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^ fMDiMMt fci^twll ^|irf Hi mqi Ikic# M^iMfcywii^fc^hl^^Tt ^Kb>' t. *^_ *. ^-#v* * ?. v * 'flfcJl(Nll4 6ByBH9w' mhmim M^jr^RnKiif io ^ ra^. ?u??>f tii? war ?nd . +*&*> of ko many ofjW conn, ^Kf'w>? Ibf . tfc* CW^rltf, ^<9^kwdouhte<i thl^ailiiio^; wid ilir urfewtoow.bAve hud tiyS^tinu^.fer vl if lim*. r?ce?? in|f addittoft* to ifcetr ?ftbr **ip?1on liiM. ? Apo6pot ^ tho ?CHrr?y. v ofpApar. TV ftdvetrlwipg patronage of , - JWIT^r'r' fhr 1 *M$t*d ?k!i <ii1 TO?<fcfuAA. tbn>. frooD \lt? Murni cause. . ?i?tU Advert kin# low bwn rejected. Hi omd rtiM bk>*(? it* .pnr ? ftood" Tlfrk." iAa (til* ?W \M. true Ad 4^#. KtnViated couuu* -BewrpapeT .conductor* man reflection cuvh n auccoea, I "V ?6?J aral>t;oo?a?pg "till more Inn *\" and ka ken rfcoA raffou* **4 Lopei of fkbde This excellent exchange, Mr. LaDMM Tnfbmi* mm, ?yll net-be (nrt^v eflected 4 by lfc? d*?Hb in 'print fog frper. and * tioMt m< entertained Vf Ma, eoliduetoni of #ooo frying ifclft full ?be& x ' * " 1- ' Hyma .' vm Tb* Confederate fftrodae-School "L ' Hymn Bdok,^ a compilation of bymnr "' v,* JMiUabU for SundqhSebeufa, by a Sa_..)>e?4t|i*ud?ni at Grftnville, B. C., of > y^<4 than twenty ynti experfence; -' wad contain* near oaa Hand ted and fifty, ttoauy of ehieh at* tbw?' rongrtd Zion.1' 3 Ills-gotten up in 1t*fitflB0flne'alglt? by G. K. Ei-roao, of thir place. Sun-1 <1 ay-School* ordering. Ann procure *uppliea-at 'the annexed price*. which, the Ctrptlef ?|vr, i* rcmcthing l4*r than the fort of production r Siflgta copy, - ?*MyllHr oeme; per down copiea. tweWy cefitrcdrh ; one hundred copier, Itfterh co nil pee copr. Addrere Ker. W. I>. Hick. A pent, SuuMe* ville, 8. Q. - - r- yti "? * "TWe tm been rrqaerW* te frier place to ^ - * > Ike ft>n?wi?r letter bytla ndf<**S wbirU . W? tak* pV.nir. to doing. < . .. . Cxitr MaLeiHMr. An*irw' Urn, 1 _?2 *?pi3wri# -I V' ytrrfTtJaeee?/Vor rr.v?a. ^At a wevting . "^t*U ecWfpwey tfaia craning, I-wO appointed Mtt? ptaaaan% oBHe ot botag- the nn* to i " wtiW In tft? hM|I of tho oBww ud Mi of 1 >/ Ate, eoiapany, to' rafura ?w Mad ltd unity' , wUrue thaufce to you ier yeur kladaeee ta tie, , .) sad the tk?o(btflihHM fas yuar <44 company, >' * ha pneattoK for tkaa the very useful tad us. estUary artistes which fee have this day rs . ?,? i * , w H # * *" estk'd I eseare you that yoor kindnehs U folly ap' _ pte-iated hy both thu oAeers and nacn of tMsi _ company ; .aa<Mh*y wl* never oeaso to think j of, au4 thank you "Jor fbtA, as4 many uHnor kisfuMwi whteh 1 khrtkeM thstu speak of . your doing Mr then. "* Tl^ article# of oMtbbtu werf equally divided nut by ewsSsptsi* thlv evening. , n?piug that vtuuny-dooa he better aoqaaiut. ?*' with each other, * . - .. -I am very repeotfWly, An., y/'-'f" < -- >, . / 0HA8. E. TENIAE. * V. B.?Teur aou beg* an to say, that ho la i suffering slightly wjfh Mh linbe this evetftug. I bona that ha will mm bo.waR:' ' * *' * , .* ' BueiftMh, > * 4k ?. tuowA.s. " "OOM ?* <"*"*/ *HOK I9S CAFKFAT. > - - .in; ?w?i. i?6?, - 4, Xwrt fftiW Jtor a Mason I Hm? not W the pi asanas ?f (formpsflnf with jm, hot bean the eaose. I <ie Sat fcwww, kevfiW, that you lia??. loit . / mh, fc? the only nowaday* I* V1* '* > wa|f add fls uWi, W*r? ft irt* and, add !> *, who rnl?# ?!>??? only lno*? As e * to (pmiMnf IlibM it, H WWwm* i <nln <i tsrlo, and ha who ?ndar?*l?*? j?, , ^ wffl.lW trknaatf LiTolvad id washes aa?d ' aahtahM; as sweh. I here. enntt*d*<l to ;; lw?1i>a<ihwlii'I, wi4 u wait the shod aw af apninyoiyts H wW nM whan It " ^ wttfc?iui. wed some Hafrrmw ?h??nufnta wHJ briafr bboat tfie dcrired rrault, linden ? *1 peasant from human ko?t. .*f?hmwd is my Aha??r?% the frawt (#1 ftVlUuoqd. Rlfkmoed at pre#set i? a . "V v?4ly *?icg-etira elty, esprainHy to " ana *; IJMl wps his eyr* and tsp optn. ** If an* 4 ViTS I^n.inuil.utft osb per*H>bo1*ty the at?te without en a4renuu^,*n*xeitta>*??. L ?>r a moral fwnon." Ufa In Bfchuoad la apis!^ ***ae?y almrjpaa of-aa. ^uT dl^ |?