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IT ? jfi? ; ^ jkjL rM t. t v.. < V' c. aw-* % - >*.< / K . TT * K .5tj*n.?w?^ IJ&XV'JS'' i". tear, if ' .; -? Bj-. i';r ftl^MH '*?<%"llU S??? ;. ^ri f* ill* i f 11n< 111 ! i r I WBK^ns i.." ~H^r - fc '".: JRn^WiiiaMrMd Kt the rate* ?/ nn? doll* H??-? knd tfi/ ranWjX r fqnrr, of 12 Mh>loo Mr^? 5f'< .. ??r lw. fWr. IN*. tni in.owlou, ?w??ty-fir wKu r*?<* rn ttw Mfcend *tid tMtit ln^urUr>r)?. U? i JSBfSfSSSf^kiSis ' - *** noIIJIaawant hS. _, | .. A|lr?r(t?o4?*irt* wit Id without tb? ntftttW f in?wrtlvM IpuciflaAt wilt Wr pubtfehediifet ordered out an<l ebafged/or accorritnifct * 5 > ftLl-UL. JJL J L '! '.. J-JLi Jrtltrte) |*ntfhj. , *.* . Who la My X*lcMM(f - a- Tfcr f HJwh* who thou" P** iu*t po*rr Joatf >?Lm ; - . V. \ Wlwii *nfiiin !???rt and burning brow Thy m.otl.ii.g baud tonr prroa. R,' Tlnr wluhborf Tla the fainting poor TVbn*? nym with want i* dim j . 'v. K Whom b u tiger a&adw-frobt duor to ?Ioor J K * ?ihl ?c?r tfim. f , Thy neighbor V Ti? that *f?rr mart R&o r.* , wWwyroniara in tb*tr print* ^ H?- S**t low wit b at'-knfM^arts ?ud j-a1fl 1 Jh tin llxiu, Mii<i i-vrnfort hint. Wk Thy "Tie fTraH?<i?rC he.-4ft HJ ,l . Of etery mi thly jtew-^ .-? I ViMomi ami orph^na, helples* Ictt; " Go lliou, ind abetter ikctu, ' * . "' ? ', WbeneVr nmi-lVt a K'mwu'form ,Lh? hror-d ttiAII Hlhi* n?rn, )i*mcml?r, "tl? Hit hi other nr??r?n?' JiAillrtf, wr iky ton. BT ' (V'tww iwVlM* *)?> Ihm by I 'i'erhnpa thou ennui it'U-vin 4 0?' liiviikin^ Im-mI Irmu minfry ; in, ihkro thy !i'l w ii h him. ^ The Dyfhf V?rer Wwp *Tf? eeM Hie n.rti-A tnf ! U it liwiiir lk?' ciiiM i?f itrjih "* IlfteutMe inxVtw litem rfhtff ?! < ntfh, Withtv? ry parting Ittnlll f ' . (/,. J It p??i h ln tMbij' c?H for (ritmh ;?w Ark '"X a fn'hrrto 1?? J . Ami Ininp to lay Hit drooping lirow ' ; ti?* Ujmn n mother'* hrcnaU s oiA ^hydli U??drii>^ n??or weep I' ti, they have r .iclie?l |hrir pottill <tf Tilhi * That it fur nujt'it like mrtlily (>?r?, k , Tmi Wdmlriiilt?'on uhl^nr '* . Their rpiril ev?a now l*ei>n(A mark; f And on i h.-lr i-irs. ihe FmI ur?-'? Mt? Already through lite ?h?iju?? wall * B jV ^ - Tb? ?oicrii uf B??*hlvy i . By ?ky ahoiitt the dthg Wept y'^ Weep ?rt% eUch.?A(rtl i^mM* troiia.l , ? Wren when iheie Vifuvt ahall he ??tool J. * . Whit the lunA?A|l wawpiil ? A W It a the living lk?i'i4ii>u)li frett*-' . Tlie lieiitfc yet t" \l?'?r t-li. lr chaine ? fff' ftnt not tlie <fvi?K. Wull that call ' V- Te God'* eternal plain* K? t; * 1 " " 1 . 11 | / F? ruin jMrtttlNU, H?tr t* be *i V J latin m4 CeaalateAt Chrlitian. ' It .'- 1. ? Alwnr* reek the direction o V . illillt ll FCi.ltll nml the hi?- t tr~ : i nfxm ?h? buxinvj* of * #?> tlai befon k'v' yoB enter nppn Oavar omnnu v Voniydf <jf Hit nigbl r;4F*7fil y<a? ba?a*nnffbt n fdtaMng on yoni *' \ ?f? dat-paM.? l'aa. v. 3; V** liW U?WL ?. 1&; t\.,. c-xix. (?47,.I48 1*. 17. ' '?? % Never forpeMKBt turn art aom?anl !? exposed fo l?? tiixae^ aebbyeither ir - Kaart or.lif*, Irnfn tiff jhuH ofrltdy.-*-! I'eier. r. 8. 9 : IV. ?it. 1-4; Itbm iiv.23 ; Kpb. vi..f9*-24. 3. He sura ?o read tnongli .dfjllie til - *? tV*?v day. Iq- AirnUK a mljeai Hot k 1%; grate !?* reflecti .n.?John, v. 89 ; Ada t m JtU< 11 V^M. < *?* 03. 97. , >?, FetV forget lb at if von rartmfpe-oi k .iajntiexrton bifTVi upon your ';!$ ) >*(? additional injnry.-_.Rotn. xil. 10 j&0v. XXV. 21, 22 ; xxiv. 17.18 mk(' In regard to aUetidiu^ meetings . jlMghad aa manna *4 nl*ay? U MM^rnad by your *n1t?bn tonrjctiont o ,'o ftftd *??* br TOOr pra?ant fertfhtfi HjiCX>*? ix. ??. 27;, Uau. ?i, 12"; Mail tel.* 4. l>4 # . ,/lweyh paaaarvp n.ehaejflil ajdrit nt nttrtr mdnlit* in trilliVff and Hiticy ifaii. Bit 23% Eph. r. 4; n?iLI ^7. "?>7. (Ita leant miimatini .? J fllpil Jr^o-laatn ynnmalf barter Umwi Atfi ^T?.?Pfoe. XXxiii.** unni.?. 0 J Luka J Bb.lJ.11. *- fT ttee?4*e adnwwb mtrjriiH the xpirl t' r<>t Wndfi>??, and noma a?tom|R to re i j*o*a or rtdnnb otiiara but with flu cx'* 6 *4it' irA*?e*?r Sn fj .gmt mrnnT+m^n in ihtir ?h ^{MjEyLfttt. ** 8 ; ?* ** u' tfjroo >?*? ?&nfe Wtonjr. nr-hi?*n I** i Wkt?.-)i|li% f. j?Uc^*ix f8 >,'A' .?.* v A jpi, m ifwltlo miwftn w?VM M9ol?M#?mrftVe<)r th* <?**.? KoHO. ttcci' * 1 T>iM| in. 1 g4 N?*pr!S|Jhr tWI i^m^HToW irfm ***"- ' ~ If. i^.\ f ji r^J 'A?^->,'W '*.. ? ^"M'"' v**l? . - ? ,* " A RK j^H*"a*FWW'?