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PPPr" JEwS* V Mawv tev. 4,. 4 ,; .. *-- - ww * * " T . ??nl i ggg^M V* . , ' 7 Jtr ^Butjirrn ' W. T. VUW,4 j J. CL BAtUOL Editor. 1 jitotoSlti^ g rH A *4'*3 Car MoUo-"Bqtul ?IbHM(o Aa?"V" 1 ' ' ? OKEJCJtVILUS, & C. rtfflrsd?y Kwytaac. May gj, fife*. . TIK CASH 8TSTXX. * I'oi* * 1 WV?mim< AJtf/imny, fmy yr!B Vw t- iuir?<l IN AUyiKCIL ?. . rj*KMK*ni^?U*~ * A? o.ux fora* i^vwy m**)(re, no Job ' Hv,i fill bm doue KXGiOT FO* TU? U\tUf. - .'> -. ' % - ? v.-*"' *? SmrnmT^< I . Wm?*? iltond u.^ptHv, , "? ?1. S. I>; Woodlwt, of ()m $r? *?* itneiil BLL, of! in* Palmetto Light itourfttim fi[ Artih,, I ry.r The farmer w\H_ fasfae J4**tfce nif> n?<Mg to nivfa In* counaaud, now r* ru+t* Our fallow cjjieen, Col. E. P. , Jonas, Nu?fv Ageuunt Rich i?fbd, U aW Inhere *.. vii * kiwri vi*?l to hit family, and to 1 p?-cta to r?*t*rn u> kit office in a v*ry l?w day.. f5g We are glad to tee, these gentlemen W>kirig well; Our beat w??hee arooln k* | mh V i%uj to ikuir %miou? fleki? vf fa W. ^' t 16th B?g'i*iert" 8. C V. AVe Wain that the ItJth Regiment t?-f* pot fa ike engagcmeoi io Ufa bailie >u daefc*onH)li, Mire., on the 15th in?t., from ilia waul of tr?iiM|iorlatiu?i, but " ? wak within five tuilea of the acene of ; apii<?ii, when the^ leatfcfd It waa over. Pa Ufa. follow jug day I bey ?x(ecl<<<l to *Vr iNove trviu whefa lhay were Uvea (Foreat) to Cliolott, Goo. JviUNbivN'b bead t|B?< tore. r ' ^ far^MUbiaratoi* * It ( with -defp '*>gfat we announce thedouructton. by fire, on the (light of the 2ojb fa*?? of t*0 paper Mil] of Maun Jtonn. W.' & De^ .near ihia place. Ike above mil) waa need arxuhieiveiy far the manufacture of wilting paper, and it* dvar fact ion will prove a t-wrki'u* faar niW inconvcnienoe to the country. H?e k?* to llic proprietors n limaied at ubqui $30;000, oa which ili.-pp was no insurance. Messrs Qkodv A Co., ha*e,-?rltb commendable teal ? . and industry tlrtulv qohmimeed removing th? debris vf the lx(f fire, for |He puipwee of rebuilding the IIU1 and ?e*uiuiug operation*. 'lbi* (bay hope to be able to do in Che oottre# ttf the " i.exi sixty days. Whlbt the machinery baa brail damaged to a considerable extent, it a ill not prove a total less, and tan, It is thong In, be put again in runviaj^oMlr. jfeT'iio news trout Jaokeoo last >TLANT*. Maj 23. Oftfil bas entered the Htata of Mis? - . su*ippiv eroding lite river ~4re utile* below Grand Golf, with sixty to one hundred thousand men, with a heavy toroe of cavalry. He has received no t. jsiefbreynienu. His transportation is All on the rivyr, and lie must cjiug' to the )1w btuik?we vacua ted Grand Gulf, falling back and fighting toward Juckioo^ followed by the enemy, who catered Jackson with BflJ thousand luco, on the 14tf*. k--' < " Gen. Johnston ranched Jackson on the 18iii, and-fell back to'Csn^n.The Yankees were seated at finding JoUubtou there. Hiev committed excesses fur two days, burning churches, pi ivsls bouses. telCtlog jewelry off the p<-imoos of citizens, and gntting rest- ' dfuoes. They tied tow aids Vicksbnrg it the 16th, followed by Juliimtnu? conMnntly receiving reinf>tceurenls. Vi?k*burg bus five month**' aitfppiie* of every kind, nr*) c*n be tnken only l*y hunger., The V*hk??e report of ?& capture of Alexandria i$ not credited. Mobui, Way 29.?tie. rpoeiwl reporter ??f the Advertirer hod Itegtater write* from Jackvbo. on the 22d, that ' heavy firing wM<t benNj in the dnieotion of Vick?burg tbit moruinfit. Mid it t? reported and believe*! in \fficml circles thai the enemy amanltetK the work* nt V icktbtirg on Wed weeded and aero l>*My repHiaod; $nyJer> Muff haa beon ev*ritq(?l. A conner report* Yasoo City oapfctic-; 1 ett yvnterdaf by th* Federal*.. Tiry navy yard wa? burned,by nr. An officer from \jkk*bm* report firaqt whipped back. I*f?r WfMiC' Mate that ibe enemy bare made three'!, tle?p?ra)e ae'ftulu oo Vttubnrg and ceived Of the oapture of lieleua by l'rio*. ^ ^ ?) Joiiwiott ikh mornlBf wn thoimairtt aMiv over (he Utg tttwsk Ui ill** \'u;La(?urg rule, *I' t44H*ted i* Mobile that RnjwIerV tWotThrt* l*e? re occupied* ?fwt I he a* t ujUi'ju of Ykzoo C'i?jr by ibw fc'edereb ^ n> i^I1 v / I* tUaf iha'KwUtraJe ?bor? Ve-k^nV; have adopted ?h? mode ot' rend &, ?u pp** |0Mt j \K* <*provlia?me mjrifi *o*I ?4{a? ifc'ui totfaatdpan lo Jthrff, ?V Iter# the) m? Mm cntl. Xilie i .r> liwi .tirfeovered, aM W oivjr AN* < ' t^hio^L *i*"^ iha jhaph iij ) i i Htvtiittjf of s rMKhtmr' . jjvickrrel pvrk.