_ewataaaita to *11 ?Uf? as , aayoal> ow rufs# W< P.jMiaM r and Who waul4 Make hia meeV?jpnat fU* tft it that hp rn^kt-a a'warn opt, TCh? old rih?aai??l Isfsddla' shod* fha la?a ^T?i|wi4rt?an. falls r^on dnfT eora * he' awl'-at (vg lw" And tmdylaw and peers hen wpanji irotura "upon tKe alawettb ajf saav.f1 hsrt. -fstrialisni is plnr lkW?jt JJV- ' 4^' ** *'V ' % # # ** ' SfafeV":' ~ " r- -* ' ' ?" * -# ' *: **' Y ' Lj^BWF\v. ^MBPTWBBBKBBEMBWIBQiif^ BF!w^t/ ^P* ^? ?4ntf( Bwbhiim 1 Tank^ wto !We Vike the ligorbj praying < jr^S' s& 3t.a8?^? #|l?imr.drtitt rucceeo; Mill* with rtry &S3WsMtySft Jftssi \p)H receleo ?<. Monilon to It* foroo Un Hna tli?a ten Vaoro, that will mqoiraaaaof ?!? pneitriwo, or awl -proftifoay ?Mh* r I p)aa(ia-adpbrallalecfc TVaro I* no ma in IWftijp. 'Wgfcwr^ r?*y Mo ha n>u?h aa^thry |o parfoot Sodoni?filled with rottahnt-w and kpBH5w^6^5l*bse, wo lW*ro, W jnoaa tturnod looao upas ?*r **it. W? admit I he hn* apokc d for paaoa, but It baa'hhMyt [boon apojior oo?(Uart*r* and for ,tha prtnorte^csr-JS them.etvo. ftMla 6w?r th.gootlewon, .bat let Mm ptuJW what ha ?a?worth.-".Wo have no we* for Mortbertt ?(?!# < kl*d. It mattoW not wliar lopy My. Let b>n> go m toot U Iporaiblo to filut*, afld thoro try to bold *or?ror*o wlthvhla pooplo and bring them back to th?ir ton eon; by ooata a cotUwa, ho will b* mark batiaflrlalttM SffoS h? Om *" ? * ^ tJFb* l?W of dtfoort war. wo think. In pretty ? goavmlW glvuu iu>. though a few enthaelails etUl belter e tt. VVc e*n *9 no owl, though teooonpcir?ti<ap'lyl?hinV some unforcnten clrnnro^rnnoo. nol yet b re ton ted by the wl*e-*cro* politician*, will torn.innt" it unexpeep .li v. ii?fr, og.*beo, wo cannot nay. Many are deal rutin of peaoa; wa offer tbin robnolaitoa: all warn' bate bad oaowd, and 00 n 111 tMlt. On*ton, RngUad, and a flTortham revolution ban failed. The loot attempt of a dMUarlty between Kngtnnd oud the United ?H(ei. a* wo predicted* baa failed a No. All itigns ?nH ia , dry wnatdhr." We Ipeve come to Ike onnetnalon to toko tt qantly tod w?it, the mil 1 tliereot, with philosophic cnltnnss* mi<( cool- | ! t??M. Impatience will not itop it. 1? ti e roeautiroc, let mv> pot his Jiouso in erdnr, mkI| prepare for the struggle with innre dot* mi lot | lion and uitt^f than heretofore, for there is | uo doubt, that 'itfore this war is endoT, hicre , I SMS wpl hare to be called out, and harder times *eeu and felt than any human hre eon-' 1 of ffn nee to be deceived and lulled with drenmy extxxrtations. They a to dels sions. The Yankees have uo idA etSrtopv>iny it. All are alike rieraoernta and Abolitionists. ' Thai go iu far a vigorous prosecution it? 1 but it will end, thank God. setae day. There is nothing new to-day from Vlch sharp or any other point. We hope the Yanks wav be decisively deftatrd atoned .Vichsbuyg, and we think is wM ami wn he User. ICJf they Ml, which we think they will, we have nfl idea of Uidr next move, whether Richmond or Charleston. At both there places, they havo juat with signal checks, hot the.Yankee is gifted, some boar. pUhVontinu- < ??ce ; defeat and disgrace don't sec m to. sthp bias; dyed in impudence, be still seenss to hope success. We wish mas destroying angel would sweep of the rssoc. - , ' i *- ** Mbruuan. May 27. From the TTiejf.?'News has been re i reived fioui Viyksburg tip to Sunday even ng. Fighting haa taken pbt?v ev I rrr dsjf. * On Salwrdfty, a trwnendon* I assault was made by concentrating l Ymoat of the enemy V mnuon upon one i point. Our In east worker were broken, i and the eoengy, entered in considerable number?. . They were twrvtjy repnbed. almost all l>eing killed or taken*prison-, era.