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tLxJEfrZ* niwr-.-ir r<,lt?K->. I TsStt Au* ?H* **I.Vw*tf ~h*^J reveals 1+** tliVm h41. ? *11 in **$ ' JN ./r)?ok?<rfbf tlNdmi hkv^l. ." "*t' wm '. . . .- "1 Vond-n-d ^rouKjti 4l?? inwulrnntl haard , Thr tiMH*jpfc#?r>y ?*?# f v,.;gl.i at *Vif tu#Jitflttcil Ml B> . Alo^ ueinwwn, t morrd: fit 1?W? *!) in Yiliu P^: 1 tviii^Fniwj iw?i^ -,*1' wrrtt m\|? fit* oM eHarelivnttl, . SkiHfcL And tK*r* touixl inaitv n jf; .? 1 tliim wi.iHrfi ; ? AU, j r?l-whcrp ikjg I ?rWa gouV, V>f * *' Tli?M bunblf f*onl?'j'r?*?d, AJ -* * ?' u??? d#?u fijr on? of llieiit, " SHtl W?|it for dinar I (ovoJ. Earth'# F>tir*H Flower*- ? i Mint laYiiv ur^Huni d (4 fvle i !*? hit Vi> lii'I r' J trr/'?OirU>'dj#h?r? fragrant ffeijjrapi I blooai, rrt UwWrtaT ^ -%V^ Ifc dthnW.* - -'* A??l lour# AtaJdftrM iu ojiiointafl >^. ^KW-fmrv iuny tro jk* rtrfnnl (?\\. 'A'-* . * Mn livr* <lnz*1hif wui |?Jm nut mTjf Jfchr mooM'ofrnilU *?af Bi>-|lour llftHt in .Urk?rV..iL'lil: p'<*V'rf ' ih? Ltii>l, ?d hUfft itn Uir Lgj^PtrWi'r ^wr^frM jntr nrr lo .mil, P^jli r rr mny. * * ?in! v'?|?iufiMwg fbwti tiirili a aactiug WyM Rfn llrnvwn: rrrW lit* mntkl ; v -mm* ir TP* go (?>* ? *?* fe , -i.~ sr?-. iitJg W J|d *ct&nWh tlw Ivofldpa world nrtlt tfae ^j^Mpf.ef l;?r fancy Ull, and ak. K . / WM^V W'M fi^l rfiat. w..h ft MlfiiMi %ai? ?nd *Hb tlie bUck veil, V ^ waiklWf-wHV*l? Oo?W? dfrOnnetbiiuidb f ?eftjkwibM -, l>o yne know b?r. L*? ^ * ****** m"? fLMBJHW ? J l 'l . 1 sill! 4^ 4<v llM^Min>? .itx1^? "t? ?? qp&ynqsa, dMMlU|KluIrl^ a*]PMhHIP^ 'lil/rfft '4rvMl^9 [4 into w**H um ?^i?wii?(yJKrted op. i i wtf^i pljr???? tholr ?*i??ore^*taod * *%?????! ^ tt|P% OH. ^#Jf "tttftl Ml InfO# ^ IrtniT v?*rs roolwUl m*k* wo oUmr town 1 happy with ih<. dnwr luwir **1 4|U* not promt te" |M. ? low, -. 1 * 1 know brought yon w ring | lot me < plwco K on |UU bend till I cww plane , wuAtWtfcttt" '"'. ,v * 1 ~t-vH ftrcopt It,", whupnrod H?* l wwreot -voice l-* but 1 ?nn pre Dii?0 notb* J &fg-V?Q?l norr IWrowwll." * \> t ; M flow txotfMonl I" laughed I^pni i HiAi.rtefct, M be the nput. "j*Yo i iftd Jtoo who tb?M romantic Iwtn i monront moro, wnd-Ledy Km < ion Ml Ihe tent, her black veil Mre-wn i vv?* bcr Utffthing faen. She w*s Icon ing upon the Arm of tin litrbwt c I^lir, a li. ntonnnt tin expectation} In t hiwfl#.}oiUv,? enroioo. - * Tift next morning wlwn lb? Aral fin <*f tho awn were admitted 1*Y? her' ohmto her, Lady Brntn* awoke with a * of girl, upon her heart?Lady de t Otefwai angry, aod Herbert had joined llhr Dnring the u affaire " of tho , toilette, ehe came to the fixed rcaelwdo* i that ?Ua ?MiW eat no bivakfaet. la r rhYtt did roll* of all kite* ami ahapea, r trauge'n* tlnae of Lapnta; yfiSer rt^m* g *elr*?t ?n vein the arouia i>f chocolate a end Tftfe* a rani led her?eh# waa deter- ,| wiw^tr i ix *? 1 , Emtna; hifOeahh the atfiened a l>dy <fe <fr*y, - lafca eoruething r -^pthwff, dbaek you," wa? ibe he-, j roic nnewer ! c Sha 4m.'le rherpttll luncheon /amo withal* hiifxVinUal board ; W tho rptrit " of h*artyrrfo<* w^etti!! Strong within. l?M^r mother miked of Sir Chailta -Clarke f ,bot how eould Lady Ktnu-a " rut (oren.lf ahe were hungry) when Jhrtfrfrf had departed^ Uow powerful wtimtjovef o The nett da? half a roll **? the'mom 'J repast of^MMh ^|?lei*?e," mid hi matter* wty o altogether belter, ea'e thai, i neither ra|iintr nbr consmamfa conki n induce ber to eeeompany her mother to * I# half what* they were exported. The mm; e..* ling day a pafty met at c Lord do (i my'? Imtpiiable ?war??ioii, and , Lord Ataftfield placed bimaelf at Kin umV aide. Highly amused at Vltpidk ? had evtrbeard, be had determined to n ? ?"