-ew.; i.? ] t i?ie ii?<H tifoe ibet fjWlt mi (?>'Ji( )u U?c , ? > ? ;** T; .^. * J'ft* ft ' 4^ */ K rl * f ^ e ? - **fJ3fr . ^ ^ * 'V?'. * - * W . - V * '- I " * - <! *\M*ft h ?p to VheUk, *&- Our Win tfch )*(? H^Ihh i?**ppit?4V ? trifling. ThntgnMev^Jh w<jlviHij6<?ld 1 whIi 4>roTt?iooi>, mihJ we cvnM*l^d{ of < holding thr pi nee. **Pbe mcmy fltfrnd i in nil bin rUnrtw.^- Hi# deed el rear ike J ground in frw.l of our*worke. One < > 1 linmic of |,i* K?e ie t?*> thousand.' I . Firing wjm heard ?(*>;il?rTttW kg' 1 night and tfwlny.,. Th?-enway ie *np? r |HMif(i ?||ibe rbeliing our worbe. " * -i 3fl*e vneoiy k. reported nt J'oro^ar* ;i train, bnvittg reached ?l>?l far fi oua.Naw I Oefealta on the mofnmg'e iriury * YVLLAHUgA, M.J 88.?Thar rumor in \ eiaetriai iou ? tke enpipre of two.oP out a roghnenia in front, with ofie piece of vtflto?1t Hot true. The emy did p i?urrou>tH and c*:>ture a small ofctoMt ufl > pom* forty Wen. All Ik quiet in front. I k Muwu, May 39.?Tii*eprr?ipoutlen{ r of tho Evening Net*#, Writing from . t J ?c k <M >a, 23d, rH V UooIrn ?fe con t>nuttfly *< 1 The mvh on 'Sator- t dgy. ^ voraif. Mh?|d nl ,V.irlu- 3 burg six limes, niid throe timet yesier- r day, nnd each time were defeated, -wWT V immense low. General Stevenrotr any v. v bold Vicksburg iqdetfriitclv. ti - A .special despatch to the Evening ' Hewa, dtmi J<nbon, 24 ib. Mjrk Bring wm heard tiff 9 o'clock this morning, but nothing Muoe-tban. Thin morning, a the 20ih Mississippi dashed into Kay c tnotid, capturing 400 prisoners. Four- tl teerv were bi olight to * hi** etty ; the reel 3 were rick and wounded, Hid were pa tl ruled* ?i>>' ' ti Jackson, Mac 26.?An officer from u Vicksburg Tuesday morning, at 10 & o'clock, ?aye the enemy attacked the left and centre four times. The Aral ^ attack lasted thirty minutes, the aecond r twenty, the third fifteen, the fourth nine. Ii There ww great slaughter. Onr lose r was eighty men. W? look four etand tl of colore. A ooluinn of assault was ii brought up cm Wednesday, the offloers e leading. The troops broke and llie-col- e uiuii dispersed. On Thursday, the ene- f my kept up a continued "shelling. The < Federal 'ihmd were unhur\ed on Thur* Ii day night. Onr works toward* War* t r en ion were not menaced. The" Fed e h ml line of investment was imperfect? C PWieral prisoners .report Otin. cdeele ? UiledL ? 1 *"* L' ' KtCtlMoND, May 21. " Dto Examiner ha* Northern p?)iwi * So the 2'2d instant. 'Hi*' Dcnmcra.ic ^ State Moling held at Itidini)Hp> olia op the 20lJi HiJatll, WH* veiy large ly attended. llun. 1>. W. \'..ui K. ' waa made President. A good <Jen| oT a excitement prevailed. * During the day moiim fwrty or hfly arrest* weie made of] M period* (or carrywig concealed weapon* ' aud shouting f<? Jeff. On via, dec. " Speech**. y?rir?cijimlly in opposition to *' the war tneaaacM of fye AdminUtreiion, l' were delivered* At 3 p. m , resolution* " were introduced and hurriedly purred M amid greet ooitfu?inn, Ufter * Inch the '' meeting HiljouriK'tl mtu die. T|ie deic- ." gate* pud oilier* left the oily al night P on revere) train*. The excw*ic*4*U commenced firing K] on the mMIuO, when the home military . authoritieaMoppcd the t rain? a*?d *< Hieh * ed the passenger*. About fire hundred revolver* were la kin and a o Putter of [' art eat* made. . ^ '< Vall'andigham has been conveyed to Fort Warren. * V?"i" ' n ?> . * .! o The Syracuse Courier ray* Mrs. V/d 0 Inndigbam ha* become lunatic." The cj office of the Moaittr, a Democritio p n-WKunper published at Huntingdon, t, Pennsylvania, ha* beeu destroyed by a'k<] mob. v ^ rTTT-.V JU It is rooortad that the Alalmma U o blockaded in the Bay at Murtiappie. Richmond; May 25.? Northern date* of the 23d have luten received. A cor- M respondent ravr, Dinnt'-a primary object, ? I he capture of jJajtidP Bluff, ha* t>ecn v accomplished. It jr regarded a* the n key of. Viok*burg. The Chronicle My* u his itfateh htlo Virk?Uurg cauuvt be + preveured. Severe! iron clad* ?r? Ma fi lioned at several important point* on m Had Kiver, (Bitting off complete]^ the