- We captured their banners on onr works. Qmt Iosh lirua far is hetwsefi two And tnAe hundred. The enemy Hjlintt * loe* fioto fifteen to twenty lliou.s' ^ Jacksok, kiay 28.' (left. Johnston end (>u?. I'ettun have to-dary issued an appeal to th? people of Mifebaippi to ootne to the assistance of the Stave, - A eaH ia made for all to organize as companies of %avalry and- infantry, l<> serve tew rdnely days. No company ia to fsaiist at 1st* than forty tutn. They re to report to (yen. Johnston. . Some Yankee beepitkU in the neighborhood of BwkOr'a Oreek Iters been taken, and oyer a thousand wounded mad paroled. ; Tv|ti'ttioMs,Msy 27." i. --A heavy veeonuuiseance tif.lbs eoemv advanced this Morning to Hoover's Gap, were repulsed b.v Buahrod Johnson, who captured c dozen prisoners. The enemy are tnekrqff many manoeuvre^ which are sdppnaed to be for The purpose of creating the belief thet Murfreeebore is being evacated. f sis?ne I n, a 1 Latntfrn*n Viekaburg.?G?*pt de landed the etwendrr of V irk--burg on 'fhfiredAy, fftvfog three I'emlw lon ?rnn4? Will Sfiwn mirfXilen, and >-9vt he will die 4fc i lie trenche* .The. Ferlernl troop# Are demon* lu<d, *ed re f*?**d to r?xw the efteek. 'Off B*uir dey, ih? gaa^fttftta- wore firing bot ehol. Hie THbrnl .toe* ? 25,000 10 30,000, tvcloding OeneraU Kerf,. Ley, Ilnr dridge etxl others. Port >iud???n m fn kce&T. % -J', i' " ByikavTHt^driwJ. . Alt quiet hi front. The Despatch edhfmne the following der * pAteh from Vickebutg. dated SuHtrdN^ : r f J rent chore tW>fefe?-U lo tbwf W en *- ^hi.- n i i i ( irriiriirnrimi. Ji'Q rwV?l IQHI WW * **? ? f?Uy SOjOQO. '2W mrny h?i? . lolbrB occHpriRg J?*l[*>n h?? M> r* Htf?r&nl Iqr tirwfu. On rfaq (vhi ; ihri enemy .**re from nfn?inr?. W? Jmi** epptHr*Vi ??h< u-ii^* hK>?#> iNfd* .Virirhwf. On . Sunday, tirht* teUgmpfreH j/itOMfft ?* . ., Wf*tf*?ry def*#*. wiiWr iv?r? V:?j?pr??Md 4for fW thrjt rf?igk< l|* ttrofrtl lo ri?# 1 j *my -... - j Ifc/BFanannnrro, W*y 28. ?| Tt ? reports ih*t tl a rebel lore* of -} *0,009 bn? fatfcif h?*k ?? tnm? ftn? f ff- *?a | ; ^ ' .? ' ^ ^ ~ ?' ^U*f% ^SRMBi?' ' * ,i^By KL !!S^rj?:^s."" ? ?-jari>?-?^^iu fib f w Tb|>iMMiaiMl nwnnw o( ] he*e tnato of htifttftn crtnlutitv bv tb* * a*e ctm* li _ (im* ^ +<** ** *?* ?ouw. noi h*,*r *J ?d?lwfii(fl? fijfa frowwtrBi eeia;oad children refused hefennrim* bj Up* that B?r? iuyariawy uttered fetaeis<H)d. tl bat the Northern people netref" ti?rof i> iBaltoiiiag Mtb fabrications at the*. ol Ooea a week, fcf two rwn and a half, . tb*?y have, been called to rtjoiee oeer m tHwapki that b?w no. ?xi?tMM next ? day,?? if dot sprinkled with th? ajiti a of Mkaowhibed fMMtn; yet their faith does not appear to ha eiftabsteti or fctfgued ; and they art oniric to believe! 8 ifh day. that Vicksbuag hae fallen, aa A they wore. read/ to ?Veei for tha rout I ? of the tobcl xruiv at Mmmmi two yearn ? ago. It would puiale a metaphysician B Co esplain the extraordinary condition tl oftha Nortbern nmlefstaadlng cinar the ? war began, on thin a? on many. Other ^ pointa, without the theory "of a national d iueatmy.*' , * \ ' -d t | ? COBPlAMr^.?Rome of the "North V Carolina and Georgia pa pfra corn plain n that, the paper* In this city have not b pubJtshed J he camaliie* which occurred %\ M %ha troope from those $<rtee during ij the fetrnt battlrt near Fredericksburg. ? Not have lb? Georgian* and Carolinian* |. been praitied l?jr the Richmond press aa ? they deserted. These chaigea are not y triply true, (f they were,-it is tO be i (toped thai fhtjei# two,gre?V {Jiaies are not dependent ou the sentiment of news! ??*!*' *' - n C. ...1. O.^.IJ_. J! 1 .1? i^vutu vhtuitiiii ui"|?m^i 111c pvyrr j pit-it. It in it liltl* State, \?ui Hi* ?wjr h manly, very independent rf the opinion* |< of other people, very well assured (tf it* own" position h> fltls respife' ii re*etn-" F Mes England, France and A/1 .( nations more than ntiv Stme of Hie *j Lonfedemvy. It cares little for praiee 0 or the wiint of il. Tlie Sparta of fbe ti South has done her duty uobfy, bos 0 never revived the speeinl vWitdi}a of C lite Athenian* at Richmond, and hen h not inurrmtted. Smi-<fieti with herself, ^ she is content to await the verdict -of history. % v ? The above ts from the Richmond t Whig of t130111. We Live only t??, t *xpi??