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Ml I II J l ! jiji > ;\ Jhratjimi t *. raxos. I J CpftUEY, pin I aJRcIhu. ?w VM^>aa<Mt'%ahtlto All-' ^rwgwr|rir^~"^"jM*' " ?,. ,- -. OKKF^VlKr, B c 1j ? f# ?lt Irmmtitnt A 'ttukt&li* ^?VAKOli * ? >W AA|?f f tajnj| Vf ><*#**#$ " ^ >y Jhl ?TAYI Ka IliE ADpTMl. *, ,r-?M ?. ?|i<|i ?lilllM . -rt,K: ll W'dMN^?4 ibm Antuti fcil?t, Kilter <%*!* -It** -.... rii,?<f,i.. . -#*? 4Wh| * dny or ,k> itidb. * A 1 k11pm ^mnr, mm ?*i mi }<tnn j i'i fce on? ?.f rtie lW.t ?di- | ^w>.? It* <JM.?f pamtydfr. j y*u-ufar^Yprini >(.-* ' . "%***- WorkL, Yo*k * Cautaaian.' r5Iw?-YWfc Trtbum*, and <?<>etfcr r| nwtfnpfifct ehotiilwnp th#?p*#ch ?<?4tonJ r SfirMOCi*, before;^* JVmo-. '* -emtio- I'Hiow Convt-miuj) at Alt>aW 8r}>'*m^f, t>o ritwivs Vug ttSir flfr' Oofirilibff*-' ? ? ? ? ^ "T??* $br^ voaoff P .r.-Ue i*v?i?t1r pnf> j TwtatC*. cfcrar ?igm?l -"1 ?y ntxitll M flftlJ . . WncO for<?ief)Or*. ^ft)?n, f?^ar)n_; th^v n ighl be>M*HA'\n tfN?*nMU?r*. .tk*t 1 tbefcniifT <h? |K'?r4? "?>>*? they branch -tx^ys 8V;?iuw?ril no *it> ??*?< " to Loiimnn*.- Tb? T?<??v >nyi>' # t^lilW yi 1k VN? of ll??*ijrf*?r< -vupjAken .o??t.?( }.> UwJ.; - ^n<3 f Urtcd *??rt t-oiloitcd lit- ^hjxo j rfeifbt. ?||<1 tin. ro^uoV nmrih wn* |>iavol 4 *Kmv ihv lu iufefc? lo>UkCb of U?u f **> ' ? "y ?? * ? *ROH THE BUTLtR QUARTS. *' "Oom^Mdmiwor Boathem Entorprtrc.! C>W jAiKd?r??T. ) >/.' Aj*l*ur, ieaa. j | ? : ' t?irt*rffri*<~- The weatlwr. haa j Ttecdftfa at Tint, fitid thn road*; an* drying rapufly ; the probability* I . an.'tHeiHor*, that miUrnry operation* I will ?oon>'cooiniene#, ntxl we will l>ej eoy.p. Hud to our cofnf TPthl# I \ ??inter .punter*. and liivouac dm iftff the.; ^ <mtH?M|P?,tHtli thewth ?? our l>od,nnd ! tin) broad ?rfttopy of Heaven "for our! <* Ii iprrrhr!! 'jjT^ j " 10 rour rr*nTe??, lo bar* ah idrp.i qf oiir " bnulc*," in which we have pa** j ' ?d tli* winter. Y?>n would l>e riirpdsed 1 to haow how pleasant i t and c-ii)f"Ma? j ' "Idy we h>nv*|K"iit the long. cold winter. Mor KrgiitYeut'hmi indeed l*> fort una t^,. j in not Laving any duty to p*ifurni biuco '.he lot Jwrnnry. - W e were on picket. Lot onor, and then oidy umnined two ' day* niul night*. We , inotrd to thU camp on the 10:h January, niul in n\' ft-w Vtairi, ereii nice*, had a comfortable haotv erected, with fire [dace end at! 1 Wtluflttf. If. in emprising huw Vnnp ft ' *??d can make* himself for living, wjili only an a*e, a few log*, n.good deal of dirt, and a piece of enn van. The tpcj&s VjtffriH ii i* a* viol lows: Wo first pro cuie the snplinpa, cm into lengths to uit the fancy, then notch them up, piy J jx/i fashion, to the height of from three to ?ix feet* htiilrl a chimgey to one end. place m ii?)gf> pole in the fen k*? coyjtfv. i*l? t??ir canx??, 1 he orKt U-i >nd ' _^aub with mini. ;i door in the Mile Or en<l, abd von have onb of our- * uttei >1" honks;" You a?-k how ?e manage to get rock or biick for the chimney.? ' The wtvv we obviate thnt difficulty, is ' to drive vuke? au und inside of the ' ' ebimnry, and tlieu till in the space ho ' -tweeu the stake* Mad' rhvinitey with mortar, make our fire, and hy the tune ibe Makes Uru out, tbo uiud is dry, M d Mun becoiuis as hard, js??ti almost! ? dutiable am biick?'iu fact it answers all practicable purposes admiral*!*.? >' That is the way the bunks are built.? j Noif for an inside \ieur. "Tim fust',1 tbing which meets your eye, is .1 bench or two to sit upon?hanging -aiolttnl ' the vail, you see the implement* of war,i tin? rifle and accoutrements, knapsacks *t-d haversack*. On tb- back part of t fie ; " bouse you see the ruder Ited constructed , ?fMnall p?