l; rebel*' eommunloaiion wiih Tex**. '..r, a* . lite Cincinnati l?i*patch uri the || President ha* changed the rentence of i VaUttndigliain lotiaiuportation through \ our line*. He will be delivered to. n Roeeucranz, who, uixl?r a *** of truce, 1 i will deliver him in the line* of Hr*gg. . ^ . Tito new* from the Army of the Pth ? tontac is unimportant. . General Hum- 8 phrey'e l)ivi*iou hue been broken up by tl dmertiahe. . - fl U is rumored at - Bermuda' that Meatmen ha* resigned the command of a the Alabama,, to take command of a n ftae Coofederaie ship, mounting 22 1 gun*. v- -tK ** ? "v- n Offeere.ia charge of n flag of free*, ^ yesterday, at Krederfek?hurg. ray (irattt 11 ha* captured the tirat linn of entrench tWIta at Vreic*hurg, and rliat Ma-right v>ing mated at U nines' Bluff. 3f authority of the Legislature' of * the B<hla of South Carotin*, an agency . Jia* been e*t?Wwhed at ftfahmood. Va., 1 for .the awtisunee of the troop* of the * said Slate, '"in going to the army and * reru."??"tf m procwriw iiMirpft* , (n* UvUu, m??yorf m..,I <*&< TU at** at ^?*g^?oy WK?V ?17 ; *U??j?*, ne?r ih? 0*^, ?& ?* | Sb^tefciwrWhat i^otx fhp Nor U^Tbt ^ Rifrbn?o?Kj H*?mer -y * I Owiwel JlJUee dtiTHai **??mik4? ? ? fort nit* i?4M4,?jfc, Uetjni uMJfftf " ttfcl* I> -u*^ ^* 1 .? l*U??4 Lr or Jo iowf \ h? ( i?o |**vj?r JHrlk pg <* 1 ftold.uo j.;t^por<?'; I 7 1 . * . Jl -;*** " ?# ' * # 14 r. ' * " * ft ;'* Pf . * ? *** ,.- ' * 1 XT' ^ _ *. 1 ! I. JL1^>?11 .,* ii '-JLfc I.JlJ| 8 O V tg ? cominuwj: >o? hundred and tw?mfy ntHtw, and nr? i "W?d in front of tlio e?u??uy\? camp M i Bom Bh(? on-rii* lHh inMpnt. i I k? Oriiernl. with an advance or five < tver?* running flght tummUfoK) i rhich tetw?**Wr8i|r*r. il?*?i>%>7-dkK ic ground uud nilrrUtroi Trow I .** ' ' . * . - - ' v t Ne*t dm- Bring commenced ami was i [?pt op atHttervalsdbf Wis hour*.' M i iboiit Iwe u'cloelt Um.r*Midm)*r<of the t ontmauil came up, and after nn yfc'(- I Hgrtfftrat of about fifty thtntife* fhe I ! retiMHd i?fioM tlw river.? I targan could not pr<#i.thrtn ?t th? ? i*er, jwowwte of tiyfkinfttV Utoywt 'i h? ?pf>a?i*e aid?, Qommahdinfr the ferry t iw otto tulle. Morgan'* lostf was About "* weuty killed Soda number CmrmWlnae heavy ; tbir:r l?ft d?>*<t on t be fibfd r.od quUe a nUmbW''wounded. ? loigantnok twenty five prisoners,' rep' fl senftlig five clifibrent regiments, beside* di Messing quite n nhmber of ci'ixtn* n rhoro the S'snkees weie dragging frutu ?l heir Atonies. ? ' 1 1 ,.. II I <-* ! II' - C A * Ratnseur's Brigade- u BtijmlboGeiie*! Rantscitr, (wlio'b v native of Lincoln C?>t?nly; N. C,.) & omotanderl ? brigade in ilie'lntfc bat- 4t lee, poinpot.edvof the fd, 4th, IdTfrand ti Oth N *U. ItrfUnetlit. A inefribelr "f "* he 2d llceimenf, w?*ting to the \Vil |i fdwgtofr Jqtftmd, speaks of tliA criMlitet '? f Kapiaeot's brigade In the Imtrle of * londat, the 4th fttst*nf, ji?'follow* : - t The brivf?3? ootered itself wlrft glory. * Ve drove the enemy front their strong n (Osijitin', but whit the loss of tnnny gat- It ?tW fellows. The woods here are very ti Kick, and the enemy had occupied Itentselvot ail night in felling trees (o ' inpede our progte**, mnl in making evernl Ibtes of hreust wotks... No troops' I ver had h harder task act them to drWe. F Item out of their impregnable position-.. ? >ur men advanced gallantIv through a * teavv artillery -lite, through lite very hirkest WHinrgrtoMh. and over felled * |ees, tint I 1 hey temitted the-enemy.? " >or btigade was in lite third lino, ami F o was nut called on until the others had ( dvanced ; thv aim was to disledge the "* noniy from a very stioug lueastwoik * u*de of felled tree*, l'rvor** brigade H dvanced, but waedrivetr back t the bid '* itonewall brigade utot ed up with the ^ ike n-nlt.' * * ? . ^ Now came our turn, and . Tiantsear's "h irigmle was otd?