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V* ' - ''' ' ' * ' (A P*r Abpnm, IH Air*urc. , . iL. . v- **fa?g an. ?a**t ??ird, I >? ? t*)** N '- .* -?v . 7 *? vaaporir caamumtow. .Jr'. - ?.' rqpjjlMc tmhe early morn, jn?; ' kindling t4it |? tf.?VtnfC lb* tkU with ray* of li?ing life. Arid we are relcpead from dbMfllHliiit t?w?taarjr jgUgaW- ktuln f he .ifcfr whl> hW jnataltlrM mnaic, ifl lay* of rap m l?r? that enrMt the heart and ?0*i/ire with 1 , .1.^l^jh -la *'? ?'<* ?L>-M?n oak, , ^ iu#t b*?lde eita and #iaire and 1 ami tab* in n inilleoiuia of??y. I4*# often , *awiep?d ?f?r ifeiWrlti lit ??V't ud 1 alt alone, drawn fa the lrenaur?? of hi* King; ' . which inducedtkw ton net; Thar* taa lwiUtr rti?t at mHt 0?y, . I'our* forth * *?#?t nwdlifltHnta Itj. f rant brtvn; bottgli, oartlrM tr^ , 1 * .And btvotbea tharoout, liia happy I.fart, 1 In un premvdiiat fd fUf I "I lruud i tint felfafn of M\jntfrl*v, . . Auapiciou* wrra of ma? not diaUnt dnir, , W ken 1 ahall cm I eaaaoguitird garba , . J.-a, . : * . 1 .. . * T? court the warmth a gaain) h??rt in- j it _ V.,v , 'When on. (*n altar bam tl?n? rrrtal dwi, Wbieh once .nkindJad, *Kb-n-tcU.aii.g 1 " ' | Wnk* the mmfr -d"awdln to fopl, . , . . TIwM piai?ni ^11 mora, * To rr'aci?vd*-Hfrhl aart. rapturous Love, , daiteaa lalaad. , t -/: ? . " 1 iInfos' JDrpnrtrattit. f . ? i ; i , ii ; ' HAVXLXHG UT OLD CLOTHES. - r . , , .1 Afar all? rood elothaa era a r*ry , i MM aid in lhair war ? at least I bare ( ' ^ ' anon* to,U>5nk *. ft^t arfv long aero. WM|1 "two Wf-aha MttcOr 1 "'ntiding ( V , 4ie r*U?t?a?{ ocfX't, chattinf with a r-"* end. whom' 1. had ?M4 kaAn in t#o , ' -arw, lik wtwlk-cofdinl maiding, end am MiMwy irung* to u?y to \ * repealed Ami i '* ; (1 iIidh K kt tftep AIWAV* o in thee* fine int-ci' %*. LHiring the f,<r nYaratlftOti tit* rt>at? ^ho hntf brought , a J *' ' pf*d up'to , ? *nd handed * hip my cheek, which i,kj ? ipped into my gocllirt without ? mock * looking wt it, "mm! |M>iA|( him Ux> ] fur*. I turneJ kadi to ihj yHrnd again. , ^Th? etf*t ipvrji under writ befor* w* ] '... phook Hand*, Am) 1 iuHnd'ii M-tpewlflA ] difficult tw obtain a ?o??i Hg*.' lfow?"* Ata^, t dhl w?"h Thg$*fcMlwit i?ueh the , *** ? ? n*rr Konf/?ur memory w'?a cnuntrtf* , Wk over pt?*a>?iH <t>y?ynmithg??riut{i j f n?jr f.itpdV manner clung to frte. * At the end of an kwur 1 f<ft oh ill v. , ( |ind dffW ld?Uh the Move, where a . , young ufAn of prukepa twenty I we be j Mqmiwilliwuir frUlf*%-m>on m- | rongh t**#renwt, Wnd nA'>*h*? with evi ( *" dAnl a.lprmMi. n tp^n Wm own. * fino broadcloth. Now. 1 tfoo'i pretend to , it* U ?liogttbw fro* from tenii* ; hot Mill 4 J meat tonhw that wHDl ] ha?e of thar j cottimon ingredient certainly won't per . n?it itaelf to h* pack*) away it * trunk ( ? 'with A auit of clollitw, he it ftn* ; Ami like a great man* other people in , this world of tike* ao?l di-liken, I (.d?pwa ? tha vanity which doM air itawif only in j > * a ftu? oil. j??i twoaniw it ia m>i lik? my. , .? owo I Mipfoa*. mid t hare* again I find u ' mr*lt l?kw mj neighbor*. No* tbU may ?onnd *foit?licat. add ( it <e agoti?ic*l, ton ; hot it nrcw*ary , tn thh? mm. J hud traveled m*n\ mil** , on Uad an4 left, and 1 had diriiad a t t' put df*l of 1ik*n> and kad v*rv little , wwtiad, for !"*? yecy nn*h>H* w?h~M>n , . |W dtaiOnee hat wean tdrarlf and a wall , reroeadwiwl firwhlr, where i, ejpeftwl j v'f .*>' n<d . up aau?r what I aa? | / tKripetml l thai belong* to me alona.? , "With dirty linen. my rough row 4 Wtuml op to nrr-throw, and mt oaf palled dtvdM o*er"f?? r OOofMa l , -|hn?t hat#.l<K>k<vl anything Wapron** ? ^' 7ba*a IdM* aprue* people !) h?vl fear ^ I 0** presented a vrrjr aonmaoa appear**c?. | ' Vary foedfcblr, I had' tmii my be*t ' 4?:' HMhn'ln my Ht?nk at the |*?t hntall ji? atopffd *. (and, a? aura *, my name i? Iwik 1 a|)Nll aavar be g,.U.T the 1 . AM'UP?" ' <""*** young ? f Pnmpwall a proud glance. I (railfy tt w*bii?fc ki* cloth** fonrrer and my % . own griar at one and the Mttsa lima. ? ? Alee for buoaau nature. , IMI tyj mm r^e, lirm tui) .T .... ift , '/ L a _ V j > r MII iiini , warn m i*m : " 'A >? jui - ' : - ' ,v'_n : l.V} fjm i,_i_ 1^'- -. !" ?