-n unbounded eor fhh-tsre in South | Carolinian*, and wlien.tfi *y way he-1 j, fore the cultm *?n tmiiiy, let" the fee* j( tell against, li.etH. A KorhiKkn Joiii iimI any*: Murtiu I"*. QenVry, the llepttldirnii . member of (Jongrtw* frwnr Kan***, an is | !' well'know n, el the'^wte u*si<Mi caiue * out for pence on the hnsis oT ti p tuition u hflwt-t-n the Nortlt and t-ho South. 1 Thereupon he received resolutions pa#* u eJ by the legislature of HimI Suite, ** strongly condemnatory of bis course in '* the House. Mr. (Jonway relumed the *J resolutions to the Seeretery of State, ' with the expienoieit of hiv " mut pro- **, tbond contempt," Mild cloited his letter *' by naying : *" I kIihII s-k the people lit tlrcir next election to s?v whet tier I ntn * . . . . . - ?l a i run on or noi, ami in :ne muautiine 1 ?ph upon itie resolution." ^ kt a i.i atiom.? Kor i wo officers re- ft cently murdered officially in'Ohio two " officer* of eqyal rank, now in our hands, 11 are tp softer through the operation of t the lem talioitit. This intelligence has < been convened by Commissioner'Onld f to Mr. Ludjow, the Yankee (Jomini*- | toner at City Point, with ib? addition- 1 at assurance that, hereafter,-for allV-oo * * federate soldiers or ciiixen* improperly 5 held or executed, the law of retaliation ' would he rigidly enforced. * CJeic. Vam Pork's Divwioa.-It isstat- f ed in the Richmond Whig, of ^he 26ih ? UK., that &*n. .Forrest has Iteen order-, t d to take command of Van Dorn'a di-j i vision. lie amiume* eonnnaiij tempo- < rarity until a permanent appointment is made, Correal preferring to eornmami hia old brigade in perron, without any eetriciiona thrown around liirn In the t atvape of "orders." He would he a ' worthy successor to Van porn, #nd Ho i one doubts that he would, t>v his won* < decful energy and tart, add additional laurels to wreathe that corps. Gen. | Forrest ard Staff arrived at blielhy villa. Toonon the 14tb ultimo. 'CoKORATULATOKT OuDRRS OT GkKS. Lice A a D Hookkr.? Wo flild the following in a late number of tl?* Mew Yoik >frorW : By a moat unhappy coincidence th? mnartd ninlofv nrtUr? nf (tttfiArftU Il/vtlr. t at Mini Lee appeared tQg?Mher in reater< da y'a newspaper. Tike publication of ' these i wo document* ritnulta*eou?U will '' do the North almost a* nrncb discredit nind lhe South ma much credit in Ku- < rope m th?? result of fhe bntllec on the >' Rappahannock. H fa the f*ie of many e brave ud capable nation uad army to be defeated, but to be uatiuthfnt, > boio'f'rf, ted. (alee, when the occasion demand* h?>ne?ty, ivaj^natroo, *n?f a .loyal hopefolnert iit adver?ity, at* torn airainii, m every civili/ed ' natim- on earth. No honest and fair minded man can have read tlteai two order* unheal gibf ami pain anrfehatne. It raft'no lottger be deniad?ft li pnteat, to the allele ootid ? that the aoparior' men. morally hud menially, aye at the bead of a a mug Government pod the wraOgatgey. Ta4T*h'>*y* correspondent of the Mobile Adtertierr and U>|d-ter, ule 'graph* from TnlleltomH that (ten. lit t? again in full command of- the army .rr?cpv?ao, i V *.e .r * V . " ' eg ? '* f- * *" % <fce& * ' Sit,sts^dTcsft; i?y vo?M Ml*?tHf exhibit uw beinf mMa*? ? '''''VWW|4oiiiy jn4 nnn?ta(lKn tkil W il^k .(Xa ^. t^_ .pvunuyu, (*! nerved t < " .v :; "Surel *? he'e whit* iwilr'i I .* bo". * .?twvn ?oa?.~ enH i? ap.jb.r, in Ik fwtro%isii0 tn??. r* hki?i iloOai nm.4b? greateai f ordi81. V *rv; - . -Well, be meeowll Ion d* nvati in ilwoold foiled*, imlrely," can nued the btfctfto u I thoogkt 4?o"wa? oegurH - ? - I A .OiniitT jPotihot.? At the Wi ondnrn UnpHst - Con veatfon, held in utgu.ta, (jebrgia, l)r. idaoley'tir.. in n d<kwsx>f.,ieMK4t eower, 8t#lnhtd, mong olbet^fhing., ? that b? Okkme ever to aee hi. i\te Mlow-ciiiaene of lie United SlMn again until The good t Ixrth oonntriea, -pnrifled front 8111. heuld meet io ileayen^ that he *a? etermintd to reaiat-until death tln cf, art. of the enemy for our euhjiigntioa. t party 4#od.' mM the een.iabttjdlviue, that if all other, fuller in ihia detef-. ilhation 1 tuay remain firm. I may e called on to bury my tint iu the Itnggle. I may be compelled to.nee he Mtnethv ofthr home violated by lite uemy. I utreetf may be Umpremned,. tirlured, or put to ir^valh.v tie o ; 1 accept all before J will wear the oke wlticli onr etieoiie* ate reeking to rnposo upon ur." la. i A T % 9 J Tax Coli.f.otoh.?