University of South Carolina Libraries
\ Wmm.. mm. ; . . , ?.. htfij i v 7 n- ' * v. ^si* . * * j* ?. /** ? n , %. * \ * >*% , ~ ... * wmp' 4LA ^ > * ? . / \ jjr -'^^^ ' * *t;^i ; j- >-;. -.1' ^ ^ .l^ ?_.^- ?^. .uu'^ v ^>m.. ;,i. ,.m >'1...lj , .' ^.^iu.?'a j mmw? |l; ' A." REFLEX OF POPULAR EVENTS HBtiirlir"- i ' - ??? ~ ?'"*1 > . . ." ' 1 "-?" . -1 BP- gjetsoted to progress, the Rights of thg ?>outh, and the giftustoit off olseful iinoalcdge anttwKj all -(Utesscs of Mgrjv'mg ^n. '- ' J '._^' afe volume i'""" ~~~ urernviue. south ^Carolina, thvrshay morninu. jonb is. isra. ~7" < ~ ' t" finijjrm' (Eaferpriw SMfitL, ia IMIvbd w*y*i.V"?f K. PRICK AHAir.KY. W: i . Miter#*ndrwprl?i*e. ia - ' *** ' A?iMjju I? Advaac*. \ Will bo inaortod ?l tho ratoo pf nnednlUr Ltj. V nd Ifty nvntt p?T equaro, of 12 Minion lineo, "nir"??r 1?m. for tin Inl iuoortion, .aefMiiy-ftve c*mt? for 4b#-occim<l iiKl third iMortleno, and Vfv> B#ty rant* for ?#?b nurrerding InMttloo. fc>,: OHItuaor notice*, Tributcfl ot K<*p<?.t. nn?i tf* )nation* for o?t-t?, of. bono* ,-er U io-fit, ?r<"i?i ".^..cbargod for at tlio r?te? of *?trotjty?flro rent* V*r ?qu?ro " ? C7'',jV~ . Antiouiiconiont* for nflto*. SA. * Jhf: I Adrrrtfin-amfniit In wlriiout t bo-jr timber - * : of io*?rlion? ayoetftod, will bo published until erdorod nut *u-l obargod for nceord'fijcl v. -:jjr^ggg" AJ. v * 4 i ? lb' Now AdVArHd#d*iftiif? $?" Not i co. JAMpk J -1 ,i Ki). ,! n n r ltth. J M8. A LLM-mi erwofCnninany " 11." YStliyyV wf J\. to H.iMalUn Light ArtilleyTV who jf *" hre absent wiihcmt te*?e. pre hereby order< 1 in u p.-it to cfimji for fluty without tie HT ' l?*y. TImi## (iilli g lj? eofrtydy with thi* it K**' dtt will lu> ?iri'trtoil And iri. d m DrfwvtVre." mr *- t. a.ii<ii.TO-iiA .. C#pt Cuiuiittttt^iiig iflK^ * ' Jape 18 7 8 v. Fair KotiW. , ^PHIP I* to nntlfV the IifpitmM tii? K?ate of Arts I All KIWJOUi:. dadeaecd, BLaBLw> hml ttm j.ublio. that whereat my interest in ?h> B fowler Trnol of l.attd. nr?r <lfeen?lllo C. II., jV' H> i^nd the l'ike *1.untie. n*?t iTtlor't Factory, ^KftWw pnld.- Md rtnt ncfordthj; Vt.f**Hr*ct ; III tho "I'M Krtnto IroWe it Jtldrtpent r~h1ii/?i W I poiMfdy ttlll ntMjr mIiI iAifiinientttr e loojjri* reepnuellilo fee ft, at <aid Uwl??ktlt K retponaible. ' ' J JWJBft KII.0ORR. Mb .Tnn? IB T .. tf K ~ . . Wit UK Onimnitaioncrjt of Roads'and To^t) ' J Authorities, basing collected flnm tor > JHa '"a alt Tor .ale * la hot on the pimtfj". will ?t P^*' iiaeo forward the fnoiU to too at till* jilner. l>v rgtf*- ' orivata oj.por/unHy, by JFxjirraa, Wr V>jr IlirV ^ ft .an-ka pnynlde h* my ordrr. Ucmittnue?i of K]P''' Villi k]T malt ai? uuf Mtkitrhrd. m.'* ww, M? fcjiAiOioV, wit A p ot of tin- Ftate Pnnfli Carolina. v' Camden, S. C., jVt.c Hth, 1m". PP, K retry paper ill li/a1-'.a|o ecjiv twice. %ttecti*a, 9d Bf|!n?nt S. C. V,;. aP<B. . (liiMe. .l^xi^lBrji, WM, > kU ^yrlCKIIP al?rt1i?TC i'nileit to return tlieir Hu' ' fll" V> ill t "I>< ill) lie. er they will he Eftjy' urt-marttitled and a fino of fifty dollars tjnaxEi wcil. ' *' . u ?? I - - It omrr a. n\, *4.111 I? ruTfir! Ci tit *n din p Sri 1t*gimrm ft. 0. XI. H'Vi r*'- T. Ara*l*, Adjutant. < ; Jnao 18 7 tf $90 XeW?Hl. J Tj" Wim? pay- |lw'?fc?v? 11cwur.l h?r the, npI ^J| .prchcn?b>li and.-deWrrtJr t?V ihpJln rnmp|J< I ?i in the flreent ille ' -prlVetee J. M.~ * *FfeOUAfM*5. * A.-JOKKA, an* A. SAT'.f V.HVIRI.l*, of Ootnpnpj - HJ* P. tO? A.. \>lio dwrrtod Camp ud'dr kUn< ib? UUt'd?y JueeJMA. * . .. : The nhl J. M. ared kbmrt thirty.. ri/jht rcmrt, Are fr?l ten fticipia hip-h. -hinrk at a. dark bair. dark complexion, rtti ft quirk I fc. rather a?..u? hull, heavy bUfc\<*i>U* J. A. JnitM, ayeU Itafntjf-OtilYfkM, Arc feed s. . ?'k*ce irehcs With. fnhr cemptc*i?n, Weeeyea, ' li/kt bair. and rafhrr Kt*n<h r kButr" ' * A. Fi.ttciAoM, Ky-rd thirty-alx year?. fivu foe* tea ami b fctvlf dnehyt high, dark r'MUfdrai?n, bine ryoa. dark feefr, at<>u? bttU), and ia r leer' to apeak. . ' ? T. Jf. iWTAZClAW.. Car/. Cpned t>. " II," P. B.-li. A. iTamM Idaad, J*?< Milt, 1HI., " H Jaw 11 > MRADAUAIlTBlS ^ COttttatfl^&frAXAtYftft l"T. #C+ . f~*- Qawaa> v,"Una ldk 18W' "TkTOTfOK 1* kt>r? by jrlven t. IbF* Boei/1* <& '.M i-A * J&ldWn' RbUer- tkrnnahdti (Re State iml ?bey pfil* be upplied, a* htrvroibrv, with EgR * OCrAS FAT.T. lor d^trUruUu*. t? needy UmIf? a*?4<e/r. ^q*en% on aj> TifV plW-ctlon to Ofcft DeWflfeWt. .., 5? ' By order pf flA>* Woformif.. Z ~\. *r FT. BW ll AHMTA^Wrabf.. T.ient OA. and Cothmhootry-fJoMerul ?. C.> ' !&\* AwaelS* \X *r "" 1 ' par* AH t?pm-im the.state lraort cmco, |Opr and anad MAeftu dap lie We. with copy of a.lVeKlaeaaeat an."