?? > ma ii*im..ill one. ? . Wbti pau^ ?ft b?w t?ft i l>tri that f 'bklt he dMml #itl her at * bell, to , ?nMiodtb*kf determined j X * * ' 1 v-'AcTltie red of the ewtsqp Lady de j Oeif^AMered lhe room ehero ber daughter wm aiding. . 3 * "gSmrrvef tori, your father be* J bed * projwwei for yi??i fr.nn Lord Sim?- f Jfcihl* ofeeorM joa w?M give e feroreble e . h?iteted the -bluahing girt," S eeenot?I era almost engaged." - * , " ^^^^^Jb!wir?jeeol?twilhe J eeieinl 11 i* needier* (a repeet whet followed, j |hu<n% v? ftrm*?d lieroie, though ?h? ( JfltgBghl Low.SteniUdd euue luuidaonie awl more agreeable than her "Orel { ! Time jew I'd on, end another aeaonn ' m "Ifcmft wivoil?nii?m?>fied IxikI <le ' ?t*y to mwb. stooo after it* commence- 1 tU*f dr*w upon iheif nnuuion to J Jfefafnl*- Wearied with everything, j' ^ MR^MnJMrndiaff Matleaa end alone. 1 'dm' kiidiy. J urjf c? W#r* | departed ^ -bet Knimw Mill atftod before ^ Abru??i. lierb*tfr?d jbwu** lowo J g?P?I?>?U* h?<U?od VH?40gr?K.rn," | , IIHII afiMMMt th# tvuui* ; < iu?frhu ; i*.fcb? v*>{ | L 0 ; i?~ ~ ~ 2^11112 I II wm tkw, M* torn tw ho krroie. Herbert walked op to Her, g*?e her < Slow ?nd mocking how?om btUr } Broonic smlk?one witheriog |l(ok, t rushed out of tho room?for five minutes. I Lady. Rnxtui bowed wnd smiled. i ilnrbfrrt did not.chaihmg? Lord St*** j? kid, remarking tl*Mt he wan UK* much < ifetgtMrtcd with his M Brat lore * to I ip * -j Tmk Vioi.kt.?Hast thou passed by ! i livlge row at even tkk, arid hits K J ietlcious fragrance been *M about thro, ' iitd thou knewrat not whence it camel I Hast thou searched nnd^-fotMtd tbe 1 w'eet violet liidikn bcneMh it* leave* f * Know that it whs thnt which gave its xJor to the sir Around thee. Thus, c ny child, should the Christian make ' nreel the place of hi* good deeds ; and " hus, Id aft humility, should he endenv- ' to remain unnoticed himself. When r' hou seeat the hungry fed and the nak'tl dotOed?the aick me^. jidte^m^Hhe^ii aidow comfortrd ? search "and fnou r felt ,find the flower whence *11 thk, 1 dor arose; thou ?h*U And Aril often ' bat the Christian hath been there, co* trained by the lose of ChiiaKi [KmUims qf^Ycuth. * "J rr Tnaaa are more broken hearts in. { he world than we ordinarily ?uptfp* { ?heart* from which kit those b<n>?c < ind aspiration* which render life ajoy, ? nee been crushed. From (hp.results tuMiy a (tenth that we*a?ct)be to tbe ,| ackibg of fever or the wearing of erttt* (( umptiou. Worry,fretting and trouble r? far inoro inimical to human life ? han nrs war, or pent^ynee, or famish*. Iiey attack not openlvsibut corrode t; ilotuly. Against them wo ran make |( io defence but by tile euhiv.-tiert of alienee and a firm belief in the benefi- k enoo of Cod. ? ^ ^ ftfrtttfrti TIT rtRptffrnl -" Tlje Confederate Ta* Bill. -> I Tho llon?e lie* aereed to the report P f the Conference Committee.'And the ^ 'ax bill new only a nails the President'* * ignaiure 10 become tho law of the land. ^ 'b? bill ? SO pMges in l*tig?h. We b atort eonteul oor*clw? at present with e$jtop?>: . * ? * v n Srtrrion 1 l?^fcr% a tax of eight per ' ent. on nil .naval Mnue, wiuo?, f! pitiMKuu ItqtHW*. tobacro.iiranij Sector- r' d or utirannpfcelured, ontlon, wool, C lour, sugar, tnolaAveev rice, and other 1' grieuliuml products held or owned on !' lie 1*1 of Jfuly n#tt, ajid not necessary '' f family consumption during the rtar * IMS, and grown oy produced ^rlnr to P R63. Also, a tax of <?? per ceor. oq f ill money a, bank note* of other carreti- ' y on hand or deposit on lite 1*1 of " Inly m*xl ; and all c rod it* on which ihn e nterhet lias hot l>een paid, and not em- * doted In hrtatues* the.income <?f which F taxed. Money* outside the Confed- 13 racy a^fif to he veined according to the urfeni 6*aMbnii pot sr. * Section ? rftpdre* itwILjd* pemerw 5 nfrtgel or thmlftHtM^w pdrmiti ? mmi-d in section fV, to regkter lUem- ? elvr* widthi ejxty aiulon the Ut " >t January <>t' each y?nr, payiug Rt the ^ ime rtifir tlixew. " ; faction 3 doobie* tho spwifl''! fat for jkiluio to regUter for every thirty .J.tys \ >f foilure. ' .ijkr*-. ? v*A>> t> Section 4 make* prrrrWon f ?r tp\n?