-Thf TVcident ha. ot yet appointed The C|t>nifni*.ioiier of 'ai?e provided for hi the T?? hilh-imt h* a. appointed the following Stale Col t^iora:,. *. Arhnn*a*.p. N?Conway,JLitlie Rock; flnrfd<t, E- G. lilackborn. Monticello; leorgra, K. C*-Calu?nia?? F<r*\lji; MivO. y. Neill,. Currolhofi ; Sooth 'aailiitit, Jrn. I>. l'<>|*', CultNubla ; Ten Nj J^gnacdy, ; Texa*. K J. f.hyhuth, Austin ; Virginia, Tbua. '. Gr?en, llkk*f<ird. No appoint tnouU *ve yet been in.nle for the-Stal** *4 ilakama, Louisiana and North Carolina Mr:s or W*?gpii>?GovernorJlrown, if Geci^in, it) the Sate convention hi hiigt*?yt;"aaM \ A iid vgm* men of wealth that I >e? ?r-foie |?>c?what will you gfse in beim If of thin wodcf V?m Mnunt plead rmhUjty lo |h? God" Las J:'acid you 11 the ei.j") inCnt of ahtilHlaiii tneari*. L collect that v hilet jou t|ie speAi bung on the piost|pct* of your 01*1 crop. *litl-?we all know thai onr Micoei-s in ur struggle depends a . great deal on lie good cro'ps which Coat (-half-(five ?,) ami w hlie there eii-j.*, under the pjlihi ehoworn which have distilled on ?e finds, ami jibe gonial warmth of jjre dm which ha* sprung vegetation into fe, and marie it flourish and grow.*.re > pinioning. ?4oe of them of eailv iiU?; thai *aH these crops are lire gift of hai ; that lie | rower to Might thein rith and iltawy.dmw in a day ; liat tlie cati|? upon your hill* are His ; hat lie can cause them to he fruitful ml prosperous, or t^ contract disease nd (tW; and 'h*' Ue ha* promised, in iiany-jdaces of Hie Word, lo those who Hake Sacrifices in His CiMiae, and labor 0 give Hie Word and the consolation* ?f IIi? Gospel td tboM who would elre teriah in tlndf sins, the blearing* . of )f*ct in Ho*-world, and life rurerixslirtj n the world to come. Why, than. Would you draw yottr "puree airing iffht w hen you are called u|x? for com 1 ibtrrioua to teatd the ininhte* of the 3oi?pel and the word'of fifc fb rtm rttf lier, who ia fighting for youf IslttHies, or the defence of your hoinee end tireidee. And you tliat have nothing else o give, own .{tray, and God hat prom *ed that wbeteoever you ?ak in faitii will be given. northern Hews. ? The Ilereht alluding le rhe reporl Wat Vallaudighanr it to b$ sent beyuui We Federal line*,says : 4* Tltia we lepeal lA-an aggravation rather than a pallia ion of the blunder already committed.' Port Hudson wa* bombarded .on the 9th by our mortar, fleet, Resisted by Jin gunboat Essex and'aloop of war Kicb luond. Firing was rapid on lioth side* rhe E??ex was struck but not. injured J "he Kichuntnd with a full biomlaidt silenced the enemy's guns. Att. placeR of public resort in No? Drluuha JhV/^lM lf?r? ohllr/'hwa ?IU ?v-? r- ?" to <lt?piny the national ting*, nod hI place* of nmneemeni to commence him eloa# tbeir )>erhrtha?ca? with nation* *ir?. a "**v3 * ? Th? Herald advUe* ^change of haa of llooker'a ariny, and Hit MiprrMOe and eommoa etme plead etiongly f favor of moving upon R'ehmoad b; way of Jfttnoa river, aeeotding to lb plan of (van, HcCUtba. A coa?K8Poini?frr of the Hernia writing Irotn Kulitinnih. vtatee that lb Imt <>f Uie nine iikumIi*' regiment* bt longing to the Mb army oorpa-lafl U hotua and dntbandmant on the r*?i ultimo, rhdre wari veven regiment of nine month*' man only mi that eorfa Yho lattm donee with thantatement th* * rumor* Mill |>rtv*il a *pa?l forward movement, l>ut they a*?nml> * yet no- tangible ?h?pa. )t i* that *e aauirot remaia bete h?ag>tfoantfpracimiiog [* -twin IW^en re?p%#ilwg iIm sanitary conditio uf-Ura ehhRnf^^ , *: Tna IIkrai n, of the 904, ha? a urh gram from tutMfc *u?irog that **c JL # 4?iMmZiJb&9i xj*^\ :*us+'W~~< -v* ~^y m? lot, rM?M M?? Yotk oft Ut? 22d, *?d hrtng* h?