-bed. to thla uWoe, Ibr pay. term*. BilU paid quarterly. m ~,asi5?S!f^rSj,sra. for ?? SUl/ hall 6?iro &ifr ?4 ? rm>m?Iff?tlwn, by rWlritattdl?poO*,, ?OH* M 4*o4 MUaries, U>M fhiultfted W ktvMHf, M?k o?MtH7 ft aWhfclor r><W? iTF aplrita m ntl>J Ifr (bifni iho feftr ppjimi roTMHia/' ' K . |WN W hervl>y ffiroh t'-?at hr?Vpo?*l* will ^4T , Ho ?Wir^?bU.t 3m* will Ut July next, ,(? ' * "A??fer?WM?yWh?o 1>?fwrtm?uti wit* dm thou IPdhwi ofv^I.C jMOT., imI fomrtarn M HWWWiM ? > m of PUKK tori** M **{iiMrrt?U* oftba uiMaratgnoA, *i or WwtC" ' ^ W"Mw fo?*<dM> Mhqitft? Mrwrity w'.ll W iwqwiiWt 1* tfca bitMal pMfortnaoa* of U>? ESf' IftwbT trtbfloMWH. . ? Hr " VuL _ f H >: ftiao, at U14 rti)iVm It "PlontorarUla,* OrliM Ctml*. f?XM, of PneiimtBit, WILLlXk SlilfH nOWBLL, M. 0., 00 fiat April* tMW.Ja tho 4?th year. of 1U? . - ; Doctor Iffcwell wu o native of 1rufk Di?. , triof, 8. C, After arriving at the < > muhood, be eboao the prbieaaiun of SMM&4I wbkji ho ardoou.iy Hvvoled bit 1Mb. Italnt attended Ln(m?i in> ChtrMtoa, nd ?her- ' Tirdt grodooted in lftir6?yU/iftr1a tlnlrerehj, Kjr. In May. 1*39, ho waa married to Mia* Parah C. Kaudrkk. of Union Dlaoriot. with whom bo lived to tbb Hoy or hit deUth. ftr. 11. aroa a jf?dd man-^-uo I<ert0r bu?ban<l,father or mooter- .He wka a Cbriatian- had Men for nearly a (|?Uttr of a reutniy - * a dtchll tad KrealW Muted hiemhor ot the Raptltt Chnrch ?at 4fal haptiaod into the telfotMhip of the Gilyad ?hrch iat Vaion, by fltf- AoahrnW. Hay?-aiid eVrr after iRttairatiag la hta Ufa tho prihyiptte of that religion tF ohlvb, fiwi J no " ohbnffMire of Ihi heart." hta month ao, 0ff?n t)>oki>. lie oyer wna a man of oniatRvd ijtnavi.Unen none mlllf... *? ?? ? ?r* - ?? ?l'*p and awiei in lb* religion* enlcrpriaca ?i Hi* . day. Hb )o\e<l mnati Ott> aoeicty of hiabrcthrea in CVyiat, ? <? hi* bouao nits e*l)<?l tli? wprtacli*f*' home." * In the Utt?<* par* "f Lb<rye?* 1S5ST. Tlr II. lik6*?Hl, Willi Ills family, Crma Carolina loTTexii*, nanrclIlWi in 'trltnar County, Were, I t i'ip <HK.fulne?**?n^? life. hlVhonnYabtedapoTffttehl, and rtlbioiii iaWitriU, he made *lk?jr? clrrla of ft lentil, who n<lib nVoitrn )r!?4r>*?. la.lerd, it hn* been mM (hnt the dcathf of hot few men in bhf coinilv, vroull hero boon ?o fnkrttVy (hit and rxairiinA. Hut he in ?one ; Aho ivffnr- ' donate hii*l>?uH nifil tender parent, the kind ' ftpighbor and n?wv,l eltixen, the eminent phyl* . riciiui "and Tuilhflil .Christian, U KvUc. Truly he rWrti /roM hi* iitbor*, Mid bia work*. ff|)' low torn. "llhn'sod arc the dead that die ia tM T.?rd?" 'A widow end (lea children ?rt> luft loltvly ifnd diolate in itArtr new wv*tert> bwMi t'Wl *bi jr.*on*ow not aa there who liavc tw? li< Deride*. : ut i ?>u mlv I by kind ft ml rympat hiring frurnd*. Their Ipsa 1* iri'epni'thle?Um? U>ra of* tlw community la great. AU feel ft, btit low more thnn-di* 1* AS TO II. Ptbntorqrille, May 1Mb, DtC-l. Fop Congress. wr wk are ei|ih?vitf.t to. announce"] lion; .IAS l'AHUOW a iwrnliiril" ' ? reaTgcti m to {hi CToNtfrere of *l?? CnftMrr*(* Male* ar Iteprrrenlalitc from the fifth Co?v grt'MMopal I)i*|riet. J _ '.j..) i J,- 1 .it fnutljfm Ciitujirisf. On* Motto--'"fcfrtm] "Sight a to AU." fTRKK5 VILLK, f*. C. rhur^ay Kftrjiiwr, Jane" 4ft IBM TTofavy Public. ,* Ilia Fxecllen^r. 4inr. lk?wi*M, ha* uppointed .Isjt*. C. iiKH-Ll, Xotaty PflWte'ft*V (hit DUi.rictv :v. tr: ~y'"*Tr? rr- . Colouol K. C. Birelar. IJiNlcr n xj!?i>f?(k-h lo Dr. M. L* i.urcv;, of ? r?hnn|iiii, fho 1J?Ii,jC?V>inJ M. C. Ifur- J of th> fM C. tJatelrjr, whu had Ifi* l<y | battered lit one of tho renont engagement* I with Mi? onratj tn Virgini?, from wVtb-' ' Mopntnlfoii ?m made ueenwnry, whs re-ported lolio <1<dng yrttll, at Col|r?pcr. ?' 5f "rr~ The lines ?f T*^, off Ttie tlw?lh t of 'SfOilhWAlX "J ACKSO*, hjtve tftoti pregaed out cf litl# i-*u?> by pur several enmp correopyndcalo, bat .tviU appear next ?et V. iHo'th ti iter. A? B^Vcat-Wery, cf I. C. Confer/no?. The mony friend* of thin dtrtny, Aiid more, particularly the tnemWro.of I lie 5f. R. Clnirch. * ill regret to JeMrn*rff hta <tratKT' u l.iol. ocrurferf" oe ?! < 1 ?>?J* hwrt-. at hit plantation, ???r Ootden til* trie t. IK- w u? ripe lf> y oer# o nd good work a. heip'g/to thelMd j*ut pf hi* niW??etry,_ hav tog Ijryn ortltdned e Jtmfooii it* the fbnroh in the ytftr ISftt e??l "# eWer hi 1886.' Thnae wlnrvreeeSutlsoeto with hiw, glre JtrW tes'lotouy'ef l?l? nteey'jrirhee*. A# a Chr (ita ad Ywlioietvr, he wee j?*? aw* renw n ?u. in I lie purpose*., FeilMul ?ii J fcii| ottrj hi hw dntleg. evcn'*..d toned* (u W morula, ploin in deu'oi'in?h?