/e<l forward. - Tber )' ilvMict'ii m dnuhle quick, regai die** of ^ lis storm'at' gra|>e and Mini* Hull* w diich foil abound iii?m. Opweid went b lie ckiImuL follows until thev i reached " be hren<Mwutk?, Mini ilie wiernf Wore u riven pell-mell oM of tle-m. Justlhen l' Ire canity appeared mi imr Hank ; our I' ftititunilkm wm exli ru>tcd, mix i e?x * nere oid ered to fn)l back J thin wit* P dbe in good order, IxU not far-enough '' j allow the enemy' Co rcoccnpy ih?ir r oration. Tbe ground was covered with * lie dead and wounded, Ch-neral lUui- u [>ur *c|'t like a child mi hchtjniiig the t" buttered remnant* of thatx-be brigade, * hose ranks w^te .full oTeuu minute* .ll idbre. Otir regiment werft -in with u early font httad'ed men, mid. now one * u i id red caunot be mtwiered, tfud every be 'of the absent is either dead or "oebdart. Stuart comiomjds onr-part f (lie Una. When our btignde o?iim . ut of the fight, Stuart ordered three" j lieera lor it. (irrfetaU Khodes and Lmnseur endli made spfetjiches. Stuart *' >ld Raiuaeur he ought to be a Mbjpr-I leneral. u No, Mir," aaid he, ** 1 want r > be a Brigadier, and Aula D ?i b uiy ublo brigade." J Abolition Vandalism (n East Tajr- -. mtn.?A reliable grsitlenian froiR last Tennessee, writing frum Shelbyiile, gu&s an account of one achieve- tj lent of Kaft Tatuioure tortee. Beyond ^ II question, (he miserable, ungodly ran tude^nf East Twi.neoioe have-exempli*. ^ ed more tlmrougiity than anv other at the fathomless depravity of Abuii j( touimn. , TJtf* gentleman s*v? : ^ A party of Easl TennesMjeens want to j, lie hoope of a good.Southern l?dv, Mr*. ^ ;heato Wiileuin, living in En^buritl*; a VilMMson County, TeuntMMW. ?itli the Jj votdisLnftnuijon of stealing everything i _ia i _ .?- i- >?- J: --- i**>y |>m mwr ri/guiBii nunyt oil. die fret pi*co <k?y - entered wether moke hou**, end Uc^um the ^ tented with for taking ii?*r iiu*t, ^ l?ry knocked lier down, brat her, jut3 y innflr choked her until the could nut j peek. 1 WW bar eight Or nine day* ^ fi?r it occurred,* *t?4 *k? ??eM ^ note. Shf a eripplo for lift-.? bin U the meaner In tgliich on* of our a ih?1 reepeelkhi* Indhw bulMO treated >i >y a e?t who eiyled tbeuieniva* yuntie p <s '* -r 1 What, A^ llc^r^?Th* PdlarrUnrg t. hrpr*?<t he* U front ^ ftfrtrco ewmM to U? fid* Cat or edit* that th* arwy,?ff??*. a I anker wldeli tfrueeed lh*? iUppaiiap / lock reonoily numbered effect- 4 v* mm, fKi? ooeuee front e geoth - c mo who wee in Waahtagt*ft, tM Ht l ??t?e IImt IfOol^TlieJdrin W*>b~ y n'gtnn that ihuv ku??r*po<d- f iynly thnk i^retfiiegrcntl* t wx*d the Ontoa arm*. Wh|^j| ?*riN*ie4 Mill Ut*. i*e <ief-?ted awl x* 't? luljl Ikitk (fUXDHrfW Wiuy Willi f |IN*)WM? *? tlw 8f.uUi^??r ? to tU ? "Xjsvr-: #f ?k fjlfrfilm Fftfroorw JI?i *?ajl frmwir. K c ~ V* V ?.' *>?>$ V t *? .t *?? .. 1 ?1 . a J.. II jr I. a.^M?*ghar Iri?h^ ^ Iviujf tievoiioii-lu lli? and lo erv-B it ia BUy. I^yitiou ill wbicli h? n.y ha placed- ?!?* fa*t. in With lb? late Uraturaof KiaUil^dfcyCi'Kaffir: lay* wm?, fwi w tH^hal W* had *&trp ba4ie^, thkt- th? Irn4i eilizetia< lie wnr. I b? ?t?t?m?*U lately made >f large w*#ee,of UeiiHmmifcftfffs empled over for the purpose ofmihsiN ndfet, must, lltKfcw, hw 4ns-i ncnwely exaggerated*.' W#. hat# eass K*ted so ; and ttdw record the agreea>lr news with ranch gratification, for hre? res**4|a : JKinrt, |ba? she Wish fwrg, b? best trccrpe In the YthkW Arftiiea; ?M)d, tliiu m ekeek baa bean pulepNl he cruel iqiposlure put-upon theicred-| doit* ppople, namely : thai * to fight lor he Unite was to fight againetlhe in* west of England ; third, thai our own i siihAil lrivfc citiXeneof the Confederacy <i gbiing in our artnim, will' no longer, a stung by the bitter thought as thoy itove into (be line of battle?-that in [*%nce of the hemes of \b?ir adopted llatea, they will no longer have to laughter stteh multitudes of tbvir o?n< ttisguided kindled. ? i At tl?e first battle of Frederiolrtbarg.H feeghur led the desperate charges of1 is biigsdy upon Marve's heights, and lie deluded Irish soldiery displayed -a alor which did rto di?ered?t to their ne i ion and the .ancestry." Hut they have i nAugh of it. They begin to stt-pgnt lint, the rvpetd of one Union in Europe j * pot Ufceiv to be ail id tied by facing* no'lier Union in Atmrica. Tire wIdW* nod the usphana of their people will jug mourn by their desolate hearth# his cruel and accursed mistake. m , [ Richvwtid K'nquirer. e? ' ee# . . ?. firf Privat* Sot.Dine.?No one can ichold the aahievcineuts ami the detort intent of the private soldiers of the inntb without a feeling of edmiration fctif to. reverence. ..Thcv have perform I dec<U of. valor which have startled ha world* and which the I jading joav als of europe Iimv<< pronounced urmur* >a**ed< l?y iho most heroic days of rweco and Knoie. .. And yet they are i? Mio.le.-L and unassuming. as noonn.* cions .of doing rnylhitig remarkable. * if tjiey hud never encwiin.ieied an rnir ofjKjrlt or a nu>inent ofprivaiioh Vhaieva^ treatment ihw nwv foine iniyy receive from vulvar ir??olenee, the uiiti>lu*U-Ji?M? in the rank* of the booth 6* h hold upon the hearts ?.f the ijiitlieru people jut aitrfmsaed by lltat f uar most illustrious otlieers, mh<1 uot pproHchdll Uv thai, which is felt fur tsr? embroidered officials, who have oly enieiod the service to promote icir own personal fortunes. Tbo vest o|>i?b?riij ol the immortal Jackson nlw from lith fuel that lie was the pp rroBntfiHi of tint Southern ^oMier, 1st die so thoroughly. embodied lite ejpr, 'he impetuosity,-the self devotion to I the humility 'i?V the men i? the w?ks. " Tho?o qualities achieved' hi* rccce*. and the officer who txpects to ear his mailtle must emulate his virics, wml niudel hjs own heart after the ilscllish and heroic sp'njt of the private , ridicr. ?ichtnond JJitpalch. Tue Si'unkw ai.1. Hill O.I OK.?The '.ichtnotul JUnquirer 'publishes the fol? wing from R e..t ie-poiulent ; end 16 44 Stonewall lh ;K'a?le w U S* feet I*. , intory. it is proper that those who won ie pronto NMA aloue hImO) wia^Jl: 1st. Newspapers, as a general thing, coril events of the late General Jaclr>iifs Corps, as the &ioitcwall Division, it ju?lica to the brave met) .that won ie aame from,, the lamented He*, on ulv 21, 1861, when lie-said, |* There minis Jacks >n like a stone wall," and dmse bones are now bleaching on ?*ev battle field In Virginia, I will slate jnt there i?. no Sioitewail Division; it then: is n .Stonewall Krigade, cm o*c<l of tliwJM, 4ih, 5th,*$Tth nod 33d rirj?liiin Regiment* of Infuitrv. They ton the name and aie entitled to'the onor* alone, and the apiiita.o/ vhe gal tut Wiiide/, AUerij Lackland, lay lor. Bolt*, Junea ami Rxxton, who t\\ at ittt head, intw ktok dogm with H<K upoa it; tie) U*t of all, i t# father,. bi? fin mortal and OoJ like Jackftoo. '2<\ After the Satrle of Fredericks tirtj. December'!3, 1 R02. U ? Kxntnin r had au article headad the Siom-aall irtUksrf, eeinfkmed of all lite batteries it JkckaonV oorp% when the real ?ion?mtl ifetfllar y ooiuoat* of Ute U<>ekbridg* 1 krli flbr y, lor merit Fend let<*tV Batipry, ltd UarjK-ntijr'b Battery, from AUegi* ? * ' x,wa?*ar ' ! ~ ' ' T?* K??e*viHe{TennAttefi?tef,bp*?n uforiiiauon furnish a. I by a returned euooer, alio, after Me eaptare,' was xfcen to Mtltfreeaboro, Na*h*ifT?. fxM*ie-> ilia. and Ikenee by tray of'ifMHtinore I> City Point * (**?- ' *'. Tint* yte people of tbo~N<wthwa?t are 41 raaobed <> reeial the A*i?c?ipti<*? ici.of thy Federal Oougreaa, even to itand. And that many of then aarert mejtiveiy tbey^fll not' pay the three iwiiiwd d alia re in lltt'of ear V ire. Ah am wary desirous of peace. # ?! * pjr large majority -condemn the otriaol or whifb Lhraoln nod bis Ailidfiilrtrjs am arohow oontinuutg the war?the hblHionefelmery. T ' r > Ho>M rfntr rrfiirtarl ret?Hi J ttm u*U?? Ut?)hhAV? UP fielded lh*t W*r.? ?r* ni 1?mH.(>( huiiftfod Mkf iwrtj b?u?*r) KM*n i?i* (ha HmflffcmmI fnviiil Ooha???f*i*fc. Adl^kl 1 / ?4mm ftUy ?*? yfefj irnMd ?Mf ri?i?rtnimrf U> rmtai *ny mlMfipt t<* tnfo*r* ibMou^riMMf ]** <*f kit ywde*Mt <^Mfrli>. ^ ' ' - % ;^y - . >ff * ~ ? '?'# #r *? vwkt w ^ k ?: ' k. % * *' i gg n# ??10 uu*rpr?t t"li?r wpifitng. I\ 19 now JcchIwI tliat c*fc?nd?\r ymr m*?ns ouly *ig?rt :muo\h?. , gty?. ih? ion the proviajoao of the Act of 241b Ardil, Ux of $201 and iff too .oMwo ?wU one li elf per Oewi, oe ell j3i m-doi Wuder ecfio.i jtboftbe Acl, ike liability topov tbg *?* attache* from end InotiMtea the 24th dee of April, the data ef tbo Act. The npeviflc ??/?' U6"n.d. *l Uie time of it-gist retion, whichn required 10 be done atxtjr daya after the p#a ege of the Arh ?<?A on the let day of January in ?gph fear thereafter. Vetyrevpeotfullr. your ob't wr*t. C. G.MEMMlNGElt 8ec'y of the Ti ea'v. Tiir ^Rioin or FAMfUAit Pmtttfr, ?The term'* mnaterly inactivity" origMinted with Sir Jjtmm Macintosh. * God tempera the wind to the rllorn b?mb," which eVerybodv who did not auppose it fraa in the Bible eredhad to Rt,erf?e, wtu oloten bv him from Geo. IJobrrt, eho lriiitiif?i?l It from the French of Ihwrry Eatienne; " The cup tjtnt cheer* bet not inebriate*,* waa ccfti.reyed by Cower fipm Bishop Berkeley, in hie "Wfid." Vadaworth's "The child i? father to the tijan," ht triced from hitn to Milu>o,and from Milton to Sir Thorn**' Moore. " Xffce angel*' vim ita, few, and far between,* hi the offspring of Honk; it r? not Tltoma* Cam|?^rllV original thought. Ok) John Korh*|46&&) originated it, and after biin 'Robert Blair, aa la'e aa 1746. ** There** a gride time craning," hrScott'a phrau) in ".Bob Roy," end the M nbmifhtly doljar "Is Washington Irving'a happy thought. r .i Aw* ao or All- -Man rare t he joke* got op in camp, hnt we think ihu one will " extricate tlie di)apidnte<l' linen from, the shrubbery." Since the' publication of the chaplain atony, laSt week, a friend told oa rhe following : Golonel A. ami Colonel B. were coiiTimipdera of rival regimenta in the a?rno oflgade, Each aiixiotudy watched the other U> I prevent being outMrijqied 1n efltch-Msy^ One day It. WNA Mart led by heading liiat ? revival waa going on in A*?a regu luehti Ho immediately Turned 'rnmid to- liia adjutant pad in*f-?oted him to liMiio n general ordef convening a 'revival forthwith. lie then made inquiry ns to-the' prognose of1 the revival in A.'* ' regiment,-and learning that Gftc-on had boon bftptuod, he ordered the adjut ant lo-tntfce a detail of t weiity men *to be baptised forth with, M for " save he, " I'll bo hanged If f don't get ahead of A. lli'u iiuie."? Vickabu rq CK tit en. Kalktoh, May 26. The Progress KinMon. con eepondent of tit* 24f!i ewys, that ?b?ca thousand Yankeea attacked our pickets and ilirge rcgiinenf ?VCm? Swamp, on. F:idatr, arui eu?pri*}.) ?n J routed Ahem. ,W? 'bad several wounded, and fifty to oae hundred taken prisoners. We took ei^ht prisoners. , fieri. IIill f.need the enemy back, sad* dr^ara th*'" to within eight miles of Nottbetn. The Colonel Com-, mending the Yimke?? reported killed. The enemy blunt ike court house and oilier hutkUbgs at trtimvn, Jones County, Friday, an.) robbed and pluudoied the oitfttns as they went. ? ' V ^ " JT * " T' j *" * * * - + m* * Railroad Ison.?Gen. Longtfrakt has brought oft 20 tiiiies of splendid iron from the track of th?8*ahoard and lioanoke Railroad Dear fhiflVdk, worth, at present prices, more lliSu half a million or deHukk *" Ilia araty baa fallen back from Suf (oik to tha black water. 11 .Jjeggg* OBITUAHT. . i ppl . , ,.? * , " ' . ^ M Alt V KLIZA fOI/JKU, enoaart of Ahiaju? M. Folder, and daughter of & w. and M. J. Aur*, of AbbsvlIU Oiatriet, & C . di*d in that District, on tlie litiK March, lbs 20th vsar other age ; leaving an infant daughter, a dteooosohctc husband ,?nd many Other relative a and Mends to mourn th4r In^f. Amiable in all the relation* of lite, aftvbh: IB ban dapei I went, and prtiilitih led t<> all; she -bran die retain of the good among whom she resided, who could hut MtoM in hrr si) those traits that so mueh aura u>? mux eharaoter. Left an or'phnn ?rt* tn Me by tha death of her ninthfp, and Tiaeiug been* oft an afflicted from childhood. the bore lur Buffering# with-unuewal fortitude. Ska vraa attacked on the mdaiiiR of tha Tl|l ot Marah. and though ahe raaaired tho amhfnou* attention of one of wur wort ikllUal phvlWaM, anngditien of the brain enauad, and aha expired about aVloak, T. tha 11th of tho aama aadnth. ' .. Kitsr.beaame a nnnW of tha Methodist KpUaopa] Ofcnreh In a.-pUmber, IM<, and ron*liM'a'MMhtMt member of the aama ^ntif bor d?Mh. ?ba ?m much afaated whh dbfirinm daring thia I net aerare attack, being wapM* to dhtiagulah bar moat lollntaU k^tnda;* but n abort time prevtone W bar dleMiiutioa, ahn-aeeuied to riaugnln bar .hualtand who wna baaide her b?l, and giambig hie band, aha draw i*? to her Hpa, WbAnpt-iiiUd an it tba )aat in raal kUa.? fcnw fcr a tima aai'upon tba* M? lrew ' N# <though aba eauld not- wtraulaU, tha agetie Mnila that played upon her fearurea, M lli? danUleae beheld iL k? VtT >1.1.-.III. ,,.'.,r. ?l" ,.i~- ..ri ajaytSgyt Srifca ^ !?C^3?Ti ?.:* ?"?,??* JP <*? *"' ^. "^* * **>? *.'**Hf i JfjJh**' ***>? *? ^"V* #> ' * i * "iJ^ . V i^ ' - ? \ ? UXJT & f-V-- " I ^OTWffHSTANfilNO tli? lou by ir* of wj V? />** My,L_for the JUuuTaatur* of A? 4R4TINO rAF^R, we <i?U continue to require RAGS m heretofore, u he*# Wi3S8?w-o?AWeoa * $rk time*. .V ElOIlTKKN THOUSAND SIX NHS if HMD AND TM.\ h'VHTY-FlYJt ONM J MVNDJNUf ?OALA/ftV.?<*? Fr{gay * wight, the 13th fW.. JAMK8 A. BDlft ?b _ scti -1 M MI4 OI %l) B0 Hm| DM1 iltflruflWI H> trejWt, amauaMna *? EIGHTEEN TIIO?- * HA*I) NDt jTfomRRD A(i? TIN 4$-100 M BOI^ARHi ****>? la u>?, dated friday * 1 ?*V** UkiM. tfco money- Hdi# wu t nrafcw -m of iii? Vifmi|toa Irtgli t Infantry VbUaMarfc- n wo* woh*4dl t* dm bend at the battle of SeYetolHeee. , If* w** Nt* ou Hsterdey ?* ' VtogtrUle. * ifc> Qouodioo byj,irthi3b?^^ SO jrwn ef a*A 6 fbht ftttfrbei (it height, reddieh heir, florid eoiuploaiow.e alight bmttan- ft cjr In gwMli, with ? little imperfecta* in hi* v eye*, well ?.lui ?tu.l and plumiblc. lie ho* , British Cnnnulftte paper*. ' . A reword of 0*8 THOBflAND ?6*1*118 will l>e paid for hi* Mjrr?t and tedjpneat in , ri any J?U In the CuwMhincT, jaJ ore tjwOrter I or any mnoay Mtorwel wilj bo given. , . Kitiy paper in the Confederate Kfatn* wCl.. ? pablifb tbu advertisement ouce and rand hill g, to too. it . JAMKS R. TAf LOR. u jtl Auctioneer aod Commission Merchant, ,v - 1 Charleston, B. 0> May 13 * , . 1 hi ? ? pr?: ? . 1 State of South Carolina. * _ . - ? , 4 s'1 "*i AMvti?Tin ImricTot-Uii'u. Oyvict, B . CoLtpiM, Alar 82. Ibiia. 'J< OKXRAIi OHUKK X?. l& " , 1" ' T ' TIM Ham tor ranking return*, tn pnrsn- 1 X* Waoof paragraph 3 af-General Order I* No. 14, heretofore Urwed Irem Uiie office, is ft t hereby extended to the Afth (&Ui)'day of Jane |>< next; aud cotnuinndiag <dflocrs of lUffhnonta who shaQf aha fliiflbait hereto,-will bc'.subjerted tehcial by coarl* martial ordered for that ? .. paurfxwe^aad tbo peadlMes of the law atrietiy TI. The eammAadlng eAcrrt of jUghmiti "are retrain*! *<? report to (bit nflieo the naiaa*. of the pending ?l?rtt^f oompside* who] #, fnil to aald their return* as required, and to I nssHlnblu courts martial fbr-the trial of *oeh I defaulters in Ibtit (kqwethe Ilcgimcnt*, the] V?drU to be 'coast Koted aud the trial*, to he r\ conducted as prescribed by I he Act of the J Uvucral AiwinbljrVlNl. Hr tmtiminil It. A. C. G ARLINGTON, m Adjutant and Interior-Gcuer*! of8. C. n| Way 28 4 >' 1 ' I'apnra or tbo Btate copy ooee. .pi *Ur FOR BAtEr 2 A NKGKO WOMAN AND BOY J^SsKVKN OR EIGHT VRAR8 OLD. Apply to Til' i. ii. TilBVbTOX. May 31 ^ ? - ' tf P #3<> HKWARl). 'r\\TV'l> bo (*M Out Um> appreheimlon. nod Vf (Hltrorj. at HardeevlUr, 8. C.rJrf pr?- 1 ate B. J. HAMMETT, Cotuponv A, P*!mei- fl to U?tu8o?. Idjfht A rtilbwy. The raid B. J. | 11 Mil met:, ii about A fool * iaekra biufa ; dark p bain dark ocmplexi'm, Maek ajra,aoJ waatu- jM luted at Hantorllle. 8. (?." t JAJtE* W. KI'RMAM, fr., ' l?t Ltoot. CamiMotflng, **j Company A, I'. II., L. A. ?? W*y,t r'rp.- . * ** HTRAYBD IMI fWOtBJf7 jfc, FROM JAMteJ R', UAM'MKTT. &ik nlnA mllra ftom OrcMoUlo Court r-> OliirUHoMaAv on tl?e 2l*0f Aptft a largr, black, MAKE MO I.E. uULa yoltton W ?i neck. Any person IwvW raid Half at |j John MelbtiielV, *t flrwBvill( p. {k, of ?ii? inifortnatiou w thtt I nay int ttr, 1 will f nay ttfteea doiUt*. vow ' l ? \ ? J AN KS K. flAMMLTf . of May 7 - 1 -Af. *i ?^rasacs??* r CONVENIENT TO WEENVIitE, . % . - 1TQK SAJUC. :;v^' * ?TIU(VoF LANS i..K on Ac MckanAajflr Wi'll. ? Ko*?l, alarat flee mil* (VAoHlir - Ttrwu 01 (ifM-nville, wtnrrtttTa#ttaJt. TUa Tract contains' 224 Amuwi ar Rta. b* Oik the place are Outbuildings, Cnb>, Ac.' % For terms of rale. Aa. apply uu )>r<up ires, 'or kr1?tUr to tlx undersigaad ? " " . - MARTHA LoVELAWlX :ff Mar M 1 47' ' tf-w m* ?-?~ r'7"-)"r" 'T"' * ""T EXCHANGE NOTICE, h x havu been duly eacba*ge?L- utd are " b*r*bj il dtobadi ? y& >?- ' ' ? 1. Alloflmi Mpd UMU.*b? here been da- i llrrrod a I Cuy *"* ? ? ny.fMu 1h ' *. 1. All ufteert MptW?4 a* M) H>??>Utft the let of April, IMS, ?be beT.^neMI,,,* ". on parole. . , . v " tj, ? 21. All then captured in WnrA CtfeJlne ar ,u Virginia before the let of Mercl, MM, wh? t,( ban kna rdwned aa ftafele. ' ?. , .4, The oMeem and uten raptured end parol- ' O.I by (leu. rt. .p. Carter, At Ue esyiUition to V Kan Tonne eaea W pcnnWIaA . . - - ? k Tbe t>?err? and aaan-tfaatnred and pa-' roled by lAet?i. CoL ?t Van Bhren, in JVceiaber, I8W, In hie in ?een to the Mobito ^<>b<o a^ ^ *nueto?ihe* j&n.; "? u ?? nw a w <?