^Mi^iW II I Mpp ? to frtrtirm, %|Ml " > fi! 1 "v"'' *B"==*=1??,,*,i^: I J <^l,e 0?l&V ,. ' ' >- '?- : '%v' ,!., . ' " " J uiJkM. to * pentad upon your gonaefeoee, n?r let It "' prevent vow-XrrtWi drttyif T??f Aty*.? d rpQ*.' i'viih-14 ; Ac'>, x*t*. ?;; ft?r. U.,T. -,l^V * * . !?, - ' ! * lTrjle-eefeftil to improve the Holy a;i8al>U?th and all tla alUtftljuit mean* ?>? * froce," in jAtclT* way as toa i?on<"r Gwd ; ^ urn! prOiOOtv-lJie life and |>ower of ffld II .line** in your own flenVt.?ilatL 1*1} 18, 14 ; U*4 Ivi 2 ; Jtirti. xiii. 16, 1<Tj Act*, ? **? 7. *"-. Jf' 18. Madifnte often mo! Wtonafy'en . *!? litioertwioW of life.?+Tf*r7 M. "12^ JiuiMMt ir. 18-1 ft ; Kccle*. i?; 10. r ?V * m, T Blow to Anger. .. . - ? **11? (hat tintiv enger^e t>et~ . tee than the haughty, mid bo (km ruled! kh "spirit lliwn he thaVvtafcelb n city.** Abundant vexation* ati*e yacH. day to dislnrh lite atreuity of bvery one-S twin par ; but the'wW mfn witr etch?' al wayii tO fvs*at4* W* soph in patience, aad not-aalfvf annoy/ iCVni.P.v^o ripple it* jwo.fefol surface. Tit is licrqiiitement * is within i he reach of'evury one. and la oarinlnly worthy' a poweiful effort to obtain..- Even the inmft passionate owed - not UrajVair, "if ho wIN "but /tf>wh? the' ?oreronieitt df thi terbper a nibject of diligent. prav^i fuj"*\ndv. r An obi srentlrui?n hail been noted in youth and middle* life a* a man of most violent temper, It wax the great buiden-of bit own Iff*, ami a source of unending aunoyanrb And dee!*1*oti*Jt?i to rlioa# around llkp, - At l*M h? determined ler" he it* alav? no longer. Jtfhe ryinnt "who Irtul *o long ruled him with hi> iron rod, *hov?ld he subdued. "I oVervod," aaid he, " that an nngrr per r ?on nlway* raised hi* vc*e? to a loud. I high key. ' 1 determined, therefore, when I felt lite ol.l spirit rising up. |o sVfien my Yolo? 'down to tho gentlest -possible tone, and speak deliberately.? 1'tliitik it-.wM 4rmk which, under the tdesking of CJQ, tmaMf-d two" throng iter the evii habitr K?r fifteen .year* T have 5 not l?een coneoio>|? of a single ruflle of *,, ntyMKtujKT.*^- Am! * glnnc?r-?t the old titan'* peaceful face wouhj well #nb*tan iaio the statement. A smiity, gontle expression rested always in Ore dim, kind ey^*, and on tho *n<Mv ci owned fo tftrsiL vy . Jj. f _ How .one loeea a character that inae 1 I hip* be relied on iu every t?tn??,,m,y of life-?pun who cim b*?|r perplexing c.ue* xheeiily In tho facu, and bravely smile away vexations ! ' iLow cheei fully a sunny tritofwr make* a home appear. ? however lowly Its rtaif, and humble its a. arrangements ! And the heart itself enjoy* a reat and peace, of which a auh . Ie?. peevish temper forever rob* lu pom ' eesaor^.; 44 Ik?w pleasant it is." said Matthew ITenry, 44 to have lit# birj In | one's BosOin Cv?r singing sweetly !* ^ TiiaRowAwSxNtiKM..?--When t\?mpeii was dealYuiyed tiff re were very J many l>m led ip - the ruins of it who were afterwafd found in eery different sit'.union*. There were some found ( who.ware In the streets, as if they had j I men attempting to make their escape. Theme were h??ne fqwnd.ln dyep vault*, Ss if they hod gens thither jtjt security. There were some found in lofty chain- j r hers; bqt where <Jid theytftnd the Hn- j iTMn ??'ninici.i iim-v MUMTilra afsfid' iog'St ili? city tfaif. with hi* barnl attlj r grasping the ? w wcw|K>I?. where hp had been placed hy-his osptafn. and there, wWli the he*v?ns thjWMjftnta him, there, * while the ennK shook beneath him, \ lh?re, while the leva Nf?tm rolled, he j had Mood ?t h?r*< ,"an?i there, after | f thuuasttd jveers had passed awey, w?a kc fonhd. Rt? lei Ohri*imrw l*arn to , ?t*nd li) vbeir defy, willia g ir? Mend to J >b? postJtt Whkh their Cspftitr ha* pieced them, end they w|U find their * duty WtH support and * Mate in them. * . ' [Urw. S. Cndfy. ' ITew fan 8?mi Ewjapims*?* Old V Smith," en old <?fi?oan drwmtner in the 10th MW?r?ip|>i iwgtanvnt, whh hoieth 1 tMM foe MVftgghog M the marsh ; ?rltwtli: , er sftbtging or ret testing, be urns nl In. farrlp^. Jaehrmt'a great. mtre/?t \ frbth the V&rtf the WtstufWwiJCaf. ' ter whipping I tasks, obi Ambb-fot some miles behind, Altd'bhlfo siltlog on- the ; 4. wo*Y sti)e, ?oh??er wnd'sbe^ retuing ?