>Ie? raised ?ciinn ft.oi or more! ' fu>to the ground, covert*! with pine j ' aixl cedar fops, mid now ; ?bo\> (bo fireplace >ou will jiee a rode shelf of * 'tough plunk, upon which is placed the'i 4 household **r?s, convicting of ?in pi fit t*,1 4 ) *?" and cup*, kpive* un<J*foikt>. 1**N?| -afiove ooiHiitulM the b<iur"<r)jo! i mid p kichrq bed, board and i>ag j g*g*of a email, mii ttt-n an laiye hi mil v . in caanp. Having given \ dWtjpiion f l/^>?lev*ou h*v**r? idea of all, n? they , are all <5* inrled njrnn the name plan, I ' W* only dii.ereme hern* in iho inside!' ? ~ J c -?rt;<agetneiifa. A ine*?, whiah hns in ( it a roriuU'r poaersripg inech?Blcal skill, ? fvili, of oouoe, have h " charily M trtore) * ? facufnllv and needy coudi uCKtl, bnt ns |' . 4> jgciMnal jhing.-ail go in for c*?nif<>rt J . tort than pood looks. It \**nld Mir-I v V*tc? tliofovho haOo never mid iuaef ' 4 ? I wont j fort or looro i? left UiiMtlf^ln <?-ot". of ouch comMWL < *?rv?<, io w Itich ^jBtfSoiirpy ny ^ rTHily judge tWb c?lT*oTftrt? OFfitlrme?, ,1 frnmpiwe^n Wowpwy, bydbojwitdHioo. \ jof ttoo^ i-treetfc r>9(i tents. .It might J* * duty. 'rfhftuid'jdenMfflityiNtlinn# hijiwi h?oipg'iw3fr"drilfif per Intoy 9 j-.ii/-s, mud mmt\?mf>4*Ht im the *(?*> boun-^-l ? the ordff arcie hifosj 4 n'S^k.^ 9h? time -4 Wivtfft <fcitKlSV^)pi?y a lAVgc'num- 1 her ilk gMV?e* ofsfytrU-e-*MqWi? 'WH.* ?. " eet " ** bstli potr-* in >m old Ji?ld , n*:itr the coirhptfv. ; fb*#r> ginne* nre t { .p itih'ipftied in by ' i ffiivr- jt# Well' r\? fr 1* :?inwsehietM, nti^^n^l^tnhttf-il exercise f \ t V nil eit?n0*d,<--\Y? ifividn into two L purti^.-ncd -'fteqcenfly wl,?i? (he wd<>|,, cqt^itiy hjrftched, tlie cfctmrd t e J}] agues exciting- M to wfiu?h ?M? <**(i iimke \he gri?Hl?wt numUr of roijnd*. ? Thf?eiMk?'MMne litnee * mtuiv ns^frottt jf, forty tn f:f,y on ? sid^.nnd mgke over ,; ono blind red rouniW! \Vere-<yo? to p p??n near tiro pln^ -ground jqjtriug tlm M hour-' of ptay/yuir ??miM cueifyitnnuine ? yiflftrwelf neer some icrtionl U?us? during- '4] inlVitnisgtoTi*,. "hear (ho fbhuls of ^ laughter v. Inch brts*k ont.isnnTi the-eer ,] :?* miim ot?*of tbe.|?nrty uiiMe* the boll, g oi hi tunning l?fc? r/jynd. i? MjtK-k ojnt. ? or meevtrei bh length oh the ground. Ttv^sfvthihg mn?t have nt> fed, i* on old/n>ing, nnd n> it 1* with the genie* 1[ ? of b?ll, f-H when thc drum **?}? fofdrill, | c; the pH'ldle in ?lojj>ixjd. the ptiv-ground ! "j is ?oon d?**?rted, imd vhe crowd is m*ii j v returning to cno'p hI double qnick to j j, full in their pt<>pvi pieces for drill. jp lliere ifnh I ic*on no niAMfcnni "f cither mmy fjiice our' lH?r-?-exeept v ' ? attempt l#y the enemies' cavalry lo Co*.. ! "fti at some of ike fonts above. wliicfi w*? ; k jfloinpiir met, and checked by. our cav- 11? nfty tinder C?t?. Kn* Hugh Let-. j W? li'a?e rictM wtufi prfde and nfeas j j, urv of the signal lepwUe of the Yankee I u\ I urn <. I ill fleet at Chailealop, ?nd ?ro| only *vrty 11 > h *. if <vy did not attack mir ! j batteries again. One of tha boasted !in>ifr'.or? !iAi?^onejo D**y Jonas' Mti*-, K?d lied *]io two olle.s rehiaiucd fo?g j ^ enough near Stumor Vt gun*, ihey would j C)| lisvy followed suit, and met >lio s<tmt! > .1 Futo. What m Uow| of rage ntwl'tlisHp y [xtijii inert lit at repulse aroused at the ; sfoilli. c?fi Ye seen from tin* manner in j (<| which, -their j jurimh sjaak of it hs?i<} lefeuitiioinioco, Hiid the effect i- seen in j c;i iDc*4i*? of JJtdd In Wall Street?ihcjy #u? we were confident, that, under j I he leadership of the gal'ant Henntegatd. er ill would be well?UotUChnii-^ton V '?5p . v . i 6afe4 and font victory would igninpeicli fj, Mjx'ii our standard. Charleston still p( stand* in all her beauty and tn*j<i*ty. . CJ< hihI long^nmy she, the pride *nd jn adiniiaiion of every Confederate. thclw object of envy and hatred lo every A h- C( niitionfrt. " 1 j i I ui We we happy td say to the goo?) ] io folk* at.borne, thai h groat, deal of in- j <j) I?