^|iMi Itwl it k ibe gnadtel in>proM*iou that tb? Monitor* would ?tytfijgth* iwdgpnt* of tU o*t?r hM% icwf.tbje (katkMik if|? nu^ldng Fori Sumter. . 1 . ?.* ? I || I I I I I lM*T ? A Wovma l*dfr WbblZOiSwTK **B?la? ?f Lw?," ?b*t?. twill** W *** .W^VVHpaoo ?fcr ob<?k, atafcj* |^*? ??ui?ll>e oili?r. h??J5? /JWctf Jllo&i?1"?r ^ taction tt> JhoOMftaflaVf Ibc 0>(tW?r?^ 222^ft$I%i ^|W* rt**Co? jtPi a. !>. 'u"Hiy n? r i.n* .n "'unrti S*?iWU>Wn, CM I. Q. Tim* mowsKAKD: fJ^SttKW^Sfesft P. Tloor<*tfr V??ifaoy. "w* ^ ti?? ?*d Regiment, I*\>r!h' Calrrtfn* 1W?p?, <ffd ?!?oVrt hi* Company M LWt -CrackStation, (irotir eonnty, K*H Tymifw*. -Tn* mM Barry ha* f??im?rtv M?h4 i* *bonfc,v.<Nortii (Wirth*. fh hikrf ?M ii Urm F*X on wf M? ??noMlb? ItwVUjW' comhr. He Ha* a*rtf? *Ml W* oh ltd' tiling lfr<ire*n>tlU rh*t*i<*,S. <f , Sard Berry wa? * meni^riif Ovnipany "A," lltl) Rdmtiil North CaroWti* Troone, Jauteon R*n|*f?w?; dMipiyil tu wwtoin Virginia, and re-i?ln*e<J ifVe!irt?r, North Cartdinn, Sap. Vihhrr SAlh lt(l (hid Berrv ?f*li| 11 paliilc?|irnjch?d * prrtty p<o<) wrm?cooUl dmlv* the d-ril; ?nrT n?ar. JEUM Merry I* jt? veer* ol age; 0 Jeet high, faij aatnnlbalon. <Urk evea. milium hair, and h* iriifi-frlitti a dmrrt #:r. I offer * reward ?t 'flA for tlw delivery v' *h* *'<! / Mi Bwjr i?t cuirijw^nenr.GN'ooovAlK "3W nvti**, or in any 4?9 <rtm I Ha get liiui, By m der ?f A. I>. hOOPKIt^pt. ^Ommimling (V ff. <tl Hefct. N. C. T. Gol. H.T. A. Lot*, Commanding jlfrld Uegt. N. R. Troopr flrrcnrillw, >T?t?n., May n," 1M8, Vf" Greenville, 8. G., papers jdeaae copy Juii* * - , ft i i r~? V BY AUTHOfllTY." Aota and Xeaolntiobx of tho Congroa* ! tfca Confederate Congreix, puni at the Third dK?iom -1S03. " v. [No. ?0".l A' JtCT\la Antkvria* Ike EtlnltlUhmtrnt nl Exfref:'* M<*i(*.. > Tlie "f the CotiWtnrtc Kt*lci ol America do ?-w:io*, That ttic PuititiurUr Gene rnl be, ie hereby, autiwrixed, if found practicably nu<l uercrsury, to establish caprvei u>.lil* for the conveyance of lettnra an<lgovern incut, dispritclie* only, a* a moons of wourlnt greater (liipnlrh than csn bo tiforloil by tin regular mailer and'tbe lines of exprea* mailt eo rrtahffehR.1 shall M deaiued poei roote*. MR. 9. Tfc* rates nf postage us neb line* tbsll be Used by tho Postman tor General. bui sh?N got cxeeod one dollar on a single lcttei not exceeding iti weight one halfotitiro. and sJ the seme rate for iny additional half ounov qi j fraction ol' a half ouneo, tt?r tiny dudaneu. aol j not i'Xvoeilina dvo huii^rod miles, and for any ' distance exceeding Are hundred mil**, h'tibk I the said rate le bo an flxed. f r*>rideil, STfeti 1 taw shall apt repeal the Uai now in fuma rag ulwiiiig the ordinary mail awVK-o. Approved May 1, !?M t - ' . fNo.JM.) joist tuesoLunox *- Prm&ic /?r r?? fVjwotl of Certain A ceo* a*a of lh 'AvU hf Quurtermmaler nmd olitr Ojflrare of huNai yyiiyii - * ** Ke*ilr?4 by the Concreaa of the Confederal* Saatea of Amur tea, That tbo giiartcrtnart?i U?(ieriil uelt and pay the arrhtiuu of the Act IdH-OvxrUrniiftcr and other offleerr of (be In < *? t roc pa, for camp eUuMilo, hoist equip monta, rUthlng, urduaacc, M advance atore furuiahed by J on el and Thebe Mid H. M Johea, for (be sap of Mid troopr, upon th btUa if particulars buerWi hied, onountini to eleven Ikouuad two hundred ud tlltMl dollata and aoventyfire teste f Ft itflfcrf. Tha Mid aerosaato have bsamanatobiiit Kd lappruv d by Brigadier-OeaeraJ Albert Tike. _ . Apprersd May l^JdW. 1 [Va. MX. I A If ACT tn Continue amJ Amend the firi ff?rtn'iiu*ajf on Aw Supplementary to o? A? MMrntiW .fir /Viy <iarf A Hntrnmr* dm I JleneaMtl X?