* end eating bis hiref sod hlaent*, he ub? y aetved^e full regiment of*Ya?ltee c*v*|ty ?Wl?t>ncHhvw;; 'He jirmned ont'irdo r the wends, the YabVefr esnte I. WMMlimlmdfeXfoaMt <SM O- hfaW.^w. ; Wlm. *fcru?l <4* km I Mitmr myi lo'fcun Vl??? jirvo W ' 5. fcM?U> Hi* H*4* WM* ?mcKW-f?l; tm y Ui? of com w, Mmh P. ^ 4 -Hi lite n?gnt?r )Mf K*n ?tvV. OM y hinliytin nn i.i* k|.?.,I <) HHr, ?hua awrt?*? th? nunt n j? ?>i|, >. wfipMfefct ftl the oilief, nixl mKmeU Ik w4iU Ufal U*U?1 e^itlHiiUliiy. ^ ' " V * * 1 ? . . . / ' \ . ^ 'V ?. : " " ' *U^b ^jjflj *!H^?fc<?' > * j- >i?>J n|'.k^ ^ ?*$** jM? ?*.N*i .'- -<] t ?W- ? i>.<t (.frjfrjit. <'*m<)>"'.' 1 ?M. * < v*w.*< ?- ;... IFLEX O] lids a? tl^ ?* ;?$ c?yp?t^n iliHt 1-uJininnifd in ibe W-. ' IWW UhnnraHoWriHe which tr?? perac [i Wfl wriltvv-rft AMpi A?t i*tir ferthr < Hoot***'? bi*trtt? r&or* an tint moat 1 dastardly q/ tlio m.m%;brngg?rtii the I Yankee nation hiu f<t">*brfd .TtirW lh? 1 wan * W? h* ra H>? f*6t? frmu MU?V> < ro&rea that we %nh?sit*ttNgfy vouch for < tiHar ntwifiiH nathenfioitn. It will* be < aeon that " fighting grant pt?torti* of I ho cJhtjrht in < Um> fcanr-of (Wee* th rlM^d Mm??lf J ^fh tVnfederafe wboi UAtwl ObUfWe- j rnt?^pet{ico*i?i 1 .'. v.'1, ": i) WlStto ifio YanVw* awtoy wttYJdeidjr made it* appenrrnco at CfwitveltpraViWe, "i ftjut Prederickabnrflf ladi&t-s-Mr*. ? ' ' Forbes, tb* mother of Mr. John Forbes Mo member of the Legislature from. JI'Aufjuior, Mis* Kate Forbes end fwn 1 dlher*?'w*Ve in the Ionise which ,i name to the Ipcrrfity. Hooker r"f??<tl < to {.erinit th*m to c?mk ?hlo ottr lines or l*n?f theln to the roar of M? own.-* On jlia morning'of Sunday. t 3d of May, when the great battle had been < V*nn, and wfcen the '.Jbn federate liua w?? drawrt up within Hva^lnmdtat '* yard* of the house, the Indira again ap- I plied tn Hooker, who wan standing in The jiorcb, hihI out unfed him not wan- i tonljr-to' expose their .live*, but to let them jffe to a .place of safety. "Th:a lie 'J refused, telling them that General I>e wotiht not,, fye upon the house so long i a* thjey were in it. . ?"> Thcv naked him if 1?0 supposed that Gen. f^eo' wottkf risk-the safety of Kin ' armv, and peihnpa of the. Confederacy, ' on tRe accoitrtt.of the, h*** of two or .three women. M Well," he replied, '* ho "i didn'-t fire upon Fredericksburg under wuylar citeuntytaaee*?' ei-le th?n or-- i derail the ladies to go tip *t?im and ' show themselves in Ihe balcony, where i they would be in full view uF olir'wliole lrv.o of ba'.tlo. The indie* obeyed. Inn i acaico had- they gnKen .upon the balcu- < ny before a cannon dial struck h ji'llhtr , of jhe porch l<elowv, whkdr < 11.. i i i i < " mn'MT * *? ivmniyi, KnocktrU fiutl to the ground, ahd. injuring-him, il hi'he- i liuveti, very rfvfrylv. In thg !u*Xt*tnO' i inent a shell eoteied (tie roof and ret 1 ihft house on fin-. All wan no>v panic i andconfusion, and Hooker tihdlng that presence of. I lie ludi?-s was net like- I iy to firotcfct his precious person, ordered them (o the rear, and tooW vara tir- 'i semi ilirtH hv a mate directly nrmu our tine of ft ??r Hy a inimclo they es i cajwal hnlittri and hatr* since been per* i united to leturn to their friendtr. The lti?tifc# contained at the I into oT \ Its ^urning WO wounded Yankees alid? i three Confederates, one of whom was a I Lieutenant Colonel. They were alt 'i burnt a4ie?w \ Michynor (I Jfxpminer, 251h. ' ? p?4 *?? ,, - | An Incident at Miirfreeabot'o. . A Correspondent oCtlm Atlanta In* teWigenoer tells the following story r " Wlitbt arnnilartn* oter a portion of the field, half a htlle fsotn Where the .carnage wm most frightful, ahd Where a tiett of blue coated-dead attested our I successful Yitnkq? slaughter, w? were < startled-by a voice apparently issuing from the grouud, . Our party at op pert, and again the voice front fbe depths be low, cried out t " Inflow J fieUJ, givo i as a lifV" " Where arc you?* said one of our i party.. . , .... w Hid down bore in a darned nawtv l hole." We discovered the'Allow in H well soma 90 feet deep, which long ago had i been partly filled wiih earth, and cover j ed with, brush. "In a WW moment ft we I had thp hjue bird on Irrrn firnta, and I srldo'h !iar? wo seen wo dirty and mi- 1 inakeuninhh a crfenhuro a* hie torn-and t dirty clothes enveloped, and itie face .i presented. He tordrnut of hit barerwack a diy cracker \ nnd while munch- t ing it the conversation rati? * j . *" How came you in that dirty hole I" i f* Why, dog gone th# place, I jWt I found it and went in, bekaae I didrtt i I Want to fhrlit awin eon fullara " 'I ' Wer^ Vurt afraid |** I t H Wall, jra**; dariivd if I don't tell thn Ontli. hiiv limv " 1 " Ypu a?et?i to 1j*ve f.