall first state the i*msa flmlnint of their rtecipla as J iodi si-lea's or hersofn tirnt or tairtner-' , hip nod. it?.tn'e p rticnlnrlv each itetn (' i for whifjt n iloVni-iiiHi is tolie ntndc nnd the j1 : fimnut t to l i- do 'noted for jt : Pmfidnl, ; i '? lint tin1 'incii'iiss nt.d profits noon tdnsli j ' | the nlmvo 's\ is to he imposed slmll not ba I'j deetped to inelttde the product* of lan?l j ' i ?liic!t nre tn\ed in hind nn herrinnlter de- | 1 ; << rtl>?'l. further. That in case lite nnntnil iipione* of snid joint stock coin- | 1 paid. ? and corporniion* set npnrt ns nfore- 1 aaiil. shall "ivc n ptoflt of more ihitn ten I ai.d her limn twenty pcr-ceitf. upon their i 1 j e ii,ii m1 stock paid in. inn -?-?trlit It of sold sittn l ?.,? set npnrt he pal l as n |gx to the ' eo'l i-'iif n'olesnld. and Pi ett-e said bum no ' si t npsit sli'ill inh' n t ruth of more iHspol 'tsventv p. r cent on tl?i it; capital stork, paid j 1 i it', on- h x h ther-of -hull he reserved nnd i 1 paid ?< nforesni-l. The tax levied in this' e-< i-'ioti shall he pni.l oli the fi st ilny of Jan 1 | ti:?r\ t \t. nnd on the fust dnv of January i nt each year Ilierenltvr. Sj-r. ? Thn* if !h- O'Veo-ur dtiill lot *dia- j -:iti-ti. ? with il.i- -*aii "n. lit or estimate | j i.j li i ioi'i- iifd profits ili-1 ivi d front an*- ! I p.n'i- wli.tti v- r. nihi l hnn prodtie'a in | 1 k:o.|. ? l.i> 'i 'li- ts.\ pnver t? r--tjtifreil to 1 oi'il-r, or v lilt nvv d dped- n eliiimcd by j ' a,: l i \ p ii,.-i . to- -hall eol-el.oiii- disir.tefi ?- ' * ?. .1 nil'/, n tl-.e 4 'elt njre ns n reference, j ' ' li t he -IT J. <> er hnil elect nnolhee, and,' 1-,- t - o I lltl" "eh . I. -1 -hn'l eiill in n t hi id I f win- alp-11 i". I c-t'-.'nte aid d-le*mine the J ' fait-hi rrf?r-in-.- . fail istimale -mid ile- ' , . 1?;i-tii?n?. m.' ti\ iIn- rmount ol iticonti-and 1 I pi-1 i's s li eh ?' tav paver she 1 tie n>- J ' - - li, a- 1 ii *ort ihi'iit" -ijiii-.l hv a -mejori- ( ' 1v I .- e'.-i I IS-.hall tie < ore'tt-iTe II > to,' i I Ik- i 111 -''lit of ii-ei-i-.te nid *.? tiffs on which i ' ; ill 1 n>- ?.e v er shall rtcccssrd : /'rotic/edL j> j if r.iiy per-i-:i s'ni.'l fi.'ll or i t-fiise to r.-n I h r the -t.'lii Iiti-r.f. of estimate aforesaid, or I ' ;k! iii refuse iii -lee a refer* e. ns I ' n' '. tli- s -- ii- - tin '1 "i-li et 1111 ce re. ! ' IS, I ln -! -. i 1 fx ill- limoiiitt of tlti-omc j ' . n ' i'ii iI's . j,*? hie!i the I-i\ ; vet- si,nil he j ' ;'i,,riil e t est ex idenee they i-nn alt H t:i'e, a I . rii'h-st -ionril hi n imit-.iiiv 1 ? - -- - - J - - ' . f-n 1 " ?l'[ M 1 n nip?'l1 -?iv.* nn Hip 1 t;.\ II j i ; proi ?< ?/. ("Tlll'T T'l't " 1 ' no* ? n' ! < f.-roi*. if tIn y. '?p -I n tunj-'ii't f 1!. m pin!1.) IV'H ami err'ify 1 ;,.i tii ?*p of infm" 11 mii 1 | ?- r-n I 'i* ill i.-i* ppypr ' p. t p.ii,?i>;ii ii il'Hi fmir tifill - of tli- I rue . iii. 1 T| : 1 iii! onnt of 11 i I.inhM.* ilii-oni' ?liil | ).'.fi|p il i-'i t ". e * ii v p.ivm'. in iii'i'i'inii 'o j l In- irci.iiii l ii * !. Mo' 'm p i in-11. ii I of hit ill; ' oi.tiii mi.) |ti<>1ii? >in>rliiihp<1 mill r.'W'pil liy ' i i )?< i>."' > p. 1-n'l |>r? v -ten per cpiiturn on tin? I ' j r. "hi i t of ?"i!il irp?.in *. ninl tl>? ft-e-eeiir J s!i i'l I p i i'iVfil to nil. tifili of < i : .ova1 i.v i+" i ' 11111 i*i i.vcr mho nl?ov? nil I < i r f. . p ni ) :,I! vi'-pp? ; ,1uif [iroiiilr.J, J, i 1 V'.'Acr. 'I'll';i i|i- ." ? 'r.iiv ?'iniioi.-icr 1 < !. ! 1 ? III I . f. p. p. Hi. t-;X -I'M CI" ?!? nnv j I I M l - I i- < I ? '* pp I V. f ? . fs ill >C(riir?i ti *1*;?l ' I . . -i null.', no. j?r.\ .i. !i,i>ti.ii' cln'miol ?r any ' i fait in f< i. p.'n tl.-r to. in mic'i form ?? ' i i |i..t-.. < r,! ni v of :'i.