* Vrt?np??aM drew kiivwdf.'prondij away ftva me jjtAw. tf U*ad Um S5Ai ?ddif?matf?V %tH * MM*t Zy inst poembW I ttfd : IW' I jMttVrnfciqt jfirl in tW-JMRlMRt em led her lip .corn ?oMy,<M n?r f*?. rn Uehnvw, no doubt.) and ? * * H<Up *?* of hoe bead, ?Meh f in^.od^HHw excotudefty **ib **tg*r~nobddy dote. Yon, may find f?*fl wiik the giamt?r in tbafc. twit 4gm ean't deny the truth whiob U ?ttTU*t*ud in tbd ; Of ?o?m I ?ouU rather J* tailed eletfaot, pr gentlemanly, or iialwral, or eeeenlrie, although r.orie of thegfcmigkt )o4 J*y .in the line of triot vu?h; and e*4 began to eriiieiue u.j l*d)L> manner*. fp*l nivt nod b*ttarte?nil of which 1 <ll*hk?d Wore than I <Uf* #?[** end jrtfll claim to b? a perfect gentleman! Her manners wore rimpering. her attire oflt of all taH^ to u*e ? common expression, [jir Met itrijjhl bare boon a. pretty otta. only f >r the turn at tbo end of Hor n?ae pad, her lip* were a '.rifle loo full, and?yea, her forehead was too to*. Not the wasn't (Mi gaud looking. -," H"* different from my rioter Kate 1' I raid to my wlf. Juki then I he Wodltihw t wlmm I ti?a CMlleG my rrttOd't attention to tmfore the care ftturteri Mil * real imnd mine fellow," came through the curi. * Tbfc t*tiYy6?ir cut T" k* n**id M h? held mv tiekei in hi* Hand. " Re fo kind to inborn rn?it 1*, thenI mtorled hneiihr; holding iny head at leant an ifteh higher. " Necer mind] eta* ob*re you are, now," kimI aiili that he paaetd on. ' Young Primpwell glanced at the fndv Mgnificintlt f the l*ay glanced back gain, and a perceptible mile flitted iver 'he face of each.-^ When we arrived at ITn<klleb?irgl> it ran \evv *?'d. 'Jpon going up to r?K infer mvnante at lite nfftoaof the Gra0d Rmh llotal. I hruehad again*! vo.,n? PrWpwe'l- drew hack jf ),e iua*. '"dww'i teudllhg a toa/y< Hrwy prnrw ate a look he doubth*aa h0por i would wither Me t*> the Hpot; bet I nhrtinatelv refined, to he withered, and ao he ntepped back a neoond time and let mn rtaae. " * Wh?t name tw inqnii-ed the Merle, lipping hi* pen into tha ink-bottle, and during me in the fhee deliberately I - WrT * V ' f. Now there ienVmnch in thi* Jiftle word ; hot if twi had eeen the effect it produced upon the damper clerk, rou wmrM have been atmined. _ 14 Jitnl thvilft ?l /lo-iw - ? ? ? f mi pidi^p ; there. eir, roit'H t*k* (he room on the iceond floor?i? feint, number twenty I wo. air.** 1 at rode ?ww like a low! drtwmitiH to make the whole home well upon me. St the toeokfaet table- I fm\pA mvelf opposite (o Iff. JfihnpanH end the led* I had ftlnuwWd en <penimla?l* in the iHtr." E*id?tthf the* were friende, T re-, fleeted, upori giving them another KR " .' -The waiter* eeme to me elowl*. end nerer rmrid eeteh mr glance. Primpnrfli end the led* were half tbrongh beRwwl ernfemenee.l. " Here, fcir f* addrewiog 1 woollyheeded wetter, attend to me !** Three end-that eteem ; romo wermer hiecull. end he quick about it ; I am Ita'ffaini'hed f' How hrllaw ahont! The fellow *bv lelptdy ehered the movement-* of my ?v??id? ; there wee no neceeeity for opening my moojb jt/ter that. RnrrHog from 'he room * ft?w^ipinv utee afterward*. I etonitded .a'ffein-t a porth grpl l*man eoh e darning rent iind en OrtrmntHi reel (tangling' from hri? wa'ch fob. whom I act do** *1 onee" ?< a flfth'rate ee'or. ' How now. eirreh I" e* claimed he of lire real, ae he drew ir. hie chin and imitprft hh-eetrfhneei*. Another of tha W?er\Tig T raid to rtty**If.? * Ah I it t*ernt Am wo are in * hnrry " How dam* tM add rem mo in that manner. feHow J I'll,- I'M?<*?' to the ' .' ;** 1 won't My ihere I told him to p> to, M ! turoad upob mj bael and touffht * lutrgaga. ! loft lluddtehurgh in a bad humor whwfc alt tl?t atujcipaiiont of hnmafrw?i?<i failed to eh?a away. Ow? mora 1 wa ptaoad nest Mr. PrtmpwaM Mid liia ooron*ni"D ?for 10Mpanioae Iter war* without a doubt. Holding my f*ot dow to tb? *lora lo wlrfMthrm. ?nd loo m.wWTIIy about ma rnd meditating upon lha propriety of kicking a d. >ir which lay ai my fetf, I felt a and laid'-upon inv AouMay roughly, ?nd'Mr. Primp walla voiot grated upon my war*. . ^ u Ha ao rood m to giro tbu lady your mi, nyr man." "KWr * Oi?? tbt? lady your aaat !