>nr or flto da/'a i ration* in ihMi liavarrrick t" .1 " Yu*?, von m? I mmmI |)>U bolo (lie A d?f! afore. ahri thought 1 tropin want 10 ] fit in it; *0 1 Kxed and waul in ait Iv in I tW ?*ht.M ' .'irWtH, com? alcuigr yptt'r? otu ( 1 prisoner." - # Ll We Marled for ?ijk | in Mr than Jim iMrttm U 1 look out bin Jfrwket boolc, and, in gaftu-' 1 J? YmJu?'1yr|nt? dyK mil ? ' ?.:>1 nmcb food OooM. 1H<, ?<> frt <Id* pocket* lx ?>k I" ( TW >?a letoly a ?p*d?t?n of 1 he rwl* I i.f N?o?<n lnM; , fn* r.i;:l.raoiiil ' jriilMN, ?&a t^?A,0?O,dOO* //Alt of ?t a*y*. " ?tjl ?*>? ha^rbeeii ? converted into beads or jf ndH, fli ,"] wiped,** oorrenay, froOi awM<waa?; war) ( (lie tnWv rrue It?t ># r*Hn?vd *l,v the 1 fa... hi II.. . MplalA if imWrt; flu u?<V The n?c? 1 mu'at W fowled Wow Awjutt l> 1863. ' *' ? a * -. ' kZ * r . ' # ?k . "e. ~ * " * . * # " ? ' / (| " a , V " .** 1 ? - ^. v. ' , '' ' 1 ^ ~^U ' -7' .. '** 4 if, I M ?iH ^ , i 'pun ^ |i*'i^ i ?-<* ?LLL*,LI. -< * "* >'"1 '* ; ?? ; ' < "fi >! ' - >' - AEOLRfA, iTiniWsBAY MOI iJ'.'l 'iJgJJ.l -. "JJIJ ... JLlillU1 JPlatw Of tots la MlwiiUppL ? j U SCWOH, lite c?ptl*l Hi M)*SI?fdppi, MtfWM'tt MH'Um, about forty tit irilanawt of V4etabai|t an.I about .?? imndred miIw north of flow Or> !enn*. Tha Somhern Mw*wippi Hni! roa.l, fwM Vklhhttrf to Met idian. Mis*., ?*Vt *W Nam f>rlean*, .J*ck*otf,? ami Uraat Northern Railroad tiK Memphit : and the Nartli, ooas each otWr at Jackion.-1" ' ' , , - V._ .>l . i Yickehnig hi lilrattd on darafed tin . ?ven 'gfOnmi, on the aatv bank of the MWWitjpi, about ,t*r\f -Nn fnites west , af J*okuo** and bjr th?_ coarse of the river about foar Jiuudred milef.'fc^TT New OiU?n"._ Railroad* are projected and-poatlf ^aWil?lete?l to Shreveport, in laxiMan},. <10 the went, and to Seiraa. Al*v^t>n -lite .east. The letter road (Southern Mi-eWippi) cfnwoa the Now t>rW\i?a, J*ek*on and Northern fUil road at Jackson, and tha Mobile and Ohio Railroad, at Meridian, Mi.-siwuppi. Methiian i? a small place, 134 milea wfcat 6f north of Mobile, siiuetad ott the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, where it i? crossed he- the Son I hern Mississippi front Viokshyrj 0(0 S^hnv It is about 14CT iniiss eaul from Vicksbnrg, and 04 east from Jackson. ^ ? Grenada ?w"ettne4e*l at the Wad of rtoautbott navigation on the Yalahusha River, one of tha tributaries o| the Yas W>of atul 113 tnllaa north l?y ea?t of .lacbsnh, on the New. Oilcans, Jackson and XortWrrt Railroad. _ . Canton i* a flout ishiug'M'idiaoh County, Mian:, of'which it is tlu> bounty seat. Jt p jamaied on ?ho NVw Orh-niH, Jackson nnd NorfWrii TUHroad, about twenty-five mile* igtrtfeeavl of"JacWncwK . ' Uastnond ia n village nWnt sixteen miles southwest'of Jactson, and. iibout eight milea south of the bombeijt Mia sisi-ipjit 4btilroatl4 with which it ia connected by a Wanch rieijLhnd 'aUutu tfte *au<e distance from the NRW Moults iwcksou and Northern Railroad. tjkylon.-i is ft small tutvn in MWifaippir on tho Mobile ??^ Ohio liall road-about 1.70 mil# north t.grdnvM froiu .leek-' ? ?, and *hi>??^ 75,a illdo north of c??t nf (JiMuid*. i!0u jnile* fU* itio r*W? road (join Mobile, und 67 miles sou-h of Corinth. At presefil the cam oh the " Mobile and Ohio it.uliotul do not run bey?nd Ofcolomt. UmndVJulf i* a* sth.-d] town on the past bank of the Mississippi River, two u.^tee below the in?ui|iwf the Bi^ ltWk, and about 60 miles southwest of Jiu ktcn. Port flihaon.ia a rtottrijhfftcJ hjj^n on iho lioyoti Pierre, a small stream whl^h Ptltera dio Mississippi about ten inties hclow the Big Black, and it situated, about 26 'mi!tr* from the month'pf the May on, about-10 ntth-a acwilhaaat front,' l?rand (Inlf and- Uo iTtile^gpouthweet fnnn Jarksot. Port Hudson is a town of somo im|^>t lance in tire parish of d??