^?Tr. M?nrv mn firr?prilip. | S'Ki . ) >. ii r)i | i-n'iip nin.ln l-v nnv per j1 p. n i-o i npi ?lihi. or em pop".tion ilnrio? ilic ! v?np .ii>1,tppn |inn?)|.p.'" Mil ) ?ii*fv-fwo. I.y I i |i|P fpr-ll'ip" ii|ip ('.infpl-mt? SfMfCx I ' in-.! pair, <lm iior 'In* mill venr, of nnv flour..I j roru, I 'in1, 'ii poiV n?1". Imv, fii'C. "all, 'run,} I or 1)i it. *r ofr-iiippi of .iron, nin/nr, inolnrppM j [ funof paiip. ) Bill-- ii.'ioIpii clothe, f'niiji, j 1 j linolp r 1: o! p. niol i?i .11 iii* (-l-tl'i. ft Inx of ' 1-|* |*i ?- (piii inn n 11 It- !,.* I anil collect ml. ' , in I - i* .i.| o i i'i.i flr ? ! of .litlv n.-vf : I < Prm!Tlmf ill- I- \ ii|i|iiop J l*v lliia re-j ' t ti..ii. ''>? I not ?|i? |v lo ptiii'luoM anil pnlfr. ' | 1 ni in if - .'iv pii irip of< lie rr /i.lnr re'nil , ' I,mm!.. ?p. ninl Mill not enn'imtu li<T?ind flic ( i | in i si i t * r. I | .!'ir, I! I'-i-ii firmer nnil ]>1nnter In 'fie' I Poll ft .I.n'n'o StnU??. nfi-r r-|*pr\ji*? for liin , *?wi Ii*- fif1 v 'n U of pointI'M, ami I firl v I.ioI.pI* i.f lii-li poln'oe*. nno huiiitrii] i l?.-!ir'- <?r I i.p col li, ?r fiflt Knot.el- of tW ' ?lc:.' r.-i.tVi-fi in t pw-s. nt Vfur. tihnli , ' po v i! .1 iti liv?T |olhcr??fcilcr*lc (!o??m I 1 , iiici t, < ! tii-' p'ih'uHi of iio* )im?*nt, | 1 oi.>t?i.'l?' f iii? of, o^rn. oi,t?. rye, KiiuV- 1 J ) or riri\ 'tfwl on.l |ri*-li pi.t a topi, f! | PIHI of !?.* rioc'l iioj O",! foillpi ; ftliA, on*- | t.-ii li of tlm snpr, ino'nx'r^ mode of cone, . iio'i, nm 1. anil |ol.?or.?; thr poilon jjfinn- | . j > I pinl pn?-k?''l i'i "ofio, ocftir? munncr. rn<l ; , lo?<noov?-?'cipp?"1 hml |HHtn>/1 in l>ov?(i. to lie j ' il.-'io prul lii liini on ?r licforc 'lie first. il?v'of Mtn'li in t1i? next rco/, Kni-lt"Twrmcr ?*r [ I Inti'ci1, of>r rcocrviiie twenty litirlirl* Hf ' , p.-n* ?t ' I h( not ir.otr- limn iw-nty ' ! I.nulo Is of Iwili. |iir|>i<(iwti u<c,ohii|| drltv<r I ' to )!. inoiifc<|cri?t? linn rmiicnl tnr ilo m*, I 1 , (iiic 'cnili of thr piM*. lifMn*, ntni prmtrwl j ' ( i-pio |.f"ihtc'il xinl gHtltci'd liv hirn rinrinp ' t|i. |ir<*nn' v *r -A- ? w>? a* tli" n fm neniil ' 1 rroj.u ?r?- turnip for nmrVrt llif "?x ' ncc.oKir "i r f /I i*?tr"*mici>t Itctxcci. ' J I hint nnfl the* tompny r, uShII propp^-l tn'tx . t iiinit<? tin- enrnf in titw follnwinic * ?!???? I T>m. ??. f?r.r Hi**] tlir tax pxyrr ?hotr cnali 1 i *a1?'<"| ? <1 i-i*'i ro?t d frrrlioMrr from tlio j \?lm in?<|' all in * tliirj in fn#* nf! j a nf o'pTtiion. t<? ?.?-t 1 <? tKr tnnttrr !1 I i li-'t>?tt?- ; <yt if tin- 14x payer nrirl>-et? or rcfngi-a to-rt.-M'on<- nn?li fr i bo'd r. t)?# j in'ld awo-mor ?h'?H two, vvl?? rlmll pro- < eee.l to nv??-*s tli crop* n? lter?->n pruxriilod. Ttv? alin'l irOHrtiiti the amount "f llje oorpa I , i-itlicr by actual inenatirrnirnt or l?y ?ntnpntinit tlic confanl* of the room* Atr hn?#i* in . wliirh tli- v oro bold. when a nirmt mmj><-?t-?pon I- p'/ictiraMo l?v null a nict>io<l f and |lir appraiser jhnll fhrn estimate tinder ^ oatli, tl)?- (pmotltVand quality of ?|?M oropa, , iticlnrffna wVa* may hnre bsen w?ld, or con ntmcl l?v tin* pi,ixiBi,"f i'Iin to mIi1 nil * m?tr, w h elite r en tti. ml <>r no*, ami the val- * u of Hi# portion tln-renf to wbioiwihe Gov. ? ernwi't is entitled, ui.d *haM ^ive n written ? smteuietit t?Mhi? prfim?t?* to the "SiM cn4lr?- J to- and a copy of 'h<- some to the pfo lrrr?r. The*iiJ jvndnoer slislllo- >'>qiiH'Mit.>iii-|ivrr * tlm w befit, <?orn', niitn, r\c, btick wheat, Hee," ,8 tv-ns, bono*, on red ha wind fodder. suirar, inn- i laseea-of en'-n. wm l andJidwcQo. thus to lie * quid *? a t oh* in kind, in *a<-h form nod in or- W tlinarv marketable roodiiionnaeway Ha wOfcnl the re.-lion rf ** liicli they are to l>? detteep- f t<\ srrnl the eottrti tu ith tunpuyr t? htrc- * * " i * / . 3t 8 '3K . Wye *. i fsali nhefore piwlM, ?