** 1 dare net tall yon Oiy an? war. It ltd a wnndarfnl effect upon Mr. Primpveil, and I heard the young lady ?hv ; -*4 KKoeking I dear mo! what a bora !n 1 fell like (witling young Prirop*?U'? trek OB tha root, but 1 ret*ratted my* *lf, and gulped down my anger. . < AhM - k . I g?*c * ronaar ny phaak. but A?a minntet later dfeoovvud thu l bad loot my irtu?k. ?ad in It pi*ot aw a Am dgbar woodan affair, v l Wtwyr, wm .urn?* t-N ~iw wn ; * r ,/f '* **+ 0 * . ? jtiffc ?m. : .. II. H I o: r * 0 , " 'i y - j' ii ights jrf Ih^anth, xttd BltwblTlLLK, SOUTH t . f?tr kMt f**trav?|?d WN &/&?5?iLrJr?,.b'a, . ratedd mjr voter m m?i jsS tfwak * ?TUf K look* ItW M If it* was r ";WW'fti yim memr " Oh I t here's bo um in rl*fowing on airvfcad swelling not n bit." ... ... tier# I em^ the baggage ?? **'* throat; bet a strong ?m- pulled w bade., and * fcwitU'fur voir* exclaimed \ u For shsiue, llick ! bpe*t Dick !* When I Exited nround I inet the as t??iiltri)'f?|*(vf tot brother. Jnat lb*n ?*? oMtald, MkliCNior the IwmM *?f*rw~ u TW. old Tutlhr'a son Rum ; \WJ. belter look onl or rno'M gH>wto V 3 irnpe!*' and R?m did luo^ e?M<. ; * " Ok 1 tlmf altera ih? ewi, fir ; olio get her. sir. Give me %*or rht-ok, end 1 ?ISI hunt up foerrlrunk. Mr. Tnttlee; very sorry to. httve any difficulty with you; why didn't you give me your j name T' "You shonld treet people dvWv, at Meat, nr.* I replied, as 1 tmifc my broth 4 er's arm end proceeded homeward*. A few minute* after we atumldrd 4 upon Mr. Primpwrl! <uid tile iadv friend. Whet was my ?*toni*htflent upon Im* .holding mv brother seising a bend of eeeb. Mtd shaking It in bf* mm! cordial manner. But I wan completely dam founded upon hearing Mm cay ] "Dick. this 1* our comio. Nettie'} Niclnda, end her hroiher John, whom we hare mew seen. I received their < jlaguerroot vp?i the other day, hut scarce < ly expected them so soon." , ( And tve had traveled together a dia i rsece of eight hundred miles without < speaking. After alb I tbhik I learned a lesson. . . " . H 1 have traveled over thltt same route I I often since, and I always encounter < | plenum people, and the attcntiona of i ! noliie tmriAmnwrftallnnr arnil^ra m.I l.?.l. ?? B ..... ........ lords IMM n*e.0T?rr whete ; in (jict, i everything I* ju?< ae tt should be, mm) I am (xxiiive thMi 1 am just a* good look i nig nod as intelligent ua any tnao of ray i age. .. P. S. T forgo) to Uy tt^^t the con- ( doctor I alluded to if really a clever follow, and lira handsomest man I know j ?nesti to rayaeff. My cousin fa a per j foot piinee. a whole-souled fellow, one | .-f " nature's noblemen f and Nctliu I* . an eoknon lodged bearftv. I " V r \ ' i'ACL Latrcb. "I 1 ' T ?ft" < Jtlnttfrs in <?nirral. ; Greet Democratic Hefting In Ohio? 1 n Butternut Presentation. i IIon. vJ. L. Vailandighatn i? the Democratic candidate for Governor of ! Ohic and in making speeches through-, i out the State. He Addressed a* ma** I meeting at Hanoi on, Busier, countv, ' Ohio. a. few days since. "The l^eninc i xi-Cr turner! Ant ..... .. ??1't. A T-7 .... - ? J ? "t'HK.. ?" ? < cannon, mure. Ac. M?. v., addressed thein in a speech denouncing Lincoln'* I Administration and defying it. Doting i hi* address It* gave the Allowing It* to -i tb? }>??>pl*Mo swallow: y On lit* Iflth nf Imi Decern her. when from the city of !ilehm?md information '< came to the city of New. Yorjt ihAt tUetr* wa* * disposition to compromise i and return delegate* to the National i Congre-? and he obccjjsnt to the Constitution. end t!'o. law* and tho*?re*<ore the Uoi??w m-U wa*. the President on that dar rejected the proposition, and i the damning **uUne?j if that rejection exists in New Y<yk over his own auto- | graph J [?trie? hear, hear.] hut there is I an obligation of edcrccy at present, and the letter liavnot jet been given to the | public- The day nfter'(6e Federal armv . crossed rite Ropp<d>aaaoak into Kred , erickatnirg, miliar Ik* belief that Kieh ? mood waa to fall, and thus and the ra | Iselhon. The day pravion* Abraham , Lincoln rejected all proposition* to re j turn, over hi* own signature ; and the , day after the Wop?a of the blipd ruan in | .the .White Hoot* war* dissipated in the defeat *t Fredarkkaburg and the ho* of j 30.G00 of ourson* and biothers. il* ' , could have entertained ike prooosition i 1 on iba itftb <?f Deoambar; but be W**db \A