- * ?r Of howine**., without additional Ux. faction & )ar? n Ux of five- bend red lol|nr* oo batiKor*, bnttk* are excepted ; * i Ux on anetioneera of fifty dollar*. and * .wo and a half per ofoft 011 groM ' tmount of. ?*!e\ except for ?k!h? of Moek >r eeouvities f?r moneys the tw f?n a ehieh i? one fourth of otio.ffcr cent,?' I Audion idle* for dealer* in a IwainM* tared and taxed, hihI at. their pkue. c )f bust new, not tnxed. Wholesale deal- r sr4 in liquor a tax of two hundred d??J- e e?e Mid litre |tev cent, on gros* f Uea over, three gallon* ootwldered a* t buUaaU. K?UM drnler* in lfc|uor><, % ine hundred d??llai|B *"d Mur pur i saMt. on grpmi aalo*. Other retail deal-' j -* VOk*# who ?<J in It** than a whol.i 1 ? triginai fdf*? or package) |mjp k ImoT a lft y dollar*-?nd two ami a Ualtper caul l ?n $rms ante. A maohanie win* tell* i >ronrvds of labor ?4 tii?n?felf and family, i MfPtgt ^om ,.Jnt. Wh'oleaata dwhru < *f l*o b?>jtw*t iM|?n ta^ and Mid g Mf par aanl. OB grow aaUe.-? ? fawnbrofeera wa Uifd l*? hwidtad 1 Mlam, JDUtillar* I*? hundtad t M|M? m*d twenty 6* wil.oa gr<*a i ?taa. nWtillara of f?uk ftr'n**) Jay, , >*Y aixty doflans ?he. Urawera pay ( >ne hand rod dotkm and tw? aad wfiak < [>er cant, ok gh?a Mle*. - a Hotel*. eAtkg hot?aea, Sie? w\tmd an total vuio? or rental i* #10,000 or neir, J pwy Alt annual t?# of H e hundred dol- 1 lar* ; ajHMiai valud of $6,000 told undar.l1 Kioywo, pay? #WH> ;-jrpcual rolu? ?f| t* 600, pap? a lax nfdflOO ;/un?*ft*n? cd *1.<*M?'p*fe, $100; anika il.oOO, ? pay. I< tWaing Hum** in wllicll I | Ihfere are mi or ttfwr? koHider*, ikotued i an rating houae. 11 |twik*ri? pay a Ian of #C0O. . M Cotuuilxtou loeit/L.uiU pay twodiuu- I 1 >1 i-jy i??i ?1 ? w? ee? - r*^? V. _ the Jifftrsiori *f Ulscfu j .-art'i >" ??? I' .. N / ABOLWi, TBFK8DAY MO! ppgHswww*wwswwwmswew? * j /1 i mmm 3 red doUarx and two and a half |ri* tamfcjmr gfoswaftie*. TobneopnisU fftjr', fall** oik) tiro ami * b*tf per caul, on pm4 % . .: Z. Theatres P?T #500 and 4lve per'cenf. ^ JP *" Howfkiff eliejrfftnd dlMsrd rootp* pay forty dollars fop osch lUey ot table. * fcleery. stable* pay fifty doU^r*. Catda broker* pet fifty doIlaflMtjedtwo and I bulf prr cent. on groft Jk^. Hutch* ?ra and btkeis fifty dolUdwand one per ,' Mtt. on gross tale*. Piopfi fifty aolare wad two and ft.haJtper oent. t>0 {row bales. ApotbeeaKes, pholpgtftphir* an<f eonft ettoner*, fifty dollar* atu) *9 wad * hamper oent| on g*o** ?*]?*. Lawyers and physician* fifty dollar*. Section 0 requires those taxed on rr.wC sales to inakf returns thereof \n lie assessor on the 80tW Jufte next, end irery three InontUs thereafter. Section 1 imposes a tax of 01ft) per eat. 00 salaries over a thousand and ipt exceeding fifteen hundred dollars ; , mil two per cent. for excess over fifteen ' inndn <],' "*fcfept persons tu military or 1 laval service. v. . .j Section. 8 provides for nsCerteining I 1 pcomcaaud profit* of other than salai<<I perrons.. From the grow incomes , hu* ascertained ?i? to be deducted ell ( he cctoal coats, expenses iu cam ing , A trie t>oidrrew, the repairs of houses, ( nacbinery aod the like. The annual , i?lue of p/operty <?f every description. Coirpied, or not hived by the owner, is j 0 be' counted as a pari of his income. V nett annual Inemne, not exceeding <500, is net taxed at ail; front (600 to 11(600^ pays -fled per cent, lax; from 4 H,500 To (3.000 psys fire per oenf. for be first (1.600, and ten per cent.