|Aki twvnmaypt ftjilfr j We time U?ajr bare beenaetimatadhaaflwe , 4 *W,mdrime depot doI .inN than Hpit 4 nw fN?m tin- place pf prodoatlen >Nwff 4 ??t^Uli?>r.d |n that time, In <wck WW, A ?e ehall be {< ) )? to pay fifty par e?ftt tW I titan Mia estimated yalua 0/ Ut*> parti a a 1 ifomaaid. Am I* ootloelrd hy tha. tax oellee- ? Or ? hereinafter prMeriiw): Protidnd, 1 Hint 4ha Government ahalj h* Itaund to fcr< 1 niali to tha prodiipor notii *or thedeffrery 1 i>r anch artiel* of fcn^B an require In ha nut < hi aacka for transportation, and ahal* allow 1 to tha prodneer of m*daeeee the coat of tW I Hatrele eontainirtp tbaanme. The aeid estimate ehall l>? cooolmWa eridanee of tha nmount in ramery. of tarn . d?a hy she pro 1 ituna to tbt Oowi nmeat, and tha collector la hereby pwwirl to. coHaat lh<?*atwe hy thr brnlm a nanaat, of die tr4o froai hie ofQaa. aader hia aitMtart In Mtv oat una of a w?H of Mmri fmrim*, aad by virtue of tha mom tonin mod aeH any perianal-property aa tha pi i^lm nf. |jie tax payer or elsewhere,-hrtoaftlafr to Hilt or ao much thereof aa may ha noc^dary for the piupoaa of paylaf tha tax, and tha aMitho- 1 a) fifty pvr cent. alor?*a)d and corte; ini anid aala ah all ha made in tha manner and forth and altar the notice required t,y tha 1 lawa of the aararal 8 tat re for judicial ?rtm] of perMtnal pro par tv, and the ?eid warrant | of dm*****"*? **eautrd by tha tax col- f Wtor or nay di pntv by Mm appeirted for ' that purpoap. anif-elindepnty executing tha! warrant eh a IT fee entitled to tha i?M faeo* aa arc allawad h? the* raapaetrve Ktateetoeht-riffa ash-eniing wrila of fieri yinruM, aald feea to Ha paid aa coat# hy tha tax payer: /"toiviiht That In ail aaaee where tha aeeee?or and th<- tax payer it*reo on the. aaaaaanietit of the cmpa. *end the value of tha por ti?o iht-r> ?*f to which tha Government i* entitled, no otJ>fr lytwtwwt shell he neces-, Mry ; Imt th? on shall h? reduced to vritltigw^ ^onJliy the HHH or ihii tax payer, anal liavc the MRU lbsII: and effect n? the assessment and rgtimatn of >)iii^t*rx?(?<1 frf?lioMfr?, linrkbRfiW ikmimk^i] : and t*o ?opi#i of s?wh ? >! > ireni aik] . etintaHetf lima agreed on and si|rrrd as aTnmasid shall t? mode, and rate dslireted to the producer and the other to tha rolleetor : dna provided, finrthrr, Tha. tha Rn"vwr i? hereby authorised to adfninleter on'lae'to 'he la* paver* ami U? wilnes-es ini eanrd to any item of the estimate herein required to lie mtilr t And provided fWtYArr. When nerieuUiiral produce-in kind ^s paid- tor taxes, if pairnent ha m 'e by at tcnatot xvho Is bound to pay hie rent in kind, the tenth par' of said rent in kind shall he paid in the tenant to the Cavern ment. as ne>d 'or the tax of the lener on said rent, find the receipt of tha Oovenstoont officer shall release the h^so'r from alt nldipntion to -include eaid rent in kind in la is statement of income, ami direhsrtje lite tenant from so much of his rent to the lessor.' Kt.r. 12. That'every farmer, platter, or (jrsr.ier shall exhibit to the assessor, on or aluitit the let of M^rrh, eighteen htindred and sixty fntrr. an account at alt the lao^Si lie may have slaughtered since the paasiagc j ?f this act ami.' before that time; sltyr the I leHyerv ol this estimate to the poet qi tartar- j mister hereinafter mention.d hy the asaea u>r, the ss'nl farmer, p'nti'er or greater shall leliver an equivalent for one tenth of the mid*' in cured hncott, at the rate of sixty |>niinil* of nae-'n to tha one htindred weight if p* rl'. That, on llie first ef November it-jtt and thereafter, an estimate ha'l Im- made, as het vioheforc provided. of I In- valti- of all neat eattje, horses, mules, n?f used in ciil'ivnttain. an-i asses owned hy ea'a h person in the Confealerato Suites, said llfam value tha said owners shall he taxed one per cent., to he paid on or he For<' t he first day of January next ensuing. If llr- (ja nwer, or planter, or termer, shall have old hecves tdrcc the passage of this art, and piior to th<* fia-*t day ?af Noranitaer, the pros* proceeds of aoeh *n If* shell I.eeSMnial ?