-ro-*i is inaniljw?t? <1 by iuhdv mouthers j i?f^ri?r*HHj|in4o nt tln? time on the tub- | j-'ft t?f r*Wgb?n. Onr Ohnfiliriti, liev. I Mr. Smith, a**i*Jed by.the l?ov. Mr. M MeCalinm, Chaplain of tlio l&ili II* gi \fti ment. low l?een holding A series of p'.y. .j sr meeting* durin^tho. pa*tMw? weeks, w itnd lite result of those meeting", tinoug'u ^ ilie merry of liod.dia* been the con* ^ version of goodly number,' nod an j earnest inquiry tyy yianv t?e?k of thel|u way 'of life eternal. These prayer I? meetings Are largely attended, and from M all appearances, there ia eyiitjen'jy. .* w jieat revival about commencing in tliis liripfade. The hearts of out chaplain* f(( sre deepl? mnvqj in tho matter, and ; |(< they are doing all iu their power in f ^ futberance of tlie good wooik. all { it home who ./eel an interest in ll?r .. member* of ibis command, and of the n( toldiaea generally, pray earnestly that H "rod ill continue (lie w<>rk ? that it nay stden and deepen nnlilit embrace* ^ he wboSe army of wirthern Virginia. A'e do sincerly trust that what we now w| vnness. mav l.? l>nt ih? ? f - * * " n eviv??i which wi.r fm'jrHCB mi llie |, oldio??io it. '' Y BtU wo me eating t*w> leng'hv, nnd ? vill close. The Butler* nre oil well, j <(1 wf h>? Anxiously looking forward | 0 tlio Htiivn) of fiivud O. A. I\ attain Hn it cmiriji. , ' malcome. bt A in an* Comfort to Tiir. i?j i'he N. Y. Ook^fJtr complain* bitterly li:u the Brihrli and t'oieign Bible f>o? iely, in lending $16 000 to the C?>io * nierHie Kmie* Bible Society, to- be l ^ ' ' rcpnid without interest when Con fed ) wl Hie Rolen hi*' mi par in Kiiglaid," nets I rn 1 on the faith <f ihe ixjrecietl of J #|) lie bomh," mid "given not only aid ! >n| comb>tt to die i?be|lioo, and <l?>en ' vbjil KniRO to iitjuie iDc chuhu of the! '' jiml." ^ * A" ti.i Dear Snteryrii* ? 8ww iwy U?> . ;o|an^miyiiot>t ?ome thing* ft int?r*i*t. -(qpi? rotaf 5p ?iu* )u9iiji^kV,!^on m 1 came o* i liicb I haresoflereu wjf3 ^ .??*; .lw id, w)mi??*-a?*?**?3i*nl *ff i btflfolk. Supping! l?*?i <k*4f v.wtiM " ojthe tflWV&i r, *o<??HJ*r \f W < riff Jin fiwv^? j lite, u t"fe,.?H) j&n ***] j t? j?iffOMH*t ft%' I d|KlV J ;nowJhw? UH*dUJ#i?f i?i rLe'ttfof lift 1.1) 7.ih i?nu). ^wfcwi 1 I w<J?W wot'h? jirutJoot a?*flAUi.beiv 1 Diinv ttoopft We Piwe, enough, , i Q^te* to accomplish t!io.*u?l ?a ?&\v.? \e ai.c<nct)iu{>e<I. <>< rNttiir Kiv^aofrf." 'j Hine three tnl^e this bij *i picket every tliitd 'fUeA'atfk* oive v?Vw<i-il very prir->ning ilie town,.' ticdioMJ lvi,|i uwy j ivc^i \i i TV UtnU-r ' >r more 0??n: <itf4?S *? cm nh?*i>, < be work* nre much. elevate*)und (kirk- ? i het Willi pi>inl?f<I Noli*. reminding one t f a liugQ cl?evi)l(lef?i<e. ntfo^viticr uu I * glv looking plAee Qr/tel. \VMM< iiv Ywnk*yvill coiner ^pt V' fight uv ?' 1 Ard Co detrrmroe. Think it rnther 1? Ottb'.ful. Tfiere i* liflkvy hklrroisliing* j oing on daily. Now Miid'then ej.nie? w kltied ami o'(ten* wounded. Sotnc f fk ego, nn*. |fr.'*ff*rct?s fi<?rn Union, '[ F the 51 h Sunt?) CxroRn* Keghndnl, j as killed in n t-kiryii It, alao one truiii j leoigia, Riitl fomc others wounded,-t ' k~..',.rl.l .1 ft-*.-!-' 'f ....... ? U>U UJ5"1 ,VB ! Httced our I'ne r<f pit'VeK mnK lwo_j undred .nixi piaced them in f-? ii;> the m:u? The next i I lorniug 4l<?* Yanks wui out u regimen t " ? drive-hack otw'pickets, I ut WW! HO* '' Kin to do so..' Kev*o?| ef^hont were; ,t ilted J^TSct wounded. A ferf iter we HilntnecJ our line still fi.ltier.' a low otis pickets ?r? i)o:tr C-Wongh. to | * ick oti lijC Yankee ollieer* when t4?ev .j ^ [i^t on tfitir tonki. J{ OLay Geo. 