iatulv ttiul JeAt# U*?AH nfl A?" ' turW >j)e question ovw Art mm. olio Wan rrfmsd ionus of poaea or w*r I? . The Ad*oi*Utr*iioo party-?tli* Aboli* ( tioni?to. j Bsfuto Mr. YallntxHuham took bia ssnt Mv. Groom of Vinc?now 8yn," topped no ibo platfurm nod prooantod to Mf: YAtlas dygfeom a box ioaida of urbioh mm ? stung of haodaoraoly poK iabod bottornuta, ioirrvro^n -by f??. 1 grooa, and rod ai*d orbit* and Mm rib- 1 boar. Mr. Groin a* id ho Md boon dopvfod by th? crrioono of Uamihon to 1 proacpi tbot memento to ib? valiant, champion ot iko gloat and groyiag ?o> ' iront of thin sobbuy. \ Hum. Daniel W. Vuorbooo a<t<lro*aad 1 the mooting. IKo mooting did not ad -11 journ until af or'six o'clock. Tho at- | g toodaooo io vnr*uo>y oaiimaiod at from , ? ton to itniro ikotMuid, ilio majority of wbon Yowl tbo Mt?n bonra of tbo j p mootiiifr. abonldor to abuntdor id iba I I park, titbort foltoi tug tbo atightmt or . ? obpwjpg ttg ImM wrtdonco of faii^uo. 1 B ^ ' S, 40 ?b | a. JJ.ULUU1 I *1" i i i ! w? i m iht ^Diffniten of ^Hscfi v _,t :':'-f " r swsisx fflimmy mo; litii -J" . r Ths meeting was nefedfoftv orderly ad jkweeft,!, ikH^i enthusiastic in filing spd mtrtiment. The devotion of ili* people .? . Il*; elfaedtghem ?rw astonishing; even the small children on walks !n every fonion of lln in)Mi,|r^ud the passer bf ?ki "Her , rah fot Vallnt?dighn*?.T Th# Indies thronged around I tun, riwpieg'fcfs bend, Wd Mm Odd speed. Tha rMM ! jng eill be nwrwtersd m one ifThg njtwt demonstrative HlbeHnn ever bold io Ibis Stale. From Fredericksburg. FRiDitmciwscno, V a? April 99. The second 6attU -??f-"F*e<!eristriibnrff i? *Ikjui io U flwght, if indication* mean ntlvlhfug. the Rappahannock lias again been at a point about two iaiM* bMiesP %iea. J TWa croe?ing rear made some time between midnight and dey of tki* morn ii.g, el points near- the" maruion lion**# of Beytard and Pratt, ft fa *Md thst tbe Yanhr*} need cnoflted oers, and Were otherwise ro quiet In their movements,- that our pickets were surprised, a pan cm pi ered nod the' r^t driven back. There was. a vrrv thick- mi-1 or f<?g prevailing at the time, which mar, to some extent.' relieve the men-on picket, who permitted the enemy to effect a crossing with* om the firing of r gun, as it is alleged, and with tha to* of- otm hundred W their nuinlcr as prisoners, a* is also stated. * Tl? R* - iic mn inirmarinn OT IOC CflDlllJ Of ! the Yankees was given to tlie citizen* of tlie town bv ringing an alarm with tiir hell in the Episcopal church steeple. At tlii* agreed-upon signal the pailniit Mieriaaippiana. v?h??bnld the town, were cprioklv Under arra?.-and . Cfh. .Barks dale war. at once in hi* saddle, giving order* and preparing f.?r any demonitraiion that wight Ixt made on hta front i?r Hawk hv ihe enemy. Ju*t here, it ia proper to.sav, that the crossing wm effected at a point ful Iv one and a half miles Inflow the lowrat picket Mai ion of Gen. Bark-dalo, and on the Iiow picketed by Gen. KtrIt's divi ioa, and that np in il?ia writ;, ing there hits .beehi fill ?1vmon*lr*ik>n in front of town, not a single cannon or small artn hating I men thed upon it. and that the Yankee picket* Mill walk ibeir accustomed beats as U all wWe ali>iig tl?e entire line. The first discharge of artillery took place about 7^ o'clock thl* morning . Mid continued at intervals for several hours, in conjunction with skirmishing wish small mini. But at l2 o'chw-k lo-day all (Iring cea?ed, and save a few random gun< about sun set, nil hal been < remarkably * quiet erer dffTeo, It ? ^ itated that we lost one liM?ur*J pri?on srs at the costing nud some forty killed ! i ind wounded in the skirmishing, hut [his i* mere fumor, And I witl not vouch its iruth. _ Since twelve o'clock tfctJ Tanhses have been pouring, acrons-in ona continrxhus stream along tire pontoon bridge, which is In right from elevated points. I'lii* is said to he a double bridge, and li v* a two raUJ there Are three or four o'ber bridges. The Yaukee* ho!<l j?