/| -in. yCt nut! tenifcl' atld k W Ml Ids *y n>fallik .XFeTtere lh?.spli?fo*itotf of lieraUfimr p* nor Countryman, and Cennlrr-women, that rttePte tbe Jit-Id, and nnr fttroeo hatra gwioed eo nri, f ,fa W e odea Dt a fie" Q*titrai Hturva Syi-fco^tee* per tlaty drf.-nt e.1. We ha V.? tot ftrfl nr?mn?f-n# tfc* oKm. (nor will we *** . t?M w-immrmnh t*t jl l? *?y fc no**"ti*! General Farmer lms h-e* m?e?ba?fij>g hfs ferma ever ?tnee tbe earfy |<?ri of laat fall, art J although ?**? ban m*<Jein*ny*lt-*fr?t1n manoeuvre* he ha*not h*^ *hM?fh brhtfc?i?oui ? > ae,<K,'"M>nt un_ til jtry Utety. Fret* M 8et/i>-r me l-*rn that |M a alien <*#??h*rp, **) ?f4ri<*.f. the p??ty aUaakad b?in|f Minted d?>wn hy haaatamha. Gem Sickle* (a* d$e fM?i?tia lfi?l T think* that ) wltT be abf* to tUeave every thing is rtppeaitlon, being ?eteri?in?<1 to leave riotlilig( u*?hbclM, tMijft i-aeh priaon r* a* may fa?i into hi* hut.*b; an<f ** *h? tiSmk enehange ha* heart ?u*p?*<l?t^ 44*e af?h*aa **7 turad ?*NA b? parekrf a* 4** ntklaA Ur leave the do?nata,-tml kill b*f|t into iUm <uKi&na*iRiit in the Oarner rArtobiv from aKottlJ lh?y offer *U> 1 tlfcy ?? ? ?<* * powdoe .Ike ?Pf*r Md r.otUi r, June 1C. P 3. Anoiiur ^ bit . pntrhJroiA Gen. Lee .-* A <)i*j?Mwh U ;;ib# jfvunjent *?.n ft*. Lk d*u* l]j*m ffa., * * -** | * 0 *Md .IWO \ttlur of our troo^. Bi^HV - (to Mwuy'* entrench meat* jf -Wto?4ie?tw, enftflring then ' > * ; *ok TOR i n !l K u N KNTRhrRlSB. * Pnblie Meeting- . ? A MoetiQg of |||? citl|*M of 'OrMnrin* Dt?trfot wm bdil ?t lb* Onttt Hmm, the 1Mb l??t.. to adopt raeA?are*"of dofeuce l^llbltlb* threatened* ri?M# of the *iicnf.? Qfl mvtlwp, Atexao<l?r McBoe, k?q., wm colled to tko eKair, ?nU H. Beuttle, Em.. rMneiteii loktt AVcrrtkry. - , Tho followlog feeolutlone, offered by Mej-. B. F. l'erry, irefb bltfpUil: t;W1*gr?aa, it Me bo tbe deteiminffd pnrjKiM? ft ib?- enemy Id dovaetnt? ant) d?*?tn>v tin*" RourtiOro fctme* by ibeir miftie* and raid* in every ?ectloii df the cntiptry ; and, wberOne, it be lino*?* ?very. ?ommunHv Iq mnke nil prmdhl* renbdnnee, lion-Oxer fenbto it may l>?. i?? delbheo at llieir familie.*, th?ir pm-|iorly act) tjiffmoelvea; be it, liter? Rwlvrd, Tluil We otiraelvft, to uM every rte^Vm, In order to nw, ?T Anctf. in Greenville 1 >i?trie?. n regi-. ment of cavalry for*"/Tome btftntc ? enali mnn to itrffi end equip Iiim-i lt n? lie*# he can. and i?e remit to retidvr aer vice* at h moment- warning. Rta(>l?cd% That a cuinuittee bf-hppointed by llt? Glutirntan of ^lii* rrrecttng-to canva?* the D4*t.i?l and report vt h public meeting on Sale* Day next, 'he nam/)* of ult.siuh p*n>oi.? as may be willing t?i join tmld regiment and hkoijt in its organization?togetlier with (be nrr.ft'amunHioi.* nttd boises riiey are lyble (?. fn> tprh In anrordanfc vrttlj tpe ?hoVc reonlqtiono. tjio tKtfnetnjc gentlemen. w>rc appointed on the ComlitMw': Col. gc. E. Ware,'Cat. H. Flinmntc, T. C. Bqftiqjf, J ?Wti -('JurW, Col. H-iuryinn, ltcn. Xal)n4v*V M IX llifker, I)r. W. A'. Mooncy, 1 Jn<v? Wc.?t*ier*Ui.<l. J. I!. Cleveland, .T. P ., tl. T. SuiHtry. fli'uryc W. tarter, J Cafot. Aurtin; f. K. Dtiumn, IV. A. MeDtu.iel, Alexander Mcuoc.Tf.xvM lloke, The*. 8 Arbour. IV, II. UomltMl, Jno. I.ytleh, .1. M. Hl.vkrlrl Win. Wert, K?<j..J)r. I'. A. Mile*. I)r. I V l>. llohe, Dr. W It. jona*. Dr. R.'l). I.nnRv I)r few, D*T?n?j>ert. Cajit. Henry tlraee, 1, S. Crittomlen, IVih. lloldMBitli, Dr. Kale, | ti. W. Ketfh. ?. K-l'..?rr. Col. Match, VciMgnAllo.l upon. n.ivio ?n 'n- ! tolrcotHlj; tatvrneot of the method.-. of .leTvnco, and vf the imtkortunve of i'mtuodutio plop*,* I 1 On inotrov. of tic v. Tvf? Arthur, the follow--1 tigr riwMttion rtqifltl I U*~Ji r?f, that Cot. 1.. W tl*(rl>, M?j. n. V. IVrrjr, Jhij. A. M- llnp't, ieut I?. K. Dun- ; riM?. Km., l?o rc<|..o?tort to vMl Columbia and iTurlcff.^ anil coufor jaMh the (lavtunr nnJ.| (Jen. Deorflffnol M refoAitoco to ll?n method of j <rrytnii*?#*^w fo> def *.? ?. CWi motion af IV-. M. TJiefhar, Krq., itwKi " i //molrrii. That the Reortlnry of the lueeljng I in rafmoiHio U> llio formation ot' un_Ailit- I !?rjf C<ifa|>uny i<t lb* 8ii(o Wurkf. I On mflinii, it nut fnrllifr /fait/ml, Tbiit A C omiuUtoc Ixt apftnirW-..-<i | to Vimv? riynrRt- of O.i<* ilofeoc,** of Town.? J "flxt following <{*!>tktji'*n worn n;>|>oint?.l : Uov. T. $. Atlliur. ftfnonr*. Tbm*.;* M. C ?>*..! Win. Thoi*njifln, ?ndaF. T. Tto?t?lo. nnrt; ou . in of ion, tha Tntomlnnt was MCbtirnmii t of lli* fnmmitlM. Tlio .mnotiu?f then ndjiHirnod, lo moot on , Rnlni iiii)' iif Julv. . L Al.EX. M.UBE, CUniruinn. II. Kkatiic. Secretary. EDITORIAL C0RRE8P0NDENCB. ; lUcifyoxn, Vn?.litnnlK, Of. ne*?? *it<f report* tU*r* in n? IvnhIi. *Tlt* lM?ublo pivm fiu<l* i* in <-x j extracting llie tru* norl c*?f>'ii?e from tlw ' hmj.fii'ii iitn#. Tt?a teiegin.n* from ll<t? wont are alirloMitiooniprohonsiMo j j oni'Ufh. liowovt-ri ?