'nltnoked T : to enemies gtiiibont* with hi., ttiiilh-ft'J'1 . t * xj j] iauoliug of thejn. jAla-aib .fligh t j,., i? jauks ouulank?d j?iin. aini-c?fp:ur- I *i I fi*? of our. bev. gons. |.*n urfuilry j ni mpnniv", nunihfiinj fifty noMi each.'**1 id fot|y oanoneers, including nil the" licet* of tlio battery', making in y le hundred and forty men. The hat i" ?y wsu ?Slriblitiu\.. the Miine which i-^ n.*.J.-iikhls and his sharp *lutoler< 1 ?', ijifitred hi-f ira u.? year.-- ' j lcio wote eleven gnus in the battery. ^ ? i weie saved. .1 nnder-tand tiio Gen b rd.bav been relieved- of ir* command , ilea the duster. It is nlso nOurudf at the North Carolina Jh'giiiifiit slip j ^ >rling the battery rat?, and hence tlie j p | Haiti. 1 i?is again is denied. It wa* wl badly managed affair. ' lit* mo.n ere captured wjthouf filing a gnr., so nn|iletely \??* the suipii*u. Tlie uext 1} Jenkins* sharp sdooteis pitched in-j j, i the gunboats and drove -tfftn off p :>wt^the river. Great tej'.|.?jftg fcmong ! b it* Yntlk?$> the nij^t TTf the capture, j ? jt| dtummed aU night. Our :i)engen-.j nliyhad the *' blue* " about it. On j/, oikIhv a ft or 'I e tight, Captain Uihvtr j y id, front Uii(A?i?f, and h nifiilw of t\ 10 State Convention, was sent on picket j ^ ith fifty men near where lite gun . J mis weio. After establishing hi' li?* ^ ' pickets,he rtarted 10 the rear, where! e was instantly killed l?y a shell, ilej wml i( coming, fell ai.d lay till! n struck tpe ground, and then rose and P arted on, supposing it would not burst, j '' lie?* lo ! il exploded, struck hint on lite ! q ?ck and jaw and wevemi his head ' tl imrt Hfe body. His remains wrre *en? J nnc. TliU-t UM fallen another otic : w "our h;?l mgn? He wn* an edttcatod, j ^ ilidied, Christian gcjnlomiin-r-nn Kl? n tr-in the Preabvleriun church, ale- i* volent mas with a large fortune, and p biave. gallant, officer, 'Ibe last aer- 0 ou he heard, was tbe^ day iiefuro he w killed, from the ie*t: " For the -r eat day of His wrath is come; and jc jo ahull lie utile to aland ?" Ifev., *i: la '. finch is fire fate of thousands. 01 :fore (Hir ?rri vijh-near Suffolk, the ^ inks made a watch-tower on a large f( no ireo. ii Hinn<lH not\ve?!? our re- c< 'ved and out p<?M picketa. When y of our men a wend 16 it, they ?hoot thciu. Orn. Jei kin* liicked thorn 9 other itiglu. ' He had (Untied an old it of clot hue with fodder, ftxoj on ? y, t, and hv night Imd tb* fodder innn |> itioued in thu l<x>k mit facing the ?v nk?*e bntterio*. . 'I'lir next hne niny ' ? ?? 3'xxl daylight cam*. the rxntpe n! fed Yank* lei lno*e with n vcngeiK*-.. 1 riling the s tuMime watchipafr 8 gffft mm wen: out of the "trboU.*'! 10 t*?!ihmnn coolly, and witlianohle i it * * * I , ring, m ood tie.vl ituvl iuini<f-.'bJ? , '!< =? == hnlf hour, lit* ofcl M M diMov*r?d in iiin^i ><yiun? ^ihnji rimiii n rjnr men, but burl no on*.?Adieu. T TXarV^ik?r*^iNJnr jTHtfUT f * "^^T-riTiIfmk^ *' p'j^ wilb ?e<i 4t^Tftl>UiH#W&1'f lw^ligbb tikeX<lwl|fe% r^bycgjW!^. fr? einjf vtyw ios below fpwp nj^iiV *1 wm our pey..iou uenr.,Uau?''?? ? Grg^mg,*.* p.Mcnt rKi)rt>^|-t?VmlyjJ|.mr4^a?i jfVKr?j^ *?>?<* 4?**j1 12 ?n;..nW &?&!&* .tug. miyb : "tfo tlK bung Of kku.W'-fi l rug- io~<1mv. L?i?lU,*iUt?4*rjfj>??nug fur*; (nod*4efar|,w n?e *\? p^t>:? ; Ulg *? ???? 1%. Wt"?i?l>u>U; ?M ?J^Ae.^4W VJ? iMf* ' " C#? %*, * **ViJV: : 4ack?u>. April ?0fx To Gen. S. irBrngihg ie? gUM* topb. K>j*fer?l , 'lirv fir.' upon our Q>?nrJ | MW nl 8 n. <?* W ?*d#iin?t2. ifid*** lit<?nirpt i??* ?ix hon rs Slid <r)bal?', lull her- wiiluLew.