-d nnd taxed as income, alter deducting i herefrom ihf mnnry Rrhihllv j>nir| (or tt>r I porch ?"V ?>f such beeves. if they have Keen ctual'v |>niclin<i^. and ihr vabio of the | corn r.oneumiti '-v tliein. The estimate of j lliw items a'-all W' nimlt in ca*e of diaa- j rreement between the arseaaor and fez i l>aver ?a herein preacrihed in ?lk*l' easre of | ihcntne tax : and on ea--h suei-eeiling fiiat of) November.Mho hceve* aoltl during the pre- j sedittg I months, shall Ins cMimetcd { and inx.-d in the name manner. See ia. That ill# S?eN*fT of War shall lifiili* the seryioe of Ihe quni teavnaetar'a ( UptiHuirnt into two branches. one, herein j denominated poet quart ermastefa, for Ihe [ tolleetinn of Ihe article* paid for Inxm in kind, and llie other for dWrfhntion to the pr -p- r pointe for eupplying the army, and for delivering cotton and to aceo to ll?e I i vents of the Secretary nf I lie Treasury.? J Tli* inx assessor shall tmferfrr. the estimate j nf articles due ftoin each pi rtnn, hv wny of n inx in kind, to the duly authorize d poet i|iiarleiniaator, taking front ihe aaid.qoarter-t inns'er a receipt which shall t>e filed u* ' voucher with the chief collector .ill aettlinv his pccmint.'nnd a copy of the receipt ahall be furnished l>y the chief collector to the aiiditor settling the post qnartvimoaterV ' riCcount ns'ti charge against bin). 'l'l?e pea# piateitim?fer -receiving the estimate, shall J solleet. frobi the tax paver the article* I ivMeh it specifies. and which ha ia hound la | f?sy and deliv.-r aa a taz to tlta Confederate ' [government. The post qnaHermaatcr ahall lie liable for the tal? custody of th* articles placed in liia enr^ and that! aceouat for the anmc bv alioa'inp that after proper dedncli-uis from unavoidable loss, the rea'dne has b en delivered to the distributing attentats Bvide.rced by their re?i< ijd* The aaid po?? quartermaster shall, aleo, state the aecounta r.f the quartermaster* receiving from lihu th? article* delivered in payment of taxes in kind at hiad?pot? nod make a monthly report of the aarne to Math ofBo?r. a* the Lt a - r * * ?:.-r*?i?r? in ???r nmy hmumu : /fcmM; 1 That ?B rat "he poet quartermaster dhall !?* unable <o eolleoi Uk tax in kind in il,r rMimalr 4rlivrrt<\ to blmki tlorcMld. he shall dcHvfr to the district tax collector [>r raid c?iimn?e a# ? (ar tha distress amrint aoth.n>t*J to ha iaeiird, and fake ? r?<ri)>t Ihe-afor, and forward tha nmc to ihe ehief tax eolleetar aa a credit in ?h? itaUiMXt of the acoounta of acid po?t quartermaster : '/Voetderf, That an* partial pap men* of aaltl tax in Jcind ahall na rndoraed >n eeid estimate before delivering the tame lo (be district tax collector aa aferrenid, and he reoript ylven to him therefor hr tha liftriot tax collector ahall epeeifv aaM par ial payment, when tha article* thoa colretail "through the payment of tha taxea in kiud hare been received at tha depot aa itop<>aaid, thrjr ahall be distii'Uled i* the genre of the Serretary of the Treaaoey, Jf hey l?e editable for fore?e or aftMalanee to rich place# and In aueh manner as the Sea etary of War ma* prescribe. Should be Secretary of War And that aarea of tha igrirulturel produce4Una paid ia and eultedie for fcrag. end aahaiataaee Ha* hean or 1 all I be deposited la ptade* where it oatinot i >e ward eitlier dirhatly or indirectly far , hear purposes, he- shad) eatase the earn a lo. , e aold, in aorli manner aa hemay presorlb*, , ad t he proceed* of