*t Feliciana, La., and i* tnWntcd on thit east bank of tbe Mississippi, 16& ittilcs'iUtve New Oileans, ami about 2^0 below Vicksbtiiy, by the course of the river, and i? distant about 13(J miles euitthweM of Jat-lrsnn lor land. 1 Baton fringe is the capital of t/oubi ana, situated on the east bank of the Mississippi, 29 miles below Port Iludsoft try the course <tf tbe" river. ?. Pearl Uivef rises in the northern central part of Mississippi, ami ttowjng in a sorttHerly direction past Jackson, a <lis lance of 2i>0miles, passes through Lake Uufgne into the Owilf of Mexico." Yazoo River is a deep, narrow, flnfiffish stream, 200 mile* firing from (he unction of the Tallahatchie and Yalta Ittiaba (edrieh -forth it) to its month on Iia NHuiMttppi , about twelve mile* Hbovfl i Viokclfurj*. In navigable <|iii%rui? it U aid to l>o nmurpaweil by nuy liver ot' t? ?i<*. v' ' * Ynlabtisha Rivfr ?i?e* a little to thebtf?l*Ord, $f Otcolonn, and pnrening a aealward comae, unite* ot J^tioro tvMh be Tallahatchie, bujI forma th? Ynaoo< In the whiter tl i* nnvtwahla (>t ateaiH>otii* tn (trciitUln on the New OTIenn*, laekaon ntnl Northern K.tilroiu), o 1 anee of ninety. rtliUi*. Tallahatchie Rjrer rbe* in Oitv ex.- | repie poiroeni middle port of iImi Suo*, I UK I running flt*t a eotuhenet nnd limn lOtiiherly direction, fnrtn* n fiiteciioM Ith the Ynlnbuah.. r ladWe, about [(to m?i? s bv tiuid norlh bf Jnek?on. and ornitiig the YAim*.. ~ It? length mahout lb0 mile*, mul H ia navigable to the t>onth of the pojilwatcr Creek, o die" M0f Of 100 r: i i I' ?. Sunflower ltwrer to * email atream md* * u 0* ? ? n?n?g noar un <ai*mmp|>i ilivcr, m>iU iiftar flowing ftl?oul 2o0 miiee enfrr* I ho Ymz**o about 75 mi Mr from iM month. 1% 4%* llivor rim in N\wtb?*n I D^tirul (in Choctaw (Amn!_y.) ami flowing ni-ont 200 utile* in- a K>otti?e*t.eriv tllrrctiou, paaaiug between fai'kron ?|W Vickal>u^gK afcpiie* into ' th? Miwsaiuiu River l*o Mih? ul?o>? . Urafrl gul/. ' ,i n>?,^ .'ju I *JL fnniarVarni that tien. f mitogen, *n irm' ratprri from l?? o*|*ylirtpn J# ? VoriUwtwi ViigiuU, 'ctipiuri'>ilar,#nwaietaviilr-, in ' N ?? ! -'It county, 4ft fun-1 ifwfra, 'i? wKg??W? an J fl?n* ^ VUto f ? ?* of"ut? YpitUee frweu ?i that point,* 'an o4f, taring liafohiarity reaftlral; iifcw lluntar, ?fe i4n wfc?n?"1hey pl-a-H. [/fV,4r?nW &tnitntlt frh/A. ? ^ *: ? > ?* 4 ? H *? ? f ' m. " ? ____ . . ....' _ . _. t: A tj 1e^*x>"'iy *?! i."J.u i a w".,; .! I ^Bmct^gc hnwtt|-<9ll .?'.Jam,,' . .+: xLKsta&Sxim j "d mmrjwtr^m* - * u.?.. < ^>1" Wly?!Lg|w J^ III Sheeting of Gen. VaitlW :' T>f? l>T*h?,.yi?o abet ftt>?.,Van Horn a t Sprtne HU!1U?e iiNW%?de*li) nwkl?|| hia w?y Into the enemy's Sn<??.Jftid at last accounts ?m In Nashvllla. T^pfollowing statement made hv Kim wm&. published in the Na?lirilla Dhpatch, of tile- \ ?th of Mwv : The aeported killing of Gen. Van Oorn by Or. Pjtfr* Iiwdiw confirmed. It occurred in his quarter* at Spring Jtill on the morning of- the 7ikin*t.? I>r. J'eterh ha? arrived in this ohy, apd from him ?? learn iliat the cause cLthe difficulty alvicb re?uUed ia^he death, of Van Dorn *v*? an in(tfv>w held thirty Hour* previous to the killing, in which the latter agreed, on his honor, to trie* .I)r. Peters.* written ilnlemtnt lira next day A?tting forth four distinct facts.? Dr. Peter* said to hinrlhat upon I be fulfill nu n I of thu |>r??mUo he WOuLj pare his lifo tp bis **and children, hIitrough Van. potn had raid bo cared nothing for his own. trite. The'naXt dny Dr. jVern ?w ?ick, and did nof calami Van Dont until the second day', (Thursday morning, r.bout rigid,) when he demanded of Vnn Dor* > compliance with hia promise, which he aeeined'iiot inclinetl ?o do. ])r? IVTcra'-thcti aid thai he would give, him half an (Tour in whioh to comply, and distinctly notified-him that, in'case of failure, his life. should- be lira forfeit. He th?p walked tip into the vitiligo. On bis rc turn Van- Darn tend to hirp what he hinf wiitten. The li at clause futly complied with liis promise, the second was an witir?* miarepre-ehOitiyti, and thfl. other" two acknowledgment* Ira refused hi ittake. Dr. Peter* then denounced Inm for hia bad faith, when YatrlWri -tnrsnd hitn for a " oowawlly dog " and orjleaM hint to leave the room or hb would kick liiiti out. Dr. Peter* then drew his pistol-mid fired, the Htfii taking effect in. ihedHV shW of the head, and producing ipvtant death. I>r. Vetera picked np the tatementj Van Do?? had prepar?