-on l?C excess ; frdin (3,000 to (5,000 pays % l'ii j>er ooirf^ front (o,000 to"(10|00U . j ays tyridve and a half percent.; ovefj % iOJOOfj pe^s-fifteen per cent. . * Jj ttvini atcM-K companies nm^ ewporn J~ ion* pay oneMentli of their annual earn ( tigs, 'if llrvir profits nro ?vw Ion surf i nder twerty per cent., then one eighth hall be paid ?n n ihx y if o??r twenty *ir cent. rvito sixth. Section 9 proviso* for fettling <Uautee ** lo annua) income. Section 10 imposes a tax of. (en per 4 Kit..011 nil profits made dining 1802. y the sale of 2l< ?UiV c*Hn, hjtcnn,. pork, 1 #la, bay, ?jtee iron, ?*ft, sugar, ihoWmjs, , nlref rvoojen cloth*. shoos, Uiotiyhbitk 1 U ar.?l onion cloth*, exoept bv persons I 1 the flna oolirse of the regular mini) usitiosa. . > - . i B.-ction n ptwi.|?t lh?t csrlt fnmtttr < srerrft fif V hmthi-la e*eh of s*ret and ' ri.tli j-otnNros. ? hundred IuihIicU of the | or 11 and ftfiV'of flic wheat, produced 1 lie jWaent year, ahull deliver to the | lonfederate Ouvemniwil <m?Manth of ? lie remaining wheait, rye, corn, ontu, t tick when!, U*rl?j\ rice, cured W* and 1 nidcr, polntoe*, sugar, inolnAfCA^oottnn. roof and tobacco, the product* of the. ' resent fear. Alao, one-tewiU of tit* ' tans and bean-, twenty bfesbel* execptd ; provides for estimating tire er?i|>s ml dedicating ami receiving the iiov mmeniV oryrdetyh At tome depot not nore IIiho eight mile* four the piece of rrodeetioi|.I No income tnx i? levied m tboso vrbo time pay taxMiidrind. Section t'Z provide#Tor 1 reviving oneenth of lha pork raised, in the forui of | ?co%, M lixir |>oat?<f* far one huuitr?4 f pwlt,; AUo, for h Ux of one per cent. ; n (he. value of nil catUe, hnr*u*,"i?ule*. ot u?e\l it) cullirai Ion. TIio pr-jfilr on ( it>evca shell pn?. aa income tax. lie reniMinif g auction* of the lull , tpilain provision* for giving cffwi to , ba jnwretllng. The Aetdaie leeiain . n fore* for two year* after ike present e**Jou of Congee**.''RK.? (invar nor Vance, in j n address jn-?t ix-iffr] tp the people of i forth QarGlum, apeak* U? tbe point a* , l?H?wa :. \ Th* briglit snushine again warm* I o4 drioa lha|r..*tT?. We maat.oreit o our salvation or nog!*** h .rn our de- i tnictiop. ilaiU, son, dig >fKi .plow, I v?i?, oats, potHlooa?any tiling and e?e- j y thing which will aunport Itfe. Let verrhody take to tba tteld*, where tho litre, now the maddening wb?el? of ar> illery, furrow the generous sort. TWr j ril| prove tbe real .field* of vtefory and I iiUependeneo. Hundred* of able-bodied odng men in owe iowa* had villages? ow-producer*?who, having- procured i uUliiotes or exemption*, now idle heir time nboaV empty *tores o? o?Hac_ lltnrotiiiiUii t>luM* nhoL.Lt be mowinir omelbing, a<Miog to, inntead iff i li?inl*lttug the general U-? mma w HllX- Ao?l above nil, my country* OMi, let none phial uptton Or tobacco, 'hough iiio price* are high and the adaptation great, your profile wouHl be eade from il>? b!o<*l of bear a men ami Im uttering of heipir** women ami children. ^ our children and yowrel.ilIreu* ehildnm would rmp an abuadne* ind r< ring bar vent of *coi?, and the emaMibranoa of themunaer in athifeh ^ur wealth was gained, would bum *>tp \uur ovu*ci?t>ce lo the hour of leallt? A ili?|iitieli, pnblwhed (i tho Philadelphia Inquirer, announce* ^reparation* oh tba part of I be Govern stent to draft '200,000 men to Hil up be ?auk* of tlm obi regiimntl*. N titling is Hani mUmH. (he right of the old legiisiauU to tatuiu bout*. y fs . aAJfr EYE i' i, 'f.i. . ii.l" '^a..! > I W'l?u l^iitontfedge aauwg al ININO^ APBIJL 3OT\m. T U.