/AVr?, iblUj?l? JVtraaiy Itfl DM], aadta Provide far lite Frump! Until* *" nhasr ^/ctafm, /?r' Arrsaenpsa *(/' Na, Ul fuiaiiai sad //Mibdw /'mmd OjUei ttmd Hytdinr*.. . . Tbe Congress of the Confederate fltaki < ' Asidrtea do enact, That tbathird ovation ofa set entitleded "An Act supplementary to t act concerning the pay and allowance duo < deceased aotdtare," approved February Ifttl eighteen hundred and eWrty-two, and to pn v vide for lbs prompt settlement of elairaa fi avrearagea of pay, allowance and Idiaty da deceased officers and aoMlars, tw <MM|p4 < foreo antil otlionriae pro Wind by Oatfgree*. I Approvod May 1, ItMW. . ' * * ^ 4 ( AS A f!X to amend an Ae! entitled " A*-A lo erf am tie MitiiempCearf fa atte-d Kba A , Mf >'f lite Chm federate Sin Ire in ike Arid, em ' ,'lnife|liit the pome re v/mM Ceurfr, Appro S nd Ortober IMA, !?<}*. * . , Tha Congteea of thp Confederate 8fata* America do eoact, That to addition to di * mllitarv court to at tee if each army oorpa . the field, aa now authorised by an AoA dWtlt I cd " As Act to organise military oonvta to a - fend tha army of the Confoifarato Statoa is t l win, man ?t> Manna M* powar 01 itia rwu " I appromd 6*t?hpr ntotb, ?bfh?a*n hitQttrad ai ' ?Mty-l?a, ana military court orgapi % ad in eaah of aurh military daportnanM m, I Hi* jurigiaant of tba President, tb* pnhHa mi 4 * attain* nay raqiita ; to ha argpniMd to f . itianaar and with patent* praaortbad iu the a ' of ?hi?h tMa is Muoinlalory. " Apprarad Jin/ I, 1*W. ^ * . , l* AX ACT > Rrlntimn to tit rVmn/y qf A n a?d? (Aarf^ mttk Ojftnett mumpm H< tU, /adarwir Slmlrs. *. Jt ' * Tba popgraaa of tha Confederal* 8 to tan * Aaaerlaa iWtaonot, Tliat nhrnaVar, tram iM tinrity or Hhor reeeab, a'fllrrriet Court Qm IdUtr abatt, to hi* dtanaailoa, deaat ft 1 \ ndVlaabi# to con nut a pri*w to tha iaii ' tba onto* to wbirb Wa itoll k. . e rbnll eoaarft hi* to aayotfcr Jail wftbta I ? dtotrVt, or tba dUutot wUbto whtoh Utor < rr fcnaa ia ailagad lobar a bona rommtttad, topi , >1*11 -rem to hito>o?i rouranintif and *fb< " Her. 3. That wt??*T.r ft ?ha* ti pcat V 9 ColemSaatoaar Ibat pood fag*** aaidtarfca t i. ran aval rfjtHuni alnitl wii^UUd,v > Ma. JHitS*ia* *~7 r Apptaaad - AM J+fy AtnffitoU MUntm * * ff to??y C*m?rtt, far aart ato JDi*<*ot*.nf~ ' nToangmnr fbr an r dttoatot ?f tba H?*i# ?'^LeeNw* ???r% - : ,-v . . >- '*C kji&fi 1'V-1, - MO Ht ba ao ^ iiSsE y~v *??* tlV^bi ?2lflliS I- " And fortoratora- for *4?Hi<mf*. poUqr to , m4 to wm w k>i'tly wpolit f *L4mti,%. toto fatotoiMf^wt :e( if w?al aer^lr* of to CwftdtrMT, on wbkb there are twenty or mere alarm : fYor.Wrt/, ? tto ponton ho IIMjiMl fO. i>yl?ywl.?W acting M ? ?t?nitr |*rtIm? to ti?iiclH?t% L, *T April, one Itouwl eight keetol ?*4 t Mirtydwo, tod them U no white male adult a* I to ttoMld of (Aid [Uttlli to two lUflntebio citiiwx, to ml Wllod wM% l)id hraeth . Ing (tot: ^Ad^Otofi, The owner m Idaotajjott, Mo n*ent, or Irani fobrts tentative, shall make (Merit nod dotty11Tm HI* to to cnruJlHtjf ?to(, tot, tfter dtll1 r?(1 edbrt, no orefvoer (M he procured to * ouob for* or ple^aMofrttCJUblo to rnUtato , Mix * Awoydmf, /Wtf kxr, That thU eltotpl ' not extend to etijr ft res or plantation oe'oWd ' the hero twtoo pln&d by division from . to itotjr'tw : fWrfnl, /Wrl-f, TVW <#i . erery peYooe <*cmpted. *e efcrtoid, end *ir lag the period of each rtostplioB them aboil U paid ? *?? Hy iato (ho puMic Treasury, he lH owner* of ooeh alavea, the aatai of Are IwHtwl dotlaaao San. ftr fnrh otherpereoae shall he exempt od BO tko l'maideul shall h> ollrded effbt to ' bo exou?pt*d la diet^lejs pf untry dbpnVhd nl white, or elaro labor iailiemiteahU to the pre dnctiowi ?f fc-roin or {ipitUmii MiiWMty fbi to otppBd of to population ranalhiaa, w horoo, and^eloo o? owsoBtof Jaottca, eqatty r 8*c, *? f? addition to to Stpto eOeera exi oiaptod by to eat or OthtW ihrtnAi "< thenaand eight hundred and sixty-l wo, jhor? a hall also be exempted ?U 8lsU Oton whorr thp Governor of any Mate mar alalia to hart bexempted to the dm administration ol.tht Covemartent and laws thereof; hnt thW cxa*np tinn aliall not continue in. tfy Htate after rhi r adjournment of tho neat remilar session of lit legislature,.aialaae oaeh l.?aislaUire shall hi I law wmfl theuk from jiilliary doty iu t>i 1 Provisional Aray'of ibo'OmtoiBlo rttotea. Approved Muy I, IfA.l. * JEnrolling Cffiot*. Greevvi)l? C. H. .Am^'Kiy, N.m.f,vmH?r?d.H,ed 0 L>r i VJr end Privates absent tut KutfoBflr it li rmi iMvirini arr i*erri>v n^uirHl 10 ret?or r I to the Km oiling Offlorr. that r?