* ulcancij fioiu them | toratWfy U* llntl-VlcWnbDrg Uniill in I lie | - of t>ur forcer, ami likely to i | b?? fur roma Itm*. if not for n}l,ttn<to to Wry little, mx*"-ine?M? fell lie** "i?* in the eat. i CVinnHctice i-? very great in (Jen. Jowpli hlfehnyTon. a'fnl there **eru<^in h**e Keen [*fcvo:*JI?ch nnge ir public opinion ro I irioftlilnr (*Mtt t<vn 1' iu uniiiviK , .. ......... .. . - fur,I be country'- to know that Fret-blent 1 >a%i* placet! Ure latter general u here Ite U?thai l\e luinfiniif? to have conS hi* akltL end wbilitC'io inain* t*?V U?* |V??iti/?n. lii placing Ren. ?Vui h?rton at yickeb'arjr it w*.* like giving hitu the ker* to his o? n htHiaebfthl. if j Vick?4>nrgr. f*b thjft Stn?e of Mi-?i*Mp|Ti I wtMfld he deaolmed itnd made n warte; ! a diMpeuihctment of the.Hiate* ?re*t of < the &Ii?n*fo*)p|>t river from the tJefllMfr aey would lake place, vm<oIring en im U?sh Niid .in^Vjrdknre'to the" country nml remit petfinj^-hr our fliwf overthrow. B*t ti,*nk* be* to Frovh denee, Vickahnrg Mill lethafna a ** thorn in the able " o( otjr nicmv. Our a*' tii?r? in the w<*t tinder their gallant Itttolera, have ?h<?Wn adeimgwhieh call' *?? *? f*rar?* front thrf war wuii ?oi?r*o* of Virginia, and their. fortitude; exhibited under the nrdat trying cifvOOawancee, nttiat win for' tbeto ft bright page w? ?>ui oounirx'e hiatory. VMiiandigiiHiii ban not- vieiu-d ftichmot'tl. Mrexpected a day or two since.*"* It. ondfi*V>od than ?he iiw ir(?m h aoyinwH p?ri ioi N/owan. n^fjrill no doubt um&? liix Way lo ('mind*, whet# 4?? chi> b? io tanfh of fto? fthd iHtinKnrnpUd nntwffchi.MTi'ioij wi(h liwt .Ohio. Ha wil| [certainly be theVhnutn of 1ii* part? ** ? o*n<|tdnie at 11>? approaching ole^ \ lion f<#r#6w*wo> of Mli.'-w ^ ' Yba cuamfcj fight *v ^tutioj , gjm Tuaarfny. ?m certainty lh? inoaTiiari. gtitAwrf ?dneh tat ***?wy*d 4? LaoV ariny during ihfl war. Frortt what J * can l?rn G?n.' fetunrt \t*? awptU-d ^ ,the enetny *?bo tuo?4<l at ? point oii *. lfc RwpuWr. which rtgattbd ' ?r hnpj?> tt?U hf Cn?nW> h'thoa cotmwr W V*t^"r ^ k picket* mid aucn>*fc4H>f hi* Madder tm .oiitnumWd Ionr forcoa," mUi ,hrfltff" ***" "'T* to cnt ib'r why tlmwgU *ith thMi Mibos#. Ceo* Wnda ififctaptwh, " ^ h .->4 * ; " .r***'-'1 *. * r' n 'T. *?V-% > 11 1 f ' 1 ' -1 \ Iiis Brigade, cnrtle to StuHrtV relief, and after making threw desperate. charges succeeded in regaining the position. ' Q?r losa. has taen heavy in killed, wounded and prisoners, [n company witli other Carolinians, I repaired to the depot of the Central' , car* yesterday Hfternnoa to reeeive the remnins of Lt. Col. Frank Uainptnn, of ( the 2d 8. C. Cavalry i This gallant of- i ficer was killed whil*t*chnrging, with hi* i Kegimont, a hall frimi-a pistol piercing r him through tire body, from the eft'eet* erf which he lived hut h short time. The remain* were escorted to the Capitol where it wa? emhidined and placed tnj* niHtalic coffin. It leaves today for. t Columbia.. Col. M. C. Bntler, of the 2d 8. C. Cnvifflv had his foot sheltered by a shell, from which he hail to miller tli? atn put at ion of Iris leg. 11 i? nervous svstem has been greatly shocked, and it tntist lx? a great while before he recover*. .C.ipt. CadwalUder Jones, of the 1st S. O.-Cavalry,, was killed. I cool,I learn no other particulars in reward in .* * "" n * * " j the casualties in the H. C< Regiments. Caf>t. Farl^v, ho well known as lho<. ' "South CnroliTm Scout," and an aid to 1 Gen. Si it ait Was killed Ity t lie same 1 shell which wounded Col, , Butler. Something over three humtrod ynnkee | 1 prisoners, t?rii*cd v?Metdnv. being a 1 part of Tfi0-e fcaptured in the light. Our ; InsH i? >uppo^ed to greatcf than that \ of the enemy. although the prestige'?.f j victory Omahted with our ttoop*. whose I liTipettmu* dating is the theme of invch praise. (km. James Farrow, the memher of j Congre?8 from , our Pi-strict, left * for I home on yesterday morning. He Iras > l? en devoting al' hi< tinte huH energies t since the adj uttntnenl of Congress to the bifdneK* of visiting our sick atnj wound j n! in the various Ircepiinls In and around i this city, alleviating their condition, and j attending to their wants, which nre as |, vary*.! and ditlicull >?h% tha ailments , which they mtfer. llis workings have I been incrasant. and hi* visits have cm- ( j,iibutVd in no littledegt^fetowardsehcor \ "'K "P the inmatesof onr hospitals ftntn j South Carolina. Many of tK?