--- Ji1' '-- -'U lylL '11 ... _ T(Vth* Vflnr Hmw* L Often w? /hjJ in r*t7f neighborhood wni? of the o?o?t brilliant jmnd*, some of *l?? brigbtwit eyes, and aodte of the most sprightly yoath* of .our laud-, clofhfc^in rags, tool bowed Jotrn bv ihd unrelenting. hand of -povti tv. Often those boys'.would come forward and AssqcintH.'frith theIntelligent men, but are fcmed to shrbpk badt, because ni the hands-of the rich and Influential, they meet with an Unnoticed glanc*, a heartless welcome and a cold charity;*? The writer speaks from experience.? The best resolutions of my-life J*ere formed under the rebuking' frown of tbe haughty,. Boys, however poor, should engrave this Irtvoti upon the tablets rtf their memory: M FvrlHnt favors fks bravt* They should coins forward with an honest purpose of heart, with determination, with modesty and , politeness to all; with high aspirations, ' with undying energy, with a high sen so if honor, with economy pnd prTwuce.? Vitus shielded,-fortimt> and '.position are among the certainties of lime. Be not bowed d??wn under any circumstances; use the best exertions nlwsvs to accomplish the best er.ds ; then if"misfortune overtakes vou, double your diligence and jiress forward. HtsmetriWr the rill upati the mountain side seeks a channel around all obetructions aver which it cannot pass. I^H nothing' discourage trou ; then in after' years when olhe/e have paaeeil away and yon vetge upon thestag^of manhood, you'll be proud to kuow your pathway was .tugged, that your gold had been tried in the crucible. r Take for instance the moat densely populated Siatfl in the Confederacy, or my county In a State, and select thero rrom fifty men who are most dis'.ingni.diwl far talent and usefulneje, pioe out of en spitmg from obscure parentage nud a ere poor. Take the council of a na- ] linn ii?lf*n f a -1 , >u mun mum rnn|Ui ilCC IS heard fnaii tlio nick bound shores of ibe Atlantic to tb? placid title.of the Hauilie, and )on will they are I men who inude their own fortHm-a. It i? ao*in every department of life. A man umM be thrown upon bis own re . lotiroet. to briti); >iH hi* power ot mind. H?e struggle i|i life w hich in |o result in ulUieuco. |H>eilu>n *nd 'eminence. is nr* luous, and it ia with great energy that its iwift drifting cnrroiit can be withstood. Upon (hit lock the fortunes of .many weaiihy boys are jrock*-d.. K their fathers have foi tunes to fall bask updn, iffcn they-will slacken tlieir cflor(s mid j etire fto??i eomjietition. I am jdmowt (Wtsirtadtel that it would be better for a nation like ours, if every fvby was both ;x?or than ibli. Their chance'of being ii-eful men are .ten to one belter than if ihtjy were fed from golden spoons or lounged in hi*nry upon velvet cushions. Then, I would, say to the poor, bo not JiMXxiraged, a blighter future iv hi foor own keeping. " [Loutihntt Baptist. I An Incident of the Battle of Freder- j lcK*Durg. The Leilngtou (V?.) Oafcettn give* tit? following cxtiaci from a letter writ 1 Irtl by ^?n officer to a citizen ?>f thai i (own. It relate* an inchbnt, ! which the officer any*. * unliko ni^sl g'.<Oibtl>iiig' of the kind, w it lie rv- M ? . wi? iNoiyiivf wwn i irrrrjf .