* SSi-vernl (4>hu u*ert i tppireuiiy damaged, wi\l orve dwuMi .1 whh. Jl i?g on Abo I^iu'imhiih shore l/fltVv )*r Ibkt whs lltreo killed, includingJGnl. , IV do. l?en. How mm, ob o^of oriiiiory, uiil twelve or. fifteen wore v><y? tided.? , ilepitir-s .Hrw-iieiag til rule, yn.l we e\|>evl? HO ? renown! of Alio nUftuk to-morrow. | rrMU*MHrM^iu?0?sl H.iih UyojM were In iglrt lujt iueqiive- v Signed] . J. O VKMHKRTON, Lieut. Gvii. ikiiiiiiiituliui!, ?-?- .? L Hptxivo riir. TVo- iui- J prevails that theiv ?in n tv&teui \ ?T between the block tiling lleet. t-ir OhWflf lon linrhor Mini Immt *r)iiinci8 who Witt# in ihfikw ri'*"!*. unbrwriryj *u^ii ihi?^* * (five iilw* *tirl nor ?. thiol V- !.") our fine m?i tiecp'lti.'i) oyr nietf of* ?ie |, tied ii hi.V fiinnntr. Ii -ir ?wf>nre<lj< lint il.i?' t ftfC'lt i? practise*! because i I il *.I?*? cnptur*<r by llif ciiotYiV j rv*.{ riplilwd eitlm' wit'n trnveininorH! or .IriiiB? ? ! tended. h>r the mp( lv|| ?f ihc nmiy, . ??o li?' ff the ' tad. or Vy. Uw I4wvk*dti? j in?- lv?M> n?!:r?f.- MlKh a li-l wonlo j ( brow .ihiv^> bKlit .(ti rLv I:' i Mxr'uJ rhow v? iuiht?r the unprcs-ioti J. <01:0 ally entertain*?] i? coiteul or not. ; ? >t\?Ollior nihrlfvil fuel t?dd-; nrlij'.h to h?.MO.p ciM\ of tlliw ^oilu j'e iot?-i*t*Vhwt ibe vcs.fl, IjuT-h with oot- j j m ht.'S in?* ;,1 ?tf res, winch the Yankee* j * et??J so. ranch, me t-c! loin ?f ever, oh j? uncled in their ou.w.o-J vuymjO io ibo i ' V?->i Indie*. . ,j, If ibv'o i* enough in t?K> face to jn*- j f ff i)tK in.|?r?trlfii?- if the uoiMi f. r in country i. goinjr o?U t?> hnuifiljV Hukwj???nuffeiurmii, mnl the blovk-jj io *pecul?;or? me runuini* in only ? mflo*? inn] (lootl* i||M intiv c ?j <)i?f>otoM-ii wtili, while the thiujCH hoc *s?ry tor th? nmiy me iutei cop toil?' ' i? iUAtt?r if worthy of the o.|>nii i! otire of the C*overniuent. A little in enii^Mtion will eiuiJy disprove th? *??-. iuioii or con Sun it, nhil lb? subject is , f mtUi'Jiont itnpoi <?uioe to tUonand it. ^ | Jiirhnnmit ' L- ~-~J -'V. ?/< , CoN-FKllKit \T4 N(>T?I. KltNDr.O. Tl?? * monni lit* Tr.amicv KoUs? funded in light iVr Cent. Ih>tid* for a few dave " re>i>u-? to the 22/1 nil., mcUiaire. Iia* ecu n? follow* at tlie point* inenuon* J: - ' ?barle*fon %1S 245 700 * '<>liiml'i.? . .. . . v- r 0 049.00U ireeuvilTd 1.000.Q00 ingn^|ji, (in .2 500.009 . . . i . 1.584,090 . lontootnetT. Ala . . . R 000 ot>0 ' N}ter?bnrg, "V* . . . ^.**>00? 4 yndiburg. Va . . . . T,700 000 ' 'outillbu*, Git .... 1,407,000. J As 1?>I) as Y.\nh<et>o?i.?Tli* 1**1 i I timber of lite Madrid (Spain) Cvntrm oranrs replace it* tlrsl article by the illowhtg line* : -. , Fitni. at 0 oVloeW tWbr morning a lovernnient agent cam* ami MippiKMed ire* paragraphs of our leading article. C*0o?lly,jil linlf p**t nine another agent ime nnd prohibited igx otlie* jvim raphe.' "Thirdly, at a qimitrr to ten ? rird agent called and snppio-soj tin* snntmder of tlie article. '1 lie incident i entirely new in tli* annaU.of the re-w. Y'ei it i* said Spain ponserse# a omtitiiiioHal Government. . . 1 , ' Ark all readers Aware that tbe poppv, i addition to flint moat valuable tired*]J inp. A|rtihO. ftw which nrr Mihslilule can ? found, afford* ? tn'iM Hiid axcilenl ' il for t*!/lo u?e ? If each and every f irrrvijr pl??t?C?? the P?PP) even In a muhII j tteni, we shell secure opium sufficient ? >r all demand* of the army and the 0 notry, and may aUojndd Uigely to our * ipply of eala^l oil, t 'J he poppy and [ ?< file yield oil e^ual to tiiO best FluieOce L r Lucca oil. j 8A*AAPRAA lllXttttOlf A Sum>TTTfTTfc Q B (rBKKN OR JJhAOK TkAs?if ill?' fi lo?M?ni of the mtsafni*, (wliicli will * r?\v ?#Wnt he jn full bloom,) l>e gat le ' ed and dried in l-hc fihmle. bo *ed m huikinp tea, imteiul of the, Of* it will Ik*, found tin excellent itwiituto for tea vriiicli m?w soil* I *" t from twelve fo fifteen dollar* a I ennd. lly many whd lifteo iried; , , it ia pronounced to he H nio^j tmoiuu* IIIT'} j'MMrtible hevymjt*. ? : - only'<1 oa'gbjw a?