*?e will i iiave oee?d?>n to iamei|ih?!r his manr | kind ftlices. " AhfiOtt(fii this self-impos j ed labor sprung from a natural di-posi- | lion to do g'Msl, and l>eCHu-o ho f.-lt | mm in* coHiii do more H^rvioe to in-* eoiyitry h^e 'than at hmne, it i"* 'o he hoped i It a I he* (QiiniiinpnU. wlnem erei v iwrerest has tiecn oayefiftly watched ami attended, wiH mil forget iiini at liio uppioaching election. lie ilewvef to continued in liia present position. le?l* litin tlitrvfore be re elected without op- j portion. -* * |. Th? npciicv here for the Svsuth Cnro ! linn troops under the direction of Col. E.?l\ J ones, is the means of doing much I goml. The ollice i* on llrnud' Street. hnil is the re*<Ja: of ihanv Sotftli Carolinians who congregate ihtle to learn in formation in regard lo evervrhing con CeMiing our soldiers. Mr. Henry C. | Murkley, of Greenville, whose aoopmin tane* ttith our soldiers in (jonsequenee. of hfs long connection with the army nnd the ?i my poet office, is perhaps more extensive-tlnm tin v oilier person.] i* the assistant agent iu-lhislrffiee.- Visi* tore .and others in Kiehuiornl dasirittg Information in legardto South Carotins soldiers haw? on I v to call npmi him ami !? Instructed. lie keeps a ,-cenrd of ilie siek anrf wounded soldiers of our Stale here in th? saarhma hospifejs which is of Incafeulahle servii-*) in aiding parents and fiicnds to" find the "ptirson sought for, * . . Tl w'dl ln> a soyice. iif regret to SoulIr ! I I- .1... i> ? L? n? j iinu hhfiui iu ii Hint Hfv.'ft. %v . I U?niiw<-:i. K a? heen compelled. or. ac connl of if! health,. to. fwrign the man agamcnt of the S. C, Hospital littrean in thi? eitv-. 1'lii* ?tep lie lias reluct ant I ly Conclodar4 to tisko after per troddd- thereto l>v hi* physician, family 1 and friend*. His 1nhor? Inh-e hrtr? hteg gieat s?? inuoli-so, that i flirts hegmi.o tcil upon hi? constitution. iJeisaumoiTislicd t? Mwpci)4 ill connection .with the aTmy iir^ti^miinjtnd return jofcmrth Carolina, jskrr* he can <v?tttljr rear oil Mv shutter ed fiealiii. F*4r the present, aiul ??er hap*. f*r the fttmfe, -l|io Bnreau will he "tnannffftcl hy iH. Ijifar, who h i* Ik-cm <u>iiHfcied with it ?Tnce it? incepiiotr. " On Strndav efientut)!. iaet I tisherl IlOwarrJ Oroya Hospital, *\loal?d about one mile frirfn the city* on .4 he Median. .icsville turnpike. Tire Second Division ha* lately Uk it orc?nhte<l lor the recejv Ttofr of Smith Onrtdinian*. Mor. Herww Ifensow, of (ireetivili?, i* th? Matfr?n of W* Division, It was italced gratifying pi wiloesa the iteatma* ??f eWi'ythingf <On1ieeted willt the hospital; "the water i? v*ty Ho* and -rt?? iptwufe* (da mo. aid* j ject tA th? many incnoyefriwo?? which j aie ex perianal in tliwCuy hospHaU, re ftttliiitp rotfflfo, In* wrafei' etc. Th?re, (hay nr<* frv? ^ friwii ?ho ovi*? pf U?ck?, ^ay ! afrd wnjfon*. The 'gwvorjfrt|e4t is now lafeinjr lii* Kent care of (tie *??& ?n? . wooii.Wd. 1 fotiW t>ul rtmjuj*. m? <Uf[ forwiM i?*% ami when ? 'ir finu "* r**cJiftl M>ni(ix-:n Jt?m>ii>n. Xh?o ?i J'kwga qiiro roftttnon to irtfc** *.hor*? frorv '! tli? maU.v.Matter m?ina Mrnw upon, tin ' I grouw^ 4kxi pUrtolho **k upoi I! it.' KvorjyUug i? no* done which auj I |t?r*tlpu4l^^pxkl do . for ? ? nick wii< * f - 1 ' ~W"? ? ' v .' * > ^ . ... Xm... f y? ? ' ; * . * f ^ - ' * . -*. .? 't/* k* "" - > .? -. v '' r* i* ^ FROM THE CAPITAL. | > Corrirpondenc# of Southern Enterprise). , *' ' ' "> < RioitMoiin, .funo 7, 18?3. , ? Afegsrg. Editors: .. -v. .. . ^ . To*?lav is lovely ami beautiful. The t Kyti'i* shininjir hriulitiv rfuitl biilibtntlv. , All nature appear* to bo inspired with , cheerful feel ; eyey man. ves man. I (i wicked cfeattirflrrts hcf js, seems to be c animated With bettor feelings. * | | rtie tress ft re'-foil of criiuion bud* the | j ? wooib'nre tutl of birds, J ? \nd-tlie WHtors flaw to music, like a tuhc . - witfi pleasnivt words. Would to tiod' that peace and tpiie't I and happiness prevailed lb the land. \ * We have intelligenee, we cannot tell -1 ftow the truth out v lie, that the-enemy ! ? in the lw|>|>aTi.iriinx'lc have captnreil | bur hod a half Companies of our f<>rc? ; ! rl-?b that CJbn. l'iekett Has defeated j T iiimlibmplv soiee of tliefr mifriu>din? ; * ratrftlrv. Tli?a) thfutr- ore incident to i ?rar. 'Tlt^se are up hihV down* in life j 1 We have good tiding* and bad tilling*. ' Everv pleanuie has it* pain. fioin Y*ick*hu*et alid TNirt Ilnd- ^ inn, though somewhat cloudv, appears j io be good." We troat Ct'ti. l'euiberioii *ml JnTlhslon inav be. able Co'assiM and' ftotk to each other's interest, as to carry * out things successfully. The enemy no I 1 doubt Idr. thU tiiue" tlrinlj t?f t king i J Yicksburg not bv storm, but bv starv ! ? * t ma^mis mil ; a ie?pwUr mi ge appears now In tie concluded on, J , Tim l*i?*sidcnt', you have seen ore | j ibis, ha* chop}ieilr.itp the llrid?h 0m? I *j?l, which thing ought lg have heen done, according,fe ?mr -hnmlde jmlg | inenl, inanv, iiianv' ifmtfth* brick He4 . is no proper,, legal consul?never was ; ;*.?T his powers, liis olFiCe, havo hecn d.s rivcif born die United Stn!e? Consul ai 1 Wnshiiigtirn. It isdictter to meet the I matter hire to fiipr, come v^at . fiiav v'1 11 woni.t Is* wise to withdraw r?i?r coin- j J miseioners from Kit rope, too ; tliev ate ff fto importance to its thoie, and ne?er will be. All foreigners here are hereafter rc'quired to p'erCnt tlleir pats.ns bv tlie ' 15th June; at the 1'iovost Marshal'* j ! oftiee, or they w ill be eousci ip'ed . Our I 1 opinion is, lb coriserfpt '-u? msonls at I um't, nlj- f ,dl Marylaudery who arc tiOl of the right stripe ; for ilmso out <>T the j army, in f.ict the most of those who tier-1 over Jiere, are a ret of I'ltig Ugly* and (titling M-onnrlu-U, A <cry strange ( ' thing is", that all tlie (b-pin(men's <?f of | fioe arc rtllnl mo-tlv bv Mar-rlander* i ih? detective police ; the cilv police ; the j ^ heads of these department* aye Marv | landers? while a 'Southern man em l,uV* 1/ .1? 1 ' Kiifiy,- ili*?y me in *11 of ?>nsi) hih) j J.rolit. 'Hit')' rtm jivvhv fi"in Mart?nti<l t ?Mlml l??vi ly, palii'iiic ".M v M ariimiil." i which fHiiiiniMiiiil tonn^ holly* ntul jnotv Incite. I young'font >i?1 I softly nint?nil, ^ili?IfitgvifMY. shrickitrolt over hoin.' f.iift- piece* <>f ivort lo escape ,c<>ii?ci?p:i'>:i ; lots < f , them lure waul, ttlieit there was m talk r f ilit'ir I>t*i > ?. c? intPtintefl, 1111*v tv<xt!<| i?'!uin to " My Mnrvliinl n suck *w?s j tin* cn-i*. Mmk these MarylaiH.Vis, hiuI* | after the War they sIpniM le IreaVtl l ainl regarded n? scoundrel*. Things in the city are pre'tv much ! the mine identv of r?M'nli* \ mil til 1 I lairis iillont. Tin' voiing follow win* m- ) I cent I t rlr*cwnij>?<l front Charleston tviih | ?ome ?18.000, ?? > <>ve> harried nn?| I rested Im*i?v ' Woman way the ,HH-e ' We like women ; tve h>ve itic creatures ;H thev aie not,'at institution wocoul'ln'' ! j get along exactly tvitliout rtic-Ki : bid j i ?*.e llijiik should lie exercised. I A innn tvli<> eoititnits >Hsc:iii v hurl bets I ter Meet clear of jietrieoat* until lie i% . out of reach >f the at?tho/itio? ;.jf not, li'e will he rtfighiy apt lo linger ami 1 loM deal. There ha* some peculations in-1lie note enUinjjHT-pHftipptit, aMi-ntm 1 (nj* to !* nice Ihtl^itni cvT some J 000. Women a it' I f.rro ban^s, uu pre- ! stimo, liH.I something to do with thin.' Ti?e parties connected have nol \ et l.een ' tlT-covered. Tititp ntfd^ tlie Secretary. J Mr. MetiiTninjjer, will p*pbnldy work . out the ptoUWul.- - . " There i? constant!? on docket some sj?*eie* erf villainy Tlrefe was 'on hurt nifthT, an atieiu|n to gnrrote^ l?y one of; lb? " My Maty bind " gentry ; Imt the ' rairsal wjh l>?olke<l hnd^oveiliauliul. i *So, yon Act, (Hllhrnt and hoireet people j as wo xrc Wild wa tmh. we have tin-1 doulitedk a fymtf. a?t of racnls in ,oor ; miiUl. idippriee, howevor. they all | have Yankee blood ja them tr it would I ?iiit bo ifi-w In ftrAstinru* anv ihiticr elite. .We lmixC tiny, however, i|?nt Yankee | soeniH lo be pretty generally,. dif * fu*c4% We have been fanning ?n orgapization of ll?<? eKnks pf the .lifh'mii <\f 1 pwrliutnls. At tTie request of On? PreiMd?ei. foi lite leeul defence of the coy.. ' Thw cierk* have ?e-<pv??led liHiul*oM(vly, H Mr. A? (J. lfrowMT. of Mi?MH>iMppi, t?? tW 'iconjrary. Ity the-hfc otd.-line*n i* cnrjv.on ilie?nliject of clerkinid. iKwme ' lime bnck he wnnied to |MH in n proie ' tgeutf.hfe, ,?* ttffuaeif, henee. hj* fcliter Laired. The totmAf. Mi*?n?eippi V get* rid of hint t-hm better ; 'the bw ,ev; k ?ry'thing toKtniu .?u4^ftt{llMHg-lo lute * L.fcy hi* leinoval. r fined* nre tfitt. h>ah? ??(?rne paeph * think and n->jue ilusy ?i|lVtnpi> down: I we ICut# n< > doeb i lheegw i A cetno do* n tUy-, off the JljjSrc ;> ^ Sr" TA' & T "*v w r 7- F vill pnv enough for tli**in. The jmih . ?, the ntnflk is heavy her**, but.lher# * * *>et of Yftiikm, foreigners. Jews, and Southern Yankee speculators, worse h:ui ci|her, who keep up the prices,.? iVe w>HI remind yoa and the coinqinm V of one thing?hut il muoiints t<? milting?it's 'throwing peails before wine. Whenever a..speculator cofne* ' iloiig, which takes place eyVv tfrneflit nrs -come up. takeJMih up?by lynch .Wt7?snd flog !)iin ; hut tliere come* ha rub.; who is it ihat is not A specula or ? let him that is not, ?piietly do is dutv ; wo are rpy much afraid hat there is a large quantity of Llack hetfp. * liv the hv. we see hiililisnliftS* of I! *? i elel.'ratwd l'eaco Conven'towy to beheld n'Sew York?all a farce* NVe hope tu> tody lias any confidence in it ; it's k" 1 ntlh?a drenin?a baseless fabric; there ? no peace, no hopes of peace. 'I he >emocrata of lite North are as much i lisposed to prosecute this war as the' ' republican*. Van tfuren,* vears ajjo, holitioni/tfl the ?1m!e ]>etnocratic tarty 5U>rtb. Att for *ocoh*lruction and >re*erva?*on of the Union,, which they ?nild their hopes on, it is utterly impossible. It would he as easy to tiwn the tin from his conr*o as to reconstruct. his Union : therefore, the war must ntul ' till continue. The li'st thing that win?e debated in tlie United Stales Con^ fte?s, will be reeonatruction ; propmu iotiR will he made?rejected. The North then must comir.ue the war or hack down; this they wmM not do, mark litis. We hertr a'great many still spec ulnting. when this war will end, which hey think will ho shortly; Tve would .ke to know tf-on what ground ! W? von Id to (hid it would, but if* 1805 htw> not witness its continuance, we are ni'oaVen ? unless some.providential ctrluni'tance terminates rt, This has lu-en tre.taTj all As for Mr. Val- ,, Noithern con*et vatigin. European iuMi?*tv; it's balderdash, antf. tl??t*Ti>oU have l>e?n dealing in jtcr since its commencement. Men nay gWd up their loins from 45 to 50, V.r the^ will have to participate before it i* ended. livery hilow will have a showing? wViJireglad.of il?Tor hutidreds of those brawling iefrap* in'South Carolina, who niko.i in?f <4 lilooU .ami timinJei. but i\ lin Iihvq luketi particnlur cure lo keep, Mt'< of it so far, ?ill have a chance.? W?- are obliged to fight : must Hght. and will fight nitii! we ?r?? tei al >no 7 for liould a e.yinueter tread cut our fore father'* dust. it would wake tno bones I'roin their grnf?, YROM JACKSON, MISS. CorrcujMHidenne of Sonthorn Enterprise. Jackson, June-5th. 1803 Missr*. J'JJitws?Th?C booming <>f artillery in the direction of Vicksburg lots been beard for the past two days /iti.J nights vtiilt very til fTtferyuls We cHitn it lea'tn northing? in fact the. LW ?' ? t of South Carolina are better post ed up in affairs in ibis section ihnn those of us ?\ limit* of observation arc confined to the dull tontine ??f camp. Ktfery confideiT*?e4* leli in iho ability of (??*n. Jolinston to Ci>po with the-" hire lin?_j crew."' When lite great fight is to corn? off-,it is hard to p>edio(< but when it does, it wili probably bo tlw >u*?t sHogtuntiry of tint war. '-The-* vandals i_i>- their visit to this sevtiuU.' cai?4ed d^solatioff whereever tTier went Utflrtroyod fencing, gar ileus, kilted slock, and e^)T*l>"llid off1 the 11end 4 of^evervrUtlle chicken tbey could catch. . Uuthlo^B invader! Lot every brave Southron centra to I?Ve, rether than submit to their presence on Southern soil, 'Cl\a .ladies, Holt bless them, m a all alive to the momentous ?' now upon u?. They oh fee r with toeir smiles lh9 sturdy soldier ?? he keeps tho troad in tho war-path, and with untir'tu^ attentions, aMetialcs the suffering of the sicfc ami b ounded in the hospitals. Heavens lam and beat-gift to ^map what yrouhl lifo' bfl-jwoith esuTmur them ? Who would not. bt? ha'? his bosom to the storm of haute to shield th'-in front a fate-too intolerable J to4?e home? *^1 * . s. ! i'litns lef tlnVe bo no laggards amongst ; in?. Let ?he absent return to duty, aad f bv along pu'.l. and a strong pull, and a :?oil all "io^pthor, drive back-lit* foe j-from Afarffe.i, Kmuic&y ! an! ;ni(i J<4 i U< in f?el (he d$s i oUtlgit* of w*r 44??.th?ir own eoil. $om< rij?Hj. (Innk ilrw imp^wiiexble, hot if.ov ,.vry m'HO, wilt th> i>U ?liw/,.(ii?i<tiriig ii !" i to [iivjihi9? THtCpe am (Mini j yet olira hnvtt ?'*<SA.j>e<l lit* t?n*nrip oOTcit* *'ml wliOv (iio?? c |>e;ie?S clnnyaittd for war. Kvarj nbk bodktl mjaw, without regard to *g*y oi ' f>iuiij01K o-fghC th be thrown in tfla .* - *. . ! TJSVlr* oupM nitv <w>? to lie exempt if fc '' i* able tolnoir arms f Our #1, gut Ver w? * depyiad opoo th' ' wtuk ofihia alru^t, *tul;wUlVoiu sod t' an wane. haw* flbn h one ablo to be* : Arm*, j*iW*a, he he .lead to the ?*><*?'< >j ^Htrfofhbn mwt^iircbfVraat to tbe'reaul A*uw . lenti- bauk t ?. .? ... r * T *? ; vv ^ v } i., ' "V (V< * n'TOnn i ? ' Ye ip?ctd|(lor?," xV6 .Hr>fy ^u*r<fc, now'* the, llfciejo ahnar y'onr (WMi.v. Ynuc country i* bleeding'*% pore; will jmi oot rally!