euoh mIc shell, ha paid j "to the Treasury of the Ceo federate fttate* 4 >bonld. however, the ftteretdi-y a# War no 4 Hy the Secretary of the T eaenry that if . f'<tM l*o impractical>le for Mm to collect f r use tha aetiaiee %pM' in kind^ or awy , f them, to I* re art red hi certain 'drsfiete , r localities, than Urn derrecaiy of the < Mmiry ehat* proceed |o collect in said , Wnlei* or laoantaea Aha money rhhae of > id nftioira specified In aaid ft liana ta and at re^tiredlA kfod and aaM tueney Mrtoe , hall b. dttcou the firatfe, of Jcn'narw in 2 -eh add every pear, end U OoUcctei aa * ton thrrtrfter ar prnpiiooftfe |f Hvc, ] 4. That lh? cOHwaia of incomes and a roMa, ether than Ukoea paynMi Hi Mpd. I nd-tliu HtntamaOn Wd<|i for tha Aoftut < p.'*V - ^ !ImmI#^Si55*H^ hS^tju1 ?*' MrfM, *?> ?> It ?r MHa ohalt prw?M t< >rffa?t tk* wwt from Mm |?i payor. T1< nnnry iJita colU?tr<V Mall b? paid to th rhief to* Hortor of th# 9t?t*. aooofnrx n<ad hy th# MthttU*. Mitmanl* or oil] kfoteraid, Mlttrtd by tW oiitut to lb ittetoiet collector m MwotM. 8n. la. That eeary t ^iii \dw, ? frtk too, tmMIwi, KM. HIMll .or- w*ht? or tdyhW'rWM. or aaogeht, tmajt in'fact, or footer, of mr p?ro>h ? prrtooi, whether midin| h the ConfM rote Stetee or not, and etcry receWer I abaooo rr, ?tek, hfWt or other off oar , aoy eourt, ohatl be aa?weroble for tho d< inn M *H will <Mtt. tntttew aod th?n*o? holt tea Mtirtiit bb hho laotfrr to th imwioW.M Mrwtwj, owupoot i. pr dwO at?J incomea ado* OMtO Qwaiml 0* fl ?hr poj ??* of niOOO thereon, -wad holt' ho indeo rafted again* *11 a ad rvrrr perteo for ,a pn?ai? nta on ?ro?aA of the t ax o h*r#*in *p etftod. and oball He roOponoihte for all ton dae from the eoteteo, taeotne money, ' pr?f?rty in their pomcsaion or under *lho Matml. ' ' .' Men. 1ft. THi interna and iftoaero of h< fdtaU. aiytema ehnretier. eofcooU and ?i lipep/ohali be exempt from taxation nodi the profWnM of thto not. Baft If. That the Secretary of the Tree or* hf, #4 In is htrrkr autkorit^ I ih? *J1 roles and regulation* necessary t thr PMrmlon of lkt( fiat, and not inctmsi tant herewith*?n. It TIHiact flail W in fore* fur tw rears after tha exjnrstion of the preset yaar, and ?Ha twxaa herein imposed for li ptaaent year ah at I bw levied and coll.-et? each year tberwaftar ia the .manner a> forwi haraia preieriltwl. and for the *? tinia *f'two yvaft, aniens thia act shall i sooufer repealed : /'roatuW. The tax un i? wal. stores, flour, wool, cotton, lohaoao si dlker sgrienjtsial products of tha pnnvl of ana yaar preccafttac: tl?a year 1SM, it poe?d in the first section of thia ant, th? be leeWd and collected only for (lie prasei year. Approved April 31, IMS. 7-3 A.*f A CT in fjrtrrnt Frnudin tkr i^varlrrmn ter'w nnd ('<>*>nn'*?*ry'* firymtmt a/a, nnti t h?rm'n|t untirr fan* pr^ewee Trumtyvtiflew fwr /ViVnl? /Voperfy. Tba Congress ol thr t! nfadoratc Plater Aiaariea do enuct, ?bat nu oliccr thorp with thr aafe keeping transfer or dislmrsemei af public notary*. shnll convert to hie own u? or invert in opt khtd af property or merehsi dtae, Al private account, ?r ier.d with or will cut iwterert, any portion of the pnhlie mom; entrusted to him fbr *bfe harping, traBfli disbarreaient or spy other purpose. Site. 3. That no uSivr charged with tl rate beeping* trui^tfrr or disbursement of put IU mowers. or charged with or ssrlgwed U> tl duty of pcrehaMng for tha government or an department thereof shall l>ny, trade, truths i *peealeh> in, eitner directly pi indirectly f< the purpose of jjaic to hhaaclf or others t.'v r sale or otherwiae, pnr article trf fund or eiOtl ing or material qf which the rata* is mail or whieli enters into or constitutes a part of tl Ksmt or any material of war or article whalii' ever, which is or may hp