<^ and has pre- i served it. as circumstantial evidence- of, pruCeilitj^ eVrnl*, rtn/l, Humming, hi* npiwe* rpde t ft". Avoiding tht? pickets at i mi,it's, h?) ciosavd Duck rhmr and t#riv?f| nl ShelbyviM<*, when Ira learned that (Jan. 1 N?ilc; to whom Ira had bit^nded surrendering himself. bad tssned *r , mder-foi hi* nrre*i. Tin* next morning he I Hi f >r Winchester. iii?guis?d, ??>J. pa-ring i.lirpugh (lain?bd'oartd'<iwHatin, * arrived at thin "ivlaire Monday ncenin.* I - ? J ""!? Dt. lYtora say* ii i* not trim that lie d<teetvd Vnn Durn ii} a. criminal art with lib) wife, H>\refii<-e* Co reveal the history ef the thirty hofcv* predion* to jlie treaty, and will only do so in a eihi r.l of justice, iti Hie justification of the course he foil il Ida dOW to |-a?c?oe. Or. 1'eter* *m for a number ot.years a? distinguished practitioner of mediytne in Woo,TYnne?sr?o< Mh?)* we* a member of the Senate of ihit&tate one or two session*. Ho present residence in in Mi*>ie?ippi, where lie is regarded as a wealthy planter. ** '; * ?e?a -? Eloquencei A Kentucky advocate ia defending hi* rllMtt, who U chargetf with Mealing a bank of yarn : " OtmlVmen of the jnrv, do yru? think .my clfeni, Thomna FHnti, ? f Muddy. Creek, and Ml?sis*lppi, would be fluHtt o' stAaljn' a bank o' col I inw yarn f (lenllemen of tlwi jtny, | reckon not?I j'fw# not. lly no mean*, gentlemen?aot at all. He are not guilty. 'ik?ni FHnfi f OwhI Q^av Jng* I yoifnll know Tom Flinn ; and on Itotior, now, gentlemen, do you think he'd do' it? No, gentlemen,- I ?'pn?? not?1 reckon not. Thontns Fliun ?? Why, great snakes and alligator* !?' Toni'* a whole team bu Muddy f.'reek, and a hoa* to let. ' And do to-r think Iwv'd sfteafe oft" with a miserable hank o* dotting yarn ? Well, gootlemen, f rfck>>n not?I t'povt hot. When the wolves was a howling, gentlemen, r?h *t.? if ? ..? ? m???ill". nruiiiciTfWHl H*pOieon acre a Kali tin# Cl?o battle* o* jfe tiro fke, do Ton thinlr, gen: lemon, that'my client, Mr. ThoniM t'Htm, g?nilei)i?-ti, could lm f ntltw o* hl>^*kin,-:;^Jr^? .^?oohin,, gem letneii?that mtifti'.'fow. moan hank o' cutting yarn i OnpoMihle, g<*nt!?metv. ( reckon not? f * ?'pos? n'oU? 'font FHnn ? gantlerTten-; I rookon I know my client, Mr. Thomas Klinn ! lie's got the fastest nag and jmrttftM sN*?r? gmikmtn, In Ml 1Mo<My (Veek m?I Ml?rtss?|?pl. That, gentthwai. ore a fact.- Ys?, gentlemcir,-that * ?? a fa?f. Yon kin h?t <wi il???t v - _ ? _? ?- ?1 I e?" ?( tfeiHlfiiien, yo?i can l??t- your hone* cu, unit I Noor, 'poo honor, gf nttciHeu, ?Jo you think it? ;ir<i guilty ! (irnt^incn, ( reckon not?-1 Vpn??uoi. Whv.grntli'iuen of IWi? jottjr," my ?Hent, "TttKHf?* Hliurt, am no <iior?go?ity o* smalla' thai ?re hunk o' htWiug yarn tlinh ? load ?r? g<>t ? tfrifUjt*, ? foil; grtrtkiD?n Than ? to?ri *r? jc??i n"f?lfT* V?r,llov fcr ?IcfcniUnt. Cn?? diamisto<i. * CouVf utlj.,uror(. ^ . ^ ^ ?K^i VtTlY Ii/TMT JOKK. the t'iwt *?*k? j^wtlotonn oftlM npoti ll?? W?.W<ti( nJ mlitii?^i a ps-a :;.r Rithniniuf. " Wfll,** ?ai.l ihr l'rc?i." lot ft, ' I J??hI4 U> vert lo.pps AwtClg? yt?ti. if toy T?aWi*?? I>?|t?wti; OmC the fiwt i* ?ir, I baart*. *CWlktt? the jut?! i*o \ 'MS fctryn p.?H?-*u Vy^),t*>0 iiM ti to gn to' Ku'Uuioiid, io^yn? h?? got ijicro. jrO.* ? Th?' applicxul v. ifui^lly *;nl tBtjwcifylJf %idkir?w on ftiftib#. - * - I i 4 i ' v rT,\ * - f- .. . n ' '-r J- ?> > I ? -- - % I * N A.V .. aB,' l' P^WtfWLJJ^JL.-iL^^lL- UCMfcljlL a ..f. ..^>...- ,? . ...*s.1j|-t--^: E?V^r?. fc.^l.iL 1 ^ 77' 1 Lj-;)||';| 7^* . !? or.'r ?MWm ,ot| (lfkniftOM dnn* lw ilui V^V > ? ' fhl Honra oeeuj?*i ion ?f I he I e?iy of XnoSab^ <#*M ov^r and took Ia careful aufrej of tho pl?ee ywxterdav morotng. tuxi jrWe below our j llotta.' We aoold not get oomplfte lv?t of fhe property* hurtled ktgf ?A?K- >, wiee dyatmyeii, dbinglrt a grant odnfufion in the Uity. ''ihU tailoring build ibgs Were burned ! Orti wV Cot end ell lb> huilduigaedtmeeted. with th#factory *, Phillip*' firetory, nn?f nR tbwJ limit Building* connected Jlie?