>d tliirJ child and' < Ana II. Afid?r*oii, and was b?t? Mlttame*. Titta, -ewnh*. nn **? * VU*tnbwr, 1W0. * t?l?t bnd baan for nearly j OtMMjpanton, a^rwe^y "BemSwHEy^^S^ " ii^lPjWlTMtlff" A Urea airala af ir?a iMpoa*<)>)? to convey *>7^?*jniM*, * /}' jjjfcgiw in?n ?r?? wy ntthpriM | tftjfctfr'lmt which *o? hir-wSOr hor* *?.?w>i hcr.f ^a*< h*4bo him <-reaU?*d? in. <d? fcnowl djte t rtul ohedioncc of Kk ?<unc Saviopf, l'ho.xa wh.p hn?w. her beat, can beqtJtfinV fc'ow. with'ftit theac MwIkmi^ shetMtTicr. * 5aU bMfh-lf't ahxw^ without liomwanr* in ttfe 1 UlooJ t.fac?n#.?.JIcr4?w? ii*wotUii?c? om * . iMlttr ??f vtuftent %ckno>?lcit^cinantf' The1 affile tin? Kkh (? hf the' Ilea ratify Kwn-r w*a1t Wa1*>M#?rt at tha rod eliO?>iii)K "*??* to 1*m( ! i Ur ??*? ehnaly u Hito. and with **?* tec ,' the *iun ebo ntynr.ied, she jriolded Itsmelf toil* . Anke: flR'pftatf BfTVtns to dire t^cit bej\ jr. aw?t iwcoiona to 1 at enttl. T?? the ?roe? ffl*L U?t>.p ?* to Jicr only hope. ra<ttit?K "ff 1, /1giU*o?>>"(?*, cut! fejlt.* hoc uttar Inability J | lt)haerit anything frviin God. or to do an* thing i ta me* hernHf. 'TtWt knowledge llio* tijwMo | ?f Jtft, ? ? deair?d *liou!.l be *J'?ad I by all, an<l eyy.-eAabjr those abamoct Jwji- | ly loved. JI?r mot tTtnxfun?.hfttyiiYs w?nv up. J on this rnhjeet. iwrd f.-om thttn *ho found Co ' reiiaf, aavo in tb? oow?t?iU i*ft?;>??Tinr to floJ ' of iicrcrtc* Ho JTM>t. that tneso Tent* in not n,,.i!i>nci -.1. tt*r c!*?M i tn thrn'luy oVrO'it, and ber- -\ orlop AWh?H ' fcneiilia'. the Knrnnt-. of-t?%r* own. JloCae- L ftoU, r- wyll, as tthem with nJtow *h?, w*? |, ' foCflt' In (?fllii?t,^gjHiiVr tetin ^htpra o.onnn j> to l;Lr h'y tho Vicefeft i'ltrflify tiaa, know thai ' ha d?-op fcc.t'n/mofhey li?*f?*hr??fcc forth oftcfc i 1 In totf? liiiifftaad cTotjUaiil words, thau?a*atipn* , ' of em-tiest doairf, lima break in? ?S>wr tho i i. ra of-li/bafti-ally tii^hl dl?po?f?i?n a? * Wi'.h.'V tlti*. *'w WfitdS Jeettb, most ?to- :J |itei(fty ill iier dhily life, wlih wliieh rop ' mm* ?n ron' ih-? tven (#r Utr briefest' ' l>'-lhr4, \rjtV ??t <lr?IVII. 1 'V hor .ejll ' ' i.vtltmci.t of'Cbi v inoro cI<|k4v to it?1 J ii*n.1. ; ' ' < t i.!1 Th*fh<*t.? fhn. Imperfectly-pti?fr?T.' fn'uht j c U? nbuo JsnHy Hh.ktritol. ,"??*?t wtikr frnm f '*?, bp.-;ir.n?:iv W by ArMjiig-. (iiily for hrr.oTit r )"*, which >1?<t fift.' |i|^ Ivl iorl h^K Tint. 4 ? 11 vm-', (4m v> otthl ehflnk /m'hiI bio prtl?-, Ht'mJm her fhot?<?fi'U, ?n<l lp hi>f l??*th (Jo -con fiction of (M* i<i'iiiiiir?nM(, K?)e 1 (leoi lo ?H ixwpt t hw?e mint iytlpi*' e. f' it- 4e? tlrfyt* of lioKUf illnc**, however, j li p'arcd uioet remarkably tJ?i''e oil h?r?rtcj\ NVrtm entwflte themory of thn?f |n? JWIJ (Vein thou* permitted to |wmtl th?m with her. 'It,wllJ rerompHity i if fllotirf the |>at)iWny of lio^Je.Aobiiij/, corn- j ortluif. jmrif\i#i2r. omI flltio-jll r heart ttitli j r|?iqrmi* for the fV.'lft that rh^i'v* j ^ heeofro'd, nn>1 for that Wiodroithpo w*r o( * ' [WiY, fl'.t! tlnW* Merged hope* of mlvatinn 41 itci imntortitlHy which from a-iofnl if the ib.Mt, c.An ihtj* ntlk < hil l of pffil. wi?h lfi? spirit. l?M?kh?|? to Hrtrveii as ' ir home. at.?l fec'.iojf n ooumUtiee without i <!?*? ? ??f ||U inhtfned, Hi. providential ;ftfu d'i'1 III* machine lyh and purpose*.* M?v nil who kiu-w her, reck to follow i?r n? ?he fiillowH Christ. S P. B. Li. .. . I'.Ji?J NOTICE. * BAVfNO jturf retnvntd from tbf ? remain it li.n..e/? shoi t time, t wonhi 1 h- very IltAOhfW ill p?v eo?re i?i.lit#J'.lO ] he. WftttW settle by Osrfcor Tftt*-. I Also H visit tn/rhwr op rho tirrn of l?.F. Writ Jk ft Jo. Thorn ind.hUd vl(l sail un l i ,? ettl*. * JESjjliK.STOXK. J May 1 J 8 * NOTICE. . J A J,L person* Iftdvtil*<t to.tho 'Ketatr of tV. ]*; G- OAHIIKTT, Deperted, *r? r?