tvqnlrrrt to l*c pu ehased for the use of the army or the prosit lion of Mir war. , v Bar. 3. No Hirer shall take a receipt i V laiiV for any article or unifier purchased t him for the government or any ilepnrtinci thereof; and every receipt rhull ret torth tl true anionnt (mid, ami on what arrwict; ar when payment is made on account of prope ty purchased ; tho receipt shall set forth ti name af the perron from whota such proper! was purchased, and'the place of bis rcsidaue tha thing or thiugs purchased hy items, ouu burs, weight or measurement, hs may l>? eu tomnry in tho particular case, the price liter of, and the date of the pnymeot. Hue. 4. No o#eor who is in rbsrgo of tr:?i? porfntjon, or who' is empowered .to grant tli same, shall forward i?Jr jpoivruanent coave; anco or at the oxpens? of government, or I tho exclusion or delay of government fteigh any commodity or property of any kind, yi Less Ike saute belongs to the g??eminent i some department .thereof, except af* authu iwd hy law. ' fee. &. Any oflltfr who shall violate tu nr aisles til llie fnoixn >"" i. -L-n " -* i v? ? 'nw,*"n w * """? "P a fuoi iclinn Infor- a ruiirt martial or mtlitaa court, bp I'luliicml, and placed in tha rank." i a private t? mv? 4tttn( I be war. That nothing hereto aonfaiood aliall "impc t!i? ciril remedy akirli the government m? hare again!>t any oflieer or bie mwtbt f> fraud. speculation or (hiaapplication of the pal lie moneys animated to bint 4>y thagovernanrn Sue. 0. //< if fnrlktr That at per art a in tha employment or aarvica of tl gwwernmeut aa aforesaid, and all other pcrrm coming within the per*icw of Utp a< t, wt bail violate any of the provision* of lb* for going (Mtititn, ahull be liiabi* la iodWtmrn ami flood in a auaa not iaae than nun tb?>unu dollars, and imprlrotwd not bw than one yea nor longt-r tban flro yoaca, to"kJe i in pom by the judge or jury Irving the eauoa, accor ing to tho courtj of jtutorial proceeding forA i? the acveral flittrii /VarMol, Tt pn/vialona elthfa not abaii in no wta* ton rlei wMl or Impair the civil remedy which tt government may bar* agabirt any of aai oflUara or tbeir securities or tmpUyaea f irntada, speculation me mUapplieat. *n of tl nanbaya entrusted to tbeoa mapar lively, by tl Conflate rate Rtabi: /Vended at**, That a conservators of th? passer, wbo, by tho lave the rural btaU-?, bar* jurisdiction In cofnpi or bind over offvnders for bteneUcg of tha otrln nal laoa of tbn State in which thny mar r sid?v shall hara poorer tn^oipniit or Mnd on in a rdfflcient rv cognisance ofcndoTs agnlp the proritiona of this law, to apix ar at the nc bm of the dlrtriet eoOrt of tho -fonfbdra Ktalra within the Jurisdiction of which the u flancn waa aaanaatUad, for trial. in Dm ran awiocr and a a dor the nan mica aa if ant j lMniin'in trial were bad Mhrt the judge i an oh diatriet oonrt, pad tha judge* ef tho foi fed*rata courtshaving jdrifdirtiou ?f the v feneoa MtN by tbia not rb.ali at tbn awn maiinwl of anob aerainn ep tbeir mapeatU courir, ahro Usta met and its pan Uriahs sapor ally in ebarge to tho wMbpant.fmnd |Wriea. Approved Hay lat, 1$*3. 4 pwafrs , STATS OF SOOTS CABOLXftA. ttJ&BS. KXKCrriVB DKfARTMK*?. > Cnunnu, ivnB l?, l*lt. ( OlUR ?mM Im, umM' U tpf* wWi t|? I OnW?ril? formor k 0M<i^fn fl?U mb? N?riW to MMh ?f wwfcr* wKM JgM, Mf ivitk wvwtiag fMM<WI afflatw "MM Ml WWWulilf'ltl?? ia Ualto?to !? ??<? : ?M Wn* Micta* aur moifmMrn torM *ad infentnanfy ntadnf tfcam to wW *j wratotMi to h ?M 4*w? to *< ront ??WI?! ?*? l??w hMmrtoi* *y? to rtldtlal* if* JnwrlarW to* Atom iMtoK mpk bertow< dttotol tonal jji^SStiJitor nTyr^*'*! ^SSSr^rtWlp^M^il.^otbe f M^>Utf#an* deywifAurfjnat n#?t. w, be tut?" k . v 1~*3 j/gdmft. unt?? I?L- the i??t?Mn?<ufv ? gp V WHfKWwi> m for?