\jm rnmtfTr nr| Frederick ?burg, the Yankee* a?ked k?r Mid obtained a flag of rtucu to collect Mid carry off their dead. A* soon a* it ?w understood tliat lids wan the ciue, there wae caseation of .the- pruvioun inccMMOt firing hot ween the i>kfruii*ber* on both sides. Soon the men of both pantos began to lay down their nrnuc and walk puhinm the neutral growml between and talk and |wap ntwupaper*, tobacco, coffee, dir.. Then the finer, crow mow confused and mixed. ti(t at bat there wna no reparation bet wmu the sdvaoeod-Kites of both parties. About thi* time, oOe of our fellows, % rough, wild looking specimen, with j Itis too* out of life ehoee^ltia Uu*hy hair | protruding IVqW the tophus Crown of ! hi* hat, ragged penis and ww ooat, with i a dingy chocolate lint ^Trading hi* | whole per*ut\, waa rawAding .around generally, with t?oihi??|f to giro, but i rond^U>accept anything, from a nee* I paper to- fta- QVtnCoal. l'reaenily he e?pied a brat new Belgian luiiskei i\ utg abandoned eg the ground. -'fliia v??? precisely tW 'thing our' Confederate /Wonia wanted to cuutph t? hi* equipmwiV and costume; au l?c. pick? it up ' and atarta Hi' for kin line*. Junt Ht?u bo in spied (<v Yankee Major op borwbnvU---a l*ifow g..t >p in th? high ent ai)h of itibilary tailoring, wult uew coat and Wappmg?, and above all. a ; superb pair of patent leather top boot*. i Me ride* ?rj? quickly anil cull* out rath-. ! i aharply I * l\it down that musket, sir I You can't have that." Our Brumme'l give* kirn an odgewne glance of incredulity, and making no reply, pursue* the even tenor of hi* way* Fretted dial kin appearance and authority should not have produced mora effect upon sunk a looking fellow, tku Yankee ridea up ol>a>o to him mim] oaiU out very cartly and sternly ? " Don't you knbw, air, that you cau'l 1 cotne witliiu- our-iinpn ami entry otfj guua under a of liucel I'ul ill dtfwrr, ?iiand 4;o buck to your regi \ tueut," I I * 'urn ? X. % v - *, *" :nts. ; "'. l: - V- .v ' I (glasses off "SHqkrftg | * JtferoUry look* up M bbn triftdly ?ml incjhiringfy, tm if to be wtbiM that he ia in ariw*t, fttxt *hnbinp Hi? brad at Kjin^bttf whhont even ?lackenrng hi* | Pane, or weakening- his bold of tbeimfe | vet, coolly- treplie*? ' "Never mthd, nir!?111 abnot yon ta-ftiorr<nr, and pet them boot*." Do you iMnk it wilt tn?kf rrtnph dif ferefiee with ibet fellow whether the Government glees hint shoes or itot-f T?* Vjetorun Snocur Soar*"* tub I Pititsa.?lint*, more than ever,-lb k the duty of'the people to sustain tbel Ptep?. lo time* of 1'wee newspapers were furnjahdd lorn mere eons. Trying time* ere now upon ?*. Newxpepers oennot live at old' price*. *If it* coeto'rocre to publish them, Hie people should not hesitate to pay more. 'I Ire .man who discontinues lite, paper at thia 'time, bemuse he ia naked to pay rr.ore than he formerly did, baa a verv poor idea of the importance of good paper* to tho country, avid is aUogethef' a verv w I flub *ouL A Ifltind* of property have advanced fiotn one to live hundied per cent. luW, therefore, ju*t ax easy to pay five dollars for a paper now, at it was to pay two dollars before the War began. Through the ]'re>?a the order* of all tho official* of the Government, both civH'and iniHtary, are corarnunient ed. The wan la of the Government aire made known, through thia medium, and tho array would be paralifeod without it. We a*k the intelligent man, if ho, from fal?e notions of econoiUt, with holds bis ?up|>ort front, the Pre**, lio?v jMjwiblf for papers U> live! News papers iiiiut ?He oat if not sustained.?. What the condition of our country would be without u 1W cut) well be I imagined. It would be n long night without* sU*r to ?l??d one blight rav upon the terrible darkness investing, everything. Sup|?ort. your TV*** in thW. hour of 11 in I.? Cenfedcfate Union,A ttlLLTO CllKATB a ** ST?a."?The Senate, Friday, paused* a bill fro ru tliellon*e of UepKcentatirea, turning nut of olViee alt the cleric* in the Quarter master and Coin ill laaat v l>eparlmeu\*, who are capable of eltouldering a mt? kel and amhoripug the detail of disabled oold^ra to fill their places The following i* s o?|>y of dM *C i The Cbngrr*4, etc, Ho enact. That the Act etiliiltyl " An Act to provide tor an increase of die Quartermaster and <0>iiiini?.?.irv I tepartmcnl," approved FvVrtrtrj?loth, iOui*, bo ?ud the same is heiehy amended by striking out (lie proviso at the end of the same, nnd in sorting in lieu thereof the fallowing: J'rorided, That i??> Quartermaster, Assistant Quartermaster, Commissary orgAsaistanl ComtntuftJit f he authorized j w employ hi a clerk any one liable to military aervica. As?d tlie commanding, oftioer . of tyiartennastucm As?i?tHnl QntUiPimaitfr*, Commis-srie*, or Amitaot Comiitisaarie*, mar (.letnil from the rank* under hit command, -such person or person* us may be necessary for aer"-* vice in the otbues of raid tpmrtei masters, Assistant Quartermaster*, Cou.tniasarins wiul A&sis'wNt ComintssAriea ; Provided^ That only disabled bolJioi* slraH Iki so detailed, while one criti be found for such service. I.KAftsiNo Gom> Mannrrs.?The Atlanta Co/nmontrvaTiTi calls allen'ion to the fact that the Yankee papers are beginning fo call thing* bv their right names. They speak of President I >avi?, Genend Leo, aim often of the Government of the Confederate State*. Such is one of tbe good result* of hard fighting. The word" rehvl," though still cmrent. t*gr*<htaly being dropped, and thoee big black standing heuda of " The great .Rebellion,** under which ^he New York papers commenced and cottftiencd for a long time the publication of war news, have long since l?ee* discarded. The entire contempt of tho South in which the war was begun by the North, and but for which it eouUl never have had a beginning, is fast giving way lo * respectful appreciation. It is supposed by some that even -the 7th New York .Regiment would now decline the wsxk of overrunning the South and *ii|>j?g?ring the rebellion single-handed if olfeted them?-w her en* it is known thai some J time ago they elaiuuicd in vuiu for the i job. Thk cowardly encm" with whom we have Ikswu contending at mteh odd*, a*u now skulking under a new (veneral, who they h?pe will prove more formidable than any they hare vet had in the field ? Cfrtu Ml Sturvutiou. We teal eakir^ fied lie will again prove mistaken, for there m no scarcity of breadstuff* in lite Confederacy, and if we judge from Ceo tain action* now wtaoifetued to thin and other <piartera, there will be no leek of patriotism to make them effective. . > < >. ? The Legislature of trio, at itn laat aereiou, pa*?cd a Taw disfranchising for cignera who have taken an alien oath, and those who have left the State to nvoid participation in the war. (l deviate* that they shall neither take nor hold propel ty, vole at any election, *ei ?u on juries, or exeicoe any of the right* of citizen*, Those who a?c not iJh|x>*ud to naMsl ilie CovetUliMMt ill t'-ine* of war and clangor, aro not penul'ied to ?l'j.*y ith hhtsingi ill tllttV* of peace and groapoi llf. A *i VO. ? < * i" . . '!' '- . I II A, - ^ .*? I : 7'. < ?urf. *; .U.. ~*Tsem^+m w , DioflmM bump aaked ?f l ?. th? bite it tnonj dmserain, astawwred : "Of wild heastf^tWt of a Slmjuw; of laKf^thtt of Flmittrtr but stupid iry-can pyer^ti "J?f. Dwit from being s prisoner itr thrao' iHtb, ' and the ntUUkHf subdued. QntiiLM^; HtrNn, Ktq^ Uto ?Nb or of tlia-Catiawba (Ala.) Gaaelle, ? drowped it few days Ago. T* Mmiim of Adrmft* oip wfcnfa' I some; though, like toow itofliti, Choir Ldiilk is not always mom. I Tp* editor of the Alnasdm Now# hn? Iwts unlnwtd to * jrw't bard labor for making improper poblicaliohk. Tnr Hath paper mil), recently barnt * * near Augusta, tia., was (tie largest pee . - per mill in the Cohfederesy. . c Thb Chester Standard reports lor thai District generally, a full prorMoo crop planted, -and a good prospect M m full wheat .prop. Tna expense* of tire Federal Ooo 'v erunieut are now staiaA 'a k> ?" $2,000,000 per day. "? ? -. Mim, Anw Sinoahton died jn Williamsburg l>istiict, on ~?ha last day of FeLruary, aged 130 year*. Wis* men aca in?tru?t?d bj remton ; men of - Una understanding by ence ; tt)e moat igootani by IJltl?i>J ;4 and brutes by nature. 2 - . * I * ^ */ ** f 0 It in ?tnr?d that oar force In lh? Virginia valley is snflbnent to k?y tb? Federals ffoin advatwiog far froor ITmcboeter. .* - a \' LauzikWitz, tb* Polish "hrro' and libel ntor, is repotted tq have been taken prisoner and euuveved to the forties* of (jrMOw,. * 4 . * T Tim crop* in 7V*ii? ?fi rrprn wi?< a* extra. ?*td (he pork pioapactt are ** precedents.!. Very beary crop* of grain bave been planted. " In Tim real boggaa? P a?ked if greonhoin, ?Uo ant HKionitbed at tW lustre of an elegant mahogany-tfttda 1*' a geiitlemanS parlor, at lb( mmw lint uLiug out bis j ick>knif? aad tb?*i*g olf a large slice of the adge. **?, I ewow it jV, aim-it'l Tiik ktaei'ii Telegraph saya that tho ? enormous mm of fiitiv thousand dollar* was utiered for a. aa-gio boy la UtQA. d;y.~~" Ir you aifrmpt io. pt?w?e rrery. son, "you will probably please no ?M? . but a ill most assuredly drsptenso eotnebody. Your bent jd*a. therefore, it to pten.e yourcelf; y*u pei^hopei, ^ Umm aoiue Olie. ' f J? ?.? * * * ' ? 1 lhfrrv w<hi*s often mn<?U iKawoaad niiieh injiiry'givtft; but *>fl vonii * ?. ruage* it, (broiling etires it, andjocgatting take* away the near. .* * A <*EWTI.?WAK who w. MdW wftk a-wwiii of unutual Jhuon*ion? ??, naked by n friend, if be bad a ln*aa of that* mouth itf'liiv ** iSo,'' good humoredlv replied other ; " I hefe it only from ytar t<* werrr." r ' ' . v ? i - *" ' ~ ' ! IwrLUKNoic or Tint-Ok? The- Mont, gonierv Mail a?.k*. *j?oluli??n of fto ' 1 oneeming Ijhn. mffuooce jp-r , ,,n ^ ^ tide*. " >? by V? it ? _ . ^ Innda of South Cn*%jHta, when CITHgNM* bein<? dio^ he atwaya ttpitci in (W tur nitty of the ride. ' ?'wt orH of-C?4. John A. ^oliiogtot, of Mount Vntium notoriety, ?hu J* a* killed at Client Mount ;?fn, whit* in Hm Confederate Aertiee. ha. I**en admktmt to probate iu the court of Cook, county? I lliuoit. ? WiTitfa Che treat voar the Fedaral inwOMMiile marine ha* luxm djmi malted I by the number of three baud red and hcly five vfefeela, valued at $7,18(1,000 llarge poitiun by Confederal* oap lure*. S"IT aonp. after boiling tfnlil *r*H ! done, oan be loudened by atkring in | onantitv of*corn meal urh?d? I a* m eat. improvement tu l!i? tunft, ?mI } cheupoi than anlt id piev.iut price*. ",1 ' .. "WThkk* it a sprint bnsinets done ftt New York city in Heck-tic*, bet uo^ 'ue*r a* large h# there ought to be. ?"WIIO nettled Virginia ?"* "John Smith." "Who uu*cuU-d Virgin/ft l* ' John Brown." , ^Who rUilwl Jyhn Biowit 9' * Virgi?|?*.n Wht is a qumi cfiruhtnj* * vnlcnno like rii IrnbtfiMti trying to kh? h pielty girl ? Became he tmuU to gel ni the cralir'> irmuth. > An Irishman put hi* bead into e lnwyctV ot)ice, and neVM the inmate? ? An' * hftt ik> yv ?*H hove !" " Blockheads," replied the limb of the lew, " Oeh, thtn, to he tore," raid* Pat, 14 it tnUxl be * jpftxl t-nde, for ye have but oho of them left." A utk Washington dwptlrk announce* that * detaobnn-nt of Confederate ?e*ftlrv ocefttly destroyo<l the fsiuou* Boll liyu bridge,.". What is the difference between the Prince <4* Wale* me I water from * touu ftiii f The one i? huh . K? the in on* *ud the other U thrown ^ 1 Alt'. * ?, , i > V