*t on the edge Of town. to a fx>ini jont opposite Ifamillon'a Oriwitijj. I have j?i*t returned from a ride along our entire hack line*, end find, that the Kettle, if fought, will fx* contested on the identi chI grotrnd occupied by the lesneetf+e' force* on the fir*t fight, with the wception that the probabilities, from pre ?ent eppearance*. ere that the Yankee* will nvoid VfarvVa fence, TUitt line will pmhnhlv give Fredo ii<^r?ftttg to the Yankee*, but if it should go under again, it will onW be when Lieut. Col. Fi*er, who hen been left to hold it, ha* given the Yankee* a toll ta?le of. reelarance. *" . #? Tw # ? . . * ? . Oor officer* and then are ??l<>nt, watchful and hopeful. Gen. Lee ha* taken a jood view of the whole situation tolav, and eeern* cheerful and confident. * Old Stonewall " ha* beet) Along the line* to day. and eaannned the siiualion well, and the hearjy cheer* that j bare greeted.him wherever be ha* gone, I led u* unmistakably tbat'in the ootuing i Ight Jack ton* tneu will he no laggard*. < MeLaw*' Divwtoe bold* au important i tne, and will add wotbir to it* mauy . Mil won lettrel* in thia way. Genera) , McUt*fc has been busily engaged *11 Sr. *aJ h*? be*-n frequently in eon- | 1*1 ion with Geo. Lea. 1 There baa leeo ? atory that the Yan 1 te?a here atletopied * eroe*ieg at ike < J. H. Ford ai*rl Honk*, bol I >m mm in- I UhI that no croMting* have up lo this ime been ruauie *l either place. And | ny mip^e^rion ie (hey will not otteiupt , o p?e? the river above. . i have foebonte to peak of the troop* i ?ho were picketed at the ? rowing point, t mill i en gather aoanrale infcmoauoa. < When that ? done, an impartial state j Deal of facta will be made. . | [Cor Richrmaul /b'xvmingr. t Ovn Army in Lino or Hattl*.? j PVe bare bad a eonreraniion with a > (enlleman #lto l-fi Fredaifek*burg yea al 1 o'clock p. Q)| The newt i [row* wore etching, lie report* onr < >|)vK) araiy dr*an up in Una of battle, i utl an engagement momentarily Mr- t acted. Our fotcee <>ce?>py pe*"? mwlt | be same ground and our fine of bailie j arias m position very slightly fiom that ? id rt?q las* bpuhr ?b? ?"ly ItM**'- ? . ? "* , 'i I * 1 t I ??' "V' r| BiHrisl.jJ p( 'i /" ' .?".; ' ' ' ,?*?* ? - ?.-." ;AK EVE *"' I -? "*. ~*sBSsmp**Kl*mmtF'mrwKr-m il ^juacltigt aiming Stl ^ ^ j' I r * * _ "** **'L , gAY,.?, 18?3. , ; t>Ct being tbnt tome point* of our fine * * !nit* ftortber Wk, perhstp* * qn?rIW of k mttei from Kwbrictolmj.-* On Jiae ?f (mill* yfl?* the uulrnnd I ?i DkmillAn'a CroMiMr. about f.?n? tail* from FVederickubtvg, and atretehit i? not pnidtoi tir ua to hit. * ' Wo impediment had b??a cff?r#d lo," tha awwijVa ea?triii(f. *o4 it waa (herefore presumed thgt .they had cros>ad UimnafOM &*? "N| w*l no war of estimating their-number on thin ltd* oftfe riveiy but It waa the general r opinion that not ieew tint* Wit rejpmania bod eroaaod. tip to one o'clock ycdt**d*T nil wm quiet, and our.nrmy. in line of bait)*. ?w quietly awaiting .the gago ?f bhlllrf frorti the Mfrnr. - 1n tiia morning shell* apt oeea'ionally. liroan by the tiwray, hu? aa the mom ing advanced .I hi* oeautd and all I*ntVto quiet. The Yankee* had their balloon tip recommit ering- our position. Alamt fit' o'clock a iretrWFtploijs clierr arose and ran along ouIHMie, ?m} fona while it maa thought to Iw (lie signal of the opening of. the battle, but no othei rercon could be given for it thnn the ajMru and endttieiMOi of our gallant troupe. U wae thought that tire great bwttW woald take place to 4ay. Every preparation wa* going forVard for if. A* a precaution our commissary store* and supplies had l?ee?? moved back to OuineyV Station, and the train yestesdav brought down all ihe>ick and w minded. This look# at if bloody .work were ex j*-cted. It turn* ont that we were reponyig the enemy to have dusted at li.Mtp Kpi. Oor force* engaged inekirmifthing here were the Thirteenth a Georgia and Second Louisiana. Onr lot* *o far i* *aW to he verv small, .and will hardly exceed in all, ki!h?d, wounded and busting, come seventy or eighty. The spirit and condition of our men are aaid to be ?pl*iu|iU. Thev ate iq . fine trim and eager for tbe fe?v. A ii-i.i*!khumj cnmuioasm prevail* among them, HnrJ the health, condition and morale of the men were never belter.? Rvory heart seems nerved,for the com { iiig struggle, a?J once psore~tolhw(Jod of Dailies car b?av e mew appeal for vie- ^ ?Richmond EiMIMVC, Jfaph Frtnn Ti96m }fo?batn|?Flfhliag '? * - Commenced. * ~ F, The new* from Krederick?l?nrg it exciting. The l?*ig silence i? broken, and tigbiiug? probably th* prelude to the great hall 1 <?- --has ??gdh between the two armies. Eaily ycter- , day morning, the efteinv. in 'arge force, | rtfocied a crossing of tlie Kappatmnnoch at a point koottn a* Deep Kan, a Tew , mile* below Fr?J?iicIt'l)ufj{. It j? ?l?o j rspmted thai the enemv cro?s?d at Kidlt\? Ford ami other pointa, hut we have t no eoiifiuua'ion of tht?. On cro?sfnjg ( to tbt* aide of the river at Deep ftn'n,' , the ohereiy engaged the Thirteenth Georgia and the Sixth or Second Iioui- | ?tan*?it i* not certain which?and , severe skirmishing eiisimd. T-niid and ( cop.'ipned firing *** heard from odier i, poiuta a) >ng the line, nnd t'ne belief at 1 Fradpiickd'tirg ??? confident that the ! enemy **? advancing in tUcDg'h, and , that the movement would ha<J to a , general action. * h i* not known in what force the cn ertiv Uss cro-ee?l, but it is believed by , those in oft fftnpeter.t to-judge, thai Hooker haa thrown oyer th? river the whole strength of hi*.'army, and < that he intend* to give us battle in earn- , est. It is thought that he lias heen en couraned *U ibis l>? ih? ? >>" -- f ? ? J have reached the North representing | that the bulk of our armv hart beeu j withdrawn froin Krwiei ickibuig. and J 1 sent lo Suffolk and North Carolina. It t is thought he has made this advance ! < tbiffking thai he would strike its when I we were weakest and when his chances !1 weie moat fnrqtabf?. j i At the time of thft cart leaving Gnin- ' ey's Station yesterday, about 1 p. m.? I 1 the train ?n> not allowed to go beyond J' ?rapid and continuous .firing wa* ?)i*? titjctly hoard, and it was supposed that ! the enemy was still owning. A thou \' rand rumors were, rifc, but r? ar? not 1 1 disposed tjl? tae thw credulity ot' our r1 readers by their repetition. . AU indication* point to a battle to- j day. Movements are going on which ( we cannot, ttor would ai he prudent, to tell our tenders. l"l?e telegraph hue ^ waa last night under tbo*e*tlu-?*?. <y>o- : * Irol.of tbe 0?ve?nmeni, and little were , ^ trther sums thai nur sath.uitiM ?-1 iookiug A great ( w?r inquired loot night at the Wur , Department, but ? got our utual i greeting : 4 Tln-y hiid got nothing."? ? What * wotirt?ifHl <Jo?arntne*t, thai it i Mvir rt-oeiveo any deepatabeo from it* , Gathering ??*>, under Mich t Mnlwrrawnwat, i* an ardupu* and on- \ |rac(oua ta?k, and nuil b? our ?Mta? c lor tJic seaut imd t?naati?feotory otuliae ae giro of abut u probably tha pro lode to another greet and terrible bottle j Virgtoto.? U%*hmomd Jixumimer. , The advice*. from tbo Rappahannock, b eoeivnd yMUorday; leave no doubt a* (o o bo fort thai tb? Yankod army ha* at I >t commenced a n>o*?uieni in the 1 teighborhood of Fredericktbarg. A n ;?D?leiU?n oho left UanrMlton'a Croit*iog h 'nirrtkjf morning, infonns u? thai tbw J n neaiv, on Tuesday night, nnder eover a A a done* fog, ofteeeedeu tu b?) ing don n [ # ? 1 . s ' I _ I y 1 v i II. ' 1 BT^fl . I .-. . .. I3STTS. .: .'* '*? 1 .' . ?? ?|.>! #.< ? *. ' . ' II -If tu I s1 t (K.becM ftl MI^iAhki r. ?U *' . ' % ' MM . I? iv ? '? M > I " ' > .11 ? I wo of their pontoon ht%o, owes whi<?i Hwy owwd o form, rarionely tHinatot mi from *,0?O u>J.Q,QQO. ?Mhe imt of ,|he ccoaeptg the l$ih <^orgia R?g? metol wore on picket At the" mouth of TVer Hn?, a%(! a' brisk fight minih). which lathed from daylight ootH tea o'clock, at wh'rh ihm th? jQeocqiyU* were relieved bt thft flth . lemhi.vhii Kegs-nent. Our pic Wet fu^oe hud foUen Imck from Iht ?4r?r to the mud rushing parallel with the jCtppahanrioek. A general fight it anticipated within the nest few d*ys, aa it is.believed (hot tl?e morrmrnt W a g>n*ra! ffff. In the fight ye*:?mi?y foaming. It : reported ih*t th'ete were4*b killed and nine half dozen wnnnded. ' .>: "* The month of Deep Run, At whirl* l hi* crossing *w effected. i? ?l?ont one and a haN mile* 1h>Iow Fredericksburg, en.J is tho sAine point mi which that portion of the enctnr'* forces crossed hut engagM the right wi?