% Wgaiiised 'tinder the r - T; h 11 *** ^Wished To felllo p }OOll<Ki?e*u nnd specialservice,** at Uaet an yI ?lUt Mmbtf'b* iKwUwt and reported to*; '*''[ . the' War, Department as sulgeet to the call \ * ,, <>f the lVesldrbt Ivreerviee within the But*. t Three organisations may he n will be Mien by en examination of the Act, and ere for ?p-el^l servire only within the [, Stele. under offioere of their own selection ^ eod with the prMnlnga*f rvtneinieg at home4 re the pursuit of their ontiohry nvooedoos ! units* celled for temporary exigency to I MfLLEOag L. .BOX- & v HAM. Qotemor end Coniiniruder-lo-chiel in t end oxer the Stete of Mouth CaroHnd, cell yh?. iB" upon the people of the Stele to neeetnldwon "~\w y( the del ftxr.l io the annexed orders at their t 9. respootive Regimental tuu-ede grounds end' < F* raise end organise .tlra foreee eel he. 1 for. w by thf 'President.-for "the defence of. the ^ we Id, For two- long years your brother* . haes bortte Ihe liruul of this war of Ipd*-"* ? ftnftnetcB the bvmitri u#"tti<-COtiftdel'*-I II *7- V?* .lis* new" arrived to shoavl p. / ?*elTeii.?y?ithy of. tltoee gal'uiit men by R protecting their homes their wives end their ^ hWrta, ui <onU|(Wi with your own. . UHil the dflhVW orgsni/at.on lak^a pines. It Is recommeiidoAdto tli? vitiwnt of the ^ Stat* to cotitlaoe i^Smlng voluntary organ I | iuiiions nuii io m<i jmmeotuu-iy nuieiv, ' with aueh ?rmi as th?t hav?, for the pro' I taction of lyrj-ti?dgHl>orh<?nd, uloui? the river# and mm of the *c? Mnuy * a. dead ?ol I ey may he abeoaaaful'y delivered ? at J he raid- re'in their boala fiom the blutle ? kfe ioreala lining their banks. f Immediately aftey the requiidliop of the President ie tilled, the UuVerimt will lakh ** tlf|H for a moro *nm|>lrto orj/nuinvtion for II nelrhburhood protection o( such ne ntj? Jem j fitt' d by year* or otherwise lor lli? |divo I dntie* ol a V- A , (<|HU tinder my httn<l.*r>0 the fceaiftf the . Slate. at (A)lumbie,dtMiUfnili <h<v [t,. a] etf .lime, A. 1>? one ihuneniid etjjlit "* . Initialled ipid sixty-three. f - ' . Si. L. UOiNltAM. ! \V?. II. IluxTT, Secretary ol State. 1,1 . AS ACT * to rivovutk ron tocat. hium* and knoutuse vim. J . Skctios I. Tie C-hhrest nf tk' ,S4<il<" >'f /lrtfWffl Jo ende/, lli.-.t t l'ffti dent lie and he i* hereby aullaoriird to m-A-pY *" the wrricet ?( I AlunloMI of luvh kii-l IUI<| ir " meb proportion k* be may deem expvjt). nt, W "" eerVe lor mrli time a# he may prewi h , f<> ihtlTtfMCv of expoaetl (illml or loi-nn.hj-, i. ^ etteh apeeial service a* no oioy derm cap if .colbrrrnw. i 1. And ?u? h forces shalI tm ipji.ti red into in.- ijrrki o. the Confederal? StiC-e^ *? for tlic loeal deteoec or rpociul,rervice I.N 4 ?nid, the mutter roll (oiling forth mmiiii t'^ * the acrv;e.<s to l>e perforpe d i.and the said f?. f* onUeia ball not bo ronntler*d in eeluu. v.r r> vioe ubuI thrrcimto rpvciftlly order d hy'lh ' Piesidaiit. And they shall Imfuii.liJ to pi. f _ 'f or anheietenre only tor rucb- time i.? they inn, ^ l>e on duty tinder ihe older* of the t'r.sid.n ,c or hy h a direction. V hrcnox 111. Pin-h volunteer force*, wind, JT ho ?fo pi"t ?uil urJ.rul into service, r.hail I, i.r?iini?.A| in accordance with i nd* ruojec'l t . B~ all th? provMiotiH ol the Art entitled " An Ao*i to provide lor tbo public,'' appr.j\e< *' March Bih, 1MM, anil amy he utlmlic.l to ?iu! " diviubnie, brigades, rej{imo?i-i or hutt.iUm?, * th? Tivuiiditimy direct fund ?L?n aot 'er ^ KtaoixeU into loitt-lliil a or 'r^iaii ulr liefi rr he it>K miiatert (I into an n'tau, the PrutalcUt *'in"i. ppuinl the field otai. er* of (Vi hnttuii'ins u-.i l' >P regiment* alien or^imed h? .neb hy bi:u. y Approved August 21, 01 i ? wi AliJTAKpH-r t. inm-ai V I'uvr. % Colirti.liftr, June :o, lhaS. r" (.'mi/a/ Order* A". -2i>. - * ty 'I ^r"rr> """ cl ' h i'celn oval ion ? ^ I Hi* hxcoll. li.