<r I luftgha m*y l c HMmincd. 'i ho i!m?? r* r qnirnosnt is nnrcssary t?? Jfce irt+jr* at pwiJing *tf\lust unanfhoriard fr?ii> tU? Army. WK. S: JJOXT. Mm?. and Enrolling (Mian. Hay It 4 | ttAOS * I WANTED. V ()TW m ISTA XI >1 N(; (I,, loo hy fin <! ?" Xi oar tl1LI. fur lK? HwahtMn a f ^KITING fAl'EH, wa shall <iaaa?niia t? * r^qnirr RAGS aa baistnduaa, M mm ha* * two Mitta yat in ofn-ratinn. . JOHH W. GKAI>T * CO. " May til ~ ? X K# Charleston ?Wy?r and Cot am U K VitnrJimm and Ctamftara* ?rlU i?py <v n " * . ; - . y"; i * . 1 is Wvjr&ESTi A VKttfiO VOMiK AWI> 9& jQBKVK* Om KIGHT YEA KB OLI j Apply to 7 JCflC. ?. JTMRUSTOK. J ? , : * ^ ' fttcmvown, Mm*. i??*. if 1- AB oflm* and m?n who hiVshfn A a "HTarad ai OhyfAa) at nay Uaaa yrniwu 1 , May*. 1AM. . lo t. All nMoars rajdnret at alt* jdaea hafWi li, tba tat of April, ISM, who kw?Ww nlaaa ?- V M?rn|s. >, 8. AU man captnrrd In TdAtMdlM < ,? *"Wa?a Vsfor* tha TH oHtateh, I*M, *1 0f hn*aV?* taiaaaad an poaofe. r < >+ ' Vho iMoarnsnd man cant are* *nd Mrs ad by tea*. A P. Carter, hi Ma aapiUhUa Jtoat Tem>????io In l>??embar laoA . % fc A The nflesva iiWI no saotoan* and ? ef idM t?y I*?fc W? %???< M ~ and Ohio KaMroad ; naif by Cant. Ctainn. i Oortotb, MIm., la Drc.oabar. idU." . . 1 af A Tba odlaars aqd man parvWd at Otib* .. Mia., an tba Md lhar. !ft?f: at U jn *??rArb., oo ikm ITIk JtfMtogr, 1M?i m4-< I). MM Boege. U, w*?IM Jfetr|?rjr, 1M 1 T. AO Rwo" vktlm ^ lk? m*i *< rtio M(tn Uwltaii to Ik* mm, k? ?k*v ft* m-eovA of the (MMi^to o / fiiib ?'d ?totoe to ttoeo peer lie to Dm?> Jfr . 8. AO oivillM* who have ktof tllilHii rt, kefore the ?U ?f ^ toaecd ? Meroto, m* diayherjM froa* Mr* 44 M| Meh pence ka? ttkeu My MA7Si| ww? tfl Ike United fttatee w|hw Mitoi or If bt* retoeae ton, MtnttMied wftk. *1 othei eeudiUea, $4 to ditoherted fee* ? \r- t - * ^ **y tophfMed '-b eny 4 foregoing aectlou*. or In aajr B 9" '-< . '*r^- :. < ? *n?Sri35^Si ?5SVm?? |J# "W?BTo A? V?r De|wHw?l4i# KT. ^ W A ??*il ?m, j f?3g?sgg?* ?, ^ O j&T?S. *?*? . >? J; r?r MM* ^ ^ M. WPij wi ^Mi ? ""?>"?' U%?" WVB?,?B. ? . %N - V-.^s'- ? <f * j- , -"A* . ? flHBK lw ^HuDK - 2U~ '^.^rjSBI 1 hirrt/rt^ *>'*h Jik^riy MfftLU j J?!?*?*1' r^r <l?artfr, tjkk ? oent. *>r , ?*T'T'<- ?. PM?b6? l?? 1^*111 I I. - * ,, '*'Wmd Bft^rilVni?*n be bad VfffJpe* ??#. THa ?MMUk watch-*** ?m*i ( ^ ,*??A **V * "*ffl * y ^ > TImhimiM Ik.fJaw ?To s. I, ' ??* Icimi wkc Ull? ?<? fit.k* * y+r! > ind 4Ai?ti\H. Kn r?^ iul ?r <J*> 1 aalV?i? rvquifed No Mp*tM > FlVf loiMifiiD WW and trtitVtoaa ffinWI' J& fi lfcr? ddrwlau. ?y -Oi.iw.di?'?,U ' .wnrf ? IimIIK, auMi. l^nijf, ; lady w?iUh*to *? ! ? * Ft?r tavMH * formal fa* mMttm (Um^whiV T.*r *r?ur* ! r^?t?nr) . K? AKK ?. O. L1M*>1?Y, \3gW Ka K?rt I' 0? VjM?I.Jr.giort O*, State of South CaroUjQAt :. <iKM?NVHXK hlSTWCl. ?* I- * im&wrrr- -* t life TWv?a *. A?tby?r;v*., 1 /'(?/*r . ? Charlra J. Yt# A:*# > forrrlntuu ?Aji \ A' i atrtl J. A. !>a?U > - *' 1 Mj? IhuIn 1 fur ?!??*.* ??a??*t ca?*. . ^ ft )>iM-iirtHg to ih? Miif*f??iion \>1 ifcfOa-i ...imionor tlml tnJANLES i. HAKAU abaeat from afd apliojit Ikr Undta d > * Sfatr: h it Ordrrtl, TU'. tfcr.' *? a^jpi!'gL ' J// pload ??r drmGt.to4S*npiai?.?rd'. |lill m?(/ ' rtn* MWUm, <?t tke mum flfiU ow I ad* a I a* 10. tdaC ; *r aafir/.lalit?r. * WM. m.xiionaa c. to> 2 .WKJg* r Arr|l *1, ltMW.. ^ ; f> JH IVraoaa aamiubw tHK*a dollar* ?rff1 ' ? -priatiag mwrriaf oad ofjartkwa. Ufoafc?ra.;< ' .I K~ W.^a aoploa, fifty Mta. ' , C^~ All iMtftm rannirniy mm war*, aatalH a aiauwv for tL^fm 't''" M ACKAfcLAS It* :*V?<.h. ?|?4- ffrMfem rn IMm eoniprfc* Ui? eot p* ??f tu ?feriV?ti|C^T| .*" Trrmf> of iliiiay r- i*,- ) k* Or^MijMVw?r?^ *M r?. and Ac'onriU <}??? the Kirnr, . ?*a' head* ?f ?H? wn*Tl?^p>fl5?wW' ? Ml. A. IX IIOKt-f^l! eootlWtfW ? tiae at the wuti UMIee fonwwTe Mimjk w v ,jd the Wrt*. <*her*** wmj W f.tarf ? ' ? : SrS^-saSs?