* tl* rw??fcf 4 bin the deadly blaata ind- will havfl cea?ld. and peace porohaaed iJifl rain* fie? of p'ieele-m blood*-a??l the Southern C<(M?deracy outer* on ji* high career of Independence and Unparalleled prosper ilv. then, then, with rhatne and hutmliHtion. will the laggard and the indiflercnt feel that, ;n the hoar of our c<>un? try'* peril, they were weighnd iu 'the balance* and found Vranlutf. r\. S.-D. G? % FROM THE B LACE WATER, VA. OofTnyafcdew of Sothh*ro HntarprU*. Camp BlackwATmt, V*." Juna Qth, 180$. Editor* Enterprise?PvrMoa>ipjr*tHfit vmi have not heard fiorn the Davis Hoards in some tima, I havlfcooelvdecl this morning to write you af.yv lines to let you know where w? are, and what wo are doing. We are at id at South Qnary at the eroding of Block water river. We seldom.?.if ever, have a change in the programme of custrutja * and habits in our Irving." ..Everything wems to rock along in its-eame old channel. with lilt jo^haKjjes to eheer the nveuotomv of camp; how?*ct, we occasionally got an order to- prepare to nieet the enemy at a. moment's vwyiMig. We liavo IVen to Franklin Station four times since our relreot front Sttffpjfc, and to Smith's Ferry twice, but-to odht chagrin we have ' faded, as yet, to meet the Yankees. 'There wax an alarm raised in camp on la-t Tue?day.i)igbt by one of our pickets on post ?lio r^p^rted* tlsat he M?a>n?9 twelve or fifteen Y*$. kees advanco towards'Luiu and then fall back again into a thicket immediately in front of htm f 4 wan sent froin the Legion to support 'he Jpickets, but it was sown.ascertained that the alarm was false,*and the detachment boom returned to camp again, and all went to bed and slept quietly till morning, ?- > * ,f' I h&vc probably, eliyndy written Enough to ilvrtrf the patience of yost1. readers, but I can not refiain frmn"giving you an out li-e of a grand party that came oft' at this idacw on Tuesday Ij?M, h? ii was the first recreation III# Legion has enj nod in two long tumra. Those wlio particiyiled, assisted lihwral Iv in making - preparation** for <4 he occ?m<hi on the day. previous, therefore wv had nothinjfW dor on lfii? majfninp <>f our jubilee, but lo welcome<mr many ifivinil guests: _Among them were Clen.Jenkins rud iady?togeikeffcwiih' his Stuff atij Siith. Sontlf Carolina Hand, wbo cMtne' down from Franklin on a Mennter recently captured by ottr f ncea some where between Rnnntike I-larul and Noifblk. On Uto G uncial's approach, a salulo of aeveti btgf' guns were tired ; and at ton. a. iu., (heaunisoinents oonVuieneod. First was the'-tournament. T&e Knights aV mounted jlurir fine steed*, rode round and saluted' tho ladies and tend the programme - of ! amusements adapted . for the .occasion 'I hen-'ho tilting commenced, in which lie Knight* dhplaved '?'e-il. TOnn*?nuHt C6lo n#l CmMm* Ibf W Lo ^ion, Itie 'crown", and ?i?tJ-tiio ' honor of choosing the queen of the day and placing it togaxi her bead ; after which we all returucd to the grove on vjte river siihj to -partake of tha luxurious wqiiie*' that had Wen prepaiod ino*iJ y hv OhJ I^pniin ion's fair dsugktors. After tire "particvpaut* ht^J all refreshed themselves, the dancing corn* j inclined on i he stage, which was qui to \ amusing to i?oih participants and specj 1r.'ot<iv After' ike dj^pcing'l??d oea-od, I the minstrels triads 'tiieir apnea mtva -oti the *tn??.aud eiUertAined.tke. whole party for i>aM< 'jfty^tr^' uine, afler which th<5 Oepoal bade adieu muI went ubo&rd the steamer to' Franklin. Upon tholt5 depaiUna,nuolhcr salute of guns w>iu> tiicd. after which the danelng una. again resumed and kept up till the ant) had sank be-heath thft-^yoHtern horizon andlhetiightsl?*de*',weti& upon da, "when Ail returned home. It t# noeolyt* to add. thai the i moat oT tlTe Jadies carried home with them a beau from the t- -V- - x ' lamas. . The war pohcv>*y& t'hs Nobth. A gentleman this city, ju*t returned Hie niannfaeutking diatricte of the NokJi, says the people have n6 vltli to rco the wttr "ended... All a?e wwsWng money by contract*, working nijrfct and 1 day, and are nulling to pay #300 for '-authututes out of ihvtf profit?.., /Manu I fitcturera make no contain t of I heir 11 taxes. Thtv do not mmj of the ' I horroTX of rfie wnr.aod e&r'e ttolhing ahourlt. fctWnJ ore hugely * ., in making oouon. card* iuvd o?i>or arli elv* neceaawf for we, ?hi^> they hip' f 40 N?m?u end thonce *wHW. V':~eg* ; . v' ar* two hundred B Maktft #nd Brigndr<|M*dr??rikJ* in "flie ^ ; v % ' ^ofJoms/Ultan when kk hit* hating g??* jrpwanMHFV ^^trtrtej.of n nfHa io ?n?? night, - ' /'*? -.; *? >' . . . ^ 'Z *t 'i-a-V '/ k^'* " * ' . *?** - '. * ? - * ^