*y the ( < iiiiuin.i|er in Chief.and (lie Act nl ll. oirr.-en '>'? j.n.v g. for local ?it folic- n?ol ?| eoial earviee," it ii, f. ' lielehy ordered:" 1 Thai the r?dt:n a tdiep < 01. era '?f th..?" ?- ' .Militia Hesjim nt? a. rein' Ir nt Iheir j>h*. ic |dace? of jmra.le oti Ta.'i H>A Y. Ilae Jtli o. I- Jtdv nrvt nil i.. b.i.. - ill.:.. .1- i:.. t. , ?. I lo"ltuir ewiifTiiir.ds linlilr lo out **i ; military '?? trice *l.y iM !? > til the Slot' a~ I Mini call for vmIiHiIi etc l>> ire- t lltr r- qui*' ^ t'on of ?he I'ri r??Vnl of tln> C? i?fe>'rriitk * j f i*'e? on Hin Stole fur troop.* f.r l^eul <i- j ' ! fence, -pe;a?a^ between folly mo] fori " . lf I to br inolctle I ill tile cull. i '"I II. tin ni.y llr^lno-nt fn;l?iiar ! fAfiv i J* i l?v volui ferrjjip. il? ijMorivol lro*?t%, w' : I t! i' liv-ll Ky Uriiill 21, Krn<a i pAHyjug i)ii" Ortl.r. the c- nun.frdlntr ufti' i ! ,y i uf ttlVh Keytineiit will iiiiKirJiuMy drsR 4 nt | from IIhim to " hHikI ruilliHrv ?er> |?.! vi?c t'eynnil; the limit* of their l>r|i?i'liri it.. Yristflatr/Y 1*1 *> ?*?|i llic of fo'ly ni-y >y ' ftfty 1-40 ?ii-U $?>J yrntt, n tufflricnt iwiiiWi ^?| uf men lo omit* <y? aolil qyo'ii I Jfk 11i? eoniinatiding otlitrrs of Kepl^ 10 j raciitrM* required iiiiinv'intrl) lo ?rgiii?rt r" I tin* troops'lhnarrt'i?ed into oompnnir* of no \ less lb?n sixty foor [44} und not hut tlmii ^ .one lir.r drrd and twenty ?va-| fttft] private* ^ by lioWHnjfVeitlii-n-. f??r o ?m| any ?Ron* > . j vixj ??? cnptnfn, imp l?t* lirHteoNiii" nmT in two 24 iteuwunnto. the ?on o->u>mWm??<d ip | <>tli?er?, four Sergem#* und four f-.rjMirnli' to r? j l*? npjyintrd lry th? ttfl inii r*' e I elUly relitrn to tWso.fllrc oftni.l Ul I elpalinna anil roll* of tTie roqifMNl'iH. ?r I IV. *Tlr,-o?uimnniii?i^ oflb-tire of J?f*t enni >. ' p*nfes ftrr rvqiiHe 1 to prepnrA nod return >? ! to th? cotftwyHidiM ifftii i-rr of lixdr reepnet~Li tie Regum-tils ou ti?A 4*1 ?Vive nmntHin.'d. .. ' h09itf?\t? dolls of all W'tl.?*>e*i.M-g ?riihln tiioH" nwi' rtii o }lrni4 liri MMO'H the ??* ??f *''< 0. forty mm AHy [til nfftl At)} yrni*. if ~ V, Offirers, of {/o uiUni* l>el \rrrn tl,o ,t of?s of forty m4 Hifr y? rs ?HI WstUjevt ,t to dmfi. ?? .? t? VI. rompABlWorg??}wd tiivdor tb'mord. r f will Ucrr?(t?r oqgjti Is d. by order* tmnn d. from this ot'h <\ ffHrUrtft^o-n** of ten rom? ^ n??R,J<jr tk? tertmn of Re Id oRie^r-. ? riMi wnwMQIiN imo Hf* JT&-I.I v l|l t>o nmi> ? \> f* red t#|?" CfjtWtrflU far fork I /!? frpaaVMLluraftl?) MTvfec wilkin Ihr limit* i t thin HdWf for W\* urtf? of mx inohth} frac ? tfc< flpnt tM|- nf An^n-l nn*t. ViU TU* ?flic*r"?' of fU^f * >*ra4s art thuyo^ w:lb tha frtNDfd fsf.n1 don and ?wrnU<^ of lid* ordrr, and > ?* dvftut^OB .?U?ir part a* oo thr pari nfaiiy oflcar nriU (m? vUiitd with ilinaararnaitpat;atttanjnf ?h- law. My nmmmI of (h* 0?mrwnt* '** / , " A..O.t?AIM.nH*TOK.*/ .A Aillntsitt and Inap. qduwl OaqflW"*.' inn* 18 - V t^C' ? (V r , , Charfoatnn an* 0ptn?M? j*p?t? MP*1ta?i tbaaa U.O n wAtfii+dUtUt. i *j?ar? }n *S* * tft-f* piiitlwh aanrtHr. ?hhI1 ?l?* rnMfHr July ???&&? xui^i , P any a??l?rr..pi,orjt*tf?' ?tr?o?? Wl?o fail) to mali* W.Of>f? a yrnr !^;lfcr l,o*iru?nra*y?^ I>aa?t and Icraatifr. N^v?j4?m) <k winMikxi r*qnir*jl. No ?>j ?-?>?* in^irr.i) I rhf?twirtfnl Win <H?li?atHiwn aantrd r. My tMitariaK an ttMU*4*atrly yn nm>j r MW* ts yonrot lvi-a U*at<b. m#alt<i. l>?*a*lit r ? ?i tons nff naff* ?>npr%?*nUjj?>. A. I 4WU> IUKO-?rinrn^ h> iU ffrU jonni. V U<1y writing to mf I * For fnrrti? law a ; (MNiaUca i4<lrrM (IncUni'K rrturn. !, Thank k. ?. Kun*iftv " 1 BuaVVNtr O., Uaritfrftfmi Co. Va. ' *| Apdf# . ? 4V ? * * J'JAMES M. AUKS, hSfi J5?5S> 3? 3L* 55 ' ^rijf _. J* ,.<k3>: