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R?fe &P . ' S) .. -? * * - . . v'Lt Pfe" : S"?i jjr~ . "Ml V?**trf it. * JP>?>RIC^* BAILEY, B&^i- . raomtimRB. ygvurfei'. __? |9 P?r Annum, la jigf ADV?ltTIBKIf*NTf / " Tglrii W ifka*rt?d at the ri?tc? of on* dollar ' ?MMMPf r?MU par aqua re, of II M Inlaw Hnea, or lova.'for tha Irat Insertion, aoiranty-TW* . MMpW th* aaaoad and tfelrd inaartfona, *ad pteM for aach amirtln inaortion. v * i 'JW Boilone. Trtbptea of Reapact, nota% InfwW for oAaaa, af banor ar Wtoaily ara for a* Ui i*\f< aaranty-AtwoouU ^EKaSiMMal'aaat in wKhout tK* hmaWw ? *?Riier1lena mapUM, will b* pwbffabad uotU - V' MWd an? obargad for ^eooMlnjriy. : t 0/ ** I - 1 A - -i jt wpgnrol ^aj^nmra |wirtj? yoi t?( MiVTURkK tintumri. w unrt. aw. T, momox, a a. a JSmSm* iaekmti'a dnad II I?? J Abd-iwmf h rownrned, M Ware aaan mourn -' VWlAmi* M Utalr ?herlah?' 'wjw. Uttar bat proud taara, and 6'ar hi* flovm who* root la lo the V AM hf hi* grave"* aide pilgrim i pan M df* t? roartyrsglve. })tM Mi#re ?>#?? breathed by Otoaa ho died Id* wmrtry'i handed chivalry, their knp^ hi* mum Uuir battle * 'Miltii aa mothers srUh their mm to live,' Xr^BjEi jlatl a? fathers wisli th. ir mim to dia. if no tlio grief worn check the bars of SHlfhtsb fed* when alt trelovela In the tamh?? ' jPl^ aver know on earth a reread Mooin, wh* dai-iqnry of a gmUtutl dentA-like Mia, VVpwld tall them into being, bo} the few, T&i>?, J*H their friend, their Kneband, or their ,111* kind, warm heart and gentle Spirit Wadding Hred, hoped and feared tqf Whn H' WS^datheir aufy waale, add Id* eyti * TW <i>]| i*nlif;lit of thefr evading *7. . Till.even tha aua of tiappideM seemed dim . JMVa beat joya were anrrowa bat with t th?h?af>y InMrt la. hit brevet, . . '^^iBlhPrped, lib* anoMncr fruit from off 4Hafai ou* heart that knew and loved 1 ml/**?ami la broken now. ^ --^^W ^ni?jwvu.ij?. . ? ? from the Retain Reporter. I; fltiKrUf99 \ mntius After * little while, mmBf ** ?h? jrWWe of the avght.ahd day - Hare ffcdfcr ave; . * ' #?*fri?i^l.VegWeaad b??y> winmm HX\ ? <:' ASweJ^SISS^^B^^ ?^fig LlfS^Vn a^Tfrf ' !Sr * ftCTSPBR-' ;l tfSS H10# iHiK ^aio m ' . Alt* a Mtti wMIW, iMa grill Mtnaaderin bu^wiAjfMW iUowidtUwIw 0* .too.. KiTc IhSHMMwufffrta**?*?d CutliMU*w?r< r Abtt*ihmj '* ' foot GoIinmU, rtt: Col. HinHti f' v tk? baltl* b^rtWcW^ *(1MOf) ft W SjC'tfcrnrfr ?f.?rt. W fU? 4?^>^n^'ihc*r botrw ?frtb)<** and w> mSSL _. #* * A * * *' "sf *X ' Hi ' - . . :A. BE - ' " ^cLto flroj^ss, ihe Hij . '. ? If' . - ?!'- ,. ' .=C 7 .j.ii,....-iL. --?ajJLjg-?i JdrtBT - JOtftarfaimiL TlllVtIG Jtin SELl AV&T. * 3 ; Tell-the jronr history now, Adek; we shall bo |W nil the morning, nnd I yoiv know you promiked to do so the Oral lime wo could oil quietly together." And Adele at onoe cotnmenoeO ae fellow*: ' ,f u Lieteniog to the advice of friends, I lied waited an*1 Wffl?l for liolund to get * o little ahead in the world,' unlU 1 , mm perfectly' satisfied thnt he (lever Would get ?heed. I' one day walked .opt ftlone, to think the matter quietly over, end oome to it decision an to whnt I had better I was obliged to go out ef. the. house in order to bo alone,, or |0 get n oh * nee to meditate uninterruptedly ; for I was one of that fortuns ate ehu of person* whom everybody likei, and with whom eomebody defftrtnined all the timg to be. M My parefite having died when I wag a child, I wna adopted, by their relative* generally ; and tram that time .;i .1 . - -? ? - uiiui iimi period oi ray marriage, 1 circulated Among them universally liked. And universally welcome) but not particularly necessary to aq? one; and not painfully roiaeed by any when I was way.. I had very great mason to be thank-* . fnl for the Kindness, of which I was tlio ' waipiiint,N and I Mieve I ten# thankful. Rome of my ralhtiVen warp rerv wealthy, -some werer net, and T have tjii* to say. of them?that; 1 always f. m nd* the kind newt of Uie poorer one* to bo meet native end mutt unchanging,' I etrore to be. pleasant always, and ftfways-obliging. 1 allowed myself to be inoomroodW in, every way for the comfort of those about me. I would ' not indulge myself in/Any habit ifiAt did not sutf ray familiars. 1 crowded myself, my 'things, and ray very wishes, into the smallest possible compass, and into the most outof the-way comers.? .1 learned bow to get along any way and every, way, and to do without what the other girl* in my foster families would Lava thought It exoeeding hard to l?e deprived of. In short, it was my -constant aim to give as little trouble, and as much- pleasure, as whs in my power. Therefore, I would not consult Ipy own wiU in what I did or did Dot do. I waited on and obeyed the wishes of my Ancles and aunts; I fent myself (or thfc convenience and sm?wment of ray elder tousine, and I devoted myself to the entertainment and inMrne ' tion of those that were younger. I can , truly nay that, although I waa probably " aa net Ash ae lite generality of people, ray selfishness became pretty. thoroughly stunted. (Torn the want of mby opportunity far cultivation. " ftur I grew vhsary/ It waa pleasant to be genevaU* liked ; hut every htart - ? t5 k. .! I - ? - * jrooni" iv dv J??? uniwirij I wantod somebody to love me for mime lovelfn"** III my oWn self, and- not for the ?b|igSn| ?nd plrii*wt' things done hjr nr*. - I irasgiwwl hfrw fowrtfy * could love a congenial follow creature, oven if I had never bten greatly benefited by ^' Kr5- Ail . M Lo??? never throws*! rrrv steps. M thoy did tilt "top* of mrfny of my l>e?u tifol relative*; hot when Iv was in toy twenty third year one lover came. ! said that I had long desired a friend,'who should love me with a pa love, 1 wanted someone to enme whe ike*M l?e to me more than nit she who were hi the world, aud to d1iroto? t should be the same. Hot 'anion# all die rhetmga of fair women end hravtf ra*n who bad feH before W visionhad aietr owe toward* whom my feeling* wer? invo1ant*rUy mcl'med, of whom ?Hf heart said, ^+P~ f leg mrrckfy, Thie is my mate ftbaeif f stood, one pfeaeawt afternoon, '1n the pree^ae* <# Roland Ebw$y. lie had called to aee my utwde oa aoma matter f at bmfntm, and V hwvieg oeemion to eniar the library ?# and wa* iatro. dveed to him. <t - M l*y K??^ weald have shut the door ft m* foee when, I attempted to enter {>e library, had some sodden Jfow of spiritual wind swept the misty vah from the tutors, and showed hhn that. lit. Party was the mew who wa* ' (9 confer on mo th* pame 4f rattf, ' " Bot (ha. wiftd *aa alilL ahd I ont?r ad tfiol pku*Mht I ill la nook of * r*om, t rteK^HllWl ayarjoora to-me m drama of V ?TM?nr% in4 |^kr^foo o-^pi,?>?M 1**>, Mid (ho W rooamfot eyea, I 1 -- ~ - > . - > ? - 1 wwo#f ponmH ww Hmntiv pwwtu in a immortal eotanr'an the t&ttel ?Uhoi.?4 , ft ?u not that tha Uce of ikk aHa?gar ? ?*? ao baeatiful* ik>t ikat was L ap paWect, fkat my ottofik area ao I aortdoaly aad forcibly afrwafrd.vl hod > Miy, nmf I aaw iwry day, baOdaomar a faoms ??w mora rvoble formj. *b?c? bnt - ?tbo faot waa, Ihia tai tb? ftr* I (itoa dot ?Hr 1 bad Man Afarf ? aad Qia.Wftf i ofXAod VH, tfot 1 ahooid (a ? aa#Mlo, from thmcrfarik *vdk'J'orwer. k Mff oa yae w#l at ia?a at fl?a(*%hi*Hr iaodqjjyaH'oaad, Aod -aby abgoM * . ..." . " v. ? * * ' # .. " . mm. ' :?? 1 :flex o " * * > "* . * V,.. I' , I ? I'*, "Mi |hi9 fljf lh({ ?onth, a tit \ p? . - "* ^ ~C *" GREENVILLE* SOUTH gered in the library as long a? T cotih Und exeQM for so doing, and had th< pleasure of knowing (one doee not al wan hav# to look in order to perceive that bit IjVm were frequently, and will interest, directed towards me. I knev thai | was not beamtftij, not so gracefu aad*atiractive as ordinalHy to ooramain much attention. Men warn not nceor touted to gaze often or long on *tt. ' felt why Ha passed ine not unnotioCd I was certain that we should mee agaiu; and i wen| hack to my chnrabc and my employment, praising Uod ii my heart. " 4 Why, what has given von such color, Adele I and your eyas are ? bright as dollars !' criod cousin Hair) who, whip in hand* and hat on head was standing, large as life, in the centr of tilt) chamber. 1 otdy laughed ant shook my head, then resumed my work hut my thoughts were working fn?te than my fingers? working and woavioj garments of gladness lot coming years. ** And we met agaiu ; and.he told m that his heart met mine in that first in terview/aod that if I would promise t, he bis, he should he happier thaU |, had ever hoj*?d to be in life. And promised, gladly. What next f Oil nest there was a perfect storm nmon| all my tribe ! Adele should not mnk a fool ef herself! she tkomld woi ' Uiroi herself away * -upon a man who had nc force enough to take Caio of himself, t say nothing of a wife. Mr. Darcy w? g*xxf mart, to-b? Mir?, and an amialil one ; lie wa?, also, a very?it must h admitted?a vary interesting man * but, bh**? yo?r soul, A dele-, he ia a poor as a rat, and he always will he.? There might he a million each men in fh wofcld, and nothing would ever be ddm lie is a great student, ami they *?*y h writes Splendid poetry eoinetime% hii what is (hat to livs on V etc., etc. M 13y sucb talk, and even wore star deft, incessantly re-oaled, my kind reU lives induced me to .* wait to see whs would happen ' from month lb mouil and year to year, for nine long yean during all of* which litne, they fout1< iiih iu abundant and wearying employ meat, (n the way of nutaing the sici members of their families, and especiall in taking care of their children, on after- another, through all tEeir child hood's ailments. And this nine year brings me to the morning of my soli tary walk, during which I toads up m yiind to marry Roland nt-pnce. . W had an interview that very tlsy, sosettled the whole thing. Roland, poc fellow, bed had bis ' self-esteem ' nearl crashed bnt of Mm by the delay and ir dignities of those nine years ) hut m resolution to.get married at once, it sprred him with new strength and flf hope, and touching up the manuscrit for a vointne of poetry ami another of philosophieal work, which its bad kej on imnd for several years, without tl UAUPflfltA IA diioin'M lik anWtUtW^ ??I# w. ..^V v* * ? uv Wfl thein, lie set oui for New York to fin a publisher, in high spirits. IIin worl being really meritorious, and taleabl he : fonnd m publisher who agreed I biio ? liber*! par-Onstage ou ik sale*. *" When I announced my determinl lion to my friend*, 1 mm beset hy perfect atorm of iodignalion and ran.or atrancc. What were they to do wit! oat me ! What were the ixx>r childre to dot And then to thinR I hat such, sensible, useful girl As I, should Ihro herself aVIarJ upon such * spirit lei ne'er-do-well as Roland. ** | remained firm, however, wnd i soon as Roland got his hooks ikroug the press, ^n<\ realised his first ip?M) ment of profits, we wofa rJTnrrled an look rejoteing possession -of oor psett cottage home?(yea home, for Rohm bought if, wHh his own monei J?a nei and tasteful cottage with A good gardet eueh a place as in ?? could n< be obtained short of five thousand do fare. Never had we known, urrtH ihei what wvaa the fuH (eariltly) meaning i the word liappineae. We were iff pe feci syynpathy with each other, as whether it was labor or not with o? wee always enjoyment. Tlrs hollow I my heart waa gone, ?r*d *> was the sa< now Mfct fha pollor from Koland'a fttc The mcnnve wtvtah be reoeiml from t) *al? of hi* book* ?m MifficierU to mi; ply oor trot nomerona want*, h therefore, would not content to wh; bad been my plan of opening achnc No. no# Adote.' he mhI, with th; **quUit? emit*, * little rai*chi?vou? no< )4 thp Irwlh mu?t bo told. * No, no, n imtrt wui *iit?rprf*inj( lad^.I am m thot too modo up >oOr mind to booon my wife, io iKo (Wo of noonvirtiou tbi yon YooW bo obliged to rftNrk for .t i both. J ewe yoa' eternal gratitude ?a bohor for tout generou* courage or t lov? ; but allow uia to dpapp^ifU you j I that regard. You Ware worked faitl felly for tho good of other* how ' your limo ofaiat and poeea. You * | devote y onrmelf to Iho work 6f rendorir mo happy?foe you kbow you lore tie wojfe? but for tho mat, ibjr le?b, U moo on whom too ' ha?o thrown vou elf away * will *oa to thai. And I MS. m^.. ^ tioOd lo gluten tha.horbaaitt pyiaoaa* Xmitae of Ifeglnad,) a go* Godormoout, and rOoomod. eredu. -V e hbbhmhhmbk ** * . * ' ? * ' ' \ . *4 ? - /: -r ^ r a?C '2 v ?? >? t*: 3>- '-wr^C p ^ Mfe l -... . . r,? & ppptjr rife**'*) >~v~>v^3v |w f %dk?i??v- ?* v.t the ^iflusum of ^Bsitfiu 1 * ' * i ' -J OABOLWA, [THURSDAY -MOB ? Hlattmi tu <?mrat \ From tb? Ciie?t?r SttndM'h ?- ~~ jk ? I Speculation. . ] W. Eiitor?After a short nbs#H<!e, ? t have again returned to these old rug* I gel hille of Cheater. During my traV|t ml happened to lenrn a little of the t lives of several of ymir celebrated pa. r tfiotic speculators, and permit me, Mr. ? Editor," through the colnntns' of your paper, to publish pro bono publico. A These utigtateful extortioners may be A known by their great desire to grum, ble; they rehder themselves painfully disgusting to the loyal ami faithful of J this community?tlioy appear anxious j to obtain tlie news, but are unwilling . to pay one oent toward* the expense? 'f in conversation they always have some defeat or great" calamity befallen our beloved army. Their ?ry is, " We are a ' ruined ffcople." They are very egotiseN tical, imagine themselves endowed with " [snore intellect and smartness than their . 0 I fellow-man. aud nreemne to know a 8 little of anything end everything,? I They, Mr. Editor, view otily oho aide of h tbe picture. Meet them on the street ? ? or at, homo stld their long face* dehotc that they "have a * pain across the mis* ery.H Booh individuals' are naturally 't prohe to rpettulatiott, ahd do not hc*f? late to apeoulate on the necessaries of life. They are e*fremelv selfish, their ? minds being lilted on tho Almighty 8 dollar, tbey grnmble because they ran-1 not make fortune* in a day. They a would plunder tho silver cohi that clone* ~ their mother'* evo-lids in death, and 8 speculate the last card on their father'* ' coffin. Have we not. Mr. Editor, ?uch 8 a daa* of speculator* in otfr midst, and. 1 if ao, justice demand* that they be marked, *u that all in rttir Cnrrynunlty ?' know ihera. ' 1 have heard it hinted oh k' several occasions, that but a t*w in onr l' mMat'ere clear of Ihf* curs&Tirin... Froifi b the pulpit to the member of .tho Obrfs* j tian chnrch are to l*e found these gfeffh? eyed mnn*lera, tiffing their coffer* off * the wivo*. sinter* ami families of our ^ brave "tnd noble defenders, who arc eny during the danger*, toils and fatigue of 8 camp life, tramping rough shod over ' the soil of Vkgtfna and other pgrts of * out h^ee-ling country. Mr. Alitor, some '* of these speculator* were the fwremost f in the great Cause of secession, the first, ? , to place the button nil their hats?the ^ first to claim a right to stay at home. >r Have the same individual* a right to y claim twenty cents for a pound flour '* from a soldier's wife, wheh in Charlotto f and elsewhere "it ean be bought at 1 twelve cents I * Thank* to^i kind Prov" idenco for the prospect of a g<?od crbeat >l crop, not withstanding "that thesd spec a nl Mors wjoyced at the thought \f?at the * bait storm had' blighted our hopes.? 10 Cabbage merchants were the onlt *of " frr?m, nnd we may look out for an ad^ ?anc? In the price of plant*. ' f>n? Word to tbo planters ; let not the et .alluring bah of scheming merchants ? teirrpt yot?, hut fHridewoitr butter eggs, * chickens. <fec? with thelrde and. faithful of otfr 'M. k i WHITE MOUSE, 8a. a ?" McCtkLtaa's Oeiaioie otr Jackson 1 and Lira.? A deputation of fHixena n have presented Oeocral MoOlelfaii with " a auperhlv gotten up eopy of resolutions passed by the Common Council of ** Washington, (banking biro for h*fs defence pf that cifV. Aner the usual cere? monies and conipliipontttfy speeches inj1 cklent to aueh an oceiw?k>ir, there was much dtlnkinge?f healths and success?* * to the army, dren and then a general 7. conversation followed, which is thus ** narrated in the Herald t - Borne one wekerf K Umre was anr donbl about the death of" Stonewall ? Jackson." General McClellan replied llial K> itiAiinhl ttnt >r A UWn. self much grieved At the event. : one," Mhi he, * eptt help admiring a r' tm?n Hkejackaon. He wa* rincere, and . true end valiant. Yet no one bee die K eppointecl me more thnnhe bee. ?Fackn eon wm one of my elaaemalea, end a| cohere never promised to be the ua?n be bee proved himself. He vm always , r very slow, end acquired leasee only P After gleet labor. And yet his deterc' ruination wu no greet that he never Ht gave anything op until be mtoeeedvd. IH* character seem* ro have changed Mt aioce ; for be baa exhibited great celeri*' ty ie all hi* movement*, while in com* 'J mand of rebel foroes.' ^ " I safpoae," remarked a g?ni leraan, * " Jack?ou was tlie ableet Qcuerai ia the * Soiilli." P. ^ije ia, undoubtedly, a great lean to the rebel* replied (ienerxl Model Inn. w liaa ia, pecbMM, the moat able wm* i, ktmodpr Chop have, and JaoktOu ?* ' ^ their beat ea*e?Uv* oOqw." iy -* 11 V" * ig Wheo younak a favor, be rure yon * know fopc aaaa, vli is not every ene " who written yoe a- polite note ended with, ?, * Yoiire* Vol* * who w<utld give you the oruat of M* Wt rediorlhe headed liia t** irrrmg. i'manses am g*n?rbl. j^ ty sheaf at dirt, and kit* wo*)e ard f adtoedw tf mam ?Sahl? plenty wad. ihg if tor smb. We has* more tba*~e#M ?d om a wipate a basket CM . -tow1* been a <arf|ynu ?** ' , jj ? ** _ # - . . - \ "T~ -7 . . rf # . % life [? - ->*? V-' '.' '* r ** *- ' . ' xf ' " * ,A.R EVE ' ' ? ' r~- " '' * I nitwit INING, MAY 88, 1863. , A Ht AunruL Kn?A<?t.r-l. w* * mourner standing over the |m8? of one dearest to hhn on earthy The memory of ]6y* thai were pant came crowding-on hin nool. " And lkU, ', naid ho, " ht all that re ntaint of one so IcVed and so lovely ! I call, bat not n voice answers, O I my loved?one will not heart O Death 1 inexorable Deatli t what hast though done) Let me Ho down and forget my sorrow in the eUintbers of the grave 1* When lie thought thus in agOtty,the -form of Christianity came by. tto heard the song and transport of the great .multitude,' which no man Can number, around the throne?tlitre wore the spirits of tho just made perfect? there the ?pirit of her he mourhed.? Their liapplne?M wax pur3, nerthanefit and perfect. The mournor then wiped the tear from his eve, took courage and thanked God." * All'the days of my appointed time," said he, " will I wait till my change come*," and he returned to the duties of life, no longer sorrowing as those who have no hope. ... ?~i TlEatJTf.?** That is tint the most perfect beauty which, in public, would attract the greatest observation ; nor even that which the statuary would admit to be a faultless piece of clay, kneaded up. with blood. Bwl-thnl istf-re hentlry which has not only a substance, hut a spirit?a beauty that ?" most intimately know to be appreciated?a beauty lighted up in conversation, where the mind shines, as it were, through a casket ; where, in the language of the poet, * the eloquent blood spoke in her cheeks, nnd so distinctly wronpliL that we tidght nlmoM aav her tkxfj.<?*n order and a mode of beauty, which, the more we know, ill# more we ecear* onraalve* for not having before discovered tfioae thousand grace* which la?*peak that their owner ha* a aonh This i* that l?ea?tr which never ddvt, poasesaing charm* a* reewtle** a* the fiseinatlng Egyptian, for wliich Antony wisely paid Che bauble of the worid?a hwwtity like the rising of Id* own Italian *nna, ab waja enchanting, never the same." ?? ?-# - * A fattiirut. Wifk.?The Mareeelml de Mwicliy having been conducted a firiaoner to the Luxembourg, had scarcey arrived tfhen lira #lf? entered the prison. The jailor observed to hftr that the order fur iho Maresclml's arreal made no mention of her. She answer ed with mingled gay<4^'and sweetness: " Since my liuahand i? a pri*o?ier, ono *Lo. When be was carried before *He K*vol a lion try Tribunal, he was still attended by. Ida wife. The I'uhlis Accuser lt#r? informed Madafoe Money that she was not called upon to appear, and she replied : " When rnv husband ii calhjd (>r, I am elan called." In a word, when the fatal aenfence o death was jrrofioiroced upon ihe Mares cbaJ his faithful wife ascended the carl with hitn, and when the eieeul'oner ol> jrasted, because ?he was hot eondenmevl to die. alio artsWered * ' Sine* wnivncr. is passed upon my husband, it is passec upon ino*al?o." *. A Ramr ptrr Etraaagiva l.irrrr.n FROM A Yakkkr (JlKL.? III a skirmish Saturday ?n the Rappahannock with the 95ili Petmeylvania,' in which the latter got the worst of it and ran, one of the Knapsack* of tire Hying Yankees was "captured, and -in it a It-Tier from ** Martha," his sweetheart, who lives in Philadelphia. We eopV a portion of it, spelling and all i "John, if f cofd see ton, f think 1 cold amuse yon a while. You spoke of scaing lots of fan running the Rebel# froip the Rappahannock, but I diiu'l think it is nmch tun when half thai wont off in the 95th is kitted and near ly aH the rest hi wounded. Vow said yen did not get hurt in tb* Rattle ? J yoO had tatter watch for the Rebel* | will shoot yatt, they have kill Iota ot our Friends that yon UW to know. I heard (bat tlsev had kitted on lde Josanh i "> ' " ?' 1 "" kim) nearly fit of hi* regt m kill and I woimdfd and missing. The rogt will I be mined. John 1 hewt <rot any fredi n?wn to write, lime* aro dull heare. end do fua for m girls at I j*mu jrw nil to cmvm htrtWe and ltT the Hwb*l< alone for you rant trftip tfuxi no ho* and we can live- withotrt tfrern. Vm will stay thtrrt?? Unlit you all rj*l ktllm 1 aiia afraid." The Providence, (H F.) Pre** mike# the sAbjoinod state meet:- "_*? V*v W* l?er< f*o?i one. wfon ban keen it afMafeua to know, that a second at. tark on Charleston fc not eantensplarw ac ptsNlat Pwrfeugto Uing grant eel teeflbstpdod men In Gen, Ranter" j%itk?iiiiML eeti it sofcea. te be ih< ofMRkoe of .ear informant that the Ax tenervA ffrnMhntifro* nroyanltbe hot be? of ieeeneiee <pi oepfMe of; * upmminW) rmieting a tfitasb Wfer feree than be urn jret been gather*} w Milton Bend , Ar ?*i?nntWfc Twwe. ?*#M ,-t :sS^EH5?? barteis ? "(*? *r onWt at sntAUee mi ye dottafs arJ Wty ovate pes Jmctc-L 1% AO ^ "F"-*,{ > * V;v * "* i. * . ? .* *- ;??. r -, / ",?** .v*-f -j.-t*Kj V : it (glasses aft orbing ? ' * "V .l \^\n' m 3fc1 ' .*K'* ~++:Af k < r .r ^ "** . *\ ' J |*J 1 . JUl A Summary of.the Battle*No belter view in brief of ihe let* be til erf near Fredericksburg ha* been given, we tVmlc, than the following from the special correspondent<of tbe Richmond Enquirer i~ To make a recapitulation of tlte leading event*, wo weald ,say4li?-re were Uio following IWIUlea and participant* ! Wildeibets, fifteen miles above Fredericksburg, where Jack*on sneoeedod in turning the enemy's (lartk. Thi- may be . Citlled for a proper upderstanding nf the matter, the batileof tbe u Wildornea*." It was hero that Jackson turned the one my V tlank on Saturday evening, with D. H. IlilPa and .Triritldb's division*.? The nest wiw Uio fight of Chancellor*- ville, to which point tbe enemy fell back on Saturday evening, rtnd around which they centered and inada their beat fight, lasting from dawn until near midday of Sunday. In this light D H. HiH and 'l'ritnble prettied them from above, whilst A. P. HHl, UcLswi and Andtiieon not only held them in check in attempting to foree our lower line*, but aiJed in driving them from their brekatwotk-*, and accomplished the great victory of Sunday, which, indeed, was .the turning point in the whole afiVtr.? Tlie taking of the heights on Sunday morning may properly be called the liattle of Fredericksburg. There were at this point lWksdale'a biigade. of McLawa' division, anil a part, 1 think uf Hayes' Louisiana brigade,* though of this I am not positive. ? Tito next engagement ws* on San day ovetiing. The tr?H>pi here engaged consisted of Anderson's and McLasv a. This occurred near Salem Church, about four utiles SotilWwOst of Fredericksburg, # And tony, wo suppose, be regarded a* ^ tlie battle of Salem fihurch. Ti?e result of tllie fight was, tlmt our men ^ drove the enemv hack ftlHy n mile in t the direction of Fredericksburg. Thd v closing engagements occurred along the a line of the plank road and toward* % s HgMti.' Fi >rd, by which route the enemy t succeeded In recrossirtg tile riser. The r troops engaged on our side were the divisions of Anderson and McLaws, who j held the pohitiori nearest the river, on <c the upper .line, and the brigades of c 11 ay cm, Iloko and LkwUtu on the lower t lino; whilst the Missiseippian*, under j liarksdah*, and Smith's brigade of ^ Barly'a division, guarded the rear from ttfi attack outwards from 'Frederick*-* j burg?rtlie heights having been prefipusly taken, w ithout the firing of a gnu, j on Monday morning, by Gordon's brig ( adfe, wtlli chaVfjwd tmyonel*. This was ( a glorious ac.hievment, th4 c'ro%*rt?ng act j of the grand drama." ft fitly i called, we think, ilia t% rowl a* flank*' . t Ford P I t ?*?.* ? I , " Give U? this foay Otir flatly Br?**." fn a, miser aide eottmgo at the bottom ' f of a Willy HicldMfeh hovered over a smouldering fife'. A tempest rage-l L without?H fejtrful tempest, against which mart km.1 Iwutat wore alike poweis I less; ** > A-pOor old miser, much poorer than I ?t.^?. - .t u i - i. . J i i.itiiic tim-trrn, ui'm^u Hi* (Hid heap* of money Mt bottle, draw hia raggod clonk alauit him ms^Iio crouched ' ; down hi ihts' threshold of the miserable door. He dare not enter f?r fear liter would ask pay for abetter, mad he eould i , not inore fr?r the atorm. ' 1 / - y 1 ao) hungry, Nettie:* * ' j . t* So ?in I ; I've hunted for a potato < , paring, hut yiu't find any " i f " What irn awful storm !" r * * Yea, the oM tree hint blown down. L guess God took care that it didq't [ on thehouao. See, it certainly would fSe kilted na.? y . +*?f ho e'oul l rtn (hat, couldn't he send na bread f" [ I gueaa *o ; let'a pray 4 Our Father,* 1 . ami when we come to that part let m h k- atoa> 4ih ale get some bread." 1 So limy bngarv, stud tlve tniswr cropching and shivering, Interred. When ( they, paused,- e*pecung in iltetr ehibliah faith to nee *ottre irrtracuVws maitifeataf'Hion-, a human feeling stole over Ilia heart', Ootf sent aome angel to soften it. | lie hoftghl a loaf at the village, thinks , ing w would laai hirrv days, but the | aileftfce of the poor littie -children apoke louder u> him thap ilio voice of many i waters. He Opeoed the d<mr aohiy t threw in the trmf, and then listened to , the wild, esge? cry of delight that oame f from the half famixlied little one*. * ft drooped light down from llosvflo, J didn't it ?* qn?*Wot|?d tl?o yopnger. " Yns ;*I nienn to Iots <?od ?>??? ', | for giving us Wend, l>oc?>i?e w?' a*fr_ * K?m>' . / .... 4. , Wt'U n?k l?im every day, wont ?i , Why, I never thought tiod wm so good, \ did you f* . ^ "Yen, I nlwnys thought, but nsror g quite k?ew it before." I u lout's n*V him to gi*e Mirer work . to do nil thb tins*, not ? ?* diver txj | hungry sgvn, do i^?rlha ibr*." t ' ttormc p?M*od?Mho miter went ? boeno. 'A Utile flower had ?|Sn?| in g hi* hewrt; it w*s no lopqer burr*). | Uj* <i?w Week\ he dted, hat ntjt h? i ^ -fnnM ha<r given the ??*ye, wlrtvh wu? bis, to die poor Uboiuif, ?**, . , ^ iwri^ Wo* WqpWI ?nir?tiC^i HQ#n *H | 1 . ihqir uiAtWvot throtioss lltey rHiim to . ? then* trustful urds : - (#iv? -?n thin . day our dstiiy lut**.]."'I ?. t v . ' < .Jl * * > % f' * -? " *4 j ' ' A '*" ** * ^ iv '.v 9t * i mm! .r-^ ,' ? mi ? * ' sE|fc .'#" . H m>t+ - '- ..- -. V. Ita; .. . . 'iu?B?4 :ti#. : *m*mmmm? i i< i_ ? " rht Northern Preen or the Death*? Stonowail Jackson. ?* _ . Wtw enabled lo.gbre further e*. racts frorq the Northern j>res* Written ifter the receipt of the intelligence of he denth of (General J nekton. Thelereld ear* tBe intelligence we Published venter- jlf ley from Richmond, via Hooker's army >11 the Rappahannock; our renders hive earned that the celehrated 8ionewa!l Inckson died on Sunday last. partly a rom pnenmonia and partW from the 'ft^cU of tba ampuls'**! of his arm, endered neceeaary by a wound be re:?t*ed in the battle on the Sunlay bofwe. The intemimt wan io inre takou place ou Tuesday last.? " - Phi* event is a serious and irreparable oss to the rebel aruiy ; for it is agreed m all hands ti> it Jackson Was the mini )rilliai?t relal General developed by his war. Frura bis coolness and sag'acty, rapid movements add stubbornness n the light, and bin invaribla good forone, he1- resembled Napoleon in his ari v Career mote lb an any -illhor Glens wal of modern times. ' , ... . * According to t e estimate formed of ilm by the Ktchfltnnd Knquirer, the ' ' ? jQB pecial orgait of J?-ffir*on L) ivi*. the oss is greater to the v?1>eb? than if t'iey ind lost a whole division of their srror. I'iielf victory ntChane.-llorHvillei?,tb?rcore? dearly bought. To hita was large) ?Y luu ihe victory at the flrat fight at Bnlf liyi. Here he received his nick n*mc> if " Stonewall Jackson," from the firmless with which he and his regiment ought. His raid through lb* Xllejr if the Shenandoah was a masterly > troko of strategy ^ tm while he kept V" del Swell's and Banks' dorps employ-v *1, and struck terror at Washiagton,?y a rapid retrograde movement heap xjared on tho butde fi Id iu the seven lay * norm on the Uhickahomioy, lo turn lie scale just At the critical moment, - " ? rhile Mcr>owell was noneat, like Patteron at Hull liun.. Again, vaben Pope va? retreating from the TUpidan and he Rappahannock, Jackson, by forced mirche*, gained hie flank, catu?*d ter* ibte coiifiinioo,' and obtained vast spoil, jt. *a%t|y, at the battle of Antietatn, after apiuting Harper's Ferry, he turned up m the right fbtnk of our army in time o repulse Hooker, save the remnknt of joe'a force, and prevent ?foe battle from Mtc'oming a rout. Wherever Jackson ippeared on any field, victory seems tor tave perched upon his banner*. In ilia demeauoi he k represent*! nt taving been extremely quiet And mod* 1st, plain and unostentatious in- his Ire**, silent and thckightful; in his habl*, temperate, in his conduct trictly not*),- and in religion he is said to hav^, )aw almost a fanatic. He wax a tori-> rcrsnl favorite in the rebel armiev.and popular even in our own. Over hi* . !' his men he exercised the strictest discipline, and alwaya moved them with the. least possible quantity of baw^aga. Hence, hi? rapid matches, and the sobriquet by winch his troops were known ?" foot cavalry." What is envious about the manner of his wound is that, acco.-ding to tbh Richmond Knqnhrer,, he w,aa shot by some of his own men?s which is very probable in theamokeand ;onfuaion of so terrible a battle, with perhaps one part of his line more ad* vnneed than another, and he. as he generally was, in the front of the fight.?* His death k m> douht owin^ lo** to the wound than to his exposure in the raj^ norm, ?nu oy continuing irt conwtp...? in iuch * condition, Miperinducinjr "pneJ inonU and m fm*\ tewninetioiu The Washington .Ghrou>Vle, *pe*K* ing of J*ck*oT?'? <Ih*Ui; ?'.ryi>: Stonownl) J?pk"Oil- u dead. we mre only, too eltv\ to be in hhv way, of ?o terribK* a foe, ^lt m>oAe of relief ?? not uumingled , emotion ; of ni'rnw *n?l sytnoRtli A nl ,he do*U, <I BO at aAun. kv 4|y IOAII wllO fWJ^ii?*Ae* the *ligl\te?t particle of magnanimity muat adr ylr^ tp0 qualities f??r-' wUtH) Stonewall. Ji^oluoii w;*>oel?b??i.?hi* herc.i-jn, bis hnwwrr, hH aubfune devour .ns' bVt pnrily of character, lie w not ^ iuMnrtoe oft * *nod man devoti^u l^nretf U> a bath osow. Let n* tie to<uky wknowlqdge Pro*" itljnco of. t*ed, alio, wt'.ile Ue *rn?f'>*-1. ibnt-nc AsrMtU land with. furnibe, nnd tlu people. VrtV madness tnlre* from tbc;accurrid cause, it*. l>rave?t, noM**1 purea>, defender. S..*n?*all Jaofr-oi wr a g*?a?4 General, a l??a?o-'aoldier, * ? ?"? blr.. Giiriaiiau, and it pure mrn.' M*-fjaad throw tfccaavirion ' ? ?? ? _ ?? , (if \u? tlie ntlvuv-ate'e. a-groat ainui*!" crta.0 ? ' : Tnr. fr^MMWAMtAT \+ ? A Uiebmond )>apet s*y? tirrv t)?<i extent of the Aufferiia^i ef our (nor <hirtny the three darjl halves h iwe'./rfhik rta^HMsiolo to restate. Ftom brtier.. ?* written At Cihnoeollorrdfle (aerofott'ky* %" ?tc learn lUat Jiekaon's oonwnanOj \ter.? M*tv hours under *rta\ Without f~rv> and without deep, \hnt the tfc,** *. food there obtained bv them was f o>'n the kpnfiweke thrp^/n a?*y by tL* eh v\~*>. Wfr1ii-pU(rl?l mt.r Jftck-uO. MiJ?b 'p.'l* ' on Sunday 10 i?, t*k<n l>\ our cavalry yiolcMn <bi- d ie of <*W):L * ' TUfty wvrt oOHrltin' :i?yj an nlnimUnoc Uain. Noun.- to rry.^lil rvelcv aiitt the tin buUn<?-? fell hi to our hand*- v Th?ee of our jhcteui look el .-yen \ .HI . k ok, i