**Vb^ A. Bteaena' foundry. UnilejrVeofton *hed, containing n large qitwtttitU of *?r, lime, cement, A-r ; tMutclrc Church end paraonagb; Mr? Mukwwell'e hoitae, eqd crMitetiis ; Confederate HouaC, tnjfeChw with fortiitlife, Ate.; Rail road iKpoi end aR the building* iit?ttiediateljr-VV eat end t South of thebame 'r Stitte I'enhcnthtrv, I with all the machinery; flooring mill, I near PhiHipe* factory ; all the bquaea on State etreet, (Vm? Shirw\ afore to OrhvW-eern*-, including Green's Ranking House, AnibiozierY grooer.t*-Allen At Legon'a at my. and Grave#' huge brick building, with a number .of email intervening house*; all theahotme- mi the South ebie of l'yail wtreet from State jtreeMo the Jfimaifpi j}<Mut aw, including the Confederate.^gunr-'] t?i master's office ; a nutpbor of shed* or i vrareJiruaaa.near the <&l depot of tbw Southern Railroad, contesting an itn menae quantity of cotlom auger, molessee, &? . and a number of okL cnrav hei longing to both railroad* ; ail the tan.uaee imfioiit of tUc City Hall and market i . ?? n * miuw, wncopi air*. oas.?iori?' Ooanttnfr boas* hh.H .one or two small whops; t<*?n)ey'? hkt factory, RobiirorTi ware hm?*n ; nil the building* belonging to fair ground*, mpe ftuUvrv and enltpetre work-) ; the reilrond and r??y bridge* I *erw>s P*nrJ Utv?r, MMtl all th? .Irtidgo* I '.Xnd'fre^lUt work* on. the Ho<Hb?w?i Railroad for reverts! mile*; all ?h<.|>* where I ^Niicernment wg>rk ??< being carried on. All tho store* in Ihe eily Were pillaged, ihoir eonlahu riihi r carried off or throyen into rim wireet* ?n<i.. Hpiaed. Tho Jlfifmitrijfp'at? ofirce *M broken open, iha type ifcnHftt Into rife street Alii) 1hfc^?rei?*e? ajtd firrniitiro broken up. The I'oet Oflloe wm rrfled of it* con tent'". Tht) (inrerjior's hlanrion Km broken anil plriio* and furniluro do ?t roved. The Episcopal (Ihurch was- entered -and the whole interior defaced. Ne r . Iv all (ho prlvatO residence* were e%4er' ed and trunk* broken open, fine drfetM-9 torn to pb-Ce*, and all j?weliv. Vilver Wnre and pMriMon* Ukou. lh\ K"n?pj.'a (Hoe wn? broken op?n, }ri* dcutaj'm trmneiil* carried off nnd liia' destroyed. Captain I-. JullianV btxik* atm-e and. bindery *a? destroyed. 4o. Morgridgo en extensive eiifforer by tho depredation? of the xhndala. K. Verden'a Iocs Ik sugar, mol**?ea, tfec., M estimated j+4X)Q&)Q.'^b. W. Unpick loM htfitVHv fyi lil* totaoco and comniMon stor&V Alton and. T.igoo lost all tkeir books, paper.*, ruonev and I tnvrbhandim. 1 *r. ft. C. Pari *r lo?* hi* hot*** and rm?l*?. J*. M_ K:i\?bn* lost hi* cnrriftgo Mhd carriage hor>e? ; a|? .flftdfet 6very Home, inula, eoer and bog ia tbo citv wrt? taken: Watchea and .brerlsfplnii were forcibly- tnWn fnrin the geiHl*me?) on the s'reef. Jiegroe* fr?wn 300 to 500 were ^ken from the city and adjacent Country, and *<\?h indnconient lot'-them to gri ihev?#e"re prt>iui? rid comtni'ftinns in the Yankee armv, a??d about 100 of them worn arm>fd before they left the city. Intelligent gentlemen estimate the total f<Mt of proftottyin the cliy at tiro million* of dollar*. * f^n Friday morning,, a *o?ad?o"i cf cavalry-cameo* er to .Rankin and tore up th?'railroad-about fonr iniiA, aod a fc? rwflaai other place* to trieMn lw? tiille* of liramlon. 'k'hay ransacked the pri-,. *rte dwelling* fr?r arma *yf<l ammunition, taking away a flpw Tlctf'rofci, horaen ifnd t miles. Among ,iho chief ?uliurn> in tha raid wet? W.rv>4. M. 14 neproee; >{aely4 V4 nig:if '% I A.J. Ncely,;-0 uegroca ; A. I\ fttlkr, 4 jiegn.e*\ <i. XV. HaiuK i negroc* I 6<?. V.'Ufory, .1 negro ninl 8 hor*v?t l|cC . * j It ?* asserted and bfUered tbal in the | j _ , k a a I " V< I r?v/o?i neiwee* JacK*oti ami l-ftoton, , i(ifiny'bo?i.tcs ww bwfne-l *?rrl nearly feli | ?)? lioraea, inoUa anii cpttle driven awjiv. We could l?wn no partiinlara of tho i<t' Ufcymood, except ttw\t.our k>4? k whs about 'iOO'm.d that of tb* enemy from 40? to 500. li ta reported'Ni*l pe whipped die enemy aery hndty at RdwaaUf' I K-p<4 orv fritl^y, and 'thai a a eiuditred Ma {fgtrien** w*gpn Vwfcr. W g hare ? doubt ?>f the truth of the rapoft, _ Wa tfan net nothinjf fdhljn a* to the i f wmmon of the two nrrme?, btlf wo '.ho* ' tt qtidta ftfcefy rahtfi arrwy ofH h.. V4 talkr ifrpitrtpf hafrre ?he and > ?+k;~a JUlam , J*~ rUiHim, -.tint - - J . _ **W-?L^ - A ?w?w wife w?ia hutw^l jMhfi} one of the l^nol-n TwfTJT- row***" for an-1 ifentiieff and nJhuoi kiltiWg a wctnaff, j hiiutoif by ing, ilmt t. j tkinigM'-It war t.ia wifv. I vK \,m"'.r . ' - W*.-^ * ... . \ at fly <f^oPlc m*4 e? aiwpart wcSarthe nr? atjhsi p&. **ion*? mSS^SnO^pFIk* .dered to prepare ffct ween efeyeiv and tegiaf <*e|ock 6# (pat moriting, the t*Oo)?<? march *4 Mot Raymond, ?evcnu en Mitda dWtAot. Affer mnffching eight.mile* thee tank hff . thuir knapsack* and jWMf ij^Wt-jff- m bipKititg. They tBo? marched t*T Hk* rlsaippi gpiings, within ffV# mile* of Raymond; There ;hfy m?t ii?? Confederate troop* retreating from* w? Idtt tteftedd at Raymond. bringing with fKwi , fr?>m forty to fifty prisoners, xfcflfr lr?<>p*. reported ih* Iom ftyvy no both sides, and stated that the' Federal* had a *>rcn ?>f some, eighty thousand men The battle of Raymond' wn? fongfct on Tuesday morning. On Wwwrf *y ??orning our troops, consisting off th? 2$lh (ieotgi*, the 4th Louisiana, and -tM fll?arp?hooters, together withtV*mr, Miasioippinn* nnd-'Taanno nana , unjer the command of 0?a. Walker, numbering hntWee? OJJOO, mid 10.009 men, felt I>;ick one an? a lyalT rtilla* to1 ward* jArksoM. A line of MtU AM formed one ami a. half mile* from Mi*' siaatppi Spring* at one i^ ill a ajbnrnmtl About-three in the afternoon foe'Vnrt* i Leo* tiegatt lp flank the Confederate* right Abri left, rfhen it wn* deemed prnI dent t<r retire. Our troops rnt mated in Jackyin^ and th? enemy went on the ClUiien ro.vl. 0?tr troop* aHrWed a^ J;<c!ka<>ri at eight o'dtork In the erawip^. On Tlinrsday tnortdng nut IMop* marched" out two and a half, thilaa from 'Jackson, an<i met the enetay .op the Ottnbm road in line of battle. Tba. Confederate* attacked .thtom and tlw* battle commenced, which lasted two. liodX, The CnufwlwittM.'fcot hrar more than 10,060, wlillft the enemy u timbered mm lie 80,000, .our leoepa gradually retired t'lJaukaun* not} than retreated 14 mile* fu/i to Con ton. Daring the oti the Qttnton mini, voting Keann was taken prisoner d?y a Yankee cavalry force/kinder tho r-mtniMiul ci!" a Lieutenant of the 20th. Kentucky cavalry, together with one of ili<? 4ili Loniaiana ami four, of Ike Sharp- * ahootera, via: t,6?njt>\j.;l.'6a??lvf -?aHi?li, *im| * ninnher' o?,C,ottipany f>, whc*<* haiU? he J'ev n/g rem cm her; *W? 200 l eiatja and .T t.-nnc?acean?. *sTho prisoners' were, 14ken to'Ml?. ?tate ILwue in j where jhev Were oetrflteed two clay* and night*. The Yankee** whil% in poaaemion - of ' iafkeon, -committed many d??predntion?, and gave the prisoner* Ur?*'quantities of H<pfor. The enemy a* well aa the-prisoner* imbiSed freely,-land a With nil were iftthis atate. ? Yankee Cohmel tnacle an", address l?? the prisoner*. slating that all who wish' -ed- to irn North tthould step forward, when TO.'did "Wo, a|l'of Ibem Teaan*. ' Miadraippiana,-antk Tenneareean*. The tit lance were rm>'oleJh The Ywnkees on Saumfoy 'erwettated J*rk?on, taking with tKerry their 76 renegadea.' About,* halt" pas* nun o'cimk in tlw* ttftet'oorKi, mir iwdrttji nuked in and cantnred a taw feudceea who weey Uiii whig in rhe city. A .. Yankee tJolonel, trained Urimiphen,,4re*- b-nad in the >pl?ct iuiw'iuu.?ud*iHHt when wkjeted to surrender r*fu6ed, and piatol, when hp wu* Shot from hi* homo, and .tell dead. Our troop* bu.ied him in, litie Jaefcaon eemeterv. A'-juif" !* ? hour* after ^ brother <4 Ool. McOravic,. who wa? killed in the Hattlwnt Raymond, went whh a flag of truce tdoWain hi* body, hut 'the enemy i*f"?ed to receive i*. 'I he- ciuwny. stated that they bad not buried the dtad ??f cither party, aa they fun) evacuated tho- pl?ce. ? AH the X^WtfedereUi paroled pi iaoet r*. went to the liHttle-th-ld at Ray tumid, and tl-eie Mmil ihe '^ead up! urivdc They found iU- a.JA .t - -e " * " guu m B AM hiro-l>?t <md fifty fcf ihn ?*?y, witoiu d??y Igctied., Tlni ConM?*t? dcMl ?<i? TtxtMMlftd mtklDMkecAM. Thk fnn??a| f iR< lr.m^pfr.l .CoU J ?in pa 1?. T*w*la ndh wt'uepWw. 15. IVlli ?" la*t ThMtl.iy, ?' 11 ok, ht-fmlf |?y TwrRfr *?4 !{/ .-WrfJMi?iln,? Tb?ir rrrttntm dep^uM..,! 0k?? Clmr?iry*ni wjllon1'* .. . h>*n+*r*. ~ A*Utjfn Irrwi rvery of iV. j. i rr\> #V? MtentMT'' .y * U*t tflfiji'* <f i#jw? ' - tly? .?#rtliy find ?**>??* ? d ? * >vir>^.<okform oor>yioaV*n? j i iv-?*!?fcwt in- AiitwWo.?!*rn t\ W* find fbr f-IU??in# tfn wflt in I * Nonkwn p*T>*t : l?"^TLfl wio? nf ?? ,tr<*fc Kwdmk ( prv^n 'itrMMgU 1'. itoi-4p'nn fwMM.'y ! Uin?r. nriVM. . ht' uqdtr lfi<u iia Or? . .? d(?TA'<-? might n jjIiiH J?*r, lie ?*.. ). j fcc* *4 irpms. Vfor?-i^ hinnd- u i., ?*n>* m?)v who i-lotad Mtmnq -r^ &i|: 1 j^|i Uoongi- tuo t?kNtk*4v* i # . *