\g nf-one Atnax. in Ik* haule of the 18>U of ffocemher. The land on thin aide in the immediate vicinity of the river-is A level plain of nearly two miles in ertdthj Across which tile enemy" mnst advance to Attack oar position on tho Wilh in the neighborhood of Qamihon's Crossing. It wan as they edvnnped ovortliis pi sin ?a Dcctdtijw' that they suffered ??>e*? terrible loss. 0n ibe opposite or Stafford side of the ii*er tn? connfrf h hilly. ?ad affords admirable positions for the batlei ves of the enemy, under corer of which llvoy hpve successfully thrown "their forces over the river. " From Fredericksburg. Ricnuonn. .?The following dispatch l?as jtRhknew receiver!: Milford, Mav 3?To Prfridrnt Davit* Vas terdny Gen. Jackson penetrated to the rear of the enemv, and-drove him from rll his positions from the Wilderness, to wilbiw otto tnife of ChahcidlorvtUe.? lib was engaged at the same time in the. front by two of Longslreei'* divia ; a- nu. " -w- - t?in>. *.!*?? morning m* Oaf He ?m reww?l. . H? * ? d if lodged Irofn wit lii* p wiiiom around tJhanoellorville and driven back towards the Itrtppahannock, i>wr which he i* now retreating^ Many Cower* were taken, and the enemy'* in killed and wounded i? large. We have again to (back Almighty fiod f?r a I regret to Fy'k>n V ,r?5!Iev, *pd {Ve??,./?<jt?on ?e?ei Heath and A. P. Ilill wiigbtly vonudad. [Signed ] ' H. K. TJSK, General Commanding. UtCHMOKD. May 4.? eicitemewl waa iH.carini.ed here tJ?> morning Uy a report brougnl bv courier that the Yankee cavalry, alio were at Aslil and ycntwiday.' were at Hungary f*'tati<wi thk morning, within eight mile* of the c'.tv. I heir 'force K ealitpated at between 2 ?nd .1,000. it i* ex|tected tKey wftt be raptured or riiapersed before tiOon. Adrice* fr-jtn'Gordonftville, rcceived~wt the War JVp.rtmcnt, *a$? tbgt Pf, WtvodTolk, who Jrft Charoellorvillc at tbieo ?'?loel( p. m. jr?t?jHv, rcprrt* that ilic fight i? mill going on at Frederirkrimrg. f?t*n Jatk*on noddies all the ford* except Lltk4 and hn<-taken five rhounand prjROtiem, and more aVre eoi?ung in.? l>ur men are in good- condition. Nu twainy in <^ilpepei. * -?iv Uiciiuond, May 4, 4 o'clockrw.? Nothing received fioni the rawt of war Mnce Gt-n. LeeV official dwpoicTi. -The Yankee cavalry have cica>e?l out in the direction r.f I'mnunky river, and the lailroad* will be r^waired iu a nhort .# r" *" ----lint* . Rrcnxrixp. Mar ?. About one thousand Varikens mined Ix)ui?* tJourt House at three o'cWt morning, and l??ve since thai lima torn up the Central Railroad track [H*lancn of fdflr mile* in this direction. 1 be trains >.re ail safe, also the ?rm_r ilorea. '1'iie la* ter having l**en reu?o*?d n-mo days H? f>re. The raid will prove fruitless to the enemy, except the "ajnry to the track-, which can be repaired iu a bcrt lime. " ? uttk. Richmond, May &,?No (rain from ibovo* today. Nothing definite Today's operations in. Hpot-yIvania ? Have farther news but the Secretary of War is too closely engaged, and no >lher authority is accessible at present o approve the dispatch. Will try again ! >efore the office closes. ? ' >V<:hmond, Alav #>-The Yankee teealry vrbieh made a iaid on the (Jan* ral Railroad proceeded to the Fred >rkk?bwrg Railroad to da? and tor* up b? track ** Afli|*9?L jk i? *Uo report- j >d that an ambulance train, on ita way 1 o Richmond, waa captured Pjr the | Ifapkee*. No tratu h?a arrived fiom 1 ibove today. No lata aooonnts hat* eu received of operations in Kpnuyi nia. The lataat report* indicate thai h? Yankee cavalry -have oros?od the >ntral Rail road in (he vicinity of Hafcurer C. H., ftpvth Of A ah land. Frow TTT* Coarr.?ffcme heavy flr* ng WM beard hi our city Saturday .tterwOon, believed to bo from the Yen ;e*? on Folly Ialand ahefling a portion >f Battery Ialand. ft ja icpoitrd that be anemy'e force on Folly Island ha* K-en incieaaed; and that ipii^c a Urge mother of tetiU?eruoe say over five iutidred??are oheervable. It N?t aiao ! epurted ?ira\ Lite Yankee* have ejected ' call try on the Nlan.t. (fltHhh^Cben'rr, 4fh. 1 . > *- v v.?. v^5^v:. ,4? "^ ' ^ ' ? : >* >?*& - . % , ?pi . - - .> ?- v-"'-,,rf 1;'^ . - V.'. . i r. -i. ".i g ..j'.M.nn if mi: I ?A W.^#*Y?K?*i rtotoi#i(1ViTh?'T*n? I k'*?* hake fkHen ItprtO a "d?w dodge lor . | erad# tli* cmtfripiion Ml in?tb*Nor<h. I The U?. M pM*M bf tSwfflWN*, gw? >tmpri*w"lo anr?Moi?tka> payment xtf (b? turn of thren tumdrpd dwWar*.?Elhte clauM whola ipwM in l^n gel up * ecn?r?l gpuruc wljisb f* if^fl V? public eQiilritMjjlon*, nnlil rum *u(RAmii' ((TptfcfeMk lb* ?MNp> tion of ntl hw tiifww.l* whiah on p?i<l or?r lo ^b? (totMIMOl, rtcur<*s fur that. lown entire from eon^criplion. For inutaricn,a ta?*n Km 600 men Jiubluo military duty ; , -there ? general Jeeire and interest *nth lte-ciitren* io get oftlVlKl ranch of coh?cri^ifon ; * ?<tb*ci1)>?knf U np#R .-d ; the hook* artf kept open ontil-AKO.' 000 -nrn rubet; WOO "to lit* 1i?utl; * nUeok fur. the amount i* unfit on IO HiTffn-tirv at Washington, which purchase* fur lite whole Towh, n?i<i orery ftmii irr it. entire immunity from ?m coptioo. - * Thin dortge ? gpi4 to h*?e been taraet iced by * number oftowMa^in the Worth, nnirwau Jb*1 concocted t,v Kome in?*rd<>na arithmetician it* thu * patriotic State of Mn?nnelrue?iu. 6M. WrsF>C<?MMAjfT>.?A latter from Williamsburg dated theAtoli, sayatbmt Uw. Wise ariH holds tim' cite. The writer tdjrm that t/i* Yankees ftro very stinted ih theii . ? nllovt at ice of food to tk* inmates of tb# nuane Aeylum. Two Ot the Southern ladies \cbo warn in i?> ii^titution, and warg dismissed *bv them, bare been allowed toS&snhie llieirpoaitiohsand upon the whole, * the i ai\1tee*.Beem an*1ons tSat Jhe IpUoe should again be under the [ charge of tlie 8tatc.# Negotiation* I aro now pending between Gen. W. | and -the Yankee oomnrnnder coneerniug tii% .A?wluw,~aiul orders | have been issued to Use pickets on both aide* not to fire on each other. ? ] Richmond DupMck, 2&L ? ? < .< ?.A oO*????J>roNn**r qf tljo Richmond Sentinel op h jofine Uetj in Wiwtl*le, Vs., went to Miirny to get a ps?mit to buv fcrr hw feiWl eow ? when the bwrel bk?l; 4.,' 1 11 Are '.i T*, ' v IJlFiVee^^be i'blicd. * - ' He bsh*n lo write the permit. " To the United State* or the Copfederate State* P! " To the (JooWmifr, of conree," ah* waliwl> Then T shall gic* ynu no peymit.? Tills InfnmotM rebellion luual he crush d." ' u Well* said she, 14 if rotj can crush it bv starring John Arnold's old cow, jo it and l?e Jrot io yon." ' T~. >* ? i* . raq Aw?r,r"A .g'jod sVwy i* told of President (fl.merat) Lincoln. A personal frir-ttJ raid to bbn : " Mr. Pre?id?'Ht/d<J yon redly expect to ettd tlilt war during your *d minist" ...... ii ??. - ? >;c The Pre* ?de{tt.Tn reply??4 .Can't ??yt ean'l **y. sir.*' % The Qutri?t?"Put. Mr.# Lincoln, what do yon turnn tu'itat" The1 Pr?.<frf*nr?-n Pefc -aartry, air; peg away. K ep " . [.V J". Exprtss. ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ; Tut ,f.,l'io?iag 'j gok? ** i* told **f an army rnrgaon. who got on a llftt# "lender whfo ,H> CTftfcirtatnl wiu i?a?Mn(* through MoWeT V ? "%.? .Su?genn who dreading-* wound at :h? fcatde of Mnrt'icexloro., .-fioldi*'r came bv on ? "i i?i>kce'? U?ck, actual!*' riding him to th^ rear. *' "4 Doctor.4' ?.! d ilio' lucky Conf. d rata, ff.m hi* noVel parch, M If I h*'' *.hent *|>?r? ton wanblo f?ad in,- at V,. hilw. I'd j*v t tfcia fellow Hail Cujun.i* ?pr.t ujj Ken, von wh>> -'?Oed, Y hi. k *-? ton ><f a gun," nn?t h# drove hi* ii??o the ride* of hi* jaded *nnim?1." and pu-hed on, ainid the roam of lacgii tor from (be urjje'Mj and UU oorp- . ! afMManlr. * - " I A ?rL?KDID (IMKIU 1'li.? TT)<* -f itor of iw? Oy<*lot??i?e .(L* ) Rnnuer. b\ ! commenting on the new miiiter* lew r " | LmiUienn, nliich compel* ndnrly tli | whole niele population to go into tl..? nriny, w very severe on LouieUo* legi* let IOD . He * )?.v,-? u In tinm like there it i? difter*' !<> tell whelher it ii? the greetier m!?fortun>i to be rich or .poor, to be en old innu ot in Ik* 1? ? up* man of wnniftiit ru American or a Ttirk, If ft Aim er?v-' *ur? of ItMvrn, thin would lit* * SpUrtldld time to (If*-.** i Tur S'ate Aitlin'a of New Yo k v oo?qiu?I)?ms about the 1st of > \. in?n the f??rt? on the Near Yori <?*. Flroae detailed will serve th Star* Government nnwroon^h. sobjo o t ;h? role* and^ordinances obs d ? the United States trOops. A negro bring caught si ng fr^m ft hen i<<o?i fci-juaed himssl' ?saying, ' bat hv iftlj came dar t-? *? if ?!rchicken* rletv w'd dftr eyes open."' / es.i Gauipami i? app.alina :o !. r pie ??l K?, ro|*ein U-uafi of lb? Itfo.'Unoa ??* VoUml.