*? . sjaaagag i Mey are h> M MlUj ,"7- , ' . # _ _ j fl w k ^ . 4t^ CAROLINA, T eratearliifr to n^Wufei'tton that M A U * VKLL L. KKITO, Dtf?n(i?iit In th? \ ova cew, t-e?U)?M beeonA the limit# of this : ite: That the enW Ihsfeodent d?e ? *' WMt-*'* demur to the anid JJill Ujth. >fcM thr w'n he token fro ?mSTATE 8t 805its"CAROUHA, ^obJ^MerrtU V , iftob r??kor and ?r|f?A ' '.'! " *' YJ eaablfcu** ^$saws?3ftiW&? it beyond th* Ha>|U of *ia?**? Or*r-i I Tlmt lh* *?)d Ifefeudanta do litw), ?-;' rer or demur to the mid Bill wfthib ttm; <m<*i Awm IM* pyUi?iion htrrof, ?r the ituo>Hl V.t?lwb>r? co*/*aa?e? to thru. *r' A. *t Htm ftSON. <*.*.?.?. . Cotnmiaaiopcr'e Office, March 18,' 1802 March , ' , . ' 47 ^ *** ? 3JLSSXCAL AHD EKGLI8H ? t *1 o o r . v *?? WEXT SBPSIOR ef tlx ?nWk?ci.AnsiCiti, ANM KNWLTHU ^MRRkfVHDOb, recently eatMltffcdird hj ?JF Kl>W AK1)8 and JVD> <?P^ SOS, with the approbation of -tie' nard Of Trwatoca of Potman tnirMlv, aftoA the eneoebelon of the Kxorriaea ?f (he nivorrltr, wUl.opeh at tlie 1'niveraitr Bnild%, ON THK Ifrru PJSUR(JAKY,abd Unbrace to juartera of ten We*ka >eatf. Tkkmb?#10 per <jearter, with 60 rente for iridentwl oxix'nfa payable Ufadiy?d*te. flood Boarding ean be had wt $2.'> per month, ha dtn??'?fS?alcji-eare will 7ns exerriaed orer ic rttofale of the peptic. Fur further information eddreas Profcaaor . C. Hntv auojs, Utwarflle, ts <'. Ja8 ?# tf >000. " *TT" "r . 8&0O0 Emolumeatal. 7>IYE Thoueeitd liollnra Reward.?To ?v?<ai?y ?!'??, ryojqtcUc perron who faile . make feMMMi yimw 1 The Loaineaa eaav, aiul l.t'oexriva. flova^dtal or fruition No t^pi'tise incurred ! * ire hnndM heller and jfeotiemen wanted ! V addrcaaing nte iaiAtoUftvly yon may ?nr? to yotuftlvrt lifid^h. "Vfcnltit, liwuty, an life and a hnpjiymarringt*. A ClJ) UlNGf GltAlTrt^to tlx 8rd young tly writing to me f ?-j| ft*r fhrthet Ininnalk.ii 4il>il-*-w (inatnuing ronr r?|4irt. ? wtagc) FHANK K. p MftUtJtY. h'aveti'a Ke?t P. O., Wasbtugtwi Co., Vo.' April ? ' 9 . - 1ft* State of South Carolina. . :v* (> KEEN V I ELK. L4f*'Hd C I. IN EdUITY. ff?j rWnntaa S. Arthur va.? i JWl fnr Char Ira J. Haacul) > *,' | n<l J. A. ltavid. J Mortgage. I^HE Otmfilalnant having <l*.v fiW 1 liia Bill in flia nhnvf atntrd tin-, aid ' appearing U? the em ietoctinn o^li* IV* . ! i talon er that I'll A K I.Ks J HM^LI. ; Miit (rum and wilkuMt thr Hitiits ul t'i?* i ate: It ia Orrfirn/'Thni lie (I* niwrr,| rail nf demur to Contplniiinni'* Hill ?e>77. I rO" moot*t, or I Ha mm) wHi U taken ?i to him. * - ' -rn WM M. THOMAS, C. E. G. I?. April Sd, 106*. Uf*: April* *"j ? 4* TS :erms, five doxlarh i " PWK knl>VtripcffHi price < / the MerKi.iT j L in fwGire wHI he FlVfi miAP [ eraone remittinir three (Tuilara will oit?v| i credited Jnf lite* amount, Thla adra^vj \ owing to ptr i netware hi tfca*^>rie? ufj "* inline material and of journeymen a wet ia Sintrli- oopiea, lifty ecut*. 1 or All telle re rrqulriltf anew era, muaty>11 lain a ataiM tor Um ntarireee. I , Ad dree a, V.-^ ? | M ACFAFLANK'4 FKfttilTsa?*r, Ittciimoi.d, Y*. j HiiMWfimt t MAGAZINE JUtfnry j * Poetryy?nd Mtmfe. leading writersi the Gentle aad competent Taaialalora nf! rnttw ItaWeir end. Qiawaa WUfrltura. tmrniaa the eerpo df itt (tonttllimMa Term. o| prr inttan or tlirA doffara tor als month*.? fanlaVippHcd at, Uie rate tf ta*. doiUra ir ItiWahet j j ' I UAUO* A?MWB, -1 Will peon S^hl|eh?d^^S*6|H* nei i I HfiS BUUrr^tftXlI^Tfi* AG RI>V, \ , ptr wm. uit.moea aimme. j Otkliwl Kouiaiiuer and Ppetna. and eare-' Uy l>*4pgtrod MGeeilarfy, (JtveraUr each i mbt^TT A^MIftu-g , NOTICC.' rltE .Copnrt??r*Mf> fn< the pr??H?* of ' Medicine, Kerr tutors eeiMinf be tweet k X. B. i:H(i)S + A. U neiKF, u ty iltW-By the death of m? farmer. V ill Account# 4m tie Plrii, ere >? d?* ;,v* todo of Uur turrivine ptrttm . -RA. I>. fiOKB, M. IX T)R. A. f>. HOKK % Urcontinue the preo? ?? tA*oer*eOffi?? tyiMimtiy ^etfptf-d by o Kirm, -whore he .may Oe found at all wn, nijjlit trid Hey, unit** niwftMinticHy ig>imi,vTHn ttloti left dariny M? ohaefrc* hjp Offers. i he Koum / Mr*. CftfctrAj u.D.^ ^siiiiHSiKSTr" L RKSV*i>? ? sn? u?t ?e WM?iD?*Mrtn?.; L'^^rrawSBE; ***" OSOROB ""imi d 111 ' Hr? ^ ** Vr-rT..".wt; i: AMES M. AUJffl, " IjJuLs w&amgj^lc. ^ .*? */