< fnire?P to oioke p?yio-?t; those h.tviti^ iUIims picaent U???n"|?roj?erlT ?Ue#|e.l * rjor* IV. BTtlAJ-i. 1 M*J 1 . I J - j STUATfctt OR NTOL,?*, I" IU "Pfer>M JAM K?< X 11A MM PIT. fioih ()r*?nvUI? Court , tigfcJU'l.ion ik? tut of April; )?rpr, . I?vk, AlARKV MIJI:!., *lili ? rok? on h?r' ^ >rck. Any por?nn Uavtna mm M?i1? at lylrn Mi'llanm'V, *? Orcrnvillt-C. fl., or auj mftrrmn1ion ? may g*t l?*r, 1 wii) ? >?y tifloon dolUr?. r' JAMJAR llAMMlilT. * Ma* 7 1 tf. J SSAXfi OF SOITTK CAROLINA. M)J'T AND 'liWI\ (JHNKRAI."* OKF1C& ! C?. V,. ApHl *), 1863. , ^utwtAK. H| >v. *- ' *? - * u- '' - " " 1 Iw nniwi?r in inc ninny ihqnirioc nihlree*. | > ed to tlm Arfj'iMirt Mini IlitpiKlur (?< ? ' M r*\ in rrltiinn l? the provision* of rh? Art rs' if the General A*eemh)y entitled " An Act I C i?r the I'HUt orij/?iiiz4iiiiii of the Miliitn ! nd for other pur|M>se?.*'.f>iireed nt lu Int^ i * eentow, It U hereby made kmtrn thnt.iwi ? ordint? to the enOi-lroelion j.f e*Ul eel ne | "1 dopteig nLthi. ottioe, un^s only between ; A lie egee nf fightren (itiHJxftif yenre nfe norr lelilo io ordinary tnifili'i Jutij, Which doty bey 'ni-Ti h<|iiir?il to perform under the ojfimand of the Militia ojflerr* W'bont ITn?rd to the Qr^onisMlinn nl cooipnnief fioiyd for arlire ermine, in nceordenoe with I'-wrnl Order No. "to, Webed from IItie (flee, net that 111- Pntrol l/owt Itnv* In IK* rtie hern n)t?oed by the recent neU Uiui-h ng the >iii)nin. A. P.; OAlt.MN?T'?N. ? Adft end Ir,?p Umernl tvooli Caroline." Nrtv V . 1 1 W ZW l'afiort of t||g Ktatc copy once. Wanted. A CLXRK IN Tlih. Pi*>l" ofrjCV. AP 11 f\ IM.V 1MMKDIATBIT. April 2iih. Idea. J' ''J - | ? *"April>t/ 'M #, ij vy' . mt \% - \ 111 JI I 1 II III III a.??u?4>a. * ' BATE3* r?* SJE* ,z? nil 1ia>1 ?>B ACopr>?? <*'>*1 ??h' ?n<l l>UMe ov^lrt, ' AtW ?* v.vrvv U??*. A* hn??-Va(J>?r?Wa l**fc.?i??i Uqnli? *polU ?a wu?k wkK 8y M A VWtll fvlrtl'Vf pAwl* WltW Kim. win JT of Rrtjr ikdlnr^ ft ?rl,)io tv tfitir. hiAtu^m io *tf i^2 ?uitat I can *el yf fft AijIV Ei liAHrtia for ehher of Mirin, i.i'Nrifs t?. prejciCr." ' Tl?j*MaA*<lrWr*, 8.-U. W> - v * [j^if^^Jr^T4hr% ihuT>t%r*ru? forward tr?r>'*nWHv ?n% At )m latid 1? r>>r*i :?~. -" Ji. . H. 4>. I .a.a i? .,. .1. 'iia'1 '"v."* f^y.i'^*] Jlolwe. OrwVfhrtlYfMt ATotuwrtaM R., | PIT" * > _ rLK ojuppMV nVs- ovi-iu* *1} iKittiyij/*!}'! for fl-'l.'rtd fp It* t>Mfifird. *ti<l tini lo 5>V ft ?L on.** file* {? it \n ffoixl T?rrfpr at, >lo1?Vtf m?.Hc<Tl. Thf Oo*?pw?y iir? #rr? lor. 0ol*?" wifl t ip ?i il. r. 'I f<? liijtpt-ii. kiiH ! re.uop!,. nr. CHion Un owf) upowltV fTK>lr?a<f U' hrnW *m1 iilong tfi* lwt? ??i rb? Ho*<i, ah lot t w.-ipurl lor. Unt Uie unvAtrVri^i. 1 yiy?ltjrNtwi^*f(i to fit#, ! >Tip xfoJin, nil iw- aril 'Vtnyt^p frdnifllor VtiiM*. Sun oil fv.riin nir*t o?i?t? ftotn it* not i-^in >h? mdrtrHl. n." PorooMa ?Krrrt??4 A|? Ijrnturlrti lo Vac (\jl loii At Uou.u IlliiUjl ir to lit- rliljijw ? ' ' '! Ku,v'. hv jr - tnt. rfc??i?KNT.: April? XI -f* ffico GrScarilio * Otlxmbik VL B SbbSBmS ' OubT Mill A, A rail. 16. f^IlK lUtat (I of iiiriotor* of ibi* Corapnw I l.avo Ji-rltu-cTn DtVfDfifi D.oC r?l Sf V Cli.VfS CXI! (ilJARlt on tfia a^tpitA l-Vlt of wiit Curttfriny, f tt j*N? ??l llii% o|S? II atoTafiertl'v 1*1 of Mtiynrxt. > -S . J. I'. bOi'lHKJUN. . . , AuiIiUt anU Tyairfturrr. " Ai ? il m M ETATJ* 0* SOWB CAEOLIEA, vKJKv.m riifHi KKrr. T V F O.Tri ff'v Jninvt wSriT" ^ ~ il . v?. ' 1 *?r t JU?L/L'f% tl*MM K?ilh, ) . ?** [T eopoeriug io my ?etWe?a<to tM L VKU U KKYTU, fW-n.W In UA hot' ??* * reftdf* lifvon^t the Hnehe tele: Ordered, TW'the Stolen.! it nt As IrAA, $D*W?t or <loinnr u? the TeW ftu nlW* ft%m 4ft? pitMh.itb* tr*>f{ ?* tke ca>u? wli) J>? token pr? ce* TnoJirsi'V. < ?.?.?. ConmiMjoitote oMcr, March IJJ, fSe*.* M..rM, 2A fi ' ^iiirMtii^ A IjnTVEn, ? fln? lot of WUon*fft??*is4< fV 8ALT, end u.enttlWcteenlJ*9k. ,?btd uky U bed at ne?ia?t.U prkAe, e^?hol?*U |r retail. , *? J \ GEOUQ* KKLDMA** * CO Mer 10 M i; tf XtottCp. 1MIREK month* eft*? Ant* At'^ieellai wfjl be miOte fof ot Orttt? Mo tor four tfBafoe of il|? Mont) 'eruHne JtellroeH Co.. eiul Qnntli W^fiele jtiiiueJ Hitnlr, et?mirt'i{ it) thr iHttoe o OilN X. toANW, Ik* origin** h*vii4 ten loetor iwieteia. *" **? . - ? ^ - WrA-TftPniyx, ' krt||tii|MMtiir, OroonrllJo C. H? 8, .,#<*. *tth? Ikon. kVL M <4 imwiotT^ Ttut n, 1, .i.i- ?- - - | .... - IN .Mlf pr?0?1<** W ll h?r?t<'for?-i-xMtibp-I>*tWT-I J *r.. A. B. CROOK k A.J).- HQML Is di*. VivmT lijr tin* d-i?:.h of (lin loriuvr. ?fot<4 nd Ac?i?in?? dn* tko.Ppm, ikfe (u vh# and* of th? ?t?r*ivine psrtt'W. A. f>. HoKV, M, T>. 1*R. A. V. IIOKK oril! continue fit* famer* at flic same Oplee formerly ooemdcdd.s ?e Firm. where ho rnor i>? found afl our*, nip-ht nild day, 'wi'mi I li'lfwr *-"][ *?Atfed. I>in Mhn-kirfi <) tiring hi/ abee*?f* I bin Office, ihf Iimiu <?f Mr*. Crook ? ol. I)' lloke, vrill receive prd??>p? At1eiitlo?t A. k HOKE. ft. V. Jul * 17 JI tf IAMES MUM ~y J > J f ' ^ k& ESfc? DEALER; rW%U ?' WartfeTjjfi*f?F Womi .prompt } | "J' * Hjy, , y? v vW \A ^-v*^NMpE Sl^ia Vi4f MB *?09 i i <Hr W" i ?nt?fitut.^ir l*w .MiWibtvM^tt ?l?4 >. ?*?$!?*..* *-* ? * .*2 JL fit. ? |t i j->:rvl ?>|'nit nil Htrrm?. nf?j^*tra(?? t'l-J C4/ft'i i.rl ??H i-itljwn# ht* . % Hi ill? A?*H|?l?}y.. ?attH>r''Ali Aat to: - n? -T-V fm?Ww?i11 * j.t.'lubiUiu; ?H? ris?^??Uo*<??Prft*Wo?? W V*K*?''"th A, I). Hff f r . Si.?*. at^.i -1? f amis mtwssihsi ; i IJTKKMS, KIV10 DOLLARS. i l'rr**nt- tHifijn I life .N?ll*r* ,?1T1 ???lj y I <>T. Jit?iiI ft-r tfiK hn?iin^,;'i*^Qlli I jl? *11.n ?" llnr^i.i rr??? i(i. clW - I j,ri: ril.c d?A????fcl *?'i Ol j-.UfMvjmrn.. *?j k*'* ?.fiitji, rnM* . v r J. A!! r <kTir\?'<f muH I I e>??i??in h ?\*uip fri 4*Wt ' ,V I I-' ?8V19|^?^?*Wo^,>* I '. -* A ^-r. '*-#?' >?. k .f ? I * '* ~'? ? ?I kffiiiimiibtmttv' n?v??A?5rflfw u?*v^or> I tfwtejftrffiff ihi'U". L~c4i<rg *p?. W rH? SWut!). ?iflj ^.uU>-e?i? .'-fl \ . <+?rrmmit' Ytt- I niir-uni, Ar t)>r*? duljihi ty>r. ?ht Jiumili*-?J** I At iK? iSj% H*?HaW h pr> tufljjTifi '"< - jul I Z'- ?t r. - AjiVtttiu.KiirFirr. 'r' wf Wrj ni ihf ' MnyrfjUi* ^r?Bv/? ^V l>t>El>M*r AKNOhtV?vt l RA(*lU)T. ^ fo^ (,r. jiurcjlf ir^^teuteisir* (i KBKS VHiU? ^ ? Tfcrrfw* ?. *ti?t 1TF * ' r " UtaH^A J. Y */*> a^J 'a. l?*W. J i w..J5iy zsi h lytnugin tVfcUwe j.f.tW Ofc.flf' M.MlnU?Mh.f fUAltl.JX J. DX^Ul.L 1, - *Wu (mm ?4 *)il^t * IMh of Jhfr i /( M 1f.?f h* 4? ?*?*? **** - C#NVtM|NT * 0 WttHWUf, ; m > * ^J&ttsnuSI l"?? "I W)f*n*ilU, wliertMi I u?w rr?id* 41. W?tf rotate* 2S4 Afref>?t( t>r'|?M Ft.rVjftWiwtr, +t.) ?pp\y ?Hi prJaTiM* *A*TUA LOWUAKp,< -g3L^ - .. 47 , STATE OF SOUTH OA*OU?l;f WCKRNk lUKTHuri .fci.'.'?v I ^ jAtroli r?<-k?i ?na ? If*. I r m * ?* **??? " r ;?Bt5R k?' * nd NAJi'LK^N (BA.V**Bc* Mid .Wlfc Mtf.LY. IMcn/!* .? In IK- ?W* c^/#" #.d- hoynuil ih. '??*?' ? ' SUM* : '<Vilrf. ?J, Thut rlif^Kl VjMC AWof of #)WM(> t?" *Aiil HiH within /Atm WAN/to *** ?* r*hl*0tii**.J,*r?vf? m tfc. A^'Vuu^HoS" fcVjT*" OtS^OAX ^^P^^TiurSN K during it" i-1 i, uf '>? 'fc" rr^IW the UMrenrtty. will i t..u M tfc? t'nfcv?rtfl* f?*W- VH?$ ; J?g,0?rfRB !?M? YKI#ueA?*."*VlW??* 1 lift qnarUu of fern wmk HW.' ... f Kh'iir ?l?-fcr r?A?r??r, with 58 mb fr>n I IiicMmiIsI HMm? p?f**U in TjJntl ? 4lood Bohi()itiKe?M b? bAdMt?5a?r . ' I Tbf ulm??t waloh-faro ?UI be 4*e#eww >r#?(<9*E tbe juorol* of the j.opili 4 h ot farther mfnrmufion iiMtW lYl|?1| '. P. 0, >:?wahp?, 4r*?? ilt*$. Ci, ,* ' - -%Mr: 1 .r .